COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College

COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
     Spri ng 2022 C ourse Sche d u le

                                 November 29
COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
Greetings arts community,
                                                                 This spring, we’re coming back to campus in a big
                                                                 way! Join us for 55 on-campus classes, including new
                                                                 offerings like Enameling, Flamenco Dance, and Mural
                                                                 Design & Installation. We’re still keeping a firm foothold
                                                                 online too: check out new remote offerings like Video
                                                                 Creation for the Web, Budget Management for Artists,
                                                                 and Digital Music Production.

                                                                 While the pandemic is on the downturn as of this writing,
                                                                 Montgomery College is implementing robust mitigation
                                                                 measures to keep it that way. For spring, all on-campus
                                                                 students are required to submit proof of vaccination
                                                                 (or a medical or religious exemption). We’re also
                                                                 expecting to stay masked and keep other mitigation
                                                                 measures in place.

                                                                 Have I mentioned how amazing our faculty are? While
                                                                 teaching and continuing their art careers in the midst of
                                                                 a pandemic, they still make time to design new classes,
                                                                 engage in trainings to improve their teaching, and work
                                                                 on projects to improve Community Arts overall. Check
                                                                 out our faculty bios on page 19 to learn more about
                                                                 them. A special shout-out to Greta Ehrig, who supported
                                                                 a deaf student through her songwriting class this fall, our
                                                                 first deaf student in a music class. Also to the student
                                                                 for taking a bold step! Both of their work will increase
                                                                 accessibility for students with diverse learning styles
                                                                 and needs.

                                                                 We hope to see you this spring, whether in-person or

                                                                 If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
                                                        or 240-676-1567.

                                                                 Thank you,
                                                                 John Deamond
                                                                 Community Arts Program Director

Artist: Louise Jung
Top Title: Norway Mist   n   Bottom Title: Serenity                 CONTACT
As a retired attorney, I wanted to try and be more spontaneous
in my artwork. Watercolors have been a fascinating challenge.
I created this painting in Intermediate Watercolor with Wendy       Email:
Daniels.                                                            Phone (questions): 240-676-1567
                                                                    Phone (registration): 240-567-5188

COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
3 Art History, Theory, &
                                                  PERFORMING ARTS
                                                  13 Dance                                               NEW
   Professional Development                       14 Music History & Appreciation
5 Drawing & Illustration                          15 Applied Music
6 Painting                                        16 Theater Arts
                                                                                                         Acting Basics
7 Graphic Design & Digital Arts
                                                  17 KUDOS                                               Unlock your acting talent through
8 Film & Video Arts                                                                                      character-building, storytelling, and
                                                  17 STUDENT WRITING FEATURE
10 Photography                                                                                           roleplay. Page 16
                                                  19 FACULTY BIOGRAPHIES
11 Printmaking
                                                                                                         Budget Management for Artists
11 Crafts & 3D Arts                                                                                      Money factors into virtually every art
                                                                                                         practice in some way, so learn to manage
CO-LISTED CLASSES                                                                                        it responsibly! Page 3
Some of our classes are co-listed with credit classes. The two sections meet together,
and students are held to the same expectations. The only differences are that non-credit
                                                                                                         Digital Music Production
students do not have to apply to the college, do not receive a final grade, and seniors can              Build your own musical compositions on
sign up at any time and receive a waiver. Co-listed classes usually have a small number                  the computer and learn to set up a home
of seats (2-5), so sign up before it’s too late!                                                         studio. Page 15

AGE LIMIT: All classes are for students age 16 and older. We occasionally make                           Enameling: Traditional
exceptions for 14-15-year olds; please contact us for more information.                                  Fuse glass to metal using centuries old
TUITION WAIVER: Marylanders 60 and older are eligible to pay fees only.                                  processes, and explore how to incorporate
                                                                                                         these into jewelry, sculpture, and practical
                                                                                                         objects. Page 13

                                                                                                         Enameling: Experimental
                                                                                                         Explore modern and experimental
                                                                                                         techniques of fusing glass to metal, a
                                                                                                         process used from Egyptian tombs to

Cover Artist                                                                                             avant-garde art, Fabergé eggs to steel
                                                                                                         cookware. Page 13
Artist: Joyce Mason        Title: Escaping the Pandemic
                                                                                                         Flamenco Dance

To “escape” COVID lockdown, I took Wendelin Daniels’ Aqueous Media and Collage class
on Zoom this summer. I loved learning all the different materials that can be used. In my
                                                                                                         Learn to dance Flamenco, a highly
collage, I wanted to caputre the feeling of racing my bike down the hill into Black Hill Park.           expressive Spanish style known for
I included waterfalls, beaches, wildlife, my dog, and real cicadas.                                      percussive footwork and intricate body
                                                                                                         movements. Page 14

                                                                                                         Mural Design & Installation
                                                                                                         Design and create a finished mural on
                                                                                                         the Sears Auto building at Westfield
                                                                                                         Montgomery. Page 6

                                                                                                         Personal Digital Archiving 2
                                                                                                         Continue building your skills as an
                                                                                                         archiver with practical applications and
                                                                                                         share your archived materials with eBooks
                                                                                                         and easy-to-create websites. Page 11

                                                                                Artist: Charles          Video Creation for the Web
                                                                                Edwin Myers              Use video storytelling to express yourself,
                                                                                Title: Green Sun         for promotion, or for clients. Create
                                                                                I created this           content designed for the web, and really
                                                                                monotype                 grab your audience’s attention! Page 8
                                                                                in Professor
                                                                                John Carr’s

                                                                                                   COMMUNITY ARTS n MONTGOMERY COLLEGE 2
COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
   Distance Learning: The entire class is self-paced. Students will work with resources provided by the instructor
   with access to instructor guidance, but will not meet with the rest of the class as a group. Students may
   interact with one another via discussion board, email, or other means.
   Structured Remote Learning: The class meets as a group through a videoconferencing tool like Zoom. Some
   sections meet this way for the whole class period, while others have a shortened class period supplemented by
   self-paced content. See section notes for details.
   Hybrid: The class combines on-campus meetings with either structured remote meetings or self-paced
   content. See schedule and section notes for details.
   [campus name]: The class meets on campus in its entirety. Please note that students will be required to submit
   proof of vaccination to attend on-campus classes. Other COVID-19 mitigation measures (such as masking
   and social distancing) will be decided by the college based on current data and enforced by the instructor and
   Public Safety.

