Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla

Page created by Clinton Marsh
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla
November 9-12, 2020

this is european cinema
November 6-14, 2020
A project by:

With the support of:
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla
Sara Santaella       Jorge Marín Romero
- Productora         - Director Técnico
-Gerente             - Ingeniero de sonido
+34 625 42 98 19     +34 607 53 28 69
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla

 3   Welcome

5    Calendar
6    European Film Factory
 7   Europa Cinemas Innovation Lab
9    XVIII Animation and Video Game Encounter
10   Women in Focus “AAMMA GENERA” Program

     European Coproductions: PORTUGAL

14   A Noiva/The Bride
16   Amanhã
18   America
20   Anoche Conquisté Tebas
22   Ariel
24   La Edad
26   Légua
28   Mamacruz
30   Projecto Global
32   Um Filme de Fernando Riuz Vergara
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla
2   INDUSTRY GUIDE   Presentation                                               17 FESTIVAL DE SEVILLA

                                    2020 SEFF INDUSTRY is possible thanks to:
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla
Welcome to

SEFF Industry

                                                           INDUSTRY GUIDE
The Industry Department of the Seville European Film
Festival welcomes you to this guide dedicated to film

professionals. Despite the exceptional nature of this
year’s event, it is our determination to continue facil-
itating a forum for meeting and debating in order to
encourage dialogue between the various specialists
in the sector, as well as touching on the promotion
and distribution of films in cinemas or other media
available to everyone today.

Industry Department Team
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla
MONDAY 9th               TUESDAY 10th             WEDNESDAY 11th THURSDAY 12th
                         9am - 2:30pm             10am - 11:45am
                         Fundación AVA Web        ZOOM | YOUTUBE

                         Open to the public        Open to the public
                         XVIII Meeting of         Round table
                         Animation and            “So near, so far”

                         10am - 11am              12pm - 12:30pm
                         ZOOM | YOUTUBE           ZOOM | YOUTUBE

                                                                                                  INDUSTRY GUIDE
                         Open to the public        Open to the public
                         PROMIO: presentation     “Coproducciones
                         of the indipendent       Europeas: Portugal”
                         cinemas network          award ceremony

11am - 2pm               11am - 2pm
ZOOM                     ZOOM
Prior registration*      Prior registration*
Europa Cinemas LAB       Europa Cinemas LAB
“Re-opening strate-      “Re-opening strate-
gies: re-designing the   gies: re-designing the
cinema experience”       cinema experience”

                         3pm - 4pm                4pm - 7pm                4pm - 8:30pm
                         ZOOM | YOUTUBE           ZOOM ROOMS               CICUS | YOUTUBE
                         Open to the public        Prior registration*      Prior registration*
                         Inauguration of          Coproducciones           AAMMA GENERA: Mas-
                         the cooproduction        Europeas: one to one     terclass
                         meeting and              meetings
                         presentation of film

                         4pm - 6:45pm             6pm - 6:45 pm
                         ZOOM                     ZOOM | YOUTUBE
                         Prior registration*       Open to the public
                         Coproducciones           European Film Factory
                         Europeas: Pitch of       presentation
                         selected projects

* Prior registration Please check in our programme how to sign up in each activities
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla

                         European Film Factory
                         calendar Date                     location Place                    avatar Registration
                         Wednesday November 11th           Online. Zoom                      Free access via Zoom previous
                         from 18:00 to 18:45                                                 registration

                         European Film Factory is an European project sup-    European Film Factory objectives:
                         ported by MEDIA, the Creative Europe sub-pro-        B Create a community of European teachers and
                         gramme led by Institut Français in partnership         students through film heritage
                         with ARTE Education and European Schoolnet.
                         This is a film education platform available in       B Raise awareness on the importance of film ed-
                         English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish,       ucation
                         Romanian and Spanish, on all digital devices,        B Discover the diversity and richness of European
                         for students (11-18 years) and teachers in Europe.     cinema
                         Within the framework of SEFF Industry, we will
                         have a presentation of this project by the Insti-    B Offer an innovative, interactive and transversal
                         tut Français of Seville aimed at Andalusian and        pedagogy that is adapted to the needs, ex-
                         Spanish teachers.                                      pectations and practices of the young audi-
                                                                              B Renew audiences in cinemas
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla
Europa Cinemas Innovation Lab
calendar Date                     location Place                     avatar Registration
Monday November 9th from          Online. Zoom                       Activity reserved exclusively for
11:00 to 14:00                                                       cinema exhibitors
Tuesday November 10th from
11:00 to 14:00

                                                                                                          INDUSTRY GUIDE
Europa Cinemas is partnering this year again         Participants:              Cines ABC (5 complejos)
with the Sevilla European Film Festival (6-14        Cines Florida              Avenida 5 cines
November 2020) to organise an Online Audi-
ence Development & Innovation Lab due to take        Utiye Cinema               Cinema Edison
place in two sessions on Monday 9th (11:00am –       Duplex Cinema              Granollers
2:00pm) and on Tuesday 10th November (11:00am                                   Gremi de Cinemes de
– 2:00pm). It will be open exclusively to Spanish    Cinebaix
exhibitors.                                          Sant Cugat/Figueres
                                                                                Cine Paz
The Online Lab entitled “RE-OPENING STRATEGIES:      Multicines El centro
RE-DESIGNING THE CINEMA EXPERIENCE” invites                                     Cinema Velasco Totana
                                                     Teatro Cine Calderón
Spanish exhibition practitioners to get some                                    Cines Golem
perspective on their own context and exchange        Cines Viveiro
expertise and best practices about how to cope       Cines Verdi
with these unprecedented times.                                                 Numax
                                                     Cines Zoco Majada-
Directed by Javier Pachón (President of Cine-        honda                      Zineuskadi
ciutat), the focus of this Lab will be on sharing                               Cines Babel
approaches to re-designing the cinema experi-        Rambla de L´art -
ence and reflecting on: experiences during the       Cambrils                   Majèstic
closure, communication to bring back audiences       Duplez Cinema              Cinemes Girona
and devising programming strategies (in-venue
and online).                                         Cineciutat                 Cinema Catalunya

Practice-based insights from exhibitors as well as   Aribau Multicines,         Ermua Antzokia
opportunities for smaller group discussions will     Balmes Multicines y        Cines Van Dyck
be on the agenda!                                    Gran Sarriá Multicines

This Lab will strengthen the networking of cin-      Screenbox Lleida
emas and provide a platform where they can           Golem
share national issues and best practices to find     Zumzeig
creative solutions to their biggest challenges.
Industry programme this is european cinema - November 9-12, 2020 - Festival de Sevilla

                         calendar Date                       location Place                    avatar Registration
                         Tuesday November 10th from          Online. Zoom                      Free access via Zoom
                         10:00 to 11:00

