CHARGER BULLETIN - Our School Newspaper

Page created by Martha Rojas
CHARGER BULLETIN - Our School Newspaper
Volume 101, Issue 9                                         January 28, 2020                        West Haven, Conn.

         The student news source of the University of New Haven.


         Story on pg. 4
        Photo by: Anna Downs/The Charger Bulletin

         The Charger Bulletin                       @ChargerBulletin           @ChargerBulletin   @ChargerBulletin
CHARGER BULLETIN - Our School Newspaper
January 28, 2020                                                                                                                                  Page 2
                                   B U L L E T I N B OA R D
  Briefs                                               The
Page 4
Impeachment Analysis
                                          Charger Bulletin      300 Boston Post Road | West Haven, CT 06516

 with Professor Chris                          |

       Haynes                                                        office: 203.932.7182 | text: 203.909.0646
                                                  Our office is located on the second floor of 46 Ruden Street, Room 202.
Page 5                       Editor-in-Chief Anna Downs                                       Since 1938, The Charger Bulletin has been the official student news
                             Managing Editor Corina Rodriguez                                             source of the University of New Haven.
Kobe Bryant, his Daughter,
and Seven Others Killed in   Student Life Editor Jennifer Korn                   The Charger Bulletin ad rate sheets are available upon request or by

    Helicopter Crash         Sports Editor Zachary Pincince                      calling 203.932.7182 or via email at
                                                                                 The Charger Bulletin reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.
                             Entertainment Editor Tiara Starks                   Advertisements within The Charger Bulletin are inserted by outside

Page 6                       Opinion Editor Erin Cuomo
                             Associate Editor for Photography Nicole Rivera
                                                                                 sources identified in the advertisements themselves and not by the
                                                                                 University of New Haven. Advertising material printed herein is
                                                                                 solely for informational purposes. For the most up-to-date infor-
                             Associate Editor for Graphic Design Seth Hatrington          mation, visit
Grammys Recap &              Staff Writers Hannah Providence, Beth Beaudry,                              Letters to the Editor
                             Matt Verrilli, Lauren Fligg, Lindsay Miller,
Oscar Nominations            Maddy Orcales, Rebecca Tatera, Amanda Castro,
                                                                                     The submission deadline for letters to the editor is 5
                                                                                 p.m. on Friday for publication in Tuesday’s issue. Let-
                                                                                 ters to the Editor are also published online the same day
                             Gianna Scire, Earl Givan, Ariana Ferrante, Serena   as the release of print issues. Letters should not exceed 300

Page 7                       Piervincenzi
                             Staff Graphic Designers Victoria L. Page, Serena
                                                                                 words if they are to be considered for print publication.
                                                                                     All submissions by outside writers to The Char-
                             Piervincenzi                                        ger   Bulletin, unless otherwise approved by the Edi-

When are You Really
                                                                                 tor-in-Chief, will be treated as letters to the editor.
                             Associate Editor for Videography Nathan Gagne        Letters to the Editor are published under the discretion of the
                             Community Engagement Editor Victoria Cagley
    an Adult?                                                                    Editor in Chief, and not every submitted letter will be
                                                                                              published. The Charger Bulletin also reserves the right

Page 8
                                                                                              to withhold Letters to the Editor that are excessively vul-
                                                                                              gar or nonsensical, or do not meet our editorial standards.
                                              To view previous issues go to                     Letters can be sent via email to
                                                     and must contain the writer’s name and contact information for
                                                                                              verification purposes. The opinions expressed in Letters to the
   Interest Meeting          * The Charger Bulletin staff strives for excellence and ac-      Editor are of the authors themselves and not The Charger Bulletin.
                             curacy in writing and reporting. We recognize that mis-
                                                                                               1st Place - ASPA Annual Contest/Review for Scholastic
                             takes may occur and encourage readers to notify the Bul-               Yearbooks, Magazines and Newspapers, 2018
                             letin if they feel a correction is necessary. Please email the    Honorable Mention, Mobile App of the Year - Pinnacle
                             Editor-in-Chief at                        Awards by College Media Association, 2017

           The Charger Bulletin                   @ChargerBulletin                      @ChargerBulletin                       @ChargerBulletin
CHARGER BULLETIN - Our School Newspaper
  January 28, 2020                                                                                                                                                   Page 3

Editor-in-Chief Welcome Column
                                                           BY ANNA DOWNS
Welcome back to campus, everyone. I am Anna Downs, editor-in-chief of the Charger Bulletin for the 2019-2020 school year.
This is the centennial year of the University of New Haven, an exciting time for all of us. We will spend some time looking
back over the next few months, but we will spend far more time looking forward.

