Congregation Brith Sholom

Congregation Brith Sholom
Congregation Brith Sholom
         President: Ron Ticho       rabbi: Michael singer
                                   Rabbi emeritus: rabbi Allen Juda

         Volume XXXi No. 7 ~ July 2020 Tammuz 5780 ~ Av 5780

                                                 SUBMISSION DEADLINE:

PUBLISHED MONTHLY                           All information must be received in
                                            writing or copy ready by the 15th of
     SHOLOM                                 each month. Any article received after
                                            the deadline will be published in the
                                            next Bulletin. Visit our website at
   Tel: 610-866-8009
Congregation Brith Sholom
                   Indestructible: How Judaism changes, survives, and flourishes despite calamity

                    It is hard to imagine what it must have been like seeing the Temple in Jerusalem on fire.
                    A er months of Roman siege, brutality, starva on, and death on the Ninth of Av in the
year 70 CE the most beau ful and holy place in Jewish tradi on lay in ruin. At the me, all of Jewish ritual,
economic, and social life revolved around the Temple, priesthood, and the sacrificial system laid out in the
Torah. All Jewish holidays including Shabbat, sin offerings, thanksgiving offerings, and Jewish self‐government
were centralized and focused on the Temple and Jerusalem. What lay in ruin was not only this ancient tradi‐
  on but at its heart and soul the way we had connected with God ‐ the expression of God’s presence in our
personal and communal life and our yearning for a rela onship with the Divine. Quite frankly, this could have
spelled the end of Judaism and, yet, despite this horrific calamity, our faith and people survived and even
        We are here today because what we hold as our core tradi ons, ethics, and beliefs not only can stand
the test of every me and age but because our Sages and leaders understood that for Judaism to survive and
flourish they would need to reimagine observance and be crea ve. From the crea on of the Passover seder,
to the crea ve expansion of communal and individual prayer in place of sacrifice, eleva ng the synagogue,
house of study, and home as holy places, and maybe most important the centrality of Torah study, Talmud,
and Midrash as an ever growing and changing force in Jewish life. Judaism adapted to become a portable reli‐
gion able to accompany our people wherever they went. Indeed, as we se led in new places around the
world, the influences and tradi ons of those locali es added to the crea ve growth and innova on of Jewish
prac ces, scholarship, and the arts (yes, culinary arts included).
        As Conserva ve Jews, we are guided by this historical truth that Judaism has always balanced
“Tradi on and Change”. As we con nue to find our way during this me of pandemic and social upheaval, I
am confident that together we will not only survive it but also find ways to make our tradi on stronger and
more commi ed. For one thing I have heard from so many of you how important the synagogue is to your
lives and how much it acts as a social, spiritual, and educa onal center for our personal and communal well‐
being. We need your support, par cipa on, and crea vity now more than ever. If you have ideas, Torah you
would like to share in a short d’var on Fridays for Kabbalat Shabbat, want to lead a service or learn how to
lead a service, read Torah from the Chumash, share a recipe, check on a friend or neighbor or suggest a topic
for adult educa on ‐ then now is the me to get involved!
        The destruc on of the Temple on Tisha B’Av was catastrophic as it led to exile, persecu on and mass
murder (the Inquisi on, pogroms, the Shoah) throughout our long history but has also shown us me and
again that Jewish tradi on with our faith in God are indestruc ble. Our understanding of God’s Torah and
halacha (Jewish law) with its ritual prac ces and tradi ons remain true to their core values and historical con‐
nec ons l’dor vador while also allowing flexibility, innova on, and relevance to speak to our souls yearning
for God’s presence and direc on in our moment of Jewish history.

Wishing everyone a safe and healthy summer!
Rabbi Michael Singer

Congregation Brith Sholom
Schedule of Services
Everyone is invited to attend and participate in the beauty of the Shabbat Services and the Kiddush that follows.
                                  Services begin Shabbat morning at 9:00 AM.
                                  MINYAN—is held in the Chapel
                                Monday and Thursday mornings……….7:45 AM
                                   Holiday mornings……………...9:00 AM

                                     SHABBAT HUKKAT-BALAK
                   Friday, July 3 ~ Candle Lighting: 8:17 pm ~ SATURDAY, July 4
     Torah Portion: Hukkat-Balak ~ Numbers 19:1-25:9 ~ Haftarah: Micah 5:6-6:8~ Havdalah: 9:25 pm
                                           SHABBAT PINHAS
                     Friday, July 10 ~ Candle Lighting: 8:15 pm ~ SATURDAY, July 11
         Torah Portion: Pinhas ~ Numbers 25:10-30:1 ~ Haftarah: Jeremiah 1:1-2:3 ~ Havdalah: 9:22 pm
                                        Mazel tov to Benjamin Greenberg
               Son of Laura and Dr. Michael Greenberg who will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah
                                                      on this date.
                       We will send a link for virtual attendance to this event when available.
                                  Mazel Tov to Benjamin, his family and friends.

