Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane

Page created by Perry Ayala
Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane
Christmas Oratorio
                JS Bach

Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra
        Emily Cox, Music Director
      Anatoly Frusin, Stage Director

       7.30pm, Saturday 12 December
        3.00pm, Sunday 13 December
          Kelvin Grove State College

          Brisbane, Australia 2020
Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane
Noise making devices: Please ensure that all mobile phones, pages
and watch alarms are turned off during the performance to avoid
  interference with recording equipment and disturbing others.

                    Canticum wishes to sincerely thank

•   Kelvin Grove State College, for making this versatile space available,
    and for accommodating us during a long rehearsal period

•   Our wonderful volunteers who help with front of house and behind
    the scenes

•   Anatoly Frusin, for his extraordinary generosity and vision

              Canticum Chamber Choir would like to
        acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, the
           Jagera and Turrbal people, and pay respect to
                elders, past, present and emerging.

                               Cover image:
                    Piero della Francesca The Nativity
                                c. 1470-75
Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane
Performance Guide

Community ⬧               Chorus               Jauchzet frohlocket
Anticipation of birth ⬧   Recit Tenor          Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit
Intimation of danger      Recit Alto           Nun wird sein liebster Bräutigam
                          Aria Alto            Bereite dich Zion

Resolve ⬧                 Chorale              Wie soll ich dich empfangen
Preparation ⬧             Recit Tenor          Und sie gebar ihren ersten Sohn
Defiance                  Chorale/Recit Bass   Er ist auf Erden kommen arm
                                               Wer will die Liebe
                          Aria Bass            Großer Herr, o starker König
                          Chorale              Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein

A dream of peace ⬧        Sinfonia
Rest on the road

Hope for future           Chorale              Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht
                          Recit Ten/Sop        Und der Engel sprach zu ihnen
                          Recit Bass           So geht denn hin
                          Aria Alto            Schlafe, mein Liebster
                          Recit Tenor          Und alsobald war da bei dem Engel
                          Chorus               Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe

Seeking refuge            Recit Tenor          Und da die Engel von ihnen
                          Chorus               Lasset uns nun gehen gen Bethlehem
                          Recit Bass           Er hat sein Volk getröst
                          Duet Sop/Bass        Herr, dein Mitleid
                          Recit Bass           So recht, ihr Engel, jauchzt und singet
                          Chorale              Wir singen dir in deinem Heer

Dramatic scene:           Recit Ten/Bass       Da berief Herodes / Ziehet hin
Facing the tyrant         Recit Soprano        Du Falscher, suche nur den Herrn
                          Aria Soprano         Nur ein Wink von seinen Händen

Journey                   Chorus               Ehre sei dir Gott gesungen

Confronting threat ⬧      Recit Tenor          Da Jesus geboren war zu Bethlem
Obstacles                 Chorus               Wo ist der neugeborne König der Juden
                          Recit Alto           Sucht ihn in meiner Brust
                          Chorus               Wir haben seinen Stern gesehen
                          Recit Alto           Wohl euch!
                          Chorale              Dein Glanz all Finsternis verzehrt

Lone struggle             Aria Bass            Erleucht auch meine finstre Sinnen
                          Recit Tenor          Da das König Herodes hörte
                          Recit Alto           Warum wollt ihr erschrecken
                          Recit Tenor          Und ließ versammeln alle Hohepriester

Reassurance ⬧Help         Trio Sop/Alt/Ten     Ach! Wann wird die Zeit erscheinen

Finding home ⬧            Chorale              Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier
Resolution                Chorus               Herrscher des Himmels
Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane
Music Director’s notes—the project
Johann Sebastian Bach’s Christmas Oratorio, composed in 1734, is a collection of six cantatas
conceived to be performed on six separate dates leading up to and following Christmas day,
outlining the events of the “Christmas story”. The cantatas were composed borrowing much music
from his secular cantatas, and they have varied instrumentations, that particular aspect supporting
the notion that they were not intended for performance as a continuous work.
However, my fascination in exploring the broader dimensions of music underpins my pursuit of
interesting and challenging projects for Canticum. In building this production, therefore, Anatoly and
I took great care in selecting music from five of the cantatas comprising Bach’s
Weihnachtsoratorium, honouring the structure and intent of the music, while refining a narrative -
or scenario - to convey the emotional angle we wanted to explore. Key moments of the biblical
account of Christ’s birth, the characters surrounding that, including the looming political presence of
King Herod, gave us the inspiration to connect this to contemporary realities. The notion of moving
toward hope through adversity was a priority in our particular rendering of Bach’s music.
In this most extraordinary of years in our world, amongst so much other struggle, performing
ensembles have had very rough waters to navigate. I held onto hope than we could bring this
production to fruition. The music’s message evolved as a metaphor for perseverance and positivity.
That’s what brings us here - the commitment of all involved in making this production possible is in
no small part the very reason we are performing today.
Approaching this Christmas with the music of Bach delivered with a fresh energy feels like a great
privilege! Thank you for being with us.

