2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update

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2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update
Estate of update

2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update
2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update
2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update
a word from
David Kimelfeld,
President of
Lyon Métropole
2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update

In 2017, Lyon ranked once again among Europe’s most attractive
cities. Today, our economic development strategy is paying off
in terms of generating wealth, encouraging new companies to
set up in Lyon and thus creating more jobs. In particular, we have
welcomed an increasing number of foreign industrial activities and
implantations. This was also the year Lyon showed the strongest
                      growth of any European metropolis (+2.7%).
                      This success was made possible by the 2016-
                      2017 Economic Development Program,
                      an ambitious roadmap created in partnership
                      with council chambers, professional
                      organizations and the University of Lyon.
                      We seek to remain the leading industrial city in
                      France and support companies with their digital
                      transition and energy transition, while preparing
                      the industry of the future. Our strength resides
                      in industries with strong added value and a
                      young, highly skilled population. Our ability to
                      compete is based on our exceptional know-how
                      in areas like industrial engineering, clean tech, life
                      sciences and digital technology, as well as on our
                      outstanding ability to initiate and innovate. These
                      strengths also encourage the development of
                      new industries in our area, such as cybersecurity,
                      insurance and e-health. Our dynamic economy,
                      based on the tertiary sector and industry in Lyon,
                      contributes to our attractiveness and marketing
                      our expertise abroad in countries such as China.
We have also made a major step forward with respect to the impact
of our universities; our research and training entities participate fully
in the economic growth of our city. Lyon was France’s leading city for
students in 2017. Lyon attracts young people through its outstanding
offer of training possibilities and the high quality of student life.
The city’s attractiveness and economic vigour bring benefit to
all. This is the goal of the metropolitan work placement program
(know as PMI-e) that aims to enable everyone to find a job, in
particular by matching job supply with the demand for skills.
On the strength of Lyon’s economic drive and the diversification
of high-value-added activities, the city is a breeding ground for the
continued growth of employment! Together, we must continue our
efforts and write the next chapter in the wonderful story of Lyon.

                                                            David Kimelfeld
2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update

       a word from our partners

   Emmanuel Imberton,                      Khaled Bouabdallah,                      Alain Audouard,
President, Lyon Métropole               President, University of Lyon            President, Rhône Chamber
Saint-Étienne Roanne CCI (Chamber                                                of Trades and Crafts
of Commerce and Industry)
                                        The Lyon Métropole economic
                                        development program is                   Lyon is a metropolis that
More than ever, the Lyon                an important tool that sets              includes ALL entrepreneurs!
Métropole Saint-Etienne Roanne          strategic priorities for territorial     Lyon's enterprising spirit is an
CCI is an innovative partner            development. The University              immaterial asset that has been
for companies. Our outlook can          of Lyon is a recognized player           wisely cultivated over the years
be summed up in three words:            that has recently undertaken             by the representative institutional
combat, conviction, conquest.           a label of excellence initiative         and economic players working
This position is concretized in         corresponding to the expectations        together in harmony, whether
action that serves the 120,000          of a rapidly changing society            they are council chambers
companies located in our area.          and to the importance of local           or employer organizations.
                                        socio-economic goals.
Recently, we officially launched                                                 This ongoing dialog and expertise
our Mandate Plan, which we              The University of Lyon partakes fully    in interpersonal relationships
have decided to call - and not          in the four parts of the program by      that is unique in France feeds
by accident - the Business Book.        participating in several actions and     an ecosystem that makes
                                        by being involved in discussions         Lyon a preferred destination
It defines our strategic directions:    concerning the analysis and follow-      because of its quality of living
make life easier for company heads,     up of results obtained. In addition      and economic potential.
be their daily business partner         to being directly involved in specific
and provide the necessary local         actions, the University of Lyon acts     The city's 22,000 tradespeople
impetus. Lyon Métropole is our          as an interface with local players       are active participants in making
leading partner for implementing        for actions concerning business          Lyon attractive, whether they are
these actions. We act in concert        development and indispensable            manufacturing subcontractors, food
and have initiated the Lyon way of      training for evolving skills.            professionals, workers in building
working together that is envied by                                               and renovation or service providers.
many. This time-tested approach to
collaboration, which is an invaluable                                            In 2018, the Chamber of Trades
asset for our companies and our                                                  and Crafts will be moving to the
area, gives us the strength to make                                              Confluence district, where it will
Lyon a great fabricating, learning,                                              support the innovation dynamic by
attractive and energizing metropolis!                                            opening a hub for "Artipreneurs"and
                                                                                 France's first incubator for crafts.
2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update

   Laurent Fiard,                           François Turcas,
President of the Lyon                    President of the Rhône CPME
Rhône MEDEF (the French                  (Confederation of Small
employers' organization)                 and Medium Enterprises)

Let's work together for a                We are proud to contribute to
fabricating and collaborating city!      an exemplary way of working
Almost two years have elapsed            together in Lyon, where economic
since Lyon Métropole finalized its       and institutional players combine
Economic Development Program             their strengths to build a stronger
in collaboration with the economic       and more attractive city. Today,
world. One of our shared goals is        this collective dynamic generates
to maintain industrial employment        wealth and benefits, in particular
and support it in the transformation     for smaller companies in the area
of companies in the sector.              that are real drivers of growth.

Lyon Métropole and GLEE members          Confronted with the many
were behind this impetus, which          revolutions to come, the Rhône
rallied companies and, more              CPME will continue its commitment
broadly, our ecosystem to the            to fundamental projects for the
"Industry of the Future" banner.         future. As an example, we intervene
A territory of excellence, with          in the recruitment area to solve
a talent pool of expertise in digital    issues involving labor scarcity
technology, renowned schools             and improving the match between
and institutions of higher learning      supply and demand. In addition,
and smaller companies and                through the Innovation Factory
industries that innovate in all          and the Research Hub we work
industrial sectors (mechanical,          to bring together the university,
chemical, pharmaceutical, plastics,      research labs and companies.
etc.), Lyon has all it needs to be
ranked as a leading European city.       Finally, we work toward the Industry
                                         of the Future by focusing on the
The industry of the future is here and   human element so that robotics
now in Lyon, and we are building         will continue to rhyme with ethics.
the industry of the future together!
2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update

                                                            CONCEPTION/CREATION BY


2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update

   a word from Fouziya Bouzerda,
2nd Second Vice President
for Economy and Social Insertion

     Over the past eighteen months, and following a favorable
     vote by the Metropolitan Council in favor of our program,
     Lyon Métropole has shown impressive dynamism: all
     indicators are “go” for company creation, implanting
     international subsidiaries, the number of tourist stays, traffic
     at our airport and sales of office and industrial real estate.
                           This energy is, of course, characteristic
                           of entrepreneurs who take risks,
                           innovate and export, but it is also
                           characteristic of those who support
                           them, in particular the partners
                           who make up the enterprising heart
                           of Greater Lyon: the University, the
                           council chambers and the employer
                           federations. Together, we carry out
                           actions such as investing in new
                           sectors (engineering, insurance,
                           security, etc.) setting new goals
                           for the industry of tomorrow and
                           committing to a pro-business policy.
                           But many challenges must still be
                           met, including support for those who
                           have the greatest difficulty in finding
                           a job. This is why we are carrying
                           out actions within the framework
                           of our metropolitan social insertion
     program, which is designed to increase employment.
     We remain confident: the entrepreneurial dynamic is solid
     and the will to work together is as strong as ever. With this
     firm basis, we can’t help but feel optimistic about de future!

