Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac

Page created by Guy Cruz
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
Community Services
 & Activity Guide

               SPORTS, CAMPS,
                  FAMILY, FUN
                       AND SO MUCH MORE!
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
           A Message From Mayor Vandewal:
                                           The 2021 edition of the
                                                                            South Frontenac Recreation Committees
                                         Community Services &            South Frontenac has two Recreation Committees dedicated to serving the community. Made up of Volunteers,
                                         Activity Guide is unlike any    Township Councillors, and supported by Township Staff, the Recreation Committees are focused on performing key
                                         other; what remains the         functions that support local recreation and leisure needs.
                                         same is the evolution of        Recreation & Leisure Facilities Committee                     Community Programming & Events Committee
                                         this wonderful source of
                                                                         Donna Garland; Heidi Traulsen; JoAnne Timmins; John           Annie Campbell; Linda Bates; Mark Schjerning; Paul
                                         information for living well
                                                                         Kot; Karl Hammer; Roberta Smith; Toni Angus; John             Wash; Tracy Holland; Roger Romero; Megan Sedore;
                                         here in South Frontenac.
                                                                         Zuber; Ted Howard; Councillor Pat Barr; Councillor Norm       Shary Denes; Melissa Elliott; Councillor Doug Morey;
                                         While much of what is in this
                                                                         Roberts.                                                      Councillor Ross Sutherland.
          guide will depend on the public health recommendations
          surrounding COVID-19 at the time, we encourage you             Purpose: This committee is focused on indoor/outdoor          Purpose: This committee will be engaging with the
          to read through the programs, clubs, services, and             facility/amenity maintenance needs and capital                wider community through multiple mediums to ensure
          businesses that are available in our community and that        projects. It also provides support for community              that we are meeting programming and event needs.
          make South Frontenac a dynamic place to call home.             programs and events.                                          This committee will:
            Council continues to works towards the vision of the         This committee will:                                          • Support current community programs/events and
          2019-2022 Strategic Plan; Natural, vibrant and growing         • Act as a conduit for community, sporting groups               develop new initiatives
          - a progressive rural leader. For recreation and leisure,        clubs and organizations                                     • Support facility usage/bookings
          there are many exciting projects on the horizon, such as       • Support facility usage/bookings                             • Acts as a resource for Township supported events
          the Recreation, Parks and Leisure Master Plan. This plan       • Provides input into annual facility operating and capital   • Provides guidance for community run events
          will guide recreation in the Township for years to come          budgets from an asset management perspective,               • Volunteer appreciation along with retention and
          and provide direction for Council, Township staff, and           prioritizing recreation based on needs and usage              recruitment
          the Recreation Committees. Large capital projects are          • Meets to review and support capital projects                • Supports the Community Grant Program
          also scheduled for this year, including renovations at the     • Provides residents support and guidance through             • Provides input into annual recreation operating and
          Frontenac Community Arena, and the development of a              the process required to successfully present ideas            capital budgets
          new multi-use facility at Centennial Park in Harrowsmith.        and needs to the township and Council.                      • Assists with gathering content for Community
            The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to shift         • Provides recommendations to Council                           Services & Activity Guide
          our focus and perspectives. The importance of family,                                                                        • Supports and guide residents through the process
          friends, and a healthy community is more relevant than                                                                         of successfully presenting ideas and needs to the
          ever, we hope this guide is helpful in your pursuit of                                                                         township and Council
          wellness here in South Frontenac.                                                                                            • Provides recommendations to Council
            Mayor Ron Vandewal, Township of South Frontenac
            613-376-3027 ext. 2236

              Recreation Supervisor’s Message                               We want to hear from you!
            The past year has created unique challenges for                 For the creation of the multi-year
          community recreation and leisure. Many of our                     Recreation, Parks & Leisure Master Plan
          traditional activities have been impacted by the
          COVID-19 pandemic. The Township and our community
                                                                            The Master Plan will support Staff and the Recreation Committees in
          partners have had to adapt and offer programs and
          events in a different way, I am pleased too see our               providing recommendations to Council so they can make informed
          community step up to the challenge. From the drive                decisions that are:
          through Santa Parade hosted by the Harrowsmith S&A
                                                                            • Tailored to the needs of South                             • Aligned with best practice of
          Club to the new house decorating contests, we have
          found new ways to stay connected.                                   Frontenac                                                    the industry
            We are also looking ahead with the development of our           • Evidence based                                             • Community driven
          Recreation, Parks and Leisure Master Plan, I encourage            Throughout spring and early summer, we will be asking for input from
          every resident to get involved and help shape the Plan.

                                                                            the community to help shape the Master Plan, opportunities include:
          for more information.                                             •   Online Surveys for Clubs & Organizations
            What will come for the rest of 2021 is still unclear, but       •   Two Virtual Open Houses
          what is certain is that our community will continue to
                                                                            •   Online Survey for Residents
          work together to offer safe and accessible recreation
          opportunities for all.                                            •   Random Household Telephone Survey
          Tim Laprade, Arena/Recreation Supervisor
          613-376-3027 ext. 2231                                            Learn more & get involved at:

          2                                                                          Township of South Frontenac - Bringing our Community Together!
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
Table of Contents
                                                                                                                                                   Youth                   4-6
                                                                                                               Camps; Clubs & Programs; Sports
                                                                                                                                  Arts & Culture                           7-8
                3394 Moreland Dixon Road, Inverary ON
                                                                                                                         Arts, Music & Venues;
            Fiberglass Pools, Hot Tubs,                                                                                    Food & Agriculture;
  Water Testing & Water Care Products                                                                             Museums & Historical Societies
    Pool & Hot Tub Service & Equipment
                                                                                                                     Community Services                                 8-12
                                                                                                             Chidren’s Services, Family Services,
                                                                                                                        Family & Senior Services
                                                                                                          Community/Service Clubs 12-15
                                                                                                                         Community/Service Clubs;
                                                                 T: 613-372-2744
                                                                                                                               Lake Associations
                                                                     5474 Hwy 38
                                                                  Hartington, ON
                                                                                                                              Sports & Fitness 15-22                                        K0H1W0                                                     Sports & Fitness;
                                                                                                                         Trails & Outdoor Education
                                                                                                                 Township Information 23-34
                                                                                                              Beaches & Parks; Boat Launches;
                                                                                                            Education, Electricity; Emergencies;
                                                                                                                Council; Churches; Hall Rental;
                                          Full HVAC Services
                                        Sales, Installation & Maintenance                                    Healthcare/Hospitals; Restaurants
                                       Forced Air Oil / In-Floor Hydronic Heat Systems/
                                   Oil Stoves • Forced Air Propane /  Fireplaces and Inserts
                                                                                                                                  Public Services
                                   Duct Design / Heat Loss/Gain • Central Air / Ductless Air
                                               Conditioning • WETT Inspections
                                        24 Hour No Heat Service
     613-372-1346 •

                                                                                               The South Frontenac Community Services and Activity Guide is a publication of the
                                                                                               Frontenac News for the Township of South Frontenac. Look for updated information
                                                                                               about groups and events mentioned on
                                                                                                                                                                                     Table of Contents

                                                                                               For inclusion or to find out about advertising opportunities in next year’s
                                                                                               guide, please contact us. 1095 Garrett St., rear building; Box 229, Sharbot Lake,
   Local Family Owned Pest Control Provider                                                    ON K0H 2P0 Ph: 613-279-3150; 1-888-779-3150; Fx: 613-279-3172
    Cottage, Residential, Business - Over 33 Years Experience                                  E-mail:; website,

