Page created by Corey Gregory

1.    What is the Community Grants Program?                                             1
      1.1.   Grant Program objectives                                                    2
2.    Eligibility: Who can apply for a grant?                                           4
      2.1.   Who is not eligible to apply?                                               5
      2.2.   What will not be funded?                                                    5
3.    Key Dates                                                                         6
4.    How to apply                                                                      7
      4.1.   Application Process                                                         7
      4.2.   Help with your application                                                  7
      4.3.   Checklist: Information you must provide                                     8
      4.4.   Project Plan (not required for Small Grants - Equipment Purchase)           9
      4.5.   Evaluation Framework (not required for Small Grants)                        9
      4.6.   Budget and quotes for budgeted expenses (quotes required for all grants)   10
      4.7.   Assessment process                                                         11
5.    What grant categories can I apply for in 2021?                                    12
      5.1.   Community Development Grants                                               12
      5.2.   Arts Grants                                                                14
      5.3.   Festivals and Events Grants                                                16
      5.4.   Small Grants                                                               18
6.    Terms and Conditions                                                              21
7.    Glossary of Terms and Definitions                                                 24
8.    Appendices                                                                        27
      8.1.   Appendix A – Project Plan Examples                                         27
      8.2.   Appendix B - Evaluation Framework Examples                                 29
      8.3.   Appendix C – Budget Examples                                               31

1. What is the Community Grants Program?
The Community Grant Program provides a framework for Manningham Council to fund a range of
activities that will achieve positive outcomes for the community and align with key Council plans and
These Guidelines describe how groups and organisations can access funding from Council for
activities that have a direct benefit to the people who live, work or recreate in Manningham.
Council is committed to developing and fostering partnerships with not-for-profit groups and
organisations whose work enriches the municipality and is consistent with Council’s vision, ‘A liveable
and harmonious City’.
The Community Grant Program responds to the priorities and directions in Council’s strategic
documents including the:
      Council Plan 2017-2021
      Healthy City Strategy 2017-2021

    Strategy                      Purpose                                 Areas of Focus

                                  The Council Plan outlines our            Healthy Community
                                  vision, mission and values. The          Liveable Places and
                                  Council Plan guides the                   Spaces
                                  organisation’s activity over the
    Council Plan                                                           Resilient Environment
                                  next four years to achieve
    2017 - 2021                   priorities identified in the areas of    Vibrant and Prosperous
                                  community, economy, places                Economy
                                  and spaces, council leadership           Well Governed Council
                                  and the environment.
                                  The Municipal Public and                 Inclusive and
                                  Wellbeing Plan promotes the               Harmonious
    Healthy City Strategy         health and wellbeing of local            Healthy and Well
    2017- 2021                    communities through a strategic
                                                                           Safe and Resilient
                                  planning approach, informed by
                                  local health priorities.                 Connected and Vibrant

For a complete list of Council strategies and plans visit the website

For further information on the purpose of the Community Grant Program please refer to the Community
Grant Program Policy 2020 - 2024

1.1. Grant Program objectives
The objectives of the Community Grants Program are to:

 Partnerships             Foster and develop partnerships between Council, groups and
                          organisations for the delivery of shared outcomes.

 Programs and             Provide a range of programs and activities that respond to the needs of
 Activities               our diverse community that align with Council's plans and strategies.

 Participation            Foster community involvement and participation with a focus on groups
                          and individuals that experience barriers to participating in community life

 Skills Development       Build community capacity and empower communities to further develop
                          or gain new skills to enhance their quality of life.

 Innovation               Pilot activities that provide innovative responses to local priorities and
                          ensure ongoing environmental, economic and social sustainability.

 Value                    Provide a measureable, cost-effective and efficient means to deliver
                          community outcomes in a transparent and accountable manner.

The Community Grant Program operates alongside the principles of community and cultural
development, which are reflected in the overall grant program objectives above. This is achieved
through partnerships and the development of activities that increase community inclusion in
Manningham communities.
All applicants are required to provide clear evidence that the activity is directly responding to a
specific community need, interest or service gap. Please refer to the Assessment Criteria in each
category for further details.
Funding is provided for the term specified in the Funding and Service Agreement. Applicants are to
consider the future sustainability of their program or activity beyond the funding period in their program
planning (for example, sponsorships or other fundraising activities).

1.2 What grant categories can I apply for?
To achieve these broad objectives, not-for-profit groups and organisations are invited to apply for
funding under the following grant categories:
Applicants may apply for one grant per grant category each financial year and each application must be
for a different project.

 Grant category                    Purpose                     Funding                Timing

 Community Partnership             Achieve longer term         Up to $50,000 per      4 yearly.
                                   community and cultural      year to a total of
 Guidelines for this program                                                          Next round will
                                   development outcomes        $200,000 over 4
 will be available in August                                                          open in
                                   through strategic           years
 2021.                                                                                September 2021
                                   partnerships that
                                   respond to Council
                                   priorities and directions

 Community Development             Achieve community           $3,001 - $20,000       Annual
                                   development outcomes
    (Page 12)                                                                         Funding opens
                                   that respond to the
                                   needs of Manningham’s                              8 February 2021
                                   diverse community.

 Arts                              Support activities that     $3,001 - $20,000       Annual
                                   provide opportunities to
 (Page 14)                                                                            Funding opens
                                   participate in arts,
                                   culture and heritage.                              8 February 2021

 Festival and Events               Support community led       $3,001 - $20,000       Annual
                                   festivals and events that
 (Page 16 )                                                                           Funding opens
                                   attract visitors to
                                   Manningham and                                     8 February 2021
                                   activation key locations

 Small Grants                      Support community           Community              Open all year and
                                   strengthening initiatives   Strengthening          assessed 3 times
                                   and equipment                                      per year
                                                               Up to $3,000
 1. Community                      purchase to enhance
    Strengthening                  the quality of life of
 2. Equipment Purchase             Manningham residents.       Equipment
                                                               Purchase               Applicants may
 (Page 18)
                                                                                      apply for one (1)
                                                               50% co-contribution
                                                                                      Small Grant each
                                                               of the total cost up
                                                                                      financial year.
                                                               to $1,500
Note: These Guidelines apply to the 2021 calendar year.
*Funding allocations are subject to adoption of Council’s annual budget.

