Clinical and Epidemiological Findings from Enhanced Monkeypox Surveillance in Tshuapa Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo During 2011-2015 ...

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Clinical and Epidemiological Findings from Enhanced Monkeypox Surveillance in Tshuapa Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo During 2011-2015 ...
The Journal of Infectious Diseases
   Major Article

Clinical and Epidemiological Findings from Enhanced
Monkeypox Surveillance in Tshuapa Province, Democratic
Republic of the Congo During 2011–2015
Erin R. Whitehouse,1,2,a, Jesse Bonwitt,2,a Christine M. Hughes,2 Robert Shongo Lushima,3 Toutou Likafi,4 Beatrice Nguete,4 Joelle Kabamba,5
Benjamin Monroe,2 Jeffrey B. Doty,2 Yoshinori Nakazawa,2 Inger Damon,2 Jean Malekani,6 Whitni Davidson,2 Kimberly Wilkins,2 Yu Li,2 Kay W. Radford,7
D. Scott Schmid,7 Elisabeth Pukuta,8 Elisabeth Muyamuna,8 Stomy Karhemere,8 Jean-Jacques Muyembe Tamfum,8 Emile Wemakoy Okitolonda,4,b
Andrea M. McCollum,2 and Mary G. Reynolds2

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Downloaded from by guest on 09 September 2021
 Epidemic Intelligence Service, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2Division of High Consequence Pathogens and Pathology, US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 3Ministère de la Santé Publique, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 4Ecole de Santé Publique de Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of
the Congo, 5US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 6Faculty of Science, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
 Division of Viral Diseases, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and 8Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

   (See the Editorial Commentary by Heymann and Simpson, on pages 1839–41.)

   Background. Monkeypox is a poorly described emerging zoonosis endemic to Central and Western Africa.
   Methods. Using surveillance data from Tshuapa Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo during 2011–2015, we evaluated
differences in incidence, exposures, and clinical presentation of polymerase chain reaction–confirmed cases by sex and age.
   Results. We report 1057 confirmed cases. The average annual incidence was 14.1 per 100 000 (95% confidence interval, 13.3–15.0).
The incidence was higher in male patients (incidence rate ratio comparing males to females, 1.21; 95% confidence interval, 1.07–1.37), ex-
cept among those 20–29 years old (0.70; .51–.95). Females aged 20–29 years also reported a high frequency of exposures (26.2%) to people
with monkeypox-like symptoms.The highest incidence was among 10–19-year-old males, the cohort reporting the highest proportion of
animal exposures (37.5%). The incidence was lower among those presumed to have received smallpox vaccination than among those pre-
sumed unvaccinated. No differences were observed by age group in lesion count or lesion severity score.
   Conclusions. Monkeypox incidence was twice that reported during 1980–1985, an increase possibly linked to declining im-
munity provided by smallpox vaccination. The high proportion of cases attributed to human exposures suggests changing exposure
patterns. Cases were distributed across age and sex, suggesting frequent exposures that follow sociocultural norms.
   Keywords. Monkeypox; Monkeypox virus; Surveillance; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Orthopoxvirus.

Monkeypox virus (MPXV) presents a cautionary tale of path-                                         including elephant shrews and rodents, are thought to be in-
ogen emergence evidenced by increasing incidence in Central                                        volved in the natural history of the virus [7]. Recent emergence
Africa [1], geographic expansion and increasing recognition                                        is attributed to altered environmental drivers, strengthened dis-
in West Africa [2], and rising numbers of exportation events                                       ease surveillance and disease recognition [8], and waning im-
throughout the world [3]. MPXV is a DNA virus of the genus                                         munity conferred by childhood vaccination against smallpox
Orthopoxvirus and counts variola virus (the causative agent                                        [9, 10] , a disease declared eradicated by the World Health
of smallpox) as a close relative. In endemic settings, MPXV is                                     Organization in 1980 [11].
introduced into communities by zoonotic transmission [2],                                             MPXV differs from other zoonotic orthopoxviruses by its
rather than by sustained human-to-human transmission [4–6].                                        ability to cause disseminated skin lesions in immune-competent
Although the reservoir host remains elusive, small mammals,                                        hosts, relatively severe systemic signs and symptoms, and a fa-
                                                                                                   tality rate of up to 11% in unvaccinated individuals [1, 12].
                                                                                                   Monkeypox is characterized by a rash that progresses from
                                                                                                   macular, papular, vesicular, and pustular lesions to crusts in a
  Received 20 November 2020; editorial decision 1 February 2021; accepted 15 March 2021;
published online March 16, 2021.                                                                   centrifugal distribution. Respiratory and gastrointestinal signs
                                                                                                   are common, with more serious cases involving ocular le-
   E. R. W. and J. B. contributed equally to this work.
   E. W. O. died on October 29, 2019 prior to publication.
  Correspondence: Jesse Bonwitt, Poxvirus and Rabies Branch, Centers for Disease Control           sions, bronchopneumonia, encephalitis, and septicemia [12].
and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd NE, MS H24-12, Atlanta, GA 30329 (                   Monkeypox can be confused with chickenpox, a viral infec-
The Journal of Infectious Diseases®  2021;223:1870–8                                               tion caused by varicella-zoster virus (VZV). In endemic set-
Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2021.
This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.       tings, clinical diagnosis is complicated by MPXV and VZV
DOI: 10.1093/infdis/jiab133                                                                        coinfection [13].

