Page created by Victor Dunn
                                          THE AFRICAN STORY     WITH US DON’T BE
                                                                LEFT BEHIND

                   ISSUE NUMBER 742 VOLUME 2 19 - 25 OCT 2020

                                                                 Zambian opposition
                                                                 leader gets two year
                                                                 jail term

                                                                 page 4

                                                                 restrictions on
                                                                 mobile money

COMPLETION OF                                                    transfers are a blow
                                                                 to financial inclusion

MONUMENTAL                                                       page 10

KAZUNGULA                                                        Desert and Delta

BRIDGE PROJECT                                                   Safaris – Making
                                                                 an impact amidst
• Project now awaits official commissioning by Presidents
  Masisi and Lungu
                                                                 page 12

                                                                page 2
2 Echo Report                                                                                                                             Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020

                  THE AFRICAN STORY

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                                      Completion of monumental

Head of Design
Ame Kolobetso

                                      Kazungula Bridge project

Distribution & Circulation
Mogapi Ketletseng

Echo is published by                    Two ministers of transport           state of the art bridge has been      Emmerson Mnangagwa, Ian              bridge was at 78% in May of the
YMH Publishing                        from Zambia and Botswana               completed and I have been told        Khama of Botswana and                same year and moving to 91.9 %
YMH Publishing,
Unit 3, Kgale Court, Plot 128,        conducted a final inspection of        that this facility will reduce        Edgar Lungu of Zambia did a          in November. In May, the bridge
GIFP, Gaborone                        the Kazungula Bridge Project           the transit time for heavy duty       final inspection in 2018 where       was 78% complete and president
Postal address:                       on Saturday, signaling the             vehicles between Zambia and           Botswana and Zambia agreed           Lungu of Zambia was optimistic
P O BOX 840,                          completion of one the major            Botswana from more than 3 days        to allow Zimbabwe to be part         that the project will be completed
Gaborone,                             multinational projects in              to only 2 hours. This is a great      of the project, in phase II of the   on schedule. An announcement
Telephone: (267) 3933 805/6.          Southern Africa which will             milestone in the promotion of         project. The three countries         was made early this month that
E-mail:               improve the movement of goods          trade and regional integration,”      further agreed to put up a one-      the bridge construction had                        and services in the North – South      Zambian minister Mwale said.          stop border post at Zambia’s         been completed. Phase two of
                                      Corridor, thereby facilitating            For his part, Botswana’s           Southern province. Last year         the project which a one stop
DISCLAIMER:                           trade and improved regional            Transport minister said the           in March the contractor halted       border post in Botswana, and
Echo Newspaper welcomes
concise letters from readers.         economic activity in the SADC          project is one of the biggest         construction works due non-          Zambia one stop border post
Letters must carry the                bloc and the continent as a whole.     and best modern engineering           payment by Zambia which was          are at 98.44% and 99.40%. with
full name and address of                                                     ventures ever to be done in           followed by an industrial action     completion expected at the end
the sender. Letters must                The final inspection of              the continent. He added that          by staff. The progress of the        of the month
conform to the laws of                the completed project over             Botswana was excited at the
Botswana and to the Press
Council of Botswana’s Code            the weekend, by transport              successful completion of the
Of Ethics. Letters will also be       minister Thulaganyo Segokgo            project for the economic benefits
edited for length, libel and          and Infrastructure minister            it brings to the region and Africa.
language.                             Vincent Mwale of Botswana                 The objective of the project
                                      and Zambia respectively has            is to improve the efficiency
                                      paved way for the commissioning        of transit traffic through the
                                      of the project by the heads of         Kazungula border to facilitate
                                      state for the two countries.           and increase trade activities and
                                      Presidents Mokgweetsi Masisi           global competiveness of Zambia
                                      and his Zambian counterpart            and Botswana.
                                      Edgar Lungu are expected to               Some of the expected outcomes
                                      open up the project to use at time     include reduced border transit
                                      date yet to be communicated.           time, improved procedures on
                                                                             trade facilitation, improved
Read more Echo                          T h e Ka z u n g u l a B r i d g e   border management operations,
stories on our                        Project was co-financed by             and consequently increased
Facebook page by                      both government of Botswana
                                      and Zambia as well the Japan
                                                                             traffic throughput and reduced
                                                                             time-based transport and trade
scanning the QR                       International Co-operation             cost.
code below with                       Agency (JICA), and the African            Project Background
your mobile phone                     Development Bank (ADB) at a               In 2015, Botswana and Zambia
                                      total cost of US$260 million.          invited bids for the construction
                                                                             of Kazungula Bridge Project
                                        The 930-metre-long and               .Daewoo Engineering and
                                      18.5-metre-wide road-rail              Construction was selected to
                                      Bridge built over the Zambezi          be the contractor of the project
                                      River, connecting the two              and construction started after
                                      neighbours- Botswana and               the ground-breaking ceremony
                                      Zambia, replaces the ferry and         was held on the Botswana side
                                      is expected to reduce border           by Vice Presidents Guy Scott and
                                      transit time for cargo haul trucks     Ponatshego Kedikilwe of Zambia
                                      from about 3 days to 2 hours.          and Botswana respectively. Three
                                        “We are excited that this            regional presidents: Zimbabwe’s
Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020                                                                                            Echo Report 3
                                                                                                                             to enhance security for truck
                                                                                                                             drivers on the DRC side of the
                                                                                                                                Association president Stanley
                                                                                                                             Muluka tells phoenix news
                                                                                                                             that although the extension
                                                                                                                             of operating hours is good for
                                                                                                                             the flow of trucks crossing the
                                                                                                                             border, the security situation on
                                                                                                                             the Congolese side of the border
                                                                                                                             leaves much to be desired as
                                                                                                                             drivers are attacked by thugs
                                                                                                                             even during the day and in full
                                                                                                                             view of Congolese police officers.
                                                                                                                               Muluka said with the extension
                                                                                                                             of operating hours, drivers will
                                                                                                                             be crossing in the night at times
                                                                                                                             which will put their lives at risk.
                                                                                                                               He has however commended
                                                                                                                             both governments for agreeing
                                                                                                                             to extend hours of operation at
                                                                                                                             Kasumbalesa border post saying
                                                                                                                             this will increase traffic flow
                                                                                                                             beyond the current clearance
                                                                                                                             of between 500 and 800 trucks
                                                                                                                             per day.
                                                                                                                               Zambia and the Democratic
                                                                                                                             Republic of Congo on Wednesday
                                                                                                                             this week agreed to implement

Extension of operating hours at Kasumbalesa
                                                                                                                             the bilateral trade agreement,
                                                                                                                             which will see the two countries
                                                                                                                             extend operation hours at
                                                                                                                             Kasumbalesa border post from

border raises security concerns
                                                                                                                             6 am to 10 pm by 31st December