                                                  Fouziya Bouzerda
2016-2021 Economic development program - Estate of update

   13 35
     focus on know-how          focus on the future

     A manufactu-               A learning
     ring metropolis            metropolis

     Support SMEs with
     growth potential           the international excellence
                                of the University of Lyon
     PAGE 17
                                PAGE 39

     Consolidate our              2
     industrial base            Support initiatives to adapt
                                training to company needs
     PAGE 22
                                PAGE 42

     Spark innovation             3
     at the interface between   Make training a source
     sectors of excellence      of local competitiveness
     PAGE 28                    PAGE 44

49 65
focus on know-how          putting our heads together

An attractive              An energizing
metropolis                 metropolis

Build differentiating
                           Build positive collaboration
expertise                  with other territories
PAGE 53                    PAGE 69

Enhance Lyon's
                           Promote exemplary
international reputation   economic development
and welcome the world      based on solidarity
to Lyon
                           PAGE 71

  3                          3
                           Pursue economic
Make Lyon well-known       development that protects
and popular: grow          the environment
Lyon's international
reputation and advertise   PAGE 75
local know-how
knowing how

A manu-

                                             NEW mid-size
                                             emerging industries
                                             in Lyon
      18 %                                   [ in 2017 :
      INDUSTRIAL JOBS                        Three news MSIs]
      [ in 2017 : 17%
      industrial1 jobs ]
      200                                    PROJECTS with high
      “PEPITES”                              potential
      supported                              [ in 2017 : 200 high-
      [ in 2017 : 64 labeled]                potential projects]

      1. Source : Opale — Impact Indicators — 2016-2021
      Economic Development Program - January 2018

                                      Support SMEs and SMIs
                                      with growth potential
                                      Lyve : a new metropolitan
                                      offer for business projects

                                      Super-fast broadband
 A promise                            for the industrial base

                                      Lyon Pacte PME facilitates
                                      exchange between SMEs             P.19

 make                                 and large groups easier

 all growth                           A winning advantage
                                      for Lyon Métropole :

 and creation                         Liaison Officers

 projects                             For hyper-growth
                                      companies : the “Pépites”
                                      (“Gold Nuggets”) program

 possible and
                                      our industrial base
                                      French Fab : Lyon, where
                                      the focus is on industry

                                      PLU-H, a tool for consolidating
                                      productive activities

                                         Spark innovation
                                         at the interface
                                         between sectors
                                         of excellence
Lyon Métropole, a key player
in the development                P.23   A new insurance cluster :
of a pro-industry offer                  AURA

The “Industry of the Future”             Make “living in good health”
                                  P.24                                                P.29
campus in Vénissieux                     a source of added value

MOOVE : a tool to promote                Health and medico-social
                                  P.24                                                P.29
the territory                            innovation is a priorty cluster

The Industrial Hive                      The “smart city” of Lyon
(La Ruche Industrielle) :         P.24   promotes innovation that                     P.30
serving companies                        makes life easier for residents

BoostHEAT, a first successful            Connected objects and new
implantation project for the      P.25   services being deployed
Vénissieux industrial campus.
                                         French Tech : digital
Chemical Valley is off to a new          technology at the core                       P.32
start thanks to “l’Appel des      P.25   of urban transformation
30!” (The Call of 30!)
                                         A creative city
Axel’One, an innovation                  on the cutting edge                          P.33
platform serving industry                that “discovers” new talent

Winner of the call
for an expression of interest
from innovative territories
with major ambitions

Make Lyon the European hub
for internal security and
cybersecurity in industrial
and urban systems

                       number of growth
                       and hyper-growth companies

                                   GROWTH                        HYPER-GROWTH
                       micro-        905                                    212

                       SME           418                                     70

                       ISE           16                                       0

                                                    jobs and
        number                                      turnover
        of industrial                               in life science
        jobs                                        companies
        74,800                       14,600
        IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR        JOBS (except human
        IN LYON MÉTROPOLE            health)                               57,000
        in the industrial                                                  JOBS
        sector end 2016                                                    in human
                                           0.9%                            health areas
                                     in one year
            0.6%                     specificity index :   2,5
        in one year

        134,670                      BILLION EUROS
        INDUSTRIAL JOBS              turnover in 2015
        IN THE LYON
        URBAN AREA
                                           2.1%                            33%
        or 17 % of total             in one year
        private salaried jobs                                                         public employment
        as compared to 2015
                                       Source : Opale — Impact Indicators — 2016-2021 Economic
                                     Development Program for Lyon Métropole - November 2017

SMEs and SMIs
 with growth

                       Lyve : the new
                   metropolitan offer
                   for business projects
                   For almost fifteen years, Lyon has              – a community initiative based on
                   invested heavily in supporting companies        collaboration between entrepreneurs
                   by relying on the network “Lyon Ville de        and the broadening of the entrepreneurial
                   l'entrepreneuriat” (business city network).     ecosystem (the fifty original publicplayers
                   This partnership has strongly contributed       have now become 300 public and private
                                    to the growth of business      players),
                                    in Lyon.                       – a physical offer : the “business
                                                                   hubs” will provide veritable living areas
Lyon is the most attractive        Long a pioneer, Lyon            (accommodations, incubators,
  of all major French cities       Métropole has renewed           acceleration, events).
 for entrepreneurs [17,137         its ambitions. Metropolitan
companies created in 2016,         strategy is to support
   +11.4% in just one year]        entrepreneurs throughout                               This new offer
                                   business development                                   of services will
                   and be the place where companies grow                                  be developed
                   and create jobs.This evolution depends on                              under the “LYVE”
                   extensive support and easy access to :                                 brand name.
                   – a personalized and innovative digital offer

                                                            The digital
                                                            A new web services
                                                            platform has been designed
                                                            by entrepreneurs for
                                                            entrepreneurs. Produced
                                                            in an agile way, this
                                                            platform aims to fulfill
                                                            business expectations.