                                                                                                              Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
                                                           Supply lists will be provided the                  CRN#: 37581 3 Sessions           Tu
                                                                                                              3/8-3/22          6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                         first day of class unless otherwise                  Instructor: Jerry Truong
ART HISTORY, THEORY, &                                     noted in the course description.                   Writing an Artist Statement
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT                                     Instructors will direct you to                   Create clear, concise artist statements that
                                                                                                              accurately describe your work. An artist statement
Art in DC                                                  appropriate places to purchase.                    provides a window into your mental process, a way
Go beyond the classroom and experience Art                                                                    to express how you hope viewers interpret your
in DC, a course designed around field trips and                                                               artwork. Explore the purpose of artist statements,
firsthand meetings with art professionals. Gain        plan that outlines what successfully exhibiting        and how you write statements differently for
a deeper understanding of our local art scene by       your work means to you. Open to students of all        different uses. Compose short- and long-form
visiting a dynamic range of museums, galleries,        levels, though having exhibition-ready artwork is      statements that faithfully and compellingly
and other cultural institutions in the DC metro        recommended. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors        describe your work, and revise them based on
area. Meet with curators, directors, educators,        pay fee only.                                          context. Participate in group critiques to analyze
and more, learning about their perspectives and                                                               and refine statements. Open to all levels. Having
                                                       Course: ADS557        12 Hours
engaging with diverse artworks along the way.          $85 + $70 fee = $155; Non-MD residents add $120        your own existing artwork is recommended, but
Each class starts at a different location, most of     Maryland residents $155                                not necessary. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors
which are accessible by public transportation, and     MD seniors 60+        $70                              pay fee only.
we will often walk to multiple stops on the same       Non-MD residents      $275                             Course: ADS555        8 Hours
day. Bring your enthusiasm, curiosity, and critical-   Online: Structured Remote                              $60 + $45 fee = $105; Non-MD residents add $120
thinking to this interactive course! Tuition waiver    CRN#: 37580 4 Sessions             Tu                  Maryland residents $105
applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                      2/8-3/1           6:30-9:30 p.m.                       MD seniors 60+        $45
Course: ADS442       24 Hours                          Instructor: Holly Trout                                Non-MD residents      $225
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160                                                             Online: Structured Remote
Maryland residents $310                                Photographing Artwork                                  CRN#: 37579 4 Sessions             Tu
MD seniors 60+       $125                              Learn to capture professional-quality photographs      3/29-4/19         6:30-8:30 p.m.
Non-MD residents     $470                              of your artwork. Quality images of artwork are         Instructor: Holly Trout
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus                       vital to any artist’s career, and are needed for
CRN#: 37828 8 Sessions          Th                     applications to shows, grants, residencies, and for    NEW!
2/10-3/31         1-4 p.m.                             general marketing. A good art photographer can         Budget Management for Artists
Instructor: Alice Cisternino                           also make a side income doing work for others.         There’s no way around it: money is always a
                                                       Learn camera settings you can use in any camera        factor in art-making, whether we like it or not.
Getting Your Artwork Exhibited                         (including smartphones) to improve images of           Successful artists must not only be good at their
Get an edge in exhibiting your artwork by learning     flat and 3D artwork. Explore the proper equipment      craft and publicity, but good at managing money.
the secrets of a successful art show application.      and techniques for lighting artwork, and how to        Learn to plan finances for your art practice, from
Explore the structure of the exhibition scene,         get great shots even without the right equipment.      creating budgets through managing taxes. Set
learning to identify where your work fits in and the   Learn basic image editing and how to assess            clear financial goals based on analysis of costs
best time to apply for shows. Discover where to        image quality. By the end of this course, you’ll be    vs income and fiscal responsibility. Develop skills
find exhibition opportunities and which are worth      able to create photographs that show off the true      in inventory management, pricing, and waste
applying for. Put together an impactful portfolio,     quality of your art. Open to students of all levels.   reduction. Learn what to expect when creating
prepare the elements of an application, and apply      Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.       a business and working with representation or
for an exhibition in class. Learn to manage your       Course: ADS558        9 Hours                          agents. Open to students of all levels. Tuition
application resources effectively and track your       $65 + $55 fee = $120; Non-MD residents add $120        waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
progress. Discover how to approach venues              Maryland residents $120                                Course: ADS560        6.25 Hours
professionally, from coffee houses to for-profit       MD seniors 60+        $55                              $45 + $40 fee = $85; Non-MD residents add $50
galleries. Prepare and implement an exhibition         Non-MD residents      $240                             Maryland residents $85

COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
MD seniors 60+         $40                            The Critic’s Lens                                       and anamorphosis. No background in art or math
Non-MD residents       $135                           Discover the voices that shape our perception           is required. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay
Online: Structured Remote                             of art. Art historians, critics, and curators shape     fee only.
CRN#: 37848 5 Sessions             W                  our expectations before we even see an artwork.         Course: ADS423       25 Hours
3/23-4/20         7:30-8:45 p.m.                      Illuminate the forces that define why, how, and         $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
Instructor: Curt Seiss                                even what we see. Gain a broader understanding          Maryland residents $310
                                                      of the legacies of art criticism and museum             MD seniors 60+       $125
Marketing for Artists & Makers                        curation and find a more active, personal, and          Non-MD residents     $470
Learn the marketing skills you need to get your       meaningful relationship to art. Open to students        Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
work out there. The most successful artists aren’t    of all levels. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay   CRN#: 37323 10 Sessions             Sa
necessarily the best, they’re the most visible!       fee only.                                               2/12-4/23        10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. No class 3/19
Discover the tools of art marketing in both the       Course: ADS547       12.5 Hours                         Instructor: Ronald Collé
digital and non-digital realm. Build a personal       $100 + $65 fee = $165; Non-MD residents add $120
brand and internet presence, including an artist      Maryland residents $165                                 The Art of Looking Workshop
website. Create a clear marketing plan with           MD seniors 60+       $65                                Discover a fresh, personal, and interactive
achievable goals, and learn to build and maintain     Non-MD residents     $285                               connection to a work of art. Learn the techniques
the relationships you need to achieve those goals.    Online: Structured Remote                               of Exercises for the Quiet Eye, a method of
Open to students of all levels. Tuition waiver        CRN#: 37577 5 Sessions              Sa                  interacting with art taught in museums and
applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                     3/26-4/23        10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                     colleges across the country. Engage with art
Course: ADS544       25 Hours                         Instructor: Rissa Miller                                through the senses, the intellect, and emotion in
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160                                                             rich, complex, and rewarding ways. Step outside
Maryland residents $310                               Mathematics in Art & Design                             your preconceived notions to embrace the
MD seniors 60+       $125                             “Without mathematics there is no art,” stated Luca      unknown and seek the transcendent moment in
Non-MD residents     $470                             Pacioli, Italian mathematician and collaborator         art viewing. Open to students of all levels; no prior
Online: Structured Remote                             with Leonardo DaVinci. Learn how math underlies         experience required.
CRN#: 37576 10 Sessions          M                    art and examine their inherent connections—             Course: ADS486        3 Hours
2/7-4/18          7-8:30 p.m.    No class 3/14        including how art has driven the development of         $22 + $18 fee = $40; Non-MD residents add $30
Class meetings are supplemented by an hour of         mathematics. Explore artworks from antiquity            Maryland residents $40
self-paced content each week.                         to modern times, as well as examples from               MD seniors 60+        $40
Instructor: Curt Seiss                                graphic design, geometric and optical art, Islamic      Non-MD residents      $70
                                                      ornamentation, cartoons, and street art. Create         Online: Structured Remote
Copyright, Fair Use, & Creative Commons               your own artwork with mathematical foundations,         CRN#: 37835 2 Sessions             Tu
Ever wonder how copyright applies to your             such as geometrical constructions, golden-ratio-        3/22-3/29         3-4:30 p.m.
artwork? Or when it’s safe to use other people’s      based Fibonacci sequences, symmetry, patterns,          Instructor: Dr. Annie Storr
work in your own? Explore the answers to these        tessellations, elementary perspective, fractals,
questions and more! Delve into the world of
copyright and fair use, using case studies to
discover their use and limits. This class is open
to students of all levels. Tuition waiver applies;
MD seniors pay fee only.
Course: ADS534        4 Hours
$30 + $25 fee = $55; Non-MD residents add $50
Maryland residents $55
MD seniors 60+        $25
Non-MD residents      $105
Online: Structured Remote
CRN#: 37842 2 Sessions            Th
3/24-3/31        7-9 p.m.
Instructor: John Mason, Washington Area Lawyers for
the Arts Board President

Etsy Selling for Artists & Makers
Learn to use Etsy as a platform to market and
sell artwork. Etsy gives artists a venue to sell
their work without setting up their own websites
or working with galleries and centralized stores.
Set up your account and your shop in class, and
learn to upload images, price your work, write
descriptions, and get paid. Explore more advanced
topics such as promoting your art on Etsy and
other platforms, and understanding your sales
numbers. Open to students of all levels. Tuition
waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
Course: ADS540       12.5 Hours
$100 + $65 fee = $165; Non-MD residents add $120
Maryland residents $165
MD seniors 60+       $65                                 Artist: Lloyd Leonard n Title: Ocean City Morning
Non-MD residents     $285                                Lloyd Leonard is a retired public interest attorney with an abiding interest in visual media. A
Online: Structured Remote                                long-time, self-taught watercolorist, Leonard opted for the Montgomery College Community
CRN#: 37696 5 Sessions             Th                    Arts Program to better learn new techniques for better communicating his vision of landscapes and
2/10-3/10        6:30-9 p.m.                             seascapes. He created Ocean City Morning in Landscape Painting with Kaltoum Maroufi-Colle.
Instructor: David Baxter

