Page created by Randy Thornton
      CDP Ireland Annual Report 2020
      Written on behalf of 590 investors with assets of over US$110 trillion

March 2021
Programme Sponsors                                     Report & Event Sponsors   Ireland partner to CDP and report writer

CEO Foreword                                                                                                                  2

Chairperson, CDP Ireland Network                                                                                              3

CRH: Stories of a Responder                                                                                                   5

Commentary from EPA                                                                                                           6

Commentary from SEAI                                                                                                          7

Córas Iompair Éireann: First Time Responder                                                                                   8

Glenveagh Properties PLC: First Time Responder                                                                                9

Ireland overview of the 2020 climate change results                                                                         10

The CDP Ireland Network update 2020                                                                                         12

CDP Ireland Network 2020 Events                                                                                             14

CDP Ireland 2020 - Infographic                                                                                              18

Investor Perspective, Brian Kennedy, CFA - ESG                                                                              20

Stepping up to 1.5°C                                                                                                        22

European Level Policy Update, Mirjam Wolfrum, CDP Europe                                                                    24


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                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND                                 1

                                           As 2021 unfolds, we reflect on the           At CDP, we are led by the latest climate
                                           challenging and extraordinary times of       science. As it evolves, so must we,
                                           the last year. As the world worked to        ensuring that the right information is
                                           collectively respond to the COVID-19         embedded into the capital markets and
                                           pandemic, we reeled from the tragic          placed into the hands of policymakers
                                           human impact of the crisis and its           and decision-makers worldwide. CDP’s
                                           impact on our health, financial and social   systems enable this, and it is particularly
                                           systems. Sadly, we are still grappling       critical as capital flows seek to transition
                                           with these crises, but the rollout of the    towards the Net Zero, sustainable
                                           vaccine provides great hope for later this   economy.
                                                                                        One thing is certain, we cannot
                                           When it comes to climate change, water       afford to go back to ‘normal’ from an
                                           security and deforestation, we have          environmental perspective. Propping up
                                           now entered a global emergency and           the old system, with impending climate
                                           the decade of action, our last chance        change hazards increasing, will lock
    “Disclosure, transparency, data        to make rapid and deep cuts to global        us into a pathway of even greater risk.
    and science will be crucial to         emissions and to protect biodiversity to     Instead, we must reinvent and renew our
    building a more resilient society.     avoid the full force of these other global   economy into one with greater resilience
    As we’ve learned from this current     crises.                                      and more inclusivity.
    pandemic and from climate
    change, the best time for action is    Despite the pandemic, we are bolstered       Disclosure, transparency, data and
    long before the problem becomes        by the environmental leadership from         science will be crucial to building a more
    severe. Measuring and managing         companies, investors, governments,           resilient society. As we’ve learned from
    environmental risks through            cities, and regions worldwide. With so       this current pandemic and from climate
    disclosure helps companies,            much at stake and the clock running          change, the best time for action is long
    cities, states and regions to build    down, 2020 saw record disclosures            before the problem becomes severe.
    resiliency and plan for the future.”   through CDP’s platform, with over 10,000     Measuring and managing environmental
                                           entities now disclosing their data on        risks through disclosure helps
                                           climate change, water security and           companies, cities, states and regions to
                                           deforestation issues.                        build resiliency and plan for the future.

                                           More than 9,600 companies, worth over        We must build back better from the
                                           50% of global market capitalization now      COVID-19 pandemic. Our economies,
                                           disclose through CDP and corporate           societies and livelihoods depend on it.
                                           disclosures are up 70% compared to five
                                           years ago when the Paris agreement           The time for action is now.
                                           was formed. This is in addition to the
                                           cities, states and regions that disclosed                  – Paul Simpson, CEO, CDP
                                           to us last year.

                                    SHANE O’REILLY, CHAIRPERSON
                                    OF CDP IRELAND NETWORK
                                    When we entered into 2020 we had            climate policy and action. From the EU
                                    a host of critical climate and societal     Commission, climate action continues
                                    challenges facing us from wildfires in      to be in sharp focus and is core to the
                                    California and Australia to increased       European Green Deal. The ambition to
                                    impacts of hurricanes and typhoons          be the first climate neutral continent by
                                    across affected parts of the globe. The     2050 has inspired numerous national
                                    onset of COVID-19 has naturally taken       governmental pledges to take similar
                                    precedence in our minds and actions.        steps and in turn many corporates are
                                    As we compile this report, sadly, we        also following suit. The intermediate
                                    are not out of the woods as yet, with       step to 2030 of reducing emissions by
                                    vaccine roll out still in its infancy and   55% took a step closer with climate
                                    our brave hospital frontline staff facing   targets set for 2020 being realised.
                                    ever increasing strain on mind, body
                                    and resources. The correlation between      There is still a long way to go but the
“The correlation between
                                    COVID-19 and climate change has been        Commission is taking action, via the
COVID-19 and climate change
                                    made over the past year. We knew about      initiatives set out in the Green Deal, for
has been made over the past year.
                                    the likely impact of a global pandemic      example, the EU Climate Law enshrining
We knew about the likely impact
                                    for some time, the signals were clear but   the target of carbon neutrality by 2050
of a global pandemic for some
                                    we were called wanting when it became       into law. Climate change is not only
time, the signals were clear but
                                    a reality. Similarly, the warning signals   about numbers, it is about people and
we were called wanting when it
                                    from climate change have equally been       how to drive awareness, influence
became a reality. Similarly, the
                                    known for some time now, let’s hope we      change and scaled solutions as outlined
warning signals from climate
                                    are not found wanting! I am confident       in the Climate Pact. It is this sense of
change have equally been known
                                    when we look back on 2021 we shall          climate awareness that started to swell
for some time now, let’s hope we
                                    have more cause for positivity than 2020    in the public conscience in mid to late
are not found wanting!"
                                    and we shall again return to more usual     2019 via Greta Thunberg and global
                                    way of life which hopefully will be a       youth movements that will deliver on our
                                    greener and more socially inclusive one.    climate ambitions. We look to COP26 in
                                                                                November 2021 as the next milestone to
                                    The impact of COVID-19 is not only          see if COVID-19 has focused minds on
                                    having an impact on our people and          the interconnected nature of us all and
                                    economy but it is starting to impact        that the climate change warning signals
                                    on the short-term actions needed to         are being received.
                                    contribute to longer term goals on
                                    climate change. A recent report from        We can also see clear action on behalf
                                    the European Investment Bank (EIB)          of our own Government over the
                                    has suggested that EU firms could           past 12 months. The programme for
                                    reduce investment by 25% in the short       Government has outlined ambitious
                                    term, investment in areas of innovation     reduction targets of 7% per annum in
                                    and new technologies which are the          overall greenhouse gas emissions by
                                    cornerstone in facing up to the climate     2030, followed by a net zero economy
                                    challenge.                                  by 2050. To give a sense of scale of
                                                                                the ambition, COVID-19 is likely to
                                    Despite the EIB early indicators on         reduce global CO2 emissions by c.7%
                                    potential investment impact due to          in 2020 despite the dramatic impact
                                    COVID-19 we can look to more positive       on global economies. The publication
                                    macro indicators when it comes to           of the Climate Action and Low Carbon

                                                                                   ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND               3
In 2020, we were delighted to see
                                                Kingspan, ESB, AIB Group, Accenture and
                                                Segate Technology awarded A List status,
                                                joining only 278 other companies globally,
                                                up 150% on 2019.