2. Eligibility: Who can apply for a grant?
Pre-eligibility assessment is conducted on all applications. At this stage of the assessment process,
any ineligible applications will be removed.
Grant applications must be from:
                                                                What does "Auspice 'mean?
   A not-for-profit constituted body such as an
    Incorporated Association or a Company by Limited            If a not-for-profit organisation is not
    Guarantee, or                                               incorporated or has limited organisational
                                                                capacity, another eligible organisation
   Auspiced by an incorporated not-for-profit                  can auspice on their behalf. In this
    organisation that is able to accept legal and financial
                                                                context, the auspice organisation would
    responsibility for the grant and activity, or
                                                                receive the grant funding and have
   A school. Schools are encouraged to partner with            responsibility for ensuring that the activity
    community groups in activities that benefit the wider       is completed on time. A letter from the
    community.                                                  auspicing organisation that confirms the
                                                                arrangement, must be submitted with the
                                                                grant application form.
In addition to the above criteria, organisations must also:
   Be located or deliver activities within the City of
   Have appropriate insurance
   Determine legislative requirements related to the funded activity. For example, if the funded
    activity involves contact with children, a Working with Children Check may be required
   Have no outstanding debts to Council
   Provide an Incorporation Number
   Provide an ABN or completed Statement by Supplier form (page 26)
   Complete a Project Plan (not required for Small Grants Equipment Purchase) (example pages 27-
   Provide a completed Evaluation Framework (not required for Small Grants) (example pages 29-
   Provide written quotes for all expenditure items over $1000 that are essential for the delivery of the
   Apply before the closing date.

Applicants may apply for a grant in more than one grant category each financial year however the
application must be for a different activity. A separate application form for each grant category must be
completed and submitted by the due date.
Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances. For more information on application
requirements please refer to the Checklist on page 8.
Funding in the annual grant categories is for one-off projects and activities, however requests for
funding for a second year of a project or activity may be accepted in the Community Development,
Festival and Events and Arts categories. To meet the criteria for second-year funding, applicants will
need to demonstrate how the second year expands on the initial project and to demonstrate the need
for additional funding.

2.1. Who is not eligible to apply?                                    What is an "Incorporated
Applicants will not be eligible for funding if they are:              Association"?
      An individual                                                  Being incorporated refers to an
      A community organisation that is not incorporated,             organisation that has a legal identity of
       unless they partner with a not-for-profit incorporated         its own, recognised by State and
       organisation (“auspice”)                                       Federal Government and is separate
                                                                      and distinct from the individuals who
      A commercial organisation.
                                                                      form the group. For more information
2.2. What will not be funded?                                         associations
Applications will not receive funding if sought for equipment
or activities that:                                                ..
      Are inconsistent with Council priorities or Community Grant Program objectives
      Are the responsibility of other tiers of government (e.g. State, Federal)
      Have already commenced or where the organisation has committed expenditure prior to the grant
       notification date (activities will not be funded retrospectively)
      Have a religious or political purpose which seeks to promote core beliefs
      Duplicate existing services/activities unless it can be demonstrated that it meets an unmet
       community need
      Items which would normally be part of a reasonable operating budget for the organisation, i.e. staff
       salaries or administration
      Are funded through other Council programs or activities, including grants and sponsorship
      Are Council owned and run
      Provide catering, unless it can be demonstrated that it is part of the core delivery of the activity
      Offer social outings and gatherings, unless it can be demonstrated it is a core part of the activity
      Seek conference sponsorship ie: financial or technical support
      Seek debt payment support
      Support grant giving or fundraising programs
      Are solely curriculum based (kindergarten, primary or secondary school). Only applications that
       demonstrate a broader community partnership approach will be considered
      Are for fixed / permanent equipment, building maintenance or capital improvements (such as
       heating or cooling systems, shade sails, solar)
      Are for building amenity improvements
      Are listed as a sports club responsibility as set out in Council’s Outdoor Sports Infrastructure
       Guidelines www.

    Please note: Council owned kindergartens / child care centres / playgroups / toy libraries can apply to
    the Minor Capital Works Funding Program to request small refurbishments for building or playground
    works. For more information contact the Community Facilities Project Officer on 9840 9333.

3. Key dates

Community Grant Program Application Dates:
 Community Development, Arts, Festival and Events Grants - February 2021
 Grants Open                                          Monday 8 February 2021, 9.00am
 Grants Close                                         Monday 15 March 2021, 5.00pm
 Assessment of Applications                           April - May 2021
 Recommendations considered by Council                June 2021
 Applicants Notified                                  July 2021

 Small Grants Open All Year
 Grants Open                                          Open all year, application cut off is end of April,
                                                      July and October to be assessed in following
 Grants Close                                         Once total funding has been allocated
 Assessment of Applications                           May, August and November 2021
 Applicants Notified                                  June, September and December 2021

Community Training Dates:
 Information Sessions and Grant Writing Workshop
 Grant Writing Workshop            Thursday 18 February 2021, 6.30pm – 9.00pm, via Zoom
 Community Grant                   Wednesday 10 February 2021, 6.30pm – 8.00pm, via Zoom
 Information Session
 Community Grant                   Tuesday 16 February 2021, 2.00pm – 3.30pm, via Zoom
 Information Session

To book into any of the above sessions or to find out more about upcoming events visit:

4. How to apply

4.1. Application Process
    Step 1. Confirm that your organisation is eligible to apply

        Step 2. Identify which grant category you plan to apply for

             Step 3. Discuss your application with Council's Grant Team
             • This step is mandatory for Community Development, Arts and Festival and Events
               Grant applications