                         PROMIO, the network of independent cinemas,             PROMIO members:
                         founded in September 2020 as an association of          DUPLEX Cinema (Ferrol)
                         film exhibitors who, grouped together in support
                         of film diversity, promoting mainly Spanish and         CineCiutat (Palma)
                         European films as well as films from under-rep-         Cinemes Girona (Barcelona)
                         resented countries in the annual screen quota.
                                                                                 Zumzeig Cinema (Barcelona)
                         Its main goal is to protect the cultural diversity
                         through film exhibition and also the promotion          Cinemes Truffaut (Girona)
                         of the original and/or subtitled version; to fos-       Cine Estudio CBA (Madrid)
                         ter audiovisual literacy; defending the cinemat-
                                                                                 Cinema NUMAX (Santiago de Compostela)
                         ic experience in theatres while strengthening
                         the relationship with other creative sectors and
                         the industry; promoting innovation in business
                         models, technology and content as well as the
                         defence of environmental sustainability applied
                         to theatres.
                         The presentation ceremony will be followed by an
                         encounter with Beatriz Navas (General Director of
                         the ICAA), Ramiro Ledo (President of PROMIO and
                         Director of the DUPLEX cinema) and Javier Pachón
                         (Programmer of CineCiutat), where the current
                         situation of independent film exhibition in Spain
                         will be analysed. Also attending François Aymé
                         (AFCAE - Francia), Christian Brauer (AGKINO y CICAE -
                         Alemania), Domenico Dinoia (FICE - Italia), Fati-
                         ma Djoumer o Claude-Eric Poireaux (Europa Cin-
XVIII Animation

                                                                                                     17 FESTIVAL DE SEVILLA
and Video Game Encounter
calendar Date                      location Place                     avatar Registration
Tuesday November 10th from         Online                             Free access through
9:00 to 14:30                 

                                                                                                     INDUSTRY GUIDE
The Andalusian Public Audiovisual Foundation          Participants:
is organising its 18th Meeting of Animation and       May Silva (Fundación AVA)
Video Games in Andalusia: A Before and After in
the Production of Animation and Video Games           Nico Matji (Diboos)
(#animSEFF20), as part of the Seville European        Enmanuele Carissio. (DEV)
Film Festival. This vital event, scheduled to take
place on the morning of November 10th, 2020,          Yago Fandiño (RTVE)
will provide an opportunity to gauge the cur-         Martha Paredes (Happy Learning TV)
rent situation of these sectors at regional, na-
                                                      Cristina Muñoz (Happy Learning TV)
tional and international level. Due to the cur-
rent health emergency caused by the Covid-19,         Laura Martínez Jaramillo (Happy Learning TV)
this edition will be held online and, as always, is   Álvaro Perales Navas (Happy Learning TV)
free of charge. The Meeting brings together the
main associations in the sector -Diboos and DEV-      Mercedes Ruiz (Universidad de Cádiz/
, in a framework session, in which they will put      EsCodeRoom)
into context the current situation of the industry    José Antonio Racero Quiñones (Omnium Lab)
and how it has been affected by the pandemic.
Then, in two thematic sessions, companies and         Alejandro Domínguez Saucedo (Omnium Lab /
professionals will discuss the process of creating    EsCodeRoom)
animation and video game related content, and         Antonio Montero Aguera (Omnium Lab /
the enormous possibilities these offer for moti-      EsCodeRoom)
vating learning, responding in a real way to the
educational needs of both schools and families,
something that has been evident since the State
of Alert was declared.
Women in Focus

                         “AAMMA GENERA” Program
                         calendar Date                      location Place
                         Thursday November 12th from        Auditorium of the Centre
                         16:00 to 20:30                     for Cultural Initiatives of the
                                                            University of Seville (CICUS)

                         The Andalusian Association of Women in the             Activities:
                         Audiovisual Media (AAMMA) returns for the sixth        Masterclass ‘FEMALE CHARACTERS IN FICTION SERIES’
                         consecutive year to SEFF Industry with Women In        imparted by Isa Sánchez (Scriptwriter).
                         Focus, a space of its own in which, among other
                         initiatives, the programme aimed at promoting          Masterclass ‘PITCHING, THE ART OF SELLING YOUR
                         audiovisual projects in development, AAMMA             IDEA’ offered by Carmen Ortiz Carbonero (script-
                         GENERA, is included. The event will take place         writer, showrunner and executive producer).
                         on November 12th at the Centre for Cultural Ini-
                         tiatives of the University of Seville (CICUS), where
                         two master classes will be held. AAMMA GENERA
                         is especially aimed at filmmakers with an ear-
                         ly stage project with the aim of improving their
                         knowledge of creative techniques and sales and
                         is open to the general public. AAMMA’s activities
                         at the Seville European Film Festival are support-
                         ed by the SGAE and the SGAE Foundation.
Isa Sánchez                                               Carmen Ortiz Coalman

                                                                                                               INDUSTRY GUIDE
After writing and directing several short films and       She studied Information Sciences in Seville, in
documentaries, such as Trinidad Grund: una historia       the class of 1992-1997, having subsequently com-
sumergida (Nora Films-Canal Sur, 2012), she partici-      pleted her training with courses in acting direc-
pated in the Official Section of the Malaga Festival in   tion with André Guttfreund (1999), Juan Carlos
2014 with 321 días en Michigan, co-written with its       Corazza (2000) and René Pereira (2003). This last
director Enrique García, for which she was awarded        course was held in Los Angeles, where she was
the Biznaga Oficios del Cine the following year.          also certified in Advanced Screenwriting. Ortiz
Sanchez co-writes with the same director two              also has a master’s degree in Community Man-
more features: Resort Paraíso (Puraenvidia Films,         ager. While working with production companies
Encanta Films, 2018) and La mancha negra (Mari-           such as Jaleo Films, El Terrat, Plano a Plano, An-
la Films, 2020). In 2019, she authors Alegría with        dalucine, Boca a Boca and Diagonal TV, her pro-
director Violeta Salama, a film co-produced by            fessional career began in 1997 as a scriptwriter
La Claqueta PC, Powehi Films and TVE, where the           for several short films and as a subtitling super-
screenplay is a finalist for the SGAE Screenwriting       visor for audio scripts on Canal Sur TV from 1997
Award Julio Alejandro. In addition, it is one of          to 1999.
the ten projects selected in 2020 by the Breaking         Her first work as a screenwriter was in the series
Through The Lens support program in Cannes.               Periodistas (1999-2000), followed by Los Serra-
In television, she has been part of the screen-           no (2002-2006) and El Internado (2007). She
writing team for the fourth season of El Minis-           made the leap into series development with SMS
terio del Tiempo, the crime thriller Malaka and           (2006-2007) and Águila Roja (2007-2008). Boldly
the docufiction Centro Médico. She is teaching            taking a step further, she studied executive pro-
screenwriting at the School of Cinema of the              duction, being her first experience BuenAgente
Community of Madrid (ECAM) and at the univer-             (2011) and her last, the series in which she was
sities of Malaga and Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid.           the showrunner: Pulsaciones (2014-2016). Today,
Additionally, she is a member of the selection            she is involved in two fiction projects for Globo-
committee for short films at the Malaga Film Fes-         media - The Mediapro Studio.
tival and the Film Academy. Currently, she awaits
the premiere of La mancha negra, the beginning
of the shooting of Alegría and is developing fic-
tion projects for several production companies.
A NOIVA/THE BRIDE                                   LÉGUA

