ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018

Page created by Jack Moran
ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018

     2018 ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations
                 Berlin Workshop • November 4, 2018

ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018
ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations Overview
                   Bellevue                      Charlottenburg I / II                           Tegel                                 Dahlem                                Glienicke
                                                                                                                             How Social Media and Digital
                                                                                  The Turkish Study Abroad Market -
                                                                                                                            Marketing Enhance International
                                                                                              2018 Trends
14:00                                                                                                                                Recruitment
                                                                                    Eren Goker, Member of Board
                                                     How to Maximise                                                             Mia Anzola Manrique,
  -                                                                                  of Directors, The Association
                How to Maximise              Your ICEF Workshop Experience -                                                Marketing & Social Media Manager,
                                                                                      of International Educational
14:30                                                  for Providers                                                                                                 Study at a Public University
        Your ICEF Workshop Experience -                                           Counselors Turkey (UED), Turkey            Haitam Giat, Founder & CEO,
                                                                                                                                                                            in Germany
                   for Agents                           Ian Cann,                                               , United Arab Emirates
                                                                                          Audience: Providers
                                                      Director, USA,                                                              Audience: Providers                      Annette Friedl,
                  Tiffany Egler,
                                                                                                                                                                         Owner and Director,
            Director, Agent Relations,              Nick Stevenson,                  The German Language Travel                                                         ISL Language School,
                       ICEF,                 Business Development Manager,                    Market                                                                          Germany
                     Germany                             EMEA
14:30                                                                                Prof. Dr. Britta Bergemann,                                                          Audience: Agents
                Audience: Agents                      ICEF, Germany                         Board Member,                  Hochalpines Institut Ftan (HIF) –
  -                                                                                                                          a “New” Swiss International
                                                    Audience: Providers                Fachverband Deutscher
15:00                                                                              Sprachreise Veranstalter (FDSV),          Boarding School and Sports
                                                                                               Germany                              Academy with
                                                                                                                          225 Years of Tradition in Education
                                                                                          Audience: Providers
                                                                                                                                   Ursula Sommer,
                                                                                        How to Recruit Students            Head of Admission and Marketing,
                                                                                          from Scandinavia                    Hochalpines Institut Ftan,
15:00                                                                                      Johan Asplund,                            Switzerland
  -                                                                                        CEO / Founder,                          Audience: Agents
         Marketing Your Small Business                                                      DreamStudies,                                                              ICEF Agent Services:
15:30                                          The IALC Student Experience
                 Made Simple                                                                   Sweden                                                                ICEF Agent Training and
                                                  Retrospective Analysis
                Magdy Attalla,                                                                                                                                    Agency Recognition Programme
                                                    Patrik Pavlacic,                      Audience: Providers
               Regional Director,                                                                                                                                     Fabiola Martínez Mata,
                                                Market Research Manager,           Student Recruitment from Russia:
             BHMS Business & Hotel                                                                                                                                  Agent Relationship Manager,
                                                 StudentMarketing Ltd.,                 Emerging Trends and
              Management School,                                                                                                                                               ICEF,
                                                         Austria                           New Approaches
15:30            Switzerland                                                                                                                                                 Germany
                                                       Audience: All                      Denis Smorchkov,                The Importance of Technology and
  -             Audience: Agents                                                                                                                                            Audience: All
                                                                                           Director General,                     Content Integration
16:00                                                                                        TravelWorks,                       for the International
                                                                                                Russia                     Language Learning Experience
                                                                                          Audience: Providers                       David Ganly,
                                                                                                                                  Managing Director,
                                                                                       Recruiting from Spain:                       Peter Lahiff,
                                                                                   Market Trends and Opportunities                Academic Director,
           Student Mental Wellbeing in
16:00                                                                             Óscar Porras Sanchez, President,        Future Learning Language School,
              Language Schools -
                                                                                  Asociación Española de Promotores                    Ireland
  -             What’s the Story,            The ICEF Agent Barometer 2018                                                                                           Meeting the Demands of the
                                                                                      de Cursos en el Extranjero
              What Can We Do and                    Jessica Howlett,                                                                 Audience: All                  Job Market in the Industry 4.0.
16:30                                                                                       (ASEPROCE),
               How Can We Do It?              Business Development Director,                                                                                             When Art & Design
                  Nicola Lutz,                          i-graduate,                                                                                                  Meets Business Leadership
                                                                                          Audience: Providers
                     Owner,                          United Kingdom                                                                                                      Gabriele Marconi,
                     No Fluff,                         Tiffany Egler,                                                                                                 Sales Manager Germany,
                 United Kingdom                                                      The Ever-Changing Student                                                      University of Applied Sciences
                                                 Director, Agent Relations,
                                                                                      - Expectations of Learning                                                                Europe,
                 Ruth Hughes,                               ICEF,                                                                   Can Malta Offer
                                                                                    Experience for Polish Students                                                             Germany
16:30          Founding Director,                         Germany                                                              a Guaranteed Pathway to
                Curious Human,                                                         Klementyna Gieżyńska,                                                              Audience: Agents
  -                                                    Audience: All                                                          Highly Ranked Universities?
                United Kingdom                                                           Operations Manager,
17:00                                                                                       LuminarED,                            Linda Azzopardi,
                  Audience: All                                                                                                  Director of Studies,
                                                                                                                              European College of Malta,
                                                                                          Audience: Providers
                                                                                                                                Andrew Straughan,                       Why Study in Georgia
                                                  “Transparent Marketing”                                                  Market Development Manager,               Dr. Maia Shukhoshvili,
17:00        Francophone Markets:                in the Language Sector -         The Future of Student Recruitment       NCUK - The University Consortium,      Head of Higher Education Division,
  -   How to Promote Your Institution and            a Panel Discussion                 in the MENA Region                        United Kingdom                       Ministry of Education,
      Increase the Number of International                                            Josie Al Humaidi Reay,                       Audience: Agents                 Science, Culture and Sport,
17:30   Students Interested in Studying at Jago Brown, Commercial & Groups           Assistant Director Manager,                                                              Georgia
                 Your Institution            Director, British Study Centres,
                                                    United Kingdom                  Weejhat Academics - Wego UK,                                                          Audience: Agents
                Monèle Schrot,                                                                  Oman
         Director, French Programming,               Paolo Barilari,                                                            Brand Thinking in the                What’s new in ELT in Malta?
                                             Owner, Lingue nel Mondo, Italy        Haitam Giat, Founder and CEO,
                     Canada,                                                                 Yes Atlas,                      Era of Digital Transformation         James Perry, CEO, FELTOM -
                 Sarah Mines,                  Marcelo de Araújo Cansini,                  Saudi Arabia                        Prof. Joachim Bongard,            The Federation of English Language
17:30           Director, Canada,                Founder and President,                                                      Programme Director of Brand           Teaching Organisations Malta,
                                                   World Study, Brazil            Nabil Najd, Manager MENA Region,
  -                                                                                                                              Communication B.A.,                           Malta
                     ICEF,                                                                      ICEF,
18:00               Germany                   Ross Holmes, Director, Online                    Germany                       Brand Academy - University of       Sue Falzon, Chief Executive Officer,
                                                Products, ICEF, Germany                                                           Applied Sciences,                   Malta Tourism Authority,
                  Audience: All                                                           Audience: Providers                          Germany
                                                       Audience: All                                                                                                           Malta
                                                                                                                                     Audience: All                        Audience: Agents

