Physicians Legal Issues: Health Care Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference - American Bar Association

Page created by Brenda Torres
Physicians Legal Issues: Health Care Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference - American Bar Association
Program Agenda 1

    Legal Issues:
                Health Care             SEPT
                Delivery & Innovation   20–24
                Virtual Conference      2021

Presented by:

Physicians Legal Issues: Health Care Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference - American Bar Association
Physicians Legal Issues:
Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Conference
September 20‐24, 2021 – Choose from 15 CLE & CME Sessions!
Target Audience & Scope of Professional Practice
Physicians Legal Issues: Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Conference (PLI) is a joint
continuing legal education (CLE) and continuing medical education (CME) virtual event
designed for physicians and attorneys who work in healthcare and closely aligned
industries. Whether you’re just starting your career or have decades of experience, this
conference will provide valuable insight and strategies to improve your practice.

Program Detail

Economic, political, and regulatory forces, coupled with technological innovation,
continue to challenge and change the delivery and payment of healthcare. These
changes have caused physician practices and community hospitals to consolidate or
diversify, forming large “super” groups or health systems that transform care delivery
through clinical integration. Additionally, new government payment models, the push by
private insurers to share risk, and other market conditions continue to shift physicians,
hospitals, and other healthcare providers away from traditional fee-for-service
reimbursement into value-based payment models. Finally, other forces affect healthcare
delivery, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine, artificial intelligence
(AI), and additional real-world factors. The net result is that physicians and other
healthcare providers must navigate an evolving landscape of emerging legal risks and
challenges to their business models.

The theme for each day of the conference is as follows:

      Monday, September 20:             Access to Healthcare
      Tuesday, September 21:            Chicago Medical Society Day
      Wednesday, September 22:          Physician Practice Issues
      Thursday, September 23:           Physician Wellness
      Friday, September 24:             Regulation and Enforcement

Sessions will cover critical topics, including new payment models, compliance issues,
enforcement trends, contracting, tips for managing transactions, cybersecurity, the
implications of new technologies, and workplace issues for physicians. Speakers will
share practical and viable improvement techniques to help you work more efficiently
while restoring your sense of purpose.

Physicians Legal Issues: Health Care Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference - American Bar Association
The following sessions will address legal and clinical topics of importance to physicians:
   ● Developments in the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence in
   ● Recent payment models and initiatives in the insurance marketplace and how
     they affect payor alignment and marketplace strategies.
   ● Key policies for implementing clinical integration.
   ● Evaluation of physician and vendor relationships.
   ● Important workplace issues, including structuring physician compensation
     arrangements, particularly in the context of value-based arrangements, contract
     negotiation and compensation, and physician wellness.
   ● Security and privacy of patients’ data.
   ● Practical implications of healthcare fraud and abuse laws, including Stark Law
     and the Anti-Kickback Act.
   ● Challenges presented by advances in technology that may result in professional
     responsibility concerns for both physicians and attorneys.

We’re excited to announce that Cvent is the registration platform and Crowd
Compass is the event app for PLI! Cvent places conference information at your
fingertips! After registering, please look for informational emails from Cvent with more

This year, we’re also proud to use the Vision Digital virtual conferencing platform to
present PLI. Approximately one week before the conference, please watch for an email
that will provide your unique link to access the site. Please note: CLE credit is not
available for recorded programs of this conference. CLE credit is available only
by attending the live presentations.

      23     Planning
      34     Sponsors
      45     Schedule
      66     Conference
      1515   Faculty
      1717   Conference/CLE
      1818   Registration
      1919   EMI Pre-Events
              Upcoming    Events
      20     Coming Events

Physicians Legal Issues: Health Care Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference - American Bar Association
Physicians Legal Issues: Healthcare & Delivery Innovation
Virtual Conference Planning Committee

Kathleen L. DeBruhl, JD                              Elizabeth L. Greene, JD
Kathleen L. DeBruhl & Associates                     Mirick O’Connell
New Orleans, LA                                      Worcester, MA

      Monique Anawis, MD, JD, Office of the Illinois Attorney General, Chicago, IL
      Wes Cleveland, JD, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL
      Adrienne Dresevic, JD, The Health Law Partners, Farmington Hills, MI
      David Ellenbogen, JD, Medica, Austin, TX
      Jena M. Grady, JD, Nixon Peabody, New York, NY
      Shannon Hartsfield, JD, Holland & Knight, Tallahassee, FL
      Tripti C. Kataria, MD, MPH, FASA, BCMAS, Chicago Medical Society, Chicago, IL
      Edward Linn, MD, Chicago Medical Society, Chicago, IL

