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Consumer - Open Learning Campus
Consumer - Open Learning Campus
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Consumer Trends

                                                                                               Zero UIs                                     Consumer-grade AI Applications                language processing, along with our data,
                                                                                               Modern interfaces are able to do more        Low-code and no-code offerings from           to anticipate what we want or need to do
                                                                                               for us with fewer direct actions—yet still   Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure,             next, sometimes before we even know
                                                                                               captivate our attention. The average         and Google Cloud will start to trickle        to ask. Alibaba’s highly advanced DA
                                                                                               adult now makes more than 20,000 de-         down to everyday people, who will create      can not only interact with real humans
                                                                                               cisions a day—some big, such as whether      their own AI applications and deploy          but also deftly handle interruptions and
                                                                                               or not to invest in the stock market, and    them as easily as they can a website.         open-ended answers. Similar to Google’s
                                                                                               some small, such as whether to glance at     We’re seeing a shift from highly techni-      Duplex, Tiān Māo can make calls on your
                                                                                               a mobile phone when the screen lights        cal AI applications used by professional      behalf, but it also understands intent. So
                                                                                               up. Zero user interfaces—otherwise           researchers to more lightweight, us-          if you’re trying to schedule an appoint-
                                                                                               known as ambient computing systems—          er-friendly apps intended for tech-savvy      ment and mention that you’re usually
                                                                                               promise to prioritize those decisions,       consumers. New automated machine              commuting in the morning, the system
                                                                                               delegate them on our behalf, and even        learning platforms make it possible for       infers that you won’t be available then.
                                                                                               autonomously answer for us, depending        nonexperts to build and deploy predictive     In 2017, Future Today Institute’s model
                                                                                               on the circumstance. Much of this invisi-    models. Platforms hope that in the near       correctly projected that nearly half of
                                                                                               ble decision-making will happen without      future, we’ll use various AI applications     Americans would own and use a digital
                                                                                               direct supervision or input from people.     as part of our daily work, just as we do      assistant by 2020. (An estimated 62% of
                                                                                               What makes ambient design so tantaliz-       Microsoft Office and Google Docs today.       Americans use digital assistants today.)
                                                                                               ing is that it should require us to make                                                   Amazon and Google dominate the smart
                                                                                               fewer and fewer decisions in the near                                                      speaker market, but digital assistants can
                                                                                                                                            Ubiquitous Digital Assistants                 be found in many places. Thousands of
                                                                                               future. Think of it as a sort of autocom-
                                                                                               plete for intent.                            Digital assistants (DAs)—like Siri, Alexa,    applications and gadgets now track and
Replika is a programmable digital twin that you                                                                                             and their Chinese counterpart Tiān Māo        respond to DAs. News organizations, en-
can deploy for your friends.                                                                                                                from Alibaba—use semantic and natural         tertainment companies, marketers, credit

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Consumer - Open Learning Campus
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Consumer Trends

                                                                                                                 card companies, banks, local authorities,    Personal Digital Twins
                                                                                                                 political campaigns, and many others can     A number of startups are building cus-
                                                                                                                 harness DAs to both surface and deliver      tomizable, trainable platforms capable of
                                                                                                                 critical information.                        learning from you—and then represent-
                                                                                                                                                              ing you online via personal digital twins.
                                                                                                                 Deepfakes for Fun                            In 2021, China’s annual Spring Festival
                                                                                                                 Faceswap is a free and open-source deep-     Gala on the country’s state broadcaster
                                                                                                                 fake app powered by TensorFlow, Keras,       (CCTV) included performances from
                                                                                                                 and Python. Deep Art Effects offers          synthesized celebrities. With an estimat-
                                                                                                                 desktop and mobile apps to turn images       ed billion people watching, the AI copies
                                                                                                                 into stylized art. REFACE is a face swap     mimicked their human counterparts
                                                                                                                 app that morphs your face onto celebrity     without pre-scripted behaviors, speech-
                                                                                                                 bodies and creates GIFs to share on social   es, or routines. Meanwhile, Replika is
                                                                                                                 media. Jiggy is a deepfake that makes        a programmable digital twin that you
                                                                                                                 anyone dance. For now, they all result       can deploy for your friends. Molly, a Y
                                                                                                                 in images and GIFs that look like they’ve    Combinator–backed startup, answers
                                                                                                                 been manipulated—but with the technol-       questions via text. The near future could
                                                                                                                 ogy becoming so easy to use, how long        include digital twins for professionals
                                                                                                                 until we can’t tell real from fake?          across a range of fields, including health
                                                                                                                                                              and education.
Alibaba’s voice assistant uses natural language processing.

