South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power

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South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
South Africa's pioneering
study of stokvel groups
and their buying power

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South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
July 27 - 29 2018

Navigating its
                                                                                                                  other members, or in their pri-       sights into Stokvels. Over the
                                                                                                                  vate or individual capacity. The      next few weeks we look forward
                                                                                                                  “I am, because we are” philoso-       to taking brand owners and mar-
                                                                                                                  phy often overrides individual        keters interested in customised
                                                                                                                  preference for certain brands,        sessions on an insightful journey

complex culture
                                                                                                                  products or services when those       into the stokvel phenomenon.
                                                                                                                  holding the purse strings need to        We’ll provide demographic
                                                                                                                  make the best choices for a larger    and geographic descriptions that
                                                                                                                  group. The ability of marketers       contextualise the various stokvel
                                                                                                                  to understand these motivations       types, from burial societies that
                                                                                                                  and nuances should not be un-         focus on funeral cover or ser-
An insight into the                  regular basis – to create a savings
                                     pot that can be shared for a vari-
                                                                                                                     With this in mind, we’re very
                                                                                                                                                        vices, through to money, saving
                                                                                                                                                        and grocery stokvels. We’ll also
stokvel ‘sector’                     ety of common purposes. Trust,
                                     commitment and responsibility
                                                                                                                  excited to once again partner
                                                                                                                  with African Response in pre-
                                                                                                                                                        share insights into savings that
                                                                                                                                                        get funnelled into investment,
Ubuntu is one of those uniquely      are the shared values that bind                                              senting the annual research of        birthday and holiday stokvels.
African concepts that, for many,     members together.                                                            the South African stokvel envi-          Importantly, we’ll also high-
define what it means to be South        The stokvel phenomenon is                                                 ronment. African Response is          light relevant brands and busi-
African. A beautiful word that       one that is proving complex to                                               the leading and pioneering mar-       nesses mentioned by members
exemplifies a philosophy of car-     navigate for retailers, brands,                                              ket research agency for stokvel       when choosing how and where
ing for the welfare of every indi-   and those in the banking and in-                                             groups, and has conducted a           to spend or invest their money.
vidual in a community – that         surance sectors, and is under-                                               range of qualitative and quantita-       Tiso Blackstar and its titles
special acknowledgement that “I      standably drawing their increas-                                             tive surveys to assist businesses     have a reputation for delivering
am, because we are”. Ubuntu is a     ing interest. Here’s why:                                                    to develop stokvel strategies over    credible,    transparent     news
spirit that ignites people to work      These small close-knit groups                                             the past seven years.                 where readers find a safe, pro-
together, for the benefit of all.    have a significant impact on the                                                The survey is nationally repre-    tected space – online and in print
   We live in very exciting, yet     country’s bottom-line. Nearly 12-                                            sentative, with a randomly se-        – where citizens trust what they
challenging times as South           million South Africans partici-                                              lected sample of 2,500 respon-        read. Thanks to the leadership of
Africans. We’re all striving for a   pate in 440,000 stokvels that           Reardon Sanderson, group GM:         dents. Thirty percent of the sam-     our editors, fearless journalists,
better future … where team work      plough R54bn into the economy            Sales and Marketing at Tiso         ple covered small towns, rural        an unwavering dedication to edi-
and ubuntu are essential. It         annually. It’s an incredible sav-             Blackstar Group.               and deep rural areas whereas          torial integrity, and a desire to
should come as no surprise then      ings discipline that comes from                                              the balance covered large towns,      build a healthy democracy, our
that the stokvel phenomenon          necessity and represents a                                                   cities and metropolitan regions.      titles are the go-to platforms for
has become such a large part of      formidable spending power.              the purposes and motivations for     The survey was designed in line       advertisers to extend the reach of
our culture: the stokvel is “eco-    And this is why marketers are           stokvels may be vastly different,    with the national urbanisation        their brands. Tiso Blackstar’s
nomic ubuntu in action”.             sitting up.                             and thus marketing approaches        rate of 64% (Statistics South         support of the African Response
   Stokvels are the most promi-         It’s the informality and diversi-    need to be fitted accordingly.       Africa), with the data weighted       Stokvel Survey is evidence of our
nent informal savings and in-        ty of the stokvel “sector” that is        In addition, it’s important to     to the 2017 mid-year population       commitment to deliver value for
vestment mechanisms in the           challenging       for    businesses     understand that stokvel mem-         estimates, which found that           advertisers.
country. They’re regulated by        which traditionally operate on          bers may also act or respond dif-    31.2% of the 56,5m South                 Please join us in learning and
small, intimate groups of friends    volume and value principles.            ferently to brands and advertis-     Africans are 16 years and older.      celebrating the power of the
and family committed to con-         While the purchasing power of           ing, depending on whether               In this survey we provide an       stokvel, and sharing the spirit of
tributing an agreed amount on a      the stokvel collective is strong,       they’re purchasing on behalf of      overview of some of the key in-       ubuntu.

Research aimed at
                                     Taking stokvels
                                                                                                                                                        ten hear comments and reports
                                                                                                                                                        saying South Africans don’t save
enhancing them                                                                                                                                          or South Africans are saving in-
                                                                                                                                                        formally, which is not considered
                                                                                                                                                        good. How true is this?