  The imminent extension of      and Democratic Republic of   Southern Africa Development     The association has since        (Phoenix News)
operating hours at Kasumbalesa   Congo (DRC) has triggered    Community (SADC) Truck        challenged both the Zambian
Border post between Zambia       security concerns from the   Drivers Association.          and the Congolese governments
4 Echo Report                                                                                                                        Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020

 Zambian opposition leader
 gets two year jail term
  Zambian opposition National           proved its case beyond reasonable    but also considered his conduct       with Kambwili and should not         have taken the sentencing of
Democratic Congress-NDC-                doubt as regards count one and       during the proceedings which          have continued presiding over        the NDC leader as political
leader Chishimba Kambwili has           two of forgery and uttering a        he says was disrespectful to the      the case.                            victimisation when it is based
been sentenced to two years             false document but that the          institutions of justice.                Katuka added that although         on evidence.
imprisonment with hard labour           prosecution failed to adduce           Meanwhile the opposition            there could have been a prima          Addressing the media in
for forgery and uttering a false        sufficient evidence in the third     UPND is dissatisfied and displeased   facie case against Kambwili, it      Lusaka today, Tayali who was
document.                               count, resulting in an acquittal.    over the conviction of national       was against the rules of natural     the complainant in the matter
  This is in a case where Kambwili        In mitigation, one of Kambwili’s   democratic congress-NDC-              justice that he could be subjected   is of the view that justice and
was charged with three counts           lawyer Musa Mwenye, state            Leader Chishimba Kambwili.            to a magistrate who had issues       fairness must prevail as long
of forgery, uttering a false            counsel, pleaded for maximum           UPND Secretary General              with the same litigant he was to     as there is evidence and those
document, and giving false              leniency saying Kambwili is a        Stephen Katuka said while the         convict of an offence.               found wanting should be held
information to a public officer. The    diabetic patient and a family man    party respects the decision of the      Meanwhile, Socialist Party         accountable. Tayali has refuted
opposition leader has however           who also heads a political party.    court, in an ideal environment,       Leader Fred M’membe says he          claims suggesting that his decision
been acquitted of the charge            He asked the court to consider       the circumstances under which         does not think Kambwili received     to take the opposition leader
of giving false information to a        giving his client a suspended or     the justice system is dispensing      fair trial under the hands of        to court was sponsored by the
public officer.                         non-custodial sentence.              justice leaves much to be desired.    magistrate Simusamba.                ruling pf.
  Lusaka Principal Resident               Simusamba in passing sentence        He said it is a well-known            But Economic and Equity
Magistrate David Simusamba              said he has considered that          fact that principal magistrate        Party leader Chilufya Tayali is        (Phoenix News)
sentenced Kambwili to 12 months         Kambwili was a first offender        David Simusamba had issues            disappointment that Zambians           --
in the count of forgery and another
12 months for uttering a false
document saying the sentences
will run concurrently meaning
Kambwili will only serve a year
in prison.
  It is alleged that in October 2013,
with intent to defraud or deceive,
Kambwili allegedly forged a ‘no
change return’ (companies form
71) purporting to show that it
was genuinely signed by his son
Mwamba Kambwili when it was
  In count two, it is alleged that
Kambwili on the same day forged
the no change return form, he
knowingly and fraudulently
uttered it to an officer at Patents
and Companies Registration
Agency (PACRA). And in the third
count, he is accused of giving false
information to a public officer.
  Magistrate Simusamba in his
judgment said the prosecution
Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020
                                                                                                                                 Echo Report 5

Covid-19 and AfCFTA: why now is
the time to maintain momentum
despite the global pandemic
  The buzz and excitement            must make its operational             accelerating intra-African trade    (Bizcommunity.)
around African Continental           initiation a priority.                and boosting Africa’s trading
Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA),         African governments across          position in the global market; it
hailed as the answer to a fully      the continent should continue         could be just the economic shot
integrated pan-African economy,      to offer their support and work       in the arm needed by African
has undoubtedly slowed its pace      towards realising the AfCTFA’s        economies.
since the secretariat became         e m p owe r i n g m i s s i o n o f
operational in April 2020. The
unprecedented arrival of a global
pandemic has stunted the first
round of the trade negotiations
- an unfortunate setback for the
continent’s grand plans.
  Chief Technical Advisor to the
AfCFTA at the African Union,
Prudence Sebahizi has said
that the summit has now been
postponed to December and
the start of free trade will be
postponed to early 2021.
  The resilience of the African
continent, however, will be
undeterred. In recent weeks,
the Economic Commission for
Africa (ECA) announced that
member states would continue
negotiations on phase 1 issues of
the agreement – a reminder that
African countries should not lose
sight of the end goal, despite
disruptions to the AfCFTA’s
  Professor Christopher Cramer
at the School of Oriental and
African Studies echoes this,
outlining that states cannot rely
easily on foreign investment or
aid – they must build resilient
export sectors and take a national
role in promoting change. He
advocates for greater investment
in public agricultural research
and development, as well as
investment in irrigation.
  There are already enterprises
that are doing just this. I am
chairman of African Green
Resources, working to promote
agriculture, agribusiness and
sustainable development in
support of accelerated economic
diversification and structural
transformation. Its core mission
is to train farmers in good
agricultural practices to achieve
high yields, promoting value
addition and food security to
build a sustainable agriculture
  The economy, agriculture
and food insecurity are all
intrinsically linked and innately
complex. Availability, access,
usage, and stability all interact
simultaneously, affecting the
different dimensions of food
security. For example, trade
helps to stabilize food prices
and enhance food availability
by moving food from surplus
regions to deficit regions.
  In order to marry the current
initiatives already in place in
various countries and regions,
with the economic goals of the
wider continent, the AfCFTA
6        Business & Finance (SMME’s)                                                                                             Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020

 LEA continues to
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and Mrs. Mfakosi Boikanyo, the       been assisted with targeted        to access funding and establish    to various markets that include
Hotel offers accommodation,          interventions to advance their     a commercial guest house with      Government, private sector and
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                                                                        conference facility, restaurant    them.” said Mrs. Boikanyo.
                                                                        and an entertainment area.
                                                                        Employment rate also increased
                                                                        to 18 full time staff members.
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Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020                                                                                                                        Echo Report            7
                                                                                                                  the catchment surface layers             Meanwhile, Lake Naivasha
                                                                                                                  saturate, resulting in extended        declined in recent years to
                                                                                                                  flood periods. For instance            critically low levels. Growing
                                                                                                                  the Turkwel dam, which was             developments – such as Naivasha
                                                                                                                  built on the Turkwel river in          town and a new Industrial City
                                                                                                                  the northern Rift Valley Basin,        – need water, which puts more
                                                                                                                  recently reached its highest           pressure on the already critically
                                                                                                                  level on record.                       stressed lake water resource. In
                                                                                                                     And in May this year, Lake          addition, the lake suffers from
                                                                                                                  Naivasha reached its highest level     heavy pollution loads.
                                                                                                                  since 1932. The lake’s expansion         The flow of water into Lake
                                                                                                                  has flooded developments, such         Turkana is being regulated by dam
                                                                                                                  as surrounding flower farms.           and irrigation developments,
                                                                                                                     Yet, like the other lakes,          potentially affecting the lake
                                                                                                                  Lake Naivasha’s waters have            ecology and fisheries.

