Page created by Juan Price
Pfizer CentreOne

In this article, Jennifer Quint, Senior Manager at Pfizer CentreOne Technical
Services, offers insights into how to plan and execute technology transfer effectively,
explaining Pfizer CentreOne’s three-phased approach that can successfully support
this pivotal event in a drug product programme’s journey to commercialisation.

Central to every commercial relationship
with a contract development and
                                                        “With sterile injectables,
manufacturing organisation (CDMO) is the
technology transfer. A number of subject                both the SU and the RU
matter experts from both the sponsor and               need to gather additional
the CDMO may be involved in developing
and manufacturing a product, making the
                                                          information – and do
technology transfer process both complex                       so as early in the
and critical to success.                                    process as possible.”
    Many organisations have their own
definition of what constitutes a technology
transfer, but the US FDA points to
ICH Q10, “Guidance for Industry Q10                     A priority for many sponsors, therefore,
Pharmaceutical Quality System” published            is finding partners with the specific scientific
in 2009, to define its guidance. “The goal          and technical capabilities to transfer their
of technology transfer activities”, the             formulation chemistries from a source
guidance states, “is to transfer product and        unit (SU) to the commercial-scale receiving
process knowledge between development               unit (RU) in compliance with regulatory
and manufacturing, and within or between            guidance. All successful technology transfers
manufacturing sites to achieve product              require discipline and collaboration.
realisation. This knowledge forms the basis         However, when it comes to the aseptic
for the manufacturing process, control              finishing and filling of sterile injectable
strategy, process validation approach and           therapeutics, obtaining this base knowledge
ongoing continual improvement.”                     can present specific challenges (Figure 1).
    As explained in ICH Q10, this                                                                          Jennifer Quint
internationally harmonised guidance is              START A WELL-DEFINED                                   Senior Manager, Pfizer CentreOne
intended to help pharmaceutical manufacturers       SCOPING PROCESS                                        Technical Services
by describing a model for an effective quality
management system. It is a systematic, logical      With sterile injectables, both the SU and the          Pfizer CentreOne
procedure that transfers the documented             RU need to gather additional information –             235 East 42nd Street
knowledge and experience gained during              and do so as early in the process as possible.         New York
                                                                                                           NY 10017
chemistry and formulation development to            The earlier a well-defined discovery begins,
                                                                                                           United States
an appropriate, responsible and authorised          the better it will be at communicating and
commercial manufacturing entity.                    transferring the main agenda of the drug     

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Pfizer CentreOne

                                                                                                     additional protective measures are
                                                                                                     called for. Before actual due diligence is
                                                                                                     conducted, there should be a confidentiality
                                                                                                     agreement signed and in place. Programme
                                                                                                     managers and sponsors should both know
                                                                                                     that, throughout the drug development
                                                                                                     programme, all project information and
                                                                                                     data must remain confidential and secure.
                                                                                                        Role alignment is another tactic that
                                                                                                     supports a successful technology transfer.
                                                                                                     All outcomes should be documented
                                                                                                     on an ongoing basis, such as having a
                                                                                                     comprehensive product transfer plan (PTP),
                                                                                                     so that a mutual understanding is shared
                                                                                                     across all team members and stakeholders
                                                                                                     from the beginning of the project to the
                                                                                                     very end.

