IP Asia 2020 A special report from Clarivate

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IP Asia 2020 A special report from Clarivate
IP Asia 2020
A special report
from Clarivate
IP Asia 2020 A special report from Clarivate

3                     24
Foreword              .BRAND TLDs in the
                      Asia-Pacific region
Non-Practicing        30
Entities litigation   New provisions on
in China              punitive damages
                      for willful patent
10                    infringement in
Rise of innovation    South Korea
in Southeast Asia
14                    How pursuing
Domain arbitration    patents in Japan
trends in APAC        has evolved over
                      the past decade
Snapshot: A look      35
into pharmaceutical   Trademark
class filings for     challenges facing
trademarks in         the growing
Asia-Pacific          Asia-Pacific
The view from         42
Beijing: Patent       Domain
activity in           management in the
Mainland China        Asia-Pacific region
IP Asia 2020 A special report from Clarivate
    By Rob Davey                                 domain portfolios and discover
                                                 fascinating trends in the usage of
    Welcome to IP Asia 2020,                     .BRAND domain extensions in the
    a special report featuring insights          region. They also explore the recent
    from Clarivate™ IP experts.                  explosion of trademark filings both
                                                 within Asia and globally by Asian
    As I write this, the majority of the world   applicants, and dive into the critical
    is working from home as part of an           pharmaceutical sector. Our local
    unprecedented response to the global         patent experts dig into the numbers to
    COVID-19 crisis. In some ways the            uncover where innovation is thriving
    pandemic has brought the world closer        in China, Japan and Southeast Asia.
    together, as countries work together         Our IP litigation experts explore the
    to fight the virus. Innovation is more       impact of non-practicing entities
    important than ever, and Asia’s place        on the patent landscape in China,
    in the global innovation ecosystem           recent introduction of new provisions
    has never been more critical.                in relation to punitive damages in
                                                 South Korea and the latest domain
    In this special Clarivate report, our IP     arbitration news from across Asia.
    experts share insightful commentary
    on the IP trends and developments            For the last decade or more,
    evident within Asia across domains,          analysts have pointed to Asia
    trademarks and patents.                      as a rising IP powerhouse. That
                                                 time has arrived. As shown in this
    Through the articles in this special         report, Asia is now a major IP hub
    report, you can learn how Asian              – driving critical innovation both
    companies are managing their                 for the region and the world.

IP Asia 2020 A special report from Clarivate
Non-Practicing Entities
    litigation in China
    By He Yuanyuan and Luca Árpási                                         as plaintiffs to enforce their patent
                                                                           rights. Individuals and universities
                                                                           are not included in this data.

    Methodology                                                            The statistics presented below are
                                                                           extracted from NPE litigation data
    Patent lawsuits involving Non-                                         in Mainland China, where at least
    Practicing Entities (NPE), a group                                     one party is an NPE. The data covers
    of actors playing a unique role in                                     a period between 2010 and 2019.1
    the history of the IP industry, are                                    All relevant actions involving the
    becoming a global matter. With                                         same parties on the same subject
    the development of a Chinese                                           matter are presented as independent
    IP protection system, NPEs have                                        litigation and will be referred to as a
    taken more notice of China. This                                       ‘case’ in the context of this paper.
    paper presents the landscape of
    NPE litigation in China, based on                                      For example, if Party A filed an invalidity
    exclusive data available through                                       action against Party B before the CNIPA
    the Darts-ip™ database.                                                Patent appeal board, with a subsequent
                                                                           appeal sent to the Beijing IP Court and
    This report defines NPEs as: legal                                     finally escalated to the Supreme Court,
    organizations which benefit from                                       this is still considered one case despite
    patent rights but do not sell or                                       there being three different rulings. As
    manufacture goods or provide                                           long as any document in a case was
    goods-related services and take an                                     made within the 2010 to 2019 timeframe,2
    active role in infringement litigations                                the case will appear in the below data.

        All numbers checked as of March 6, 2020.
     This paper accounts for filing dates between 2010-2019, if filing date unavailable,
    earliest known document's date in the case is referenced.

IP Asia 2020 A special report from Clarivate
Figure 1: Evolution of NPE litigation3 and types
                         of action breakdown over the last decade


When it comes to                           80

the types of action,                       70

the proportion of                          60

invalidity actions is   Number of cases    50

by far the largest.                        40




                                                   2010    2011      2012        2013        2014        2015        2016        2017        2018        2019

                         Type of action:                  Action related to contract         Declaratory judgment for non infringement
                                          Infringement    Other action                       Invalidity action

                         Please note that the year indicated is the year of filing.
                         If this is unavailable then the earliest known document in the case is referenced.

                         Source: Darts-ip

                         Facts and figures
                         The evolution of NPE litigation                                          far the largest. Invalidity actions account
                         in Mainland China                                                        for 80% of all actions in each year on
                                                                                                  average. The smallest proportion (50%)
                         Figure 1 shows an undeniable, growing                                    occurred in 2016. Infringement actions
                         trend of NPE patent-related actions                                      increased suddenly after 2016, then kept
                         over time, although a few dips in the                                    a steady rise. It can be inferred from the
                         year-over-year statistics do exist. The                                  surge of invalidity actions in 2014 that a
                         number of cases increased significantly                                  large amount of infringement actions
                         in 2014 and 2019. It is noteworthy that                                  were initiated by NPEs in 2014 but were
                         there also exists a marked increase                                      reflected after 2016, as the judgements
                         (by 62%) of NPE litigation in Europe                                     of infringement actions were usually
                         in 2014. That year also happens to see                                   made after those of invalidity decisions.
                         the first decline in patent litigation                                   As a final thought to this point, it would
                         case volume in the United States.                                        seem a safe assumption that since 2014,
                                                                                                  NPEs have most likely shifted focus
                         When it comes to the types of action,                                    from America to other countries or
                         the proportion of invalidity actions4 is by                              regions, such as Europe and China.

                              There are 250 NPE-related patent cases that have been entered in the Darts-ip case-law collection during the period of 2010 to 2019.
                          An invalidity action can be brought against a patent at any time in its lifecycle. The purpose of this action is to challenge a patent
                         and remove the protection granted to the holder. If the action is successful, a patent holder loses the protection and may have to
                         reevaluate licensing agreements and rights that may have been granted. Invalidity actions in China can only be brought before the
5                        Re-examination and Invalidation Department of the Patent Office, China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA).
IP Asia 2020 A special report from Clarivate
The map of NPE litigation
    Figure 2 outlines the areas where cases                       province (1 case). Among them,
    are concentrated. NPEs prefer litigating                      six cases were finally heard by the
    in well-developed Chinese provinces                           Supreme Court. And NPEs filed most
    or cities, i.e. Jiangsu province                              of the litigations before the following
    (13 cases), Guangdong province                                courts: Shenzhen Intermediate
    (10 cases), Beijing city (10 cases),                          Court, Nanjing Intermediate
    Shanghai city (7 cases) and Shaanxi                           Court and Beijing IP Court.

    Figure 2: The geographical distribution of NPE litigation in Mainland China

    Figure 2’s map presents geographical distribution of all actions except for invalidity actions.
    The darker the purple is, the more cases occur in the area.