    Development (Amendment) Bill is also        We would like specifically to recognise     Looking ahead to 2021, the CDP Ireland
    a key positive, outlining our climate       Ardagh Group, Applegreen Plc, Cairn         Network intends to host another
    targets and approach to climate action      Homes Plc, CIE, Ecocem, Gas Networks        series of virtual CDP climate change
    via the setting of carbon budgets and       Ireland, Glenveagh Properties Plc,          and supply chain training workshops,
    strengthening of the Climate Change         Greencoat Renewable Plc, Hibernia REIT      which are aimed at beginner as
    Advisory Council powers. While details      Plc, John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd,        well as experienced responders.
    are yet to come on specific deliverables,   Keelings Group, Kenmare Resources Plc,      To find out more about dates and
    The Climate Action Bill is seen as a        Mercury Engineering, Permanent TSB          registration, please go to: http://www.
    positive step, further enhanced by          Group Holdings, Ryanair Holding Plc and or for regular
    political consensus that meaningful         Uniphar Plc for responding for the first    updates, join our CDP Ireland Network
    action on climate is required.              time in 2020.                               LinkedIn group.

    The national and regional legislative       While a key objective of the CDP Ireland    In my second year as Chairperson of the
    backdrop is a key driver of climate         Network is to increase the number of        CDP Ireland Network, it was inspiring to
    action as already outlined but in the       companies reporting to CDP, we also aim     see an increase in commitment by Irish
    absence of legislative frameworks as        to increase the quality of submissions.     companies in disclosing environmental
    guidance for the most part, companies       In 2020, we were delighted to see           information and contributing to climate
    continue to contribute via increasing       Kingspan, ESB, AIB Group, Accenture         solutions, ensuring water security and
    levels of disclosure. CDP plays a key       and Segate Technology awarded “A list”      tackling deforestation.
    role in these voluntary disclosures.        status, joining only 278 other companies
    Each year CDP supports thousands of         globally, up 150% on 2019. Ireland          The Network would not be possible
    companies, cities, states and regions       outperforms the global average, with        without the continued support of the
    to measure and manage their risks           11% of the 47 Irish companies measured      EPA and SEAI. I would also like to pay
    and opportunities on climate change,        making the ‘A List”, compared to 3%         special thanks to Clearstream Solutions
    water security and deforestation.           globally.                                   who act as secretariat to CDP in Ireland
    More locally, through the CDP Ireland                                                   and continue to be strong advocates for
    Network we encourage and support            As discussed in previous reports, the       environmental issues nationally.
    Irish stakeholders to engage with CDP,      Supply Chain topic continues to grow
    increasing Irish business transparency      in importance for CDP in general and        Finally, I wish to thank the CDP Ireland
    on environmental performance and            for Irish responders alike. This was        Network Steering Committee members
    promoting the image of Ireland as a         evidenced with close to over 120            for their valued commitment and
    sustainable place to do business.           attendees registered for the CDP            contribution throughout the year.
                                                Supply Chain workshop delivered by
    The CDP Ireland Network is pleased          Clearstream Solutions in 2020, up 70%       Shane O’Reilly
    to report that the total number of local    on prior year.                              - Chairperson of CDP Ireland Network.
    and multinational companies reporting
    emissions in Ireland now stands at          Overall, supply chain responders globally
    257. This is an important distinction       have also grown from about 2,000 in
    to make given the open economy Irish        2010 to over 7,000 in 2020. This is an
    companies operate in with over 42 Irish     important distinction to make given
    companies responding via CDP Supply         the open economy Irish companies
    Chain Program to their customers’           operate in with over 42 Irish companies
    requests for climate data.The total         responding via CDP Supply Chain
    number of Irish companies responding        Program to their customers’ requests
    to the climate change programme in          for climate data.
    2020 was 47, up from 31 in 2019.

                                            STORIES OF A RESPONDER
At CRH, we are                              across the globe. As the world’s leading
                                            building materials business, we are
                                                                                        Providing nature–based solutions,
                                                                                        such as sustainable urban drainage
committed to                                acutely aware of the scale of the           systems, is an example of how our
                                            emissions challenge facing the 21st         products work in tandem with nature
climate action                              Century. This informs our passion for       to provide solutions to climate related
                                            delivering products that enhance the        risks. Our products can also contribute
through our                                 resilience of urban landscapes and          to more energy-efficient buildings.

processes, products                         contribute to a net-zero carbon, circular
                                            built environment. Simultaneously, we
                                                                                        Examples include high performance
                                                                                        building envelope solutions, concrete
and relationships.                          acknowledge our responsibility to reduce
                                            our direct and indirect emissions.
                                                                                        vaulted ceilings with improved thermal
                                                                                        comfort and construction accessories
                                                                                        that deliver energy savings. Concrete is
                                            A fundamental stepping-stone on the         identified as one of the most sustainable
                                            road to attaining our 2050 ambition         building materials when evaluated on
                                            has been the adoption of a science-         a life-cycle basis. Durable, resilient and
                                            based approach to emissions reduction       recyclable, concrete absorbs CO2 from
                                            targets. We achieved our 2020 CO2           the atmosphere over the course of its
                                            reduction commitment a year ahead           lifetime, with most recarbonation taking
                                            of schedule and we are now working          place during appropriate recycling.
                                            towards our 2030 target, using a CO2        Concrete has an important role in
Our 2050 ambition is to achieve             emissions reduction roadmap that            fulfilling the ambitions of the UN SDGs,
carbon neutrality along the cement and      is in line with the goals of the Paris      as innovations across areas such as
concrete value chain. This is testament     Agreement. Achieving our 2030 target        sustainable cities and communities,
to our sustainable business practices       will lower our carbon footprint and         climate-smart industries and responsible
which foster an ethos of collaboration      we recognise that delivering on our         consumption can all be positively
and innovation within our global CRH        2050 ambition requires a wider, value-      impacted by building solutions.
community, spanning 200 companies           chain based, collaborative approach.
at over 3,100 locations. Participating in   Therefore, we are working closely with      At CRH, we have a strong record of
CDP is supportive to our stakeholder        our industry partners and stakeholders      transparent reporting on sustainability.
engagement as it ensures openness and       to accelerate global collaboration on       Our first annual independently-assured
transparency around the progress we         innovative technologies, strategies and     CRH Sustainability Report was published
are making.                                 policies, as well as to develop actions     in 2005 and we are a long-time
                                            and measurable milestones that support      responder to CDP. Our investors and
Physical and transitional risks from        our common goals of a net zero built        customers are increasingly using the
climate change pose threats to              environment.                                information we publish on climate to
societies, ecosystems and economies                                                     make business decisions, as they move
                                                                                        from commitment to focussed climate
                                                                                        action. We understand the challenges
                                                                                        they face in developing quantitative
                                                                                        models to compare risks, strategies,
                                                                                        metrics and targets across sectors and
                                                                                        industries. That’s why we are proud
                                                                                        to support the Task Force on Climate-
                                                                                        related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
                                                                                        and participate in working groups to
                                                                                        further develop common approaches
                                                                                        for disclosure of relevant, robust and
                                                                                        comparable data. As the urgency of
                                                                                        the climate challenge is increasingly
                                                                                        recognised, transparency will continue to
                                                                                        underpin our approach to climate action.