      Insects • Mice • Raccoons • Squirrels • Skunks                                           Photo credits, front cover, main photo: South Frontenac Township; Inset photos from
                 • Bed Bugs • Bats & More                                                      top: South Frontenac Stocksport Club; Beekeeper Alexandra Pedersen, Catherine
        24 Hours 7 Days a Week, Same Day Service                                               Reynolds; 2020 South Frontenac Holiday Light Contest, Paul Wash
      Written Guarantee, Fully Insured, Senior Discounts


2021 Community Services & Activity Guide -                                                                                                             3
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
                The listings below have been prepared in the fall of
                2020 and over the winter of 2021, while COVID-19 has
                presented a challenge for the groups and organisations
                in this guide. Even as the snow melts and spring
                2021 arrives, it is hard to know what the rest of the
                year will look like. Scheduling and protocols remain a
                challenge for everyone. Please contact the groups and
                organisations directly to confirm the programs listed
                below as some of them will change over the rest of 2021.
                Check the Frontenac News each week, Frontenacnews.
                ca, or for specific
                event listings. The Frontenac News would like to thank
                the business owners and community volunteers listed
                in the 2021 South Frontenac Recreation and Activity
                Guide for their cooperation.                             Field, spring sunset in Battersea
                                                                         through canoe, kayak and hiking trips. Our programs       in accordance with the LTAD (long term athletic
                           Youth - Camps                                 build on one another by continually providing increased   development) model of Canoe Kayak Canada to train
                                                                         skill training and leadership opportunities as well       athletes from as young as seven to develop the skills
                Eco-Adventure Day Camp - Elbow Lake Environmental as unique wilderness experiences. www.gouldlake.                 and commitment that can lead to potentially becoming
                Education Centre, near Perth Road Village, offers unique ca. Please refer to our website or call our office at     a high performance national athlete. Our certified
                summer programs with an opportunity to enjoy a 613.376.1433 for further registration details, course               coaches teach basic to advanced sprint paddling skills
                beautiful location, surrounded by protected forests dates and costs.                                               emphasizing fun, fitness, endurance, and water safety.
                and secluded lakes. For info, visit ecoadventurecamp.                                                              At the Sydenham Lake Canoe Club, we recognize the
                ca or contact (613)533-6000 x77058 or director@ Sydenham Lake Canoe                                                current provincial and municipal COVID-19 pandemic
                                           Club – SLCC is a volunteer-run
                                                                                                                                   restrictions. In light of this, we have adapted our
                                                                         club that introduces youth and
                Gould Lake Outdoor Centre - Gould Lake (Limestone adults to the lifelong sport of sprint canoe and kayak           programs and enhanced our cleaning protocols to ensure
                District School Board) summer programs provide an on Sydenham Lake. Our programs has been designed                 the safety of all our participants and staff, Our summer
                opportunity for students to gain high school credits                                                               camps and training programs will continue with smaller

                                                                               To our Swimmers & Campers...

                          Frontenac                                           WE MISS
                        Girls Hockey Association
                      Be Part of a Team
                      Make Lifelong Friends
                                                                              We hope you’ve all been safe
                    • Build Self Confidence                                 and having fun this year! We miss
                    • Great Exercise                                        you all so much and can’t wait to
                    • Motor Skills                                             see you as soon as we can!
                      Development                                              - Camp Councillor Riley R.
Youth - Camps

                                                                            The Township of South Frontenac has made the difficult decision to cancel Swim and Day Camp
                    • Social Skills                                         programs for the 2021 season due to the ongoing concerns surrounding COVID-19. This is the
                      Development                                           second season of traditional Township summer programs to be cancelled because of the pandemic.
                    • Sportsmanship                                         Normally our program is a place where children and youth belong, grow, thrive and
                                                                            lead. Children ages 4-12 are welcome to join our enthusiastic, energetic, caring staff
                       If you are 7 and older and want to play
                                                                            members in a safe environment that encourages children to realize their potential and
                           girls hockey-Join our Fury Family.
                                                                            follow their dreams. We cannot wait to welcome Campers, Swimmers and Staff back
                    If interested please check out our website
                                                                            when it is safe to do so.
                                    For more information, please visit

                4                                                                   Township of South Frontenac - Bringing our Community Together!
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
group sizes and reduced enrollment. As a result of the       of Guiding. You’ll be their cheerleader and mentor as      For local information, contact: Tim Weston (South
ever changing situation, we acknowledge that we may          you help your girls develop skills and confidence that     Frontenac Group Commissioner) at
be in the position where we will be required to cancel or    will last a lifetime. Imagine the fun, the smiles and
                                                                                                                        Sydenham Academy of Martial Arts - The Academy
postpone the programs Updates will be posted on our          giggles, and all the confidence-building moments
                                                                                                                        of Martial Arts offers several different types of programs
website                       for the girls – and for yourself. For information - call
                                                                                                                        to the community such as, seniors Karate, kids Karate,
                                                             1-800-565-8111, email or visit
                                                                                                                        kids Grappling, adult & teen Karate, and if you are a
         Clubs & Programs                          
                                                                                                                        fan of Star Wars We even offer a class in combat light
                                                             Royal Canadian Army Cadets - The Royal Canadian            saber dueling. The only requirement is a disciplined
The Kids Club after school program takes place on
                                                             Army Cadet Corps is looking for 12 to 18-year-old          commitment to work hard, train patiently and attend
Thursdays from 3:30-5:30 pm at Prince Charles Public
                                                             youth from South Frontenac who are interested in life      class on a regular basis. People are always welcome to
School in Verona. Youth in grade 2-5 are welcome to
                                                             skills and leadership training through fun activities      stop in and try any of our classes! 4421 George Street,
come and participate in group games, activities, crafts,
                                                             and instruction. All cost associated with uniforms,        Sydenham. Contact Marty Tucker or Kevin Werner, 343-
sports or just to hang out. Be prepared for indoor and
                                                             trips and activities are covered by the cadet corps so     364-3484, email
outdoor activities. There is a yearly program supply fee
                                                             it is entirely free to participants. Families are invited
of $20. Program offered by Rural Frontenac Community                                                                   Sydenham Lake Canoe Club – SLCC is a volunteer-
                                                             to attend sessions to learn more about the program.
Services. For more information call (613) 279-3151 ext.                                                                run club that introduces youth, adult and seniors to the
                                                             Information email or
305 or email                                                                                             lifelong sport of sprint canoe and kayak on Sydenham
                                                                                                                       Lake. Our programs has been designed in accordance
Frontenac 4-H Association - 4-H
is a program for youth aged 9 to                             Scouts Canada (South Frontenac                            with the LTAD (long term athletic development) model
21 years (before January 1st of the                          Group) - Offering Boys and Girls:                         of Canoe Kayak Canada to train athletes from as young
                                                             Beavers (ages 5-7), Cubs (ages 8-10),                     as six to develop the skills and commitment that can
current year). There is also a Cloverbuds
                                                             Scouts (ages 11-14), and Ventures                         lead to potentially becoming a high performance
program offered for children 6 to 9 years of age (again,
                                                             (ages 15-18). Follow “The Canadian Path” with exciting Olympic athlete. Our certified coaches teach basic to
before January 1st). The current registration fee is
                                                             new programming focusing on adventure, outdoor advanced sprint paddling skills emphasizing fun, fitness,
$95 per member, regardless of how many clubs a
                                                             experience and friendship. Youth develop confidence, endurance, and water safety. The Spring and Summer
member participates in during the calendar year. 4-H
                                                             self achievement and civic responsibilities while having Youth Sprint Competitive and Adult/Senior Masters
offers additional opportunities such as camps and
scholarships. Contact Ann Babcock at bababcock@              fun and learning to work together. Register online Canoe Kayak/C15 programs are offered for those who or 613-372-2974 for details.                      for the 2019-2020 Scouting Year at are interested in recreational, or sprint or marathon

Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du
Canada, Ontario Council -- EVERYTHING
SHE WANTS TO BE Looking for a place
where girls are empowered to take the
                                                                                 Frontenac Soccer Association
lead, jump into awesome activities, and explore what                                         Registration Opens March 25, 2021.
matters to them? That’s Girl Guides of Canada. A place
where girls: lead the way; seek new challenges; find                             Please note that while we are accepting registrations for the 2021
their voice; discover how they can make a difference in                          season there is still the chance that the season will be delayed and
their world; make friends – and have a ton of fun. All
in a safe, supportive, inclusive space. For adults 18 +,                         or interrupted due to COVID-19 and KFL&A Public Health orders.
when you volunteer with kids at Girl Guides of Canada–                           For more up to date information visit
Guides du Canada (GGC), you’re playing a key role in                             or
providing girls aged 5-17 with the fun and the challenge

                                                                                                                   WHEN: MID SEPTEMBER UNTIL MID MARCH
                Storrington                                                                                               (Registration is open in June. Sign up for an email
                Minor Soccer                                   Friends. Teamwork
                                                                                   . Laughter.
                                                                                                                          notification on our website)
                                                                                                                   WHO: GIRLS & BOYS WELCOME | ALL SKILL LEVELS!
                                                                                                                                                                                            Youth - Sports

  We are getting ready for the 2021 soccer season. At the                                                                 (Learn to Skate to fun House League & competitive Rep!)
  direction of Ontario Soccer, we are postponing sign ups
                                                                                                                   COSTS: Visit our website for each divisions price
  until things get back to normal.
                                                                                                                          (2 - 3 hrs/wk for regular weekly practices & games & over
  New information will be posted here and to Facebook as                                                                  6 months of fun & fitness for less than $85/mth most divisions)
  it becomes available and as timelines are communicated                                                           SKILL DEVELOPMENT: PRE SEASON CONDITIONING CLINICS +
  to us. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you after                                     e. Leadership.
                                                                              Health. Confidenc                           Goalie Clinics, Power Skating & 3 on 3 Fun Days
  the Covid-19 situation is resolved.
                         Registration & info at
      Facebook: Storrington Minor Soccer Association          Learn to Skate • Tyke • Novice • Atom • Peewee • Bantom • Midget • Rep

2021 Community Services & Activity Guide -                                                                                                                      5
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
                                                                               training for competitions held throughout Ontario. The   Soccer,      Frontenac      Soccer
                                                                               Canoe Kayak Kids Day Camp Program is a recreational      Association (FSA) - Serving
                                                                               program that introduces children to outdoor adventure    Harrowsmith, Verona, Sydenham,
                                                                               and the joy of paddling and racing stream-lined          Yarker, and other South Frontenac
                                                                               sprint canoes and kayaks and C15(war canoes) boats.      communities. See ad page 6.
                                                                                                                         Soccer, Storrington Minor Soccer
                                                                                                                         - Offers a summer soccer program at
                                                                                            Youth: Sports                Gerald Ball Memorial Park in Sunbury.
                                                                                                                         Information – call 613-387-3730 or
                                                                Hockey, Frontenac Minor Hockey Association –
                                                                                                                         613-353-9928. See ad page 7.
                                                                The Frontenac Flyers - Runs from Mid-September to
                                                                mid March, out of the Frontenac Community Arena. Softball, Frontenac County – All information,
                                                                Visit See ad page 4.                  including registration for 2021, about Softball in
                                                                                                                         Frontenac County can be found at Please
                                                                Hockey, Frontenac Fury/Frontenac Girls Hockey
                                                                                                                         refer to the website and social medial for more details and
                                                                Association - provides girls aged 6 to 18 in the County
                                                                                                                         the season approaches. We thank you for your patience as
                                                                of Frontenac with the opportunity to play recreational
                                                                                                                         we navigate the 2021 season. See ad page 6.
                                                                house-league hockey with other girls from within their
                                                                community, and nearby communities. Information - Battersea
                                                                visit See ad page 4.                   Contact: Brittany Smith
                                                                Football, Thousand Islands Minor
                                                                                                                         Phone: 613-329-0308
                                                                Fooftball - TIMFL is a non-profit football
                                                                entity, and is an affiliated member of the
                                                                                                                         Facebook: @batterseasoftball
                                                                Ontario Football Alliance and Football
                                                                Canada. TIMFL has been providing youth with an Central Frontenac
                                                                opportunity to play football, to be part of a team, and Contact: Kurtis Jackson
                 Back Yard Sunset by Kendra Snarr,
                                                                build on his/her skill set. Info: timfl.questions@gmail. Email:
                 Frontenac 4-H Association, Photography
                                                                com                                                      Website:
                     Frontenac County Minor Softball Association- 2021 Season                                            Contact: Laura Huffman/Krista Bradley
                               All associations will have the same in person registration dates as follows:              Website:
                                             Wednesday March 24th from 6pm-9pm                                                           Inverary
                                             Saturday March 27th from 9am-12pm                                                          Contact: Shawn Pearce
                                           Battersea                                              Perth Road                            Phone: 613-453-2437
                             Ken Garrett Park, 4010 Perth RD, Inverary                Ken Garrett Park, 4010 Perth RD, Inverary         Website:
                           Brittany Smith,             Brittany/Shawn,
                                          613-329-0308                                     613-329-0308 or 613-453-2437                  Perth Road
                                       Harrowsmith                                               Sydenham                               Contact: Brittany/Shawn
                                  S&A Hall, 4041 Colebrook RD                         Sydenham library, 4412 Wheatley Street.           Email:
                     Laura Huffman/Krista Bradley,              Hughie & Tammy Vankoughnett                   Phone: 613-329-0308 or 613-453-2437
                                           Inverary                                            Website:
                             Ken Garrett Park, 4010 Perth RD, Inverary                               Verona                             Facebook: @perthroadsoftball
                           Shawn Pearce,                  Verona Lions Hall, 4504 Verona Sand RD            Sydenham
                                                                                Tabita Morton,
                                Registration Fees                                                                                       Contact: Hughie & Tammy Vankoughnett
Youth - Sports

                       DIVISION      (Year of Birth)                   Fee                                                              Email:
                                                                                We welcome all and ask that you please                  Website:
                       T-Ball        2015-2016                         $55
                                                                                   screen yourself prior to coming.
                       5 Pitch       2013-2014                         $55
                       Mite          2011-2012                         $65       Please take a look at our website for
                       Squirt        2009-2010                         $70       updated information,                      Contact: Tabita Morton
                       Peewee        2007-2008                         $75                                                              Email:
                                                                                    If you cannot make it to in person
                       Bantam        2003-2006                         $95                                                              Phone: 613-9295-569
                                                                               registrations please find your local contact
                      We will not be taking registration fee’s at this time.       and get a hold of them, or email to                  Website:
                              Registration Deadline: Apr 3, 2021      and we will forward                  Facebook: @veronahartingtonsoftball
                                                                                            to correct contact.