1870 • jid 2021:223 (1 June) • Whitehouse et al
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) reports the highest                               Healthcare workers alert surveillance officers of patients
annual number of monkeypox cases worldwide, with about                                    who meet the suspected case definition. Investigations
5000 suspected cases in 2019 alone [14]. Using data obtained                              consist of administering a monkeypox-specific case in-
from enhanced monkeypox surveillance during 2011–2015 in                                  vestigation form and collecting ≥2 lesion samples (on
Tshuapa Province, DRC, we sought to evaluate differences in                               rare occasions, blood is collected from patients with re-
cumulative incidence, exposure histories, and clinical presenta-                          solved symptoms). The case investigation form ascertains
tion of laboratory-confirmed monkeypox cases by sex and age                               skin lesion characteristics, general symptoms and signs,
groups. We hypothesized differences across age and sex based                              and exposure history (contact with animals or individuals
on previous findings [12, 15–17].                                                         with monkeypox-like symptoms in the 3 weeks preceding
                                                                                          symptom onset).

Surveillance Structure                                                                    Case Definitions
Monkeypox is a notifiable disease in the DRC. Since 2010, the                             A suspected monkeypox case was defined as an individual with

                                                                                                                                                                    Downloaded from by guest on 09 September 2021
Ministry of Health, Kinshasa School of Public Health, the Institut                        a vesicular or pustular rash with deep-seated, firm pustules, and
National de Recherche Biomédicale (INRB), and the US Centers                              ≥1 of the following symptoms: fever preceding the eruption,
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have provided tech-                              lymphadenopathy (inguinal, axillary, or cervical), or pustules
nical and financial support for enhanced monkeypox surveil-                               or crusts on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet. A con-
lance in Tshuapa Province. Located in northwestern DRC (Figure                            firmed monkeypox case requires detection of Orthopoxvirus or
1), Tshuapa Province covers approximately 133 000 km2 with an                             MPXV DNA with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
estimated population density of 13.8 inhabitants/km2. Its inhab-                          or isolation of MPXV in culture from ≥1 specimen. A con-
itants live in mostly rural areas and depend primarily on subsist-                        firmed VZV case requires detection of VZV DNA by real-time
ence farming, fishing, trapping, and hunting for food sources.                            PCR from ≥1 specimen.

                                                                                                                                               SOUTH SUD
     N                                                                                                                        AFRICAN
                                                                                                             MEROON           REPUBLIC

                                                       Lingomo                                                                                          UGA
                                                                                                                                 DR CONGO
                                                  Mompono        Djolu
                                                    16.4         16.6

                                                      15.5                                                             ANGOLA
                                          Wema                                                                                                  ZAMBIA
                                           7.5                           14.2
                                                     44.6                                                     Legend
                                                                                  Ikela                             Kinshasa
                       Monkoto                                4.9
                         3.0                                                      13.6
                                                                                                              Monkeypox Incidence (per 100 000)
                   0          70            140                        280 km

                                                                  Service layer credits: Esri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user

Figure 1. Average cumulative incidence of confirmed monkeypox cases per 100 000 by health zone—Tshuapa Province, 2011–2015. Data were not corrected for reporting
and investigation effort between health zones.

                                                            Monkeypox Surveillance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo • jid 2021:223 (1 June) • 1871
Laboratory Testing                                                   Statistical Analysis
Swab eluates, crust homogenates, or blood from suspected cases       Incidence estimates were expressed as cumulative incidences and
were tested at the INRB and the CDC, as described elsewhere          95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using a Poisson
[13, 18]. Briefly, at the INRB, DNA was extracted from swab          distribution. Incidence rate ratios were calculated to compare in-
eluates or crust homogenates, using the QIAamp DNA Blood             cidences of confirmed cases by age and sex. Comparisons were
Mini Kit (Qiagen). Samples were first tested for Orthopoxvirus       calculated using χ2 or Fisher exact for categorical variables and
DNA with real-time PCR assay [19], and if negative, were tested      Kruskal-Wallis tests for continuous variables, as continuous vari-
for VZV DNA, also with real-time PCR assay [20]. Duplicate           ables were not normally distributed. Differences were considered
samples and extracted DNA were sent for confirmatory testing         statistically significant at P < .05 for all tests. All statistical analyses
to the CDC, where DNA was extracted using the Qiagen EZ1             were performed using Stata 14.0 software (StataCorp).
DNA Tissue Kit (Qiagen) [18]; and tested for MPXV [19] and
VZV [20] DNA, using real-time PCR.                                   Ethical Approval
                                                                     Surveillance was conducted in accordance with Congolese

