CLASS CATALOG 2022 2023 - An academic and inclusive homeschool community -

Page created by Larry Zimmerman
CLASS CATALOG 2022 2023 - An academic and inclusive homeschool community -
                2022 - 2023

An academic and inclusive homeschool community
CLASS CATALOG 2022 2023 - An academic and inclusive homeschool community -

Rainbow Club | Grades: PK/K ......................................................................... page 2
Learning Through Literature | Grades: PK/K ......................................................... 2
Imagination Exploration | Grades: PK/K ................................................................. 2
Experience the Seasons | Grades: PK/K ................................................................ 2
Seasonal Handwork | Grades: PK/K ....................................................................... 3

Greek Out | Grades: 1-3 ..........................................................................................        3
Camp Creation | Grades 1-3 ...................................................................................            3
Magic Treehouse Book Club | Grades 1-3 ............................................................                       3
Music Everywhere | Grades 1-3 .............................................................................               4
Game Club: Building Good Sportsmanship | Grades 1-3 .....................................                                 4
Nature Study | Grades 1-3 ......................................................................................          4
Upcycling Fun! | Grades 1-6 ...................................................................................           4
Little Explorers: Cooking Around the World I | Grades: 1-3 ................................                               5
Lego Club: Young Engineers | Grades: 1-3 ...........................................................                      5
Yoga: Movement & More | Grades: 1-3 .................................................................                     5
Game On! | Grades: 2-5 ..........................................................................................         6
Meet the Artist | Grades: 3-6 .................................................................................           6
Beginner Sewing | Grades 3-12 .............................................................................               6
Book Club: Susan Cooper's The Dark is Rising | Grades: 4-6 ............................                                   7
Lego Club: Movement & Machines | Grades: 4-7 ................................................                             7
Theatre Games | Grades: 4-6 ................................................................................              7
Earth Vibes | Grades 4-7 ........................................................................................         7
Game Club: Strategic Fun | Grades: 4-9 ..............................................................                     7
Fiber Arts | Grades: 4-9 .........................................................................................        8
Listening Club: Classical Music | Grades: 4-9 .....................................................                       8

Lego Club: Movement & Machines | Grades: 4-7 ....................................................                         7
Earth Vibes | Grades 4-7 ............................................................................................     7
Game Club: Strategic Fun | Grades: 4-9 ..................................................................                 7
Fiber Arts | Grades: 4-9 ..............................................................................................   8
Listening Club: Classical Music | Grades: 4-9 ..........................................................                  8
Learn Geography in the Kitchen | Grades: 7-12 .......................................................                     8
Acting Up | Grades: 7-12 ........................................................................................         9
Holocaust Through Literature | Grades: 7-12 ..........................................................                    9
Tolkien's Universe | Grades: 7-12 .............................................................................           9
Financial Literacy | Grades: 8-12 ..............................................................................          10
Applied Art | Grades: 7-12 .........................................................................................      10
Yoga for Teens | Grades: 7-12 ..................................................................................          10
Everyday Mechanics | Grades: 8-12 .........................................................................               10
The Social Club | Grades: 8-12 ..................................................................................         11
Beginner Sewing | Grades: 10-Adult .........................................................................              11

Fiber Arts: Adult | Grades: Adult ............................................................................... 11
Beginner Sewing: Adult | Grades: 10-Adult ............................................................. 11
CLASS CATALOG 2022 2023 - An academic and inclusive homeschool community -
                                 2022 - 2023 CLASS CATALOG

