HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System

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                    Fall 2020


                 This issue:
                 TV PERSONALITY &
                 RECORDING ARTIST

                 MÉNIÈRE'S DISEASE HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System
                                                    COVER            story
                                                                                          abrupt changes in the weather and
                                                                                          the barometric pressure, so I keep
 PAIN                                                                                     an eye on both. All of these
                  FOR                                                                     preventive measures help me

                                                                                          manage my condition. However,
                                                                                          what is so frustrating about
                                                                                          Ménière’s is that you can follow the
                                                                                          exact routine and still have an
                                                                                          How has Ménière’s affected

       THE SHOW MUST GO ON                                                                your life and career?
                                                                                          In my 30s, I thought my career was
                                                                                          over. But by knowing my triggers
                                                                                          and taking care of myself, I’ve been
                                                                                          able to manage my condition for the
          The Emmy and Tony Award winner                                                  most part. To be honest, my greatest
           talks about the medical condition                                              difficulty today is explaining to
                                                                                          producers in my business what my
             that almost ended her career.

                                                                                          disease is and how it affects my

                              RISTIN        When did you first think
                             CHENOWETH      something was medically
                         has enjoyed a      wrong?
                     remarkable career as   I was in my 20s, dancing in a rehearsal
                  a singer and actress      room in New York City. When I finished
               since leaving her            dancing, it felt like I was still spinning.
               hometown of Broken           My head began to pound and I threw
                 Arrow, Oklahoma, and       up. After suffering for a couple of
                   arriving in New York     years, I finally found a doctor who
                     City in 1993. Her      diagnosed me correctly. After three
                       powerful soprano     days of medical testing, I discovered I       Tell us about your work with
                        voice has been      had Ménière’s disease.                        the 2019 Migraine World
 featured in Broadway stage                                                               Summit.
 productions that include Wicked and        What are the symptoms that
                                                                                          The event took place in Los Angeles,
 You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown.          you normally experience?
                                                                                          and I was happy to be there to share
 She’s starred in TV shows such as The      Usually, it starts with a migraine            my story. I believe people there who
 West Wing and Glee. And she recently       headache. I often say the feeling of          also suffer from migraines and
 released her latest album, For The         having a migraine is like getting a           Ménière’s disease or other chronic
 Girls. It’s a heartfelt tribute to the     brain freeze if you drink something           pain conditions understood my
 greatest female singers throughout         that’s cold too fast, but then it doesn’t     frustrations and could find support by
 history and features guest artists Dolly   end. At other times, I can just wake up       hearing my story. When people come
 Parton, Reba McEntire, Jennifer            with vertigo. What really stinks is that      together and discuss their issues, that
 Hudson and Ariana Grande. But what         there are no warning signs. It just           can be a real source of healing.
 is perhaps even more remarkable is         happens spontaneously. Fortunately,
 that, for almost her entire professional   there are some things I can do to             Looking ahead, what projects
 career, Kristin has achieved all this      prevent an attack. For example, I             are you working on now?
 despite suffering from Ménière’s           sleep on an incline. I can’t sleep flat       Well, I'm scheduled to star in new
 disease, a disorder of the inner ear       because laying my head down affects           musical called Death Becomes Her,
 that can cause dizzy spells and            my inner ear. I also use a nasal rinse,       which is based on a 1992 movie
 vertigo. Healthy Community recently        and very rarely drink alcohol. Salt is a      starring Meryl Streep and Goldie
 spoke to Kristin to hear her story of      real trigger, so I’m on a low sodium          Hawn. I'm also involved in a project
 perseverance in living with this chronic   diet. I’ve also noticed that my               about Brownie Wise, the woman
 medical condition.                         condition seems to be connected to            behind the man who created

 2   Community Healthcare System | Fall 2020 HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System
                                                                                                the Pain
                                                                                                Go Away
                                                    “When people
                                                    come together                                    HRONIC PAIN can have
                                                                                                     a debilitating effect on
                                                 and discuss their                                   the quality of life. Pain

                                                   issues, that can                                  management physicians
                                                                                           can help alleviate patients’ pain and
                                                  be a real source                         often identify the underlying cause.
                                                       of healing.”