                                     into the future
As a Stokvel member, a marke-                                                                                                                              It is high time we debunk
teer and a researcher, I was al-                                                                                                                        some of the myths and percep-
ways curious about the group dy-                                                                                                                        tions about stokvels and start to
namics and motives: who was                                                                                                                             see the value and importance of
actively playing the stokvel                                                                                                                            stokvels. The focus should move
game? How were people playing                                                                                                                           away from wanting to capture a
this game? Was it a game? What       vant; why is it critical to build on-                                        different sectors such as retail,     share of the stokvel market, but
value was being realised? Who        to stokvels and not only want to                                             consumer goods and financial          rather to amplify the stokvel way
was benefiting? How big was          “capture them”; and who is win-                                              services. There are several es-       to create an even better value
this whole stokvel movement?         ning in this space, and what have                                            sential and non-negotiable at-        through collaboration, relevant
Was it a growing or a declining      they done to achieve success?                                                tributes of stokvel groups that       education and co-creation of so-
movement? There were a lot              The name stokvel originates                                               continue to challenge conven-         lutions that address challenges
more questions than answers.         from the term “stock fairs” dat-                                             tional, if formal, business prac-     for stokvels.
  My curiosity was calmed in         ing back to the 19th century, as                                             tices:                                   Stokvels continue to evolve
2011 when African Response, a        the rotating cattle auctions of En-                                             A stokvel is a platform where      and are playing a significant role
company I was leading, agreed        glish settlers in the Eastern                                                money is exchanged between            in empowering millions of South
to fund a research project to un-    Cape. The practice was a collec-                                             members without incurring             Africans.
pack the realities and dynamics      tive platform to sell cows leverag-                                          transaction or service fees. In-         Join African Response, in col-
of stokvels.                         ing on the “economies of scale” –                                            stead often used to increase the      laboration with Tiso Blackstar,
  The insights and knowledge         that principle still drives the                                              collective pool of funds through a    on this stokvel journey over the
gained through personal experi-      essence of stokvels.                                                         forced      saving    mechanism       next few weeks for an in-depth
ence backed by the various re-          Call it mogodishano, umgalelo,           Mamapudi Nkgadima,               through microlending the funds        view of this phenomenon.
search projects undertaken in        umrholiswano, syndicate, gooi,           Managing Director of African        within/or outside membership             The African Response survey
2011, 2014 and recently in 2017,     gooi, savings club, investment            Response research agency           for mutual group benefit.             was based on a nationally repre-
necessitated the need to run this    club, holiday club, family club,                                                The value of stokvel is not only   sentative, randomly selected
publication and share the value      etc., what is key is the common                                              financial but is also about build-    sample of 2,500 respondents
of the powerful economy of           goal of pooling resources togeth-       limited to membership but are        ing and nurturing relationships       aged 16 years and older. Thirty
stokvels.                            er for the mutual benefits.             shared through direct or indirect    among friends, families, col-         percent of the sample covered
  The dynamics of stokvels; the         Today stokvels have become           relations to a family member         leagues and other types of            small towns, rural and deep ru-
powerful value of stokvels; their    synonymous with traditional             who is an active stokvel member.     groups that get together for a        ral areas whereas the balance
evolution in terms of how they       saving mechanisms where a               This is truly the principle of       common goal be it church              covered large towns, cities and
are run, operate, what new types     group of people (who trust each         Ubuntu in action: “You are be-       groups, investment etc.               metropolitan regions. This de-
are emerging, what investment        other and have a common goal)           cause we are” thus satisfying one       There is always an opportunity     sign is in line with the national
platforms are they using and         pool their limited resources to         of the primary drivers for joining   to “hit two birds with one stone”     urbanisation rate of 64% (Statis-
why; what keeps members unit-        achieve bigger and better for           stokvel                              so to speak by initiating solu-       tics South Africa).
ed and what can be learnt from       themselves, their families and            The stokvel phenomenon con-        tions/products/services        that      Be part of the African Re-
this; what challenges they deal      their communities at large. The         tinues to draw interest from indi-   have dual benefit.                    sponse StokveLink community
with and what makes them rele-       benefits from stokvels are not          viduals and businesses across           July is a savings month. We of-    by dialling *120*553*18#
South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
July 27 - 29 2018

Age-old saving system now big
player in mainstream banking

Simangele Shabalala, a young profesional who credits stokvels
            with turning her financial life around

Stokvels are                           away from villages to urban ar-
                                       eas, from keeping cash inside
                                                                                                                                                   be traditionally accepted, but be-
                                                                                                                                                   cause of the trust system, they
becoming a                             mattresses to keeping it in bank
                                       accounts. They have become an
                                                                                                                                                   are able to facilitate the transac-
                                                                                                                                                   tion with stokvel members.
popular                                informal way of facilitating pay-
                                       ments among members, a trend
                                                                                                                                                      As the primary breadwinner
                                                                                                                                                   in her family, Simangele Shabal-
investment choice                      which dates back to the 19th cen-                                                                           ala, a 24-year-old professional, is
                                       tury.                                                                                                       using stokvels as a long-term in-
                                          Ntombi Tisani, head of mar-                                                                              vestment plan.
By Palesa Vuyolwethu Tshandu           keting at Old Mutual Personal                                                                                  “It’s like a savings plan with
                                       Finance, said: “while they con-                                                                             your family and people who un-
Stokvels, an old community sav-        tinue to play a key role in our                                                                             derstand you and your financial
ing system that was historically       communities; the arrangement                                                                                struggles,” Shabalala said.
the reserve of rural and township      of stokvels is increasingly reflec-                                                                            She is a member of three
communities, has grown in pop-         tive of changing social dynamics.                                                                           stokvels and is often the
ularity to become the economic         These include expanded defini-                                                                              youngest in her group. She has
vehicle of South Africa’s town-        tions of stokvels as hubs for so-                                                                           debunked stereotypes that these
ship communities.                      cialising, helping to reduce costs,                                                                         groups are reserved for older
   They have become a huge             realising shared goals – like sav-                                                                          people.
commercial vehicle that is cred-       ings for holiday travel, building                                                                              “At the beginning of the year
ited with most double storey           commitment and spreading fi-                                                                                we meet to discuss our needs for
mansions that are mushrooming          nancial education.                                                                                          the year and we each e explain to
in most of South Africa’s town-           “Stokvels have progressed in                                                                             the members how much we are
ships. The proceeds are often          the way their role is perceived                                                                             going to need,” she said.
used for purchases of cars, hous-      and in the way they operate. The                                                                               Shabalala said the main rea-
es and to even send children to        fact that stokvels are evolving in-                                                                         son for participating in stokvels
university.                            to a modern savings solution is                                                                             was because “it is affordable and
   Stokvels are described as invi-     positive news. But it’s imperative                                                                          you don’t get penalised for miss-
tation-only clubs of 12 or more        that members do their home-                                                                                 ing a debit order, like banks do”.
people serving as rotating credit      work and ensure their stokvel so-                                                                              She has been using stokvels
unions or saving scheme in             lution is efficiently structured                                                                            for the past three years and de-
South Africa, where members            and geared for growth.”                                                                                     scribes it as much more effective
contribute fixed sums of money            The 2017 Old Mutual Savings                                                                              than a traditional bank.
to a central fund on a weekly,         & Investment Monitor found                                                                                     “Too often we sign too many
fortnightly or monthly basis.          that more than a quarter of black                                                                           legally binding documents. If
   According to the National           metropolitan working house-                                                                                 you lose your job there are all
Stokvel Association (Nasasa),          holds prefer to save using a                                                                                sorts of penalities.”
English settlers in the Eastern        stokvel or savings club. There’s                                                                               According to the World Eco-
Cape held auctions which were          also been an 11% increase in                                                                                nomic Forum, more than 70% of
known as “stock fairs”, a word         stokvel membership among                                                                                    adults in South Africa have
which later evolved into stokvels,     high-income earners (those                                                                                  transaction accounts, yet only
which was used to describe             earning R40,000 or more), from                                                                              24% make more than three
pooled resources with which to         46% in 2009 to 57% in 2017. This                                                                            monthly transactions such as
trade livestock. Today, stokvels       challenges the perception that                                                                              withdrawals, deposits or card
apply similar principles, as           stokvels are still predominantly a                                                                          swipes, with more than 60% of all
members pool in financial re-          lower-income phenomenon.                                                                                    purchases being paid in cash.
sources for the benefit of the            “The increasing buying power                                                                                Stokvels have also been the
group.                                 and growing stokvel footprint             Ntombi Tisani, head of marketing at Old Mutual Personal           saving grace for those who are no
   An estimated 40% of South           empowers members to demand                                        Finance                                   longer recognised by the credit
African households belong to           more from service providers, in-                                                                            system, making it difficult for
stokvel group saving schemes.          cluding financial education, ad-      Tisani added.                       porates to look at inclusionary   them to access certain products.
Nasasa says more than 11.4-mil-        vice and platforms that will grow       But most of these groups have     mechanisms for lower-income          But for young professionals
lion people in South Africa be-        the stokvel and enrich the overall    organised themselves based on       workers. Nasasa has agreements    such as Shabalala, “that’s how
long to a stokvel, collectively sav-   experience.      These     add-ons    trust, which is why organisations   with service providers who are    our money earns interest. I’m al-
ing about R49bn a year.                should contribute to members’         such as Nasasa have created         able to offer services for mem-   ways preaching to young people
   Stokvels have been moving           ultimate goals for the stokvel,”      working relationships with cor-     bers of stokvels who would not    to join stokvels”.
South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
July 27 - 29 2018