Kenya’s Rift Valley high
                                                                                                                  historically been higher. The            Excessive river inflows into
                                                                                                                  lake is 1.4 vertical metres short      the lakes result from increasing
                                                                                                                  of its official riparian boundary.     catchment rainfall coupled

levels a cause for concern
                                                                                                                  In 1917, the lake was 2.4 metres       with the effects of land use
                                                                                                                  higher. In earlier centuries, the      changes. Dilution of saline
                                                                                                                  lake was at least 13 metres higher.    waters affects the production
                                                                                                                     The water cycles of Rift            of cyanobacteria, the food
   Recent high water levels of         of Lake Baringo alone have            the proportion of rain and           Valley lakes are changing as           sources of lesser flamingos.
Kenya’s Rift Valley lakes have         displaced more than 5,000             sediment that runs off from          water is taken out for use and         Increased turbidity reduces
flooded properties and displaced       people and destroyed schools,         the catchments is increasing.        because the catchments and             light penetration into water,
communities, most notably              hospitals, hotels and roads.            The lakes’ water cycles are        land surrounding the lakes are         and affects photosynthesis, an
around Lakes Baringo and                  And the effects on lake            governed by rainfall on highland     being degraded. For instance,          engine of the aquatic food chain.
Naivasha.                              ecologies are a concern as            catchment areas, evaporation         forests are being converted              Future concerns
   There are many lakes along the      flooding increases lake turbidity     and seepage. Water reaches the       into agricultural land, there            While tectonic plate changes
length of the African Rift Valley,     and dilutes the saline waters of      lakes through direct rainfall,       is increasing urbanisation and         are beyond humans’ control,
which runs from the Red Sea            alkaline lakes.                       rivers, groundwater flows, and       people are encroaching onto            biodiversity-friendly land use
in the north to Mozambique in             The Rift Valley is subject to      in some cases hot springs from       riparian and wetland zones.            and commitment to existing
the south. Kenya’s eastern Rift        ongoing plate tectonics and           underground geothermal fields.          Lake Nakuru’s ecology has           legislation and national
Valley has a string of eight lakes.    crustal movement that can               The eastern Rift Valley is semi-   long been affected by catchment        vegetation cover goals can limit
   These lakes provide diverse         affect the lakes. The recent rises,   arid and its high evaporation rate   change. For instance, the forest       catastrophic damage to lake
habitats ranging from the              though, are directly associated       concentrates salts in the lakes.     cover of its catchment area is         ecological systems, people and
freshwater lakes of Naivasha           with above-average rainfall. The      The lakes are especially sensitive   reported to have declined from         property.
and Baringo to the semi-saline         lakes have been even higher in        to changing catchment rainfall       70% to 15% over the past 50              In the context of increasing
Lake Turkana, the saline alkaline      the past, and with rainfall in        and have, in the past, ranged        years, leading to greater runoff       rainfall trends, it is vital that
lakes of Magadi, Elmentaita,           the Rift Valley Basin being on        from near empty to much higher       into rivers and thence to the          official demarcation of riparian
Nakuru and Bogoria and the             a rising rainfall trend, higher       levels than today.                   lake. On top of that, the growth       and wetland zones takes full
transient Lake Logipi.                 lake levels can be expected in          Kenya’s October to December        of Nakuru town requires more           account of the very well-
   The lake level rises are worrying   the future.                           2019 rains were the highest on       water supply which will be             documented extreme high lake
because of the destruction to             Land use changes, riparian         record for decades. These were       imported. Unless otherwise             level precedents and extent of
homes, livelihoods, industry           zone encroachment, loss of            followed by above-average rains      channelled, this extra water           flooding of the last century and
and infrastructure, and loss of        wetlands, and urban growth            in 2020. In some areas they were     will end up in the lake, raising       before.
terrestrial wildlife habitat. So       are all contributing to more          400% more than normal.               water levels, and if not properly
far this year, the rising waters       extreme flooding. This is because       With persistent rainfall,          treated, will worsen pollution.          (TheConversation.)
8 Business & Finance                                                                                                                Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020

                                                                                                                                                    number of annual sunshine hours
                                                                                                                                                    and the average solar irradiation
                                                                                                                                                    is evenly distributed. Electricity
                                                                                                                                                    is a major overhead for many
                                                                                                                                                    business operations. African
                                                                                                                                                    countries have made progress
                                                                                                                                                    in expanding electricity access
                                                                                                                                                    in recent years, the overall state
                                                                                                                                                    of electrification in Africa is still
                                                                                                                                                    far from its potential.
                                                                                                                                                       Africa with a large coastline
                                                                                                                                                    offers huge opportunity for Wind
                                                                                                                                                    power production. Currently,
                                                                                                                                                    wind makes up one percent of
                                                                                                                                                    electricity production and by
                                                                                                                                                    2030, wind is only expected
                                                                                                                                                    to account for two percent of
                                                                                                                                                    Africa’s power mix, according to
                                                                                                                                                    the International Energy Agency.
                                                                                                                                                    Although wind is not as popular as

Interest Rate Cut: Growing your
                                                                                                                                                    other renewable energy solutions
                                                                                                                                                    it is an important contributor to

Investments in a Low Interest Environment
                                                                                                                                                    nations energy mix.
                                                                                                                                                       Economic diversification is a
                                                                                                                                                    top priority for many African
                                                                                                                                                    nations. There is a direct
                                                                                                                                                    correlation between economic
By Emmanuel Allottey                convert Africa’s natural wealth    of its energy needs through          responsible for 84 per cent of all      growth and energy consumption.
                                    into a revenue generating          the use of indigenous, clean,        non-fossil fuel energy use. Africa      Implementation of policies and
  Africa as the poorest continent   industry. Africa is rich in        renewable energy by 2030. The        is a continent rich in lakes and        strategies that support economic
in the world is in desperate need   renewable energy sources,          investment required however          rivers however climate change           diversification must feature
for economic transformation.        including hydro, sun, wind         can be daunting as these projects    and drought is threatening the          renewable energy. The integration
Most economies in Africa are        amongst others, which once         require large sums of upfront        sustainability of this as an energy     of a renewable energy strategy
still based on the production       harnessed will significantly       capital. African governments face    source.                                 will achieve multiple objections
and export of unprocessed           augment the current cost of        difficult investment allocation         Solar is particularly promising      from social transformation to
agricultural products, minerals,    energy demands.                    decisions between short term         in Africa nations: albeit with          economic growth. A combined
and crude oil with little to no       According to a report by         revenue generating projects and      varying potentials, this type           effort is required from private,
manufacturing or processing.        the International Renewable        longer-term revenue generating       of energy could be harnessed            public sector and foreign direct
  Renewable energy offers           Energy Agency (IRENA), Africa      projects such renewable energy.      virtually everywhere in Africa.         investment to translate economic
a substantive opportunity to        could meet nearly a quarter          Across Africa, hydropower is       African nations receive a very high     initiatives into tangible results.

