Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan

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Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
    Business Plan
    2021/22 - 2024/25

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Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
Our Vision
One City, diverse people,
cultures and places
A sustainable, thriving City of diverse people and places
enjoying a great quality of life, health and wellbeing.

Acknowledgement of Country
Ngalak Maali Boodja Kaditj
Wadjuk Moort Noongar Boodjara
Baalap Kalyagool Noyyang
Boodja Kep Moort
Ngalak Kwabaduk Wirn
Kabarli Bworan Kora
Yeyi Ngoongoolong
The City of Swan acknowledges the traditional custodians of this region, the
Whadjuk people of the Noongar Nation and their continuing connection to the
land, waters and community. We pay our respects to Elders past and present,
and their descendants.
Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
Our Strategic Direction2
Our Community                                     8
Our Organisation                                 12
Key Frameworks and Approaches                    18
How we plan                                      22
Local Area Planning                              24
Resourcing Plans (asset, financial, workforce)   38
Recover y Plans                                  50
Delivering on our Strategic (SCP) Objectives     52
Our Per formance                                 80
Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
Our Strategic Direction
The Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031
The City’s Strategic Community Plan (SCP) sets out the vision, aspirations and objectives for
our community over the next 10 years. It is our principal strategy document. This means that it
governs all of the work that the City undertakes, either through direct service delivery, partnership
arrangements or advocacy on behalf of our community. The direction set though the SCP ensures
infrastructure and service provision is focused to meet the requirements of our community, now and
into the future.
The City’s SCP undergoes a major review every four years in consultation with members of our
community; the most recent major review was adopted by Council in early 2021. This is the first
Corporate Business Plan against our new SCP.

Emergent Themes
The 2021-31 SCP identifies clear themes which guide the work we deliver for our community.

Sustainable Growth
We are committed to economic growth and diversity balanced with natural environment
and heritage to ensure the City provides local services, industry access, local employment
and diverse places to live.

Community partnerships and connections
Community interactions and connections in the City are important and form the basis of our
places. The City’s strength is the people and the connections within the activated local areas
bringing energy, security and a sense of belonging for all ages and cultures. The City is focused
on engaging and partnering with the community in their decisions to realise this vision.

Caring for our environment
The City is committed to caring for and protecting the environment and our history and heritage.
The community is proud of the City’s beautiful natural environment, its bushland, open spaces,
the Swan Valley and Swan River with its natural and diverse beauty.

2                                                                                                      City of Swan
Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
Sustainability and the SCP
The SCP contributes towards the United Nation’s Sustainable
Development Goals. These goals are a blueprint to achieve a
better and more sustainable future. We reference these goals
to demonstrate how the City can contribute to making a
positive global impact.

S WA N R I V E R ,

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Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
A message from
the Mayor
I am proud to share the City of Swan’s 2021/22
Corporate Business Plan for the next four years.
This year, the City of Swan Council is        Planning for the City’s success means
focused on re-unifying and strengthening      building on our strengths. We are
our community as we recover not               strategically placed as the gateway
only from the impact of the COVID-19          between the Wheatbelt and Perth CBD,
pandemic, but also the devastating            with abundant opportunities for doing
Wooroloo and Gidgegannup bushfires.           business. Over the coming years, we will
We are here for you. To support our           be working to attract business to the City
community, we are planning for a              and bolster our local economy for the
healthy and strong future.                    benefit of all who live here.
Our community is diverse, vibrant             I would like to thank the Council and
and growing. As your Council, we are          City administration for their continued
committed to managing growth and              dedication, and I look forward to
changing demographics responsibly. Our        supporting our community to prosper
approach is strategic. We consider the        over the coming year.
needs of our population now and into the
future while making our decisions based
on the latest information and analysis.
This is reflected in our approach to local
area planning and asset renewal. We are       CR KEVIN BAILEY
refreshing older facilities to extend their   M AYO R , C I T Y O F S WA N
lease on life as well as delivering on the
new infrastructure you need to thrive.