                                                                Grades: PK/K | Teacher: Sandra Lau | Materials Fee: $30

                                                                Are you ready to stretch your imagination? If you
                                                                would like to drive cardboard box cars, build block
                                                                cities, or blast off into outer space, then this class is
                                                                for you. Those are just some of the many ways that
                                                                we are going to use our imaginations this year. Every
                                                                week we'll hear stories or participate in an activity to
                                                                get our imaginations ready for action. Then we'll put
                                                                them to work as we play together with a variety of
RAINBOW CLUB                                                    materials. As we see all of our ideas come to life, it
                                                                will only help give us more to imagine!
Grades: PK/K | Teacher: Mindy Tuttle | Materials Fee: $50
                                                                Prerequisites: None
Wanted! New (and returning) members for an
exclusive kids only club. Members should be fun-
                                                                Supplies: Crayons, scissors
loving, curious, and able to make a mess! Each week
members will explore literature, music, art, seasons,
or history through books, activities, and crafts.
(Returning members will continue to study topics,               EXPERIENCE THE SEASONS
but in various ways than in previous years).
                                                                Grades: PK/K | Teacher: Sandra Lau | Materials Fee: $30
Prerequisites: None
                                                                This nature-based class will experience the world
Supplies: Markers, bottled glue, scissors, smock                around us as it changes through the year. Every class
(optional)                                                      will start with movement, stories (both fiction and
                                                                nonfiction), poems, or music about our changing
                                                                world. Then we'll have lots of experiences, both
LEARNING THROUGH                                                inside and outside, to see those changes for
LITERATURE                                                      ourselves. We'll feel the weather and look for signs
                                                                of the animal and plant world in our backyard. Inside
                                                                we'll make leaf rubbings, grow plants, examine
Grades: PK/K | Teacher: Jessica Hodgskin | Materials Fee: $20   apples before we turn them into applesauce, paint
                                                                with the colors we see in nature, and much more.
Each week we will use classic children's books to               Every week will have a familiar rhythm but will also
inspire learning. The themes in the books will be               be filled with surprises, just like our natural world.
utilized to teach the alphabet, geography, science,
phonics and arts and crafts.                                    Prerequisites: None

Prerequisites: None                                             Supplies: Crayons, scissors, and a paint shirt. We
                                                                will be going outside often and students should
Supplies: Scissors, glue stick, and crayons                     come dressed appropriately on those days.

                                                              Grades: 1-3 | Teacher: Sam Laudenslager | Materials Fee: $50

                                                              Welcome to Camp Creation! Let's gather around the
                                                              campfire to start planning our creative camping
                                                              experience! We will be learning all about camp, the
                                                              great outdoors, and camp activities. We'll sing fun
                                                              songs and games about the wildlife at camp, and of
                                                              course go home with camp related arts & crafts!

                                                              Prerequisites: None

SEASONAL HANDWORK                                             Supplies: Glue sticks, pencil, scissors, and crayons or
Grades: PK/K | Teacher: Flora Schubert | Materials Fee: $40

Students will find the joy of using their hands for a
variety of seasonal activities. We will warm up with          MAGIC TREEHOUSE BOOK
verses and fingerplays before moving into a project.          CLUB
Each season will have one ongoing project
combined with smaller weekly activities that may
                                                              Grades: 1-3 | Teacher: Mary DiMaggio | Materials Fee: $40
include wet felting, woodworking, simple food
preparations, carding wool, beeswax modeling,                 In this class, we will read the first 29 Magic
finger knitting, stitching, weaving and so much               Treehouse books by Mary Pope Osbourne. Each
more.                                                         week we will discuss what happened to Jack and
                                                              Annie in the book, and then explore the theme
Prerequisites: None                                           through activities, games and crafts; in the process
                                                              we will discover history, science, culture, and much
Supplies: None                                                more!

                                                              Prerequisites: Ideally students should be able to
GREEK OUT                                                     read on their own or with help; however, students
                                                              can also be read to by their parents or an older
                                                              sibling. Must be able to complete one book a week
Grades: 1-3 | Teacher: Colette Henry | Materials Fee: $40     and come prepared to answer questions. Each book
Travel back in time and learn the who's who of Greek          has about 10 chapters and is 65-75 pages long,
mythology! Each week students will encounter                  geared towards 1st-3rd grades.
different gods and goddesses, heroes, and monsters,
and learn about the wild adventures of these                  Supplies: Binder, markers, crayons, glue stick, and
legendary beings. After a fun retelling of each               pencils. Students must have access to Magic
ancient tale, students will engage in a craft or activity     Treehouse books, either by purchasing or borrowing
related to the character of the day.                          from the library. We will read the books in order, so
                                                              must be able to acquire that week's book in advance.
Prerequisites: Students should be able to follow
instructions and have basic coloring, cutting, and
gluing skills.