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Data set and Treatment of Variables                                  national guidelines. The activity was determined to be
Inclusion Criteria                                                   nonresearch by a CDC human subjects advisor.
Analysis of incidence, demographic, clinical, and exposure
characteristics was conducted for patients with confirmed            RESULTS
monkeypox, irrespective of VZV status, with rash onset from          Study Population
January 2011 to December 2015.                                       During 2011–2015, the province received 3639 suspected mon-
                                                                     keypox case notifications, 46.8% (n = 1702) of which were
Demographic Variables
                                                                     investigated. A total of 3608 samples were collected and sub-
Occupation was included for individuals aged ≥16 years, with
                                                                     mitted for testing from 1694 individuals. Of these samples,
the possibility of ≥1 occupation per person. Age was calculated
                                                                     2566 (71.1%) were vesicular or pustular swab samples, 1011
using the interval between date of birth and date of investiga-
                                                                     (28.0%) were crust samples, 30 (0.8%) were blood samples, and
tion (or date of sample collection and then date of rash onset if
                                                                     1 (0.03%) was a corneal swab sample. In 1494 suspected cases
date of investigation was missing); reported age was used if date
                                                                     with a known date of investigation, the median time interval
of birth was missing. Because of the difficulty in using vacci-
                                                                     between rash onset and sample collection was 4 days (inter-
nation scars to determine smallpox vaccination status, individ-
                                                                     quartile range [IQR], 3–7; range 1–67 days). Of the 1702 inves-
uals born before January 1980 were presumed to have received
                                                                     tigated cases, 44 were excluded from further analysis because
smallpox vaccination.
                                                                     of a missing case investigation form (n = 1) or inconclusive
                                                                     or missing laboratory results (n = 43). Of the remaining 1658
                                                                     cases, 1057 (29.0% of all notifications and 62.1% of all investiga-
To calculate incidence rates, we used population data for Tshuapa
                                                                     tions) were confirmed as monkeypox; 775 (73.3%) had MPXV
Province from 2015 [21] and applied these to demographic es-
                                                                     only, 169 (16.0%) were concurrently infected with both MPXV
timates for each health zone (unpublished, Division Provinciale
                                                                     and VZV, and for 113 (10.7%) specimens were not available for
de la Santé, Tshuapa). Data for 2011–2014 were extrapolated as-
                                                                     VZV testing at CDC.
suming an annual growth of 3.3%, and the midpoint population
                                                                        The median age of confirmed case patients was 14.0 years
(2013) was used to calculate average cumulative incidence [22].
                                                                     (IQR, 6.0–23.9 years; range, 1 month to 79 years). Among
Because population estimates were only available in 5-year age
                                                                     1054 case patients in whom sex was recorded, 53.7% were
increments, we included all individuals aged ≥35 years as popula-
                                                                     male (n = 568), and 46.0% female (n = 486). Most confirmed
tion denominators for presumed vaccinated and all aged
Incidence                                                                                        humans (Figure 2A), although there was no significant differ-
Confirmed cases of monkeypox were reported in all 12 health                                      ence by age groups (χ 2 = 6.60; P = .25). Seventy-five percent of
zones, ranging from 3.0 to 44.5 per 100 000 (Figure 1). The av-                                  animal exposures among females occurred among those aged
erage incidence for all health zones was 14.1 per 100 000 (95%                                   5–29 years (Figure 3A). Animal exposures differed significantly
CI, 13.3–15.0) and was significantly higher in males than in                                     by age group among males (χ 2 = 19.68; P = .001). Males aged
females (Table 1). Males aged 5–9 and 10–19 years had the                                        0–9 years were reported to have had more exposures to symp-
highest incidences of all age and sex categories, followed by                                    tomatic humans than animals, a trend that was reversed be-
females aged 20–29 years. Males aged 0–4 and ≥40 years, and                                      yond 10 years of age (Figure 2B). Among males, the frequency
females aged 20–29 years had significantly higher incidences                                     of animal exposures ranged between 11.4% and 14.2%, except
than their respective sex counterparts (Table 1).The incidence                                   for males aged 10–19 years, who accounted for 37.5% of animal
of confirmed cases among those presumed unvaccinated was                                         exposures (Figure 3A and Supplementary Table 2).
>2.5 times the incidence of monkeypox among those presumed                                          Monkeypox cases with animal exposures had contact with
vaccinated (incidence rate ratio, 2.73; 95% CI, 2.21–3.40).                                      nonhuman primates (68.4%; n = 199), “rats” (typically re-