HEALTH LAW SECTION CHAIR                             PRESIDENT

Clay Countryman, JD                                  Tariq H. Butt, MD
Breazeale Sachse & Wilson LLP, Baton Rouge, LA       Access Community Health Network, Chicago, IL

 Simeon Carson, Section Director                    Ted Kanellakes, Executive Director
 Carol Simmons, Associate Director
 Daryl C. Taylor, CMP, Senior Meeting Planner
 Paige Rodenberg, Program Specialist

Physicians Legal Issues: Health Care Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference - American Bar Association
The Health Law Section acknowledges the following companies for their generous support of the
Physicians Legal Issues: Healthcare & Delivery Innovation Virtual Conference.

                                  PREMIER SPONSORS

        PREMIER 5‐STAR                               PREMIER 4‐STAR

                                   PREMIER 3‐STAR

                                   EVENT SPONSORS
        PLATINUM SPONSORS                                           GOLD SPONSOR

SILVER SPONSOR                                          BRONZE SPONSORS

Physicians Legal Issues: Health Care Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference - American Bar Association
(All sessions are eligible for CLE & CME credit unless otherwise indicated)

Monday, September 20, 2021 – Day 1                               Theme: Access to Healthcare
9:45 - 9:55 am CT               Welcome Remarks          Non-CLE
10:00 – 10:45 am CT             Keynote Speech: Aletha Maybank, MD, MPH            Non-CLE
11:00 am – 12:00 pm CT          Increasing Access to Good Health: Designing Healthcare Delivery for           CLE
                                Underserved Communities
12:15 – 1:15 pm CT              The Promises and Challenges of the 21st Century Cures Act                     CLE

1:30 – 2:30 pm CT               The No Surprises Act: What It Means for Physicians and Managed Care           CLE

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 – Day 2                              Theme: Chicago Medical Society Day
1:00 - 1:45 pm CT               Keynote Speech: Stephen L. Ondra, MD          Non-CLE
2:00 - 3:00 pm CT               Maximizing Revenue & Maintaining Compliance in a Value-Based Care World                  CLE
3:15 – 4:15 pm CT               The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Remote Monitoring   CLE
4:30 – 5:30 pm CT               Feast and Famine: The Economics of Healthcare in a Pandemic           CLE
5:35 – 6:30 pm CT               Virtual Reception

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 – Day 3                            Theme: Physician Practice Issues
1:00 – 2:00 pm CT               Top 10 Points of Successful Physician Health System Affiliations             CLE
2:15 – 3:15 pm CT               Telemedicine: What Physicians Need to Know After the Pandemic Ends?                CLE
3:30 – 4:30 pm CT               Legal Ethics: What’s the Worst That Could Happen?        ETHICS CLE
4:45 – 5:45 pm CT               International Keynote Panel Discussion        Non-CLE

Thursday, September 23, 2021 – Day 4                             Theme: Physician Wellness
4:00 – 4:30 pm CT               Keynote Speech: Corey Feist, JD, MBA          Non-CLE
4:35 – 5:35 pm CT               Physician Wellness: Taking Stock of Our National Healthcare Crisis           CLE
5:45 – 7:25 pm CT               Super Session
                                Institutional Barriers & Solutions to Achieving Physician Wellness
                                                                                                        CLE x 2
                                State and Federal Legislation Promoting Physician Wellness

Friday, September 24, 2021 – Day 5                               Theme: Regulation and Enforcement
10:00 – 10:45 am CT             Keynote Speech: The Honorable Kwame Raoul (invited)         Non-CLE
11:00 am – 12:00 pm CT          The Government Speaks… And We All Listen           CLE
12:15 – 1:15 pm CT              Who’s Practicing Medicine? Equity Deals and Recognizing and
                                Addressing the Dangers of Management Service Organizations             CLE

Physicians Legal Issues: Health Care Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference - American Bar Association
1:30 – 2:30 pm CT   With Friends Like These…The Attorney-Physician Expert Witness

Physicians Legal Issues: Health Care Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference - American Bar Association
(All sessions are eligible for CLE credit unless otherwise indicated)

Monday, September 20, 2021 – Day 1
Theme: Access to Healthcare

9:45 – 9:55 am CT                Welcome to PLI 2021!              Non-CLE
                                 Clay Countryman, JD, Chair
                                 ABA Health Law Section

