CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre

Page created by Michael Kelley
CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
Research Center
in Emergency
and Disaster Medicine
World Health Organization
Collaborating Centre

CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
At a Glance
    CRIMEDIM is a university-wide
    academic center that conducts
    research, education and training
    in the field of disaster medicine
    and humanitarian health. The
    center is committed to promote
    innovative research projects
    and to foster learning and
    training programs using state of
    the art technologies to enhance
    the resilience of health systems
    in emergency, disaster and
    humanitarian crisis.

    CRIMEDIM vision is to
    make health systems able to
    effectively protect people’s
    health from disasters and
    humanitarian crises, saving
    lives, minimizing deaths,
    injuries, disabilities and human
    suffering with competent and
    professional workforce.

CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
                             AND DISASTER MEDICINE


CRIMEDIM works to enhance
the resilience of health system
in emergency, disaster and
humanitarian crisis through
increasing knowledge, skills
and attitudes of health workers
based on scientific evidence
and field experience at local,
national and international level.

- promote and coordinate
  research projects in disaster
  education, disaster medicine
  and humanitarian health;
- foster disaster education
  and training using emerging
  simulation technologies;
- provide highly specialized
  researchers and professionals
  in disaster and humanitarian
- cooperate with different
  institutions, universities,
  public and private agencies,
  governmental and non-
  governmental organizations
  to enhance the resilience of
  health systems.

CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
Main Areas
                                                of Education
AND POLICY MAKERS                                           disaster medicine
• European Master in Disaster Medicine (EMDM)                      education
• Fellowship in Disaster Management
                                                      and training for health
• Humanitarian Assistance and Global Health
                                                                       • Humanitarian Medic
                                                                            • Disaster Medic
                                                            • Hospital Disaster Preparedness
                                                         • Pre-deployment Training for Ebola
                                                                        Emergency Response

• TdmT - Training disaster medicine Trainers
• DisasterSISM                                               Ad hoc curriculum
• Disaster Medicine module in the standard                 and simulation based
  medical curriculum at the Università del                training development
  Piemonte Orientale
                                                      • Basic and Advanced Modular Courses
                                                                     for Health Professionals
                                                • Instructor Course and Faculty Development
                                                                   • Scenario-Based Training

CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
MAIN AREAS                                RESEARCH CENTER IN EMERGENCY
                                          AND DISASTER MEDICINE

OF RESEARCH                     CRIMEDIM

      of health workers
          in disaster and
 humanitarian assistance

                            research in disaster
                            and humanitarian

           and emerging
         technologies in
      disaster education

             4              Hospital Disaster

CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
Main Educational Programs

EMDM - European Master
in Disaster Medicine
The EMDM, Master of Science in                The EMDM is an inter-university and
Disaster Medicine, is a level-two master      international course, which counts on
program jointly organized by CRIMEDIM,        a faculty of qualified professionals in
the Research Center in Emergency and          disaster medicine and humanitarian
Disaster Medicine of the Università del       health affiliated with worldwide
Piemonte Orientale (UPO) and ReGEDiM,         renowned institutions and universities.
the Research Group on Emergency and
Disaster Medicine of the Vrije Universiteit   So far, the EMDM program has inspired
Brussel (VUB). The course is aimed            and trained more than 500 professionals
at all health professionals involved in       all over the world.
the medical disaster management and
                                              Visit the website
humanitarian health response at local,
national and international level.

CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
                                                                              AND DISASTER MEDICINE


Humanitarian Medic - Humanitarian
Health Response Training Program
Humanitarian Medic is an innovative        emergency
training program, designed and             settings with limited resources.
coordinated by CRIMEDIM in
collaboration with Médecins Sans           Moreover, this experience demonstrates
Frontières (Doctor Without Borders,        how academia can successfully partner
Italian section).                          with humanitarian aid organizations
                                           to promote the professionalization of
The program is restricted to medical       future humanitarian health workers.
doctors in their final years of training
or residency program in Anesthesia,
Critical Care, Emergency Medicine
and Pediatrics, from any university all
over the world. The aim of the training
program is to provide residents with
the necessary knowledge, skills and
attitudes to proficiently participate to
international disaster responses and
humanitarian health programs and
to contribute to the development of
professional skills when working in

DisasterSISM is a national
innovative multilevel
educational program
developed by CRIMEDIM
in collaboration with the
Italian Medical Students’
Secretariat (SISM).