                                                                                           ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND               5
                                        FROM EPA
                                        LAURA BURKE

                                        Addressing the causes and consequences              As we emerge from the global pandemic
                                        of climate change represents a multi-               Ireland needs a green recovery to rebuild our
                                        generational challenge, with the scale of the       economy, generate new jobs and respond
                                        responses needed being determined by the            to climate change. ‘Green’ stimulus and
                                        effectiveness of actions taken now and in the       ambitious measures will be needed to
                                        coming years. The next decade needs to be           meet Ireland’s commitments for a climate-
                                        one of major developments and advances              neutral economy by 2050. Creating a
                                        in relation to Ireland’s response to climate        resource efficient economy and resilient
                                        change. Full and early implementation of            society requires rapid and far-reaching
                                        ambitious policies and measures can deliver         transformation across all sectors including
    Director General,                   Ireland’s current and future commitments            energy, transport, land use and industry.
    Environmental Protection Agency
                                        to be a climate neutral economy and
                                        climate resilient society by 2050. However,         Changes in business practices are needed to
                                        EPA greenhouse gas projections show the             drive the adoption of low-carbon products,
                                        difficulties that Ireland faces in achieving even   services and technologies. We know that
                                        our current obligations of a 30% reduction in       early actions will lead to more cost-effective
     “As we emerge from the global
                                        emissions by 2030.                                  decarbonisation and so a priority focus
     pandemic Ireland needs a green
                                                                                            on upskilling and innovation will be vital to
     recovery to rebuild our economy,
                                        In January, the EPA and SEAI published              support early movers in this area.
     generate new jobs and respond to
                                        an assessment of the impact of Covid-19
     climate change.“
                                        restrictions on Ireland’s greenhouse gas            Leadership from industry frontrunners such
                                        emissions in 2020. These estimate a 6%              as the CDP Ireland Network membership will
                                        reduction in greenhouse gas emissions               be key in delivering these changes across the
                                        relative to 2019. This is largely because of the    economy. The data generated by participating
                                        dramatic changes in our economy and how             companies in preparing their response
                                        we lived, worked and travelled as a result of       for CDP provides great insight into where
                                        Covid-19 restrictions. Overall, the reduction       emissions arise across the organisation. As
                                        is comparable to that seen following the            such, the underlying strength of disclosure is
                                        global financial crisis. However, the expected      about using this process as a framework for
                                        economic rebound after the pandemic                 driving change. In the context of transforming
                                        is estimated to bring emissions back to             to a carbon-neutral economy, it is good to see
                                        previous levels, unless additional action is        a strong increase in Irish companies reporting
                                        taken. It goes without saying that short-           through CDP and also the high quality of
                                        term emissions reductions due to a global           these disclosures. EPA is pleased to continue
                                        pandemic do not negate the need for targeted        its support for the network and its promotion
                                        and sustained action across all sectors.            & training activities.

                                        We are now at a pivotal point for our
                                        economy, and the recovery steps we take
                                        will shape Ireland for the next decade. While
                                        these early estimates show a reduction in
                                        greenhouse gas emissions for 2020 as a
                                        result of Covid-19 restrictions, this level of
                                        emission reductions, at a minimum, will be
                                        required annually.

                                                FROM SEAI
                                                WILLIAM WALSH

                                                to December. This of course will rebound over       We are scaling up our role in research and
                                                time as the economy reopens, to what extent         innovation, community-based retrofit and
                                                is uncertain. Although this is primarily driven     renewable energy, rollout of electric vehicles
                                                by restrictions in human and commercial             and microgeneration. In 2021, we will be
                                                movement with corresponding reduction               designated as the Market Surveillance
                                                in transport emissions, we have an all-new          Authority for eco-design and energy labelling.
                                                appreciation of how Covid-19 has forced a           We are also scaling up significantly our
                                                mindset of resilience across society requiring      supports to business, industry and to the
                                                us to adopt, or to invent, new systems of           public sector.
                                                work and innovation emerges. The dilemma
CEO, Sustainable                                of having to overcome a very significant            Our support programmes for business and
Energy Authority of Ireland                     disruption event and to recover to take full        industry are particularly relevant to the CDP
                                                advantage of positive change, rather than           network and to its supply-chain in Ireland. We
                                                reverting to the past is to be reflected. Climate   will focus on a strong pipeline of projects over
                                                change on the other hand has crept up on            the coming years, engaging with projects of
                                                society, evolved and hasn’t presented in such       scale through our EXEED program and our
 “Our support programmes
                                                dramatic form across the globe. Be assured          Support Scheme for Renewable Heat. EXEED
 for business and industry are
                                                however, it is set to be the biggest disruptor      focuses on the lifecycle impact that added
 particularly relevant to the CDP
                                                for generations to come. And our response, in       investment in energy efficient design will
 network and to its supply-chain
                                                the form of a green economy is to be the next       provide across new, repurposed, and major
 in Ireland. We will focus on a
                                                wave of innovation.                                 upgrade projects. The support scheme for
 strong pipeline of projects over
                                                                                                    renewable heat provides financial incentives
 the coming years, engaging with
                                                In the USA, it is heartening to see the changes     when switching from fossil-fuel heating
 projects of scale through our
                                                that the Biden-Harris administration are            systems to renewable heating systems using
 EXEED program and our Support
                                                expected to lead. Their re-entry into the           biomass or heat pumps. I would encourage
 Scheme for Renewable Heat."
                                                Paris Agreement, commitment to a green              members to engage with SEAI to learn more
                                                economy and to environmental justice is a           about these programmes that are guaranteed
                                                strong and necessary undoing of the previous        to add value and help incentivise better
                                                administration.                                     investment.