                                                                                                      17 FESTIVAL DE SEVILLA
Sérgio Trefaut / Faux                               Filipa Reis & João Miller Guerra / Uma pedra no                                         sapato
Pedro Pinho / Terratreme                            MAMACRUZ                                   Patricia Ortega / Acheron films - La Claqueta
                                                    PC - SPi

                                                                                                      European Coproductions: Portugal
António Ferreira / Persona Non Grata Pictures -
                                                    PROJECTO GLOBAL
ANOCHE CONQUISTÉ TEBAS                              Ivo Ferreira / O som e a furia
Gabriel Azorín / DVEIN                    
                                                    UM FILME DE FERNANDO RIUZ
ARIEL                                               VERGARA
Lois Patiño & Matías Piñeiro / Filmika Galaika      Concepción Barquero Artés / Azharmedia                    

                                                                                                      INDUSTRY GUIDE
Polo Menárguez / Capitán Araña

In this second edition EUROPEAN COPRODUCTIONS,
a International jury will give three awards:
DE SEVILLA AWARD ESTUDIOS AWARD                                    RTP AWARD
5,000 €          5,000 €                                           10,000 €
in cash for the development of    in post production services      for broadcasting rights
the winning project               (editing and sound mixing)       in RTP1 channel

EUROPEAN COPRODUCTIONS is possible thanks to:
A noiva

                                   The bride, a girl´s life after the war
                                   Director: Sérgio Tréfaut                          Producer: Faux
                                   Production Company: Faux / Les films d´ici /      Project type: Feature film
European Coproductions: Portugal


                                   A teenager girl from a Christian background ran   She is the widow of two jihadists and will soon
                                   away from home to marry a Daesh fighter. She      be put on trial.
                                   became a bride of the Jihad.                      Will the western countries try to save her from
                                   Three years later, her life has dramatically      the death sentence she might face under Iraqi
                                   changed. She is living in an Iraqi prison camp.   law? What have three years of war and brain-
                                   Now she has two children to take care of and is   washing done to her?
                                   pregnant again.                                   The Bride is based on a true story.
                                                                                                           European Coproductions: Portugal
Sérgio Tréfaut is a multi-award winning director       mentary film) and was the winner of Documenta
with three passports and fluent in many lan-           Madrid 2010.
guages. All his films have been presented at In-       He has begun learning Arabic and has frequently
ternational film festivals and shown in cinemas        visited Iraq. He has been preparing THE BRIDE in
and on TVs worldwide. He discovered the Middle         the Kurdistan region and in Mosul with MITOS-

                                                                                                           INDUSTRY GUIDE
East while shooting The City of the Dead in Cai-       FILM as executive producer. Most of the locations
ro Islamic Cemeteries in 2007-2009. The City of        have already been chosen in cooperation with a
the Dead premiered at IDFA (the Meca of docu-          local crew.

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                     CONTACTS
Producer Faux is a film production company cre-        Calçadinha do Tijolo 48, 2º
ated by Sérgio Tréfaut and based in Lisbon since       1100-608 Lisbon, Portugal
2003. It deals with creative documentaries and
independent feature films for international au-
diences. All films in Faux’s catalogue have won        +351 917 847 794
awards at International film festivals and been
broadcast by TV channels around the world: ARTE
(France-Germany), WDR (Germany), RTBF (Bel-
gium), YLE (Finland), SVT (Sweden), TV3 Cataluña,      ATTENDING
Canal Sur, Canal História (Spain), ERT (Greece),       european coproductions
RTP, TV Cine (Portugal), Canal Brasil, GNT (Brazil),
RTV (South Corea), among others. Faux also dis-
tributes these films throughout a wide network
of cinemas in Portugal.

                                                       Sérgio Trefaut
                                                       Producer/ Director

                                   Director: Pedro Pinho                                  Producer: Tiago Hespanha
                                   Production Company: Terratreme                         Project type: Feature film
European Coproductions: Portugal

                                   ALBERTO, a Portuguese environmental engineer           strong desire to escape and shake off their or-
                                   who has decided to make a change in his life,          igins. For ALBERTO, the connection between the
                                   travels to a West African metropolis (an imagi-        three of them becomes the only guarantee of
                                   nary, futuristic city that is similar to both Guinea   his mental health in the midst of a process of
                                   Bissau and Luanda), to work as an environmen-          brutalisation and generalised barbarity that is
                                   tal engineer on a road-building project to link        widespread among his expatriate colleagues at
                                   the jungle and the desert. Taken aback by the          both the building yard and the NGO offices. As
                                   harshness of the elements, the oppressive heat         the rainy season approaches, everything seems
                                   and the inherent loneliness that a white Euro-         about to fall apart. Between the unconcealed
                                   pean has to endure in a society dominated by           conflicts with local communities and suspicions
                                   rampant capitalism and a post-colonial mental-         about global economic interests, ALBERTO, EMA
                                   ity, ALBERTO meets EMA and BEN. Just like him,         and BEN engage in an intimate relationship with
                                   these two local residents are motivated by a           unequal expectations. This leads them to pro-
                                                                                          found questions of identity.

                                                                                                          European Coproductions: Portugal
Pedro Pinho has studied cinema in Lisbon, Paris,
Barcelona, Maputo and Mindelo. His first doc-        His first feature-length fiction film “A Fábrica
umentary, Bab Sebta (co-directed with Freder-        de Nada/The Nothing Factory” (2007) won the
ico Lobo), won the Marseille Espérance Award.        FIPRESCI International Critics award. Since then,
Bab Sebta also won prizes for Best Documentary       A Fábrica de Nada has received around 20 awards
Film at DocLisboa (Portugal) and at ForumDoc BH      at festivals all over the world. A Fábrica de Nada
(Brazil). Um Fim Do Mundo/The End of the World,      was commercially distributed in Portugal, France,
a medium-length fiction film, debuted at the         Spain, Germany, Switzerland, the United King-
Berlin Festival in 2013, having won awards at the    dom…among others.
Coimbra Caminhos do Cinema Português, and            His films have been shown at festivals, show-
was nominated for the Portuguese Golden Globe        ings and retrospectives in places such as: MoMA,
awards. The documentary, As Cidades e as Trocas/     the Lincoln Center, the Berlinale, BFI, the MALBA,
Trading Cities (co-directed with Luisa Homem)        the MACBA, Serralves, FIDMarseille, Toronto IFF,

                                                                                                          INDUSTRY GUIDE
debuted in 2014 at FID Marseille, and was shown      Rotterdam FF, Busan FF, FICUNAM, L’Alternativa
at the Art of The Real in the Lincoln Center, NY     de Barcelona, Festival de Munique, FIC Valdivia,
and at DocLisboa.                                    Karlovy Vary, among others.