                                                                      ©2019 BRUCE GILKAS
                                                                                           Community Healthcare System
                                                                                           hospitals offer pain clinics where
                                                                                           patients can receive evaluations
                                                                                           and a variety of treatments.
                                                                                               “We have a big tool kit to treat
Right: Kristin’s seventh album For The Girls                                               someone with pain,” says Physical
pays homage to the women singers who
influenced her career. Below right: Kristin at                                             Medicine and Rehabilitation
the theatre that bears her name in Broken                                                  Specialist Nikhil Shetty, MD, who
Arrow, OK.
                                                                                           cares for patients in the Pain
Tupperware. Brownie Wise was doing                                                         Center of St. Mary Medical Center
“Me Too” way before anyone had ever                                                        in Hobart. “It’s important to be
heard of “Me Too.” I also filmed a                                                         evaluated by a pain physician to
Netflix movie coming out later this                                                        look at each of the possibilities
year called Holidate. And, if I can, I’d                                                   and develop an individualized
like to mention my support for two                                                         treatment plan for that person.”
charities that are dear to my heart.                                                           More conservative approaches
One is an annual Broadway Bootcamp                                                         to pain management often prove
that I started in 2015 in Broken Arrow.                                                    successful, Shetty says. These
It provides young Broadway hopefuls                                                        may include physical therapy,
with the opportunity to take classes,
                                                                                           stretching or even over-the-counter
hold performances and learn from top
                                                                                           medications or ointments. Common
mentors in the entertainment industry.
The other is my partnership with the                                                       outpatient procedures may include
Broken Arrow Performing Arts Center                                                        epidural injections, nerve blocks or
(BAPAC) Foundation. It’s the                                                               radiofrequency ablations.
cornerstone of the arts district in my
hometown, and I’m really proud of it.
                                                                                            Pain Centers Offer Relief
Any final piece of advice?
I want everyone who is suffering from                                                       To learn more about Pain Management
migraines or Ménière’s disease or                                                           services at the hospitals of
                                                                                            Community Healthcare System:
chronic pain in general to know that
                                                                                            Community Hospital,
they’re not alone. It’s also important to                                                   St. Catherine Hospital and
share what you’re going through with                                                        St. Mary Medical Center, visit
those you love and trust. I’ve found                                              
that having that kind of emotional                                                          For a physician referral call 219-836-3477
support provides me with the strength                                                       or 866-836-3477.
to carry on. T                                                                                     Fall 2020 | Healthy Community         3 HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System
                       Physical Therapy:
                       A Smart Choice If You Are
                       Experiencing Chronic Pain

                     therapy (PT) is an
                     important but
                     often overlooked
                     part of managing
                     and treating
                     chronic pain. In
 fact, PT can reduce or, in some          The first step in the process
 cases, eliminate chronic pain. It        is for a physical therapist to
 can also greatly improve the             perform an evaluation. An
 quality of life of patients by helping
 them be more active and
                                          individualized treatment plan is
                                          then developed to address the         Manual
 independent. Physical therapists
 are specially trained to teach
                                          patient’s specific challenges and
                                          goals, either on an inpatient or      Therapies
 exercises and techniques that help       outpatient basis, depending on the    Manual therapies can include
 patients regain their strength,          patient’s needs and the severity of   stretching and soft- or deep-tissue
 mobility, balance and range of           the condition. Your physical          massage, which can decrease pain
 motion. They are experts not only        therapist has a wide variety of       and promote healing by helping
 in treating pain, but also identifying   therapeutic strategies and            muscles relax and boosting
 its source.                              treatment options to choose from.     circulation.

 4   Community Healthcare System | Fall 2020 HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System
Exercise                                    TENS
                                            (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve                    Find Relief from
In many cases, physical therapy
involves working out on specially           Stimulation) This therapy uses
designed equipment such as a                low-voltage electrical current that
treadmill, stationary bike, parallel        comes through electrodes
bars, steps/stairs, poles, pulleys,         attached to the skin to provide             Kristin Chenoweth was
                                            pain relief.                                diagnosed with Ménière’s disease
free weights, and other ergonomic
                                                                                        (see story on page 2) after seeing an
aids. All of these different
exercises can be used to                    Education                                   otolaryngologist, more commonly
                                                                                        known as an ENT, a physician who
                                            Is Key
strengthen muscles and improve
                                                                                        specializes in the diagnosis and
              flexibility to heal painful
                                                                                        treatment of disorders of the ear,
                                            One of the most important                   nose and throat. Allergies are one of

                                            responsibilities for a physical             the most common disorders that
                                            therapist is teaching patients              ENTs treat every day, especially if

             sound                          proper techniques and providing
                                            information they can use after their
                                                                                        patients are suffering from nasal
                                                                                        congestion, post nasal drip, recurring
             This therapeutic               therapy has concluded. These                sinusitis (inflammation or swelling of
             technique delivers             techniques may include proper               the tissue lining the sinuses), or a
             deep heating to the            posture alignment when walking              cough that won’t go away.
             soft tissues of the body,      and sitting, lifting techniques,                  If you suffer from allergies,
             including muscles,             ongoing exercises and strength              you’re not alone. More than 100
             tendons, joints and            training. Equipped with this                million Americans suffer from
             ligaments.                     information, patients can continue          allergies. The most common
                                            their therapy at home,                      allergies include hay fever and
                                            improving their health and                  allergic reactions to insect bites,
                                            significantly increasing their ability      food and drugs. Allergy symptoms
                                            to manage their pain or stop a              typically include sneezing, itching of
                                            reoccurrence.                               the nose and eyes, a runny or stuffy
                                                                                        nose, and watery, red or swollen
                                             Physical Therapy                           eyes, but the symptoms can vary
                                             Physical therapy can be arranged with a    depending on the type of allergic

