Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their

Page created by Felix Robertson
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their

24 Experts Reveal Their
Content Predictions
for 2022
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their
The 24 experts we interviewed:

                                                                      Andi Robinson
                          Joe Lazauskas
                                                                      Global Digital Content and
                          VP of Marketing, Contently
                                                                      Brand Leader, Corteva Agriscience

                          Marcio Moerbeck                             Andrew Davis
                          VP of Marketing, Americas,                  Keynote Speaker and Author,
                          Datasite                                    Monumental Shift

                          Lauren Thomas                               Nicole Martin
                          Sr. Manager, Communications                 Managing Director,
                          & Social, Intuit Consumer Group             Pace Communications

                          Michelle Ngome
                                                                      Jenn VandeZande
                          Diversity & Inclusion Marketing
                                                                      Editor in Chief,
                          Consultant, African American
                                                                      SAP Customer Experience
                          Marketing Association

                          Kim Garst
                                                                      Matt Navarra
                          CEO & Online Business Strategist
                                                                      Social Media Consultant
                          Strategist , KT Enterprises

                          Robert Rose
                                                                      Jenny Magic
                          Chief Strategy Advisor,
                                                                      Strategist, Convince & Convert
                          Content Marketing Institute

2 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their
The 24 experts we interviewed:

                           Bridget Esposito
                                                                      Stacie Dauffenbach
                           Vice President, Creative Director,
                                                                      Director of Digital Brand, ADT
                           Prudential Financial

                                                                      Joe Pulizzi
                           Domitille de Saint-Exupéry
                                                                      Founder, Tilt, Content
                           Head of Marketing, PlayPlay
                                                                      Marketing Institute

                           Michel Barber                              Andy Crestodina
                           Brand Consultant                           Co-founder & CMO,
                           and Marketing Strategist                   Orbit Media Studios

                           Melissa Francois
                                                                      Neal Schaffer
                           Global Social Media & Intl.
                                                                      President, PDCA Social
                           Content Manager, Zoom

                           Mark Schaefer                              Kelsey Murray
                           Executive Director, Schaefer               Associate VP, Global Head
                           Marketing Solutions                        of Social Media, Nasdaq

                           Michele Linn                               Zontee Hou
                           Co-founder and Chief Strategy              Head of Strategy, Convince
                           Officer, Mantis Research                   & Convert, Convince & Convert

3 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their
Content marketing has never evolved more                              Tactics that were once highly successful may
quickly than in the past two years.                                   no longer have the same impact. Platforms and
                                                                      techniques we that relied on for years need to
Even before the pandemic, it was moving at an                         be reevaluated. And audience relationships may
impressive rate – with new platforms and trends                       need to be reestablished around new demands,
emerging regularly. But once Covid-19 hit, the                        preferences, and expectations.
consumption of digital content skyrocketed, as
we were spending more time with our laptops                           That’s why PlayPlay and Content Marketing
and smartphones than ever before.                                     Institute teamed up to bring you this exclusive
                                                                      guide. We asked more than two dozen
This resulted in brands producing in excess –                         visionaries, executives, and practitioners
every type of content imaginable: social                              for their thoughts and industry expertise.
media posts, webinars, virtual events, and more                       Together, we reveal the trends that should
videos – just to name a few.                                          shape and help you navigate your 2022 content
                                                                      marketing strategies and initiatives.
But which of these strategies are still effective
today? And which of them have ran their course                        In this report, you’ll find a thoughtful analysis
over the past year? Are we suffering from                             of the factors contributing to these key themes
content overload?                                                     and the challenges they’ll likely present for
                                                                      marketers in the upcoming year. We’ve also
After such a prolonged period of uncertainty                          included expert tips to help you manage those
and disruption, it’s clear that content marketers                     challenges, as well as real-world examples. Our
need to evolve to serve the audience’s current                        goal is to show you how brands can achieve
needs and interests – not just press forward on                       remarkable success through smart, strategic use
the paths that led to past success.                                   of content marketing tactics and techniques.

4 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their

We observed ideas and insights
centered around these 9 key themes:

page 6                                                                page 30
Foster Online Connections                                             Reimagine Search and the Data
and Grow Communities                                                  Landscape in a Cookie-less World

page 10                                                               page 36
Adopt People-Centric                                                  Align on Shared Values and
Brand Storytelling                                                    Communicate With Purpose

page 14                                                               page 40
Focus on Video: The Most                                              Differentiate Your Content
Powerful Content Format                                               By Being Unique, Empathetic,
                                                                      and Educational
page 20
Be Open to Pivoting and                                               page 44
Adopting New Content Practices                                        Provide Your Teams with
                                                                      the Skills and Help They Need
page 26
Prioritize and Optimize Your                                          page 48
Content Processes For Efficiency                                      Conclusion

5 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their

Foster Online Connections
and Grow Communities

Consumers have been spending so much time
on video conference calls, digital team building
                                                                      There are many ways to build
events... and Netflix. It’s no surprise that they                     a brand community through
are all eager to reconnect, resume their social
activities and regain a sens of normalcy.
                                                                      content marketing; but just
                                                                      because you build it, doesn’t
This collective longing for human interaction
has also led to consumer behavior shifts that
                                                                      mean your audience will want
are highly relevant to content marketers,                             to engage there. If you want
                                                                      to reap the benefits a thriving
• Increased adoption of group video messaging                        community can offer, make
   tools (think Zoom or Microsoft Teams)
                                                                      sure you create a space that’s
• A proliferation of “members-only” social                           inviting, thought-provoking,
   media groups, which engage users in
   conversations around a niche area of interest
                                                                      and focused on serving your
   they all share                                                     audience’s needs – not just your
• Rising interest in virtual events and
                                                                      own business interests.
   livestreamed video experiences

Those behaviors plus others, present brands
with both compelling reasons and more
impactful ways to build active, engaged brand
communities through their content experiences.