                                                                                                                                                                                       Downloaded from by guest on 09 September 2021
                                                                                                 fers to pouched rats of genus Cricetomys spp) (17.5%; n = 51),
Exposure History                                                                                 squirrels (10.3%; n = 30), or other domestic or wild animal
Of 837 confirmed cases with completed exposure history, 309                                      species (15.2%; n = 44). Males were more likely than females
(36.9%) reported having had contact with ≥1 animal as their                                      to report contact with rats (72.6% vs 27.5%; χ 2 = 5.43; P = .02)
only exposure in the 3 weeks prior to symptom onset, and                                         (Supplementary Table 3), but there were no significant differ-
279 (33.3%) reported contact with ≥1 symptomatic human                                           ences by age group (Supplementary Table 4). Females (58 of 132;
with monkeypox-like symptoms as their only exposure in the                                       47.2%) were more likely than males (56 of 176; 34.8%) to re-
3 weeks before symptom onset. An additional 109 confirmed                                        port contact with a dead animal purchased for meat (χ 2 = 4.44;
case patients (13.0%) reported contact with both animals and                                     P = .04). There were no significant differences by sex with other
symptomatic humans, and 140 (16.7%) reported no known ex-                                        types of animal-human contact (Supplementary Table 3).
posures; both groups were excluded from further analysis of ex-                                     Of the 279 case patients reporting contact with a sympto-
posure history.                                                                                  matic person, 96.1% (n = 268) reported 1 symptomatic contact,
  There were significant differences in exposure type by age                                     2.9% (n = 8) reported 2 symptomatic contacts, and 1.1% (n = 3)
(within males) and sex among cases with mutually exclusive ex-                                   reported 3 symptomatic contacts. Females (n = 149; 53.4%)
posures. Overall, males (57.1%; n = 176) were more likely than                                   reported more contact than males with symptomatic people
females (42.9%; n = 132) to report animal exposures (χ 2 = 6.53;                                 (n = 130; 46.6%; χ 2 = 6.53; P = .01). There were significant dif-
P = .01). Among females, those aged 5–19 and ≥40 years had                                       ferences in the distribution of people reporting exposures only
higher frequency of exposures to animals than to symptomatic                                     to symptomatic humans between males and females across age

Table 1.        Confirmed Monkeypox Cases and Annual Incidence per 100 000 by Age Group, Vaccination Status, and Sex—Tshuapa Province, 2011–2015a

                                          All Patients                          Male Patients                    Female Patients

                                                Incidence per                         Incidence per                     Incidence per
                                                   100 000                               100 000                           100 000            IRR Comparing Male to Female
Patient Group                 Cases, No.          (95% CI)            Cases, No.        (95% CI)        Cases, No.        (95% CI)                  Patients (95% CI)

Age group, y
     0–4                           205        15.1 (13.1–17.3)            118        17.3 (14.3–20.7)       86         12.7 (10.1–15.7)                1.36 (1.02–1.82b)

     5–9                           200        18.1 (15.7–20.8)            104        18.9 (15.4–22.8)       96         17.4 (14.1–21.3)                 1.08 (.81–1.44)
     10–19                         302         17.4 (15.5–19.4)           168        19.3 (16.5–22.5)      133         15.3 (12.8–18.1)                1.26 (1.00–1.60)

     20–29                         185        15.5 (13.4–17.9)             76        12.7 (10.0–15.9)      108         18.2 (14.9–22.0)                0.70 (.51–.95b)
     30–39                         100         11.3 (9.2–13.8)             57        13.0 (9.8–16.8)        43          9.7 (7.0–13.0)                  1.34 (.89–2.04)
     ≥40                             65         5.4 (4.1–6.8)              45         8.4 (6.1–11.2)        20          3.0 (1.8–4.6)                  2.82 (1.63–5.04b)
     Total                        1057        14.1 (13.3–15.0)           568         15.4 (14.2–16.8)      486         12.8 (11.7–13.9)                 1.21 (1.07–1.37b)
Unvaccinated                       960        16.4 (15.3–17.4)           504         17.1 (15.7–18.7)      453         15.5 (14.1–16.9)                 1.11 (.97–1.26)
Vaccinatedc                          97         6.0 (4.9–7.3)              64         8.7 (6.7–11.1)        33          3.8 (2.6–5.3)                  2.31 (1.49–3.63b)

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; IRR, incidence rate ratio.
  Population and demographic estimates for Tshuapa Province from 2015 [20] were used to estimate annual population size and demographics for 2013, the midpoint population, assuming
an annual growth rate of 3.3% [21].
    Statistically significant 95% CIs.
 Because smallpox vaccination was discontinued in 1980, individuals born before January 1980 were presumed to have been vaccinated.