                                                                                                         COMMUNITY ARTS n MONTGOMERY COLLEGE 4
COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
Drawing I (co-listed)
                                                                                                            Explore methods, materials, and drawing
                                                                                                            techniques using graphite, charcoal, and ink.
                                                                                                            Gain confidence in learning to see and record
                                                                                                            experiences on paper. No prior drawing experience
                                                                                                            necessary. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay
                                                                                                            fee only.
                                                                                                            Course: ART085       75 Hours
                                                                                                            $396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20;
                                                                                                            Non-MD residents add $871.20
                                                                                                            Maryland residents $532.20
                                                                                                            MD seniors 60+       $136.20
                                                                                                            Non-MD residents     $1403.40
                                                                                                            Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
                                                                                                            CRN#: 38403 15 Sessions                   Sa
                                                                                                            1/29-5/14           9 a.m.-2:40 p.m. No class 3/19
                                                                                                            If class is full, register for co-listed credit class
                                                                                                            ARTT100, CRN 33825
                                                                                                            Online: Structured Remote
                                                                                                            CRN#: 38401 30 Sessions                   MW
                                                                                                            1/24-5/11           10 a.m.-12:40 p.m.
                                                                                                            No class 3/14, 3/16
                                                                                                            If class is full, register for co-listed credit class
                                                                                                            ARTT100, CRN 33817
                                                                                                            Instructor: Michael Booker

                                                                                                            Children’s Book Illustration
                                                                                                            Have you ever wondered what it takes to illustrate
                                                                                                            a children’s book? Learn about visual storytelling,
                                                                                                            the layout and design of children’s books, and
                                                                                                            the process of conceptualizing a picture book
                                                                                                            from start to finish. Choose a story to work with,
                                                                                                            create a storyboard, and work on a book dummy.
                                                                                                            We will look at examples, discuss composition,
                                                                                                            drawing and painting methods, and how to pitch
                                                                                                            to publishers or self-publish. Note: though you will
                                                                                                            be drawing, this is not a drawing class. The focus
                                                                                                            is on illustrating a story, as opposed to drawing an
                                                                                                            illustration. Open to students of all levels. Tuition
   Artist: Linda Valli n Title: Emerging from the Waterslide                                                waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
   I created this painting in Wendy Daniels’ online Intermediate Watercolor class (which I’ve               Course: ADS567       25 Hours
   taken more than once). Wendy was great, helping me with skin tone, head position, and                    $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
                                                                                                            Maryland residents $310
   expressive watercolor techniques for the water. Great fun!                                               MD seniors 60+       $125
                                                                                                            Non-MD residents     $470
                                                                                                            Online: Structured Remote
                                                                                                            CRN#: 38322 10 Sessions             Sa
DRAWING & ILLUSTRATION                                Drawing: Intermediate
                                                      Have you taken an introductory drawing class but
                                                                                                            2/12-4/23        10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. No class 3/19
                                                                                                            Instructor: Rebecca Solow
Drawing: Introduction                                 want to further develop your drawing skills? This
Learn fundamental drawing skills such as gesture,     course picks up on the techniques introduced          Drawing Comics
proportion, composition, cross contour, line, and     in Introduction to Drawing and provides further       Discover the basics of visual storytelling frame-
perspective. Working from direct observation          analysis and exploration of drawing skills,           by-frame! Whether your interest is in slice-of-life
with still life, you will learn to translate three-   techniques, and concepts. Emphasis is on              stories or super hero epics, you’ll learn to build
dimensional space to a two-dimensional image.         more complex problem solving in the visual            your own narrative style. Take on everything
Explore various techniques, including graphite,       interpretation of three-dimensional forms. You        from drawing backgrounds and environments
pens, and ink. No prior drawing experience            will utilize a variety of black-and-white and color   to illustrating action to writing dialogue and
necessary. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors         drawing media. Bring a sketchbook, charcoal, and      narration. Bring a sketchbook and your favorite
pay fee only.                                         pencils to the first class. Prerequisite: ADS039/     drawing tools to the first class, and get ready
                                                      ADS504 Intro to Drawing or equivalent experience.     for lots of drawing! Open to students of all skill
Course: ADS504       25 Hours
                                                      Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.      levels; no prior experience required. Tuition waiver
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
Maryland residents $310                               Course: ADS568       25 Hours                         applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
MD seniors 60+       $125                             $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160     Course: ADS509       25 Hours
Non-MD residents     $470                             Maryland residents $310                               $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
                                                      MD seniors 60+       $125                             Maryland residents $310
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
                                                      Non-MD residents     $470                             MD seniors 60+       $125
CRN#: 37333 10 Sessions              W                                                                      Non-MD residents     $470
2/9-4/20          10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. No class 3/16    Online: Structured Remote
Instructor: Holly Trout                               CRN#: 38346 10 Sessions           M                   Online: Structured Remote
                                                      2/7-4/18         7-9:30 p.m.      No class 3/14       CRN#: 37336 10 Sessions            M
Online: Structured Remote                                                                                   2/7-4/18         7-8 p.m.          No class 3/14
                                                      Instructor: Wanjin Kim
CRN#: 37332 10 Sessions            Th                                                                       Class meetings are supplemented by an hour and a
2/10-4/21        7-9:30 p.m.       No class 3/17                                                            half of self-paced content each week.
Instructor: Wanjin Kim                                                                                      Instructor: Jamie Noguchi

COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
PAINTING                                                 NEW!
                                                         Mural Design & Installation
                                                                                                                 Course: ADS561       40 Hours
                                                                                                                 $215 + $180 fee = $395; Non-MD residents add $160
                                                         Create a public mural, from design through              Maryland residents $395
Oil Painting: Introduction                                                                                       MD seniors 60+       $180
Discover the medium of the masters! Learn to             installation. Work as a class with Westfield
                                                                                                                 Non-MD residents     $555
paint with the same tools as Rembrandt, Van              Montgomery Mall to envision a mural and
Gogh, Raphael, and Picasso. Take advantage of            install it on the Sears Auto Building in Bethesda.      Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
                                                         Experience client negotiations as you work              CRN#: 37851 10 Sessions         Su
the thickness and long dry-time of oils to build
                                                         together to create a final design. Learn the process    2/13-4/24       10 a.m.-2 p.m.  No class 3/20
up your canvas with textures and layers. Learn
                                                         of image transfer and enlargement from original         Instructor: Amare Selfu
paint mixing, color relationships, composition,
brushwork, and how to create depth. No                   drawings, the specialized needs of mural painting,
                                                         and painting techniques for murals. Finish the          Watercolor: Introduction
experience required. Tuition waiver applies;
                                                         class by painting a final work on the Sears Auto        Discover the rich and delicate medium of water-
MD seniors pay fee only.
                                                         Building. At the end of class, you will not only have   color painting! Watercolor came of age in the
Course: ADS515       25 Hours                                                                                    Renaissance, and has been in constant use ever
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160        mural-creation experience, but a resume item
                                                         to jumpstart your career as a wall artist! Mural        since. Continue in the tradition of artists like
Maryland residents $310
MD seniors 60+       $125                                installation is a physically demanding process, so      Georgia O’Keefe, Andrew Wyeth, Paul Klee, and
Non-MD residents     $470                                be ready to work hard and climb ladders. Students       William Blake. Learn the balance of control and
                                                         must provide their own transportation to the site       freedom in creating watercolor paintings. Explore
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
                                                         and dedicate time outside class hours to complete       color mixing and application, layering, washes,
CRN#: 37554 10 Sessions         F
2/11-4/22        3:30-6 p.m.    No class 3/18            the mural. Prerequisite: at least two semesters of      and textures, and their part in creating an effective
Instructor: Rissa Miller                                 painting classes or equivalent experience. Tuition      composition. Subject matter includes still life, land-
                                                         waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                scape, and portrait painting. Bring tubes of red, blue,
Oil Painting: Independent Studio                                                                                 and yellow watercolor paint, a one-inch flat water-
From trompe l’oeil techniques to abstract                                                                        color brush, and a jar for water to the first class.
expressionism, develop your own painting style.                                                                  Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
You will primarily work on paintings and subjects
of your own choosing. There will be a limited                  Become a                                          Course: ADS531       25 Hours
                                                                                                                 $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160

