Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set

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Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set
IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016

Truly Global Thai
Chemical Company

April 26, 2016
 10 August 2016
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set

    This presentation and certain statements included herein contain “forward-                                          All such factors are difficult or impossible to predict and contain uncertainties
    looking statements” about the [financial condition and results of operations]                                       that may materially affect actual results. New factors emerge from time to
    of Indorama Ventures Public Company Limited (the “Company”), which are                                              time, and it is not possible for management to predict all such factors or to
    based on management’s current beliefs, assumptions, expectations and                                                assess the impact of each such factor on the Company. Such forward-looking
    projections about future economic performance and events, considering the                                           statements are also based on numerous assumptions and estimates
    information currently available to the management. Any statements                                                   regarding the Company and its subsidiaries’ present and future business
    preceded by, followed by or that include the words “targets”, “believes”,                                           strategies and the environment in which the Company will operate in the
    “expects”, “aims”, “intends”, “will”, “may”, “anticipates”, “would”, “plans”,                                       future. Any forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future
    “could”, “should, “predicts”, “projects”, “estimates”, “foresees” or similar                                        performance and speak only as at the date of this presentation, and none of
    expressions or the negative thereof, identify or signal the presence of                                             the Company, nor any of its agents, employees or advisors intends or has any
    forward-looking statements as well as predictions, projections and forecasts                                        duty or obligation to supplement, amend, update or revise any such forward-
    of the economy or economic trends of the markets, which are not necessarily                                         looking statements to reflect any change in the Company’s expectations with
    indicative of the future or likely performance of the Company. Such forward-                                        regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or
    looking statements, as well as those included in any other material                                                 circumstances on which any such statements are based or whether in the light
    discussed at the presentation, are not statements of historical facts and                                           of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by
    concern future circumstances and results and involve known and unknown                                              applicable laws and stock exchange regulations. The above and other risks
    risks, uncertainties and other important factors beyond the Company’s                                               and uncertainties are described in the Company’s most recent annual
    control that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of                                         registration statement (Form 56-1), and additional risks or uncertainties may
    the Company to be materially different from the expectations of future                                              be described from time to time in other reports filed by the Company with the
    results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-                                          Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand and the Stock Exchange of
    looking statements.                                                                                                 Thailand. Given the aforementioned and other risks, uncertainties and
    Factors that could contribute to such differences include, but are not limited                                      assumptions, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking
    to: the highly competitive nature of the industries in which the Company                                            statements as a prediction of actual results or otherwise.
    operates; a potential recurrence of regional or global overcapacity;
    exposures to macro-economic, political,                                                                             The results of operations for the periods reflected herein are not necessarily
    legal and regulatory risks in markets where the Company operates;                                                   indicative of results that may be achieved for future periods, and the
    dependence on availability, sourcing and cost of raw materials; ability to                                          Company’s actual results may differ materially from those discussed in the
    maintain                                                                                                            forward-looking statements as a result of various factors not foreseen at the
    cost structure and efficient operation of manufacturing facilities; shortages or                                    time of giving this presentation.
    disruptions of supplies to customers; operational risks of production facilities;
    costs and difficulties of integrating future acquired businesses and                                                This presentation must not be treated as advice relating to legal, taxation,
    technologies; dependence of informal relationships with other Indorama                                              financial, accounting or investment matters. By attending this presentation,
    group entities in Indonesia and India; project and other risks carried by                                           you acknowledge that you will be solely responsible for your own assessment
    significant capital investments including future development of new facilities;                                     of the market and the market position of the Company and of the risks and
    exchange rate and interest rate fluctuations; pending environmental lawsuits;                                       merits of any investment in the Shares, and that you will conduct your own
    changes in laws and regulations relating beverage containers and                                                    analysis and be solely responsible for forming your own view of the potential
    packaging; the impact of environmental, health and safety laws and                                                  future performance of the Company’s business.
    regulations in the countries in which the Company operates.

                                                               Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set
Indorama Ventures’ Essential Elements


      To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society


    We commit to be a responsible industry leader leveraging on the excellence of
    our people, processes, and technologies to create value for our stakeholders


        The         Our PEOPLE                     We see
                                                                                                      DIVERSITY is      We are
    CUSTOMER is      make the                   CHANGE as an
                                                                                                       our strength   RESPONSIBLE
    why we exist     difference                  opportunity

                            Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set

         I   2Q16 Results Update

     II       Business Update

               Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set
2Q 2016 Headlines

                                                                          Spain                                                              Core
    Production +28%                                                               +1.7                                                                 +33%
                                                                       0.7MMt and MMt                                                       EBITDA      YoY
                                                                       BP Decatur                                                          THB 7.7 B

                           Core                                                                              Core EPS after
                                                                              +75%                                                                +86%
                         Net Profit                                                                              PERP
                                                                               YoY                                                                 YoY
                         THB 2.9 B                                                                            THB 0.56B

Note: Net Operating Debt = Net Debt less project investments that are not generating revenues as on date
                                                    Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set
LTM2Q 2016 Headlines

                                                          Completed                                                Core
    Production +16%                                                                           +3.4                          +19%
                                                          M&A since                           MMt
                                                                                                                  EBITDA     YoY
                                                           Jan 2015                                              THB 24.0 B
                                                            till now

                      Core                                                              Core EPS after
                                                               +61%                                                                        +63%
                    Net Profit                                                              PERP
                                                                YoY                                                                         YoY
                    THB 7.8 B                                                            THB 1.45B

Note: Net Operating Debt = Net Debt less project investments that are not generating revenues as on date, LTM=Last twelve months
                                                    Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set
Improved year on year Performance in Legacy Business
    Maiden Contribution from M&A’s further Added Earnings

