Charter 2019-2021 - Lynmore Primary School

Page created by Teresa Salinas
Charter 2019-2021 - Lynmore Primary School
Charter 2019-2021 - Lynmore Primary School
School Description

Lynmore School (Te Kura o Owhatiura) was established in 1956. It is a popular primary school in Rotorua catering for children from Year 0 -Year 6.
There is a school bus for children living at the Lake Okareka and Lake Tarawera but most children either walk or are driven to school each day. The
school has an enrolment zone, in 2018 the roll is predicted to range between 630–700.
Most children attend an early childhood centre before starting at Lynmore School and there are several in the area from which parents choose from.
When children leave Lynmore School at the end of year 6 children most attend the local intermediate (Mokoia). Lynmore is part of the Rotorua East
Community of Learners and has been proactive in being a pilot school for PACT from December 2014, this our main summative and formative
assessment tool for teachers and student. We are pleased to see the progress aspect of PaCT being further developed. Michael Absolum continues
to work with the Kāhui Ako as an expert partner. Work has commenced on a Kāhui Ako wide approach to local curriculum and the curriculum
mapping tool coherent pathways as a basis for Kāhui Ako wide graduate profile.
The whanau groups have enabled more opportunities for tuakana teina and student leadership was successful. 2019 will see a focus on developing
school leaders across the school with opportunities for achievement awards and house group leadership. The FISH Philosophy of interacting with
our community, students and colleagues has been adopted. PB4L will be central to much of our PLD for 2019 again and the school has also
employed a full time Kaiawhena to support Tikanga and Te Reo Maori across the school. Play based learning is being undertaken in Year 0-2 and
teachers are involved in inquiry around its development. The school continues to focus on Future Focussed Learning and is undergoing a local
curriculum redraft with thinking, creativity and science at the centre embedded in local contexts with the strong support of our local hapu Te Roro o
Te Rangi who as part of iwi partnering with Kāhui Ako initiative are running the Ōtauira programme and supporting the development of local
Lynmore School has a range of property provision but there is currently not enough adequate quality classroom space available to students and
staff. 6 old prefabs were removed in late 2018 and an updated plan is underway although the pace of that work has been very slow this term. The
school has a school hall with mezzanine floor and multi purpose room, a heated swimming pool, an administration block, a library/resource centre,
purpose built gymnasium, BoT funded Cultural Centre for music and dance and a variety of outside storage areas. The school grounds are attractive
and well maintained. They include a native bush area called Waitawa bush which children can use for environmental studies and which also contains
a pump bike track. The school has a focus on health and sport, dance, swimming and cultural activities including waka ama.

Vision Statement
                                                       Under review with the community March 2019

                                                                    Our Values
                                       Aroha                   Courage      Integrity                            Curiosity

Cultural Diversity and Māori Dimension
The school will incorporate Te Reo (language) and Tikanga Māori (Māori culture and protocol) into the school’s curriculum.

  ●       Te Reo programme across the school.
  ●       Te Reo / Tikanga Maori incorporated into staff meetings and B.O.T. meetings.
  ●       A set programme will be used as a basis for instruction and development in all classrooms.
  ●       School waiata and haka in school assemblies is weekly, NPEW Rotorua a great place to learn song has also been adopted as a regular feature of school
  ●       Teams will have programmes incorporating visits to marae or places of cultural importance, visits.
  ●       Ongoing professional development for teachers
  ●       Marae stays for staff and students
  ●       Whanau groupings based on local puna names for all staff and students
  ●       Te Reo Māori PLD (Ōtauira, Wananga level 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, He Kete Taituarā)
  ●       Employment of a full time Kaiawhena
  ●       Local curriculum contexts

The Board will take every opportunity to consult with our Māori community through:
      ❖   B.O.T. representation – kaumatua co-opted onto BoT
      ❖   School annual report on Māori achievement.
      ❖   The close links developed and maintained with Te Roro o Te Rangi hapu.