    Source: Darts-ip

IP Asia 2020 A special report from Clarivate
Technical fields of litigated patents
    The technology of patents involved                         networks, as the result of the intensive
    is mainly distributed in the field                         innovation, fierce competition and
    of electronic communication                                rapid development of domestic
    techniques, with the largest amount                        communication industry.
    of cases in wireless communication

    Table 1: Top 10 IPC classifications of litigated patents

    IPC                Technical fields                                                          Cases

    1     H04W         wireless communication networks                                           104

    2     H04L         transmission of digital information, e.g. telegraphic communication       84

    3     H04B         transmission                                                              60

    4     H04Q         selecting                                                                 27

    5     H03M         coding, decoding or code conversion, in general                           26

    6     H04J         multiplex communication                                                   25

    7     H01Q         antennas, e.g. radio aerials                                              21

    8     H03H         impedance networks, e.g. resonant circuits; resonators                    16

                       speech analysis or synthesis; speech recognition;
    8     G10L                                                                                   16
                       speech or voice processing; speech or audio coding or decoding

                       measuring force, stress, torque, work, mechanical power,
    9     G01L                                                                                   14
                       mechanical efficiency, or fluid pressure

    10 H04M            telephonic communication                                                  10

    The patents include both NPEs and non-NPEs (For example,
    NPEs that filed an invalidity action against non-NPEs.)

    Source: Darts-ip

Right validity of NPE patents
    The graphs below compare the right                                           any reduction to the scope of
    validity of NPE asserted patents to                                          protection5 is 8% lower than with
    general patents (understood here                                             general patents, suggesting that
    as patents belonging to any party,                                           NPE patents are weaker. However,
    regardless of their type). The bar                                           the revocation rate for both general
    graphs of Figures 3 and 4 illustrate                                         and NPE patents is comparable.
    the scope of protection extended
    to the patents. Purple indicates a full                                      Figure 4 suggests that NPE patents
    scope of protection based on the                                             considered valid, without any
    application, dark green represents                                           reduction to the scope of protection,
    patents that have been granted                                               is very low in South Korea, at 11%, and
    protection but with a reduced                                                very high in Japan at 40%, while China
    scope, and light green represents                                            is in between those numbers. When
    revoked patent applications.                                                 looking at other jurisdictions, we can
                                                                                 see that the NPE patent validity rate in
    According to Figure 3, the percentage                                        China is close to that in the U.S., and
    of NPE patents that are valid without                                        significantly higher than in Europe.

    Figure 3: Validity rate of challenged patents
    owned by NPEs versus general patents

               NPE                    28%                            20%                                 52%

           General                          36%                            13%                           52%

                                                                      % of validity assessments

    Right validity:           Total          Partial          None

    Source: Darts-ip

    Figure 4: Validity rate of challenged patents owned by
    NPEs in Mainland China versus other jurisdictions

    China, Mainland                      28%                          20%                                52%

                Europe             17%                         31%                                       52%

                 Japan                            40%                                              52%                  8%

           South Korea          11%          11%                                             77%

                    U.S.                    31%                                        46%                      23%

                                                                      % of validity assessments

    Right validity:           Total          Partial          None

    Patent challenge actions including invalidity actions, oppositions,
    inter-partes reviews and right assessments in infringement actions.

    Source: Darts-ip

8   5
        Represented by the purple section of the bar chart.
Summary of trends
    The analysis of the statistics examined above reveals
    these key trends in NPE litigation in Mainland China:

    • NPEs started to actively bring      • The patents are mainly regarding
      lawsuits in Mainland China as         electronic communication technologies.
      of 2014. The case volume has
      seen a dramatic increase in 2019.   • When a NPE patent is considered
                                            valid, it is more likely to have a
    • NPEs prefer litigating in             reduction in the scope of protection
      developed provinces or cities.        and granted partial protection.

Rise of innovation
                    in Southeast Asia
                    By Ridhma Dhar                                                   the fourth largest economy in the
                                                                                     world by 2030 after the United States,
Whether Southeast   Southeast Asia is a growing market
                    of over 600 million consumers across
                                                                                     China and the European Union.

Asia will fulfill   10 countries with a collective GDP
                    of $2.986 trillion in 2018.6
                                                                                     Whether Southeast Asia will fulfill
                                                                                     its potential is no longer a question;
its potential is    In August 1967, an economic and
                                                                                     rather how it will drive global growth
                                                                                     is a question worth exploring.
no longer a         political alliance of five countries
                    – Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand,                                 Research and innovation are the
question; rather    Indonesia and Philippines – was formed
                    and named Association of Southeast
                                                                                     cornerstones of national and regional
                                                                                     strategy to develop a knowledge-
how it will drive   Asian Nations (ASEAN). Subsequently
                    five countries were expanded to
                                                                                     based, innovation-driven economy.

global growth       include a further five countries with
                    Cambodia as the latest member to join
                                                                                     In Southeast Asia, the ASEAN Economic
                                                                                     Community Blueprint (AEC) 20257 has
is a question       in 1999. The core purpose of bringing
                    these countries together, as stated in
                                                                                     outlined an important role for science
                                                                                     and technology and intellectual property
worth exploring.    the ASEAN declaration, was to provide
                    the members states a cohesive voice
                                                                                     in contributing to the achievement of
                                                                                     national and regional socio-economic
                    on a global platform and accelerate                              development goals. Under the ASEAN
                    economic growth, social progress, and                            Plan of Action on Science, Technology
                    cultural development in the region.                              and Innovation (2016 to 2025) the
                                                                                     importance of active R&D collaboration,
                    The member states – Singapore,                                   public-private partnerships, technology
                    Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia,                                   commercialization and entrepreneurship
                    Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei, Laos,                              has been emphasized. The ASEAN IPR
                    Cambodia and Myanmar – are                                       Action Plan (2016 to 2025)8 identified
                    geographically close but vary widely                             intellectual property as a fundamental
                    in their economic development.                                   element in driving innovation.
                    The latter has been dictated
                    predominantly by government                                      From analysis of patent filings over
                    infrastructure development, foreign                              the last ten years (2010 to 2019),
                    direct investment, and growth and                                domestic patent applications filed
                    diversification of local conglomerates.                          in Southeast Asia demonstrated
                                                                                     a compound annual growth rate
                    Today, as a single market Southeast                              (CAGR) of 13%, even though domestic
                    Asia/ASEAN holds tremendous                                      applications occupy a smaller share
                    promise. With greater integration                                of total activity compared to those
                    and technological advancement,                                   from foreign entities (measured non-
                    the region is predicted to become                                priority patent applications ASEAN).

                     www.asean.org/storage/2016/03/AECBP_2025r_FINAL.pdf. www.aseanip.org/Portals/0/ASEAN%20IPR%20ACTION%20PLAN%20

With widespread government                               respective countries. Following close
     investment in research and                               were the research universities such as
     development and emphasis on IP                           the National University of Singapore,
     cooperation and protection throughout                    University Putra Malaysia, the University
     the region, the most recent five years                   of Indonesia and Cebu Technological
     witnessed an acceleration of this                        University in the Philippines.
     trend with a staggering 87% growth
     in domestic patent applications. Top                     Within the ASEAN region, Singapore is
     domestic patent filers are a combination                 the front-runner with domestic patent
     of key research institutes and academic                  applications steadily increasing with
     institutions. The Agency for Science,                    69% growth in the ten-year time-
     Technology and Research (A*STAR)                         period (2010 to 2019). The growth
     in Singapore; Malaysia’s national                        in patent applications is backed by
     R&D Institution MIMOS and the                            the government’s commitment to a
     Indonesia Institute of Sciences (LIPI),                  $19bn R&D spend under its Research
     the National Science & Technology                        Innovation Enterprise 2020 Plan
     Development Agency (NSTDA) and                           (RIE2020).9 The plan specifically aligns
     the Vietnam Academy of Science                           with the country driving towards
     and Technology led the pack in their                     becoming a Global IP Hub in Asia.