                                                                                                                     2Q16           2Q16            2Q15
                                                                                                                 IVL excluding       Core            Core
            BP Decatur          THB in Millions                                          Decatur
                                                                                                                   Aromatics     Financials of   Financials of
                                                                                                                    Decatur      Consolidated    Consolidated
    (Aromatics Decatur)                                                                & IVL Spain
                                                                                                                  & IVL Spain      Business        Business
     & Cepsa Spain (IVL
          Spain) added     Production (in '000 tonnes)                                       373                         1,946     2,319           1,815
         1.7mmt of new         Operating rate (%)                                           86%                          87%        87%             90%
                                 Net Revenue                                               5,950                     60,780       66,730          61,225
                                 Core EBITDA                                               1,005                         6,679     7,684           5,781
       Double digit core
                               Core EBITDA (%)                                            16.9%                          11.0%     11.5%            9.4%
        EBITDA margin

                                       ROE%                                                  n.a.                        13.6%     15.4%            9.8%
     M&A’s are accretive
              to returns              ROIC%                                               13.1%                          9.3%       9.7%            7.1%
                                     ROCE%                                                 9.7%                          11.4%     11.1%           10.6%

                             Core EBITDA (THB/t)                                           2,693                         3,432     3,313           3,186

                  To Continue Gains from Synergies and Operational Excellence

                                  Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set
IVL Profile 2Q16
Higher Contribution from HVA and Special Position

                              By Segment                                                          By Portfolio                                  By Region

                                   13%                                                                               19%
                                                                                                 32%                                           36%           35%
                                        2.3      43%                                                          2.3                                     2.3
    Production                29%       MMt                                                                   MMt                                     MMt

                                        15%                                                                        50%                                29%

                                       5%                                                             19%
                              31%                39%                                                                                                         43%
                                        THB                                                                    THB          48%                       THB
     EBITDA                             7.7B                                                                   7.7B                                   7.7B
                                       25%                                                                                                        25%

                                                                                              HVA (High Value Add)
                        PET   Fibers   West Feedstock      Asia PTA                           Special Position (West Necessity)                  NA     EMEA       Asia
                                                                                              Cyclical (East Necessity)

Note: Core Financials 2Q16                              Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set
EBITDA – 2Q16 vs 2Q15
Improved Earnings from all Segments

    THB B
                                                                                      0.5                               0.2          (0.2)     3,313/T
                                                                                                                       Asia         Holding
             Baht                                  0.4                                                                 PTA
            3,186/T            1.0                Fibers
                                                                              YoY                                                                7.7


             2Q15                                                                                                                               2Q16
             Core            PET                                $69/T                                    PET                         $86/T    Core
            EBITDA/          Fibers                            $132/T                                    Fibers                     $159/T   EBITDA/
              MT             W. Feedstock                      $199/T                                    W. Feedstock                $99/T     MT
                             Asia PTA                           $22/T                                    Asia PTA                    $34/T

                                     Synergy Benefits to Fully Accrue by 2017

Source: Core financials                      Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company - IVL Results 2Q16 and Mid Year Review 2016 - April 26, 2016 10 August 2016 - Set
Improving Returns on Equity

                                                         IVL Consolidated Returns

      Improving ROCE%,                             16.0%                                                           EOEG shutdown
     ROE% and ROIC% of                                                                                             in USA in 1Q16
                   IVL                             14.0%
          EOEG operated                            10.0%
        below optimum in
       2Q16 post catalyst
             change and                             6.0%
       mechanical issues                            4.0%
      which gradually got
                resolved                            2.0%
                                                                  Yr'12           Yr'13            Yr'14           Yr'15           1Q16       2Q16
            Volume gains in                Core ROCE%             7.1%            6.4%             8.7%            9.3%            7.1%       11.1%
            2H16 over 1H16                 Core ROIC%             3.8%            4.1%             6.5%            7.2%            6.1%       9.7%
                                           Core ROE%              2.3%            3.2%             7.6%            8.8%            6.7%       15.4%

                                                                                          Core ROCE%             Core ROIC%             Core ROE%

Note: ROCE%=Core EBIT annualized/Net Op CE, ROIC= Tax adjusted Core EBIT/Average Net Op CE, ROE%=Core NP after NCI
and PERP/Average Sh. equity, Yearly=Average of quarterly ratios
                                                 Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Reconciliation from Core to Reported Net Profit

     THB M                                                                                           2Q16                         1Q16                2Q15(R)    LTM2Q16 LTM2Q15(R)

  Core Net Profit after Tax and NCI                                                                    2,890                        1,323                1,651      7,827               4,857

  Inventory gain (loss)                                                                                    705                      (563)                1,419     (2,776)          (2,311)

  Total tax on Inventory gain/(loss)                                                                    (131)                             69             (310)        406                 493

  Net Profit before extraordinary items                                                                3,464                           828               2,760      5,457               3,039

  Add: Non Operational/Extraordinary
                                                                                                       2,485                        3,276                2,657      5,379               2,518

  Acquisition cost & pre-operative expense                                                              (42)                         (10)                (96)       (102)               (219)

  Net Gain on Bargain Purchase after Impairments                                                     2,608                        3,290                 2,757       5,577           3,053

  Other Extraordinary Income/(Expense)                                                                  (81)                           (3)                (3)        (96)               (316)

  = Reported Net profit after tax and NCI                                                              5,950                        4,104                5,417     10,836               5,557

 *Gain on bargain purchase needs to be accounted for on completion of any acquisition as per Thai Accounting Standards and include non-cash accounting impairment of Turkish PET asset for
 Baht 514 million and deferred tax asset impairment of PTA units in Thailand for Baht 428 million.

 Note: Extraordinary expenses in LTM2Q15 include provision of expenses made to develop Aromatics complex with JV partner in Abu Dhabi, which IVL exited in year 2015 due to strategic
 reasons. IVL shall book US$ 12.3 million (Baht 398.1 million) as income in 3Q16 on account of commercial settlement between the parties.