If a parent requests a higher level of Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori the staff and family will explore opportunities that may include one or more of the following:
              ➢   Dual enrolment with the correspondence school.
              ➢   Provide further opportunities through the child’s classroom activities through taped resources, computer programmes and resources etc.
              ➢   Using local resource people who are willing to assist and who have the expertise including the Lynmore School Whanau Support Group.

➢   The school/teacher may be supported to seek advice etc from local Kura/Kāhui Ako
          ➢   Discussions and meetings with other schools that offer greater levels of Māori Medium education
          ➢   Discussions and meetings with external Maori Advisors for guidance and support
          ➢   If requests are made for higher levels of Te Reo Maori and Tikanga Maori for many students, through in-depth discussions and meetings, the
              school will consider establishing a bilingual/partial immersion unit

Baseline Data or School Context
Māori Engagement and Achievement                                 In February, 2019 the school context in terms of ethnicity is 20% NZ Maori and 12% Asian,
Ensure all Māori learners have a sense of belonging in the       the majority of other students (64%) are NZ European, the remaining 4% of students are
school and experience academic growth and success as             from all over the world, many being MELAA. The school is zoned.
                                                                 The school-wide environment is beginning to reflect more of a sense of Te Ao Māori, with
Well Being for Success                                           an emphasis on signage in Te Reo and other languages. 2017 achievement has dipped
Manage the learning setting to ensure access to learning         with significant drop in Writing overall. However, in spite of this PLD in 2017 -2018 will
for all and to maximise learners’ physical, social, cultural     focus on science thinking and the development of core subjects through other contexts
and emotional safety                                             including the depth and complexity frameworks.

Student Engagement and Achievement                               Teacher action inquiry is moving towards a collaborative inquiry approach.
Teach in ways that ensure all learners are making                Development of leadership in our teachers and students is an important focus.
sufficient progress, monitor the extent and pace of              Evaluative and instructional capability through structured data conversations (John Hattie)
learning, focusing on equity and excellence for all
                                                                 ●   Use the PACT tool for reading, mathematics and writing in Term 2 and Term 4
Being a future focused school                                    ●   Across cluster SENCo group established in Kāhui Ako
Teach in ways which enable learners to learn from one            ●   ESOL support in classes continues
another, to collaborate, to self-regulate, and to develop        ●   Literacy enrichment programmes in place of Reading Recovery
agency over their learning                                       ●   Focus on science and thinking, depth and complexity concepts
                                                                 ●   Development of local curriculum with iwi support
                                                                 ●   Curriculum coherent pathways – graduate profile

                                                                 PLD for 2019:
                                                                 ● Kāhui Ako – Rotorua East cluster continues
                                                                 ● Transitions to school cluster programme continues (Kakano)
                                                                 ● Incredible Years Programme – RTLB/MoE
                                                                 ● PB4L – 2nd year
                                                                 ● Future Focussed Learning - Depth and Complexity

Review of Charter and Consultation                          Curriculum survey 2019, RE survey 2019, Health survey 2020

Personnel          The board will continue to appoint       ●    Appraisal processes will remain the focus of teacher ongoing development and
                   the best person for the position.             building teacher capacity through a collaborative inquiry approach.
                                                             ● Peer and leader appraisals will expect teachers and leaders to be highly reflective and
                                                                 open to change and that teachers will have more responsibility in driving their own
                                                                 appraisal processes using spirals of inquiry.
                                                             ● Leadership rubric – Education Council
                                                             ● Deputy Principal and the Principal will continue to have external appraiser’s.
                                                             ● Full time Kaiawhina will be appointed
Property           The new 5/10-year property plan          All property projects will be managed by project managers and expressions of interest and
                   has been updated to reflect the          tenders will be called for.
                   current work to solve the prefab
                   issues on site.                          ●   5 YPP- all projects to be completed with MoE by Darryl Church Architecture and
                                                                Lynmore School BoT in 2018
                   Ongoing water tightness issues with      ●   Updated plan in 2019.
                   the gymnasium continue.                  ●   6 of the old poor quality prefabs have been removed
                                                            ●   Work on new block planning has started but is slow.
                                                            ●   Weathertightness programmes for gym established
                                                            ●   Waitawa Bush re-development – new signage, new picnic area.
                                                            ●   Junior playground (PBL) area updated and refreshed
                                                            ●   New/additional signage around the schooling line with PB4L programme

