Page created by Arthur Moody
FBLA Fact Sheet.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Connect with Oregon FBLA ........................................................................................................................ 3
Membership ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Guidelines to Success for Advisers............................................................................................................. 7
2020-21 Calendar of Events ....................................................................................................................... 9
Conference Overview............................................................................................................................... 15
Competitive Events .................................................................................................................................. 17
   Changes/Modifications for 2020-2021 ................................................................................................ 17
   2020-2021 Competition Topics for FBLA ............................................................................................. 18
   2020-2021 Topics for FBLA-Middle Level ............................................................................................ 22
   National Middle Level Events offered at SBLC 2021 ............................................................................ 23
   Competitive Event Eligibility and Overview ......................................................................................... 24
Business Achievement Awards ................................................................................................................ 25
Community Service Awards Program ...................................................................................................... 26
Chapter Grant Information ...................................................................................................................... 28
Code of Conduct Form ............................................................................................................................. 29

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21
FBLA Fact Sheet

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21    Page 2
Connect with Oregon FBLA
                             P. O. Box 1440 | Owasso, OK 74055
                  Ph: 541.633.4287 | F: 971.404.0903 |
               Facebook | Twitter @oregonfbla
              Instagram @oregonfbla | YouTube

Oregon FBLA Management Team
 Danielle Tolentino Tuason, MPA   Dylan Kennedy                    Mike Oechsner, MBA, CAE, CMP
 State Adviser                    State Officer Leadership Coach   Executive Director   
 General Operations,              Executive Leadership Program     Governance
 Conferences, Competitive
 Events, Marketing &              Deb Thilges                      Ryan Underwood
 Communications                   Finance Specialist               Senior Director
 Dawne Schmidt, Alyssa                                             Advocacy & Strategy
 Gonzales, and Angela Stone       Jessica Malan
 Chapter Support                  Judge Coordinator    
 Adviser Support, New Chapters,
 Teach FBLA

Oregon FBLA State Officer Team
 Logan Bishop                                     Joseph Garcia
 State President                                  Vice President of Media
 Roseburg High School                             Roseburg High School               

 Caitlin Lien                                     Aiyana Brown
 Vice President - Blue Mountain Region            Vice President – Roque Umpqua Region
 Baker High School                                Roseburg High School          

 Westin Carter                                    Bailey Ostovar
 Vice President – Columbia Delta Region           Vice President – Willamette Valley Region
 Seaside High School                              Stayton High School         

Oregon FBLA Board of Trustees
Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                     Page 3
Bill Graupp                                         Veronica Ervin
 Board Chair                                         Vice Chair
 Industry Representative                             Business Representative
 Mentor Graphics Corporation                         OnPoint Community Credit Union

 Anthony Bailey, CPA                                 Ron Dodge
 Secretary/Treasurer                                 State Chair
 Business Representative                             Business & Management Specialist
 Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative                   Oregon Department of Education

 Larina Warnock                                      Taylor Sarman
 Adviser Representative                              Industry Representative
 Roseburg High School                                Office of State Rep. Doherty

 Christopher A. McCormack                            Jeffrey J. Ellsworth
 Industry Representative                             Industry Representative
 Brindle McCaslin and Lee                            Buckley Law P.C.

 Phil Kailiuli                                       Richard Goddard
 Business Representative                             Business Representative
 Roseburg Country Club                               Portland Electric

 Teresa Stratton                                     Cypress Barrett
 At-Large Representative                             Oregon FBLA Past State President

 Mike Oechsner, MBA, CAE, CMP                        Logan Bishop
 Executive Director                                  Oregon FBLA State President
 Oregon FBLA                                         Roseburg High School

Oregon FBLA Board of Advisers
 Larina Warnock, Ed.D.         Riane Miles                          Ron Dodge
 Board of Advisers Chair       Board of Advisers Chair-Elect        Oregon FBLA State Chair
 Roseburg High School          Silverton High School                Oregon Department of Education

 Tonya Boustead                Danielle Tolentino Tuason, MPA       Sara Dyche
 Canby High School             Oregon FBLA State Adviser            Union High School

 Sergio Cisneros               Jennifer Teeter                      Logan Bishop
 Mazama High School            Imbler High School                   Oregon FBLA State President

National FBLA
National FBLA Headquarters

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                     Page 4
FBLA-PBL National Center
1912 Association Drive
Reston, VA 20191-1591
Phone 800.325.2946 | FAX 866.500.5610 |
Facebook @futurebusinessleaders | Twitter @FBLA_National | Instagram @fbla_pbl

National FBLA Staff

Alex Graham, CEO
Lisa Smothers, Membership Director
Kelly Scholl, Education Director
Robert Smothers, Conference Manager
Gabrielle Gallagher, Director of Communications & Marketing
Lauren McMahon, Digital Marketing Coordinator

FBLA Marketplace

Supplies all chapter materials, member emblematic supplies, and official FBLA wear.
866.325.2725 |

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                             Page 5
FBLA Membership Dues
Dues are $20 per student, which includes the $6 national dues and *$14 state dues.
*Note: State dues has changed as of the 2020-21 school year. $14.00 is the new amount for state dues.

Event Payment Clarification and Update

At the 2017 Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees, the board identified the need to focus on invoice
payments and collections so that chapters do not accrue large balances. Payment deadlines have been in
place, but there has not been clarification on payment expectation or consequence.

Chapters must have completely paid invoices for one event prior to having registration finalized for the
next event. For example, RSC invoices must be paid before SBLC. SBLC invoices must be paid prior to the
state NLC Travel Form deadline. NLC invoices must be complete prior to NLC by the June 1 deadline.