                                                               Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Strong Financial Framework
Balancing Value and Risk Management

                             Capital Structure                                                                                           Capex Spending
                                                                                                        B THB                                     43
                 Net Op Debt                               Total Equity                                   42
                                                                                                                                                                          Positive Free Cash
                 88.3B THB                                 89.2 B THB
                                                                                                                                  31                                            Flow in
                                                               PERP                                                                        29
                                                                                                                                                                            2016 to 2018

                                                              Share-                                                       14                             15
                                                             and NCI                                               7                                               7

                                                                                                          2012    2013    2014    2015    1H16    2016    2017    2018         Growth

                  Net Operating Debt Per Ton                                                                              Net Operating Debt to Equity
                    342                                                                                                                                                     Headroom for
                                                                                                  1.5                                                                       Future Growth
                                                  235                                                      1.3     1.2
 200                                                                                                                                       1.0     1.0
                                                                               150                1.0                      0.8     0.8
                                                                                                  0.5                                                                        Impact
                    2012                        2Q16                           2018                                                                                          Net Op
                                                                                                   -                                                                         Debt/Equity
               Net Operating Debt ($B)                  Net Op Debt/Capacity ($/t)                         2012    2013    2014    2015    2Q16    2016    2017    2018

Note: Core financials , Net Operating Debt = Net Debt less project capex not generating revenue at this time
Forecast from Capital Day 28 January 2016
                                                   Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Strong Financial Profile
 Natural Hedge in line with Global Presence

                                                                                                                                                         Credit Rating: A+
      Gross Financial Debt: THB 107.0 B                                                                             Effective Rate of
                                                                                                                                                         with stable outlook
                                                                                                                     Interest: 4.0%1
        Cash & Cash                                                                                                                                      by TRIS in Oct’15
    Under Management            Other
         THB 4.6B                4%
                                                   ST Loan
                                                                                                                        Fixed = 48%                      Interest Coverage
  CapexTHB 14.0B                 EUR
                                                    17%                                                               Floating = 52%                       Ratio 7.8 times

                                                                                                                         LT Loan & Debentures Maturity
                                                                                                                                                       Debentures         LT Loan
                                 USD               LT Loan
                                 48%                51%
OperatingTHB 88.3B
    Debt                                                                           THB
                                                                                  89.3 B
                                                                                                         6%                16%               11%
                                 THB             Debentures                                                                                            11%       14%
                                 34%                33%                                                                                                                       23%
                                                                                                                             1%                        1%           1%
           By Use           By Currency           By Types                                           2016-17             2017-18            2018-19   2019-20   2020-21    2021 & after

                                             Liquidity2 of THB 45 Billion (USD1.3 Billion)
 Note: Core Financials 2Q16. 1.Interest on short term & long term debts only, 2. Liquidity= cash & cash under management plus unutilized banking lines
                                                     Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”

     I    2Q16 Results Update

     II    Business Update

                                                  IVL Business

                                 North America Strategy

           Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
The Thai Flag - Touching Billions of Lives Globally

           1 in 5                                                           1 in 2                                                        1 in 4

                        PET bottles                                                  Premium baby diapers                                       Airbags are made
                         are made                                                          are made                                                   from
                     from IVL polymers                                                  from IVL fibers                                             IVL yarns

              #1                                                               #1                                                          #2

                      Producer of PET                                                  Producer of NDC                                             Producer of IPA
                          Globally                                                         Globally                                                   Globally

Source: Industry Data 2016, IVL Analysis and IVL capacity including India PET JV
                                                   Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Strong Demand for Polyester Polymer
Driven by Favorable Mega Trends

      40              Polymer Demand
               2000       2001      2002       2003       2004       2005       2006       2007       2008       2009       2010          2011    2012   2013    2014     2015

                              >9bn                                                           3bn                                                         60%

                      People by 2050                                          Of New Middle Class in                                               Of the World Will
                                                                                  Next 20 Years                                                  Live in Cities by 2030
Source: Industry data
Note: Polymer includes PET resins, Polyester Filaments and Fiber & Yarns
                                                   Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Transformed Thai Chemical Company
Protecting Downside and Enhancing Upside Potential

                                         2011 Production: 4.4 MMt                                                   *2018F Production: 11.3 MMt
                               Fibers HVA                                                                NA (2017)
                                                                                                                           Ethylene NA
                                   5%                                                                                         (2017)
                                                                                                     NDC NA
                                                                                                        IPA Europe       PX NA 3%               PET Global
                                Necessity         PTA EMEA                                                  1%         6%                         38%
                                    5%                8%
                                                           PET Global                                            Fibers HVA
                                                             53%                                                     9%
                                                  PTA Asia
                                                    29%                                             Necessity
                                                                                                                                                 PTA Asia
                                                                                                      MEG NA                                 PTA   11%
                                                                                                                               PTA NA
                                                                                                        3%                                  EMEA
                                                                                                           PEO NA                            9%
                                                               2011                                                                   2018F
 RM Integration %                                              31%                                                                     ~56%
 No. of sites                                                   28                                                                         65
 HVA EBITDA%                                                   12%                                                                     ~40%
 EBITDA Margin%                                               9.1%                                                                     ~12%

                                                            Capturing More Value Chain
Note: Core financials, *2018F production include PX in NA also just to show our product diversity, though we will report PTA
NA on an integrated PX basis (excluding PX, 2018F production is 10.7MMt)
                                                    Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
The Indorama Ventures Unique Value Chain
Integrated, Diversified, Necessities and HVA

       *Ethane/Propane Cracker                                                        Oil Refinery                                               Shale Gas or Oil

                                                                                                     Capacity Reservation

                      *Ethylene                                        Paraxylene                Metaxylene                       *Propylene                    Benzene
                         MEG                                              PTA


         PEO                                                                                   IPA                           Polypropylene (PP)                  ADA/ADN

        Polyester Fibers                                                                      PET                                 PP Fibers              Nylon 66 Fibers

     HVA PEO     HVA Polyester Fibers       Polyester             PET Film           PET Resin                                   HVA PP Fibers             HVA Nylon 66 Fibers

Note: * Gas Cracker of IVL is expected to start by 4Q17, Ratios given are the consumptions for every one ton of output.
        IVL Value Chain             Value chain supplying raw materials to IVL
                                                     Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Industry Margins Update
  Presently at Trough Levels