                                                At home, the Programme for Government               The 2020 report of CDP showcases the
                                                commits a national emissions target of              excellent improvement within the network
                                                7% annual reduction to 2030. It is a strong         in Ireland. We congratulate CDP and its
                                                commitment and will be enshrined in the             membership for these results and commend
                                                new Climate Bill and delivered through the          its work in this important area of carbon
                                                updated Climate Action Plan. The Sustainable        disclosure, promoting responsible investment
What a difference a single year makes           Energy Authority of Ireland is responsible
There is absolutely no doubt that 2021          across many cross-cutting policy actions.           We hope that in the spirit of collectively
will be remembered in history.                  We see first-hand the heightened levels of          tackling climate change that we can challenge
                                                collaboration and commitment to emissions           ourselves to new forms of engagement and
We remain in the Covid-19 pandemic and it       action, previously siloed and compromised.          collaboration, new strategy and ideation,
will likely stay with us throughout 2021 and                                                        new innovation and investment in the green
probably beyond in some guise. Covid-19         I am happy to inform that SEAI is taking            economy, new systems of working that puts
calibrates an understanding what 7% savings     an increasingly significant role in scaled-         us on a pathway to a zero-carbon future.
per year equates in terms of societal change.   up action to a low carbon society. We are
The recent joint publication between SEAI and   designated as the National Retrofit Delivery
the EPA reported a 5.9% emissions reduction     Body that will support up to 500,000
through the restrictions imposed from March     domestic retrofits over the coming decade.

                                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND                     7
                                                     FIRST TIME RESPONDER
                                                     Transporting Ireland
                                                     towards a sustainable future

                                                     With over 10,500 employees and a national         group operations for Scope 1 and 2 and
                                                     network of bus and rail services, we have         guidance in assessing Scope 3 emissions
                                                     a unique opportunity to address national          and to develop a process for working with
                                                     economic, social and environmental                suppliers. In line with CAP 2019, CIÉ has
                                                     challenges. We value our role in connecting       been working to reduce total CO2 emissions
                                                     towns, cities and communities and are             by 30% and energy efficiency savings of
                                                     working to protect the natural capital adjacent   50%, against 2005 levels, by 2030. Since
                                                     to our network. Focusing on the challenge of      2005, our annual reporting has provided
                                                     tackling climate change, we aim to become         data on meeting these targets however, the
                                                     a fully sustainable and circular business,        CDP reporting framework facilitates a more
                                                     working closely with the National Transport       focussed analysis of activities, structures and
    Chief Sustainability Officer                     Authority and the Department of Transport to      behaviours that improve performance. The
                                                     deliver innovation in low-emissions transport     CDP platform provides resources and insights
                                                     services and to decouple growth in public         into economic and sector-specific climate
                                                     transport and carbon emissions. The Group         innovation and international standards
                                                     is working to meet public sector climate          for best practice climate governance. Our
                                                     targets for 2030, with renewed resolve to         employees and customers are the backbone
                                                     achieve the climate targets which enable          of our service and Clearstream’s expertise
                                                     Ireland’s carbon neutrality by 2050.              supported CIÉ to develop a multi-functional,
                                                                                                       cross-organisational approach, ensuring
                                                     Enhancing disclosure is a central pillar of our   broad participation, awareness, and buy-in at
                                                     climate action strategy. Reporting through        all levels of the Group.
                                                     CDP offers an opportunity for increased
                                                     transparency and provides a roadmap to            Lorcan O’Connor, Group Chief Executive of
                                                     move from a position of management to             CIÉ stated “the collaborative approach across
                                                     increased climate leadership. Opting for a        our companies enabled us to fully capture
                                                     globally recognised, independent disclosure       our performance and plans and indicates the
                                                     system, CDP has enhanced environmental            commitment of our people to sustainability
                                                     reporting; established a benchmark for            and how central our colleagues will be – from
                                                     performance; and given insight in best            frontline to boardroom – in achieving our
                                                     practice carbon management. CDP offers            goals. We look forward to working to meet

    Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ), founded in 1945     a robust, independent and accountable             our ambitions and that of our customers and

    is the largest provider of public transport in   methodology that aligns to international          stakeholders, in ensuring climate resilience

    Ireland. The CIÉ Group (“the Group”) provides    best practice and the EU Taxonomy for non-        in the provision of public transport across

    essential, sustainable services across a         financial climate disclosure. The framework       Ireland.”

    nation-wide network, carrying over 280m          promotes strong governance for managing

    passengers in 2019.                              uncertainty around climate related risks and
                                                     opportunities and provides a structure to raise
    CIÉ’s commitment to sustainability is outlined   awareness and enhance performance.
    in the Group’s ‘Sustainability Strategy 2020’
    which represents a plan of action for the CIÉ    Our colleagues across the Group worked

    Group of companies, including Dublin Bus,        closely with Clearstream Solutions, an expert

    Iarnród Éireann and Bus Éireann. At the core     carbon management service provider and

    of our strategy is a commitment to support       secretariat for the CDP Ireland Network,

    the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals           to develop a rigorous first-time response

    (SDGs); to meet the targets set out in the       that reflected the significant climate action

    Climate Action Plan (CAP) 2019; and to deliver   progress and ambition of the Group’s

    the objectives of the National Development       operating companies. The process involved

    Plan.                                            an assessment of our carbon footprint for

                                                FIRST TIME RESPONDER
                                                The Irish housing market has been                Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for the first
                                                chronically undersupplied for many years,        time – and to ensure we continue to operate
                                                creating profound structural challenges for      in a socially responsible and ethical way. As
                                                our economy and for our people. The biggest      part of our environmental strategy, we have
                                                pinch point is affordable homes for first time   also set an emissions reduction target for
                                                buyers and young families.                       2025 with a view to fully align our following
                                                                                                 target with a global aspiration of net zero
                                                We believe that everyone should have             greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
                                                access to high-quality homes in flourishing
                                                communities, and we are determined that          We are in the process of aligning our
                                                our contribution to that great endeavour is      sustainability strategy with the UN’s
                                                delivered the context of the highest standards   Sustainable Development Goals and the
                                                of environmental stewardship                     requirements of the Task Force on Climate-
                                                and responsible business.                        related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). We also
                                                                                                 reported our approach to the management
Director, Strategy & IR                         At Glenveagh, we are passionate and              of environmental risk via CDP for the first
                                                pragmatic about creating a positive              time in FY20 and have included Sustainability
                                                environmental, social and economic legacy        Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
                                                for future generations. Our is passion is        disclosures as part of our first sustainability
                                                manifested by the sheer scope of the topics      report.
                                                we are managing and monitoring, whilst our
                                                pragmatism is evident from our rigorous          Key attractions of disclosing through CDP
                                                management approach.                             include its comprehensive disclosure
                                                                                                 framework and alignment with TCFD, with
                                                Our ambition is to set a new benchmark           the work completed transferable to other
Key attractions of                              in our sector by delivering the maximum          reporting areas in a PLC environment. CDP
                                                possible social benefit at the lowest possible   provided Glenveagh with a platform to put our
disclosing through                              environmental cost. This is consistent with      climate initiatives in context for investors and

CDP include its                                 our broader business vision which is to
                                                create the leading sustainable homebuilding
                                                                                                 ratings agencies.

comprehensive                                   platform in Ireland.                             All these measures are merely steppingstones
                                                                                                 on the journey towards our goal of class
disclosure framework                            During FY20 we began to put in place             leading standards of environmental and social

and alignment with                              systems to measure and reduce our impact
                                                on the environment – including reporting

TCFD, with the
work completed
transferable to other
reporting areas in a
PLC environment

Glenveagh Properties plc, listed on
Euronext Dublin and the London Stock
Exchange, is a leading Irish homebuilder
dedicated to expanding access to high-quality
new homes, with a focus on first time buyers
and young families.