Chapters who find that they are not able to fully pay their invoices by the deadlines must contact the
state adviser to set up a payment schedule to be logged in the online invoice information.

Voting Delegates
As a volunteer-led association, the power to change, direct, and propel the association rests with student
voting delegates. Voting delegates elect state officers and approve amendments to the Student Bylaws.

At the State Business Leadership Conference, Voting Delegates are required to attend the opening
session/campaign rally, visit campaign booths, and attend the Oregon FBLA Annual Business Meeting and
Voting Session. Guests are welcome to attend the Annual Business Meeting but are seated in a separate
section from the voting delegates.

Each chapter receives voting delegates in accordance with the table below. The number of voting
delegates for each chapter is automatically calculated in the State Officer based on March 1 membership

                             5-9 Members                           1 delegate
                             10-29 Members                         2 delegates
                             30-49 Members                         3 delegates
                             50-69 Members                         4 delegates
                             70-89 Members                         5 delegates
                             90-109 Members                        6 delegates
                             110+ Members                          7 delegates

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                               Page 6
Guidelines to Success for Advisers
Plan for upcoming FBLA Year
Meet with chapter officers
Develop chapter Program of Work
Hold team building activities
Develop paperwork for students, parents, and supporters about FBLA dues

Register for the Adviser Conference
Hold first chapter meeting
Hold recruiting event (like pizza night, bowling, etc.)
Distribute information about Fall Conference (Multiply Your Leadership Virtual Experience)
Have students visit and review FBLA State and National Websites
Start students in Business Achievement Awards
Plan all competitive events with students (and start working on projects)
Recruit members to attend the Fall Conference (Multiply Your Leadership Virtual Experience)

Register members by October 20 to be recognized as an official chapter for fall publications
Plan Champion Chapter Activities

Attend the Fall Conference (Multiply Your Leadership Virtual Experience)
Celebrate American Enterprise Day
Receive and complete Regional Skills Conference (RSC) registration materials

Submit membership by December 15 to receive winter publications and participate in Region Skills
Conference (RSC)
Register and pay fees for Regional Skills Conference (RSC)
Hold chapter holiday celebration

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                      Page 7
Receive and review State Business Leadership Conference (SBLC) Registration materials
Submit interview materials for Region Skills Conference

Practice for Regional Skills Conference (speeches, topics, tests)
March of Dimes Grant Applications due to National FBLA

Attend FBLA Regional Skills Conference
Plan and hold events for FBLA Week
Register for State Business Leadership Conference (SBLC)
Finalize State Projects
Finish Champion Chapter and other award documentation

Make hotel reservations for State Business Leadership Conference (March 1)
Final national dues payment deadline (March 1)
Turn in all state projects by deadline
Take online tests for State Business Leadership Conference (SBLC)

Attend the State Business Leadership Conference (SBLC)
Complete National Leadership Conference (NLC) Intent to Compete Form

Submit National Leadership Conference Registration (NLC) Materials
Ensure that National Leadership Conference (NLC) payment has been made
Check competition in national system
Update projects for National Leadership Conference (NLC) and submit by second Friday in May

Attend National Leadership Conference (NLC)
Report success to local media outlets

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                     Page 8
2020-21 Calendar of Events
Due to the current world situation with COVID-19, some dates have been excluded from this calendar and
                         will be added throughout the year on our online calendar.
       Please visit our website at for an updated list of state dates.

       August 1               National Membership Registration Opens

                              Super Sweeps Begins

       September 9            National FBLA Welcome Back Webinar

       September 14           Fall Stock Market Game Begins

       September 23           FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                              Become a Parli Pro |Hosted by Washington FBLA

       October 7              FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                              How to Make a Meeting More Fun | Hosted by Oregon FBLA

       October 16             Fall Stock Market Game Registration Deadline

       October 16             FBLA Fast Start New Adviser Training

       October 17             FBLA Adviser Conference

       October 20             Super Sweeps Ends

                              Fall LifeSmarts Competition Begins

                              Fall Virtual Business Personal Finance Challenge Begins
                              Fall Virtual Business Management Challenge Begins

                              Membership Deadline | Initial Membership Reporting Deadline

       October 21             FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                              National Officer Panel | Hosted by Washington FBLA

       November TBA           Oregon FBLA Board of Advisers Meeting

       November 1-30          Prematurity Awareness Month

       November 1             Non-Stop November Begins

       November 4             FBLA Adviser Huddle @ 3:30 p.m.

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                    Page 9
FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            College Admission Tips | Hosted by Oregon FBLA

       November 8           LifeSmarts Fall Competition Ends

       November 10          Fall Virtual Leadership Experience | Multiply Your Leadership!
                                 o Student Orientation
                                 o Adviser Orientation
                                 o 30-day access to 100XED.TV begins

       November 15          American Enterprise Day

       November 17          March of Dimes World Prematurity Day

       November 18          Fall Virtual Leadership Experience | Multiply Your Leadership!
                                 o Main Event

                            FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            Tips to Opening Up Communication | Hosted by Nevada FBLA

       December TBA         Oregon FBLA Board of Trustees Meeting / Annual Corporate Meeting

       December 2           FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            Being a Chameleon Leader | Hosted by Oregon FBLA

       December 3           FBLA Adviser Huddle @ 3:30 p.m.