                                                                                                            the impact of COVID-19 on the         critical element for development.
                                                                                                            economy. The combination              It has been the main engine for
                                                                                                            of government-imposed                 poverty reduction globally. The
                                                                                                            lockdowns and other restrictions      continued decline in economic
                                                                                                            needed to address the public          activity will lead to the worst
                                                                                                            health crises have resulted in        recession in Africa’s history.
                                                                                                            reduction in economic activity           The implementation of
                                                                                                            and ultimately national output.       different economic interventions
                                                                                                            The results of the decisions          has come at an opportunity
                                                                                                            made have yielded mixed results       lost to national development
                                                                                                            highlighting the importance of        projects. The deployment of
                                                                                                            governance in driving economic        these economic interventions
                                                                                                            growth.                               has stretched already constricted
                                                                                                              Africa has been plagued             national budgets and, in some
                                                                                                            with poor governance and              instances, requiring further
                                                                                                            political instability stagnating      borrowing to bridge the deficit.
                                                                                                            development on the continent.         Budgeted projects have had to
                                                                                                            Empirical studies have shown          be suspend or deferred to the
                                                                                                            that countries which have             detriment of national progress.
                                                                                                            established good governance              Government spending to
                                                                                                            regimes have been able to attain      combat the coronavirus has
                                                                                                            a faster economic growth.             uncovered an inherent risk of
                                                                                                            Effective governance and              misappropriation of resources
                                                                                                            the rule of law are important         and corruption in Africa. This
                                                                                                            determinants of economic              corruption risk is a rule of law
                                                                                                            growth. Throughout the                problem. It also compromises
                                                                                                            pandemic, continued political         the pandemic response,
                                                                                                            unrest has been witnessed with        undermining much-needed
                                                                                                            incidents across the four corners     trust in public institutions,
                                                                                                            of the continent. Governments         squandering supplies and
                                                                                                            have had to revert to emergency       resources, and impeding their
                                                                                                            powers to govern during the           flow to those in need.

Impact of COVID-19 in Africa:
                                                                                                           pandemic.                                 COVID-19 is transforming the
                                                                                                              Recent World Bank reports           economic landscape in Africa
                                                                                                           indicate that economic activity        and improved governance could

role of Governance in driving
                                                                                                           in Sub Saharan Africa is on course     correspond to higher levels
                                                                                                           to contract by 2.8% in 2020.           of economic development.
                                                                                                           This is an aggregated average,         I m p r ov i n g g ove r n a n c e ,

Economic growth                                                                                            with sharper deterioration
                                                                                                           in individual African states.
                                                                                                           Africa’s largest economies are
                                                                                                                                                  including aspects such as
                                                                                                                                                  regulatory quality, rule of law,
                                                                                                                                                  and government effectiveness,
                                                                                                           anticipating a contraction in          could be a key component to
                                      The impact of COVID-19 has      Africa. Governments have been        economic activity and have             generate faster economic growth
By Emmanuel Allottey                reversed the economic growth      under pressure to respond            downgraded their domestic              in Africa.
                                    trajectory of many nations in     swiftly and decisively to mitigate   outlooks. Economic growth is a
Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020
10 Echo Report                                                                                                                                 Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020

 Zimbabwe’s restrictions on mobile money
 transfers are a blow to financial inclusion
  Mobile financial services are, in   Another important use of mobile             As a result, close to 50,000           Zimbabwe has a national                 The Reserve Bank also needs
most African countries, born out      money is to store money securely         mobile money agents have lost          population registration system           a financial sector policy that
of crises. In 2011, Zimbabwe had      in high crime areas.                     their source of income. This is        which is only accessible by              facilitates the development
gone through a volatile decade of       An important benefit is                likely to affect customers in the      authorised government workers.           of safe and accessible mobile
economic crises – hyperinflation,     the cash-in and cash-out                 rural areas of Zimbabwe who            The ordinary mobile money agent          money services for Zimbabweans
currency instability and a collapse   functionality. This allows users         depended on the agents to access       would not have access to it. But         who currently don’t have
of the formal financial system.       to deposit cash into a mobile            mobile money services. These           customers without adequate               access to financial services.
Consumers, mostly employed            account through a mobile money           agents gave rural consumers the        identification could still sign          This would require that all
in the informal sector, had a         agent and withdraw physical cash         opportunity to be integrated into      up for a basic account with low          stakeholders, including the
widespread mistrust of the formal     at a convenient time and place.          the financial system.                  transaction and withdrawal               regulator, mobile money
banking system.                       They can avoid the long queues              The overall effect is that mobile   limits, instead of being excluded        operators, telecommunication
  In came Econet, a major mobile      and withdrawal limits set by the         money accounts can only be used        entirely from the financial system.      regulators and financial
operator, to launch a mobile          formal banking system.                   for transacting but not “store of         Alternative forms of                  intelligence authorities, develop
money service called Ecocash.           Despite the compelling                 value” purposes. Store of value        identification could have been           a collaborative regulatory
Taking advantage of the country’s     value proposition that mobile            means savings or investment            used for opening accounts. These         framework.
high mobile penetration, the          money offers, the Reserve Bank           accounts. This is seemingly at         could include utility bills or letters     Such a framework would seek
service had 2.3 million users         of Zimbabwe recently placed              odds with findings by academics        from local church and village            to protect the integrity of the
within 18 months. Today, close        significant regulatory restrictions      and development practitioners          leaders.                                 financial system from fraud
to 90% of adult Zimbabweans           on its operations. The regulator         that mobile money accounts                The mobile money agent                and misuse. At the same time it
use Ecocash. In addition, Ecocash     said mobile money services were          encourage poor customers who           network increased access to              would ensure that consumers
paved the way for competitors         fuelling illegal foreign currency        are not well served by the formal      financial services in rural              and merchants enjoyed the
such as OneMoney, Telecash            exchange, money laundering               financial sector to save regularly.    and hard-to-reach areas of               full benefits of mobile money
and Mycash.                           and fraud, especially through               This is all the more so in a        Zimbabwe. Instead of abolishing          services. At all times, the end
  The economic crisis in              the cash-in/cash-out service.            country battling with a shortage       the role of mobile money agents,         goal of greater financial inclusion
Zimbabwe spurred the rapid              The restrictions followed the          of banknotes and coins and             the financial regulator could            must remain a priority.
adoption and use of mobile            Reserve Bank’s audit of the              the collapse of the traditional        have reprimanded, and fined
money. First came cash                four mobile money platforms,             financial system. The stringent        agents found guilty of money               (TheConversation).
shortages coupled with higher         including Ecocash. It found that         restrictions could stifle innovation   laundering and the trading of
cash withdrawal fees and lower        some accounts were opened                among mobile money operators           foreign exchange without a
withdrawal limits. Then loss          using fictitious or unverified           and hinder access to financial         licence.
of savings to soaring inflation       identification documents. There          services for many unbanked
and loan denials in the formal        was also a rampant misuse of             Zimbabweans.
banking system engendered             mobile money accounts for                   Alternative approaches
mistrust among consumers. This        money laundering schemes and                The blanket restrictions may
forced a government-led drive         fraudulent overdrafts or fictitious      have the unintended consequence
towards a cashless economy and        credit. It also cited cases of foreign   of excluding legitimate merchants
non-cash transactions.                currency trading outside the             and consumers from accessing
  Mobile money transfers in           formal channels.                         financial services. The new
Zimbabwe are mainly from                Users are now restricted to            regulations also appear out
one person to another. This           just one mobile wallet account           of proportion to the risk. For
allows for urban to rural money       per person and a daily transfer          instance, a tiered approach to
remittances for family support,       limit of ZW$5,000 (US$50). In            know-your-customer regulation
payment for goods and services        addition, users can no longer            could have allowed the regulator
in retail settings and financial      transact through mobile money            to distinguish between risky
flows between the formal and          agents. Their operations have            high-value transactions and
informal business sectors.            been abolished.                          low-value transactions.
Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020                                                     Arts 11