                                                             Digital Arts Pro
number of group studies intended to enhance the                                                                  Maryland residents $310
participant’s own direction. Bring your oil painting                                                             MD seniors 60+       $125
supplies, including canvas of your choice and your                                                               Non-MD residents     $470
painting concept, to the first class. Prerequisite: At
least two semesters of oil painting studies. Tuition           with Adobe                                        Online: Structured Remote
                                                                                                                 CRN#: 37566 10 Sessions          Sa

                                                             Creative Cloud
waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                                                                         2/12-4/23       9:30-11:30 a.m.  No class 3/19
Course: ADS530       25 Hours                                                                                    Class meetings are supplemented by a half hour of
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160                                                                self-paced content each week.
Maryland residents $310                                                                                          Instructor: Wendelin Daniels
MD seniors 60+       $125                                                                                        CRN#: 37565 10 Sessions          M
Non-MD residents     $470
Online: Structured Remote
                                                                Free Adobe CC access                             2/7-4/18        9:30-11:30 a.m.  No class 3/14
                                                                                                                 Class meetings are supplemented by a half hour of
CRN#: 37564 10 Sessions
                 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. No class 3/19
                                                                     for students!                               self-paced content each week.
                                                                                                                 Instructor: Wendelin Daniels
Classes are organized into one-on-one meetings with
the student and instructor during the class period for              Adobe Creative Cloud:
                                                                                                                 Watercolor: Intermediate
most sessions.                                                          Introduction                             Learn watercolor painting as a process that
Instructor: Kaltoum Maroufi-Colle
                                                                               Page 7                            begins with design, composition, and thoughtful
                                                                                                                 color selection, and ends with a series of finished
Acrylic Painting: Introduction                               Adobe Illustrator: Digital Graphics                 paintings that reveal personal stylistic expression.
Explore the amazing medium of acrylic paints!
                                                                               Page 7                            You will select subject matter of individual interest
Acrylic is the dominant painting medium of the
                                                                                                                 and develop personal style through the process of
20th century, used by artists like Rothko, Warhol,
and Hockney. It’s also non-toxic and cleans up with
                                                                Adobe InDesign: Page Layout                      creative expression. Bring to the first class: 1 full
                                                                               Page 7                            sheet (22 x 30) of 140 lb or 300 lb cold pressed
water! Learn how to use a wide variety of acrylic
                                                                                                                 watercolor paper; scraps of paper for sampling
products, including paint, gels, medium, and
grounds. Practice mixing clean colors, controlling           Adobe Photoshop: Imaging Basics                     color; a palette; tubes of watercolor paint; brushes;
                                                                                                                 and a container for water. Prerequisite: ADS350/
drying time, and creating glazes and textures.                                 Page 7
This course is designed for new artists and those                                                                ADS531 Beginning Watercolor or equivalent
who have never explored acrylics in depth. Tuition            Adobe Photoshop: Intermediate                      experience. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors
waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                                                                         pay fee only.
                                                                  Imaging Techniques
Course: ADS529       25 Hours                                                                                    Course: ADS532       25 Hours
                                                                               Page 8                            $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
Maryland residents $310                                                                                          Maryland residents $310
                                                              Adobe Lightroom: Photo Editing                     MD seniors 60+       $125
MD seniors 60+       $125
Non-MD residents     $470                                                     Page 10                            Non-MD residents     $470
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus                                                                                 Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
                                                                     Adobe Premiere Pro:                         CRN#: 37567 10 Sessions         Tu
CRN#: 37837 10 Sessions         W
2/9-4/20         7-9:30 p.m.    No class 3/16                        Video Editing Basics                        2/8-4/19         7-9:30 p.m.    No class 3/15
Instructor: Rissa Miller                                                       Page 9                            Instructor: Wanjin Kim
                                                                                                                 Online: Structured Remote
                                                                    Adobe After Effects:                         CRN#: 37568 10 Sessions          W
                                                                   Motion Graphics Basics                        2/9-4/20        1-2:30 p.m.      No class 3/16
                                                                                                                 Class meetings are supplemented by an hour of
                                                                               Page 9                            self-paced content each week.
                                                                                                                 Instructor: Wendelin Daniels

