Page created by Arnold Carlson

10 – 15 JANUARY 2021




                                 Register online at:
2 – WWW.EUMWEEK.COM                             SPONSORS   WELCOME MESSAGE                                                                                             WWW.EUMWEEK.COM – 3

The European Microwave Week 2020 organisers would          Welcome to the 23rd European Microwave Week
like to thank the following companies for their help
and valued support throughout this year’s event.
                                                           The Corona virus has swept across                 “If you work in this field – you can     EuMIC, EuMC, EuRAD. The European
                                                           the globe. We have managed to move              pack your week with relevant insights      Microwave Integrated Circuits Confer-
                                                           the European Microwave Week from                       and new developments.”              ence, the European Microwave Con-
                      PLATINUM SPONSOR                     September 2020 to January 2021, be-                                                        ference and the European Radar Con-
                                                           cause we so much value that real-life,          Meet. This week is where the entire        ference together form the scientific
                                                           person-to-person interaction. Register          community meets. Meet, to inter-           heart of the Microwave Week. Keynote
                                                           and visit!                                      face with all the relevant industries      speakers from around the globe to in-
                                                                                                           at the largest microwave and radar         spire our audience, semiconductors
                                                           “Be part of the European Microwave              tradeshow - this tradeshow alone is        that literally work up to a THz, dedicat-
                                                           Week, that will be remembered as the            more than worth a visit! Stop by the       ed sessions on Teaching Microwave En-
                                                             first big Microwave Conference                EuMA booth and become a member.            gineering, a Focus Day on (Active) Ar-
                                                                       after Corona.”                      That is the first step to get involved     ray Antennas, there is just too much to
                                                                                                           in volunteering: Do so for a few years     name it all here. Female talent can meet
                                                           Welcome! We are excited to host the             and suddenly realise that you actual-      their peers and get together during
                                                           European Microwave Week in The                  ly know all the famous names in mi-        the Women-in-Microwaves event.
                                                           Netherlands, the country where it all           crowaves and radar. Meet, to learn         EuMC, the oldest of the conferences
                                                           started in 1998, when three confer-             before things even get published.          involved, will be celebrating its 50th
                                                           ences merged into the ‘Microwave                Meet old friends to catch up, meet to      anniversary, which is the reason for
                                                           Week’. This turned out to be a strategic        make new friends that last a lifetime.     the golden crown over this year’s logo.
                                                           and very successful move: 22 years
                                                           later this week has grown into the big-         Enjoy. This week’s venue maximally fa-      “We invite you to immerse yourself in
                                                           gest event of its kind in Europe. To me,        cilitates learning and meeting. Utrecht    the culture, art and history of Utrecht.”
                                                           the week can be summarised in four              is a historic place that welcomes visi-
                                                           words: Learn, meet, enjoy and explore!          tors warmly. Enjoy its canals, church-     Explore! Browse through this mini-pro-
                                                                                                           es, modern and ancient art, and over       gramme to learn about the student
                                                           Learn. This week represents the state-          3000 years of history. Enjoy its famous    activities (including a drone-detecting
                                                           of-the-art in RF, microwaves and radar.         music scene, century-old restaurants,      challenge: build a team, receive hard-
                                                           Academia and industry present well              bars and nightlife. Enjoy the Railway      ware and demonstrate your perfor-
                                                           over 400 scientific talks. Although this        museum where we will host a splen-         mance on-site), the different fora (the
                                                           is more than any individual can absorb, it      did dinner amidst historic trains. Enjoy   Defence, Security and Space Forum on
                                                           guarantees that – if you work in this field     the pub crawl and dancing festivities      Space Situational Awareness, the Auto-
                                                           – you can pack your week with relevant          organised by us for you in the heart       motive Forum, this year particularly on
                                                           insights and new developments. Short            of the city. Both the conference venue     waveforms and AI in automotive radar,
                                                           courses will get you up to speed for new        and city centre are within five minutes    and the new 5G Forum that bridges
                                                           topics, workshops will bring you all the        walking from the railway station, so       the gap between business and technol-
                                                           new developments for those already              be prepared to combine work and fun!       ogy), a workshop on Quantum Comput-
                                                           working in the field. Exchange ideas with                                                  ing for Electronic Engineers, and there
                                                           colleagues from academia and industry.             “With over 400 scientific papers,       is something on 5G at virtually every
                                                           Stay skilled in a world that is changing          around 30 workshops and 10 short         time-slot. This week is so packed with
                                                           at an unprecedented rate.                         courses this will more than satisfy      science and fun, that you’ll regret go-
                                                                                                                   your scientific thirst.”           ing home when the week is over!

                                                           FRANK VAN VLIET                   ALEXANDER YAROVOY
                                                           General Chair                     General TPC Chair
4 – WWW.EUMWEEK.COM                                                                                              SPECIAL CONFERENCE EVENTS        SPECIAL CONFERENCE EVENTS                                                                                                  WWW.EUMWEEK.COM – 5

                                                                                                                                                                              Promoting Student Development
                                                   The City                                                                                                                      Tom Brazil Doctoral                                                           5th European
                                                  of Utrecht                                                                                                                     School of Microwaves                                                          Microwave Student
                                    The city of Utrecht, with its combination of storied past
                                and dynamic present, is a truly unique place. This 2000-year-                                                                                    “The Route to 5G:                                                             School “Practical
                                 old city teems with a wide range of interesting museums and
                                  other cultural institutions, their programmes full of theatre,                                                                                 Design of mmWave                                                              Workshop: Build a
                               dance, art and more. When you stroll through the quaint streets
                                and along the canals in the Utrecht Museum Quarter, taking in                                                                                    Active Array Systems,                                                         Frequency-Modulated
                               the pleasant, intimate atmosphere for which Utrecht is famous,
                                 you’ll understand. Utrecht also offers various options to dis-                                                                                  from RFIC to Signal                                                           Continuous Wave
                                  cover more than just the city. An interesting fact: Utrecht is
                                    both the name of the city and the surrounding province.
                                     In the province of Utrecht you can get off the beaten
                                                                                                                                                                                 Processing”                                                                   Radar in 1-day”
                                          track and combine its nature, tranquillity and
                                            beautiful old buildings with all the advan-                                                                                          Thursday, 14th January 2021                                                   Tuesday, 12th January 2021
                                                 tages of a dynamic m ­ etropolis.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Every year, the European Microwave Week features the Doctoral                 During the EuMW 2020 we will celebrate the fifth edition of the
                                                                                                                                                                                 School of Microwaves, which is a one-day workshop. In memory                  European Microwave Student School. In this workshop you will
Photograph: Ramon Mosterd

                                                                                                                                                                                 of Tom Brazil, who was one of the founders of this event, it has              learn the theory and design of FMCW radar. With this theoreti-
                                                                                                                                                                                 now been renamed “Tom Brazil Doctoral School of Microwaves”.                  cal foundation, you will design, simulate and fabricate by hand,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Its objective is to cover the needs of a Ph.D. student that go be-            each component of your radar. You will then work in a team to
                                                                                                                                                                                 yond the normal conference program. This year’s Doctoral School               assemble a complete radar and test it before the end of the class.
                                                                                                                                                                                 will have lectures on technical topics,                                       The only background you need is basic mi-
                                                                                                                                                                                 as well as on boosting your soft                                              crowave engineering knowledge and
                                                                                                                                                                                 skills, by experts from both aca-                 For                         a desire to learn and build with
                                                                                                                                                                                 demia and industry. The overall              details on the                   your hands!                                    further
                                                                                                                                                                                 theme of the technical topics              programme, visit                                                             information, visit
                            Career Platform                                                                                                                                      is 5G mmWave with a focus on
                                                                                                                                                                                 the design of integrated active
                                                                                                                                                                                 array systems, covering the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               This workshop is sponsored by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Thales Nederland B.V.
                                                                                                                                                                                 fields all the way from RFIC to                  html                                                                         html
                            Tuesday, 12th January to Thursday, 14th January 2021                                                                                                 signal processing.