                                                                                                                          The Importance of Accommodation
                                                                                          Student Recruitment                   in Student Wellbeing
18:00                                                                                      from Latin America                    Bobbi Hartshorne,
  -                                                                                  Jorge Alberto Otero, Board           Global Head of Student Wellbeing,
                                                   At the Cutting Edge:                                                    Global Student Accommodation,
18:30                                          2018 Data and What it Means        Member, ANEX Colombia - National                                                  North America’s Study Abroad
                                                                                  Association of Education Advisors for                Spain
                                                    for Your Business                                                                                                Market: Current Trends and
            Rethinking Marketing and                                                    Study Abroad, Colombia                       Audience: All                         Opportunities
                  Recruitment                            Jodie Gray,                     Dr. Gabriela Ardito,
                                             Director of Strategic Development,                                                                                            Vincent Powell,
                 Mike Henniger,                                                   President, ARSAA - Argentine Study
                                                         English UK,                                                                                                    Vice President, Sales,
        Vice President, Sales & Marketing,                                           Abroad Association, Argentina
                                                      United Kingdom,                                                                                                     Angela Baxter,
                      ICEF,                                                            Victor Hugo Baseggio,
                                                  Maria Cervenanova,               Co-Owner & Co-CEO, CI - Central                                                     Sales Director, Europe,
                    Germany                                                                                                Digital Solutions for International
                                                Senior Research Manager,                de Intercâmbio, Brazil                                                         ELS Language Centers,
                  Audience: All                    StudentMarketing,                                                             Students in Germany
                                                                                          Ricardo Toscano                                                                      USA
18:30                                                    Austria                                                                  Jonas Marggraf,
                                                                                     President, COICEC, Ecuador                                                           Audience: Agents
  -                                                    Audience: All                                                              Managing Director,
                                                                                   Gustavo Viale, CEO, InterWay                    Fintiba GmbH,
19:00                                                                             Educational Consultancy, Argentina                  Germany
                                                                                          Audience: Providers
                                                                                                                                     Audience: All

                      Marketing & Recruitment                                       Industry Presentation                                                Careers & Skills

ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018
ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations Overview
          Tiergarten                         Köpenick I / II                         Köpenick III                       Charlottenburg III                       Schöneberg
                                                                                  Volunteer Travel -
                                                                                    Make Money,
                                                                                 Do Good, Be Happier
                                                                                    Ninad Sharma,
                                              Video Marketing                    CEO and Co-Founder,
     ILAC Goes “Zero-Tech”                                                     Idex Volunteer and Travel,                                                                                    14:30
                                        in the Education Industry -                                                    Student Recruitment from
      with a Simple Formula                                                              India                                                                    10:00 - 15:00
                                       Pushing International Student                                                   an Agent’s Point of View
       “Unplug to Connect”
                                       Recruitment to the Next Level               Audience: Agents                       Matheen Saleem,                             ALTO
        Jonathan Kolber,
                                             Florian Schäfer,                                                            Operations Director,              Annual General Meeting and
                                           Director, ICEF Media,           Increasing Intercultural Awareness               IEC Abroad,                 Professional Development Seminar
                                                   ICEF,                     and Achieving One’s Academic                   Saudi Arabia
            Canada                                                                                                                                              (for members only)
                                                 Germany                     Potential at an IB World School             Audience: Providers
        Audience: Agents                                                                                                                                                                     14:30
                                            Audience: Providers                    Whitney Sterling,
                                                                               Head of Boarding School
                                                                            Berlin Brandenburg International                                                                                 15:00
                                                                                    School, Germany
                                                                                   Audience: Agents

                                                                                                                                                        Trends in US Community Colleges
                                                                                                                                                                Dr. Andrea Insley,
                                                                                                                                                            Associate Vice Chancellor,       15:00
                                        Outcome-based Education.             Mental Health & Technology –
     Canadian Immigration &                                                    The Future of Wellness                 Essential Digital Marketing                Global Initiatives,           -
                                        From Learning to Earning,                                                                                       Seattle Central Community College,
         Visa Seminar                                                                                             Strategies for Student Recruitment                                         15:30
                                     Adopting the Student’s Perspective             Stephanie Hiltz,                                                                    USA
         David Orman,                                                         Sales and Account Manager,                   Philippe Taza,
                                            Komil Mamajanov,                                                                                                    Audience: Agents
      Barrister and Solicitor,                                                                                                  CEO,
                                     Director of International Strategy,             Julia Salema,
           Orman Law,                                                                                                Higher Education Marketing,
                                     Global University Systems (GUS),      Sales and Account Representative,
             Canada                                                                                                           Canada
                                              United Kingdom
        Audience: Agents                                                             StudyInsured,                           Audience: All
                                             Audience: Agents                           Canada                                                                                               15:30

                                                                                      Audience: All                                                                                            -

                                                                                                                    Education Pathways in Canada                ALTO Presents:
                                                                                                                        Andrew Champagne,                      Behavioural Fitness
                                                                                                                       Specialist, Marketing and                                             16:00
                                                                                                                                                                 Norman Kurtis,
                                                                                                                   Recruitment, Colleges & Institutes              Vice Dean,                  -
                                             Mother Nurture -                     Making International                     Canada (CiCan),               Behavior & Human Development,       16:30
The Power of Yes in a Year of No’s         Recruit More Students                   Careers Happen                               Canada                   IE School of Human Sciences &
     Alexia Galanopoulos,                    via Your Website                         Oana Lelcu,                          Bonnie McKie,                           Technology,
       Managing Director,                     Ross Holmes,                 Head of International Recruitment,            Executive Director,                          Spain
     The Language Gallery,               Director, Online Products,           IUBH University of Applied            Canadian Association of Public                Audience: All
        United Kingdom                              ICEF,                              Sciences,                   Schools - International (CAPS-I),
        Audience: Agents                          Germany                              Germany                                  Canada
                                                Audience: All                      Audience: Agents                       Diego Sanchez,                                                     16:30
                                                                                                                   Manager, International Marketing,                                           -
                                                                                                                        Languages Canada,
                                                                                                                           Audience: Agents

                                            Discovering Berlin –                                                                                                                               -
                                             a New Destination               Innovative Education and the
      #BoundlessPossible -                                                     Global Education Market:                                                      Revolution, Evolution …         17:30
                                            for Global Education
  Explore why Students Study in                                                The BAU Global Network                    The Internet of Skills              Longevity and Loyalty …
                                                Sagi Hartov,
   Australia’s Northern Territory                                                     Experience                              Carl Craen,                      Plotting the Future
                                     Executive Dean & Managing Director,
          Lisa Dunbar,                                                               Dr. Sean Cox,                Vice President & Managing Director,             Matt Tighe,
                                                Beate Appel,
         Acting Director,                                                    Director of Academic Affairs &              EU Business School,                   Managing Director,
                                      Director of Curriculum & Quality,
            StudyNT,                                                          International Programmes,                          Spain                        Bucksmore Education,
            Australia                  Berlin School of Business and                  BAU Global,                                                               United Kingdom
                                                                                                                             Audience: All                                                   17:30
                                                Innovation,                              Turkey
        Audience: Agents                                                                                                                                        Audience: Agents
                                                 Germany                                                                                                                                       -
                                                                                      Audience: All
                                             Audience: Agents                                                                                                                                18:00

                                                                                                                                                                RedHill Education:
                                                                                                                                                          The Fastest Growing Education
                                                                                                                                                              Company in Australia
                                                                                                                                                        Gabriel Providel, General Manager,
                                                                                                                                                          Technology & Design Division,    18:00