6 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their
1    Foster Online Connections and Grow Communities


                                                                      creating a community where a diverse group
      Engage organically on social                                    of people feels comfortable sharing ideas and
“It’s not just about engaging with those who
 come to your content anymore – brands need
                                                                               Kelsey Murray
 to meet consumers where their conversations
                                                                               Associate VP, Global
 are happening and fold in organically. Leave
                                                                               Head of Social Media, Nasdaq
 each conversation with a smile, and ensure
 your audiences continue to think – and talk –
 about your brand.”
                                                                         Mine conversations for
           Stacie Dauffenbach
                                                                       insights and opportunities
           Director of Digital Brand, ADT
                                                                      “Activating your community opens an incredible
                                                                       gate into what your customers want to see,
                                                                       read, and engage with. It can also surface
      Build knowledge, not lists                                       ideas for new content – and opportunities to
                                                                       involve your customers in creating it.”
“Too often, marketers publish content to "check
 the box" or they gate it to build their email list.
                                                                               Melissa Francois
 Instead, think about how you can bring people
                                                                               Global Social Media Manager, Zoom
 together so you can learn about them, and
 provide a forum where they can learn from
                                                                      “Start a meetup group. Host regular virtual
 one another. A community is far more powerful
                                                                       events. Publish natively on LinkedIn and
 than a list; and helping people help each other
                                                                       engage in the comments. We’ve built strong
 will make your job much more meaningful, too.”
                                                                       connections with the thousands of marketers
                                                                       who attend our ContentlyU webinar series
           Michele Linn,
                                                                       each month and the hundreds that comment
           Founder, Mantis Research
                                                                       each week on our LinkedIn newsletters. I can’t
                                                                       tell you how helpful it’s been to have that kind
                                                                       of direct feedback and connection with our
  Create a welcoming space for                                         audience.”
 all members to exchange ideas
                                                                               Joe Lazauskas
“A lot of brands think that pushing non-stop
                                                                               Head of Marketing, Contently
 content will help with their growth strategy.
 What they should really be focusing on is

7 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their
1    Foster Online Connections and Grow Communities

                                                                       Co-create content with
                                                                      your internal and external
                                                                      “We’re seeing that user-generated content
                                                                       is becoming more and more powerful —
                                                                       with Tik Tok, people prefer to consume
                                                                       content coming from people they can relate
                                                                       to. Companies then should leverage their
                                                                       communities better by creating content such as
                                                                       client testimonials, employee interviews, case
                                                                       studies, that showcases their different internal

                                                                              Domitille de Saint-Exupéry
Employee interview video from Servier
                                                                              Head of Marketing, PlayPlay


     Engage organically on social
Before you can build a community, you need to understand what your audience
is looking for. Mantis Research’s Michele Linn shares the following tips to get you started:

          Become involved in at least one existing relevant community.
          Get to know the members as people: Listen, learn the words they use to
          communicate, and uncover the challenges they’re discussing. Be helpful
          (not promotional).

          Have one-on-one conversations with others in your space.
          This can include customers who love you, prospects, and even people who aren’t
          aware of your brand. Be genuinely curious, and always give more than you ask
          of them.

          Survey known members of your audience.
          Learn about their content preferences, and research your niche.
          As a bonus, you can publish the resulting insights as additional content assets.

8 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their
1   Foster Online Connections and Grow Communities


                         Keep things interesting:
                         A good online community serves as a social gathering spot that members
                         want to return to, again and again. It is the brand’s job to keep the
                         conversation lively by picking helpful topics, posing thought-provoking
                         questions, and providing opportunities for participation.

                         Be respectful:
                         A community is a shared space that should feel comfortable for everyone
                         to spend their time and offer their thoughts. Set rules that allow your
                         community to work toward a common goal and post them prominently
                         so it’s easier to manage expectations and moderate conversations.

                         Provide the opportunity to share:
                         Just as good neighbors share a cup of sugar, good members of digital
                         neighborhoods share too. They become de-facto leaders and influencers,
                         giving their time and knowledge to others. They also anticipate the needs
                         of the group and encourage open communication.

9 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
Content Predictions 24 Experts Reveal Their

Adopt People-Centric
Brand Storytelling

Everyone loves a good story. But for                                   While marketer mistrust is certainly nothing
storytelling to work successfully as a                                 new, it’s becoming a greater cause of concern
content marketing vehicle, it takes more                               for brands due to several converging issues,
than a strong message and a well-crafted                               including the following:
narrative. Brand stories need to connect with
consumers on a personal level, convince                                •   Fake news and false narratives.
them to stick with you along the journey, and                               An alarming increase in falsified content,
compel them to take action, now and in the                                  conflicting information about hot-button
future.                                                                     issues like Covid, and more prevalent
                                                                            biases in news media coverage are causing
That’s often easier said than done – especially                             consumers to doubt what they see, hear,
when customers have their choice of tools and                               or read – across all information sources.
platforms to ask and get answers on their own,
start-ups have just as much influence (and air                         •  Corporate scandals, security breaches,
time) as well-established brands, and trust is                              and cultures of secrecy. Cambridge
becoming tough to earn – and even harder to                                 Analytica, “Me-too” cover-ups, and
keep.                                                                       other transparency troubles may not be
                                                                            dominating the headlines right now, but the
In his keynote at Content Marketing World                                   shadow these high-profile trust fails cast
2021, Wieden+Kennedy’s Marcus Collins                                       over the terms of our customer relationships
pointed out a harsh truth about today’s                                     are likely to linger.
marketing climate: “People trust (other)
people more than they trust any form of
marketing communication.” Consumers
commonly trust reviews posted by strangers
more than what we ourselves say about our
brands’ products and services.