                            Our motto is to help the community bring the     shops, recruitment space, a start-up panel, and    WHAT’S IN IT FOR YOU?
                            jobs and career opportunities to students and
                            young professionals, all in a single place and
                            time, in order to make our field more attrac-
                                                                             special sessions to boost the career of the next
                                                                             generation of microwave/millimetre-wave,
                                                                             radar, wireless, and integrated circuits engi-
                                                                                                                                • Start-up Panel: Get ready to start your
                                                                                                                                  own company
                                                                                                                                                                                 Student Design Competitions
                            tive to young talents and more productive for    neers. All these activities are centred around     • Job Wall: Spot vacancies instantly
                            companies.                                       the Career Lounge, a cosy area with comfort-       • Career Workshop: Boost your CV and             Tuesday, 12th January to Wednesday, 13th January 2021
                                                                             able seats and refreshments, where contacts          receive tips for your résumé
                            The Career Platform is a three-day event that    to companies can be made in an informal            • Job Dating: Meet (your?) future employer
                            is conducted with the support of EuMW, EuMA      fashion. During the conference, all this will be     in 20 minutes                                  The Student Design Competitions involve master and doctoral students designing and measuring a microwave device developed prior to the
                            and the IEEE MTT-S / Region 8 Young Profes-      supported by social media (Facebook, Linke-        • CP Lounge: Meet recruiters and colleagues      conference. This competition is open to all students. Measurements will be open to attend for all EuMW participants. A representative of the
                            sionals. The Career Platform is dedicated to     dIn, Xing, etc.) as well as the European RF and      with a cup of coffee                           design team must be present at the conference. This year, two competitions will be offered:
                            students, graduates, and young professionals     Microwave job portal www.rf-and-microwave-
                            where they can get in touch with companies to, which is the virtual market-                                                     Thrust 1: Drone Localisation System                     Thrust 2: Wideband Amplifier Biasing Network
                            increase their network and inform themselves     place for students and companies to meet at                                                         Design a drone localisation system operating from       Design and realise a biasing network for RF high
                            about current job offers. This unique place      and in-between European Microwave Weeks.                                                            0.5 GHz to 1.5 GHz. The system should be able to        power amplifiers, considering low insertion loss at                For further
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         information, visit
                            provides multiple activities like career work-   Connect with us on social media for more:                                                           determine the position of drones by detecting the       the operation bandwidth and low input impedance
                                                                                                                                                                                 radio frequency interference transmitted by the         at the low frequency region. This thrust is organ-
                                                                                                                                                                                 drones. This thrust is organised and sponsored by       ised and sponsored by Ampleon Netherlands BV.
                                                                                                                                               For details on                    ASTRON. Prizes are co-sponsored by the IEEE Bene-       For questions please contact Adam Cooman (adam.                       html
                                                                                                                                            the programme and                    lux AP/MTT joint chapter. For questions please con-
                                                                                                                                              speakers, visit                    tact David Prinsloo (
                                                                                                                                                                                                          For more information visit
                                                                                                                                           Career_platform.html                  For more information and additional competition         news/events/student-design-competition-at-eu-
                                                                                                                                                                                 details visit                   mw-2020.html.
6 – WWW.EUMWEEK.COM                                                                                                          SPECIAL CONFERENCE EVENTS          SPECIAL CONFERENCE EVENTS                                                                                                         WWW.EUMWEEK.COM – 7

The Defence, Security & Space Forum                                                                                                                             Conference Highlights
Space Situational Awareness                                                                                                                                     The week is packed with everything Microwave and Radar!
Wednesday, 13th January 2021, 08:30 to 17:50

                                                                                                                                                                                           CON                                                           FO                                              NOT
+ cocktail reception

Chair: Marco Martorella, University of Pisa, Italy
Co-Chair: Mark Bentum, Eindhoven University of Technology & ASTRON, The Netherlands                                                                                                        FERE                                                          RU                                              TO
Space has become a new battleground where
both economic and military interests clash.
Space Situational Awareness (SSA) refers to
                                                              The Defence, Security and Space Forum will
                                                              address the topic of Space Situational Aware-
                                                              ness. When thinking of Space and SSA, we                       ­Registration and ­
                                                                                                                            Programme ­Updates
                                                                                                                                                                                           NCES                                                          MS                                              MISS
keeping track of objects in orbit and predict-                tend to ask ourselves many questions that are                                                                 EuMIC                                                       5G Forum                                 • Focus day on Array Antennas:
ing where they will be at any given time, in                  related to our ability to understand and handle                                                      Europe’s premium event on                                       Everything new on 5G,                           a whole day on arrays for defence,
other words: determine a persistent and con-                  space, for instance: What have we learnt in the       Registration fee is € 20,– for those           IC design at RF frequencies                                  complementing the week’s 5G                        space and radio astronomy
tinuously updated picture of the situation in                 past years of SSA activities? How is the “New         who registered for a conference and                    and above                                               science and workshops                         • Full day on Quantum Computing
space. According to NATO’s definition, SSA                    Space Era” affecting space and its safety? Are        € 60,– for those not registered for a                                                                                                                          for Electrical Engineers
is the knowledge and the understanding of                     our SSA systems keeping up the pace of the            conference. The Conference Special                      EuMC                                                 Automotive Forum                                • Around 30 workshops and 10
                                                                                                                       Events section of the EuMW
military and non-military events, activities,                 new developments in space? Are we prepared
                                                                                                                      website will give further details
                                                                                                                                                                   Europe’s premium event on                                    Continuing last year’s massive                     short courses, including one on
circumstances and conditions within and                       to face what the future may hold?
                                                                                                                                and updates.
                                                                                                                                                                      anything microwave                                                   success                                 microwave laboratory practices
associated with the space environment or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • A coherent student programme
space-related systems.                                        World-wide renowned experts will present                                                                     EuRAD                                                      DSS Forum                                    including job dating, CV polishing
                                                              and discuss various SSA-related topics, rang-                                                          Europe’s premium event                                       The executive forum on                           and Business Plan writing
To accomplish this, a complex infrastructure                  ing from space surveillance, challenges and                                                           on radar, all the way from                                  Defence, Security and Space,                     • Technology in Context: A series
must be in place that includes sensors, com-                  threats in space, to space weather, providing     are impacting both military and civilian sce-        systems down to signal                                          this year’s theme:                            of philosophical lectures on the
munications systems, physical phenomena                       some answers to the above questions and           narios. Well-known and new threats will also               processing                                          “Space Situational Awareness”                       relation between technology and
knowledge, technical and management skills                    with the aim of triggering valuable discus-       be discussed in order to understand the risks                                                                                                                      society
that allow for all the necessary systems to op-               sions where SSA will be the primary focus.        that space induces.                                                                                                                                              • Railway museum: A splendid dinner
erate and interact effectively.                               Technological aspects will be considered that                                                                                                                                                                        at the fantastic railway museum

