Communication tools Contact - MC 98000 MONACO -

Page created by Raul Burke
Communication tools Contact - MC 98000 MONACO -
Communication tools


                Rendez-Vous de Septembre
         Palais de la Scala 1 avenue Henri Dunant
                    MC 98000 MONACO

  Email : or
Communication tools Contact - MC 98000 MONACO -
Rendez-Vous de Septembre
                                                    10-14 SEP. 2022
                                          Discover all the communications tools

                               to make the most of your participation in RVS 2022
                              Several partnership opportunities are available for the RVS conference.

                                                  Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

   Your choice of communications tools
   Order form for communications tools
   General conditions of sale
Communication tools Contact - MC 98000 MONACO -
                                                                                                Price : 23 850 € ht

                                   40 x 30 cm
                  S20201                                           Congres bag
                                sacoche congres
     Bag          Marine                                              Navy
                                Coton biologique

                                                                                                Price: 22 275 € ht
  Câble de        C20222   Ce câble de chargement est     This charging cable is stored
 chargement                rangé dans un logement qui     in a housing that contains a
   3 en 1                  contient un adaptateur UB      UB type C adapter and a 2 in 1
                           type C et un adaptateur 2 en   adapter compatible for devices
3 in 1 charging            1 compatible pour les          running Android and IOS. The
     cable                 appareils fonctionnant sous    ring allows you to attach it to
                           Android et sous IOS.           your bag or to attach your
                           L'anneau permet de le fixer    keys. PU plastic.
                           à votre sac ou d'y attacher
                           vos clés. Plastique PU.
Communication tools Contact - MC 98000 MONACO -
Batterie externe à   B20223   Chargeur      à     induction     3000 mAh external induction      Price : 30 375 € ht
    induction                 composé d'une batterie            battery is an induction
                              externe 3000 mAh. Il suffit       charger. Simply place your
External induction            de placer votre smartphone        smartphone on the wireless
     battery                  sur le symbole de recharge        charging symbol to start
                              sans fil pour commencer à         charging. Smartphones can
                              recharger. Les smartphones        also be charged via the USB
                              peuvent     également       se    port. Only works with phone
                              recharger via le port USB. Ne     models that support wireless
                              fonctionne     qu'avec     les    charging. An external wireless
                              modèles      de     téléphone     charging receiver or receiver
                              prenant en charge la              box is required to charge an
                              recharge sans fil. Un             iPhone model with pre-Iphone
                              récepteur de recharge sans        8 wireless technology. Input:
                              fil externe ou un boîtier         5V/1A. Output: 5V/1A. Wireless
                              récepteur est nécessaire          output: 1 A/5 W. ABS plastic.
                              pour recharger un modèle
                              d'iPhone possédant une
                              technologie       sans      fil
                              antérieure à l'iPhone 8.
                              Entrée : 5 V/1 A. Sortie : 5
                              V/1 A. Sortie sans fil : 1 A/5
                              W. Plastique ABS
Communication tools Contact - MC 98000 MONACO -
Casquette Doyle 5    C20224   Visière incurvée. Œillets Curved visor. Embroidered
   panneaux                   brodés pour l’aération. eyelets for ventilation. Metal              Price : 17.250 € ht
                              Fermeture      à  boucle buckle closure.
  5 pannels cap               métallique.
      Doyle                                             Heavy brushed cotton twill
                              Coton twill lourd brossé 100%.
                                                        Cotton, 260 g/m2.
                              Coton, 260 g/m2.

Batterie            B20225    Cette batterie de secours         This lightweight aluminum         Price : 30.825 € ht
                              légère      en     aluminium      backup powerbank contains a
Powerbank                     contient une batterie lithium     high quality lithium polymer
                              polymère        de      qualité   battery and has a capacity of
                              supérieure et bénéficie d’une     4000 mAh. The LEDs light up
                              capacité de 4000 mAh. Les         during charging and display
                              voyants LED s'allument            the battery charge level in the
                              pendant la charge et ils          backup battery. The input of
                              affichent le niveau de charge     the backup battery is 5V/1A
                              de la batterie dans la batterie   and the output is 5V/1A.
                              de secours. L’entrée de la        Comes with USB to micro USB
                              batterie de secours est de 5      charging cable. Delivered in a
                              V/1 A et la sortie de 5 V/1 A.    white box. Aluminum.
                              Fournie avec le câble de
                              recharge USB vers micro
                              USB. Livrée dans un coffret
                              blanc. Aluminium.
Communication tools Contact - MC 98000 MONACO -
Stylo paille de blé   S20226   Stylo bille rétractable avec      Retractable ballpoint pen with
                               corps en paille de blé et         wheat straw barrel and               Price : 2.250 € ht
Wheat straw pen                finitions chromées                amazing chrome finish. Wheat
                               surprenantes. La paille de        straw is what is left of the stalk
                               blé est ce qui reste de la tige   after the wheat kernels are
                               après la récolte des grains       harvested, reducing the
                               de blé, ce qui réduit la          amount of plastic used. ABS
                               quantité de plastique             plastic.
                               utilisée. Plastique ABS.
Rendez-Vous de Septembre
                                                         10-14 SEP. 202