                                   Rough Diamond
                                   Book Release By
                                   Thea Khama
                                   The Light Network Releases
                                   “Rough Diamond” by Thea
                                   Khama, Exploring Beauty,
                                   Despair, Rage & Truth in a Rare
                                   Life-Changing Way

                                      Thea Khama shares her story in    adoption, displacement, and
                                   “Rough Diamond”. The darkness        being an only child of a broken
                                   of youth and young womanhood         family. My story is about all the
                                   seen through the lens of soul        turmoil that made me who I am
                                   songs, always with enough            today. This narrative is meant to
                                   love to keep her moving. As          bring you closer to your heart,
                                   Thea finds spirituality and her      to open up your point of view,
                                   life transforms into something       and to radiate compassion for
                                   magical, the diamond emerges         the inner child and adolescent
                                   out of the rough.                    that rages, slumbers, plays and
                                      Rough Diamond is a poignant       dreams in every one of us.”
                                   story of one woman’s discovery         Rough Diamond inevitably
                                   of self and the spiritual world.     relates how young Thea met
                                   The book covers Thea’s life from     her future husband Tshekedi,
                                   birth through adolescence to         her introduction to the Khama
                                   her early twenties, and is told      family and how she found her
                                   through soul songs. Thea shares      own path in Botswana, a country
                                   the light and darkness of her        she has called home ever since.
                                   journey in discovering her place       In addition to her work as an
                                   in the unknown mysteries of          author, Thea is a philanthropist,
                                   the world. With an emphasis          mentor and coach.
                                   on love’s universal language of        Set to make waves in Botswana
                                   healing, Thea tells her story of     and abroad, the moving book is
                                   endurance and pain, but also         scheduled for a Closed Group
                                   of the unspoken connections          Launch for the media and
                                   that link all people together; for   selected publishers on the 20th
                                   every aching memory there is         November 2020, followed by a
                                   another of hope and kindness.        Virtual Live Launch on the 29th
                                      In Thea Khama’s own words,        November 2020 via Webinar.
                                   “My story tells how I experienced
12 Arts                                                                                                                            Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020

New African-made films
                                                                                                                                                  In one scene, a businessman
                                                                                                                                                drugs and rapes the undercover
                                                                                                                                                journalist at a party. In another,
                                                                                                                                                sex workers endure a voodoo

challenge Hollywood stereotypes
                                                                                                                                                initiation to scare them into
                                                                                                                                                loyalty to pimps trafficking them
                                                                                                                                                to Italy.
                                                                                                                                                  “I am very happy that this
                                                                                                                                                conversation has started so that
   Producers of two African-made     and in June released romantic       some of these animals in their      million subscribers globally.      the government will sit up to
films premiering on Netflix this     comedy “Cook Off”, Zimbabwe’s       natural habitat.”                     Òlòtūré was shot on the gritty   their responsibility, so that the
month believe their work will        first offering on the streaming       The film ends with a statistic    streets and in rundown homes       agencies that are tasked with
show there’s subscriber appetite     service.                            from the World Wildlife             of Lagos. It tells the story of    fighting human trafficking in
for movies that go deeper than the      Poacher, the first Kenyan film   Foundation: if current trends       impoverished sex workers lured     Nigeria will maybe clamour for
Hollywood stereotypes that often     released on Netflix, uses drama     continue, elephants will be         into being trafficked overseas.    more funding or sit up and do
make African viewers groan.          to show the lives of everyday       extinct by 2040.                    Human Rights Watch ranks           better,” said co-producer James
   Subscribers to the world’s        people involved in poaching.          The other movie, Òlòtūré, joins   Nigeria a top origin country of    Omuta.
largest streaming service can now       “It’s very simple to point       a host of Nigerian films on the     trafficking victims in Europe        (Reuters.)
watch Poacher, a Kenyan drama        fingers,” said Davina Leonard,      platform, which has nearly 193      and elsewhere.
about elephant poaching and          who co-wrote, co-produced,
Òlòtūré, a Nigerian thriller about   and stars in Poacher. “When
a journalist whose world falls       you start a drama, now you’re
apart after she goes undercover      looking at the people and their
as a sex worker.                     motivations.”
   The films avoid the simplistic       The film’s other star, Brian
portrayals that viewers in Africa    Ogola, hopes Poacher will spur
often resent, the producers say.     people to action.
   Netflix has begun screening          “It’s still not enough if we
more content produced in Africa,     want our grandchildren to see
Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020                                                                                                 13 Travel

                                                                        Desert and Delta Safaris
                                                                        – Making an impact
                                                                        amidst Covid-19