        INTO ALL in One!                                                                                                                                   RedHill Education, Australia      -
                                                                                  The Future of Work:               Coopetition in the ELT Market:                Ben Bagshaw,
       Tuukka Hinttula,                                                        Careers and Skills Needed             Using Strategic Alliances as                                          18:30
                                         Why Language Education                                                                                            Global Sales and Marketing
    Vice President of Global                                                     in the Age of Robots                Competitive Advantage for            Manager, Greenwich College,
                                        Requires Meaningful Content
    Recruitment, Direct Entry,                                                        Mark Falvo,                        Language Schools                            Australia
                                               Ward Lincoln,
       Isabelle Husillos,                                                          General Manager,                       Caete da Silva,                         Audience: All
                                           Director, OISE Oxford,
 Regional Director Europe & UK,                                               International and Business,         Head of Marketing & Partnerships,
                                              United Kingdom
  INTO University Partnerships,                                            Laureate International Universities,       LAL Language Centres,
                                             Audience: Agents                  Australia & New Zealand                    United Kingdom
        United Kingdom                                                                                                                                     The Case for Superdiversity
        Audience: Agents                                                           Audience: Agents                      Audience: Providers                    Francis Glover,              18:30
                                                                                                                                                              International Officer,
                                                                                                                                                          London South Bank University,
                                                                                                                                                                United Kingdom               19:00
                                                                                                                                                                  Audience: All

     Student Experience & Welfare                                          Market Intelligence                                   Professional Development

ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018
Room: Bellevue
                        14:00 - 15:00                                                      15:00 - 16:00
    How to Maximise Your ICEF Workshop                                  Marketing Your Small Business Made
    Experience - for Agents                                             Simple
    Tiffany Egler                                                       Magdy Attalla

    Topic: Welcome & Introduction                                       Topic: Marketing & Recruitment
    Audience: Agents                                                    Audience: Agents

    ►Session description                                                ►Session description
    This session will provide you with a step by step guideline         To build a successful business, you need to stop doing
    on how to make the most out of your participation in ICEF           random acts of marketing and start following a reliable plan
    Workshops in general and the ICEF Berlin Workshop in                for rapid business growth. In this seminar, I will reveal some
    particular.                                                         simple and easy-to-follow techniques on how to create and
    The session will cover the following topics:                        implement a marketing plan with the aim of growing your
                                                                        business fast. The following areas will be explored:
    •    Preparation prior to the workshop
    •    Workshop parameters and how to maximise your time              •   How to get new customers and how to make more
         during the event                                                   profit from existing ones
    •    Post-workshop follow-up and agent contracts                    •   Why “big business” style marketing could kill your
    •    How to maximise your working relationship with                     business
         providers                                                      •   How to close sales without being pushy
                                                                        •   A simple step-by-step process for creating your own
                                                                            personalised marketing plan
                                                                        Whether you are just starting out your own small agency
                       Tiffany Egler                                    or you are an experienced entrepreneur or recruiter, this
                       Director, Agent Relations,                       seminar may give you some crucial tips on how to propel
                       ICEF,                                            your business growth.
                                                                                          Magdy Attalla
                                                                                          Regional Director,
    Tiffany is a leading professional in the field of agent relations                     BHMS Business & Hotel Management
    and workshop procedures. As Director of the Agents                                    School,
    Department at ICEF, her knowledge and dedication has                                  Switzerland
    been crucial to the development of ICEF workshops and
    agent recruitment.

    During her tenure of over 15 years at ICEF, Tiffany has             A marketing consultant and an educator with over 20 years
    overseen the successful organisation of most of ICEF’s agent        of teaching and consulting experience in prestigious Swiss
    workshops and today manages an international team which             Hotel and Business Schools as well as British and American
    continues to develop and to increase efforts to ensure the          Universities. He was an adjunct professor at SBS Swiss
    recruitment of professional study abroad agents worldwide.          Business School, Florida International University, Schiller
                                                                        International University, IHTTI School of Hotel Management,
                                                                        IMI University Centre and Glion Institute of Higher Education.

                                                                        In addition, he has over 15 years of managerial and marketing
                                                                        experience in luxury hotels, resorts and tour operators in the
                                                                        Middle East and Switzerland.

                                                                        He is a graduate of SSTH Swiss School of Tourism &
                                                                        Hospitality and holds a Master’s degree from EAEME jointly
                                                                        with Imperial College of London. He is pursuing his Doctor
                                                                        of Business Administration degree (DBA) at Heriot-Watt
                                                                        University with a specialisation in services marketing.

ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018
Room: Bellevue
                  16:00 - 17:00                                                    17:00 - 18:00
Student Mental Wellbeing in Language                           Francophone Markets: How to Promote
Schools - What’s the Story, What Can We                        Your Institution and Increase the Number
Do and How Can We Do It?                                       of International Students Interested
                                                               in Studying at Your Institution
Nicola Lutz & Ruth Hughes
                                                               Monèle Schrot & Sarah Mines
Topic: Student Welfare
                                                               Topic: Marketing & Recruitment
Audience: All
                                                               Audience: All
►Session description
                                                               ►Session description
Mental wellbeing for international students is of growing
concern, with increased insurance claims and teachers          In this session, we will identify where we can find French
on the front line. Most are at a vulnerable age, perhaps       markets for your institutions and agents looking for French
lacking communication skills or confidence to talk about       programmes; we will discuss how to promote your programmes
mental health. Schools are supporting students far from        (for institutions); we will review internal and external factors
home, in a different culture, under pressure to learn and      influencing students’ and parents’ decisions (agents); and
to “have fun.” We may not want to talk about ‘challenging’     we will provide you with tips and techniques on how to be
kids, but in the event of crisis, what can we do? The aim      successful in your work to promote and recruit students for
of this seminar is to:                                         French programmes.
•   Identify issues                                            ►Speakers
•   Workshop potential policies and strategies
                                                                                 Monèle Schrot
•   Explore mental wellbeing promotion
                                                                                 Director, French Programming, Canada,
•   Discuss training options for staff and stakeholders                          ICEF,
•   Raise awareness of issues                                                    Germany
•   Open a forum

                                                               Fluent in four languages, Monele Schrot has gained extensive
                 Nicola Lutz
                                                               experience of all aspects of education through her career
                                                               as a teacher, school principal and Director of International
                 No Fluff,
                                                               Education. Ms. Schrot holds a BA, B.Ed., and a Master’s
                 United Kingdom
                                                               Degree in School Administration from the University of
                                                               Manitoba. Before joining ICEF, Ms. Schrot was Director of
                                                               the International Education Department for ten years at the
                                                               Louis Riel School Division in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
With 23 years in International Education, Nicola is Owner of                     Sarah Mines
No Fluff, which grows companies around the globe through                         Director, Canada
their sales, marketing and finance functions; Virtual Sales                      ICEF,
Leader of several businesses (in and out of this sector);                        Germany
Advisor to Student Minds and lover of good coffee.

                 Ruth Hughes                                   Sarah Mines has over 12 years of experience in international
                 Founding Director,                            education leadership, specialising in developing and
                 Curious Human,                                maintaining international partnerships for Canadian
                 United Kingdom                                institutions. With an extensive background in all aspects of
                                                               internationalisation, Sarah has in-depth knowledge of global
                                                               education trends for the language, K-12 and post-secondary
                                                               Sarah has a keen understanding of international student
Ruth Hughes is an educator, consultant, professional           recruitment and retention and has presented at over 30
speaker and academic in the fields of positive and coaching    different conferences on topics ranging from marketing to
psychology, culture shock and student wellbeing. With over     millennials to global student mobility projections. She is known
twenty-five years’ experience as teacher, safeguarding         as a natural communicator and connector and currently sits on
lead, senior leader and consultant in schools in the UK and    the Board of Directors for Vancouver Mount Pleasant Riding
abroad, Ruth is a passionate champion of young people.         Association, and is a founding member of GLOW Ed, Canada’s
                                                               first leadership organisation for Global Women in Education.

ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018
Room: Bellevue
                         18:00 - 19:00
    Rethinking Marketing and Recruitment
    Mike Henniger

    Topic: Marketing & Recruitment
    Audience: All

    ►Session description
    This session explores best-case practice in marketing to
    international students. Traditional marketing techniques in
    education often fail to differentiate one programme or institution
    from another.
    During this presentation, participants will learn what type of
    information students are really looking for. Case studies will be
    examined to see how some education institutions are standing
    out from the noise and getting themselves noticed in a positive

                      Mike Henniger
                      Vice President, Sales & Marketing,

    Mike Henniger is the VP Marketing and Sales for ICEF and has
    previously held senior positions in the language, vocational
    and post secondary sectors.
    Mike has been actively involved in the marketing and recruitment
    sphere in international education for more than 15 years and
    is a regular presenter and panellist at international education
    Mike specialises in cross media marketing, brand advocacy,
    social media strategies and effectively using agents to maximise
    international student recruitment.

ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018
Room: Charlottenburg I / II
                     14:00 - 15:00                                                         15:00 - 16:00
How to Maximise Your ICEF Workshop                                     The IALC Student Experience
Experience - for Providers                                             Retrospective Analysis
Ian Cann & Nick Stevenson                                              Patrik Pavlacic

Topic: Welcome & Introduction                                          Topic: Student Experience
Audience: Providers                                                    Audience: All

►Session description                                                   ►Session description
This session will provide you with a step by step guideline            As a leading association for the learning of languages abroad,
on how to make the most out of your participation in ICEF              one of the core values of IALC is to build a global community
Workshops in general and the ICEF Berlin Workshop in                   and foster international understanding through collaboration
particular. The session will cover the following topics:               and sharing across the world. Our research projects,
•    Preparation prior to the workshop                                 administered by StudentMarketing, aim to build valuable
•    Workshop parameters and how to maximise your time                 data which can be used as a reference in the international
     during the event                                                  education industry in which billions of people participate.
•    Post-workshop follow-up and agent contracts                       The IALC 2017 & 2018 Research Reports were the result of
•    How to maximise your working relationship with agents             an online survey of over 4,700 students and one of the first
                                                                       systematic attempts to measure the student experience at a
►Speakers                                                              global level and this seminar will analyse both reports in detail.

                   Ian Cann
                   Director, USA,
                   ICEF,                                               ►Speaker
                   Germany                                                                Patrik Pavlacic
                                                                                          Market Research Manager,
                                                                                          StudentMarketing Ltd.,
Ian Cann serves as Director for ICEF USA’s Business Development
team, working with new and existing customers in effectively using
agents to maximise international student recruitment. Ian has
been involved in international student recruitment for a decade,
and regularly presents at international conferences on the subject     Patrik Pavlacic is the Head of Research at StudentMarketing,
of working with international recruitment agents, international        global specialists in market research and strategic business
marketing, and regional market intelligence.                           development for the international education sector and a
Previously, Ian was involved in international education for Salão do   UNWTO Affiliate Member.
Estudante/Expo Estudiante and working for IPC Media on some
of the most popular magazines and websites in Britain.                 Patrik’s primary focus and expertise lies in global-scale data
Ian gained a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Philosophy from          collection, trend analysis and interpretation, and data-driven
the University of Leeds in the UK. He speaks English, Spanish,         market expansion strategies. He has produced or contributed
and Portuguese and is currently based in Barcelona.                    to over 50 research projects for governments, associations,
                                                                       investors and individual educational institutions.
                   Nick Stevenson
                   Business Development Manager, EMEA                  Since 2011, he has led the company’s team of in-house and
                   ICEF,                                               in-field researchers. Patrik regularly presents at conferences
                   Germany                                             and has been interviewed by many publications. He is a
                                                                       member of ESOMAR World Research.

Nick has been at ICEF since July 2014, responsible for
business development within the UK & Ireland, helping
educators and service providers develop relationships
with agencies overseas. He has been working within the
international education sector since 2008. He studied
Spanish & Management at the University of Leeds, including
an Erasmus Year at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Faculty of Economics & Business. After graduation, his first
role was at Study Travel Magazine responsible for business
development across various international education markets.

ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018
Room: Charlottenburg I / II
                          16:00 - 17:00
    The ICEF Agent Barometer 2018
    Jessica Howlett & Tiffany Egler

    Topic: Market Intelligence
    Audience: All

    ►Session description
    Since 2007, ICEF has partnered with i-graduate to conduct an
    annual survey on the opinions of education agents about the
    international education industry. The session will report on the
    latest findings of the 2018 ICEF Agent Barometer. The study
    uncovers the latest trends in student mobility, and what support
    agents expect from their educator partners. We will be looking
    at a number of questions, including: How many students do
    agents around the world recruit per year? What are the trends?
    Is there any market re-direction? Is the attractiveness of study
    destinations changing? How can education institutions market
    themselves more efficiently?

                       Jessica Howlett
                       Business Development Director,
                       United Kingdom

    Jess joined i-graduate in 2008 and leads on bespoke market
    research projects delivering insight for education stakeholders.
    She joined i-graduate from a background in TEFL and
    recruitment in China.
    She has worked in multiple regions on administration of
    the International Student Barometer and other large-scale
    student surveys. She conducts research studies on prospective
    students, alumni, education agents and a range of stakeholders.
    This includes quantitative and qualitative research methods.
    Jess studied Classics at Brasenose College, Oxford and has
    an MA in Chinese Studies from the University of London’s
    School of Oriental and African Studies.

                       Tiffany Egler
                       Director, Agent Relations,

    Tiffany is a leading professional in the field of agent relations and
    workshop procedures. As Director of the Agents Department
    at ICEF, her knowledge and dedication has been crucial to
    the development of ICEF workshops and agent recruitment.
    During her tenure of over 15 years at ICEF, Tiffany has overseen
    the successful organisation of most of ICEF’s agent workshops
    and today manages an international team which continues to
    develop and to increase efforts to ensure the recruitment of
    professional study abroad agents worldwide.

ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018
Room: Charlottenburg I / II
                                                   17:00 - 18:00
“Transparent Marketing” in the Language                                           Paolo Barilari
Sector - a Panel Discussion
                                                                                  Lingue nel Mondo,
Jago Brown, Paolo Barilari, Marcelo de                                            Italy
Araújo Cansini & Ross Holmes

Topic: Marketing & Recruitment
Audience: All                                                   Paolo Barilari, Italian, from Rome, has worked in the
                                                                Language Travel sector since 1989. He is the owner
                                                                and director of Lingue nel Mondo, an online LT agency.
►Session description                                            Paolo is one of the founder members of IALCA, the Italian
One school of thought says that agents should be totally        Association of Language Consultants and Agents. He
transparent in their marketing - give school names, show        was president of IALCA for six years and is currently
prices, display student reviews prominently. Another school     vice president. He is also vice president of FELCA,
of thought states that if agents give students too much         the Federation of Education and Language Consultant
information they might not need their services anymore. Do      Associations.
agents provide a better service if they “tease” the customer
via their marketing then tailor the package once the student                      Marcelo de Araújo Cansini
is in contact? Should schools seek to prevent agents from                         Founder and President,
discounting below agreed gross prices?                                            World Study,
Come and join us for what we’re sure will be a lively debate
about the merits and pitfalls of being transparent. This
panel discussion features educators and agencies from the
language sector and will doubtless include lots of audience
participation.                                                  Marcelo de Araujo Cansini, graduate in Business
                                                                Management, is the Founder and President of World
►Speakers                                                       Study in Brazil. He is also an entrepreneurship teacher
                                                                at a Post Graduate course and a consultant for start-up
                  Jago Brown                                    businesses. His educational background includes two
                  Commercial & Groups Director,                 post-graduate courses in the United States in Marketing
                  British Study Centres,                        and Entrepreneurship followed by two masters in
                  United Kingdom                                Management and Entrepreneurship.