The Automotive Forum                                                                                                                                            The 5G Forum
Automotive Radar                                                                                                                                                From Technology to Business
Tuesday 12th January 2021, 08:30 to 17:50
+ dinner on Monday evening, 11th January 2021                                                                                                                   Friday, 15th January 2021, 08:45 to 15:45

Chair: Thomas Zwick, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany                                                                                                 Chair: Bart Smolders, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Co-Chairs: Martin Kunert, Robert Bosch GmbH & Frank Gruson, Continental AG, Germany                                                                             Co-Chairs: Toon Norp, TNO, The Netherlands & Ulf Gustavsson, Ericsson, Sweden
Local Arrangements Chair: Cicero Vaucher, NXP, The Netherlands

Following applications like keyless entry and                focus on the following topics:                                                                     The introduction of 5G is a major trend in cel-                sub 6 GHz range of spectrum where most cur-
tire pressure monitoring systems, mobile com-                                                                                                                   lular telecommunications; in various countries                 rent cellular technologies can be found. The
munications and recently automotive radar                    1.   Modulation & operation principles                          Registration and                   5G frequency licenses are being awarded and                    third pioneer band is the 26 GHz band; a new                   Registration and
made microwave technologies a strong pillar                  2.   Radar architectures                                      Programme Updates                    5G networks are rolled out. 5G promises to                     frequency band which will introduce micro-                   Programme Updates
inside the automotive world. The first 77 GHz                3.   Artificial intelligence in automotive radar                                                   support a range of new applications - auto-                    wave technology in cellular networks. For the
automotive radar sensors entered the Europe-                 4.   Automotive radar interference                      Please refer to the special forums         motive, public safety, media, health, satellite                microwave industry, 5G will be a major new             Please refer to the special forums
an market in 1999. In 2019, the European Mi-                                                                       and session fees table for registration      communication, and factory automation to                       market opportunity. The 2020 5G Forum hosts          and session fees table for registration
crowave Association (EuMA) for the first time                The forum is mainly devoted to technical ex-         fees. The networking dinner, lunch and        name a few - are supported using the same NR                   a mix of technical presentations, posters,          fees. Lunch and beverages are included
organized the Automotive Forum to provide an                 perts from automotive industry throughout             beverages are included in the fee. The       radio interface technology. The concept of 5G                  demo sessions and a panel discussion. Techni-          in the fee. The Conference Special
open platform for industrial experts to discuss              the whole supply chain. Keynote speakers                Conference Special Events section          network slicing enables a single 5G network                    cal presentations from industrial experts will            Events section of the EuMW
technical aspects, concepts and radar archi-                 will present their views on special technical               of the EuMW website will               infrastructure to provide multiple virtual net-                address 5G strategic and market needs and                   website will give further
tectures as well as market issues in the area                solutions as well as regulatory or strategic is-             give further details and              works, each optimised for a particular applica-                discuss how these can be met with technology                   details and updates.
of microwaves in the automotive industry. The                sues. The evening before the event, we will get                      updates.                      tion, service or industrial customer. In Europe,               solutions. Poster and demo sessions during
forum consists of a good mix of technical pre-               together in a networking dinner.                                                                   there are three pioneer frequency bands ear-                   lunch allow research projects to show their ad-
sentations, plenary and panel discussions as                                                                                                                    marked for 5G. Two of these - the 700 MHz                      vances with new 5G technology and provides
well as networking time. This year’s event will              Early registration is recommended.                                                                 band and the 3.5 GHz band - are in the same                    an excellent networking opportunity.
8 – WWW.EUMWEEK.COM                                                                                                   CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INFORMATION   CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                                                        WWW.EUMWEEK.COM – 9

Workshops and Short Courses                                                                                                                                 Registration Information

Despite the organiser’s best efforts to ensure the availability                        Also workshop numbering is subject to change. Please refer           CONFERENCE REGISTRATION DETAILS
of all listed workshops and short courses, the list below may                          to at the time of registration for final
be subject to change.                                                                  workshop availability and numbering.                                 See pricing table on the following page.