                                                                     Monkeypox Surveillance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo • jid 2021:223 (1 June) • 1873
A                                                                                                                                                   B
                                                                                                                 Human only (n = 149)                                                      6.9% (n = 9)
                                                 4.0% (n = 6)
                                     >40                                                                                                                                  >40                         11.4% (n = 20)
                                                    6.1% (n = 8)                                                 Animal only (n = 132)

                                                                                                                                                                                           6.9% (n = 9)
                                                      7.4% (n = 11)
                         30–39                                                                                                                                          30–39                         11.4% (n = 20)                                          Human only (n = 130)
                                                     6.8% (n = 9)
 Age Category, y

                                                                                                                                                      Age Category, y
                                                                                                                                                                                                 9.2% (n = 12)                                                Animal only (n = 176)
                                                                                             26.2% (n = 39)
                         20–29                                                                                                                                          20–29                             13.1% (n = 23)
                                                                                20.5% (n = 27)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    26.2% (n = 34)
                                                                                                27.5% (n = 41)
                         10–19                                                                                                                                          10–19                                                                                37.5% (n = 66)
                                                                                                         31.1% (n = 41)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             22.3% (n = 29)
                                                                       15.4% (n = 23)
                                     5–9                                                                                                                                  5–9                               14.2% (n = 25)
                                                                                        23.5% (n = 31)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         28.5% (n = 37)
                                                                               19.5% (n = 29)
                                     0–4                                                                                                                                  0–4
                                                                12.1% (n = 16)                                                                                                                          12.5% (n = 22)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Downloaded from by guest on 09 September 2021
                                       0%               10%                 20%                  30%                   40%               50%                                    0%              10%                  20%               30%                  40%                50%

Figure 2. A, Age distribution of female case patients with confirmed monkeypox, by exposure to animals only or symptomatic humans only—Tshuapa Province, 2011–2015
(n = 281; P = .25). B, Age distribution of male case patients with confirmed monkeypox, by exposure to animals only or symptomatic humans only—Tshuapa Province,
2011–2015 (n = 306; P = .001).

groups (χ 2 = 16.19; P = .006) (Figure 3B). Among individuals                                                                                                    playing together (6.6%; 18 of 271), and other interactions (6.5%;
aged 10–29 years, females reported significantly more exposures                                                                                                  18 of 276). There were no significant differences in the type of
to symptomatic humans than males (age 10–19 years, 54.7% fe-                                                                                                     contact or relationship to the contact by sex (Supplementary
male vs 45.3% male [P = .03]; age 20–29 years: 76.5% female                                                                                                      Table 3). Although a higher proportion of females (n = 65;
vs 23.5% male [P = .02]) (Supplementary Table 2). Among fe-                                                                                                      60.2%) reported providing care for symptomatic contacts than
males, exposure to symptomatic humans remained relatively                                                                                                        males (n = 43; 39.8%), this difference was not significant (χ 2 =
constant until 29 years of age, in contrast to males, for whom                                                                                                   3.06; P = .08). Across age groups, the proportion of case pa-
human exposures decreased beyond 19 years of age (Figure 3B).                                                                                                    tients providing care for symptomatic contacts increased with
   Among 264 case patients with complete information on                                                                                                          age (Fisher exact P < .001) (Supplementary Table 4).
contact with symptomatic humans, family members were the
most frequently reported contact (90.5%; n = 239), followed by                                                                                                   Clinical Characteristics
friends (6.4%; n = 17), and others (3.4%; n = 9). Reported ex-                                                                                                   All 1057 confirmed cases reported a cutaneous rash; 8 (.8%)
posure types included shared living space (89.8%; 247 of 275),                                                                                                   were deceased at the time of the investigation (complete out-
preparing food together (58.2%; 160 of 275), sharing a bed                                                                                                       come data were not collected, and mortality rates could there-
(48.9%; 134 of 274), providing medical care (39.4%; 108 of 274),                                                                                                 fore not be calculated). Of 1029 confirmed case patients with

                   A                                                                                                                           B
                                           >40                             6.1%                        11.4%                                                             >40                                   4.0%                6.9%,
                                                                          (n = 8)                     (n = 20)                                                                                                (n = 6)             (n = 9)
                                                                                                                      Females (n = 132)                                                                                                                     Females (n = 149)

                                                                                                                      Males (n = 176)                                                                                                                       Males (n = 130)
                                      30–39                                6.8%                          11.4%                                                          30–39                              7.4%                    6.9%
                                                                          (n = 9)                        (n = 20)                                                                                         (n = 11)                (n = 9)