                                 Tariq H. Butt, MD, President
                                 Chicago Medical Society, Chicago, IL

10:00 – 10:45 am CT              Keynote Speech                    Non-CLE
                                 Aletha Maybank, MD, MPH
                                 Chief Health Equity Officer and Senior Vice President
                                 American Medical Association, Chicago, IL

11:00 am – 12:00 pm CT           Increasing Access to Good Health: Designing Healthcare                          CLE
                                 Delivery for Underserved Communities
                                 Biases in the diagnosis and treatment of minorities create a lack of trust in
                                 the medical profession, contributing to the disparities in healthcare of
                                 underserved communities. One method to alleviate these challenges is to
                                 encourage more minorities to enter the medical and public health
                                 professions to assure fairness and objectivity.
                                 This panel will examine possible solutions and avenues for outreach to begin
                                 building an entryway for more African-Americans and other people of color to
                                 enter the healthcare industry.
Speakers:                        The Honorable Arthur L. Burnett, Sr., Retired Judge, Superior Court,
                                 District of Columbia
                                 National African American Drug Policy Coalition, Inc., Washington, DC
                                 Tamara A. Henry, Ed.D, Department of Prevention and
                                 Community Health, George Washington University, Washington, DC
                                 Bradley A. Thomas, Esq., Law Offices of Bradley Ashton Thomas
                                 Washington, DC
12:15 – 1:15 pm CT               The Promises and Challenges of the 21st Century Cures Act
                                 Historic rules issued by the Department of Health and Human Services and
                                 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid under the 21st Century Cures Act will
                                 help implement interoperability, end data blocking, spur innovation and give
                                 patients unprecedented access to their medical information. Unfortunately,
                                 providers and patients face challenges in successfully navigating these new
Panelists will discuss and address these concerns by examining the practical
                       application of these rules, including newly developed application
                       programming interfaces (API) and technologies that will change how
                       information is shared, supporting better care coordination and health
Speakers:              Tripti C. Kataria, MD, MPH, FASA, BCMAS, Chicago Medical Society,
                       Chicago, IL
                       Terrence Lewis, JD, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
                       Sarah Swank, JD, Nixon Peabody, Washington, DC

1:30 – 2:30 pm CT      The No Surprises Act: What It Means for Physicians and                  CLE
                       Managed Care
                       The federal No Surprises Act, part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of
                       2020, was the culmination of years of congressional investigations, intense
                       legislative negotiations and lobbying efforts, and a confusing patchwork
                       approach to surprise billing concerns. This presentation will examine what
                       this legislation means for physicians and their relationships with managed
                       care, provide an update on implementation efforts, and explore the impact
                       on the future of managed care contracting and disputes.
Speakers:              Ellee Cochran, JD, Husch Blackwell, Austin, TX
                       Amanda Hayes-Kibreab, King & Spalding, Los Angeles, CA
                       Kenneth White, JD, Willis Towers Watson, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
                       Jeff Wurzburg, JD, Locke Lord LLP, San Antonio, TX

Tuesday, September 21, 2021 – Day 2
Theme: Chicago Medical Society Day

1:00 – 1:45 pm CT      Keynote Speech               Non-CLE
                       Stephen L. Ondra, MD, North Star Healthcare Consulting, Williston, FL

2:00 – 3:00 pm CT      Maximizing Revenue and Maintaining Compliance in a
                       Value-Based Care World
                       Understanding and evaluating the numerous revenue strategies and areas of
                       compliance in value-based care is complex. Independent practices have to
                       navigate the use of value-based care CPT codes and a shift toward risk and
                       value-based contracts. Also, negotiating innovative compensation models,
                       including ACO and bundled payments, co-management arrangements,
                       hospital efficiency incentive programs, and quality bonuses, are additional
                       complications for employed and health system-affiliated physicians. Lastly,
                       analysis of these strategies must include an essential grasp of regulatory
                       guidance related to value-based care, including the new Stark Final rules.
This presentation will provide health practitioners an overview of strategies
                       and practical advice for compliance.
Speakers:              Jen Johnson, CFA, VMG Health, Dallas, TX
                       James M. Daniel, Jr., JD, Hancock Daniel, Richmond, VA

