Page created by Corey Hudson
UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE – Strategic Business Development

Summary of main call elements
The Connecting Industries 2021 call aims to support the University of Twente’s ambition to build
strategic relationships with industry. Topics eligible for funding can be found here: Funding for this call will come from TKI HTSM, co-
funded by private enterprises and the University of Twente. The expected maximum budget from TKI
HTSM for the Connecting Industries 2021 call is 1 Million Euro. TKI HTSM will fund up to 250.000,-
Euros per proposal.

Overview and timeline

•   Submission of Expression of interest to SBD: Monday 15 March 2021 before 14:00.
•   Invitation to full proposal communicated to selected Expressions of interest: Tuesday 23 March
•   Submission of full proposal to SBD: Monday 7 June 2021 before 14:00.
•   Assessment and ranking of full proposals: Tuesday 22 June 2021.
•   Formal final decision by the Executive Board of the University of Twente (selected proposals
    communicated to applicants): Tuesday 6 July 2021.
•   Presentation of selected UT proposals to TKI Roadmap Council: Tuesday 14 September 2021.

Eligibility conditions: Admissibility of applications include completeness of materials listed (following
when requested, the given templates), eligibility of applicants and suitability for one or more of the
TKI HTSM roadmaps, KIAs and Key Technology areas. For the full proposal it is further obligatory to
have budget calculated and approved by the contract office of relevant Faculty.

IP arrangements: No prior formal IP arrangements are allowed to be made between the PIs and the
involved private companies concerning the proposed project. The term sheet forms the basis for
contract negotiations once the project proposal has been approved.

Evaluation procedure: The call follows a two step evaluation procedure, with step one being the
assessment of an Expression of interest. The Expression of interest will be assessed by the call’s
internal review board (scientific leads of UT research strategic themes) considering the level of
strategic fit and quality of plans for building strategic relationships with industry, towards
strenghthening the relevant strategic theme(s). Expressions of interest best aligning to these aspects
will be invited to submit a full proposal to the Connecting Industries call 2021. Remaining initiatives
will be offered the opportunity to further study ways to pursue the planned collaboration. Contact
person for call information and submission of the expression of interest: Arend Zomer (SBD)


    •    The cost of a PhD student is calculated at 440.000,- Euro for four years. Demanded cash from
         private enterprises: at least 130.000,- Euro for one PhD student.
    •    The cost of a Postdoc is calculated at 128.000,- Euro per year. Demanded cash from private
         enterprises: at least 40.000,- Euro per Postdoc per year.
    •    TKI HTSM funding is maximized at 250.000,- Euro per proposal.
    •    Private enterprises contribute 15% (in case of fundamental research) or 50% (in case of
         industrial research) to the budget for consumables and investments. This implies that the

budget for personnel positions can be limited in order to increase spending on consumables
    and investments.
•   In-kind cofunding from private enterprises is welcomed.

Background and goal
The University of Twente aims to further expand its partnerships with private enterprises in order to
develop new technologies and to strengthen the public-private ecosystem of the university. On behalf
of the Executive Board of the University of Twente, Strategic Business Development (SBD) is launching
the Connecting Industries call 2021. Funding for this call will come from TKI HTSM, co-funded by
private enterprises and the University of Twente.

Who can apply?
Main applicants and co-applicants are employed by the University of Twente and should in any case
have access to sufficient university facilities and budget to carry out the project according to university
standards. This call is also open to researchers employed by the Fraunhofer Project Centre and the
Max Planck Center for Complex Fluidics at University of Twente.

What can be applied for?
The University of Twente employs uniform RVO rates for its financial agreements concerning all
Topsectoren projects. Project costs are calculated in line with existing RVO rates and conditions that
are based on full cost accounting principles. These rates are based on the labor costs and indirect
costs. The indirect costs include items such as housing, facilities, basic infrastructure. Please contact
your Faculty contract office on drawing up the required budget.

