Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College

Page created by John Ferguson
Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21

This guide contains details of Complementary Studies courses available to you.

As well as studying your chosen subjects, you will also have the opportunity to take part in a
range of Extension activities. Extension Studies in both the first and second year provide an
excellent way to develop wider skills and abilities such as team-working, problem-solving,
creativity, critical thinking and the capacity to conduct independent research, all of which
are greatly valued by both universities and employers. In your first year Extension Course,
you will have the opportunity to undertake a Complementary Study alongside your core A
Level or BTEC subjects.

This is a great opportunity to explore new activities in a range of different areas including
creative arts, social sciences, humanities and sports; giving you a chance to learn something
new or get better at an activity you’re already enjoying. Complementary Studies courses are
not examined, but are compulsory and runs from September to Easter. Most courses
include 1 period per week on your timetable however some courses require slightly more

Making your choices
You will make your 6 choices during the online enrolment process. Further details will be
sent to you separately.

Many Complementary Studies courses are free, but where specialist materials and
equipment, transport or external organisations are used, a charge will be made to cover the
costs incurred. (Details are included with the course information in this brochure).

Due to the impact of Coronavirus the educational landscape is fast moving and constantly
shifting. We have therefore sought to develop our range of complementary studies activities
to account for this. Of course there are some activities that are more challenging to run
under current restrictions, so we will monitor the situation and be flexible and adapt
activities where appropriate. We will update students in September were there to be any
changes to their chosen courses.
Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
Humanities and Social            Sciences, Maths and IT                    Creative Arts
Anti- Racism Club                Environmental Chemistry           Contemporary Choir

Book Club                        Saving the Planet with Science    College Band
Creative Writing                 Investigating Science (CREST      College Magazine
                                 Award) £
Debating Society                 Programming                       College Production*

Euroculture                                  Sports                Composing and Creating Music
Film, Politics & Human Rights    Crossfit £                        Exploring Drawing
Film Club                        Circuit Training                  Exploring Portraiture £

Geographic Information           Community Sports Leaders          Jazz Band
Systems                          Qualification
Geography in the News            Five Aside Football               Life Drawing (clothed) £

Introduction to Forensic and     Futsal                            Music Theory
Criminal Psychology
Introduction to Film History     Girls Basketball Development      Photography
Introduction to Theology of      Girls Rugby Development           Photography (Darkroom) £
Italian for Beginners            Meditation through Movement Textile Printing Techniques
Leaders 4 Life                   Scuba Diving £              Theatre Workshop
Model United Nations             Team Basketball £*
Newspeaks                        Team Boys Football £*       Cross- Curricular
Post- Production Workflow           Team Girls Football £*          Duke of Edinburgh
and Visual Effects
Psychology in Film                  Team Hockey £*                  Life Skills
Russian for Beginners               Team Netball £*
Sustainable Society                 Team Rugby £*
Thinking Skills: Exploring          Racket Sports
Contemporary Issues in Society
Youth Culture and Youth             Workout
Deviance                            Yoga
 £= Cost attached - Many Complementary Studies courses are free, but where specialist materials
 and equipment, transport or external organisations are used, a charge will be made to cover the
                   costs incurred. Please see the course brochure for further details.

     *= 1st choice: you can only select this a 1st choice course as it requires extra commitment.
Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
Humanities & Social Science

Anti- Racism Book Club
This course will give students the chance to read and discuss books written by classic
writers such as Alice Walker to current breath through novelists like Candance Cart-
Williams. Look forward to lively discussions of your responses to the stories and
characters you read in advance of the meeting. We will aim to read at least two books a
month. Reading for pleasure will, of course, bring many benefits to your life and allow
you to understand the world in new ways. We hope that, as a part of our book group,
we’ll be thinking about how to support the Black Lives Matter UK Movement. This is a
new complementary study option and we are keen for students to offer their input into
how we go beyond discussing the books to challenging racism and supporting the work of
the college’s Anti- Racism Group.
              #BlackLivesMatter #Combatracism #Understanddiversity

 This course is brand new for

Book Club
Love reading? Then come along to our Book Group. In each session we discuss an exciting
novel or short stories that the group selects from an amazing range of texts. Some will be
classics, some will be modern, and some will be written by authors from far flung corners
of the globe. So if having a fun, friendly chat about some fascinating literature sounds
appealing and if you want to try out some new and unexpected books - join us! You must
be prepared to read a range of set books and be ready to discuss them at the appointed
                    #Literacy #Communication #Listening #Analytical
“It gives you a chance to talk
to new people and exchange
opinions. You get the
opportunity to read different

“It gave me an opportunity to
work with literature while
doing all science related
Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
Creative Writing
You will be encouraged to write in a variety of styles and genres, including short stories,
poems, play scripts, comedy scripts and song lyrics.

Stimuli such as music, art and movies will be used and you will be invited to respond to
them. You will be encouraged to think like writers and to develop their talents and
abilities. At the end of the course an anthology of the best work will be produced. You
are also encouraged to enter creative writing competitions.
        #Listening Skills #Creativity #Group Work #Written Communication

“Creative writing allowed me
to support my other courses
and get back into writing in
my free time.”

“Very enjoyable, teacher
offered support for writing in
other subjects not just creative

Debating Society
The debating society provides the opportunity to always get the better of your opponent
in debates! In this society you will debate everything from the demise of the British press
to the future of space travel. This is an excellent way to show how articulate and well
informed you are- and to learn how to win every argument.

                 #Teamwork #Initiative #Analytical #Communication
“I enjoyed learning about
and debating relevant issues.
It allows you to practise
verbal communication skills.”