                    Step 4. Consider the assessment criteria and prepare your
                    application, including supporting documentation

                             Step 5. Login to Smartygrants and complete your application
                             • Visit:

4.2. Help with your application
Before applying for a grant, we suggest that a project proposal be developed outlining a brief project
description, the objectives of the project, timeline and budget to identify the appropriate category to
submit your application.
Applicants applying for the Community Development, Arts or Festival and Events grants are required to
discuss their proposal with Council’s Grants Team before submitting an application.
Council’s Grants Team is available to provide support to groups and organisation that require
assistance with their grant application including advice on the proposal, how to apply online
(SmartyGrants) or to request assistance with a translator/ interpreter is also available.
Contact the Grant Team on 9840 9305 or 9840 9377 or by email:
Organisations are also encouraged to attend Grant Information Sessions and training opportunities. For
bookings, or to find out more about upcoming events, visit

4.3. Checklist: Information you must provide
Eligibility requirements
To apply you must be one of the following:
 Not- for- Profit (NFP) or Incorporated Association                        Please note that individuals and commercial
 Public Company Limited by Guarantee                                       organisations are not eligible to apply.
 Auspiced by a NFP                                                      
 School                                                                 

You must include with your application:
   Incorporation Number                                                 
   GST Status                                                           
                                                                             If your organisation does not have an ABN, you
   ABN or completed Statement by Supplier form                             must complete a Statement by Supplier Form.
   Current Financial Statement                                             Visit:
   Current Public Liability Insurance                                      supplier-not-quoting-an-ABN/
   If you are being auspiced by a NFP, your organisation will need to   
    provide written advice from the organisation that has agreed to
    manage the grant and / or the funding
Your activity must be:
   Be located or delivered within the City of Manningham                   page 4
Prior to commencing your application:
   Contact Council’s Grants Team to discuss your application (not          Required for Community Development, Arts and
    required for Small Grants)                                               Festivals & Events applicants.
   Determine which Grant Category you would like to apply in:           
    1. Community Development ($3,001-$20,000)                                page 12
    2. Arts ($3,001-$20,000)                                                 page 14
    3. Festivals and Events ($3,001-$20,000)                                 page 16
    4. Small Grants:                                                         page 18
    - Community Strengthening Category (up to $3,000)
    - Equipment Purchase Category (50% co-contribution of the total
    cost of the equipment up to $1,500)
   Attend an Information Session or Grant Writing Workshop                 Book:
    (optional)                                                               training-program
   Obtain a Working with Children Check if your activity involves          Visit:
    interaction with children
   Register with Council’s Events Team if you are planning an event        Call 9840 9333
   Adhere to all Federal and State legislative requirements for your    
    proposed activity i.e. Health and Safety, Child Safe Standards,          child-safe-standards
    Accounting & Auditing, EEO, Human Rights etc.
   Acquit all previous grants                                              No funding will be paid until all outstanding
                                                                             grants have been acquitted.
 Have no outstanding debts to Council                                   
How to complete your application:
    Agree to the Terms and Conditions of the Grants Program                page 21 - 23
    Log in/ Register with SmartyGrants to complete your application        Visit:
    Review and respond to the Assessment Criteria                       
    Complete the Project Plan, Evaluation Framework and Budget             Examples on pages 27 - 33
What you must include in your application:
   Quotes for expenditure items over $1,000                                This can include a catalogue item or quote from
                                                                             a provider. Quotes for items over $1,000 must
                                                                             be provided or the application may be deemed
   Copy of your organisation’s Public Liability Insurance               
   Copy of your organisation’s latest financial statement               
   Include any letters of support (optional)                            

4.4. Project Plan (not required for Small Grants - Equipment
A completed Project Plan guides the management and implementation of your activity and includes
answers to questions such as:
 What key tasks must be completed to successfully deliver the activity?
 Who will be responsible for delivering the activity?
 When should the task be completed by?
Failure to provide a Project Plan may result in your application being deemed ineligible. If your application
is successful, the plan will form part of your Funding and Service Agreement (FASA).
The Project Plan template is included in the SmartyGrants application form. A sample Project Plan is
available in Appendix A – Project Plan Examples on pages 27 - 28.

4.5. Evaluation Framework (not required for Small Grants)
A completed Evaluation Framework is required for Community Development, Arts and Events and
Festival grants. Failure to provide an Evaluation Framework with your application may result in your
application being deemed ineligible.
Evaluation is important because it enables organisations to plan for specific program and activity
outcomes and to measure how well the activity was delivered and whether it achieved what it set out to
The Evaluation Framework template is available in the SmartyGrants application form. A sample
Evaluation Framework is available in Appendix B – Evaluation Framework Examples on pages 29 - 30.

4.6. Budget and quotes for budgeted expenses (quotes
     required for all grants)
Your budget should reflect the scope of your activity and include all income and expenditure that relate
specifically to your proposed activity. Please also include any financial and in-kind assistance from your
group/organisation and activity partner/s. When you have completed your budget, the Total Income
and Total Expenditure must be equal.

4.6.1. Income
                                                            What is “in-kind” contribution?
You must provide all income contributions, both
                                                            An in-kind contribution is when an organisation
financial and in-kind, related to your activity.
                                                            contributes goods or services in-lieu of providing
For example:                                                funds (cash). For example, volunteers hours, use
                                                            of organisation equipment or facilities (i.e.
    Your organisation’s financial contribution             photocopiers). In-kind contributions must have a
                                                            $ value, for example the estimated value of
    Your organisation’s “in-kind” contribution
                                                            volunteer time is $41 per hour.
    The grant amount you are seeking from                  Applicants who provide evidence of in-kind and /
     Manningham Council                                     or financial contributions will be considered more
    Grants you are seeking from other funding bodies       favourably.