                                                                                  Ross Holmes
Jago has been in senior commercial and management roles                           Director, Online Products,
for nearly 20 years in a variety of sectors.                                      ICEF,
Before taking his current role at BSC, Jago was Managing                          Germany
Director of the UK language school group Experience English
and before that was MD of EAC Language Centres.

He came to language travel after a series of senior roles
                                                                Ross started his career in international education in 2007
at UK tour operator First Choice and in the creative and
                                                                organising student fairs across Brazil and Latin America.
digital industries.
                                                                After 5 years he returned to his native UK where he
In 2005 he created the UK’s first system for digital transfer   helped brands such as HSBC, British Airways and Harrods
of golf tee-time bookings and ran that business through to      develop strategies to reach international students studying
sale in 2009.                                                   in the UK.
                                                                He joined ICEF in 2013 where he has managed the
                                                                development of and brought on board
                                                                new services such as CoursePricer, Virtual Reality and
                                                                Augmented Reality.

ICEF Seminars & Industry Presentations - Berlin Workshop November 4, 2018
Room: Charlottenburg I / II
                        18:00 - 19:00
     At the Cutting Edge: 2018 Data and What
     it Means for Your Business
     Jodie Gray & Maria Cervenanova

     Topic: Market Intelligence
     Audience: All

     ►Session description
     As far as we know, English UK is the only association in the
     language travel industry to analyse industry data on both an
     annual and a quarterly basis.
     In 2017, together with our insight partner StudentMarketing,
     we launched QUIC – an unparalleled quarterly statistics
     initiative to help our members identify market trends and
     opportunities. This year we piloted a new in-depth data
     project with face-to-face interviews with a researcher. Should
     this be rolled out further, it will set a new gold standard for
     industry intelligence.
     In this session, Maria Cervenanova, senior research
     manager at StudentMarketing, will showcase English UK’s
     intelligence activities and give an overview of their most
     interesting findings. A panel of English UK member centre
     representatives, chaired by Jodie Gray, Director of Strategic
     Development at English UK, will then discuss how they use
     the data in their marketing efforts.

                       Jodie Gray
                       Director of Strategic Development,
                       English UK
                       United Kingdom

     As director of strategic development, Jodie works closely with
     the chief executive of English UK to establish and review
     key strategic priorities for the association and translate them
     into an actionable plan. Jodie first joined English UK in 2007
     and has worked in the international education industry for
     12 years.

                       Maria Cervenanova
                       Senior Research Manager,

     Maria Cervenanova is the senior research manager at
     StudentMarketing. She specialises in global-scale data
     collection (quantitative research), trend analysis and
     interpretation, and is responsible for English UK’s projects
     including the Annual Student Statistics Report and the
     Quarterly Insight Cohort.

Room: Tegel
                   14:00 - 14:30                                                   14:30 - 15:00
The Turkish Study Abroad Market -                              The German Language Travel Market
2018 Trends                                                    Prof. Dr. Britta Bergemann
Eren Goker
                                                               Topic: Market Intelligence
Topic: Market Intelligence                                     Audience: Providers
Audience: Providers
                                                               ►Session description
►Session description                                           Language travel provides excellent opportunities to acquire
                                                               the linguistic and cultural skills required by our increasingly
Turkey is an important source country for international
                                                               globalised world. In this presentation, I will first highlight the
students. The session aims to provide you with a market
                                                               most important features of products and services related
overview and will cover the following topics:
                                                               to language travel. In a second step, I will discuss results
•   General information about Turkey and the Turkish           from a market survey conducted in 2018. For this survey,
    education system                                           a significant number of German language travel agents
•   Profile of a Turkish study abroad student                  provided data on the target groups related to linguistic stays,
•   Student mobility from Turkey: how many students are        target languages, main destinations, the average duration of
    currently studying abroad in which sectors and which       stay, purposes of linguistic stays, and market developments.
    are the key destinations                                   In the third section, I will discuss recent developments in
•   Most popular choices for language education and            the German language travel market.
    higher education programmes abroad: programmes,
    destinations, accommodation options
•   Visas and refusal rates                                    ►Speaker
•   UED’s advice on how to enter the Turkish agency
    market and how to cooperate with local agencies                               Prof. Dr. Britta Bergemann
    taking recent developments into consideration                                 Board Member,
                                                                                  Fachverband Deutscher Sprachreise
                                                                                  Veranstalter (FDSV),
                 Eren Goker
                 Member of Board of Directors,
                 The Association of International              Prof. Dr. Britta Bergemann is a Professor of International
                 Educational Counselors Turkey (UED),          Marketing at the Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences.
                 Turkey                                        Previously, she held the Professorship of International
                                                               Marketing at Furtwangen University, where she also
                                                               served as Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Director
                                                               of the International MBA Programme. In addition, she has
Eren Goker founded his first agency in 1997 and became         founded and directed MBA programmes in Iraq, Saudi Arabia
a founding member of UED in 2001. After many years of          and Tajikistan and has routinely taught courses in these
counselling students for education within the United States,   programmes. She has also been a guest speaker and lecturer
the United Kingdom, Australia, Malta, Ireland, South Africa    at numerous venues in China, Russia, Tunisia and Vietnam.
and several European countries both for language and higher    Prior to her university career, Prof. Bergemann held a
education, he started up his new venture GKR Educational       top management position at the London-based Aegis
Counselling in 2013.                                           Media, now Dentsu Aegis, one of the largest international
                                                               communications agencies. Previously, she had served as
He was elected to the UED Board in 2007 and he has been        Marketing Director for the international consulting firm Arthur
the President of the association from 2009 to 2018. Mr. Eren   Andersen, now Deloitte Consulting, after holding marketing
Goker became the Vice President of Felca, Federation of        positions for several years at Unilever and Kraft Jacobs
Education and Language Travel Organisations in 2015.           Suchard, where she was Marketing Director in the US. She
                                                               has been a member of the FDSV’s Scientific Advisory Board
                                                               since 2017. In this role, she evaluates the language stays and
                                                               courses offered by the FDSV members and is responsible
                                                               for the Association’s marketing activities.

