Community Matters - Fawley Online

Page created by Tina Stevenson
Community Matters - Fawley Online
January 2021 • Issue 78
A newsletter from the Fawley site

                              Celebrating 70 years at Fawley – 1951 to 2021

Community Matters

Oakhaven Hospice is one of the
charities that has received support
from ExxonMobil Fawley’s safety
recognition awards programme.

Donations give charities vital support
                                        Transformation begins                                            A cut above!
                                        Work is well underway to                                         Supported living residents
                                        transform the former Holbury                                     are looking forward to better
                                        Club into a new community                                        weather so that they can
                                        garden and picnic space with                                     test drive a new lawnmower
                                        continued provision for sports                                   purchased with a grant from
                                        facilities. Find out more on page                                the Fawley site. Read more on
                                        two.                                                             page three.

                                        Making a difference                                              Fighting a silent killer
                                        The COVID-19 pandemic has                                        Free carbon monoxide monitors
                                        made fundraising a challenge for                                 are to be distributed to elderly
                                        many of the UK’s charities. Turn                                 and vulnerable people across
                                        to page three to find out how                                    Hampshire. See the back page
                                        ExxonMobil Fawley has helped to                                  to read more about ExxonMobil
                                        make a difference.                                               Fawley’s involvement.

Published by Community Affairs, ExxonMobil Fawley                 • •
Community Matters - Fawley Online
Flare replacement will
improve reliability

ExxonMobil Fawley is looking to replace
one of its four flares with a new stack,
subject to securing planning permission.
The existing flare, known as Flare 4, was originally built in the
1960s and is approaching the end of its operational lifecycle.
                                                                     An artist’s impression of the new picnic lawn
The replacement stack will be of similar height and use the latest
flare tip technology.
Project Engineer Ryan Worth said: “We have submitted
planning permission for the installation of the new flare.           Work begins to create
If this is approved, we anticipate that work would begin
on the foundations in the first half of 2021, with the new
stack becoming operational towards the end of 2021. The
                                                                     community space
replacement flare would arrive at the Fawley site in four
17.5meter-long sections which will be ‘pre dressed’ with utility
lines, ladders and platforms.”
The old flare will be disinvested prior to the installation of its   Work has started to create a
modern replacement. Again, subject to planning permission,           community garden and picnic space
the old flare will be demolished. Ryan
added: “A multi-disciplinary team will be
                                                                     on the site of the old Esso Club in
using the latest project planning and                                Holbury.
constructability processes to maintain a
world class safety performance throughout                            The plans, which also include a commitment to continue
the installation. We will be combining                               to allow the site to be used for sport, were passed* by
knowledge and experience from a diverse                              New Forest District Council’s planning department
team, working with our business partners,                            towards the end of last year. In a statement ExxonMobil
local community, and contractors to bring                            Fawley said: “We understand that Esso Club holds great
about a successful and safe conclusion to                            memories as an integral part of our community over many
the project.”                                                        years. However, the main building was unmaintainable and
Fawley’s four flares are an important                                would have cost millions to upgrade to present standards
part of the refinery operations. During an                           and so, with regret, demolition started on 30 November
interruption, such as an unplanned loss                              marking the end of an era.   
of power, the plant is occasionally unable                           “Esso recognises the importance of the Holbury Club
to continue its processing operations and                            site to the local community and we continue to support
excess hydrocarbons are routed through                               Holbury Community Sports Association (HCSA), which
the flare system. There the vapours                                  comprises of football, cricket, tennis and bowls so that
are combined with steam and burned                                   they can play sports on the site in the future.”
off, ensuring maximum combustion of
hydrocarbons while minimising emissions                              Simon Downing, Fawley Refinery Manager, added:
into the air.                                                        “The Holbury site has been an integral part of the local
                                                                     community for almost 70 years. We remain committed to
Ryan said: “The flare system is critical                             supporting the sports facilities for the benefit of all four
to safe operations. The proposed
                                                                     sports sections of HCSA. We believe this is the best, most
installation will improve flare reliability and
                                                                     sustainable way forward for the site.
demonstrates our ongoing commitment
to safety and the environment.”                                      “Our community is important to us and over the last
                                                                     five years Esso has contributed about £980,000 to local
                                                                     schools, community groups and charities, something
                                                                     which we are extremely proud of.”
                                                                     The plans include landscaping and car parking to the front
                                                                     of the site adjacent to the road. A community garden and
                                                                     picnic space will also be created. The site will be bordered
                                                                     by a low wall allowing a pleasant view through to the fields
                                                                     behind. The planning application also includes provision
                                                                     for new changing rooms, which could be constructed at
                                                                     the edge of the sports field.
                                                                     *All conditions attached to the planning permission will be
                                                                     met in conjunction with the NFDC planning department.
Community Matters - Fawley Online
Olivia Burt sailing
    for Great Britain.