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                   CONTACTS
TERRATREME is a film production house created in     Terratreme Filmes
2008 that came out of the urge of a few young        Campo Grande, 111
filmmakers to find a production model that could     1700-089 Lisboa, Portugal
suit the different forms, scales and time frames
in which their own films were made. Our goal
was to articulate research and creation in a work
method where each film’s needs would deter-
mine the production model. Like the homony-
mous film by Visconti — where a group of fish-       ATTENDING
ermen unites to buy a boat and stop depending        european coproductions
on the ship-owner that hired them — it was high
time for us to acknowledge that production is a
fundamental aesthetic variable in the way a film
turns out. We believe that only direct interven-
tion of the directors in the global conception of
the production plan and budget can contribute
to generate the desired results. Currently work-
ing with a large and diverse group of filmmakers,
TERRATREME has one of the strongest presences,
among Portuguese production companies, in            Tiago Hespahna              Pedro Pinho
major film festivals around the world (Cannes,       Producer                    Director
Berlin, Locarno, Nyon, Marseille, Rotterdam, San
Sebastian, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia,
Chicago, New York, Toronto), all while expanding
its activities through international co-produc-
tions (Brazil, France, Switzerland, Germany, Ja-
pan, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Argentina, Chile).

                                   Director: António Ferreira                        Producer: Tathiani Sacilotto, Antonio Ferreira
                                   Production Company: Persona non grata pictures    Project type: Feature film
European Coproductions: Portugal

                                   Lucas, 30 years old, butcher, lives in a humble   the TV. Lucas will start to break into América’s
                                   neighborhood of the city with his blind moth-     house, cook the most delicious dishes, without
                                   er, he is friends with an aggressive policeman;   her knowledge. She will fall in love with the
                                   who falls in love with América, the perfect and   mysterious man who gifts her daily with meals to
                                   famous TV star. Lucas, the deformed poor man,     die for. This is the story of the unlikely encounter
                                   decides to win the lovely and stunning América    of Lucas the butcher and América the star.
                                   over. She comes everyday to his house through

                                                                                                          European Coproductions: Portugal
António Ferreira studied at the Lisbon Film           leases the short film “Posfácio nas confecções
School (ESTC). In 1996 enters the Deutsche Film       Canhão / Posfácio At The Clothing Factory”, a
und Fernsehakademie Berlin (DFFB). In 2000            commission for the Guimarães European Capital
his first short film “Respirar (debaixo d’água) /     of Culture, among other 20 international direc-
Breathing Under Water” is selected in Cannes.         tors such as Jean-Luc Godard, Aki Kaurisma-
In 2002 releases his first feature “Esquece tudo      ki, Peter Greenaway and Manoel de Oliveira. In
o que te disse / Forget Everything I’ve Told You”,    2018 releases “Pedro e Inês / The Dead Queen”,
a co-production with France, become one of the        a co-production between Portugal, France and
most successful movies in Portugal that year. In      Brazil, which became the most seen Portuguese
2007 releases the short film “Deus Não Quis / It      movie in his homeland and released in Brazilian
Wasn’t God’s Will” winning over a dozen inter-        and French cinemas the year after.
national prizes. In 2010 releases his second fea-     In his career, António Ferreira has directed nine

                                                                                                          INDUSTRY GUIDE
ture “Embargo”, an adaptation from the Nobel          films and produced over thirty. His films have
prize winner José Saramago, a co-production           won over forty international prizes in over a
between Portugal, Brazil and Spain. In 2012 re-       hundred film festivals worldwide.

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                    CONTACTS
has produced roughly 30 films in co-production
with several countries - Brazil, Argentina, Por-
tugal, Spain, France, Germany and Mozambique.
The international character of our films, has al-
lowed a wide circulation in festivals around the
world, as well as in movie theatres and tele-
vision channels. Our films express the culture,       ATTENDING
thinking and imagination of the countries of or-
igin, through the vision of its creators, producing
                                                      european coproductions
works with an author pedigree as well as close
relation to the public.
The PNG PICTURES is currently directed by the pro-
ducers Tathiani Sacilotto and António Ferreira.

                                                      Tathiani Sacilotto        Antonio Ferreira
                                                      Producer                  Director
Anoche conquisté Tebas

                                   Last night I conquered the city of Thebes
                                   Director: Gabriel Azorín                           Producer: Carlos Pardo
                                   Production Company: DVEIN Films                    Project type: Feature film
European Coproductions: Portugal

                                   A few Portuguese boys cross the border with        thinking about for a long time. As they leave, all
                                   Spain to bathe in ancient Roman baths. There,      that remains is the steam of the water and the
                                   they meet several groups that have gone to spend   starry sky. But there is another group of young
                                   the afternoon. Some are looking for rest, others   people who are contemplating that sky. They are
                                   for fun; each of them enjoys the experience in     the Roman soldiers who built the baths. Their
                                   their own way. At nightfall, one of them con-      age and their concerns are not much different
                                   fesses to his friend something that he has been    from those of the Portuguese boys.
He is an Spanish filmmaker with a diploma from       been selected in It’s all true (Brazil), Márgenes,
                                                     D’Autor de Barcelona and Lima Independiente,

                                                                                                           European Coproductions: Portugal
ECAM (Madrid Film School) and a postgraduate
degree from EQZE (a program associated with the      among others, and has been nominated for the
San Sebastián International Film Festival). He       prestigious Scribe 2014 award.
completes his studies with stays in the universi-    In 2015 the short film Tomorrow, the bullet has
ties of Saint Denis-Paris VIII and the Universidad   been selected in international festivals such as
Iberoamericana of México DF.                         Entrevues de Belfort, Porto/Post/Doc, Curtocircuí-
The short film Greyhounds has been selected in       to, Mecal and Reykjavik.
twenty international festivals and considered by     In November 2016 he premiered the medi-
the publications Caimán Cuadernos de Cine and        um-length documentary Mutants at the Seville
Fotogramas as one of the best short films of 2012    European Film Festival.
in Spain.                                            ‘Last night I conquered the city of Thebes’ is his
In 2009 he founded the artistic research col-        first fiction feature film and has been developed

                                                                                                           INDUSTRY GUIDE
lective lacasinegra. In 2014 Pas à Genève, the       at the Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola and later at the
first feature film by lacasinegra, premieres at      Ikusmira-Berriak residence at the San Sebastián
the Seville European Film Festival and has also      Film Festival.