3:15 – 4:15 pm CT      The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Remote Monitoring                  CLE
                       Explore how remote monitoring via artificial intelligence (AI) was used during
                       and after the COVID-19 pandemic to identify and track the disease. The
                       panel will also evaluate the continuing legal and ethical considerations of AI
                       and its use with patients.
Speakers:              Gary Conkright, PhysIQ, Chicago, IL
                       Sidney Welch, JD, Akerman LLP, Atlanta, GA

4:30 – 5:30 pm CT      Feast and Famine: The Economics of Healthcare in a Pandemic CLE
                       Health care providers have sustained catastrophic financial challenges
                       during the pandemic despite the massive influx of COVID-19 patients to
                       hospital emergency departments.
                       This panel will analyze the economic impact of the pandemic on health care
                       providers, including lost revenue from the cessation and decrease of elective
                       procedures and other non-emergency health services, and legal and
                       practical considerations for resuming these services. Finally, the types of
                       assistance government, hospitals, and health systems can provide
                       practitioners in their networks will be explored.
Speakers:              John Cherf, MD, MPH, MBA, Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center
                       Chicago, IL
                       Adrienne Dresevic, JD, The Health Law Partners, Farmington Hills, MI
                       M. Hamza Habib, MD, FACP, FAAHPM, MRCP, Rutgers Health
                       New Brunswick, NJ
                       Jessica Smith, Berkeley Research Group, Clearwater, FL

5:35 – 6:30 pm CT      Virtual Reception
                       Join your colleagues for networking and fun while learning recipes for
                       famous cocktails and mocktails popular in U.S. destinations.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 – Day 3
Theme: Physician Practice Issues

1:00 – 2:00 pm CT      Top 10 Points of Successful Physician Health System Affiliations CLE
                       What are the ten essential elements of a successful affiliation transaction in
                       a post-COVID world? Panelists will present a side-by-side comparison,
review each factor, address prominent affiliation models and transactional
                    issues, consider value-based reimbursement for affiliation initiatives, and
                    examine the outcomes and results of a hospital-physician transaction in
                    2021. The presentation will end with a Top 10 List and practical suggestions
                    for application.
Speakers:           Thomas D. Anthony, Esq., Frost Brown Todd LLC, Cincinatti, OH
                    S. “Ram” Ramalingam, MD, MBA, Baylor Scott & White Health
                    Cincinatti, OH
                    Max Reiboldt, CPA, Coker Group, Alpharetta, GA

2:15 – 3:15 pm CT   Telemedicine: What Physicians Need to Know After the                      CLE
                    Pandemic Ends?
                    Expansion of telemedicine is well liked by patients and physicians as a
                    means to offer better care, improve health outcomes and avoid infections.
                    But, the economics of telemedicine have historically been more challenging.
                    This panel will examine how expanded telemedicine might work financially
                    for physicians and stakeholders after the pandemic ends. Among the topics
                    covered will be the following:
                          Quantifying the benefits of telehealth
                          Higher Utilization - is more better, and what is it worth?
                          Which Metrics? – cases, encounters, time spent
                          Viable financial models for telemedicine reimbursement
Speakers:           Albert "Chip" Hutzler, JD, MBA, CVA, HORNE, Nashville, TN
                    Christian K. Puff, JD, CoreLife, Dallas, TX

3:30 – 4:30 pm CT   Legal Ethics: What’s the Worst That Could Happen?                   ETHICS CLE
                    Advising healthcare clients is not simply a matter of "looking up the law."
                    Instead, it requires an understanding of nuances, official and unofficial
                    regulatory guidance, and often conflicting precedent. Navigating these murky
                    waters can present ethical issues for practitioners.
                    This session will provide practical guidance on addressing such issues in
                    context, including percentage management fees, EKRA, nearly-but-not-quite
                    safe harbors, and advising when the law violates other laws.
Speaker:            William W. Horton, JD, Jones Walker LLP, Birmingham, AL

4:45 – 5:45 pm CT   COVID-19: Lessons Learned, Challenges Ahead                  Non-CLE
                    Analyze the lessons learned and the ongoing public health and employment
                    challenges as our panel of physicians and attorneys from Hong Kong, New
                    Zealand, and Australia discuss their countries' management of the
                    COVID-19 pandemic.