    Hot &                                    physician referral through the hospitals
                                             of Community Healthcare System
                                                                                        reaction. Allergic reactions can affect
                                                                                        your airways, skin, digestive system,

                                             or any of the many outpatient facilities   sinuses and nasal passages. The
                                             across Northwest Indiana.                  reactions can range from mild to
                                                                                        severe, even life-threatening. If you
Therapies                                    for more information.
                                                                                        think may have allergies, don’t suffer
                                                                                        needlessly. Talk to your primary care
Treating pain with hot or cold can          Although PT is usually arranged             physician about your symptoms. T
often reduce inflammation, relieve          through your primary care
pain and promote healing. How-              physician, in many cases, your
ever, knowing which situations call         health insurance will often cover            Find Relief from Allergies
for heat, and which for cold, can be        physical therapy without a
important. In general, ice is used to       physician referral. Be sure to check         For a list of ear, nose and throat
treat acute injuries or pain in order       with your provider and with your             specialists or otolaryngologists in
                                                                                         your area, call the free physician
to reduce inflammation and                  health insurance administrator. T            referral line for the hospitals of
swelling. Heat, dry or moist, works                                                      Community Healthcare System,
in the opposite manner. It                                                               219-836-3477 or 866-836-3477. Online,
promotes circulation and is often                                                        click on
                                            Sources: APTA,
used for muscle pain or stiffness.                                                                                 Fall 2020 | Healthy Community     5 HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System
CHRONIC                       Finding The Help
                             You Need To Treat
                     Chronic Pain
     Your Guidebook from Community Healthcare System

ALL THE                                 ARE YOU LIVING WITH chronic pain? If you are one of the

 WAYS                                   50 million Americans who do, Community Healthcare System is
                                        here to make sure you or a loved one don’t suffer needlessly. In this

WE CARE                                 article, we provide helpful information about the four most

                                        common types of chronic pain—arthritis, nerve pain, lower back
                                        pain and migraine headaches—as well as guide you to the medical
                                        professionals who can provide the help and expertise you need.

                                        Arthritis                                     remedies that can relieve or eliminate
                                                                                      the pain. For example, a physical
                                        About 54 million American adults have
                                        some form of arthritis, and that number       therapist can create a customized
                                        is climbing as baby boomers grow older.       exercise plan that can strengthen the
                                        Simply put, arthritis is inflammation of      muscles around the joint, increase your
                                        the joints. There are 147 joints in your      flexibility and reduce your pain. You
                                        body, and almost any joint in the body        can also consult an occupational
                                        can be affected, but arthritis usually        therapist, who can teach you the
                                        strikes in the hands, hips, knees, feet       techniques that put less stress on your
                                        and spine.                                    joints during daily activities.

                                        Osteoarthritis                                Rheumatoid Arthritis
                                        Osteoarthritis is the form of the disease     Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an
                                        most prevalent in people 60 and older.        autoimmune disease that occurs when
                                        This degenerative joint disease occurs        the lining of a joint becomes inflamed.
                                        when there is a breakdown of cartilage        It’s a serious, painful and often debilitat-
                                        in the joints. The less cartilage there is,   ing condition. Treatment usually
                                        the greater the pain. In the worst case,      involves a combination of medications,
                                        bone rubs against bone. The pain and          regular exercise and physical therapy.
                                        stiffness associated with osteoarthritis      Surgery is another possibility.
                                        can be severe, even debilitating.
                                                                                      F Which Medical Professionals To See:
                                             There is no known cure for                 Your primary care provider or a
                                        osteoarthritis, but there are several           rheumatologist

 6   Community Healthcare System | Fall 2020 HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System
Nerve Pain                                  F Which Medical Professionals To See:         Spinal Stenosis