10 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
2   Adopt People-Centric Brand Storytelling

Regardless of what’s behind consumers’ brand trust issues, our
experts see a tremendous opportunity to put those relationships back
on firmer ground. To do that, your content needs to come from
a place of honesty, communicate with clarity, and relate to their
emotional needs and interests – not just their transactional ones.
                                                                       “Understand your target audience’s pains
 Show empathy and                                                       and desires before speaking about your own
emotionality                                                            brand. Always create content that links to a key
                                                                        customer need.”
“After navigating the collective challenges and
 traumas of the past few years, empathy is more
                                                                                Domitille de Saint-Exupéry
 important than ever! Explore ways that you can
                                                                                Head of Marketing, PlayPlay
 leverage content to extend empathy to your
 audience, to establish an emotional connection
 that will help you stand out from the crowd.”
                                                                          Exercise contextual awareness
           Lauren Thomas
                                                                       “Our customers are done with feeling like we
           Sr. Manager, Communications & Social, Intuit
                                                                        don’t know who they are, or that they don’t
                                                                        know what they want. Informing content
                                                                        creation by having a really clear picture
   Be genuinely helpful                                                 of where our customers are in the journey
                                                                        and truly understanding their mindsets and
“Think about all of the ways you are
                                                                        motivations as they move through a decision is
 communicating with your prospects and
                                                                        something all marketers need to prioritize.”
 customers. Are you being genuinely helpful
 when and where people need it, or are you
                                                                               Jenny Magic
 just adding to the noise? Is your content
                                                                                Strategist, Convince & Convert
 easy to understand, or are readers left with
 more questions? Are you delivering on what
 customers expect, or is working with you
 another complexity they need to manage?”
                                                                        Use transparent messaging to
                                                                       reinforce positive perceptions
           Michele Linn
                                                                       “Communicating clearly with your audience
           Founder, Mantis Research
                                                                        is critical for developing trust, increasing
11 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
2   Adopt People-Centric Brand Storytelling
engagement, creating competitive distinctions,                         “Authenticity is not going to go away – it will
and compelling customers to want more                                   just keep building. People want the authentic
content from your business. Most importantly,                           version of your brand experience. They want to
clear messaging helps shape how your                                    really believe in what your company believes in,
audience thinks and talks about your products.”                         feel the emotion behind it, and see themselves
                                                                        in it.”
           Kim Garst
           Online Business Strategist; CEO, KT Enterprises                     Bridget Esposito
                                                                               VP, Creative Director, Prudential Financial

  Consider the psychology that
 drives human decisions
“That’s often easier said than done. Especially                        W HAT TO KE E P I N M I N D
 when customers have their choice of tools and
 platforms to ask and get answers on their own.
                                                                       According to Sitecore’s Jill Grozalsky
 Start-ups have just as much influence (and air
                                                                       Robertson, “It takes a 10th of a second to form
 time) as well-established brands, and trust is
                                                                       an impression, so there’s very little room for
 becoming tough to earn – and even harder to
                                                                       error when it comes to catching a consumer’s
                                                                       eye. In that short time, consumers cannot form
                                                                       a logical opinion about a brand. But they can
           Andi Robinson
                                                                       have an emotional reaction.”
           Global Digital Content Leader,
           Corteva Agriscience.
                                                                       She offers four tips to set the stage for those
                                                                       reactions to spark and flourish:
 Earn trust with authenticity                                          •  Don’t do all the talking. Listen to what they
and personal relatability                                                   have to say, instead of assuming what they
                                                                            want to hear.
“If you are going to lean into a cultural moment
 or hashtaggable holiday, it needs to be
                                                                       •   Be mindful of your tone. Avoid using
 authentic to your brand. Authenticity means
                                                                            language that might be perceived as
 you’re presenting your brand from a place
                                                                            inappropriate or out of touch with their life
 of sincerity and genuineness, and you have
                                                                            experiences. Also, consider whether the
 research and actions to back up the content
                                                                            emotionality of your content is consistent
 you’re sharing.”
                                                                            with your brand’s voice and the purpose
                                                                            you want to achieve.
           Kelsey Murray
           AVP, Global Head of Social Media, Nasdaq

12 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
2   Adopt People-Centric Brand Storytelling
•       “ Dress” for success. Prepare your marketing operations to enable thoughtful, emotional
        content. Invest in automation that can streamline your processes, so you can spend more time
        crafting stories infused with emotion.

•       T
         reat the customer like they’re your one and only. McKinsey research finds that 70% of
        a customer’s journey is based on how they feel they are being treated. Personalizing the
        information you deliver can help close an empathy gap, make them feel more heard and
        understood, and build greater trust in your business.


Use empathy mapping to frame your stories
in the appropriate context.
Consumers’ emotional needs and interests
                                                                       Dove illustrates the
aren’t static, so your understanding of how to                         beauty in courage
connect with them will need to evolve as their
relationship to your brand deepens.                                    In a sea of slick, polished videos on social
                                                                       media, focusing on conveying authentic
In her talk at Content Marketing World                                 emotions and real-life consumer
2021, Prudential Financial’s Bridget Esposito                          stories can both distinguish your brand
suggested creating an empathy map – a                                  content and help create more positive
design-thinking tool that articulates known                            associations around your business. For
insights and information you’ve gathered about                         example, this spot from Dove’s Courage
actual customers, and organizes them under                             Is Beautiful campaign showed photos of
four categories:                                                       health care workers after removing their
                                                                       protective gear to deliver the relatable
•      What they say                                                  message that there’s not just one way to
•      What they think                                                define beauty.
•      What they do
•      What they feel

Using this technique to visualize what those
consumers say, think, do, and feel under
current conditions will help you better reflect
and connect with who they are now, and who
they want your brand to help them become.

13 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022

Focus on Video: The Most
Powerful Content Format

Video consumption has not only grown in the
last few years — it has skyrocketed.
                                                                       major social media platforms.
                                                                       If they want to keep up, brands
Considering 80% of all internet traffic is now
video, it’s safe to say that the average person
                                                                       have no choice but to meet
consumes more video than any other type of                             their demands and deliver fun,
                                                                       engaging, and educational
The new remote work culture has only                                   marketing videos.”
amplified the power of video — people were
not only relying on videos to be entertained,                          And its power for marketing purposes is well
to seek connections with others, but also to                           proven. A quarter of consumers have made a
educate themselves and to help them make                               purchase after seeing a product on Instagram
informed decisions and purchases.                                      Stories, and on Twitter, tweets with video
                                                                       get ten times more engagement than those
What’s more, a number of major social media                            without. Also, the widespread reliance on
platforms such as Pinterest and LinkedIn —                             video conferencing tools and virtual events,
have now shifted their focus to video, which                           are just a few indications that both brands and
means it’s no longer dominated by video-                               consumers are placing more trust in videos.
centric platforms like YouTube, TikTok and
Instagram.                                                             The bottom line is, no matter what kind of
                                                                       company you are, the industry you’re in,
                                                                       or the audiences you serve — everyone is
According to PlayPlay’s Domitille                                      expecting more videos from you.
de Saint Exupéry: “Video hasn’t
just changed social media —
it’s come to define it! Today,
users expect video on all the
14 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
3    Focus on Video: The Most Powerful Content Format