       December 4           Fall Stock Market Game Ends

       December 8           Fall Virtual Leadership Experience | Multiply Your Leadership!
                                 o Celebration Session

       December 10          Non-Stop November Ends

       December 11          Conference Deadline | Region Skills Conference Registration Deadline

       December 15          Membership Deadline | Dues Deadline to receive winter publications
                            Membership Deadline | Dues Deadline to compete in State Events
                            offered at the Regional Level (Members added after December 15 may
                            only compete in State Events not offered at Regional Level)

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                    Page 10
December 16          RSC Competition | Testing Window Opens – Online Tests
                            RSC Competition | Testing Window Opens – Production Tests

                            FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            Holiday Party

       December 31          Membership Deadline | For New Chapters – Application deadline for
                            OCTESLF New Chapter Grant (Must be a new chapter with dues paid by
                            12/31 and must complete the application form)

       January TBA          State Officer Winter Retreat

       Jan/Feb TBA          Region Skills Conferences

       January 1            Action Awareness Begins

       January 4            RSC Competition | Deadline for Materials (Job Interview, Future Business
                            Leader Materials)

       January 6            FBLA Adviser Huddle @ 3:30 p.m.

                            FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            Down to the Link: How to Maintain an Engaging Social Media
                            Hosted by Washington FBLA

       January 8            RSC Competition | Testing Window Closes – Production Tests

       January 15           RSC Competition | Testing Window Closes– Online Tests

                            March of Dimes Grant Application Postmark Deadline

                            Membership Deadline | For OCTELSF Chapter Grant Eligibility (Chapters
                            with paid members by 1/15 will be awarded grant funding)

       January 20           FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            Starting Your Event Grind | Hosted by Oregon FBLA

       February 1-28        National Career & Technical Education Month

       February 1           Spring Stock Market Game Begins
                            Spring LifeSmarts Competition Begins

                            Spring Virtual Business Finance Challenge Begins
                            Spring Virtual Business Management Challenge Begins

       February 3           FBLA Adviser Huddle @ 3:30 p.m.

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                 Page 11
FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            Becoming The Leader You Want To Be | Hosted by Oklahoma FBLA

       February 12          Lead4Change Challenge Deadline

       February 14-20       FBLA Week
                               o February 14 | Share Your FBLA-PBL Story Day
                               o February 15 | Webinar: National Presidents’ Forum
                               o February 16 | Each One Reach One Day
                               o February 17 | Adviser Appreciation/Professional Attire Day
                               o February 18 | Career Awareness Day
                               o February 19 | FBLA-PBL Spirit Day
                               o February 20 | Community Service Day

       February 17          FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            The Grass is Always Greener Where You Decide
                            Hosted by Nevada FBLA

       February 19          Conference Deadline | State Business Leadership Conference
                            Registration Deadline

       February 23          Conference Deadline | State Business Leadership Conference Change /
                            Review Deadline * No changes to SBLC entries after this date

       February 25          SBLC Competition | School Site Testing Materials Available
                            SBLC Competition | Testing Window Opens – Online Tests

       February 26          Spring LifeSmarts Competition Ends

                            Spring Virtual Business Finance Challenge Ends
                            Spring Virtual Business Management Challenge Ends

       March 1              Action Awareness Ends

                            SBLC Competition | State Deadline – All reports, prejudged items, and

                            FBLA BAA Submission Deadline (Future, Business, Leader)
                            FBLA CSA Submission Deadline (Community, Service)

                            National Awards Program Committee Application Receipt

       March 1              Membership Deadline | Membership payment deadline to be eligible for
                            State and National Competitions

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                 Page 12
March 3              FBLA Adviser Huddle @ 3:30 p.m.

                            FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            High Caliber Communication | Hosted by Nevada FBLA

       March 5              Spring Stock Market Game Registration Deadline

       March 11             SBLC Competition | Testing Window Closes – Upload deadline for School
                            Site Testing Materials

       March 17             FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            Market to Your Target | Hosted by Nevada FBLA

       April 1              Membership Madness and Membership Mania
                            Membership Achievement Award
                            100% Class Participation
                            Outstanding Chapter
                            Distinguished Business Leader Scholarship
                            Chapter/State Membership Recognition Awards
                            Big 10 Awards Membership Deadline
                            National Bylaw Amendment Proposal

       April 7              FBLA Adviser Huddle @ 3:30 p.m.

                            FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            Alumni Panel | Hosted by Washington FBLA

       April 8-10           State Business Leadership Conference (SBLC)

       April 19             Conference Deadline | NLC Intent to Compete Forms Deadline
                            (All competitors who placed in the top 10 at SBLC must notify the state
                            office of their intention to attend NLC if they become eligible to
                            compete; deposits are transferable but not refundable)

       April 20             FBLA Champ Camp – Preparation for NLC

       April 21             FBLA Aspire Together Engagement Session @ 5 p.m.
                            Who Knew FBLA-PBL? | Hosted by Oklahoma FBLA

       April 23             Spring Stock Market Game Ends

       April 25             BAA America Level Submission Deadline
                            CSA Achievement Level Submission Deadline

       April 27             NLC Competition | School Site Test Distributed to Eligible Competitors

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                  Page 13
April 30             Middle Level LEAD Recognition Program Deadline

       May TBA              State Officer Welcome Retreat
                            Board of Advisers Meeting
                            Board of Trustees Meeting

       May 1                Conference Deadline | NLC Registration Forms Deadline

       May 5                FBLA Adviser Huddle @ 3:30 p.m.

       May 14               NLC Competition | School Site Tests and Projects Due

       June 1               March of Dimes Fundraising Report Receipt Deadline

                            Conference Deadline | NLC Registration & Travel Balance Due

       June 2               FBLA Adviser Huddle @ 3:30 p.m.