    Sponsorship, donations or other funding
Please indicate whether funding is confirmed funding (CF) or unconfirmed funding (UF) (pages 24 and

4.6.2. Expenditure and quotes
Quotes are mandatory for all expenditure items over $1000 that are essential to the delivery of the
activity. Quotes may be submitted as a catalogue item (web or hard copy) or quotes from a provider.
Failure to do so may result in your application being deemed ineligible or unsuccessful. A sample
budget is available in Appendix C on pages 31 - 33.
Applications that include formal estimates/quotations for specific goods or services that are below $1,000
will be considered favourably. Subject to the nature of the application, Council may require written
estimates for all proposed expenditure.

4.6.3. GST status
Organisations must indicate their GST status in their application. Successful organisations with an ABN
that are not registered for GST, will receive their grant without GST.
Successful organisations with an ABN and registered for GST, will be required to complete an
Agreement for Issuing Recipient Created Tax Invoices (RCTI). You will receive the grant amount plus
10% GST.

4.7. Assessment process

The process for assessing the annual grants applications will, at a minimum, ensure that applications

      Assessed by Council officers for
       conformity with the Eligibility

                        Referred to a subject matter
                      expert within Council to provide
                      feedback on the application and
                           the stated outcomes;

                                         Evaluated against the selection

                                                           Referred to the assessment
                                                          panel for further consideration

                                                                              Panel recommendations
                                                                              presented to Council for
                                                                           consideration and endorsement

To assist with decision making, the applicant may be asked to provide additional information during the
assessment process.
The exception to the above process is the Small Grant program where the panel recommendations are
approved under delegation by the Director City Planning and Community and outcomes reported to

4.7.1.    Notification process
Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of their application within three weeks of Council
making a decision. Successful applicants will be required to enter into a formal funding agreement
Applicants who are unsuccessful may request feedback from Council officers regarding why the applicant
was not successful and how the application may be improved for the future.
A list of successful applicants will be published on Council’s website approximately one month after all
applicants have been notified of the outcome of their application. This information can be found at

5. What grant categories can I apply for in 2021?
5.1. Community Development Grants
The Community Development Grant category enables not-for-profit groups and organisations to
achieve short to medium term community development outcomes that align with the priorities outlined
in Council plans and strategies. This includes activities that respond to the needs of Manningham’s
diverse community with a focus on:
    Individuals and community groups who experience social isolation or disadvantage
    Older residents
    People with a disability
    Young people
    Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
    Women and children experiencing violence.

5.1.1. Objectives
Community Development Grants aim to:
    Respond to a demonstrated community need;
    Provide for the inclusion and participation of all members of the community, including targeted
     responses that enable vulnerable individuals and groups to participate in local activities and
    Foster an inclusive and harmonious community, drawing strength from difference and diversity
    Enhance the health and wellbeing of the Manningham community;
    Support a safer and more resilient community;
    Encourage collaboration between Council, groups and organisations for the benefit of the
    Enhance community outcomes through organisational change or development such as capacity
     building and research.

Community Development Grant applicants must demonstrate how the activity will achieve two of
the grant objectives above to be eligible for funding.

5.1.2. Funding details
 Allocation       Funding between $3,001 and $20,000 is available. Allocations are for one
                  financial year and are not recurrent.
                  The total notional allocation is $80,000 per annum.
 Timing           There is one Community Development Grant funding round per year - available
                  annually in February.
 Funding          Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of their application within three
 announcements    weeks of Council making a decision. Successful applicants will be required to
                  enter into a formal funding agreement (FASA).
                  Applicants who are unsuccessful may request feedback from Council officers
                  regarding why the applicant was not successful and how the application may be
                  improved for the future.

5.1.3. What types of activities might be funded?
Examples of Community Development Grant activities could include:
1.   A mental health and wellbeing activity that will engage people at risk of social isolation through the delivery of
     a leadership project that enhances participant connections with their local community.
2.   A partnership activity that seeks to reduce the incidence of family violence in Manningham.
3.   An innovative initiative that will increase the community’s understanding of gender equity by delivering a
     series of interactive and informative workshops to drive cultural change.
                                                                                               4.    An initiative that
supports the most vulnerable in our community that provides enhanced access to food and other personal

5.1.4. Assessment Criteria for Community Development Grants
Community Development Grant applications will be assessed against four criteria. The points below
are provided to assist in guiding your responses. The assessment criteria scores applications to a
maximum total of 100%.

 Assessment          What you should include in your application                              Criteria weighting
 What is the            Provide a clear description of the activity you are seeking          Required
 activity you are        funding for and its objectives.
 applying for           Include an explanation as to how the activity aligns with two (2)    15 per cent
 and what will it        of the grant category objectives (see page 12).
 achieve?               Include details about the proposed short or medium term              10 per cent
                         impacts of the activity (the desired end result). Provide a
                         description of how the activity incorporates innovative practices.     Total 25 per cent
 Why is the             Provide a clear description of the community need, issue or          10 per cent
 activity                opportunity that your activity is responding to.
 needed?                Include information that supports your application, such as          5 per cent
                         demographic data, letters of support, feedback from
                         consultation or community plans or strategies.
                        Provide evidence to demonstrate how the activity aligns with         10 per cent
                         one or more of Council’s key plans and strategies (see page 1
                         for more information).                                                 Total 25 per cent
 Who will               Provide a description of the groups and/or individuals in the        15 per cent
 benefit from            community that are being targeted (e.g. socially isolated,
 the activity?           vulnerable, older residents, diverse, women, men, LGBTQI,
                        Provide the total estimated number of activity participants and      5 per cent
                         percentage of these that are Manningham residents.
                        Where appropriate, explain if the activity will attract a broader
                         audience including residents from outside of the municipality.         Total 20 per cent
 How will the           Provide an overview of your group/organisations capacity to          20 per cent
 funded activity         deliver the activity. This could include information that
 be managed              demonstrates past experience in the delivery of similar
 over the                initiatives and details of the project manager.
 funding                Include information on the groups and/or organisations you will      5 per cent
 period?                 partner with for the delivery of the activity and their role/s.
                         Applicants must include supporting documentation that confirms
                         any commitments made by nominated project partners.
                        Provide an outline of how the benefits of the activity will be       5 per cent
                         sustained once funding has been expended.                              Total 30 per cent
 Project Plan           A detailed Project Plan is required. The Plan should list the key    Required
 and Evaluation          tasks, responsible person/s and timeframes to complete the
 Framework               activity.
                        Complete the Evaluation Framework listing the objectives,
                         outcomes, timelines and measure of success.
 Budget                 Ensure your budget reflects the scope of the activity, must          Required
                         include all expenditure and income contributions include any
                         financial and in-kind assistance from your group/organisation
                         and activity partner/s.
                        All expenditure items over $1,000 will require a written quote
                        Applications that include formal estimates/quotations for specific
                         goods or services that are below $1,000 will be considered
                         favourably. Subject to the nature of the application, Council may
                         require written estimates for all proposed expenditure.