If Content is King, Video Has Overtaken the Throne
According to a study by Wyzowl, customers prefer to
spend more time consuming videos than any other
type of content. This is due to 3 main reasons:
1. Versatility and shareability                                        2. Most compelling type of
                                                                       content for storytelling and
For example, not only can videos be shared                             engagement
across multiple consumer touchpoints, but
it can also be applied at any stage of the                             There’s a reason why consumers prefer to
marketing journey. At the very beginning,                              watch videos than any other type of content.
it’s able to capture the initial attention of the                      First of all, video feels much closer to real-life
viewer with an emotional or imaginative brand                          interaction than any other content formats
story. Once they are familiar with your brand,                         including text, audio, or images. It’s a direct,
you’re able to educate prospects with a product                        inviting way to communicate online. In the
demo or explainer video. Finally, you can                              last few years, social media has become the
sustain post-purchase engagement and loyalty                           first stop for keeping up with friends, staying
with customer case studies or a behind-                                informed about what’s going on in the world,
the-scenes look at the people behind your                              or even learning new skills. Ultimately, video’s a
business.                                                              much warmer, more human way to do that —
                                                                       it’s still not face-to-face interaction, but it’s as
                                                                       close as you’re going to get through a screen.

Example of customer case study video from Sea Shepherd                 Example of explainer video from UMass Boston presenting their
explaining how they use videos for social media                        school

15 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
3    Focus on Video: The Most Powerful Content Format

Paired with powerful storytelling, imagery, stylistic, and distribution decisions, video content can
make a big impact on marketing goals. And that is even if your brand isn’t able to invest a ton of
time and budget in producing it.

3. Easy and cost-effective to produce with the right tools
One key reason that has stopped companies from fully investing in video creation is the
misconception that videos need to be complex, Hollywood-level productions. This is simply not
true. In fact, consumers respond well to authentic but well thought-out videos — whether this lives
in the form of an Instagram Story or a case study on your website.

Domitille de Saint-Exupéry from PlayPlay explains that the in-house video creation process at most
companies is simply not scalable, and most end up relying on outsourcing externally. The result is
often expensive and time-consuming, which is why brands need to enable their in-house teams to
become autonomous when it comes to creating video content. All of this can be done effectively
with the right tools.


CMI’s 2022 B2B content marketing research                               Align video efforts around
report also found that 66% of marketers                                current consumption
created or used videos over the past year.                             preferences
Yet, despite its obvious creative and strategic
advantages, 48% of respondents to CMI’s                                “Two years of a pandemic have completely
2021 Content Marketing Video and Video                                  confirmed that video is the way people want
Storytelling research report struggling to use                          to consume marketing content. Instead of
video to its full potential.                                            focusing all your efforts on lengthy written
                                                                        pieces, think about launching a YouTube series,
To make a stronger marketing impact – and a                             or creating vlogs.”
lasting impression on your audience – keep
these considerations top of mind when                                           Melissa Francois
planning your video content experiences.                                        Global Social Media Manager, Zoom

                                                                       “There’s a growing appetite for video content
                                                                        that isn’t super slick and highly produced. With
                                                                        its DIY aesthetic and unpolished, accessible

16 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
3   Focus on Video: The Most Powerful Content Format

 feel, lo-fi video content fits that bill. As you’re                   audience concerns. 2) Be consistent: creating a
 developing your strategy for video content                            strong bond between a brand and its audience
 production, test into lo-fi content, and get                          requires time and repetition. 3) Be authentic:
 creative about where, when, and how you use                           when a message instills emotions or comes
 it.”                                                                  from someone we can relate to, it resonates
                                                                       with us better.”
           Lauren Thomas
           Sr. Mgr., Communications & Social, Intuit                            Domitille de Saint-Exupéry
                                                                                Head of Marketing, PlayPlay
“Short-form videos on TikTok, Instagram Reels,
 or YouTube Shorts are, arguably, the biggest
 opportunity brands have today to gain organic                           Beware of deepfakes and
 visibility. This type of content requires creativity,                  deceptions that breed distrust
 needs to deliver value, and also needs to be
"native" and "relevant" to the users on each                           “The ability to cheaply and effectively create
 platform.”                                                             video images in which you can make
                                                                        anybody say anything will unleash a period
           Neal Schaffer                                                of unparalleled creativity ... and peril. It’s
           President, PDCA Social                                       outpacing our ability to detect them, posing
                                                                        an existential threat to companies, brands, and
“Information flows faster than ever and from                            individuals. I think this issue will escalate in
 so many different sources. To keep their                               2022 and be full-blown by the end of 2023.”
 audience’s attention, companies need to follow
 3 basic rules when they create content.                                        Mark Schaefer
 1) Be reactive: a good content strategy should                                 Executive Director,
 include trending topics and talk to the latest                                 Schaefer Marketing Solutions

17 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
3    Focus on Video: The Most Powerful Content Format


Robert Rose advises that your decisions should                         stories resonate most strongly, so you can
be made with an eye toward strategy. “Video                            double-down on your strongest opportunities
requires purpose and should be created,                                and repurpose your best-performing assets for
managed, and activated with the structure and                          use on other channels or in other contexts.
optimization for all the channels where it may
be experienced,” he says.