In addition to the RVO full cost personnel rates, the following project costs can be requested:
• Consumables and (purchase of) equipment directly needed for the execution of the project.
• Costs for travelling and other operational expenses for materials that are directly needed for
    the execution of the project.
• Infrastructure that is not incorporated in the RVO rates e.g. use of cleanroom. Applicants
    should check these rates with the contract office of the relevant Faculty.

The eligible personnel costs for a PhD (four years) are 440.000 Euro.
The eligible personnel costs for a postdoc (per year) are 128.000 Euro.

A written approval of the Faculty contract office needs to accompany your full proposal. Full proposals
that have not been checked and approved by a Faculty contract office are not eligible for funding.

Submission deadlines
•   Expression of interest: Monday 15 March 2021 before 14:00.
•   Full proposal: Monday 7 June 2021 before 14:00.

Expression of interest: What to submit?
The following items should be submitted:

    1.   The Expression of interest for the proposal (see template).
    2.   A tentative budget calculated by the contract office of your Faculty (see template).

While not mandatory at Expression of interest stage, letters of intent of project partners that will
provide co-funding are valued.

Full proposal: What to submit?
The following items should be submitted:

    1.   The project proposal (see template).
    2.   The proposed budget (see template).
    3.   A written approval of the budget by the Faculty contract office.
    4.   The letters of intent of all project partners that will provide co-funding in the project.
    5.   PowerPoint sheet describing the proposed project (TKI HTSM template).

How to submit and contact information
All associated documentation of the Expression of interest should be submitted by email to SBD
(Arend Zomer, by the main applicant.

The SBD team will be available during preparation of proposals, providing advice upon request, e.g.
on consortium and IP. Communication with SBD is advisable, as to prepare a competitive proposal and
to guarantee a consistent approach to IP arrangements and other terms and conditions during
negotiations with external partners. Contact with SBD is also advised in order to pre-assess with the
TKI HTSM roadmap leaders whether the proposed projects fit the ambition of the TKI HTSM roadmaps.

Conditions and important information
    •    Project proposals should clearly contribute to the university’s ambition to build strategic
         relationships with industry (see section evaluation criteria).
    •    Project proposals convincingly argue to which TKI HTSM roadmaps, thematic KIAs and Key
         Technology Areas they fit.
    •    The consortium should include at least one company or private enterprise that qualifies under
         the PPS-allowance scheme of RVO as an “entrepreneurial organization”, this means that
         private companies, non-academic hospitals and entrepreneurial foundations are allowed to
         join. However, at least one commercial enterprise should be included to ensure
         commercialization of the technology that will be developed.
    •    Societal organizations and public organizations do not count as private enterprises but can
         nevertheless participate in a proposal pro bono.
    •    Foreign parties may participate but the project must benefit the Dutch knowledge
    •    A proposal can be a combination of fundamental and industrial research. Projects containing
         activities in the category ‘Experimental development’ are not allowed. The percentage of
fundamental and industrial research in the proposed project should be clearly indicated and

Finances and co-funding
•   It is obligatory to have the budget calculated and approved by the contract office of the
    relevant Faculty.
•   The use of the excel budget template for drawing up project’s budget is obligatory.
•   In kind co-funding from private enterprises can be budgeted but does not count towards the
    obligatory cash co-funding.
•   HTSM funds have a limited lifetime. For this call, we expect costs can be incurred on the
    project until September 2026. A project may continue, but the TKI funding cannot be used
    after this date.

Intellectual Property
•   IP arrangements with the involved private companies concerning the proposed project are not
    allowed prior to submission. The term sheet and standard UT contract form the basis for the
    contract negotiations once the project proposal has been approved. Please check the attached
    term sheet for more information.