This spring semester -- my final semester at this university -- we hope to continue to provide the campus community with
information, news, and highlights from our well-rounded and hard-working staff.

As I write this column, I’m a little sad, knowing that it’s my last welcome column, but I am looking forward to another suc-
cessful semester and sharing with all of you the hard work that goes into this publication.

Continue to follow us this semester as we print and broadcast as the voice of the University of New Haven.                                            Pictured: Anna Downs
                                                                                                                                                    2019-2020 Editor-in-Chief

CDC Confirms Second Case of Coronavirus in the US
                                     Countries that have confirmed cases of the Coronavirus. Graphic Illustration by Amanda Castro/               indicators, including the latest
BY AMANDA CASTRO                                                                                                           The Charger Bulletin   outbreak, that the virus trans-
STAFF WRITER                                                                                                                                      mits from person-to-person.
                                                                                                                                                     The CDC recommends post-

T         he Center for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)
confirmed the second case of
                                                                                                                                                  poning or canceling all flights
                                                                                                                                                  and travel plans to China and
                                                                                                                                                  avoiding contact with people
                                                                                                                                                  showing symptoms of an illness
                                                                                                                                                  or sickness.
the deadly coronavirus late last
                                                                                                                                                     On-campus Health Services
                                                                                                                                                  director Paula Cappuccia says
   The CDC is also reviewing
                                                                                                                                                  that she spoke with the Con-
61 additional possible cases
                                                                                                                                                  necticut Department of Public
from 22 states, including the
                                                                                                                                                  Health Epidemiology and
first US case in Washington and
                                                                                                                                                  Emerging infections regard-
the second one in Illinois.
                                                                                                                                                  ing the coronavirus and they
   Health officials say that the
                                                                                                                                                  recommend keeping clean and
second case, a Chicago woman         from the CDC, the woman was        prefer,” said Messonnier, “You     China on Jan. 15. The patient          avoiding close contact with
in her 60s, is in a stable condi-    hospitalized and has been kept     know CDC scientists and we         sought medical attention at a          people who seem ill.
tion. The woman had traveled         in isolation.                      want to see every tidbit of data   facility and was treated for the          “As concerns about the Coro-
to Wuhan, China in December             In a press conference on        ourselves and that’s not the       sickness.                              navirus mount – Health Care
where an outbreak of respirato-      the second case of the virus,      situation we’re in right now.         According to the CDC, coro-         Officials are still concerned
ry illness caused by this novel      director of the CDC’s National     We are in more of a waiting        naviruses are “a large family of       about the Seasonal Flu which
coronavirus has been ongoing         Center for Immunization and        mode, waiting to see what our      viruses, some causing illness          continues to spread at an alarm-
since December 2019 and re-          Respiratory Diseases Dr. Nancy     colleagues from China are          in people, and others circulate        ing rate,” said Cappuccia, “We
turned to her home state Illinois.   Messonnier said that there is      releasing.”                        among animals, including cam-          highly recommend that those
   The woman didn’t show any         still a lot of unknown informa-       According to the CDC, the       els, cats, and bats.”                  who have not yet received a Flu
symptoms on her flight back to       tion regarding the coronavirus.    first case of coronavirus in the      The virus was first thought         Vaccination due so ASAP, it is
Chicago but called her doctor           “We don’t have all the          US involved a Washington man       to be transmitted from ani-            not too late.”
days later after arriving home.      information at the level of        in his 30s who had recently re-    mal-to-person, according to the
According to a press release         detail that our scientists would   turned from a trip from Wuhan,     CDC, but there have been recent
CHARGER BULLETIN - Our School Newspaper
January 28, 2020                                                                                                                                                              Page 4

                                                  STUDENT LIFE
 Impeachment Analysis with
   Professor Chris Haynes
                                   Political Science Professor Chris Haynes. Photos Courtesy of
BY JENNIFER KORN                                                               University of New Haven Website


              hat happens
after the Senate trial of
impeached Pres. Donald J.
                                                                                                                                                Photo Courtesy of University of New Haven Website