                                                             20.5%                                                                                                                     26.2%                                          9.2%
                   Age Category, y

                                                                                                                                               Age Category, y

                                      20–29                                                                13.1%                                                        20–29
                                                            (n = 27)                                       (n = 23)                                                                   (n = 39)                                      (n = 12)

                                                  31.1%                                                                            37.5%                                              27.5%                                                           26.2%,
                                      10–19                                                                                                                             10–19
                                                 (n = 41)                                                                          (n = 66)                                          (n = 41)                                                        (n = 34)

                                                         23.5%                                              14.2%                                                                                 15.4%                                           22.3%
                                           5–9                                                                                                                            5–9                    (n = 23)                                        (n = 29)
                                                        (n = 31)                                           (n = 25)

                                                                     12.1%                                12.5%                                                                             19.5%                                                          28.5%,
                                           0–4                                                                                                                            0–4              (n = 29)                                                       (n = 37)
                                                                    (n = 16)                             (n = 22)

Figure 3. A, Age distribution by sex among confirmed monkeypox case patients who self-reported only an exposure to a domestic or wild animal in the 3 weeks before
illness onset—Tshuapa Province, 2011–2015 (n = 308). B, Age distribution by sex among confirmed monkeypox case patients who self-reported only an exposure to a human
with a similar rash illness in the 3 weeks before symptom onset —Tshuapa Province, 2011–2015 (n = 279).

1874 • jid 2021:223 (1 June) • Whitehouse et al
complete dates, 99.4% (n = 1023) reported a subjective or meas-         historical vaccination against smallpox might confer a degree
ured fever before rash onset. The median interval between fever         of cross-protection against monkeypox [10, 23]. This is further
and rash onset was 2 days (IQR, 2–3 days; range, 1–34 days;             supported by the increase in the median age of case patients
n = 932), and there was no significant difference in this interval      as the susceptible population ages, from 4.4 years in the 1980s
between age groups (χ 2 = 3.06; P = .69). Of 1025 confirmed             [12, 16], to 11.9 years in Sankuru Provence during 2006–2007
case patients with known lesion distribution, 96.5% (n = 989)           [23], 14 years among our cohort, and 29 years in Nigeria during
presented with centrifugal distribution, 3.2% (n = 33) with cen-        2017–2018 [2]. The global ramifications of waning immunity
tripetal distribution, and 0.3% (n = 3) had equal lesion counts         against orthopoxviruses are underscored by the recent mon-
on their trunk and extremities. The median lesion count was             keypox outbreak in Nigeria [2] and the increasing number of
102 (IQR, 61–177; range, 1–2679; n = 1043). No differences              cases reported in West and Central Africa [25].
were observed by age group in lesion count by body site, me-               Monkeypox incidence was overall higher in males than in
dian lesion count, or lesion severity score (Table 2).                  females (Table 1), in keeping with previous studies [12, 23].
   Among signs and symptoms reported during the period of               Notably, incidence was significantly higher in females aged