                                                                   Fully Integrated Polyester Polymer Industry Spread Baht/t of Product
 Margins in industry are
    below reinvestment
          New investment
        announcements in                                                                        MX                          Shale Gas
     industry are20,000

                 is the key                                                               PX/PTA/IPA                     Ethylene/ MEG

           IVL is the most                                                                         Poly Fiber PET Resin
     integrated global
     competitive producer
             5,000                                                                                                                                 China overbuild
Downside protection on                                                                                                                             Steep drop in oil
              volumes                                                                                                                              Weak sentiments
                                               2013                             2014                              2015                       1Q16                      2Q16
                                                  PET Industry Spread                                                          PSF Industry Spread over PET Spread
                                                  (PTA Industry Spread over MX) X 0.86                                         (MEG Industry Spread over Ethane/Naphtha) X 0.34

Source: Spreads Industry data
Note: Global Spreads = Simple average of Asia, EMEA & North America, except PSF where only Asia is considered
                                                  Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
IVL Necessities
  IVL Necessities Value Chain is Integrated & Global
                    35,000                                                                                                                                          7.6
        IVL Necessities                                                                                                                                                   MMt
steady whereas industry
                                                                                                               5.6                          5.7
 Driven by IVL Diversity,
              20,000 and
 Operational Excellence
                                                                                                                                    EOEG shutdown in
               15,000                                                                                                                USA in 1Q16 and
       IVL added strategic                                                                                                           restarted in 2Q16
                    10,000                                                    2,405
IVL gained market share                      2,083                                                              2,086                                                  2,086
                                                                                                                                              1,703                      EBITDA
              5,000                                                                                                                                                       Per MT
Production growth from
      4.7mmt in 2013 to
    6.2mmt in LTM2Q16
                                               2013                             2014                             2015                          1Q16                    2Q16
                                                         PET Industry Spread                                                   PSF Industry Spread over PET Spread
                                                         (PTA Industry Spread over MX) X 0.86                                  (MEG Industry Spread over Ethane/Naphtha) X 0.34
                                                         IVL Necessities Core EBITDA/t

Source: Spreads Industry data
Note: Global Spreads = Simple average of Asia, EMEA & North America, except PSF where only Asia is considered
                                                  Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
IVL High Value Added
  Strategic Steps Taken in Last Three Years

     Added Automotive,                                                                                                                                                   EBITDA
    Chemicals, Hygiene                                                                                                                                                    Per MT
          Industrial and                                                                                        7,328                        7,212
  Packaging businesses
                                                                                                                                 EOEG shutdown in
                                                                              5,708                                               USA in 1Q16 and
      Double digit EBITDA                                                                                                         restarted in 2Q16                    2Q16
               20,000                                                                                                                                                Annualized
                                             4,747                                                                                           1Q16                       1.7
                                                                                                                                           Annualized                  Production
         Higher 15,000
                returns on                                                                                        1.5
                                                                                1.3                                                           1.4                         MMt
     Revenue growth
       Baht 61B in 2013 to
     Baht 85B in LTM2Q16

Future potential to grow
                                               2013                             2014                             2015                        1Q16                      2Q16
                                                          PET Industry Spread                                                   PSF Industry Spread over PET Spread
                                                          (PTA Industry Spread over MX) X 0.86                                  (MEG Industry Spread over Ethane/Naphtha) X 0.34
                                                          IVL HVA Core EBITDA/t

Source: Spreads Industry data
Note: Global Spreads = Simple average of Asia, EMEA & North America, except PSF where only Asia is considered
                                                  Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
IVL Consolidated
  Unique Mix of HVA and Necessities


    IVL Necessities have
          been 30,000
               stable and
                                                                                                                7,328                         7,212
       mitigated industry
      softness in last few
   years on per25,000
                MT basis
  due to IVL’s actions by                                                      5,708
   enhanced presence in                                                                                                           EOEG shutdown in
 the West and increased                                                                                                            USA in 1Q16 and
              integration                                                                                                          restarted in 2Q16

     HVA has performed as                                                                                                                                             3,306
       expected and given                                                     3,117                            3,178
               10,000                       2,579                                                                                            2,788
          superior returns                                                     2,405
                                              2,083                                                             2,086                                                  2,086
    Unique blend of HVA
        and Necessities
  increased IVL blended
 performance on per0 MT
                   basis                       2013                             2014                             2015                         1Q16                     2Q16
                                                         PET Industry Spread                                                   PSF Industry Spread over PET Spread
                                                         (PTA Industry Spread over MX) X 0.86                                  (MEG Industry Spread over Ethane/Naphtha) X 0.34
                                                         IVL Necessities Core EBITDA/t                                         IVL HVA Core EBITDA/t
                                                         IVL Conso Core EBITDA/t

Source: Spreads Industry data
Note: Global Spreads = Simple average of Asia, EMEA & North America, except PSF where only Asia is considered
                                                  Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
IVL Consolidated
 Growing Both HVA and Necessities

                        IVL Production in MMt                                                                                 Core EBITDA in THB Billion
     9                                                                                            30


     6                                                                                            20


     3                                                                                            10


     0                                                                                              0
         2010   2011       2012   2013   2014     2015     LTM2Q15 LTM2Q16                                     2010         2011       2012   2013   2014   2015   LTM2Q15LTM2Q16

                       IVL Necessities     IVL HVA                                                                             IVL Necessities        IVL HVA

                                                Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Growing Strategically in Line with our Vision and Strategy
Acquisition from 2011 - Present

                                                                                                                                PET & Fibers Indonesia
            US Mix Feed Cracker
                                                                                                                                  Invista USA & Mexico
         IVL Spain (PTA,IPA)
                                                                                                                                     Bangkok Polyester
       Aromatics Decatur
                                                                                                                                         PET Poland
      PTA Montreal
      EOEG USA                                                                                          Serve Global                       PET China
                                                                                                      Customers/MNC’s                          Micro Pet, India
                                                                                                                                                PET, Turkey