                 6                                                                        Township of South Frontenac - Bringing our Community Together!
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
Arts & Culture
          Arts & Culture
      Arts, Music & Venues
Bellrock Hall Community
Association - The Bellrock Hall
located at 6034 Leveque Road,
Verona is a 150-year newly renovated schoolhouse
that boasts a kitchen, handicapped accessibility, a
stage, dressing-room and stage lighting. A park behind
the hall has playground equipment and lots of room
for impromptu games. We host a number of events
throughout the year. Regular ongoing scheduled
activities include yoga, the VON exercise program,
                                                              Pussy Willow by Amy Dafoe, Frontenac 4-H Association, Photography Club.
cycling/hiking, snow shoeing, euchres, potlucks, and
more. The hall is available for rent (see hall rental). For   Come with a curious heart, leave with many songs             tenting, for those who prefer to sleep under the stars.
information email, or check            inside you, and greater calmness. Our group is open to       Their mission is to nurture and inspire people to live
out our Facebook page: Bellrockhall. 613-329-5749.            all women, including folks who have doubts about their       more simply and sustainably and to form a deeper
                                                              voices, usually only sing in the shower, and/or had a        connection with the natural world. Information –
The Frontenac Women’s Chorus - welcomes new
                                                              mean grade three teacher who told them they couldn’t         613-273-8745, or visit
members at the start of their spring and fall terms
                                                              sing! Want to experience more freedom, ease and fun
(January and September), meeting at Trinity United
                                                              with your voice? Then Soulful Singing could be for you.
Church in Verona every Monday night. An ability to read
music is strongly advised, and please contact Patty Smith
                                                              Come on out to join the circle of friendship and song.
                                                              $10 per night, first time is free. For information: Donna:
                                                                                                                                     Food & Agriculture
at for an informal audition if                                                                      Frontenac Farmers Market - The Frontenac Farmers
                                                              (613) 353-2889 or Wendy
you are interested in joining our friendly group.                                                                          Market presents superb quality, locally produced,
                                                              Luella (613) 549-3102
Guitar & Ukulele Lessons - 35 years of experience.                                                                         locally grown or locally hand-made products from
                                                              Wintergreen Studios – 90 Wintergreen Lane                    our bakers, canners, gardeners, cooks, artists and,
All ages and levels. Various Styles. Electric or acoustic.
                                                              (formerly 9780 Canoe Lake                                    most importantly, farmers. Delicious food, seasonal
Lessons geared towards students personal goals                                               WINTERGREEN
                                                              Road) - Wintergreen Studios               STUDIOS
                                                                                                                           fresh fruits and veggies, & unique artisans. Saturdays,
and interests. Lesson location is at my home studio
                                                              is a year-round, off-grid wilderness retreat centre that     9am to 2pm from May to Oct 2019, Centennial Park in
in Fermoy. Get the details and start pickin’. Contact
                                                              focuses on education, culture, and the environment.          Harrowsmith.Informationvisitfrontenacfarmersmarket.
John Russell at
                                                              They offer seasonally relevant programming in the            ca. Follow us on Facebook
                                                              arts and environmentalism (see events guide) as well         FrontenacFarmersMarket/.
Piano Lessons – All ages welcome, it is never to late         as retreat and meeting facilities for individuals and
to begin. Piano Lessons available at my home studio or        groups (also see hall rentals). Guests have access to        Frontenac Federation of Agriculture - The
at Loughborough Public School. Information Carolyn            a network of over a dozen trails for self-guided hikes       Frontenac Federation of Agriculture represents farmers
Schaub 613-376-6207 of visit            through the diverse 204-acre land in the heart of            in Frontenac County, City of Kingston, Wolfe and Howe
                                                              the Frontenac Arch Biosphere Reserve. Their simple           Islands. Information - call Allison Shannon 613-541-7953,
Trinity Quilters - A group of quilters who welcome
                                                              and comfortable accommodations include private               or email Dudley Shannon at or
new members to work on individual and group projects.
                                                              rooms and shared rooms in their spacious strawbale           follow us on Facebook.
The group shares ideas, techniques, snacks and laughs.
Participants work at their own pace and skill level.          lodge, private cordwood-built woodland cabins, and                                           Continued page 9
Information - Angie Billings 613-374-3711.
Quilting group - formerly Victoria’s Quilts-Harrowsmith                                        Reid’s
                                                                                                                                                                                       Arts - Food & Agriculture
Branch, makes quilts for people with cancer and other                                                                                              Visit Our
illnesses. The group would welcome new members to
help with the cutting, ironing and sewing of quilts. Please                                                                                        Baker y
contact Judy Skeggs- 613-374-3420 if you are interested                                                                                            Fresh Baked Daily
in joining us, need a quilt or wish to recommend the                   Your One Stop Shop
name of a potential recipient of a quilt.                                      •   Fresh Produce                                                           Authorized Agent For:
                                                                                                                           Master Card

Soulful Singing in Battersea - It is an active                                 •   Butcher Shop
meditative practice that promotes mindfulness, joy,
creativity and community. We share songs and chants
                                                                               •   Bakery & Deli    Open                            Daily
                                                                               •   Full Grocery Assortment
through the oral tradition in inclusive, heart-opening
gatherings that focus on presence, not performance.             Hwy 38 Verona (613) 374-2112

2021 Community Services & Activity Guide -                                                                                                                  7
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
Arts & Culture
                     The South Frontenac Museum: Bringing Our History, Art & Culture To Life
                 At the South Frontenac Museum, our job is to fascinate
                 and educate residents and visitors by bringing our
                 history, creativity and culture to life. Please enjoy this
                 article featuring artifacts found at the Museum. For
                 more information or to book a tour at the Museum
                 please call 613-376-3027 ext. 2600 or visit us at www.

                  Tin Tea Set: Shall I Put the Kettle On?
                                Written by: Sam Nicholls

                                                                             South Frontenac Museum Society Members & their new computers purchased with a
                                                                             Community Foundations for Kingston & Area grant, South Frontenac Museum.
                                                                             that produced colourful tea sets and drums after World Britain and the newly established North American
                                                                             War 1. It was not uncommon to see other traditional colonies. Wealthier families gifted daughters delicate
                                                                             sets made of porcelain or ceramic and today, children’s and decorated tea sets on birthdays and holidays,
                                                                             tea sets are predominantly made from plastic.            encouraging these young girls to hold tea parties for
                                                                               The introduction of the tea set as a popular toy for dollies, teddy bears and friends.
                                                                             young girls emerged as early as the 16th century Afternoon tea (also known as High Tea) is now a
                                                                             (1500s), although the material they were made from long-standing tradition in Britain. Its establishment
                  A common toy in modern and historic households is varied. Previously seen in European countries such as is credited to Anna, the Seventh Duchess of Bedford
                 the tea set. This particular tea set is made of tin and was France and Germany, the tea sets’rise in popularity came (England), in the year 1840. As Britain began to
                 manufactured and marketed by the Ohio Art Company in the 19th century (1800s) in places such as Europe, establish colonies in Canada, this tradition continued
                                                                                                                                      within colonial settlements because of its recall and
                                                                                                                                      relationship to England, the original home of colonizers.
                                                                                                                                      Gifting a tea set not only instilled a sense of pride and
                                                                                                                                      connection to England; it also prepared young girls for
                                                                                                                                      their upcoming roll as a woman in Canadian society.
                                                                                                                                        Hosting a pretend tea for their dolls and friends
                                                                                                                                      allowed daughters to prepare themselves for domestic
                                                                                                                                      life. As part of their role as the housewife, adult women
                                                                                                                                      would host tea’s for other local women. In wealthier
                                                                                                                                      and urban communities, afternoon tea was an event in
                                                                                                                                      which ladies of the town would be invited to and was
                                                                                                                                      an opportunity to dress up and exhibit delicate and
                                                                                                                                      refined manners. In more rural communities, afternoon
                                                                                                                                      tea was a little less formal, but nonetheless a significant
                                                                                                                                      event that would allow women to take a break from
                                                                                                                                      their domestic chores and engage with other women
                                                                                                                                      in their communities.
                                                                        Catch a glimpse into how people lived                           Gifting a young girl a tea set was a marker of the
                                                                                   50, 75, 100, or 150 years ago.                     role  she would take on in society. It would allow her
Arts & Culture

                                                                                                                                      to engage in imaginative play, while teaching her the
                                                                                                                                      responsibilities of motherhood and the entertaining
                                                                                                                                      of guests. The images featured on the tin tea set of the
                                                                            Hartingtion Schoolhouse                                   South Frontenac Museum also emphasize some of the
                                                                                     5595 Highway 38                                  roles a girl child would be expected to take on – caring
                                                                                                                                      for children through the play with a doll and sharing
                                                                                                     toys with other boys and girls, therefore emphasizing
                                                                                613-376-3027 Ext. 2600                                the care she has for her community.

