Epson FPGA to ASIC Conversion

Page created by Anna Douglas
Epson FPGA to ASIC Conversion
Epson FPGA to ASIC Conversion
   Introduction | Feature | Advantages/Benefits | Design Flow/Interface | Design

Epson has a FPGA to ASIC flow tailored to your needs. Epson has ASIC to FPGA
conversion methodology with complete support for industries leading FPGA families. Epson
provides drop in replacement to major industrial FPGA resulting in fast turn-around time,
reduced die size, reduced power consumption & low unit cost.

Epson offers the ASIC design solutions using a choice of ASIC Technologies-Gate Array,
Embedded Array and Standard Cell. Epson offers a broad lineup of advanced packages to
meet your diverse packaging needs. Epson has expertise in handling complex designs. We
accommodate the needs of our customers without compromising the success of the
conversion process. We constantly upgrade our Tools & FPGA database in order to support
larger number of FPGAs for conversion.

   •   Proven Design Methodology
   •   Higher Integration
   •   Easily Migrated to a Gate Array or Embedded Array or Standard Cell ASICs
   •   Availability of wide range of standard IPs, Embedded memories, Flash and Analog cells
   •   Conversion of Complex designs
   •   Acceptance of popular format of netlist/vectors

           o   Proven Design Methodology

               Epson's ASIC offerings aim at providing the best overall solution thus
               enabling our customers to get products to market successfully. Epson has
               completed the FPGA to ASIC conversion from all leading FPGA vendors, we
               also have the mapped libraries of all the major FPGA/CPLD suppliers to
               enable efficient conversion. Using this methodology we have completed over
               100 FPGA to ASIC conversions. Epson offers wide range of device selection
               ranging from 2.8K to 10M gates. Industries leading EDA like Synopsys ,
               Cadence are supported in our design flow. We also support popular formats
               like VHDL, Verilog, EDIF & XNF in our design flow.
Epson FPGA to ASIC Conversion
o   Higher Integration

    FPGAs require large number of gates for programming, this would result in a
    bigger die size. The ASICs do not require the programmability option
    resulting in a smaller die size. Our high density feature enables our customers
    to implement multiple FPGAs into a single ASIC resulting in optimal
    performance and reduced cost. Our Space Saving technology uses ultra-
    precise methods of processing and mounting to create a wide range of lighter,
    compact devices.

o   Easily Migrated to a Gate Array or Embedded Array or Standard Cell

    Using Epson's design flow, FPGAs can be easily migrated to a Gate Array or
    Embedded Array or Standard cell ASICs. Gate Arrays address the need for
    fast turn around time and low development costs. Standard Cells make system
    solutions possible at lowest unit cost. Embedded arrays combine the
    functionality of fast turn around time of gate arrays and the ability to
    implement system level functionality on the chip available with Standard Cell.

o   Availability of wide range of standard IPs, Embedded memories,
    Flash and Analog cells

    Macro Cells are indispensable elements for the development of LSI. The
    availability of wide selection of Standard IPs, macro cells, Analog Cells and
    memories help realize your complex SOC solution. We offer IPs necessary for
    the development of PC peripherals, Graphic chipsets, Mobile communication
    and Networking ASICs.

o   Conversion of Complex designs

    Epson has vast experience and successful track record of converting complex
    designs with certain or combined characteristic such as large gate count, bus
    count, I/O count, sizeable and various configured memory, gated clock
    scheme, multiple clock domains (synchronous and/or asynchronous), and
    aggressive timing constraints.

o   Acceptance of popular format of netlist/vectors

    With our highly experienced engineering staff and large FPGA database,
    Epson can handle netlist in various format, such as Verilog, EDIF, VHDL and
    XNF, to support most major FPGA vendors and families. If behavioral or
    RTL code and design constraint s were given, Epson will provide expert
    service to synthesize the code to structural level and generate mapped gate-
    level netlist for layout and simulation. It is important that customer can
Epson FPGA to ASIC Conversion
provide special cells and other critical design information at early stage of
              design process so that correct conversion measures can be taken to prevent
              schedule delay. Regarding test vectors Epson accepts either print on change
              format from any simulation environment or self checking verilog test benches
              that check all the inputs and outputs during simulation. As our experience
              grows with more design completion, Epson is capable of constantly adding
              new types of input vector format to its support list.