4                                                                                         City of Swan
Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
Our Council
Located 16 to 50 kilometres north east of the
Perth CBD, the City of Swan is the largest local
government by land area in metropolitan Perth.
It encompasses an area of 1,043 square kilometres
and covers approximately one fifth of the Perth
metropolitan area.

                                                                                                                           AVON VALLEY
                                                                                                                          NATIONAL PARK




                                                                      VINES          UPPER SWAN
                      CULLACABARDEE                                BROOK          MILLENDON

                                            WHITEMAN                                                 RED HILL
                                                                                HERNE HILL
                                       BENNETT SPRINGS                       SWAN             JANE BROOK
                                            BEECHBORO                                  STRATTON
                                                          CAVERSHAM                                             ALTONE WARD
                                                                                     SWAN VIEW
                                             KIARA LOCKRIDGE        VIVEASH    MIDVALE
                                                                         MIDLAND                                WHITEMAN WARD
                                                        GUILDFORD             BELLEVUE
                                                                      HAZELMERE              KOONGAMIA
                                                                                                                PEARCE WARD
                                                  SOUTH GUILDFORD
                                                                                                                MIDLAND/GUILDFORD WARD
                                                                                                                SWAN VALLEY/GIDGEGANNUP WARD
                     PERTH CBD

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Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
Elected Officials
Local government ordinary elections are held every two years, on the
third Saturday in October. The next City of Swan election will be held on
October 16, 2021.
The City of Swan currently has 15 elected officials (Councillors) representing five areas.
Councillors are elected for four-year terms, with half of the Councillors terms concluding
at each ordinary election.
The Council is responsible for setting the strategic direction, which the City’s administration
then implements.

Altone Ward                                                   Midland/Guildford Ward

Cr David Lucas**    Cr Jennifer          Cr Andrew Kiely*     Cr Ian Johnson**    Cr Rashelle          Cr Claire Scanlan*
Deputy Mayor        Catalano*            M: 0466 722 138      M: 0411 097 393     Predovnik**          M: 0401 456 400
M: 0455 583 777     M: 0403 338 002                                               M: 0411 364 331

Pearce Ward

Cr Kevin Bailey*    Cr Patty Jones*      Cr Cate              Cr Tanya
                    M: 0428 882 778      McCullough**         Richardson**
W: 9571 2726                             M: 0433 432 430      M: 0414 384 734
M: 0407 147 351

Swan Valley/Gidgegannup Ward                      Whiteman Ward

Cr Rod              Cr Charlie                    Cr Mel               Cr John               Cr Bryce Parry**
Henderson**         Zannino*                      Congerton JP**       McNamara*             M: 0487 384 900
M: 0413 496 688     M: 0412 788 817               M: 0417 831 727      M: 0413 088 880

* Term expires 2021
** Term expires 2023

6                                                                                                              City of Swan
Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
M I D L A N D TO W N H A L L ,

The Role of Council
The Council oversees the City’s finances and resources, determines its policies and ensures
that the City’s statutory and community responsibilities are performed effectively and efficiently.
The Council meets every four weeks in the Council Chambers at the Midland Town Hall. An agenda forum is held
the week prior to the Council meeting, where Councillors can ask questions and request further information about
agenda items. Members of the public can also make deputations and ask questions on agenda items.
Both Council meetings and agenda forums are open to the public, but members of the public may be asked to
leave the chamber at times if Councillors need to discuss confidential items.
All Council and committee meetings are conducted in accordance with the Local Government Act. Meeting dates
and times, and agendas and minutes, are published on the City’s website.