Robert Rose also offers five action-oriented                             Scale-Up Video
steps marketers can take before producing
and distributing your video content marketing,
                                                                         Content With
to minimize challenges and maximize their                                Powerful Tech
potential impact and performance:
                                                                         PlayPlay’s Domitille de Saint-Exupéry
1. Define a clear goal: for any creative,                                points out, producing high-quality video
formatting, and structural choices you are                               can require training, equipment, and
considering for your video storytelling efforts.                         technical skills that not all brands can
                                                                         accommodate in-house.
2. Identify key details of your story
architecture: Create a clear outline that                                While outsourcing can help supplement a
includes key messaging points, tone/voice,                               lack of team expertise, this approach has
visual aesthetics, audio choices, editorial                              its challenges, as well: "Most companies
guidelines, and use of copy.                                             struggle with creating amazing video
                                                                         content at scale. This is because when
3. Develop a production strategy: Think                                  they turn to agencies or freelancers, it can
through ALL the different areas where you may                            be very expensive and time-consuming
want to use video in this strategy.                                      to produce – it’s simply not feasible to
                                                                         do more than a few videos per year" says
4. Plan for flexibility in distribution: Make                            Domitille.
sure you understand the channel-specific
options and implications – and how they                                  She suggests that the key to efficient,
may change over time or under specific                                   scalable video content creation may lie in
circumstances – before you publish your video                            adopting robust tools that enable teams
stories.                                                                 to create video autonomously yet aren't
                                                                         dependent on their level of artistic skill or
5. Measure accordingly: You should be able                               production training.
to understand which channels, formats, and
18 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
3    Focus on Video: The Most Powerful Content Format

“Instead of being given a painter’s
 palette to create videos however they
want, employees that have a need for
video communication should be given
 a ‘magic wand’ that helps them create
videos easily, quickly, and of the highest
 quality,” she says.

           Domitille de Saint-Exupéry
           Head of Marketing, PlayPlay

19 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022

Be Open to Pivoting and
Adopting New Content Practices

Change is a constant in this complex world.                               was going on at that moment in time, we
Brands always strive to anticipate things like                            didn’t produce and distribute."
shifting market dynamics, consumer trends,
and digital tech advances. However, so                                 •  "Our audiences did not have time to read
many brands struggle with keeping up with                                   evergreen content… We tried to be highly
spontaneous changes and find themselves                                     relevant in the moment, [focusing only] on
overwhelmed.                                                                topics where we could provide meaningful,
                                                                            actionable insight."
As a result, many businesses had to improvise
and experiment in 2021, as evidenced by some                           But while global events and trends prompted
of the comments shared by respondents on                               content marketers to shift gears in the short
CMI’s 2022 B2B research study:                                         term, minor adjustments like these may not be
                                                                       enough when it comes to managing some of
•  " We developed less static content and more                       the more-enduring changes on the business
     interactive and animated content formats."                        horizon, such as:

•  " We created some content that had only                           •  The burgeoning creator economy, which
     been ideas previously."                                                brings increased noise and competition to
                                                                            the digital content landscape.
•  " We began generating content on a more
     frequent basis and exploring new channels                         •  The continual rise in corporate mergers and
     on which to distribute the content."                                   acquisitions, which may ultimately lead to
                                                                            new governmental anti-trust regulations and
Others say they cut back on how much content                                structural separations.
they produced and focused more on quality:
                                                                       •  Evolving disruptions in the worlds of art,
•  " We forced ourselves to be much more                                  communication, and commerce, such as
     thoughtful in what we were putting out                                 NFTs/tokenization, cryptocurrency, and the
     there, and if it wasn’t highly relevant to what                        metaverse.

20 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
4    Be Open to Pivoting and Adopting New Content Practices

        Keep in mind: Consumers will face uncertainty related to innovations and evolutions,
        expanding brands’ opportunities to educate them and influence their actions through
        content. But to realize those opportunities, marketers will need the foresight to plan for
        them, the agility to adapt to them, and the willingness to reinvent rather than just repair.

It seems easy to stick to the status quo and keep following old paths that previously led to success.
But in times where change is the rule rather than the exception, your content will likely get more
traction – and better performance – if you’re willing to branch out and explore new technologies,
techniques, and creative territory.


                                                                       into the way they design their content
 Be open to adopting                                                   marketing. It’s no longer good enough to tell
new paradigms and practices                                            people what is happening. You have to tell
                                                                       them about why it matters to them and what
“Because conversions could happen at any
                                                                       they can do about it. Turning your content into
 time in our world of nonlinear customer
                                                                       a narrative of where they’ve come from, what’s
 journeys, marketers must adopt a paradigm
                                                                       important now, and where they’re going will
 of conversion storytelling. This involves
                                                                       make it really actionable.”
 focusing on customers’ changing motives
 and preferences, serving messaging that’s
                                                                                Zontee Hou, Head of Strategy
 tailored for relevant channels and stages of
                                                                                Convince & Convert
 the customer journey, and experimenting and
 analyzing constantly.”

           Nicole Martin
                                                                        Recognize that the pace
           Vice President, Strategy and
                                                                       of change is accelerating
           Marketing Solutions, Pace
                                                                       “We’ve got to get accustomed to continuing
                                                                        change and have the courage to embrace that
                                                                        change as we deal with a hybrid workforce,
 Consider applying proven                                               consumers who are distracted from all the
approaches in new ways                                                  marketing messages they’re receiving, and
                                                                        everything that’s going on in life, in general.”
“We’ve already seen how TikTok, Instagram
 Reels, and other narrative-focused channels
                                                                                Michael Barber
 are blowing up. Going into 2022, I’m advising
                                                                                Brand Consultant and Marketing Strategist
 marketers to integrate that narrative approach
21 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
4   Be Open to Pivoting and Adopting New Content Practices

“The pandemic was not a shift – it was a reset.                          Track significant trends with
 Part of the outfall is that consumer behavior will                     social listening
 be impacted by a complex cocktail of big and
 small changes that will result in unexpected                          “In the era of the all-dominating TikTok, no
 and even unpredictable events. We are in                               marketing team can afford to be late to the
 an ‘Era of Unintended Consequences’ that                               party. In terms of steps, I would highly invest in
 demands patience and humility for marketers.”                          social/content listening platforms to make sure
                                                                        you hear about what matters, as it happens.”
           Mark Schaefer
           Executive Director,                                                  Melissa Francois
           Schaefer Marketing Solutions                                         Global Social Media Manager, Zoom