                                            3 4
Nerve pain, also known as neuropathic       Your primary care provider (for all),
                                                                                          This painful condition occurs when the
pain, is usually experienced as a           or an endocrinologist (diabetic
                                            nerve pain), a rheumatologist                 spinal canal, located in the lower back,
stabbing, prickling, burning or tingling
                                            (diabetic nerve pain and fibromyal-           narrows and reduces the space for the
sensation. Often caused by damage or
                                            gia) or an orthopedist (carpal                spinal cord and nerves, which causes leg
irritation to a nerve, neuropathic pain
can be the result of a variety of medical
                                            tunnel)                                       pain, numbness and/or tingling.
issues. Medications such as anti-depres-
sants and pain relievers are usually the
first treatment used to relieve nerve
                                            Lower Back Pain                               F Which Medical Professionals To See:
                                                                                          Your primary care provider, a
                                            About 80 percent of American adults           physical therapist or an orthopedist
pain. Electrical stimulation is another     experience low back pain at some point
option in some cases. When the nerve
pain is caused by diabetes, managing
                                            in their life. In fact, more than 25
                                            percent of adults say that they’ve
the disease is often the first priority.
Cold packs and splinting can be used for
                                            experienced low back pain during the
                                            past three months. Back pain that lasts
                                                                                          Recent studies estimate that 12 percent
carpal tunnel.                              more than 12 weeks is considered              of adults in the United States have
                                            chronic. About 20 percent of people
Diabetic Nerve Pain                         who experience low back pain will
                                                                                          experienced a migraine headache and
Up to 70 percent of people with                                                           four million have chronic migraines.
                                            develop chronic back pain. In those           The severe throbbing pain of a migraine,
diabetes will suffer from nerve
                                            cases, a physical therapist can use a vari-   usually felt on one side of the head, is
damage. If you are a diabetic and are
                                            ety of techniques to relieve the pain and     often accompanied by nausea, vomiting
experiencing burning or numbness in
                                            then, after the pain decreases, teach         and extreme sensitivity to light and
your feet, see a medical professional
                                            exercises to keep the pain from return-       sound. The attacks can last for hours,
                                            ing. In the most severe cases of back         even days, and can be completely
Autoimmune                                  pain, surgery may be an option. Lower         debilitating.
Diseases                                    back pain has several causes, including:
                                                                                          Fortunately, both pain-relieving and
A variety of autoimmune diseases can
produce symptoms of nerve pain. These
                                            Disc Degeneration                             preventive medications are available if
                                            A common cause of low back pain, this         you suffer from migraines. You should
include multiple sclerosis, lupus and
                                            condition occurs when the discs that act      definitely talk to your provider about
inflammatory bowel disease.
                                            like shock absorbers in the spine wear        taking preventive medications if you are
Carpal Tunnel                               out. Herniated or ruptured discs occur        experiencing four or more migraines a
Carpal tunnel is a common condition         when the discs in the spine become            month. Lifestyle changes, such as having
that causes pain, numbness, tingling        compressed and bulge outward or               a regular sleep schedule, getting plenty
and weakness in the hand and wrist.         rupture, irritating a nearby nerve.           of exercise, and reducing stress, can
It occurs when too much pressure is                                                       also help prevent migraines or reduce
placed on the median nerve in the wrist.
                                            Sciatica                                      their severity.
                                            Sciatica occurs when a herniated disc or
                                                                                          F Which Medical Professionals To See:
Fibromyalgia                                bone spur compresses the sciatic nerve,
                                                                                          Your primary care provider or a
About four million American adults          the longest nerve in the body. The sciatic    neurologist
suffer from a condition called fibromy-     nerve branches from the lower back
algia, which causes pain all over the       through the hips and then down each            Find a provider
body as well as fatigue, sleep problems,    leg. The most common symptom is pain           Visit our free online directory at
and mental and emotional distress.          that radiates from the lower back down or call
Fibromyalgia can also cause a higher        the side of the legs. Numbness, tingling       219-836-3477 or 866-836-3477.
sensitivity to pain.                        and weakness in the leg can also occur.
                                                                                          Sources: CDC,, Cleveland Clinic, Mayo Clinic, webMD                                                                                        Fall 2020 | Healthy Community                     7 HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System
Balancing Act
                                                    by Debra Gruszecki

                                                                S A WOLF LAKE
                                                                Terminal lab
                                                                Cervantes relies
                                                                on chemistry to
                                                                tell when a
                                              product is in balance or needs an
                                              adjustment. He had always been
                                              an active person, but had to slow
                                              down recently when he started
                                              experiencing dizzy spells. One day
                                              he felt so woozy that he fell as he
                                              bent over to tie his shoes. That got
                                              his attention and he realized that
                                              maybe he needed an adjustment.
                                                  “I needed to know what was
                                              causing this,” Cervantes says. He
                                              visited his primary care doctor who
                                              suspected Cervantes had a
                                              balance disorder.
                                                  After an MRI and a head scan
                                              ruled out other potential disorders
                                              of the brain and spinal cord,
                                              Cervantes was referred to the
                                              Dizziness and Balance Clinics of
                                              Community Healthcare System.
                                              The hospital system operates
                                              five such centers across
                                              Northwest Indiana:
            Dizziness therapy can help to     Community Hospital, Munster;
                                              Community Neuroscience &
                 rebalance your life          Sports Medicine Center, Schererville;
                                              Community Outpatient Center,
                                              St. John; St. Catherine Hospital,
                                              East Chicago and the
                                              Valparaiso Health Center of
                                              St. Mary Medical Center, Valparaiso.