       June 28-29           FBLA Institute for Leaders (IFL) | Anaheim, CA

       June 29-             FBLA National Leadership Conference (NLC) | Anaheim, CA
       July 2

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                 Page 14
Conference Overview
FBLA Adviser Conference | Virtual
Help you make the most of your FBLA program, share tips on integrating FBLA into your classroom, help
you become an expert in competitive events, facilitate best practices and idea sharing, and much more!
There is no fee to participate!

Fall Virtual Leadership Experience | Virtual
Multiply Your Leadership! Join student leaders and advisers from across the state to learn how to grow
100% healthy as a leader and how to multiply that leadership so you and your peers can reach ultimate
goals and potential!

Regional Skills Conference | Virtual
Around the state each respective Regions hold a Regional Skills Conference. Members compete in two
separate competitive events. Also enjoy meeting different members in your region. Each region will
qualify its top competitors to compete at the State Business Leadership Conference.

State Business Leadership Conference | Hybrid
The Oregon FBLA State Business Leadership Conference (SBLC) is the premier event for Oregon’s FBLA
members, teachers, alumni, and business supporters. Join members from across the state in Portland or
virtually for four days of leadership training, intense competition, inspiration, and exciting entertainment.

Top performers at the SBLC will advance to the National Leadership Conference (NLC) held in different
cities from throughout the country each year.

Institute for Leaders | Anaheim, CA
Institute for Leaders (IFL) is the foremost business and leadership development program offered by
National FBLA-PBL, Inc. The Institute for Leaders training program is offered prior to the start of NLC to
enhance leadership growth. For many members attending NLC, it is by far the best opportunity that FBLA

Visit for more information and great leadership resources.

National Leadership Conference | Anaheim, CA

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                         Page 15
The National Leadership Conference (NLC) is the culmination of the year for our members. If members
can succeed at the Regional Conference, then place in the top four at the State Business Leadership
Conference, a member is then eligible to represent Oregon at the National Leadership Conference. This
conference is where over 12,000 students gather from around the United States, Germany, Canada, and
the Virgin Islands to compete and gain leadership skills.

For details on this year’s National Leadership Conference visit

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                   Page 16
Competitive Events
Changes/Modifications for 2020-2021

Objective Test, Individual Event
Rationale: proposal from the field, and this has been a popular open event.

9th/10th Grade Event, Individual/Team Event, Preliminary Round Objective Test, Final Round Role-Play
for Top 15 in Objective Test
Rationale: add more performance-style events for 9th and 10th graders.

Individual/Team Event, Topic Posted On Website, Preliminary Round Presentation For All Competition
Rationale: Social Media Campaign has been a popular event since its inception, and NAP Wants to
make it available in an advanced form to all members.


Change Hospitality Management to HOSPITALITY AND EVENT MANAGEMENT Individual/Team Event,
Preliminary Round Objective Test, Final Round Role-Play for Top 15 in Objective Test
Rationale: to align with new Introduction to Event Planning event.

9th/10th Grade Event, Individual/Team Event, Topic Posted on Website, Preliminary Round
Presentation for All Competition At NLC
Rationale: add more performance-style events for 9th and 10th graders.

These videos must be original content; competition may not use previously published video clips in the
videos they submit for competition
Rationale: The events were originally designed to be original content, but state and local advisers have
pointed out that competition are pulling video clips from YouTube and incorporating them into their
video submissions, at time without permission.

Change name of Global Business to INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS
Rationale: to better align with National Business Education Standards.

Change name of Networking Concepts to NETWORKING INFRASTRUCTURES
Rationale: to better align with National Business Education Standards.

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                     Page 17
Change to Individual/Team Event
Rationale: This WAs suggested by an adviser, and NAP felt it would make the event available to more


Rationale: since this event is similar to Business Ethics in regard to subject matter, NAP feels folding
the two events into one event is appropriate.

2020-2021 Competition Topics for FBLA
The following are the topics that will be used for Oregon Competitive Events for FBLA (high

Category: Prejudged Projects & Presentation
Type: Individual or Team
Often, members’ lives have been changed because of their involvement in FBLA. Create a 3-D
animation video that describes how FBLA has impacted them for the future. Cite at least two
testimonials or quotes from current or past FBLA members.

Category: Presentation with Equipment
Type: Individual or Team
You and/or your team are a part of your school’s broadcast team. Deliver a LIVE broadcast
event that includes the following:
   • Teacher spotlight
   • Local community event
   • A unique Story about your school; include history and/or statistics about your school

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                        Page 18
Category: Presentation without Equipment
Type: Individual or Team
Social media companies often utilize personal information and collect data from their
users. Anti-trust laws are designed to protect consumers and encourage free enterprise. Have
these companies become too intrusive, and do they now fall under anti-trust law

Category: Prejudged Reports & Presentation
Type: Individual or Team
Create a Business Financial Plan for a new school state/school-based enterprise. You need to
identify a specific objective for the state (i.e. to fund/promote a specific club, organization,
program, event, or cause). The new state should be specifically targeted for your school and
demographics. The Business Financial Plan should include but is not limited to equipment,
inventory, facilities, and operations management.

Category: Demonstration
Type: Individual
Develop an original computer program to randomly generate a five-question FBLA quiz from a
database. The program must complete a minimum of the following tasks:
   • Have at least 50 questions in the database with the ability to see correct answers
   • Include at least 4 types of questions (i.e. multiple choice, T/F, fill-in-the-blank, matching,
       and dropdown, etc.).
   • Inform the user which questions were correctly answered
   • Calculate the total correct on the five-question quiz
   • Generate a printable Report on quiz results
   • Data must be stated persistently. Storage may be in a relational database, a document-
       oriented NoSQL database, flat text files, flat JSON, or XML files.
   • All data entry must be validated with appropriate user notifications and error messages
       including the use of required fields.