                 8                                                                      Township of South Frontenac - Bringing our Community Together!
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
Community Services
Continued from page 7
The Lanark and District Maple Syrup Producers
Association (LDMSPA) is a group of over 90 maple
syrup producers located in the Lanark, Frontenac, and
Leeds and Grenville Counties and Ottawa-Carleton.
We provide members with a forum to promote the
production of quality maple syrup products. LDMSP
members producers in South Frontenac include
Ormsbee’s - 1768 Ormsbee Road - Battersea (available
at Ormsbee’s Mercantile) Gorr’s Maple Syrup, 3596
Quinn Road, Harrowsmith 613-372-0348 and Crooked
Lane Farm - 1023 O’Reilly Rd, Hartington, 613-372-
2970. Information –
National Farmers Union (NFU) Local 316 - For more
than 15 years, NFU Local 316 members and friends have
been involved in activities and projects to help build the
local food and farm system in KFL&A. The NFU advocates
for local, provincial, national and international policies
that benefit farmers on small and medium-sized farms
and works for people’s interests against corporate
control of our food system. We are always looking for
new members, either farm family members or associate
memberships for individuals and families who support
our goals. For updates on NFU activity, check out, and Information – call Josh Suppan, President, 613-
539-5569                           Round bales in a Sydenham hay field
                                                           peoples and later settlers through the logging and           services throughout South Frontenac. For information
           Museums &                                       mining boom years to the home life, family histories,        regarding services listed below call 1-855-279-2052 or
                                                           architecture and schools of our farming communities.         613-279-3151 or visit EarlyOn Child and Family
        Heritage Societies                                   We invite families to come for a fascinating interactive   Centres are a free, friendly, drop in playgroups open to
                                                           experience. We offer programming all summer and can          all parents, grandparents and caregivers of children
Bedford and District Historical Society/Research Centre
                                                           accommodate groups and school classes, with prior            from birth to six years of age. The Centres enhance
- The Bedford and District Historical Society/ Research
                                                           notice.                                                      children’s learning and development, provide support
Centre is located at the Glendower Hall at 1381 Westport
                                                             The Museum Society is made up of local residents.          to parents and caregivers, and connect families to
Road. The centre contains hidden treasures waiting to
                                                           We need people of all sorts of skills and interests:         community services.
be uncovered by local residents. The committee has
                                                           storytelling, preservation and archiving, greeting             The programs are play based learning experiences
been actively preserving history for 16 years, when the
                                                           visitors, helping research and plan special interest         that are fun and engaging – such as painting, drawing,
centre’s former chair and founder, June Quinn (who has
                                                           displays and programs related to local architecture,         building, creating, reading, storytelling, singing, and
since passed away), began collecting, preserving and
                                                           mining, genealogy,and details of daily living, etc. We       more. They offer opportunities to meet and make
cataloguing local artifacts. Our annual open house is on
                                                           welcome new members and volunteers who want to be            connections with families with young children in your
Feb 22, from 10am -3pm, otherwise the Centre is open
                                                           a part of our future to come and join our team.              community.
by appointment. Information - Gerald Stinson 613-
                                                             You can connect with us on the web at                        Rural Frontenac Community Services offers programs
273- 5588 or email
                                                  on Facebook: @                six days a week including Thursday night and Saturdays
  South Frontenac Museum – Have you ever southfrontenacmuseum or by phone at 613-376-3027                               at our EarlyON site in Sydenham on Mill St. You
                                                                                                                                                                                   Children’s Services
wondered about that classic stone schoolhouse on extension 2600.                                                        will also find programs during the week in Verona,
Road 38 at the Hartington crossroad just north of                                                                       Harrowsmith and Storrington. For our full schedule
Harrowsmith? Are you curious about why people settled
in this area, and how they lived before electricity, cars
                                                               Community Services                                       at visit
                                                                                                                        services/childcare/EarlyON, on our agency website
or running water? Did you ever find yourself looking                                                           or like us on Facebook, Rural Frontenac
for something to do with the kids on a rainy afternoon              Children’s Services                                 Community Services.
at the cottage?                                            Rural Frontenac Community
  The Museum is owned by the Township of South Services (RFCS) is a community agency
Frontenac and managed by the South Frontenac that operates the Ontario Early Years
Museum Society. We have artifacts, photographs, Centre, providing youth and children’s
documents and stories of our earliest indigenous

2021 Community Services & Activity Guide -                                                                                                           9
Community Services & Activity Guide - SPORTS, CAMPS, FAMILY, FUN AND SO MUCH MORE! - South Frontenac
Community Services
                                                                                                          Family Services
                                                                                               Clothing Depot, Community Caring - Princess Anne
                                                                                               Building, 5597 Road 38, Hartington. Charitable clothing,
                                                                                               $5 per large bag - Mon. 9am-noon, Tues. 9am-4pm, and
                                                                                               Fri. 9am-noon. Information – call Cheryl Kellar at 613-
                                                                                               374-3217 or Cheryl Preston at 613-539-5890, or Kathy
                                                                                               Ward 613-572-6958.
                                                                                               Clothing Depot, Style Revival - Free clothing, Verona
                                                                                               Free Methodist Church, Wed and Thurs 10 am -1pm.
                                                                                               Information – call Keilo at 613-374-5289.
                                                                                               Loughborough Christmas & Emergency Relief
                                                                                               Committee - (LC&ERC) was founded in 1988 on
                                                                                               the tradition of neighbours helping neighbours.
                                                                                               Funded entirely by donations from our community,
                                                                                               we provide approximately 75 local families a year
                                                                                               with holiday food baskets and about another 25 with
                                                                                               emergency financial assistance to help them cope
                                                                                               with unexpected crises such as fire, sudden death of
                                                                                               the breadwinner, or utility disconnection. In addition
                                                                                               to our yearly mailing, fundraisers are held by caring
                                                                                               individuals in our community so please support them
                                                                                               if you can. They include VisionSoup held in November,
                                                                                               Rock N Roll Christmas dance in December and an
                                                                                               evening of Christmas song and fellowship hosted by
                                                                                               the Sydenham Holiness Church in December, along
                                                                                               with other supportive community events. Donations
                  Elizabeth Creighton, Frontenac 4-H Association, Photography Club.            can be made to LC&ERC either by mail, or through the
                                                                                               Canada Helps button found on the website: For
                                    RehabWell Physiotherapy                                    Information call – 613-572-6004 (leave a message), or
                                                                                               email -
                                    Physiotherapy | Custom Orthotics | Braces                  New Leaf Link (NeLL) is
                                                                                               a grassroots organization
                       We Treat Sciatica, Sports Injuries, Low Back Pain,                      that champions the
                         Arthritis Pain, Rotator Cuff Injuries & More.                         interests and abilities of (dis)abled participants in
                                                                                               Arts, Healthy Living, and Community Participation.
                                 Call us to book               We also make                    NeLL is a friendship project. Our mission is to
                                                                                               recognize, extend, and support participants’ special
                           your appointment today!           Custom Orthotics.                 interests in an environment that fosters long-term
                                                                                               relationships. The oak leaf logo is an organic metaphor
                       1-2779 Rutledge Rd, Sydenham, ON 613.372.1986
                                                                                               symbolizing community connection. NeLL offers 3
                                                                                               program days per week 45 weeks a year from the fully
                                                                                               accessible Harrowsmith Free Methodist Church. Since
                                                                 Trousdale                     2009, we have been happy to have been filling a gap
                                                                                               in services for (dis)abled residents from South and
                                                              Funeral Home LTD.
Family Services