     Figure 1. Timeline activity of patent filings in Southeast Asia












                     2010         2011   2012   2013   2014      2015    2016    2017    2018    2019

     Source: Derwent

11   9
82% of patent applications filed                                     Petronas, a Malaysian Oil-major,
     in Southeast Asia originated from                                    entered a collaborative partnership
     outside the region, demonstrating                                    agreement with Kongsberg Ferrotech
     a strong interest from global                                        to leverage the patented Oktapous
     organizations in protecting and                                      IMR (inspection, maintenance
     commercializing innovation in the                                    & repair) robot to implement
     region. Multinational corporations                                   maintenance technologies for subsea
     such as Hoya Corporation, Huawei and                                 assets, revolutionizing the way
     Halliburton, Toyota with research and                                industry conducts IRM-operations
     development centers or manufacturing                                 in the oil and gas industry. Viettel,
     operations in the region dominate                                    the largest state-owned military
     the top global organizations.                                        telecommunications company in
                                                                          Vietnam, has been expanding its
     Conglomerates or government-                                         presence in Southeast Asia, Latin
     linked businesses account for 40%                                    America and Africa. Viettel recently
     of the top listed stocks, playing                                    announced it is developing its own
     a major role in Southeast Asia.10                                    5G equipment, joining other players
     In recent years, they have found                                     such as Nokia, Samsung, Ericsson
     new sources of growth through                                        and Huawei; this caught attention and
     international expansion, adoption                                    raised concerns due to a formidable
     of cutting-edge technologies                                         patent barrier that already exists.11
     and mergers and acquisitions.
                                                                          Semiconductor companies in
     They are embracing intellectual                                      Singapore make up 11% of global
     property protection, setting up                                      market share.12 Singapore based Avago
     world-class IP departments and                                       Technologies bought Broadcom for
     are emerging as top innovators                                       $37bn in 2015 in the biggest-ever
     in their respective countries.                                       chip deal and followed it up with the
                                                                          acquisition of Brocade for $5.5bn
     Siam Cement Group and Sime Darby                                     and CA Technologies for $18.9bn,
     are great examples of conglomerates                                  strengthening its patent position
     that have expanded on the back                                       significantly in sectors such as mobile,
     of a well-developed domestic                                         data centers and the internet of things,
     business in Thailand and Malaysia                                    making the company one of the
     respectively to Southeast Asia and                                   largest holders of patents amongst
     beyond. Malaysia-based Purecircle                                    semiconductor manufacturers.13
     has jointly developed new forms of                                   Another Singapore-headquartered
     stevia, a sugar alternative, for future                              semiconductor company, STATS
     beverages with Coca-Cola since 2012.                                 ChipPAC, was acquired by China's
     In 2018, eyeing further expansion, it                                Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics
     moved its global headquarters from                                   Technology Co Ltd (JCET) in a
     Kuala Lumpur to Chicago, Illinois.                                   $1.8bn deal from Temasek.14

12   idUSKBN0IQ0YY20141106
Figure 2. Top local conglomerates patent filers in Southeast Asia

           Viettel                            Siam Cement Group            PTT Group             Sime Darby


                                                                           Telekom Malaysia

     Source: Derwent

     In 2019, the internet economy                                   Patent offices are launching innovative
     in Southeast Asia hit $100bn                                    initiatives to accelerate application
     driven by online travel, online                                 to grant. Fintech Fast Track (FTFT)
     media, ride hailing, e-commerce                                 initiative expedites application-to-grant
     and digital financial services.                                 process for FinTech patent applications
                                                                     to as fast as 6 months and Accelerated
     The Masterplan15 on ASEAN                                       Initiative for Artificial Intelligence (AI)
     connectivity 2025 aims to seamlessly                            led to the grant of an AI related patent
     connect and integrate member                                    to Alibaba in record-breaking three
     countries. It predicts digital                                  months. Both initiatives are led by the
     technologies could potentially be                               IP Office of Singapore (IPOS). As we
     worth up to US $625bn by 2030 in the                            explore innovation enabled by the
     region which is being hailed as the                             internet which is user-oriented and
     next frontier owing to the booming                              is born out of collective co-creation,
     internet economy and the presence                               a new model of open innovation
     of unicorns with innovative and                                 and intellectual property creation
     localized business models such as                               and protection will be required.
     Go-Jek, Grab, Razer and Lazada.
                                                                     In the next few years, as the
     Analysis of patent filing activity from                         member states continue to attract
     2010 to 2019 also highlights the                                increased foreign direct investment
     dominance of the technology area                                from multinational corporations,
     of digital computers across markets.                            governments explore cross-regional
     Within the area of digital computers,                           synergies that promote inter-country
     software products and database                                  research collaboration and highly
     applications for information retrieval                          skilled talent is allowed to flow
     were key focuses and the majority of                            within the region resulting in cross-
     the patent protection in both areas                             pollination of ideas and dissemination
     was led by Singapore. Singapore                                 of knowledge, Southeast Asia will
     also demonstrated focus in the areas                            lead with its unique innovation-
     of telephone and data transmission                              led growth story – a story built
     systems, followed closely by Vietnam.                           on diversity and cooperation.

13   15
Domain arbitration
                       trends in APAC
                       By Hazal Çisem Aynalı                                                  There are currently six ICANN-
                                                                                              accredited dispute resolution providers
There are currently    As companies around the world
                       increase their online presence,
                                                                                              that adjudicate UDRP disputes around
                                                                                              the world: the World Intellectual Property
six ICANN-             identification of IP rights in domain
                       names grows in importance –
                                                                                              Office (WIPO), the National Arbitration
                                                                                              Forum (the Forum), the Asian Domain
accredited dispute     especially among companies
                       that are involved in e-commerce,
                                                                                              Name Dispute Resolution Centre
                                                                                              (ADNDRC), the Czech Arbitration Court
resolution providers   providing goods and services
                       using valued trademarks online.
                                                                                              (CAC), the Arab Center for Domain
                                                                                              Name Dispute Resolution (ACDR) and
that adjudicate        Accordingly, cases of cybersquatting
                       are rising year-over-year.16
                                                                                              the Canadian International Internet
                                                                                              Dispute Resolution Center (CIIDRC).19
UDRP disputes          The rules that govern domain disputes
                                                                                              The supplemental rules, fees and the
                                                                                              duration of the proceedings may differ
around the world.      vary in accordance with the extension17
                       of the domain name. Uniform Dispute
                                                                                              from one to another, but complainants
                                                                                              have the freedom to choose the UDRP
                       Resolution Policy (UDRP) sets out the                                  provider they desire to use to hear their
                       rules to resolve the disputes of domain                                complaint about a domain dispute.
                       names with generic top-level domains
                       (gTLDs) and some country-code top-                                     The focus of this article will be
                       level domains (ccTLDs),18 while other                                  on the ADNDRC20 as well as the
                       ccTLD disputes are governed by their                                   legal trends of ccTLD arbitration
                       own dispute resolution policies.                                       instances in Australia and India.