Supplies: Scissors, glue stick, smock, and colored

                                                             Grades: 1-3 | Teacher: Emily Phillips | Materials Fee: $20

                                                             Do you ever have questions about bugs, rocks,
                                                             flowers, animals? Nature study helps us pay
                                                             attention to the world around us in new ways and
                                                             find answers to those questions! By observing,
                                                             asking questions, and recording, and by paying
                                                             attention from different perspectives, we can know
                                                             the world and not just know about it. Nature study
                                                             and nature journaling are partners in our search to
                                                             know the world around us. In this class students will
MUSIC EVERYWHERE                                             begin a nature journal, learn (with lots of practice!) to
                                                             use helpful tools for observing and recording, get a
Grades: 1-3 | Teacher: Emily Phillips | Materials Fee: $15   taste of many different subjects of nature study, and
                                                             spend time focusing on special topics. Students will
Music Everywhere is a whole-self introduction to as          be able to draw, write, trace, and copy from
many ways to encounter and interact with music as            examples when they make entries in their nature
possible in a Rising Roots year! We will listen to           journals, so no specific writing skill level is required!
music from many times and places, look at music,             Note: we will head outside frequently during this
make music with instruments, make music with our             class, so plan to send your child prepared for the
bodies, experience music in nature and through               weather!
other avenues (art, science, literature, etc.), take
music apart and put it back together, find music in          Prerequisites: None
unexpected places, compose our own songs, and
take our love for music into the world.                      Supplies: Pencil, set of 8 watercolors with brush, set
                                                             of 10-12 colored pencils, ruler, small bottle of white
Prerequisites: None                                          glue, 3-pronged folder

Supplies: Pencil, and crayons or colored pencils
                                                             UPCYCLING FUN!
GAME CLUB: BUILDING                                          Grades: 1-6 | Teacher: Caralee Girven | Materials Fee: $20
GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP                                           In this class, we will learn about how to
                                                             reduce/reuse/recycle and other ways we can reduce
                                                             our carbon footprint and help the Earth, all while
Grades: 1-3 | Teacher: Amanda Davis | Materials Fee: $20
                                                             having fun by making arts/crafts or other usable
Come join us to have a good time with your peers,            items from things we recycle or throw away. Come
playing games both old and new! Each week we will            prepared to get creative and possibly a little messy!
have fun with a different board game, card game, or
activity and learn about good sportsmanship while            Prerequisites: Students must have the ability to
making new friends! We will have fun with games              listen and follow instructions and safely use art
like Cat's Cradle, Pictureka, and Race Across                supplies (including scissors).
                                                             Supplies: Basic school supplies (pencil, ruler,
Prerequisites: Students must have the attention              scissors, etc.) and a smock for painting. Also,
span to be able to finish a game.                            students may be asked to bring in recyclable items
                                                             (bottles, newspaper, toilet paper tubes, etc.)
Supplies: Scissors                                           depending on projects.