                                                                                                     THE THREE PHASES OF A
Figure 1: Technology transfer is never a simple process, but there are additional                    SUCCESSFUL STERILE INJECTABLE
challenges when dealing with sterile products such as injectable therapies.
                                                                                                     TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
programme. Four key considerations should         Project and Site Talent
feature prominently when scoping sterile          It is also critical to engage with the CDMO’s      In most “lessons learned” shared among
injectable technology transfer:                   core team and subject matter experts early         sponsors and commercial partners, the
                                                  and to continue to ask questions throughout        common reasons for technology transfer
Geography                                         the process. As with any aspect of drug            failure include:
The location of the RU may impact the             development, a technology transfer can
completion of a compliant, efficient              only be successful if all teams actively work      •	Not anticipating the impact of changing
technology transfer, as changes that are          together from the start.                              facility or equipment (batch failures)
permissible in one jurisdiction may not be                                                           • Not anticipating the new regulatory
allowed in another due to the regulatory          PICK THE PROFESSIONALS                                environment or requirements (scope creep)
environments in which they operate.               AND ALIGN ROLES                                    •	Tacit knowledge of the product not
                                                                                                        captured or transferred to the partner or
Compliance                                        When a sterile injectable technology                  RU.
Although compliance is a broad term, a            transfer project involves multiple partners,
“compliant” technology transfer begins                                                                   Taking a systematic approach during
with a careful evaluation of the applicable                                                          the scoping phase of technology transfer
regulatory guidance that pertains to a                                                               is important. Conducting a deep dive and
product’s finished commercial state.
                                                     “Conducting a deep dive                         thorough assessment of gaps between
For example, more mature commercial                 and thorough assessment                          the SU and the RU can help the project
product transfers may see more compliance             of gaps between the SU                         team understand, document and manage
challenges in the dossier and equipment/                                                             the risks associated. Pfizer CentreOne,
facility contemporisation.
                                                      and the RU can help the                        defines three key phases of a technology
                                                     project team understand,                        transfer (Table 1):
Technical                                             document and manage
Sterile injectables are typically considered                                                         • “Define and Scope”
to be a high-risk product, in large part                  the risks associated.”                     • “Plan”
due to the duration of a drug development                                                            • “Execute”.
project. Sterile injectables can take
2–10 years to move from Phase I clinical
trials to full commercialisation. Such a                                Phase One –                 Phase Two –               Phase Three –
                                                                      Define and Scope                 Plan                     Execute
project is prone to outside factors, such
as regulatory changes (e.g. nitrosamines,          Key success      •	Knowledge              •	Establish project        • Collect project data
elemental impurities) or supplier changes,         factors             gathering                 schedule                 • Analyse variance
impacting the overall project scope and                             • Gap analysis            • Check and optimise        • Mitigation plans
timeline. Defining the technical bases and                          • Risk assessment         •	Have a risk              •	Communicate
outlining process elements should be a part                                                      management plan             project progress
of early discovery and a critical dialogue that
sets the stage for a more formal technology       Table 1: Pfizer CentreOne defines three phases that are a key part of any successful
transfer process.                                 technology transfer.

36                                                                Copyright © 2021 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd
Pfizer CentreOne