                                                                                               Central Frontenac. Activities emphasize arts (drama,
                                                                                               painting, puppets, music, and adapted technologies),
                                                            Proudly Serving                    healthy living (cooking, nutrition, health promotion,
                                                                                               dance, martial arts, and adapted exercise), and
                                                               All Faiths                      community participation (guest speakers, regular
                                                          4374 Mill Street, Sydenham           outings to local places of interest, and nurturing
                                                                                               friendships). Hours of operation are 9:30am to 2:30pm
                                                              613-376-3022                     Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, year round.
                                                                                               Cost to participants is $35 per day. NeLL broadens
                                                                                               its community by hosting regular Open House

                  10                                               Township of South Frontenac - Bringing our Community Together!
We help people because you help us
At Southern Frontenac Community Services, we are                                                                          If you are able, gifts can be made on online at
grateful for our generous donors, volunteers and                                                                 or cheques can be made
friends. With your support we are able to help seniors,                                                                   out to SFCSC and mailed to us. Thank you for
individuals and families in need. Every donation made                                                                     your support. Together we enable seniors to
stays in the community and helps to keep important                                                                        remain living at home longer and enhance the
health and social services close to home.                                                                                 quality of life in South Frontenac.

      “We donate in honour of the
      wonderful team at the Grace
      Centre. They have done a
                                                              nutritious hot & frozen meals delivered
                                                              to isolated seniors and those in need
                                                                                                                              of care through support
                                                                                                                              programs for
      wonderful job supporting my                                                                                             frail seniors.
      parents through challenging
      times. We so appreciate your
      hard work and the care you
      provide. Many thanks!”                                         1,350
                                                                       health and wellness
                                                                                                             “I’m happy to be in a position
                                                                                                             to give back. We think you
                                                                                                             all are doing such a good job
                                                                         check-in calls to                   and know that extra money
Our volunteers gave                                                    198 isolated seniors                  is needed at this time.”

                                                                     through our telephone
                                                                      reassurance program
of their time and help

   “Thank you
   for keeping the
   Food Bank open
   and continuing                                                                                                                          in the number of
   to ensure food                                                                                                                          Food Bank users
   to those in our                                                                                                                         who are seniors
   community who
   need help.”

        “Thank you for everything
        you all do for others, not only
        during this difficult time of
                                                                    71,770 km
                                                                          logged for drives to medical
                                                                                                                      “Thank you for the
                                                                                                                      essential services you
        Covid-19, but every day.”                                                                                     provide. I am over 2 hours
                                                                                                                      away from my parents.

      4,214 days                                             1,178 hours
                                                                                                                      Your help has given me
                                   of food                                                                            peace of mind during this
                provided through                                                                                      very difficult time.”
      the Food Bank to anyone needing help                of hospice volunteers time providing emotional
                                                                 support and respite to caregivers

                       4295 Stagecoach Road, Box 43, Sydenham, ON K0H 2T0 | | (613) 376-6477 | Reg. Charitable No. 122150204 RR 0001
Community Services
                             events in the spring, summer, & late fall. Visit www.       recreation staff deliver a full-day program, Monday to      Respite care is available if booked in advance. No referral
                   , or             Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., in a group setting for   or fee requited, 613-376-6477 ext. 205.
                             for information on NeLL’s history, our volunteer board      adults who require monitoring and/or assistance. This         Bereavement Support Group – A supportive and
                             of directors, the program, and ways to volunteer. New       program benefits adults in the community living with        safe place for adults to talk about grief and loss. Last
                             volunteers are welcome! Donations also appreciated          dementias, Parkinson’s, acquired brain injuries, strokes,   Wednesday of the month, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the
                             through Canada Helps at                  and/or physical impairments. Clients are provided           Grace Centre. No referral or fee required, 613-376-6477
                                                                                         with personal support services, recreational services,      ext. 205.
                                        Community &                                      a hot lunch, and snacks. Program cost is $20 per day.
                                                                                         Transportation can be arranged for an additional fee.
                                                                                                                                                       COPD Support Group – SFCSC and Rural Frontenac
                                                                                                                                                     Lennox & Addington Allied Health Team host a support
                                       Senior’s Services                                 613-376-6477 ext. 304.                                      group for adults and caregivers aged 55+ to help better
                                                                                           Alzheimer’s/ Caregiver Support Group – SFCSC              manage COPD. Currently telephone support sessions
                             Southern         Frontenac
                                                                                         and the Alzheimer Society Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox       with a Respiratory Technician are available. The timing
                             Community           Services
                                                                                         & Addington invite caregivers to come together to           of future in-person meetings is to be determined. No
                             Corporation (SFCSC) supports older adults and
                                                                                         openly discuss their challenges in a confidential           referral or fee required, 613-376-6477 ext. 205.
                             families in need in South Frontenac and rural Kingston.
                                                                                         environment. The group meets on the 3rd Wednesday             Diners Lunch Club - A monthly congregate dining
                             Located at the Grace Centre at 4295 Stagecoach Road
                                                                                         of the month at 1:30pm. in the Community Room at            program where people aged 60+ gather for a hot,
                             in Sydenham, SFCSC works with others to improve the
                                                                                         Sydenham Public Library, or participants can choose         catered noon-time meal followed by entertainment or
                             quality of life for all residents by delivering a variety
                                                                                         to take part online. Respite care is available if booked    education presentations. Diners Lunch Club takes place
                             of community support programs and services as well
                                                                                         in advance. No referral or fee requited, 613-376- 6477      on Wednesdays at locations across South Frontenac at a
                             as a community Food Bank. Virtually all programs are
                                                                                         ext. 205.                                                   cost of $10 per luncheon. Pre-booking is required. 613-
                             available in-person and online. For information about
                                                                                           Alzheimer Private Support Sessions – SFCSC and            376-6477 ext. 303. The Lunch Club program is currently
                             all of the services listed below, call 613-376-6477 or
                                                                                         the Alzheimer Society Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox &         suspended. Please refer to the SFCSC monthly calendar
                                                                                         Addington offer private support sessions for caregivers     and newsletter for the latest information.
                               IMPORTANT – due to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic
                                                                                         in South Frontenac. Bookings begin at 9:00 a.m. and           Family Services - If you require assistance with
                             guidelines, all activities and services are subject to
                                                                                         one-hour sessions with an experienced counsellor            financial aid programs, utility bill relief programs,
                             change. Please refer to the SFCSC monthly calendar and
                                                                                         from the Alzheimer Society are offered to individuals       other government program applications, or are not
                             newsletter for the latest information.
                                                                                         or families. Sessions take place on the 3rd Wednesday       sure where to turn for help. 613-376-6477, ext. 203.
                               Adult Day Program – Personal Support Workers and
                                                                                         of the month at 1:30 p.m. at Sydenham Public Library.       Assistance and referrals to local programs provided.
                                                                                                                                                       Food Bank & Garden – Available to low-income
                                                                                                                                                     individuals, families and seniors in South Frontenac