                                                                                                          COMMUNITY ARTS n MONTGOMERY COLLEGE 6
COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
Aqueous Media and Collage                              Private Art & Design Tutoring                            Adobe Illustrator: Digital Graphics
Create collages using aqueous media (watercolor)       Get personal attention from one of our many              Adobe Illustrator CC is a vector graphics
as a unifying tool. Learn to think in mixed media      talented art instructors! This time you call the         program that artists and designers use to create
and use simple design principles to create             shots: what projects you want to work on, skills         sophisticated illustrations and type effects.
complex, unified artwork. Conceptualize and            you want to learn, and even who you want to              It’s a fun and intuitive drawing program that’s
assemble compositions related to mythology,            work with. Tutoring is available in drawing,             much easier to use than Photoshop for anything
symbolism, fantasy, personal iconography,              painting, graphic design, digital arts, illustration,    line- and shape- based. Start by drawing and
whimsical, and/or spiritual themes. There is no        photography, film & video arts, printmaking,             manipulating simple shapes, and move on to
limit on the combined use of aqueous media:            crafts, and more! Contact us at communityarts@           layered compositions that can be used to create
we will incorporate found objects, pen and ink, and let us know what you           logos, illustrations, and web graphics. Students
magazine clippings, colored and watercolor             want to study and/or who you would like to work          have access to a free Adobe license. System
pencils; acrylic paints, pastel, pencil, and           with. Open to students of all levels. Tuition waiver     requirements available at
discarded paintings. Open to students of all levels.   applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                        creative-cloud/system-requirements.html.
Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
                                                       Course: ADS543       10 Hours                            Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
Course: ADS566       25 Hours                          $140 + $550 fee = $690; Non-MD residents add $300        Course: ADS526       25 Hours
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160      Maryland residents $690
                                                                                                                $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
Maryland residents $310                                MD seniors 60+       $550
                                                                                                                Maryland residents $310
MD seniors 60+       $125                              Non-MD residents     $990
                                                                                                                MD seniors 60+       $125
Non-MD residents     $470                              Online: Structured Remote                                Non-MD residents     $470
Online: Structured Remote                              CRN#: 37575 10 Sessions              2/7-4/23
                                                       Student will work with instructor to determine a         Online: Structured Remote
CRN#: 38289 10 Sessions          W
                                                       schedule.                                                CRN#: 37563 10 Sessions            Tu
2/9-4/20        9:30-11 a.m.     No class 3/16
                                                                                                                2/8-4/19          6-7 p.m.         No class 3/15
Class meetings are supplemented by an hour of
                                                                                                                Class meetings are supplemented by an hour and a
self-paced content each week.
Instructor: Wendelin Daniels                           GRAPHIC DESIGN                                           half of self-paced content each week.
                                                                                                                Instructor: Alzira Lena Ruano
Chinese Brush Painting: Introduction                   & DIGITAL ARTS                                           Adobe InDesign: Layout & Publishing
Discover Chinese painting, one of the oldest
artistic traditions in the world. Chinese painting     New Media: Introduction (co-listed)                      Learn to create page layouts for print and web
shares basic principles with calligraphy, and          Discover the technical and marketing power               publication. InDesign is the secret weapon of
seeks to capture the inner essence of a subject.       of emerging social media platforms. Learn                Adobe’s graphic design suite, bringing together
Explore traditional and contemporary painting          to become effective co-creators of social                content created in Photoshop and Illustrator
methods and principles of composition. Learn the       media content while working in a multimedia              to produce a final product. Use it to combine
fundamentals of traditional Chinese painting and       environment. Produce projects that include sound         graphics, photos, and text to create powerful
build on them with contemporary innovations.           and video. No prior experience necessary. Tuition        designs. Discover what it takes to build everything
Create finished works using bamboo brushes and         waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                 from single page posters and flyers to a complete
sumi-e ink on rice paper. Complete paintings of        Course: ART088       37.5 Hours                          book. Please bring a flash drive and your MyMC
traditional subject matter, such as flowers, birds,    $396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20;                            login to the first class. Students have access to a
and landscapes. Open to students of all levels.        Non-MD residents add $871.20                             free Adobe license. System requirements available
Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.       Maryland residents $532.20                               at
                                                       MD seniors 60+       $136.20                             requirements.html. Tuition waiver applies; MD
Course: ADS553       25 Hours                          Non-MD residents     $1403.40
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160                                                               seniors pay fee only.
Maryland residents $310                                Online: Structured Remote
                                                                                                                Course: ADS536       25 Hours
MD seniors 60+       $125                              CRN#: 38410 7 Sessions                    M
                                                                                                                $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
Non-MD residents     $470                              1/24-3/7            9-11:30 a.m.
                                                       Class meetings are supplemented by self-paced            Maryland residents $310
Online: Structured Remote                              content.                                                 MD seniors 60+       $125
CRN#: 38290 10 Sessions            M                   If class is full, register for co-listed credit class    Non-MD residents     $470
2/7-4/18        10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. No class 3/14       TVRA100, CRN 35849                                       Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
Instructor: Amy Quach                                  Instructor: Tiffany Copeland                             CRN#: 37569 10 Sessions         Th
                                                                                                                2/10-4/21        7-9:30 p.m.    No class 3/17
Chinese Brush Painting: Intermediate                   Adobe Creative Cloud: Introduction                       Instructor: Alison Whitty
Continue your study of Chinese painting with           Learn to design like a professional with Adobe
modern techniques and next-level brushwork.            Creative Cloud! Edit photographs and images in           Adobe Photoshop: Imaging Basics
Build on beginner skills to create more complex,       Photoshop, create graphics in Illustrator, and put       Discover Photoshop, the industry standard for
technically challenging works. Explore creative        it all together in the page layout app InDesign.         image editing! Photoshop is one of the most
techniques like Po-Mo (ink washes), wrinkling          Discover how to combine these professional               feature-packed digital tools out there, with the
paper, rubbing, and more. Learn to combine             programs in a workflow that meets your                   capacity to create everything from animated
traditional and modern approaches to create            creative needs. No prior knowledge of computer           gifs to 3D images. Start your Photoshop journey
unique and dynamic artwork. Each semester              applications is required to take this course.            with the basics, learning different types of
will focus on a set of traditional themes, with the    Students have access to a free Adobe license.            image editing and exploring the tools that give
option for students to invent their own subject        System requirements available at helpx.adobe.            you ultimate control over your digital artwork.
matter. Prerequisite: ADS507/ADS553 Chinese            com/creative-cloud/system-requirements.html.             Experiment with retouching and altering existing
Brush Painting: Introduction or similar experience.    Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.         images and creating your own! Students
Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.       Course: ADS524       25 Hours                            have access to a free Adobe license. System
Course: ADS554       25 Hours                          $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160        requirements available at
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160      Maryland residents $310                                  creative-cloud/system-requirements.html.
Maryland residents $310                                MD seniors 60+       $125                                Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
MD seniors 60+       $125                              Non-MD residents     $470
                                                                                                                Course: ADS525       25 Hours
Non-MD residents     $470                              Online: Distance Learning                                $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
Online: Structured Remote                              CRN#: 37561                                              Maryland residents $310
CRN#: 37578 10 Sessions            W                   2/7-4/23          Online 24/7                            MD seniors 60+       $125
2/9-4/20        10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. No class 3/16       This class is fully self-paced with no group meetings.   Non-MD residents     $470
Instructor: Amy Quach                                  Instructor: Karin Rodney-Haapala

COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
Online: Structured Remote
CRN#: 37562 8 Sessions                MW
2/14-3/9          6:30-9:30 p.m.
Instructor: Jerry Truong

Adobe Photoshop:
Intermediate Imaging Techniques
Continue your exploration of Adobe Photoshop
CC, the most widely used application for graphic
design and photography. Gain familiarity with the
tools of Photoshop as a channel for your creativity.
Practice with real-world creative projects,
learning to develop intriguing visual solutions.
Students have access to a free Adobe license.
System requirements available at helpx.adobe.
Prerequisite: ADS525/ADS198 Adobe Photoshop:
Imaging Basics or equivalent experience. Tuition
waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
Course: ADS537       25 Hours
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
Maryland residents $310
MD seniors 60+       $125
Non-MD residents     $470
Online: Structured Remote
CRN#: 37570 8 Sessions                MW
3/21-4/13         6:30-9:30 p.m.
Instructor: Jerry Truong

Audio & Video Podcasting (co-listed)
Discover the art of storytelling using professional
audio techniques and video technology. Develop
interview skills and advanced sound recording
techniques to create a series of short-form
podcasts for distribution on a podcast hosting
site. Learn strategies for both documenting an
event and investigating an issue. Prerequisite:
experience with Adobe Audition or other audio
mixing software. Can be fulfilled through ADS535
Sound Design: Introduction, TVRA125 Audio
Production tech, or simiar experience. Tuition
waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
Course: ART078       75 Hours
$396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20;
Non-MD residents add $871.20
Maryland residents $532.20
MD seniors 60+       $136.20
Non-MD residents     $1403.40
Hybrid (Online & Face to Face)
CRN#: 37762 7 Sessions                    W             Artist: Roxanne Ando n Title: Worship, Part 1
3/30-5/11           9-11:30 a.m. (Rockville Campus)
                                                        This scene is one of a series on the theme of worship. While I initially thought of including
Class meetings are supplemented by self-paced
content.                                                multiple places of worship in one picture, space and transition soon made that impractical.
If class is full, register for co-listed credit class   Inspired by the course Aqueous Media and Collage with Wendelin Daniels, I hope to continue
TVRA210, CRN 35966                                      additional pieces in the series.
Instructor: Tiffany Copeland

Video Creation for the Web
Discover video storytelling and use it to create
effective videos for online platforms like                      Study one-on-one with our
                                                                     talented faculty
Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and
your website. Video content is the best way
to grab attention on the web. Whether you’re
working for clients, advertising your artwork, or
making personal projects, video is a vital tool             Take private art lessons in any subject, with a faculty member
for promotion and communication. Learn video
production principles that apply to any camera
                                                                                 of your choice! Page 7
from a smartphone to professional video camera,
and any software from free to professional. Finish