 •   Lower unit cost
 •   Lower power consumption
 •   Extensive package choices
 •   Better performance
 •   Flexible clock
 •   Drop-in replacement
 •   Availability and lifetime consideration

         o    Lower unit cost (Smaller die, Lower pin count package, Higher

              In most cases, an ASIC die will be smaller and cost less than a comparable
              FPGA die. The programming flexibility of the FPGA architecture requires
              more silicon area to implement a logic function than in an ASIC, which adds
              to the FPGA's higher cost.
              When a design has a high gate count, but low I/O count, a large FPGA
              package configuration will be used. Additional cost savings can be realized
              becasue the ASIC is placed in a smaller package.
              Even though ASICs do have nonrecurring engineering (NRE) costs, the cost
              can be recovered in the unit-cost savings if you have large volumes in
              production. The annual volume at which the NRE costs are recovered and
              overall cost savings are realized can be as little as 1,000 units for complex
              FPGAs. Wafer costs for an FPGA are also typically higher because of the
              masking levels required for programmable logic architectures.

         o    Lower power consumption

              ASIC devices implement fully optimized interconnect, resulting in power
              consumption which is an order of magnitude lower than FPGAs. As a general
              guideline, design implemented in an FPGA consumes roughtly three times the
              power of the same design implemented in ASIC technology. Epson offers
              power consumption as low as 0.049 uW/Mhz/gate, Epson also offers dual
              power supply interfaces using level shifters & fail safe I/O buffers.
Epson FPGA to ASIC Conversion
o   Extensive package choices

    Given the trend toward ever advancing compact electronic devices, packaging
    technologies for high density implementation of highly integrated, high speed
    ASICs have become increasingly important.Consequently, Epson provides a
    broad lineup of packages to meet customer's diverse packaging needs for
    chips with widerange of lead counts and geometries. We also offer advanced
    packaging technology and diverse type of packages ranging from QFP, CSP,
    BGA, etc. Epson offers Dimensional Compatibility matching your FPGA
    footprint. Epson also offers non-pin compatible solutions for ASICs that
    require less power and ground pins than the FPGAs.

o   Design functionality will be maintained and performance will be

    During conversion to an ASIC, all programmable interconnect structures are
    removed and the best possible performance is attained. And the functionality
    will be maintained.

o   Flexible clock handling scheme

    While clock distribution is normally not a serious concern of the designer, it's
    smart to be aware of the differences between FPGA and ASIC clock
    distribution issues.
    Clock distribution issues apply to any signal with large loads that must be
    switched with minimal skew or differential delay. In most cases, the
    maximum clock skew must be less than the flip- flop hold-time requirement.
    FPGA architectures typically support a limited number of predesigned clock
    trees designed to drive a fixed set of flip-flop clock pins. ASICs, on the other
    hand, support any number of clocks with clock tree synthesis. Each clock tree
    is synthesized to drive a specific set of flip- flops. This gives the best
    performance with minimal skew and power consumption.

o   Drop-in replacement

    FPGA consumers scrambling to find replacement parts. Often it's hard to find
    a part with the same package and pinout, especially with respect to power and
    ground connections. ASIC migration services can address these problems by
    providing drop-in replacement parts.

o   Device availability and product lifetime consideration

    The fast FPGA parts are often very hard to obtain because of either processing
    problems or high demand, and are often reserved for key customers. ASICs
    are built to a performance spec and all the parts work to that spec.
Once your design is complete, you may need to be able to buy the same part
for many years. Unfortunately, in the race to advance FPGA technology,
vendors are migrating or obsoleting older products at an accelerated rate.
ASIC vendors support old ASIC manufacturing process recipes for years by
adapting the old process flows to new equipment.
Design Flow/Interface
 •   Epson design flow
 •   Deliverable & Responsibility
 •   Supported tools

         o   Epson design flow

                 §    Without Test insertion
•   With Test insertion

        o   Deliverable & Responsibility

               §   Task Responsibility

        Task Responsibility                  Customer   Epson
Design consultation & specification             √
Behavioral coding / RTL validation              √
Netlist mapping / synthesis                               √
Functional simulation                                     √
Layout / P & R                                            √
Timing analysis & closure                       √         √
DFT & vector generation                                   √
Project review & signoff                        √         √
Fabrication – assembly – testing                          √
Prototype evaluation & approval                 √
· Example Design Flow
FPGA to ASIC conversion project work flow