                         Domain extensions are also referred to as Top-Level Domains (TLDs).
                       They can be recognized in a website’s URL at the end. (i.e .com, .eu, .net, .club, etc…)
                            The info of which ccTLDs are under the competence of UDRP can be found here: https://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/cctld/
                            Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Centre

Asian Domain Name Dispute
     Resolution Centre (ADNDRC)

     The Asian Domain Name Dispute                                  While the statistics in this regard reveal
     Resolution Centre, with its four                               that cases before the ADNDRC may
     offices in Hong Kong (HKIAC),                                  take longer, it’s still the preferred
     Mainland China (CIETAC), Malaysia                              venue for Asian complainants and
     (AIAC) and South Korea (IDRC);21                               respondents. It is also worth highlighting
     handles UDRP cases from all                                    from Figure 2 that for complainants
     around the world, regardless of                                residing in the Cayman Islands, the
     the nationality of the parties. The                            vast majority of cases relate to the
     complainants can choose with which                             complainant companies Alibaba
     office of ADNDRC they will file the                            Group and Tencent Holdings.
     complaint. The fees to be paid when
     filing a complaint before an ADNRC                             The high number of respondents from
     office vary from $1,300 USD to $3,300                          Asia can be interpreted in multiple ways.
     USD for disputes containing up to                              First, complainants domiciled outside
     five domains, depending on the                                 of the Asian continent prefer to file the
     number of panelists requested. 22                              complaints before ADNDRC when
                                                                    the respondent is located near to one
     Although there are certain time                                of its dispute providers. Knowing that
     limits and procedural rules for the                            Mainland China has a record number
     UDRP disputes, the duration of                                 of registrants in the territory,23 such a
     proceedings varies amongst UDRP                                result cannot be deemed surprising.
     providers. In Figure 1 we illustrate
     the average duration of ADNDRC                                 Secondly, the data suggests that
     compared to other UDRP providers.                              complainants who are domiciled in
                                                                    Asia prefer to file UDRP complaints
     Certain factors determine the                                  with a provider with panelists of the
     choice of a provider including                                 same nationality as the respondent.
     filing fees, geographical proximity                            This also confirms that geographical
     and average duration of time                                   proximity plays a significant role
     for rendering a decision.                                      when choosing a UDRP provider.

     Figure 1: Average duration of UDRP proceedings by court





                  ADNDRC               WIPO            The Forum             ACDR     CAC          CIIDRC

     Source: Darts-ip


15   23
Figure 2: Nationality/region of complainants,
     defendants and their respective win rate

                              Top 10                                                                  Top 10
                           complainant                                                             respondent
                           nationalities                                                           nationalities

           United States            China, Mainland           Germany                Hong Kong             United Kingdom
           Cayman Island            Japan                     South Korea            France                Switzerland
           Malaysia                 Singapore                 India

                                                                      Win rate
     Plaintiff                                                                                                                      Defendant

     Source: Darts-ip

     Deeper look into                                                        requirement that the complainant
     auDRP and INDRP                                                         should prove the registration and use
                                                                             of the domain name in bad faith,25
                                                                             auDRP and INDRP take a different
     Country code TLDs for India (.in)                                       approach which finds either use or
     and Australia (.au) are governed by                                     registration to be sufficient for a ruling
     INDRP and auDRP respectively.                                           on bad faith.26 Accordingly, arbitration
                                                                             instances have had completely
     Although the filing policies and                                        different rulings to the matter when
     procedures may seem quite similar to                                    deciding on a cybersquatting case.
     UDRP, especially with auDRP since it                                    Whereas in some UDRP cases WIPO
     is deemed as a variation of UDRP,24                                     has made detailed assessment on
     the main difference between some                                        both use and registration in bad
     Asia dispute providers and UDRP                                         faith,27 other panels have 'inferred'
     providers can be found in the bad                                       bad faith registration from the use
     faith assessment for the respondent.                                    itself.28 In both scenarios however, the
     While UDRP has a cumulative                                             cumulative requirement is fulfilled.

          UDRP para 4(a)(iii) see: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/policy-2012-02-25-en
       INDRP para 4(iii) & auDRP para 4(a)(iii) see: https://www.registry.in/IN%20Domain%20Name%20Dispute%20Resolution%20
     Policy%20%28INDRP%29 and https://www.auda.org.au/policies/index-of-published-policies/2016/2016-01/
        darts-919-465-H-en-4: “(...) where a respondent registers a domain name before the complainant’s trademark rights accrue,
     panels will not normally find bad faith on the part of the respondent. Although this technically ends the matter, as this element of the
     Policy requires a finding of both registration and use in bad faith, the Panel also finds that the Respondent has not used the Disputed
     Domain Name in bad faith. It appears the Respondent uses the Disputed Domain Name for business or personal purposes and there
     is no evidence that this has been in bad faith.” darts-174-463-H-en-4: “The Panel finds bad faith in the use but not in the registration of
     the Domain Name.”
        darts-517-955-H-en: “The Panel therefore finds that the use of a domain name parking service constituted bad faith use of the
     disputed domain name (...). Further, the Panel also observes that the Complainant’s interest in and fame of the (...) trademark
     combined with the Respondent’s subsequent bad faith use of the disputed domain name would ordinarily be sufficient to allow the
16   inference that the said domain name was also registered in bad faith.”
In contrast, INDRP and auDRP panelists                                   In the absence of clear, harmonized
     have stopped the assessment if either                                    and strict rules for domain disputes
     use or registration in bad faith is                                      globally, and in light of the irrefutable
     proven,29 referring to the difference as:                                effect of jurisprudence on decision-
     “Unlike the UDRP, the requirements of                                    making, it is more important than
     registration in bad faith and use in bad                                 ever to identify distinctions between
     faith are disjunctive. It is only necessary                              the approaches of the courts to
     for the Complainant to prove that the                                    the same or similar legal disputes.
     disputed domain name was either                                          Having this in mind, we will see
     registered or used in bad faith. It is not                               how the international nature of the
     necessary to prove both elements.”30                                     internet will have an impact on the
                                                                              perspectives of ADNDRC, the Asian
     As per the comparison between INDRP                                      office of UDRP and the ccTLD dispute
     and auDRP, although there is no strict                                   providers in the APAC region in
     distinction as mentioned above for                                       terms of harmonization. Within this
     UDRP, Australian arbitration courts,                                     context, a helicopter view of the
     WIPO (for .au) and Indian tribunals                                      legal tendencies as well as the data
     have taken somewhat different                                            revealing the different procedural
     approaches to domain disputes                                            and administrative statistics of the
     as well. Figure 3 includes some                                          arbitration instances will support
     examples that highlight the difference                                   decision and policy-making.
     between three different arbitration
     forums on the same subjects.31

     Figure 3: Comparison of tendencies in different
     rulings for AU,32 WIPO and .IN Tribunals

     Similarity assessment - Addition of a generic term                                                          Similar       Not similar
     (regardless of if there is a link to the activity of the right holder)

     WIPO (.au)

     Legitimate interest assessment                                                    Legitimate interest          No legitimate interest
     Registration of a generic/descriptive word

     WIPO (.au)

     Bad faith assessment                                                                                     Bad faith      No bad faith
     Complainant trademark is well-known

     WIPO (.au)

     Reverse domain name hijacking assessment                                                                     RDNH         No RDNH

     WIPO (.au)

     Source: Darts-ip

       darts-014-053-I-e: “...as the Respondent's action to register the said domain name is not bona fide,
     therefore, the said registration is done in bad faith.”
       For this project, the decisions of auDRP providers which are located in Australia and DAU decisions of WIPO
     are taken into account separately.