                                                                                                    ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND                     9
                                                                                                       New Responders 2020

     Top 10
                                                    AIB Group Plc1                                      Applegreen Plc
                                                    Accenture 1                                         Cairn Homes Plc
                                                    Kingspan Group Plc       1                          CIE
     Irish Companies
     by score                                       ESB Group     1                                     Ecocem4
                                                    Seagate Technology Plc1                             Gas Networks Ireland
         Listed on the CDP 2020 A list.             Mainstream Renewable Power                          Glenveagh Properties Plc
         The other top 10 Irish companies
         received an A-                             Smurfit Kappa Group Plc                             Greencoat Renewable Plc
         Ardagh Group is a first time               An Post                                             Hibernia REIT Plc
         CDP Climate Change responder
                                                    Ardagh Group2                                       John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd
         Johnson Controls International
         Plc is new to the Ireland results          Johnson Controls International Plc3                 Keelings Group
         but is a long time Climate Change
         responder                                                                                      Kenmare Resources Plc
         Ecocem has reported in                                                                         Mercury Engineering

         previous years, but not in 2019
                                                                                                        Permanent TSB Group Holdings Plc
                                                                                                        Ryanair Holding Plc
                                                                                                        Uniphar Plc
                           Over 11 Million tonnes of                  42 Irish companies
                           scope 1 + Scope 2 emissions                completed a CDP Supply
                           reported in Ireland                        Chain response

                                                                      52% increase in the
                         63% of Ireland top 30
                                                                      number of Irish companies
                         companies reported to
                                                                      reporting CDP
                         CDP in 2020

     The analysis presented in this report is a brief summary of a               Ireland’s top 30 companies responding to CDP, while this figure
     subset of the data available through CDP. We encourage all                  was only 30% five years ago.
     readers of this report to view the full corporate responses
     individually from our website. Enhanced and unlimited                       If we look at the total number of Irish companies who received
     access to the data is available through the CDP analytics                   a performance score, we see that 68% achieved a B- or higher
     tool which makes benchmarking and trend analysis simple                     in 2020, up from only 35% in 2017. This compares favourably
     via a series of interactive dashboards and export functions.                to 35% in Europe and 25% Globally. Continuous improvement
     Different versions of the tool are available for investors and              by Irish responding companies is reflected in higher scores. In
     companies. Visit to find out more.                              2020 29% of Irish responding companies received a leadership
                                                                                 score of an A or A-, this represents a 21% increase on the
     In 2020, a total of 257 companies reported to the CDP Climate               previous year. The focus for performance oriented companies
     Change programme that are either headquartered or operating                 in 2021 will be on setting Science Based Targets, setting a
     in Ireland. There were 47 Irish companies who reported as part              Carbon Price and increasing Supplier Engagement. 17% of Irish
     of this group, an increase of 52% on 2019. This includes 17                 companies for example have set a Carbon Price, compared
     new responders in 2020 which is an unprecedented increase                   to 13% in Europe and 9% Globally. The percentages are a little
     compared to previous years and reflects the significant shift               lower for Science Based Targets.
     in sustainability reporting that has occurred among Irish
     companies. Ireland now has five companies on the CDP A list                 The CDP Supply Chain programme had collected responses
     which consists of only 278 companies globally. For the first                from 42 Irish companies, a 17% increase on 2019. This
     time all the other companies in the top 10 Irish companies                  programme is a key driver for CDP and will be a vital tool in
     list achieved an A-. Significantly, in 2020 we now have 63% of              achieving reductions in supply chain emissions in the future.

Chart 1:
Average Scope 1 and 2 Emissions by reporting companies with operations in Ireland

tCO2e                 10,000         20,000                30,000                40,000            50,000                60,000            70,000                80,000

   2020                      50,483
   2019                      66,228

   2018                      74,680
   *Only public responses used for calculation

 Chart 2:
 The total number of companies, with operations in Ireland, reporting to CDP

        100             125                  150               175                 200                 225               250               275               300

 2020         257

 2019         274

 2018         257


Chart 3:                                                                                                                                         Scope 1
Total number of companies that provided emissions                                                                                                Scope 2
data on their Irish operations by sector
                             0   1   2   3    4    5   6   7   8     9   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 40 50 60 80+
                             |   |   |   |    |    |   |   |   |     |   |   |     |   |   |   |   |     |   |   |   |    |    |   |   |   |     |   |   |   |    |   |   |   |   |	

Biotech, Healthcare
          & Pharma

    Food, Beverage
      & Agriculture





                             0   1   2   3    4    5   6   7   8     9   10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 40 50 60 80+

                                                                                                                              ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND                               11