 That could be any one’s
guess. The impeachment trial
“has been a little bit more
interesting than I expected.”
said Chris Haynes, professor
                                                                                                                                    BY CORINA RODRIGUEZ
of political science.                                                                                                                 MANAGING EDITOR
 “I lived through the Clin-
ton impeachment trial in
the late ‘90s, and the way it
started is somewhat similar
in the sense that the process
                                  “In a way it really undercuts
                                 the gravity of the moment
                                 and the process itself of im-
                                                                  rosy picture. I think the prob-
                                                                  lem is that we have a gov-
                                                                  ernment that is incremental
                                                                                                                 2       020 marks the University of New Haven’s 100th anniversa-
                                                                                                                 ry. The university will be holding a series of events to celebrate its
                                 peachment,” said Haynes. “It     in the way that it changes.”                   centennial. Events include a speaker series, the inauguration of a
is similar but the differences   is kind of sad actually.”        According to Haynes, “it’s
                                                                                                                 new academic building and the spring commencement ceremony.
are primarily in the makeup       Haynes said the impeach-        really difficult to solve the
                                                                                                                 ● February 19- Lockheed Martin Day
of the Senate itself,” said      ment hasn’t affected the envi-   kind of pressing problems we                   ● March 3- Centennial Speaker Series Presents Nikki Giovanni
Haynes. “I think back in the     ronment of his classes.          have today.”                                   ● April 4- The Centennial Ball
Clinton impeachment, there        “Political science is more       Haynes said he believes                       ● April 30- Grand Opening of the Bergami Center for Science,
wasn’t as much a sense that      about explaining politics        that issues, regarding climate                 Technology, and Innovation
people had already made up                                                                                       ● April 30- Founders Day & Giving Day
                                 rather than saying what’s        change and immigration re-
their minds from the start of                                                                                    ● April 30- Centennial Speaker Series Presents Michio Kaku
                                 right and what’s wrong,”         form existed before President
                                                                                                                 ● May 17- Centennial Commencement Ceremony
the trial.”                      he said. “That I leave to the    Trump and will continue
 Haynes said the current         students to decide.”             once he leaves office.                         The university created a website dedicated to the achievement,
impeachment trial “feels like     Campus-wide, Haynes said         “I think people are getting                   where it provides information on these events and the university’s
maybe a handful of peo-          he believes the commonality      frustrated with the feder-                     history.
ple have not made up their       of shutting out politics pre-    al government and I think
minds in terms of whether or                                                                                     On the website, there is a letter from President Kaplan that
                                 dates Trump. He said,“I don’t    that’s going to post-date
                                                                                                                 reads,“The University has come a long way since our humble
not they want witnesses, not     think students are any differ-   Trump,” he said. “I don’t                      beginnings in rented space on the campus of Yale,” said Kaplan.
even in terms of the result      ent than the average Amer-       think Trump has anything                       “Today, we are a leading comprehensive University that has been
itself.” According to Haynes,    ican that probably would         to do with it. I think he’s just               recognized for academic excellence, and we have become a disten-
the Republican Party has         rather not talk about it.”       exposed it even more, but the                  tion school for talented students from across the globe.”
enough votes to block convic-     As for the future of this       polarization has also predat-
tion and it’s easier for them                                                                                    The Charger Bulletin will be reporting on these events and will
                                 country’s political climate, ,   ed Trump.”
                                                                                                                 provide updates as they become available.
to vote no.                      Haynes said, “I don’t have a
CHARGER BULLETIN - Our School Newspaper
January 28, 2020                                                                                                                                                        Page 5

                                                                          S P O RT S
Kobe Bryant, his Daughter, and Seven Others Killed in Helicopter Crash
                                                                          Kobe Bryant and Daughter Gigi at a UConn Basketball game in
                                     13-year-old basketball player,                                                                                   in a statement, “Words can’t
BY AMANDA CASTRO                                                                             March 2019. Photo Courtesy of Kobe Bryant’s Instgram
                                     and her mother, Sarah, along                                                                                     describe the pain I’m feeling.
                                     with coach Christina Mauser.                                                                                     I loved Kobe – he was like a