17   32
          AU stands for the arbitration instances in Australia.
Snapshot: A look into
                       pharmaceutical class filings
                       for trademarks in Asia-Pacific
                       By Robert Reading and Kinam Park                                   However, the overall Class 5
                                                                                          numbers hide a fact that may be
The major export       In a report released in July 2019,33 the
                       United States Agency for International
                                                                                          important for future developments
                                                                                          emanating from Southeast Asia.
users filing in        Development (USAID) identified the
                       global threat posed by influenza viruses
                                                                                          While Class 5 is predominantly
                                                                                          viewed as the ’pharmaceutical’
Class 5 from           of animal origin, particularly from
                       Southeast Asia, which had been the
                                                                                          class, it also covers other related
                                                                                          products, such as vitamins, baby
most Asia-Pacific      source of previous outbreaks (Asian Flu
                       1957, Hong Kong Flu 1968, SARS 2003).
                                                                                          food and nutritional supplements.

countries are          With COVID-19 dominating
                                                                                          The major export users filing in Class
                                                                                          5 from most Asia-Pacific countries are
not filing for         global headlines at the start of
                       2020, trademark data may provide
                                                                                          not filing for pharmaceutical products
                                                                                          in Class 5, but for supplements
pharmaceutical         insight to the challenges faced
                       by the Asia-Pacific region.
                                                                                          and nutritional foodstuffs.

products in Class 5,   Trademark activity in the
                                                                                          Since 2015, the leading exporters
                                                                                          from Australia using Class 5 on
but for supplements    pharmaceutical sector can be
                       identified by looking at Class 5
                                                                                          trademark registers around the
                                                                                          world are supplement/vitamin
and nutritional        in the Nice Classification. For
                       applicants from a number of
                                                                                          producers such as Blackmores,
                                                                                          JBX, Max Biocare and infant milk
foodstuffs.            major Asia-Pacific countries,
                       Class 5 is a key “export” class:
                                                                                          formula company Gotop Australia.

                                                                                          From New Zealand, the major
                       • Japan – third most frequently                                    Class 5 exporters are dairy
                         used class for exports in 2019                                   companies producing infant
                         (after Class 9 and Class 3),                                     formula and powdered milk,
                                                                                          especially into Mainland China –
                       • South Korea – fourth most                                        The A2 Milk Company, Blue River
                         important export class in 2019                                   Dairy, Fonterra – or involved in
                         (after Classes 3, 9 and 35),                                     the Manuka honey industry.

                       • Australia – fourth most                                          The most prolific South Korean
                         important export class in 2019                                   filer around the world in Class 5 is
                         (after Classes 35, 9 and 41),                                    Korean Ginseng Corporation, which
                                                                                          had a monopoly on the sale of red
                       • India – leading export                                           ginseng in South Korea from 1899
                         class in 2019, and                                               until 1996 and has since expanded
                                                                                          rapidly around the world.
                       • New Zealand – leading
                         export class in 2019.

18                     33
India has a more traditional Class 5            Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical. Trademark
     export sector, dominated by                     activity strongly suggests that
     pharmaceutical companies such as                although the Asia-Pacific region has
     Dr Reddy’s, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals            much to gain from investing in and
     and Sun Pharmaceuticals.                        commercializing novel pharmaceutical
                                                     products, the current focus is on
     The Japanese export sector in                   nutritional supplements. This is in
     Class 5 is similarly comprised                  direct contrast to major European
     of traditional pharmaceutical                   countries and the United States,
     companies such as Daiichi Sankyo,               where pharmaceutical trademarks
     Kabayashi Pharmaceuticals,                      have dominated supplement
     Otsuka Pharmaceutical and                       trademarks even in recent years.

     Figure 1: Trademark applications in Class 5 (2015 to 2019)



     United States


     United Kingdom



     South Korea


     New Zealand

                      0%    10%    20%   30%   40%     50%    60%    70%    80%    90%    100%

         Pharma       Supplement

     Source: SAEGIS

     Even in the two major countries where           Due to difficulties with the allocation
     traditional pharmaceutical companies            of general subclasses to Mainland
     dominate the sector, there have been            Chinese trademark records, it was
     challenges. In India the pharma sector          not possible to include the Chinese
     has been built on a strategy of producing       trademark register in this analysis.
     generic medicines cost effectively              Mainland China has devoted
     rather than through expensive R&D               unprecedented resources in recent
     and investment in product innovation.           years to providing Chinese brands a
     And Japan has missed opportunities to           platform for global expansion. So far
     commercialize research breakthroughs            this has mostly involved consumer
     – for example the class of drugs                electronics, textiles, clothing and
     known as statins were isolated by a             household items, but the world could
     Japanese researcher in the 1970s but            benefit greatly if we see innovative
     never marketed, allowing U.S. based             Mainland Chinese pharmaceutical
     companies such as Merck and Bristol             brands start to appear on trademark
     Myers Squibb to reap the benefits.              registers around the world.

The view from Beijing: Patent
                       activity in Mainland China
                       By Tianhan Wang                                                      (DWPI) patent families for invention
                                                                                            patents and utility models published
According to           Mainland China has seen continued
                       rapid growth in patent filings
                                                                                            in Mainland China surged to an
                                                                                            impressive 440% in 2018 from
data from the          throughout the last decade, accounting
                       for a significant portion of global totals
                                                                                            2010, in sharp contrast, volumes of
                                                                                            some of the world’s other largest
National Bureau        and driving an overall upward trend.
                       As shown in Figure 1, while the total
                                                                                            economies, such as the United
                                                                                            States and Japan, remained almost
of Statistics,         Derwent World Patents Index™ 34                                      constant or slightly declined.

Mainland China’s
R&D spending           Figure 1: Growth rate in Mainland China and other jurisdictions by year
                       of basic publication, normalized to 2010 as baseline score of 100
has consistently       500

been above 2%
of its GDP for         400

the last five years.



                                  2010         2011         2012            2013           2014     2015      2016      2017      2018

                                China, Mainland       Global         U.S.          Japan

                       Source: Derwent World Patents Index

                       The surge of patent filings over the                                 patent filing targets were provided in
                       years in Mainland China was boosted                                  various related policies. According
                       by several factors, including national                               to data from the National Bureau of
                       innovation strategies, growing                                       Statistics, Mainland China’s R&D
                       research and development spending                                    spending has consistently been above
                       and incentive policies at both the state                             2% of its GDP for the last five years,
                       and local levels. In Mainland China’s                                reaching a total of 1.97 trillion Chinese
                       Outline of the 12th (2011 to 2015)                                   Yuan in 2018.35 The patenting trend
                       and 13th (2016 to 2020) Five-Year                                    described above shows a strong linear
                       Plan for the National Economic and                                   correlation with the R&D expenditure
                       Social Development, “innovation”                                     during the same period, suggesting
                       became one of the key objectives for                                 a positive output in the form of patent
                       national strategy. Specific metrics on                               filings from innovation activities.