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                   CONTACTS
DVEIN Films is a production company that was         Carlos Pardo Ros
born from DVEIN in 2007 by Carlos Pardo and          Calle Carlos Arniches, 25, Ext. 1º Dcha.
Timoteo Guillem and working for clients such as      28005 Madrid
National Geographic, MTV or Jean Paul-Gaulti-
er. DVEIN’s work has been presented in multiple
festivals and exhibitions around the world. Mag-     Gabriel Azorín / DVEIN
ma, one of his short films, is part of the perma-
nent collection of MoMA in New York. They have
been awarded the City of Barcelona Film Award        ATTENDING
(2012) and the Medal of Fine Arts of the Universi-   european coproductions
ty of San Carlos de Valencia (2013), among other
awards as numerous Vimeo Staff Picks.
In 2017 they create a branch called DVEIN Films
and since then have produced the short films
Violeta + Guillermo (2018) by Oscar Vincentelli,
premiered at the Locarno Festival (Switzerland);
Mudanza Contemporánea (2018) by Teo Guillem,
premiered in the official section of Visions du
Reel (Switzerland) and winner of a Jury Award at     Carlos Pardo               Gabriel Azorín
Ann Arbor Film Festival (USA), Spezial Jury Men-     Producer                   Director
tion in Cinema Jove (Spain) and a Special Mention
by the Jury at the Guanajuato International Film
Festival (Mexico) and the feature film

                                   Director: Lois Patiño/ Matías Piñeiro                 Producer: Beli Martínez
                                   Production Company: Filmika Galaika                   Project type: Feature film
European Coproductions: Portugal

                                   Andrea, an Argentinean actress travels to Gali-       Once there, she finds no one to welcome her. She
                                   cia to join in a tour to perform a version of Wil-    tries to find the theater where the play would
                                   liam Shakespeare’s The Tempest by the Galician        be performed but finds nothing. Getting into the
                                   company Vaodora. On her way, she must learn           nature of the island she begins to glimpse some
                                   Galician, so she decides to go in search of her       traces of her mission. First he finds costumes,
                                   grandparents’ siblings who emigrated to Buenos        sets and some objects from William Shake-
                                   Aires in the 1950s. While preparing for the play in   speare’s play among the brambles, but as she
                                   Gomesende, Andrea is called to begin the tour.        goes further into the island she finds new clues
                                   She departs to her first destination: the Azores      that seem to indicate that The Tempest has taken
                                   Islands.                                              over the island.
                                                        he received the award for best emerging director
Lois Patiño (Spain, 1983)

                                                                                                              European Coproductions: Portugal
                                                        at the Locarno Festival with his first feature film
His films have been shown at film festivals such        ‘Costa da Morte’. A work that has also received 15
as Berlin, Locarno, Toronto, Rotterdam, San Fran-       other awards in many festivals.
cisco, among others.                                    Matías Piñeiro (Buenos Aires, Argentina 1982)
He has been invited to show his work at uni-            Writer and director of films, he currently lives
versities such as Harvard (Sensory Ethnography          in New York, USA. For the last ten years he has
Lab), CalArts (L.A.) or the California College of the   been developing a series of films called “The
Arts (San Francisco). In 2016, Harvard University       Shakespeareads”. He teaches filmmaking at Pratt
awarded him the Robert Fulton III Scholarship,          Institute (New York - USA), Le Fresnoy - Studio
aimed at emerging filmmakers “with an inde-             national des arts contemporains (Tourcoing,
pendent spirit, who explore diverse cultures with       France) and coordinates the filmmaking depart-
a deep aesthetic sensibility”.                          ment at Elías Querejeta Zine Escola (San Sebas-

                                                                                                              INDUSTRY GUIDE
His work Mountain in Shadow earned him awards           tian, Spain). He programs in Punto de Vista Film
at the Oberhausen Festival (Germany), and Cler-         Festival (Pamplona, Spain) and Anthology Film
mont-Ferrand (France) to name a few. In 2013,           Archives (NY, USA).

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                      CONTACTS
Filmika Galaika was founded in 2009. Since then,        Beli Martínez
Filmika Galaika has become a reference in Gali-         FILMIKA GALAIKA
cian filmmaking due, mainly, to the production          Produtora
of some of the most outstanding works of the  
so-called Novo Cinema Galego, such as Longa   
Noite (Eloy Enciso, 2019, Locarno IFF), Vikingland
(Xurxo Chirro, FID Marseille, 2011) and Os corpos
(Eloy Domínguez, IDFA, 2020). The work produced
by Filmika Galaika has participated in more than        ATTENDING
a hundred festivals and international film exhi-        european coproductions
bitions. They have received awards and recogni-
tion in renowned festivals such as Locarno, Mar
del Plata, Trasncinema (Peru), Play-Doc, Zinebi
and the online festival Márgenes, among others.
Their productions have also been exhibited in
museums and art centers such as, Museo Reina
Sofía, Museum of the Moving Image (New York),
Doc’s Kingdom, Niemeyer Center or CENDEAC.
Filmika Galaika has developed projects such as          Beli Martínez
Cinema e Muller, supported by the Pontevedra            Producer
City Council, aimed at raising the visibility of
women filmmakers.
At the moment, the company is in an important
phase of internationalization. Filmika Galaika is
consolidating its position on the national scene
with new projects by the Galician filmmakers:
Alberto Gracia (La Parra), Helena Girón and Sam-
uel M. Delgado (Eles transport a morte) and Eloy
Enciso (Non).
La edad

                                   Director: Polo Menárguez                            Producer: Nacho La Casa
                                   Production Company: Capitán araña                   Project type: Feature fiction
European Coproductions: Portugal

                                   Ana is thirty-eight when she meets Daniel -ten      life: the window of opportunity for her to have
                                   years her junior- at a mutual friend’s birthday     children is quickly closing just as Daniel is about
                                   party. Despite their age difference, Ana and        to achieve his dream of becoming a film direc-
                                   Daniel immediately fall for each other and after    tor. Adapting to her partner’s professional goals
                                   moving in together, they embark on a relation-      and giving up motherhood will thrust Ana into
                                   ship that will struggle to overcome every barrier   a dilemma of racing against time and her own
                                   in its path. However, Ana soon finds herself at a   biological clock. Can their relationship survive?
                                   crossroads seemingly at odds with Daniel’s own
                                                                                                              European Coproductions: Portugal
Polo Menárguez is a film and television direc-
tor and screenwriter. He studied Audiovisual          Europe’ in Serbia, his first documentary fea-
Communication at Carlos III University in Madrid      ture, which competed at SEMINCI in Valladolid
and finished a Filmmaking Master at RTVE Insti-       and earned a special mention by the Jury. The
tute. He currently combines his film career with      film also received the prestigious Harry Randall
various television and advertising projects. His      Award for Best Documentary at the IIFF in New
first feature film, the mumblecore ‘Two Friends’      York. His latest feature film is ‘The Plan’, starring
competed at the Seville Film Festival’s Resist-       Antonio de la Torre and Raúl Arévalo. After being
encia Section in 2013. That same year he was          screened in the Official Section of SEMINCI 2019
nominated for Best Opera Prima at the Toulouse        and its inclusion at the Seville European Film

                                                                                                              INDUSTRY GUIDE
Film Festival and received a special mention at       Festival, this theater adaptation of a play by the
the Madrid-PNR Film Festival. Interested in the       same name premiered in cinemas in February
subject of migration, in 2017 he shot ‘Winter in      2020 to resounding critical acclaim.