                                                                                                              Camp Okavango

While the COVID-19 pandemic          lodges and Camps in some of        i m p o s e d , DD S t o ok t h e
has devastated the tourism           the most pristine and wildlife     daunting decision to keep all
industry more than other             rich areas in Botswana and         its permanent employees on the
sectors of the economy,              Namibia.                           job. This is despite camps being
one of the oldest and well           Its luxury safari establishments   closed due to border closures
established Safari operators         are Chobe Game Lodge, Chobe        which meant no tourists.
in Botswana, Desert and Delta        Savanna Lodge, Savute Safari       During this time, the industry
Safaris, has during this difficult   Lodge, Camp Moremi, Camp           experienced a sudden decline
time been working on new             Xakanaxa, Camp Okavango,           of income, but had to continue
                                                                        enduring costs.
                                                                        Desert and Delta Safaris’
  Camp Xakanaxa                                                         Marketing Manager told Echo
                                                                        Travel that further to keeping
                                                                        their staff on their job, the
                                                                        company has been busy with
                                                                        other initiatives during this
                                                                        period of lockdowns. Among          to work on new projects.           of this, which will benefit
                                                                        them, was the rebranding            “During this halt in operation,    Botswana for years to come.
                                                                        exercise for the company,           we used the time to get some       ”
                                                                        which saw the change and            new projects done, including       Given the importance of wildlife
                                                                        modernisation of their logo         a rebrand of the famous Desert     to the tourism industry as
                                                                        and tagline.                        and Delta Safaris logo and         attractions, our last point
                                                                        Also achieved during this           tagline. Many hours went           of conversation had to be
                                                                        time was the decision by the        into this project, which has       conservation.
                                                                        company to be among the             been going on since April.,”       Flatt outlined the company
                                                                        inaugural founding members of       he said.                           philosophy saying,
                                                                        the newly formed Victoria Falls     “Where we are going is to is to    “Conservation has become such
                                                                        Tourism Association (VFTA).         empower the country through        a popular tag word in tourism
initiatives aimed at developing      Xugana Island Lodge and            “The history that comes with        people – using tourism as the      today, and rightly so. But the
its employees through travel         Leroo La Tau - all of which        this brand makes a significant      vehicle. And through this, we      reality is that in Botswana,
operations into the future.          guarantee travellers unique        impact on the experiences           came up with – ‘Empowering         conservation has been a part
Desert and Delta Safaris started     Safari experiences.                that our guests have. What          Botswana Through Tourism.”         of operation for a long time.
its operations in 1983, and then                                        really makes a safari with us       Desert and Delta Safaris became    We have been involved in,
operated only Camp Moremi            At the onset, following the        special is the people. We have      one of the founding members        started or helped fund countless
in the Okavango Delta. Today,        pandemic outbreak, and             always had our people at the        of the Victoria Falls regional     initiatives over the years and
DDS operates eight luxury            world-wide travel restrictions     core of our decisions. In fact,     Tourism Association, or Africa’s   will continue to do so because
                                                                          the Chobe Holdings group          Eden earlier this year.            without our wildlife and natural
                                                                          was the first luxury safari       “Recognizing the power of a        environments, we do not have
                                              Leroo La Tau                group in Botswana to have all     joint tourism body in one of       a tourism product and we do
                                                                          citizen management in all of      Africa’s most sought-after         not have a vehicle to empower
                                                                          our camps and lodges, which       tourism regions, we jumped         our people.”
                                                                          has fostered an incredible        at the opportunity to be a part
                                                                          sense of pride and ownership
                                                                          of the brand from everyone
                                                                          who works for the company.                                            Xugana Island Lodge
                                                                          It is these very people that
                                                                          deliver flawless, but relaxed
                                                                          and welcoming hospitality
                                                                          to every guest that walks
                                                                          through their doors,” Flatt
                                                                          emphasised the company’s
                                                                          people centred approach.
                                                                          Flatt said during the halt
                                                                          in operations due to the
                                                                          pandemic, they saw the need
14 Sports                                                                                                                         Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020

                                         CLASSIFIED ADS
                                             Call 3933805/6 To Advertise.
                                                                                                                                                                                           TAFA J

                                                                                                                         IN THE HIGH COURT OF THE REPUBLIC OF BOTSWANA
                                                                                                                                       HELD AT GABORONE

                                                                                                                                                                    CASE NO. CVHGB-000029-18

      Call 3933805/6
                                                                                                      In the matter between:

                                                                                                     FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BOTSWANA LIMITED                                Plaintiff
                                                                                                      KELESITSE RAMOND GILIKA                                               First Defendant
                                                                                                      PORTIA TEBOGO GILIKA                                                  Second Defendant
                                                                                                      WHALERS (PTY) LTD                                                     Third Defendant

                                                                                                                                    NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION

                                                                                                      BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to judgment granted in the above Honourable
                                                                                                      Court on 7th December 2018, the First, Second and Third Defendants’ property will be sold
                                                                                                      by auction to the highest bidder by Deputy Sheriff Omphemetse Peter Kaisara.

                                                                                                      DATE OF SALE:                     13th October 2020;
                                                                                                      VENUE:                            Lot 21028, Gaborone West Extension 5;
                                                                                                      TIME:                             09.30 am;
                                                                                                                                        piece of land being Lot 21028, Gaborone West Extension

                 with us
                                                                                                                                        5, 770m2 (Seven Hundred and Seventy Square Metres);
                                                                                                      PROPERTY TO BE SOLD :             held under Deed of Transfer No. 163/2006 dated 31st day of
                                                                                                                                        January 2006 made in favor of KELESITSE RAYMOND
                                                                                                                                        GILIKA with some developments thereon being a castle type
                                                                                                                                        4 bedrooms house, master ensuite, sitting room, kitchen,
                                                                                                                                        bathroom, toilet and shower, dining room, swimming pool,
                                                                                                                                        staff quarters, office and study room, paving, screen wall,
                                                                                                                                        electric fence and sliding gate.

                                                                                                      TERMS OF SALE:                 Cash or bank guaranteed cheques
                                                                                                      DATED AT GABORONE THIS 13th DAY OF OCTOBER 2020.

                                                                                                                                        Deputy Sheriff Omphemetse P Kaisara (71222244)
                                                                                                                                        C/o Serole & Partners
                                                                                                                                        The Courtyard, Lot 54513, Unit 1
                                                                                                                                        P O Box 1679 ABG, Sebele

                                                                                                                                                         The return legs will be played
                                                                                                                                                      in Alexandria on Oct. 23 and
                                                                                                                                                      Oct. 24 respectively.
                                                                                                                                                         The Confederation of African
                                                                                                                                                      Football had originally intended
                                                                                                                                                      to host the final stages of
                                                                                                                                                      both competitions in a mini-
                                                                                                                                                      tournament format with single
                                                                                                                                                      semi-finals and a final a few
                                                                                                                                                      days later at a central venue.
                                                                                                                                                         Cameroon were asked to host
                                                                                                                                                      the Champions League final-
                                                                                                                                                      four but pulled out and, after
                                                                                                                                                      that, no alternative could be
                                                                                                                                                      found, leading to the decision
                                                                                                                                                      to continue with the usual
                                                                                                                                                      two-legged format.
                                                                                                                                                         The final, however, is no
                                                                                                                                                      longer over two legs for the
                                                                                                                                                      first time in the competition’s
                                                                                                                                                      56-year history, but will be
                                                                                                                                                      played in Douala, Cameroon
                                                                                                                                                      on Nov. 6. The decision to play