                                                                                                                                                 Poly Pet, Indonesia

                                                        Driven by People

       Recycling Mexico
      Performance Fibers
                 Fiber Visions                                                                                                  Packaging Philippines
                                                           Innovative, IP, Know
                      Wellman                                                                                                   Packaging Nigeria
                                                          how, Technology - HVA
                               Trivera                                                                                          Packaging UK

                                                                         PHP Fibers

                                         Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”

     I    2Q16 Results Update

     II    Business Update

                                                  IVL Business

                                 North America Strategy

           Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
North America (NAM) Strategy
IVL Positioning

                  IVL 2017 Yearend Profile (Capacity)                                                                        Activities from 2012 till 1H16
                                                                                          PET                                          Added 550kt pa EOEG Business
            11%                                        5%                                 PTA
                                                                      31%                                              Added 1.6mmt pa PTA Business (+720kt pa PX)
      13%                       USA             11%                                       PX
             5.2                                           5.2
                                Mexico                                                    EOEG
             MMt                                           MMt                                                                          Expanded HVA and Recycling
                                Canada          14%
                    76%                                                                   Ethylene &
                                                              31%                         Propylene
                                                                                          Fibers                             Activities from 2H16 till 2018

                                                                                                                                   Ongoing 400kt pa US Gas Cracker
                              Fully Integrated
                                                                                                                            Relentless focus on operational excellence
                 PX:                          Ethylene:                   Propylene:
              0.72mmt                         0.36mmt                      0.04mmt                                                      Executive Summary
                                                                                                                        Most integrated producer with competitive cost
                PTA:                       MEG:    PEO:                                                                                    structure
              1.62mmt                    0.33mmt 0.22mmt
                                                                                                                                  Reliable supply chain for customers

                       Poly & other Fibers:        PET Resin:
                            0.27mmt                 1.60mmt                                                                              Superior returns on capital

Source: IVL analysis                            Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
North America (NAM) Strategy
PET Industry

                                      PET Consumption in NAM                                                                                               PET Industry Growth
                                              CSD                                                                                          MMt
                  13%                                                                        4%                                Domestic
                                                                                                                                           5.5                                         5.09        5.09
                                              Water                                                                            producers                          4.71       4.93
            11%               29%
                                                                                            4.08                                           4.4
                                                                                                                                                                             4.16      4.24        4.32
            1%                                                                                                                 Imported             4.00          4.08
                                              Other bottles &                                                                              3.3
                    46%                       Containers
                                              Packaging and                                 96%                                            2.2                                                     87%
                                                                                                                                                                  83%        84%       85%
                                              Sheets                                                                                                82%
                                             PET Trade in 2015                                                                             0.0
           Mexico Net Exports                              USA Net Imports                                Canada Net Imports                        2015          2016        2017     2018         2019
                                                                                                                                                       Capacity          Consumption      Operating Rate
              22%                                                      17%                                               21%
                                                           30%                                            31%
                    195         46%                              331                                              53
            10%     KMT                                          KMT         21%                                 KMT
                                                                                                                             21%                 New capacity 0.5mmt expected in 2017 and
                  22%                                            32%                                            27%                                           0.5mmt in 2018
 Colombia     Venezuela       Trinidad & Tobago   Korea South          Oman        Taiwan         China          Pakistan          Other   ADD on PET on certain countries set precedence
                                                                                                                                                 for future & impact import volumes
                          Major Current Capacities in NAM
                                                                                                                                            Mexico advantaged FTA with Latin America and
                        1.6                          1.7                                                                                             Europe for potential exports

     1.2                                                                            0.9
                                                                                                                                                  High-cost, legacy assets expected to be
                                                                                                                       0.6                       restructured/converted to fibers/specialties

      0                                                                                                                                                      Demand growth ~2%pa
                        IVL                       Alpek                            M&G                                Others

Note: IVL analysis, Industry Data (PCI, Tecnon), US Census, INEGI, Statistic Canada
                                                    Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
North America (NAM) Strategy
PTA Industry

                                             PTA Trade in 2015                                                                                PTA Industry Growth
           Mexico Net Exports                        USA Net Import                           Canada Net Exports                                                                        6.57
                                                                                                                           7.00                                             6.27
                                                                                                                           6.00       5.37             5.37       5.62
                                                               9% 6%                                                                                                                    5.20
                 19%                                                                                                       5.00                                   4.79      5.05
                                                                                                                                      4.44             4.51
                       416                                      52        33%
           13%                     54%                                                             NIL                     3.00
                       KMT                                     KMT                                                                    89%
                                                                                                                                                       92%                  92%         90%
                14%                                                                                                        1.00
                                                                                                                                       2015            2016        2017     2018         2019
       Brazil          Lithuania     Spain   Indonesia     Belgium     Korea South    Other                                                 Capacity          Consumption      Operating Rate

                             Major Current Capacities in NAM                                                                                                  Outlook
                                                                                                                                    New capacity 1.2mmt expected in 2018
                                                   2.3                                                                            Increased demand from new PET and Fibers

     1.8                  1.6                                                                                                 Mexico advantaged FTA with Latin America and
                                                                                1.3                                                    Europe for potential exports
                                                                                                                              IVL PTA is integrated to PX in a deficit PX NAM
                                                                                                     0.2                                          market
      0                                                                                                                            IVL PTA is fully sold to captive needs and
                          IVL                    Alpek                          BP                  Others                                    strategic customers

Note: IVL analysis, Industry Data (PCI), US Census, INEGI, Statistic Canada
                                                     Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Key Ongoing Projects
An update

                      PET JV India                                                                               PTA Expansion Rotterdam
     700 kt pa combined JV capacity – IVL Micropet &
     Dhunseri India PET                                                                       330 kt pa brownfield expansion
     Expect completion in 2H16                                                                Expect completion in 1H17
     2nd largest PET producer in growing PET market in                                        Lowered cost and captive consumption