                                                                                                  COMMUNITY ARTS n MONTGOMERY COLLEGE 8
COMMUNITY ARTS Spring 2022 Course Schedule - Registration starts November 29 - Montgomery College
class with five short videos for your portfolio. Open   Course: ADS519          15 Hours                    Course: ADS520       15 Hours
to students of all levels. Tuition waiver applies; MD   $120 + $75 fee = $195; Non-MD residents add $120    $120 + $75 fee = $195; Non-MD residents add $120
seniors pay fee only.                                   Maryland residents $195                             Maryland residents $195
                                                        MD seniors 60+          $75                         MD seniors 60+       $75
Course: ADS565       15 Hours                           Non-MD residents        $315                        Non-MD residents     $315
$120 + $75 fee = $195; Non-MD residents add $120
                                                        Online: Structured Remote                           Online: Structured Remote
Maryland residents $195
                                                        CRN#: 37557 5 Sessions             W
MD seniors 60+       $75                                                                                    CRN#: 37558 5 Sessions             W
                                                        2/9-3/9           6-7:15 p.m.
Non-MD residents     $315                               Class meetings are supplemented by an hour and      3/23-4/20         6-7:15 p.m.
                                                        45 minutes of self-paced content each week.         Class meetings are supplemented by an hour and 45
Online: Structured Remote
                                                        Instructor: Christina Arellano                      minutes of self-paced content each week.
CRN#: 37970 5 Sessions             M
                                                                                                            Instructor: Christina Arellano
3/21-4/18         6:30-9:30 p.m.
Instructor: Biljana Milenkovic                          Adobe After Effects:
                                                        Motion Graphics Basics                              Video Editing (co-listed)
Adobe Premiere Pro: Video Editing Basics                Integrate Adobe After Effects into your digital     Develop your professional video editing skills
Use Adobe Premiere Pro CC to edit digital videos        video editing toolkit. Learn to navigate the        and storytelling ability. Explore the process of
for artistic, commercial, educational, and personal     interface, explore layering in Compositions, and    real-world video production, including project
use. Learn basic editing techniques, use of the title   learn special effects like tracking and blurring.   management strategies and collaboration. Use
tool, layering videos, mixing sound, moving clips,      Please bring a 500GB+ USB3.0 external hard drive,   Adobe Premiere and DaVinci Resolve non-linear
and exporting your finished product. Please bring       headphones with a 3.5 mm jack, and your MyMC        video editing software to create finished video
a 500GB+ USB3.0 external hard drive, headphones         login to the first class. Students have access      works for personal, commercial, and artistic uses.
with a 3.5 mm jack, and your MyMC login to the          to a free Adobe license. System requirements        Practice the art of storytelling, focusing on design,
first class. Students have access to a free Adobe       available at        pacing, and creativity. Investigate genres including
license. System requirements available at helpx.        system-requirements.html. Prerequisite: ADS391/     commercials, films, music videos, and television           ADS519 Video Editing Part I or basic knowledge of   shows to identify how editing techniques affect
html. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay            Adobe Premiere Pro CC. Tuition waiver applies;      story and message. Engage in class video
fee only.                                               MD seniors pay fee only.                            screenings and feedback sessions. Open to
                                                                                                            students of all levels. Tuition waiver applies;
                                                                                                            MD seniors pay fee only.
                                                                                                            Course: ART083       62.5 Hours
                                                                                                            $396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20;
                                                                                                            Non-MD residents add $871.20
                                                                                                            Maryland residents $532.20
                                                                                                            MD seniors 60+       $136.20
                                                                                                            Non-MD residents     $1403.40
                                                                                                            Online: Structured Remote
                                                                                                            CRN#: 38334 15 Sessions                   M
                                                                                                            1/24-5/9            6-10:45 p.m.          No class 3/14
                                                                                                            If class is full, register for co-listed credit class
                                                                                                            TVRA140 & 140L, CRNs 35295 & 35296
                                                                                                            Instructor: Nelson Ginebra-Azar
                                                                                                            CRN#: 38335 7 Sessions                    Sa
                                                                                                            1/29-3/12           10 a.m.-1:35 p.m.
                                                                                                            Class meetings are supplemented by self-paced
                                                                                                            If class is full, register for co-listed credit class
                                                                                                            TVRA140 & 140L, CRNs 37542 & 37543
                                                                                                            Instructor: Bryan Reichhardt

                                                                                                            Video Production Portfolio (co-listed)
                                                                                                            Build your video portfolio in preparation for your
                                                                                                            job hunt, and increase your marketability by
                                                                                                            completing one or more video production industry
                                                                                                            certifications. Take this opportunity to get weekly
                                                                                                            guidance and career help. Students should
                                                                                                            have some background in video production and
                                                                                                            completed projects to draw from for a portfolio.
                                                                                                            Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
                                                                                                            Course: ART087       60 Hours
                                                                                                            $264 + $90.80 fee = $354.80;
                                                                                                            Non-MD residents add $580.80
                                                                                                            Maryland residents $354.80
                                                                                                            MD seniors 60+       $90.80
                                                                                                            Non-MD residents     $935.60
                                                                                                            Hybrid (Online & Face to Face)
                                                                                                            CRN#: 38409 7 Sessions                    Th
                                                                                                            3/31-5/12           1-3:40 p.m. (Rockville Campus)
    Artist: Michael S. Jones n Title: Potomac Fisherman                                                     Class meetings are supplemented by self-paced
    I am an avid photographer whose first love is black and white photography. I have been making           If class is full, register for co-listed credit class
    analog and digital images in a sort of serious way since 2005. My landscape photography                 TVRA236, CRN 35850
    heroes include Clyde Butcher, Michael Kenna, Mitch Dobrowner, and, of course, Ansel Adams.              Instructor: Joanne Carl
    I created this photograph in Landscape Photography with Alzira Lena Ruano.

PHOTOGRAPHY                                           studio techniques that include portrait lighting and