                 Customer                     Milestone                      Epson
     Identify / provide conversion                             Deliverable check, conversion
 1   source material & target                                  feasibility study
                                        Feasibility check
                                        passed, Contract, PO
     Provide final RTL / netlist,                              Design re-target, stimulus to
 2   timing constraints, functional                            vector conversion, optional scan
     stimulus                                                  / JTAG insertion
                                                               Preliminary verification
                                                               (simulation, timing analysis)
     Functional simulation and timing                          Provide converted netlist,
 3   check                                                     verification reports, library kit
                                           Pre-layout check

     Post-layout simulation & timing                           SDF generation
                                                               Post layout verification
     Report timing issue or fix (if                            Fix timing violations (if
     necessary)                                                necessary)
                                                               P&R ECO (if necessary)

                                            Timing closure

     Provide & authorize signoff                               Prepare signoff, optional ATPG,
 5   documentation                                             final vector qualification

                                             Final Signoff

                                                               Layout verification

                                                               Mask generation

                                                               Wafer sort & cut
                                                               Assembly & Testing

 6   ES evaluation                                             ES delivery
§   Deliverable Responsibility

                     Deliverable                       FPGA I/F
           Design / system specification
           FPGA netlist (if not RTL)

           RTL source code (if not netlist)
           Synthesis constraint / script
           Function simulation pattern
           Simulated Epson netlist &
           Pinout assignment
           Library, Model, datasheet
           Simulated netlist

           Simulation & timing report
           Test vector & coverage
           Layout RC-delay & tape

                    §   Issue and Handling

Common Issue                FPGA             ASIC            Common Handling
Logic utilization &         Logic        Gate (Cell)    - Sizing assumed LE fully utilized
sizing                   Element (LE)                    - Sizing based on re-mapping
Clock generation &          Built-in     Embedded       - User accepts Epson PLL spec.
phase control             DLL / PLL        (or GA)      - User adds PLL test pins
I/O interface            Configurable     Fixed I/O  - User selects available I/O from
                             I/O                     Epson Library
IP block testing            User             User    - User adds access circuitry / pin
                          don’t_care      integrated - Factory provides qualified vector
Fault coverage              User             User    - User adds DFT (e.g. SCAN)
                          don’t_care     determined - User / Factory recommends fault
                                                     detection level
§    Check List

                        Please print out the Check List and fill as much information as

           o    Supported tools

                Here are the tools supported by EEA
                                                           Physical Design        Physical
                               Logic         Design for
 Vendor        Synthesis                                     (Place and         Verification
                             Simulation        Test
                                                               Route)            DRC/LVS
               Build                                      Ensemble-PKS
 Cadence                                     Verifault                       Dracula
               Gates*                                     Gate Ensemble-
                                             Test         Floorplan
 Synopsys DC Expert PrimeTime                Compiler     Manager                      --
                                             Tetramax     (LBO/IPO)
ModelTech          --      VHDL                   --              --                   --
 Novas       --   Debussy                         --              --                   --
Exemplar Leonardo       --                        --              --                   --
 Simplex           --      (delay                 --              --                   --
LogicVision        --             --                               --                  --
                            *: Available but not officially supported.
Design Consideration
 •   General DFT concept
 •   Scan/ATPG
 •   Design Initialization
 •   RAM Initialization
 •   Vectors
 •   JTAG
 •   Memory
 •   Clocks
 •   PLL
 •   Design Do's and Don'ts