                                       SHABBAT MATOT-MASEI
                   Friday, July 17 ~ Candle Lighting: 8:11 pm ~ SATURDAY, July 18
   Torah Portion: Matot-Masei ~ Numbers 30:2-36:13 ~ Haftarah: Jeremiah 2:4-28; 3:4 ~ Havdalah: 9:18 pm

                                           SHABBAT DEVARIM
                Friday, July 24 ~ Candle Lighting: 8:05 pm ~ SATURDAY, July 25
         Torah Portion: Devarim ~ Deuteronomy 1:1-3:22 ~ Haftarah: Isaiah 1:1-27 ~ Havdalah: 9:12 pm

                                          We need your help once again!!!
                      Just as we did last month; we would like to send a great big MAZEL TOV to
                      Benjamin Greenberg for his upcoming Bar Mitzvah on July 11th. Covid-19 and
                      home quarantining is still making the joyous gathering and fanfare of such a
                      momentous occasion as this, challenging but not “virtually” impossible. If you
                      have already submitted a photo for Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah, you do not need to
send another. For those who have not, We are asking that you take an individual photo of your-
self and send it to us digitally along with a few words of encouragement for Ben. Ideally we
would like to receive the photos no later than July 7th. We plan to enlarge the images, print
them out and tape them to your usual seat in the Sanctuary for the virtual streaming of his cer-
Thank you again, be well and continue to stay safe.
Rabbi Michael Singer
Congregation Brith Sholom
Message from the Ad Hoc Covid‐19 Preparedness Commi ee

Dear Friend,

We would like to provide you with updates because Pennsylvania has recently gone into the Green Phase.
Note that we are s ll in a wait‐and‐see period because the state’s average daily number of new cases of
Covid‐19 has recently been on the rise. Numbers in more than half the states in the U.S. are climbing quickly.
We will con nue to update you on a regular basis as our plans evolve. We also invite your ques ons,
thoughts, and input as we con nue our planning and evalua on efforts.

Report on Ethan Caine’s Bar Mitzvah

As men oned in our previous le er/FAQ, there was a simcha celebrated privately on June 20 in the main
sanctuary of Brith Sholom. This was a gathering of 25 people, including the family, guests, Rabbi Singer, Can‐
tor Sam, and staff.

The service was beau ful. Mazel tov to Ethan and the en re Caine Family!

All in a endance wore masks, sat in assigned seats, and cooperated fully. There was intermi ent cleaning
during the service and extreme care taken in the planning phases.

Though not a precedent for other life cycle events, this was a pilot to see whether a service with this number
of people would be manageable and meaningful. From all reports and observa ons, it certainly was. While
we received posi ve feedback, there are s ll a very few minor details we need to iron out for an upcoming
bar mitzvah, also to be privately celebrated, in July.

Starry Services

We an cipate resuming Starry Services, led by Alan Cohen, but with some different features. Save the date,
July 17. Services will be in the lower parking lot in designated spaces. You must make a reserva on and make
a commitment to be in place by a specific me. Details forthcoming from the Ritual and Ad Hoc commi ees.

Updated A endance Policy

As shared with you in our previous le er/FAQs, we had restricted the invited guests to the June private bar
mitzvah to those under 65. However, a er addi onal considera on as well as feedback on that policy, we
feel that an advisory would be more appropriate.

Our new policy: We strongly suggest that people 65 and over and all those with underlying condi ons stay
home from services and other synagogue events for now.

Mask Wearing Policy

For the foreseeable future, our policy at Brith Sholom is for anyone entering the building, which includes
congregants, staff, visitors, trade/delivery people, and those ren ng or using space in the building to wear a
mask that covers the mouth and nose:

Congregation Brith Sholom
Message from the Ad Hoc Covid‐19 Preparedness Commi ee ‐ Cont’d

any me three or more people are present in the same space or room;
any me two people are present and less than 10 feet apart in any room; and
before, during, and a er services.

