CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018

Page created by Neil Burton
CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018
  The magazine for Steiff Club members – August 2018
CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018

                      Steiff friends,

                         The cover is dedicated to the           This magazine also contains
                      star of this issue: Harlequin Teddy     plenty of news from the Steiff
                      bear and little elephant. They          company, and goes far beyond pure
                      present themselves as no. 12 in         product information. Managing
                      the Margarete Steiff Edition. As        Director Peter Hotz tells us
                      many of you know, the edition size      about himself and Zotty, his loyal
                      traditionally is very low. This time    childhood friend; we chat to Ruth
                      there are only 138 pieces, as it is     Richter, Key Account Manager of
                      138 years since the first ‘Elefäntle’   the Corporate Business Division,
                      was made and Margarete Steiff           and find out what the ALLIGATOR
                      GmbH was founded. This "jewel" of       company has to do with Steiff.
                      the Steiff collection is reserved for      And if you'd like to test your
                      Club members, and we present it in      knowledge of Steiff on page 40, you
                      greater detail on pages 15 to 17.       could be lucky enough to win one of
                         The number of other lovely           our fabulous prizes.
                      collectors' items – not all of them
                      in limited quantities – is so large        Happy reading!
                      that you will probably find it
                      hard to make a choice! So for the          Yours,
                      young – and young-at-heart – new
                      Club members amongst you, a
                      word of advice from collectors of
                      many years' standing might prove
                      quite useful. On pages 34 to 39 you
                      can find out what collecting Steiff
                      animals is like and how it can even        INGE ZINNECKER
                      be combined with other hobbies.            Steiff Club Manager

Designer's Choice
    Gustav Teddy
   bear and Steffi
    elephant out-
 shine each other
(item nos. 006272
    and 006265).

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CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018
Bear-y loyal                                                                                                                                                                   Secrets
    friends:                                                                                                                                                                         from the
    The new                                                                                                                                                                     archives (6):
     Loyalty                                                                                                                                                                     Discovered
Teddy bears.                                                                                                                                                                        for you!

        6                                                                                                                                                                            24

                                  Fresh for fall:

                                    An autumn
                                shopping guide

                                                        8                                                                         Steiff inside:
                                                                                                                                   A conversation

                                                                                                                                   with Peter Hotz
                                                                                                                                                                                                 A museum to fall in love with

       IMPRINT                                                                  NEWS                      TOPICS                     TOPICS                      COMMUNITY                 STANDARDS

       PUBLISHER: Margarete Steiff GmbH,                                     6	Bear-y loyal            18	Steiff inside         24	Secrets from the        34	Passions              32	Service
       Richard-Steiff-Str. 4, 89537 Giengen an der Brenz, Germany
       tel.: + 49 (0) 7322 131555, e-mail:                  friends                    A family affair           archives (6)               Inspired by Steiff        Questions and answers
       EDITORS: Inge Zinnecker, Rick Emerson                                    The new Loyalty                                      A look at never before
       CONTRIBUTORS: Rebekah Kaufman, Daniel Hentschel                          Teddy bears             20	The ALLIGATOR            seen treasures           40	Contest               48	The Club page
       PHOTOS: Margarete Steiff GmbH
                                                                                                            company                                             Test your knowledge       Rewards for recruiting
       Nadine Reinhardt / Hess GmbH – Medien,             8	Fresh for fall             A tribute to Richard   27	Culture                                             new members,
       PRINT: DFM-GMBH / BLUEPRINT, München                                     An autumn                  Steiff 's vision          E-mail from the deep     42	Venues                  application form
       FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION: twice a year                                   shopping guide                                                                  A museum to fall in
                                                                                                        22	A company             30	Portrait                  love with; new Steiff   50	Calendar
       Subject to changes. Reprinting and copying, even in part,
       only with the express permission of the publisher.
                                                                             12	Special items              within a                 Special items from the     Shops                     Club events
       By submitting manuscripts you consent to their publication in            Customer and country        company                  Toy Shoppe, Richmond,
       the Club magazine. We must reserve the right to edit or abridge
       letters or articles. Printed colours may deviate from the original.      exclusives                 Steiff 's corporate       Virginia, USA                                      51	Favourite
       All rights reserved.
                                                                                                           business                                                                       Peak performance
       Printed in Germany 07/2018 e – item no. 916915                        14	Steiff Fashion
                                                                                First Steiff designed
                                                                                collection in 2019

                                                                             15	138 pieces only
                                                                                The Margarete Steiff
   4                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5
                                                                                Edition 2018
CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018
CLUB NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CLUB NEWS

                                   Bear-y loyal friends
                                                         The new Loyalty Teddy bears.

                    "Do you remember the first Steiff animal in your life?" Many of our
                    Club members share long, very personal stories with us in response
                    to this question. Often, people's associations with their first Steiff
                    animal go right back to their childhoods. Many still have them today,
                    and they are bound up with countless memories that may well have
                    helped them to make the decision to join the Steiff Club. Loyalty and
                    friendship are important when collecting Steiff animals – especially
                    in the Club! We want to acknowledge this loyalty and reward loyal                                  USI V
                    members with something very special.                                                          CL           E


                                                                                                           * for

    The Loyalty        Available for a long time              A special trio

       bears for       That is why we are releasing           So what is the situation with                          b memb
 long-standing      a new series of Loyalty bears this     the new bear family now? The first
       members:     year. Loyalty bears have been          of the series is available to anyone
Item no. 421570     around for some time. However,         who has been a Club member for         – for 25 years as a Club member –
   for 10 years,    like many Club editions, they used     at least ten years, and the trio is    is effectively the "treasure" of the
item no. 421587     to be only available in limited        then gradually completed. All three    series. This bear is pale blond, and
  for 20 years,     numbers, which meant that they         bears were lovingly designed in the    has a gold-coloured glitter band.
item no. 421594     very quickly became unavailable.       Steiff studio and wear felt emblems.   The paws, soles and collar are made
   for 25 years     Time and again, we had to cancel       All three stand 24 cm tall. And they   of golden yellow felt, and this bear
of membership.      orders even though the people in       complement each other in a very        sports a little, gold-coloured felt
        (€ 99.90/   question had been members for          special way, because each new bear     hat.
   CHF 119.00/      many years, and we regretted this      brings a little decorative detail                                             the world have with their Steiff       come in, but to us it is far more      collecting Steiff animals is to you in
  £ 89.90 each)     every time. However, this shouldn't    with it. The Loyalty Teddy bear           What a (hi)story                    animals, and how different cultures    important to feel how the subject      your life, and how the animals are
                    happen with the new Loyalty Teddy      for 10 years as a Club member is          10 years – 20 years – 25 years:     affect these personal relationships,   of bear loyalty is experienced in      presented in your home. We will
                    bears: they are not limited, and the   cinnamon in colour with paws and       we go back a long way with many        make us part of a global community     the various corners and ends of the    be pleased to contact you, and we
                    plan is for them to remain in the      soles in light-brown felt. The nose    of our Club members, which also        that we are proud to call family.      globe.                                 would be delighted to publish some
                    Club range for a long time. This       and snout are hand-embroidered         means that we share countless          What is a fact is that as of August,                                          of these stories.
                    means that Club members of many        in coffee-coloured mercerised          personal experiences. Even though      around 9,000 Club members all             20+ stories
                    years' standing can look forward       yarn. The bear is wearing a printed    many of them have already been         over the world were entitled to           This is a very special message
                    to their Loyalty Teddy bears even      glitter band and an embroidered        published, we don't know most of       purchase the cinnamon-coloured         for people who have been Club
                    if the date is still some time in      caramel-coloured felt chest tag.       them, and probably never will. But     bear. We count 4,000 members for       members for at least 20 years. You
                    the future. And we all like having     The second bear is similar, except     they exist, and they shape people's    the white bear. And an impressive      are cordially invited: please feel
                    something to look forward to, don't    this one is white, with the soles      individual lives. We get tremendous    2,300 members or so fulfil the         free to send your Steiff collector's
                    we?                                    and paws contrasting in silver.        pleasure from thinking about them      requirements for the "treasure" of     story with your order. It doesn't
                                                           In addition to the printed glitter     – and we also have a tremendous        the series. So now we look forward     have to be long. For instance, you
                                                           band and chest tag, the bear is also   respect for them. All the different    to receiving your orders. It's not     can tell us what your favourite
                                                           wearing a collar. Loyalty bear no. 3   experiences that people all over       about the value of the orders that     animals are, how important

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CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                NEWS

       For the Steiff autumn collection, we went treasure hunting in grandma’s
       attic, took an imaginary trip around the world, and discovered that the
       best things often come in small packages.