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                 Page 19
Category: Demonstration
Type: Individual or Team
Create an original game designed around a puzzle concept.
   • The game should be a standalone and executable game
   • The game should contain a scoreboard
   • The game should contain a leaderboard and celebratory messages
   • The game should have a minimum of three levels
   • The game should have lives
   • The game should have an instructional display

(See Modification Above)
Category: Prejudged Projects & Presentation
Type: Individual or Team
Create a video promoting your school to the community. The video should include co-curricular,
extra-curricular organizations, and points of pride. All video content must be original.

Category: Demonstration
Type: Individual or Team
Create an E-Business website for a new school state/school-based enterprise at your school that
will also do business online. The new state should specifically address your school and
demographics. The site should include:
    • State name and logo
    • Items for sale, including pictures and descriptions
    • Purchasing and delivery/pick up information
    • A shopping cart
    • Social media links

Category: Presentation with Equipment
Type: Individual or Team
You have been hired by your chamber of commerce to present a new Sports team proposal to
the city council. The informational presentation should include a name, slogan, logo, and
colors. Three unique branded promotional items should be developed for the presentation.

Category: Presentation with Equipment
Type: Individual or Team

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                             Page 20
Prepare a presentation discussing how social media posts will affect career Opportunities, the
opportunity to be accepted into a higher education institution, or how it affects one’s future in

(Modification of Social Media Campaign)
Category: Presentation with Equipment
Type: Individual or Team
Develop a social media strategy or campaign to increase engagement and presence for career
and technical education (CTE), a school district, or a local government entity. *No new social
media account(s) should be created for the campaign without written consent from the entity.

Category: Demonstration
Type: Individual or Team
Create the next NEW professional social media app (i.e. LinkedIn, Tallo, etc.). The app must be
rated for all ages.

(See Modification Above)
Category: Presentation with Equipment
Type: Individual or Team
Create a public service announcement for your school and community on the health risks of
vaping. All video content must be original.

Category: Presentation with Equipment
Type: Individual or Team
Create publications for a monthly subscription service (Apple Music, Netflix, Dollar Shave Club,
Hello Fresh, etc.). The service must be an original idea that is not currently on the market.
Include different types of printable, online, or direct mailing promotional materials. Create three
unique publications or promotional materials.

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                 Page 21
(New Event)
Category: Presentation with Equipment
Type: Individual or Team
Develop long-term branding strategies to increase Awareness and membership engagement for
your local or state FBLA chapter using multiple social media platforms. *No new social media
account(s) should be created for the campaign without written consent from the entity.

Category: Demonstration
Type: Individual or Team
Create a website for a new photographer. The website must include:
   • Photographer name, photo, and bio
   • Portfolio (previous work)
   • Ability to book and schedule an appointment
   • Ability to view package options and pricing
   • Social media links

2020-2021 Topics for FBLA-Middle Level
The following are the topics that will be used for Oregon Competitive Events for FBLA-ML
(middle school):

Mobile app games are becoming a huge part of the gaming market. They are a major business
opportunity as their audience grows.

Develop a presentation on one of the most popular mobile games explaining:
   • What is the goal/objective of the game? What are the play mechanics? What are the play
       incentives? What are the challenges?
   • What makes it fun? What makes it unique?
   • How big is the audience? Are there any similar games out there?
   • How could you grow this game to a larger audience and therefore expand its profits?

Choose one of the following games to focus on:
   1. Pokemon Go
   2. Candy Crush
   3. Angry Birds

Your local FBLA chapter has decided to implement a public awareness campaign to highlight the
importance of slowing the spread of COVID-19.

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                   Page 22
In this one (1) week awareness blitz, you will plan three (3) awareness-raising social media posts, utilizing
at least three (3) social media platforms. You need a consistent graphic symbol and slogan that you will
use across platforms in your campaign. You also need two (2) print publications for advertisements and
fliers to be printed and posted. This should include the symbol and slogan you created for social media.

National Middle Level Events offered at SBLC 2021
The following National events will be offered at SBLC 2021 giving the top winner(s) the opportunity to
compete at NLC.

Objective Tests
Business Etiquette
Business Math & Financial Literacy
Career Exploration
Digital Citizenship
Introduction to Computer Science & Coding