                                                            With an innovative approach
                                                            that calls on intuitive,
                                                            pioneering technologies,
                                                            it will allow individuals
                                                            to find a personalized         in Lyon entrepreneurship
                                                            solution throughout            (both public and private).
                                                            project and company life.
                                                            It also proposes a broad       Since it is one of the pillars
                                                            community aspect to            of the “phygital” offer, it will
                                                            encourage discussions          be extensively interfaced
                                                            among entrepreneurs and        with the physical offer
                                                            interaction with all players   deployed at business hubs.

The physical proximity offer : business hubs
The business hubs represent   – an activity area where      coaching, workshops,
the physical aspect of the    events can be organized       training, pitches, speed
new LYVE services offer.      for the entire community,     meetings and mentoring.
They will provide a more      with individual or group
flexible and personalized
response that offers :
– a place for living
that brings together all
ecosystem players,
                                                                       PLANNED :
– an appropriate structure
with numerous work areas            The creation of 3 NEW HUBS     (Cap Nord, Espace Carco and                     Design
designed for business            in the North (Neuville sur        La Coursive) and offer                      studies
developers, including            Saône), West (La Duchère)         territorial coverage that                   finished in
meeting rooms, co-               and South (Givors) to round out   reinforces the attractiveness               2017 made
working areas, workshops,        the existing real estate offer    of Lyon Métropole                           it possible
and shared spaces,                                                                                             to launch
                                                                                                               work in 2018
                                       19,000              Over 300                 and renewed                and open
                                        sqm                  JOBS WITHIN
                                                               3 YEARS
                                                                                 every 3 years with
                                                                                a sustainability rate
                                                                                                               three hubs
                                                                                                               by HI 2019.
                                      OF DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                above 80 % in 5 years

    Super-fast broadband
for the industrial base
After observing that the specific super-          The “Greater Lyon Fiber” network is uniquely          END USER SITES
fast broadband offer for economic players         positioned because of its geographical                   have already
would be insufficient, Lyon Métropole             coverage, density and conditions of technical          been connected
chose to deploy the “Greater Lyon Fiber”          access and rates. In priority, it targets :           (SMEs /ISEs /public
Public Initiative Network. This network           – all Economic Activity Zones (93),                       companies)
will meet company expectations over the           – main activity buildings (165),
long term for super-fast broadband, secure        – tourist hotels (249),
connections, an availability rate near 100%,      – public service sites (1,600),                      Over 380
varied offers and competitive rates.              – over 30,000 companies with one or                           SITES
                                                  more employees eligible for the access                     are being
“Greater Lyon Fiber” was created in the           package at very attractive rates.                         connected
context of a Delegation of Public Service.
COVAGE / Grand Lyon THD, the delegated            In late 2017, marketing was opened
company, is in charge of designing, building,     for the network.                                      Over 50
operating and marketing the network.                                                                       OPERATORS
Operationally, this will represent a network                                                                propose
of nearly 1,000 km of dedicated optical fiber.                                                            their services

                                    Lyon Pacte PME facilitates
                                 exchange between smaller
                                 companies and large groups
                                 This is the local adaptation of   Large companies in the territory
                                 a national system. The goal is    are ready to consider SMEs and
                                 to reinforce relations between    ISEs in the following areas :
                                 SMEs and large accounts and       – Purchasing : presentation of market
                                 promote growth.                   opportunities and adaptation of
                                 Since being created in 2015, it   practices to SMEs and ISEs,
                                 has resulted in :                 – Open innovation : organization of
          First of all,                                            creative sessions between start-ups /
     Lyon Métropole                            38                  SMEs / ISEs / large accounts,
 focuses on its own                       MEETINGS                 – International : identification of
purchasing actions                             where               sites where large accounts could
   (better legibility,                                             provide support for local SMEs,
     better supplier                        124                    – Human resources : orienting of work-
relationship quality,                LARGE COMPANIES               study candidates trained at large accounts
implementation of                    (GRDF, Bouygues, ENGIE,       toward SMEs and development of skill
best practices, etc.)             UGAP, Suez Environnement,        transfer, with the assignment of tutors.
                                      Air Liquide, Bosch, HCL,
       In 2017, 50 %              la DGA, etc.) to get to know
 of Lyon Métropole
 purchases directly                       1,230
   benefited SMEs.                     SMEs in the area

Employment Liaison
Officers : a winning
advantage for
Lyon Métropole
               Since January 1, 2015, Lyon Métrople
               has taken charge of social insertion
               and economic development. The city uses
               this powerful tool to drive an ambitious            The Recettes et Cabas
               policy that combines economic and                   company in Dardilly
               social performance to bring about the               has already taken
               balanced development of the territory.              advantage of this new
                                                                   metropolitan service :
               Concretely, a tandem composed of an economic
               developer and an Enterprise-Employment is           “The Enterprise-
               present in each Mayors Territorial Conference,      Employment Liaison
                                close to both companies            Officer and the economic
                                and job seekers.                   developer suggested
                                                                   I participate in ESSpresso
      The ODAS tool           The EE Liaison Officer is            (a B to B gathering of
          developed           responsible for implementing         purchasing managers).
        at the Véolia         concrete actions with respect        Since I am very keen on
   Campus through             to corporate social responsibility   the notion of nearby
       a consortium           and encourage the employment         contacts, I used this event
       including the          of those who are undergoing          to enlarge my selection of
      OL Foundation           social insertion, in particular      local suppliers and meet
        and the local         people who receive a social          with a social insertion
        employment            welfare allotment (the RSA).         organization. In this way,
       agency aligns          The Officer can also provide         I was able to recruit two
    candidate skills          services in human resources that     people for jobs that
      with the skills         are developed by local players.      are difficult to fill. In
       demanded by                                                 addition, the EE Liaison
       companies in           In 2017, the EE Liaison Officers     Officer sent me targeted
    their job offers.         met with 519 companies and           résumés that were up
 Matching can also            processed 305 job offers. To         to my expectations. This
     be done on the           facilitate contact between job       experience led me to sign
 basis of skills that         seekers and companies, Lyon          the Charter of the 1,000.
   can be improved            Métropole also relies on digital
  through training.           platforms that can be used           It’s very nice to be able
                              to identify personal skills and      to count on a responsive
     This innovative          company expectations through         local team that can
    process renews            a simple skill referential.          answer my questions
       recruitment                                                 on very diverse topics
        methods by                                                 tied to the development
  concentrating on                                                 of my activity.”
   candidate ability
      and potential.                                                  Bénédicte Curan
                                                                   founder and Managing Director
                                                                   of Recettes et Cabas