Finance            All financial systems will continue to   ●   Regular monitoring of finance will continue and be in line with school policies and
                   be reviewed.                                 procedures.
                                                            ●   The school community, the board, students and staff will fundraise for the following: TV
                   Regular monitoring of financial              station across each of the rooms, refresh to junior area, teacher classroom art
                   transactions will continue and be in         materials.
                   line with school policies and            ●   Staffing is tight – the ability to run additional support programmes across the school is
                   procedures.                                  minimal as we now need a full time SENCo which is eating into staffing.
                   Facilities hire continues
                   Banked staffing carefully monitored.

Strategic Goals 2019- 2021
                                                            ‘A System that Learns’

Build evaluative                Māori success as Māori Wellbeing for Success                   Educationally                  Localised Curriculum
capability to build             Whakawhanaungatanga                                            powerful partnerships
effective leaders               Whakapapa
Aim: To grow professional       Aim: Māori students know        Aim: To improve the mental,    Aim: to develop strong         Aim: To grow a
practice across all levels of   their potential and feel        emotional, physical and        partnerships, based on a       collaborative, future-focused
the system                      supported to set goals and      spiritual wellbeing of all     parent and community           and responsive model of
                                take action to achieve          students, staff and            communication strategy,        teaching and learning
                                success, valuing identity,      community of the school.       centered around parent and
                                language and culture valued                                    community needs
                                and included in teaching and
                                learning in ways that support
                                students to engage and
                                achieve success

Goals:                          Goals:                          Goal:                          Goal:                          Goal:

● To strengthen the             ● Create a culture of            ● Graduate profile and        ● Transitions are              ● Curriculum that is
  focused direction of the        whakawhanaungatanga              vision (links to Māori        strengthened at all points     coherent for all learners
  school through formative      ● Te reo is explicitly taught      success as Māori)             in the educational pathway   ● Curriculum that is rich,
  assessment                      within classrooms              ● to build a culture where    ● Involvement in Rotorua         relevant and authentic to
● To cultivate collaborative    ● Strengthen the use of Te         positive behaviour and        East Kāhui Ako                 all learners
  culture through spirals of      Reo and Tikanga across           learning is a way of life   ● To grow iwi partnerships     ● Curriculum that is
  inquiry                         the school                     ● Develop positive and          with Te Roro o te Rangi        culturally responsive to all
● To deepen learning and                                           open communication          ● Personalised education         learners
  understanding (building                                          with students, whanau         plans                        ● Universal concepts are
  precision in pedagogy)                                           and families to improve     ● Learner pathways               ignited through local
● To strengthen internal                                           understanding of our        ● Understand and utilise         narrative
  accountability for lasting                                       students                      community resource           ● Local narratives &
  improvement                                                    ● Implement Tier One            available to support           universal concepts provide

● Evidenced by rich                                            PB4L                       learners.                      context for developing
   evidence of learning                                                                                                   learner and curriculum
 ● To have a clear focus on                                                                                               capabilities (Notice - Think
   what supports the                                                                                                      - Imitate - Innovate)
   progress of all learners                                                                                             ● Curriculum develops
Contexts for change:                                                                                                      citizens that contribute to
 ● Improve the quality and                                                                                                their community
   consistency of teaching
   Science, leading to
   improved achievement in
 ● Improve the quality and
   consistency of teaching
 ● Improve the equity for
   achievement in reading