       Take a look at our three themed collections
       for fall, and you’ll instantly understand
       what we’re talking about. We’ve assem-                      The Vintage Memories Collection                            Kay Teddy bear
       bled a very special assortment that’s sure                  Inspired by a visit to grandma’s house, this               This exquisite bear    hat make her simply
       to capture the imagination of every collec-              collection has a vintage feel that will add charm and      takes the harlequin       irresistible. She’s an ideal
       tor. With so many superb items to choose                 warmth to any collection. All items in the Vintage         concept to new heights.   gift for Mom, daughter,
       from, we think you’ll have a hard time                   Memories assortment come packaged in an elegant            Her understated pale      or grandmother – one
       selecting just one!                                      art-deco inspired tube that’s ideal for storage or gift-   blue and antique pink     that will be cherished for
                                                                giving. It’s a retro touch that makes each item even       mohair coat, fancy lace   generations. (Item no.
                                                                more special.                                              collar, and understated   026836, 16 cm)

                       Fresh for fall                                                                                                 An autumn shopping guide for all occasions.

                                         Tess Teddy bear
                                         Tess has a wonderfully
                                      classic look – a timeless                                                                                         Rick rabbit
                                      style that’s just right                                                                                           This happy bunny
                                      for everyone. Over her                                                                                         has a light grey mohair
                                      luxuriously soft mohair                                                                                        coat, wears white harem
                                      coat, this lovely bear                                                                                         trousers, and sports
                                      wears a pink frock                                                                                             a nautically-inspired
                                      finished with braided,                                                                                         collar imprinted with
                                      dark pink trim. Her                                                                                            a vintage design. As
                                      ensemble is completed                                                                                          a finishing touch, his
                                      with a matching bow                                                                                            collar is trimmed with a
                                      in her hair. (Item no.                                                                                         glimmering dark red bow.
                                      026850, 16 cm)                                                                                                 (Item no. 026843, 16 cm)

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CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NEWS

          The Great Escapes Collection                              London Teddy bear         is sewn from red, black,       The Pocket Pets Collection                                    Wildlife Giftbox bear       Why not take him along
          This ingenious collection takes you on a                  Could he be guarding      and blond mohair. It’s         Wouldn’t it be great if you could take a Steiff               Our little cinnamon         with you? His mohair coat
       grand tour of the world’s most famous cities              the new royal baby?          finished with polished      bear or animal with you everywhere you go?                    bear stands on all fours       is surface washable, and
       – without having to leave the comforts of                 This smart Teddy bear        golden buttons and          Thanks to the all-new Pocket Pets collection,                 and sniffs the air for         he’s just the right size
       home. "Great Escapes" lets you                            represents the dapper        metallic gold trim. (Item   now you can! These pint-                                      a whiff of honey. Next         for purse or backpack.
       experience a taste of the                                 Queen’s Guard who            no. 026867, 16 cm)          sized little masterworks                                      to eating, he enjoys           He’s the perfect travelling
       world’s top destinations                                  protect Buckingham                                       represent all the best                                            playtime and going         companion! (Item no.
       with the simple hug of a                                  Palace. Our version                                      of Steiff, but in                                                    on adventures.          026928, 12 cm)
       Teddy. Each bear wears                                                                                             an even cuter,
       a clever costume                                                                                                   smaller size. All
       based on the city                                                                                                  items in the
       he represents. All                                                                                                 collection are
       items in the Great                                                                                                 packaged in
       Escapes collection                                                                                                 a designer
       are packaged in an                                                                                                 box imprinted
       imaginative window                                                                                                 with animal
       box decorated with                                                                                                 silhouettes.
       travel motifs.

                                                                                                                             Wildlife Giftbox               Wildlife Giftbox
                                                                                                                          elephant                       giraffe
                                                                                                                             An elephant with an            Steiff’s 16-centimetre      ingenious design, and
                                                                                                                          upturned trunk is said         giraffe is the ideal starter   unmatched quality –
                                                                                                                          to be a good luck charm.       piece for a new collector.     packed into an adorable
                                                                                                                          If that’s the case, then       He has all the quality         take-along size. With his
                                                                                                                          our little baby calf is sure   hallmarks of the brand –       handprinted spots, he’s
                                                                                                                          to bring good fortune          immaculate construction,       really a little work of art.
                                                                                                                          your way. He’s sewn                                           (Item no. 026942)
                                                                                                                          from grey mohair and
                                                                                                                          has airbrushed accents
                                                                                                                          on his feet and across
                                                                                                                          his eyes. Our baby
                                                                                                                          elephant makes a
          New York Teddy bear                                                                 that’s trimmed with faux    thoughtful gift for a
          The real Statue of                                                                  fur. Around her neck,       birthday or special
       Liberty on Staten Island                                                               you’ll find an antiqued     occasion. Like all
       stands a magnificent         tarnished copper patina         Paris Teddy bear          silver heart medallion on   Steiff creations,
       305 feet (93 metres) tall.   of Lady Liberty herself.        Chic. In a word, that’s   an elegant satin ribbon.    he’s entirely
       While our Teddy version      Her outfit is completed by   how we’d describe our        Our Paris Teddy is ready    handmade.
       is considerably smaller,     a sash made of netting, a    Paris Teddy. She’s sewn      to walk the runways of      (Item no.
       she’s no less majestic.      die-cut felt torch, and a    from pale blond mohair       the City of Lights. Won’t   026935,
       Her mohair has been          handcrafted felt crown.      and wears an elegantly       you come along with her?    11 cm)
       dyed green to match the      (Item no. 026874, 15 cm)     tailored couture coat        (Item no. 026881, 16 cm)

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CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                             NEWS

                                                 Special items

                           GERMANY                                                                                                    EUROPE
                   SNOOPY AND WOODSTOCK                                                                                     RIN TIN CAN
                                                                                                                               Rin Tin Can first appeared in 1960 on                      Rin Tin Can,
                      Following the tremendous success of his little                                                        the pages of "Sur la Piste des Daltons"                       item no. 674617,
                   predecessor, there is now a special treat for all fans                                                   (On the Daltons’ Trail). His original name,                   23 cm,
                   of the unique PEANUTS character: a Snoopy and                                                            Ran-Tan-Plan, was already a reference to                      limited edition
                   Woodstock standing a proud 60 cm tall and made of                                                        Rin Tin Tin, the canine star in the United                    of 1,000 pieces,
                   mohair.                                                                                                  States of both films produced in the 1920s                    RRP € 169.00.
                      Charles M. Schulz on his character: "Snoopy's                                                         and 1930s, and a TV series that started in
    Snoopy and     entire personality is a little bitter-sweet. But he's                                                    1954. But the concept behind him was quite
    Woodstock,     a very strong character. He can win or lose; be a                                                        different: the dog in the comic series was quite              © Lucky Comics,
item no. 658211,   disaster, a hero or nothing, and yet he is simply                                                        as dumb as Rin-Tin-Tin could be smart on                      2018
         60 cm,    everything."                                                                                             screen!
 limited edition      Exclusively available from                                                                               Steiff is issuing its own version of this lovably
  of 300 pieces    SammlerKontor OHG                                                                                        dopey hound that only ever thinks about food in a
  RRP € 899.00.                                                                                     strictly limited edition of 1,000 pieces in the autumn
                                                                                                                            of 2018. Rin Tin Can is the first item in a series of well-
                                                                                                                            known figures from the popular comic series Lucky
                                                                                                                            Luke. Lucky Luke's horse Jolly Jumper and the main
                                                                                                                            character himself will follow over the coming years.
                                                                                                                            Rin Tin Can stands 23 cm tall, is made of high-quality
                                                                                                                            brown mohair, can turn his head and bend his legs.
                                                                                                                            Around his neck he wears the typical yellow sheriff 's
                                                                       © Peanuts                                            star on a red collar. As an exclusively European limited
                                                                       Wordwide LLC                                         edition, Rin Tin Can is available to order only through
                                                                                                                            retailers in Europe (with the exception of Germany,
                                                                                                                            the UK and Ireland).