 Embrace emerging                                                        Get prepared for holistic
opportunities for growth                                                content ecosystems
“Small creators can now fund themselves, invest                        “A big trend we’re starting to see is the merger
 in more content, and take attention away from                          of content marketing and content strategy as a
 content marketers. There is a huge opportunity                         big focus for business. Content is becoming a
 for brands to acquire smaller content creators.                        much more holistic practice. It means content
 The problem? Most content marketers aren’t                             marketers need to start to understand the
 prepared for and don’t understand the art                              operational models, the governance, and how
 of M&A. Because of this, they’ll miss out on                           their technologies are structured. It also means
 perhaps the greatest opportunity of their                              that operations, technology, content structure,
 lifetimes – buying instead of building an                              SEO translation, and localization professionals
 audience.”                                                             need to start understanding how to build
                                                                        inspiring, educational content and deliver it to
          Joe Pulizzi                                                   their end customers.”
           Founder, The Tilt
                                                                                Robert Rose
                                                                                Chief Strategy Officer,
                                                                                Content Marketing Institute

22 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
4    Be Open to Pivoting and Adopting New Content Practices


Content marketing agility starts with an experimental mindset
and a change-friendly culture. But to bring innovative ideas to life
and evolve your content marketing approach, you’ll also need a
solid strategic foundation, streamlined collaboration, and familiar
processes that can make execution more manageable.
Here’s some advice from Robert Rose on how to                                                                            A corporate
start putting those pieces in place:                                                                                     podcast from
                                                                                                                         The OECD
      Assess your content operating model
      and create a roadmap for getting where you
      believe you should be. The gaps between
      where you are now and where you want to
      be should become the priority initiatives.

      De-silo the customer’s journey
      Start using technology to connect digital
      experiences for your customer as much as
      possible. If fully de-siloing your marketing
      department is too steep a hill to climb,
      explore whether you can connect your
      content technology to create one source
      of the truth for your audience database.
      Creating that resource is the first step
      toward having sales, marketing, demand
      gen, and brand teams work together.                              Blog post promo teaser video from

      Manage all your owned-media properties like products
      Content on your website, blog, digital magazines, and email newsletters are as important to
      your customer’s journey as the products and services you put into the marketplace – treat
      them as such. Each owned property deserves a managing editor and to be budgeted and
      measured as a digital product.

23 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
4    Be Open to Pivoting and Adopting New Content Practices


Manage change with agile process principles
With top-notch content now serving as table stakes for brand success, marketers should
invest in efficient methods of execution just as much as we do in our creative outputs
and strategic outcomes.

AgileSherpas' Andrea Fryrear suggests implementing agile practices as a first step
towards developing adaptable operations. This can unleash your content program's
creative potential. Her approach emphasizes five process-focused areas:

         Visibility: Achieving visibility can be as simple as listing everything your content
         team has in progress and is planning for the next month. This transparency helps
         reveal the scope and scale of your content efforts, the available bandwidth of
         your content team, and where there may be gaps or overlaps.

         Experimentation: After you visualize the work, you’ll probably realize too much is
         going on. The next logical question is, "what can we stop doing?" By expressing
         this as an experiment, pulling back on certain efforts will feel less like missing out
         on opportunities and more like a plan to move in a better direction.

         Iteration: When your experiments start to show promise, it’s time to iterate
         by expanding on proven ideas for which you can add value, originality, and
         functionality steadily over time.

         Collaboration: A content creator working in isolation simply won’t be as
         successful as a collaborative team with an audience-centric perspective. Even
         if you’re not ready to have daily meetings or reorganize teams, you can seek
         different perspectives through formalized reviews or informal show-and-tells.

         Efficiency: Agile processes enable teams to work hard to do less, so they can
         accomplish more. If you maximize the amount of work you choose not to do, you
         reap the reward in terms of increasing the amount of high-quality, high-impact
         work you can complete.

24 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
4    Be Open to Pivoting and Adopting New Content Practices

25 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022

Prioritize and Optimize Your
Content Processes For Efficiency

Few businesses can expect to be able to do
it all – even under the most favorable of
                                                                       While restrictions are easing,
circumstances. Yet, the past two years have                            2022 is likely to be a year of
given brands plenty of cause to question
whether it’s smart to even try.
                                                                       rebuilding, reconsidering, and
                                                                       reprioritizing content initiatives.
According to CMI’s B2B research, 67% of
content teams say they’ve been asked to do
                                                                       This means stepping back
more with the same resources over the past                             and looking at the goals and
                                                                       opportunities that are most
And though it’s encouraging that 66% of                                important right now. This may
content marketers expect their budgets
to increase in 2022, some of our most
                                                                       also mean taking deliberate
pressing industry challenges – like achieving                          steps in a whole new direction
competitive differentiation, finding the right
subject matter expertise, and adapting to
                                                                       or just refining your existing
ongoing changes in search and data tracking                            strategy. But whatever steps you
– won’t be solved simply by throwing more
money at them.
                                                                       take, make sure the amount of
                                                                       effort you’re putting in stays in
                                                                       balance with the outcomes and
                                                                       experiences your customers are
                                                                       expecting to see.

26 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
5   Prioritize and Optimize Your Content Processes For Efficiency

Instead of continuing to do things the way they’ve always been done, it’s a great time
to take a closer look at WHY you were doing them. If the reasons no longer exist, or the
returns are diminishing, it’s a good idea to stop, reprioritize, and explore new ways to
create greater efficiency and stronger performance.


“After two years of the pandemic, people are tired. And rightly so. Brands need to focus
 on content that’s either entertaining or solving tangible problems for their customers,
 and maybe spend less time trying to re-invent the thought leadership wheel.”

           Melissa Francois
           Global Social Media Manager, Zoom

“We are digital-first in how we consume information today. Businesses that failed to
 digitally transform their marketing (and sales) are still playing catch up, while others are
 realizing that they might have neglected necessary investments in web, email, and other
 marketing technologies. What is old is sexy and new again, so I feel that a re-investment
 in core digital marketing capabilities should be aligned with expected increases in
 content marketing budgets to get the biggest bang for your marketing buck.”

           Neal Schaffer
           President, PDCA Social

27 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
5    Prioritize and Optimize Your Content Processes For Efficiency

 Start simple                                                             Repurpose everything
when branching out
                                                                       “Every piece of content that is created, should at
“Emerging platforms like TikTok are focused on                          least be repurposed in two or three ways. This
video-first, digestible, and educational content.                       will help with scaling your content, but also
That is what brands should be focused on. You                           leave time open for creative ideas to flow.”
can create, edit, and amplify this content easily:
you just need a point of view and a phone, not                                  Melissa Francois
a big budget, advertising commercial, or film                                   Global Social Media Manager, Zoom
crew. Start simple and practice, eventually you’ll
find your rhythm.”