    For hyper‑growth
companies :                                                                                     64
the “Pépites” program                                                                        “PÉPITES”
                                                                                         labeled since 2011

Driven jointly by Lyon Métropole         – Personalized support and
and the Lyon Métropole CCI               made-to-measure expertise for
since 2011, the Pépites program          two years that has a significant
supports SMEs with a very strong         impact on company growth,
                 development             – A community of growth
                 potential in their      entrepreneurs.
                 hyper-growth                                                              €520 M
                 phase, with the goal    After two years of support,                         TURNOVER
                 of helping them         companies have the possibility
                 become ISEs.            of joining the Circle to continue
                                         sharing experience and mutual
The program proposes :                   assistance among leaders.
– A label of excellence that
promotes company know-
how and potential,

  Over 280                        1,339
  HYPER-GROWTH                    HIGH-GROWTH
  COMPANIES                       COMPANIES over the
  [ Turnover growth               metropolitan area
  by more than 20 %               [ Turnover growth                                          + 800
  over the past three years       by more than 5 %                                         JOBS CREATED
  with positive equity ]          over the past three years                                   in 5 years
                                  with positive equity ]

  our industrial

                                     French Fab : Lyon, where
                                 the focus is on industry
                                  With four major industrial    the Fabricating Metropolis and part of
                                  sites labeled “Industry of    Lyon’s economic strategy. Lyon Métropole
                                  the Future Showcase”          and its economic governance partners
                                  in the area (SNCF,            (CCI, MEDEF Lyon Rhône, CPME, CMA,
                                  GRAVOTECH, AIR LIQUIDE,       University of Lyon) have joined together to
                                  AREVA), capitalizing on       support the industrial transformation of local
                 the industrial base and supporting the         companies and build French Fab in Lyon.
                 growth of companies is a key priority of

PLU-H, a tool                    directive) that will be        of an industrial project),
to consolidate                   implemented early in 2019.     activities and services,
productive                                                      hotels and training centers
activities                       “UEi1” zoning                  will not be allowed there.
To protect active entities and   aims to limit the
guarantee the maintenance        transformation of productive   On the 6,800 ha
of their productive mission      areas by prohibiting           of economic zones, the
over time in sectors under       expansion of the tertiary      PLU-H will ensure that
pressure, particular in the      sector in zones that are       1,760 ha of land is set
urban environment, new           well-connected or near         aside for production,
zoning has been included in      central hubs. Retail           trades and industry.
the revised PLU-H (urban,        trade, the tertiary sector
planning and housing             (except where it is part

                    Lyon Métropole, a key
                player in the development
                of a pro-industry offer

                           Industrial development over the               term, representing nearly 22 years of
                           territory implies guaranteeing the            development. Lyon Métropole teams are
      2017                 proper implantation and development           currently working on several projects
   A RECORD YEAR           conditions at production and R&D sites        in new business zones to welcome the
in placed square meters    through a real estate and land offer          industry of tomorrow to the area.
       for activities      that meets company expectations.
   [ over 401,000 sqm ]    With this in mind, Lyon Métropole calls       Two innovative approaches to be presented
                           on various resources to carry out urban       are the creation of an Industry of the
                           planning, land use planning, development      Future campus in Vénissieux and the Appel
  39,920 sqm               and requalification in a way that             des 30! initiative at Chemical Valley.
         SNCF              enhances the quality of business zones
     in Vénissieux         and boosts their competitiveness.

                           Nearly fifteen million euros have been
  11,000 sqm               dedicated to this mandate to modernize
        Bledina            business zones and support private players
     in Limonest           in renewing the existing real estate offer.
                           In addition, nearly 880 ha to be
   (source : FNAIM 2017)   developed have been listed in the PLU-H
                           to ensure economic and industrial
                           success in the short, mid and long

  Predicted growth
  of 2.7% for Lyon
  for 2018 - 2022
  According to Oxford
  Economics : “Although it
  is not generally known,
  Lyon should be the main
  winner with respect to
  the reforms initiated
  by President Macron.
  The city’ strength
  resides in industries
  with high added value
  and a young, highly
  skilled population.”
     Le Monde — April 10, 2018

   The “Industry of the
Future” campus in Vénissieux
                                 Lyon Métropole created its first Industry        its industrial ecosystem and deploying
                                 of the Future campus in Vénissieux in            a technological demonstrator to carry
                                 partnership with Bosch. Close to sites like      out “proofs of concept” or pre-series.
                                 Renault Trucks, Iveco, Aldes, Naya and,
                                 soon the SNCF Technicenter, this campus          Finally, a group of industrial companies
                                 aims to support the transition of start-ups      has created the Industrial Hive, a service
                                 and SMEs to the industry of tomorrow.            to promote innovation and the transition
                                 Sixty thousand square meters will be             to the industry of the future that will be
                                 developed on an 11-ha site, creating 1,000       implanted on the campus. Bosch will
                                 new jobs in the long run. Lyon Métropole         participate in this project by detaching
                                 organizes and promotes the support chain         personnel and investing in the demonstrator.
                                 for these first industries by activating

Le MOOVE :                       industry. By taking charge of   The Industrial
a tool to promote                one of the containers in this   Hive : serving
the territory                    showroom, Lyon Métropole        companies
MOOVE is a showroom              has included the territorial    As a support structure
for promoting the Lyon           point of view. The other        implanted on the industrial
area that was developed          containers tell about one       campus, the Industrial
at the 2018 Enterprise of        or more industrial projects.    Hive is :
the Future convention by                                         – A place for business
Visiativ, the event organizer,                                   life, where services and
and Capsa Containers.                                            attractive programming           – A program of innovation
This new showroom has                                            ensure a daily flow of           for the industry of
been very successful in                                          employees, start-up              tomorrow that is designed
presenting various types of                                      founders, research workers,      to generate and drive
Lyon industrial know-how,                                        experts and academics ;          innovative projects by
such as the augmented                                            – Support and services           activating synergies
reality demonstrator that                                        for companies to meet            among Hive occupants ;
displays a Renault Trucks                                        specific needs that are filled   – Availability of shared
motor. MOOVE ONLYLYON                                            by inspiring work areas,         resources that allow
is destined to become a                                          busy workshops and team          quick testing of concrete,
mobile spotlight on Lyon                                         training ;                       viable solutions.