Prejudged Project & Objective Test
Multimedia & Website Development

Speech Events
Elevator Speech

Performance Events
Critical Thinking

Chapter Event
Community Service Project

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                          Page 23
Competitive Event Eligibility and Overview
 Event:                                              Type:   Qualifier:   Max Entries:     Plus One:
 3-D Animation                                       I/T     State        2                No
 Accounting I                                        I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Accounting II                                       I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Advertising                                         I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Agribusiness                                        I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 American Enterprise Project                         C       Chapter      1                No
 Banking & Financial Systems                         I/T     Region       Region Winners   No
 Broadcast Journalism                                I/T     Region       Region Winners   No
 Business Calculations                               I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Business Communication                              I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Business Ethics                                     I/T     Region       Region Winners   No
 Business Etiquette (Middle Level)                   I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Business Financial Plan                             I/T     State        2                No
 Business Law                                        I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Business Math & Financial Literacy (Middle Level)   I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Business Plan                                       I/T     State        2                No
 Career Exploration (Middle Level)                   I       Region       2                Yes
 Client Service                                      I       Region       Region Winners   No
 Coding & Programming                                I       State        2                No
 Community Service Project                           C       Chapter      1                No
 Community Service Project (Middle Level)            C       Chapter      1                No
 Computer Applications                               I       Region       Region Winners   No
 Computer Game & Simulation Programming              I/T     State        2                No
 Computer Problem Solving                            I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Critical Thinking (Middle Level)                    T       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Cyber Security                                      I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Database Design & Applications                      I       Region       Region Winners   No
 Digital Video Production                            I/T     Region       Region Winners   No
 Digital Citizenship (Middle Level)                  I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 E-Business                                          I/T     Region       Region Winners   No
 Economics                                           I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Electronic Career Portfolio                         I       Region       Region Winners   No
 Elevator Speech (Middle Level)                      I       Region       Region Winners   No
 Entrepreneurship                                    I/T     Region       Region Winners   No
 Future Business Leader                              I       State        2                No
 Graphic Design                                      I/T     Region       Region Winners   No
 Health Care Administration                          I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Help Desk                                           I       Region       Region Winners   No
 Hospitality & Event Management                      I/T     Region       Region Winners   No
 Impromptu Speaking                                  I       Region       Region Winners   No
 Insurance & Risk Management                         I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 International Business                              I/T     Region       Region Winners   No
 Event:                                              Type:   Qualifier:   Max Entries:     Plus One:
 Introduction to Business                            I       Region       Region Winners   Yes
 Introduction to Business Communication              I       Region       Region Winners   Yes

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                  Page 24
Introduction to Business Presentation              I/T       Region        Region Winners     No
 Introduction to Business Procedures                I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Introduction to Computer Science & Coding (ML)     I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Introduction to Event Planning                     I/T
 Introduction to FBLA                               I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Introduction to Financial Math                     I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Introduction to Information Technology             I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure            I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Introduction to Public Speaking                    I         Region        Region Winners     No
 Introduction to Social Media Strategy              IT
 Job Interview                                      I         Region        Region Winners     No
 Journalism                                         I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 LifeSmarts                                         I/T       Recognition   N/A                N/A
 Local Chapter Annual Business Report               C         Chapter       1                  No
 Management Decision Making                         T         Region        Region Winners     No
 Management Information Systems                     T         Region        Region Winners     No
 Marketing                                          T         Region        Region Winners     No
 Mobile Application Development                     I/T       State         2                  No
 MOS Excel                                          I         Recognition   N/A                N/A
 MOS Word                                           I         Recognition   N/A                N/A
 Multimedia & Website Development (ML)              I         State         2                  N/A
 Network Design                                     I/T       Region        Region Winners     No
 Networking Infrastructures                         I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Organizational Leadership                          I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Parliamentary Procedure                            I/T       Region        Region Winners     No
 Partnership with Business Project                  C         Chapter       1                  No
 Personal Finance                                   I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Political Science                                  I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Public Service Announcement                        I/T       Region        Region Winners     No
 Public Speaking                                    I         Region        Region Winners     No
 Publication Design                                 I/T       Region        Region Winners     No
 Sales Presentation                                 I/T       Region        Region Winners     No
 Securities & Investments                           I         Region        Region Winners     Yes
 Social Media Strategies                            IT
 Sports & Entertainment Management                  T         Region        Region Winners     No
 Spreadsheet Applications                           I         Region        Region Winners     No
 Supply Chain Management                            I
 Virtual Business Finance Challenge                 I         Recognition   N/A                N/A
 Virtual Business Management Challenge              I/T       Recognition   N/A                N/A
 Website Design                                     I/T       Region        Region Winners     No
 Who’s Who in FBLA                                  I         Recognition   N/A                N/A
 Word Processing                                    I         Region        Region Winners     No

           Business Achievement Awards
Oregon FBLA has a long history of being in the top three in the nation for percentage of members
participating in the Business Achievement Awards (BAA).

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                     Page 25
The Business Achievement Awards (BAA) are a high school leadership development program that are
easy to integrate into your classroom. The cocurricular activities are aligned to the career clusters, NBEA
standards, and FBLA goals. View the alignments.

Students enhance their leadership skills, expand their business knowledge, contribute to their local
communities, and earn recognition by immersing themselves in their school, community, and FBLA

Chapter advisers direct students through each level, while students work at their own pace to
independently complete projects. There are four levels of the BAA, with each level increasingly
challenging your high school students to expand their leadership skills and showcase their talents:

 BAA Level                          Award                             Deadline
 FUTURE                             Chapter Level Award Pin           March 1
 BUSINESS                           Chapter Level Award Pin           March 1
 LEADER                             State Level Award Pin             March
 AMERICA                            National Level Award Pin          March 1 State Recognition
                                                                      April 25 National Deadline
Each level builds upon previous work, and your students receive recognition when they complete each
level. Students must be members of the FBLA division. Each level of the BAA covers these core activities
and concepts:

Service—Uncover the link between a community and the success of a business. Your members focus on
activities that improve the member’s school, area businesses, community, and state.

Education—Understand business and the world of work. Your members focus on activities and
curriculum that prepare them for corporate America, develop an appreciation of entrepreneurship, and
understand the benefits of continuing education. With input from business educators, industry
professionals, and college educators, your members will be more prepared for their futures at college
and at work.

Progress—Explore the local, state, and national levels of FBLA-PBL and how they complement one
another. Your members focus on activities that promote FBLA-PBL at the local, regional/district, state and
national levels.

Check out the official information at

   Community Service Awards Program
The FBLA Community Service Awards (CSA) recognizes FBLA members for their extraordinary
commitment to community service.

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                         Page 26
CSA has three levels of recognition, based on the cumulative number of hours a member contributes to
community service activities. CSA hours are cumulative and build throughout an FBLA member’s career.