                                                       EMIL TEDDY BEAR WITH LITTLE BUNNY
                                                       For some time now, the special items of recent years have
                                                  lacked an exclusive item that is only available in Germany.
                                                 Therefore, we are sure you will be even more pleased with Emil
                                              Teddy bear with little bunny that any Teddy fan will love! The bear is
                                             made of high-quality mohair; the cuddly little bunny of trevira velvet.

                                               Emil Teddy bear with littly bunny, item no. 674532, 18 cm, limited edition
                                                 of 750 pieces, available from November/December 2018, RRP € 149.00.

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CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CLUB NEWS

  The Steiff Fashion collection                                                                                                                          138 pieces only
       First Steiff-designed collection planned for Spring/Summer 2019.                                                                             Presenting the Margarete Steiff edition for 2018.

        After seven years of successful collaboration, Margarete                                                                The peak. The pinnacle. The zenith. The capstone. These
        Steiff GmbH has decided not to renew the licence                                                                        superlatives only begin to describe the coveted Margarete
        agreement with Kids Fashion Group GmbH & Co. KG                                                                         Steiff black label edition for 2018. Steiff has summoned all
        (formerly Josef Kanz GmbH & Co. KG), which expires                                                                      our creative and technical resources to bring you a Teddy
        at the end of 2018. As a licensee, Kids Fashion Group                                                                   bear set that is truly unequalled in the company’s history.
        GmbH & Co. KG produces and distributes Steiff 's
        children's fashion collection. Steiff will in future look
        after this division itself.
                                                                                                                                   In the Roaring 20s, there was a   for around 91,000 Euros (109,000      the company and an unparalleled
                                                                                                                                tremendous demand for colourful      USD).                                 opportunity for a select group of
                                                                                                                                Steiff Teddy bears with happy           Steiff is breathing new life       only 138 collectors.
           The fashion collection amounts    Margarete Steiff GmbH wishes               them for the past seven years. We       faces. One very famous example,      into this storied design for an
        to 25% of the company's turnover,    to reinforce its international             are looking forward to the new          the Harlequin bear, was made as a    exceptional special edition which        Fabric – Teddy bear
        and has in recent years become an    alignment and reach additional             challenge of running the fashion        one-of-a-kind sample in 1925. In     stands 50 cm tall. From weaving          Tradition meets high-
        important division for the brand.    markets.                                   collection independently in the         1999, he sold at a special auction   to sewing to design to packaging,     technology in the special material
        Steiff believes the segment has         Since 2009, Kids Fashion Group          future." The licence agreement                                               the Margarete Steiff Harlequin        which serves as the Teddy bear’s
        tremendous potential, and now        GmbH & Co. KG has developed                expires at the end of 2018. This                                                  bear, accompanied by an          coat. Traditional alpaca yarns are
        wants to continue to develop it in   Steiff 's children's collection in close   means that the Spring/Summer                                                          enchanting Harlequin         woven with modern metallic Lurex
        line with the company's general      collaboration with the company.            2019 collection will be the first one                                                   remake of the famous       threads to create a luxurious and
        growth strategy. To this end, the    Steiff Managing Director Peter             that Steiff will design itself.                                                          "Elefäntle," represents   lustrous Teddy bear fabric that is
        fashion collection needs to return   Hotz: "We have always worked well             Steiff 's fashion range for                                                           an outstanding            completely new.
        to the parent group. Furthermore,    with Kids Fashion Group GmbH &             children consists of two collections,                                                          achievement for        Lurex threads are created from
        by taking on its own fashion line,   Co. KG, and we would like to thank         one for the spring/summer season                                                                                   a synthetic film on which a layer
                                                                                        and one for autumn/winter. They                                                                                    of gold has been vaporized. This
                                                                                        contain clothing and accessories                                                                                   unique yarn is produced in South
                                                                                        for babies and children from ages                                                                                  Africa and presents numerous
                                                                                        0 to 6 years. Every item shows                                                                                     production challenges through
                                                                                        the trademark in the form of                                                                                       the cutting, sewing, and finishing
                                                                                        the famous bear's head with the                                                                                    processes.
                                                                                        "Button in Ear" in Steiff plush, or
                                                                                        the Steiff label. The collection is                                                                                   Fabric – "Elefäntle"
                                                                                        available from Steiff shops and                                                                                       Genuine mohair, a legacy
                                                                                        retailers all over the world.                                                                                      material for Steiff, is used for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the little Harlequin elephant that
                                                                                                                                                                                                           accompanies the Teddy bear. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                           elephant wears a saddlecloth of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           yellow Nappa leather. Its tusks
                                                                                                                                                                                                           have been carved by hand from
                                                                                                                                                                                                           mammoth fossils that are as much
                                                                                                                                                                                                           as five million years old.

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CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018
CLUB NEWS                                                                                                                           CLUB NEWS

                                                        The Harlequin Teddy bear
                                                     features handmade glass eyes.
                                                     Onyx beads are used for the
                                                     "Elefäntle" eyes.

                                                        Brand marks
                                                        Both pieces of the set wear
               Nose                                  a polished stainless steel
               The bear’s handmade nose is           button and a woven black
            made of black Nappa leather and is       "Margarete Steiff Edition"
            supplied by a local organ-building       label in their ears.                                                            Harlequin Teddy
            firm in Giengen. This company is                                                                                         bear features
            "just around the corner" from the           Packaging                                                                    a nose of black
            Steiff factory. In addition to organs,      Luxurious, exquisitely                                                       Nappa leather as
            it produces special orders such as       crafted packaging is                                                            well as paw pads
            the voices for select Steiff animals.    used for this exceptional                                                       made of yellow
                                                     set of collectibles. The box is                                                 Nappa leather.
               Paw pads                              manufactured by the Kundner                                                     The little
               The Teddy’s paw pads are made         company, a Steiff supplier since                                                elephant's eyes
            of yellow Nappa leather.                 1928. Kundner specializes in            organization verifies that paper        are made of
                                                     exclusive packaging in small            products have been sourced in an        onyx beads and
                                                     quantities. The company employs         environmentally-friendly, socially      its tusks have
                                                     just 60 workers, 30 of whom work        responsible, and economically           been carved
                                                     at home.                                viable manner. Finally, the Teddy       by hand from
                                                        The Harlequin set box, which is      bear and elephant rest in a bed of      mammoth
                                                     cherry red outside and grey inside,     excelsior that has been specially       fossils.
                                                     is made of 100 per cent recycled        coloured light blue to create a
                                                     paper that is certified by the Forest   dramatic impression. The set comes
                                                            Stewardship Council. This        with a booklet and a certificate
                                                                                             signed by the Management of
                                                                                             Margarete Steiff GmbH.

                                                                                                Will you be one of the lucky
                                                                                             138 Club members who will own the
                                                                                             alpaca/Lurex Harlequin Teddy bear
                                                                                             and "Elefäntle" set? There’s only one
                                                                                             way to be selected – complete and
                                                                                             return the order form in this issue.
                                                                                             Good luck!

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CLUB MAGAZINE The magazine for Steiff Club members - August 2018
STEIFF INSIDE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           STEIFF INSIDE

                                               A family affair
                         Announcing a new series inspired by cherished Steiff family photos.