                                                               Grades: 1-3 | Teacher: Lauren Jones-Rabbitt | Materials Fee: $10

                                                               This class will help kids explore a loving and curious
                                                               connection to their bodies, hearts and minds (and in
                                                               so doing, make connections with each other and
                                                               nature, too)! Will we make fun shapes with our
                                                               bodies? YES! Will we safely honor the different ways
                                                               our bodies move and work? YES!!! Will we work
                                                               together to learn tools to practice mindfulness,
                                                               relaxation, and regulating our nervous systems?
LITTLE EXPLORERS:                                              YES! Will we play and make art and even spend a
COOKING AROUND THE                                             little time outside ? YES! (That's yoga, too!) Some
WORLD                                                          Themes explored in this class:
                                                               - Honoring and respecting our individual and diverse
                                                               bodies and minds (including learning some basic
Grades: 1-3 | Teacher: Eleanor Delewski | Materials Fee: $80   anatomy).
                                                               - Addressing and bringing awareness to cultural
We will spend several weeks exploring each country             appropriation in developmentally appropriate ways
to learn about its geography, culture and food. Over           (we can't do yoga without talking about where it
the course of the year we will study countries in              comes from).
each continent, beginning in Europe and moving                 - Being silly, resting, balancing, creating, moving,
through Asia, the Americas and Africa. We will                 sharing stories, using our imaginations, creating safe
watch videos, read a book and make a meal/snack                boundaries and connections, using our voices and
from our destination country. Students will all take a         learning about our breath and communication, and
plate/container of food with them each week and                fostering self-love and acceptance (I am sure there
will be encouraged to try all the new foods we                 are more that that I can't think of ....
encounter.                                                     Yoga is so many things, including learning from and
                                                               with each other! Looking forward to meeting and
Prerequisites: Students must be able to follow
                                                               practicing with you!
directions well. We are working in a real kitchen so
                                                               *Please let me know about any physical ability
students need to stay with the group and listen to
                                                               limitations or challenges, as well as any
directions for everyone's safety.
                                                               neurodiversity or anything else you deem important.
Supplies: Food container each week, apron                      This helps me better prepare to meet children where
encouraged but not required                                    they are at, which I value very much. *There will be a
                                                               health/safety/ intake form where you can elaborate if
                                                               need be.
                                                               Prerequisites: None
                                                               Supplies: Please bring your own yoga mat. (There
                                                               will be a few extra to borrow in case you forget to
Grades: 1-3 | Teacher: Deborah Moore | Materials Fee: $50      bring it, but it will make your experience more fun if
                                                               you have your own). If you get cold, you might also
Students will explore their creativity with Lego               want to have a blanket for our relaxation time.
bricks with a series of engineering challenges and
free builds while learning pre-coding skills
(communication, thinking, and problem solving),
collaboration, public speaking, and just having fun.

Prerequisites: None
Supplies: None
                                                              Grades: 2-5 | Teacher: Sam Laudenslager | Materials Fee: $30

                                                              Do you like running around and playing outdoor
                                                              games? Do you have a lot of energy at the end of
                                                              your learning day? Then, Game On! This class is for
                                                              you!! In Game On! we will be learning and playing
                                                              new and old outdoor games- inside! (Some classes
                                                              will be outside depending on theme and weather).
                                                              We will learn about and practice fun sporting skills,
                                                              try out some playground games, and test our
                                                              endurance with fun obstacles and relay races! Join
                                                              me to get our wiggles out and have some fun!
                                                              Prerequisites: None

Grades: 3-12 | Teacher: Caralee Girven | Materials Fee: $25
                                                              Supplies: Students should wear comfortable clothes
                                                              to move around in and possibly get dirty when
Students will build on the basics learned in the Intro
                                                              outside, as well as comfortable sturdy sneakers.
to Sewing class including hand-sewing/embroidery
                                                              (Please no open toe or slip on shoes).
and machine sewing. They will learn about fabrics,
patterns, and other sewing tools as well as caring
for their machine and machine safety. Projects will
depend on how students skills advance through the             MEET THE ARTIST
year, but examples of projects include: bookmark,
ornament, pincushion or pattern weights, pillowcase,
tote bag, drawstring bag, pillow/animal stuffy, fabric        Grades: 3-6 | Teacher: Summre Patricella | Materials Fee: $30
box/basket, quilted coaster/snack mat, pajama
pants.                                                        By practicing skills of famous artists of the past,
                                                              children have the opportunity to understand what
Prerequisites: Students should have completed                 they were trying to communicate to the world. By
Rising Roots Intro to Sewing OR have some                     doing creative activities related to these artists,
hand/machine sewing experience.                               children practice the skills of observing, thinking, and
                                                              creating. By putting themselves in the mind of an
Supplies: Sewing Machine and Basic Sewing Kit                 artist, students begin to learn more about
Required. All students must bring their own sewing            themselves, and how to bring the beauty and
machine and basic sewing kit each week, which                 knowledge of past artists into their own work. The
includes a pair of fabric scissors, a small pair of           final hope of this class is to gain a great appreciation
scissors or snips, straight pins / clips, hand-sewing         for diversity amongst different types of artist
needles, a seam ripper, and a measuring tape. I will          expression, and that there is in fact, an artist in all of
have fabric available for small projects, but students        us. Artists included in the course will vary. The class
may be required to shop for and purchase fabric               will be open to change due to students ability and
depending on projects or if they want to pick their           grasp of the technique. Most importantly the student
own prints/designs. Materials fees will cover                 will learn different mediums and many different
fabric/threads for practicing, photocopying handouts          artistic expressions.
and patterns, and any other hardware/supplies that            *This class can be taken again, as it will be geared to
might be needed.                                              older grades and have different projects next year.