BoostHEAT,                      that take the energy            an SME. Thanks to win-win      site has 70 employees,
a first successful              transition into account. It     cooperation between Lyon       and the goal is to reach
implantation                    is the first example of a       Métropole, Bosch and the       300 employees by 2021.
project for                     successful implantation on      other associated industrial
the Vénissieux                  the Vénissieux industrial       partners, the start-up
industrial campus               campus. It illustrates          benefited from high-
                                both cleantech know-            level support for its first
Supported by ADERLY,            how in Lyon, through            industrialization, ensuring
boostHEAT, is an innovative     the use of breakthrough         a strong productivity
start-up on the market          technologies, and the           level for competitive
for heating solutions           evolution of a start-up into    positioning. Today, the

    Chemical Valley is off
to a new start thanks
to the Appel des 30!
Lyon’s Chemical Valley is a reference           and land renewal tending toward the
ecosystem for innovation and industrial         development of an industrial platform.
production in the chemical-energy-              This call for innovative projects in
environment and cleantech sectors.              partnership with industrial companies in
Lyon Métropole is backing an ambitious          the Valley was launched in September 2014
development project in this area. The Appel     and renewed in September 2016. A third
des 30! (Call of 30!) is the first concrete     edition is planned for late 2018. This Appel
project action and aims to promote the          des 30! resulted in 26 winners and the
use of vacant industrial land for welcoming     concretizing of three operational projects.
new activities, with the goal of economic

                    Axel’One, an innovation
                platform serving industry
                              Axel’One is an innovation platform that           The Axel’One platform contributes to
                              encourages collaboration in the areas             consolidating the local industrial base and
                              of clean processing and innovative                the cleantech industry by proposing tools,
                              materials. It brings together industrial          equipment and skills that encourage :
                              players and academics to carry out                1. transitioning to the industry of the future.
                              collaborative research and innovation             With the Axel’One Analysis offer, industries,
                              projects with their teams using                   from the smallest company to the largest
                              dedicated and shared equipment.                   group, have access to the industrial analysis
                                                                                tools and expertise needed to implement
                LyonTech –    Three dedicated sites have been                   smart processes.
                la Doua       established : the Innovative Processes and        2. structuring, supporting and
                campus        Innovative Materials platforms in Chemical        sustaining the ecological transition
                              Valley, which focus on specialization at          of industrial processes.
                              the demonstrator level, and the Axel’One
                              platform for laboratory R&D. Delivered in         The Axel’One building was created under
                              December 2017, Axel’One was inaugurated           public contract by Lyon Métropole, with
                              by President David Kimelfeld in April 2018.       an investment of € 4.4 M on a
                                                                                total budget of € 6.15 M.

          PIP                 AXEL’ONE IS :

                              9,000 sqm
                                dedicated to innovation,
                                                                  innovation platforms,
                                                                                                       Groups and 10
                                                                                                      SMEs are housed,
                              including 2,000 sqm for the             including a new                 for a total of 150
                              Axel’One Campus (LyonTech –        additive manufacturing                  employees
                                la Doua campus), which              initiative designed
                               was opened in April 2018            to put chemistry to
                                                                   work for 3D printing               Backed by three

                                 offer of service from                   15
                                                                                                      clusters (Axelera,
                                                                                                        Plastipolis and
                                 EASY’LAB for smaller             on-going collaborative                   Techtera)
                                companies in the area,             projects in Chemical
                                    including an R&D               Valley (including two
                                environment (meeting                 European H2020                       Nearly € 4 M
                                  room, labs, offices),              projects) and 40               in turnover (including
                                  access to tools and             projects to be housed             82 % private income),
                                   a network of skills                on the campus                   with 25 employees
                               focusing on the chemical-
                                  environment sector

    Winner of the call
for expression of interest
from innovative territories
with major ambitions
                       Lyon Métropole won the           skills and the evaluation of well-being
                       TIGA (innovative territory       in residents ;
                       with major ambitions) call       – Cybersecurity of industrial
                       for expression of interest       and urban systems ;
                       with an application entitled :   – Citizen involvement as an employee,
                       “Industry that is integral to    actor in industrial innovation, resident, etc.
     and (re)connected with the area and local
     residents”.                                        The consortium behind the initiative
     Lyon Métropole proposed a unique                   includes over 30 public and private
     positioning that reconciles industrial             partners, including Focity, Tubà, Lyon
     performance and outstanding quality                Confluence, Véolia Campus, the
     of living for local residents.                     University of Lyon and Axelera.
     To reach this ambitious goal and create the
     conditions for successful transformation,          This selection, which is currently in the
     several strategic lines will be explored :         call for expression of interest phase,
     – Evolution of the industrial tool :               opens a €400,000 financial envelope for
     connection to urban networks (energy,              engineering. This first step will help define
     data, etc.) and ecosystem renewal ;                this ambitious project along the lines of
     – Systems modeling to help integrate               maintaining and developing the industrial
     industry into the urban area, management of        present in the urban environment.

                                       Make Lyon                         Lyon Métropole joined
                                       the European                      forces with the leading
                                       hub for internal                  names in industry, SMEs
                                       security and                      and technological start-ups.
                                       cybersecurity in                  In July 2017, IU Cyber,
                                       industrial and                    the only European
                                       urban systems                     cluster dedicated to
                                       Cybersecurity in industrial       the cybersecurity of
                                       and urban systems is the          industrial and urban
                                       key element in an overall         systems was created.
                                       security strategy that aims
                                       to protect infrastructures,       Over 250 participants met
                                       equipment and people              on February 8, 2018, to
                                       in industrial and urban           discuss this topic during the
                                       environments. To meet             first edition of SCADAYS.
                                       cybersecurity challenges
                                       in industrial and urban
                                       systems (connected
                                       industry, transport systems,
                                       smart buildings, etc.),

  innovation at
  the interface
     sectors of
     excellence                                                    A new
                                                                   cluster  :
                                             RANKED IN
                                              in France            As a new sector of excellence targeted
                                                                   by the 2016/2021 economic development
                                              Presence             program, the insurance sector benefits
                                             of a number           from a favorable ecosystem and strong
                                             of company            local roots. Lyon Métropole supports
  Jobs to provide high-quality            headquarters and         the creation of the “AURA Cluster”,
  food for all                             regional offices        which brings together key players in
                                                                   insurance (Alptis, Apicil, April, Auxiliaire,
  Late in 2017, Lyon Métropole
  launched the elaboration of a
                                             Over                  CFDP, Groupama and Sham), training
                                                                   centers in Lyon (l’IFSA, IAL and IFPASS)
  food strategy with the ambitious          11,480                 and intermediary entities (AGEA Rhône,
  goal of providing everyone with               JOBS               CSCA, Planète Courtiers and Sycra).
  high-quality food. Collaboration           [ +16 % from
  between metropolitan services             2008 to 2016 ]         The Cluster aims to promote :
  and local players (residents,                                    – Adapting insurance business,
  farmers, companies, logistics              Presence of an        products and services to the
  specialists, retail, etc.) should,   international reference     digital and cyber evolution ;
  by mid-2019, lead to the             cluster with the Maison     – Reinforcing business, training
  adoption of a metropolitan               de l’Assurance et       and business attractiveness ;
  food project focusing on the         de l’Actuariat (insurance   – Developing inter-cluster collaboration
  territory and local residents.        and actuarial center).     and a better understanding of new markets.