It is designed for medical
students and aims to
provide young future
physicians with the basic
and advanced knowledge
of Disaster Medicine.

CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
Main Educational Programs
TdmT - Training Disaster
Medicine Trainers
Training Disaster Medicine Trainers
(TdmT) is the first international program   Federation of Medical Students’
that teaches medical students basic         Associations (IFMSA) with the aim to
knowledge about disaster medicine.          empower medical students to take action
The initiative is managed by CRIMEDIM       on disaster medicine in their communities
together with the International             by equipping them with knowledge and
                                            skills on disaster and humanitarian health.

                                            The medical students are selected from
                                            an international pool of students and
                                            they have the chance to learn from
                                            experts of international organizations
                                            such as the World Health Organization
                                            (WHO), Medecins Sans Frontières (MSF),
                                            the Alumni of the European Master
                                            in Disaster Medicine (EMDM), and
                                            experienced CRIMEDIM professionals.

Virtual Reality Simulation
Training for Ebola Deployment
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa           and an evaluation tool to assess the
was one of the worst natural disaster       improvement of humanitarian workers’
of the last decades. The international      technical and non-technical skills.
medical community was very sensitive
to the development of effective pre-
deployment training programs to ensure
the adequate safety of humanitarian
workers. CRIMEDIM and Save the
Children International (SCI) collaborated
to develop and implement a specific
training using virtual reality (VR) and
hybrid simulation to improve the safety
of humanitarian workers against the
possible infection with Ebola virus,

CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
                                                                            Funded by the European Union

TEAMS - Training for Emergency Medical Teams
and European Medical Corps
Concerns regarding the standard of medical    basic capacities and logistic means to
care provided in disasters and the lack of    operate self-sufficiently. Additional concerns
preparedness of health workers has been       have been highlighted regarding the lack of
raised. Health practitioners have been        cultural awareness and coordination with
observed to work outside their scope of       local authorities as well as international
practice and license, and teams have lacked   agencies.

TEAMS is a EU funded project aimed            simulation-based exercises focused on
at developing a standardized, validated       operational team training, adaptable to
and cost-effective training package,          different types of EMTs, and sustainable
focused on operational team training for      for low-income countries and resource-
Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs).               poor settings.

The consortium is led by CRIMEDIM             Along with all the EMT organizations,
and composed of HCRI (UK), Karolinska         universities, professional bodies and
Institutes (Sweden), Tel Aviv University      training agencies involved in EMT
(Israel), Istanbul Medeniyet University       training are expecting to benefit from
(Turkey), Humedica (Germany) and              the outcomes of this project.
Novareckon (Italy).
The final result will be an open online
training package consisting of innovative
blended learning teaching materials and

CRIMEDIM Research Center in Emergency and Disaster Medicine - World Health Organization Collaborating Centre
THREATS - Terrorist attacks on Hospitals:
Risk and Emergency Assessment, Tools & Systems
The three-year EU funded project               possible weaknesses, risks and threats
THREATS is aimed at increasing the             and subsequently enhance their
resilience of EU hospitals as critical         preparedness against terrorist attacks
infrastructure by improving their              targeting hospitals and healthcare
protection capability and security             infrastructures.
awareness against terrorist attacks.
The consortium was led by Hanover
Associate Ldt (UK), and included the
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées
(France), and San Raffaele Hospital (Italy).