Stage Director’s notes— the concept
The inspiration for this staging of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio comes from my experience of being a
refugee in Italy when I was 6 years old. My family was one of the very first to be allowed to
emigrate from the Soviet Union, and though this was extremely difficult we were permitted to
leave and move to Israel. It was from there that we left as refugees, fleeing conflict and ending up
stateless and friendless in Italy. We spent 6 months there before being allowed to settle in New
Zealand, and celebrated the holidays (for us it was New Year’s) in Ostia, near Rome. My parents,
though under a lot of stress and with very limited funds, managed to create a happy time in a tiny
windowless apartment with a tiny tree made up of scraps of pine that my father had picked up
from the streets and wired together.
Today, the much more desperate plight of millions of people who are refugees, whether on the
road or at sea, in camps or in indefinite detention, is an issue of vital importance. The Christmas
story, a story of a very unconventional family leaving home seeking shelter, finding it in a stable,
and then later fleeing murderous tyranny, of ordinary people being forced from home by politics
and bureaucracy, has always resonated with me and this was a theme that Emily and I wanted to
explore in a dramatic context.
The events of this year meant that our plans to stage Bach’s amazing music had to be simplified,
but we hope that some of the ideas and above all the emotions that we felt through the story and
the music are subtly suggested. We chose the music and the movement to focus on the plight of
this family as they go through danger, joy, determination, journey, struggle and finally a return to
‘home’. We hope we can add something to the enjoyment of the music that celebrates this most
festive of holidays, originally meant to mark the winter solstice, and I’d like to thank the chorus
members who have been so brave and embraced this unconventional approach to singing an
Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane
Chorus: Jauchzet frohlocket und preiset die Tage                                         Cantata I, mvt 1
Jauchzet, frohlocket, auf, preiset die Tage,            Celebrate, rejoice, rise up and praise these
Rühmet, was heute der Höchste getan!                    days, glorify what the Highest has done today!
Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage,                  Abandon despair, banish laments, sound forth
Stimmet voll Jauchzen und Fröhlichkeit an!              full of delight and happiness! Serve the
Dienet dem Höchsten mit herrlichen Chören,              Highest with glorious choruses, let us honour
Laßt uns den Namen des Herrschers verehren!             the name of the Supreme Ruler!

Recit Tenor: Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit                                              Cantata I, mvt 2
Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit, daß ein Gebot von       It came to pass at that time, however, that a
dem Kaiser Augusto ausging, daß alle Welt               decree went out from Augustus Caesar that a
geschätzet würde. Und jedermann ging, daß er            census should be taken of the whole world.
sich schätzen ließe, ein jeglicher in seine Stadt. Da   And everyone went to be registered, each to
machte sich auch auf Joseph aus Galiläa, aus der        his own city. So Joseph also went out of
Stadt Nazareth, in das jüdische Land zur Stadt          Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into the
David, die da heißet Bethlehem; darum, daß er von       Jewish territory to the city of David, which was
dem Hause und Geschlechte David war: auf daß er         called Bethlehem; since he was of the house
sich schätzen ließe mit Maria, seinem vertrauten        and race of David; so that he might be
Weibe, die war schwanger. Und als sie daselbst          registered with Mary, his betrothed wife, who
waren, kam die Zeit, daß sie gebären sollte.            was pregnant. And while they were there, the
                                                        time came for her to deliver.

Recit Alto: Nun wird sein liebster Bräutigam                                             Cantata I, mvt 3
Nun wird mein liebster Bräutigam,                       Now my dearest Bridegroom, now the hero
Nun wird der Held aus Davids Stamm                      from David's branch, for the comfort, for the
Zum Trost, zum Heil der Erden                           salvation of the earth, will be born at last.
Einmal geboren werden.                                  Now the Star out of Jacob will shine, its light
Nun wird der Stern aus Jakob scheinen,                  already breaks forth. Arise, Zion, and give up
Sein Strahl bricht schon hervor.                        your weeping now, your happiness rises high
Auf, Zion, und verlasse nun das Weinen,                 above you!
Dein Wohl steigt hoch empor!