Timeline and evaluation process
Connecting Industries 2021 - Call 12
Step                                                          Target dates

1 Deadline for submissions Expression of interest             15 March 2021 before 14:00

2 Eligibility check Expression of interest                    16-17 March 2021

    Assessment of Expression of interest and invitation to full
3                                                               23 March 2021

4 Submission of full proposals                                7 June 2021 before 14:00

5 Eligibility check full proposals                            8-9 June 2021

6 Assessment and ranking of full proposals                    22 June 2021

7 Final formal decision                                       6 July 2021

8 Communication of the results                                7 July 2021

9 Presentation at the TKI HTSM Roadmapcouncil                 14 September 2021

2 Eligibility check Expression of interest: The SBD office will first check whether all formal requirements
have been met. The check includes: completeness of the Expression of interest (following fully the
given template), eligibility of applicants and suitability for one or more of the TKI HTSM roadmaps.

3 Assessment of Expressions of interest and invitation to full proposal : The assessement of Expressions
of interest will be made by the call’s Internal Review Board. The Internal Review Board consists of the
UT Chief Development Officer and the scientific leads of the UT strategic research themes relevant to

the call1: Improving healthcare by personalised technologies (Nico Verdonschot), Creating intelligent
manufacturing systems (Bart Koopman), Shaping our world with smart materials (Guus Rijnders) and
Engineering our digital society (Maarten van Steen).

Expression of interest will be assessed considering the level of strategic fit and quality of the
outlined objectives for building strategic relationships with industry, towards strengthening the
relevant strategic theme(s). Each member of the Internal Review Board will assess and rank the
Expressions of interest of the strategic theme they represent. The top ranked Expressions of Interest
will be invited to submit a full proposal to the Connecting Industries call 2021. Remaining initiatives
will be offered the opportunity to further study ways to pursue the planned collaboration, through
the assistance of UT research support services (e.g. institute, SBD teams).

5 Eligibility check full proposals: The SBD office will first check whether all formal requirements are
met. The check includes: completeness of the proposal according to template, co-funding
requirements, eligibility of applicants, suitability for one or more of the TKI HTSM roadmaps, the
approval of budget by the Faculty contract office and letters of intention by industrial partners.

6 Assessment and ranking by the Internal Review Board: Full proposals will be assessed by the Internal
Review Board in the light of the evaluation criteria described below. Every proposal receives a short
written assessment on each of the three criteria. Given the level of strategic fit identified at Expression
of Interest assessement level, proposals not selected for funding throught the Connecting industries
call 2021 will receive further support through SDB and the relevant strategic research theme
representatives (e.g. a UT research institute), to explore possibilities for the specific collaboration.
Suggestions for improvement could be given as a requirement to approve the proposal.

7 Final decision by the Executive Board: Based on the assessment and ranking of the Internal Review
Board, the Executive Board of the university will take the final decision on the proposals to be
presented to the Roadmapcouncil of the TKI HTSM. After the decision of the Executive Board, Strategic
Business Development will publish the proposals that have been approved.

Evaluation Criteria full proposal
The full proposal will be evaluated based on the following three criteria:

1 Strategic fit (weight 80%)
Strategic fit is the core criterion used in the ranking. The proposal should demonstrate that:
• Long-term partnerships: 1) What is the past/current relationship with the partners? 2) There is a
    clear potential to create and/or enhance long-term partnerships that benefit both the research
    activities of the University of Twente as well as the innovative potential of the involved private
    partners in the project and after it. 3) What are the potential multiplier effects of the project in
    terms of future collaboration and funding acquisition?
• Contribution to one or more of the following UT research themes: The proposal contributes to
    at least one of the four UT research themes mentioned below and substantiates its contribution
    to the theme(s).
         o Improving healthcare by personalised technologies
         o Creating intelligent manufacturing systems
         o Shaping our world with smart materials
         o Engineering our digital society

    UT strategic research themes in line with TKI HTSM Roadmaps are considered.

•   Contribution to the wider eco-system: The project fits within an existing ecosystem surrounding
    the university and will contribute to this ecosystem.
•   Visibility: The proposed project has the potential to create visibility on a regional and national
    level through the development of new technology.