Since July 2014, CRIMEDIM cooperated
with the consortium partners to deliver
a series of models and toolkits to
help EU medical facilities to recognize

TIER - Integrated strategy for CBRN Threat Identification
and Emergency Response
TIER is a EU funded project with               Studies of the Università del Piemonte
the primary objective to develop a             Orientale, led a consortium composed
comprehensive and integrated strategy,         of public universities, research institutes,
based on threat identification and risk        private companies and hospitals.
assessment, for hospital emergency
response in case of use of chemical,           With the support of international
biological, radiological, nuclear materials    experts, the Consortium delivered
and explosives by terrorists.                  a risk assessment and calculator
                                               model, designed two training courses
CRIMEDIM, in collaboration with the            subsequently developed in France
Department of Economics and Business           and Italy and an assessment tool, with
                                               regard to hospital preparedness and
                                               response performance in case of CBRN


Projects in the Field
First national prehospital emergency
medical system for Sierra Leone
Medici con l’Africa CUAMM and                  where CUAMM operates since 2012,
CRIMEDIM are involved in a major               thousands ambulance service paramedics
project funded by the World Bank to start      will be trained in all the country.
a national transport system for obstetric
and surgical emergencies.                      At the end of the 2-year work plan,
The challenge in Sierra Leone (which was       CUAMM, CRIMEDIM and the Veneto
hit hard by Ebola between 2014 and             Region will release a fully staffed,
2015) is to respond to the emergencies         equipped and functional prehospital
and create a stable and lasting emergency      emergency medical system providing
medical system. Starting from the positive     citizens of Sierra Leone with prompt,
experience of the rural district of Pujehun,   safe and effective access to healthcare in
                                               times of urgent needs and enabling the
                                               Country to leverage existing healthcare
                                               infrastructure and local expertise to
                                               maximum advantage.


Simulation Technologies
Simulation is extensively used for educational   from their experience and also to retrain
purposes. Through participatory simulation,      and practice to correct mistakes, perfect
students take an active role within an           steps and fine-tune skills. Teamwork training
immersive environment, that can replace          conducted in the simulated environment
and amplify real experiences with guided         offers an additive benefit to the traditional
ones. Students’ involvement in the “virtually    didactic instruction, enhance performance,
real” activities allow them to learn directly    and possibly also help reduce errors.

High Fidelity Simulation
High fidelity allows mastering practical         simulated disaster and humanitarian
skills in a simulated environment                settings. This kind of simulation fosters
reproducing real situations, including           active participation instead of passive
resource-constrained environments.               learning in a standardized and consistent
Through the use of high fidelity                 environment, while also steepening the
simulation, students develop the ability         learning curve.
to proficiently delivering healthcare in

                                                                               AND DISASTER MEDICINE


Virtual Simulation
Virtual simulation represents a valid          regions, emergency service facilities and
innovative method for education and            hospitals. Virtual simulation gives the
training in disaster medicine. For its         possibility to engage students online by
courses CRIMEDIM uses a series of              distance to enhance the ability to work
tools and solutions that recreate realistic    in teams to coordinate the response to
training scenarios where students              natural and man-made disasters.
are trained, individually or in team, to
manage different emergency situations
in a setting where good practice can be
identified and shared but where mistakes
have no operational consequences.
Among the available solutions, virtual
reality simulation is largely used, thanks
to the flexibility and realism it offers. It
has been also used for practicing the
logistic aspects of contingency planning
across the entire emergency services
chain reproducing different scenarios
with realistic configurations of countries,

Live Simulation
Live simulation represents the                 plan and procedures and eventually
milestone of disaster and humanitarian         implement them. Functional and full-scale
education and training. They are unique        simulations are operation-based exercises
opportunities to evaluate policies,            that allow to exercise both procedures
guidelines, and the command and                and facilities’ functionality. This
control chain; to increase the training of     include all levels of participating health
personnel in emergency and crisis roles;       organizations, including the mobilization
to improve interagency coordination            of personnel and resources, activation of
and communications; and to test                operation centers and actual movement
                                               of equipment.

                                               CRIMEDIM field activities include actors,
                                               appropriately trained for the exercise
                                               to perform as smart victims, simulating
                                               clinical conditions and tracing medical


CRIMEDIM has been designated                Collaborating Centre also participates in
World Health Organization (WHO)             the strengthening of country resources,
Collaborating Centre for Training and       in terms of information, services,
Research in Emergency and Disaster          research and training, in support of
Medicine in August 2016.                    national health development.