         o   General DFT concept

                 §   ASIC Test Methodology
§     Test Plan

  Test Item                   Description                            Procedure
I/O Parametric         Test I/O buffer (pad cell)       •   User to design pin out with pad cell
                       voltage & current parametric         selection from library
                                                        •   Epson to test pad cell per pin
                                                            assignment & pad specification
Functional             Test user logic function based   •   User to supply simulation patterns
(User selective)       on supplied patterns             •   Epson to verify & format vectors
Functional             Test scan structured             •   User to request scan mode
(Scan based)           sequential & combinatorial           (provide chip resource as needed)
                       logic using ATPG                 •   Epson to insert scan & run ATPG
AC path                Test speed correlation by        •   Epson to insert and simulate delay
                       measuring AC path delay              chain
                       against simulation
IDDQ                   Test device current leakage      •  Epson to select IDDQ cycle from
                       based on chip contents              user supplied pattern (user to
                                                           design proper standby mode as
Memory                 Test memory block by one of      MBIST*
                       following methods                • Epson to insert MBIST circuitry
                       • MBIST                          • Epson to generate signature test
                       • Mux-isolation                     pattern
                       • Functional Read / Write        Mux-isolation*
                                                        • Epson to insert multiplexing collar
                                                           around RAM macro I/O terminals
                                                           for parallel pin level access
                                                        • Epson to make factory test pattern
                                                           for RAM macro
                                                        Functional Read / Write
                                                        • User to provide function pattern to
                                                           exercise RAM contents (coverage
                                                           determined by user, detection not
                                                           guaranteed by Epson)

                                                        *Note: User to provide chip resource as
PLL                    Test parametric and function     • User to provide
                       of PLL macro                        - analog VDD & VSS
                                                           - dedicated test pins
                                                           (location recommended by Epson)
                                                        • User to identify signal pins for
                                                           multiplexing purpose if needed

                                                        •   Epson to insert test circuitry around
                                                            PLL for pin level access
                                                        •   Epson to make test program of PLL
§   Epson Test Tasking

o   Scan/ATPG

    1. Introduction
    What is SCAN and ATPG and why it is needed?
    SCAN is a process of making sequential cells in the design controllable and
    observable. Getting the functionality of the chip correct should not be the only
    concern of the designer. It is equally important to detect any manufacturing
    defects. To achieve this, it is important to have the test vectors which can
    detect these problems. Once SCAN is inserted in the design, the ATPG tools
    can be used to automatically generate the SCAN test vectors or ATPG vectors,
    which will provide high coverage. ATPG stands for Automatic Test Pattern
    2. Manufacturing Defects
    Manufacturing defects can be classified as
    A. Defective Driver: Internal malfunction can make the output of the driver
    to be permanently high or low.
    B. Shorted Signal: A signal can be short-circuited to power or ground rail to
be permanently high or low.
C. Open Connection: A cut in the signal line can make it float to high or low.
Most of the above mentioned manufacturing defects can be represented as a
simple "stuck-at-0" (SA0) or "stuck-at-1" (SA1) fault.
3. Controllability / Observability
The node of a stuck-at fault must be controllable and observable for the fault
to be detected.
        3.1 Controllable
        A node is controllable if you can drive it to a specified logic value by
        setting primary inputs to specific values, either directly or by the scan
        3.2 Observable
        A node is observable if you can predict the response on it and you can
        propagate the response to primary outputs, where you can measure the
        response either directly or by the scan operation.
4. Scan Techniques
For combinational circuits, it is relatively easy to get high fault coverage.
Sequential circuits are much more difficult since the tool needs to generate a
complex set of vectors applied in a particular order. To do this DFT (Design
For Test) strategy is used. Most popular DFT technique is SCAN insertion.
        4.1 Full Scan
        In the full- scan methodology, all sequential cells in the design are
        modified to perform a serial shift function.
        4.2 Partial Scan
        In the partial-scan methodology, some of the sequential cells in the
        design are made scannable. The selection of cells is based on
        performance, area, and fault coverage constraints. ATPG process for a
        partial-scan design is more complex and time-consuming than for a
        full-scan design. EEA prefers customers to use full scan methodology
        for their designs unless the customer is severely constrained with area
        and timing requirements.
5. Scan Test Pins
For Scan Insertion, at least two extra primary input pins "test_mode" and
"test_scan_enable" are needed. The "test_mode" pin is needed for
multiplexing the internally generated clocks and primary clock inputs and to
disable internally generated asynchronous reset and set signals during scan
mode. The "test_scan_enable" pins is needed for enabling the scan chains.
Also, if another (optional) primary input pin "test_clock" is provided, this pin
can be used as a test clock in scan mode. Existing functional input and output
pins can be multiplexed and used as scan_in and scan_out test pins during
scan mode.
6. Scan Design Rules