                                                                                                                                                            ONLINE REGISTRATION                                                 ONSITE REGISTRATION
 SUNDAY 10 January 2021
           th                                                                                                                                               • All online registrations should be made at       Onsite registration is available:
                                                                                                                                                            • Registrations completed up to and including 6th December          • Saturday, 9th January 2021		        16:00 – 19:00
   WS-01     EuMIC             Full Day      High Performance GaN MMICs
                                                                                                                                                              2020 will be charged at the ‘Advance Discounted Rate’             • Sunday, 10th January 2021		         08:00 – 17:00
   WS-02     EuMIC/EuMC        Full Day      Advanced RF Technologies for 5G                                                                                  and those from 7th December 2020 will be charged at the           • Monday, 11th January 2021		         08:00 – 17:00
   WS-04     EuMC              Full Day      Recent Advances in Additive Manufacturing of Microwave Components                                                ‘Standard Rate’.                                                  • Tuesday, 12th January 2021		        08:00 – 17:00
   WS-05     EuMIC             Full Day      Integrated Doherty PAs for Cellular and mmWave Applications                                                    • Online registration is open from 13th September 2020 up to        • Wednesday, 13th January 2021        08:00 – 17:00
                                                                                                                                                              and during the event until 15th January 2021.                     • Thursday, 14th January 2021		       08:00 – 17:00
   WS-07     EuMIC             Full Day      Sub-mmWave On-Wafer Measurements                                                                                                                                                   • Friday, 15th January 2021		         08:00 – 10:00
   WS-08     EuMIC             Half Day PM   mmWave Phased Array Front-End ICs for 5G
   WS-09     EuMIC/EuMC        Half Day PM   Advanced Measurement Techniques for Next Generation Communication Systems                                                                                                          Onsite registration will be charged at the Standard Rates.
   SS-01     EuMIC             Full Day      Fundamentals of Microwave PA Design
 MONDAY 11th January 2021
  WM-01        EuMC            Full Day      Microwave Wearable Circuits and Systems for Biomedical Applications                                            HOW TO REGISTER
  WM-02        EuMC/EuRAD      Half Day AM   Advanced Applications of In-Band Full-Duplex Technology                                                        If you have any questions regarding registration procedures and payment, please contact:
  WM-03        EuMC            Full Day      Antenna/Modules in Package for mmWave for 5G
  WM-04        EuMC            Full Day      High-Power Microwave Industrial Applications                                                                   ONLINE                                                              ONSITE
  WM-05        EuMC            Full Day      Measurements at mmWave and Terahertz Frequencies of Three Measurement Quantities:                              • Delegates can register for one, two or all three of the           • The registration area will be located through the ‘Oost En-
                                             S-Parameters, Power, and Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Materials                                            conferences.                                                        tree’ and to the right, towards Exhibition Hall 1.
                                                                                                                                                            • Discounts will be given to those registering for two or more      • There will be Self Service terminals in the registration area
  WM-06         EuMIC/EuMC     Half Day PM   From Enabling GaN Technology to High-Performing Space-Borne SSPAs at mmWave
                                                                                                                                                              conferences.                                                        where delegates can enter their details and pay immedi-
  SM-01         EuMIC/EuMC     Half Day AM   From Device Characterisation to Amplifier Design:                                                              • In addition to the conferences, delegates can register for          ately by swiping their credit cards through the readers
                                             Advanced Large Signal Measuring, Fast and Accurate Modelling, and Reliable Designing                             forums, short courses or workshops.                                 attached to the terminals.
  SM-02         EuMC/EuRAD Half Day PM       Multibeam Antennas and Beamforming Networks                                                                    • Discount is given when combining a forum, short course or         • Delegates can also choose to ‘Pay at Cashier’ and then
  SM-03         EuMC       Half Day PM       Intuitive Microwave Filter Design with EM Simulation                                                             workshop registration with a conference registration.               proceed to the Cashier Point and pay using credit cards or
                                                                                                                                                            • Payment can be made online using Amex, Visa, Mastercard             cash. Receipts will be given accordingly.
 TUESDAY 12th January 2021                                                                                                                                    or Bank Transfer.
   WTu-01      EuMC        Full Day Digital Predistortion for 5G MIMO Wireless Transmitters                                                                 • Registrants paying by Credit Card will be sent an automatic
   WTu-02 EuMC/EuRAD Half Day PM Advanced mmWave Radar System Solutions for Industrial and Consumer Sensing Applications                                      email confirmation, with a receipt and badge barcode.
                                                                                                                                                            • Registrants choosing to pay by Bank Transfer will receive
 WEDNESDAY 13th January 2021                                                                                                                                  their confirmation, but their receipt and badge barcode will
  WW-02      EuMIC/EuMC        Full Day      High-Efficiency Linear Power Amplifiers for High Bandwidth, High PAR Signals                                     be sent only once payment has been received and cleared
                                                                                                                                                              by Horizon House.
  WW-03      EuRAD             Half Day PM   Automotive Radar Networks and Sensor Fusion                                                                                                                                                                NL MoD
  SW-01      EuMIC/EuMC        Half Day AM   High Power Amplification for Space Applications                                                                                                                                                          Reduced Rate
  SW-02      EuMIC/EuMC        Full Day      Quantum Computing for Electrical Engineers
                                                                                                                                                            BADGE AND DELEGATE BAG COLLECTION
 THURSDAY 14th January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                             For the EuMW 2020 only, personnel of the NL
   WTh-01     EuRAD         Half Day AM High Resolution Radar for Automotive                                                                                Online registrants: bring a photo ID and a copy of your registra-           MoD can register at a reduced rate. This very
                                                                                                                                                            tion email badge barcode to the Fast Track check-in desks at the          attractive rate includes access to EuRAD, the DSS
   WTh-02 EuMC              Full Day    5G and Beyond: Enabling RF Architectures and Technologies for Emerging Wireless Systems                                                                                                       Forum and the exhibition, lunch boxes on Wednes-
                                                                                                                                                            registration area.
   WTh-03 EuRAD             Half Day PM Recent Advances in Micro-Doppler Radar and its Applications                                                         Onsite registrants: register using our Self Service terminals and          day and Thursday and the seated EuRAD lunch.
                                                                                                                                                            receive your printed badge upon payment.                                   The Advance Discounted rate for this is € 100,–
 FRIDAY 15th January 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                               (up to and including 6th December 2020), and
   WF-01       EuMC            Half Day AM   Wireless Power Transmission Recent Research Advances                                                           Scan your badge at the specified delegate bag area to collect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          € 140,– from 7th December 2020 onwards.
   WF-02       EuMC            Half Day AM   Recent Advances in Topologies, Technologies and Practical Realizations of Microwave Sensors                                                                                                     No further options or combined dis-
                                                                                                                                                            your delegate bag.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    counts will be available.
   WF-03       EuMC            Half Day AM   Recent Advances on Microwave Filters
   WF-04       EuMC            Full Day      Practical Aspects of Running a Microwave Laboratory and How to Make Good Measurements Every Time               Registration and badge collection will be quick and easy but
                                                                                                                                                            queues may form at busy times, so please arrange to collect
   SF-01       EuRAD           Half Day AM   Cognitive Radar Signal Processing                                                                              your badge well in advance of your first conference session.
   SF-02       EuRAD           Half Day PM   Introduction to MIMO Radar
10 – WWW.EUMWEEK.COM                                                                            CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INFORMATION              CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INFORMATION                                                                                                        WWW.EUMWEEK.COM – 11

Registration Fees

Full Week ticket: Get the most out of this year’s Microwave
Week with a Full Week ticket. Combine all three confer-
ences with access to the Defence, Security and Space and
                                                                        Reduced rates are offered if you have society membership
                                                                        to any of the following: EuMA , GAAS, IET or IEEE. Re-
                                                                        duced rates for the conferences are also offered if you are
                                                                                                                                                             BECOME A MEMBER – NOW!
the 5G forum (the Automotive forum is not included), and                a Student / Senior (Full-time students 30 years or younger
                                                                                                                                                             EuMA membership fees: Professional € 25,– / year, Student € 15 ,–/ year.
top your week off with Workshops or Short Courses of your               and Seniors 65 or older as of 18th September 2020). The
choosing. To keep you fueled, lunch is included everyday,               fees shown below are invoiced in the name and on behalf                              One can apply for EuMA membership                         Members have full e-access to the                 EUMA KNOWLEDGE CENTRE
as are of course the social events: the EuMIC Get-Togeth-               of the European Microwave Association. Fees invoiced                                 by ticking the appropriate box during                     International Journal of Microwave and            The EuMA website has its Knowledge Centre
er, the Welcome reception and the EuRAD seated lunch.                   by EuMA with respect to the European Microwave Week                                  registration for EuMW. Membership is valid                Wireless Technologies. The printed version        which presently contains over 20,000
                                                                        2020 are exempt from Dutch VAT. All payments must be in                              for one year, starting when the subscription              of the journal is no longer available.            papers published under the EuMA umbrella.
Registration at one conference does not allow access to the             € (Euros) – cards will be debited in € (Euros).                                      is completed. The discount for the EuMW                                                                     Full texts are available to EuMA members
sessions of the other conferences.                                                                                                                           fees applies immediately.                                                                                   only, who can make as many copies as they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         wish, at no extra-cost.

CONFERENCES                       ADVANCE DISCOUNTED RATE                                            STANDARD RATE                                SPECIAL FORUMS AND SESSIONS                                                        ADVANCED DISCOUNTED RATE                            STANDARD RATE
                                                                                               (FROM 7th DECEMBER 2020 & ONSITE)                  REGISTRATION                                                                       (UP TO & INCLUDING 6th DECEMBER 2020)         (FROM 7th DECEMBER 2020 & ONSITE)
                          Society Member                   Non-Member               Society Member                     Non-Member                                                                 Date                                  Delegates*        All Others**            Delegates*                All Others**
1 Conference             Standard       Student/Sr.    Standard      Student/Sr.   Standard       Student/Sr.      Standard        Student/Sr.    Automotive Forum                                12 January 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          € 260,–             € 360,–                  € 320,–                 € 420,–
EuMC                     € 480,–          € 130,–       € 680,–        € 190,–      € 680,–         € 190,–         € 950,–          € 260,–      5G Forum                                        15th January 2021                       € 60,–               € 90,–                  € 80,–                  € 100,–
EuMIC                    € 370,–          € 120,–       € 520,–        € 170,–      € 520,–         € 170,–         € 730,–          € 240,–      Defence, Security & Space Forum                 13th January 2021                       € 20,–               € 60,–                  € 20,–                  € 60,–
EuRAD                    € 330,–          € 110,–       € 460,–        € 160,–      € 460,–         € 160,–         € 650,–          € 220,–      European Microwave Student School               12 January 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          € 40,–               € 40,–                  € 40,–                  € 40,–
                                                                                                                                                  Tom Brazil Doctoral School of Microwaves        14 January 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          € 40,–               € 40,–                  € 40,–                  € 40,–
2 Conferences            Standard       Student/Sr.    Standard      Student/Sr.   Standard       Student/Sr.      Standard        Student/Sr.
                                                                                                                                                 * those registered for EuMC, EuMIC or EuRAD ** those not registered for a conference
EuMC + EuMIC             € 680,–         € 260,–        € 960,–        € 360,–      € 960,–         € 360,–        € 1.340,–         € 500,–
EuMC + EuRAD             € 650,–         € 250,–        € 910,–        € 350,–      € 910,–         € 350,–        € 1.280,–         € 480,–
                                                                                                                                                  WORKSHOPS AND                                    IN COMBINATION WITH                                                      WITHOUT
EuMIC + EuRAD            € 560,–         € 240,–        € 780,–        € 330,–      € 780,–         € 330,–        € 1.100,–         € 460,–      SHORT COURSES                                  CONFERENCE REGISTRATION                                             CONFERENCE REGISTRATION