                                      Banks are also joining in on the increasingly lucrative stokvel sector. P H O T O :   MARIANNE PRETORIUS.

cashing in on
Offerings of                          enue. But there was no intention
                                      to introduce a new product.
tailored products                       “We continue to see significant
                                      growth of new accounts and de-
help banks share                      posit balances of over 11% on a
                                      year-on-year basis and ahead of
the spoils                            household savings industry
                                      growth,” Ramolahlehi said.
By Asha Speckman                        South Africa’s household sav-      stokvels gain access to stock-       charges R5 monthly for access       Bank banks the highest share of
                                      ings to disposable income rate is    broking events.                      to Allan Gray’s money market        stokvels by percentage with 29%,
At a time when the financial sec-     0.2% per month, according to the        “We do, however, see clubs that   fund and Satrix 40 – an index       followed by Nedbank with 19%,
tor battles to raise South Africa’s   Reserve Bank’s December 2017         take up the fixed deposit and no-    tracking performance of the top     FNB with 13%, and Absa with
weak household savings rate           Quarterly Bulletin.                  tice select products as well.”       40 companies listed on the JSE.     11%. The percentage of those
through formal commercial               Ramolahlehi said the stokvel          FNB is in a closed period until      But like a stokvel, member-      stokvel members who did not
products, some banks are reap-        account has been a conduit for       mid-September and could not          ship is by invitation only from a   have personal bank accounts
ing rewards through extending         Standard Bank to sell other          comment on the growth of its         user you may know and who is        rose from 10% in 2011 to 18% last
tailored products to stokvel          products in its savings portfolio,   products.                            already connected to the appli-     year, underscoring the impor-
groups.                               resulting in a growth of interest       Himal Parbhoo, CEO of FNB         cation.                             tance of stokvels as an alterna-
   The popularity of joining          in products such as its fixed de-    retail cash investments, said           A study conducted by African     tive savings vehicle.
stokvels as a means to save at        posits accounts, notice deposits,    FNB’s stokvel and “traditional”      Response, a research and strate-       On the other hand, borrowing
cheaper rates has been an attrac-     Money Market Call and Mar-           savings products were geared to-     gic insights consultancy, found     through savings clubs is fairly
tive option for decades.              ketLink.                             wards encouraging clients to         that last year, of the funds in-    small globally.
   Of South Africa’s five big           “The end in mind is that cus-      save for their goals. The bank’s     vested from stokvel contribu-          A report commissioned by the
banks, Standard Bank’s Society        tomers want to optimise and          products cover burial, groceries     tions, the bulk was mainly de-      World Bank indicates that “bor-
Scheme account, a product             grow their savings by benefiting     and holiday savings goals.           posited into notice deposit ac-     rowing semi-formally from a
geared towards stokvels, has be-      from double interest rates paid         Capitec Bank said it did not      counts, followed by savings         savings club such as a rotary sav-
come a “cash cow” for the bank,       from society schemes and invest-     cater specifically for stokvel       bonds. Only 5% of contributions     ings and credit association was
making it one of the products         ments accounts,” he said.            groups.                              were invested in exchange trad-     reported by 3% of adults in devel-
that are considered to have             Absa’s Club Account requires          But new savings options are       ed funds, with even fewer con-      oping economies”.
reached growth maturity.              a R50 opening deposit compared       entering the financial services      tributions going towards divi-         However, globally the share of
   Malefetsane Michael Ramo-          to the R500 opening deposit that     market.                              dend paying stocks, endowment       adults reporting formal borrow-
lahlehi, who is manager for the       Standard Bank’s stokvel product         In July this year Franc, a new    policies, property and unit         ing, including through the use of
savings products portfolio, retail    requires.                            application for smartphones, hit     trusts.                             a credit card, remained flat be-
& business banking at Standard          A spokesperson for the bank        the market. It provides access to       There are 440,462 stokvels       tween 2014 and 2017 at 23%.
Bank Group, said the product –        said in an emailed response that     the money market and ex-             and 11.8-million members coun-         The research was published in
launched several years ago – was      the product range was wide and       change-traded funds. Launched        trywide who collectively gener-     “The Global Findex Database
“considered to be a cash cow” as      included a travel club account,      by Thomas Brennan‚ the former        ated R54 bn in contributions.       2017 – Measuring Financial In-
it had fulfilled its expected busi-   grocery club account and invest-     head of digital innovation at Dis-      The African Response re-         clusion and the Fintech Revolu-
ness imperatives to generate rev-     ment club through which              covery Health, the service           search shows that Standard          tion” recently.
South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
July 27 - 29 2018

Carving their own destiny
Most women-run                       ished following the amendment.
                                       But for Ubisi another plan had
empires started                      formed – an investment decision
                                     that would unlock other oppor-
with stokvels                        tunities in later years.
                                       Together with a group of wom-
By Asha Speckman                     en, Ubisi, from Vaal, south of Jo-
                                     hannesburg, formed a stokvel in
It was 1995 and Princess Ubisi       1995 and called themselves La-
was stuck with bills to pay, three   dy’s Nite. Its members were
daughters to raise and pressure      united by a common interest: all
to supplement her income.            desired to become successful
  This was the year in which         business people.
South Africa hosted and won the        At first they set aside R5000
Rugby World Cup and govern-          weekly, meeting every Thursday.
ment abolished the financial         But they soon raised the target to
rand, which was traded at a dis-     R11,000 as they worked harder
counted parallel currency to the     to make their goals a reality.
commercial rand.                       All have since launched busi-
  But interest rates were high at    nesses with their proceeds from
double-digit figures, making bor-    the stokvel.
rowing an expensive option.            Ubisi, now a budding en-
  Three years earlier the govern-    trepreneur, launched a bar in
ment had amended a section of        Boipatong township near Van-
the Usury Act that capped the        derbiljpark. This was the same
pricing on short-term loans,         township which was the scene of       to Ubisi’s next big break.
which had locked many South          a bloody and brutal politically-         “Because of a clean credit record I got
Africans out of access to short-     motivated massacre in June            a loan from a bank for an Engen garage
term credit. The industry flour-     1992. It was a small bar but it led   franchise,” she said.
                                                                              Her fellow stokvel members were on
                                                                           the rise too and their businesses also be-
                                                                           gan to flourish. But while at first the
                                                                           group had 12 members, some dropped