                    Steiff toys make childhood magical. So just imagine the wonders                                                          Do you still own the Zotty?
                    of growing up in the Steiff family, surrounded by an awe-inspiring                                                       Yes. He sits on a shelf in my
                    menagerie of playthings with the famous "button in ear."                                                              home office, below a print of the
                    For Peter Hotz this scenario isn’t a dream — it’s an important part                                                   Steiff family tree. He still has his
                    of his youth. Mr Hotz, who is Steiff ’s new Managing Director (and                                                    "button in ear" and ear flag, but his
                    Margarete Steiff’s great great grandnephew), spent his boyhood                                                        paper chest tag is no longer there.
                    around the Steiff company — playing among the Teddy bears, riding                                                     He’s still in good condition, because
                    animals, puppets, and animated displays that are the objects of                                                       he is a Steiff !
                    fascination for collectors around the world.
                                                                                                                                             What was it like growing up
                                                                                                                                          in the Steiff family?
                                                                                                                                             Margarete’s brother Friedrich
        Managing       The Steiff Club magazine               On what occasion was the                What were your emotions             had nine children, so there were
  Director Peter    recently sat down with Mr Hotz         gift presented?                         upon receiving the Zotty?              plenty of cousins to play with. At
Hotz with one of    for a brief discussion about a            It was after a photo shoot for          You sometimes hear collectors       family gatherings, there would be
his most beloved    captivating new collection of          a Steiff advertising campaign.          describe "falling in love" with a      100 people or more. The younger
bears: the Zotty.   family-related Steiff collectibles     I was the model in the picture.         particular bear or animal. That’s      family members would ride the
                    coming next year. This new line        Occasionally a child in the Steiff      what happened to me with the           riding animals, have races in the
                    will bring to life the favourite       family would pose in this way.          Zotty. Of all the many toys in the     wooden go-carts, fly Roloplan kites,
                    Teddy bear or animal of various        During the shoot, I was surrounded      room, he was the one who really        and watch the moving displays.
                    Steiff family members as limited       by many different Steiff animals,       caught my eye. I knew he was the       There was one room where all the
                    editions. It will include a reprint    but I had my eye on the Zotty bear      one I wanted.                          latest novelties in the Steiff line
                    of the vintage photo of a family       all during the session. At the end of                                          were presented. We were allowed to
                    member as a child with their           the shoot, the bear was given to me.       What other Steiff bears or          go in there and play as much as we
                    best-loved Steiff toy. This picture                                            animals did you own?                   wanted.
                    will be presented in a custom-            Who gave you the Zotty?                 As a part of the family, I, of
                    made frame inspired by the                The photo in which I appeared        course, had many Steiff animals.          Why do you feel the Steiff
                    green glass windows in the Steiff      was taken by my uncle Jörg              Among them were a zebra, lion,         brand holds such fascination for
                    factory. The series will begin         Junginger, the head of marketing        hedgehog, fish, dog, cat, crocodile,   people of all ages, all around the
                    with a reproduction of Mr Hotz’s       for Steiff at that time. Mr Junginger   and many others. I also had several    world?
                    beloved Zotty. Here’s a recap of our   was the great-grandnephew of            puppets. I specifically remember          Because they are handmade,
                    conversation with the Managing         Margarete Steiff. He is the one         a policeman puppet from the            every plush animal we create has
                    Director about his Teddy bear.         who gave me the bear. (Editor’s         Punch and Judy stories. I also had     an individual expression that
                                                           note: Long-time collectors may          several old Steiff animals from my     makes them special. There is a
                       Steiff Club magazine: When          remember Mr Junginger. He               grandparents, which would be very      connection between the animal
                    did you receive your Zotty?            appeared at many Steiff events          desirable to collectors today.         and their owner. You can entrust
                       Peter Hotz: He was given to me      around the world, meeting                                                      your secrets to a Teddy bear.
                    in 1973, when I was three years old.   collectors and signing their bears –                                           They become your friends for a
                    I never gave him a new name. I just    sometimes as many as 1,500                                                     lifetime. Such is the case with my         Editor’s note: The special Family Memories series will be launched in
                    called him Zotty.                      autographs at a time!).                                                        Zotty.                                  2019. Watch the Steiff Club magazine for more details in future issues.

   18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            19
STEIFF INSIDE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             STEIFF INSIDE

                    The ALLIGATOR company
                                                      A tribute to Richard Steiff 's vision.

                   Margarete Steiff 's nephew, Richard Steiff, is probably best known                                                                                                                                        It is interesting to note that this   The ALLIGATOR
                   for inventing the jointed Teddy bear as we know it today back in                                                                                                                                       Steiff-owned company is named            group is the
                   1902. However, Richard was a creative genius who invented many                                                                                                                                         after an animal, much like the ones      worldwide leader
                   other interesting and innovative items in the first quarter of the                                                                                                                                     produced by its plush division. In       in air valve
                   20th century. These included the Roloplan kite, a gun that shot                                                                                                                                        the early 1920s, when the business       technology.
                   around corners, and a suit that did not require a tie.                                                                                                                                                 was launched, companies were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          frequently named after animals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Richard Steiff wanted this new
                                                                                                                                                                                              construction, and           venture to start with the letter "A",
                      Richard was also fascinated           Steiff had its own in-house metal       topping 65 million euros annually.                                                    marine applications. Most       so it would be first in the phone
                   by valves – those devices that           turning shop. This facility produced    Its brands include ALLIGATOR,                                                  are made from plastic, rubber,         book. He originally hoped to
                   allow items (such as tires) to be        special metal components for its        EHA, and STOMIL. Most of the                                                   aluminium, stainless steel, brass,     name the company "KROKODIL"
 Richard Steiff,   inflated and hold air pressure.          jointed and novelty products. Right     company’s sales are to major car                                               or steel components. The overall       but ALLIGATOR was a better fit.
 inventor of the   He personally designed specialty         after World War I, the demand for       manufacturers and suppliers, as         and structural integrity. This is      time it takes to manufacture           At the time, businesses could
Teddy bear and     valves for bicycles. His passion for     bicycles increased enormously.          well as tire supply wholesalers.        no surprise, as the company's          a valve from start to finish           not trademark animal names, so
 founder of the    valves helped to create another          The Steiff factory had the capacity,    The company maintains satellite         brand slogan is "Innovation and        varies depending on its size and       the company's original business
   ALLIGATOR       Steiff family business in 1920.          ability, and willingness to produce     offices in Poland, the United States,   Safety Since 1920!" ALLIGATOR'S        complexity. The actual assembly        name was ALLIGARO. Many years
      company.     Still thriving, this company is          bicycle tire valves – thanks to         China, Japan, and South Korea.          valves are integral components of      process usually only takes a few       later, the enterprise was officially
                                      today known           Richard Steiff 's creative vision and   It employs over 600 workers             many passenger and commercial          minutes. However, since a valve        rebranded as ALLIGATOR.
                                      as ALLIGATOR          business sense. In 1920, Richard        worldwide. ALLIGATOR's catalogue        vehicles, bicycles, medical devices,   consists of several components –
                                      Ventilfabrik          launched the organizationally           contains more than 4,000 products,      toys, and fire extinguishers. They     each individually manufactured
                                      GmbH.                 independent ALLIGATOR Valve             including more than 1,000 different     also have many power supply,           using very different processes – the
                                         Many Steiff        Factory. This new specialty division    valve types. Remarkably, the            environmental protection,              total cycle time is much higher.
                                      enthusiasts           helped the company to regain some       company sells over one million
                                      are surprised         business traction that had been lost    parts per day, with more than half
                                      to learn that         due to World War I supply chain         of those products exported to 116
                                      the worldwide         and distribution challenges.            countries around the world.
                                      headquarters of          Today, ALLIGATOR is the                 ALLIGATOR'S valves are made
                                      the ALLIGATOR         worldwide leader in air valve           to the highest quality standards
                                      company are           technology, with global sales           and are known for their durability
                                      located right on
                                      the Steiff campus
                                      in Giengen,
                                      ALLIGATOR is a
                                      core member of
                                      the Steiff family
                                      of businesses.
                                      From the turn of
                                      the 20th century,

 20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           21
STEIFF INSIDE                                                                                                                                                                                        STEIFF INSIDE

  A company within a company
           Meet Ruth Richter, manager behind Steiff ’s corporate business accounts.