                                    Make living in good health
                                a source of added value
                                Joining public policy to health and economic   the close links between food and health
                                development, Lyon Métropole invests            through exhibits and workshops.
                                in innovation for nutrition and health and,
        Innovative              more generally, in the food-health sector.     Laying the cornerstone of the CENS-ELI
 companies in this              In particular, it supports the Foodtech        center for expertise and research (with
   domain are also              approach, which was initiated in Lyon          metropolitan financial support) on the site
  present over the              in 2017 to innovate “from pitchfork to fork”   of the Lyon Sud Hospital Center in 2017
metropolitan area :             and is led by ISARA. The International         is yet another example of collaboration
                                City of Gastronomy in Lyon will promote        between academic and industrial players.
          a biotech
       in therapies
      the intestinal
        microbiota ;
  an SME belonging
        to CENS and
     Foodtech that
     has developed
       a specialized
   nutritional offer
        for patients
      illness, aging,
      obesity, etc.).

Health and                      movement. This event
medico-social                   promotes open innovation
innovation  :                   and cross-collaboration
a priority                      with digital and creative          Over 72,000 jobs in
cluster                         communities to address the         the life sciences and human health
Lyon Métropole is actively      issues of health industry
involved in local health and    players. Lyon Métropole            With 14,600 salaried jobs in private entities
medico-social innovation        is also building a living          and a specificity index of 2.5, the life sciences
that also brings added value    lab for health to enable           are the most specific industrial sector in the
to the territory. Concretely,   companies to confront              metropolitan area. Services for life the human
Lyon Métropole proposes         their solutions with health        health sector, which employs 57,000 people and
new tools, such as the first    environments and validate          represents a major local employment sector.
health hackathon organized      their economic model.
in 2016 with the I-Care                                                                           Source : Opale — Impact
                                                                                               Indicators — 2016-2021 Economic
cluster and the Foundation                                                                     Development Program for Lyon
for the University of Lyon,                                                                    Métropole - November 2017
under the aegis of the
worldwide Hacking Health

                   The smart city :
               promoting innovation
               that serves local residents

               Using urban transformation to
               innovate and develop new services and      focus on 3 projects
               activities is fundamental.In 2017, the
               experimentation offer and processes for
               supporting companies were formalized                   FORCITY :
               and include a sole contact point for                   a new partnership
               experimentation, mapping the territorial               has been established
               offer and establishing key principles.                 to develop an open
                                                                      and collaborative
                                                                      modeling platform
                                                          that aims to optimize the
                                                          planning and management
                                                          of waste collection over the
                                                          metropolitan area (Next Road
            The Confluence district is an                 project).
            emblem of the experimental
         approach to the smart city and
        user services. In the fall of 2017,
          the experimental phase of the
            Franco-Japanese Lyon Smart
         Community project ended. This
           enabled testing an integrated
       approach to energy management
                     at the district level.               The NAVLY driverless electric
                                                          shuttle will continue to transport
        This experimentation continues                    workers in the Confluence district
      in a more operational phase with                    and visitors until end 2018.
        the European project known as
        Horizon 2020 Smarter Together
          (2016-2021). For two years, 14
     partners of the Eurêka Confluence
       consortium (including 12 private                               15 I-GIROUETTES,
    partners) have been experimenting                                 which are dynamic
      with new solutions for health and                               and interactive
          well-being services in the city.                            traffic signals from
                                                                      the Charvet Digital
                                                                      Media company,
                                                                      were also deployed
                                                                      over the Confluence
                                                                      district in 2017.

By INNOVATING in our way of building,           territory aims to improve services and make
a smart city, we renew the way in which         it easier for the public at large to access
the metropolis acts. The ERASME public          this data (mapping, display, ergonomics).
innovation laboratory carries out annual
research and action programs and explores
topics such as how to use artificial            By DRIVING the smart city ecosystem,
intelligence for public actions (2018),         Lyon Métropole plays a role in promoting
virtual reality (2017) or the use of public     smart city topics in a way that encourages
playgrounds to create a social bond (2016).     the implementation of innovative projects
                                                and partnerships. In 2016, the Smart City
Reinventing ways to use public                  Encounters provided an opportunity for
areas by combining ideas from                   over 500 players from the Lyon smart city
professionals, designers and users              ecosystem to discuss their shared vision and
is the basis of the Remix                       plan projects for tomorrow. Next, a one-day
method. During a Remix in October 2016,         Thématix meeting focused on the smart city
participants from the Student Center,           approach at the LyonTech – la Doua campus,
students, professionals and institutional       which is an exemplary experimental site.
representatives reinvented this student
center in an open an collaborative              The third edition of the biennial Smart City
way and designed new areas.                     Encounters will be held in June 2018.

                                                In 2017, Lyon Métropole collaborated
By OPENING territorial data,                    with ten partners on the city’s stand at
Lyon Métropole aims to use data in a            the Smart City Expo World Congress
way that facilitates and organizes its          in Barcelona to promote the solutions
communication and use over the area, with       and visions of Smart City Lyon.
the goal of creating economic and societal
value. Today, more than 1,000 data sets are
available. Enabling the open data platform
to handle public and private data from the

Connected objects               facilitate innovation and       urban territory based on           – a system to optimize
and new services                the generation of new           connected objects, such as :       glass recycling based
being deployed                  categories of services in       – a natural air conditioning       on sensors placed inside
The bIoTope project             the Internet of Things area.    system for the urban area          collection bins.
(Building an Internet of                                        based on sensors placed in         Currently, 150 sensors
Things Open Innovation          Like Helsinki and Brussels,     the trees on Rue Garibaldi to      report the level of filling
Ecosystem for connected         Lyon Métropole deploys          lower the city temperature         in the bins, and 300 are
smart objects), aims to         new services over the           and create cool spots ;            planned for 2018.