Office Update

The office is not open yet. There is a covered box outside the door in order to pick up or drop off items if
you call Tammy and arrange to do so. Please call ahead.

High Holidays

It is s ll too early for the actual specifics of how the High Holidays will be observed but be assured that the
Ritual Commi ee is working with Rabbi Singer and this commi ee to arrive at the most engaging, respon‐
sible, and authen c version of Brith Sholom’s High Holidays possible in the me of Covid.

Addi onally, Rabbi Singer and the other Lehigh Valley Jewish clergy are sharing ideas and solving the issues
surrounding services. Current best prac ces say communi es are strongest when regional clergy coordi‐
nate re‐openings.

Thank you and be well,

Ad Hoc Covid‐19 Preparedness Commi ee
Jennifer Lader, Commi ee Chair
Johanna Brams, Technology Consultant
Irving Kaplan, Chair, Ritual Commi ee
Ina Levin, DNP, MSN, RN
Judith Rodwin, Chair, Kiddush Commi ee
Ruthie Shleifer, Vice President

                                     SAVE THE DATE!!
                                 FRIDAY, JULY 17th, @ 7PM
                            STARRY NIGHT SERVICES
                                     in our
                            PARKING LOT SANCTUARY
                                    Led by Alan Cohen
                              More information to follow.
                             Can’t wait to see your faces!
Congregation Brith Sholom
New Years Greeting Book - 2020-5781

Dear Fellow Congregant:

       One of Brith Sholom's most referenced publications is the Annual New Year's Greeting
  Book and Directory. For decades, our congregants have utilized the directory to wish
  fellow congregants a happy and healthy new year, to honor or memorialize a relative or
  friend, or to give special thanks. The directory is also one of Brith Sholom's major
  fundraising resources each year.

       Your message shows visible support for our synagogue and the proceeds directly sup-
  plement our annual operating budget. We celebrate Rosh Hashanah on September 19th and
  20th and Yom Kippur on September 28th . Please complete the attached form to reserve
  your greeting space - apply a special 10% discount if you complete and return the form
  by July 15, 2020. Final deadline for all greetings is August 14, 2020.

       The directory is our best means of sharing contact information with each
       other. Regardless of whether you place a greeting or not, every member of the con-
  gregation is entitled to a listing in the directory. We would also like to include your
  children's names (graduate school and younger), current e-mail addresses and wedding
  anniversary dates. There is no charge for including this information, just fill in
  the appropriate lines on the form.
       The Greeting Book this year will be dedicated to YOU – Fellow Congregants.
       As you know, the world is going through some interesting times that are caus-
  ing health and financial issues for a lot of people and businesses. Therefore,
  please understand that the greeting you had in last year’s New Year’s Greeting
  Book will appear in this year’s New Year’s Greeting Book, (same size and same con-
  tent) whether or not we receive payment from you. If you did not have a greeting
  in last year’s book, you can have a “Patron” greeting by completing the enclosed
  form which you will receive in the mail.

       Thank you in advance for your continued support of our congregation. Please don't
  hesitate to call MICHAEL E. RISKIN during weekday business hours at(610)868-8543 if you
  have any questions or concerns.

                                                           Sincerely yours,

                                                              Michael E. Riskin
                                                           Michael E. Riskin

                                                          New Year's Greeting Book & Directory

  P.S. Please take note of the fact that the goal of the Committee this year is to have
  this Book distributed in a timely manner and therefore, there will be no extension of
  the Deadline Date of Friday, August 14, 2020.

                                        Support Congrega on Brith Sholom!
         Purchase Giant Foods Gi Cards and Congrega on Brith Sholom gets 5% of the proceeds.
                            So when you purchase groceries you will be dona ng to the shul.
                                             Giant Card contact:
                                Dore Ko ler, or 610‐395‐3259

It is with gratitude that we acknowledge the following gifts given to the synagogue in memory of or to
                honor and commemorate the people or events mentioned. It is a sacred obligation and a unique
                privilege for each of us to be able to show such traditional support and respect for our heritage and
                loved ones.               (Minimum contributions to each of the donation levels are: Temple/$10; Chai/
                                         $18; Silver/$25; Double Chai/$36); Golden/$50; Platinum/$100