African club competitions
                                                                                                                                                      the final in a single game was
                                                                                                                                                      already made last year.
                                                                                                                                                         The Confederation Cup will
                                                                                                                                                      be concluded behind closed

return after lengthy hiatus
                                                                                                                                                      doors at Rabat’s Prince Moulay
                                                                                                                                                      Abdellah Stadium.
                                                                                                                                                         There is an all-Moroccan
                                                                                                                                                      clash between Hassania Agadir
  African club competition        Champions League is continuing   regulations and travel            behind closed doors at the                       and Renaissance Berkane on
returns following a hiatus of     in its traditional format but    restrictions have kept the        cavernous Mohamed V Stadium                      Monday, followed the next
more than six months, caused      the Confederation Cup is         competitions from being           in Casablanca on Saturday in                     day by the second semi-final
by the COVID-19 pandemic, as      being concluded in a mini-       concluded sooner and there        the first leg of their Champions                 between Guinea’s Horoya and
both the Champions League         tournament at a single venue,    was concern, at one stage, they   League semi-final.                               Pyramids of Egypt. The final will
and African Confederation Cup     as was the case with Europe’s    might have to be cancelled.         Raja Casablanca meet                           be played on Sunday, Oct. 25.
resume at the semi-final stage.   two annual club competitions       Last season’s runners-up        Zamalek on Sunday at the same
  Morocco plays host to all       in August.                       Wydad Casablanca host record      venue in another tie pitting a                      (Reuters)
four ties this weekend. The         Africa’s strict lockdown       winners Al Ahly of Egypt          Moroccan club against Egyptian
Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020                                                                                                                               Sports 15

                                                                                                                                               feat. However, they want to
                                                                                                                                               go a step further with the title
                                                                                                                                               within their sights.
                                                                                                                                                 In addition, they boast of a
                                                                                                                                               remarkable away record in their
                                                                                                                                               campaign. Pyramids have won
                                                                                                                                               all seven away games this term;
                                                                                                                                               a feat that sets the debutants
                                                                                                                                               miles apart from their peers.
                                                                                                                                                 Ahead of their semi-final
                                                                                                                                               clash with Horoya of Guinea,
                                                                                                                                               Pyramids will be banking on
                                                                                                                                               the experience of skipper
                                                                                                                                               Abdullah El Said, who has
                                                                                                                                               won five different CAF titles
                                                                                                                                               with his former side, Al Ahly.
                                                                                                                                               El Said is having a season to
                                                                                                                                               remember, having recently
                                                                                                                                               joined the elite club of “100
                                                                                                                                               Goals” in the Egyptian Premier
                                                                                                                                                 Though ownership of the
                                                                                                                                               club has changed hands yet
                                                                                                                                               again, Salim Al Shamsi of the
                                                                                                                                               United Arab Emirates taking
                                                                                                                                               over from Al-Sheikh, Pyramids

Pyramids, A Story Of
                                                                                                                                               continue to attract big names.
                                                                                                                                                 Having the likes of Ghanaian
                                                                                                                                               John Antwi, the record foreign

Building Giants
                                                                                                                                               goal-scorer in Egyptian
                                                                                                                                               football, Burkinabe Eric Traore
                                                                                                                                               among others, they will have
                                                                                                                                               more power next season in
  It might be their first ever       Assiouty Sport, the club found     and moving the club base from     Brazil, Peru and Ecuador.            the form of former Al Ahly
appearance in a continental          their way up reaching the          Upper Egypt to the capital,         The adventure looked to have       experienced trio of Sherif
club championship, but               Egyptian top division (Premier     Cairo.                            produced immediate returns           Ekramy, Ahmed Fathy and
Egyptian newcomers Pyramids          League) in 2014. However, their      Al-Sheikh is reported to have   as Pyramids topped the 2018-         Ramadan Sobhy.
FC have emerged as one of the        tenure in the elite division       spent about 1 billion Egyptian    19 Egyptian Premier League             They are guided by an
favourites for this season’s Total   was short-lived as they were       Pounds (almost 63 million US      table for a greater part of the      experienced coach as well.
CAF Confederation Cup title.         relegated in 2015.                 dollars) on the restructuring     season. Eventually, they had         Croatian-born Ante Cacic,
  The continental debutants            It was not until 2018 when       process. He brought on board      to settle for third place Al Ahly    66, who joined the club last
will face Guinea champions           their revolution started to take   some big name players and         and Zamalek in that order. The       year after a long managerial
Horoya on Tuesday, 20 October        shape. After two seasons in the    raiding the camp of giants Al     third position earned them           career that saw him managing
2020, at Mohammed V Complex          topflight, the leadership of the   Ahly and Zamalek to help in       the ticket to qualify for the        Croatia national team, besides
in Casablanca, Morocco, with         club changed hands following       building the new club identity.   continental club championship        clubs including Dinamo
both sides aiming for a place        a takeover by Saudi Arabian        Abdullah El Said, Omar Gaber,     for the first time.                  Zagreb (Croatia), NK Maribor
in the final of the second-tier      investor Turki Al Al-Sheikh. He    Ahmed El Shennawy, Ali Gabr         And they have made the best        (Slovenia) among others.
club championship five days          mastered a complete revamp         among others were recruited,      of their maiden adventure.
later in Rabat.                      of the side, including changing    while adding a South American     Reaching the semifinal in their        (
  Founded in 2008 as Al              the name to “Pyramids FC”,         flavour with players from         debut season is a remarkable

                                                                                                          Olympics-Surfing and
                                                                                                          Games still in love but
                                                                                                          wedding on hold
                                                                                                          excitement. The party is still       the coast non-stop for three
                                                                                                          going to happen.”                    months illegally pretty much.
                                                                                                             While many athletes have            “My competitive side of me
                                                                                                          sought out sports psychologists      would come out because I just
                                                                                                          to help deal with the anxiety of a   wanted to get the best waves I
                                                                                                          delayed Games, Fitzgibbons and       possibly could.”
                                                                                                          South Africa’s Jordy Smith have        Fitzgibbons said after the
                                                                                                          found balance riding waves.          Tokyo Olympic postponement
                                                                                                             Fitzgibbons says the extra        was announced she initially
                                                                                                          time has provided room to            felt a bit anxious but has used
                                                                                                          figure out performance and           the COVID pause to “polish the
                                                                                                          progression while Smith              ordinary” and find perspective.
  After flirting with each other     Thursday.                          opportunity to ramp up the        sharpened his competitive              “I think everyone will be
for decades, surfing and the           “We’re still getting married,    anticipation.                     instincts on home waves.             on board to have that real
Olympics were set to tie the         we’re still lovers,” Aguerre         “It is really interesting          “When I made the trip             positive energy to kick start
knot in July until COVID-19          said during a State of Olympic     because that moment you have      back to South Africa it was          everything,” said Fitzgibbons.
crashed the wedding to spoil         Surfing broadcast. “It’s just an   been preparing for something      our winter and the borders             “Hopefully, that gratitude
the sport’s debut at the Tokyo       extra year for the wedding.”       you think you know what it is     were closed,” said Smith, who        continues on and every time
Games.                                 Viewed as among sport’s          going to be like but we truly     has also secured an Olympic          you think you are having a
  It will, however, take more        most laid-back athletes, it is     don’t know,” said Fitzgibbons.    berth. “You couldn’t take            tough year, a tough moment it
than a global pandemic to            no surprise surfers are taking       “You just kind of wake up       flights to each state and there      will be like remember that year
break up this relationship,          the Olympics delay in their        each day and look at it as this   were obviously good waves in         and that will put everything
International Surfing                stride, Australian gold medal      opportunity and the dream         Durban and Cape Town.                into perspective.”
Association (ISA) president          hope Sally Fitzgibbons looking     is kind of happening. It is          “I was just getting in the
Fernando Aguerre said on             at the postponement as another     definitely going to build the     car and driving up and down             (Reuters.)
                                              THE AFRICAN STORY