                                                                                                                                               Downloaded from by guest on 09 September 2021
illness, coughing, lymphadenopathy, dysphagia, headache,                20–29 years than in males, a group that also reported the second
and conjunctivitis differed significantly by age group (Table 2).       highest proportion of exposures to symptomatic people (Figure
There was no consistent pattern between frequency of specific           3B). This might be because 20–29-year-old women are of child-
signs and symptoms and age groups. Patients born before 1980            bearing age and possibly most at risk of exposure when caring
(presumed vaccinated) were less likely to report lymphadenop-           for sick children [26]. Additional differences in self-reported
athy, buccal ulcers, dysphagia, conjunctivitis, and photophobia         exposures by sex and age could be explained by established
but more likely to report headache than patients born after 1980        gender-specific roles [24]. For example, females were more
(Supplementary Table 5). No significant differences in lesion           likely to report contact with a dead animal purchased for meat,
count or severity were observed between individuals born be-            a behavioral risk factor for exposure to zoonotic pathogens
fore versus after 1980 (Supplementary Table 5).                         [15]. Similarly, the highest incidence among males was in those
                                                                        aged 10–19 years (Table 1), the same cohort that accounted for
                                                                        the highest proportion of animal exposures (Figure 3A). This
Incidence in Tshuapa Province during the surveillance period            is consistent with prior epidemiological studies from DRC [6,
was more than twice that reported immediately north (Bumba              16], and likely reflects hunting practices in Central [9, 27] and
zone) during 1981–1985 using active surveillance (6.3 cases             Western Africa [28], whereby young males are frequently in-
per 100 000) [10]. Although comparing incidence across space            volved in hunting small mammals that are possible MPXV res-
and time is inherently perilous owing to diverse and incon-             ervoir hosts [7]. Nevertheless, exposures to animals were widely
sistent surveillance and laboratory capacity [8], this doubling         distributed across sex and age groups, indicating that potential
between 2 adjacent provinces is noteworthy. This is consistent          exposures to zoonotic diseases occur frequently throughout
with an increase in monkeypox incidence at the national level           the population, as previously reported in rural settings where
during 2001–2013, which could not be solely attributed to im-           people depend on and routinely interact with wild animals [27,
proved disease surveillance [8]. While incidence varied dramat-         28].
ically by health zone, the overall incidence in Tshuapa Province           One-third of confirmed case patients reported exposures to
was lower than that reported immediately south (Sankuru                 symptomatic humans only, indicating that secondary exposures
Province) during 2006–2007 using active surveillance (55.3              among household members are relatively common. These in-
cases per 100 000) [23]. Such differences could be due to sur-          cluded frequent and potentially high-risk exposures involving
veillance artifacts but also call for further investigations to ad-     communal activities in shared domestic spaces or providing care
dress whether differences or changes in reservoir distribution          for ill family members. Studies from the 1980s demonstrated
or density [10, 24], or sociocultural factors that affect animal-       that most monkeypox cases were from animal exposures [10,
human interactions and land use could be contributing to the            29], but this study and others suggest that human-to-human
effect [24].                                                            transmission could be a significant driver of infection [30],
   The incidence among confirmed case patients was almost               especially in households [24]. Although only relatively short
3 times higher among those presumed unvaccinated (16.4                  monkeypox transmission chains (≤7) have been described [4,
per 100 000) than among those presumed vaccinated (6.0 per              5, 30], increasing human-to-human transmission may be due to
100 000). The incidence among individuals presumed vac-                 waning immunity and provide opportunities for evolutionary
cinated was comparable to that in the Bumba zone during                 adaption that increases secondary transmission [30].
1981–1985 (6.3 per 100 000), a cohort that presumably in-                  Most of the case patients in this study presented with mon-
cluded people vaccinated against smallpox [10]. These find-             keypox before rash (99.4%) and lymphadenopathy (84.7%)
ings strengthen findings of previous studies suggesting that            (Table 2), both defining features of monkeypox infection [12].

                                               Monkeypox Surveillance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo • jid 2021:223 (1 June) • 1875
Table 2.        Clinical Characteristics of Confirmed Monkeypox Cases by Age Category—Tshuapa Province, 2011–2015

                                                                                    Case Patients by Age Group, No. (%)

Characteristic                                       0–4 y          5–9 y          10–19 y            20–29 y           30–39 y           ≥40 y           Total        P Valuea

Presence of lesions (n = 1057)
     Face                                             202            197             291                 184               98               64             1036        .27 (exact)
                                                     (98.5)         (98.5)          (96.4)              (99.5)           (99.0)           (98.5)          (98.0)
     Trunk                                            200            196             291                 181               97               63            1028         .89 (exact)
                                                     (97.6)         (98.0)          (96.4)              (97.8)           (97.0)           (96.9)          (97.3)
     Arms                                             196            194              294                181               98               63            1026         .84 (exact)
                                                     (95.6)         (97.0)           (97.4)             (97.8)           (98.0)           (96.9)          (97.1)
     Palms                                            197            190             287                 179               95               61             1009        .88 (exact)
                                                     (96.1)         (95.0)          (95.0)              (96.8)           (95.0)           (93.9)          (95.5)
     Legs                                             154            142             222                 142               76               50             786         .81 (χ 2 = 2.28)
                                                     (75.1)         (71.0)          (73.5)              (76.8)           (76.0)           (76.9)          (74.3)