     CHOOSE       FOR
                                                                           out along the journey. “We are now nine
                                                                           members,” she said.
                                                                              Research conducted recently by
                                                                           African Response, a research and
   MOUTH-WATERING AROMA                                                    strategic insights consultancy, indicates
                                                                           that within the stokvel purse the major-
                                                                           ity of contributions is dedicated towards
                                                                           functional needs. Money towards ex-
                                                                           pansion of business interests ranked
                                                                           lower in priority over and above grocery
                                                                           and clothing purchases.
                                                                              According to the study there are cur-
                                                                           rently 440,462 stokvels in operation
                                                                           with 11.8m stokvel members country-
                                                                           wide. Gauteng has the largest concen-
                                                                           tration of stokvels. Collectively stokvels
                                                                           collected R54bn in contributions last
                                                                              The stokvel concept exists around the
                                                                           globe as a category known as Rotary
                                                                           Savings and Credit Associations.
                                                                              In South Africa it was thanks to the        Princess Ubisi at the launch of her
                                                                           exclusionary practices under the                         Engen garage.
                                                                           apartheid regime that saw stokvels rise
                                                                           in popularity as almost no commercial
                                                                           activities were permitted in black town-     Moliea said.
                                                                           ships. This led to almost a non-existent        He found that participant groups used
                                                                           banking footprint in blacks-only resi-       the money for building houses and edu-
                                                                           dential areas and in homelands.              cating their children, especially at ter-
                                                                              A research project into stokvels as an    tiary institutions. Women have typically
                                                                           alternative sustainable and self-suffi-      also tended to prefer forming a group
                                                                           cient form of microfinance found that        with other women over and above men.
                                                                           there was a gap in the servicing of fi-         “They have become known as such a
                                                                           nancial needs in underserviced areas         strong intermediary in the informal fi-
                                                                           such as former homelands and town-           nancial sector that the South African
                                                                           ships. This had led to the creation of in-   Reserve Bank included them in the reg-
                                                                           formal microfinance institutions.            ulatory framework of financial institu-
                                                                              The research was conducted by             tions in 1994,” Moliea said.
                                                                           Hulisani Moliea in a thesis titled              Yet, following the demise of apartheid
                                                                           “Stokvels as alternative microfinance        and the inclusion of black people in the
                                                                           institutions: Conversation with women        banking system, stokvels continued to
                                                                           from Venda”. It was submitted to the         gain popularity.
                                                                           Gordon Institute of Business Science in         The FinScope South Africa study
                                                                           2007.                                        published by the Finmark Trust in 2017
                                                                              “Stokvels are successful because          found that about 77% of the population
                                                                           members appreciate the forced savings        was now banked. However, an increas-
                                                                           aspect, and were also preferred by peo-      ing number of South Africans still con-
                                                                           ple who did not have access to funds to      tinue to use informal banking products
                                                                           improve their standard of living,”           to meet their financial needs and goals.
South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
July 27 - 29 2018

machine for the poor
Money stokvels                                                                The woman, who didn’t want
                                                                            to be named for fear that her
give banks a run                                                            stokvel may be targeted for rob-
                                                                            beries, said they rotate their
for their money                                                             meetings at each other’s houses
                                                                            every month for safety.
By PENELOPE MASHEGO                                                           Once there, the hosting mem-
                                                                            ber provides a meal for them,
In a country where financial in-                                            which they pay an extra R100
clusion continues to be a chal-                                             for. She said the R100 is a non-
lenge, stokvels are providing                                               negotiable as “food is expensive”
South Africans with a platform                                              and no one should have to worry
to save money for their needs                                               about spending a lot of money on       Bulk groceries that are the proceeds from monthly stokvel
and escape poverty.                                                         food while they are trying to            contributions, often shared by members in December.
   For decades, black communi-                                              raise money.
ties have been using stokvels to                                              The monthly contributions are
save money for financial, social                                            then handed out around the          idea of making use of banking        their money for the round.
and entertainment needs, this                                               group and counted by the last       services for their stokvel.            “We are still doing well, most
practice continues to be popular.      Jan Wegelin, head of research        person in the circle, who then        “We avoid the bank, imagine        people who join stokvels [like
   The National Stokvel Associa-           at African Response.             gives it to the person whose turn   the fees for 10 people depositing    ours] are people who have chil-
tion of South Africa (Nasasa), de-                                          it is to receive the lump sum       money into someone’s account,”       dren in university or building
scribes a stokvel as a type of ro-                                          cash. There is no chairman, trea-   she said.                            houses. People have their own vi-
tating savings and credit associa-    bership, grocery stokvels are         surer or secretary in the group       The woman said that their sys-     sions and plans and there has
tion, credit union or communal        quite common, with a member-          since all the cash is handed out,   tem is based on trust and they       never been anyone who didn’t
group. Stokvels are made up of a      ship range of five to 60 people.      counted and received on the spot.   have never had a member fail to      understand the importance of
group of people who agree to          The members contribute an             They have not considered the        pay or run off after they received   this,” she said.
contribute a fixed amount of          agreed to amount of money dur-
money weekly, fortnightly or          ing the year, which can be kept
monthly.                              in a bank account, at a whole-
   Nasasa estimates that there        saler, or with the treasurer until
are 800,000 active stokvel            December, when they go and
groups in South Africa, with          buy what they need.
over 11-million members, saving          People join a money stokvel,
R49bn.                                called mogodisano in the town-
   Communities often start or         ships, to exchange funds for dif-
join stokvels based on their          ferent purposes.
needs, recruiting members by             “A money stokvel is where
word of mouth or through invita-      people exchange funds between
tions from family and friends         the members for many different
who are already members.              purposes,” said Wegelin.
   The biggest stokvels are gro-         The collection and circulation
cery, savings and money               of the money takes place within
stokvels, as well as burial soci-     the group and away from banks,
eties. As of 2017, according to       making it the least banked type,
market       research     company     where only 22% of stokvels keep
African Response, burial soci-        their money in a bank account.
eties have the most members at        Another characteristic of this
39%, grocery stokvels have the        stokvel is that it can also operate
second largest membership at          as a microlender, providing
29%, while money stokvels take        members loans for repayment
up 27% of the membership and          with interest. Again, this leaves
savings stokvels take up 23% with     banks out of the picture as there
14% going to other types of           is no expectation for collateral or
stokvels, ranging from invest-        surety that banks require.
ment to holidays and property.           A saving stokvel on the other
   Burial societies give a lump       hand is similar to a money stokv-
sum of money to their members         el, in that it provides members
for a funeral. The number of          with instant access to funds. The
burial societies has decreased        only difference is that it may not
from 65% membership in 2014 to        necessarily rotate every month.
39% last year. This is due to com-       “Everyone on a monthly basis
panies such as Vodacom and            [contributes] R100 or R200, and
Edgars now providing funeral          the stokvel just keeps that money
covers, which head of research at     for whenever someone might
African Response, Jan Wegelin,        need something but generally
said costs about R40 or R90 a         the purpose of it is to put money
month.                                aside whatever the reasons are,”
   “Some people have opted then       said Wegelin.
to do it on their own, rather than       The saving stokvel has the
being part of a burial society. But   most money banked, and 62% of
in terms of the size of the stokvel   savings stokvels have a stokvel
industry, burial still has the        bank account.
[highest] number of members.             For a woman from Katlehong,
   “The contributions of burial       east of Johannesburg, trust has
stokvels are quite small, it’s        kept her money stokvel going for
about R100, R150 or R90, where-       the past 10 years. She said that
as grocery, savings and money         her stokvel started off with a
[stokvels] generally tend to be       R1,000 contribution and now the
more per month,” Wegelin said.        group contribute R2,000 each
   With the second-largest mem-       per month.
South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
July 27 - 29 2018