                                                                                                                     Echo Newspaper 19 - 25 Octo 2020

                                           The African
                                          keepers leading
                                          the way

  From Badou Zaki to Thomas         year to Atletico Madrid.            FIFA World Cup in 2018. That         to experience that tournament,           Widely regarded as one
Nkono, and Bruce Grobbelaar         Denied first-team football with     said, El Shenawy has not being       but in the colours of Chelsea,         of the most gifted keepers
to Essam El Hadary and              Los Colchoneros, he would           waiting in the wings at club         who secured his services in the        in Europe, he was a logical
Joseph-Antoine Bell, Africa         eventually find success in Spain    level, having been a mainstay        most recent transfer window.           choice to be Kameni’s successor
has consistently produced great     with Real Zaragoza and Girona,      of Al Ahly since 2016. Captain         His progress with the national       at national level, despite
goalkeepers. Their heroics in       paving the way for his transfer     of the Red Devils, he has won        has been no less dramatic.             competition from Fabrice
the last line of defence have       to Sevilla in 2019.                 the last three editions of the       Ha n d e d h i s f i r s t c a p i n   Ondoa. To return to the world
not only secured their place in        Second-choice behind Tomas       Egyptian Premier League and          November 2018, he was already          stage in 2022, the Indomitable
the history of African football     Vaclick and used last season only   was instrumental in his side’s       in the starting XI for the 2019        Lions will be counting on
but have also inspired a whole      for UEFA Europa League games,       progress to the last four of         CAF Africa Cup of Nations a few        Onana’s dependability in a
generation of players.              the Moroccan still dazzled in       this year’s African Champions        months later. A finger injury          group featuring Côte d’Ivoire,
  While many kids growing up        helping the Andalusian club         League before its interruption       sidelined him for the latter stage     Mozambique and Malawi.
on the continent still dream        lift that continental title. Bono   due to COVID-19.                     of the competition, in which             Denis Onyango (Uganda/
of becoming the next Roger          was particularly impressive           A starter in Egypt’s initial       the Lions of Teranga lost to           Mamelodi Sundowns)
Milla, Samuel Eto’o, Rabah          against Manchester United           group games of Russia 2018, he       Algeria in the final. With Sadio         At 35, Denis Onyango is one
Madjer, Nwankwo Kanu or             in the semi-finals and Inter        was named Man of the Match for       Mane banging in the goals and          of the most reliable keepers in
Didier Drogba, these days           Milan in the final, prompting       the opening defeat to Uruguay        Mendy stopping them, Senegal           African football, even if he is not
many others aspire to be a          Julen Lopetegui to hand him a       (1-0). Now 31, and at the peak       have their sights firmly set on        a household name beyond the
hero between the posts. It is       starting place at the beginning     of his powers, he aspires to         a place at Qatar 2022 and will         continent. Yet despite that, the
no surprise to see more and         of the current season. The          lead The Pharaohs to a second        face Congo, Namibia and Togo           CV of the Mamelodi Sundowns
more African keepers bursting       situation is reminiscent of         consecutive World Cup, starting      in the second round.                   custodian shows he was voted
onto the scene in elite football.   his journey with the national       with a group stage battle against                                           Africa-based Player of the Year
  With the second round of          team, where, for many years,        Gabon, Libya and Angola.             Andre Onana (Cameroon/                 in 2016 after winning that year’s
CAF qualifiers for the FIFA         he was understudy to Munir.                                              Ajax)                                  CAF Champions League and
World Cup Qatar 2022™ just          Bono would eventually relegate      Edouard Mendy (Senegal/                After Nkono, Bell, Jacques           participating in the FIFA Club
months away, turned        him to the bench in 2019, since     Chelsea)                             Songo’o and Carlos Kameni,             World Cup. On top of that, he
the spotlight on five of Africa’s   when he has been first choice         It’s hard to believe now, but      Cameroon appear to have                has picked up South African
top keepers, who are – and hope     for the Atlas Lions. In the race    28-year-old Edouard Mendy            found another goalkeeping              Premier League winning medals
to remain – at the forefront of     to Qatar 2022, Moroccans will       only signed his first professional   phenomenon. Having gone                in each of the last three seasons.
their teams’ ambitions.             be hoping he can help their         contract in 2016. The club in        through the Samuel Eto’o                 Very assured in one-on-ones,
                                    side progress from a group          question was Stade de Reims,         Academy and La Masia at                and often brilliant at stopping
Yassine Bounou (Morocco/            containing Guinea, Guinea-          who finally gave the player a        Barcelona, Andre Onana made            penalties, the Uganda captain
Sevilla)                            Bissau and Sudan.                   chance after seasons in the          his professional debut with            knows the clock is ticking if
  At 29, Yassine Bounou,                                                lower leagues and a short stint      Dutch giants Ajax. A regular           the rest of the football world is
or simply ‘Bono’, has been          Mohamed El Shenawy                  in Marseille’s reserve team.         starter from the age of 22             to discover and appreciate his
around for some time. Canadian      (Egypt/Al Ahly)                     After three years there with no      following the departure of             talents. A vital component of
born, he cut his teeth with           Mohamed El Shenawy is             few clean sheets, reflex saves       Jasper Cillessen, he was part          the Cranes’ qualification for the
the youth teams of Wydad            another who took centre stage       and commanding forays off            of the exciting young team             Cup of Nations in 2017 – their
Casablanca, where he made           relatively late in his career. It   his line, the 1.97m custodian        that made it to the semi-              first since 1978 – and 2019, he
his first team debut in 2010        must be said, however, that         moved to Rennes. It was no           final of the 2019 Champions            would dearly love to represent
and progressed alongside the        his predecessor in the national     coincidence that, with the           League, where they would               his country at a World Cup. To
club’s legendary keeper Nadir       team was a certain Essam El         Senegalese in goal last year,        lose in dramatic fashion to            do so, the first step will be to
Lamyaghri. He was a starter         Hadary, a colossus of African       the Bretons enjoyed their best       Tottenham. En route to the             top a second-round group in
in the 2011 CAF Champions           football who kept goal for The      ever season, culminating in          last-four, Onana thwarted the          which Mali, Kenya and Rwanda
League final, which the club        Pharaohs until turning 45,          a maiden UEFA Champions              considerable attacking talents         await.
lost to Esperance de Tunis,         in the process becoming the         League qualification. As fate        of Real Madrid and Juventus,
before moving the following         oldest player to compete at a       would have it, Mendy will get        among others.                            (
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