“Debating is completely
different to the rigid
academic studies presented
in other subjects, allowing
freedom of expression and a
variety of different topics to be
Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
A multi-disciplinary tour of European culture including art, film, food, literature,
languages, cultural politics, and how they interact. This is a great introduction to Cultural
Studies, European Studies and languages courses at university as well as an opportunity
to explore other cultures. We can attend exhibitions and/or films if the occasion
presents. If they wish, students can contribute to the programme to share their personal
interests and experiences to make it a flexible course that reflects the interests of the

                           #Europe #Explore #Travel #Culture

“Euroculture teaches you
   so much about the
  world. I can’t wait to
apply what I have learnt
    on my next travel

Film, Politics & Human Rights
This course looks into the cinematic reflection of human rights and their abuse
throughout the world. Contemporary social, political, environmental and ethical issues
will be examined through a range of films. Themes such as wars, poverty, terrorism,
climate change, racism, exploitation, gay rights, women rights and resistance will be
debated through analysis and guided film watching. The films, documentaries and
dramatic fiction alike, originate from and cover different parts of the world including, the
UK, Latin America, Europe, the USA, the Middle East and Africa. Through watching and
analysing the films, you will develop knowledge and understanding of political, economic
and social circumstances of different societies around the world. You will also develop
analytical skills by comparing and contrasting wars, conflicts and the state of human
rights in different societies around the world.
                 #Discussion #Debate #Group Work # Communication

“This opportunity was really
good. It helped me gain
awareness of issues that
happened before I was born and
in the early years that I would've
been too young to understand.”

“Fun and interesting films that
helped me develop an
understanding of world politics.”
Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
Film Club
Film is a vast vault of stories stretching back over 100 years, across every continent and
told in every language. And yet, we mostly access only the tip of this cultural iceberg;
blockbusters from the USA and the odd British film that makes it to the multiplexes.
In our IntoFilm FilmClub©, we will expand your horizons, providing you with the
opportunity to watch a wide variety of genres, experimental narratives and national
cinemas. You will also be taught the basics of review writing and gain entry to IntoFilm’s
review competitions (looks great on CV/Personal Statement).
FilmClub© is a great ‘comp’ choice for anyone who is thinking of pursuing film and
media-related degrees and journalism. It is also brilliant for all film lovers.
                       #Filmlovers #Videography #ExploringFilm
    “I have always enjoyed
 watching films so this course
   was a great way to learn
  about different genres. The
course was really well taught
and made lots of new friends”

Geographic Information Systems
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing,
checking, and displaying date related to positions on Earth’s surface. By relating
seemingly unrelated data, GIS can help individuals and organisations better understand
spatial patterns and relationships. Not only of interest to Geographers, any students who
are interested in developing the skills of data analysis, planning and cartography are
welcome! These skills are important for a range of careers as GIS is increasingly used in
    ✓ climate modelling
    ✓ transport planning and accident analysis
    ✓ disaster management
    ✓ insurance
    ✓ policing and crime prevention
If you are fascinated by maps and how they can help to improve our world and want to
learn some new IT skills, then this is the course for you! You will become familiar with
ArcGIS, Digimaps and other GIS systems throughout the course.
            #PlanetEarth #Spatialpatterns #Dataanalysis #Climatemodelling

 This course is brand new for

Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
Geography in the News
In this course you will be analysing the geographical theory and background behind
current news events from the previous week. This is designed for both geography
students and those who have a keen interest in current affairs, critical thinking or
government and politics. Each session will discuss a recent geographical news event
looking at what the event is, what the geographical theory is behind the event and how
this event can have repercussions for both the country/continent it occurs in as well as
the wider world. The course will focus on both human and physical geography events,
exploring the potential links between them.
               #Discussion #Debate #Analytical Skills # Communication
“We got to explore lots of different
 important society matters which
   allowed me to broaden my
    knowledge in this subject.

 There was lots of opportunity to
work within a team which meant
 I made lots of new friends and
 developed my confidence when
      working in a team.”

Introduction to Forensic/ Criminal Psychology
This new course is aimed at those students who might be interested in later studying
psychology/ criminology. We will exploring the psychology of crime, delving into issues
such as: Problems defining crime, Approaches to offender profiling, Biological and
Psychological explanations for offending behaviour, Eye witness testimony and the
psychology of the courtroom, Crime prevention and dealing with offenders, looking at
key research studies that have formed the basis of our knowledge.

         #Humanbehaviour #Forenticpsychology #Combatcrime #Investigation

     “I have learnt so much
  throughout the course and
  got a chance to make some
    really good friends. This
    course has given me the
 confidence to study Forensic
   Psychology at university!”
Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
Introduction to Film History
Film and history are closely linked, with roots going back to the earliest days of cinema.
We offer this exciting and challenging film and history course for movie lovers and history
buffs. You'll study film history from a variety of perspectives: as popular art, big business
and as a cultural record. You'll study familiar classics alongside contemporary cinema.
Genres you'll explore include:
    - Film noir
    - Horror
    - Science fiction
    - Documentary
    - Animation
You'll deepen your understanding and enjoyment of film and develop your critical
thinking and debating skills.
                   #Filmfanatics #Cinemaclub #Debates #Criticalthinking

 This course is brand new for

Introduction to Theology of Christianity
Theology is the exploration of the questions raised by and about religion. It involves going
“behind the scenes” of a religious tradition to understand and think critically about that
tradition’s origins, development, thinking and practices. It is subject you can study at
university, though not at A level at Esher.
This course will be of interest and benefit if…
    ✓ You are taking the History (Power and Belief) course – to get a broader
        understanding of the religious background to the course
    ✓ You are taking Philosophy and Sociology – to look in detail at the workings of one
    ✓ You are taking English Literature – to help you in picking up and understanding
        the (not uncommon) references to aspects of the Christian tradition in texts
    ✓ You take part in the life of a church (or don’t!) and want to understand and
        examine the background to that
                            #Religion #Criticalthinking #Theology

