Christmas Baskets - Open Windows Foundation

Christmas Baskets - Open Windows Foundation
Newsletter                                                                         Fall 2021

                               Christmas Baskets
Last year, with the pandemic raging and family
incomes depressed or even eliminated, the
Guatemalan board at Open Windows launched an
effort to provide as many families as possible with
Christmas baskets. These baskets of food and other
essential items are a traditional gift at Christmastime
in Guatemala, and during the pandemic their
significance, both symbolic and practical, became
even greater.

Each donor was asked to provide funds for at least
two baskets: one for a family in need and one for that
family to pass on to another family they knew which
was in even greater need. The families who received the baskets were as grateful for the
opportunity to give a Christmas gift at a time when they could not have otherwise afforded it
as they were to receive their own baskets.

                                                      More than 800 families received
                                                      Christmas baskets through that effort and
                                                      this year we are looking to reach 1000
                                                      families. The slow vaccination rate, only
                                                      25% of the total population with most of
                                                      those living in the capital city, is fueling
                                                      the current wave of Covid infections. This
                                                      significantly impacts the ability of a family
                                                      to earn a consistent and reliable income.
                                                      Each basket we are able to deliver will be
                                                      a bright spot for parents and children

                                                      While we hope everyone will purchase
                                                      pairs of baskets so families can give as
Christmas Baskets - Open Windows Foundation
well as receive, the purchase of even one basket will be appreciated. Prices for the baskets
are as follows: $35 (Q250) for one basket; $65 (Q480) for two; $120 (Q900) for four and
$27.50 (Q200) each for 5 or more baskets.

To donate Christmas baskets, go to the Open Windows website (
and click on the Christmas Basket button on the front page. You can use PayPal directly or
use it to charge the donation to your credit card. From the US you can also send a check to:
Open Windows Foundation, c/o John Davis, 1268 E. McNair Dr., Tempe, AZ 85283. If you
are in Guatemala, you can write a check to Asociación Ventanas Abiertas. Make sure to
indicate, either in the website or on your check, that the donation is for Christmas

Este año repetiremos nuestra campaña de canastas navideñas. Queremos dar dos canastas a
cada familia, una para guardar y una para regalar. Les faltan a las familias en San Miguel Dueñas
los recursos para dar regalos navideños y se agradecerá tanto la oportunidad de dar un regalo
como de recibir uno. Puedes donar en el sitio web ( o con un cheque a
Asociación Ventanas Abiertas. .

                           20 Years and Counting!
October 1, 2001. That was the day
a small group of children gathered
into the childhood home of Teresa
Quiñonez to get help with their
homework and a chance to read
books from the small library of 300
volumes. Much has changed since
then. Hundreds of children get help
each year, in person when there is
no pandemic prohibiting in-person
classes and through video lessons
any time. A computer lab;
scholarships for attending middle
school, high school and even
university; a library of 13,000
volumes; music lessons; volunteers
providing English lessons; a typing school; the construction of houses; and the installation of
eco-stoves round out the expansions which have occurred over the years.

You can share some of the experiences we have enjoyed over the years by watching the
video the teachers made to commemorate the anniversary:

Christmas Baskets - Open Windows Foundation
Hace 20 años Ventanas Abiertas empezó con pocos niños y una pequeña biblioteca. Ahora
 podemos ofrecer computación; una biblioteca de 13,000 libros; becas; lecciones de música;
 lecciones en video; construcción de casas e instalación de estufas ecológicas. Puedes ver un
 poco de nuestro pasado en el video que los maestros hicieron para conmemorar el aniversario:

          200 Video Lessons and 200,000 Views!!!
                                                            In August the teachers at Open
                                                            Windows uploaded their 200th
                                                            video lesson to the YouTube
                                                            channel Aprende con Ventanas
                                                            Abiertas. The effort to create the
                                                            video lessons started just over a
                                                            year earlier, in July of 2020. Even
                                                            before finishing the 200th lesson,
                                                            the channel had more than 500
                                                            subscribers and had gotten more
                                                            than 200,000 views, i.e., an
                                                            average of over 1,000 views per
                                                            video. In an effort to boost
                                                            utilization of the channel even
                                                            further, we sent letters via email to
                                                            more than 350 primary schools
                                                            across the country, telling them the
                                                            video lessons were available and
                                                            encouraging them to take a look
                                                            for themselves.

As we approached the milestone of 200 video lessons, we also began creating quizzes for
the videos to make them more interactive. The idea is to engage the kids more effectively as
they watch the lessons and also to provide Open Windows’ teachers an idea of how much
the students are absorbing. Because of restrictions in YouTube, we cannot incorporate the
quizzes into the videos shown there, so we have created a new website and used an
educational program called Edpuzzle to show both the videos and the quizzes. (The lessons
will continue to be available on YouTube, as well, but without the interaction.) At this point we
are focusing on the videos created for the reinforcement sessions, which target the sixth
graders to help them study for their exams and qualify for scholarships for middle school. You
can reach the new website with the interactive videos from our regular website
( or directly at

 En agosto los maestros de Ventanas Abiertas produjeron su lección en video número 200.
 Además, alcanzamos más de 200,000 vistas, un promedio de un mil por video. Los maestros
 están agregando también pruebas a los videos para hacerlos más interactivos. Se puede
 encontrar las lecciones con pruebas de nuestro sitio web ( o directamente
Christmas Baskets - Open Windows Foundation
Reinforcement Sessions
Despite the extra complications this year,
Open Windows’ annual reinforcement
sessions will begin in November. Last
year we conducted the reinforcement
sessions with the help of the videos we
were making, allowing the sixth grade
students to come to the library to view
the videos, with the teachers fielding
questions afterwards.

This year we are expanding our use of
technology to maximize the number of
students we can accommodate while
minimizing the chances of contagion.
Students in the upper primary grades
and those in middle school will
participate, although the numbers and
times will be sharply reduced compared to our normal schedule. Teaching will be done
through a combination of online classes using Google Meet and assignments of some of the
video lessons the teachers have made specifically for the reinforcement sessions. On Fridays
students can come to the library and get individual help with issues they are finding difficult.
Some students will be able to borrow phones from the library so they can participate in the
online sessions.

As always, the reinforcement sessions will last six weeks and at the end the sixth graders will
take tests to determine which ones will be offered scholarships for middle school. We are
hoping for at least the same level of results as last year, when we were surprised that the
number qualifying matched the results of previous years despite the lack of classes for nearly
the entire school year.

 Las sesiones de reforzamiento empezarán en noviembre, aunque con menos estudiantes y horas.
 Estudiantes del sexto primaria tendrán clases en línea de lunes a jueves y pueden venir a la
 biblioteca los viernes para recibir ayuda individual y resolver lo que se les dificulta. Al final de seis
 semanas tomarán pruebas para competir por becas para básico y diversificado.

 Change a child’s life today:                       Find out more about Open Windows
 Send a tax-deductible check to:                    Learning Center:

 Open Windows Foundation                            Contact:
 c/o John Davis                                     Nilda Girón, Director
 1268 E. McNair Dr.                       
 Tempe, AZ 85283                                    (502) 7834 0292
Christmas Baskets - Open Windows Foundation Christmas Baskets - Open Windows Foundation
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