     Over 9,600                                   In 2014, following discussions with CDP
                                                  and several leading Irish organisations,
                                                                                                attending conferences and events on
                                                                                                behalf of CDP, representing CDP on
     companies with over                          we successfully launched the ‘CDP             industry and Government initiatives, and
                                                  Ireland Network’, working in partnership      the organisation of local CDP marketing
     50% of global market                         with CDP Europe and funded by the             and online networks.
     capitalization disclosed                     generous support of SEAI and EPA.
                                                                                                Key achievements in 2020
                                                  The overall objective of this initiative is
     environmental data                           to motivate as many Irish companies
                                                                                                Corporate environmental change
     through CDP in 2020.                         as possible, public and private, as well
                                                  as multi-nationals based in Ireland to        disclosure is now firmly a Boardroom
                                                  disclose their Climate Change, Forest         issue for Irish organisations. Encouraged
                                                  and Water Security strategies, providing      by investor scrutiny, customer
     CDP Ireland Network Purpose                  a consistent approach to corporate            competitive focus and pushed by EU
                                                  sustainability reporting in Ireland.          regulation, the topic of climate change
     CDP is a global non-profit that runs         We have seen the growth in companies          has moved from the sustainability
     the world’s environmental disclosure         reporting their emissions in Ireland grow     office onto the board room table and
     system for companies, cities, states and     from less than 80 in 2010 to over 250         is now an integral part of the annual
     regions. Founded in 2000 and working         in 2020.                                      reporting cycle of many Irish companies.
     with over 590 investors with $110 trillion                                                 2020 saw a significant increase in the
     in assets, CDP pioneered using capital       Our CDP Ireland Network has attracted         numbers of Irish companies disclosing
     markets and corporate procurement to         over 1,000 participants to our events         to CDP and outlining how they address
     motivate companies to disclose their         and training and currently has over 130       climate change in their businesses,
     environmental impacts, and to reduce         Linked In network followers. We continue      products and supply chains. Despite
     greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard          to bring together Irish corporate leaders     the challenges of Covid-19, there
     water resources and protect forests.         in sustainability and other stakeholders      was a massive 52% increase in Irish
     Over 10,000 organizations around the         to share best practice in addressing          companies reporting to CDP in 2020.
     world disclosed data through CDP             climate change. The steering committee
     in 2020, including more than 9,600           consists of representatives from the Irish    The companies are scored based
     companies worth over 50% of global           divisions of reporting companies, and         on CDP’s transparent scoring
     market capitalization, and over 940          representatives from public and private       methodology covering: comprehensive
     cities, states and regions, representing     bodies with an interest in environmental      disclosure of environmental impacts,
     a combined population of over 2.6            issues. Our Chair and Vice-Chair serve        risks, opportunities, governance and
     billion. Fully TCFD aligned, CDP holds the   for 1-2 years; Shane O’Reilly of KPMG is      actions; awareness of environmental
     largest environmental database in the        our current Chairperson, and Eoin Fahy        risks and how they relate to their
     world, and CDP scores are widely used        from KBI Investors is our Vice Chair.         business; demonstrating management
     to drive investment and procurement                                                        of these environmental risks and
     decisions towards a zero carbon,             The role of the CDP Ireland Steering          evidence of best practice associated
     sustainable and resilient economy. CDP       Committee is to promote and support           with environmental leadership.
     is a founding member of the Science          measurement, disclosure and reporting
     Based Targets initiative, We Mean            of environmental data across a network        Fueled by initiatives such as the Task
     Business Coalition, The Investor Agenda      of interested companies. This is              Force on Climate Related Disclosure
     and the Net Zero Asset Managers              achieved through a range of activities        (TCFD), the Science Based Targets
     initiative. Visit or follow us       as defined by the steering committee;         Initiative (SBTi), Carbon Pricing, RE100
     @CDP and on LinkedIn to find out more.       activities to promote and raise               and local initiatives such as BITCI’s Low
                                                  awareness of environmental issues,            Carbon Pledge, companies now have a
                                                  hosting of best practice workshops,           clearer pathway as to what actions need
                                                                                                to be taken.
The market demand for corporate environmental transparency
                                                       is louder than ever: 590 investors with $110 trillion in assets,
                                                       and 150+ large purchasers with US$4 trillion in buying power
                                                       requested thousands of companies to disclose through CDP
                                                       in 2020. They use CDP data, including scores, to inform their
                                                       investment and procurement strategies.

                                                       Leading environmental action is correlated with financial
                                                       success. The CDP A List companies are combined worth
                                                       US$15 trillion in market value. Data from STOXX has shown
                                                       that the CDP ‘A’ List has outperformed its global reference
                                                       index by an average of 5.3% per annum over a 7-year period.
                                                       4 Irish companies achieved an ‘A’ score in 2020.

Some highlights from 2020

Over 250 global companies now report their Irish         We continue our outreach to cooperate with other
emissions to CDP under the Climate Change                like-minded organisations. We are actively working
program and 47 Irish owned or registered                 with The Dublin Chamber of Commerce and other
companies are now also reporting.                        networks to share best practice and have again
                                                         supported BITCI in its Low Carbon Pledge initiative.
The focus on environmental issues grows despite
challenges of Covid-19, with an increase of 48% in       In September, we hosted a high-profile Supply Chain
Irish companies reporting to CDP in 2020.                Event with excellent contributions from leading
                                                         supply chain organisations including Microsoft
5 Irish companies - AIB Group, Kingspan, ESB,            and Kellogg.
Accenture and Segate Technology - were scored “A”
for their climate change responses.                      In terms of Training, we once again hosted our very
                                                         successful annual CDP Reporter training in May
Ireland outperforms the global average, with 11%         2020. Anja Chodosh from CDP, supported by Gráinne
of the 47 Irish Companies measured making the ‘A         McIvor and Brian O’Kennedy from Clearstream
List’, compared to 3% globally                           Solutions delivered a very informative session for
                                                         both experienced, as well as new responders. Watch
Two first time responders, CIE and Glenveagh             out for our 2021 training programmes in April and
Properties Plc scored a ‘B’ in 2020, an exceptional      May.
score for new participants.
                                                         We now have over 130 members on our LinkedIn
While Investors are key influencers driving publicly     group ‘CDP Ireland Network’ and a growing Twitter
quoted organisations to respond, there has been an       following @CDPIrelandnet. Please follow us for
increasing interest from private companies to use        details on upcoming training and events.
CDP as a framework to inform and develop their
internal environmental strategies. New responders
in this category included, Mercury Engineering,
Ecocem, Sisk & Sons and Keelings.                         We continue to
                                                          update our website
Encouraged by the Irish Government’s Climate
Strategy, an increasing number of semi state and
public sector organisations responded in 2020.            where you will find this report.
These include CIE, Gas Networks and ESB.                  Your input is always welcome, and
We have continued our close cooperation with              we can be contacted at brian@
Sustainable Nation, hosting the Corporate        or via our
Sustainability event during its highly successful         social media links above.
‘virtual’ Climate Finance Week in November. Our
‘Carbon Targets towards Net Zero’ event was
extremely well attended. It included contributions
from CDP, DWS, Kerry Group and AIB.

                                                                                ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND               13
     CDP Ireland Network 2019 Report Launch

     Keynote Professor John FitzGerald
     — Chair, National Advisory Council on Climate Change.