                   Strategic Goals                                      School Wide Focus – Annual Plan 2019                            Personnel
1. Build evaluative 1.1 To strengthen the           Strengthen Assessment for Learning practices (Formative assessment)                 Leadership
capability to build      focused direction of the      ● Format assessment schedule that focuses on formative assessment                  Team
effective leaders        school through formative         practices
                         assessment                    ● Ensure clarity of learning next steps through learning rubrics               Team leaders
To grow                                                ● Children can articulate their next steps
professional practice                                  ● Evidence of needs and achievement in Responsive Learning plans                  Teachers
across all levels of                                         ○ Evidence of planning being a working document
the system                                             ● Anecdotal notes recorded (e.g in planning or modelling books)                (Collaboration)
                                                       ● Feedback is clearly provided and is consistent in structure across the
                                                             ○ Identifies learning objective (based on co-constructed success
                                                             ○ Identifies progress made
                                                             ○ Provides next step in learning
                                                       ● Seek advice from Kahui Ako expert partner; Michael Absolum

1.2 To cultivate                 ●   Progression folder/booklet used as working document                       Leadership
collaborative culture            ●   Numicon/ Maths talk/ Open problems PD offered at staff/team level           Team
through spirals of inquiry           (formative assessment)
                                 ● Change in pedagogy to enhance mathematical talk, discussion,               Team leaders
1.3 To deepen learning and           visualisations and equipment
understanding (building          ● Evidence of progression booklet in planning, student work and teaching       Teachers
precision in pedagogy)               practice
                                     Observations of others’ practice                                         (Collaboration)
1.4 To strengthen internal       ● RLE Literacy improving the consistency of reading and writing
accountability for lasting           programmes and teaching
improvement                      ● Literacy resource folders produced and distributed
                                 ● Shifts in literacy teaching in which reading and writing is taught
1.5 Evidenced by rich                reciprocally
evidence of learning             ● Formative assessment reading progression framework distributed
                                 ● PD at staff/team level to support shifts in pedagogy around grammar and
1.6 To have a clear focus            conventions
on what supports the             ● See the progression of NOTICE, THINK, IMITATE, INNOVATE in
progress of all learners             practice
                                 ● See oral language, reading and writing taught reciprocally in nature
                                 ● Observations of others’ practice
                              Building a collaborative approach
                                 ● Vertical learning groups established
                                         ○ Sharing best practice
                                         ○ Supporting each other's needs
                                         ○ Teacher voice gathered
                                         ○ Teaching as collaborative Inquiry
                                         ○ Peer accountability
                                 ● Professional learning support network created
                                         ○ Future focused leaders dispersed across the school to support
                                             each team and model growth future focused competencies (&
                                             FISH philosophy)
                                         ○ Utilising towards transformation staff
                                         ○ Mentoring programme for teachers who need it
                                 ● Peer coaching model in Year 1 and 6
                                 ● Peer accountability
Contexts for change:             • Specific PD focusing on shifting practice to accelerate student progress    Leadership
1.7 Improve the quality and      ● Dynamic resource bank (digital) created for teachers to use and               Team
consistency of teaching              contribute to