2 Quality of the proposal (20%)
•   Scientific quality: The proposed project addresses new scientific challenges worthy of PhD and/or
    postdoc research.
•   Fundamental/industrial research: The stated percentages of fundamental and/or industrial
    research are convincingly substantiated based on the definitions of RVO.
    innovatie/definities/definities-pps-toeslag-onderzoek-en-innovatie. A correct and substantiated
    description of the type of project is necessary in order to be eligible for TKI HTSM funding. In case
    TKI HTSM is not convinced about the stated percentages, it can request to adapt the percentages,
    potentially leading to obligatory changes in the requested cofunding from private enterprises.
•   Budget: The requested budget from industry, TKI HTSM and UT is appropriate for the proposed
    project. Proposals with a higher amount of in cash cofunding will be viewed more favorably.

3 Thematic fit (threshold criterion)
Proposals convincingly argue within which TKI HTSM roadmaps, thematic KIAs and Key Technology
Areas they fit.

TKI HTSM roadmaps
Project proposals should fit within at least one of the TKI HTSM roadmaps or the cross-Topsector ICT
roadmap. Please consult:
• and

Thematic KIAs
Project proposals should fit within at least one of the following thematic KIAs: Circulaire Economie,
Gezondheid en Zorg, Klimaat en Energie, Landbouw Water en Voedsel, Toekomstige Mobiliteit or
Veiligheid. For more information please consult:
• The “Missie gedreven Meerjarige Innovatieporgramma’s” within the mentioned KIAs can be
    found in Appendix 1 of this document.

Key Technology areas
Project proposals should fit within at least one of the following Key Technology areas:
• Advanced Materials
• Chemical Technologies
• Digital Technologies
• Engineering Fabrication Technologies
• Life Sciences Technologies
• Nanotechnologies
• Photonics Light Technologies
• Quantum Technologies.
The subcategories of these Key Technologies can be found in Appendix 2.

After award of the proposal
  •   The main applicant becomes the project leader. TKI HTSM funding becomes available after
      the contract has been signed with the project partners, according to the terms of the program.
  •   SBD has the right to rescind its funding obligations if the contract has not been signed within
      six months after the award date.
  •   Each substantial deviation from and/or change to the project plan requires prior consent from
      SBD and TKI HTSM. Amongst other aspects, this applies to changes in the composition of the
      personnel and consortium partners detailed in the project plan and/or a change of project
  •   Over the full course of the project, at least once a year periodic cost reports have to be issued
      to the HTSM TKI. SBD will ask each project leader to provide the necessary input; templates
      will be provided.
  •   After selection by the Executive Board, the project can start (drafting/signing of the contract
      and procurement of staff). However, before any costs can be incurred on the project contracts
      should be signed and TKI HTSM should have sent the letter of approval.

Appendix 1: Meerjarige Missiegedreven Innovatie Programma’s
KIA Energietransitie, Duurzaamheid, Toekomstige Mobiliteit en Circulaire Economie
1. Hernieuwbare elektriciteit op zee
2. Hernieuwbare elektriciteitsopwekking op land en in de gebouwde omgeving
3. Versnelling energierenovaties in de gebouwde omgeving
4. Duurzame warmte (en koude) in de gebouwde omgeving (incl. glastuinbouw)
5. Het nieuwe energiesysteem in de gebouwde omgeving in evenwicht
6. Sluiting van industriële kringlopen
7. CO2-vrij industrieel warmtesysteem
8. Elektrificatie en radicaal vernieuwde processen
9. Innovatieve aandrijving en gebruik van duurzame energiedragers voor mobiliteit
10. Doelmatige vervoersbewegingen voor mensen en goederen
11. Klimaatneutrale productie food en non-food
12. Land en water optimaal ingericht op CO2-vastlegging en gebruik
13. Een robuust en maatschappelijk gedragen energiesysteem
CE1: Ontwerpen voor circulariteit
CE2: Circulaire grondstoffen en processen
CE3: Vertrouwen, gedrag en acceptatie
Toekomstbestendige mobiliteit (anders dan MMIP9 of 10)