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                    CONTACTS
Capitán Araña was founded in 2002. Since then,
Capitán Araña’s team has produced content in
both entertainment and fiction formats for ma-
jor Spanish TV networks. Worth mentioning is
the fact that many of these formats have later
been adapted internationally in countries such
as the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, France,
the Netherlands or Russia.
Our passion for storytelling inspired us to create
‘Ozzy’, our first 3D animated feature film with a
                                                      european coproductions
budget of over 7 million euros. The family adven-
ture comedy was released in 2016 and premiered
in over 60 countries. The film was among the Top
10 highest grossing Spanish films of the year and
was nominated for two Goya Awards (Best Ani-
mated Film and Best Sound) and a Platino Award
(Best Animated Film), also awarded at the Film
Writers Circle and the Gaudí Awards. Likewise, it
was also in the Top 10 international premieres        Nacho La Casa               Polo Menárguez
(Russia, Italy, France, Poland, Mexico, Argentina,    Producer                    Director
Israel, South Korea...) being the third highest in-
ternational grossing Spanish film in 2017.
In February 2020, Captain Araña premiered ‘The
Plan’, directed by Polo Menárguez starring An-
tonio de la Torre, Raúl Arévalo and Chema del
Barco. The company is currently involved in the
post-production of ‘Sevillanas from Brooklyn’
and developing other projects such as ‘A Son’ or
‘Norbert’, a new animated feature co-produced
with Poland.

                                   Director: Filipa Reis & João Miller Guerra                      Producer: Rachel Ellis, DESVIA (BR) Filipa Reis,
                                   Production Company: Uma pedra no sapato                         UMA PEDRA NO SAPATO (PT)
European Coproductions: Portugal

                                                                                                   Project type: Feature fiction

                                       Uma Pedra no Sapato,                                                              A film direc ted by
                                       Desvia and KG Productions                                                         Filipa Reis & João Miller Guerra

                                   Northern Portugal, village of Légua. The Botica                 any explanation. Ana’s daughter, Mónica, brings
                                   manor house is looked after by good friends Ana                 a friend to visit the village and is, like her father,
                                   and Emília, representing two generations of farm                unhappy with her mother’s choice. Mónica, sees
                                   workers. Ana, a hard-working woman and wife                     no future for her mother in the village.
                                   of Victor, who is going back to France again, and               The dynamics of the house slowly evolve, the re-
                                                 The more closed shots will give texture to
                                   mother of twotheyoung    adults, who study abroad.
                                                      elements that are not visible to the         lationship between Ana and Emília changing as
                                   When Emília becomes       seriously ill, Ana propos-
                                                 naked eye, while the more open shots will         her illness worsens: the unspoken, the friction,
                                   es to take care  of contrasting
                                                 offer her friend green
                                                                     as well,
                                                                           and in anpictures
                                                                                grey   am-         the inevitable provocations generate small daily
                                   biguous gesture    of region’s
                                                 of the   obligation
                                                                  riversand  selflessness
                                                                         and mountains.     We     bouts of violence. Then a new threat appears -
                                   - Emília has no
                                                 wantfamily   and cannot
                                                        to capture   bodies be
                                                                             on left
                                                                                                   the house has, without Ana’s knowledge, been
                                   to fend for herself   in the
                                                 hardships    are big house,
                                                                   etched,      which the
                                                                            countering      the
                                                                                                   handed over for sale. Despite the friendship
                                   Lisbon owners    have stopped
                                                 tendency     of the visiting
                                                                        media regularly.
                                                                                 to portray
                                                                                                   between Ana and Emília and the eort to keep
                                   Guilherme, abeautiful    symmetrical
                                                   Jesuit priest,   the bodies,
                                                                         brotherin oflinethe
                                                                                                   everything as it always was, Ana feels increas-
                                                 everlasting youth.
                                   owner of the house,    appears for one of his short,            ingly pressured and lost, involuntarily dragged
                                   chaotic stays at Botica. He disappears shortly af-
                                                 No kind of belief or religion prepares us         into the situation in which she finds herself,
                                   terwards and,toas   is his custom, leaves without
                                                    confront death in the face. Years later,       from which she can see no way out.
                                                   we still relive the moment when João's
                                                   father died. It’s still difficult for us to
                                                   conceive that death can be seen as a day
                                                   worth living. But the truth is that a life
                                                   fully lived makes death a moment that
                                                                                                         European Coproductions: Portugal
Filipa Reis (1977) and João Miller Guerra (1974)      their own production company, UMA PEDRA NO
live and work together in Lisbon, Portugal. They      SAPATO, where they develop, produce and direct
co-direct films selected and awarded in festivals     their own films but also international co-pro-
such as Rotterdam, Cinéma du Réel, New Direc-         duction features by talented and prize winning
tors New Films, IDFA, DokLeipzig, BAFICI, Bordocs,    Portuguese directors such as Miguel Gomes, Mar-
Fidocs, Festival dei Popoli, Olhar de Cinema, Do-     garida Cardoso, Marco Martins and newcomers
cLisboa, IndieLisboa, among others. DJON AFRI-        Leonor Teles (Golden Bear Berlinale Shorts 2016)
CA, their debut feature fiction film, premiered in    and Sofia Bost and Duarte Coimbra (Semaine de
Rotterdam 2018 (Tiger Awards), won the FRIPESCI       La Critique). Under the brand VENDE-SE FILMES,
and Jury Honorable Mention in Uruguay IFF 2018        Filipa and João directed and produced over 100

                                                                                                         INDUSTRY GUIDE
and was commercially released in Portugal and         hours of engaging and independent television
Brazil. They are presently writing their second       content broadcasted in prime time national net-
fiction feature, LÉGUA. In 2008 they’ve started       work television and cable.