Pick n Pay, Absa
enter the grocery
stokvel market
                                      Retailers join in on
By Merrick Parker

Stokvels continue to be big busi-
ness for wholesalers and cash &
carry businesses but grocery re-
                                      the shopping spree
tailers are starting to cash in on    to build the capacity to make                                                                              meet the stokvel season demand.
the market segment.                   purchases at that level, and from                                                                          He said the country’s top outlets
   Mizi Mtshali, CEO of the Na-       similar outlets. That relationship                                                                         for stokvels are Makro Alberton
tional Stokvel Association of         is built by forming a grocery                                                                              and Makro Crown Mines, who
South Africa (Nasasa), said           stokvel with family and friends                                                                            each collect roughly R20m a
while it is not clear when the re-    with a common goal.                                                                                        year from such groups.
lationship between stokvels and         Mtshali said stokvels started to                                                                           Stokvels have developed a sim-
retailers began, over the past 20     follow local traders to their pre-                                                                         ple tool, which is their stokvel
years, the relationship has be-       ferred outlets, the wholesalers                                                                            grocery list, which contains
come more visible.                    and cash & carry outlets.                                                                                  roughly 20 product categories
   Mtshali said it is important to      “At first, these outlets under-                                                                          they have agreed to buy.
understand the types of outlets       stood very little about these                                                                                Mtshali said the group deliber-
chosen by stokvels, and the rea-      groups that would insist on deliv-                                                                         ates and votes as to which brands
son for this choice. “If you had to   ering monthly instalments to-                                                                              to buy within these categories. Of
look at your local spaza shop –       wards a bulk purchase in De-                                                                               these categories, some of the top
the owner is able to buy goods in     cember. Soon they understood                                                                               priority items are maize meal,
bulk, which works out less ex-        that these were stokvel groups,                                                                            rice, pilchards, sugar, cake flour,
pensive. This means that the          and that the behaviour was                                                                                 hot beverages & creamers, per-
shop is able to sell these goods      adopted nationwide,” said Mt-          Mizi Mtshali, CEO of the National Stokvel Association of SA.        sonal care items as well as wash-
and make margins. This spaza          shali.                                                                                                     ing powder.
shop owner buys these goods at          Today, arguably all grocery                                                                                Leading outlets in this space
the nearest wholesaler,” said Mt-     wholesalers and cash & carry         monthly deposits from each          The outlet is able to identify    include the Makro and Big Save
shali. Seeing an opportunity to       outlets have built systems           group. The funds are locked and   certain product categories as be-   chains, as well as independent
access the same bulk saving as        around stokvels. This system         accessed through product at the   ing “stokvel lines”, and are able   cash & carry outlets such as Dev-
the trader, stokvels have sought      starts with taking and recording     end of the year.                  to order the volumes that will      land, Kit Kat, Tradeport, Front-
South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
July 27 - 29 2018

line, Advance, Sunshine and                                                                                                                            association with Absa.
Metro.                                                                                                                                                     The special savings facility of-
  Phumzile Siboza, Massmart                                                                                                                            fers a competitive interest rate
brand and corporate communi-                                                                                                                           and encourages them to keep
cation executive said that for the                                                                                                                     their money safe until they need
past 20 years Massmart, mostly                                                                                                                         it.
through its wholesale stores                                                                                                                               “To support them further, we
such as Makro and Jumbo, has                                                                                                                           organise stokvel Indabas, and
specifically catered to the stokvel                                                                                                                    engage with groups to empower
market. She said that business                                                                                                                         them with knowledge on finance
remains robustly healthy and                                                                                                                           and other issues. We use the op-
continues to grow.                                                                                                                                     portunity to listen to them care-
  “Throughout the year we run                                                                                                                          fully about their needs so we can
focused programmes for the                                                                                                                             best respond,” he said.
stokvel customer in order to as-                                                                                                                           The group also has field cam-
sist them in getting the absolute                                                                                                                      paigns with Pick n Pay Stokvel
best value for their money,” said                                                                                                                      promoters, who visit communi-
Siboza.                                                                                                                                                ties and offer assistance to stokv-
  One such programme is Mass-                                                                                                                          el groups, he said.
mart’s special stokvel shopping                                                                                                                            Pick n Pay has around 15,500
days. Held before the festive sea-      Stokvel members at the Pick n Pay Stokvel Community Indaba held in Soweto on June 9 2018.                      stokvel groups signed up to its
son starts, these events prompt                                                                                                                        stokvel loyalty card.
the proactive collection of orders                                                                                                                         Rapolai said they also offer
ahead of the peak purchasing            Siboza added that prior to          built for the individual con-          But retailers are starting to see   great specials to stokvels to at-
period, the securing of bulk dis-     those mass shopping events,           sumer, buying groceries for their    the benefits of appealing to          tract them as customers, espe-
counts, provision of assistance in    stores offer special trading          family. Wholesalers and cash &       stokvels.                             cially during the festive season, a
making payments through di-           hours, the picking and packing        carry outlets, on the other hand,      Papi Rapolai, general manager       peak period for purchasing.
rect deposits rather than cash,       of products and transportation of     have designed their infrastruc-      for wholesale and stokvel at Pick         He said the group’s offering in-
and ensuring stock availability       goods for those who need it.          ture to accommodate bulk pur-        n Pay, said the group developed a     cludes things like free delivery to
on collection day, to name a few.       Mtshali said in comparison to       chases.                              formal programme to support           stokvel groups for a R30,000
  Siboza said shopping days also      wholesalers and cash & carry            This means for the purpose of      stokvels in 2016.                     spend, and from October,
provide a platform for suppliers      outlets, the commercial grocery       the December bulk purchases,           The programme offers special        stokvels will be able to go to par-
to showcase their goods, and for      retailers are less relevant to        wholesalers and cash & carry         benefits designed specifically for    ticipating Pick n Pay stores and
different stokvels to socialise and   stokvels, and this is simply due to   outlets are the natural choice for   stokvels, the latest of which is a    receive quotations for their pur-
share saving and banking tips.        infrastructure. The retailers are     the stokvels’ bulk purchase.         bespoke account for stokvels in       chases.
South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
July 27 - 29 2018