           CSA Level            Hours Required              Deadline
           COMMUNITY            50 Hours                    March 1
           SERVICE              200 Hours                   March 1
           ACHIEVEMENT          500 Hours                   March 1 State Recognition
                                                            April 25 National Deadline

Recognition for the FBLA CSA
The Community and Service Award winners receive a certificate of recognition, which the local chapter
adviser prints when a CSA is submitted. The CSA Achievement Awards are presented at the National
Leadership Conference (NLC).

Deadlines for the FBLA CSA
Community and Service Awards must be submitted by March 1. Achievement Awards must be
submitted by April 25. Students may continue logging hours after the submission deadline. However,
after the deadlines members cannot submit new community service hours until August 1 of the next
school year.

Check out the official information at

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                     Page 27
Chapter Grant Information
The Oregon CTE Student Leadership Foundation Board is excited to announce the 2020-21 Chapter Grant
Program! In 2020-21, all chapters will be eligible to receive grant dollars. There will be two types of
Chapter Grants this year: New Chapters and Existing Chapters.

New Chapters
Grant Amount: $1,000 per new chapter
Deadline: December 31, 2020
Requirements: Must be a new chapter of any CTSO with dues paid by 12/31 and must complete the
application form via the link above.

Existing Chapters
The Board of Directors priority for the 2020-21 school year is to provide support to every student who
participates in a recognized CTSO. The Oregon Department of Education recognizes the following CTSOs:
DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, FNRL, HOSA, SkillsUSA, and TSA. Funding provided by the citizens of Oregon will
be used to bring benefit to every student member. Each state CTSO has the ability to “opt-in” to chapter
grants for the school year. Please contact your CTSO state staff for details about your specific CTSO

We anticipate a total of $72,000 to be available for existing chapter grants this year. For CTSOs that opt-
in for chapter grants, the process is:

    •   January 15, 2021 will be the membership deadline for chapter grant eligibility
    •   Participating CTSOs will have state staff submit a complete membership roster
    •   Available grant dollars will be divided evenly by the total number of members in all participating
        CTSOs, with a per member amount determined based on available funding and total members
    •   The Oregon CTE Student Leadership Foundation will write one check to each participating CTSO
        for their total share of chapter grants
    •   Each State CTSO will write individual checks to all chapters who had paid members on January 15
        for their full share of grant dollars
    •   Ideally, checks to each chapter will be presented in-person at a state conference; checks can also
        be mailed directly from each CTSO to the local chapters

Questions about the 2020-21 chapter grant process can be sent to Thank you to
the citizens of Oregon and the Oregon Department of Education for their support of student leadership
and our Career & Technical Student Organizations!

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                         Page 28
Code of Conduct Form
                     ALL OREGON FBLA SPONSORED ACTIVITIES 2020-2021
                                - Revised September 2012 -
Attendance at any Oregon FBLA sponsored conference activity is a privilege. The following conduct policies
will apply to all delegates: students, alumni, advisers, and any other authorized persons attending the
activity. This form must be signed by each student and alumni (under 21) attending an OREGON FBLA
activity and submitted to the chapter adviser prior to the respective registration deadline. The chapter
adviser must have a completed copy of the permission/medical release form for each student attending in
their possession for the duration of the event, including travel to and from the event. This Form must be kept
on file in the local school district after conference.

Delegates shall abide by the rules and practices of OREGON FBLA and school district policies at all times
to, during, and from the designated point of origin of the activity. Delegates shall respect and abide by the
authority vested in the OREGON FBLA organization. The standards outlined in this document constitute the
Oregon FBLA Code of Conduct.
The following shall be regarded as severe violations of the OREGON FBLA Code of
Should a conduct code violation occur for item 1 through 7 below, regardless of when exposed, the violating
student(s) will be sent home and will not be eligible to attend any other state, regional, or national conference
during that school year. If the violation warrants it, law enforcement may also be notified. Determination of
penalties for violations will be at the discretion of the State Management Team or the Board of

1. Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco: a student shall not possess, use, transmit, be under the influence of, or
   show evidence of having used an alcoholic beverage, other drugs, substances, vaping, or tobacco
   products capable of or intended, purported, or presumed to be capable of altering a student's mood,
   perception, behavior or judgment; other than properly used, over-the-counter pain relievers and
   medications prescribed by a physician for an individual student and must be on record with the adviser.
   Nor shall the student possess, use, sell or transmit paraphernalia associated with drugs, alcohol, or
   chemical substance in any form (including tobacco), at any time, or under any circumstances, on public
   or private properties.

2. Curfew: Committing serious violations of curfew regulations as outlined in item 10 below.

3. Willful Companionship: Being in the willful companionship of someone who violates any portion of the
   conduct code, or failing to Report any direct knowledge (other than hearsay) of the conduct code

4. Personal Conduct: Cheating, dishonesty, or taking unfair advantage of others; participating in social
   activities other than those with conference participants; conducting acts and/or possession of weapons
   capable of causing bodily harm or fear of life, defacing or stealing any public or private property (for
   which financial responsibility will rest solely with offending individuals or their chapter); breaking the law;
   other serious violations of personal conduct regulations.

5. Serious Violations of the student conduct code of the school district or school that the student

6. Private Transportation: Driving or riding in a private automobile during a conference, unless
   accompanied by an authorized adviser. (Delegates are to be housed at the conference site)
   Occasionally a chapter adviser, under special circumstances, may allow a student to drive or ride in a

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                              Page 29
private automobile to a conference. These students are required to complete a "Permission to use
    Private Transportation" form to the chapter adviser prior to the conference. Permission to drive/ride
    applies to transportation of the student named on the form and only to and from the conference site.
    Once a driving/riding delegate has arrived at the conference site, he/she shall not be in a private
    automobile again until leaving the site at the end of the conference.