8   Community Healthcare System | Fall 2020 HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System
“I felt better after two sessions,”
Cervantes recalls. “I told my
therapist, you’re my miracle.”
    St. Catherine Hospital
outpatient physical therapy
supervisor Geoff Ritter says
Cervantes was diagnosed with
benign paroxysmal positional
vertigo (BPPV). BPPV is a condition
created when tiny calcium crystals
in the inner ear shift to another
part of the ear responsible for
maintaining balance. When this shift
happens, a person can feel as if the
world around them is spinning.
    Ritter taught Cervantes a series
of positional maneuvers and
exercises to shift the stones back
where they belonged to help
regain balance control. Vestibular        NeuroCom® balance equipment              Above: Physical therapist Geoff Ritter works
                                                                                   with Roberto Cervantes using the Biodex
rehabilitation is a specialized form      diagnostic technology to test            Balance System™. The advanced technology
of therapy used to improve                different sensory systems in an          is a balance testing and training machine
                                                                                   that provides the therapist feedback on the
balance and reduce dizziness              individual to help identify reasons      patient’s posture, stability, weight-bearing load
symptoms associated with inner-           for their balance deficits. A specific   per side and risk of falling.
ear/balance disorders.                    and appropriate exercise program
                                          is then developed for each               medications such as tranquilizers
                                          individual.                              and antidepressants, diseases
 I felt better after two                      “Accurate diagnosis is integral      such as Parkinson’s, multiple
sessions,” Cervantes                      to effective and successful
                                          treatment and outcomes,” explains
                                                                                   sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and cardiac
                                                                                   conditions can impair sense of
     recalls. “I told my                  Lisa Sheehan, supervisor of              balance.
  therapist, you’re my                    Physical Therapy at the
                                          Community Neuroscience & Sports
                                                                                       “Prevention is key,” Ritter says.
                                                                                   If you’re feeling weakness,
               miracle.”                  Medicine Center. “We can evaluate        experience frequent dizziness or
                                          for BPPV which is very common in         falls, struggle with walking on
    Dizziness can lead to falls and       the elderly population and causes        gravel, grass or a routine task, it’s a
that can lead to higher mortality         dizziness, imbalance and                 good idea to talk with your doctor.”
rates, more injuries and more             increased fall risk. The majority of         Physical and occupational
hospital admissions. Fall risk            our patients complete this testing       therapists create individualized,
and avoiding falls is a big area of       as a part of the evaluation              results oriented treatment plans
focus, says Dave Hudak, director          process.”                                that focus on decreasing dizziness,
of Outpatient Services at                     The elderly aren’t only              enhancing balance and improving
St. Mary Medical Center.                  susceptible to balance disorders.        functional independence and
    “Effective physical therapy can       Balance function involves effective      safety in your life. T
significantly help reduce your risk       use of information from our vision,
of falls by improving lower               muscles and joints and vestibular         Find Your Center
extremity strength and balance,”          system (inner ears) for control
explains Hudak.                           under changing situations. Vision         To learn more about Dizziness and
                                                                                    Balance Clinic services at five convenient
    The healthcare system’s               impairment, lower body weakness,          locations, visit
Dizziness and Balance Clinics use         Vitamin D deficiency, foot pain,                                                                               Fall 2020 | Healthy Community           9 HealthyCOMMUNITY - CHRONIC PAIN This issue: Community Healthcare System
Life after
           Weight Loss Surgery

           What to know about undergoing
               a bariatric procedure

                             by Elise Sims

             ACKI OSENKARSKI          day. I was on two different blood
             had been trying to       pressure medications, cholesterol
             lose weight on her       medication and more totaling 15
             own for as long as she   different medications. My weight
             could remember. She      was taking a toll on my heart
             was overweight as a      health.”
             child, teen and adult.       This unhealthy cycle continued
Through the years she had             until she attended a Healthy 4 Life
attended different weight loss        seminar in April of 2019, and her
programs determined to lose           yo-yo dieting finally came to an
weight by herself. In the beginning   abrupt halt. There she learned that
she would lose weight quickly then    Community Healthcare System’s
hit a plateau and stop losing         Healthy 4 Life individualized care
                                                                              Above: Jacki Osenkarski was frustrated with
altogether. She eventually would      program of medical weight loss,         her own weight loss attempts before hearing
quit and eat her way back up to       bariatric surgery, lifetime wellness,   about Healthy 4 Life’s best practices’ approach
                                                                              to individualized care.
her starting weight and then gain     fitness, dietary and psychosocial
even more.                            counseling helps to ensure that         Right: After attending a free weight loss
                                                                              seminar, Osenkarski learned that Healthy 4
    “I was unhealthy, unhappy and     patients stay healthy; lose weight      Life’s individualized care program of medical
extremely frustrated,” Osenkarski     and keep it off. With on-site           weight loss, bariatric surgery, lifetime wellness,
                                                                              fitness, dietary and psychosocial counseling
says. “I was a type 2 diabetic,       locations at St. Mary Medical Center    helps to ensure that patients stay healthy; lose
taking five shots of insulin each     in Hobart and Community Hospital        weight and keep it off.