                                                                                     One of the residents test drives the new lawnmower
                                                                                     purchased with the help of a £500 contribution from

Charities grateful for
                                                                                     ExxonMobil Fawley.

continued support                                                                    New lawnmower
                                                                                     really cuts the
The impact of COVID-19 has seen
many UK charities face a drastic
                                           other young people from the New
                                           Forest to fulfil their potential.         mustard!
decline in financial contributions
                                           Nigel said: “In common with many
from organised fundraising events
                                           charities, the COVID-19 lockdown
and members of the public.
                                           and its aftermath has been difficult
For many years, Fawley has                 for Olivia Inspires. A series of major    Supported accommodation residents
supported a wide range of good             fundraising events were cancelled         are looking forward to some spring
causes through its various safety          at a time when disadvantaged
recognition awards. More than
                                                                                     gardening after a £500 grant from
                                           young people in the New Forest
ever, those efforts to recognise and       were falling even further behind          ExxonMobil Fawley enabled the
reward excellent safety interventions      their more fortunate peers. The           purchase of a new eco-friendly
and behaviours by its staff and            funds donated by ExxonMobil and
contractors have provided a vital
                                                                                     electric lawnmower.
                                           our friends at Fawley through the
lifeline to charities both locally and     safety award scheme have allowed          The residents live in a house in Totton run by
further afield.                            us to continue helping these young        Minstead Trust. The charity is dedicated to helping
During 2020, the site awarded almost       people by providing laptops, funding      people with learning disabilities to achieve greater
£22,000 to a variety of organisations      intensive maths tuition, sports           independence, lead fulfilled lives, and live as full citizens in
nominated by teams and individuals         coaching, and much more besides.          society. The trust provides training and support to enable
recognised for their outstanding           Very importantly, it has also helped to   its service users to develop new skills at a pace tailored to
input on safety. Dom Marnell, Fawley       keep our daughter Olivia’s memory         the individual, and offers day services, supported living,
TA Manager, said: “Our commitment          alive through the generosity of           and residential care across Hampshire and Wiltshire.
to making safety our number one            others.”
                                                                                     Wendy Gathercole, Head of Supported Living at Minstead
priority and recognising those who         Jill West, Community Fundraising          Trust, said: “The lawnmower will be used by some of our
go the extra mile to keep themselves,      Manager at Oakhaven Hospice,              supported living residents, providing them with enjoyment
their colleagues, and the community        Lymington, said: “As we all find our      and the extra confidence needed to help them to achieve
safe remains just as strong as ever.       way through the unprecedented             more independence and live more fulfilled lives in society.
Therefore, it is important to us that      times of the COVID-19 pandemic,           Thank you so much ExxonMobil Fawley for your support.”
we continue to support so many good        we are proud that Oakhaven has
causes, particularly at a time when we     continued to provide vital nursing,       Matthew Stroud, Head of Marketing at Minstead Trust,
know many have struggled. We hope          care, and support services to our local   added: “After an incredibly difficult year for people with
our efforts have made a difference.”                                                 learning disabilities, we are redoubling our efforts to
                                           community. Our fundraising efforts
                                                                                     support their mental and physical health and wellbeing.
One of last year’s recipients was          have been severely curtailed, and
                                                                                     Generous gifts like this lawnmower help us to offer more
New Forest charity Olivia Inspires         continue to be so, with many events
                                                                                     outdoor activities for the people we support, helping them
which was launched by Nigel and            cancelled or moving to becoming a
                                                                                     to experience the health benefits of time spent in the great
Paula Burt in tribute to their 20-year-    virtual equivalent. We thank everyone
                                                                                     outdoors tending to our gardens.”
old daughter who died in a tragic          at Fawley who has nominated us as
accident in 2018. As well as being         part of the safety award scheme.           Alison Jones, ExxonMobil Fawley Community Affairs
an academic high achiever, Olivia          These generous contributions have         Manager, said: “We are delighted to have been able to
was also a talented musician and           helped enable us to continue with         make this £500 grant. The Minstead Trust does some truly
sportswoman and represented Great          our work and strive to make every         remarkable work, and we hope that the residents will enjoy
Britain in sailing. The charity supports   moment matter for those in our care.”     using their new lawnmower for a long time to come.”
Community Matters - Fawley Online
Fighting a
silent killer                                                                         Celebrating 70 years
                                                                                      This year marks the 70th anniversary of the
Hundreds of elderly and vulnerable
                                                                                      opening of Fawley Refinery. On 14 September