 This course is brand new for

Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
Italian for Beginners
Do you like travelling? Are you considering a trip backpacking or a gap year around Europe
and want to learn a new language? This exciting course is open to students with little or no
knowledge of the Italian language and with an interest in the culture and society of the
countries of the Italian-speaking world. The course has been designed for those who want
to learn or improve their Italian language abilities for everyday situations: asking questions,
understanding travel enquires and bookings, ordering food in a restaurant, reserving rooms
in a hostel, buying things in a shop.
            #Thelanguageoflove! #Travelling #Exploring #Communication

This course is brand new for 2020-

Leaders for Life
Do you want to: Improve your career prospects?.. Boost your confidence? …Learn
New?... Valuable skills? Well, this unique and exciting course is for you. This course is
designed for all students, whatever your previous experience. We believe leadership
training should be available to all and so the only cost is your commitment to participate
with enthusiasm. You will:

   ✓ Learn about yourself and leadership, understanding what type of leader you could be,
   ✓ Learn and demonstrate the skills and techniques of effective leadership,
   ✓ Reflect on, and understand your own experience and support others as you learn.

Your course leaders draw from an incredible range of leadership experience including
executive coaching, voluntary sector, professional sport, public sector, military,
manufacturing and education.

                #Employabilityready #Creativeyourfuture #Getaheadstart
  “From being the quiet one in the
    corner I found myself leading
   projects and running feedback
   sessions for my team members.”

 “I found my voice and self-belief –
       My lockdown lifesaver”
Complementary Studies Booklet 2020-21 - Esher College
Model United Nations
Model United Nations (also known as simply “MUN”) is an educational activity where
students participate in a simulation of bodies within the United Nations system.
Participants research a country, take roles as diplomats, investigate international issues,
deliberate, consult, lead discussion and then develop solutions to world issues. You
should have some interest in international affairs.

Throughout the year, we will cover contemporary political, economic, media,
environmental, health, scientific and human rights issues affecting the entire world. The
breadth of issues covered should allow you to take a lead on issues that are of most
interest to you no matter what your subject combinations are. Skills developed on this
course include team work, leadership, strategic thinking, technical writing and speech

                  #Unitednations #Politics #Humanrights #Leadership

 This course is brand new for


Is journalism your dream career path? Are you considering applying for a degree in a
media-related subject? If so, choosing the Newspeeks course would enable you to create
a portfolio that would greatly support your future success. Newspeeks is a collaboration
with the website and Goldsmiths College. On the Newspeeks:
Journalism course you will produce a piece of long-form journalism on a topic of your
choice. The course provides a unique opportunity for you to develop skills, create
contacts in the profession and receive invaluable feedback from academics and jobbing
        #Listening Skills #Creativity #Group Work #Written Communication
“This course was really useful
  as I was able to develop my
  writing skills. I was able to
   research and write about
 something I was passionate
about! It also taught me a lot
    about the way that the
 journalism industry works!”
Post- Production Workflow and Visual Effects
“Don’t worry about that, we’ll fix it in post” may well be one of the most common on-set
sayings. This course delves into the how’s and why’s of ‘fixing in post’, as well as learning
how to plan for and avoid it from Pre-Production.

You’ll gain fundamental knowledge of the Adobe suite— including After Effects, Premiere
Pro, Audition, and Photoshop, learn common post-production fixes and effects, alongside
crucial information on camera handling, audio solutions, colour grading, motion graphics
and more— ensuring a smooth production process from start to finish.

This course is for anyone interested in Film and Media production and post-production.
Suitable for beginners, with little experience of editing software, and those more familiar,
                 #PreandPostProduction #AfectEffects #MotionGraphics

 This course is brand new for


Psychology in Film
This course is for students who are interested in psychology and in exploring themes such
as cognitive theory, classical conditioning and mental illness through the medium of film.
Examples of films to be screened include Memento, A Clockwork Orange, A Beautiful
Mind and One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. As some of the films carry an 18 certification.
Parental consent will be required in order to participate in the course.
                    #Critical Thinking #Textual Analysis #Analytical
    “It complemented my
psychology course well an was
      interesting to see
psychological aspects in films”

  “It helped me to develop
 understanding of film and
  relate this to psychology
Russian for Beginners
Здравствуйте! Вы говорите по русски? Zdrasvuytsye! Vy Gavarite Pa Russky?

Hello! Do you speak Russian? The ‘Russian for Beginners’ will teach you the Cyrillic
(Russian) alphabet, but that is only the beginning. Through simple texts, film clips and
songs, you will pick up beginners’ Russian. That should be fun in its own right, and, if you
like the language and want to take it further, it will provide an excellent base.
Paprobite! Try it!

              #Language #Russian #Cyrillicalphabet #Learnsomethingnew

   This course is brand new for


Sustainable Society
What does a sustainable society look like? How will we live, how will we travel, what will
we eat, what will we wear? Is it ever possible for human society to become sustainable?

This course looks at some of the ways in which we’re already becoming more sustainable
– from Elon Musk’s reusable rockets and electric cars, to ‘circular’ fashions, alternatives
to plastics, green energies and whether we’ll need to give up meat. It will also look at
autonomous cars, the Hyperloop, smarter fabrics and devices, wearable tech, one (or
no!) child policies, ensuring a continuous water supply, the future of work.
So take a dip into your future and explore the hottest of hot topics in this exciting and
future-ready complementary studies course.
                   #Environmentalissues #Gogreen #TheresnoplanetB!