Mayor                                                         Committees
A Mayor can be either directly elected by the public,         The Council is responsible for such an extensive
or elected from among the Councillors. At the City of         range of activities and functions that it elects
Swan, the Mayor is elected from among the Councillors.        statutory and advisory committees to provide
                                                              expertise in specific areas.
The Mayor’s duties include providing leadership and
guidance to the community, carrying out civic and             Some committees, such as the Tender Review
ceremonial duties, speaking on behalf of the Council,         Committee, exercise the power of Council under
liaising with the CEO on the Council’s affairs and            delegation. Others perform a specific role in accordance
performance, and presiding at meetings.                       with legislation, such as the Audit Committee. There are
                                                              also committees that make recommendations to Council
Councillors                                                   on specific matters or projects.
Councillors represent the interests of electors, ratepayers
and residents. Councillors are elected to wards, but are      Councillors are also members of external committees
required to consider the interests of the entire Council      that assist other authorities and groups in performing
in their decision-making.                                     their functions.

They also facilitate communication between the                A committee generally operates under terms of
community and the Council, provide leadership and             reference, which determine matters such as the
guidance to the community, and participate in decision        committee’s membership, responsibilities, decision-
making at Council and Committee meetings.                     making powers and reporting requirements.

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Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25 - - City of Swan
Our Community
An Overview of our Community
The City of Swan holds stewardship over a beautifully diverse expanse of
land, rich in natural assets where the Darling Range cascades into the fertile
Swan Valley surrounded by rangelands through which rivers flow
and biodiversity thrives.
With a forecast population of approximately 162,0721                       The City’s administration offices are located in Midland
in 2021 expected to grow to approximately 239,9341                         and its operations centre is located in Middle Swan.
by 2036 and 309,7881 by 2051, the City is a thriving                       Midland is one of many areas throughout the City
hub of demographic and economic growth with some                           showing positive growth from numerous residential,
of the fastest growing suburbs in Western Australia,                       commercial and industrial development opportunities.
major commercial and industrial areas, historically                        The State Government has classified Midland as a
important town sites and rural areas, major waterways,                     ‘strategic metropolitan centre’ and Ellenbrook is
catchments and lakes, and several national parks                           classified as a ‘secondary centre’.
and reserves.
                                                                           Adding to its proud history and exciting future,
As the local authority responsible for such a large and                    Midland’s role as a strategic metropolitan centre is
diverse area, we are especially mindful that a “one size                   further strengthened through the urban renewal
fits all” approach does not effectively meet the needs                     program which, in partnership with the City, is
and requirements of those who live, work and recreate                      managed by Development WA. To date, the program
within our boundaries. Local Area Planning enables                         includes the new Midland public hospital, General
customised planning and delivery of services, programs                     Practice (GP) Super Clinic with associated support and
and infrastructure that are unique to the requirements                     specialist medical services including WA’s only bone
of each local area. We believe this is critical to                         and tissue bank. New residential and commercial
successful governance and an engaged community so                          developments include the redevelopment of the old
we continuously strive to provide the best services and                    Railway Workshops and Midland Saleyards, Curtin
programs that meet the differing needs and aspirations                     University medical campus, new private hospital within
of our diverse communities. We value what we do and                        the historic workshops precinct, and public open space
the people we do it for; our aim being to ensure the                       in Railway Square.
quality of life and standard of living in our municipality
                                                                           Relocation of the Midland train station to between
is the best it can possibly be.
                                                                           Helena and Cale streets has been confirmed and
While the vast majority of the area comprises rural,                       planning is underway. Its new location better integrates
recreational and park lands, the City also includes a                      with the area, bringing it closer to the Midland Health
unique blend of residential, commercial and industrial                     Campus and the Midland CBD. The City will continue to
land uses. Industrial areas in a number of key locations                   support the future development of the area.
throughout Swan continue to thrive and provide a
                                                                           Our population continues to grow at a rapid rate,
substantial revenue base that supports the long-term
                                                                           especially in the Ellenbrook and Urban Growth Corridor
sustainability of the City. While the primary source
                                                                           areas. In recent years, Ellenbrook has undergone
of this revenue is from the major industrial area of
                                                                           enormous population growth, earning its reputation
Malaga, our other important industrial centres in
                                                                           as one of the State’s fastest growing suburbs.
Hazelmere and South Guildford also provide valuable
employment opportunities for City residents. Future
industrial sites at Ellenbrook (North) and Bullsbrook will
also provide employment and business opportunities
for residents and investors alike.