                                                                                                                                                                                       Society Member                         Non-Member                   Society Member                            Non-Member
3 Conferences            Standard       Student/Sr.    Standard      Student/Sr.   Standard       Student/Sr.      Standard        Student/Sr.                                        Standard           Student/Sr.      Standard        Student/Sr.     Standard       Student/Sr.             Standard       Student/Sr.
EuMC + EuMIC + EuRAD     € 830,–         € 370,–       € 1.160,–       € 520,–     € 1.160,–        € 520,–        € 1.630,–         € 730,–      Half Day                             € 100,–             € 70,–         € 130,–           € 100,–        € 130,–           € 100,–             € 170,–          € 130,–
Full Week Ticket         € 1.280,–       € 750,–       € 1.690,–       € 970,–     € 1.630,–        € 920,–        € 2.180,–        € 1.200,–     Full Day                             € 140,–             € 100,–        € 190,–           € 140,–        € 190,–           € 140,–             € 250,–          € 190,–

CONFERENCE TECHNICAL CO-SPONSORS                                                                                                                 EUROPEAN MICROWAVE WEEK SPONSORS

                                                                                                                                                       Official Publication:                             Supported by:                              Co-Sponsored by:                        Co-Sponsored by:
12 – WWW.EUMWEEK.COM                                                                        CONFERENCE REGISTRATION INFORMATION          CONFERENCE SESSIONS MATRIX                                                                                                       WWW.EUMWEEK.COM – 13


                  Microwave                                                                                                              Room              08:30 – 10:10             10:50 – 12:30                       13:50 – 15:30                      16:10 – 17:50          EVENING
                  Exhibition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PROGRAMME
                                                                                                                                         Mission 1                                                High Performance GaN MMICs
         Don’t miss Europe’s                                                                                                                                                                               WS-02
                                                                                                                                         Mission 2
         largest trade show                                                                                                                                                                     Advanced RF Technologies for 5G

            dedicated to                                                                                                                 Expedition
                                                                                                                                                                               Recent Advances in Additive Manufacturing of Microwave Components
           Microwaves and                                                                                                                                                                                    SS-01
                  RF                                                                                                                     Auditorium                                           Fundamentals of Microwave PA Design

                                                                                                                                         Spark                                     Integrated Doherty PAs for Cellular and mmWave Applications

                                                                                                                                         Glow                                                                                  mmWave Phased Array Front-End ICs for 5G

                                                                                                                                         Beam                                                                             Advanced Measurement Techniques for Next Generation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Communication Systems
(12TH – 14TH JANUARY 2021)                                                                                                                                                                                WS-07
                                                                                                                                         Fluor                                                Sub-mmWave On-Wafer Measurements
                                                                     Keeping to the tradition of the European Microwave Week,
Registration grants you access to the European Microwave             the welcome reception and conference dinner – sponsored by
Exhibition. With over 300 international exhibitors (incl. Asia       Keysight – will be held on Tuesday, 12th January 2021.
and US), this is Europe’s largest trade show dedicated to micro-
waves and RF.                                                        To ensure the critical networking element of the conference is
                                                                     maintained, the organisers are re-evaluating the entire social          EuMW         EuMC             EuRAD           EuMIC                  Student Activity                    EuMIC/EuMC                 EuMC/EuRAD
The European Microwave Exhibition provides delegates with an         calendar for the Week.
unrivaled opportunity for face-to-face interaction with those
developing the future of microwave technology. Make use of
this opportunity to view state-of-the-art exhibitor demonstra-       DELEGATE LUNCHBOXES AND COFFEE BREAKS
tions, attend the annual EuMW Microwave Application Sem-
inars (­MicroApps), or register for one of the industrial work-      The EuMW offers subsidised lunchboxes to conference dele-
shops hosted by Rohde & Schwarz, MathWorks, Keysight and             gates, WS/SC, Tom Brazil doctoral school of microwaves, Stu-
IHP Microelectronics.                                                dent School, WiM and student design competition attendees
                                                                     at the reduced cost of € 7,– per lunchbox (one per day). In or-
Interested exhibitors: don’t miss this opportunity to promote        der to guarantee availability, it is required to order the lunch-
your company to a global audience. For more information, visit:      boxes at the time of registration. For more information, visit       

                                                                     Upon presentation of their badge, conference delegates will be
LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATION                                           served free coffee during the coffee breaks. There will be two
                                                                     coffee breaks per day, except on Friday where only one coffee
The 2020 European Microwave Week is held at The Jaarbeurs            break will be held in the morning.
Convention Centre:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Due to rescheduling,
Jaarbeursplein                                                       DOWNLOADABLE PROCEEDINGS                                                                                                                                                this is a preliminary
3521 AL Utrecht
The Netherlands                                                      This year the conference proceedings will be available as a                                                                                                             programme and may
We have teamed up with Connex Hotels and Events, our offi-
                                                                     downloadable file and not on a USB stick. Papers published
                                                                     for presentation at the three conferences will be available as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 be subject to
cial hotel booking supplier, to offer you the ability to book your   downloadable file. Four weeks prior to the event, downloading                                                                                                                  change.
accommodation for the EuMW at the most competitive rates             instructions will be communicated to conference registrants.

For more information on the Jaarbeurs, visit:
More information on accommodation can be found at:
14 – WWW.EUMWEEK.COM                                                                                                                         CONFERENCE SESSIONS MATRIX              CONFERENCE SESSIONS MATRIX                                                                                                                            WWW.EUMWEEK.COM – 15

MONDAY                                                                                                                                                                               TUESDAY