By definition, a WHO Collaborating          In this framework, CRIMEDIM works to
Centre is an institution designated by      provide strategic support to the WHO
the Director-General of WHO to form         in what specifically concerns training
part of an international collaborative      and research in emergency and disaster
network set up by WHO in support of         medicine.
its program at the country, regional, and
global levels.

In line with the WHO policy and strategy             World Health Organization
of technical cooperation, a WHO                      Collaborating Centre

UN Training
                                                                           Funded by the European Union

CRIMEDIM is supporting European                  United Nations
Commission - Humanitarian Aid & Civil
                                                 Disaster Assessment
Protection (DG ECHO) in the design, planning
and organization of training courses for
                                                 and Coordination (UNDAC)
personnel active in the international disaster   Induction Course
response field, in the framework of the Union
                                                 CRIMEDIM hosted the UNDAC
Civil Protection Mechanism.
                                                 Induction Course from Sunday 20th
                                                 November to Friday 2nd December
Emergency Medical                                2016, organized by OCHA’s Field
Team Coordination Cell                           Coordination Support Section (FCSS)
(EMTCC) Training Course                          with the support of DG ECHO in
                                                 conjunction with Novarseti Viaggi, the
In 2016 and 2017 CRIMEDIM hosted two             Italian Civil Protection Department and
editions of the WHO EMT Coordination             the Belgian Federal Public Service of
Cell Training, organized by the EMT              Health.
Secretariat with the support of DG ECHO
and partner organizations, Novarseti             More than 30 participants from 20
Viaggi, the Italian Civil Protection             different countries, selected among
Department and the Belgian Federal               humanitarian and disaster managers
Public Service of Health. During a week-         from international organizations and
long intensive training, the participants        national emergency management
were trained and challenged to assess,           institutions, were inducted in the
establish, operate, and deactivate an            UNDAC system to establish and
Emergency Medical Team Coordination              facilitate humanitarian coordination
Cell during a simulated disaster.                following sudden onset disasters.

National and International
Free University of Brussels, Belgium             Makerere University, Uganda
University of Alberta, Canada                    University of Manchester, UK
University of California Irvine, USA             Hacettepe University, Turkey
Harvard Umanitarian Initiative, USA              University of Cluj, Romania
University of Geneva, Switzerland                Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
Karolinska Institute, Sweden                     Tel Aviv University, Israel
Linköping University, Sweden                     Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey
Jazan University, Saudi Arabia

United Nations Organizations
World Health Organization (WHO) – official WHO Collaborating Centre
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA)
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Worldwide Experiences
• Iraq, Analysis of the Trauma   • Sierra Leone, Assessment to     of rehabilitation after the
  Care Plan implemented by         create and implement the        earthquake with MSF (2015)
  WHO to guarantee access          National Emergency Medical
  to care to the population of     System (EMS), prehospital     • Afghanistan, Maternal health
  Mosul (2017)                     emergency care, ambulance       program with MSF (2015)
                                   service and disaster
• Gaza, Activity of                response for Sierra Leone     • Sierra Leone, Virtual Reality
  humanitarian health              (2016)                          training program for Ebola
  assistance with MSF (2017)                                       response in collaboration
                                 • Yemen, Activity of              with Save the Children
• Italy, Central Italy             humanitarian health             International (2014)
  earthquakes Emergency Aid        assistance with MSF during
  Response with the Italian        the conflict (2015 - 2016)    • Uganda, Research project
  Civil Protection (2016)                                          of postoperative pain
                                 • Nepal, Activity of Capacity     management after major
                                   Building within the project     surgery in a low-resource