                    Collectors aren’t the only ones who love Steiff !                 in costume). We are very involved     prepare a new Corporate Business       food and beverages, household
                    Corporate businesses frequently use Steiff Teddies and other      in product management and             Catalogue. This year, we were also     appliances, work-wear, jewelry,
                    animals to promote their products and services. The reason?       development.                          an exhibitor at several fairs: PSI -   automotive, health, finance and
                    They’re an effective, high-impact way to get a company’s                                                Düsseldorf; Giveaways - Stuttgart;     service companies, chemicals,
                    message understood across all types of audiences.                    What factors influence the         Haptica - Bonn; Spielwarenmesse        sports teams, tourism, and
                                                                                      types of items that can be chosen     - Nürnberg; and Merchandising          museums.
                                                                                      to personalize?                       Messe - Hamburg. Each December,
                                                                                         Our customized programme is        we have our own Corporate                 Share the story of a
   Ruth Richter        Steiff’s Corporate Business                                    influenced by the world of fashion.   Business-branded gift (along with a    successful collaboration with
  likes to spend    Department helps companies                                        So we have to be up to date with      card) for our best customers.          a company using the Steiff
 her free time in   create customized products                                        the latest trends. That means                                                corporate business department.
nature. Here she    that generate sales or increase                                   that we must think about new             What kind of recognition has           The most valuable and
 is accompanied     awareness for their brands or                                     accessory items like hats, scarves,   the department received for its        successful story is the collaboration
   by the beaver    businesses. We sat down with Ruth                                 hairdressing items, socks, and so     efforts?                               with Miele. We produced a bear
which was made      Richter of the Corporate Business                                 on. All those items are printable        We have received two Promo-         which is safe for tumblers (washers
  exclusively for   Division to find out more about                                   all-over so the customer is able to   tional Gift Awards. One in 2017 for    or dryers). Miele did a loyalty
        the STIHL   this fascinating "company within a                                bring in their corporate colours      the Stihl Beaver and the other in      programme with the bear. All
        company.    company."                                                         and design. The new articles          2018 for the FC Köln Studio Goat.      customers who bought a tumbler in
                                                                                      also have to be passed through                                               2017 received the Steiff Miele bear
                       What is your official job title?                               the toy-regulation department            How did you become involved         packed inside in a gift box. This
                       My official job title is "Area Sales                           before we can bring them to the       with Steiff? How long have you         was presented on the ITB in Berlin
                    Manager Corporate Business."                                      market. For the baby segment, we      been with the company?                 (fair for household appliances)
                                                                                      initiated a laser-printing process,      I was employed for 10 years with    together with a wonderful film.
                       What does the corporate                                        so individualization of this range    the porcelain producer Rosenthal,
                    division do?                                                      is also possible right now. We are    where I worked in the Corporate           Do you keep any of the pieces
                       We have many different                                         developing a programme consisting     Business department before             produced for Corporate Business
                    tasks. In one way, we are a little                                of existing baby playsuits, baby      coming to Steiff. I have been with     for your own collection?
                    company within the Steiff company.                                hats and baby socks. The Corporate    Steiff since 1 April 2013.                Yes, the Stihl Beaver and the
                    There are many aspects to the                                     Business customer can use these                                              Nolde Goat.
                    department. We are the ones who                                   with imprinting for a friendly           How long has the company
                    prepare proposals and offers for                                  "welcome to earth" present for        been engaged in doing corporate           Is there anything else you’d
                    corporate businesses who want                                     newborns.                             items?                                 like to add?
                    to work with us. Sometimes, this                                                                           The first CB product was the           Yes, we have a new kind of
                    is a customized project offering                                     How do you make customers          Michelin-Mascot done in 1913.          business within the Corporate
                    individually printed clothes on                                   aware of the services that Steiff                                            Business area: Museum shops.
                    existing bears. In other instances,                               Corporate Business can offer?            What types of businesses            This is a brand new distribution
                    we help companies create a                                           There are many different ways.     have utilized the services of the      channel for us. So far, we have
                    complete individual mascot. We                                    We prepare three printed flyers       corporate business department?         done the Nolde goat for the Nolde
                    can also customize existing items                                 each year: Easter, Summer, and           We have served the following        Foundation and the lion for the
                    or create "walking acts" (mascots                                 Winter. And every two years we        industries: cosmetics, engineering,    Pergamon Museum in Berlin.

   22                                                                                                                                                                                                         23

  Secrets from the archives
An ongoing look at rare, unproduced creations from the company’s past (6).

We visited our archives again to search for
products that have never been produced and
are believed to be one-of-a-kind items.
Have a look!

   This owl appears to be a            balance him, "tucked back" wings,
variation on Steiff 's 28 cm Studio    and a prominent facial mask with
screech owl from 1981-1988. It         a rubber beak. This particular
was a sample made by our former        example has oversized black eyes,
designer Josef Fink in 1981. This      while the 1981-1988 standard line
owl is made from long, lush woven      version had golden yellow and
fur that has been airbrushed           black eyes. This version is light tan
to resemble feathers. Like the         with vertical "feathering" while the
standard line Studio screech owl,      1981-1988 standard line version
this owl has flat, airbrushed,         had scalloped feathers.
fabric feet designed for standing,
prominent tail feathers that help to

                                                      This specimen            a red-brown body and white
                                                   appears to be a             highlights. This example from 1935
                                                   variation on the            is made from brown tipped wool
                                                   company's legacy            plush and has a white chest and
                                                    standing fox pattern       sideburns. He may have been a trial
                                                    that was produced          variation on this popular pattern.
                                                     starting in the mid-      Wool plush was a popular, durable,
                                                     1930s. This pattern       and readily available material that
                                                     also was produced         was used on many of the company's
                                                      post-war from 1949-      legacy products in place of more
                                                      1957. This fox design    traditional mohair fabrics from the
                                                      was traditionally        early 1930s through the very early
                                                       produced with           1950s.

                                                                               ...continued next page
DISCOV ER IES                                                                                                                                                                       C U LT U R E

                                                                                 E-mail from the deep
                                                                                                               Greetings from 'Oscar'.


                Scorpion and bugs                                                 Dear Steiff Club member:
                Given their chenille pipe
          cleaner legs and ephemeral                                              Chances are, you don’t know that much about me. But I’m a very interesting creature!
          construction, these                                                  Let me tell you a few things which may surprise you. Did you know I have three hearts, eight
          miniature items were made                                            tentacles, and blue blood? On average, I’m five metres (16 feet) long and weight 50 kilograms
          in the 1950s. These bugs and                                         (110 pounds) – though some of my relatives are much larger or much smaller. I am considered
          the scorpion may have been                                           one of the most intelligent animals in the world. But my brain doesn’t do all the thinking. Two-
          prototypes of items that did                                         thirds of my brain cells are divided among my arms. This allows me to perform several tasks
          not make it into a series of similar,   as mohair or felt. A very    at the same time. I love shiny things. My family and I swim along the ocean floor looking for
          unconventional field, forest, and       similarly designed pair of   glittery objects to take home and arrange into "octopus" gardens. You see – like many Steiff fans
          water animals that debuted in           insects including a wasp     – we’re collectors, too! Since I can’t live outside of water for very long, it would be impossible
          1960. Perhaps the best-known            and a grasshopper sold       for me to be your take-along pet. But Steiff has made a cuddly soft octopus who’s ready to be
          examples of these standard line         for over 5,000 Euros at      your friend. I hope that every time you hug him, you’ll think of me – one of the most smart,
          "creepy crawlers" are Eric the bat      the annual auction of        beautiful and graceful creatures of the deep.
          (1960-1962), Spidy the spider (1960-    the 2002 Steiff summer
          1961), Crabby the lobster (1963-        festival.                       Sincerely yours,                                                                                  Oscar octopus
          1966), and Nelly the snail (1961-                                       The Octopus                                                                                       is 46 cm in size
          1963.) These were also constructed                                                                                                                                        and will be
          from unusual materials as well                                                                                                                                            available as of
                                                                                                                                                                                    October. (Item
                                                                                                                                                                                    no. 062179)