                                                    PHASE TWO – PLAN                                 overall project timeline. Such plans also
                                                                                                     function to define the project’s overall
    “The benefit of having a
                                                    In Phase Two, the planning stage, the            agreed risks and provide a good
   documented charter and                           CDMO’s technology transfer team will             communication tool when checking in
     a PTP is that it ensures                       develop a work breakdown structure               with sponsors and key stakeholders. A risk
                                                    and outline critical milestones. This            management plan can help to reduce the
       that there is a shared                       phase includes the development of the            risk of failing to file in accordance with the
       understanding of the                         preliminary schedule and the generation          agreed timeline.
  project and its objectives.”                      of resource estimates. During this phase,           The risks associated with a technology
                                                    the involved parties each develop their          transfer project include technical risk,
                                                    own risk management plans, refine transfer       regulatory risk and supply chain risk.
                                                    protocols, establish a clear schedule and lay    Technical risk assessment, also known as
PHASE ONE – DEFINE AND SCOPE                        the groundwork for the transition to the         a robustness assessment, employs various
                                                    execution phase.                                 tools to identify the highest risks associated
Phase One defines the scope of the project                                                           with the technical aspects of the technology
and helps to establish organisation and a           Why is Planning Important?                       transfer. The technical risk assessment relies
project charter. This is accompanied by             Not having a project schedule can lead to        on the development and manufacturing
a knowledge-gathering process that                  confusion pertaining to which stakeholder        history of the product and is a documented,
encompasses the programme’s current status          is responsible for each activity at each         data-driven process.
and future outcomes. Phase One also sets the        stage and whether the end goal of                   A regulatory gap assessment handles
stage for a gap analysis and failure modes          the project is still on track. Too little        strategies associated with various change
and effects analysis risk assessment. Lastly,       detail can paint an unclear picture,             scenarios, as well as contemporisation
long lead-time items are covered, and the           whereas too much detail can obscure              requirements. The outcome of the
transfer protocol is defined. At a high level,      important information. With the right            regulatory gap assessment is typically a
at the beginning of the project, it is important    amount of information, the project may be        regulatory strategy document, also known
to define what is in and out of scope:              tracked and managed effectively. Ideally,        as a risk registry, which is used throughout
                                                    every project plan should have some lag          the transfer project to communicate and
•	What type of transfer is it – is it from         built into the schedule to accommodate any       manage the regulatory risks.
   development to commercialisation or is it        unforeseen circumstances.                           A supply chain risk assessment will yield
   transferring from an existing commercial                                                          a supply chain transition plan. This includes
   site to a new one?                               Optimise Project Review Frequency                supply chain changes that might impact
•	What is the status of each receiving             Determining the right frequency to review        the robustness and regulatory assessments.
   site – is it a green field site or is it GMP     and, if need be, optimise project timelines      The outcome of the technical and regulatory
   certified? How many receiving sites are          and charters can be just as important as         assessment will be used as the basis for the
   involved in the project?                         the amount of detail that is put into each       supply chain transition plan.
•	Is this an intra-company transfer or is it       document upon its creation. If managers
   an inter-company transfer?                       check too infrequently, they might miss          PHASE THREE – EXECUTE
•	If an external partner is involved, what is      something. On the other hand, if managers
   in the contract regarding the technology         review too frequently, then it may appear        Phase Three is an exciting milestone
   transfer scope, roles and responsibilities?      that the project is not moving along as it       where the programme team tracks and
•	How many stock-keeping units are                 should be. Additionally, reviewing the project   manages the project and collects status data.
   involved?                                        charter against the timeline ensures that the    As operational data arrives, the programme
•	What are the targeted markets in which           project goals that have been communicated        team analyses variances and looks for
   the sponsor intends to file?                     to key stakeholders are in alignment with the    adaptive actions to ensure that quality
•	What is the current supply chain (APIs,          project’s current progress.                      and process optimisation goals are met.
   raw materials, excipients, etc) versus the                                                        Project status reporting is vital during this
   future supply chain?                             Define a Risk Management Plan                    phase to ensure transparency and clear
                                                    A risk management plan can track items           communication.
   Even though the teams may not have               that were not scoped and assign a level             Depending on the complexities of
concrete answers to these questions up              of risk to activities that could impact the      the programme, weekly team meetings
front, they must be asked, documented and
tracked so that information stays visible and
can be actioned by the team.                                     “It is crucial to pay close attention to the transfer
   It is never too early to define the project
charter or to work on the PTP. The benefit                    process, carrying out proper definition and planning
of having a documented charter and                              prior to any execution. Failure to do so could lead
a PTP is that it ensures that there is a
                                                                             to unnecessary delays and downtime,
shared understanding of the project and its
objectives. The project charter and PTP are                                 with implications for project timelines.”
also tools to facilitate project planning.