   1. Include all flip- flops in the scan path.
2. The Set and Reset pins of the scannable flip- flop must be controllable
       during the scan testing. In other words, the Set and Reset pins must be
       controllable from external pins and held inactive during the scan test.
   3. Multiple scan chains are allowed, with the following restrictions: Each
       chain should use one clock, and all flip-flops must be driven by the
       rising edge of the clock. The clock signal path should be laid out using
       clock tree synthesis.
   4. The test_mode signal should enable the 3-state control for all 3-state
       I/O cells during scan test.
   5. All megacells, RAM and ROM blocks must be disabled by test_mode.
   6. If the design uses an internally generated clock (such as from a PLL),
       and this clock drives flip- flops, disable the clock generator using a
       MUX with Test_mode as the control, and insert a delay cell to
       compensate for the delay.
   7. Limit the scan chain to a length of about 500 to 1000 elements.
   8. If multiple system clocks are used in the design, make sure the clocks
       are not mixed in the same scan chain. Use only one clock per scan
   9. Internal 3-state buffers should not be used
   10. Post-layout simulation must be done with the ATPG vectors by
       including the SDF file from the layout. At least, the scan chain
       integrity check *_schk must pass the simulation with no mismatches or
       timing errors. If Scan Insertion and/or ATPG generation is done by
       EEA, then these simulations will be run by EEA. Also, If the number
       of scan chains and length of scan chain is large for a high gate count
       design, then there would be large number of ATPG vectors generated
       (ranging from 1M events to 5M events for >1M gate count design.
       Hence, please allow sufficient time for all (or at least a few, if
       customer is willing to provide a waiver) ATPG simulation to complete
       before Signoff.

7. Full Scan Path Design Checklist

   1. All internally generated set or reset signals are held in the "off" state
      during the entire scan test.
   2. All internally generated clock signals are held in the "off" state during
      the entire scan test.
   3. All bi-directional buffers not in the scan path are held in "input" mode
      during the entire scan test.
   4. All flip-flops and latches are included in the scan path.
   5. All internal 3-state busses have disabling logic to prevent bus
   6. RAM and ROM blocks are in power-down mode during scan test
   7. RAM and ROM must have test circuits on their input and output pins.
8. All flip-flops controlled by the same clock must be triggered by the
           same clock edge.
       9. External clocks are connected only to flip-flop inputs.
       10. External resets are connected only to flip- flop set or reset pins.

o   Design Initialization

    Reset can be asynchronous or synchronous. Use of global Asynchronous reset
    is recommended, as it initializes the design and puts the entire design in a
    known state. Initialization of the design would help logic simulation and
    subsequently, creating the vector for Testing easier. While designing FPGA, it
    is recommended to use the built- in power-on-reset (POR) functions and
    dedicated reset signals (if available) for the flip-flops.

o   RAM Initialization

    Usually RAMs in the FPGA are initialized to some fixed values upon power
    up. Hence, in the ASIC, RAMs need to be initialized to some known values,
    in the test vectors provided for Testing. Otherwise, unknowns would be
    propagated to the output, causing simulation and testing problems. This
    problem would be more severe if the RAMs are written and read late in the
    simulation cycles or vectors. If the RAMs are written early in the cycle, this
    problem will be minimal or would not occur.