Aria Alto: Bereite dich Zion                                                             Cantata I, mvt 4
Bereite dich, Zion, mit zärtlichen Trieben,             Prepare yourself, Zion, with tender efforts, to
Den Schönsten, den Liebsten bald bei dir zu sehn!       behold your lovely one, your beloved, near
Deine Wangen, müssen heut viel schöner prangen,         you soon! Your cheeks, must now glow much
Eile, den Bräutigam sehnlichst zu lieben!               more radiantly, hurry to love the Bridegroom
                                                        with passion!

Chorale: Wie soll ich dich empfangen                                                     Cantata I, mvt 5
Wie soll ich dich empfangen                             How shall I embrace You,
Und wie begegn' ich dir?                                and how encounter You?
O aller Welt Verlangen,                                 O desire of the whole world,
O meiner Seelen Zier!                                   O adornment of my soul!
O Jesu, Jesu, setze                                     O Jesus, Jesus, place the torch near me
Mir selbst die Fackel bei,                              Yourself,
Damit, was dich ergötze,                                so that what gives You pleasure
Mir kund und wissend sei!                               be known and familiar to me!
Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane
Recit Tenor: Und sie gebar ihren ersten Sohn                                         Cantata I, mvt 6

Und sie gebar ihren ersten Sohn und wickelte      And she bore her first son, and wrapped Him in
ihn in Windeln und legte ihn in eine Krippen,     swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger,
denn sie hatten sonst keinen Raum in der          since there was no other room in the inn.

Chorale and Recit Bass: Er ist auf Erden kommen / Wer will die Liebe                 Cantata I, mvt 7

Er ist auf Erden kommen arm,                      He came to earth poor,
Wer will die Liebe recht erhöhn,                  Who can rightly exalt this love,
Die unser Heiland vor uns hegt?                   that our Saviour harbours for us?
Daß er unser sich erbarm,                         So that He might have sympathy for us,
Ja, wer vermag es einzusehen,                     Indeed, who could possibly have predicted
Wie ihn der Menschen Leid bewegt?                 how the sorrow of humanity moved Him?
Und in dem Himmel mache reich,                    And make us rich in heaven,
Des Höchsten Sohn kömmt in die Welt,              The Son of the Highest came into the world,
Weil ihm ihr Heil so wohl gefällt,                since its salvation pleased Him so much,
Und seinen lieben Engeln gleich.                  and like His dear angels.
So will er selbst als Mensch geboren werden.      thus He Himself will be born a human.
Kyrieleis!                                        Kyrie eleison!

Aria Bass: Großer Herr, o starker König                                              Cantata I, mvt 8

Großer Herr, o starker König,                     Great Lord, o powerful King,
Liebster Heiland, o wie wenig                     dearest Saviour, o how little
Achtest du der Erden Pracht!                      you care about the glories of the earth!
Der die ganze Welt erhält,                        He who sustains the entire world,
Ihre Pracht und Zier erschaffen,                  who created its magnificence and beauty,
Muß in harten Krippen schlafen.                   must sleep in a harsh manger.

Chorale: Ach, mein herzliebes Jesulein                                               Cantata I, mvt 9
Ach mein herzliebes Jesulein,                     Ah, my heart's beloved little Jesus,
Mach dir ein rein sanft Bettelein,                make Yourself a pure, soft little bed
Zu ruhn in meines Herzens Schrein,                within my heart's chamber in which to rest,
Daß ich nimmer vergesse dein!                     so that I never forget You!

Orchestra: Sinfonia                                                                 Cantata II, mvt 1

Chorale: Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht                                            Cantata II, mvt 3
Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht,                  Break forth, o lovely light of morning,
Und laß den Himmel tagen!                         and let heaven dawn!
Du Hirtenvolk, erschrecke nicht,                  You shepherd-folk, do not fear,
Weil dir die Engel sagen,                         for the angel tells you
Daß dieses schwache Knäbelein                     that this weak little boy
Soll unser Trost und Freude sein,                 shall be our comfort and joy,
Dazu den Satan zwingen                            compelling Satan as well
Und letztlich Friede bringen!                     and bringing peace at last!
Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane
Recit Tenor and Soprano: Und der Engel sprach                                          Cantata II, mvt 4

Und der Engel sprach zu ihnen:                        And the angel said to them: Do not be afraid;
Fürchtet euch nicht, siehe, ich verkündige euch       behold, I proclaim great joy for you, which will
große Freude, die allem Volke widerfahren wird.       occur for all people. For today the Saviour is
Denn euch ist heute der Heiland geboren,              born for you, which is Christ, the Lord, in the
welcher ist Christus, der Herr, in der Stadt David.   city of David.