●   Teachers using skills gained in PD in TAIs and in classrooms              Team leaders
                        Science, leading to            ●   Opt-in professional development offered to staff
                        improved achievement in        ●   Vertical PLGs used to shared best practice                                  Teachers
                        science                        ●   Middle leaders developed as leaders of learning
                                                       ●   PD for middle leaders leadership development                              (Collaboration
                        Building leadership,           ●   Team meetings to include focus on PD (experts and/or readings), new
                        evaluative and instructional       learning, learning concerns (S.O.C. progress/pastoral),
                        capability across the school   ●   SLT alongside middle leaders for observation to enable richer
                                                       ●   Middle leaders oversee TAI, observations and appraisal of teachers with
                                                           regards to learning
                                                       ●   Middle leaders as role models
                        1.8 Improve the quality and    •   PLD on authorship in writing                                               Verity Short
                        consistency of teaching        •   Ensure cross curricular and Te Ao Maori contexts are addressed.
                        1.9 Improve the equity for     •   Reading Together Programme introduced with support from Owhata               Reading
                        achievement in reading             Marae                                                                        Together
                                                                                                                                      teacher and
                                                                                                                                     hapu support
2. Māori success        2.1 Create a culture of        •   Establish a clear pathway for learning in Tikanga and Te Reo Māori           Principal
as Māori                whakawhanaungatanga                across the school (
• Whakawhan                                            •   Establish document a progressive pathway for Te Reo & Tikanga for
                        2.2 Te Reo is explicitly           each Year group
  aungatanga            taught within classrooms       •   Utilise and take the lead from the experience and knowledge from our
• Whakapapa                                                Kaiawhena
• Wairua                2.3 Strengthen the use of      •   Immerse Te Reo and tikanga into daily routines and activities             Principal with
• Manaaki               Te Reo and Tikanga across      ●   Students leading Karakia over the intercom                                hapu support
                        the school                     ●   Daily karakia participated with by all students and staff
Māori students know
their potential and                                    ●   TV Station : Māori element
feel supported to set                                  ●   Common greetings, commands and responses used by majority of
goals and take                                             students and staff (including the office)
action to achieve                                      ●   More bilingual signs around the school - Māori / English
success, valuing                                       ●   Waiata more prevalent in team wide and school wide events (e.g.
identity, language                                         Community)
and culture valued                                              ○ 6 common waiata in use schoolwide
and included in                                        ●   Establish document a progressive pathway for Te Reo & Tikanga for
teaching and                                               each Year group

learning in ways that                                   ●   Utilise and take the lead from the experience and knowledge from our
support students to                                         Kaiawhena
engage and achieve                                      ●   Focus on significance of Māoridom
success.                                                ●   Focus on Māori celebrations e.g. Matariki
                                                        ●   Utilise and take the lead from the experience and knowledge from our
Ensure all Māori                                            Kaiawhena
learners have a                                         ●   Professional learning opportunities offered to all staff
sense of belonging                                      ●   50% (representing all ethnic groups of teachers) complete level 1 Te Reo
in the school and                                       ●   Whole staff marae hui/ stay
experience                                              ●   Utilise and take the lead from the experience and knowledge from our
academic growth                                             Kaiawhena
and success as                                          ●   Ensure equity measures for Māori achievement across the school

3. Wellbeing for         3.1 Graduate profile and       ●   Enhance educationally powerful connections between teacher, student
Success                  vision (links to Māori             and family                                                                  Leadership
To improve the           success as Māori) Coherent     ●   Teacher, family and students (where appropriate) co-construct P.E.Ps          Team
mental, emotional,       pathways                           termly
physical and                                            ●   Regular meetings with students and whanau around their learning            Team Leaders
spiritual wellbeing of   3.2 to build a culture where   ●   Regular communication via Seesaw
all students, staff      positive behaviour and         ●   Open door policy in the classroom                                            Teachers
and community of         learning is a way of life      ●   Work in partnership with local hapu skills to support graduate profile
the school.                                                 development alongside curriculum (coherent pathways tool)                     Hapu
                         3.3 Develop positive and       ●   Equitable access to digital devices/ digital learning (students & staff)
Teachers enact the       open communication with        ●   BYOD for Year 4 to 6 (BYOD for younger students to be negotiated)
clear vision/plan for    students, whanau and           ●   Institution devices dispersed school wide to ensure that devices are
supporting the           families to improve                accessible
mental, emotional,       understanding of our           ●   iPad purchase scheme for staff
physical and             students                       ●   Further exploration to purchase/ lease schemes for student devices
spiritual wellbeing of                                  ●   Provide opportunities for other technologies for learning, such as
all students, staff      Develop an infrastructure          robotics, TV station
and community of         that supports and enhances     ●   Provide opportunities for others to lead where their strengths and
the school.              future focused learning and        passions allow
                         connectivity                   ●   Develop a structure for developing leadership opportunities
                                                                ○ RLE groups
                                                                ○ Whanau leaders
                                                                ○ Digital support structure