5.2. Arts Grants
The Arts Grant enables not-for-profit groups and organisations to deliver arts, cultural and heritage
activities that reflect the diversity of the Manningham community and align with the priorities outlined in
Council plans and strategies focusing on positive ageing, youth wellbeing, accessibility, and social

The Arts Grant category will support applications that:
      Contribute to the vibrancy and liveability of Manningham;
      Enable the delivery of community-led, arts and cultural activities across the municipality;
      Encourage partnerships between groups, organisations and businesses for the delivery of
       improved outcomes;
      Encourage innovation and best practice.

5.2.1. Objectives
Arts Grants aims to:
      Enable diverse arts and cultural expression across diverse practice disciplines (that may include
       digital arts, literary arts, participatory arts, performing arts, visual arts);
      Enable participants with a sense of belonging and enhance the inclusion and participation of all
       members of the community;
      Enables artists and participants with a sense of feeling valued; and
      Supports the local creative industry by ensuring local artists are engaged as part of the project.

Arts Grant applicants must demonstrate how the activity will achieve two of the grant objectives
above to be eligible for funding.

5.2.2.       Funding details
    Allocation               Funding between $3,001 and $20,000 is available. Allocations are for one
                             financial year and are not recurrent. The total notional allocation is $70,000 per
    Timing                   There is one Arts Grant funding round per year - available annually in February.
    Funding                  Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of their application within three
    announcements            weeks of Council making a decision. Successful applicants will be required to
                             enter into a formal funding agreement (FASA).
                             Applicants who are unsuccessful may request feedback from Council officers
                             regarding why the applicant was not successful and how the application may be
                             improved for the future.

5.2.3. What types of activities might be funded?
Examples could include:
1.     An arts activity that encourages Manningham residents to celebrate significant occasions.
2.     Community arts initiatives.
3.     Artist-led place activation creative initiatives.
4.     Arts projects and artists fees that feature within festivals and events.
5.     Cultural projects that support and/or celebrate local history.
     Please note: Individual artists are not eligible to apply but can be auspiced by a Not for Profit.

5.2.4.    Assessment Criteria for Arts Grants
Arts Grant applications will be assessed against four criteria. The points below are provided to as sist in guiding
your responses. The assessment criteria scores applications to a maximum total of 100%.
 Assessment             What you should include in your application                                Criteria weighting
 What is the            Provide a clear description of the activity you are seeking funding       Required
 activity you are        for and its objectives.
 applying for and       Include an explanation of how the activity aligns with two (2) of         15 per cent
 what will it            the grant category objectives (see page 14).
                        Include details about the proposed short or medium term impacts           10 per cent
                         of the activity (the desired end result). Provide a description as to
                         how the activity incorporates innovative practices.                         Total 25 per cent
 Why is the             Provide a clear description of the community need, issue or               10 per cent
 activity needed?        opportunity that your activity is responding to.
                        Include information that supports your application, such as               5 per cent
                         demographic data, letters of support, feedback from consultation
                         or community plans or strategies.
                        Provide evidence to demonstrate how the activity aligns with one          10 per cent
                         or more of Council’s key plans and strategies (see page 1 for
                         more information).                                                          Total 25 per cent
 Who will benefit       Provide a description of the groups and/or individuals in the             15 per cent
 from the                community that are being targeted and will participate in the
 activity?               activity (e.g. socially isolated, vulnerable, older residents, diverse,
                         women, men, LGBTQI, indigenous).
                        Where appropriate, explain if the activity will attract a broader         5 per cent
                         audience including residents from outside of the municipality.
                                                                                                     Total 20 per cent
 How will the           Provide an overview of your group/organisations capacity to               20 per cent
 funded activity         deliver the activity. This must include information demonstrating
 be managed              past experience in effectively delivering and marketing similar
                         initiatives and details of the project manager.
 over the funding
 period?                Information on the groups and/or organisations you will partner           5 per cent
                         with for the delivery of the activity and their role/s.
                        Provide an outline of how the benefits of the activity will be            5 per cent
                         sustained once funding has been expended. Applicants must
                         include supporting documentation that confirms any commitments              Total 30 per cent
                         made by nominated project partners
 Project Plan and         A detailed Project Plan is required. The Plan should list the key       Required
 Evaluation                tasks, responsible person/s and timeframes to complete the
 Framework                 activity.
                          Complete the Evaluation Framework listing the objectives,
                           outcomes, timelines and measure of success.
 Budget                 Ensure your budget reflects the scope of the activity must include        Required
                         all expenditure and income contributions. Please also include any
                         financial and in-kind assistance from your group/organisation and
                         activity partner/s.
                        All expenditure items over $1,000 will require a written quote.
                        Applications that include formal estimates/quotations for specific
                         goods or services that are below $1,000 will be considered.
                         favourably. Subject to the nature of the application, Council may
                         require written estimates for all proposed expenditure.