 26                                                                                                                                                                                            27
28   29
PORTR AIT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PORTR AIT

                     A special shoppe’s specials
                                After 43 years, The Toy Shoppe continues to add extra fun.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Cheshire Cat
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (item no. 683268)
                     The very first box opened at the Toy Shoppe was filled with
                     magic... Steiff magic. Owners Danny and Barrie have since                                                                                                                                                                             Chip and Dale Set
                     worked closely with Steiff to create many popular editions                                                                                                                                                                            (item no. 683282)
                     exclusively for their collectors. They have only two firm rules.
                     First, an exclusive must have an immediately identifiable                                                                                                                                                                             Mochi Mini Panda
                     essence of Steiff in the design. Second, it has to be fun.                                                                                                                                                                            with Cart
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (item no. 683510)

                        More than 4,200 miles west of      special extra to their collecting. In   famous gold from these tags. The
                     the factory in Giengen, Germany,      the 1990s, they took a huge leap        edition also includes a fine metal
                     a passion for Steiff is alive and     of faith and commissioned their         medallion designed in the bear
                     thriving at a family-owned shoppe     first exclusive edition. Danny          head motif that can be personalized
                     in Richmond, Virginia. The Toy        remembers:                              with laser engraving. The edition
                     Shoppe’s history with Steiff             "At first we were amazed at the      has many touches to honour Steiff,
                     began even before the shoppe          amount of effort involved in the        all centred around a happy Teddy
                     opened when Danny fell in love        design and creation of each Steiff      bear.
                     with the quality of design and        edition. It is truly astonishing. The                                            Many of The Toy Shoppe             Gift Bear perfectly. We’ve
                     craftsmanship he found in their       number of people involved... all                                              exclusives have been bears, while     been delighted with the
                     creations. With this spark, The Toy   working together so that when you                                             others, like the panda with bear      response we have seen for our                                               Introducing Bleu,
                     Shoppe nurtured a spirited group      hug your Steiff friend for the very                                           cart or Teddy with personalized       exclusives", added Barrie.                                                  first in the
                     of enthusiasts over the following     first time, he’s perfect."                                                    medallion, are based on those            In the early 1900s, Steiff         panda with special cart accessory     "Squeekers"
                     decades, always trying to add a          More than twenty                                                           classic Steiff icons that are so      produced a variety of wooden toys     designed just for him. Soon after,    series of mice
                                                           exclusives followed. These                                                    familiar to generations. It is this   in addition to their plush line.      a family of little "Squeekers" are    from The Toy
    Inspired by                                            time-consuming passion                                                        type of out-of-the-box design         Combining their fondness for          expected to join The Toy Shoppe’s     Shoppe.
    visits to the                                          projects often took years                                                     that has made their exclusives so     those vintage wood toys with the      very exclusive family            of   (item no. 683428)
   Steiff factory                                          from start to finish, but                                                     popular.                              iconic Steiff logo, The Toy Shoppe    Steiff editions.
     Danny and                                             the response from                                                                "When ordering                     introduced the Steiff Bear Cart in
  Barrie always                                            collectors continued                                                          Club memberships                           2018, a nostalgic accessory
       reach into                                          to be very positive.                                                          or renewals from                              with universal appeal.
 Steiff’s history                                             Teddy, The                                                                 The Toy Shoppe,
for designs that                                           Commemorative                                                                 members receive an                                More exclusives
   have signifi-                                           Chest Tag Bear,                                                               added bonus in the                            planned for 2018
 cance for their                                           celebrates the                                                                form of this                                     The Toy Shoppe has
       collectors.                                         bear head chest                                                               custom-                                      two more exclusive editions
                                                           tag used by Steiff                                                            made,                                        planned for release this
                                                           from the 1920s to the                                                         wood chair                                  year. First is the Cheshire
                                                           1970s. The Toy Shoppe worked                                                  designed                                   Cat from Disney’s 1951 classic
                                                           closely with Steiff to create a                                               to fit the                                  film, Alice in Wonderland.
                                                           custom mohair based on the                                                    2018 Club                                    Next will be Mochi, a petite

  30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   31
SERVICE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SERVICE

                         Questions and answers

                   ?                                                                                                              ?
                                                                                                                                                                                                   EX P ER T IN
                       Do you have a question concerning a Steiff item? Find out more here!                                                                                                                       FO :
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wooden train
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  s were one of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  hits of the St                     the major
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 eiff company
                                                                                                                                                                                                 to 1974, diffe                  .  Fr om 1916
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 rent versions
                                                                                                                                                                                                 almost consta                     w  er e found
                      I have a very old brown Steiff Teddy bear on                                                                   Unfortunately, I am unable to find the Steiff                                ntly in the St
                                                                                                                                                                                                 What is parti                    ei ff ra nge.
                   wooden wheels, and I would like to know whether                                                                wooden railway shown in the enclosed photograph                              cularly intere
                                                                                                                                                                                                fact that the                   st in g is  the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              trains "110"
                   you can perhaps give me any further information                                                                in any Steiff shop or in the Steiff museum. I wonder          produced fro                    and "140"
                                                                                                                                                                                                              m 1969 were
                   about him? Could you perhaps estimate when he                                                                  if you could provide me with any information                 independent                      Steiff's first
                                                                                                                                                                                                              wooden toys
                   was made? Would it also be possible to have a rough                                                            (catalogue, year, name etc.)?                               time, wooden                    . Be  fore that
                                                                                                                                                                                                              items were de
                   idea of his value?                                                                                                B.S., by e-mail                                          mainly as ac                       si gn  ed
                                                                                                                                                                                                            cessories for
                      K.S., by e-mail                                           EX PE RT IN FO :                                                                                                                             felt dolls.

                                                                                 Bears on wheels are                              Your wooden train is the "Lorenbahn" 8420/08. It is
                                                                                                         already mentioned
                   Your beautifully preserved bear on wheels is a model         in the Steiff catalog
                                                                                                       ue of 1894. We have
                                                                                                                                  part of a series of three different trains of this kind.
                   that was first introduced in 1928. The bear was              almost no idea of wh                              The "Lorenbahn", "Groteskbahn" and the passenger
                                                                                                        at these very early
                   originally available in sizes 35 cm and 43 cm, and           versions looked like,                             train "Kleinbahn" were new products in 1969, and
                                                                                                        which until 1902
                   other sizes were later added. This brand-new design         actually resembled                                 were in production until 1973/74. In the catalogues of
                                                                                                     an opossum more
                   with the inserted, slightly lighter mohair snout            than a brown bear.                                 the time, particular mention was made of the fact that
                                                                                                    On some of these ea
                                                                               examples, the whee                           rly
                   matched the taste of the time, and just a short time                              l axles are worked           the carriages could be detached. This was achieved by
                                                                              through the legs. Be
                   later was also seen on Teddy bears such as "Teddy                                 cause of the unusua
                                                                                                                            l     means of a kind of double press stud solution for the
                                                                              design, the remark
                   Baby" and "Dicky". Your bear on wheels could be the                             able attachment of             plastic connectors. As well as these trains, the year
                                                                              axles and the fact tha                     the
                   43 cm version, item no. 1343b. Unlike the bears in                                 t Steiff did not use        1969 brought an abundance of new items in wood.
                                                                             the button as the tra
                   the main series, these "b-series" bears do not have                              demark at this time,          In the main, these toys – like your Lorenbahn – were
                                                                             these examples, wh
                   the built-in voice. In a new products supplement of                             ich are extremely rar          made of two different woods; others had burnt-in
                                                                            anyway, are in the                             e
                                                                                                 majority of cases no
                   1928, this series is also described as a simplified      recognised as Steiff                        t         artwork. Almost all of the toys made after 1969 were
                   series. The b-series was made until 1935, and was                                                              only in the programme for a fairly short period of
                   long considered the forerunner of the more lavish                                                              time, and were no longer available by the middle of
                   main series. However, both series are included in the                                                          the 1970s. So this explains why you were not able to
                   1933 catalogue. It is possible to date your bear more                                                          find the train in any of the shops. Of course, the Steiff
                   precisely within the entire production period from the                                                         museum can only ever display a selection of the entire
Bear on wheels     remainder of the yellow ear tag to 1934/35, as red ear                                                         product range, so it is quite possible that certain toys
   1343b in the    tags were used before then. We regret we are unable                                                            might not even be found in the extensive historic part
Steiff catalogue   to estimate the value for you as we do not follow                                                              of the exhibition. Wooden toys of the 1970 era are quite
        of 1933.   developments on the collectors' market.