                   French Tech : digital
               technology at the core
               of urban transformation
              As the second leading center for digital                   Dynamism of digital
              technology in France and labeled French                   technology companies
              Tech since 2013, Lyon Métropole places this
              technology at the core of its strategy. The
              technology is used as a vector of economic,                                         +5.3%
              social and societal innovation with added                                            INCREASE
              value for all territorial players, whether                                         in number of
                                 they are entrepreneurs,                                       companies created
                                 research workers,                                               over one year
                                 residents or cultural
    Since   late 2017, players or associations.
     the “WebCome                                                                                 +2.7%
    Lyon” approach               Lyon Métropole’s digital                                           GROWTH
         backed by a             strategy aims to :                                               in employment
      collective has             1. Affirm Lyon as the                                             over one year
       “labeled” and             reference city for                     22%                   [this is higherthan the
  promoted events                innovation in digital            RATE OF COMPANY              overall increase in all
    for the general              technology based on                  CREATION                 private salaried jobs :
 public on internet              a rich and complete              in the digital sector in             +1.8 % ]
  areas of interest              ecosystem, cutting-edge         2016 in Lyon Métropole
   (lectures, meet-              training, internationally        [ this rate is above that
   ups, workshops,               recognized R&D labs and         of the ten largest French        +7.2%
        hackathons,              successful start-ups ;           cities (19 %), the region       GROWTH IN
  discussions, etc.).                                             (21%) and France as a           TURNOVER
 These “off” events              2. Break down barriers                 whole (19 %) ]        for digital companies
  demonstrate the                between research                                                 over one year
     effervescence               and the economy as a
        in Lyon with             way to drive company
          respect to             growth and innovation ;
      digital topics.
                                  3. To consolidate Lyon’s
               positioning in this new area and promote
               the French Tech approach, a new totem
               site for digital innovation (Halle Girard) will
               soon be opened, numerous accelerators
               and start-up incubators will be created           In April 2018, Lyon Métropole welcomed “The
               and support programs will be developed.           Web Conference” for the second time since
                                                                 it was created in 1994.

                                                                 Sponsored by the University of Lyon, this
                                                                 edition broke attendance records with 2,200
                                                                 participants. This key encounter for scientists
                                                                 worldwide featured discussion forums on
                                                                 web evolution and web technologies and
                                                                 their sociocultural impact.

                                  A creative metropolis :
          CREATIVE JOBS       on the cutting edge and
         in 2014 [ +12.2 %
            in five years ]   a “discoverer” of talent
               At the interface between culture and the
               economy, the creative industries generate   focus on 3 projects
               employment than cannot be relocated,        Two trade shows to support
               revives a local area and enhances           the textile industry :
                                 attractiveness and        TEXTIVAL : For the fourth edition held in
                                 economic dynamism.        2017, this annual show for professionals
                                                           in the textile and flexible materials industry
               Culture        Lyon Métropole aims to               counted over 400 participants from all
     and the creative         support creativity in the            over France, who are major industrial
       industries are         local area and crate an              players, and resulted in more than
   sectors of activity        ecosystem that encourages            3,100 business meetings.
          that center         project leaders.
         on creation,                                      SILK MARKET (14th Edition in 2018) :
       development,                                        This event is open to the general public and
          production,                                      promotes the Lyon silk industry, which is the
       reproduction,                                       undisputed source of international impact.
  promotion and the
release or marketing
   of goods, services                                      La Commune
  and activities with                                      Opened in March, this “Third Place” is an
     cultural, artistic                                    incubator dedicated to gastronomy that
     and /or heritage                                      welcomes artists and chefs-in-residence
            contents.                                      and puts shared facilities at their disposal
                                                           (collaborative kitchen, concert stage, etc.).
                                                           The idea is to provide a simple, flexible
                                                           and shared turnkey offer with high-quality
                                                           support for all project leaders wanting
                                                           to develop culinary entrepreneurship.

                                                           With the opening of the “Hotel 71”
                                                           creative hub followed by the creation of a
                                                           traditional incubator, this new 1,200-square-
                                                           meter center initiated by the Arty Farty
                                                           association aims to encourage new social
                                                           and societal practices. It will bring together
                                                           cultural entrepreneurs at various stages of
                                                           developmentfrom the media, culture and
                                                           art worlds. A co-working area designed for
                                                           the artistic and cultural ecosystem has also
                                                           been planned to offer a place where new
                                                           arrival in Lyon can establish themselves.
preparing for the future

A learning

        15 %
        IN LYON
        [ in 2017: 9%
        of students were        1. Source: Opale — Impact
                                Indicators — 2016-2021
        foreign on University   Economic Development
        of Lyon campuses1 ]     Program — January 2018
                 Sustain the
A promise        international
                 excellence of the
                 University of Lyon
Create the
conditions for   A new design
                 for higher education

producing,       LyonTech – la Doua, the
                 European reference campus    P.39

spreading        for science and technology

and sharing
                 The Innovation Factory,
                 open to all, especially      P.40
                 to SMEs and associations

knowledge        ULYS: a center to welcome
                 foreign scientists

                 IDEX: a label
                 to support innovation

                 Outstanding young
2                                    3
Support initiatives                   Make training a source
that adapt training                   of local competitiveness
to company needs
                                      “Home” training, a key
Going beyond assumptions:             company strategy: extension
                               P.42   of the RTE campus over
                                      the Gaulnes business park
“Talent developers” to train
                               P.43   Opening of the Maison
for the digital professions
                                      des Etudiants, a new-         P.44
                                      generation student center

                                      The Sergent Blandan
                                      Residence to improve          P.45
                                      student housing

                                      Developing student

        of students                     difficult-
        153,700                         to-fill
        STUDENTS in the                 jobs
        fall of 2015

           3.9%                         RECRUITMENT
        in one year                     PROJECTS
                                        in 2017

                                        including 41 %
                                        to be difficult
        number of
        and teacher-
        6,800                           number
        AND TEACHER-                    of jobs
        at the University
        of Lyon (Comue) in 2016         57,700
                                        SALARIED WORKERS
                                        (public and private)
                                        in education

        RSA recipients                  in one year

        at end 2016 in Lyon Métropole

        or 12 % of recipients
                                           Source Opale — November 2017
                                        “2016/2021 Economic Development

           2.8% in one year             Program for Lyon Métropole — Impact

                                                 A new design                      and research partners,
                                                 for higher                        including some private
                                                 education                         establishments.
                                                 To consolidate the gains
                                                 made with the University          This event will assess
                                                 Development Program               the program, which
                                                 initiated in 2010, Lyon           is scheduled to end
                                                 Métropole aims to bring           in 2020, and draw up

  Support the
                                                 a new prospective vision          a report by the partners
                                                 to metropolitan campuses          on the future design
                                                 by 2020, to be met                for higher education.