○     PD opportunities for leadership offered for middle and senior
3.4 Implement Tier One   Positive Behaviour For Learning team established to focus on:                     PB4L Team
PB4L                        ● Happy students and teachers by having belonging
                            ● Enhancing the community that we are a part of by having a common
                                 understanding and expectations
                                     ○ Review vision, mission statements and values
                                     ○ Alignment of current philosophies, e.g. values, FISH philosophy
                                     ○ Parent voice regularly gained
                                     ○ Signage around the school is positive and supports the kaupapa
                            ● Clear pathways for improving behaviour rather than punishing behaviour
                                     ○ Tracking impact through data
                                     ○ Alignment with Mokoia Intermediate
                                     ○ Digital citizenship implemented across the school (incl. updated
                                         BYOD & Cybersafety agreement)
                            ● Updating school procedures and policies to be in line with PB4L
                            ● Developing positive and trusting relationships to promote learning and a
                                 sense of connectedness
                            ● Develop positive and open communication with students, whanau and
                                 families to improve understanding of our students
                                     ○ Seesaw
                            ● Get to know all students in the classroom, including needs, strengths and
                                     ○ Convivial conversation
                                     ○ Circle time (weekly, non-negotiable)
                                     ○ Strong transitioning (to, from and within school)
                            ● Build our cultural competencies to better meet the diverse needs of all of
                                 our learners
                                     ○ TAI, RTC, Ka Hikitia, Tataiako
                         Enhancing the whanau profile across the school
                            ● Community projects, school actively involved in the community
                                     ○ Involve local media
                                     ○ Livestream community via YouTube or similar
                                     ○ Whanau leaders actively contribute to newsletters monthly
                                     ○ Images added to website monthly
                                     ○ Student leaders profile utilised
                                     ○ Student voice gathered

○  Leading events (e.g. cross country, fun run, dynamos, swimming
                                                                 sports, athletics)
                                                              ○ Lead community and team assemblies
4. Educationally       4.1 Transitions are             • Supporting improved attendance and transitioning                          Principal
powerful               strengthened at all points in   Optimum attendance                                                         Leadership
partnerships           the educational pathway         • Clear communication between teachers, leaders and managements so           Team
to develop strong                                         attendance issues are identified                                         SENCo
partnerships, based                                    • Team minutes update weekly identifying attendance records and
on a parent and                                           concerns
community                                              • Identify narrative to any attendance below 97%
communication                                          • Include details of any action taken
strategy, centered                                     • Clear process in place which is followed- attendance procedures
around parent and                                      Optimum transitioning
community needs                                        • Strong transitioning (to, from and within school)
                                                       • Procedures for outgoing/ incoming students
Teachers enact the
                                                       • Update enrol details
clear vision for
accelerating learner                                   • Communication with previous school
efficacy, progress                                     • Clear pathways for at risk students established by all stakeholders
and achievement                                        • Strengthen connections with ECE and Mokoia Intermediate
across the school                                      • Kākano programme
                                                       • Clear process and procedure for transitioning at the end of the year
                                                       • teacher speed dating
                                                       • meet the teacher for students
                                                       • meet the teacher for parents and whanau