o   Vectors

    Vectors (Test patterns) are generated to adequately exercise a design. These
    vectors are really just the inputs and expected outputs of logic simulations.
    There are two types of test vectors: Functional vectors and Verification
    (Tester) vectors. Each type serves a different purpose in ASIC verification.
    During the initial design phase of an ASIC, the designer creates Functional
    vectors using Testbenches, or with the aid of vector generation tools. These
    functional vectors will be used to verify the functionality during the design
    phase. Later, the designer converts these functional vectors into Tester
    Verification vectors, with the intention to test the timing as well as the
    function of the ASIC. The tester verification vectors will be used to run the
    Pre & Post- layout simulations to verify functionality and timing of the design.
    Also, these Tester vectors will then be used to test the prototypes using the
    Epson's Tester. At this point, Epson's tester and hardware constraints become
    important issues.
    While testing a design, the simulation tool allows one to take all liberties and
    do anything that the designer wants in the testbench. Some of these cannot be
    reproduced in the prototype tester environment that tests the prototype device.
    The designer must make sure tha t he is aware of all such issues and does not
use such conditions in simulation environment or testbench while generating
    vectors for prototype.
    Vector Considerations
    * Making sure that the test bench is cyclic. The tester is a dumb device that
    applies a set of inputs to the prototype at a periodic time interval and strobes
    the output once during the period. The strobe is done towards the end of the
    cycle where all the outputs are expected to have changed and stabilized to
    steady state values.
    For e.g. if the "periodic interval" is 1000ns, the tester will apply all the inputs
    to the prototype a 0 time and strobe at 985 ns. when the next cycle starts at
    1000 ns, a new set of 1's and 0's are applied to the device and strobed at 1985
    ns. This process continues till the end of test. A test cycle in this case would
    be time from 0-1000ns or 1001-2000ns and so on.
    All inputs need not change at 0 time in the test cycle. But if a input changes at
    5ns after beginning of the test cycle in one cycle, it cannot change at some
    other time in some other test cycle. whenever this input changes (whatever
    test cycle) it must change at 5 ns after beginning of the test cycle.If a test
    vector does not work in the above mentioned manner, it cannot be called a
    cyclic vector.
    * Forcing a internal net in the design. This is something that can be done in
    simulation environment but cannot be replicated in prototype testing. If a
    designer is doing this in his simulation test bench, he can be sure that vector
    cannot be used while testing the prototype unless some modifications are
    made in the vector.
    Further details on vectors, signal types and considerations can be found in the
    application note "Vector Considerations ". This Application Note address
    issues concerning test vectors, test vector length, signal types and
    considerations, and Epson's tester and hardware constraints.

o   JTAG

    JTAG interface supports:

       §   Design Verification/Debug
       §   Manufacturing Test
       §   Field Test/Diagnostics
       §   Access Built- in Self- test

    JTAG Guidelines:

       §   The tool used is compliant to IEEE-1149.1 standard. As per this
           standard, following are the JTAG Pins :
           TDI - JTAG Test Data Input.
           TDO - JTAG Test Data Output. (should be in 3-state output pin)
           TMS - JTAG Test Mode Select Input.
TCK - JTAG Test Clock Input.
       TRST - JTAG Test Reset Input (Active low)
   §   As per the standard, Jtag pins such as TDI, TMS, and TRST should be
       equipped with a pull- up resistor to keep these signals at known state
       when they are not being used. In case customer does not want the
       internal pull up pads on these signals, then customer to provide the
       pull up resistors externally for these signals. If these signals are kept
       floating then the operation of the chip is not predictable.
   §   I/O cells (Per Epson's library) with test circuitry Pads include pins as
       TA, TS, TE can't be used as JTAG ports since those pins would be left
   §   For JTAG, as per IEEE standard, all the ports from the core to the port
       level has to be separated before attaching to the pads at the top level.
       As per the Mentor tool, JTAG port order has to be from TDO to TDI.
   §   When synthesizing Verilog core (for JTAG), there will be separate
       hierarchy for TAP controller, BSR cells, design pad level and design
       core level.
   §   As per IEEE standard, all the inputs must have at least observe
       capability, all 2-state outputs must have both observe/control
       capability, all 3-state outputs must have both observe/control
       capability, all bi-directional must have minimum capability required
       for input & output while for the enable control signal observe/control
       capability is must.

      - Core indicates the function without the I/O pads.
      - Chip indicates core + I/O pads.
      - A Dummy core HDL code which consists of actual core input/output
      and the module definitions without any functionality.
BC Cells used for Boundary Scan chain (Per Mentor's BSDArchitect Tool) :

   §   All inputs take one boundary scan cell. (BC_1)
   §   All simple outputs take one boundary scan cell. (BC_1)
   §   All tri-state outputs take two boundary scan cells. (BC_1 x 2)
   §   All bi-di pads take 3 boundary scan cells. (BC_1 x 3)

       In general, Jtag scan cells ordering follows pad order in order to
       simplify signal routing. No Built- in BSR cells for Epson library.
JTAG Implementation :
JTAG implementation requires below format :

      Information Required:

          1. A dummy core, i.e. actual core I/Os and module definition
             without any internal details.
          2. Port Map file, which represents relation of tri-state,
             bidirectional-ports and name changes from core to chip I/O
             port if any. It also indicates enables for the tri-state outputs as
             well as for bi-directional I/O's.
          3. Port Order, which represents the Order of Boundary scan chain.
          4. Instructions to be implemented for JTAG.
          5. Pin Map file, provides package pin number corresponds with
             port indicated.
          6. Specific I/O ports need to be excluded from Boundary Scan.