                                                                          Order Form
This order form should be returned by mail or e-mail before 15 June 2022 to:

URIEL EVENTS • Rendez-Vous de Septembre
Palais de la Scala 1 avenue Henri Dunant

Orders will be processed according to product availability.
URIEL EVENTS will inform you of delivery details according to the products chosen.

 Company name .......................................................................................................................................................................
 Address ...................................................................................................................................................................................
 Postcode ............................ City ....................................................... Country..........................................................................
 Type of company (legal structure) ...............................................................
 Intracommunity VAT number (mandatory) ________________________________________
 Name and first name of contact ...................................................... Function ...........................................................................
 Telephone ........................................................................................ Fax .................................................................................
 E-mail .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Billing address (if different from that of subscriber)
 Company name .......................................................................................................................................................................
 Address ...................................................................................................................................................................................
 Postcode ............................ City ....................................................... Country..........................................................................
 Type of company (legal structure) ...............................................................
 Intracommunity VAT number (mandatory) ________________________________________
 Name and first name of contact ...................................................... Function ...........................................................................
 Telephone ........................................................................................ Fax .................................................................................

  EXCLUSIVE PROMOTIONAL OBJECT (1 sole partner per object)

Prices are established on basis of 2000 units. Please contact us for further options.

Reference :

Price :


Mode of payment (tick the appropriate box)
 By cheque payable to URIEL EVENTS
 By bank transfer to

                                                                                        TOTAL before tax =         ……………… €
                                                                                           VAT at 20 % =           ……………….€

                                                                                           TOTAL inc. VAT =        ……………….€

The transfer notification must be attached to your participation dossier. Bank charges are payable
by the exhibitor.
Payment and cancellation conditions
A down-payment of 60% of the total including tax of the order should accompany your registration
The balance is payable by 7 June 2022 at the latest.
     Cancellation before 15 July 2022: the down-payment is retained
     Cancellation after 15 June 2022: The total amount due is payable and is not refundable.
I hereby accept the general conditions set out on page 7 of the communications tools offer for the
Rendez-Vous de Septembre 2022.

 Name of signatory (capitals) : ............................................................... Compagny stamp :
 Function of signatory in the company : ..................................
 Place : .............................................. Date : ...............