20                     35
In the meantime, various subsidy                    A closer look at the patent data in
                     schemes implemented at different                    Mainland China reveals that, within
It is worth noting   levels across the country certainly
                     provided additional incentives for
                                                                         the total published volume each
                                                                         year, approximately 40% to 50% are
that Mainland        commercial entities, universities
                     and research institutions to rush
                                                                         utility model patents. Compared
                                                                         to invention patents, utility model
China has started    to file patent applications. The
                     exploding volume of patents has
                                                                         patents are small inventions for
                                                                         protecting products, which have
to implement         not gone unnoticed by authorities.
                     It is worth noting that Mainland
                                                                         lower inventiveness requirements.
                                                                         Further, utility model patents do not
various policies     China has started to implement
                     various policies to regulate patent
                                                                         require substantive examinations
                                                                         before grant and provide a maximum
to regulate patent   applications and examination
                     processes, attempting to shift the
                                                                         of a 10-year protection period. With
                                                                         limitations, utility model patents offer
applications and     focus from pursuing 'quantity' to
                     'quality.' For example, patents filed by
                                                                         a much faster route (usually less than
                                                                         12 months per grant) and lower cost
examination          universities are increasingly evaluated
                     by their ability to commercialize
                                                                         to maintain. It is clear that utility model
                                                                         patents are widely used as a strategy
processes.           rather than by sheer volume.                        in Mainland China for IP protection.

                     Figure 2: Volume of utility model patents and invention patents published
                     in Mainland China, counted as DWPI families by year of basic publication







                                    2010      2011         2012   2013    2014     2015     2016     2017     2018

                        Utility Models       Invention Patents

                     Source: Derwent World Patents Index

                     Where are the innovation sources of                 increasing almost five-fold from 2010
                     these patents coming from? Figure 3                 to 2018. Comparatively, the volume
                     compares patent publication volumes                 of patents originating from foreign
                     in Mainland China originating from                  jurisdictions and seeking protections
                     domestic organizations where priority               in Mainland China has not changed
                     filings are also in China, to those where           substantially, increasing by just 49%
                     priority filing jurisdictions are foreign.          over the years. If we further break
                     It is not surprising to see filings from            down by jurisdictions, the United States
                     domestic organizations delivering                   consistently ranks first, showing its
21                   a large volume each year, in fact                   continued patent activities in China.
It is not surprising   Figure 3: Comparison of publications in Mainland China from
                       domestic and foreign sources, counted as DWPI families when priority
to see filings         country is either China or foreign, by year of basic publication

from domestic          3,000,000

delivering a large     2,500,000

volume each year,
in fact increasing     2,000,000

almost five-fold
from 2010 to 2018.     1,500,000



                                      2010         2011        2012       2013         2014   2015   2016   2017   2018

                          Priority filing is China, Mainland     Priority filing is foreign

                       Source: Derwent World Patents Index

In recent years Mainland China has                                 China in 2018. The DWPI classification
     led technology development in many                                 system categorizes patent documents
     industries, especially in the information                          into three broad areas: Chemical,
     and communication technology (ICT)                                 Engineering and Electronic and
     sector, including telecommunications                               Electrical Engineering. Each of
     and mobile internet. New technologies                              these is further divided into sections
     and applications are being                                         and classes which describe the
     developed and commercialized                                       technical area, or areas, covered
     faster than ever before.                                           by the patent. Digital computers
                                                                        (electronic data processors, interfaces
     A study on the classification codes                                and program control, mechanical
     covered by patents published in                                    digital computers) are ranked first
     Mainland China reflects the same                                   with more than 370k published
     focus. Figure 4 lists the leading                                  families. It is followed by industrial
     DWPI classification codes36 ranked                                 electrical equipment, and telephone
     by publication volume in Mainland                                  and data transmission systems.

     Figure 4: Top-ranked DWPI classification code descriptions,
     counted as DWPI families published in 2018

                                Digital computers

                   Industrial electrical equipment

     Telephone and data transmission systems

                        Scientific instrumentation

                  Printed circuits and connectors

                           Fermentation industry

                      Natural products, polymers

                    Engineering instrumentation

               Mechanical engineering and tools

            Audio/Video Recording and Systems

                                                     0                 1M               2M       3M             4M

     Source: Derwent World Patents Index

     Mainland China offers exciting market                              with the understanding of the overall
     opportunities and at the same time                                 intellectual property landscape in
     a challenging environment. Having                                  Mainland China will be one of the
     a well-defined IP strategy in place                                key steps towards future success.

23   36
.BRAND TLDs in the
                      Asia-Pacific region
                      By Heidi Zhang                                               Usage of a .BRAND TLD
In the Asia-Pacific   In 2012, when the Internet Corporation
                      for Assigned Names and Numbers
                                                                                   A .BRAND TLD provides brand
                                                                                   owners with the ability to control
(APAC) region         (ICANN) launched its application
                      round for new gTLDs, 1,154 applicants
                                                                                   all content and use of a name
                                                                                   space to the right of the ’dot.’
of the world,         from every continent across the globe
                      filed applications to operate new
                                                                                   With a .BRAND TLD, brand owners
                                                                                   can drive internet traffic to websites
105 companies         gTLDs. Interestingly, many brand
                      owners also seized the opportunity
                                                                                   and relay information with very short
                                                                                   and memorable domains and also
applied for           to apply for their own .BRAND TLDs
                      (for example, .MARRIOTT, .BMW,
                                                                                   save themselves trouble from
                                                                                   managing domains under
.BRAND TLDs.          and .SONY) in order to create their
                      own internet real estate and promote
                                                                                   other generic TLDs. A .BRAND
                                                                                   domain name can be used to:
                      and protect their online identity.
                                                                                   • redirect traffic to an
                      In the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region of                           existing home page;
                      the world, 105 companies applied for                         • build a microsite;
                      .BRAND TLDs with some companies                              • launch new products;
                      applying for more than one. A total of                       • allocate brand SLDs to subsidiaries/
                      144 .BRAND TLDs were applied for by                            branches as their website;
                      companies in Asia-Pacific. This count                        • support marketing activities;
                      makes up 25.5% of the total .BRAND                           • deliver a themed program; and
                      TLD applications (565) filed in 2012.37                      • create a new home page.


Big companies, big .BRANDs
                                               Among the 105 APAC applicants that filed for .BRAND TLDs, 38 belong to
                                               Fortune 500 companies38 such as Nissan, Samsung and Toyota. A complete
                                               breakdown of these applications is shown in the table below.39 Other notable
                                               companies that applied for a .BRAND include Seiko, Nikon, ShangriLa and Baidu.