The good old
society vs
big business
Businesses and                        contract or from you bank at a
                                      similar price point that people
insurers enter the                    would pay into a burial society.
                                         The first modern stokvel start-
market long held                      ed in 1932. It was called the Ban-
                                      tu Burial Society, according to
by community                          the National Stokvel Association
                                      of South Africa (Nasasa).
groups                                   According to research con-        Martha Makita Masegela from GaMabotja village outside Polokwane, listens to a presentation about
                                      ducted last year by African Re-      how to invest money during the Stokvel and Burial Societies Indaba at Merupa Casino, Polokwane.
                                      sponse, a strategic research and                                          P H OTO : S A N D I L E N D LOV U
By Merrick Parker                     insights agency, there are over
                                      440,000 stokvels with contribu-
Burial societies, while still going   tions of R54bn annually.             members of stokvels.              while the contributions of each        tual published in July found that
strong as the largest type of            When looking at burial society      Jan Wegelin, head of research   member are generally smaller           that burial society membership
stokvel by membership, are fac-       as a stokvels subsect, the re-       at African Response, said that    than in other stokvel types. The       dropped from 32% of the house-
ing a challenge from commercial       search found that there are 3.5m     burial society stokvels tend to   aim of a burial society is to pro-     holds surveyed to 25% over the
offerings. Today, you can get a fu-   burial society members and a         feature larger memberships        vide for the cost of a funeral upon    past year. Since 2010 the number
neral plan with your cellphone        large portion of the overall 11.8m   than other types of stokvels      the death of a member or their         has almost halved from 49% of
                                                                                                             dependant.                             households surveyed reporting
                                                                                                                Like with other stokvels, con-      they were part of a burial society.
                                                                                                             tributions are generally made on       The report also showed that fu-
                                                                                                             a monthly basis. When a mem-           neral policies taken out by
                                                                                                             ber or one their dependants die        households had increased over
                                                                                                             the burial society provides a          the same period.
                                                                                                             lump sum to use for burial.              Financial literacy played a
                                                                                                                The majority of burial society      part in this as well. As the pri-
                                                                                                             members are female, with a 66%         vate sector has made inroads in-
                                                                                                             membership compared to 34%             to a market that has been domi-
                                                                                                             male. 40% of members are be-           nated by the burial society,
                                                                                                             tween the ages of 35 and 49            Wegelin said they had found that
                                                                                                             while 32% are over 50. The aver-       while the majority of people had
                                                                                                             age monthly household income           one plan, a high number had
                                                                                                             is about R7,800.                       taken out more than one funeral
                                                                                                                Mizi Mtshali, CEO of Nasasa,        plan believing that one would
                                                                                                             said burial societies have a num-      not cover all the costs.
                                                                                                             ber of systems that they adopt.          But the sense of community
                                                                                                             One burial society may be com-         and a trust factor make a burial
                                                                                                             pletely self-undrewritten, while       society more attractive with
                                                                                                             another may have a policy with         members, according to Wegelin.
                                                                                                             an insurer. What is most com-            “You know who the other peo-
                                                                                                             mon is a hybrid approach, where        ple in the group are and they are
                                                                                                             a portion of the funds go into the     all elected … so stokvel groups
                                                                                                             group’s account, and another           are very well-structured and or-
                                                                                                             portion paid to the insurer.           ganised financial systems,” he
                                                                                                                “The advantage of working           said.
                                                                                                             with an insurer is that the funds        Mtshali said that in rural areas
                                                                                                             will be available when needed.         and townships, friendships and
                                                                                                             The disadvantages are the often        similar bonds are created among
                                                                                                             lengthy claiming processes. If         people who physically live in
                                                                                                             the group has some reserves of         close proximity to one another.
                                                                                                             its own, it is able to provide the     Once people move into cities,
                                                                                                             benefit immediately, and collect       most of these bonds are lost.
                                                                                                             from the provider,” Mtshali said.      However, new bonds are formed,
                                                                                                                Wegelin said that number of         which may not rely on proximi-
                                                                                                             businesses offering funeral            ty.
                                                                                                             plans has increased over the past        “Burial societies are formed
                                                                                                             few years, which made policies         around the need to help one an-
                                                                                                             more readily available. He also        other at times of bereavement.
                                                                                                             noted that price pointed was also      This help stretches far beyond
                                                                                                             generally similar to the one a         the contribution of funds, but
                                                                                                             member would pay into a burial         personal support during these
                                                                                                             society.                               unfortunate times. This is
                                                                                                                For that reason he said they        known as “Izandla”, where
                                                                                                             had seen a decline in the number       members of your burial society
                                                                                                             of burial societies even though        make themselves available to
                                                                                                             membership of existing societies       help with processes such as
                                                                                                             remains high.                          catering and logistics,” he said.
                                                                                                                Despite having the largest            As long as there is a commit-
                                                                                                             membership among the stokvel           ment among people to help each
                 Come together over a cup of Glen Tea!                                                       subsects, the 2018 Savings and         other in this way, the concept of
                                                                                                             Investment Monitor by Old Mu-          the burial society will not die.
South Africa's pioneering study of stokvel groups and their buying power
July 27 - 29 2018

                                                     Members of a stokvel group in Johannesburg. P I C T U R E :    WALDO SWIEGERS.

Built on principles of
                                                                                                                                                         on already,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                            Ngadima added that those ar-
                                                                                                                                                         guing for stokvels to be for-
                                                                                                                                                         malised need to look how these
                                                                                                                                                         groups have empowered people,

trust and loyalty
                                                                                                                                                         especially women.
                                                                                                                                                            The same vision of empower-
                                                                                                                                                         ment and long-term wealth is
                                                                                                                                                         what led Nicolas Manyike to es-
                                                                                                                                                         tablish the Property Stokvel In-
Though informal,                                                                                                                                         vestment club.
                                                                                                                                                            “The black community is still
stokvels are very                                                                                                                                        suffering the effects of apartheid
                                                                                                                                                         today … We created the club be-
formal operations                                                                                                                                        cause we wanted to create
                                                                                                                                                         wealth,” said Manyike.
By PENELOPE MASHEGO                                                                                                                                         He said that the focus of the
                                                                                                                                                         club was to purchase land and
Stokvels are common in many                                                                                                                              property, as well as franchise
townships and rural communi-                                                                                                                             businesses for the group.
ties in South Africa, despite their                                                                                                                         As such, for two years, member
informal nature; they are man-                                                                                                                           contribute R2,100 a month which
aged in an orderly structure                                                                                                                             will be used to purchase a fran-
based on trust.                                                                                                                                          chise of the group’s choice follow-
   Miziyonke Mtshali, CEO of the                                                                                                                         ing extensive research on which
National Stokvel Association of                                                                                                                          one will suit their needs. The
South Africa (Nasasa), which is a                                                                                                                        profits from the franchise will be
regulator of the country’s                                                                                                                               divided equally among the mem-
stokvels, said the groups enter in-                                                                                                                      bers.
to a savings contract, in the form                                                                                                                          The second phase of the club,
of a constitution, with people                                                                                                                           which is focused on property will
they know and trust.                                                                                                                                     require 30 members to contribute
   “Contrary to the popular nar-                                                                                                                         R15,000 a month. This will pro-
rative, stokvels conduct them-                                                                                                                           vide the club with access to
selves in an extremely formal                                                                                                                            R450,000 a month to purchase
manner, often with a military                                                                                                                            property for its members.
style of maintaining order. These     very well-managed on their own.        money, whenever stokvel mem-          the office bearers are really just       Manyike said the property
groups typically convene on a         So the reference to [them being]       bers meet they’ll have a book,        helping to put structure and or-      would be in the name of the
monthly basis where money is          informal, is perhaps only in the       where you put your name [and          ganisation in place,” said            stokvel, until the 30 month rota-
collected and recorded, and           financial industry. It is really not   details of your contribution]. The    Nkgadima.                             tion is complete, to ensure that
where other group-related topics      informal, haphazard and un-            treasurer keeps all those, they         She added that as a way of en-      members do not renege on their
are discussed,” Mtshali said.         structured,” said Jan Wegelin,         will take that money either to the    suring that the office bearers are    promise.
   As part of their structure,        head of research at market re-         bank or the undertaker or I           kept in check, stokvels have as-         Since the club does not do cash
members select office bearers         search company African Re-             think we see about 17% of trea-       sistants for each of the three        collections and contributions are
comprised of a chairperson, sec-      sponse.                                surers who keep the money, so         roles, particularly since there has   deposited into the bank, it has a
retary and treasurer.                   The treasurer is perhaps the         [some treasurers] have become         been collusion between treasur-       treasurer who works closely with
   The chairperson is responsible     most important person in the           micro lenders on their own and        ers and chairpersons in the past.     the secretary and administrator.
for the constitution and member-      group as they are responsible for      those are some of the unspoken          However, there have been calls         “We are not a financial institu-
ship, while the secretary looks       the stokvel’s finances.                dynamics of how stokvels oper-        for the funding groups to be for-     tion, we don’t do any credit
after the admin in terms of             African Response found that          ate,” said African Response MD        malised, with some saying they        checks. On [terms of] our consti-
where members live, who may           62% of stokvels that have a trea-      Mamapudi Nkgadima.                    should be paying tax.                 tution, if a member fails to con-
be moving and which members           surer deposit their contributions        She stressed that while some          “What does formalisation            tribute, [they] will be given a three
have passed away.                     in the bank via the treasurer.         stokvels have the three office        mean? Is there anything that is       month period [to make their con-
   “They [office bearers] have dif-   However, sometimes the de-             bearers, decision-making was          broken? Is there anything that is     tributions] and if they fail for
ferent roles and even though it is    posits are not made into this is       still the role of the group and not   not serving the people? A lot of      more than three months then the
an informal sector type of ar-        not into a stokvel account, but        the office bearers.                   people are saying they are avoid-     member will be refunded 30%
rangement, the stokvels are very      that of a treasurer.                     “The norm is that the group de-     ing paying tax but they are sav-      back and 70% will remain within
structured, very organised and          “The treasurer looks after the       cision-making is still very key, so   ing on the money they paid tax        the stokvel.
July 27 - 29 2018