                                                                                       AND DISASTER MEDICINE


Governmental and
Non-Governmental Organizations
Italian Civil Protection Department
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
European Society for Emergency Medicine (EUSEM)
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)
Disaster Medicine Service - Piedmont Region
Save the Children International (SCI)
Belgian First Aid and Support (B-FAST)
International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)
Segretariato Italiano Studenti in Medicina (SISM)
Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication (SMURD)
Ares Marche
Humedica e.V.
Doctors with Africa CUAMM
Red Cross Novara

  environment in collaboration   • Abu Dhabi, SEHA                • Italy, Aquila Earthquake
  with the Makerere University     (Disaster Management and         Emergency Aid Response
  (2014)                           Emergency preparedness           with the Italian Civil
                                   System - building capacity       Protection (2009)
• Philippines, Typhoon Haiyan      and assuring integration,
  Emergency Aid Response           2011-12)                       • Italy, United Nation Medical
  with the Italian Civil                                            Emergency Response Team
  Protection (2014)              • Haiti, Activity of Capacity      (UNMERT Mass Casualty
                                   Building within the project      Course, 2008) Algarve
• Burkina Faso, Combining          of rehabilitation after the      Health Authority,
  Dedicated Online Training        earthquake (2010)
  and Apprenticeships                                             • Sri Lanka, United Nation
  in the Field to Assist in      • Albania, World Health            Development Program in
  Professionalization of           Organization, Country Office     Galle District (Emergency
  Humanitarian Aid Workers         (Medical Management of           and disaster management,
  (2011 - 2013)                    Climate Change-related           2008)
                                   Health Emergencies, 2009)

                                 Our strategy is based on            to preparedness, planning,
                                 scientific evidence and on          mitigation and prevention.
                                 field experience at regional,
                                 national and international          Our activities are based
                                 level.                              on the use of simulation
                                                                     to teach medical students
                                 Our action aims to establish        as well as health providers
                                 a common scientific                 how to develop new
                                 program in education                education tools and
                                 including scientifically            networking with national
                                 based and validated                 and international centers
                                 models, often based on              sharing the same strategies.
Francesco Della Corte            exercises using innovative
                                 technologies with specific          The words we prefer are
                                 attributes to different             innovation, perspective
Since the foundation in          figures sharable worldwide;         and lateral thinking,
2007, CRIMEDIM’S main            to foster collaboration             enthusiasm, collaboration,
goals have focused on the        among disaster medicine             networking, solidarity.
improvement of the health        centers of education
                                                                     If you share the same
care system response in          and training, institutions
                                                                     perspective and vision, we
emergency, disaster and          and scientific societies
                                                                     will be eager to collaborate.
crisis through increasing        to implement effective
knowledge, skills and            evidence-based research; to
attitudes of health care         enlarge our area of interest
providers.                       from emergency response

     Professionalization of health workers in             Simulation and emerging
     disaster and humanitarian assistance:                technologies:
     Luca Ragazzoni                                       Pier Luigi Ingrassia

     Operational research in disaster                     Hospital disaster resilience:
     and humanitarian settings:                           Davide Colombo
     Alba Ripoll Gallardo
                                                          Disaster Medicine Education
                                                          and Training:
                                                          Marta Caviglia

Alumni Perspectives
Maria Grazia Fiori - Italy             (Humanitarian Medic)

“Humanitarian Medic is an
innovative training course, peculiar
in its structure and organization
because it provides all the basic
knowledge to face and deal with
particular situations in the area of
disaster medicine. This knowledge
is transferred also by exposing
students to professional, technical
and emotional challenges during
simulation exercises and real life
scenarios, presented during the
Master course.”

Annet Alenyo                                       Marco Antonio
Ngabirano - Uganda           (EMDM)                Becerril Ruiz - Mexico             (TdmT)

“As a national health advisor in disaster          “I was at the hospital at the very time
medicine, I had the huge responsibility of         the earthquake struck. The hospital got
                           advising on the         damaged and we had to evacuate. Many
                           management              buildings were destroyed, people are
                           of disasters            trapped and we have patients coming in.
                           and I quickly           I’m impressed but happy we had a quick
                           realized that my        and efficient response. However, we’re
                           fundamental             running out of material and staff are doing
                           medical training        extra shifts... We’re getting tired. The civil
                           had not                 population is helping with the search of
                           prepared me             trapped people and many have brought
                           to face disaster        us food and supplies. The TdmT course
                           situations.                                  at CRIMEDIM did a
EMDM was simply eye opener for me                                       lot! I helped in the
and gave me a family of disaster medicine                               evacuation during the
specialists willing to support me.”                                     earthquake and the
                                                                        immediate logistics of
                                                                        setting up the hospital
                                                                        areas in the parking lot.”