                                       According to the New York                                                                                      brother to me.”
                                     Times, the National Transpor-                                                                                       Bryant’s death overshadowed
           etired NBA star Kobe      tation Safety Board and Federal                                                                                  Sunday’s 62nd annual Grammy
Bryant, 41, and his 13-year-old      Aviation Administration said it                                                                                  Awards, with performers such as
daughter Gianna were among           sent a team to investigate the                                                                                   Lizzo, Alicia Keys, Run DMC
nine people killed in a heli-        crash later on Sunday.                                                                                           and Aerosmith dedicating their
copter crash early Sunday near         Josh Rubenstein, spokesman                                                                                     performances to Bryant and the
Calabasas, Calif.                    for the Los Angeles police           Gianna in the Mamba Sports Se-      #33644.”                                others who died in the crash.
  According to the Los Angeles       department said in the press         ries when the aircraft crashed.       NBA commissioner Adam                    On the University of New
County Sheriff’s Department,         conference, “The weather condi-        Bryant was drafted to the         Silver said in a statement that         Haven campus, students were
when authorities arrived at the      tions did not meet our minimum       NBA in 1996, right out of high      Kobe “was generous with the             devastated. Senior, criminal jus-
scene, they discovered a bush-       standards for flying.”               school, and spent his entire        wisdom he acquired and saw it           tice major Brandon Abate said,
fire on the hillside of the crash.     The department’s Air Support       career with the Los Angeles         as his mission to share it with         “I looked up to Kobe because he
   Sheriff Alex Villanueva con-      Division was grounded from           Lakers with five NBA champi-        future generations of players,          was a basketball legend and I’m
firmed there were no survivors       Sunday morning into the after-       onship wins under his belt.         taking special delight in passing       greatly saddened he’s gone.”
in the crash deaths in a press       noon because of foggy condi-            LeBron James just beat Bry-      down his love of the game to               Another student, Maddy
conference.                          tions that blanketed the area.       ant’s scoring record on Saturday    Gianna.”                                Mandeville, sophomore, crimi-
   Among the dead were Orange          According to the New York          and Bryant congratulated him           Many celebrities and fellow          nal justice major said, “I’m very
Coast College head basket-           Times, Bryant was on his way         tweeting, “Continuing to move       athletes reacted to the news            saddened by the news of another
ball coach John Altobelli and        to his own Mamba Sports              the game forward @KingJames.        of Bryant and his daughter’s            young life being taken.”
his family. Payton Chester, a        Academy to coach his daughter        Much respect my brother             deaths. Michael Jordan wrote

On Your Marks, Get Set, Game! Welcome Esports Coach
                                       Parks said he’s excited to be      records, and we will strive to      The arena will include 24 top-             The program will be a part of
BY ZACHARY PINCINCE                  a part of the university’s new       showcase our character, profes-     notch gaming computers with             the university’s business man-
                                     program.                             sionalism, and overall success      wall mounted displays, a team           agement degree.
                                                                                                                                                         The first varsity esports team

                                       “Esports varsity programs are      outside of video games.”            meeting area, and other displays
                                     a dynamic world that relies on         The team will be housed in a      throughout the training center.         was formed at Robert Morris
           ver the winter break,     the foundation of students,” said    new 1,600-foot training area,       The esports team will go hand           University-Illinois in 2014.
newly appointed athletic direc-      Parks. “We all care about get-       which is being built as the         in hand with the new concentra-         Since then, more than 100
tor, Sheahon Zenger, announced       ting the W at the end of the day,    centerpiece of the $35 million      tion in esports management that         other schools have formed
that the university will add an      but esports and varsity programs     Bergami Center for Science,         the university will be offering in      teams, even at big-time athletic
esports team as a varsity pro-       are a lot more than stat lines and   Technology, and Innovation.         the fall of 2020.                       programs such as Ohio State
gram. Esports varsity programs                                                                                                                        and LSU. Adding esports teams
have been growing across the                                                                                                                          to a university is one way to
country, with more than 130                                                                                                                           get a foot in the door to what is
active collegiate esports teams                                                                                                                       becoming a lucrative field. The
nationwide.                                                                                                                                           esports industry is valued at
  To lead the new team on cam-                                                                                                                        over $1.4 billion within the next
pus, Zenger hired as head coach                                                                                                                       year. Entering the esports field
Corey Parks, a professional                                                                                                                           opens the opportunity for new
gamer with a decade of experi-                                                                                                                        sponsorships and media deals
ence. Parks was previously head                                                                                                                       for the university.
coach for the Defiance College                                                                                                                          Anyone interested in joining
esports team, where he led a                                                                                                                          the varsity esports team should
                                                                                                                                                      fill out the interest form on the
team ranking in the top eight in       University of New Haven’s Varsity Esports Coach, Corey Parks. Photos Courtesy of Charger
the country.                                                                                                                              Athletics   school’s athletic website.
CHARGER BULLETIN - Our School Newspaper
January 28, 2020                                                                                                                                                                  Page 6