Speakers:             Professor Kate Diesfeld, JD, Auckland University of Technology
                      Auckland, NZ
                      Professor Albert Lee, MD, DCH, FRCP, FCIArb, FRACGP, FHKAM
                      Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Moderator:            Monique Anawis, MD, JD, Office of the Illinois Attorney General
                      Chicago, IL

Thursday, September 23, 2021 – Day 4
Theme: Physician Wellness

4:00 – 4:30 pm CT     Keynote Speech               Non-CLE
                      Corey Feist, JD, MBA
                      Co-Founder, Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation, Charlottesville, VA

4:35 – 5:35 pm CT     Physician Wellness: Taking Stock of Our National                     CLE
                      Healthcare Crisis
                      Too many of our nation’s physicians are in crisis. Even before the COVID-19
                      pandemic, changes in the practice of medicine, and barriers in access to
                      care, caused physicians to sustain stresses and burnout placing their mental
                      and physical health at risk. The pandemic imposed additional unprecedented
                      pressures that negatively impacted physicians’ wellbeing and ability to
                      provide patient care in ways previously unimagined.

                      This session will present real-life stories about what is happening to
                      physicians and the many factors that place their mental and physical welfare
                      under siege.

Speakers:             Corey Feist, JD, MBA
                      Ruchi M. Fitzgerald, MD, FAAFP, Rush University, Chicago, IL

5:45 – 7:25 pm CT     Super Session
5:45 – 6:30 pm CT     Session 1: Institutional Barriers & Solutions to Achieving            CLE
                      Physician Wellness
                      Many physicians want solutions to alleviate the negative effect of burnout
                      and prolonged stresses on their mental or physical health. These outcomes
                      can range from counseling for mild depression or intensive assistance to
                      address alcohol or chemical dependence. Unfortunately, institutional
                      practices and barriers often discourage physicians from seeking help.
                      Fortunately, some institutions have implemented programs to help lower
                      these barriers.

This session will discuss examples of institutional practices, which are
                         opening the way for physician wellness, and will provide action items
                         institutions can immediately implement to support physicians.
Speakers:                Betty S. Chu, MD, MBA, Henry Ford Health System, West Bloomfield, MI
                         Marcus Hughes, JD, UMass Memorial Health Care, Worcester, MA

6:40 – 7:25 pm CT        Session 2: State and Federal Legislation Promoting                    CLE
                         Physician Wellness
                         Although barriers to wellness exist, legislative progress has occurred.
                         Several states have recently enacted laws specifically designed to
                         encourage physicians to seek help by alleviating their concerns about
                         negative repercussions. In the U.S. Senate, sponsors also introduced
                         legislation with bipartisan support.
                         This session will discuss innovative laws that promote physician physical
                         and mental wellness and identify what attendees can do to help support
                         physicians locally and nationally.
Speakers:                Corey Feist, JD, MBA
                         Daniel Blaney-Koen, JD, MFA, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL

Friday, September 24, 2021 – Day 5
Theme: Regulation and Enforcement

10:00 – 10:45 am CT      Keynote Speech                Non-CLE
(invited)                The Honorable Kwame Raoul, Attorney General of Illinois, Chicago, IL

11:00 am – 12:00 pm CT   The Government Speaks… And We All Listen                                    CLE
                         How do the recently announced Department of Justice healthcare regulatory
                         policies affect physicians? Our expert panel will examine these initiatives
                         and their potential impact on medical providers.
Speakers:                James Gillingham, JD, U.S. Department of Justice, Tyler, TX
                         Nathaniel Kummerfeld, JD, U.S. Department of Justice, Tyler, TX
                         Jody L. Rudman, JD, Husch Blackwell, Austin, TX
Moderator:               Clay Countryman, JD, Breazeale Sachse & Wilson LLP, Baton Rouge, LA

12:15 – 1:15 pm CT       Who’s Practicing Medicine? Equity Deals and Recognizing and                       CLE
                         Addressing the Dangers of Management Service Organizations
                         An increase in management service organizations (MSOs) occurred as part
                         of equity deals where unlicensed investors sought to invest in and manage

physician practices. In some aspects, these transactions are reminiscent of
                    the physician 'rollups' of the late '90s and early 2000s that didn't fully
                    anticipate underlying problems.
                    Governmental efforts and private whistleblowers seek enforcement actions
                    against promoters and physician-investors that may place licenses in
                    jeopardy. Additionally, federal and state securities laws may impact these
                    transactions, so physicians and those who advise them should be aware of
                    these issues in the state they reside. Finally, our presenters will also focus
                    on defending MSOs and the ethical requirements of attorneys who structure
Speakers:           Michael Clark, JD, Baker Donelson, Houston, TX
                    Bruce Howell, JD, Howell Health Law, Portland, OR
                    Jon Spiers, MD, JD, Xceed Biopharma, Houston, TX