KIA Gezondheid en Zorg
I. Leefstijl en leefomgeving
II. Zorg in de leefomgeving
III. Mensen met chronische ziekten doen meer mee
IV. Kwaliteit van leven van mensen met dementie

KIA Veiligheid
1. Integrale aanpak, digitaal gedragen, van interventies, tools en data
2. Maritime security
3. Voor veiligheid in en vanuit de ruimte
4. Cyberveiligheid
5. Informatiegestuurd en genetwerkt optreden
6. Innovaties voor een adaptieve krijgsmacht
7. Data en intelligence
8. Gekwalificeerde en gekwantificeerde veiligheidsprofessionals

KIA Landbouw, Voedsel en Water
A1 Verminderen fossiele nutriënten, water en stikstofdepositie
A2 Gezonde, robuuste bodem en teeltsystemen gebaseerd op agro-ecologie en zonder schadelijke
emissies naar grond- en oppervlaktewater
A3 Hergebruik zij- en reststromen
A4 Eiwitvoorziening voor humane consumptie uit (nieuwe) plantaardige bronnen
A5 Biodiversiteit in de kringlooplandbouw
B1 Emissiereductie methaan veehouderij
B2 Landbouwbodems, emissiereductie lachgas en verhoging koolstofvastlegging
B3 Vermindering veenoxidatie veenweide
B4 Verhoging vastlegging koolstof in bos en natuur
B5 Energiebesparing, -productie en -gebruik
B6 Productie en gebruik van biomassa
C1 Klimaatbestendig landelijk gebied voorkomen van wateroverlast en watertekort

C2 Klimaatadaptieve land- en tuinbouwproductiesystemen
C3 Waterrobuust en klimaatbestendig stedelijk gebied
C4 Verbeteren waterkwaliteit
D1 Waardering van voedsel
D2 Gezonde voeding een makkelijke keuze
D3 Veilige en duurzame primaire productie
D4 Duurzame en veilige verwerking
E1 Duurzame Noordzee
E2 Natuur-inclusieve landbouw, visserij en waterbeheer in Caribisch Nederland
E3 Duurzame rivieren, meren en intergetijdengebieden
E4 Overige zeeën en oceanen
E5 Visserij
F1 Verduurzamen en kostenbeheersing uitvoeringsprojecten waterbeheer
F2 Aanpassen aan versnelde zeespiegelstijging en toenemende weersextremen
F3 Nederland Digitaal Waterland
F4 Energie uit water

Appendix 2: Sleuteltechnologieën (Key Technologies)
Main categories
Advanced Materials
Chemical Technologies
Digital Technologies
Engineering Fabrication Technologies
Life Sciences Technologies
Photonics Light Technologies
Quantum Technologies

1 Advanced Materials
Bio (related) materials and soft material
Composite and ceramics
Designer and meta materials
Energy conversion
Energy storage materials
Optical/electronic/magnetic materials (incl 2D and graphene)
Smart/self healing/self-organising materials
Structural materials
Thin films and coatings

2 Chemical Technologies
(Bio)Process technology including process intensification
Analytic technologies
Electrification / Hydrogen technology / power to gas
Separation technology

3 Digital Technologies
Artificial intelligence (incl. machine and deep learning)
Big data and data analytic

Block chain
Encryption technologies/ digital security
High Performance Computing Grid Computing and Cloud Technologies/Computing

4 Engineering Fabrication Technologies
Additive manufacturing/3D printing
Cyberphysical systems
High frequency and mixed signal technologies
Imaging technologies
Sensors and actuators

5 Life Sciences Technologies
Biochips and biosensors
Gene editing/precise genetic engineering
Genomics/proteomics/metabolomics/ glycomics/X-omics
Industrial biotechnology (white)
Organ on a chip
Stem cell technology
Synthetic cell technology

6 Nanotechnologies
Micro and nanofluidics
Nanoscale devices
Semiconductor devices

7 Photonics
Integrated photonics
Photon generation technologies
Photonic detection

8 Quantum Technologies
Quantum communication
Quantum computing
Quantum sensors and metrology

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