                                                              Prerequisites: None

                                                              Supplies: Glue stick, Elmer's glue (generic is fine),
                                                              Scissors, pencils

                                                             Grades: 4-6 | Teacher: Alyssa Sitarik | Materials Fee: $40

                                                             This class is an exploration of all aspects of theater
                                                             through age appropriate games and activities.
                                                             Throughout the year students will gain confidence!
                                                             They will also strengthen their concentration and
                                                             communication skills while learning to cooperate
                                                             and develop new friendships. Come join us to have
                                                             some fun and be silly!

                                                             Prerequisites: Students must be able to read and
BOOK CLUB: SUSAN                                             write, and have the desire to do something new.
                                                             Supplies: None
                                                             EARTH VIBES
Grades: 4-6 | Teacher: Chris Phillips | Materials Fee: $10
                                                             Grades: 4-7 | Teacher: Mindy Tuttle | Materials Fee: $30
Following the adventures of Will Stanton, the Drew
family, and Merriman Lyon, this five-book series             Earth Vibes is a nature based class that will focus
incorporates fantasy, history, Arthurian myth, and           on environmental conservation, ecology, and
more as the forces of Light and Darkness struggle            simple everyday ways humans can help to heal
for control of a world that has little knowledge of the      the earth and its inhabitants by being more
cosmic war swirling around them. For readers of              conscious of the natural world we live within and
Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Narnia, and Middle-             leaving good vibes behind while we do it. (This
Earth, this is a fantasy series that blends the              class will frequently meet outside, weather
everyday and the miraculous until you'll find yourself       permitting).
half-expecting to see magic visitors on your street!
                                                             Prerequisites: None
Prerequisites: Student must read at a 4th grade
level.                                                       Supplies: Nature journal (or sketchpad),
                                                             (Sketching) pencils, Colored pencils or watercolors
Supplies: Copies of the five books in the series (Over       and paint brushes are all encouraged but not
Sea, Under Stone; The Dark Is Rising; The Green-             required
Witch; The Grey King; Silver on the Tree), Notebook
with writing instrument
                                                             GAME CLUB: STRATEGIC
MACHINES                                                     Grades: 4-9 | Teacher: Amanda Davis | Materials Fee: $20

                                                             Come join us to have a good time with your peers,
Grades: 4-7 | Teacher: Deborah Moore | Materials Fee: $50    playing games both old and new! Each week we
Using Lego Technic bricks, we will explore                   will have fun with a different board game, card
movement and simple machines with a series of                game, or activity and learn about good
challenges and free builds while focusing on                 sportsmanship while making new friends! We will
communication, collaboration, public speaking and            have fun with games like Apples to Apples,
having fun.                                                  Pictionary, scavenger hunts and maybe even a
                                                             square dance lesson or two!
Prerequisites: None
                                                             Prerequisites: None
Supplies: None
                                                             Supplies: None
                                                            CLASSICAL MUSIC