                                         50%                                             PTA captive integration in EMEA:
     PANIPAT                             JV in                                           Current: 51%
     MPET – 220 KMT                       IVL
                                                                                         Post Expansion: 75%

     RIL & JBF                    HALDIA
     1.15MMt                      DPL – 480 KMT

                                          Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Key Ongoing Projects
An Update

                     Gas Cracker USA                                                                               Tire Cord Expansion China

     400 kt pa under restart with >50% lower capex
                                                                                                 17 kt pa brownfield expansion
     compared to a new greenfield
                                                                                                 Expect completion by 1Q18
     Expect completion by 4Q17
                                                                                                 Serve growing demand and long term contracts
     US Shale benefit and captive consumption

Long lead time items ordered
On Schedule




            Max. Ethane              Max. Propane

                Ethane             Propane

                                             Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
IVL Business Plan 2018
“Four Years Plan” Set the Targets over 2014

                                                            By Portfolio                                                                          By Geography

                             MMt                                                                                      MMt
                             12.0                                                                                    12.0
                                                                                        10.7                                                                     10.7

                                                     6.25                             3.8                                                 6.25                   3.6
                               8.0                                                                                    8.0
Production                                          1.4
                                                                                      1.6                                                                        3.1
                                                    0.6                                                                                   2.8
                               4.0                                                                                    4.0
                                                                                      4.3                                                 1.6
                                                    3.1                                                                                                          4.0
                               0.0                                                                                    0.0
                                                    2014                              2018                                                2014                   2018

                               $M                                                                                     $M
                             1,400                                                                                  1,400
                             1,200                                                                                  1,200
                             1,000                                                                                  1,000
                               800                    600                                                              800                 600
     EBITDA                    600                   47                                                                600
                               400                   126                                                               400                146
                               200                   286                                                               200                301
                                  0                                                                                       0
                                                     2014                              2018                                                2014                   2018
                                       PET              Fibers             Olefin              Aromatics                          North America           EMEA           Asia
Note: Core financials, Olefin=EOEG, Ethylene and Propylene, Aromatics= PTA, PX, IPA and NDC
Source: CMD Jan 2016
                                                   Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
IVL Business Plan 2018
Expect to Beat Volumes and Meet EBITDA/t

                               12                                                                                                             0.7                      10.7
                                                   9.3                           0.7                           10.0

                                                                            Operating                                                      Announced                   3.8
                                  8                                                                              3.5                        Capex &
Production                                          3.5                    Rate Impact
                                                                                                                                            Organic                    1.0
                                                    0.5                                                          1.6                        Projects                   1.6
                                                    4.0                                                          4.3                                                   4.3
                                            2Q16 Annualized                                           2018 on 2Q16 Portfolio                                          2018F


                            1000             873                                                                                                        Synergies,
                                                                                                     Cost                 115
                                                                                 -Mix                                                     Announced    Operational
                                             224            Volume                                  Impact                237
                                                                                                                                           Capex &     Excellence &
     EBITDA                                   90            Impact
                                                                                                   -Op rate               293              Organic       Margins
                              500            219                            - Chip to Fibers
                                                                                                - Power plant                              Projects
                                             340                                                                          389
                                      2Q16 Annualized                                                              2018 on 2Q16                                          2018F
                                                                                                                   Porfolio & Core
                                                                                PET          Fibers       Olefin          Aromatics
Note: Core financials, Olefin=EOEG, Ethylene and Propylene, Aromatics= PTA, PX, IPA and NDC
Source: CMD Jan 2016
                                                   Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
IVL Business Plan 2018
Expect to Beat Volumes and Meet EBITDA/t

                                                                                                    NA      EMEA        Asia
                               12                                                                                                            0.7                  10.7
                                                                                 0.7                           10.0
                                                                             Operating                                                    Announced                3.6
                                    8                                                                           3.6
Production                                          3.3                     Rate Impact                                                    Capex &
                                                                                                                                           Organic                 3.1
                                                    2.7                                                         2.8                        Projects

                                                    3.3                                                         3.6                                                4.0
                                           2Q16 Annualized                                           2018 on 2Q16 Portfolio                                       2018F

                               600                                     6                    4                   104
                                               93                                                                67
     EBITDA                    500             61                                                                                Announced          Synergies,
                               400                                 -Mix                     Cost
                                               198                                          198                 205               Capex &          Operational
     Per MT                    300                                Impact                   Impact
                                                                                                                                  Organic          Excellence &
                               200                            - Chip to Fibers            -Op rate
                                               159                                          159 plant           189               Projects             179
                               100                                                     - Power
                                 0              86                                           86                  90                                     90
                                        2Q16 Annualized                                                   2018 on 2Q16                                               2018F
                                                                                                          Porfolio & Core
                                                                                  PET          Fibers        Olefin          Aromatics     Column3
Note: Core financials, Olefin=EOEG, Ethylene and Propylene, Aromatics= PTA, PX, IPA and NDC
Source: CMD Jan 2016
                                                   Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Aiming on Delivering Consistent, Superior Value

                        7 Consecutive Years of Core EPS Growth 2012-2018F
                            With Strong Cash Flow and Attractive ROCE

     1.6X Value              Double-                          ~$3B
                                                                                                                              ~4.0X Core
      Addition                Digit                        Operating                                                >15%
                                                                                                                              EPS growth
       Growth                EBITDA                        Cash Flow                                                ROCE
     since 2015              Margin                        in 2016-18

                           Driven by HVA
      Enlarging from                                        >85% Revenue                                    Enhanced by         Creating
                            Margins and
      Integration and                                      from Consumer                                   Value Addition &    Shareholder
                           Volumes and
     Feedstock Scale                                           Staples                                     Capex Discipline       Value

                                    Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
We Are Closer Than You Think
Economic Outlook