Room             08:30 – 10:10                  10:50 – 12:30                                         13:50 – 15:30                      16:10 – 17:50             EVENING           Room                08:30 – 10:10                  10:50 – 12:30                                            13:50 – 15:30                   16:10 – 17:50             EVENING
                                                                                                                                                                   PROGRAMME                                                                                                                                                                               PROGRAMME
                      EuMIC02                                                                             EuMIC05                              EuMIC08                                                       EuMIC11                                                    EuMIC13                       EuMC07                         EuMC14
Mission 1    D-Band to H-Band Amplifiers                                                              ICs for mmWave                  ICs for Communication and                      Mission 1            Transceiver and                                             Foundry Panel           Wireless Communication          Microwave and mmWave
                                                                                                    Beamforming Systems                         Sensing                                                   Transmitter ICs                                                                             Systems                        Systems
                    EuMIC03                                                                               EuMIC06                          EuMIC09                                                            EuMC01                                                                                  EuMC08                         EuMC15
Mission 2    GaN MMIC Power Amplifiers                                                             Advances in mmWave and            Advanced Solutions for                                             Power Amplifiers for                                                                 Power Amplifiers Based on           Doherty and Load
                                                                                                                                                                                     Mission 2         Sub 6 GHz Application                                                                       III-V & CMOS                  Modulated Power
                                                                                                   High Power Technologies        Integrated Power Amplifiers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Technologies for 5G             Amplifier Structures
                      EuMIC04                                                                              EuMIC07                            EuMIC10
Quest            Receivers and LNAs                                                                Oscillators and Switches              Nonlinear Modelling                                                EuMIC/EuMC01                                                                              EuMC09                         EuMC16
                                                                                                                                                                                     Quest             Silicon Integrated Sub-                                                              Terahertz Electronic Devices        Terahertz Photonic
                                                                                                                                                                                                          mmWave Circuits                                                                                                       Devices and System
Expedition                                         Microwave Wearable Circuits and Systems for Biomedical Applications                                                                                        EuMIC12                                                                                EuMC10                          EuMC17
                                                                                                                                                                                     Expedition      Design and Characterisation                                                               MIMO and 5G Antennas         Phased and Transmit Arrays
                                                    EuMIC01                                                                                                                                                  Techniques
Polar                                             EuMIC Opening                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   EuMIC14                            EuMIC16
                                                                                                                                                                                     Polar                                                                                                  1-Minute Poster Pitch              EuMIC Closing Session
                                     WM-02                                   Technology in                                    SM-02                                                                                                                                                            (13:50 - 14:10)
                          Advanced Applications of In-Band                      Context
Auditorium                    Full-Duplex Technology                         Philosophical              Multibeam Antennas and Beamforming Networks                                                                     Automotive Forum                               Technology in                            Automotive Forum
                                                                                Lecture                                                                                                                  Automotive Radar: Waveforms, Architectures, AI and               Context                Automotive Radar: Waveforms, Architectures, AI and
                                                                                                                                                                                     Auditorium                            Interference                                Philosophical                               Interference
                                                                                                                           WM-06                                                                                                                                          Lecture
Spark                                                                                            From Enabling GaN Technology to High-Performing Space-Borne
                                                                                                                      SSPAs at mmWave                                                                         EuMC02                                                                                 EuMC11                          EuMC18
                                                                                                                                                                                     Spark                 Array Antennas                                                                       Waveguide and Horn              5G Antenna Systems
                                       SM-01                                                                                 SM-03                                                                                                                                                                  Antennas
                  From Device Characterisation to Amplifier Design:                                            Intuitive Microwave Filter Design
Flash            Advanced Large Signal Measuring, Fast and Accurate                                                    with EM Simulation
                                                                                                                                                                                                             EuMC03                                                                                   EuMC12                          EuMC19
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Advanced Packaging                                                                      Advanced Packaging
                         Modelling, and Reliable Designing                                                                                                                           Flash           Components and Techniques                                                                 Solutions for mmWave           3D-Printing Technologies
                                                                                WM-03                                                                                                                                                                                                               Applications
Glow                                                         Antenna/Modules in Package for mmWave for 5G                                                                                                      EuMC04                                                                                EuMC13                          EuMC20
                                                                                                                                                                                     Glow            Theoretical and Computatio-                                                               Numerical Methods in         Modelling of Field Radiation
                                                                               WM-04                                                                                                                    nal Electromagnetics                                                                   Microwave Technology               and Scattering
Beam                                                          High-Power Microwave Industrial Applications
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Student School                                                                                           WTu-02
                                                                                                                                                                                     Beam              Build Your Own Radar:                                                                 Advanced mmWave Radar System Solutions for Industrial and
                                                                               WM-05                                                                                                                         Instruction                                                                                 Consumer Sensing Applications
Fluor                                      Measurements at mmWave and Terahertz Frequencies of Three Measurement Quantities:
                                                  S-Parameters, Power, and Complex Permittivity of Dielectric Materials                                                                                          EuMC05                                              Women in Micro-             Career Platform                Teaching Microwaves
                                                                                                                                                                                     Media arena           1-Minute Poster Pitch                                         waves                How to Stand Out in a Job       Increase Your Microwave
                                                                                                                                                                      Automotive                              (09:40 - 10:10)                                         Lunch Lecture                 Application                    Lecturing Skills
Off-site                                                                                                                                                              Networking                                                                                                      Career Platform
                                                                                                                                                                        Dinner       Round control                                                                         Career Lounge: Meet Jobs, Build Careers
                                                                                                                                                                     18:30 - 22:00
                                                                                                                                                                        EuMIC                                                                                           Automotive
Off-site                                                                                                                                                             Get-Together    Transitzone B                                                                        Forum
                                                                                                                                                                     18.30 - 21.00                                                                                        Lunch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Student School
                                                                                                                                                                                     Transitzone C                                                                       Build Your Own Radar: Hands-On Experience

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Career Platform
                                                                                                                                                                                     loopbrug                                                                   Company Wall and Job Wall

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Opening of the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Beatrix                                              European Microwave Week
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            EuMC/EuMW Opening
                                                                                                                                                                                     Juliana 1                                                   Digital Predistortion for 5G MIMO Wireless Transmitters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EuMC06                       EuMIC15
                                                                                                                                                                                     Hall 1                                                                          Interactive Poster       Interactive Poster Session
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Student Design Competition
                                                                                                                                                                                     Hall 1                                                            Detect a Drone / Build (a part of) an Amplifier

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Women in Microwaves                                             EuMW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Utrecht City Tour                                             Welcome
                                                                                                                                                                                     Off-site                                                                                                                                                                Reception
     EuMW            EuMC                  EuRAD                  EuMIC                 Student Activity                       EuMIC/EuMC                         EuMC/EuRAD                                                                                                                                                                                18.30 - 22.00
16 – WWW.EUMWEEK.COM                                                                                                                                    CONFERENCE SESSIONS MATRIX            CONFERENCE SESSIONS MATRIX                                                                                                                              WWW.EUMWEEK.COM – 17

WEDNESDAY                                                                                                                                                                                     THURSDAY