1:30 – 2:30 pm CT   With Friends Like These…The Attorney-Physician                         CLE
                    Expert Witness Relationship
                    Learn how to find an appropriate expert witness, maintain attorney-client
                    privilege, and guard against Daubert challenges from an attorney’s
                    perspective. Our panel also analyzes the physician expert viewpoint,
                    including determining if a case is a good fit, the typical process for expert
                    witness engagement, and preparation tips for deposition and trial testimony.
Speakers:           Monique Anawis, MD, JD, Office of the Illinois Attorney General
                    Chicago, IL
                    Jessica Bailey-Wheaton, JD, Health Capital Consultants, St. Louis, MO

Monique Anawis, MD, JD                                 Gary Conkright
Office of the Illinois Attorney General                Chairman, CEO, and Founder
Chicago, IL                                            PhysIQ
                                                       Naperville, IL
Thomas D. Anthony, Esq.
Frost Brown Todd LLC                                   Clay Countryman, JD
Cincinatti, OH                                         Partner
                                                       Breazeale Sachse & Wilson LLP
Jessica Bailey-Wheaton, JD                             Baton Rouge, LA
Vice President & General Counsel
Health Capital Consultants                             James M. Daniel, Jr., JD
St. Louis, MO                                          Partner
                                                       Hancock Daniel
Daniel Blaney-Koen, JD, MFA                            Richmond, VA
Senior Legislative Attorney
American Medical Association                           Kate Diesfeld, JD
Chicago, IL                                            Professor
                                                       Department of Public Health
The Honorable Arthur L. Burnett, Sr.                   Auckland University of Technology
Retired Judge, Superior Court of                       Auckland, NZ
District of Columbia
National African American Drug Policy                  Adrienne Dresevic, JD
Coalition, Inc.                                        Founding Partner
Washington, DC                                         The Health Law Partners, P.C.
                                                       Farmington Hills, MI
Tariq Butt, MD
President                                              Corey Feist, JD, MBA
Chicago Medical Society                                Co-Founder
Chicago, IL                                            Dr. Lorna Breen Heroes Foundation
                                                       CEO, University of Virginia Physicians Group
Betty S. Chu, MD, MBA                                  Charlottesville, VA
Senior Vice President, Associate Chief Clinical
Officer, Chief Quality Officer                         Ruchi Fitzgerald, MD, FAAFP
Henry Ford Health System                               Assistant Professor
West Bloomfield, MI                                    Departments of Family Medicine, Psychiatry, and
                                                       Behavioral Sciences
Michael Clark, JD                                      Rush University
Of Counsel                                             Chicago, IL
Baker Donelson
Houston, TX                                            James Gillingham, JD
                                                       Civil Chief
Ellee Cochran, JD                                      U.S. Department of Justice
Partner                                                U.S. Attorney’s Office
Husch Blackwell                                        Eastern District of Texas
Austin, TX                                             Tyler, TX

M. Hamza Habib, MD, FACP, FAAHPM, MRCP               Nathaniel Kummerfeld, JD
Assistant Professor of Medicine                      Assistant U.S. Attorney
Director, Outpatient Palliative Medicine and         U.S. Department of Justice
Cancer Pain Service                                  U.S. Attorney’s Office
Rutgers Health Cancer Institute                      Eastern District of Texas
of New Jersey                                        Tyler, TX
New Brunswick, NJ
                                                     Albert Lee, MD, DCH, FRCP, FCIArb,
Amanda Hayes-Kibreab                                 FRACGP, FHKAM
Partner                                              Professor, Public Health and Primary Care
King & Spalding                                      Founding Director, Centre for Health Education
Los Angeles, CA                                      and Health Promotion
                                                     Chinese University of Hong Kong
Tamara A. Henry, Ed.D                                Hong Kong
Associate Professor, Department of Prevention
and Community Health                                 Terrence Lewis, JD
George Washington University                         Senior Associate Counsel
Washington, DC                                       University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
                                                     Pittsburgh, PA
William W. Horton, JD
Partner                                              Aletha Maybank, MD, MPH
Jones Walker LLP                                     Chief Health Equity Officer and
Birmingham, AL                                       Senior Vice President
                                                     American Medical Association
Bruce Howell, JD                                     Chicago, IL
Howell Health Law
Portland, OR                                         Stephen L. Ondra, MD
                                                     Founder and Chief Executive Officer
Marcus Hughes, JD                                    North Star Healthcare Consulting
Associate General Counsel                            Williston, FL
UMass Memorial Health Care, Inc.
Boston, MA                                           Christian K. Puff
Albert "Chip" Hutzler, JD, MBA, CVA                  Dallas, TX
Horne LLP                                            S. “Ram” Ramalingam, MD, MBA,
Nashville, TN                                        Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer
                                                     Baylor Scott & White Health
Jen Johnson, CFA                                     Cincinatti, OH
Managing Director
VMG Health                                           Max Reiboldt, CPA
Dallas, TX                                           President/CEO
                                                     Coker Group
Tripti C. Kataria, MD, MPH, FASA, BCMAS              Alpharetta, GA
Chicago Medical Society
Chicago, IL