Recit Bass: So geht denn hin                                                           Cantata II, mvt 9
So geht denn hin, ihr Hirten, geht,                   Then go there, you shepherds, go,
Daß ihr das Wunder seht:                              so that you see the miracle:
Und findet ihr des Höchsten Sohn                      and when you find the Son of the Highest
Un einer harten Krippe liegen,                        lying in a harsh manger,
So singet ihm bei seiner Wiegen                       then sing to Him by His cradle
Aus einem süßen Ton                                   In a sweet tone
Und mit gesamtem Chor                                 and with full chorus
Dies Lied zur Ruhe vor!                               this lullaby!

Aria Alto: Schlafe, mein Liebster                                                     Cantata II, mvt 10
Schlafe, mein Liebster, genieße der Ruh,              Sleep, my beloved, enjoy Your rest,
Wach nach diesem vor aller Gedeihen!                  and awaken after it for all the fortunate!
Labe die Brust,                                       Let your heart delight,
Empfinde die Lust,                                    experience the joy
Wo wir unser Herz erfreuen!                           that rejoices our hearts!

Recit Tenor: Und alsobald war da bei dem Engel                                        Cantata II, mvt 11
Und alsobald war da bei dem Engel die Menge           And immediately, with the angel, there was a
der himmlischen Heerscharen, die lobten Gott          throng of the heavenly hosts, who praised
und sprachen:                                         God and said:

Chorus: Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe                                                     Cantata II, mvt 12
Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe und Friede auf Erden        Glory be to God in the highest and peace on
und den Menschen ein Wohlgefallen.                    earth, goodwill to all people.

Recit Tenor: Und da die Engel von ihnen                                               Cantata III, mvt 2
Und da die Engel von ihnen gen Himmel fuhren,         And when the angels went away from them to
sprachen die Hirten untereinander:                    heaven, the shepherds said to one another:

Chorus: Lasset uns nun gehen gen Bethlehem                                            Cantata III, mvt 3
Lasset uns nun gehen gen Bethlehem und die            Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing
Geschichte sehen, die da geschehen ist, die uns       that has happened there, which the Lord has
der Herr kundgetan hat.                               announced to us.
Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane
Recit Bass: Er hat sein Volk getröst                                                   Cantata III, mvt 4

Er hat sein Volk getröst,                             He has comforted His people,
Er hat sein Israel erlöst,                            He has rescued His Israel,
Die Hülf aus Zion hergesendet                         sending help out of Zion
Und unser Leid geendet.                               and ending our sorrow.
Seht, Hirten, dies hat er getan;                      Look, shepherds, He has done this;
Geht, dieses trefft ihr an!                           go, this is what awaits you!

Duet Soprano and Bass: Herr, dein Mitleid                                              Cantata III, mvt 6
Herr, dein Mitleid, dein Erbarmen                     Lord, your compassion, your mercy
Tröstet uns und macht uns frei.                       comforts us and makes us free.
Deine holde Gunst und Liebe,                          Your gracious favour and love,
Deine wundersamen Triebe                              Your miraculous doings
Machen deine Vatertreu                                make Your fatherly devotion
Wieder neu.                                           renewed again.

Recit Bass: So recht, ihr Engel, jauchzt und singet                                   Cantata II, mvt 13
So recht, ihr Engel, jauchzt und singet,              Thus rightly, you angels, rejoice and sing,
Daß es uns heut so schön gelinget!                    that it works out so beautifully for us today!
Auf denn! Wir stimmen mit euch ein,                   Up then! We play along with you;
Uns kann es so wie euch erfreun.                      we can celebrate just as you do.

Chorale: Wir singen dir in deinem Heer                                                Cantata II, mvt 14
Wir singen dir in deinem Heer                         We sing to You in Your host
Aus aller Kraft Lob, Preis und Ehr,                   with all our might praise, glory and honour,
Daß du, o lang gewünschter Gast,                      since You, o long-awaited guest,
Dich nunmehr eingestellet hast.                       from now on have become present.

Recit Tenor: Da berief Herodes                                                         Cantata VI, mvt 2
Da berief Herodes die Weisen heimlich und             Then Herod summoned the sages secretly and
erlernet mit Fleiß von ihnen, wenn der Stern          cleverly discovered from them when the star
erschienen wäre. Und weiset sie gen Bethle-           had appeared. And he directed them towards
hem und sprach:                                       Bethlehem and said:
Ziehet hin und forschet fleißig nach dem              Go there and seek diligently for the infant, and
Kindlein, und wenn ihr's findet, sagt mir's wied-     when you find it, report to me, so that I can
er, daß ich auch komme und es anbete.                 also come and pay my devotions to it.
Christmas Oratorio JS Bach - Canticum Chamber Choir and Orchestra - Canticum Chamber Choir, Brisbane
Recit Soprano: Du Falscher, suche nur den Herrn                                  Cantata VI, mvt 3