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Downloaded from by guest on 09 September 2021
     Soles                                            172            168             252                 162               80               51             885         .50 (χ 2 = 4.38)
                                                     (83.9)         (84.0)          (83.4)              (87.6)           (80.0)           (78.5)          (83.7)
     Genitals                                          64             65              68                  56               30               17             300         .15 (χ 2 = 8.20)
                                                     (31.2)         (32.5)          (22.5)              (30.3)           (30.0)           (26.2)          (28.4)
Total lesion count, median                            93.5           97            106.5               109.5             115.5            115             102          .25 (Kruskal-Wallis
  (IQR; range), (n = 1043)                          (57–152;      (59–169;      (63.5–184.5;        (65.5–192.5;       (63–195;        (62–168.5;       (61–177;          χ 2 = 6.63)
                                                     5–510)        1–660)         5–2679)             13–929)          18–940)           9–739)         1–2679)
Lesion severity (n = 1043)
     Mild (≤25 lesions)                                13            10               16                  5                 1               3              48          .41 (χ 2 = 15.54)
                                                      (6.4)         (5.0)            (5.4)              (2.7)             (1.0)           (4.7)           (4.6)
     Moderate (26–100 lesions)                        101             92             126                  77               42               24             462
                                                     (50.0)         (46.2)          (42.6)              (41.9)           (42.9)           (37.5)          (44.3)
     Severe (101–249 lesions)                          65             73             109                  78               38               29             392
                                                     (32.2)         (36.7)          (36.8)              (42.4)           (38.8)           (45.3)          (37.6)
     Exceptional (≥250 lesions)                        23             24              45                  24               17               8              141
                                                     (11.4)         (12.1)          (15.2)              (13.0)           (17.4)           (12.5)          (13.5)
Clinical signs and symptomsb
     Vomiting (n = 1010)                               49             49              73                  37               28               14             250         .74 (χ 2 = 2.72)
                                                     (24.9)         (25.5)          (25.5)              (20.9)           (29.2)           (22.6)          (24.8)
     Cough (n = 1024)                                 125            102             172                  92               45               25             561          .01c (χ 2 = 14.85)
                                                     (62.8)         (52.0)          (58.3)              (51.4)           (48.4)           (40.3)          (54.8)
     Lymphadenopathy (n = 1034)                       155            170             255                 164               80               52             876         .04c (χ 2 = 11.82)
                                                     (79.1)         (87.2)          (85.6)              (90.1)           (81.6)           (80.0)          (84.7)
     Chills (n = 1027)                                157            161             242                 161               79               52             852         .13 (χ 2 = 8.52)
                                                     (78.9)         (82.1)          (82.3)              (89.4)           (85.0)           (80.0)          (83.0)
     Dysphagia (n = 1032)                             128            136             226                 140               69               37             736         .02c (χ 2 = 13.94)
                                                     (66.0)         (69.4)          (75.3)              (76.9)           (71.9)           (57.8)          (71.3)
     Buccal ulcers (n = 1018)                         103            109             164                 114               53               27             570         .06 (χ 2 = 10.66)
                                                     (52.8)         (56.8)          (56.0)              (63.7)           (56.4)           (41.5)          (56.0)
     Headache (n = 1011)                              121            141             242                 147               87               55             793
The absence of differences in clinical presentation, lesion distri-     the relative importance of behavioral risk factors and waning
bution, severity, and count by age groups stand out in our anal-        smallpox immunity for incidence. Differences in incidence and
ysis. Historical studies suggest that smallpox vaccination lessened     exposure histories by sex and age are complicated by the diver-
the risk of monkeypox infection and illness severity, particularly      sity and intensity of animal-human interactions and are best
within 20 years of vaccination [11, 12]; however, these findings        elucidated through collaborative epidemiological, anthropolog-
were not confirmed in studies in which vaccination occurred             ical, and ecological approaches.
more than 20 years earlier [15]. While our results showed dif-
ferences in symptoms by patient age (Table 2) and vaccination           Supplementary Data
status (Supplementary Table 5), there was no clear relationship         Supplementary materials are available at The Journal of Infectious
between these variables and frequency of symptoms. This could           Diseases online. Consisting of data provided by the authors to
be due to differences in symptoms by age independent of vacci-          benefit the reader, the posted materials are not copyedited and
nation status, differences in the durability of the immunological       are the sole responsibility of the authors, so questions or com-
response conferred by smallpox vaccination, reporting bias by           ments should be addressed to the corresponding author.

                                                                                                                                               Downloaded from by guest on 09 September 2021
age group, or collection of data from patients at different time
points in their clinical progression. In addition, 10% of case pa-      Notes
tients described in this study were presumed to be vaccinated,             Acknowledgments. We are indebted to the surveillance of-
further indicating that vaccine-derived immunity may wane or is         ficers of Tshuapa Province and to all the patients featured in
not 100% effective at preventing infection [12, 29].                    this study. We are thankful to Brett Petersen for reviewing the
   Our study has several limitations. Healthcare-seeking be-            manuscript.
haviors and investigations in Tshuapa Province can be im-                  Financial support. This work was supported by the US
peded by impassible roads, and by limited and competing                 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The findings
public health resources. Fewer than half of suspected mon-              and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do
keypox cases reported to the provincial public health de-               not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease
partment were investigated, which likely underestimated the             Control and Prevention.
number of confirmed cases, and could have biased our re-                   Potential conflicts of interest. All authors: No reported
sults. Estimating incidence was further complicated by unre-            conflicts. All authors have submitted the ICMJE Form for
liable demographic data. Exposure history was self-reported,            Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. Conflicts that the
which is subject to recall bias, although this might be tem-            editors consider relevant to the content of the manuscript have
pered by the short median interval between rash onset and               been disclosed.
investigation (4 days). Reported exposures to persons with
monkeypox-like symptoms were not systematically inves-                  References
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1878 • jid 2021:223 (1 June) • Whitehouse et al
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