     Panel Session Moderator Shane O’Reilly — Chair, CDP Steering Committee 2019 |
     Professor John FitzGerald — Chair, National Advisory Council on Climate Change
     Samantha Fahy – Sustainability Manager, DCU | Padraig Mallon — Sustainability
     Director, Kerry Group | Catherine Moroney President, Dublin Chamber & Head of    Supply Chain Event
     Business Banking, AIB.
                                                                                      Managing and Reporting your Value
                                                                                      Chain Emissions – A focus on Scope 3

                                                                                      Scope 3 Demystified Gráinne McIvor
                                                                                      Clearstream Solutions, Hugo Ernest-
                                                                                      Jones | CDP Supply Chain EMEA Lead
                                                                                      and our expert Panel Ken O’Farrell,
                                                                                      Microsoft, Director of Fulfilment and
                                                                                      Logistics and Dave Fitzgerald | Kellogg,
                                                                                      Head of Responsible Sourcing Europe

                                                                                      Climate Finance
                                                                                      Week Event
                                                                                      Carbon Targets towards Net Zero

                                                                                      Keynote by Paul Dickinson, Chair of CDP
                                                                                      Worldwide with investor perspective
                                                                                      provided by Murray Birt ESG Analyst at
                                                                                      DWS and a panel which included Juan
                                                                                      Aguiriano, Group Head of Sustainability,
                                                                                      Technology Ventures at Kerry, Sarah
                                                                                      Dempsey, Head of Sustainability
                                                                                      Communications & Partnerships, AIB

                                                                                      In partnership with Sustainable
                                                                                      Nation Ireland and Sponsored by AIB

     Photography by: Julien Behal


Companies criticised                      Project) measures the environmental
                                          impact or companies on behalf of
                                                                                      It said companies that fail to disclose
                                                                                      their environmental impact will be at
over reporting of                         515 global investors representing           a disadvantage, given the importance
emissions                                 $106trn in assets, who increasingly         of climate change to their investors,
                                          include so called environment, social       customers, and employees.
By Peter Hamilton                         and governance (ESG) among their
                                                                                      – Irish Examiner 25/02/20
                                          investment criteria. alongside more
Several leading Irish companies such
as Permanent TSB, Cairn Homes,
                                          traditional targets around profitability.
                                          Ireland outperforms the global
                                                                                      State’s climate inaction
Flutter Entertainments and Ryanair
                                          average, with 8pc of the 48 companies       sets tone for business
have been named and shamed for
                                          measured here making the ‘A List’,
not reporting their green-house gas                                                   It would be foolish to suggest that Fine
                                          compared to 5pc globally. There has
emissions.                                                                            Gael was punished by the electorate for
                                          been a 50pc increase in the number
                                                                                      failing to act on climate change.
CDP, a not-for-profit organisation that   of Irish companies reporting to CDP in
measures companies’ environmental         2020. Globally. AstraZeneca. HP, Mars,      Similarly, the EU fines coming our
impact, highlighted those prominent       and Toyota are among multinationals         way for failures in relation to our 2020
names in its report which found that      that made the ‘A List’.                     emissions and renewable energy
the average Irish company reduced its                                                 targets are unlikely to be too punitive,
                                          — Irish Independent 09/12/2020
CO2 emissions by 11 per cent last year.                                               probably in the region of €150 million.

Among the top performers in the           4 Irish firms make                          For nearly a decade, the government
                                                                                      had delivered an entirely bogus
survey were Kingspan, AIB, Kerry
Group, Smurfit Kappa and CRH.
                                          global climate A list                       message of activism on the climate
                                                                                      issue while effectively sitting on its
CPD’s analysis has found that 215 of      By Ailbhe Daly
                                                                                      hands, a stance linked to the agendas
the biggest global companies estimate     FOUR Irish companies have made a            of two of the State’s largest lobby
the financial implications of climate     global environmental A List. Kingspan,      groups – the Irish Farmers’ Association
risks to be close to $1 trillion.         ESB, AIB Group and Accenture have           (IFA) and employers’ group Ibec.
“That’s the scary challenge, but the      been named on the list by CDP, the
                                                                                      A report by not-for-profit organisation
good news is that forward-thinking        EU-funded charity which runs the
                                                                                      CDP on Irish-headquartered companies
companies are taking action and           global reporting system. The A List
                                                                                      reporting on their carbon emissions
setting emissions reductions targets      names the companies leading on
                                                                                      was published yesterday. Among the
that are grounded in climate science”     environmental transparency and action,
                                                                                      top performers were listed companies
said Paul Simpson, CDP’s chief            based on annual disclosure through the
                                                                                      Kingspan, AIB, Kerry Group, Smurfit
executive yesterday.                      questionnaire.
                                                                                      Kappa and CRH.
                                          CDP Ireland Network Chairman Shane
— The Irish Times 25/02/20                                                            There were, however 25 companies
                                          O’Reilly, said: “It is a tremendous
                                                                                      who were asked to respond and didn’t
                                          achievement for four Irish companies
ESB joins firms with                      to obtain A List status. “There is
                                                                                      for whatever reason. These included

top green grade                           increasing recognition that companies
                                                                                      Cairn Homes, Flutter Entertainment
                                                                                      (owner of Paddy Power), Permanent
                                          who fail to disclose their environmental
By Donal O’Donovan                                                                    TSB and Ryanair.
                                          impact will be at a competitive
                                          disadvantage.”                              A key takeaway was that internationally
AlB. Accenture. ESB and Kingspan
have been given ‘A’ rankings by CDP.                                                  focused companies were more likely to
                                          — Irish Daily Mirror – 09/12/2020
an EU-funded charity which runs the                                                   be active on climate issues, while those
                                                                                      with a domestic focus were likely to be
global environmental reporting system.
It is ESB’s first time getting the “A”
                                          Rise in Irish firms                         found wanting.
rating. The A List ranks environmental    reporting emissions                         — The Irish Times 25/02/20
transparency and action based on
                                          The number of Irish-headquartered
companies’ annual disclosure through
                                          companies reporting on their carbon
CDP’s Climate Change questionnaire.
                                          emissions rose 11% last year to 31,
AIB Group, Accenture, Kingspan and
                                          with Kingspan, Kerry Group, and AIB
ESB are scored ‘A’ for climate change.
                                          among the top performers according to
CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure
                                          CDP Ireland Network.

                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND               15
CDP Ireland
           Network Aims
           and Objectives

           To drive action by companies and cities to
           reduce greenhouse gas emissions, safeguard
           water resources and prevent the destruction
           of forests.

           To promote, encourage and support Irish
           stakeholders to engage with CDP and
           other organisations seeking to minimise
           environment impacts.

           To increase Irish organisations’ transparency
           on environmental performance in order to
           enhance resilience and comparability.

           To make environmental performance central
           to investment and business decisions.

           To share best practice in GHG management
           and policy from both Irish and international

           To provide a common and consistent
           framework for Irish companies to measure
           and report their GHG emissions.

           Assist in promoting the image of Ireland as a
           sustainable place to do business and to help
           our companies to achieve a competitive
           advantage from their initiatives by sharing
           global best practice.


                                             We would like to express our appreciation to the EPA and SEAI for their continued
                                             financial support and participation in the Network. We would also like to thank
                                             Kingspan, CRH and AIB for their support in publishing and hosting this report launch.
                                             Our Chairperson for 2020 was Shane O’Reilly KPMG, who will hand over the reins
                                             in 2021 to Eoin Fahy of KBI Global Investors. Last year we welcomed one new CDP
                                             Ireland Steering Committee member; Kathy Ryan from Irish Life Investment Managers.
                                             Thanks again to all our committee members for their dedication and input.