Organization                                           No. of brand TLDs                      Country/region    TLDs

Alibaba                                                4                                      China, Mainland   .alibaba; .alipay; .taobao; .tmall

NISSAN                                                 3                                      Japan             .datsun; .infiniti; .nissan

Bridgestone Corporation                                2                                      Japan             .bridgestone; .firestone

China United Network Communications Corp Ltd           2                                      China, Mainland   .unicom; .联通

CITIC Group Corporation                                2                                      China, Mainland   .citic; .中信

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China                2                                      China, Mainland   .icbc; .工行

SAMSUNG SDS Co., LTD                                   2                                      South Korea       .samsung; .삼성

Toyota Motor Corporation                               2                                      Japan             .lexus; .toyota

Canon Inc.                                             1                                      Japan             .canon

Fujitsu Limited                                        1                                      Japan             .fujitsu

Hitachi                                                1                                      Japan             .hitachi

Honda Motor Co., Ltd.                                  1                                      Japan             .honda

Hyundai Motor Company                                  1                                      South Korea       .hyundai

KDDI                                                   1                                      Japan             .kddi

KIA Motors Corporation                                 1                                      South Korea       .kia

Mitsubishi                                             1                                      Japan             .mitsubishi

Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation                   1                                      Japan             .mtpc

NEC Corporation                                        1                                      Japan             .nec

NIPPON Telegraph and Telephone Company                 1                                      Japan             .ntt

Panasonic Corporation                                  1                                      Japan             .panasonic

Reliance Industries Limited                            1                                      India             .reliance

Softbank Corp.                                         1                                      Japan             .softbank

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.                       1                                      Japan             .playstation

Sony Corporation                                       1                                      Japan             .sony

State Bank of India                                    1                                      India             .statebank

Suzuki Motor Corporation                               1                                      Japan             .suzuki

Tata Motors Ltd                                        1                                      India             .tatamotors

TOSHIBA Corporation                                    1                                      Japan             .toshiba


25                                             39
APAC .BRAND                                                                                          companies listed on the Fortune 500
                      TLD distribution                                                                                     than Japan, fewer companies in China
Applicants from                                                                                                            applied for a .BRAND because most are
                                                                                                                           manufacturing companies that do not
Japan filed the       Applicants from Japan filed the most                                                                 depend heavily on an online presence
                      .BRAND TLD applications among                                                                        in order to drive business. More
most .BRAND TLD       all APAC countries/regions with 49.                                                                  Japanese companies on the Fortune
                      Mainland Chinese companies followed                                                                  500 are technology and consumer
applications among    with 22, and Australian applicants filed                                                             goods focused, sectors which tend to
                      for 19.40 This is partly explained by the                                                            understand better the importance of
all APAC countries/   industry sector of the Fortune 500                                                                   online brand presence and awareness
                      companies from each region on the                                                                    and therefore would be more aware
regions with 49.      list. Although Mainland China has more                                                               of the value of having a .BRAND.

                      Figure 1 .BRAND TLD distribution in different country/region







                                            China, Mainland


                                                                          Hong Kong


                                                                                              Saudi Arabia

                                                                                                             South Korea




                                                                                                                                                           United Arab Emirates




                      Source: MarkMonitor

                      Industry segmentation made up                                                                        It not surprising that the IT and the
                      more than half of the .BRAND TLDs                                                                    banking and financial sectors were a
                      and spanned a variety of industry                                                                    major focus, as these industries are often
                      sectors including telecommunications,                                                                the target of abuse and domain name
                      information technology, banking and                                                                  infringement and they have multiple
                      financial and consumer electronics.                                                                  portals to interact with internet users.

26                    40
Figure 2 .BRAND industry segmentation

          1                                                2                                     3

          4                                           5                          6                         7

                                                                                 8                               9

                                                                                 12               13                 14         15
                                                                                                  17      18              19   20

                                                                                 16               21      22              23   24

     1.        Telecommunications               9.    Education                 17.   Business Services
     2.        Banking and Financial            10.   Real Estate               18.   Health
     3.        Information Technology           11.   Manufacturing             19.   Internet Services
     4.        Consumer Electronics             12.   Energy                    20.   Logistics
     5.        Automotive                       13.   Retail                    21.   Clothing and Accessories
     6.        Industrial                       14.   Travel                    22.   Insurance
     7.        Media                            15.   Associations              23.   Miscellaneous
     8.        Pharmaceutical                   16.   Manufacturing             24.   Sports

     Source: MarkMonitor

     Launching a .BRAND TLD
     The first launched .BRAND TLDs were                                  2019, 86 of the 144 .BRAND TLDs had
     .citic and (.中信), in 2014 soon after                                 launched. Half of APAC’s .BRAND TLDs
     they were delegated. As of the end of                                were launched in 2015, 2016 and 2017.41

     Figure 3.

     Year (.BRAND TLDs)

              2014 (4)
              2015 (37)
                                                               APAC .BRAND
              2016 (25)
                                                                TDLs launch
              2017 (11)
              2018 (7)
              2019 (2)
              Not launched (58)

     Source: MarkMonitor

27   41
Figure 4. Website resolution

                                       Redirecting, registered only and resolving by country/region




                                       Hong Kong

                                                    China, Mainland


                                                                              Saudi Arabia





                                                                                                                                             South Korea


                                                                                                                                                                    United Arab Emirates
             Registered Only           Redirecting                       Resolving

     In the picture above, you can see the top down ranking of resolving, redirecting
     and registered only domain volume in 14 countries and regions in APAC.42

                                                                                                                                       Registered only
      Country/region                          Resolving domains                              Redirecting domains

      Australia                               101                                            120                                       329

      Bahrain                                 0                                              0                                         2

      China, Mainland                         43                                             8                                         380

      Hong Kong                               3                                              14                                        17

      India                                   35                                             7                                         85

      Israel                                  6                                              3                                         12

      Japan                                   179                                            51                                        373

      South Korea                             3                                              0                                         33

      Kuwait                                  4                                              35                                        13

      Saudi Arabia                            4                                              5                                         8

      Singapore                               1                                              5                                         5

      Taiwan                                  0                                              0                                         0

      Thailand                                5                                              4                                         33

      United Arab Emirates                    1                                              0                                         0

      Total                                   385                                            252                                       1,290

28   42
Challenges to                                 know that they have a .BRAND TLD to
     .BRAND operation                              make use of. If anyone needs to apply
                                                   for a domain name under a .BRAND,
                                                   the internal process can be difficult.
     As seen in the table above, there
     are 1,927 second level domains                Finally, some brands just want to wait
     registered under APAC .BRAND TLDs,            and see how others are using their
     but only 637 active domain names              .BRAND TLDs and learn from their
     that resolve or redirect and that are         successes or failures. The learning curve
     actively in use. The percentage is            is steep and brand owners are generally
     only 33%, while the global number             cautious. The more .BRANDS they see
     is 65.6% (total registration is 19,550        in the marketplace, the more inclined
     while 12,833 domain names are                 they may be to launch their own.
     resolving or redirecting).

     Why aren’t more companies using their
     .BRAND TLDs? The reasons are many.            Looking ahead
     First, many companies are concerned           .BRAND TLDs provide brand owners
     they might lose traffic if they switch from   the opportunity to use their brand
     their current domain name (most likely        names as their top-level domain and
     a .COM or .CN) to a .BRAND. A second          manage the internet space under it.
     reason is that the new gTLDs strings are      Based on the current status of how
     not well recognized or supported by           .BRAND TLDs are used, there is still
     browsers. Sometimes a domain name             work to be done in socializing domain
     with a new gTLD cannot be opened              knowledge and engaging .BRAND
     and causes a bad user experience.             TLD operators in industry discussions.
                                                   As time goes on, we will see more
     In addition, operational policies for         and more .BRAND TLDs come online
     a .BRAND take planning and effort             and serve brand owners better.
     to develop and many companies
     don’t have resources to commit to             Although some brand owners took
     this effort. As companies have unique         the initiative and applied for their
     business models, organizational               brand TLDs in 2012, there are many
     structures and product features,              companies that missed this opportunity
     there is no single universal .BRAND           and must wait for the next round
     usage pattern for brand owners to             of new gTLD applications to open,
     refer to. It is very challenging for          expected sometime in 2022. In the
     brand owners to develop operational           meantime, brands will benchmark
     policies and procedures due to lack           against their peers and the pioneers
     of proficiency and resources.                 in .BRAND TLD usage. Because the
                                                   first round of new gTLDs covered a
     A fourth reason for the lack of usage can     lot of generic and short words, the
     be an absence of communication within         number of .BRAND applications in
     the brand company. For example, the           the next round is expected to surpass
     technical or marketing team may not           the number of generic TLDs.