10   Community Healthcare System | Fall 2020
in Munster, the Healthy 4 Life
program offers convenient access          At Healthy 4 Life,                    psychologists, to come together
                                                                                using the evidence and best
to comprehensive services                     everyone truly                    practices known to individualize
necessary for long-term weight
loss success.
                                           cares about you                      each patient’s plan for the rest of
                                                                                their life. Losing weight is not that
   “I cried when I realized I           and helped me find                      hard. Honestly, keeping the weight
wouldn’t be alone anymore,”            the right weight loss                    off is the biggest challenge.”
Osenkarski explains. “At Healthy 4
Life, everyone truly cares about        choice for me. I had                        There are three keys to
                                                                                successfully keeping that weight
you and helped me find the right               a whole team                     off, according to Haddadin.
weight loss choice for me. I had a
whole team behind me: my
                                                 behind me.”                        “Desire is first and foremost,”
                                                                                she says. “Our most successful
surgeon Dr. Stanish, my bariatrician   medications she takes to control         patients tell us they were over
Dr. Haddadin, nurses, dietitians       her blood pressure. Her overall          being unhealthy, having extra
and exercise coaches to offer so       health and energy levels have            weight, etc., and wanted to do this
much support and encouragement.        improved, too.                           for themselves.”
A year after gastric bypass surgery,       “I have way more energy for my           “Second, they need to follow
                                       grandchildren,” Osenkarski says.         our advice to a T,” she says.
                                       “On a trip to Disney World, I was        “Those who follow the program
                                       able to get on and off the rides         guidelines do very well long term.
                                       without a struggle and walk so           Those who only halfway follow the
                                       much easier around the park.”            plan, get halfway results.”
                                           Those improvements didn’t                “It’s also important to stay
                                       come without careful planning and        connected,” Haddadin says.
                                       consideration, along with a              “Having a powerful medical,
                                       supportive network of family,            surgical and integrated health
                                       friends and healthcare providers.        team all located in one place so
                                           “At Healthy 4 Life, our patients     each patient stays on track and
                                       are treated like members of our          has accountability is key. Patients
                                       family” says Debi Pillarella, director   who attend their follow up
                                       of Bariatric Services. “Everyone on      appointments do much better than
                                       our staff is passionate about            those who do not. In addition,
                                       helping patients improve their           Healthy 4 Life offers monthly
                                       health and empowering them to            support groups and newsletters
                                       adapt a healthier lifestyle.”            with recipes and Facebook LIVE
                                           Many weight loss programs rely       events to stay connected.” T
                                       on significant unrealistic restriction
                                       and focusing the patient on having
                                       more willpower, explains
                                       Osenkarski’s bariatrician Fadia
                                       Haddadin, MD, on staff at                 Become a Healthier You
                                       St. Catherine Hospital in East
I have lost 90 pounds (and             Chicago and Community Hospital.           Attend a free webinar or seminar “Weight
counting).”                                “In contrast, we use experts in a     Loss Surgery Is It Right for Me?” to learn
                                                                                 more about individualized options for
   Beyond just the number on the       variety of disciplines (dietitians,
                                                                                 losing weight. Classes are held monthly
scale, though, her surgery has         exercise physiologists, bariatric         through Community Hospital, Munster,
dramatically improved her health:      nurses, weight loss physicians            St. Catherine Hospital, East Chicago and
she no longer needs insulin or         called bariatricians, bariatric           St. Mary Medical Center, Hobart. Go to
cholesterol medications and she        surgeons (for those interested in to learn more.
has reduced the number of              surgical weight loss) and                                                                          Fall 2020 | Healthy Community         11
TMIST target:
                                women’s care
           Local women have access to national breast cancer trial
            through the Community Cancer Research Foundation