 This course is brand new for

Thinking Skills: Exploring contemporary Issues in Society
This course will equip you with the skills to think about your thinking. We will look to
explore current issues with contemporary society such as plastic waste, geopolitics,
obesity and health, animal rights and technology, just to name a few! Clarity of thought
and systematic approaches to problem solving and issues will help you across all of your
subject courses. You will analyse and evaluate your thinking in order to improve it.
The course aims to improve your thinking skills so that you can:
•     Ask effective questions
•     Evaluate sources of information for credibility and relevance
•     Understand how ideas are linked.
•     Determine the importance and relevance of arguments and ideas.
•     Recognise, build and appraise arguments.
•     Approach problems in a consistent and systematic way.
General methods of effective study and referencing will also be covered.
                #Analytical Skills #Group Work #Written Communication

  “I had lots of fun debating
 with others about a range of
interesting topics. I leant lots
   of useful analytical skills
   which have allowed me to
 adopt a critical mind in my
        A level subjects.”

Youth Culture and Youth Deviance
What is youth culture? How has the culture of young people in the UK changed? Do
youth subcultures still exist?
In this course you will discover and analyse the changes in society that led to the
development of ‘youth culture’ by assessing changes in fashion, music, schooling and the
media. You will get to investigate the range of different youth subcultures that have been
present in the UK from the Teddy Boys and Punks to Goths and Ravers and find out why
these groups emerged and assess whether they still exist in the contemporary UK and
why. This course would be of particular interest to anyone in the humanities, social
science and arts subjects, anyone thinking about going into a career working with
children or in fashion. Or simply anyone interested in modern history and young people’s
position within it.
            #Rebelswithoutacause #Youthcrime #Youthcultural #Socialscience
    “It complemented my
 Sociology A level well and I
was able to develop new skills
that will be useful in later life
such as debating and critical
Sciences, Maths & IT

Environmental Chemistry
This course will help you to understand environmental issues from a scientific point of
view. From the problems with waste plastics and air pollution to global warming, we will
look at the science behind the headlines. You will have the opportunity to examine both
the causes of the problems and some possible solutions, including changes we can make
in our daily lives.

We will explore links between environmental issues and the Science curriculum, and the
course will include some experimental work. This course is suitable for students currently
studying Science BTEC or A level.

              #Savetheplanet #Science #TherenoplanetB #Climatechange

 This course is brand new for

Saving the planet with Science
This course will help you to understand environmental issues from a scientific
perspective. You will explore topics such as waste disposal, overpopulation, loss of
biodiversity, water scarcity and water pollution, air pollution, deforestation and climate
change. It will give you the opportunity to examine both the causes of the problems, and,
more importantly, to consider solutions, including changes we can make to our daily lives
to improve our local and global environment. You will research environmental stories in
the news and debate the related controversial and ethical issues. There will be
opportunities to be involved in campaigning on green issues, both inside and outside
college.This course will appeal to biologists, geographers and chemists, and anyone else
with an interest in living sustainably and reducing their impact on the planet.
            #Science #Savetheplanet #Research #Environmental #Analytical

 “I have always been keen to
  fight climate change. This
      course helped me to
 understand environmental
   issues so that I can make
 more of an influence to the
      world in the future.”
Investigating Science (CREST Award)
This course is ideal for budding Scientists who want to gain some hands-on practical
experience and achieve a nationally recognised CREST award. You will work in small
groups to choose your own topic, then develop your methodology and ultimately
complete your own investigation. CREST awards are highly sought after and a good way
to enhance your UCAS personnel statement or CV. The CREST award has been running
since 1986 and sees thousands of people taking part each year – be one of them.

               #ScienceProject #BritishScienceAssociation #CrestAward

“I became so much more confident
  and independent through this
course and was able to investigate
  a topic of my choice which was

                           Cost Involved: £20 (gold award)

This course the basics of programming using the C# language and Microsoft’s Visual
Studio compiler. It will draw on some of the basic topics from AS-level computing
including variable types, basic operations, subroutines, structures and object orientated
concepts, arrays and files.
You will learn to write programs from scratch of increasing complexity. For example:
sorting items in a list, encode data, writing a noughts and crosses game. If you have done
programming before, once you have picked up the basics, you will be able to skip ahead
to more complex problems. You will have access to an online version of the AS text book
to help you push yourself further. The only pre-requisite is an interest in
programming/problem solving and a willingness to persevere with problems until you
reach a solution. This course would be suitable for students with no knowledge of
programming or for those that have done GCSE computing and want to push themselves
a bit further. Don’t worry if you have learnt another programming language; you will find
you will C# relatively quickly.
                             #Programming #C# Language #ICT

     “Programming really
   complemented my maths
  course well as I was able to
 improve my problem solving

CrossFit is ‘the sport of fitness’. With constantly varied, high-intensity functional
movements- CrossFit is a training philosophy that coaches people of all abilities to
improve their physical well-being and cardiovascular fitness, in an accepting and
encouraging environment. Your workout (WOD) will be different every week and
modified to help you achieve your goals. Esher College are working in collaboration with
‘CrossFit2012’ at Imber Court who have access to high quality coaching and facilities. The
head coach is a well-qualified Level 2 Crossfit coach (MSc, MCSP, HCPC) and Clinical
Rehabilitation Specialist. Throughout the year you will also learn about the origins of

                 #TeamTraining #Lifechanging #Fitness #GetStronger

“Crossfit is the highlight of my
  week! There is such a great
atmosphere in the CrossFit box
    and we are taught by
 motivating and experienced

                            Cost Involved: £100 (£5 per class, 20 classes throughout the

Circuit Training
Circuit training is a form of body conditioning or endurance training or resistance training
using high-intensity aerobics. It targets strength building and muscular endurance. An
exercise “circuit” is one completion of all prescribed exercises in the program Circuit
training consists of a consecutive series of timed exercises performed one after the other
with varying amounts of rest between each exercise. An example of a simple circuit
training workout might consist of push-ups, sit-ups, squats, chin-ups and lunges. You will
receive feedback, support and advice from a qualified Level 3 personal trainer.