                                             Shane O’Reilly    Caroline Pope       Shane Colgan          Padraig Mallon     Bianca Wong
                                             KPMG              KPMG                EPA                   Kerry Group        Kingspan Group Plc

                                             Eoin Fahy         Outi Marin          Cormac Madden         John O'Sullivan    Stephen Nolan
                                             KBIGI             Smurfit Kappa Plc   ESB                   SEAI               Sustainable
                                                                                                                            Nation Ireland

                                             Emma Jane Joyce   Kathy Ryan            John Barcroft       Sarah Dempsey      Brian Kennedy
                                             NTMA              Irish Life Investment The Environmental   AIB                Davy
                                                               Managers              Edge


                                                               Brian O’Kennedy     Gavin Whitaker        Muriel de Bakker
                                                               Clearstream         Clearstream           CDP
                                                               Solutions           Solutions

Disclosure Support
To assist with the increasing volume of activity in Ireland, we are delighted to
announce that CDP has appointed Muriel de Bakker as CDP Disclosure Support
Executive with responsibility for addressing responding companies’ queries
in relation to their annual disclosures. Muriel, based in Berlin, will assist Irish
companies in engaging with the CDP platform and will work with the CDP Ireland                Muriel de Bakker
Network and Clearstream Solutions to accelerate the growth in the number of
responding companies across all CDP programs. Muriel replaces Olwen Smith                     +4930629033183
who has left CDP to return closer to home. Thank you Olwen for all your support.    

                                                                                                  ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND                    17
47 Irish Companies who
                                  responded in 2020
        ARDAGH GROUP                                                            EXPERIAN GROUP                                                     MEDTRONIC PLC

                                                                                                                                                                            KENMARE RESOURCES PLC
                                                                                                                              DALATA HOTEL GROUP
                                                                                                                  FBD HOLDINGS PLC
                                                                                                                              UDG HEALTHCARE PLC
                                    BANK OF MAINSTREAM                                                                                             RENEWABLE POWER

                                                      GAS NETWORKS

                 RYANAIR           KINGSPAN PERRIGO
                                                    GLANBIA PLC
                                                              KERRY GROUP PLC
                                                                           GROUP PLC COMPANY PLC
                 HOLDING PLC                        SEAGATE


                                                                                                                                                                      ORIGIN ENTERPRISES PLC
                                                                           CORAS IOMPAIR EIREANN GROUP (CIE)
                                                                           GREENCOAT RENEWABLE PLC
                 SMURFIT KAPPA                                             JAMES HARDIE ECOCEM TECHNOLOGY PLC
                                                    CAIRN HOMES PLC

                 GROUP PLC                                                 INDUSTRIES                          DCC PLC

                                                                                                     TULLOW OIL
                                                                                                 AN POST
                                                                           M50 CONCESSION LTD.
                 GLENVEAGH                                                                                     GREENCORE
                                         RAND CO. LTD.



                 PROPERTIES PLC
                                                                                 REIT PLC                      GROUP PLC
                                                                                 DUBLIN CITY                   JOHNSON CONTROLS
                                                                                 UNIVERSITY                    INTERNATIONAL PLC
                 GROUP                                                           UNIPHAR PLC
                                                                                                               CRH (HOLDINGS)
                                                                                                                   JOHN SISK & SON
       C&C GROUP PLC                                                                                           PLC ARYZTA AG
        MERCURY                                                                     GROUP PLC                  ALLEGION PLC

63% 257
     of Ireland’s Top
                                                                                              Companies reporting
                                                                                              to CDP with operations
     30 listed companies
                                                                                              in Ireland

Irish companies have
committed to setting
                         IRELAND’S A LIST
a Science Based Target
                         AIB Group Plc
A 91% INCREASE           ESB Group
FROM 2019                Kingspan Group Plc
                         Seagate Technology Plc

increase in Irish
companies responding
to CDP Climate Change
in 2020
                         CDP Supply Chain
                         responders in Ireland
                         in 2020

                                  ANNUAL REPORT | CDP IRELAND   19
                                          BRIAN KENNEDY, CFA - ESG
                                          & CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGIES
                                          AT DAVY

                                          2020 can be looked back on as a year         Looking forward to 2021, the pace
                                          when sustainable investing became            of regulation for asset managers will
                                          mainstream with total assets in              be dizzying as the Sustainable Fund
                                          European sustainable funds crossing          Disclosure Requirements roll out by
                                          the USD1 trillion threshold in the fourth    March 10. These will be followed in
                                          quarter of 2020, according to numbers        short order by the now infamous Level
                                          from Morningstar. In Q3 alone, EUR50         2 Adverse Impact Indicators related to
                                          billion flowed into European sustainable     Sustainability Impact Requirements.
                                          funds. For context, this represented 40%     Let’s not forget preparation for the
                                          of all European fund flows. These figures    disclosures related to the EU Sustainable
                                          are especially remarkable given the          Finance Taxonomy in January. A busy
     “An overarching goal of this         uncertain backdrop created by COVID.         year awaits.
     regulatory agenda is to provide      There is now a broad recognition that
     transparency to an occasionally      generating excellent investment returns,     An overarching goal of this regulatory
     opaque sustainable investment        and providing a social or environmental      agenda is to provide transparency to
     industry. In much the same way       good, do not need to be mutually             an occasionally opaque sustainable
     as consumers are able to evaluate    exclusive activities. For those who recall   investment industry. In much the same
     the energy efficiency of household   a time when sustainable investing was        way as consumers are able to evaluate
     appliances, soon we should be        perceived as existing on the lunatic         the energy efficiency of household
     able to more easily ascertain how    fringe, there can be pride that the          appliances, soon we should be able to
     sustainable a fund really is.”       industry has matured in the way it has.      more easily ascertain how sustainable a
                                                                                       fund really is.
                                          This growth has been backboned
                                          by a supportive regulatory regime            These changes are welcome as, given
                                          underpinned by the EU Green Deal.            the growth in the industry, many funds
                                          It was refreshing to see a significant       have been quick to make bold claims
                                          portion of funds under the EU COVID          about their sustainability credentials.
                                          recovery plan allocated to green             However, any credibility may disappear
                                          investment, supporting not just              once their investment objective or
                                          renewable energy but also areas such as      process of selecting investments is
                                          energy efficiency. We wait in hope that      closely scrutinised. In 2020 alone,
                                          this progressive approach is mirrored        according to Morningstar, 330 new
                                          across the Atlantic under the Biden          sustainable funds were launched in
                                          administration.                              Europe. Given the array of funds now
                                                                                       available to investors, it is imperative
                                                                                       to the future health of the industry that
                                                                                       investors can have trust that the fund
                                                                                       they have selected does what it claims
                                                                                       to do.

You can also read