          Kelsey Murray
          AVP, Global Head of Social Media, Nasdaq


Marketers are being tasked with creating more content across more channels, formats,
regions, and target audiences than ever. But when you need to conserve resources, it
can be hard to decide what to pare down or find the most effective approach when
you’re ready to scale up.

Hitting the reset button can mean different things to different businesses. For example,
depending on the specific conditions you’re operating under, you may want to consider:

• P
    ulling back on platforms or channels that aren’t delivering as strong an impact as
   others, or where your audience seems less interested in engaging with your business.

• R
    ebuilding your workflows or implementing more powerful technologies that can
   deliver greater efficiency.

• O
    utsourcing components of creation or production that require specialized talents.

• O
    ptimizing your best-performing assets through repurposing and reuse.

28 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
5   Prioritize and Optimize Your Content Processes For Efficiency

Here are additional tips from experts in the Content Marketing
Institute community to help you:

   Reduce and reuse                                                      Use data to determine where
                                                                       to invest your efforts
“If you keep content direct and easy to
 understand, easy to read, and easy to digest,                         “Making decisions off the best data will also
 you will get more with any budget because                              help you scale because your team will spend
 you will create less content and can reuse that                        less time on bad content and direction. It’s not
 content over and over again. Everything needs                          necessarily about investing more but investing
 to mix and match, but you won’t need nearly as                         in the right things that will provide the best
 much content.”                                                         output for your team and the program.”

           Val Swisher                                                          Jeff Coyle
           CEO, Content Rules Inc.                                              Co-Founder, Chief Strategy Officer, MarketMuse

 Change as your                                                           Go for the easy wins first
audience does
                                                                       “Find your top performers right away. If
“Focus on the consumer and the change in                                you don’t already know what your top five
 behavior that has happened throughout the                              performers are (at least in terms of traffic), you
 pandemic. Reevaluate your content marketing                            have a big opportunity to get insights almost
 strategy to make sure it’s mostly aligned with                         immediately. Those are the traffic magnets, the
 the current behaviors of your target audience.                         pieces attracting lots of visitors. Working harder
 Make sure you provide the context around                               on those (adding calls to action and promoting
 where you distribute the content and the                               your latest stuff on those) is an almost
 content topics so it can reflect the mindset of                        immediate win. It costs no money and takes
 where your audience is now.”                                           almost no time. Anyone can do it very quickly.”

           Juntae DeLane                                                        Andy Crestodina
           Chief Strategist, Digital DeLane                                     Co-Founder/CMO, Orbit Media Studios

29 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022

Reimagine Search and the Data
Landscape in a Cookie-less World

The impending loss of third-party tracking                             Performance measurement
cookies is an enormous disruption. The impact                          In the ongoing struggle to prove content
of this change will likely ripple across many                          performance and ROI, marketers both collect
aspects of content marketing, such as:                                 more data than they need and fail to apply it in
                                                                       meaningful ways. The added uncertainty that
Content creation and distribution                                      the loss of tracking cookies may cause is likely
Search data supplies a wealth of audience                              to throw those calculations even further into
insights. Marketers collect information and                            disarray.
correlate to inform their topic decisions, as
well as their audience segmentation and
personalization efforts. That data is also used to
                                                                       Given the volatility of the current
identify areas where consumers are dropping                            data ecosystem, it’s no surprise
out of the brand’s content experience. Data
can help deploy retargeting campaigns to coax
                                                                       that CMI’s 2022 B2B research
them back on track.                                                    found changes to SEO/search
Data management
                                                                       algorithms (62%) and data
Challenges in tracking user interests, behaviors,                      management/analytics (50%)
and intent across multiple content platforms,
channels, and ecosystems are compounded
                                                                       to be the top two areas of
by the lack of integrated systems capable of                           importance for organizations in
delivering a single source of truth. This makes
it difficult for marketers to construct clear
                                                                       the upcoming year.
customer journeys, let alone determine what
content would be most valuable to buyers in
different roles or at different stages. And that
might explain why the top challenge cited in
CMI’s 2022 B2B research is “creating content
that appeals to multi-level roles within a target
30 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
6   Reimagine Search and the Data Landscape in a Cookie-less World

How will marketers adapt to this game-changing search shift, get the clarity they need to guide
their content efforts and continue to prove performance? Our experts shared their vision of a
cookie-less future and offered some alternate approaches to consider:


  To comply with privacy                                                 Tech will be key to
protections, marketers may                                              performance in the
lose performance clarity                                                post-cookies age
“Governments and regulators are close to                               “In a cookie-less world, marketers will need to
 publishing new rules to protect users online in                        prepare for personalization. Google, Facebook,
 various countries. Many platforms and big tech                         and other entities are trying to capture your
 companies are pre-emptively making changes                             traffic and keep it within their properties, which
 to how they operate to comply with any new                             is hurting brands’ organic conversions. Look
 laws likely to be implemented. This could make                         through your marketing stack and understand
 tracking campaign performance harder and/or                            how your content management is working, how
 less accurate.”                                                        your identity resolution is working, how you’re
                                                                        going to de-anonymize prospects on your
           Matt Navarra                                                 website and personalized content for them.
           Social Media Consultant                                      That will not only require content marketers to
                                                                        produce the right content but will also require
                                                                        tech enablement through marketing operations

31 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
6   Reimagine Search and the Data Landscape in a Cookie-less World

and martech conversations that support your
strategy. Understanding how you’re going to
                                                                        Link more content to
perform in a world where you cannot rely on
                                                                       expected outcomes
cookies is something that everybody should be
                                                                       “If you create a series of interview videos for a
paying attention to.”
                                                                        recruitment campaign, find out the percentage
                                                                        of increase of good inbound candidates – e.g.,
           Marcio Moerbeck
                                                                        how many candidates mentioned the video
           VP of Marketing, Americas, Datasite
                                                                        campaign? This will allow you see the true
                                                                        impact of a video.”
  Streamline measurement by                                                    Domitille de Saint-Exupéry
 setting metrics priorities                                                    Head of Marketing, PlayPlay