           #fitnesswithfriends #getstronger #strengthandconditioning #workout
“Circuit training gave me the
opportunity to keep fit and
add some movement to my
day. Our teacher included a
range of exercises each week
so that there was always
something new to try! She was
also really motivating”.
Community Sports Leadership Qualification
The Level 2 Award in Community Sports Leadership is a nationally recognised
qualification that enables students to lead groups of people in sport/activity, under
indirect supervision. It is a fun and practical qualification with no entrance requirements
or final examinations to sit. You will have the opportunity to work with local primary
schools to deliver sports sessions in a range of sports.

The qualification will teach you essential leadership skills such as:

   ✓   Organisation
   ✓   Planning
   ✓   communication
   ✓   teamwork
   ✓   Confidence

          #Teamwork #Leadership #Community #Independence #Volunteering

 This course is brand new for

Five- aside Football
For those footballers who do not want to play for a college football team, but still enjoy
football as recreation.
This course will take place in the sports hall and consist of competitive games, warm up
and skills practice. You will develop skills throughout the year, and learn how to maintain
your fitness from week to week. All participants/players must bring the appropriate kit,
including non-marking footwear.
                #Teamwork #Leadership #Physicalskills #Physicalfitness
“Five a side was a nice break
from my academic studies
and allowed me to meet lots
of new people.”

“5-aside football was very
enjoyable and gave me a
chance to have fun and play
football without the pressure
and competitive nature that
the football team holds.”
Futsal is a variant of association football played on a hard court, smaller than a football
pitch, and mainly indoors. It can be considered a version of five-a-side football. Futsal is
played between two teams of five players each, one of whom is the goalkeeper.
Unlike some other forms of indoor football, the game is played on a hard-court surface
delimited by lines; walls or boards are not used. Futsal is also played with a smaller,
harder, low-bounce ball. The surface, ball, and rules together favour ball control and
passing in small spaces. The game’s “emphasis is on improvisation, creativity and
technique.” This option is great for those wanting to pick up a new sport, improve fitness
or blow off some steam!

                #sport #stayactive #fitnesswithfriends #trysomethingnew

    “I play a lot of football
  outside of college, so futsal
   was a nice alternative. I
learnt new skills and had lots
     of fun along the way”

Girls Basketball Development
We run a women’s basketball squad in partnership with Richmond Knights Basketball
Club. The squad with train once per week to develop essential skills, fitness and tactical
awareness of the game. We are keen to take on players of all ability levels and welcome
those who want to try basketball for the first time! We are looking to participate in
competitive fixtures once the team starts to develop!

               #Sport #Womenssport #getinvolved #getstarted #keepactive

 This course is brand new for

Girls Rugby Development
Are you looking to learn a new sport? Or have experience playing for a girls rugby
team?!... If so, girls Rugby is for you! We run a Girls Rugby Club which involves weekly
training sessions with a top level coach. You will develop a range of skills and have the
opportunity to apply these skills to a competitive situation.

We are keen to take on players of all ability levels and welcome those who want to try
rugby for the first time! We are looking to participate in competitive fixtures once the
team starts to develop!

               #Sport #Womenssport #getinvolved #getstarted #keepactive

 This course is brand new for


Meditation through Movement
Strengthen core muscles in the mind and the body by practising meditation through
movement. This is a holistic mind- body practise. Meditation, breathing control and
movement complement each other to better manage feelings, mental health and well-
being in the body. They require concentration, coordination, and improve whole- body
health, balance and body control. Pilates is a moving meditation, and meditation may
surprise you by showing you just how much is going on inside even as you sit quietly. The
benefits are not in the ‘quiet sit’ alone, but become the fabric of daily life. It is a system
of utilising the breath mist effectively to align the mind and body.
                  #Mindfulness #Pilates #Mentalhealth #Loveyourmind

 This course is brand new for
         2020- 2021!

Scuba Diving
The PADI Open Water Course is the world’s most popular diver certification and is
intended for people who have never dived before and who want to become qualified.
The Open Water Course provides you with the knowledge needed to keep you safe as
you experience your first breaths underwater and explore the underwater world. Once
certified you will be able to dive almost anywhere in the world to a depth of18m with an
equally certified buddy.
Here you can discover wildlife, wrecks and coral. It could be the first step to a lifestyle
change, preparation for a marine biology degree or even a career as a dive professional.
It could of course be just for fun when you are on holiday.

You will learn theory, practical skills and safety procedures and be introduced into the
marine environment. The course consists of:
1. Knowledge Development of the theory behind all aspects of scuba diving:
2. Confined Water Dives to learn scuba skills in a safe swimming pool environment:
3. Open Water Dives to review and assess skills in a real environment.
Theory is taught through weekly lessons at College. Confined Water Training consists of
approximately 6 pool sessions on Friday evenings (once a month) at Putney Leisure
There will be an additional weekend for the Open Water Dive assessment, where you will
complete 4 dives at Wraysbury Diving
Lake near Staines. This will take place after your 1st year progression exams. All practical
training is provided by Aquanaut dive school in Kingston
Cost includes all tuition, kit hire, crew pack (including all course teaching materials) and
Extra Costs – Entrance to Wraysbury Dive Centre (£10 per day) and air fills (20pprox..
£10) paid directly to WDC on the day.
Important – All Students who apply for this must be medically fit, complete a medical
self-assessment questionnaire when enrolling and must be able to commit to all planned
sessions. You don’t have to be a fantastic swimmer, but not claustrophobic. You must be
confident in the water.
The course has proved to be very popular, if demand is high then we intend to run 2
 • Success rate is virtually 100% for all students that commit to the course.