                                                       E N T E RTA I N M E N T
Grammys 2020 Recap Oscar Nominations Announced
                                         Billie Eilish made history as                                                                                             Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons
BY TIARA STARKS                        the youngest Record Winner
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR                   of the Year. She swept through
                                       four major categories as the

                                       winner of Best Album, Best
                                       Song, New Artist, and Record.
                hat was expected       “bad guy” earned both Best
to be one of the biggest nights        Song and Best Record. Her
of the year started solemnly as        brother and recognized music
Sunday’s Grammys began with            producer and singer Finneas
a tribute by Alicia Keys to Kobe       accepted the awards with her as
Bryant, an NBA MVP who’d               she gave a simple “Thank you”
been killed in a helicopter crash      before mentioning her brother
earlier that day.                      and other individuals who’d
  Artists including Lil Nas’ X,        helped her in her career.
Lizzo, and Keys, herself with            Another win came to Tyler
Boyz II Men performed musical          the Creator, who won his first
tributes.                              Grammy for Best Rap Album,
  Another tribute came in the          “IGOR” against veteran rappers
form of a posthumous win               21 Savage and Meek Mill. In
for Best Rap Performance to            surprising news, the 2018 film,
Nipsey Hussle, who was killed          “A Star Is Born” snagged two
in a shooting in March 2019.           awards for Best Compilation
His family accepted the award          Soundtrack for Visual Media                                                          There has been skepticism         riage Story, Charlize Theron for
on his behalf.                         and Best Song Written for Visu-                BY TIARA STARKS                    about the validity of the Oscars     Bombshell.
   Other artists included Blake        al Media, over 400 days after its              ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR               as a measure of film quality           Martin Scorcese’s “The Irish-
Shelton and Gwen Stefani, who          release which was confusing to                                                    considering the lack of diversity.   man” and “Ford v. Ferrari” are
performed “Nobody But You” to
audiences. The recently reunited
Jonas Brothers performed an
unreleased song, “Five More
                                       some but, seen as well-deserved
                                       to others.
                                         Not only have this year’s
                                       awards created a memory for
                                       work in the music industry,
                                                                                      O           n Jan. 13, comedian
                                                                                      and actress Issa Rae and actor
                                                                                      John Cho presented the Oscar
                                                                                                                         Notable snubs for the upcoming
                                                                                                                         ceremony, which include Greta
                                                                                                                         Gerwig in the directing catego-
                                                                                                                         ry, Awkwafina in the acting cat-
                                                                                                                                                              expected to be strong contend-
                                                                                                                                                              ers for Best Picture despite the
                                                                                                                                                              critical hit of “Joker” 11 nomi-
                                                                                                                                                              nations. Some of the 11 nomi-
Minutes” before transitioning to                                                                                         egories, as well as critically ac-   nations “Joker” received are in
their newest hit, “What A Man          but also as a hub for upcoming                 nominations in a two-part pre-     claimed films such as “Dolemite      categories such as Best Picture,
Gotta Do,” which features the          work from current and future                   sentation through a global live    is my Name,” “The Farewell,”         Best Film Editing, Best Sound
band members’ three wives in a         artists as well as honoring the                stream. In 2016, The Academy       “Us,” “The Last Black Man in         Mixing, Best Score, and Best
newly released music video.            artists who came before us.                    of Motion Picture Arts and         San Francisco” and “Queen and        Costume Design along with
                                                                                      Sciences set a goal to double      Slim,” all of which were absent      Joaquin Phoenix’s Best Actor in
                                                                                      the number of diverse members      from the ballot.                     a Leading Role nod.
                                                                                      by 2020 following outrage over        Fortunately, films such as          Hollywood’s progression into
                                                                                      the lack of Oscar nominees who     “Parasite”, a dark-comedy            amplifying diverse work has
                                                                                      were female or people of color.    directed by South Korean             taken small steps against its de-
                                                                                      The 2020 Oscar nomination          filmmaker Bong Joon-ho               mand with works such as Crazy
                                                                                      list proved to repeat history      was granted six nominations          Rich Asians, which did not win
                                                                                      which was noted in the award       including Best Foreign Film          the Best Picture spot but created
                                                                                      announcement, “Congratula-         and Best Production Design.          a platform for more diverse
                                                                                      tions to those men” said Rae.      Cynthia Erivo landed a spot as       work to be recognized. Fans and
                                                                                      This statement resonated with      a Leading Actress nominee for        critics can use these awards as
                                                                                      fans as the heightened necessity   her portrayal of Harriet Tubman      what’s indicative of the current
                                                                                      of diverse voices proves to be     in “Harriet” against pros such as    industry and not of the films
                                                                                      extremely relevant in the enter-   Scarlett Johannson for Mar-          being made for the future.
                      Graphic Illustration by Seth Harrington/ The Charger Bulletin   tainment world.
CHARGER BULLETIN - Our School Newspaper
January 28, 2020                                                                                                                                                       Page 7