Du Falscher, suche nur den Herrn zu fällen,       Liar, you seek only to destroy the Lord;
Nimm alle falsche List,                           You employ all false trickery
Dem Heiland nachzustellen;                        to supplant the Saviour;
Der, dessen Kraft kein Mensch ermißt,             yet He, whose power no man can measure,
Bleibt doch in sichrer Hand.                      remains in secure hands.
Dein Herz, dein falsches Herz ist schon,          Your heart, your false heart is already,
Nebst aller seiner List, des Höchsten Sohn,       with all its deceit, very well known
Den du zu stürzen suchst, sehr wohl bekannt.      to the Son of the Highest whom you seek to

Aria Soprano: Nur ein Wink von seinen Händen                                     Cantata VI, mvt 4

Nur ein Wink von seinen Händen                    Only a wave of His hands
Stürzt ohnmächtger Menschen Macht.                topples the impotent power of humans.
Hier wird alle Kraft verlacht!                    Here all strength is laughable!
Spricht der Höchste nur ein Wort,                 If the Highest speaks only a word,
Seiner Feinde Stolz zu enden,                     to terminate the pride of His enemies,
O, so müßen sich sofort                           o, then how immediately must
Sterblicher Gedanken wenden.                      the thoughts of mortals be turned aside!

Chorus: Ehre sei dir Gott gesungen                                                Cantata V, mvt 1

Ehre sei dir, Gott, gesungen,                     Let honour be sung to You, o God,
Dir sei Lob und Dank bereit'.                     praise and thanks be prepared for You.
Dich erhebet alle Welt,                           All the world exalts You,
Weil dir unser Wohl gefällt,                      since our well-being was Your pleasure,
Weil anheut                                       since today
Unser aller Wunsch gelungen,                      all our wishes have come to pass,
Weil uns dein Segen so herrlich erfreut.          since Your blessing so gloriously delights us.

Recit Tenor: Da Jesus geboren war zu Bethlehem                                    Cantata V, mvt 2

Da Jesus geboren war zu Bethlehem im jüdischen    When Jesus was born in Bethlehem in the
Lande zur Zeit des Königes Herodis, siehe, da     Jewish lands at the time of King Herod,
kamen die Weisen vom Morgenlande gen              behold, there came sages from the east
Jerusalem und sprachen:                           towards Jerusalem and said:
Chorus and Alto Recit: Wo ist der neugeborne König der Juden?                       Cantata V, mvt 3
Wo ist der neugeborne König der Jüden?            Where is the new-born King of the Jews?
Sucht ihn in meiner Brust,                        Seek Him within my breast,
Hier wohnt er, mir und ihm zur Lust!              He lives here, to His and my delight!
Wir haben seinen Stern gesehen im                 We have seen His star in the east and have
Morgenlande und sind kommen, ihn anzubeten.       come to make our devotions to Him.
Wohl euch, die ihr dies Licht gesehen,            Happy are you, who have seen this light,
Es ist zu eurem Heil geschehen!                   it has appeared for your salvation!
Mein Heiland, du, du bist das Licht,              My Saviour, You, You are the light,
Das auch den Heiden scheinen sollen,              that shall shine also for the heathens,
Und sie, sie kennen dich noch nicht,              and they, they do not yet know You,
Als sie dich schon verehren wollen.               yet they already wish to honour You.
Wie hell, wie klar muß nicht dein Schein,         How bright, how clear must your radiance be,
Geliebter Jesu, sein!                             beloved Jesus!

Chorale: Dein Glanz all Finsternis verzehrt                                         Cantata V, mvt 4
Dein Glanz all Finsternis verzehrt,               Your radiance destroys all darkness,
Die trübe Nacht in Licht verkehrt.                the troubled night is transfigured with light.
Leit uns auf deinen Wegen,                        Lead us on Your paths,
Daß dein Gesicht                                  so that Your face
Und herrlichs Licht                               and glorious light
Wir ewig schauen mögen.                           might always be visible to us!

Aria Bass: Erleucht auch meine finstre Sinnen                                       Cantata V, mvt 5
Erleucht auch meine finstre Sinnen,               Illumine my dark thoughts as well,
Erleuchte mein Herze                              illumine my heart
Durch der Strahlen klaren Schein!                 through the rays of your clear brilliance!
Dein Wort soll mir die hellste Kerze              Your word shall be the brightest candle for me
In allen meinen Werken sein;                      in all my doings;
Dies lässet die Seele nichts Böses beginnen.      this will never let my soul initiate evil.