4.2 Involvement in Rotorua     ●   Continue to build relationship with Te Roro o Te Rangi to support
East Kāhui Ako                     education strategy
                               ●   Kaumatua of Te Roro o Te Rangi plays an active role in school events
4.3 To grow iwi partnerships       and/ decision making at governance level.
with Te Roro o te Rangi        ●   Utilise Eastern Rotorua Kāhui Ako to develop and sustain connections to
                                   support networks such as Mokoia Community Association
Strengthen the networks        ●   Resources are generated and shared between all parties.
and educationally powerful     ●   Establish a working Whanau group as a major stakeholder
connections with local         ●   Engage with whanau to improve attendance at school wide activities
agencies, hapu, iwi and        ●   Monthly minutes shared with BoT and documented in school newsletter
whanau.                            and on website
                               ●   Identified on school website so people know who they are
                               ●   Encourage new members e.g. new families to the school (i.e.) Year 1 to
                                   ensure a greater sustainability of the group
                               ●   Yearly community project that celebrates cultures within our school
4.4 Personalised education     •   All students, especially at risk students, will have equitable access to         Digital
plans – utilise digital            resources and support required for success                                    Technology
technologies                   •   Support teachers to develop confidence in capability in leveraging digital   across cluster
                                   tools                                                                          teachers
                               •   Provide devices school wide (iPads)
                               •   Focus on and reward a mindset of growth and evidenced based risk
                                   taking and adaptive confidence                                                Leadership
                               •   Clear timeline for upskilling and implementing devices in learning              Team
                                        o Seesaw, Explain Everything etc
                               •   Clear pathway for future focused learning
                                        o Future focused learning plan
                                        o Common language
                                        o SAMR & TPACK model unpacked
                               •   Professional Learning opportunities
                                        o Self-assessment of digital skill strengths and needs
                                        o Timelined and strategically planned for
                                        o Internal opportunities and external opportunities (e.g. Seesaw
                                            ambassador, Apple Teacher, Google accredited, MindLab
                                        o Teacher voice gathered
                               •   Operating and setting up laptops from the box (printer drivers etc)

4.5 Learner pathways           ●   Personalised learning programmes strengthened across the school

●   Use of learner pathways
                                                         ●   Leverage technology to personalise learning approach for individuals
                                                         ●   Development and revision of P.E.Ps (personalised education plans) for
                                                             each learner
                                                         ●   Personalised learning visible in classrooms during observations
                                                         ●   Evidence of co-construction and choice to follow passions
                         4.6 Understand and utilise      ●   Strengthen the awareness of at risk students                                   SENCo
                         community resource              ●   Clear pathway/template/rubric of support structures to follow                 Principal
                         available to support            ●   At risk students are identified and plans made that support a positive      Across cluster
                         learners.                           change                                                                        Learning
                                                         ●   Students and any action taken for supporting at risk students               Support Group
                                                             documented in team minutes
                                                         ●   Communication to be made with readiness to learn team (for urgent
                                                             matters or for students that are not improving regardless of intervention
                                                         ●   Increased clarity of what support is available for at risk students
                                                         ●   Strengthen networks with agencies that support at risk students and
                                                         ●   Regular and reciprocal contact made with support agencies, e.g. RTLB,
                                                             Navigator, MOE
5. Localised             5.1 Curriculum that is          •   Greater consistency and quality of teaching through critical inquiry and
Curriculum               coherent for all learners           critical reflection                                                         Te Roro o Te
To grow a                                                •   Enhance programmes to encourage and support students to think like a        Rangi Hapu
collaborative, future-   5.2 Curriculum that is rich,        scientist                                                                       (iwi
focused and              relevant and authentic to all   •   Framework for scientific thinking progressions                              partnership)
responsive model of      learners                        •   Focus on the nature of science
teaching and                                             •   AOs in Lynmore School curriculum to more to the nature of science            Leadership
learning                 5.3 Curriculum that is              objectives and science capabilities.                                           Team
                         culturally responsive to all    •   Professional development through Kāhui Ako
                         learners                                 o Paul Ashman to support Science RLE team                              Team Leaders
                                                                  o RLE team to distribute learning to staff at staff/team meetings
                         5.4 Universal concepts are               o Science lead teacher to model lessons and support planning            Within school
                         ignited through local                    o Unit planning for conflict support by Paul Ashman                    lead teacher –
                         narrative                       •   Assessment rubric for science developed/selected                               science
                                                         •   NZCER science data collected
                                                         •   NOTICE, THINK, WONDER framework implemented in all classes                     Science
                         5.5 Local narratives &                                                                                             advisor
                                                             Develop resources and leaders to shift practice and support the growth in
                         universal concepts provide