Room                08:30 – 10:10                     10:50 – 12:30                                            13:50 – 15:30                         16:10 – 17:50           EVENING          Room               08:30 – 10:10                     10:50 – 12:30                                             13:50 – 15:30                   16:10 – 17:50           EVENING
                                                                                                                                                                             PROGRAMME                                                                                                                                                                               PROGRAMME
                                                                                                                                    WW-03                                                                                             WTh-01
Progress                                                                                                          Automotive Radar Networks and Sensor Fusion                                 Progress                  High Resolution Radar for Automotive
                                                           EuRAD02                                                 EuRAD04                              EuRAD06                                                      EuRAD08                            EuRAD12                                                   EuRAD16
                                                                                                               Doppler Processing                  Emerging & Industrial                                       Object Classification in            [Focussed Session]
Mission 1                                        Dual Use & Waveform Design                                      Techniques for                        Applications
                                                                                                                                                                                              Mission 1         Automotive Radars                  Radar Interference                                           Automotive
                                                                                                             Low Reflectivity Targets                                                                                                                 Cancellation
                          EuMC21                            EuMC27                                                  EuMC33                             EuMC39                                                         EuRAD09                           EuRAD13                                                  EuRAD17
                                                       [Focussed Session]                                     Advances on RF Power             Solid State High Power                                                                               [Special Session]                                     Advanced Techniques and
Mission 2        Special Antenna Systems              Emerging Microwave                                      Amplifier Behavioural           Amplifiers for Satellite and                    Mission 2         Defence Applications          Radar and Electronic Warfare                                   Innovative Array
                                                    Technology: Asia-Pacific                                       Modelling                     Radar Applications                                                                                                                                        Configurations for DoA
                                                          EuRAD03                                                   EuRAD05                              EuRAD07                                                     EuRAD10                           EuRAD14                                                   EuRAD18
                                                    Design and Calibration                                                                                                                    Quest                SAR Processing                 Surveillance and SAR                                        SAR Applications
Quest                                            Concepts for Advanced Radar                               Radar Circuits and Systems         Radar Scenario Simulations
                                                           Systems                                                                                                                                                 EuMC/EuRAD01                         EuMC49                                                   EuMC54
                                                                                                                                                                                              Expedition         Radar Receivers and          Front-End and Active Module                                 Low Noise Amplifier and
                         EuMC22                             EuMC28                                                   EuMC34                               EuMC40                                                     Front-Ends                                                                            Phased Array Module
                Novel Circuits Solutions for         Novel Wireless Power                                  Recent Advances in RFID and               [Focussed Session]
Expedition      Energy Transfer in the Near-          Transfer and Energy                                          IoT Sensors                       Emerging Antenna                                                                                                                                                                     Closing of the European
                    Field and Far-Field               Harvesting Systems                                                                           Technologies for RFID                                                                                                                                                                     Microwave Week
                                                                                                                                                                                              Polar                                                                                                                                       EuMC/EuMW Closing and
                        EuRAD01                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Awards Ceremony
Polar             EuRAD Opening Session
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       EuMC45                       EuMC/EuRAD02                    Technology in            EuMC/EuRAD03                                            HAM Radio Social
                         EuMC23                           DSS Forum                   DSS Forum                                        DSS Forum                               DSS Forum                           [Special Session]                [Special Session]                  Context               [Special Session]                                         18.00 - 21.00
                    [Focussed Session]                                                 Strategy                                                                                 Cocktail      Auditorium      Focus Day: Array Antennas          Focus Day: Active Array            Philosophical         Focus Day: Active Array
Auditorium       Innovative Antennas for         Space Situational Awareness        Analytics Lunch                        Space Situational Awareness                         Reception                         for Radio Astronomy               Antennas for Space                  Lecture             Antennas for Defence
                    Cubesat Platforms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     EuMC46                            EuMC50
                                         SW-01                                                                      EuMC35                              EuMC41                                                 Advanced Planar Filter           Compact Planar Filtering
Spark                 High Power Amplification for Space Applications                                         Integrated Antennas                  SATCOM and mmWave                          Spark               Principles and                       Devices
                                                                                                                                                        Antennas                                                   Technologies
                        EuMC24                              EuMC29                                                  EuMC36                                EuMC42                                                       EuMC47                            EuMC51                                                  EuMC55
                 Additive Manufacturing              Reconfigurable Planar                                   Transmission Lines and                Planar Power Dividers/                     Flash           Dielectric Measurements                Calibration and                                      Antenna Characterisation
Flash           and Emerging Materials for            Passive Components                                      Passive Components                         Combiners                                                                             Characterisation Techniques                                      Techniques
                  mmWave Applications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      EuMC48                             EuMC52                                                   EuMC56
                                                           EuMC30                                                   EuMC37                            EuMC43                                                    Microwave Monitoring          Biological Microwave Effects                                   [Focussed Session]
Glow                                                   Non-Planar Filters                                     Non-Planar Filters and           Non-Planar Devices and                         Glow            and Sensing of Biomedical         and Imaging Techniques                                      Electromagnetics in
                                                                                                                     Devices                          Systems                                                        Parameters                                                                           Biomedical Applications
                       EuMC25                               EuMC31                                                 EuMC38                              EuMC44                                                                                                      Tom Brazil Doctoral School of Microwaves
                Metamaterials for Circuits            Frequency Selective                                    Metasurfaces and FSSs                 [Special Session]                          Beam                                          The Route to 5G: Design of mmWave Active Array Systems, from RFIC to Signal Processing
Beam                 and Sensors                    Surfaces, Reflectors and                                     Applications                  Silicon-Based Ka-Band
                                                    Metamaterial Antennas                                                                      Massive MIMO Systems                                                       EuRAD11                           EuMC53                                                EuMC57
                                                                                                                                                                                              Media arena             1-Minute Poster                   1-Minute Poster                                       In Recognition:
                             EuMC26                     Career Platform               IEEE Young                 Career Platform                                                                                    Pitch (09:40 - 10:10)             Pitch (12:00 - 12:30)                                 Prof.Dr. A.T. de Hoop
                       1-Minute Poster Pitch           [Special Session]             Professionals
Media arena               (09:40 - 10:10)            Industry Market and                                          Startup Panel                                                                                                                                                                                                   WTh-03
                                                   Professional Opportunites                                                                                                                  Fluor                                                                                                                Recent Advances in Micro-Doppler Radar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            and its Applications
Fluor                                                                 Quantum Computing for Electrical Engineers                                                                                                                                                                                   Career Platform
                                                                                                                                                                                              Round control                                                                             Career Lounge: Meet Jobs, Build Careers
                                                          IEEE Young
Shuttle                                                  Professionals                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Career Platform
                                                                                                                                                                                              BOR 6                                                                                                    Job Dating
                                                                                                    Career Platform
Round control                                                                            Career Lounge: Meet Jobs, Build Careers                                                                                                                                                  Career Platform
                                                                                                                                                                                              loopbrug                                                                        Company Wall and Job Wall
                                                                                   Career Platform
loopbrug                                                                       Company Wall and Job Wall                                                                                                                                                                            WTh-02
                                                                                                                                                                                              Juliana 1                                     5G and Beyond: Enabling RF Architectures and Technologies for Emerging Wireless Systems
Juliana 1                                            High-Efficiency Linear Power Amplifiers for High Bandwidth, High PAR Signals                                                                                                                                                     EuRAD15                     EuMC58
                                                                                                                                                                                              Hall 1                                                                              Interactive Poster            Interactive
                                Student Design Competition                              EuMC32                             Student Design Competition                                                                                                                                  session                 Poster Session
Hall 1                 Detect a Drone / Build (a part of) an Amplifier)            Interactive Poster              Detect a Drone / Build (a part of) an Amplifier
Off-site                                                                                                                                                                       Nightfever
                                                                                                                                                                              20.00 - 24.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                   EuMW              EuMC                    EuRAD                   EuMIC                     Student Activity                      EuMIC/EuMC                     EuMC/EuRAD
18 – WWW.EUMWEEK.COM                                                                                                                    CONFERENCE SESSIONS MATRIX



                  08:30 – 10:10                    10:50 – 12:30                                     13:50 – 15:30

                                                                                                       Closing Session
                                                                                                                                    16:10 – 17:50     EVENING
                                                                                                                                                      PROGRAMME      European Microwaves
                      EuRAD19                          EuRAD22
Mission 1            MIMO Radar                  Automotive Radar MIMO
                      EuRAD20                           EuRAD23
Mission 2           Passive Radars             Target Characterisation with

                       EuRAD21                           EuRAD24
                                                     [Special Session]                                                                                               Archiving through                                  Editing the International Journal
                                                                                                                                                                     the Knowledge Centre                               of Microwave and Wireless
                 New Radar Concepts            Civilian Radar Research and
                                                  Development in China