Recit Tenor: Da das König Herodes hörte                                             Cantata V, mvt 6
Da das der König Herodes hörte, erschrak er und   When King Herod heard this, he was
mit ihm das ganze Jerusalem.                      frightened, and with him all of Jerusalem.

Recit Alto: Warum wollt ihr erschrecken?                                            Cantata V, mvt 7
Warum wollt ihr erschrecken?                      Why are you afraid?
Kann meines Jesu Gegenwart                        Can the presence of my Jesus
Euch solch Furcht erwecken?                       awaken such fear in you?
O! Solltet ihr euch nicht                         O! Should you not rather
Vielmehr darüber freuen,                          much more rejoice over this,
Weil er dadurch verspricht,                       since He has promised through this
Der Menschen Wohlfahrt zu verneuen?               to renew the happy destiny of humanity?
Recit Tenor: Und ließ versammeln alle Hohepriester                                       Cantata V, mvt 8

Und ließ versammlen alle Hohepriester und            And he had all the high priests and
Schriftgelehrten unter dem Volk und erforschete      interpreters of Scripture among the people
von ihnen, wo Christus sollte geboren werden.        gathered together, and inquired of them
Und sie sagten ihm: Zu Bethlehem im jüdischen        where Christ was supposed to be born. And
Lande: denn also stehet geschrieben durch den        they answered him: In Bethlehem in the
Propheten:                                           Jewish lands: for thus it is written through the
Und du Bethlehem im jüdischen Lande bist             Prophets:
mitnichten die kleinest unter den Fürsten Juda;      And you, Bethlehem, in the Jewish lands, are
denn aus dir soll mir kommen der Herzog, der         by no means the least among the princes of
über mein Volk Israel ein Herr sei.                  Judah; for out of you shall come the leader to
                                                     me, who shall be a Lord over my people Israel.

Trio Soprano, Alto, Tenor: Ach! Wann wird die Zeit erscheinen?                           Cantata V, mvt 9

Ach, wenn wird die Zeit erscheinen?                  Ah, when will the time appear?
Ach, wenn kömmt der Trost der Seinen?                Ah, when will the comfort of the faithful
—Schweigt, er ist schon würklich hier!—              come? —Hush, He is truly already here!—
Jesu, ach so komm zu mir!                            Jesus, ah, then come to me!

Chorale: Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier                                                Cantata VI, mvt 6

Ich steh an deiner Krippen hier,                     AI stand here by Your cradle,
O Jesulein, mein Leben;                              o little Jesus, my life;
Ich komme, bring und schenke dir,                    I come, I bring and give to You,
Was du mir hast gegeben.                             what You have given to me.
Nimm hin! Es ist mein Geist und Sinn,                Take it! It is my spirit and mind,
Herz, Seel und Mut, nimm alles hin,                  heart, soul, and will, take all of it,
Und laß dirs wohlgefallen!                           and let it be pleasing to You!

Chorus: Herrscher des Himmels, erhöre das Lallen                                         Cantata III, mvt 1

Herrscher des Himmels, erhöre das Lallen,            Ruler of Heaven, hear the murmur,
Laß dir die matten Gesänge gefallen,                 let the dull songs be pleasing to You,
Wenn dich dein Zion mit Psalmen erhöht!              when Your Zion exalts You with psalms!
Höre der Herzen frohlockendes Preisen,               Hear the delightful praises of our hearts,
Wenn wir dir itzo die Ehrfurcht erweisen,            when we acknowledge our present awe of
Weil unsre Wohlfahrt befestiget steht!               You, since our pilgrimage has been confirmed!
Emily Cox AM, founding Music Director of Canticum Chamber Choir and Music
                 Director of the acclaimed symphonic choir Brisbane Chorale, is one of Australia’s
                 most respected choral conductors. Known for her innovative programming, she
                 embraces a challenging and broad repertoire. Compelling performances mark her
                 career, with her focus on choral/orchestral works and choral chamber music.
                 American-born and educated, Emily later studied at the Queensland
                 Conservatorium, Griffith University, and has enjoyed further training overseas,
working closely with numerous renowned conductors.
Her work as a conductor, chorus master, and educator places her in demand by professional arts
companies and festivals, as does her reputation as a creative musical collaborator. She was
recognised in the 2020 Australia Day Honours as Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for
“significant service to the performing arts through choral music”.