                                                                                               Paula Grines
    PLATINUM DONATION                             CHAI DONATION                 In honor of Daniel Lader’s graduation
                                                                                               Paula Grines
   In memory of beloved brother,         In honor of Rabbi Singer receiving the In memory of Jim, beloved husband of
            Ervin Gross                   Mortimer Schiff award for Prejudice                  Irene Lorie
            Shirley Gross                                Reduction                             Paula Grines
With thanks to God for another year              Stef i & Michael Berman           In honor of Roz Cohen’s birthday
           of good health                 In loving memory of beloved father,           Sarah & Richard Sandler
          Roz & Alan Cohen                             Daniel Todes             In honor of Rabbi Singer receiving the
In loving memory of Richard Herzon                   Lisa Todes Meyer            Mortimer Schiff award for Prejudice
           Lorin Schneider               Mazel tov to Daniel Lader on his 2020                  Reduction
                                                        Graduation                      Sarah & Richard Sandler
     GOLDEN DONATION                               Pearl & Shirley Stein        Mazel tov to Ethan Caine and his fami-
                                         In honor of Rabbi Singer receiving the          ly on his Bar mitzvah
In loving memory of brother, Dennis       Mortimer Schiff award for Prejudice            Marilyn & Tom Doluisio
            Hugh Klayton                  Reduction with pride and blessings
        Janet & Ronald Klayton                     Pearl & Shirley Stein
                                          In honor of Daniel Lader graduating “Bring a gift to the Sanctuary
   DOUBLE CHAI DONATION                      from Liberty H.S. and attending
                                                                                and carry a blessing from the House of
                                                   Lehigh University
  In memory of my beloved husband,            Eugene & Dr. Lisa Todes Meyer &
              Richard Herzon                          Rebecca Meyer
                Jackie Herzon            In honor of Rabbi Singer receiving the
In honor of Rabbi Singer receiving the    Mortimer Schiff award for Prejudice
 Mortimer Schiff award for Prejudice                     Reduction
                 Reduction                        Sandy & Norm Wruble
           Judy & Gilbert Lappen         In honor of Rabbi Singer receiving the
      In loving memory of cousin,         Mortimer Schiff award for Prejudice
            Florence Margulies                           Reduction
               Ruth Kugelman                          Ruth Kugelman
  In honor of Rabbi Singer receiving      In honor of Ethan Caine becoming a
 the Mortimer Schiff award for Preju-                  Bar mitzvah
              dice Reduction                     Stef i & Michael Berman
                 Judy Lasker              In honor of Ethan Caine becoming a
                                                                                With heartfelt gratitude, Brith
In honor of Ethan Caine’s Bar mitzvah                   Bar Mitzvah             Sholom would like to
              Roz & Alan Cohen                       Lauren Sakasitz            acknowledge our members,
     In memory of beloved mother,
                Rose Budnitz                       TEMPLE FUND                    Ricki and Les Hochhauser, for
                Debbie Miller                                                     donating hand sanitizer to us
 In memory of Rita Benowich, mother
             of Marc Benowich              In memory of beloved grandfather,      through their company,
           Ivy & Marc Hoberman                      Harry Milestone               American Dental Supply.
                                             Nanci Goldman & Steve Bergstein
      SILVER DONATION                                                             Thanks for helping to keep us
                                         In honor of Rabbi Singer receiving the   safe.
  In memory of Herman Klibansky           Mortimer Schiff award for Prejudice
           The Riskin Family                             Reduction
 In honor of Ethan Caine becoming a                Linda & Murray Garber
             Bar mitzvah                      In loving memory of mother,
     Casey Goldblat & Irving Kaplan               Sylvia Stone Rosenfeld
                                                        Paula Grines
                                              In memory of mother-in-law,
                                                       Hanna Grines

WEEK OF JULY 4, 2020
  Karl Kritz          12 Tammuz   July 4      Abraham Siegel      16 Tammuz   July 8
  Benjamin Gruber 12 Tammuz       July 4      Lillian Olden       17 Tammuz   July 9
* Florence G. Hobe 12 Tammuz      July 4      Benjamin Parmet     17 Tammuz   July 9
  Ruth Miller         12 Tammuz   July 4      Nathan Grotsky      18 Tammuz   July 10
  Paulene Rosenzweig 13 Tammuz    July 5      Minnie Hesse        18 Tammuz   July 10
  Rose Aronson        14 Tammuz   July 6      Martha Kroope       18 Tammuz   July 10
* Lewis Marcus        14 Tammuz   July 6    * Charles Lowitz      18 Tammuz   July 10
  Camilla Oppenheimer 14 Tammuz   July 6      Morris Pessis       18 Tammuz   July 10
* Sol Sonnenfeld      14 Tammuz   July 6      Sophie Schiffer     18 Tammuz   July 10
* Desha B. Shiffren 15 Tammuz     July 7    * Jack Singer         18 Tammuz   July 10