                           Cognitive Radar Signal Processing
                                                                                                                 Introduction to MIMO Radar                          Records papers written by the best                 Technologies
                                                                                                                                                                     international scientists in our secure database.   The Journal solicits original and review
                                       5G Forum                               Technology in                5G Forum
                                                                                                                                                                       21.000 papers                                    papers.
                            5G: From Technology to Business                   Philosophical         5G: From Technology to
                                                                                 Lecture                   Business                                                    Download as many as you wish                      Free e-access
                                         WF-01                                                                                                                         at no extra cost                                  Online only
Spark                         Wireless Power Transmission
                               Recent Research Advances
Flash           Recent Advances in Topologies, Technologies and Practical
                          Realizations of Microwave Sensors
Glow                     Recent Advances on Microwave Filters                                                                                                        Organising the                                      Future events           2023 Berlin

                     Practical Aspects of Running a Microwave Laboratory and How to Make Good Measurements Every Time
                                                                                                                                                                     European Microwave Week                             2021 London             2024 Paris
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2022 Milan              2025 Utrecht
Transitzone A
                                                                              Seated Lunch
                                                                                                                                                                     Europe’s Premier Microwave, RF, Wireless
                                                                                                                                                                     and Radar Event. Conferences are set to be
Transitzone B
                                                                                5G Forum
                                                                               and WS/SC                                                                             cutting edge and groundbreaking.
                                                                              Seated Lunch

                                                                                                                                                                                         Follow us                        Join the EuMA Community
                                                                                                                                                                                         on social media                  EuMA, the European Microwave Association®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          is an international non-profit organisation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          with a scientific, educational and technical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          purpose, under Belgian law.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          For more information and contact, visit :


    EuMW              EuMC                   EuRAD                   EuMIC              Student Activity                     EuMIC/EuMC             EuMC/EuRAD
Exhibitor List 2020
A: ACST GmbH · AdTech Ceramics · AFT              de Nanotechnologies (IEMN) · Intech Micro-     zhen Superlink Technology Co., Ltd · Siglent
Microwave GmbH · AGC · AGC-NELCO Eu-              waves S.R.L. · Isola GmbH                      Technologies Germany GmbH · Smiths In-
rope SA · AINFO Inc. · AIRMEMS · Al-              J: JQL Technologies Corporation                terconnect - Hypertac SA · Southwest Mi-
fred Tronser GmbH · ALPHA - RLH · Altair          K: K&L Microwave, Inc · Keysight Tech-         crowave · SpaceForest · SPINNER GmbH ·
Engineering GmbH · AMCAD Engineering ·            nologies · Knowles Precision Devices ·         STACEM · Stratedge Corporation · Sumito-
American Standard Circuits, Inc. · American       KOA Europe GmbH · KOSTECSYS Co., Ltd ·         mo Electric Europe Ltd · Sumitomo Electric
Technical Ceramics Corp. (ATC) · Ampleon ·        Kuhne Electronic GmbH                          Industries · Sungsan Electronics & Commu-
Analog Devices GmbH · Anyarc (Kunshan)            L: LPKF Laser & Electronics AG                 nications Co., Ltd · Suzhou Astroniks Elec-
Technology Co., Ltd · AO Technologies · API       M: Mathworks B.V. · Maury Microwave            tronic Technology Co., Ltd
Tech · AR Europe Ltd · ASB Inc. · ATEM ·          Corp. · Mesuro Limited · METDA Corp ·          T: Tech-X Corporation · Teledyne Technol-
Auriga PIV-Tech · AVX Corp.                       Mician GmbH · Micro Systems Engineering        ogies · TEMSTRON Co., Ltd · TEMWELL
B: BAE Systems Surface Ships Ltd · Bruco          GmbH · Micro Systems Technologies Man-         Corp · TICRA · Times Microwave Systems ·
IC · BSC Filters Ltd · bsw TestSystems &          agement AG (MST) · Microsanj LLC · Micro-      TMD Technologies Ltd · TNO Defence, Safe-
Consulting BV                                     wave Products Group · Microwave Systems        ty and Security · Trilight Microwave AB +
C: Chengdu Yaze Exhibition Service Co.,           JSC · Microwaves & RF · Milliwave Silicon      Microwave Systems · Tronser, Inc. · Tusk
Ltd · China Electronics Technology In-            Solutions Inc. · Milliway Microelectronics ·   IC nv
struments Co., Ltd (CETC) · Cicor Group ·         MISOTECH · Mitron Inc · Mouser Electron-       U: UIY Inc. · United Monolithic Semicon-
CISTEME · Cobham Electrical and Electron-         ics · MPI Corporation · MRC Gigacomp           ductors SAS
ic Equipment · Coilcraft · COMSOL BV ·            GmbH & Co. KG · MTR S.R.L. · MUEGGE            V: Varioprint AG · Vectawave · Ventec In-
Copper Mountain Technologies                      GmbH · Murata Software Co., Ltd                ternational Group · VIA Electronic GmbH ·
D: Dassault Systèmes · DICONEX - DELTA            N: National Instruments Netherlands BV ·       Virginia Diodes Inc. · Vishay Electronic
OHM · Ditom Microwave Inc. · Dow-Key              NSI-MI Technologies · NXP Semiconductors       GmbH · VTT
Microwave · dSPACE GmbH · DYCONEX AG              O: OMMIC                                       W: W.L. Gore & Associates GmbH · WAVE-
E: Electronic Specifier Ltd · Elite RF · Engi-    P: Pasquali Microwave Systems SRL · Pick-      PIA Co., Ltd · Wavice Inc. · Wevercomm
neering Department, Lancaster University ·        ering Interfaces Ltd · Pico Technology Ltd ·   Co., Ltd · WIN Semiconductors Corp ·
ERZIA Technologies S.L. · European Micro-         Planar Monolithics Industries Inc · Plexsa     WIPL-D d.o.o. · Withwave Co., Ltd · Wolf-
wave Week 2021                                    Manufacturing · Pole Zero · Prâna R&D ·        speed, A Cree Company · Wuerth Elektronik
F: Farran Technology Ltd · Filtronic Broad-       Pure Pro Technology Co., Ltd                   eiSos GmbH & Co. KG
band Limited · Focus Microwaves Inc. · Focu-      Q: Quartzcom AG                                X: XLIM - UMR CNRS 7252 - Université de
simple Electronics Co., Ltd · FormFactor Inc. ·   R: Remcom Inc. · Research Fab Microelec-       Limoges
Fraunhofer FHR · Fraunhofer IAF · Fuzhou          tronics Germany (FMD) · RF MORECOM ·           Y: Yole Développement
Micable Electronic Technology Co., Ltd            RF-Lambda Europe GmbH · Rflight Commu-         Z: Zhejiang Wazam New Materials Co., Ltd ·
G: Gapwaves · Greenray Industries                 nication Electronic Co., Ltd · RFMW Europe     Zhongshan Fragrant Mountain Microwave
H: Hangzhou Freqcontrol Electronic Tech-          Ltd · RIMARCK · Rogers Corporation ·           Co., Ltd
nology Ltd · Holzworth Instrumentation ·          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG · Rosen-
Huber + Suhner AG · Hytem                         berger Hochfrequenztechnik GmbH & Co. KG
I: IHP GmbH · IMST GmbH · iNOVEOS · In-           S: SARAS Technology Ltd · Schmid & Part-
stitut d’Electronique, de Microeléctronique et    ner Engineering AG · Schott AG · Shen-

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                                                                  EXCEL, LONDON
                                                                  10-15 OCTOBER 2021
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