“Marketers must focus on why we’re measuring
 all the data we measure. Ask questions like, ‘Is
 that much data collection needed?’ ‘Are we
                                                                         Reconstruct the role of data
 utilizing it to make a better experience, or are
 we collecting it to check a box?”
                                                                       “We are quickly moving away from a world
                                                                        where different elements of the customer
          Jenn VandeZande
                                                                        journey are handled by separate systems. We
           Editor-in-Chief, SAP Customer Experience
                                                                        must start thinking about the journey in a much
                                                                        more organic way, where technologies are
                                                                        connected, joined, and look to a single source
  Explore alternate ways to                                             of data. Every handoff of audience or customer
 define and measure marketing                                           data is an opportunity to fumble.”
                                                                               Robert Rose in 25+ Expert Takeaways About
“2022 is the year we will simplify the way we
                                                                               Content Strategy, Experiences, Tech, Analytics,
 measure our content marketing ROI. Consider
                                                                               SEO, and More
 constantly measuring value per subscriber.
 Take the number of content subscribers you’ve
 added and divide it by the total revenue for
 the same time period. There you have it: your
 revenue per subscriber.”

          Andrew Davis
           Author, Brandscaping: Unleashing
           the Power of Partnerships

32 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
6    Reimagine Search and the Data Landscape in a Cookie-less World

      Reframe your approach to SEO
“Search engines have changed dramatically enough
over the last few years to warrant businesses to
reimagine their branded content. A look at search
results for any given keyword often reveals older,
outdated, irrelevant, or plain old bad content. The
core of a content marketing strategy should be the
creation of a "library of content". It’s a collection of
information and valuable resources that should
both attract and nurture prospective clients to
the value of your product and your company’s
perspective on your industry. This library of
content can help you gain authority in search
engines with fresh, up-to-date, and quality content.
It can also be repurposed into a variety of types of
content that can be invaluable to all of your content
marketing efforts.”
           Neal Schaffer
           President, PDCA Social

33 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
6   Reimagine Search and the Data Landscape in a Cookie-less World


After years of consumer concerns about how
their data is tracked, used, and secured online,
                                                                        Explore “off-the-grid”
digital industry leaders are taking bold steps
to comply with strict new legislation. But the
                                                                       “Private communities like Discord and Mighty
increased focus on privacy may leave content
                                                                        Networks are becoming crucial. Do you have
marketers with some gaping holes to fill in their
audience understanding.
                                                                               Joe Pulizzi
Fortunately, there are permission-based
                                                                               Founder, The Tilt
content approaches brands can take to
preserve their access to deep audience insights.
Here are suggestions from some of the industry
leaders who presented at Content Marketing
                                                                          Diversify your platforms
World 2021:
                                                                       “If a platform changes its policies or loses
                                                                        access to data, you don’t want to have lost your
                                                                        main source of customers.”
  Focus on owned platforms
                                                                               Zontee Hou
“[This will give you] more control over data
                                                                               Head of Strategy, Convince & Convert
 practices – which makes complying with
 data privacy regulations easier and more
 straightforward. And better data quality –
 which makes the data more relevant and the
                                                                          Make it an even exchange
 relationships you use the data to build more
                                                                       “Create content so good that people actually
                                                                        want to hear from you. Create serial content
                                                                        that compels them to do that. And focus on
           Sharon Toerek
                                                                        collecting first-party data about your audience
           Founder, Toerek Law
                                                                        through surveys, self-assessments, and other

                                                                               Joe Lazauskas
                                                                               Head of Marketing, Contently

34 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
6    Reimagine Search and the Data Landscape in a Cookie-less World


Third-party tracking cookies may be going away, but marketers can still get useful
insights directly from the source. For example, listening to relevant consumer
conversations and monitoring their comments on posts and group conversations on
social media can give you a better understanding of their topics of interest – and the
questions they’re asking about them.

Furthermore, offering members-only content or other “gated-access” assets can help
brands generate valuable insights that anonymous user tracking could never provide.
For example, consider how much personal data consumers commonly share when they:

• S
    ubscribe to receive email communications or exclusive content you publish on your
   owned media channels.

•  Fill out a form to download a high-value content asset.

• C
    omment on posts, or participate in group conversations on your brand’s social
   media pages.

•  Register to attend your live and virtual events.

•  Participate in original research studies or social media polls.

•  Use configurators or other interactive tools your brand offers online.

35 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022

Align on Shared Values and
Communicate With Purpose

Words always matter, especially when it comes                          Of course, discussing topics of current cultural
to content creation. But the values and intent                         significance may not be the right fit for every
behind a brand’s words speak more loudly                               brand. Fortunately, there are other ways
these days – especially when communicating                             to connect with today’s socially conscious
with millennial and Gen-Z consumers.                                   consumers, some of which require little more
                                                                       than human understanding and a willingness to
Consider these findings about Gen Z from a                             validate their feelings and offer support.
Facebook IQ research:
                                                                       For example, here are a few steps taken by
• 7
    1% want to see more diversity in                                  marketers who participated in CMI’s 2022 B2B
   advertising.                                                        research study:

•  68% expect brands to contribute to society.                       •  "We increased our empathy toward our
                                                                            audience and found them to be more
• 6
    1% say they’d pay more for products                                    receptive."
   produced ethically and sustainably.
                                                                       •  "We stayed in touch with customers with
• 7
    7% feel more favorable toward brands that                              tips for helping their staff and patients."
   promote gender equality on social media.
                                                                       •  "We offered more uplifting and educational
These insights show that audiences expect a                                 marketing, positioned ourselves as a partner,
brand’s marketing to go beyond talking about                                and focused on helping rather than selling."
its products and services. They also suggest
that brands that fail to demonstrate cultural                          •  "We had to be more thoughtful about the
awareness, act ethically, or contribute to the                              topics we were covering, as well as the
greater good may be less likely to earn their                               target audiences we were approaching."
attention, trust, or business.

36 - PlayPlay | 24 Experts Reveal Their Content Predictions for 2022
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