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Research Trends

Closed-Source Code                                 cation landscape. In the past four years,                                                            Most Active Institutions for AI Research

Code is important for reproducibility,             Facebook seems to have gained ground.
accountability, and transparency, and              Of the conference papers that mention
                                                                                                                                Stanford University

it is a key to driving improvements in             the framework the researchers used, 75%                              Carnegie Mellon University

the greater AI community. But when                 cited PyTorch but not TensorFlow. Of                                                          MIT

academic researchers publish papers,               the 161 researchers who published more                                       Microsoft Research
                                                                                                                                         UC Berkley
they don’t often include all of their code.        TensorFlow papers than PyTorch papers,                                      Columbia University

The reason given: The code they used               55% of them switched to PyTorch, while                                       University of Oxford

is intermingled with other proprietary             only 15% moved in the other direction.                                       Tsinghua University
research, and it therefore can’t be re-                                                                                           Cornell University

leased. Fewer than 15% of all academic             Cost of Training Models                                              University of Texas at Austin
                                                                                                                                Princeton University
papers on AI publish their full code, and          It costs a lot to train a model. Several                                                    UCLA
some big names—DeepMind and Ope-                   variables influence those costs, all of              University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

nAI—notoriously leave theirs out, citing           which have increased in the past few
                                                                                                                                      Georgia Tech
proprietary concerns.                              years. For example, it costs an average                                         Peking University

                                                   of $1 per 1000 parameters. OpenAI’s                                                          IBM
                                                                                                                               University of Toronto
Framework Consolidation                            175 billion parameter, GPT-3, likely                                    University of Washington

Google’s TensorFlow and Facebook’s                 cost more than $10 million to train. For                                              ETH Zurich

PyTorch are two popular frameworks                 smaller research groups and companies,                                                      EPFL
                                                                                                                                New York University
used by researchers, and the relative pop-         the costs are out of reach. Some in the AI                                       Duke University

ularity of different frameworks typically          community are instead allowing the big
                                                                                                                                                        0          10             20       30       40         50     60     70   80              90
mirrors trends in the commercial appli-            tech companies to pre-train and publish
                                                   big models.                                                                                              USA      UK            China   Europe   Canada

                                                                                                                                                        Papers published at NeurlIPS 2019 (fractional count)