Latest publications
• Ahmadreza Djalali: questions everyone     • Tools and Checklists Used for the          • Postgraduate Education in Disaster
  must ask. Della Corte F, Burkle FM          Evaluation of Hospital Disaster              Health and Medicine. Algaali KY,
  Jr, Gallardo AR, Ragazzoni L. Lancet.       Preparedness: A Systematic Review.           Djalali A, Della Corte F, Ismail MA,
  2017 May 27;389(10084):2101.                Nekoie-Moghadam M, Kurland                   Ingrassia PL. Front Public Health.
                                              L, Moosazadeh M, Ingrassia PL,               2015 Aug 10;3:185.
• Self-Perception of Medical Students’        Della Corte F, Djalali A. Disaster
  Knowledge and Interest in Disaster          Med Public Health Prep. 2016               • Yemen, an unprecedented
  Medicine: Nine Years After the              Oct;10(5):781-788.                           humanitarian crisis. Ripoll Gallardo
  Approval of the Curriculum in                                                            A., Ragazzoni L, F. Della Corte BMJ
  German Universities. Wunderlich           • Virtual Laboratory and Imaging: an           2015; 351:h4366
  R, Ragazzoni L, Ingrassia PL, Corte         online simulation tool to enhance
  FD, Grundgeiger J, Bickelmayer JW,          hospital disaster preparedness training    • TIER competency-based training
  Domres B. Prehosp Disaster Med.             experience. Carenzo L, Ragozzino F,          course for the first receivers of CBRN
  2017 Aug;32(4):374-381                      Colombo D, Barra FL, Della Corte             casualties: a European perspective.
                                              F, Ingrassia PL. Eur J Emerg Med.            Djalali A, Della Corte F, Segond F,
• Medium- and long-term health effects        2016 Sep 3.                                  Metzger MH, Gabilly L, Grieger F,
  of the L’Aquila earthquake (Central                                                      Larrucea X, Violi C, Lopez C, Arnod-
  Italy, 2009) and of other earthquakes     • Comparison of the SACCO triage               Prin P, Ingrassia PL. Eur J Emerg
  in high-income Countries: a systematic      method versus START triage using a           Med. 2016 Feb 26.
  review. Ripoll Gallardo A, Alesina M,       virtual reality scenario in advance care
  Pacelli B, Serrone D, Iacutone G,           paramedic students. Jain T, Ragazzoni      • Lo studio degli effetti sulla salute a
  Faggiano F, Della Corte F, Allara E.        L, Stratton S, Della Corte F. CJEM.          medio e lungo termine del terremoto
  Epidemiol Prev. 2016 Mar-Apr;40(2           2016 Jul;18(4):288-92.                       dell’Aquila e di altri terremoti in
  Suppl 1):14-21.                                                                          Paesi ad alto reddito: una revisione
                                            • Evaluation of a new community-based          sistematica.
• Assessment of disaster preparedness         curriculum in disaster medicine for
  among emergency departments in              undergraduates. Bajow N, Djalali A,        • Hospital Disaster Preparedness in
  Italian hospitals: a cautious warning       Ingrassia PL, Ragazzoni L, Ageely H,         Italy: a preliminary study utilizing the
  for disaster risk reduction and             Bani I, Corte FD. BMC Med Educ.              World Health Organization Hospital
  management capacity. Paganini M,            2016 Aug 26;16(1):225.                       Emergency Response Evaluation
  Borrelli F, Cattani J, Ragazzoni L,                                                      Toolkit. Pier Luigi Ingrassia, Marco
  Djalali A, Carenzo L, Della Corte F,      • Assessment of disaster preparedness          Mangini, Massimo Azzaretto, Ilenia
  Burkle FM, Ingrassia PL. Scand J            among emergency departments in               Ciaramitaro, Laura Costa, Francesco
  Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2016               Italian hospitals: a cautious warning        Della Corte, Ahmadreza Djalali.