                                                                                                                                                     and rural Kingston. Upon eligibility approval, the Food
                                                                                                                                                     Bank may be used once a month. Clients receive 7 days’

                                                                                                                                                     worth of perishable and non-perishable food items.
                                                                                                                                                     In the summer, the garden provides fresh produce to
                                                                                                                                                     supplement the food hampers. Hampers are available
                                                                                                                                                     for pick up Tuesday through Friday, but please call 2
                                                                                              & Oil Delivery                                         days ahead to place an order. Delivery may be available
                                   1213 Christie Lake Rd., Perth, ON K7H 3C6                                                                         if necessary. 613-376-6477 ext. 203.
                                                                                                                                                       Foot Care – Trained providers offer basic foot care for
                              Wireless Tank Monitoring                                                                                              adults aged 60+ and adults with physical disabilities.
                                                                                                                                                     The service includes toenail trimming and filing, callous

                                     Service                                                                                                        assessment and reduction, and foot health monitoring.
                                                                                                                                                     Diabetic referrals are accepted. $20 per appointment.
                                                                                                                                                     Clinics are held at the Grace Centre. Days and times to
Family & Senior’s Services

                                                                                                                                                     be determined. Appointment required. 613-376-6477.
                                                                                                                                                       Frozen Meals on Wheels – Older adults aged 60+
                                  Installation                                                                                                      and adults with physical disabilities can choose from
                                                                                                                                                     over 30 frozen meals that provide 40% of required daily
                                                                                                                                                     nutrition. Cost is $5 per meal. Meals can be picked up at
                                  613-264-8591                                           24 Hr Emergency Service                                     the Grace Centre or delivered with a minimum order of
                                                                                                                                                     ten meals. Deliveries are on Mondays and Wednesdays.
                                                                                                                                                     Meals can be ordered online at www. https://www.
                                                              Affordable Comfort                                 613- 376-6477 ext. 303.
                                                                                                                                                       Hot Meals on Wheels – Older adults aged 60+ and
                                                                                           For All Seasons
                                                             Fuel, Heating, Cooling & Indoor Air Quality
                                                                                                                                                     adults with physical disabilities can receive a hot meal
                                                                                                                                                     delivered to their door Monday, Wednesday and Friday
                                                                                                                                                     over the noon hour. Cost is $7 per meal and includes a

                             12                                                                     Township of South Frontenac - Bringing our Community Together!
Community/Service Clubs
soup or salad, an entrée and side, and a dessert. Most
special dietary requirements can be accommodated.
Meals can be ordered online at www. https://www. (an intake is required to receive
Hot Meals.) 613-376-6477 ext. 303.
  Income Tax Preparation – Canada Revenue Agency
trained volunteers will complete tax returns for eligible
low-income individuals and families at no charge. 613-
376-6477 ext. 203.
  In-home Services – Changes in mobility, decreased
energy-levels, and/or injury can make it difficult to do
routine household tasks such as laundry, vacuuming,
meal prep. and cleaning. Screened in-home providers
can provide weekly or bi-weekly assistance to adults
aged 60+ and adults with physical disabilities living
in South Frontenac and rural Kingston. $18 per hour,
2-hour minimum. An in-home intake is required. 613-
  Respite – Personal Support Workers (PSW) or
equivalent health trained professionals offer support to
caregivers of seniors or adults with physical disabilities
by helping with personal care, meal preparation or
companionship while the caregiver is out. $14 an hour
(2-hour minimum visit) 613-376-6477 ext. 307.
  Stroke Support Group – SFCSC and VON Canada
host a monthly support group for stroke survivors,
family and caregivers aged 18+ to provide information
and emotional/social support. This group meets on the
3rd Monday of the month from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. at        Harrowsmith Centennial Park Courts, after resurfacing, Frontenac County.
the Grace Centre. No referral or fee required, 613-376-
6477 ext. 205.                                               terminal or life-limiting illness. Volunteers provide      Walking Through Grief – From April to October this
  Transportation - Volunteer drivers provide                 companionship to clients and allow caregivers respite      group meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at
affordable and reliable transportation to adults aged        or time to do what they need to, whether in or out of      Sydenham Public Library for a walk on the trails from
60+ and adults with disabilities, to and from medical        the home, with the peace of mind knowing their loved       10:00 a.m. – 12 noon. No fee or registration required.
appointments, Grace Centre activities and essential          one is being cared for. No referral or fee, 613-376-6477
errands. Drivers can accompany clients to appointments       ext. 205.
                                                               Volunteer opportunities – An hour, a day or only
                                                                                                                        Community/Service Clubs
if required. Fee based on distance and client income
                                                             occasionally, a wide variety of volunteer opportunities    Frontenac Society of Model Engineers - A society for
level. An in-home intake is required. Call 613-376-6477
                                                             are available to suit anyone’s schedule. Volunteers are    model engineering and small scale live steam railway
ext. 307.
                                                             needed to drive for Meals on Wheels, take seniors to       operation. Located in Battersea at 26 Doris Smith Lane,
  Volunteer Hospice Visiting Service – Trained
                                                             medical appointments, work outside in the garden,          between Doris Smith Lane and the baseball diamond.
Hospice volunteers make home visits to provide
                                                             help out in the Food Bank, serve coffee at Grace Café      There are 1200 feet of 7 ¼ “ gauge track on the ground
emotional and practical support to clients who are
                                                             and more! 613-376-6477, ext. 209.                          and 435 feet of smaller gauge elevated tracks at our
over the age of 18 and have been diagnosed with a
                                                                                                                        site. Guests and new members are very welcome!
                                                                                                                        For more information see or Facebook @
                                                                                                                                                                                  Community/Service Clubs
                                                                                                                        The Harrowsmith & District
                                                                                                                        Social & Athletic Club (S & A
                                                                                                                        Club) - The Club, located at 4041
                                                                                                                        Colebrook Rd. in Harrowsmith,
                                                                                                                        is a non-profit, charitable
                                                                                                                        community organization. All activities and events are
                                                                                                                        run by volunteers. Our mission statement is to provide
                                                                                                                        entertainment and facilities for the community; to
                                                                                                                        encourage good fellowship among our members and
                                                                                                                        the community; and to encourage and guide our young
                                                                                                                        people. Some of our community events include: Canada