                   Anatoly Frusin is a Russian born, New Zealand raised and Australian based
                   director and acting teacher. He studied at the University of Auckland, The
                   Drama Centre at the University of Toronto and is a graduate of the National
                   Institute of Dramatic Arts in Directing. He has worked extensively at Belvoir
                   Street Theatre in Sydney, at Opera Australia and other opera companies, as
                   well as directing many independent productions. In 2014 he staged Neil
                   Armfield's production of Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde at The Kennedy Centre in
Washington DC, and he has directed Bartok’s Bluebeard’s Castle and Britten’s The Rape of Lucretia
in Brisbane. His collaborations with Kropka Theatre have been seen at many international
festivals, and have been widely awarded. He currently teaches Acting and Performance with Lisa
O’Neill at TAFE Queensland, Southbank campus, in partnership with the University of Canberra,
where they also head graduate theatre collective Robert The Cat. Christmas Oratorio continues a
long collaboration with Emily Cox and the Canticum Chamber Choir: productions include Dido and
Aeneas and Vivaldi's Women of the Pieta for Brisbane Baroque, Lassus' Tears of St Peter, and
MacMillan’s Seven Last Words from the Cross.

                                                           Canticum Chamber Choir
                                                           Devoted to presenting high-quality
                                                           repertoire in a diverse range of styles,
                                                           Canticum Chamber Choir enjoys a
                                                           reputation as one of Brisbane’s finest
                                                           choral ensembles. Under the leadership
                                                           of founding Music Director Emily Cox
                                                           AM since its inception in 1995, the choir
                                                           has been honoured to collaborate with
professional companies such as the Queensland Symphony Orchestra, the Queensland Ballet and
the Queensland Youth Symphony Orchestra. The group appeared in both seasons of “Brisbane
Baroque”, has sung under the baton of renowned conductors Richard Gill, Benjamin Northey,
Geoffrey Lancaster, Ottavio Dantone and Erin Helyard, and in 2017 / 2018 took part in GOMA’s
“Gerhard Richter: The life of images” exhibition. In 2018 Canticum was part of Griffith University
Queensland Conservatorium’s production of Mahler’s Symphony of a Thousand and in 2019
performed Handel’s Israel in Egypt with Brisbane Chorale, Camerata and Graham Abbott.
Membership of Canticum is by audition, and interested singers are welcome to contact us via our
Rachael Griffin was born in California and was awarded various scholarships for
               advanced musical training. She won several competitions and awards during
               university studies in New York, and continued her studies both there and in London.
               Highlights included appearing with the New York Grand Opera at Carnegie Hall,
               performing the role of Donna Elvira (Don Giovanni) with New York Opera Forum,
               singing in Peter Seller’s Cosi Fan Tutte at Pepsico’s Summerfare, and working under
               the baton of Kurt Masur, Zubin Mehta and Leonard Slatkin. Since becoming an
               Australian, Rachael has performed in over 50 different productions with Opera
Queensland as a soloist and chorus member including four regional tours. She has been a soloist with
many renowned ensembles, and has performed roles in musical theatre, sung in the female trio The
Swoon Sisters and with a cappella vocal sextet, Sixophony. Rachael is a founding member of Soirees
Musicales Quintette, which performs 19th century repertoire in 19th century venues.

                 Anne Fulton is a graduate of the Queensland Conservatorium (Griffith University)
                 and has performed with prominent organisations including Opera Queensland, QSO,
                 Queensland Ballet and the QYSO. Anne has performed as a soloist with various choral
                 groups while touring throughout Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Europe, the United
                 Kingdom, Canada and the United States, and has been a soloist in several Brisbane
                 Festival events including the River Symphony concert with maestro Tommy Tycho, a
                 semi-staged production of West Side Story with The Queensland Orchestra (Rosalia),
and a concert production of Salome conducted by Simone Young (The Page). Anne made her debut
with Opera Queensland in the role of Kate Pinkerton in Madama Butterfly, and Giovanna in Rigoletto.
Other roles with OQ include Olga in The Merry Widow, Wowkle in La Fanciulla del West, and
ensemble member and soloist for Bach’s St Matthew Passion and Brisbane Festival’s Opera on the
Riverstage with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra and Opera Queensland.

                 Nick Kirkup has been an active performer in and around Queensland since 2005 and
                 in 2010 was the recipient of the prestigious $20 000 Joyce Campbell Lloyd
                 scholarship, which allowed him to undertake further study at the Guildhall School of
                 Music and Drama in London. Nick has been tenor soloist on numerous occasions for
                 all of South East Queensland’s major Choral Societies and was the tenor soloist on the
                 Queensland Symphony Orchestra's 2016 State tour of Handel's Messiah. In 2019 he
                 sang the tenor role for Canticum Chamber Choir and Brisbane Chorale’s performance
of Israel in Egypt. Nick joined the Opera Queensland chorus in 2016 and has appeared in numerous
productions for the company as well as working as a facilitator for Opera Qld's community workshops.