                                         by Elise Sims

                 INK RIBBONS worn                        The study aims to compare two
                 around the world                        types of digital mammography,
                 serve as a symbol                       2-D and 3-D, for breast cancer
                 of unity in the fight                   screening. It also looks at whether
                 against breast                          certain women should have their
                 cancer and search                       screening mammograms annually
                 for a cure. Those                       or every two years.
well-known ribbons also remind                              “There has been much debate
women of some important current                          on this,” said Amber Kindt, RN,
recommendations: women 40 and                            administrator, Community Cancer
older should have a yearly                               Research Foundation. “How often
mammogram and an annual breast                           you screen, who benefits and who
exam by a doctor or nurse                                doesn’t, but our main goal is to
practitioner, along with a monthly                       help women with advanced breast
self-breast exam.                                        cancer detect their cancer early
    The Community Cancer Research                        and increase their chances of
Foundation through the hospitals                         survival.”
of Community Healthcare System                              TMIST researchers are enrolling
is now enrolling women in a new                          healthy women, ages 45 to 74,
trial offered by the National Cancer                     who are already planning to get
Institute (NCI), called the                              routine mammograms in the study.
Tomosynthesis Mammographic                               By taking part in TMIST, the more
Imaging Screening Trial (TMIST).                         than 164,000 planned participants
We are hopeful
     that this trial will
    help us to better
     understand the
   potential benefits
       of looking for
   breast cancers in
     women with no

will provide critical information that   especially ‘aggressive’ ones,          Above: Dr. Mary Nicholson serves as
will help researchers learn how to       earlier than 2D mammography,           principal investigator for a trial offered
                                                                                by the National Cancer Institute (NCI),
most effectively screen women for        and this trial with thousands of       called the Tomosynthesis Mammographic
breast cancer and in the future,         women should help to define how        Imaging Screening Trial (TMIST). The
                                                                                study aims to compare two types of digital
make more informed decisions             much earlier.”                         mammography, 2-D and 3-D, for breast
about screening. To date, across             TMIST is important to the future   cancer screening.
the nation more than 22,000              of breast cancer screening
women have enrolled in the trial.        because it aims to provide             cancer, our strongest weapon
    Mammography trial screenings         knowledge about how to move            against it remains the detection of
are currently taking place at            beyond the current “one size fits      it at the earliest time we can.”
St. Mary Medical Center’s Women’s        all” approach to mammography               The Community Cancer
Diagnostic Center in Hobart and          where women are screened the           Research Foundation has been
Community Hospital’s Women’s             same way based on age specific         making a difference for cancer
Diagnostic Center in Munster. The        guidelines. The trial will help        patients for more than 20 years.
TMIST study is being coordinated         radiologists adapt a more              Through trials sponsored by the
through the Community Cancer             personalized approach that tailors     Foundation, local patients have
Research Foundation by dedicated         mammography for each woman             been among the first to benefit
fellowship-trained breast                based on her own genetics and          from treatments that have helped
radiologist Mary Nicholson, MD.          individual risk factors for            to improve survival and are less
    “We are hopeful that this trial      developing breast cancer.              invasive.
will help us to better understand            “We are anticipating that              “The next step for those women
the potential benefits of looking for    through the TMIST study, we will       who are interested in participating
breast cancers in women with no          learn more about the relationships     in the trial is to contact our office,”
symptoms through the use of              among age, menopausal and              Kindt says. T
tomosynthesis that is, 3D                hormonal status and breast density
                                                                                 Want more information?
mammography,” says Nicholson,            to the development of breast
who serves as regional director of       cancer,” Nicholson says. “About 95      For a listing of active clinical
Breast Imaging Services for              percent of breast cancers are NOT       trials at the hospitals of
Community Healthcare System.             genetic, so more information is         Community Healthcare System,
“Global experience with 3D               needed regarding why it happens         visit or
mammography leads us to believe          to so many women every year.            call the Community Cancer Research
                                                                                 Foundation, 219-836-6875.
that it can show breast cancers,         Until we can prevent breast                                                                          Fall 2020 | Healthy Community        13
Aging out
                   of Pediatric Care
                              Knowing when your growing child
                                 is ready for adult wellness

                                                by Karin Saltanovitz

         T HAPPENS SO FAST. One
         day your child is taking his
         first steps and the next he is
         driving a car.
             It may feel like just
         yesterday your baby had his
         first visit with the
pediatrician, but as your child
grows and develops, he will need
to fly from the pediatric nest and
start seeing a physician who treats
adult patients.
    For parents and some children,
making this transition can be a bit
overwhelming. For pediatricians, it
is a sign of success.
    “The best part of my job is               Walker adds that when her           Above Left: Internal medicine physician
                                                                                  and pediatrician Ragini Bielski, MD, says
watching my patients grow up              patients leave the practice it is not   between the ages of 13 and 15 children start
and embark on their journey of            always for the last time.               answering more questions for themselves
                                                                                  and getting used to the idea of being more
being independent functioning                “I have been practicing long         personally responsible for their health.
adults,” says Chantal Walker, MD,         enough that some of them return         Above Right: Community Care Network
a pediatrician with the                   with their own children,” she says.     pediatrician Chantal Walker, MD, says as
                                             Look at the primary differences      children become older, their pediatrician—
Community Care Network. “I                                                        in addition to being a physician—can be
love to hear what colleges or             between the medical specialties:        a mentor or confidante. Trust is extremely
universities they have been                  • A pediatrician offers              important in the doctor-patient relationship.

accepted to or what their plans are       specialized care throughout the
for the future. As children become        developmental needs and                    • A family practitioner is a
older, their pediatrician in addition     milestones of children. They often      pediatrician and internist
to being a physician, can become          see patients for their entire           combined into one specialty and
a mentor or confidante. Trust is          childhood and well into                 cares for both children and adults.
extremely important in the doctor-        adolescence, typically from birth          • An internal medicine physician
patient relationship.”                    up to age 18.                           cares for adults.