                                                                                                                                                                                                   common on the secondary market,                 Extracts from
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and are gaining in popularity –                 the brochure
                                                                                                                                                                                                   especially if they still have the               "Steiff – ganz
                                                                                                                                                                                                   original packaging.                             neu mit Holz"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ("Steiff – brand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   new in wood")
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of 1969.

  32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          33
PA S S I O N S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PA S S I O N S

                                         Inspired by Steiff
                                            Writer/educator shares her love for the brand.

                    In today's issue, we introduce two Club                                                                                      Museum. I was thrilled with the
                    members who share with us their delight                                                                                      presentation of the Steiff toys. My
                    in Steiff and collecting, and talk about their                                                                               husband photographed me there
                    other associated hobbies. We spoke to                                                                                        next to a life-sized teddy bear. I
                    Monika Hoßfeld and Rex Ide.                                                                                                  became a member of the Steiff Club
                                                                                                                                                 the same day and have been visiting
                                                                                                                                                 the Steiff Summer in Giengen and
                                                                                                                                                 the club events in Frankfurt since
                       Where do you live and what                a fox I loved to play with. I came up                                           then.
                    do you do for a living?                      with stories in which the fox played
                       I live in Maintal, which is located       the main role. The fox was the only                                                Do you collect anything else
                    near Frankfurt. I am an educator             Steiff that I owned. I still own and                                            besides Steiff? If so, does Steiff
                    by profession and ran a day-care             love him today. We children of the                                              play a role in this collection?         where a Teddy bear stands behind        room. The paper teddy bear, a           Please find more
                    centre for many years. At work I             post-war generation did not have                                                   I have been collecting sugar         the counter as a seller of sugar        replica from the year 1919, stands      information
                    liked to work with both older and            many toys at the time.                                                          packets, sugar cubes, and sugar         cubes which look like coffee packets.   in a showcase. My nickname is           on the book at
                    younger children. Now I am retired.                                                     Looking at the animal photos,        sticks for 50 years. I often visit      I can combine my hobbies very well.     "Mäusle," so I placed several small     www.monika-
                                                                    How did Steiff serve as              I came up with the idea to have         international sugar exchange days.                                              Steiff mice in the bedroom. The
                                                                 inspiration for you as a writer? Is     children perform some scenes in         In my collection, there is also a          Tell us more about your              Steiff School with the little animals
                                                                 writing a full-time or part-time        the book. I noticed that certain        picture of a teddy bear on a candy      collection; do you have a               sitting in school benches is also in
                                                                 job for you? Tell us in particular      animals are very well suited for        bag. The little Steiff Teddy with the   specialty?                              my collection.
                                                                 about your trip to Africa.              this. Elephants, giraffes, zebras,      Steiff sugar cube in his paws is the       I mainly collect bears, but also
                                                                    Creative writing was just a          monkeys and other "wild" animals        highlight in my collection. Equally     other animals. The little Club bears       What criteria do you use
                                                                 hobby and not my job. When I            stimulate children’s imaginations.      unusual is a small antique shop         are standing on a shelf in the living   to select a Steiff item for your
                                                                 retired, I wrote more and more.         The text of my book is suitable                                                                                         collection?
                                                                 First, they were short stories and an   for children to read aloud. They                                                                                           The Steiff articles have to appeal   Beary sugar
                                                                 adult crime thriller. Also narrative    also like to read it themselves and                                                                                     to me. The eyes and the facial          packets are, of
Monika Hoßfeld                                                   stories for children and articles and   enjoy the colour photos. I am often                                                                                     expression of the animals are the       course, also part
has been a Club                                                  travelogues for newspapers.             invited by schools to readings. The                                                                                     most important things. When I           of the collection.
  member since                                                      In 2013, I took a long trip to       book is called "When the elephant                                                                                       think up stories, my collectibles can
 2007 and is an                                                  South Africa with my husband.           blinks and the leopard yawns,"                                                                                          play a role in them. The size of the
   enthusiastic                                                  We wanted to observe "wild"             (, the                                                                                           animals that I buy must also fit the
       collector.                                                animals in their natural habitat.       images used for illustration are                                                                                        existing animals.
                                                                 Over two safaris, many animal           photographs taken by my husband.
                       Tell us something about the               photos were taken. The Kruger                                                                                                                                      What are the three favourite
                    early Steiff articles that you               National Park has remained an              Tell us what inspired your                                                                                           pieces in your collection?
                    owned and why they were so                   unforgettable memory. When I            interest in the Steiff Club in                                                                                             The little Steiff bear with the
                    special to you. When did you                 returned home, I decided to write       2007.                                                                                                                   sugar cubes in its paw, the paper
                    receive these items?                         down the experiences of the safari         I spent my holidays in spring                                                                                        bear (replica), and a small Alfonzo
                       As a little girl, I got my first Steiff   in a way that was understandable        2007 in the Swabian Alps. On a                                                                                          bear.
                    in the 1950s. It was a hand puppet –         for children.                           trip to Giengen, I visited the Steiff

  34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                35
PA S S I O N S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PA S S I O N S

                                                                                                                                                             Picture perfect
                                                                                                                                          Collector captures Steiff items in amusing calendar photographs.

                       Which article have you                 How do you present your              What advice would you give      Rex Ide tells us about his passions: collecting,
                    always wanted from Steiff,             collection? Do you change your       to someone who wants to start      photography and creating delightful calendars with
                    which has not been produced            exhibits during the year?            collecting?                        captions to make you chuckle.
                    yet?                                      I arrange different "scenes" in      Again and again, I would say:
                       An original replica of the          two rooms of my house, which I       be guided only by the appearance
                    Paddington bear for the German         sometimes re-arrange when I buy      of the Steiff animals. Buy only
                    collectors' market. This would be my   new collectibles or get them as a    such animals that appeal to you       Where do you live and what          When did you first become     years later, I remembered this
                    dream item.                            present.                             personally.                        do you do for a living?             aware of the Steiff brand? Did   and bought her a Steiff animal. It
                                                                                                                                      I live in a small town near      you grow up with it or did you   was a snowman with Teddy bear
                                                                                                                                   Lübeck, which is in the far north   discover it later?               ears. It was enchanting! While in
Monika Hoßfeld                                                                                                                     part of Germany. I am employed in      Since my father gave Steiff   the shop, I took a Steiff Club leaflet
    has lovingly                                                                                                                   Hamburg as a claims processor for   animals as gifts to my mother,   with me. I completed the form and
       arranged                                                                                                                    an insurance company.               my brothers and I grew up with   joined quickly. After receiving the
       her Steiff                                                                                                                                                      the brand. When I was looking    Club teddy bear in 1997, I was soon
    miniatures.                                                                                                                                                        for a gift for my mother many    hooked!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Rex Ide with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 his huge Steiff

Collectors items
that complement
each other well:
    Steiff Teddy
bears and sugar

  36                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           37
PA S S I O N S                                                                                                                                                                             PA S S I O N S