When are You Really an Adult?                                                                                    Photo Courtesy of Creative Commons   are allowed to consume alcohol
BY ERIN CUOMO                                                                                                                                         so long as they are accompanied
                                                                                                                                                      by a parent or guardian.
                                                                                                                                                         Generally, 18 is the age

A               s I enter my
second semester of senior year,
the haunting idea of adulthood
                                                                                                                                                      most recognized by society as
                                                                                                                                                      adulthood, but according to
                                                                                                                                                      the U.S. National Library of
                                                                                                                                                      Medicine National Institutes of
                                                                                                                                                      Health, the human brain does
and the real world lurks in the
                                                                                                                                                      not fully develop until around
distance. I’ll be on the hunt for
                                                                                                                                                      age 25. Should science be part
jobs, taking into consideration
                                                                                                                                                      in deciding when people should
benefits and salary, then looking
                                                                                                                                                      be allowed to do certain things?
for apartments, and so on. But
                                                                                                                                                      According to Peter Jones, of
do these “adult” type factors
                                                                                                                                                      Cambridge University, “There
make me an adult?
                                                                                                                                                      isn’t a childhood and then adult-
  For some, yes, but for others,
                                                                                                                                                      hood. People are on a pathway.
not so much.                        tion was not meant to be taken          Rodgers argued that some            In most states, the legal age
                                                                                                                                                      They’re on a trajectory.” Doing
   John Rodgers, a Vermont          seriously, but to provide contrast   people are advocating that the      for marriage is 18, and for cer-
                                                                                                                                                      things before your brain is
state senator and Second            to a Vermont law passed in 2018      voting age be lowered to 16,        tain ages under that, parental or
                                                                                                                                                      technically matured could help
Amendment advocate, has re-         that banned the sale of firearms     but they aren’t mature enough       court consent is needed. Laws
                                                                                                                                                      developing that pathway, and set
cently proposed legislation that    to most people younger than 21,      to smoke or purchase a gun. So      vary by state, as do drinking
                                                                                                                                                      that trajectory toward success,
outlaws the use of cellphones by    while people who are at least 18     what are some other laws that       laws. For example, in New
                                                                                                                                                      but there really should be con-
anyone under 21. The legisla-       are allowed to join the military.    define adulthood?                   York, people younger than 21
                                                                                                                                                      sistency across the country.