Copyright © 2021 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd                                                               37
Pfizer CentreOne

and sometimes sub-meetings may be                 planning prior to any execution. Failure               Pfizer CentreOne was founded in 2015
necessary to track actual progress against        to do so could lead to unnecessary delays           when Pfizer CentreSource, a global leader
the established PTP and timeline. Check-          and downtime, with implications for                 in specialty APIs, and Hospira One 2 One
ins can become even more critical when            project timelines.                                  merged. Backed by Pfizer resources, the
unforeseen issues arise. Working together             Working closely with the CDMO and               company delivers technical expertise, global
to troubleshoot and correct issues can have       other stakeholders from the very beginning          regulatory support and long-term supply.
a significant impact on a timeline in the         of the definition and planning phases is an
long run, but might also make a process           essential part of any effective transfer. Such
more robust.                                      collaboration can ensure that any potential            ABOUT THE
   Communication within the CDMO’s
team is often just as critical as communication
                                                  pitfalls and risks are accounted for and
                                                  mitigated against before they become a
with     programme          stakeholders.   All   problem. It can also help all parties ensure           Jennifer Quint is the Senior Manager for
stakeholders want to know is:                     that they have the capacity, capability and            the Pfizer CentreOne Technical Services
                                                  infrastructure in place ready for the project          team. Ms Quint leads a team of chemists
•	Are there any issues or emerging risks         handover, helping to ensure development                and microbiologists who execute
   that could significantly impact the            continues smoothly and efficiently.                    compendial and method development
   project?                                                                                              in support of internal and external
•	How is the programme tracking against          ABOUT THE COMPANY                                      Phase II/III technology transfer projects.
   the agreed budget and timeline?                                                                       Her focus is on GMP compliance while
                                                  Pfizer CentreOne is a large global CDMO                driving alignment of cross-functional
FOLLOWING THE PROCESS IS                          within Pfizer and a leading supplier of                development teams. Ms Quint joined
CRITICAL TO PROGRAMME SUCCESS                     specialty APIs. Its service offering is broad,         Abbott in 2003 and has been a part
                                                  spanning development and manufacturing                 of the Pfizer CentreOne organisation
Technology transfer is complex, particularly      services for sterile injectable and oral               for over 17 years with experience in
for sterile products. With this in mind, it is    solid dosage forms. Pfizer CentreOne’s                 leadership, science and customer
crucial to pay close attention to the transfer    manufacturing network includes more than               manufacturing business activities.
process, carrying out proper definition and       35 sites across six continents.

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38                                                                 Copyright © 2021 Frederick Furness Publishing Ltd
          with Pfizerwith
                           Pfizer CentreOne,
                                    and        and IntelligentIntelligent
                                                                                  with      with
ess Pfizer’s
                          and experts,
                                sites and experts, Pfizer CentreOne.
                                                                Pfizer CentreOne.
dy to support
       ready toyour
                                sterile injectables’
                                                     Our collaborative
                                                                Our collaborative
                                                                       approach means
                                                                                       moremeans more
ghest go-to-market
       toughest go-to-market
                      challenges. challenges.
                                                        efficient routes
                                                                          to market,
                                                                                     to market, high-quality
                                                                                                  sterile    sterile
                                                        injectables injectables
                                                                     and long-termandsupply
                                                                                                supply assurance.
 ening. Listening.
        Solving. Guiding.
                   Solving. Guiding.
                                                          We’ve beenWe’ve
                                                                                               partners overcome
come toWelcome
           Pfizer CentreOne.
                      to Pfizer CentreOne.
                                We’re a global
                                           We’re a global many technical
                                                                           technical for
                                                                                         over 40 for
                                                                                                     over 40 years.
MO embedded
          CDMO embedded
                   within Pfizerwithin
                                 and aPfizer
                                       leaderand a leader You can count
                                                                              to carefully
                                                                                    on us to
                                                                                                  your guide your
terile injectables.
          in sterile injectables.                         compound compound
                                                                    from development
                                                                                from development
                                                                                         through to through to

s collaborate
       Lets collaborate
t us at
         Visit us at
                                                               We’re known
                                                                        We’reforknown for
                                                               our expertise
                                                                        our expertise
                                                                              in:      in:
                                                               •   Complex •biologics
                                                                                Complex biologics
                                                               •   Controlled• substances
                                                                                Controlled substances
                                                                                           (II-IV)    (II-IV)
                                                               •   Lyophilization
                                                                             • Lyophilization
                                                               •   Sterile suspensions
                                                                             • Sterile suspensions
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