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                    CONTACTS
UMA PEDRA NO SAPATO                         
Independent film production company based in
Lisbon, founded by filmmakers Filipa Reis and
João Miller Guerra, invests in fiction and crea-
tive documentary with world premieres in major
festivals (Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Rotterdam, Lo-
carno, IDFA, Cinema du Réel, FIDMarseille, DOK-
Leipzig, Hong Kong, Jeonju, Clérmont-Ferrand),        ATTENDING
domestic and international cinematic release,
distribution in network and cable TV and via VOD
                                                      european coproductions
all over the world. Relevant awards and selec-
tions: Batrachian’s Ballad (Golden Bear - Ber-
linale Shorts, FireBird Award Hong Kong IFF), Terra
Franca (SCAM award Cinéma du Réel, Best Inter-
national 1st Film Mar del Plata, Best Documen-
tary Malaga IFF), Djon Africa (Rotterdam - Tiger
Competition, FIPRESCI award IFF Uruguay), Party
Day (La Semaine de la Critique – Cannes, NYFF),
A Pleasure, Comrads! (Locarno - Fuori Concorso,       Filipa Reis              João Miller Guerra
BFI), Dogs Barking at Birds (Venice – Orizzonti,      Director                 Director
European Fim Awards Best Short 2019 nominee).
UMA PEDRA NO SAPATO is currently developing in-
ternational co-production features by Portuguese
directors Miguel Gomes, Marco Martins, Marga-
rida Cardoso, Filipa Reis and João Miller Guerra,
André Gil Mata and Leonor Teles. The company
also produces television content for the main
broadcasters in Portugal, ranging from historical
and contemporary episodic drama to non-fiction
programs, under the brand VENDE-SE FILMES.

                                   Director: Patricia Ortega                         Producer: Olmo Figueredo González-Quevedo
                                   Production Company: Mamacruz AIE/ La Claqueta     Project type: Feature film
European Coproductions: Portugal

                                   PC/ La Cruda Realidad/ SPi (Portugal)

                                   When her daughter emigrates, a religious grand-   lemma for her: does she uphold the beliefs with
                                   mother learns how to use the internet. An acci-   lay down how to be a decent woman or does she
                                   dental encounter with pornography, poses a di-    surrender to the tempting search of a delicious
                                                                                     and shameless orgasm?
                                                                                                           European Coproductions: Portugal
BIO DIRECTOR                                          Her first feature film “Yo, Imposible” (Being
                                                      Impossible) (2018), won the First Prize of the
Patricia Ortega (1977) is the founder of the Man-     Producers Meeting of the Cartagena de Indi-
dragora Films production company (2009). De-          as International Film Festival in Colombia and
gree in Social Communication, graduated from          the Women Finishing Film Fund (WIFF). Distrib-
the International School of Film and Television       uted by HBO in the United States. Selected as a
of San Antonio de los Baños EICTV (Cuba), and         pre-candidate for the Oscar 2020 awards repre-
graduated from the FILMAKADEMIE in Ludwisburg         senting Venezuela, it is currently on it’s inter-
(Germany).                                            national festival route such as SXSW 2019, Gua-
She has made the following short films and doc-       dalajara International Film Festival 2019, Seminci
umentaries as director, screenwriter and exec-        2018, among others. Awards: Espiga Arcoiris,
utive producer: Sueños de Hanssen (2000), La          Seminci (2018). Audience Award at the Festival
Boda de Blanco (2001), Across the Sea (2005), Dos     du Cinéma Ibérique et Latino-Americain de Vil-

                                                                                                           INDUSTRY GUIDE
Soles Dos Mundos (2007), El Niño Shuá (2006),         leurbanne 2019. Best Mix Feature Film Award at
Kataa ou-outa (2007), The Invisible T (2017) and      the LGBT Roze Filmdagen Film Festival 2019. Best
Absences (2018).                                      Screenplay Award at the QFest Film Festival 2019.

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                    CONTACTS
La Claqueta was founded in Sevilla by Olmo            La Claqueta PC - Oficina
Figueredo and Manuel H. Martín 18 years ago,          Av. de Italia, 11, 41012 Sevilla, Spain
and since then it has become one of the most
prolific and award-winning production compa-          Tel. +34 954 406 379
nies in southern Spain. In 2019 released Bye, di-
rected by Paco Cabezas, tenth biggest commercial
release of the year, The Endless Trench, directed
by Arregi, Garaño and Goenaga, which won two
Goya Awards (Best Actress and Best Sound), the        ATTENDING
Silver Shell for Best Director at the San Sebastian   european coproductions
International Film Festival and Best Film at the
Forqué Awards; as well as Parking, directed by
Tudor Giurgiu. In 2020 will be released, alongside
the comedy One Careful Owner, directed by Bern-
abé Rico, the romantic drama El verano que vivi-
mos, directed by Carlos Sedes, and the animat-
ed documentary The longest voyage, directed by
Manuel H. Martín. La Claqueta’s productions has
received two Goya Awards (The Endless Trench,
2019), three Forqué Awards (The Endless Trench,       Olmo Figueredo               Patricia Ortega
2019; Born in Syria, 2016; Born in Gaza, 2014), an    Producer                     Director
Iris Television Award (Born in Syria, 2016) and a
Platino Award for Best Documentary (Born in Syr-
ia, 2016).
Projecto Global

                                   Global Project
                                   Director: Ivo M. Ferreira                          Producer: Luís Urbano, Sandro Aguilar
                                   Production Company: O som e a fúria /              Project type: Feature film
European Coproductions: Portugal

                                   Komplizen Film

                                   Portugal, the roaring 1980’s. A woman joins        a large-scale police operation targeting them.
                                   a group of young people disappointed at the        Fleeing on a road with no return and no way for-
                                   post-Revolutionary country. They are part of a     ward, they live clandestine existences made up
                                   far-left clandestine armed organization where      of bank robberies, bombs, friendships, prison,
                                   they share political views and a daily life that   love and death. Trapped, they hesitate between
                                   makes them grow closer. But their idealism         their desire to continue and the inevitability of
                                   collides head-on with a changing country and       giving up.
                                                                                                       European Coproductions: Portugal
Ivo M. Ferreira was born in 1975. Son of a cou-     na. Filmography: EMPIRE HOTEL [2018], LETTERS
ple of actors, he was a student at António Arroio   FROM WAR [2016], O ESTRANGEIRO [2010], ÁGUAS
Artistic High School, the London Film School and    MIL [2009], VAI COM O VENTO [2009], FIOS DE FIAR
the University of Budapest, which he gave up for    [2006], SALTO EM BARREIRA [2004], À PROCURA DE

                                                                                                       INDUSTRY GUIDE
traveling. On a journey through China, he direct-   SABINO [2003], SOIA DI PRÍNCIPE [2002], EM VOLTA
ed and produced his first documentary. Besides      [2002], ANGOLA EM CENA [2002] and O QUE FOI?
Portugal, he shot in Angola, Indonesia and Chi-     [1998].