Izandla Ziyagezana
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ber. Bongi says that stokvel al-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 lows them to use cash, rather
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 than interest-heavy credit, for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 their purchases.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    For the members of her

We’re in this together!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 stokvels, it’s all about empower-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ment. “Since I started six years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ago, I have managed to build a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 house, and furnish it with a dou-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ble-door fridge, bedroom suite,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and TV. I could never have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Makro stokvel
Makro’s stokvel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                member and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 bought these without the savings
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 from the stokvel.”
success stories…                                                                                                                                                                                                                              single mother
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Bongi Ngcobo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ngcobo was raised by a single
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 parent who worked as a domes-
Bongi Ngcobo is a powerhouse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in front of the    tic worker. There was never
This 46-year-old single mother                                                                                                                                                                                                                  house she        money for anything but food and
supports her son, who currently                                                                                                                                                                                                               built from the     school uniforms. “I wanted more
lives with his grandmother. As a                                                                                                                                                                                                               proceeds of       for my child than what my dear
single parent, she has learnt to be                                                                                                                                                                                                             her stokvel      mother was able to provide – a
enterprising and self-reliant.                                                                                                                                                                                                                membership.        home, and a few nice luxuries.”
   She makes a living by selling                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    And she has been able to pro-
snacks at schools and in the local                                                                                                                                                                                                                               vide just that. But it’s also about
neighbourhood, but she’s had to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the power of collaboration. “It is
carefully manage her money.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      important for friends to connect
That’s why she belongs to no less                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and build together.’ For Makro’s
than two stokvels, where she                together, focused on helping          lute essentials. But being the dy-                                                                                                           But, she adds, each member        stokvel managers, stories like
serves as treasurer for one.                each other. There are 15 of us        namo that she is, Ngcobo also                                                                                                              gets their share come year-end.     these motivate them to do more,
   Ngcobo is the kind of person             who meet every month and con-         heads the Women in Success                                                                                                                 The idea is to enable them to buy   helping their customers to fulfil
who makes things happen. But                tribute about R300 per month,         Savings Stokvel, which is fo-                                                                                                              high-end items cash without         their aspirations, and enabling
she couldn’t do it alone. She be-           depending on our pockets,” she        cused on helping this group of 10                                                                                                          having to pay them off with in-     them to live better lives and save
lieves in the power of the collec-          says. This stokvel exists solely to   friends get ahead and succeed in                                                                                                           terest. In addition, these enter-   money.
tive, and that’s why her one                sort out school fees and uniforms     life. “We each contribute R1,000                                                                                                           prising friends have created a         Why don’t you share your
stokvel is aptly named Bam-                 in January, so that these hard-       a month, and the money is rotat-                                                                                                           holiday fund. They contribute       stokvel story with us and give us
bisanani, or “collaboration”.               working women can tick one            ed between members, based on                                                                                                               R100 a month, so that there’s al-   your feedback? We’re in this to-
   “It’s all about women coming             more thing off their list of abso-    our needs,” says Ngcobo.                                                                                                                   ways a special reward in Decem-     gether! Dial *120*553*10#

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            t o

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July 27 - 29 2018

A lifeline for those
                                                                                                                                                               As for the savings stokvel,
                                                                                                                                                            which she joined in 2016 –
                                                                                                                                                            where her and 10 members were
                                                                                                                                                            initially contributing R1500
                                                                                                                                                            monthly each – and currently