                                                                                                        of Teddies in the garden and                   What are the three favorite
                                                                                                        take pictures of them, it may be            pieces in your collection and
                                                                                                        appealing at first. But it quickly gets     why?
                                                                                                        boring. I try to tell a little story with      1. The "Original" Teddy (made
                                                                                                        my photos – something that will             from 1950 through 1966) is
                                                                                                        make you smile.                             particularly appealing to me. As
                                                                                                                                                    children, my brothers and I were        "Rebellion!"
                                                                                                           Tell us something about the              allowed to play with and toss
                                                                                                        design of your calendars. What              around a 65 cm "Original" Teddy.        "Single parent,
                                                                                                        is the inspiration for your photos          Even though he occasionally served      two children,
                                                                                                        and captions?                               as a projectile, he survived safely!    and a dog."
                                                                                                           I often get the ideas from                  2. I would also choose the
"Walkies meeting."      Tell us more about your                Wray); and items made for Japan          everyday life. I try to make dry            "Propeller-Hase" (the "Happy rabbit")
                     collection; do you have a                 (Godzilla, Teddy Sailor, Muffler, the    topics interesting by adding Teddy          from 2002. With his very long ears,
                     specialty or theme?                       Ohto Bear with teeth and claws).         bears. Then the topic (such as an           he fascinates me. He is an extremely
                        My main focus is Steiff items          Bears from Teddy Bears of Witney         ordinary family) automatically              friendly-looking Steiff animal.
                     made entirely of natural materials.       are a part of my collection, too.        turns funny. An example is                     3. The small blonde Club gift
                     This includes mohair, alpaca, or felt.                                             my "Rebellion" photograph in                bear from 1997 is also on my list.
                     These animals also must be stuffed           What do you find so                   which three mice rebel against a               He was the first article in my
                     with wood wool, kapok, or wool.           fascinating about Steiff replicas?       hangover.                                   collection. He is also the only
                     In addition, they must have eyes             They correspond to my themes                                                      articulated and wood-stuffed
                     made of glass or wood. I focus on         as closely as possible, including my        Often the love for Steiff is             miniature Teddy since 1964!
                     Teddy bears and naturalistic bears        preference for natural materials.        passed on from one generation
                     first. But with the variety to choose     Recently, the replicas have become       to the next. Are there also Steiff             What advice would you give
                     from, it’s difficult to stick to my own   even more attractive. This is            collectors in your near or distant          to someone who wants to start
                     theme criteria!                           because they are more faithful           relatives?                                  collecting?                             "Very Scottish!"
                        A special branch of my collection      to the originals, with authentic-           My mother is still collecting, but          One should not collect based on
                     includes older Steiff animals             looking reproductions of tags and        only the Steiff animals I give her!         economic criteria — such as the
                     marked with the bear head insignia.       the "button in ear." Replicas are                                                    resale value — but with the heart.
                     These were made during the post-          not that hard to get, so I like to buy      Besides natural materials,               Collect what appeals to you. But
                     war years from 1949 through 1971.         them in pairs.                           what criteria do you use to select          you should curb yourself with a
                     From this period, I collect by topic –                                             a Steiff item?                              unifying theme. Otherwise your
                     such as Zooby, wild animals, forest          Where did you learn the art              Above all, the Teddy or animal           collection will get out of control!
                     animals, "Original" Teddies, and          and science of photography? Did          must "speak" to me; it must have            The selection available for purchase
                     the big Zotty family, which includes      you study it in school or are you        something new or special about it.          is just too big and too tempting not
                     Zolac, Orsi, Lully, and Floppy.           self-taught?                             Like Godzilla, for example; you don’t       to have a theme!
                        Special country editions are also         I have been taking photographs        see a Steiff animal like this every
                     part of my collection. These include      since early childhood – but Teddy        day! And of course, the item must fit
                     items made for America (such as           bear photography is a special            into one of the theme categories that
                     the Nimrods or King Kong and Fay          challenge. If you place an armful        I am currently collecting.

     38                                                                                                                                                                                               39
CONTEST                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           CONTEST

                        Test your knowledge!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        three colours
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          with four
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          spots of
                                                  Find the solution and win.                                                                                                                                                                                             yellow

          In this Club magazine, we invite you on a tour of the
          Steiff collectors' range. What items were in the Collectors'                                                                   Lady bunny                                                                                                                    Gave a
          catalogue for spring? Which ones are we presenting in                                                                          loves life on                                                                                                            dangerous
                                                                                                                                      the farm – and
          the enclosed Collectors' catalogue for autumn and winter?                                                                    this year is also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   witch the
          And which of them are in this contest? *                                                                                           a movie star                                                                                                             push
          Enter the contest, and you could win one of ten valuable
          prizes:                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Steiff's
          »» 1st prize: a Steiff item worth € 250.00                                                                                                                                                                            Lady" –
          »» 2nd prize: a Steiff item worth € 200.00                                                                                                                                                                          in gold
          »» 3rd prize: a Steiff item worth € 150.00
          »» 4th – 10th prizes: a Steiff item worth € 50.00.
          (All items of your choice and subject to availability.)

                                                                                                                                                                                   His trademark
                                                                                 A flower-lover with
                                                                                                                                                                                       is the top hat,
                                                                                      a weakness for
                                                                                                                                                                                           but it's his
                                                                                      big emotions and
                                                                                                                                                                                            last name
          Is it worth it? It's worth it!                                                        soft pastels
                                                                                                                                                                                              we are
          And the guessing is fun, too.                                                                                                                                                         looking
          This is what you have to do:                                                                                                                                                           for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Typical: This
          »» Each of the ten circular images      »» Send this word to us by                                                                                                                                                                                                                 kitty sneaked
            contains a section of the item we       31 October, either by email                                                                                                                                                                                                              her way into the
            are looking for. There is also some     to or                                                                                                                                                                                                          contest – and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        heart of a fashion czar
            information.                            on a postcard to: Steiff Club,
          »» Guess the names of the ten items      Margarete Steiff GmbH,
            being sought – the Collectors'          Postfach 15 29, 89530 Giengen.
            catalogue Spring/Summer 2018                                                              No. 4 in a series                                                                       Enter the ten names that are the answers to these clues here – the solution
                                                                                                       of sassy rodents:
            and the enclosed Collectors'           *Watch out:                                             this time with a
                                                                                                                                                                                              will appear in the red fields. Good luck!
            catalogue for Autumn and Winter        One of the items is a cheeky                                   sprig of holly
            will help you.                         "outsider"... This item was
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1                                                                 6
          »» Write the proper name (!) of         added to the range in 2017,
            each item (for instance, "Lena         but is no longer included
                                                                                                                                                                                                 2                                                                 7
            Mouse" would be "Lena") in the         in the catalogues
            empty fields of the corresponding      mentioned.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 3                                                                 8
            answer boxes.
          »» The stated number of letters is
                                                                                                                                                                                                 4                                                                 9
            correct – an additional clue for                                                                                          A magical
                                                                                                                                                                           Has been
            the correct solution.                                                                                                     white post
                                                                                                                                     lady with
                                                                                                                                                                         around the
                                                                                                                                                                                                 5                                                                10
          »» Combine the letters of the                                                                                           bright eyes –
                                                                                                                                                                       Steiff range
            marked fields in the order                                                                                            and totally
                                                                                                                                                                    since 1929 – and
                                                                                                                               devoted to
            of the animals to make up the                                                                                    her friend
                                                                                                                                                                now has a drum and
                                                                                                                                                            a smart bow tie
            solution.                                                                                                                                                                         SOLUTION

                                                                                                                                                                                              Conditions of participation
                                                                                                                                                                                              The contest is open to all Steiff Club members (with the exception of company employees), and all that is required is an e-mail with the
 40                                                                                                                                                                                           solution (one word) to or a postcard. If we receive a number of entries from the same person, we reserve the right
                                                                                                                                                                                              to eliminate that person from the contest. The closing date is 31 October 2018. The winning entries will be drawn from all the correct
                                                                                                                                                                                              solutions that comply with the conditions. The winners will be notified in writing in November. The judge’s decision is final.
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