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                  CONTACTS
O Som e a Fúria was created in September 1998.
The company is fully dedicated to film produc-      +351 213 582 518
tion in order to establish a connection with
independent auteur cinema. The quality of its
proposals, associated with the development of
the individual universes of its authors, are the
backbone of this production company. It’s fea-
ture films have been commercially screened in,
among others, France, Germany, United King-         ATTENDING
dom, Belgium, Switzerland, Brazil, Argentina,       european coproductions
Chile, Mexico, USA and Japan. Its productions
are usually present in Years Best Films lists, in
international publications as “Cahiers du Cine-
ma”, “Sight & Sound”, “The Guardian”, “New
Yorker”, “New York Times”, “Film Comment” and
“Clarin”. At the same time, since 2003, O Som e
a Fúria began distributing the work that it has
been producing.
                                                    Luis Urbano              Ivo M. Ferreira
                                                    Producer                 Director
Um filme de Fernando Ruiz

                                   A film by Fernando Ruiz Vergara
European Coproductions: Portugal

                                   Director: Concha Barquero and Alejandro Alvarado       Producer: Sara Sánchez & José Manuel
                                   Production Company: Azhar media                        Rodríguez
                                                                                          Project type: Documentary film

                                   For the Andalusian director Fernando Ruiz Verga-       Um filme de Fernando Ruiz Vergara is an exper-
                                   ra, the censorship suffered by his only film, Rocío    imental essay that throws up questions about
                                   (1980), was the seed for the frustration of his lat-   resistance, dissidence and creative force. We
                                   er projects. Vergara went into self-imposed exile      feel that these films exist in people’s imagina-
                                   in Portugal where he lived until his death in 2011.    tion and desires. This film is to some extent the
                                   He left behind numerous scripts and notes on           continuation of an interrupted project. It is the
                                   films that he never actually went ahead with, for      story of a man who clings to cinema as his last
                                   various different reasons. Bit by bit, we began to     act in life.
                                   outline an idea: to pick up some of Fernando’s
                                   unfinished projects, reinterpret them, and film
                                   them in our own way.
CONCHA BARQUERO Y ALEJANDRO ALVARADO. (Mála-          tional television, as a director and a scriptwriter

                                                                                                            European Coproductions: Portugal
ga, 1975) are filmmakers and lecturers at Univer-     respectively of ‘Tesis’ (2001-2011), a documentary
sity of Malaga. Professionally, they have com-        television programme broadcast by Canal Sur 2
bined both cultural and educational television        Andalucia. Regarding documentary filmmaking,
and documentary filmmaking. His works -films,         they have codirected several social issues doc-
videoart, television programmes – have partici-       umentaries: ‘El reverso de la realidad’ (2007),
pated in numerous audiovisual festivals around        ‘Warmi. Algunos apuntes sobre La Paz y sus mu-
the world, such as Mar del Plata Internation-         jeres’ (2014) and documentary series such as ‘The
al Film Festival (Argentina), European Media Art      Generation 27’ Anthology’ (2009), on the cele-
(Osnabrück, Germany) or the International Festi-      brated generation of Spanish poets. Their first
val Cinema and Techonology World Tour (Canada,        feature-length film is the documentary ‘Pepe el
United States, United Kingdom and Australia),         Andaluz’ (2012), which has been screened at film
and have been broadcast in television channels        festivals, cultural centres and museums in over
like Canal Plus, Televisión Española, Canal His-      40 cities of 16 countries. ‘Pepe el Andaluz’ has

                                                                                                            INDUSTRY GUIDE
toria and Films for the Humanities & Sciences         been widely awarded at international film fes-
(USA). Since 2001, Alvarado & Barquero have been      tivals like Documenta Madrid and also received
involved in cultural, popular science and educa-      the XXIX Andalusia Prize of Journalism

PRODUCTION COMPANY                                    CONTACTS
AZHAR MEDIA After working on the production           AZHAR MEDIA S.L.
of films, documentaries and spots for over 7          Paseo Colón, 7 1ºC
years, the producers Sara Sánchez and José M.         41001 Sevilla
Rodríguez founded Azhar Media in 2010, a new
project aimed towards the international produc-
tion of documentaries and production services in      +34 954 045 361
Andalusia and Spain. Since our creation in 2010,
we have provided production services for adver-
tising, fiction, documentaries and television for     ATTENDING
national and international producers and agen-        european coproductions
cies. Some of our clients include: Cartoon Net-
work, Sevilla FC, North One UK, Reshet TV (Israel),
Eurosport., Kikim Media (USA), Departments of
Innovation and Education in the Government of
Andalusia… As well as the services that we offer,
Azhar Media produces documentaries that have
successfully participated in international festi-
vals such as Berlinale, Hong Kong International
Film Festival, Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla,   Concha Barquero            Alejandro Alvarado
Seminci, OLA (Los Angeles)…                           Director                   Director

                                                      José Manuel Rodríguez
                                           SEVILLE, 9 > 10 NOVEMBER, 2020

    SOFIA, 14-18 MARCH, 2018
   Founded     in 1992
          Founded        with
                   in 1992      funding MAKING
                           with funding    from
                                        from     theTHE
                                             the MEDIA MEDIA MOST
                                                         programme     OFfrom
                                                                       and   YOUR
                                                                                     Centre      thedu
                                                                                            national  Centre
   national   du animée
    et de l’image cinéma    et de
                         (CNC),  Europa TO
                                    l’image  BUILD
                                         Cinemas is theAUDIENCES
                                              animée      (CNC),
                                                        first        Europa
                                                              film theatre     Cinemas
                                                                           network focusingisonthe first film
                                                                                                European films.
    theatre network focusing on SOFIA,
                                European  films.
                                       14-18 MARCH, 2018
                                                    IN 2018, EUROPA CINEMAS SETS UP THE FIFTH EDITION
                                                    OF ITS AUDIENCE DEVELOPMENT & INNOVATION LAB
                                                    WITH THE SOFIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL.
                                                    Founded in 1992 with funding from the MEDIA programme and from the Centre
                              43 COUNTRIESnational
                                           – 738 CITIES  – 1,216
                                                   du cinéma  et CINEMAS    – 3,131 SCREENS
                                                                 de l’image animée  (CNC), Europa Cinemas is the first film
                                          theatre network focusing on European films.
                                        43 COUNTRIES - 680 CITIES - 1,126 CINEMAS - 2,806 SCREENS
                                                   Président: Nico Simon
                                                         President: Nico Simon
                                        General     Director:
                                                 General        Claude-Eric
                                                          Director:               Poiroux
                                                                    Claude-Eric Poiroux
                        Head of International    Relations:
                                  Head of International        Fatima
                                                        Relations: FatimaDjoumer
                                                                           Djoumer     - (

                                                                        43 COUNTRIES - 680 CITIES - 1,126 CINEMAS - 2,806 SCREENS

                                                                                                         President: Nico Simon
                                                                                                 General Director: Claude-Eric Poiroux
                                                                                  Head of International Relations: Fatima Djoumer -
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