                                                                                                                    Tight supply situation
                                                                                                                    Production of cotton globally has been on a
                                                                                                                     decline since peak in 2012-13 at 27 Million
                                                                                                                     tons to 22.3 million tons
                                                                                                                    Consumption has increased from 23.6
     Cotton                                                                                                          million tons to 24.29 million tons.
                                                                                                                    Reduction in ending stocks from 24.48 M
                                                                                                                     tons peak in 2014-15 to 19.87 in 2016-17
                                                                                                                    There as been a steady decline of cotton
                                                                                                                     cropping area and reducing yield per

                         6.8           CNY per 1USD                                                                 Chinese export to be more competitive in
                         6.7                                                                                         general
                         6.6                                                                                        However as seen in past as RMB
                         6.5                                                                                         depreciated even other currencies
   RMB                   6.4                                                                                         depreciate against the US$
                         6.3                                                                                        More tariff barriers
 Weakening                                                                                                          There may be capital outflow and reduced
                                                                                                                    Lower confidence in economy
                                                                                                                    Higher Inflation to reduce cost efficiencies
                               2015                                   2016

Source: Various industry sources
                                      Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
New Supply Declining in 2016-18

               MMt       New Supply Outpace New Demand                                                              New Demand Outpace New Supply



                                                     2013-15                                                                                2016-18


                                                     2013-15                                                                                2016-18




                                                     2013-15                                                                                2016-18
                                                                                  Demand Change                        Supply Change
Source: Industry Data, Forecast data for 2016-2018
Note: New supplies @ 80% operating rate,
                                                     Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
HVA Business of IVL
Meeting Mission-Critical Demands, Serving Consumer Needs

               Verticals                                               End Use Applications                                                  Customers

                  Safety                                                             Airbags
      (Trend: Light Weighting                           Automotive                  Tires
         & Fuel efficiency)                                                          Seatbelts

                                                                                     Diapers
         Personal Care                                  Hygiene                     Wipes
     (Trend: Better Life Style)                                                        Feminine
                                                                                        Hygiene Products

                                                        Food &                      Beer, milk,
             Packaging                                   Beverages                    wine
      (Trend: Light weighting                           Personal &                  Bio PET
          & Performance)                                 Home Care                   Recycle PET

                                                          Polyester                 Shale gas
              Industrial                                  PA 66/PP                     cracking
          (Trend: Efficiency
                                                          PEO                       Filtration
           & Performance)
                                                          IPA                       Chemicals

                                                        Specialty                   Recycle
            Active Wear
                                                           apparel                      Fibers
     (Trend: Fashion & Health
         consciousness)                                 Bio-active                  Sports
                                                           textiles                  Fashion

Note: Examples only for illustration purposes with no commercial intention to market these products or brand here
                                                      Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Strong Governance
Five Star CG Rating Thailand, Committed to Sustainability

                                                              Governance Framework
 14 Board Members                                                          3 Sub-Committees
     7 Independent Directors                                                                                   Audit Committee
     7 Executive and Non-Executive Directors                                                                   Nomination, Compensation and Corporate
                                                                                                                Governance Committee
 Executive Committee                                                                                           Sustainability and Risk Management
     6 Executive Members
                                                                 Independent Directors

        Rathian              Maris                 William                              Dr. Siri                               Kanit
      Srimongkol           Samaram                E. Heinecke                      Ganjarerndee                                Si                Kekuewa
      Independent     Independent Director    Independent Director                  Independent                           Independent                                  Phasukavanich
                                                                                                                                            Independent Director
                                                                                                                                                                    Independent Director
         Director             *****                    *****                          Director                              Director              *****                   *****
            *****      Independent Director    Founder, Chairman                        *****                                *****              Former Vice        Ex Industry Minister
      President and   and Chairman of Audit      and CEO, Minor                Director of the Bank                     Executive Vice       President for South        Thailand
     CEO, Krungthai      Committee, Siam      International PCL and             of Thailand Board,                    President, Bangkok     and Southeast Asia,
        Card PCL      Commercial Bank PCL         its subsidiaries               Former Assistant                         Bank PCL              Tetra Pak
                                                                               Governor at Bank of

                                                     Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Embedding Sustainability into our Corporate DNA

                                                                                                                  Renewable Energy:
                                                                                                                      Solar Farm in
                           Carbon Footprint                                                                                Thailand

     Recycling Business:                                                                Strong Innovation
       Circular Economy                                                                          Platform

                                       Our People                                                                       Leadership

                           Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
W. Feedstock- Lower on New Blend and EOEG

                                                    2.3                             (0.7)                                            0.3        3,135/T
             Baht                1.7                                                                                                Holding
                                                                                West                                   Asia
            3,060/T                                                           Feedstock                                PTA

                                                                    19% Growth                                                                   24.0

          LTM2Q15                                                                                                                              LTM2Q16
          Core               PET                            $81/T                                     PET                          $79/T     Core
         EBITDA/             Fibers                        $125/T                                     Fibers                      $154/T    EBITDA/
           MT                W. Feedstock                  $186/T                                     W. Feedstock                 $93/T      MT
                             Asia PTA                       $22/T                                     Asia PTA                     $26/T

                                       Synergy Benefits to Fully Accrue by 2017

Source: Core financials                      Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Improving Margins and Growing Volumes

                                  Volume (MMt)                                                                                    EBITDA (THB B)
                                   0.19                0.19                       3.63                                                                    10.23
                          3.24                                                                                                     0.57
                                                   Increase in                                                      8.58
                                   New                                                                                                         Higher
      Full                        Volume            Utilization                                                                   Margins
      Year                                                                                                                        & Market
                                           12%                                                                                      Mix
     Results                                                                                                                             19%
                                          Growth                                                                                        Growth
                                           YoY                                                                                           YoY

                        LTM2Q15                                             LTM2Q16                            LTM2Q15                                   LTM2Q16

                                                                                                                                                  0.31     3.00
                                                          0.04                      0.99                                                     Higher
                          0.88     0.06                                                                             2.03                     Volume
     Quarter                       New             Increase in                                                                    Margins
                                  Volume            Utilization                                                                   & Market
     Results                                                                                                                        Mix    48%
                                            Growth                                                                                         YoY
                          2Q15                                                     2Q16                            2Q15                                   2Q16