5.3. Festivals and Events Grants
The Festival and Events Grants enables not-for-profit groups and organisations to support community
led festivals and events that attract visitors to Manningham and activate key locations.

The Festival and Events Grant category will support applications that:
      Support community based festivals and events
      Support visitor attraction initiatives

5.3.1. Objectives
Festival and Events Grants aim to:
      Enable the delivery of one-off community-led, festivals and events throughout the municipality;
      Contribute to the vibrancy and liveability of the City of Manningham;
      Celebrate our cultural diversity through cross cultural engagement and participation;
      Encourage partnerships between groups, organisations and businesses for the delivery of
       improved outcomes;
      Foster community spirit and sense of belonging through events, activities and festivals;
      Encourage innovation and best practice.

Festival and Events Grant applicants must demonstrate how the activity will achieve two of the grant
objectives above to be eligible for funding.

5.3.2.       Funding details
    Allocation               Funding between $3,001 and $20,000 is available. Allocations are for one
                             financial year and are not recurrent. The total notional allocation is $70,000 per
    Timing                   There is one Festival and Events Grant funding round per year - available
                             annually in February.
    Funding                  Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of their application within three
    announcements            weeks of Council making a decision. Successful applicants will be required to
                             enter into a formal funding agreement (FASA).
                             Applicants who are unsuccessful may request feedback from Council officers
                             regarding why the applicant was not successful and how the application may be
                             improved for the future.

5.3.3. What types of activities might be funded?
Examples could include:
1.     An event or festival that showcases Manningham’s heritage and/or cultural diversity.
2.     Celebration of culturally significant dates that the whole community can participate.
3.     Emerging and new events or festivals that target local community engagement.
4.     Festivals or events that support and/or celebrate local history.
     Please note: Individual artists are not eligible to apply but can be auspiced by a Not for Profit.

5.3.4.    Assessment Criteria for Festival and Events Grants
Festival and Events Grant applications will be assessed against four criteria. The points below are provided to
assist in guiding your responses. The assessment criteria scores applications to a maximum total of 100%.

 Assessment            What you should include in your application                                 Criteria weighting
 What is the            Provide a clear description of the activity you are seeking funding       Required
 activity you are        for and its objectives.
 applying for and       Include an explanation of how the activity aligns with two (2) of         15 per cent
 what will it            the grant category objectives (see page 16).
                        Include details about the proposed short or medium term impacts           10 per cent
                         of the activity (the desired end result). Provide a description as to
                         how the activity incorporates innovative practices.                         Total 25 per cent
 Why is the             Provide a clear description of the community need, issue or               10 per cent
 activity needed?        opportunity that your activity is responding to.
                        Include information that supports your application, such as               5 per cent
                         demographic data, letters of support, feedback from consultation
                         or community plans or strategies.
                        Provide evidence to demonstrate how the activity aligns with one          10 per cent
                         or more of Council’s key plans and strategies (see page 1 for
                         more information).                                                          Total 25 per cent
 Who will benefit       Provide a description of the groups and/or individuals in the             15 per cent
 from the                community that are being targeted and will participate in the
 activity?               activity (e.g. socially isolated, vulnerable, older residents, diverse,
                         women, men, LGBTQI, indigenous).

                        Where appropriate, explain if the activity will attract a broader         5 per cent
                         audience including residents from outside of the municipality.
                                                                                                     Total 20 per cent
 How will the           Provide an overview of your group/organisations capacity to               20 per cent
 funded activity         deliver the activity. This must include information demonstrating
 be managed              past experience in effectively delivering and marketing similar
                         initiatives and details of the project manager.
 over the funding
 period?                Information on the groups and/or organisations you will partner           5 per cent
                         with for the delivery of the activity and their role/s.
                        Provide an outline of how the benefits of the activity will be            5 per cent
                         sustained once funding has been expended. Applicants must
                         include supporting documentation that confirms any commitments              Total 30 per cent
                         made by nominated project partners
 Project Plan and        A detailed Project Plan is required. The Plan should list the key        Required
 Evaluation               tasks, responsible person/s and timeframes to complete the
 Framework                activity.
                        Complete the Evaluation Framework listing the objectives,
                         outcomes, timelines and measure of success.
 Budget                 Ensure your budget reflects the scope of the activity must include        Required
                         all expenditure and income contributions. Please also include any
                         financial and in-kind assistance from your group/organisation and
                         activity partner/s.
                        All expenditure items over $1,000 will require a written quote.
                        Applications that include formal estimates/quotations for specific
                         goods or services that are below $1,000 will be considered.
                         favourably. Subject to the nature of the application, Council may
                         require written estimates for all proposed expenditure.

5.4. Small Grants
The Small Grant category enables not-for-profit groups and organisations to deliver one-off, innovative
activities and minor equipment purchases that support community strengthening initiatives and
enhance the quality of life of Manningham residents.
There are two streams in the Small Grants Category:
      Community Strengthening stream
      Equipment Purchase stream

5.4.1.       Objectives
Small Grants aim to:
      Respond to a clearly identified community need;
      Facilitate community participation in a range of local activities and enhance access for individuals
       and groups that are identified as having high needs;
      Enhance local network development and partnerships;
      Provide capacity building opportunities including skills development and learning.
Small Grants applicants must demonstrate how the activity or equipment purchase will achieve one
of the grant objectives above in order to be eligible for funding.