Jody L. Rudman, JD                  Bradley A. Thomas, Esq.,
Partner                             Law Offices of Bradley Ashton Thomas
Husch Blackwell                     Washington, DC
Austin, TX
                                    Sidney Welch, JD
Jon Spiers, MD, JD                  Partner
Director                            Akerman LLP
Xceed BioPharma                     Atlanta, GA
Houston, TX
                                    Kenneth White, JD
Jessica Smith                       National Managed Care Practice Leader
Director                            Willis Towers Watson
Berkeley Research Group, LLC        Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Clearwater, FL
                                    Jeff Wurzburg, JD
Sarah Swank, JD                     Senior Counsel
Counsel                             Locke Lord LLP
Nixon Peabody LLP                   San Antonio, TX
Washington, DC



American Bar Association Health Law Section
Physicians Legal Issues: Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Virtual Conference
September 20 - 24, 2021

A refund will be issued upon written cancellation received no later than September 13, 2021,
minus a $75 handling charge for each registration. Cancellations received after this date cannot
be refunded but substitutions are encouraged. The ABA reserves the right to cancel any program
and assumes no responsibility for personal expenses.

The ABA will seek 13.0 hours of CLE credit in 60-minute states, and 13.0 hours of CLE credit
for this program in 50-minute states*, including 1.0 hours of CLE ethics credit in 60-minute
states and 1.0 hours of CLE ethics credit in 50-minute states as needed. Credit hours are
estimated and are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules. Please visit the
program website at for program CLE details or for general information on CLE at the ABA.

* Florida Bar regulators have stated that attorneys will not receive Florida credit for this ABA
program, even if they self-apply.

As an added bonus, the member’s tuition rate will be available to registrants who become new
members of the ABA Health Law Section. Membership dues are not deductible as charitable
contributions for federal income tax purposes, but such dues may be deductible as a business
expense. American Bar Association membership is required to become a member of the Health
Law Section.

An income tax deduction may be allowed for educational expenses undertaken to maintain or
improve professional skills. This includes registration fees, travel, meals, and lodging expenses.
(See Treas. Reg. 1.162-5) (Coughlin vs. Commissioners, 203 F. 2d 307).

If special arrangements are required for an individual with a disability to attend this program,
please contact the Health Law Section staff at (312) 988-5146 or


 REGISTRATION FEES                                                       Full Conference     Full Conference    Single Day Rate
                                                                         Early Bird Price:   Price:

 Health Law Member                                                                    $199               $299                 $99

 ABA Member, Non-Health Law Section Member                                            $299               $399                $199

 ABA Non-Member                                                                       $499               $599                $199

 In-House Counsel / Solo Practitioner /                                                $99               $199                $199
 Government / Academic / Physician (full-time

 Law Student                                                                           $25                $35                     -

 I would like to make a one-time tax-deductible gift to the Health Law
 Section’s Program Support Fund 501(c)3
 (visit for details)

                             TOTAL FEES ENCLOSED

Check enclosed (made payable to American Bar Association)

Credit Card:                   VISA                 MasterCard              American Express

Card #: ___________________________________ Exp. Date:_____________

Cardholder Signature:


Washington Health Law Summit
December 6-7, 2021
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Washington, DC

Emerging Issues in Healthcare Law Conference
Spring 2022

Physicians Legal Issues: Healthcare Delivery & Innovation Conference
September 14-17, 2022
Fairmont Chicago – Millennium Park
Chicago, IL

Washington Health Law Summit
December 12-13, 2022
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Washington, DC

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