context for developing               student progress                                                          Kāhui Ako
                     learner and curriculum           •   Improved quality and consistency of teaching Science                     across cluster
                     capabilities (Notice - Think -   •   Strengthen Teaching as a Collaborative Inquiry process                    Curriculum
                     Imitate - Innovate)              •   Formal trail/ documentation of teachers inquiry (blog, portfolio etc)        Group
                                                      •   Set structure for reflecting on professional learning standardised
                     5.6 Curriculum develops          •   Key messages, Implication to thinking/teaching, Next steps
                     citizens that contribute to      •   Teachers share the mistakes, failures and learnings from TAI every 3
                     their community                      weeks in a vertically structured PLG
                                                      •   More accountability on the evidence of impact - Can we prove it?
                                                      •   Professional growth through Peer Coaching (Critical Friends) in Year 1
                                                          and 6
                                                      •   Pair teachers that complement each other
                                                      •   PD on developing relational trust and rigorous triple loop questioning
                                                      •   Developing thinking - Learners being innovative, problem solving,
                                                          creative, entrepreneurial
                                                      •   Student confident to ask questions
                                                      •   Students confident to deviate from chosen track
                                                      •   Learning programmes encouraging authentic opportunities for critical
                                                          thinking and innovation
                                                      •   Inquiry learning opportunities (i.e social action)
                                                      •   Play based learning implemented in Year 1 and 2
                                                      •   TV station
                                                      •   Teaching students how to think (rather than what to think)
                                                      •   Implementing NOTICING, THINKING, IMITATING, INNOVATING
                                                      •   Implementing Depth & Complexity framework
                                                      •   Developing agency
                                                      •   Teach students how to navigate challenges in learning
                                                      •   Encourage students to follow curiosities and passions – supported by a
                                                          rich local curriculum (Ōtauira).
                                                      •   Provide opportunities for students to have choice in learning

Lynmore School 2019 Academic Targets                                      Lynmore School 2019 Progress Targets
Reading, writing, maths based on PaCT data                                (2018 will provide baseline data for 2019 targets)

Science based on NZCER engagement with science assessment data
                                                                           Reading, writing, maths progress measure using PaCT
                                                                           Science progress measured comparing Term 1 and 4 NZCER engagement
                                                                           with science assessment data

Reading: 80% of all students at or above National Standards                Reading: A minimum of 80% of all students progress at or above the
Writing: 70% of all students at or above National Standards                expected rate; the remaining 20% will make more than 6 months progress
Maths: 80% of all students at or above National Standards                  Writing: A minimum of 80% of all students progress at or above the
Science: 70% of all students in Year 4-6 will be at or exceeding typical   expected rate; the remaining 20% will make more than 6 months progress
norms for science                                                          Mathematics: A minimum of 80% of all students progress at or above the
                                                                           expected rate; the remaining 20% will make more than 6 months progress
                                                                           Science: A minimum of 70% of Year 4-6 students in will progress at or
                                                                           above the expected rate

                                 “Ako maii, ako atu, ako ai, ako tu, ko koia aaraa ee"
                                   “Empowering and Encouraging our Community of Learners (Whānau, Learners and Teachers)
                                                                       to Engage in Learning”

Goal 1: Improved student engagement “Ko au te kura, ko te kura ko au”        Goal 3: Local Curriculum Development (with Iwi partners)
  • 95% Attendance                                                             • Ōtauira (Te Roro o Te Rangi, Uenukukopako, Tuteniu)
  • 0% stand downs                                                             • A collective graduate profile aligned to the local curricula
  • Improved enrolment and retention data (Year 9 – 13)                        • Sports Programmes
                                                                               • Kapa Haka
Goal 2: Pedagogy                                                               • Waka Ama
  • Culturally responsive teaching practice
  • Digitally responsive teaching practice                                   Goal 4: Data Analysis, Evaluation and Assessment for
                                                                                • Improved evaluative capability
                                                                                • Improved instructional capability
                                                                                • Data conversations
                                                                                • LPF/PaCT for understanding progress and tracking

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