WEEK OF JULY 11, 2020
* Morris Blinderman 19 Tammuz     July 11   * Rebecca Mahler      22 Tammuz   July 14
  Joyce Cohen         19 Tammuz   July 11   * Rose L. Davis       23 Tammuz   July 15
  Jean Joseph         19 Tammuz   July 11     Lena Dolitzky       23 Tammuz   July 15
* Nathan Pisarev      19 Tammuz   July 11   * Jacob Friedman      23 Tammuz   July 15
  Bertha Feder        20 Tammuz   July 12   * Abraham S. Gandal   23 Tammuz   July 15
* Sara Feigenblatt    20 Tammuz   July 12     Mauricio Sema       23 Tammuz   July 15
* Gladys Schiff       20 Tammuz   July 12   * Abraham Feuer       24 Tammuz   July 16
  Susan Simmonds 20 Tammuz        July 12     Jacob Leibowitz     24 Tammuz   July 16
* Isadore Bloom       21 Tammuz   July 13     Alvin Nathan        24 Tammuz   July 16
* Edward Goldberg 21 Tammuz       July 13   * Rose Horowitz       25 Tammuz   July 17
  Fay Unger           21 Tammuz   July 13   * Anna Israelite      25 Tammuz   July 17
  Rabbi Arnold Lasker 22 Tammuz   July 14

WEEK OF JULY 18, 2020
* Aaron Abrams        26 Tammuz   July 18   * Gizella Albert      1 Av        July 22
  Sylvia Lader        26 Tammuz   July 18     Sylvia Rosenfeld    1 Av        July 22
* Simon Levin         26 Tammuz   July 18     Eva Spitzer         1 Av        July 22
* Joseph V. Weisz     26 Tammuz   July 18     Judith Ain          2 Av        July 23
  Minnie Dogulov      27 Tammuz   July 19   * Eugene Diamond      2 Av        July 23
* Meyer Perlman       27 Tammuz   July 19     Helen Frye          2 Av        July 23
  Marilyn E. Goldberg 28 Tammuz   July 20     Belle Gould         2 Av        July 23
* Philip A. Sigal     28 Tammuz   July 20     Esther Kornit       2 Av        July 23
* Yolan Spitz         28 Tammuz   July 20     David Kotkin        2 Av        July 23
  Manya G. Sucharczuk 28 Tammuz   July 20   * Arthur Neuman       2 Av        July 23
* Cecelia Brisker     29 Tammuz   July 21     Allen A. Sarachek   2 Av        July 23
  Nathaniel Brisker 29 Tammuz     July 21   * Sol Taffet          2 Av        July 23
  Mary Goidich        29 Tammuz   July 21     George Bryen        3 Av        July 24
* Frances M. Jaslow 29 Tammuz     July 21     Louis D. Fromm      3 Av        July 24
* Abraham Staller     29 Tammuz   July 21
  Lawrence H. Karman 29 Tammuz    July 21

WEEK OF JULY 25, 2020
* Dora Frankel   4 Av             July 25     Aaron Eden       8 Av           July 29
  Allan Goodman  4 Av             July 25   * Isador Goldberg  8 Av           July 29
* Harold Mindlin 4 Av             July 25     Melvin Goldblat  8 Av           July 29
* Jacob Phillips 4 Av             July 25   * Theodore Goodman 8 Av           July 29
* Samuel Pisarev 4 Av             July 25     James Mayer      8 Av           July 29

WEEK OF JUNE 27, 2020
* Albert S. Spear  4 Av                 July 25           Irving Steinberger   8 Av         July 29
  Sadie Levan      6 Av                 July 27           Louise Weinstein     8 Av         July 29
  Herman Goren     7 Av                 July 28         * Jacob Weisz          8 Av         July 29
* Mary Klibanoff   7 Av                 July 28         * Jacob S. Levitt      9 Av         July 30
  Joseph R. Lasker 7 Av                 July 28         * Pearl Weinstein      9 Av         July 30
  Marion Lilchtman 7 Av                 July 28           Beatrice Hilberg     9 Av         July 30
* Solomon Branker 8 Av                  July 29

Please visit our website for links to various virtual      Time: This is a recurring meeting on Mondays and
services, information and updates with respect to          Thursdays at 7:45am