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Research Trends

NLP Benchmarks                                     resources, and a new public leaderboard.       AI Summarizing Itself                          Graph Neural Networks                         2016, it is a new framework that makes
The General Language Understanding                 We predict that by the end of 2021, this       A new AI model can summarize scientific        Because we perceive scents using mil-         it possible for algorithms to use data
Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark is a                   new benchmark will also be surpassed.          literature, including research about itself.   lions of sensory neurons in our brains,       on devices—such as mobile phones and
collection of resources for training, eval-                                                       The Allen Institute for Artificial Intelli-    and because scents are multifaceted,          smart watches—without compromising
uating, and analyzing natural language             Machine Reading Comprehension                  gence (AI2) used the model in Semantic         predicting the way something will smell       user privacy. Research in this space has
understanding systems. It includes a                                                              Scholar, an AI-powered scientific paper        is incredibly complex. For example,           dramatically increased.
                                                   For AI researchers, machine reading
benchmark of nine sentence- or sen-                comprehension (MRC) has been a chal-           search engine to provide a short sum-          how would you describe the smell of an
tence-pair language-understanding tasks            lenging goal, but an important one. MRC        mary of papers on AI. What makes this          orange? Sweet? Bright? Grassy? Each           GP Models
built on existing datasets and selected            makes it possible for systems to read,         work impressive—and ultimately so use-         descriptor is unique. Classifying smell is    Gaussian processes (GP) are the gold
to cover a diverse range of dataset sizes,         infer meaning, and immediately deliver         ful—is that it is capable of compressing       tricky because it requires a multi-label      standard for many real-world modeling
text genres, and degrees of difficulty. It         answers while sifting through enor-            long papers with accuracy and efficiency.      system. Graph neural networks (GNNs)          problems, especially in cases where a
includes a diagnostic dataset designed to          mous datasets. In 2019, China’s Alibaba                                                       constitute a particular type of deep          model’s success hinges on its ability to
evaluate and analyze model performance             outperformed humans when tested by             No Retraining Required                         neural network that operates on graphs        faithfully represent predictive uncertain-
with respect to a wide range of linguistic         the Microsoft Machine Reading Com-                                                            as inputs. GNNs are being used to detect      ty. GPs are becoming more accurate and
phenomena found in natural language.                                                              Training robots to do more than one            smell—to predict odors at a molecular
                                                   prehension dataset (or MS MARCO for            thing is difficult, but a new model pits                                                     easier to train, benefiting from neural
And it includes a public leaderboard so            short), which assessed its ability to use                                                     level—and for a wide array of chemical        network improvements.
that researchers can track their perfor-                                                          identical robot arms against one another       and biological processes. For example,
                                                   natural language to answer real questions      in a game (moving objects on a virtual
mance. The human baseline score is 87,             posed by humans. Alibaba’s system deliv-                                                      researchers at the Broad Institute used
and between May 2018 and August 2020,                                                             table in specific ways) in which one robot     them to discover antibiotic compounds         GPT-3’s Influence
                                                   ered answers to search queries posted by       challenges the other with increasingly
natural language processing systems                people to Microsoft’s Bing, such as “How                                                      that don’t have toxic side effects.           The enormous AI that generates hu-
increased from 60 to 90.6, surpassing                                                             difficult tasks. It’s an example of multi-                                                   man-like language, GPT-3, was released
                                                   many carbs are in an English muffin?”          task learning, a deep learning model in
humans. The SuperGLUE benchmark                    and “How do you grow hops?”                                                                   Federated Learning                            by OpenAI last year. The text generator
is a new measurement of more difficult                                                            which machines learn different skills as                                                     has written blog posts and code. It was
language understanding tasks, improved                                                            they progress. OpenAI’s model allows           Federated learning is a technique that        pitted against college students in an essay
                                                                                                  a bot to solve new kinds of problems           distributes machine learning to the edge.     writing contest, and the anonymized
                                                                                                  without requiring retraining.                  Introduced by Google researchers in