                                                            Grades: 4-9 | Teacher: Chris Phillips | Materials Fee: $10*

                                                            What is classical music, and why do people listen
                                                            to it? Who were Bach and Beethoven and those
                                                            other guys, and what fun can we have listening to
                                                            their works? This course explores these questions
                                                            through repeated listening to a range of classical
                                                            genres, styles, and cultural origins. Topics include
                                                            programmatic music, music and movies (think
                                                            Wagner + Stravinsky = Star Wars), and music
FIBER ARTS                                                  beyond Europe. Discussions and activities will
                                                            help us think about the meaning we hear in a wide
Grades: 4-9 | Teacher: Colette Henry | Materials Fee: $25   range of music.

In this class, students will explore different types of     Prerequisites: None
fiber art, including crochet, knitting, embroidery, and
                                                            Supplies: Nature journal (or sketchpad),
needle felting. With each type of fiber, students will
                                                            (Sketching) pencils, colored pencils or watercolors
learn the basic stitching and/or felting skills, and
                                                            are all encouraged but not required
practice those newfound skills throughout the class.
Projects will depend on how students advance
                                                            *Optional field trip to concert at Lafayette College,
throughout the year. Example projects in knitting and
                                                            price TBA.
crochet could include a pot holder, scarf, or hat.
Example projects in embroidery and felting could
include hoop embroidery art and a felted figurine,
                                                            GEOGRAPHY IN THE
Prerequisites: Students should have the manual
dexterity to thread a needle, and work with crochet
hooks and knitting needles. Additionally, they should       Grades: 7-12 | Teacher: Eleanor Delewski | Materials Fee: $100

be able to use a sharp felting needle responsibly so
as to avoid injury.                                         In this class we will explore world geography
                                                            through cooking. Each week we will learn about a
Supplies: Students will need basic supplies for each
                                                            country, watching a video and discussing the
art. For crochet, that includes a set of crochet hooks
                                                            geography/culture of the country. We will then
and a tapestry needle; for knitting, please have a set
                                                            prepare a meal together working in small groups.
of size 8 (5 mm) needles; for embroidery, supplies
                                                            Each week students will take a container/plate of
include one 8" embroidery hoop and embroidery
                                                            food with them and will be encouraged to try all the
needles; for needle felting, please bring a set of
                                                            new foods we encounter. We will start in Europe
felting needles and a small felting board. Small craft
                                                            and move through Asia, the Americas and Africa.
scissors will be necessary for each fiber art. Students
                                                            Students will be encouraged to identify countries
will also be required to shop for and purchase yarn
                                                            they want to learn about during the year.
for specific projects they choose to make throughout
the year. A project bag is optional, but                    Prerequisites: Students must be able to follow
recommended.                                                directions well and work independently. Each week,
                                                            students will break into groups and make part of the
                                                            meal. Students must be able to actively engage in
                                                            the groupwork and participate in the cooking.

                                                            Supplies: Container each week for food, Apron
                                                            recommended but not required

                                                                Grades: 7-12 | Teacher: Alyssa Sitarik | Materials Fee: $10*

                                                                This class will be learning about the Holocaust
                                                                through reading and group discussions. Books will
                                                                include The Diary of Anne Frank, The Boy in the
                                                                Striped Pajamas, and others. We will also explore
                                                                the Holocaust through other forms of art. We will
                                                                have an optional trip to the US Holocaust museum
                                                                during the year.