                  #Exploretheocean #Skillsforlife #Teamwork #Safety
“It was wonderful to enjoy
time with other divers and
relax, it was a change from
normal studies.”

“Great way to develop skill
and get a qualification that
helps professionally and in
leisure time.”

                     Cost Involved: £329 (includes all tuition, kit hire, crew pack and certification.)
Team Basketball (1st choice only- 1 sport only)
The basketball squad, which is run in partnership with Richmond Knights basketball club,
competes in the Surrey Sixth Form Colleges league and also enters the Association of
Colleges (AOC) cup competition. The standard is high with many squad members playing
at a high level for their club sides. We are hoping to start training following governing
body guidelines at the start of the term and trials for teams will happen in due course
once restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so.
                #Leadership #Teamwork #Physicalfitness #SkillAcquisition

“People who enjoy basketball
should take this course. The
team is well built and the
coach is great.”

“It was a great opportunity to
meet new people with common

                     Cost Involved: £65 (All students in the squads for sports teams must pay a
                                       sports affiliation fee towards the costs of coach transport,
                                       match kit, personalised match jumper, match referees, and
                                       tournament entry).

Team Football (1st choice only- 1 sport only)
The college has three football teams who all compete in the Surrey Sixth Form Colleges
league. The standard within the squads is particularly high with many playing at a high
level for their club sides. We are hoping to start training following governing body
guidelines at the start of the term and trials for teams will happen in due course once
restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so.
              #Leadership #Teamwork #Physicalfitness #Skillacquisition
“I enjoyed the course a lot,
you get a game every week
against a rival college and it
allows you to find new

“It developed my skills in
football and teamwork. It’s a
good way to meet new people
at the start of the year.”
                     Cost Involved: £65 (All students in the squads for sports teams must pay a
                                       sports affiliation fee towards the costs of coach transport,
                                       match kit, personalised match jumper, match referees, and
                                       tournament entry).
Team Girls Football (1st choice only- 1 sport only)
We run one Girls Football Team who either have training or a fixture on a Wednesday
afternoon. The girls’ football team competes in the Surrey Sixth Form Colleges league and
also enters the British Colleges Sport (BCS) cup competition. The standard of play is
improving and many of the girls involved play outside of college. We are hoping to start
training following governing body guidelines at the start of the term and trials for teams
will happen in due course once restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so.
              #Leadership #Teamwork #Physical Fitness #Skill Acquisition
“It was really fun and
allowed me to play a sport
within college hours. I got the
chance to meet new people

“The people were friendly and
motivating and it improved
my confidence in football
and self-confidence.”
                     Cost Involved: £65 (All students in the squads for sports teams
                                    must pay a sports affiliation fee towards the costs
                                    of coach transport, match kit, personalised match
                                    jumper, match referees, and tournament entry).

Team Hockey (1st choice only- 1 sport only)
The College has one mixed team, one boys and one girls team who plays regularly against
other schools and colleges on Wednesday afternoons in the S7 College’s league. The
team also compete in the AoC National cup competition. The standard is high with many
squad members playing at a high level for their club sides. We are hoping to start training
following governing body guidelines at the start of the term and trials for teams will
happen in due course once restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so.
               #Leadership #Teamwork #Physicalfitness #Skillacquisition
“Hockey was a really good
chance for me to carry on the
sport after secondary school
and also build up different

“I think future students
should take it up as it’s a
really fun and enjoyable sport
and it’s nice to do something
other than college.”
                     Cost Involved: £65 (All students in the squads for sports teams must pay a
                                       sports affiliation fee towards the costs of coach transport,
                                       match kit, personalised match jumper, match referees, and
                                       tournament entry).
Team Netball (1st choice only- 1 sport only)
There are two netball squads who compete in the Surrey Sixth Form Colleges league and
also enter the British Colleges Sport (BCS) cup competition. The standard of play is very
high and many of the girls involved play outside of College. We are hoping to start
training following governing body guidelines at the start of the term and trials for teams
will happen in due course once restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so.
            #Leadership #Teamwork #Physical Fitness #Skill Acquisition
“Being part of the netball
team was enjoyable and kept
up my fitness levels during
college time.”

“Really enjoyable to take part
in the trials and be picked to
the team. Also not know very
many people was scary but
netball helped me to meet
new people.
                     Cost Involved: £65 (All students in the squads for sports teams must pay a
                                       sports affiliation fee towards the costs of coach transport,
                                       match kit, personalised match jumper, match referees, and
                                       tournament entry).

Team Rugby (1st choice only- 1 sport only)
The 1st XV competes in the Surrey Sixth Form Colleges league and also enters the
Association of Colleges (AOC) cup competition and the national NatWest Schools Cup.
The standard of play is excellent and many of the students involved play to a decent
standard on their club sides at the weekend. We are hoping to start training following
governing body guidelines at the start of the term and trials for teams will happen in due
course once restrictions are lifted and it is safe to do so.
               #Leadership #Teamwork #Physicalfitness #Skillacquisition

    “It is very enjoyable it
    provides you with the
opportunity to play a variety
of matches at different levels
       and at different

                     Cost Involved: £65 (All students in the squads for sports teams must pay a
                                       sports affiliation fee towards the costs of coach transport,
                                       match kit, personalised match jumper, match referees, and
                                       tournament entry).
Racket Sports
Racket sports will provide opportunities to develop skills and strategies through
participation in tennis, badminton and table tennis. The sessions will be structured within
a fun learning environment whereby students enhance their performance in these sports
through coached activities and significant amounts of game play. You will also develop an
understanding of the rules of these sports. Sessions will be led by an experienced teacher
and a qualified Level 1 coach.

 “Through racket sports I was
 able to meet some really cool
 people whilst staying fit. It is
  the perfect option for those
looking to keep active without
  taking things to seriously!”