2021 Community Services & Activity Guide -                                                                                                        13
Community/Service Clubs
                          Day celebrations at Centennial Park, Chinese auctions,
                          dances, family Halloween party, Santa Claus parade
                          and Christmas Open House, and Harrowsmith minor
                          softball. We support many local sports groups and
                          charity initiatives. Membership is only $20 per family or
                          $10 for individuals. Information harrowsmithsanda@
                 For membership, call Penny at 613-376-
                          7688. Find us on Facebook. See the events guide for
                          events and as well, the hall rental guide.
                          Harrowsmith              Odd
                          Fellows & Rebekahs -
                          The Independent Order of Odd Fellows
                          & Rebekahs is a nonprofit, charitable
                          organization that promotes a group of
                          local men and women working together
                          on a volunteer basis for the betterment of our
                          communities. Our motto is Friendship, Love & Truth.
                          Locally we support the Heart & Stroke Foundation,
                          MADD, diabetes programs, the Salvation Army, the
                          Cancer Society, Southern Frontenac Community
                          Services, and we provide student bursaries. Also we
                          provide assistance to our local schools and the New
                          Leaf Link. We also provide various items of hospital
                          equipment for use by individuals for as long as needed,
                          without cost. We present events throughout the year
                          for families and youth (see events guide for complete
                          listings). For more information contact Brenda Taylor at
                                                                                   Remnants of the Petworth Mill
                          613-372-2410 or
                          Lions International - With a 100                             brings us together to share strength, love, compassion    in Aug & Annual Lions Christmas Tree Lighting Service
                          year history, Lions is one of the largest                    and joy. New Members/Volunteers are always welcome.       is held the last Friday evening in Nov before the Santa
                          service organizations in the world,                          Come get involved with your Community. Information –      Clause parade. Information - Joanne Ankers, jo.ankers@
                          with 46,000 clubs around the world,                          call 613-353-6920, email storringtonlionsclub@gmail., Christine Kennedy, or
                          three of which are in South Frontenac.                       com or visit         look for Sydenham-District-Lions-Club on Facebook.
                          Lions, Storrington - Located at 2992 Princess Road,          Lions, Sydenham & District - Sydenham Lions               Lions, Verona - The Verona Lions Hall is located at 4504
                          Inverary, the Storrington Lions Club has proudly served      support causes and events such as: the annual             Verona Sand Road in Verona Ontario. Regular monthly
                          Sunbury, Battersea and Inverary for 49 years. Composed       Sydenham Canada Day and Santa Claus Parades; local        meetings are the second and fourth Tuesday of every
                          of volunteers, the club is making a social impact in         charities and organizations; Lions vision and service     month and new members are always welcome. Popular
                          Storrington District by improving the quality of life        leader dogs; camps for challenged youth and their         annual events are the annual Garlic Festival an annual
                          for residents. The Lions Hall connects the community         families; preparing used eyeglasses for distribution to   volunteer road toll, and a semi annual Fish Fry. We host
                          through weddings, celebrations of life, youth dances         under-developed countries. The Annual Lions Road Toll     a free Dart night every Thursday starting at 6:30pm for
                          and health clinics. It is a community gathering place that   in Sydenham Village takes place on the long weekend       all levels of players (covid protocols in effect). Over
                                                                                                                                                 the years, the club has supported many local projects
                                                                                                                                                 and has donated tens of thousands of dollars to local
Community/Service Clubs

                                                                                                                                                 individuals and groups in need. The Lions hall also
                                                                                                                                                 established and maintains a children’s mini park, and
                                                                                                                                                 donates the baseball diamond and facilities to support
                                                                                                                                                 South Frontenac’s youth baseball program. The Lions
                                                                                         Distributor for Winner Kayaks & Accessories
                                                                                                                                                 Hall provides bursaries for local students who volunteer
                                                                                                                                                 in our community. We also provide aid for community
                                                                                                        Winner Kayak                             members with vision and hearing problems. The Verona
                                                                                                                                                 Lions Hall is licensed, air conditioned with a capacity of
                                                                       kAYAKS                                                                    200 people and available for rent. If you are interested
                                                                       WITH a bIT
                                                                       MORE BITE
                                                                                                        Designed for Fun                         in helping your community and would like to join our
                                                                                                          made to Last
                                                                                                                                                 team or would just like to find out more information
                 		                                                     the kayak barn                            about us you can always visit our website at www.

                          14                                                                      Township of South Frontenac - Bringing our Community Together!
Community/Service Clubs or give us a call at 613-374-2821 or
email us at We look
forward to meeting you.
Royal Canadian Legion, Sydenham Br.
496 - A fixture in downtown Sydenham
for 70 years, the Richardson Legion branch
496, located at 4376 William Street, is open
6 days a week - Monday to Thursday (Opens at 3 pm
- closing time varies) Friday (12 noon until 9pm, or
later), and Saturday (1:30pm to 6 pm). The Sydenham
Legion supports a variety of community efforts, all in
the name of Robert Richardson, a WW1 vet who resided
in Sydenham until his death in 1949.The Legion holds
a Meat Spin on Saturdays from 3-5 pm. Annual events
include dances, a winter pike contest, and more. Call
the Legion during open hours at 613-376-6808. (For list
of events see event guide – and for rental information
see Facilities for rent).
Sunbury Horseshoe Club - The Sunbury Horseshoe
Club is affiliated with Horseshoe Ontario and is located
at the Gerald Ball Recreation Park in Sunbury. Members
meet Tuesday evenings from May 5 to September 12.
Mixed doubles format for all ages and all skill levels;
4 games played per night. New players welcome.
Membership is $25 and there is a $1 cost per night of
play. Information - Dave Fisher 613-353-2677.
                                                             The Point Memorial Park
Storrington Retirees Association - Membership fee
$10 per year. We welcome any person who is retired and       Free Skate (see event guide for details). New this year,      only 90 years ago while the Sydenham WI turned 100
lives or has lived in Storrington District. We offer home    Verona Cemetery Visit June 14th. Ongoing VCA activities       in 2019. Women’s Institutes were established in Ontario
cooked meals and social entertainment. Information -         include the “Adopt-A-Barrel” flower growing competition       120 years ago.
Sharon Patterson at 613-353-2358.                            and the VCA Christmas for Kids Committee which makes
                                                                                                                       Women’s Institute, Sydenham - The Sydenham WI
                                                             sure that Christmas is a bit easier for local families. New
South Frontenac Seniors and Law                                                                                        has been integral to the life of the local community
                                                             volunteers/members are always welcome. Information –
Enforcement Together (SALT) - The                                                                                      for over a century. Among many other things, the WI
                                                             email or visit
SALT program is a community initiative                                                                                 purchased The Point and established a public park
to mobilize seniors to become involved                       Women’s Institutes –The Federated                         and beach there. A great get together for fun, food &
with local police and other service agencies that focus      Women’s Institutes of Ontario is a                        fellowship. Meets on the second Monday each month at
on seniors’ needs in the community. SALT events are          not-for-profit charitable organization                    6:30 pm in the meeting room of the Sydenham Public
free for seniors and take place at various locations         working with women in rural areas and small towns. Library. Information - Shirley Fox, 613-376-3689.
throughout South Frontenac. Included is a delicious hot      There are two in South Frontenac. The Harrowsmith
meal and an informative presentation. Topics include         Insitute is the baby one of the two, as it was started up
vehicle safety, fraud prevention, wills and power of
attorney, and more. Guests may choose to watch the
                                                                                                                                     Excitement Is Where We Live
                                                                                                                                                                                     Community/Service Clubs
presentations from home and upon registering will be
sent a link to connect. During Covid-19 restrictions, take
out lunches are provided at the end of the presentation.                                                                                We Service all ATVs,
613-376-6477 ext. 303 or OPP Constable Curtis Dick at                                                                              Outboards, Personal Watercraft,
613- 372-1932 ext, 6955, or email                                                                                      Snowmobiles
Verona Community Association
(VCA) - The Verona Community
Association is a non-profit, volunteer
organization devoted to promoting
social and community events in and around Verona. VCA
events include the annual Verona Car Show in August,                                                17100 Hwy. 7, Perth,ON • P: 613.267.3443 F: 613.267.3275
Remembrance Day Ceremony, Christmas Dinner and                                       

2021 Community Services & Activity Guide -                                                                                                            15
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