All forecast population figures were current at the time of publication.
1 Source:
2 Source: 2016 Census and

8                                                                                                                        City of Swan

More recently, the City’s Urban Growth Corridor has also
experienced a considerable amount of development,
which has already contributed to significant housing
and population growth. This is expected to continue

                                                             Number of
over the next 20 years with forecasts indicating that
the population in this area is expected to grow from
approximately 20,426 in 2021 to almost 40,0001 by
2051. Additionally, new residential areas, higher density    suburbs

housing options and urban infill opportunities across the
City will continue to bolster future population growth for
years to come. It is expected that the overall population
in the City will grow at an average annual rate of
approximately 2.2%1 per annum to 2051.
The Swan Valley region is integral to the success of
tourism in the metropolitan area. Our award winning
Visitor Centre is strategically located in Guildford, a
historic town at the gateway to one of WA’s most visited
tourism destinations – the Swan Valley. Our major tourist
attractions include significant Aboriginal and southern
European heritage sites, national parks, numerous
restaurants, wineries, distilleries, breweries, fresh food
                                                             of Perth
producers and many other attractions and recreational        metro area
activities. With such an array of tourism attractions and
experiences, the Swan Valley has been elevated to
“must-see destination” status and as such, we warmly
welcome the many tourists who visit each year.                              2

Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                            9
Community Statistics

                                                   The City of Swan celebrated
                                                                                 years as
                                                                                 a city
                                                   becoming a city on the April 1, 2000.

                                                                                                    77,862                1

                                                                                                    is the expected population
                                                                                                    increase by 2036

Our people                                                                                                  34 years

                                                                                                            is the median age
                                                           1                                                of our residents
forecast resident
population in 2021

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people live in the

  City of Swan. It is the largest ATSI population in the Perth
   metropolitan area and third largest in Western Australia.

                                 of our residents are
                                                                                                                   of our residents,

                                 born in Australia                                                                 speak a language
                                                                                                                   other than English
                                                                                                                   at home
3 Source: all economy id figures were current at the time of publication.
4 Source: Swan Valley day-tripper research (2019).

10                                                                                                                           City of Swan
The 5 most common languages1
                                    spoken at home (other than English) are:
Our                                                   economy                   3

                6                                     local businesses                  Our top 3
                                                           69,899                       12.7%

                3                                          local jobs                   retail trade

                Leisure                                                                 manufacturing
                Centres                                    $9.47b

                                                           Product                      construction
                                                           5.4m                           $430m
                hectares of
                                                           annual visitors to
                                                           the Swan Valley

                managed natural
                resource areas
                                                        Our homes
                 parks and open spaces
                 including, 34 active parks
                 (comprising golf courses, sporting                                 2
                 complexes and sports grounds)            forecast total
                                                          dwellings in 2021
                1award winning                                        2.75  3

                Swan Valley                                           persons average
                Visitor Centre                                        household size

Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                                             11
Our Organisation
A Message from the CEO
I am proud to have been appointed as the new CEO of the
City of Swan and acknowledge the significant contribution
of the former CEO, Mike Foley. Mike led the City for
14 years through exponential urban growth and more
recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. It is my commitment to
our community to build on Mike’s legacy with transparent
and accountable leadership, active consultation and
delivering on community priorities.