Workout is a designated session for students who wish to use the college’s fitness suite
to improve body conditioning and general fitness and health. A qualified fitness
instructor will be available to help with the design of your programme and the
achievement of your fitness goals.
                        #Health #Fitness #Motivation #Discipline

“I made new friends and it
encouraged me to be active
which I would not have been

“I enjoyed the course because
the gym instructor was very
helpful and wanting to help
us get fit and achieve what
we wanted.”
Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to
boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures and
breathing. This is a great option for those who are looking to relax and de-stress. This
course welcomes all levels of ability and would be perfect for someone looking to try
something new.

                 #Relaxation #Destress #Fitnessandflow #healthyhabits

  “Yoga was the most relaxing
 part of my week. I found that
 my stress levels dropped and I
      was more productive
 throughout the week! Winner

Creative Arts

Contemporary Choir
3 part vocal ensemble singing a variety of contemporary popular and musical theatre
songs, with piano or band accompaniment. Regular opportunities to perform at Open
Mic sessions, local community events such as the Elmbridge Festival, and Christmas
Concerts in and out of College. Regular attendance is essential for the ensemble to blend
and develop in terms of musical ability and tone. All singers will have a voice workshop
at the start of the year, to assess vocal range and will then sing either, Soprano, Mezzo-
soprano, Alto, Tenor or Bass. A lively and fun singing opportunity. All singers are very

                     #Teamwork #Performance Skills #Commitment
“I really enjoyed it. It was a
lot of fun and it's a perfect
complementary study to do if
you enjoy singing. It's also a
great way to meet new people
and make friends.”

“It was fun and a great way
to meet new people as well as
develop confidence with
College Band
Great for any student wishing to be in a Popular Music band. This is a great opportunity
to work within a group of likeminded musicians in order to improve your technique and
have fun! Highly suitable for those students looking to study a music related degree at
university. Ability to play guitar, bass, drums, keyboard, or sing. Performances occur
throughout the year at Open Mic, Canteen Gigs, Events and Open Evening. Opportunities
to perform with the wider community are also available. The best Band will also be
offered recording opportunities at the end of the year.

                   #Music #Bandpractice #Livemusic #Musicindustry

    “I gained lots of great
memories playing at different
 college events. It was really
enjoyable and a great way to
 meet similar students that
       also enjoy music.”

College Magazine
Are you a budding journalist? Do you relish the written word and do you want to get your
opinion across about things that matter to you? You will work in a small team to create a
magazine, outlining key events and activities and commenting on current affairs, fashion
and any other areas of interest. You will learn In-Design and will develop layout skills as
well as how to write succinctly and in an engaging way. This is the course for you if you
are interested in a journalistic career and enjoy writing and sharing ideas.

       #Interpersonal skills # Research skills #Interviewing skills #Writing skills
                                    # Software skills
“Great written skills,
something you can keep
forever and show off to
employers in this field. “

“I liked how creative college
mag was and how everyone
took part in creating the
final magazine which
included editing, organising
and writing.”
College Production (1st choice only)
The College Production is a production of a play which can include ensemble work, dance
and music. This course offers the opportunity to creatively collaborate with other
students, gain experience in performing and develop skills such as team work and
communication. In addition to the 2 periods timetabled on Wednesday afternoons there
are some additional rehearsals, which take place outside of college hours. We pride
ourselves on a high standard of production and therefore expect 100% attendance and
commitment. Our productions usually perform over 3 evenings to large audiences. In
previous productions, many students have been involved on stage, , backstage or in
creating the masks, costumes and set. Any student can get involved as either an actor,
dancer or singer.

                    #Acting #Directing #Choreography #Teamwork
“I made a lot of new friends,
working together to produce
the production.

“It was extremely fun and
allowed me to make new
friends and feel a good sense
of accomplishment

Composing and Creating Music
This creative and practical comp study is for any musician who wants to engage in making
    new music. A range of electronic methods and traditional approaches will be used.
Students can work with live performance, improvisation, multi-track recording, sampling
 and sequencing. Students will have access to two music software programmes Logic and
 Sobelius, which we run in the Music Department Mac Suite, and gives access to a wider
  variety of orchestral and electronic sounds. Any style of music be composed and there
  will be a range of professional style briefs to respond to. The music you create can be
  added to your own personal portfolios and shared online with prospective employers,
          university admissions and with applications to apprenticeship schemes.
              #Getcreative #Makemusic #Musicbrief #Musiccomposition

 This course is brand new for

Exploring Drawing
This complementary study will allow you to explore and experiment with a range of
different drawing techniques. You will create a collection of drawings using a range of
media and approaches. It will enable you to develop your drawing skills through
practising with a variety of traditional and contemporary media and subject matter. The
course is suitable for all levels from those who have little experience of drawing through
to those who are possibly studying a creative subject as part of their programme of
study. You will create a sketchbook of portrait drawings which will be a fantastic addition
to your portfolio and a valuable edition to your application if you are intending to study
on an Art Foundation or Degree course in the future. The cost the course will be £10
which covers costs for art materials.
           #Art #Creativity #Drawing #Comtemporarymedia #creativesubject

   “This was a great way to
  escape from the stress of my
academic subjects. I was able
to be creative and develop my
  drawing skills, whilst also
  learning new techniques.”