seeking a big break
                                                                                                                                                            contribute R4000 monthly each
                                                                                                                                                            – Ncamile says she is thinking of
                                                                                                                                                            branching out with a few friends
                                                                                                                                                            to start another savings stokvel.
                                                                                                                                                            She plans to do this with people
                                                                                                                                                            in her profession in order to aug-
Stokvels have                                                                                                                                               ment their existing stokvels and
                                                                                                                                                            avoid late monthly contribu-
evolved into                                                                                                                                                tions.
                                                                                                                                                               She said the savings stokvel in-
vehicles used to                                                                                                                                            cludes members who stay in
                                                                                                                                                            Pretoria and Cape Town, so
create wealth                                                                                                                                               communication and account-
                                                                                                                                                            ability has lacked within the
                                                                                                                                                            group. “People don’t pay on
By Lutho Mtongana                                                                                                                                           time,” she said.
                                                                                                                                                               Wegelin said that if someone
In an economy where getting a                                                                                                                               leaves a stokvel it will most likely
job is close to impossible given                                                                                                                            continue if the original purpose
the country’s high unemploy-                                                                                                                                for forming the stokvel still ex-
ment rate of 26.6%, it helps to                                                                                                                             ists. Changing or discontinuing
start your own business through                                                                                                                             a stokvel is a decision involving
money one generates from being                                                                                                                              all members but particularly the
involved in a stokvel.                                                                                                                                      chairperson, secretary and trea-
   For Nomonde Ncamile, a 37-                                                                                                                               surer as well as the constitution
year-old mother of three who                                                                                                                                it was based upon.
juggles a small business with her                                                                                                                              Which is why for Ncamile, in-
full-time job as a facilitator at the                                                                                                                       stead of exiting the group and
University of Cape Town,                                                                                                                                    moving on with her life, she
stokvels have given her the pow-         Stokvels have become a life saver for people such as those who are unemployed and looking to start plans to exit the stokvel that is no
er to manage her own finances                                         their own businesses. P H O T O : E L I J A R M U S H I A N A                         longer working for her and start
better.                                                                                                                                                     one on the side with the few peo-
   There are many types of                                                                                                                                  ple who are still interested and
stokvels, the most common be-           her to finally pay off that debt African Response in the catego-                     Of the three stokvels Ncamile willing to commit to the stokvel.
ing burial stokvels, followed by        early this year.                     ry of savings stokvels, last year, is in, the groceries stokvel was               Another option, said Wegelin,
grocery, money and savings                Ncamile runs a fashion stock there were about 2m members. less helpful, she said. She said it is that a stokvel may change
stokvels.                               business where she buys brand Gauteng had the highest contri- used to be useful but the more from, for instance, a money
   This is according to research        clothing, shoes and bags at facto- bution of 47% and Western Cape, she is able to generate her own stokvel to a savings stokvel if it
by African Response, a research         ry stores in Cape Town where where Ncamile resides had only goods the more she finds it needs to be, and the original pur-
firm that looks at stokvels as an       she lives and ships them to sell in 4% of savings stokvels members wasteful “to have 12 bottles of pose no longer makes sense. The
informal       economic         phe-    Lady Frere, Eastern Cape contributing.                                            mayonnaise”.                      purpose of a savings stokvel is
nomenon.                                through the help of her mother         Jan Wegelin of African Re-                    She is considering getting out usually long-term and with that
   Money stokvels used for er-          who resides there.                   sponse saidthose who start a of that stokvel. She contributes the commitments and intentions
rands or emergencies. |Stokvel            Ncamile is a member of three business using their stokvel R500 every month and there are are different. Saving to buy a car,
savings are never for errands but       stokvels: a savings stokvel, a gro- funds tend to retain membership 10 members in the group. She extend an existing house, or buy
rather for money to enable short-       cery stokvel and a burial stokvel. of the stokvel to buffer business took over the groceries stokvel in new furniture requires a differ-
term needs such as buying furni-          The savings stokvel is the one fluctuations and to potentially 2016 from her mother, when she ent strategy from saving for er-
ture. Savings stokvels tend to be       that has been more fruitful for extend business practices using had to move to Lady Frere from rands or emergencies.
used for longer-term invest-            her, as it helped her start the stokvel funds.                                    Cape Town.                           For Ncamile, her long-term
ments, such as saving to pur-           fashion stock small business for       “The original purpose for start-              Ncamile said that the burial plan with the current savings
chase a car.                            extra cash.                          ing a stokvel is when a group of stokvel was with family mem- stokvel she is involved with is to
   It was in 2010 when Ncamile            As the business has its ups and people trust one another and bers only. She said there are 12 save enough money to move out
had a debt burden of R100,000,          downs, Ncamile credits the sav- share a common purpose, so members of her family con- of her grandmother’s house and
which she accumulated at the            ings stokvel to keep it running. even if a member decides to start tributing R150 monthly each and find her own place to rent. She
time she was working at her pre-        “It’s something to fall back on a business, this will not change she had not needed to use the stayed there with her two
vious job. However, joining a sav-      and it’s helping,” Ncamile said.     the initial motivation to join,” he burial stokvel funds since she youngest children while the old-
ings stokvel in 2016 has helped           According to data compiled by said.                                             joined in 2016.                   er one was at school.

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July 27 - 29 2018

Izandla Ziyagezana
We’re in this together!

Selvanathan Naidoo: Marketing
  Manager – Makro Alberton                                                         Makro Riversands storefront in Fourways, Johannesburg

Bringing customers                          that you are helping them to realise
                                            their dreams – to put their kids through
                                                                                         “Our mCard app and mRewards pro-
                                                                                         gramme are quite unique – they’re a huge
                                                                                                                                          stokvel orders, and, come December, all the
                                                                                                                                          items are waiting in store, neatly packed in
BIG savings and                             university, to build a home, or so that
                                            they can take a holiday together,” he
                                                                                         boost for bulk buyers. And you’d be amazed
                                                                                         at how tech-savvy even our oldest gogos are.
                                                                                                                                          pallets and ready for delivery or collection.
                                                                                                                                             “If we don’t have an item in stock, we’ll
BETTER lives.                               says.
                                              Naidoo believes in developing one-on-
                                                                                         They know how to use the app, and when
                                                                                         they see the substantial cash rewards in
                                                                                                                                          try to get it by December, or we’ll recom-
                                                                                                                                          mend an alternative”’ Naidoo says his
Selvan Naidoo is a people’s person.         one relationships with his stokvel           their mWallets, they really appreciate it.” In   stokvel members can be anyone from top
From the moment you meet him, there’s       clients, and in really listening to them.    October each year, Naidoo’s team becomes         businesswomen to elderly grannies raising
a real warmth about him. That’s why         “It’s all about building trust, meeting      a stokvel machine. They take in their 1,200      their grandchildren singlehandedly.”
he’s taken Makro Alberton to new            their needs and going the extra mile.”
heights with the stokvel groups in his        Recently, Naidoo’s team delivered a
area. Naidoo believes that you have to      massive order to the South African bor-
leave the comfort of your desk and get to   der. The stokvel member simply
know your customers’ needs. So, every       couldn’t beat the bulk value she found at
second month, you’ll find him sipping       Makro. But, more importantly, she trust-
tea with a resourceful group of stokvel     ed Naidoo to get her just what she need-
stalwarts in their living rooms.            ed. “When you understand your role in
   “When you take the time to chat to       the stokvel – when you see yourself as
these amazing women – many of them          empowering these incredible women –
single moms – you are so humbled by         there is really little that can dampen
their stories, and what they have           your enthusiasm,” he says.
achieved through stokvels. It’s not just      Naidoo believes that it’s this level of
the great savings and the bulk buy bene-    trust, and the unique benefits that
fits they get from us. You get this sense   Makro offers, that drives their success.

Guidelines for a successful
stokvel from Nasasa
  The main reasons for joining a            stitution. Decide on the number of
stokvel are the following:                  times and venues for meetings and
  ● Financial support                       agree on contributions.
  ● Access to credit
  ● Building up a credit record             Number of members
  ● Establishing a social network             Most stokvels limit their member-
  ● Community reputation                    ship to monthly or weekly cycles – 12
  ● Saving discipline                       members or 52 members for burial so-
  ● Funding a business: new or exist-       cieties.
                                            Safety precautions
Types of stokvels                             It is a fact that, come the festive sea-
  ● Basic stokvel – money is ex-            son, thieves are always ready to pounce
changed to meet a variety of needs;         on unsuspecting consumers to swell
  ● Grocery stokvel – saving for bulk       their own coffers. Stokvels are often
groceries;                                  the easiest targets during December
  ● Burial societies – saving for fu-       when members receive their dues for
neral expenses; and                         the money they saved during the year.
  ● Investment group – investing              In this world of growing technology,
money to gain high returns on their         stokvel members are encouraged to:
funds.                                        ● Arrange for members to deposit
  ● Birthday                                cash directly into the club’s account in-
                                            stead of keeping large cash at home;
How to form a stokvel                         ● Arrange for the payout to be elec-
  Gather people that you know, trust        tronically transferred into each club
and like. Ask each to invite friends.       member’s personal account.

Drawing up rules                            For more information please con-
  You can make up any rules and             tact Nasasa on
even draw up your own stokvel con-          or
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