  Aug 15;24(1):101.                           for disaster risk reduction and              Minerva anestesiologica, 2016 [in
                                              management capacity. Paganini M,             press].
• The Solidarity and Health Neutrality of     Borrelli F, Cattani J, Ragazzoni L,
  Physicians in War & Peace. Burkle FM        Djalali A, Carenzo L, Della Corte F,       • Preparedness of European hospitals
  Jr, Erickson T, von Schreeb J, Kayden       Burkle FM, Ingrassia PL. Scand J             to counter the terrorist attacks.
  S, Redmond A, Chan EY, Della Corte          Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2016                Ahmadreza Djalali, Marta Caviglia,
  F, Cranmer H, Otomo Y, Johnson K,           Aug 15;24(1):101.                            Carl Dakin, Chris Arculeo, Mick
  Roy N. PLoS Curr. 2016 Jan 20;9.                                                         Massey, Carol Morey, Roberto
                                            • An Italian version of the Ottawa             Faccincani, Michele Carlucci, Sauro
• Education and Training of Emergency         Crisis Resource Management Global            Vicini, Alain Guinet, Francesco Della
  Medical Teams: Recommendations              Rating Scale: a reliable and valid           Corte, Pier Luigi Ingrassia, in behalf
  for a Global Operational Learning           tool for assessment of simulation            of THREATS project Studies in
  Framework. Amat Camacho N,                  performance. Franc JM, Verde M,              conflicts and terrorism. [in press].
  Hughes A, Burkle FM Jr, Ingrassia           Gallardo AR, Carenzo L, Ingrassia PL.
  PL, Ragazzoni L, Redmond A,                 Intern Emerg Med. 2016 Jun 16.             • Virtual disaster simulation: Lesson
  Norton I, von Schreeb J. PLoS Curr.                                                      learned from an international
  2016 Oct 21;8                             • Hospital preparedness and response in        collaboration that can be leveraged for
                                              CBRN emergencies: TIER assessment            disaster education in Iran. PLoS Curr.
• Yemen’s Unprecedented Humanitarian          tool. Olivieri C, Ingrassia PL, Della        2015 [in press].
  Crisis: Implications for International      Corte F, Carenzo L, Sapori JM,
  Humanitarian Law, the Geneva                Gabilly L, Segond F, Grieger F,            • Proposal for a community-based
  Convention, and the Future of Global        Arnod-Prin P, Larrucea X, Violi C,           disaster management curriculum for
  Health Security. Ripoll Gallardo A,         Lopez C, Djalali A. Eur J Emerg Med.         medical school undergraduates in
  Burkle FM, Ragazzoni L, Della Corte         2016 Apr 7                                   Saudi Arabia. N. Bajow, A. Djalali, PL.
  F. Disaster Med Public Health Prep.                                                      Ingrassia, H. Agely, F. Della Corte.
  2016 Oct;10(5):701-703                                                                   Am J Dis Med. 2015 [in press].

• Core Competencies in Disaster              • Art of disaster preparedness in            • Does Hospital Disaster Preparedness
  Management and Humanitarian                  European union: a survey on the              Predict Response Performance During
  Assistance: A Systematic Review.             health systems. Djalali A, Della Corte       a Full-scale Exercise? A Pilot Study.
  Ripoll Gallardo A, Djalali A, Foletti M,     F, Foletti M, Ragazzoni L, Ripoll            Djalali A, Carenzo L, Ragazzoni L,
  Ragazzoni L, Della Corte F, Lupescu          Gallardo A, Lupescu O, Arculeo C,            Azzaretto M, Petrino R, Della Corte
  O, Arculeo C, von Arnim G, Friedl T,         von Arnim G, Friedl T, Ashkenazi M,          F, Ingrassia PL. Prehosp Disaster
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