7. Abusive Behavior and Lewd Conduct: A student shall not engage in any lewd, indecent, sexual, or
   obscene act or expression or possess such materials. A student shall not engage in verbal, physical or
   sexual harassment, hazing, or name-calling. The use of slurs against any person on the basis of race,
   color, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, or disability is prohibited.

8. Students may not be inside a hotel room other than the room they are assigned at any time without the
   express advance permission of their adviser.
The following shall be other violations of the OREGON FBLA Code of Conduct:
Should a conduct code violation occur for items 8-12 below, regardless of when exposed, the violating
student(s) may be sent home and may not be eligible to attend any other state, regional or national
conference during that school year. Determination of penalties for violations will be at the discretion of the
State Management Team or the Board of Trustees or local Adviser.

9. Conference Conduct: Failing to wear the supplied conference ID badge and wristband (when provided)
   at all times from arrival at the conference until departure at the end of the conference; leaving sessions
   prior to their conclusion (except in the case of emergency); failing to attend all general sessions and
   assigned activities (including workshops, competitive events, committee meetings, etc.) for which a
   delegate is registered (unless engaged in a specific assignment taking place at the same time); not
   abiding by the rules and regulations of FBLA or school/district policies from the time he/she leaves
   his/her home or school for any activity and the time he/she returns to the same home or school following
   the activity.

10. Curfew: Failing to be in your assigned hotel room from the curfew time designated in the conference
    program until 6 a.m.; causing any noise or other disturbance audible by anyone in the hallway after
    designated curfew time; ordering any food after the designated curfew time; causing any other
    unnecessary disturbance or participating in any other inappropriate activity after the designated curfew

11. Dress: Failing to abide by the dress regulations established for the conference, as outlined in the Dress

12. Personal Conduct: Failing to Report accidents, injuries or illnesses immediately to the local FBLA
    Adviser; failing to keep adult advisers informed of activities and whereabouts at all times; failure to
    comply with established grievance process for disputes about competitive event results/processes
    (including personally confronting judges or event Administrators); using tobacco products outside of local
    school district policies and state law; having a member of the opposite sex in a room if no adult
    chaperone is present and the room door is not visibly open (e.g.. the door may be propped wide open);
    having a delegate or adviser of the opposite sex in a room without a third person present and the door
    visibly open.

13. Hotel Conduct: Failing to meet the professional standards of housing facilities; accruing incidental room
    charges (i.e. phone calls, room service, pay-per-view movies, etc.) without settling the account prior to
    check-out; throwing objects out the window or into the hallway; moving hotel furniture from rooms (e.g.,
    onto the balcony); failing to follow hotel rules and regulations.

       Individual School District Policies may supersede the code of conduct.

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                          Page 30
           (Students and Alumni are collectively referred to as “Delegates” in this document)
       Conduct Code Endorsement, Permissions to Attend Oregon FBLA Sponsored Activities, and
                    Authorization to use pictures or student name in publications.
              Release of Claim for Damages, Emergency Medical Treatment Authorization:

Name of Delegate:                                                 Date:
Home Address:
Phone:                                                            Date of Birth:
Name of High School:                                              Phone:
Adviser (s) in Charge:

This is to certify that the above-named delegate has my permission to attend all Oregon FBLA sponsored
activities for the 2020-21 School Year. I also do hereby, on the behalf of the above named delegate absolve
and release Oregon FBLA, the school officials, the FBLA chapter advisers, conference staff, and Oregon
FBLA staff from any claims for personal injuries/damages which might be sustained while he/she is en route
to and from or during the FBLA sponsored activity.

I authorize the above-named adviser or the Oregon FBLA staff to secure the services of a doctor or hospital
for the above-named delegate. I will incur the expenses for necessary services in the event of accident or
illness and provide for the payment of these costs.

I grant permission to Oregon FBLA and its staff/contractors, State Department of Education, and
sponsors/Supporters to use the above delegate’s name and likeness (including photographs, video footage,
silhouettes, and audio clips) in publications, productions, promotions and on websites for informational,
promotional and other related purposes without further consideration, and acknowledge the right of Oregon
FBLA to crop, treat, edit, or otherwise modify the photographs, video footage, silhouettes, and audio clips at
their discretion.

I also understand that the chapter adviser determines the criteria at the local site, for individual students and
alumni to attend and participate at all FBLA activities.

We have read and agree to abide by the supplied Oregon FBLA Code of Conduct. Should a code of conduct
violation occur, law enforcement personnel and or security may be called to assist, and a conduct code
committee may be called with the ultimate punishment being that the student may be disqualified and sent
home at their/their family’s expense and/or be removed from office if in an officer status. If the delegate is
sent home reasonable care shall be exercised to ensure a safe, expedient, and financially feasible mode of
transportation back to the home community of the delegate involved. We are aware of the consequences
that will result from violation of any of the above guidelines.

Student Signature:                                                   Date:

Parent / Guardian Signature:                                         Date:

Chapter Adviser Signature:                                           Date:

School Official Signature:                                           Date:

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                                             Page 31

Known allergies (drug or natural)
Special medication being taken
Date of last tetanus shot
History of heart condition, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy or rheumatic fever
Any physical restrictions
Other conditions
Family doctor                                  Phone

                                    INSURANCE INFORMATION

Company Name                                   Policy Number

Oregon FBLA Chapter Success Guide 2020-21                                   Page 32
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