      Information Provided:

          1. Boundary Scan inserted Netlist.
          2. JTAG RTL test Bench for chip level.
3. BSDL (Boundary Scan description language) for board test

    JTAG Steps performed :

       1.   Replace dummy pads with actual pads in the tool generated RTL.
       2.   Simulation with RTL Tap and Boundary Scan cells.
       3.   Synthesize.
       4.   Netlist simulation for JTAG vectors.

    Instructions used for JTAG:
    Instruction register width depends on the number of instruction used in the
    JTAG, but minimum is 2.
            Mandatory Instructions :

               §   EXTEST : Put all pins into test mode to allow testing of pin
                   functions and testing of the board- level interconnect between
               §   SAMPLE/PRELOAD : samples the data flowing from the
                   system pins to the on-chip system logic or vice-versa, or loads
                   an initial data pattern on the latched parallel outputs of
                   boundary scan cells prior to another boundary scan test
               §   BYPASS : overrides all other test instructions to ensure the
                   chip operates in normal function mode, not test mode.

            Optional Instructions :

               §   IDCODE : Allows external reading of an optional
                   identification register, which contains the manufacturer's
                   identity, part number and version number.
               §   HIGHZ : For disabling chip outputs during in-circuit test or
                   boundary-scan functional test.

o   Memory

    Memories are the integral part of any standard ASIC. Epson offers a wide
    range of memories which enables our customers to configure memory blocks
    in the smallest and fastest implementation possible. Following are the ways to
    test the memories:
    1. Memory BIST
    Memory BIST is used for testing embedded memories in an ASIC. BIST is
    the self-testing logic inserted for one RAM or all the RAMs in the design.
    Epson can provide Memory BIST which has built in self test feature for
    embedded memory cores. The BIST consists of a controller which generates
    RAM test patterns and a collar, which multiplexes the functional inputs with
the test inputs. RAM test patterns are used to verify the functionality of the
    RAM. Further details on RAM testing using Memory BIST technique can be
    found in the application note "RAM testing using Memory BIST".
    Memory BIST offers the following benefits:

       §   No need to develop test circuit.
       §   At-speed testing.
       §   Improvement of full chip fault coverage.

    2. MUX Isolation
    If the RAM size and the number of RAM blocks in the design are small, then
    RAM testing can be done using MUX isolation technique. In this method, the
    RAM terminals must be accessible via primary I/O pins. RAM test circuitry is
    developed, which multiplexes existing pin functionality with direct RAM
    access functionality. The logic overhead is equivalent to the one using
    Memory BIST. Further details on RAM testing using MUX isolation
    technique can be found in the application note "RAM testing using MUX
    2. Test Vectors
    In this method, test vectors are used to test all the memories in the design.
    This method can be used if the RAM size is small and there are few RAM
    blocks in the design. The customer implements the test vectors to test the
    memories in the design.

o   Clocks

    Most FPGA systems have a limited number of predesigned clock trees, while
    ASIC can support any number of clock trees using clock tree synthesis. Each
    clock trees can be synthesized to obtain the minimum skew, delay and power

o   PLL

    The clock tree delays due to huge loads might sometimes have a negative
    impact on the clock to output timings. The clock tree insertion latency could
    be minimized or even reduced to zero, depending on the front-end logic setup
    time requirement tradeoff and handling. ASIC PLLs can be used for clock
    multiplication as well as delay cancellation. The DLL used in the FPGA can
    be replaced by PLL in the ASIC for clock multiplication, division and delay

o   Design Do's and Don'ts

       a. Use Global Asynchronous reset to initialize the entire design.
       b. Use internally derived clocks and resets to a minimum, as they might
          cause testability issues.
c. Use latches and asynchronous feedback loops to a minimum, as this
                might reduce fault coverage.
             d. Detailed module by module timing scripts help efficient Placement
                and Routing for Timing Driven Layout and help meet timing.
             e. Avoid FPGA library specific elements or IP cores that are not part of
                ASIC library.
             f. Provide abundant Power pins to avoid Simultaneous Switching
                Outputs and other noise related issues.
             g. Provide details if synchronizers are used, to ensure proper placement
                and avoid metastability problems.

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  distribute or republish this document (either directly or by linking) without our prior
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