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Research Trends

                                                                                                papers were graded by professors. GPT-3      language-only data by contextually            deeply culturally embedded racism and
                                                                                                earned mostly B’s—the same as human          mapping language “tokens,” or the words       sexism. A few years ago, if you typed
                                                                                                students. But the AI has demonstrated        used to train language models, to related     “CEO” into Google Images, the first
                                                                                                a strong anti-Muslim bias. Researchers       images, or “vokens.” For example, au-         result of a woman was CEO Barbie. In
                                                                                                from Stanford University and McMaster        to-generated image captions often can’t       an experiment, researchers at Carnegie
                                                                                                University probed the neural network         infer context. Vokenization would enable      Mellon University trained a system to
                                                                                                on tasks including prompt completion,        machines not just to recognize objects        autocomplete images of men and wom-
                                                                                                analogical reasoning, and story genera-      but to really “see” what’s in them.           en cropped below the neck. In pictures
                                                                                                tion. They found that a Muslim-violence                                                    of men, the system autocompleted him
                                                                                                bias appears consistently and creatively     Machine Image Completion                      wearing a suit. The system autocomplet-
                                                                                                in many use cases of the model. It’s yet                                                   ed women—including U.S. Rep. Alexan-
                                                                                                another example of how bias creeps into      If a computer system has access to            dria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)—wearing a
                                                                                                our automated systems. Left unchecked,       enough images—say, millions and               low-cut top or bikini 53% of the time.
                                                                                                it will cause problems throughout society    millions—it can patch and fill in holes
                                                                                                as AI matures.                               in pictures. This capability has practical
                                                                                                                                             applications for professional photog-         Predictive Models Using Single
                                                                                                                                             raphers, as well as for everyone who          Images
                                                                                                Vokenization                                 wants to take a better selfie. Soon, if       Computer vision systems are getting
                                                                                                Models like GPT-3 are trained on syntax      the foreground of a mountain is out of        smarter. Neural networks can predict
                                                                                                and grammar, not creativity or common        focus, or if your skin has an unsightly       geometry from a single color image. In
                                                                                                sense. So researchers at the University of   blemish, another version can be swapped       2019, the DeepMind team developed a
The SuperGLUE benchmark will be broken by the end of 2021.
                                                                                                North Carolina–Chapel Hill are com-          in to generate the perfect picture. As        generative adversarial network (GAN)
                                                                                                bining language models with computer         such technology becomes commonplace,          that creates videos from images. For
                                                                                                vision. Humans learn in a multilayered,      there will be significant biases and other    example: Imagine a photo of a person
                                                                                                multidimensional way, so a new tech-         pitfalls to navigate. For example, image      holding a basketball. Based on his pos-
                                                                                                nique called vokenization extrapolates       generation algorithms routinely reflect       ture, face, and other data within the

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Research Trends

picture, the GAN figures out what likely            Model-free Approaches to RL                    a $10 million grant program to catalyze         The U.S. Army Research Laboratory            Classic AI is the former, because it more
happened next and generates a video                 Dreamer is a reinforcement learning            research in this area, although all of the      has a system that uses a brain-computer      closely represents how we understand
clip of the action. Earlier, researchers at         (RL) agent that uses a world model to          big tech companies are working closely          interface armed with computer vision         human thought—and the original intent
MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial               learn long-sighted predictions, employ-        to advance RTML too.                            technology and allows a person to rapidly    was to teach machines to think like us.
Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) trained             ing backpropagation through model                                                              see and sort images within her line of       Researchers are working on new ways to
computers to predict what humans                    predictions. It can create models from         Automated Machine Learning                      sight. CloudSight, a technology company      combine both learning and logic using
would do next using YouTube videos                  raw images and learn from thousands            (AutoML)                                        specializing in image captioning, is work-   neural networks, which would under-
and TV shows such as “The Office” and               of predicted sequences in parallel using                                                       ing on a hybrid crowdsourced computer        stand data through symbols rather than
“Desperate Housewives.” CSAIL’s system                                                             Some organizations want to move away            vision system. Microsoft researchers         always relying on human programmers
                                                    a graphics processing unit (GPU). This         from traditional machine learning meth-
predicts whether two people are likely to           new approach solves long-horizon tasks                                                         have proposed Pandora, a set of hybrid       to sort, tag, and catalog data for them.
hug, kiss, shake hands, or slap a high five.                                                       ods, which are time-consuming and diffi-        human-machine methods and tools for          Symbolic algorithms will aid the process,
                                                    using an imagined world.                       cult and require data scientists, specialists
SinGAN is an unconditional generative                                                                                                              understanding system failures. Pandora       which should eventually lead to robust
scheme that can manipulate and enhance                                                             in AI fields, and engineers. Automated          leverages both human and system-gen-         systems that don’t always require a hu-
images—sketch a mountain, and it will               Real-time Machine Learning                     machine learning, or AutoML, is a new           erated observations to explain malfunc-      man for training.
produce a realistic-looking synthetic               One big challenge in AI is building            approach: a process in which raw data           tions related to input content and system
photograph. This research will someday              machines that can proactively collect and      and models are matched together to re-          architecture.
                                                                                                   veal the most relevant information. Goo-                                                     General Reinforcement Learning
enable robots to more easily navigate               interpret data, spot patterns and incor-                                                                                                    Algorithms
human environments—and to interact                  porate context, and ultimately learn in        gle, Amazon, and Microsoft now offer a
                                                                                                   host of AutoML products and services.           Neuro-Symbolic AI                            Researchers are developing single
with us humans by taking cues from our              real time. New research into real-time
body language. Retail, manufacturing,               machine learning (RTML) shows that                                                             The development of AI has been on            algorithms that can learn multiple tasks.
and education settings could be especially          it’s possible to use a continual flow of       Hybrid Human-Computer Vision                    two conceptual tracks since the 1950s:       DeepMind, the team behind AlphaGo,
relevant.                                           data and adjust models in real time. This                                                      symbolic (machines that use a base of        which learned how to play Go with the
                                                                                                   AI isn’t yet capable of fully functioning       knowledge and rules that represent           skill level of a human grandmaster, has
                                                    signals a big change in how data moves,        without human assistance. Hybrid in-
                                                    and in how we retrieve information. The                                                        concepts) and non-symbolic (machines         developed an innovative new algorithm:
                                                                                                   telligence systems combine humans and           that use raw data to create their own pat-   AlphaZero. It is capable of achieving
                                                    National Science Foundation launched           AI systems to achieve greater accuracy.         terns and representations of concepts).      superhuman performance not only in