5.4.2.       Funding details

    Allocation            Funds available:
                               Community Strengthening stream: Funding up to $3,000
                               Equipment Purchase stream: Funding of up to $1500 for a 50%
                                  contribution towards the total cost of the equipment
                          Allocations are for one financial year and are not recurrent
                          The total notional allocation is $50,000 per annum
                          Not-for-profit groups and organisations may only receive one Small Grant per
                          financial year
    Timing                Open all year. Assessments conducted 3 times a year in May, August and
                          November. Applications to be received 1 month before assessment date to be
                          considered for funding.
    Funding               Applicants will receive a letter notifying them of the outcome of their application
    announcements         within 3 weeks of the Assessment Panel.
                          Applicants who are unsuccessful are encouraged to contact the Grants Team
                          directly to receive feedback on why their application was not successful.
                          A list of successful applicants will be published on Council’s website
                          approximately one month after all applicants have been notified of the outcome
                          of their application. This information can be found at

5.4.3. What types of activities might be funded?
Examples of Small Grant activities could include:
1.     An environment festival that involves Manningham residents and offers volunteering and leadership
2.     Establishment of a program that promotes and encourages children, parents, grandparents and carers in
       walking to keep fit and encourage community interaction.
3.     Purchase of safety equipment to assist an environmental group when planting along roadsides and open
4.     ‘Seeding’ of a new idea with potential for strong community benefit.
5.     Enhancement of access to programs and information.
6.     Equipment purchase such as office equipment (provided it can be demonstrated that the item is integral to the
       success of the activity).

5.4.4.    Assessment Criteria for Small Grants
There are two types of assessment criteria for Small Grant categories based on the application type:
     a)   Community Strengthening Activity
     b)   Equipment Purchases

Small Grants Community Strengthening Category Assessment Criteria
Small Grant applications will be assessed against four criteria. The points below are provided to assist
in guiding your responses. The assessment criteria scores applications to a maximum total of 100%.
 Assessment           What you should include in your application                                Criteria weighting
 What is the             Provide a clear description of the activity you are seeking            Required
 activity you are         funding for and its objectives.
 applying for and        Include an explanation of how the activity aligns with one (1)         25 per cent
 what will it             of the grant category objectives (see page 18).                            Total 25 per cent
 Why is the              Provide a clear description of the community need, issue or            15 per cent
 activity needed?         opportunity that your activity is responding to.
                         Include information that may support your application such             10 per cent
                          as demographic data or letters of support.                                 Total 25 per cent
 Who will benefit        Provide a description of the groups and/or individuals in the          20 per cent
 from the                 community that are being targeted and will participate in the
 activity?                activity (e.g. socially isolated, vulnerable, older residents,
                          diverse, women, men, LGBTQI, indigenous).
                         Provide an estimated total number of activity participants             5 per cent
                          and percentage of these that are Manningham residents.
                                                                                                     Total 25 per cent
 How will the            Provide an overview of your group/organisations capacity to            15 per cent
 funded activity          deliver the activity. This must include information
 be managed               demonstrating past experience in effectively delivering and
                          marketing similar initiatives and details of the project
 over the funding
                         Provide information on the groups and/or organisations you             10 per cent
                          will partner with for the delivery of the activity and their role/s.
                          Letters of support are encouraged.                                         Total 25 per cent
 Project Plan            A detailed Project Plan is required. The Plan should list the          Required
                          key tasks, responsible person/s and timeframes to complete
                          the activity.

 Budget                  Ensure your budget reflects the activity scope and includes            Required
                          all expenditure and income contributions, including any
                          financial and in-kind assistance from your
                          group/organisation and activity partner/s.
                         Written quotes must be provided for all expenditure items
                          over $1,000. Applications that include formal
                          estimates/quotations for specific goods or services that are
                          below $1,000 will be considered favourably. Subject to the
                          nature of the application, Council may require written
                          estimates for all proposed expenditure.

Small Grants Equipment Purchase Category
Community organisations that apply through the equipment purchase category must demonstrate that
the item is integral to the success of an activity.
Equipment must remain the sole property of the funded community organisation/club.
Please contact the Grants Team if you require further clarification regarding eligibility of equipment

Equipment Purchase Category Assessment Criteria
Equipment Grant applications will be assessed against four criteria. The points below are provided to
assist in guiding your responses.
The assessment criteria scores applications to a maximum total of 100%.

 Assessment           What you should include in your application                          Criteria weighting

 What equipment          Provide a clear description of the equipment you are seeking     Required
 are you applying         funding for and how the item/s are integral to the delivery of
 for and what will        an activity.
 it achieve?
                         An explanation as to how the equipment aligns with one of        25 per cent
                          the category objectives (see page 18).                               Total 25 per cent

 Why is the              Please explain why the equipment is needed.                      15 per cent
 needed?                 Include information that may support your application such       10 per cent
                          as demographic data or letters of support                            Total 25 per cent

 Who will benefit        Include a description of the groups and/or individuals in the    20 per cent
 from the                 community that are being targeted and will participate in the
 equipment                activity (e.g. socially isolated, vulnerable, older residents,
 purchase?                diverse, women, men, LGBTQI, indigenous).

                         Provide an estimated total number of participants and            5 per cent
                          percentage of these that are Manningham residents.                   Total 25 per cent

 How will the            Provide a description of how the equipment/asset will be         25 per cent
 equipment/asset          utilised and who will be responsible for its implementation.
 be utilised and         Please advise where will the equipment be stored.                   Total 25 per cent
 who will be
 responsible for

 Budget                  Ensure your budget reflects the scope of the costs of the
                          equipment purchase and include all expenditure and income
                          contributions, including any financial and in-kind assistance
                          from your group/organisation and activity partner/s.
                         Written quotes must be provided for all expenditure items
                          over $1,000. Applications that include formal
                          estimates/quotations for specific goods or services that are
                          below $1,000 will be considered favourably. Subject to the
                          nature of the application, Council may require written
                          estimates for all proposed expenditure