Room: Tegel
                        15:00 - 15:30                                                      15:30 - 16:00
     How to Recruit Students from                                       Student Recruitment from Russia:
     Scandinavia                                                        Emerging Trends and New Approaches
     Johan Asplund                                                      Denis Smorchkov

     Topic: Market Intelligence                                         Topic: Market Intelligence
     Audience: Providers                                                Audience: Providers

     ►Session description                                               ►Session description
     Do you want to recruit students from the Scandinavian              During late 2017 – mid 2018 the Russian international
     countries: Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark? In this           education market has been experiencing some destination
     presentation we look at the Scandinavian market from four          shifting caused by international politics and media influence.
     different perspectives:                                            All British Council offices including the one in Moscow are
     •   Where and what do Scandinavians study abroad?                  closed, which is definitely changing the number of candidates
     •   What characterizes Scandinavian students and what              for short-term language travel to the British Isles. Most US
         are they looking for in a school?                              Consulates are still open, however there is practically no
     •   How to recruit Scandinavian students?                          chance in getting an interview for B1/B2 visa. We have
     •   How to make your website more attractive to the                no other option but to adapt to this changing environment.
         students?                                                      This session will discuss some key points you must consider
                                                                        when placing your product into the Russian market today:
     The primary audience for this seminar is schools and other
                                                                        •   The importance of parent engagement
     service providers interested in the Scandinavian market.
                                                                        •   Russia’s Generation Z: new marketing approaches
                                                                            through video and social media
     ►Speaker                                                           •   Mass market versus specifically targeted market
                       Johan Asplund                                        segments
                       CEO / Founder,                                   •   Russian regions and their cultural differences
                       DreamStudies,                                    •   Money value and the challenges of the Russian
                       Sweden                                               banking system
                                                                        •   Student expectations and motivation


     Johan Asplund has worked in this industry for 15 years as                            Denis Smorchkov
     a student counselor, product developer, web marketer and                             Director General,
     managing director. He has studied abroad in five different                           TravelWorks,
     countries and helped thousands of Swedish students to study                          Russia
     abroad. He is an expert on the Swedish CSN-system and
     has helped many schools to get approved by CSN.

     In 2016 Johan founded DreamStudies, based in Stockholm
     Sweden. It is a new kind of agency offering great flexibility to   Denis Smorchkov is a Director General of TravelWorks, a
     schools and students. DreamStudies help schools and other          company that’s locally presented in Russia and Kazakhstan
     service providers to find and recruit international students       and recruits online in each and every CIS country.
     from Sweden and the rest of the world.                             With the experience of more than 16 years in the Youth
                                                                        Travel industry, Denis takes responsibility for analysing the
                                                                        life of this market considering the output of his own company.
                                                                        Russia and CIS cover an enormous territory, but this region’s
                                                                        strengths and weaknesses vary from year to year, so Denis
                                                                        and his team got used to adapting to a constantly changing

                                                                        Personal engagement in managing the recruitment team
                                                                        helps Denis keep himself informed on new market trends in
                                                                        Russian-speaking countries and he knows how to influence
                                                                        the behaviour and choices of Russian students as well as
                                                                        their parents.

Room: Tegel
                     16:00 - 16:30                                                     16:30 - 17:00
Recruiting from Spain: Market Trends and                            The Ever-Changing Student -
Opportunities                                                       Expectations of Learning Experience for
                                                                    Polish Students
Óscar Porras Sanchez
                                                                    Klementyna Gieżyńska
Topic: Market Intelligence
                                                                    Topic: Market Intelligence
Audience: Providers
                                                                    Audience: Providers
►Session description
                                                                    ►Session description
This session will outline highlights of changes in the Spanish
language travel market during the past few years.                   Do you know what your potential students expect from
In general terms, it can be stated that there has been an           programmes they are considering? What are the criteria
increase in the demand for certain programmes while others          they consider when purchasing language courses? What
are in decline. We will present the notion that current global      about university studies? This session will focus on the Polish
politics have a direct impact on traditional top destinations. In   educational market and will help you understand learning
light of certain political trends, we can observe that parents      expectations of different target groups in Poland.
tend to send their children to alternative destinations rather      The presenter will discuss the current educational landscape
than to formerly popular countries. In addition, high opinions      in Poland, define market size for children, teenagers
of and the reputation of family life in certain nations have been   and adults, and address student/participant and payer
turning less established destinations into top destinations         expectations of international learning experiences. Learn
for language study.                                                 how to improve your marketing efforts and create packages
Another trend that will be discussed is that parents prefer         catering to the Polish market.
having their child as the only Spanish speaker in a host family
rather than choosing accommodation in a student residence.
                                                                                      Klementyna Gieżyńska
►Speaker                                                                              Operations Manager,
                   Óscar Porras Sanchez                                               LuminarED,
                   President,                                                         Poland
                   Asociación Española de Promotores de
                   Cursos en el Extranjero (ASEPROCE),

                                                                    Klementyna Gieżyńska, MBA, is an Education Designer
                                                                    at Luminar Foundation who helps parents to create
                                                                    educational paths that best suit their children. She has 17
Óscar Porras studied English Literature at Complutense
                                                                    years of experience in customer service, seven years in
University of Madrid, and his dedication and passion for
                                                                    international recruitment services and has been working
education has gained him the position of President of
                                                                    on internationalisation of higher education since 2013. She
ASEPROCE (the Spanish Association of Promoters of
                                                                    advises parents and coaches students on optimal educational
Language Courses Abroad).
ASEPROCE is a not-for-profit organisation - founded in 1987         Klementyna’s research interests include Generation Z,
- which continues to pursue its objective to promote high           determining factors in choosing educational paths and
quality and professional standards of companies operating           educational institutions, and the digitalisation of society.
in the industry in Spain and of protecting the interests of

Room: Tegel
                                                         17:00 - 18:00
     The Future of Student Recruitment in the                                           Haitam Giat
     MENA Region                                                                        Founder and CEO,
                                                                                        Yes Atlas,
     Josie Al Humaidi Reay, Haitam Giat &                                               Saudi Arabia
     Nabil Najd

     Topic: Market Intelligence
     Audience: Providers                                              Successful entrepreneur with more than 20 years of
                                                                      experience in the fields of IT, Technology, Online Marketing
                                                                      and Social Media. Haitam Giat is a business owner and
     ►Session description                                             developer of small and large-scale projects both regionally
     The Middle East is an important market and source region for     and worldwide.
     international students. The session will provide you with an
     overview of two countries within this region, Saudi Arabia and   He is the founder and CEO of Yes Atlas, the largest and
     Oman. The following topics will be covered for each country:     multiple award-winning recruitment agency in MENA.
     ● Background:
     		     - Geopolitical
     		     - Size of Market
     		     - Education System                                                          Nabil Najd
                                                                                        Manager MENA Region,
     ● Current status of the study abroad market: 		                                    ICEF,
     		      - Number of students studying abroad 		                                    Germany
     		      - Course and destination preferences
     		      - Average length a student spends abroad
     		      - Student expectations

     ●   Future potential & trends                                    Nabil joined ICEF in 2011 as an Agent Relations and
                                                                      Business Development Manager for the Middle Eastern
                                                                      and North African markets and since 2014 holds the position
     ►Speakers                                                        of Manager MENA Region, ICEF Lebanon.
                       Josie Al Humaidi Reay
                                                                      Nabil has developed a wide range of contacts within the
                       Assistant Director Manager,
                                                                      industry and contributed towards broadening ICEF’s access
                       Weejhat Academics - Wego UK,
                                                                      to the region by focusing on introducing quality agents
                                                                      to our workshops around the world. In addition, Nabil is
                                                                      responsible for assisting and advising educational institutions
                                                                      new to working with study abroad agents and/or new to
                                                                      ICEF Workshops and helping clients to select the most
                                                                      appropriate ICEF services to increase their international
     Weejhat Academics (Wego UK) is an independent, active and
                                                                      student enrolments.
     exciting family-run business located in Muscat, Sultanate of
     Oman. Established in 2016, our services currently include
                                                                      Nabil graduated with a Master’s degree in Automation
     educational recruitment, study solutions and study tours
                                                                      Technology from the Technical University Berlin, Germany
     primarily in the UK.
                                                                      in 2010. He speaks English and German as well as his
                                                                      native language Arabic.
     What makes us different from other agencies is our level of
     care for our customer base and partners. Our office is made
     up of a small trusted friendly multi-national team who share
     similar values and visions.

     We speak a mixture of languages and aim to connect with
     our customers at their level providing the full study solution
     package that they desire. We ensure the quality of education
     for our customers by personally meeting and checking our
     partners’ school facilities to meet the best standards.