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Research Trends

                                                       Go but in other games as well, including         tonomous and incremental skill building       independently on different algorithms         wrote in Python. It’s a move that signals
                                                       chess and shogi (Japanese chess). This           and development, and researchers will         and datasets, and they only see one           likely fragmentation in the future of the
                                                       one algorithm starts with no knowledge           continue to push the limits of what’s         another’s work once it is deployed. This      AI ecosystem, not unlike the current
                                                       except for the rules of the game and             possible in this field.                       has been the cause of recent stock market     iOS/Android rivalry or the long Mac/PC
                                                       eventually develops its own strategies                                                         glitches and e-commerce website wonki-        war. Businesses will find it increasingly
                                                       to beat other players. In January 2020,          Proliferation of Franken-                     ness. It is especially challenging for big    cost-prohibitive and difficult to switch
                                                       DeepMind published new research                  Algorithms                                    companies like Facebook, which have           between AI frameworks and languages.
                                                       showing how reinforcement learning                                                             billions of algorithms working together
                                                       techniques could be used to improve              Algorithms are simply rules that define       at any given time.
                                                       our understanding of mental health and           and automate the treatment of data. They
                                                       motivation.                                      are built using “if this, then that” logic
Using AI, researchers automated the task of convert-
                                                                                                        that a computer can understand and pro-       Proprietary, Homegrown AI
ing live actor performances (left) to computer game
                                                                                                        cess. Here’s an easy example: If a website    Languages
virtual characters (right).
                                                       Continuous Learning                              reader’s IP address is based in Baltimore,    Python is a leading language with lots of
                                                       At the moment, deep learning tech-               the rules then allow that reader to freely    pre-built libraries and frameworks. Julia,
                                                       niques are helping systems learn to solve        access the site; if the IP address is based   a language developed by Massachusetts
                                                       complex tasks in a way that resembles            in Belgium, then the rules first show a       Institute of Technology, is an open-
                                                       what humans can do—but those tasks               GDPR screen stating privacy and cookie        source language that focuses on numer-
                                                       are still specific, such as beating a human      policies. While a single algorithm might      ical computing. And of course there’s
                                                       at a game. And they require a rigid              be easily described and deployed as ex-       Lisp, created by modern AI’s foreparent
                                                       sequence: Gather data, determine the             pected, systems of algorithms all working     John McCarthy in 1958. Companies are
                                                       goal, deploy an algorithm. This process          together can sometimes pose problems.         starting to build and release their own
                                                       requires humans and can be time-con-             Developers don’t always know in ad-           software packages now, as well as unique
                                                       suming, especially during early phases           vance how one algorithm will function         programming languages for AI applica-
                                                       when supervised training is required.            alongside other algorithms. Sometimes,        tions. Uber released its own probabilistic
                                                       Continuous learning is more about au-            several teams of developers are working       programming language, Pyro, which it

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