                                                                                                                         Professionalize your
                                                      still life photography. Finish the class by creating
Smartphone Photography                                a photographic portfolio. No prior photography
Unlock the power of your smartphone’s camera.
Learn the apps, settings, composition techniques,
                                                      experience is required. Tuition waiver applies; MD
                                                      seniors pay fee only.                                                art practice with
and content that work best with smartphones.          Course: ART084       66 Hours
We’ll look at the smartphone as a photographic        $396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20;
                                                                                                                                Copyright, Fair Use,
tool and explore artists who use smartphone           Non-MD residents add $871.20                                             & Creative Commons
photography in their work. Learn to create, edit,     Maryland residents $532.20                                                           Page 4
and critique high-quality images taken with your      MD seniors 60+       $136.20
                                                      Non-MD residents     $1403.40                                     Etsy Selling for Artists & Makers
phone (you may also use a point-and-shoot or
DSLR for shooting). Students of all levels are        Rockville Campus                                                                     Page 4
welcome. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay       CRN#: 38336 15 Sessions                   M
                                                      1/24-5/9            6-10:40 p.m.          No class 3/14
                                                                                                                         Getting Your Artwork Exhibited
fee only.                                                                                                                                  Page 3
                                                      If class is full, register for co-listed credit classes
Course: ADS522       15 Hours                         PHOT161 & 161L, CRNs 36273 & 36274
$120 + $75 fee = $195; Non-MD residents add $120      Instructor: Anne Benolken                                          Marketing for Artists & Makers
Maryland residents $195                                                                                                                    Page 4
MD seniors 60+       $75                              Online: Structured Remote
Non-MD residents     $315                             CRN#: 38337 15 Sessions                   Th                           Photographing Artwork
                                                      1/27-5/12           1-5:40 p.m.           No class 3/17
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus                      If class is full, register for co-listed credit classes                              Page 3
CRN#: 37559 5 Sessions               Sa               PHOT161 & 161L, CRNs 33987 & 33988
3/26-4/23         9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                Instructor: Naama Lewin
                                                                                                                           Writing an Artist Statement
Instructor: Jerry Truong                                                                                                                   Page 3
Online: Structured Remote                             Landscape Photography                                                       The Critic’s Lens
CRN#: 37560 5 Sessions             Tu                 Create powerful photographs of the landscape,
2/8-3/8           1-2:30 p.m.                                                                                                              Page 4
                                                      capturing a feeling of place in the natural and built
Class meetings are supplemented by an hour and a
half of self-paced content each week.
                                                      environment. Investigate the work of landscape                     Budget Management for Artists
                                                      photographers and what contributes to a good                                         Page 3
Instructor: Alzira Lena Ruano
                                                      composition. Learn the technical skills that go into
Adobe Lightroom: Photo Editing                        a good landscape photograph and useful tools                         Video Creation for the Web
Explore Lightroom, Adobe’s powerful photo editing
                                                      for photographing landscapes with any camera.                                        Page 8
                                                      Explore how external factors like weather and
and management tool! Learn to handle your photos
                                                      time of day can dramatically change a landscape.
like the pros, from importing and labeling through
                                                      Open to all camera types and students of all levels.
editing to output. Harness the power of metadata
                                                      Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
for searching and organizing your photos. Discover
lossless editing for rich, clear photographs and      Course: ADS550       15 Hours                                    DIVE DEEP WITH
image manipulation. Learn to work with jpegs
and with RAW images, the industry standard for
                                                      $120 + $75 fee = $195; Non-MD residents add $120
                                                      Maryland residents $195                                          CO-LISTED CLASSES
                                                      MD seniors 60+       $75
photography. Complete a project by outputting                                                                          Co-listed classes combine credit and
                                                      Non-MD residents     $315
your images for books, slideshows, prints, or the                                                                      non-credit students in one classroom.
web. Please bring a flash drive of photographs        Online: Structured Remote
                                                      CRN#: 37845 5 Sessions             Tu                            Because they run longer, you’ll go into
to the first class. Open to students of all levels.                                                                    more depth on the subject matter.
                                                      3/22-4/19         1-2:30 p.m
Students have access to a free Adobe license.         Class meetings are supplemented by an hour and a                 Join us for classes Like:
System requirements available at helpx.adobe.         half of self-paced content each week.
com/creative-cloud/system-requirements.html.          Instructor: Alzira Lena Ruano                                    Audio & Video Podcasting, page 8
Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                                                                       Ballet I, page 13
Course: ADS542       15 Hours                         Personal Digital Archiving
$120 + $75 fee = $195; Non-MD residents add $120      Do you have boxes of slides or photos in storage?
                                                                                                                       Class Piano I, page 16
Maryland residents $195                               A shelf of home movies on VHS? Now you                           Crafts, page 11
MD seniors 60+       $75                              can digitize them to access on your computer
Non-MD residents     $315                                                                                              Dance: Introduction, page 13
                                                      and share on the web. Learn the principles of
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus                      personal archiving, including digitizing media, file             Drawing I, page 5
CRN#: 37574 5 Sessions               Sa               processing and handling, and safe storage and                    History of Jazz, page 15
2/12-3/12         9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                backup. Classes are divided between lecture and
Instructor: Jerry Truong                              in-class practice. Whether you’re an artist with                 Jewelry & Metalsmithing, page 13
Online: Structured Remote                             work documented on physical media or someone                     Lithography Printmaking, page 11
CRN#: 37571 5 Sessions             Th                 with family memories trapped in obsolete media,
3/24-4/21       9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                  this class will get your media into the 21st century!
                                                                                                                       Modern Dance II, page 14
Instructor: Donovan Marks                             Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                 Music Theory, page 15
Digital Photography, Introduction (co-listed)         Course: ADS501       15 Hours                                    New Media: Introduction, page 7
                                                      $120 + $75 fee = $195; Non-MD residents add $120
Discover the tools and skills needed for a career                                                                      Sculpture I, page 11
                                                      Maryland residents $195
in commercial photography. Learn to manage            MD seniors 60+       $75
exposure, composition, depth of field, and more                                                                        Theatre: Introduction, page 16
                                                      Non-MD residents     $315
to get great shots right out of the camera. Edit                                                                       Video Editing, page 9
                                                      Online: Structured Remote
photographs to correct problems, alter images,
and add punch. Explore print production for
                                                      CRN#: 37331 5 Sessions                 M                         Video Production Portfolio, page 9
                                                      2/7-3/7           1-4 p.m.
black-and-white and color photographs. Practice       Instructor: Biljana Milenkovic                                   Woodcut: Global Printmaking, page 11

                                                                                                                COMMUNITY ARTS n MONTGOMERY COLLEGE 10
NEW!                                                    Printmaking: Lithography (co-listed)                         Course: ART082       75 Hours
Personal Digital Archiving 2                            Explore the processes, materials, and techniques             $396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20;
Continue your personal digital archiving journey        of fine art lithography. Emphasis is placed on               Non-MD residents add $871.20
by putting your archiving knowledge into practice.      expressing visual concepts and ideas through                 Maryland residents $532.20
Expand your knowledge of digital preservation           drawing and appropriate technical manipulations              MD seniors 60+       $136.20
and archiving while continuing work on your             on stones and/or plates, and printing in both black          Non-MD residents     $1403.40
archive. Now that you know the what, why, and           and white and color. Tuition waiver applies; MD              Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
how of digital archiving, explore what’s next. Learn    seniors pay fee only.                                        CRN#: 38320 30 Sessions                  Tu Th
how to create, publish, and share eBooks with           Course: ART086       75 Hours                                1/25-5/12          9 a.m.-11:40 a.m. No class 3/15, 3/17
BookCreator. Build a digital collection website         $396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20;                                Topics: Book arts, paper folding, and zines
with Google Sites. By the end of this course, you       Non-MD residents add $871.20                                 Relief printmaking on paper, zine themes, and design
will know not only how to digitize and preserve         Maryland residents $532.20                                   Fiber crafts, fabric dyeing, and patterning fabric
your physical media, but share it with others!          MD seniors 60+       $136.20                                 If class is full, register for co-listed credit class
Prerequisite: ADS501 Personal Digital Archiving.        Non-MD residents     $1403.40                                ARTT123, CRN 35415
Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.        Hybrid (Online & Face to Face)                               Instructor: Melissa Ezelle
Course: ADS564       15 Hours                           CRN#: 38408 21 Sessions Tu (Structured Remote)               Online: Structured Remote
$120 + $75 fee = $195; Non-MD residents add $120        		                                 W Th (Rockville Campus)   CRN#: 38321 30 Sessions                  MW
Maryland residents $195                                 3/29-5/12          1-4:35 p.m.                               1/24-5/11          9 a.m.-11:40 a.m. No class 3/14, 3/16
MD seniors 60+       $75                                If class is full, register for co-listed credit class        Topic: Embroidery and hand sewing functional and
Non-MD residents     $315                               ARTT227, CRN 37121                                           sculptural objects
                                                        Instructor: John Carr                                        If class is full, register for co-listed credit class
Online: Structured Remote
CRN#: 37969 5 Sessions                  M                                                                            ARTT123, CRN 34076

                                                        CRAFTS & 3D ARTS
3/21-4/18         1-4 p.m.                                                                                           Instructor: Lucy Derickson
Instructor: Biljana Milenkovic
                                                                                                                     Sculpture I (co-listed)
                                                        Crafts (co-listed)
                                                                                                                     Discover the theory and basic techniques used
PRINTMAKING                                             Discover the world of crafts, where physical
                                                        craftsmanship is valued over high-minded art                 in relief sculpture and sculpture in the round.
                                                        ideals. Explore craft disciplines used all over              Explore the problems and principles of sculpture
Woodcut Printing for Fabric & Paper                                                                                  using both additive and subtractive techniques.
Create a woodcut and learn to print it on paper and     the world, such as metalry, weaving, enameling,
                                                        ceramics, and textile design (see section notes              Create artwork using a range of materials such as
t-shirts! Woodcut is the earliest of all printmaking
                                                        for the topic of each class). Create functional and          clay, wood, modern plastics, plaster, and metals.
methods. Explore the process of woodblock
printing from design, through carving, to inking        decorative objects while exploring material as an            Prerequisite: ART049/ARTT103 Three-Dimensional
and printing. Complete a small edition of black         artform, improving visual literacy, and developing           Design or the equivalent by permission of the
and white prints and printed t-shirt by the end of      technical proficiency. Cultivate a respect for craft         instructor. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay
the class. Students of all levels welcome, but be       and analyze the social and ethical implications              fee only.
prepared for a physical challenge. Tuition waiver       of crafts. Open to students of all levels. Tuition
                                                                                                                     Course: ART024       75 Hours
applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                       waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                     $396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20;
Course: ADS467       24 Hours                                                                                        Non-MD residents add $871.20
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160                                                                    Maryland residents $532.20
Maryland residents $310                                                                                              MD seniors 60+       $136.20
MD seniors 60+
Non-MD residents
                                                              Become a Muralist                                      Non-MD residents
                                                                                                                     Rockville Campus

Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus                                                                                     CRN#: 37689 30 Sessions                  MW
CRN#: 38333 5 Sessions             Sa                         Design and install a mural                             1/24-5/11          9 a.m.-11:40 a.m. No class 3/14, 3/16
2/12-3/12        10 a.m.-2:48 p.m.
Instructor: Jun Lee
                                                             this spring! Finish class with                          If class is full, register for co-listed credit class
                                                                                                                     ARTT221, CRN 37119
                                                               both the knowhow and a                                Instructor: Zdeno Mayercak
Woodcut: Global Printmaking (co-listed)
Learn woodcut and relief printing techniques,               resume item to apply for paid                            Doll Design & Construction
including Western and Japanese approaches.
Beginning from simple black and white prints
                                                             mural opportunities. Page 6                             Explore three-dimensional mixed-media art and
                                                                                                                     the human form through the design and creation
from a single block, progress through stages to                                                                      of an original art doll. Learn construction methods
four-color, multi-block prints. Explore influences                                                                   for assembling an original 16- to 18-inch costumed
on printmaking in Asian, African, European, and                                                                      doll. Begin with rough design concepts and
American cultures. Develop a body of original
work that represents your individual, creative                      Join our                                         proportional figure sketching, continuing to the
                                                                                                                     construction of a wire armature, hard sculpting

                                                                   Email List
expression. Engage in professional printmaking
                                                                                                                     the doll’s head and hands, soft-sculpting the doll’s
practices, such as print editioning and archival
management. Open to all levels. Tuition waiver                                                                       body, and sewing the doll’s costume. Prerequisite:
applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                                                                                    Basic hand-sewing skills; can be learned in ADS518
                                                                                                                     Sewing: Introduction. Tuition waiver applies; MD
Course: ART069       75 Hours
                                                                                                                     seniors pay fee only.
$396 + $136.20 fee = $532.20;                               Get schedule updates, event
Non-MD residents add $871.20                                                                                         Course: ADS505       25 Hours
Maryland residents $532.20                                  announcements, and more!                                 $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
MD seniors 60+       $136.20                                We send zero to three emails                             Maryland residents $310
Non-MD residents     $1403.40                                                                                        MD seniors 60+       $125
Rockville Campus
                                                             a week, so we won’t flood                               Non-MD residents     $470
CRN#: 37693 30 Sessions                   MW                        your inbox.                                      Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
1/24-5/11           9:30 a.m.-12:10 p.m.                                                                             CRN#: 37334 10 Sessions            F
No class 3/14, 3/16
If class is full, register for co-listed credit class
                                                                                     2/11-4/22       10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. No class 3/18
ARTT225, CRN 34085                                               community-arts/join                                 Instructor: Wendelin Daniels
Instructor: Amanda Miller

Collage & Assemblage
                                                                                                         Explore collage, the combination of different and
                                                                                                         surprising materials into an artistic composition.
                                                                                                         Learn the history of both collage and assemblage,
                                                                                                         and put it into practice by constructing artwork
                                                                                                         built on layers of form, color, and design.
                                                                                                         Incorporate found objects, texts, images, and other
                                                                                                         unexpected objects into your art. Find inspiration
                                                                                                         by learning about the work of artists like Picasso,
                                                                                                         Gretchen Green, Joseph Cornell, Romare Bearden,
                                                                                                         and others. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay
                                                                                                         fee only.
                                                                                                         Course: ADS517       25 Hours
                                                                                                         $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
                                                                                                         Maryland residents $310
                                                                                                         MD seniors 60+       $125
                                                                                                         Non-MD residents     $470
                                                                                                         Online: Structured Remote
                                                                                                         CRN#: 37555 10 Sessions          Th
                                                                                                         2/10-4/21         6-7:30 p.m.    No class 3/17
                                                                                                         Class meetings are supplemented by an hour of
                                                                                                         self-paced content each week.
                                                                                                         Instructor: Holly Trout

                                                                                                         Ceramic Tile Design
                                                                                                         Explore the traditions of ceramic tile design from
                                                                                                         a variety of cultural traditions. Discover Italian
                                                                                                         maiolica ceramic painting, a brightly colorful, low-
                                                                                                         fire glaze process. Combine this with other low-fire
                                                                                                         methods such as fired-on ceramic decals to build
                                                                                                         up a rich layered surface. Working with six-inch
                                                                                                         bisque tiles and plate forms, create projects that
                                                                                                         you can integrate into formats such as trivets,
                                                                                                         framed tile paintings, and table-tops. Tuition
                                                                                                         waiver applies; MD seniors pay fee only.
                                                                                                         Course: ADS434       25 Hours
                                                                                                         $185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160
                                                                                                         Maryland residents $310
                                                                                                         MD seniors 60+       $125
                                                                                                         Non-MD residents     $470
                                                                                                         Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
                                                                                                         CRN#: 37324 10 Sessions            W
                                                                                                         2/9-4/20         9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. No class 3/16
                                                                                                         Instructor: Robert Devers

   Artist: Ellen Davis n Title: Self Portrait                                                            Stained Glass: Introduction
   Ellen Davis is an insurance broker and uses her creativity to individualize a plan with her           Create your own stained glass panel using the
                                                                                                         Tiffany method! Learn how to design your pattern,
   clients. As a woodturner/carver and artist she has used her skills to create beautifully hand-
                                                                                                         choose colors, cut and grind glass, and solder
   crafted bowls, spoons and many other items. Recently she has turned back to her art roots of          glass together. By the end of the class, you will
   drawing, painting and collage. She created this in Collage and Assemblage with Holly Trout.           complete one stained glass panel. No prior
                                                                                                         experience needed. Students must bring a pencil
                                                                                                         and ruler to the first class; any other drawing tools
                                                                                                         optional. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors pay
Batik Fabric Dyeing                                 Sewing: Introduction                                 fee only.
Create your own batik fabric prints! Batik is the   Are you interested in sewing but don’t know how
                                                                                                         Course: ADS490       15 Hours
ancient art of creating designs on fabric using     to get started? Learn foundational sewing skills
                                                                                                         $120 + $75 fee = $195; Non-MD residents add $120
dyes with a resist, such as melted beeswax. These   that will aid you in future projects. Practice the
                                                                                                         Maryland residents $195
fabrics are known for the crackle or veining that   basics of hand sewing and the essentials of using    MD seniors 60+       $75
appears in the design. Learn to use traditional     a sewing machine. Learn to read and follow a         Non-MD residents     $315
batik dying methods to create contemporary,         pattern in order to create a final product such as
personalized works of art on napkins, placemats,    a bag, hat, apron, or stuffed animal. This course    Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus
garments, paintings, and more. Tuition waiver       is ideal for beginners with no formal sewing         CRN#: 37329 5 Sessions          W
applies; MD seniors pay fee only.                   experience. Tuition waiver applies; MD seniors       2/9-3/9          6:30-9:30 p.m.
                                                                                                         Instructor: David Baxter
Course: ADS466       25 Hours                       pay fee only.
$185 + $125 fee = $310; Non-MD residents add $160   Course: ADS518         12.5 Hours
                                                    $100 + $65 fee = $165; Non-MD residents add $120
                                                                                                         Stained Glass: Intermediate
Maryland residents $310                                                                                  Expand your knowledge of stained glass by
MD seniors 60+       $125                           Maryland residents $165
                                                    MD seniors 60+         $65                           working with next-level materials and processes.
Non-MD residents     $470
                                                    Non-MD residents       $285                          Learn to incorporate unconventional materials
Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus                    Takoma Park/Silver Spring Campus                     like copper pipe, non-square frames, metal rings,
CRN#: 37327 10 Sessions            M                CRN#: 37556 5 Sessions              Th               hanging materials, and glass adhesives into your
2/7-4/18         9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. No class 3/14    3/24-4/21        10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                  stained glass projects. Prerequisite: ADS446
Instructor: Robert Devers                           Instructor: Wanjin Kim

                                                                                                  COMMUNITY ARTS n MONTGOMERY COLLEGE 12
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