14   Community Healthcare System | Fall 2020
Community Care Network                   To find the right physician for   similarly it will be hard for you to
physician Ragini Bielski, MD, who        your child at any age, schedule a    agree with your doctor.” T
specializes in both pediatrics and       consultation to learn more about
internal medicine, sometimes has         the physician’s practice.             Want more information?
the opportunity of caring for the           “Consider your overall
whole family.                            philosophy of medicine and what       For more information about
   When children are between the         kind of care you are seeking. It’s    Community Care Network’s providers,
ages of 13 and 15, Bielski               important that you and your           visit our free online directory at
                                                                      or call
recommends parents start talking         provider agree on common goals        219-836-3477 or 866-836-3477.
with them about making the               such as vaccinations, up-to-date
change from a pediatrician to an         medical guidelines, and whole
adult wellness physician.                body wellness and preventive
                                         care,” Bielski says. “If
      For children with                  you don’t agree on
                                         these topics, it will
   chronic conditions,                   make it
it’s important to start                  hard for the
                                         doctor to
  looking for an adult                   give you
  medicine physician                     advice;

       a year or two in
    “This is the age when children
start answering more questions for
themselves and getting used to
the idea of being more personally
responsible for their health,” Bielski
says. “As they grow older they
must feel empowered to discuss
topics with their doctor even
without a parent, so that they can
develop good habits into
adulthood. By age 17, it’s good to
start looking for an adult doctor so
your child has a smooth transition
of care.”
    This is especially the case
if there is a history of chronic
medical issues that will follow
the child into adulthood.
    “Waiting until the last
moment is not the right time,”
Bielski says. “For children
with chronic conditions, it’s
important to start looking
for an adult medicine
physician a year or
two in advance.”                                                                        Fall 2020 | Healthy Community       15
                                                                                                Healthy Community is published as a community
        COMMUNITY                                                                               service by Community Healthcare System. It in no
                                                                                                way seeks to diagnose or treat illness or to serve as a
        HEALTHCARE SYSTEM®                                                                      substitute for professional medical care. For individual
                                                                                                guidance, consult your physician. For more information
                                                                                                about Community Healthcare System or anything in
                                                     COMMUNITY               this publication, please call 866-836-3477.

 Community Healthcare System • Marketing Department • 901 MacArthur Blvd., Munster, IN 46321 • 866-836-3477 • • Fall 2020


  Kristin Physical          Chronic      The Right
Chenoweth Therapy            Pain          Care

Working toward better health

The COVID-19 pan-
demic has been an
important remind-
er of the signifi-
                                                                 When it comes to your health and
cance of health and
community, and                                                  well-being, we are all in this together
of having access to
                                                                  A challenging situation such as COVID-19 has
expert care when        Donald P. Fesko, president             emphasized the need for us to continue to focus and
you need it most.       and chief executive officer,              work together toward a healthier tomorrow.
                        Community Foundation of
One of the ways we      Northwest Indiana, Inc.
                                                                At the hospitals of Community Healthcare System,
are reaching out to
                                                               you will find the right combination of skilled medical
help build healthier communities is through                    professionals, innovative technologies and education
our new digital magazine, Healthy Community.                   that can help you and your loved ones live life to the
Each quarter we will post current informa-                         fullest. Count on quality care, close to home:
tion to that aims to improve the
                                                                                Community Hospital
quality of life and health in Northwest In-
                                                                            901 MacArthur Blvd | Munster
diana. Education is an essential component
of our healthcare continuum that spans the                                      St. Catherine Hospital
spectrum from illness to wellness.                                             4321 Fir St | East Chicago

We also will provide valuable information                                      St. Mary Medical Center
about leading edge diagnoses, treatments and                                1500 S. Lake Park Ave | Hobart
medical research available through the hos-                         Community Stroke & Rehabilitation Center
pitals of Community Healthcare System. You                              10215 Broadway | Crown Point
also will meet patients whose lives have been
saved and enhanced by advanced technolo-                                  
gies, access to national research trials and
studies or important new initiatives in care.
                                                                  @CHSHospitals          @CHSHospitals                   chshospitals
We hope you enjoy reading this issue of
Healthy Community. When it comes to your                                      #communitystrong
health, we’re all in this together. T

16   Community Healthcare System | Fall 2020                                                                            
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