Exploring Portraiture £
You will explore various ways to record the portrait using a diverse range of media, for
example drawing, collage, printmaking etc. You will work using a mirror and other
students in the class.
If you have an interest in art and would like to experiment with a variety of approaches to
portraiture you will have the opportunity to create a sketchbook of works. If you are
studying A Level Fine Art this work could also be submitted as part of your coursework
and could be an exciting addition to your portfolio for Art Foundation course application.
                           #Portraits #Sketchbook #Artisticskills

 This course is brand new for

                               Cost £10 for art resources and equipment
Jazz Band
A workshop style rehearsal slot each week for you to learn to play Jazz in a fun and
practical environment. It will include improvisation practice and development of skills for
all players. You need to be able to read music, and have an ability to play from
memory/by ear is also an asset. Performances take place each half term at regular
performance events such as Open Mic, Concerts and Recitals, Introduction Evening, Open
Evening and Performance Tour. Regular attendance is important for the ensemble to
blend and develop. All participants must come ready and prepared to play each week.

                  #Performing #Collaboration #Creativity #Teamwork
“It’s different to more
academic music courses and
I enjoyed the creative aspect
of things, and the staff
involved are friendly and

“It's great if you're looking to
improve your skills of playing
as a band and

Life Drawing (clothed) £
Gain experience and insight into drawing the human figure. You will create a collection of
drawing using a range of media and approaches. All drawings will be created from life,
using a different member of the class to model (fully clothed!) each lesson. You will
create a sketchbook of life drawings which will be a fantastic addition to your portfolio
and a valuable edition to your application if you are intending to study on a Art
Foundation or Degree course in the future. This sketchbook could also be included in
you’re A Level Fine Art coursework submission, or you may just like to do this for fun or if
you are no longer studying Art. The cost of the course will be £10 which covers the cost
of art materials.
                      #Humandrawing #Sketchbook #Artisticskills

 This course is brand new for

                               Cost £10 for art resources and equipment
Music Theory (Grade 5)
For all students wishing to progress to Grade 6 on their instrument. This covers the main
areas of music theory such as time signatures, key signatures, notes and clefs, intervals,
transposition, melody writing, chord progressions, scales and cadences.

                      #Music Theory #Study Skills #Perseverance

“This helped me to achieve my
 grade 6 clarinet, which was
       very rewarding.”

   “It was challenging but
overall worth it as I came out
    with a qualification.”

Photography surrounds us and is now more a part of everyone's life than it ever was
before. If you have a smart phone, you have a camera that you take wherever you go.
This means we are all photographers. So why not learn how to create beautiful images?
You will spend one term studying traditional darkroom techniques such as shooting on
35mm black and white film and printing in the darkroom. In the next term you will be
shooting on digital cameras, learning how to creatively take control of your camera.
Then, using the images you have shot you will be editing the images in Photoshop and
learning the tricks of the photographic trade! By the end of the course you will have a
good understanding of digital cameras, Photoshop and darkroom techniques, and you
will have created your own photographic portfolio. The course cost covers films, paper
and chemicals. You do not need any of your own kit or experience – just a passion for
photography! This course is not suitable for those studying A Level Photography.
              #Analytical Skills #Creativity #Group Work #Communication

“Lots of fun and helps you
work independently as well as
in a team!! You end up with a
nice collection of photos too .”

“Photography as a
complementary allowed me to
learn more about traditional
photography along with
digital and Photoshop.”
Photography (Darkroom) £
This course will aim to enhance student understanding of earlier photographic
development processes and give an exciting introduction to the darkroom environment.
This course is suited to those students who have experience in taking photography and
working a camera. You will be able to gain additional skills and get creative with
alternative cameraless processes. The use of black and white 35mm film will also be
included allowing students to process their own and develop photographs in a traditional
manner. This course is ideal for students thinking about photography at a higher level
and those that would like to experience a hands-on process week by week.
        #Creativity #Photographyskills #Capturethemoment #Learnphotography

“I learnt a whole new side to
 photography! I loved that I
was able to have full creative
 control and yet still able to
     develop my skill set.”

Textile Printing Techniques
This is a great course for creative students who are interested in learning about how to
create and make your own Textile designs. You will start with drawings skills and then
work in Adobe illustrator to make your textile designs. You will learn about the process of
transferring your designs onto screens and then printing your designs onto fabric.

This course would be suitable for students who are interested in fashion, graphics or
illustration and can give you an extra piece of work for a portfolio.

                 #Getcreative #Textiledesign #Clothingdesign #Fashion

 This course is brand new for

Theatre Workshop
 Theatre Workshop is focused on acting and developing performance skills and usually
 ends with a performance of extracts or a short play to an invited audience. There is the
 opportunity to explore different genres and styles of theatre through practical
 workshops. You will work creatively together with the support of second year student
 directors. In the lead up to a performance, some additional rehearsals outside of the 2
 periods timetabled will be scheduled to ensure a high standard of production and we
 expect students to be committed.

 Any student interested in acting and performing can be in the Theatre Workshop.
 No audition required.

             #Acting #Performance #Creativity #Teamwork #Communication
 “It allowed me to dip my toes
 in drama and have a highly
   enjoyable experience, the
       people were lovely.”

   “I worked with a group of
 students to help develop and
    perform a play, I would
    recommend this course
 because it helped develop my
       teamwork skills.”

Cross- Curricular

 Duke of Edinburgh Award (Gold)
 We have successfully run the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Esher College for the past 12
 years. At College we only offer the Gold Award but it is important to realise that you do
 not have to have completed the Bronze or Silver to start the Gold Award. The Award
 consists of 3 main sections Volunteering, Skill and Physical and students have to do an
 hour a week in each section over a period of time ranging from 6 to 18 months. Note:
 they do not all have to be done at the same time so the Award allows up to the age of 24
 for completion. You will be allocated to a group and from that group a sub group that
 will form the team with which you complete the expedition. Previous expeditions include
 walking across the Brecon Beacons then Paddling on the River Wey, walking in the
 Annapurna Region of Nepal, Trekking in Iceland, trekking in Tibet.
              #Self-Motivation #Physical Fitness #Teamwork #Volunteering
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