                                                 by 2030.

                                                 In June 2018,

 excellence of                                   the University
                                                 Development Plan
                                                 meeting will be held.

the University                                   This meeting brings
                                                 together local players,
                                                 the Comue (community

       of Lyon                                   of universities and
                                                 institutions) and partners
                                                 from higher education

        LyonTech – la Doua,
    European reference campus
    for science and technology
    The “LyonTech – la Doua 2025: Territory      the implantation of 200 companies by 2025
    of Innovation” project is organized along    and the creation of flagship projects like
    three lines:                                 the pre-Innovation Factory or the Axel’One
    – Consolidate innovation and reinforce       technological platform;
    economic positioning with a strategy built
    on a new real estate offer (100,000 sqm      – Build an urban identity with a broad
    in the immediate vicinity of the campus),    rehabilitation and construction program
                                                 (23 rehabilitations and 9 constructions)
                                                 that is rounded out with an ambitious
                                                 redevelopment program for the main
                                                 roadways under project management
                                                 by Lyon Métropole (deadline 2021);

                                                 – Develop a high-quality service offer.
                                                 The operators’ club, where leading campus
                                                 innovators meet every three months,
                                                 embodies the collaborative work dynamic
                                                 currently found on this campus.

                                  The Innovation
                              Factory, open to all,
                              and especially to SMEs
                              and associations
                              The pre-innovation Factory at LyonTech –          This project reinforces the University
                              la Doua opened its doors in September             of Lyon’s ability to innovate and carry
                              2017. On 350 sqm located at the entrance          out projects that will benefit the area
                              to the campus, the Factory houses a               by mobilizing students, research workers
                              technological fab lab managed by a student        and scientific and technological resources.
                              association and a creative co-working             The various Innovation Factory sites
                              area. This temporary locale was launched          will feature new areas for incubation,
                                           as a prelude to the Innovation       co-working and creativity, along with new
                                           Factory, which is a University of    fab labs, while making it easier to access
                                           Lyon cross-project to be housed      the University’s scientific and technical
                                           in four buildings to be built        platforms and enabling project leaders
                                           between 2019 and 2021:               to manufacture, test and experiment with
                                           – the D-Factory in Saint Etienne,    their innovations. The Innovation Factory
                                           – the E-Factory at the               is a place for cross-fertilization, which is
                                           Manufacture des Tabacs               open to everyone: students, researchers,
                                           in Lyon,                             companies and, in particular, SMEs.
                                           – the I-Factory on the               With an overall cost of 16 million euros,
                                           LyonTech – la Doua campus,           this project was initiated by the University
                                           – the Public Factory                 of Lyon and is supported by the French
                                           at the Blandan site.                 government, the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
                                                                                region, Lyon Métropole and Saint-Etienne

ULYS: a center to             Saint-Etienne site a              of company visits has been
welcome foreign               leading player in research        created in partnership with
scientists                    and higher education in           Lyon Métropole.
An initiative of the          Europe and worldwide.
University of Lyon, the                                         From 2015 to 2017,
ULYS center, was set up       A partnership with                over 100 international
by the Foundation for the     ONLYLYON will reinforce           scientists were able to
University of Lyon and        the attractiveness of the         visit 11 companies and
created in January 2014.      university site with activities   socio-economic structures
                              such as the organization          in the area.
This project develops the     of events in the Skyroom
offer of support services     or targeted communication
from the University of        campaigns. To open
Lyon for foreign scientists   the world of research
and is in line with the       to the socio-economic
goal of making the Lyon       environment, a program

                  IDEX: a label                 governance. The label            attractiveness for major
                  to support                    is associated to a budget        scientific installations, etc.);
                  innovation                    envelope of €25M / year.
                  The University of Lyon                                         – Strengthen the ties
                  obtained the IDEX label       For our area, this               between knowledge and
                  on February 24, 2017,         represents a unique              industry as the trademark
                  in the context of the         opportunity to:                  of Lyon Métropole for
                  Investments of the            – Take advantage                 key strategies (industry
                  Future program. This label    of new drivers for               of the future, etc.);
                  recognizes the work carried   an ambitious policy
                  out to give a new image       of international                 – Create initiatives and
                  to the University of Lyon     attractiveness                   support the development
                  that reflects excellence      (recruitment of international    of the University of Lyon
                  in research and stricter      scientists, territorial          in an innovative way.

                                                                In partnership with the
                                                                University of Lyon, Lyon
                                                                Métropole awards the
                                                                Young Research Worker
A trained physicist,      “We were given                        Prize. The goal is to put
Anne-Laure Bulin is       this award as an                      the spotlight on outstanding
currently working         encouragement.                        science students, whose
on photodynamic           People are                            potential was confirmed
therapy, which            betting on our                        after their thesis.
is used in the            future career.”
treatment of                                                    These winners contribute
certain cancers.          Since receiving                       to the scientific reputation
                          the prize, this                       of Lyon Métropole with
Although she is           young woman from                      research topics that fully
very pleased to           Lyon has used it as                   reflect the research strategy
have received the         a springboard to                      adopted by the University
Young Research            continue at Harvard.                  of Lyon within the IDEX
Worker Prize in                                                 framework.
Lyon for work in            Anne-Laure Bulin,
progress, Anne-           physicist
Laure is nevertheless
conscious of
future goals:

           that adapt
          to company

      39,240                     Going beyond
                             assumptions: Révél&Vous
        12%                  The Lyon Métropole Economic                      for a creative work session. Participants
    OF HOUSEHOLDS            Development Program wants to help RSA            were divided into mixed groups of ten, with
       RECEIVING             beneficiaries to get a job by encouraging        their goal being to co-build viable economic
   family benefits also      projects of “social insertion, training and      solutions in an open manner using
    received the RSA         entrepreneurship” through an innovative          contributions by everyone on topics such
      at end 2016            and dynamic pathway. To help achieve this        as digital technology, training or users and
                             goal, CPME, in collaboration with Lyon           the city. Teams were supervised by coaches
                             Métropole, WAOUP and AG2R, organized             who guided them in the creative process.
                             the “Révél&vous” event designed to join          After the session, four pitches presented
       -2.8%                 the job market and social insertion, going       the solutions built by the teams for each
 DECREASE IN NUMBER          beyond common assumptions and showing            of the challenges. This first action will be
   of RSA beneficiaries      the potential for collaboration that exists      followed by workshops throughout the year
   from 2015 to 2016         among individuals.                               2018 to continue work begun.

                             This first edition mobilized 150 participants,
                             who were RSA beneficiaries, social workers
                             or heads of small companies and start-ups,
You can also read