Covid-19.                                                  Join Zoom Meeting
Topic: CBS Kabbalat Shabbat Service
                                                           Meeting ID: 589 285 047
Time: This is a recurring meeting on Fridays at 6pm
                                                           Password: DavenLife
Join Zoom Meeting
                                                           One tap mobile
                                                           +16465588656,,589285047# US (New York)
Meeting ID: 677 083 639
One tap mobile
+16465588656,,677083639# US (New York)
Topic: CBS Morning Minyan

                                            Own Your High Holiday Mahzor

The shul has at least fifty Mahzorim left from our original purchase. This year, Covid-19 may cause High
Holiday services to be virtual. If you would like to own a Mahzor for the High Holidays, please e-mail or
call Tammy at the office. The cost for a new Mahzor Lev Shalem is $36.00. Your own High Holiday pray-
er book will be personalized with a nameplate indicating it belongs to you.
                                            Support our Shul – Buy now
                                           *local delivery can be arranged

                                      Shabbat and Holiday Prayer Books
Do you need a Shabbat and Holiday Prayer book for home use in order to follow our virtual services? We
can help you. The shul will lend you a Sim Shalem prayer book. Please note this is the previous version
used for our services. E-mail or call the office and Tammy will make the necessary arrangements to place
the prayer book outside the building for you to pick it up. Thank you for your understanding these pickup

         These bronze plaques are permanent tributes to your loved ones. Unlike many of the
         other synagogues both here in the Valley and in other places, our Yahrzeit Memorial Wall
has individual lights that are turned on during the week of the Yahrzeit. It does not matter how long
ago a grandparent, parent or, G-d forbid, a child has died, the memory is still there. Traditionally,
we show respect and love for our departed family members by this annual demonstration of re-
membrance. We say Kaddish in shul. We hold them in the forefront of our hearts and minds, and,
for many of us, by the public illumination of their names on the Memorial Wall. The price for a
plaque is $300. The price to reserve a space is still $25.
                           To reserve a space or order plaques, please contact :
                                  Sandy Wruble (610-865-2474)

                                       BLOOD DONORS NEEDED
                                   Keep Brith Sholom in good standing.
                                Call Miller-Keystone Blood Center at
                               (610) 691-5850 and make an         appointment.
                                         “Give the Gift of Life.”
         Call today to schedule your appointment to donate blood on behalf of Brith Sholom
                                             Thank You!!!
9 Tammuz, 5780

                                                                                                          10 Av, 5780
Sun               Mon               Tue               Wed                Thu               Fri                Sat

                                                      1                  2                 3                  4

                                                      9th of Tamuz,      10th of Tamuz,    11th of Tamuz,     12th of Tamuz,
                                                      5780               5780              5780               5780

                                                                                                    8:17p             9:25p

5                 6                 7                 8                  9                 10                 11

13th of Tamuz,    14th of Tamuz,    15th of Tamuz,    16th of Tamuz,     17th of Tamuz,    18th of Tamuz,     Ben Greenberg’s
5780              5780              5780              5780               5780              5780                 Bar Mitzvah

                                                                         Tzom Tammuz

                                                                                                  8:15p              9:22p

12                13                14                15                 16                17                 18

20th of Tamuz,    21st of Tamuz,    22nd of Tamuz,    23rd of Tamuz,     24th of Tamuz,    Starry Services 26th of Tamuz,
5780              5780              5780              5780               5780                              5780


19                20                21                22                 23                24                 25
27th of Tamuz,    28th of Tamuz,    29th of Tamuz,    1st of Av, 5780    2nd of Av, 5780   3rd of Av, 5780    4th of Av, 5780
5780              5780              5780
                                                      Rosh Chodesh Av                                         Shabbat Chazon



26                27                28                29                 30                31

5th of Av, 5780   6th of Av, 5780   7th of Av, 5780   8th of Av, 5780    9th of Av, 5780   10th of Av, 5780

                                                      Erev Tish'a B'Av   Tish'a B'Av


Congregation Brith Sholom
                                                              Non-Profit Organization
1190 West Macada Road                                            PERMIT no. 461
                                                                U.S. Postage Paid
Bethlehem, PA 18017
                                                                Lehigh Valley, PA

     President: Ron Ticho                     Rabbi: Michael singer
                                                 Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Allen Juda

       Volume XXXi No. 7 July 2020 Tammuz 5780 ~ Av 5780

                      Tel: 610-866-8009   Fax: 610-866-8000

                       Visit our website at

                         PUBLISHED MONTHLY

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