people across Hampshire and the                                                       1951, 6,000 guests watched on as the then
Isle of Wight will be given carbon                                                    Prime Minister Clement Attlee unveiled a
monoxide (CO) detectors as part                                                       plaque to declare the new £37.5million plant up
of a campaign led by the Blue                                                         and running.
Lamp Trust and supported by
ExxonMobil Fawley.                                                                    There have been lots of changes since that
                                                                                      auspicious day, but Fawley’s commitment to playing
CO is known as the silent killer - you                                                its part at the heart of the local community remains
can’t see, smell, or taste it. Around                                                 just as strong as it did 70 years ago. Keep a look out
60 people in England and Wales                  Bobby Scheme Lead Fitter Mark         for future editions of Community Matters as we
die from CO poisoning each year,                Scovell talks to a client about the   take a journey through the archives and discover
often due to badly fitted or poorly             importance of fitting a carbon
                                                monoxide detector.
                                                                                      how and why the refinery was built, how operations
maintained appliances within the                                                      have evolved
home.                                                                                 over the
Alarms are the only way to detect          spending more time indoors, elderly        decades, and
carbon monoxide and yet an                 and vulnerable people who are living       what lies ahead
estimated two-thirds of homes              alone are at particular risk of carbon     in the years to
don’t have them. That’s why the            monoxide poisoning from devices            come.
Blue Lamp Trust, a non-profit              such as gas cookers, boilers, wood         Community
organisation dedicated to promoting        burners and gas heaters.                   Matters is
and enhancing community safety                                                        distributed
                                           “This donation will help us towards
throughout Hampshire and the Isle of                                                  every other
                                           our target to install 800 carbon
Wight, launched a campaign to raise                                                   month to
                                           monoxide detectors in people’s
£10,000 to purchase alarms to help                                                    about 23,000
                                           homes over the coming months and
keep elderly and vulnerable people                                                    households.
                                           potentially save the lives of some of
across the region safe.                                                               You can also
                                           the most vulnerable people in our
                                                                                      view the
David Watkins, Business                    society.”
                                                                                      newsletter on
Development Manager for the Blue
                                           Angharad Vaughan, ExxonMobil               the Fawley
Lamp Trust, said: “Leaks in the home
                                           Fawley’s Community Affairs                 Online
left undetected can cause people
                                           Adviser, said: “Safety is our number       website. Go
to become seriously ill and, in some
                                           one priority at Fawley and so this         to fawleyonline.           Prime Minister Clement Attlee opens
cases, lead to death. Simply by fitting
                                           appeal by the Blue Lamp Trust to                      Fawley Refinery in September 1951.
carbon monoxide monitors in the
                                           help protect people from carbon
home we can save lives. We appealed
                                           monoxide poisoning in their own
to our supporters and sponsors
                                           homes is something we are delighted
to help us buy a year’s supply of
                                           to support for a second year in a row.
alarms and, thanks to them, we have
exceeded our original target.”             “We know that elderly and vulnerable
                                           people are at greater risk of being
ExxonMobil Fawley has been a
                                           exposed to the effects of carbon
supporter of the trust for many years
                                           monoxide and so it is vital that they
and made a £5,000 contribution
                                           have the support of organisations
towards the alarm campaign. Theresa
                                           like the Blue Lamp Trust to help keep
Pratt, the Blue Lamp Trust’s General
                                           them safe.”
Manager, said: “The Blue Lamp Trust
is extremely grateful for ExxonMobil       •     To find out more about
Fawley’s continued support. During               the Blue Lamp Trust, go to
the COVID-19 lockdown, with people     

    You can see what is happening at Fawley and across our organisation - Our UK website
    Visit for information on COMAH and operational
                                                                                      Last chance to apply for 2021
        ExxonMobil_Fawley         @ExxonMobil_UK
        See our latest videos on ExxonMobil’s YouTube Channel
                                                                                      apprenticeship programme
    Read ExxonMobil Perspectives for our company’s views on the issues,
    policies, technologies and trends that are shaping the energy industry.
                                                                                      Fawley’s 2021 Apprenticeship Programme closes for
    Visit ExxonMobil’s Energy Factor, an online resource covering the cutting-        applications on 14 February. More details about the
    edge technology and innovations that are helping to meet tomorrow’s               programme and the application process can be found at
    energy needs.                                                           
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