 Signature preceded by the written annotation « lu et approuvé” (Read and accepted)
Any cancellation notified after this date shall
 Rendez- Rendez-Vous                               give rise to payment of the total price of the
    de Septembre
                                                    Communication tools during RVS
    MONTE-CARLO                                     Art. 5: URIEL EVENTS may be in a position to
                                                    offer RVS partners the possibility of advertising
   10-14 SEP. 2022                                  on several types of support, including table
                                                    mats or the official conference bag (non-
                                                    exclusive list). URIEL EVENTS also offers
                                                    partners the possibility of sponsoring certain
                                                    events or products according to the conditions
GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE OF set out in the order form.
COMMUNICATIONS TOOLS                                Requests will be processed according date of A copy of the transfer notification and the debit
                                                    reception and availability.                        statement should be sent to URIEL EVENTS
URIEL EVENTS (Palais de la Scala 1 avenue Henri                                                        The transfer orders should be annotated as
Dunant MC 98000 MONACO, MC 98000 Requests for reservation                                              follows: “règlement sans frais pour le
MONACO) proposes communications tools that Art. 6: Requests for reservation of bénéficiaire” (transfer with no charge to
can be used by RVS partners.                        communications tools should be addressed to beneficiary).
Any order placed for communications tools URIEL EVENTS using the order form provided. Orders not accompanied by payment will not
implies full acceptance without reservation of No requests can be accepted by telephone. be taken into account. An invoice with details
these general conditions of sale                    Requests for reservation accompanied by of VAT will be sent as soon as possible.
                                                    payment are considered firm and cannot be
Order                                               rescinded by the client.                           PENALTIES FOR LATE DELIVERY
Art. 1: Any order for services placed by a client Art. 7: URIEL EVENTS reserves the right to Art. 12: In the event of late payment execution
must take the form of an order form supplied refuse, without explanation, any order, tool, of the order may be suspended. In addition,
by URIEL EVENTS, which represents a binding creative content, etc. that it considers contrary any sum not paid by the due date mentioned
legal and financial commitment made by the to the spirit of the RVS or the material or moral on invoices shall give rise to the application of
partner.                                            interests of the RVS, or that infringes applicable penalties for an amount equal to three times
Client orders must be accompanied by the laws or regulations.                                          the legal interest rate. Penalties shall accrue as
corresponding payment or by evidence of Refusal of a request shall not give rise to any from the day after the due date mentioned on
payment of the total sum due.                       liability for damages. Only the amount the invoice.
Art. 2: URIEL EVENTS will confirm validation of corresponding to the services ordered will be LIABILITY
the order within eight working days from refunded.                                                     Art. 13: URIEL EVENTS can accept no liability for
reception of the order form.                        Art. 8: Deadlines for reception of technical the content or language of advertisements. Nor
In the absence of payment, URIEL EVENTS materials will be communicated by URIEL can it be held liable for information given or
reserves the right not to execute the requested EVENTS.                                                offers proposed.
order. The client accepts sole liability for the Technical costs of insertion, graphic design, The texts, logos, illustrations, photographs and
consequences that may result from delayed composition, photoengraving, proof-reading or other visual, hypertext links, products, brands
regularization of the situation.                    formatting shall be payable by the client, unless and more generally all the works and materials
Art. 3: The order will be executed according to otherwise specified in the tariff list.                used for the creation of an advertising insert
the information provided by the client on the If the material is not received by the date are so used under the sole responsibility of the
order form, provided this are consistent with announced the insertion will not be produced client, who shall be solely liable for the
good professional practices. URIEL EVENTS and will be invoiced according to the conditions payment of rights, particularly rights of
reserves the right not to execute the requested specified in the order form.                           reproduction and representation.
order according to the conditions requested by                                                         The client discharges URIEL EVENTS from any
the client if they are not in conformity with COMPLAINTS                                               liability that might arise as a result of the
applicable regulations. If such a situation arises, Art. 9: URIEL EVENTS shall, within a reasonable insertion produced or distributed at the client’s
UIEL EVENTS shall inform the client and the space of time, make the necessary request.
order shall be suspended until additional modifications in order to ensure that the The client shall compensate URIEL EVENTS for
information is received and the client accepts insertion corresponds to the material supplied any loss or damage suffered and shall
the necessary modifications.                        and shall inform the client in writing of the guarantee it against any claims made by third
In addition, if on the occasion of a previous delivery of the communications tools. It is parties resulting from such insertions.
order the client had failed to observe any of hereby announced to those it may concern that Art. 15: It is understood that the client
these obligations, by not paying on time for any materials not specified at the moment of expressly authorizes URIEL EVENTS to make
example, this client’s order could be refused delivery of materials cannot subsequently be use, free of charge, of the logos, photos,
unless satisfactory guarantees are provided or the object of any claim by the client.                  illustrations and more generally all the works
payment is made in advance.                         In the absence of any comments or complaints and materials used for the creation of an
Art. 4: Any request for modification or made within eight (8) days the service delivered advertising insert for the promotion of the RVS.
cancellation of the order should be made to shall be deemed compliant with the materials Art. 16: The client acknowledges that he/she is
URIEL EVENTS within the time limit indicated provided and the delivery shall be considered aware that all material distributed over the
on the order form. Modifications to the order finally and irrevocable accepted.                        Internet may be copied and fraudulently used
form will be accepted by URIEL EVENTS subject                                                          by anyone connected to the Internet.
to their feasibility.                               INVOICING AND PAYMENT                              Consequently URIEL EVENTS cannot be held
Any modification that does not lead to the Art. 10: The price applicable is that mentioned liable for any unauthorized copying or other
cancellation of one or several articles ordered is on the order form or associated estimate. All loss or damage suffered by the client, directly
considered to be a modification to the order prices quoted in order forms provided by URIEL or indirectly, as a result of this.
form.                                               EVENTS are exclusive of tax and according to
Any modification to an order already executed the laws and regulations applicable to services FORCE MAJEURE
by URIEL EVENTS shall be invoiced at the VAT at the current rate will be applied to these Art. 17: If, for reasons of force majeure, the
applicable tariff as indicated on the order form. prices.                                              conference cannot take place, exhibitors
Any cancellation of an order must be notified to Art. 11: Payment can be made:                         undertake not to claim any compensation from
URIEL EVENTS in writing at the latest 3 months                  By cheque payable to URIEL EVENTS the organize.
before the start of RVS 2022 and shall give rise                By bank transfer
to payment, in compensation, of 60 % of the
total price of the cancelled order.

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