                Daniel Smerdon graduated from the Queensland Conservatorium with a Bachelors
                Degree (Cello) and a Graduate Diploma and Master of Music Studies (Opera). Since
                2012, he has worked extensively with opera companies in Australia and abroad.
                Daniel has sung the roles of title roles of Figaro in Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Varna Opera
                Theatre Bulgaria, and Co-Opera, Adelaide Australia); The Mikado (Co-Opera, Adelaide
                Australia) Gianni Schicchi (Opera Gold Coast), Eugene Onegin (Eurasia Opera Festivaal,
                New York USA) and Don Giovanni (Lyric Opera Studio, Weimar, Germany). Concert
repertoire includes the title role of Mendelssohn’s “Elijah” (Brisbane Symphony Orchestra), Carl Orff’s
“Carmina Burana” (UQ Symphony Orchestra), Handel’s “Israel in Egypt” (Canticum Chamber Choir and
Brisbane Chorale), Hector Berlioz’s “L’enfance du Christ” (St Andrews Sinfonia) and Requiems by
Gabriel Faure, Maurice Durufle, and Michael Haydn.
Canticum Chamber Choir
Soprano                Alto              Tenor                    Bass
Katherine Fellows      Sheena Brockman   Adrian Jackson           Joshua Blake
Chloe Seungeun Han     Susan Dowrie      Paul Kennedy             Niklas Casaril
Heather Jensen         Rhelma Evans      Guillaume Lemay-Yates    Michael Cooke
Karen Luetsch          Katherine Munro   Gregori Scanlan          Ian Graham
Kirsti Palmer          Carol O’Ryan      Jeremy Thomson           Lionel Hudson
Libby Schmidt          Karen Pedley      James Tranter            David Murree-Allen
Anne Tanner            Penny Webb                                 Matt Scott
                                                                  Donald Stewart
                                                                  David Webster

1st Violin:                               1st Oboe/cor anglais:
Margaret Connolly (concertmaster)         Alexa Murray
Camille Barry
Rebecca Seymour                           2nd Oboe/cor anglais:
                                          Frank Giraldo
2nd Violin:
Wayne Brennan                             1st Oboe d’amore:
Mike Patterson                            Vivienne Brooke
Eugenie Costello
                                          2nd Oboe d’amore:
Viola:                                    John Connolly
Nicholas Tomkin
Charlotte Burbrook de Vere                1st Trumpet:
                                          John Coulton
Dan Curro                                 2nd Trumpet:
Alison Smith O’Connell                    Will Foster

Double bass:                              3rd Trumpet:
Chloe Ann Williamson                      Bodhi Scott-Jones

Bassoon:                                  Timpani:
Amelia Cody-Byfield                       Jacob Enoka

1st Flute:                                Chamber Organ:
Jonathan Henderson                        Phillip Gearing

2nd Flute:
Isabel Lopez-Roldan
Creative Team
•   Emily Cox—Music direction
•   Anatoly Frusin—Stage direction
•   Wilson Hodges— Lighting Design

Production Team
•   Joshua Blake—Production Assistant and Rehearsal Camp Coordinator
•   Members of Canticum – Stage Crew
•   Year 9 tech crew, KGSC—Lighting Assistance
•   Dan Fossi - Stage Manager

Our sincere gratitude...

•   Phillip Gearing—principal rehearsal accompanist
•   Justine Favell—rehearsal accompanist
•   St Mary’s Anglican Church Kangaroo Point, The Old Museum, and St
    Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church—provision of rehearsal space
•   Ian Graham—musical part/score production
•   Anne Tanner—German language coaching resource preparation
•   Dan Curro, John Connolly and John Coulton—assistance with orchestra
•   Christopher Wrench and Emily Cox—loan of Klop Chamber Organ
•   Bob Dunsmore of Professional Print Finishing—orchestral scores
•   Geoff Squires of Pro-Nel Lighting—lighting equipment hire
Save the Date!
Good Friday Musical Meditation 2021
Friday 2 April, 5.30pm
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Rosalie

Join us for our most popular annual event, in the
glorious acoustic of Sacred Heart. Details will be
available on our website in early 2021.

                    To support us further...
  Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to our
        Australian Cultural Fund crowdfunding project,
        which will remain live until 31 December 2020.
            All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
            No contribution is too large or too small.
                      Thank you so much!

                         CONTACT CANTICUM
       Postal address:            PO Box 3029
                                  Tarragindi QLD 4121
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