Note: Core financials                      Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Highest Boost to IVL earnings

                                  Volume (MMt)                                                                                    EBITDA (THB B)

                                                         0.11                     1.36                                                             0.61     7.43
                          1.25      -                                                                                              1.74
                                                  Increase in                                                                                   Higher
                                   New                                                                              5.09                        Volume
      Full                        Volume
      Year                                                                                                                        Margins 46%
     Results                                9%
                                           Growth                                                                                         Growth
                                            YoY                                                                                            YoY

                        LTM2Q15                                             LTM2Q16                            LTM2Q15                                    LTM2Q16

                          0.35       -              (0.002)                         0.34                                                        (0.01)
                                                                                                                                   0.43                    1.93
                                   New            Decrease in
                                  Volume           Utilization                                                      1.51                        Lower
     Quarter                                                                                                                      Higher        Volume
                                         (0.5)%                                                                                   Margins
     Results                             Growth                                                                                            28%
                                          YoY                                                                                             Growth

                         2Q15                                                     2Q16                             2Q15                                    2Q16

Note: Core financials                      Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Western Feedstock
Impacted negatively due to lower EOEG & change in Mix

                                    Volume (MMt)                                                                                   EBITDA (THB B)

                                                                                                                      5.86           (2.64)
                                                                                  1.55                                                           1.98        5.19
                                                  Increase in
      Full                           0.25          Utilization
      Year                           New                                                                                                          Volume
     Results                        Volume 62%                                                                                      & Market(11)%
                                          Growth                                                                                      Mix Growth

                        LTM2Q15                                              LTM2Q16                            LTM 2Q15                                   LTM 2Q16

                                                          0.14                                                                                   1.38        2.38
                                                                                 0.68                                1.89            (0.88)
                                                    Increase in
     Quarter                                         Utilization
     Results              0.29
                                            137%                                                                                   Margins 26% Volume
                                   New                                                                                             & MarketGrowth
                                  Volume    Growth
                                             YoY                                                                                     Mix    YoY
                         2Q15                                                    2Q16                                2Q15                                   2Q16

Note: Core financials                       Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Asian PTA
Shown some signs of recovery

                                  Volume (MMt)                                                                                EBITDA (THB B)

                                                                                                                                0.23           0.02     1.04
                          1.15         (0.02)                                                                    0.83                      Volume
      Full                          Utilization                                                                               Margins
      Year                              (2)%
                                                                                                                              & Market
     Results                           Growth                                                                                         Growth
                                        YoY                                                                                            YoY

                        LTM2Q15                                     LTM2Q16                                LTM 2Q15                                   LTM 2Q16

                          0.30           0.01                              0.31                                                 0.15                    0.38
                                    Utilization                                                                                            Volume
     Quarter                                                                                                   0.22
     Results                          4%                                                                                               75%
                                     Growth                                                                                           Growth
                                      YoY                                                                                     & Market YoY

                         2Q15                                           2Q16                                  2Q15                                     2Q16

Note: Core financials                  Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Integrated Thai Chemical Company
Strategic Integration Provides Advantage

                                  North America                                      EMEA                                       ASIA                           Global
                                Number of           Integration          Number of            Integration          Number of              Integration   Number of   Integration
                                  sites                                    Sites                                     Sites                                Sites

              PX                      1                67%                      -                    -                    -                   -            1          26%

            PTA                       2               100%                      2                75%                     3                  77%            7          86%

           MEG                        1                54%                      -                    -                    -                   -            1          16%

       Ethylene                       1               100%                      -                    -                    -                   -            1         100%

             IPA                       -                    -                   1              100%                       -                   -            1         100%

           Total                      5                81%                   3      40%        3                                            39%           11          56%
                                                                           Strategic Integration
                                                                                      Feedstock Security
                                                                           Reliability of Supply to Customers
                                                                                    Value Chain Capturing

     Notes: IVL 2018F capacities and include JV capacities in % of IVL holding
                                                   Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Truly Global Thai Chemical Company
21 Countries, 65 Sites, 11 R&D Centers, 14000 Employees with 57 Nationalities

        North America                                                                          EMEA                                                      Asia & ROW
     35% of Net Revenue                                                     34% of Net Revenue                                                        31% of Net Revenue
      3 Countries                                                           12 Countries                                                               6 Countries
     16 Production Sites                                                    21 Production Sites                                                       16 Production Sites
      4 R&D Centers                                                             4 R&D Centers                                                          3 R&D Centers
     >95% Domestic Sales                                                    >95% Domestic Sales                                                       >75% Domestic Sales

Note: Net revenue for 2Q16, Domestic sales are revenues within the region
                                                               Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
Glossary of commonly used terms

 Core               =   Core financials are calculated as reported financials less Inventory gain/ (loss)-tax adjusted as
                        applicable and less extraordinary items, if any to reflect operations before any extraordinary items

 HVA                =   High Value Added, which is defined as below:
                         a) all Fibers & Yarns in Western Countries
                         b) PEO (purified ethylene oxide) at our EOEG site in NA
                         c) all downstream packaging businesses (Preforms, Bottles, Closures etc.)
                         d) all specialty PET resins including recycled products globally
                         e) all specialty Fibers & Yarns in Asia including recycled products
                         f) IPA (purified isophthalic acid) with Cepsa, Spain acquisition
                         g) NDC (naphthalene dicarboxylate) with BP Alabama, USA acquisition
 Necessities        =   Items not classified as HVA but which are essential part of our daily lives
 West               =   North America & EMEA
 EMEA               =   Europe, Middle East & Africa
 West Necessities   =   Necessities in the West (also termed “special position” )

 East Necessities   =   Necessities in Asia (also termed “cyclicals”)
 Feedstocks         =   PTA, MEG and IPA as they are raw materials for PET resin and/or polyester fibers
 West Feedstocks    =   Feedstocks in West region

                                   Our vision: “To be a world-class chemical company making great products for society”
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