Mary Cain and Nike Release a Short Film on Physical Health
                                    by Alberto and endorsed by           maltreatment.”                         “Not eating appropriately for         what may work for a man, may
BY REBECCA TATERA                   Nike.” Alberto is Alberto Sala-         In the film, Cain talks about    the amount of energy an athlete          not work for a woman.
STAFF WRITER                                                                                                                                            In the wake of this video’s
                                    zar, the head coach at Nike’s        the scrutiny she was under for      expends is really the root of this

                                    Oregon Project, “a renowned          her weight.                         syndrome,” said Dr. Andrea               release, other athletes have
                                    long-distance running training         “In order for me to get better,   Spiker, from UW Health. “For             spoken out. Amy Yoder Begley,
                                    program,” according to the           I had to become thinner, and        women, the syndrome usually              the coach of the Atlantic Track
          ast November, the
                                    New York Times, was banned           thinner, and thinner,” Cain said.   manifests as disordered eating,          Club, was kicked out of the
New York Times released a
                                    from competition. This came          Cain questions why Nike never       loss of menstrual periods and            Oregon project, because, she
seven-minute opinion video that
                                    after “multiple anti-doping rule     had a sports psychologist or        decreased bone mineral densi-            said, “ I was told I was too fat”
showed Mary Cain discussing
                                    violations” after “following a       nutritionist available.             ty.”                                     and “had the biggest butt on the
her career with Nike. Once the
fastest woman in America, the       four-year investigation by the          In addition to the harassment,      In Cain’s case with RED-S             starting line.” A former Nike
                                    US Anti-Doping Agency (USA-                                              Syndrome, she broke five                 coach, Steve Magness said, “I
film shows Cain out-running                                              Alberto would “weigh me in
                                    DA),” said CNN.                      front of my teammates” to try       different bones during her time          witnessed many instances that
competitors and speeding across
                                                                                                                                                      confirm,” Cain and Begley’s
finish lines, but her career was      Cain then says that her train-     and get me to 114 pounds, Cain      at Nike. After Cain faced this
destroyed by her male coaches       ing was designed for males, and      says. That weight was Salazar’s     more and more in her training            allegations. “It was part of the
                                    not females. According to the        “arbitrary number” of how           program, Cain said, “I started to        culture.”
in a program designed to shame
                                    New York Times, Cain argues          much Cain was supposed to           have suicidal thoughts.”                    If Nike’s company culture is
                                    “that the current system is de-      weigh.                                 Nike needs to re-evaluate             forcing women’s bodies to reach
   The video begins with Cain
                                    signed by and for men, and that         After enduring the train-        how they treat women. Nike               points in which their athletic
saying, “I joined Nike because
                                    with more female psychologists,      ing program, Cain developed         needs more women involved                ability is determined based on
I wanted to be the best female
athlete, ever. Instead, I was       nutritionists and coaches in po-     relative energy deficiency in       in its programs. Nike needs to           their weight, then Cain is right,
emotionally and physically          sitions of power, young girls can    sports, commonly called RED-S       understand that men and wom-             their culture needs to change.
abused by a system designed         be better protected from similar     Syndrome.                           en’s bodies are different and that
CHARGER BULLETIN - Our School Newspaper
Theft In Bartels
                    BY JENNIFER KORN
                   STUDENT LIFE EDITOR

                                    “UPD is working with Yale

O           n Tuesday, an
unidentified male allegedly
stole credit and debit cards
                                    University Police Department in
                                    attempts to identify the subject
                                    who is a suspect in similar cases
                                    which occurred recently on the
                                    Yale campus.”
from a room in Bartels Hall.
                                      Gilman told the Charger Bul-
The university police chief,
                                    letin that as of Thursday, “the
James Gilman, notified students
                                    case is still under investigation
and faculty about the incident
                                    and several solid leads are being
on Wednesday through school
                                    followed.” According to Gil-
email. Photographs of the sus-
                                    man, the suspect seems to seek
pect were included.
                                    out “crimes of opportunity and
  According to Gilman, the
                                    wanders around until he sees
suspect allegedly entered an un-
                                    things such as an open office,
locked room at about 12:05 p.m.
                                    or unattended purse, and then
on the second floor of Bartels
                                    commits larceny.”
Hall and stole several credit and
                                      “We are asking the entire
debit cards. The cards were then
                                    campus community to remain
used at stores in New Haven.
                                    vigilant,” said Gilman. Suspi-
  “Any assistance in identifying
                                    cious activity should immediate-
the individual would be greatly
                                    ly be reported to UPD.
appreciated,” said Gilman.
  In the email, Gilman also said,

  Photos of alleged suspect in Bartels Hall. Photos Courtesy of
                                          University of New Haven Police Department
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