Room: Tegel
                                                         18:00 - 19:00
Student Recruitment from Latin America                                                Dr. Gabriela Ardito
Jorge Alberto Otero, Dr. Gabriela Ardito,                                             ARSAA - Argentine Study Abroad Association,
Victor Hugo Baseggio, Ricardo Toscano &                                               Argentina
Gustavo Viale

Topic: Market Intelligence
                                                                     Gabriela Ardito holds a Bachelor´s Degree in English Language
Audience: Providers
                                                                     and a PhD in Modern Languages from Universidad del Salvador,
                                                                     Argentina. She has been involved in ESL Teaching & Language
►Session description                                                 Travel Research since 1993. Founder of VCE International,
                                                                     Gabriela has signed collaboration agreements with over 20
Latin America is an important source region for international        international educational institutions, is an ICEF trained agent,
students. However, trends change quickly. This session will aim      Quality English, IALC & English UK partner agent and presides
to provide you with an overview and general information on some      the Argentine Study Abroad Association ARSAA, launched in 2016.
of this region’s markets: Argentina, Colombia, Brazil and Ecuador.
A panel of in-country market experts will discuss future potential
and trends.                                                                           Ricardo Toscano
►Speakers                                                                             COICEC,
                 Jorge Alberto Otero
                 Board Member,
                 ANEX Colombia - National Association of
                 Education Advisors for Study Abroad,
                                                                     Ricardo graduated as an Industrial Engineer and has an MBA
                                                                     degree in International Business. After graduation he had the
                                                                     opportunity to study in Canada where he first made contact with
                                                                     the International Education industry.
Jorge Alberto Otero, is the Co-Owner & Co-CEO of Study Union
                                                                     Ricardo has been working in the educational consultancy industry
International and a Member of the Board of Directors and the
                                                                     for 30 years, he currently works in an educational group and higher
Ethic Committee of ANEX Colombia - the National Association
                                                                     education institution which also has language schools in Ecuador.
of Education Advisors for Study Abroad.
                                                                     Ricardo is a leader in his field and he is permanently searching
                                                                     to improve education for the youth and young adults of Ecuador.
                                                                     Since 2016 he is in charge of COICEC - the first and only
                 Victor Hugo Baseggio
                                                                     organisation that endorses prestigious international cultural
                 Co-Owner & Co-CEO,
                                                                     exchange organisations of the country. It was created by the most
                 CI - Central de Intercâmbio,
                                                                     important and prestigious agencies of the country and approved
                                                                     by the Ecuadorian government in 2009.

                                                                                       Gustavo Viale
Victor Hugo graduated as a Civil Engineer and has an MBA degree
in Finance. After his graduation he spent three years in Europe
                                                                                       InterWay Educational Consultancy,
to enhance his education. He experienced a few exchange and
language programmes in various countries.

After co-founding CI in 1988 with focus on quality services, the
company has become Brazil’s largest educational agent with more
than 700 people directly involved in its activities.
                                                                     Gustavo Viale is CEO of InterWay Educational Consultancy in
                                                                     Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Today CI is clearly positioned as an omni channel company. Its
                                                                     Interway works mostly with groups of students who wish to improve
digital marketing with a remarkable performance in social media
                                                                     their language and communication skills for general purposes
powers its network of more than 130 stores in Brazil and overseas,
                                                                     and study abroad. InterWay Educational Consultancy has been
its telesales and its e-commerce activities.
                                                                     selected into the Excellence Assessment Designation programme
                                                                     for its transparency framework for the local and LATAM study
                                                                     abroad markets. He is also Director at English Way School of
                                                                     English, which is located in the West of the Greater Buenos Aires
                                                                     region, and has been delivering English language courses to local
                                                                     students for 29 years.

Agent Workshops           Agent Training

ICEF Alumni                                                  Educator


CourseFinders                                              ICEF Monitor

                             ICEF Media

Room: Dahlem
                 14:00 - 14:30                                                    14:30 - 15:30
How Social Media and Digital Marketing                         Hochalpines Institut Ftan (HIF) – a “New”
Enhance International Recruitment                              Swiss International Boarding School
                                                               and Sports Academy with 225 Years of
Mia Anzola Manrique & Haitam Giat
                                                               Tradition in Education
Topic: Marketing & Recruitment                                 Ursula Sommer
Audience: Providers
                                                               Topic: Industry Presentation

►Session description                                           Audience: Agents

Did you know seven seconds is about all the time you have
to make a connection between your online content and a         ►Session description
lead? An undoubtedly fast-paced, online and visual world in    HIF Swiss International Boarding School and Sports Academy
which digital marketers must rely on social media to enhance   is a co-educational secondary boarding school founded 225
and customise your study abroad agency or school’s strategy    years ago in the picturesque, safe and healthy sourroundings
to convert leads into enrolled students.                       of the Swiss mountains, just three hours from Zurich. HIF
Join Mia and Haitam and learn about the art of using four of   offers a range of educational Swiss and international
the most useful social media platforms to your advantage,      programmes for students in grades 7 to 12. Swiss Matura,
design effective ways to generate attention online and,        IGCSE as well as bilingual English/German language and
ultimately, boost enrolment records via digital marketing.     integration options are on offer. HIF is a candidate school
►Speakers                                                      for the IB Diploma Programme and pursuing authorisation
                                                               as an IB World School.
                 Mia Anzola Manrique
                                                               In its Sports Academy, HIF enables young talents and
                 LATAM - Marketing & Social Media
                                                               students interested in winter sports and/or golf to combine
                                                               competitive or leisure sports with an academic programme
                                                               to excel in both academics and athletics.
                 United Arab Emirates

                                                                                Ursula Sommer
Mia is a strategic marketing and social media expert focused                    Head of Admission and Marketing,
on the development of business growth opportunities in                          Hochalpines Institut Ftan,
LATAM.                                                                          Switzerland

Mia provides valuable insights by focusing on consumer
                                                               Ursula Sommer has 25 years of experience in Swiss and
                 Haitam Giat                                   international boarding education and now heads Admission
                 Founder and CEO,                              and Marketing at HIF Swiss International Boarding School
       ,                               and Sports Academy.
                 United Arab Emirates
                                                               Most recently, Ursula and her husband Beat Sommer,
                                                               Director at HIF Swiss International Boarding School and
                                                               Sports Academy, set up and launched a Swiss international
                                                               school in Dubai.
Successful entrepreneur with more than 20 years of
experience in the fields of IT, Technology, Online Marketing
and Social Media. Haitam Giat is a business owner and
developer of small and large-scale projects both regionally
and worldwide.

He is the founder and CEO of Yes Atlas, the largest and
multiple award-winning recruitment agency in MENA and
founder of of, international fastest growing
online recruitment agency.