ACTING UP                                                       Prerequisites: Students must be reading at at least a
                                                                7th grade level, and must be able to emotionally able
Grades: 7-12 | Teacher: Morgan Seigfried | Materials Fee: $15
                                                                to handle the tough topics of the Holocaust.
Welcome to Theater 101! We will cover a variety of
topics including the history of theater, different              Supplies: Students will be responsible for procuring
theater styles through history and around the world,            the books that we will read.
types of characters and character development,
scenery, costuming, and much more. Students will                *An optional museum trip will be an additional cost.
learn to trust themselves and each other through
games and team building activities. We will have 2
performances; the first will be a mini performance
during the lunch hour at the mid-way point of the               TOLKIEN'S UNIVERSE
school year. This will give the students experience in
front of a live audience and build their confidence for         Grades: 7-12 | Teacher: Morgan Seigfried | Materials Fee: $10
the final performance at the end of the year. This will
NOT be a full-fledged theatrical production. This will          Do you love the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, or
be a short play with costumes the students put                  have you always wanted to read them? Have you
together themselves and little to no scenery. This is a         ever wondered where the Elves came from or what
theater class that puts on a play, not a drama club             is up with the Ents? Then this is the class for you!
whose sole purpose is to put on a big show.                     This class will run as a combo book club and deep
                                                                dive into the history of Tolkien's world. Each week
Prerequisites: An interest in theater is all you really         we will discuss the assigned chapters of the text
need.                                                           then explore the stories behind the stories. I will be
                                                                pulling information from the Silmarillian and
Supplies: Notebook, pen/pencil, folder, pack of index           Tolkien's other finished and unfinished tales of
cards, and highlighters. Students should dress in               Middle Earth. Students will learn about Tolkien
comfortable clothing they can move in.                          himself, the languages and worlds he created, the
                                                                First and Second Ages of Middle Earth, and a whole
                                                                lot of obscure Lord of the Rings facts.

                                                                Prerequisites: This will be a reading intensive
                                                                course, and students must be able to read 3-4
                                                                chapters a week in order for us to finish the books in

                                                                Supplies: Pencil/Pen, Folder, Book: The Hobbit,
                                                                Books: The full Lord of the Rings with the
                                                                Appendices (Fellowship of the Ring; The Two
                                                                Towers; and Return of the King)                                 9
                                                                 Grades: 7-12 | Teacher: Katie McHugh Connolly | Materials Fee: $0

                                                                 A relaxed space for teens to explore both movement
                                                                 and stillness, this class explores yogic and yoga-
                                                                 inspired techniques for stretching, strengthening,
                                                                 and relaxing the body and mind. A variety of asanas
                                                                 (yoga postures), dynamic movements, breathing
                                                                 techniques, and mindfulness/meditation practices
                                                                 will be included in each session. The class is taught
                                                                 by a certified yoga instructor with more than ten
                                                                 years of teaching experience.
                                                                 Prerequisites: Ability to get up and down from the
Grades: 7-12 | Teacher: Summre Patricella | Materials Fee: $30   floor is helpful, but not necessary. Please contact
Students will cover a variety of mediums, including;             instructor if a prospective student has mobility
pencil, ink, clay, acrylic, colored pencil, watercolor,          issues. We can discuss if and how the class could be
pastel, collage, etc. The class will be project led; line,       modified.
shape, value, texture, color, perspective, and
pointillism will be explored.                                    Supplies: Students need a yoga mat, 2 foam yoga
                                                                 blocks, and a yoga blanket or blanket from home.
Prerequisites: None                                              Please ensure prior to class that you've worn or have
                                                                 changed into comfortable stretchy or loose-fitting
Supplies: Glue stick, Elmer's glue (generic is fine)             clothes that do not restrict movement.
scissors, pencils

                                                                 EVERYDAY MECHANICS
                                                                 Grades: 8-12 | Teacher: Greg Grimmett | Materials Fee: $40
Grades: 8-12 | Teacher: Bobbi Shaw | Materials Fee: $15

                                                                 Everyday Mechanics is a fast paced broad course
This class will be an overview of financial concepts:            designed to give students an introductory and
budgeting, mortgage, checking, calculating interest,             working knowledge of mechanical basics. The first
etc. Students will embrace these topics with a                   semester students will focus on automotive basics
unique interactive notebook that encourages                      covering suspension, preventive maintenance,
coloring and doodling! Group activities will also help           brakes, electrical, and engine management. The
us solidify concepts throughout the year.                        second semester we will shift focus to
                                                                 understanding the basic principles of home repair
Prerequisites: Basic math and reading skills: middle             and learn about home electrical, plumbing, and
school level. I can share the book with you if you               drywall. This course will teach both a scientific
need to determine if it is appropriate for your child.           understanding of mechanical principles as well as
                                                                 various hands on experience, as allowed within
Supplies: Colored pencils, pencil                                constraints of the co-op.