6. Terms and Conditions
For applicants
The following general terms and conditions apply to the Community Grants Program:
1.   All applications must be approved by the Chairperson, President or Chief Executive Officer of the
2.   Successful applicants must use Community Grant Program funding for the stated purpose for which
     the funding was awarded unless further written permission has been obtained from Council before the
     activity has commenced.
3.   Successful applicants must comply with all relevant State and Federal government legislation that
     apply to pertaining to the funded activity. If the funded activity involves contact with children, your
     group or organisation may be required to obtain a Working with Children (WWC) Check. To find out
     if you need a WWC Check or are exempt, visit
4.   Council’s Community Grant Program is a competitive funding scheme and the funding allocation is
     awarded on the merit of the application.
5.   Applicants must demonstrate satisfactory performance and adherence to all grant conditions (e.g.
     permit requirements such as traffic management plans, traders’ permits, etc.).
6.   The total funding available for Council’s Community Grant Program is subject to variation and
     Council’s annual Budget process.
7.   Council reserves the right to request further information in considering applications. If deemed
     necessary, applicants may be required to discuss or clarify their application with Council officers
     and/or provide further written information within a specified timeframe.
8.   Canvassing or lobbying Councillors, Council employees or independent assessors, in relation to a
     grant application, is prohibited. Lobbying or canvassing relevant officers may result in your
     application being deemed ineligible.
9.   For the protection of grant applicants and those involved in the assessment process, all Council
     officers, Councillors and community members involved in the grant assessment process are
     required to declare their interest prior to assessing any grant applications or reviewing project
     evaluations and reports. This process ensures that a clear or perceived conflict of interest is
     promptly identified, addressed and recorded. In the event of a conflict of interest, the person will not
     participate in any discussion or decision making relating to the nominated item/s of conflict.
For Community Development, Arts and Festival & Events Grants:
10. A Council Report on the recommended funding allocations is presented to Council for
     consideration. The decision to award grants is made by Council and shall have regards to
     Council’s responsibilities under the Local Government Act and Council’s decision is final. There is
     no appeal process.
11. Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of their application after Council’s decision.

For funded recipients
Funding and Service Agreement (FASA)
12. Funded recipients will be expected to enter into a Funding and Service Agreement (Agreement)
     with Council. The Agreement:
         Establishes a collaborative arrangement between Council and your group or organisation,
          based on the principles of co-operation and partnership
         Outlines the roles and responsibilities of Council and your group or organisation in the
          provision and use of funding allocated under this Agreement
         Includes general funding Terms and Conditions and may include special conditions relating to
          the delivery of the grant.

13. The Agreement must be completed, signed off and returned by the specified date for the funding to
     be released. Funding will not be made available to groups who submit this documentation after this
     date or those that currently hold a debt with Council.
14. Except for Small Grants, all funded recipients will be allocated to a Council officer who is the primary
     contact for the delivery of the activity. As per the Agreement, regular monitoring will be required with
     the relevant Council officer to provide activity support, identify emerging themes and monitor
15. Any changes to the use of Council funding for purposes other than outlined in the Agreement must
     be approved by Council in writing. If the grant is not utilised for the stated purpose, the organisation
     must guarantee repayment in full to Council, plus interest earned, within one month of the end of the
16. Funding that remains unspent upon the end of the Agreement must be repaid to Council within one
     month (of the end of the Agreement), unless activity changes are approved by Council in writing
     within 14 days of notification.
17. Allocation of funds to a community organisation for any purpose, in any funding round, must not be
     taken as a commitment by Council to provide additional or recurrent funding beyond that specifically
     provided for in the Agreement.
18. Funded activities must be completed within twelve months of receipt of funding, unless an
     alternative arrangement has been approved by Council in writing (prior to the activity completion
19. The Agreement is governed by and is construed to be in accordance with the laws of Victoria.

20. If a permit is required for the funded activity, funded recipients must comply with all Council
     requirements. This includes matters such as road closures, outdoor advertising and temporary
     food premises.
Funding Allocation
21. Upon receipt of funding, funded recipients must deposit that sum in the interest-bearing bank
     account in the name of the organisation nominated in the Application Form.
22. Council disclaims all liability and responsibility for any direct or indirect loss to the recipient after
     the release of funding.
23. Funded recipients must take out and keep current during the period of the Agreement, public
     liability insurance. The public liability policy must be for a minimum of $20 million.
24. The public liability insurance ensures Council and the recipient against all actions, costs, claims,
     charges, expenses, and damages whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against
     them arising out of, or in relation to, the funded activity.
25. A copy of the Certificate of Currency is to be provided to Council before commencement of the
     funded activity. Funded recipients must also maintain WorkCover insurance, where relevant.
Marketing Requirements
26. Funded recipients are required to acknowledge receipt of financial assistance from Council in any
     promotion, publication or advertising of the activities. This includes the use of Council’s logo and
     giving Councillors and officers the opportunity to attend relevant promotional events. Any publicity
     material regarding an activity should be submitted to Council’s Grants Team for approval prior to
     printing. For more information visit

Acquittal and Activity Completion Report
27. Council reserves the right to conduct financial and performance audits for funding it has provided.
     Consequently, funded recipients are required to maintain full records of receipts of activity
     expenditure and performance outputs/outcomes for the relevant period. These records are to be
     made available to Council and its officers/agents upon request.
28. Funded recipients are required to complete an Activity Completion Report (acquittal) within
     2 months of completing the funded activity online at
     This report certifies that the activity and funding was carried out in accordance with the Agreement.
     It should include a completed Evaluation Framework, (not required for Small Grants) proof of
     expenditure of Council funds (receipts and invoices) and copies of marketing material used to
     promote the funded activity.
29. Failure to provide a satisfactory acquittal may result in a funded group or organisation being
     deemed ineligible to receive any further funding from Council. Council’s reporting is directly linked to
     its requirement to report on how public funds are spent and whether funded groups and
     organisations have achieved the desired end result. While Council is committed to minimising
     administrative processes, it is also committed to the collection of high quality information that may
     be communicated across Council and the community.

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