Room: Dahlem
                           15:30 - 16:30                                                               16:30 - 17:30
     The Importance of Technology and Content                                      Can Malta Offer a Guaranteed Pathway to
     Integration for the International Language                                    Highly Ranked Universities?
     Learning Experience                                                           Linda Azzopardi & Andrew Straughan
     David Ganly & Peter Lahiff
                                                                                   Topic: Industry Presentation
     Topic: Industry Presentation                                                  Audience: Agents
     Audience: All
                                                                                   ►Session description
     ►Session description                                                          Malta is not a newcomer to Tertiary Education – the University
     The Communicative Approach has been the foundation of English                 of Malta started off as a college run by the Jesuits in 1592,
     language teaching since the 1970s. It represented a major step forward        making it one of the oldest universities in Europe. For the last
     in the way we thought about languages and what it was to be a                 50 years, Malta has been considered to be a quality destination
     successful learner and it has inspired many to travel to study languages.     for students to learn and improve their English. In recent
     Over the course of 50 years, general English programmes run on                years Malta started making inroads to become an important
     this model have become nearly ubiquitous. The recent trend towards            player in academic and tertiary education with the opening
     content integrated language learning, bi-lingual schools in Europe, and       and representation of a number of prestigious international
     increased access to the English-speaking world through the internet,          universities and colleges.
     have transformed students’ exposure to the language at home. In               This session will provide a detailed overview about Malta as
     order to continue to prove the value of educational travel, agencies          a quality and affordable destination, and NCUK’s International
     and schools need to give a greater sense of purpose and relevance             Foundation Year programme with guaranteed progression to
     to the courses they are offering. One way to answer this is to embrace        highly ranked universities.
     technology as an essential medium of modern communication and
     integrating content from across the subject areas into our programmes.
     This would also involve schools widening their focus beyond language                            Linda Azzopardi
     alone to take in the full range of digital, interpersonal and communication                     Director of Studies,
     skills that students develop while studying with us. By developing a                            European College of Malta,
     more complete learning experience we, as a sector, can ensure that                              Malta
     students continue to travel for study in increasing numbers over the
     next 50 years.
                                                                                                     Linda is an experienced English teacher
                                                                                   and teacher trainer. She has trained English teachers in
                         David Ganly                                               Mala, Russia and the Ukraine both in mainstream education
                         Managing Director,                                        and in private language school contexts. She has been with
                         Future Learning Language School, Ireland                  Clubclass Malta since 1999 as the school’s first Director of
                                                                                   Studies. In 2014 she was tasked to set up and run Malta’s
                         David has served as an Engineering and                    only delivery centre for NCUK’s International Foundation
                         Computer Science teacher for over 10                      Year Programme. Since the beginning of the programme Lin-
                         years, graduating from University of Limerick             da has been the main point of contact with partners, agents
                         he also holds a Master’s of Science in                    and students. She has an M.A. in English and Cambridge
     Technology and Learning from Trinity College Dublin. David                    DELTA.
     is the founder of Future Learning Language School, 2013.                                        Andrew Straughan
     Now firmly leading the technology enhanced approach in the English                              Market Development Manager,
     language sector with Future Learning, David continues to be involved                            NCUK- The University Consortium,
     with second level education with the introduction of Computer Science                           United Kingdom
     as a senior cycle subject in Ireland. Having worked in both sectors
     David believes the language sector can learn a lot from state education
     systems and vice versa.
                          Peter Lahiff                                             Andrew Straughan started working for NCUK in 2013 as a
                          Academic Director,                                       Market Researcher and Data Analyst. In this role, support was
                          Future Learning Language School, Ireland                 provided to both the Marketing and Business Development
                                                                                   functions within the organisation. Support was provided
                         Peter Lahiff is an experienced course designer,           predominantly through the provision of market research and
                         teacher trainer and academic manager who has              analysis. In 2015 Andrew became NCUK’s Market Development
                         worked in ELT for just under 20 years.                    Manager for Europe, Africa and South America. Within these
     Peter became Academic Director of Future Learning soon after it was           regions, Andrew’s main focus is to support NCUK’s study
     founded and worked on the preparation of its first summer course in           centres by working closely with the academic, marketing
     2014. He develops and implements its innovative technology enhanced           and placement teams to satisfy recruitment and placement
     language courses for young learners and teenagers across various
                                                                                   objectives. Andrew holds a degree in History from the University
     locations in Ireland and the UK.
                                                                                   of Liverpool.

Room: Dahlem
                   17:30 - 18:00                                                     18:00 - 18:30
Brand Thinking in the Era of Digital                              The Importance of Accommodation in
Transformation                                                    Student Wellbeing     Silver Sponsor
Prof. Joachim Bongard                                             Bobbi Hartshorne

Topic: Industry Presentation                                      Topic: Student Welfare
Audience: All                                                     Audience: All

►Session description                                              ►Session description
Digital Transformation has become a huge challenge for            It is our belief that student accommodation has unexplored
any kind of industries and companies. Disruptive changes          potential in contributing to the greater understanding of
force companies being faster, more flexible and especially        student wellbeing. This is after all, where students spend a
as open-minded as possible. New business models are               considerable proportion of their time. We also recognise an
evolving based on new ways of thinking about core elements        opportunity for student accommodation providers to deliver
of business like resources, organisational aspects, processes     truly impactful approaches to optimising student wellbeing.
and - of course - customers.
                                                                  We are delighted to be using this platform to share the
In our globalised 24/7/365-economy competition is growing         findings from our latest global research. Early indications
even faster. In this kind of hi-speed ‘Eye-ball Economy’          suggest that similar student wellbeing challenges prevail
companies are fighting for customers’ attention as essential      around the world and that there is a great deal to be gained
currency of success. As in the past, in the present even          from exploring this topic in an international context. Our
much stronger BRANDS seem to be a strategic instrument of         unique operation across eight very different countries
choice when it comes both to eye-catching and keeping-in-         provides us with a powerful opportunity to do this and we
mind. Companies are therefore extending the strategic role        look forward to sharing our diverse experience with you.
of Brand Management towards holistic concepts one could
define as ‘Brand Thinking’. Are we watching the evolution of
a new paradigm of business thinking in this long-term age
of digitisation? What kind of skills do companies need to
follow the brand thinking path? And what kind of educational                        Bobbi Hartshorne
products would be able to match with this special need?                             Global Head of Student Wellbeing,
Brand Academy - University of Applied Sciences is the only                          Global Student Accommodation,
higher education organisation worldwide focused on brands.                          Spain
To match the challenges of both brand practice and brand
teaching, we are on the edge of developing a new applied
method of holistic brand thinking. It’ll be both a paradigm
for managing brands and for teaching brand competence.
                                                                  Bobbi joined GSA Group as Strategic Partnerships Manager
►Speaker                                                          in early 2015 following a career in Widening Participation
                                                                  and International Student Recruitment & Marketing for
                  Prof. Joachim Bongard                           Universities across the UK and UAE.
                  Programme Director of
                  Brand Communication B.A.,                       In 2017, Bobbi embarked on a new strategic project, seeking
                  Brand Academy - University of Applied           to determine how GSA could promote and support optimal
                  Sciences,                                       student wellbeing across our residential portfolio. The GSA
                  Germany                                         Student Wellbeing Strategy is now a fully-integrated part of
                                                                  our unique student experience. Bobbi is responsible for its
                                                                  continued implementation, improvement and impact globally.
Prof. Joachim Bongard is lecturer in Communication,               When Bobbi presented on this topic at the Global Student
Advertising Psychology, Neuromarketing, Customer Loyalty          Living Conference in the UK in June this year, her presentation
and CRM at Brand Academy.                                         was described as ‘a barnstorming speech…, whose energetic
He studied Communication Sciences at the University of            presentation on wellbeing had everyone talking during the
Münster and at Rollings College, Winter Park, Florida, USA        lunch break.’ We expect Bobbi will bring equal passion and
whilst teaching at the Department of Foreign Languages.           energy to ICEF too.
Joachim has experience as a strategic planner and
consultant at ‘güttler+klewes communications management’
in Düsseldorf.
He also holds the position of Head of Planning at ‘Dievision
Agentur für Kommunikation’ in Hanover and is the Planning
and Client Service Director at ‘Gyro International’ in Hamburg.
Since 2010, he is the proprietor of ‘caliber53.5 strategie –
design – kommunikation’ in Hamburg.

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