New provisions on punitive
                     damages for willful patent
                     infringement in South Korea
                     By Jeeyoon Park                                                              v) how frequently and how
                                                                                                     long the infringing activity
The new              The biggest IP news of 2019, as
                     selected by IP experts in South Korea,
                                                                                                     was committed;

legislation on       is the introduction of new provisions
                     in relation to punitive damages, which
                                                                                                  vi) the criminal penalty for
                                                                                                      the infringing activity;
punitive damages     took effect in July 2019.43 According to
                     these provisions, a court can award up                                       vii) the infringer’s financial
is expected to       to triple the amount of compensatory
                     damages in the case of a patent and
                                                                                                        status; and

prevent defendants   utility model infringement,44 where
                     ‘willfulness’ is confirmed. The new
                                                                                                  viii) what efforts the infringer
                                                                                                        has made to reduce
and others from      legislation on punitive damages is
                     expected to prevent defendants and
                                                                                                        the harm to the patent owner.

exploiting any       others from exploiting any patented
                     item without the permission of the
                                                                                            In the past, patent owners had
                                                                                            a heavier burden of proof than an
patented item        patent holder beforehand, by imposing
                     harsher punishments for alleged
                                                                                            accused infringer in infringement
                                                                                            litigation. The lawsuit would be
without the          infringers. The newly-added provisions
                     can be found in article 128 (claim for
                                                                                            filed with evidence such as a
                                                                                            scope of infringement and infringing
permission of        compensation for damages) of the
                     Korean Patent Act, new paragraphs
                                                                                            products, which was considered
                                                                                            impossible to prove when the
the patent holder    8 and 9 which state the following:                                     infringer refused to submit this
                                                                                            data. Furthermore, even if proven
beforehand.          8) Notwithstanding paragraph 1, the
                        court may award damages up to
                                                                                            to be a patent violation, the amount
                                                                                            of compensation from the act of
                        three times the amount of damages                                   infringement is, in most cases,
                        determined pursuant to paragraphs                                   ironically smaller than the
                        2 to 7, if the activity infringing                                  profits gained by the infringer
                        the patent right or the exclusive                                   during their illegal conduct.
                        license right is found to be willful.
                                                                                            In the United States, where punitive
                     9) The court shall consider each of the                                damages have been enforced
                        following factors in considering the                                for a long period of time, judges
                        damages pursuant to paragraph 8:                                    impose a more significant amount
                                                                                            of compensation for damages in
                              i)     whether the infringer has                              patent infringement than in South
                                     a dominant position;                                   Korea. As a matter of fact, according
                                                                                            to data sourced from Darts-ip, the
                              ii) whether the infringer knew                                number of cases involving damages
                                  the act of infringement would                             of more than $10,000 USD in patent
                                  cause harm to a patent owner;                             infringement actions is approximately
                                                                                            five times higher in the United
                              iii) the significance of any                                  States than in South Korea.45 Thus,
                                   such damages;                                            the damage compensation laws
                                                                                            prior to the reform did not have any
                              iv) the economic benefits to the                              particular influence in discouraging
                                  infringer from the infringement;                          potential infringers in South Korea.

                       The system is defined by about 16 other provisions, including the Patent Act, the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret
                     Protection Act, etc., but this article focuses on patent and utility model infringement.
                          The patent infringement mentioned throughout this article includes utility model infringement.

30                   45
                          app.darts-ip.com, The cases ruled more than 10,000 USD of the compensation for damages between 2010 and 2019.
The newly-added provision is also                                          records and arguments” (darts-793-
     meaningful in terms of supporting                                          587-B-ko). This is clearly insufficient for
     small and medium-sized enterprises                                         determining the ‘intention’ as multiple
     (SMEs). The Korean Intellectual                                            factors are involved in a broad concept.
     Property Office (KIPO) enforces
     many policies for the sake of SMEs,                                        Nevertheless, it should be pointed
     for example, the reduction of patent                                       out that an infringement trial usually
     application and/or registration fees.                                      becomes divided into two parts in
     In this regard, the introduction of the                                    South Korea. On one hand, a patent
     new provisions can be interpreted as                                       infringement is a criminal proceeding
     being favorable to SMEs, protecting                                        that entails certain penalties, such as
     against the ‘intentional’ patent                                           imprisonment or fines to an accused
     violations by large multinational                                          infringer. On the other hand, the
     corporations. Consequently, a                                              compensation comes as a result of
     guideline46 has been published by                                          a civil proceeding and must be filed
     the KIPO, primarily for SMEs, to                                           separately by a patentee in order to get
     provide instructions for preventing                                        compensated up to triple the amount.47
     infringement as well as informing                                          For this reason, there has been some
     how to confront large companies, as                                        opposition to the new damage provision,
     SMEs usually lack the resources to                                         as it could lead to confusion between civil
     do so on their own. Furthermore, it                                        and criminal laws resulting in potential
     is noteworthy that stronger penalties                                      double punishment of the infringers.
     can be imposed in the context
     of malicious, willful infringement                                         In conclusion, the guidebook48
     where large corporations abuse their                                       addresses several cases49 that may
     dominant position on patents held                                          be identified as acts of infringement
     by SMEs or private patentees.                                              committed ‘knowingly and purposely’;
                                                                                however, the judgment may vary
     However, this new legislation does                                         depending on experts’ views and
     give rise to an important question:                                        judges’ discretion. Opponents of this
     how can 'willfulness’ be defined?                                          new measure claim that the punitive
                                                                                damage implementation may create
     Most of the cases to date cite a Supreme                                   abuse by patentees, and the divided
     Court decision on May 27, 2005 (2004                                       proceedings between civil and
     다60584), stating that “the damages                                         criminal trials might put an additional
     can be calculated by comprehensively                                       burden on both patent holders and
     considering the circumstances and                                          infringers. Therefore, the introduction
     background of the infringement                                             of these provisions seems to favor small
     of the patent rights, the nature and                                       patent holders and SMEs; however,
     market conditions of the operation,                                        it may be different in practice. As
     the duration in which the infringement                                     we proceed through 2020 with this
     of the patent rights was sustained, the                                    change, it will be important to develop
     attitude or the willfulness of infringers                                  concrete cases in order to promote
     during the infringement dispute and                                        mutual growth and fair judgement
     other circumstances shown in the                                           in the field of patent infringement.

          “A preventive guideline for SMEs of the introduction of punitive damages resulted from willful patent infringement”, KIPO, Jan.2020.
          Referenced in footnote 29.
          1) an act of Infringement after receiving a warning letter or a lawsuit has been filed
          2) an act of infringement after the termination of the license contract
31        3) an act of infringement in cases to believe that he was well aware of the patent.
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