                                                                 Prerequisites: Students need an understanding of
                                                                 basic algebraic equations.

                                                                 Supplies: Disposable vinyl gloves, Basic volt/ohm
                                                                 meter ($12-$30), Basic soldering iron ($10-25)
                                                              Grades: 8-12 | Teacher: Jessica Hodgskin | Materials Fee: $10

                                                              Join us for a support group focusing on providing a
                                                              supportive and safe environment to process feelings
                                                              and issues you are facing. The support group will
                                                              also focus on building social skills and enhancing
                                                              ability to use active listening and communication
                                                              skills. The support group will provide an opportunity
                                                              to build independence and leadership skills while
                                                              giving back to the Rising Roots Community through
                                                              fundraising events throughout the year. Group will
                                                              be facilitated by a current Pennsylvania LCSW and
FIBER ARTS: ADULT                                             HIPAA/confidentiality rules will apply to the group.

                                                              Prerequisites: Kindness and an open attitude!
Grades: Adult | Teacher: Colette Henry | Materials Fee: $25

In this class, students will explore different types of       Supplies: Journal or notebook, writing utensil
fiber art, including crochet, knitting, embroidery, and
needle felting. With each type of fiber, students will
learn the basic stitching and/or felting skills, and          BEGINNER SEWING: ADULT
practice those newfound skills throughout the class.
Projects will depend on how students advance
                                                              Grades: 10-Adult | Teacher: Caralee Girven | Materials Fee: $25
throughout the year. Example projects in knitting and
crochet could include a pot holder, scarf, or hat.            Students will build on the basics learned in the Intro
Example projects in embroidery and felting could              to Sewing class including hand-sewing/embroidery
include hoop embroidery art and a felted figurine,            and machine sewing. They will learn about fabrics,
respectively.                                                 patterns, and other sewing tools as well as caring for
                                                              their machine and machine safety. Projects will
Prerequisites: Students should have the manual                depend on how students skills advance through the
dexterity to thread a needle, and work with crochet           year, but examples of projects include: bookmark,
hooks and knitting needles. Additionally, they should         ornament, pincushion or pattern weights, pillowcase,
be able to use a sharp felting needle responsibly so          tote bag, drawstring bag,pillow/animal stuffy, fabric
as to avoid injury.                                           box/basket, quilted coaster/snack mat, pajama pants.

Supplies: Students will need basic supplies for each          Prerequisites: Students should have completed
art. For crochet, that includes a set of crochet hooks        Rising Roots Intro to Sewing OR have some
and a tapestry needle; for knitting, please have a set        hand/machine sewing experience.
of size 8 (5 mm) needles; for embroidery, supplies
include one 8" embroidery hoop and embroidery                 Supplies: Sewing Machine and Basic Sewing Kit
needles; for needle felting, please bring a set of            Required. All students must bring their own sewing
felting needles and a small felting board. Small craft        machine and basic sewing kit each week, which
scissors will be necessary for each fiber art. Students       includes a pair of fabric scissors, a small pair of
will also be required to shop for and purchase yarn           scissors or snips, straight pins / clips, hand-sewing
for specific projects they choose to make throughout          needles, a seam ripper, and a measuring tape. I will
the year. A project bag is optional, but                      have fabric available for small projects, but students
recommended.                                                  may be required to shop for and purchase fabric
                                                              depending on projects or if they want to pick their
                                                              own prints/designs. Materials fees will cover
                                                              fabric/threads for practicing, photocopying handouts
                                                              and patterns, and any other hardware/supplies that
                                                              might be needed.                                                  11
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