This financial year, we will continue to focus       Work continues to complete Weeip Park, the
our efforts on supporting our people and             major public open space at New Junction in the
businesses to recover from the impact of             heart of Midland. Thanks to contributions from
COVID-19 and the Wooroloo bushfires.                 the Stefanelli family and Lotterywest, these
We will continue to provide assistance               new public open spaces are taking shape.
and link to support services to help our
                                                     As we deliver on the infrastructure that is
community get back on its feet.
                                                     needed to service our growing population,
In January, we delivered a new Strategic             one of the City’s key challenges is to balance
Community Plan (SCP), our highest-level              development with maintaining our way of life.
planning document. Through the extensive             While we must adapt to accommodate our
community consultation process, one of the           growth, I will be looking at ways that we can
major priorities identified for the next ten years   enhance our consultation approach to ensure
is the protection of our natural environment.        our community’s views are heard and inputted
Work is now underway to establish our                into the Council decision making processes.
Sustainable Environment Strategy and Urban
                                                     In my first year as CEO, I look forward to
Forest Plan, both of which will set
                                                     working with our community to deliver
our environmental direction.
                                                     important services and projects across the
This year will see significant progress on           City of Swan.
some of our major capital works projects.
Construction of the multimillion-dollar
Ellenbrook recreation and aquatic centre is due
to commence shortly. The project will deliver
state of the art indoor recreation and aquatic
facilities to one of our fastest growing areas.      J E R E M Y E D WA R D S
                                                     C E O, C I T Y O F S WA N
Midland locals will soon benefit from a
$22 million major refurbishment of Swan
Active Midland. Works are due to commence
later this year, delivering upgraded indoor
facilities and improved accessibility.

12                                                                                                   City of Swan

The role of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Jeremy Edwards
The Local Government Act 1995 states that the role of the CEO is to:
•    advise the council in relation to the functions of a local government under this Act and other written laws;
•    ensure that advice and information is available to the council so that informed decisions can be made;
•    cause council decisions to be implemented;
•    manage the day to day operations of the local government;
•    liaise with the mayor or president on the local government’s affairs and the performance of the local
     government’s functions;
•    speak on behalf of the local government if the mayor or president agrees;
•    be responsible for the employment, management supervision, direction and dismissal of other employees
     (subject to section 5.37(2) in relation to senior employees);
•    ensure that records and documents of the local government are properly kept for the purposes of this Act and
     any other written law; and
•    perform any other function specified or delegated by the local government or imposed under this Act or any
     other written law as a function to be performed by the CEO.

    Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                                                                 13
The Executive Team and our
Functional Business Units
The Executive Team
The role of the Executive is to provide ethical, open and accountable
leadership and strategic management for the organisation, while also
ensuring that the City’s operations are effective, efficient and accountable.
Organisational Business Units
The City of Swan has 17 organisational business units. Each business unit
has a specialised, unique role related to service delivery in-line with the
City’s strategic (SCP) direction. Resourcing (FTE and financial) is allocated at
a business unit level in order to deliver these services.

                                          Chief Executive Officer
                                             Jeremy Edwards
                                              Governance and Strategy

        Executive Manager                                                  Executive Manager
        C o m m u n i t y We l l b e i n g                                       Operations
        Mark Bishop                                                                Jim Coten
        Community and Place                                                          Asset Management
        Community Safety                                                  Construction and Maintenance
        Customer and Library Services                                           Fleet and Waste Services
        Leisure Services                                                           Project Management

        Executive Manager                                              Executive Manager
        Corporate                                              Planning and Development
        Ky m L e a h y                                                L e o n Va n d e r L i n d e
        Financial Services and Rates                                      Business and Tourism Services
        Human Resources                                                     Health and Building Services
        Information Services                                                          Statutory Planning
        Marketing and Public Relations                                                Strategic Planning

14                                                                                                        City of Swan
                                                                   AV E L E Y

Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                  15
Office of the CEO
Jeremy Edwards - Chief Executive Officer
In addition to leading the organisation in implementing the commitments to our community outlined in the SCP
and providing guidance to the Executive Managers, the CEO also oversees the Governance and Strategy business
unit. The Governance and Strategy business unit is tasked with guiding the organisation through Council decision
making activities, including direct assistance for Council members, as well as supporting corporate capability to
continually manage and improve performance.

Governance and Strategy
The role of Governance and Strategy is to facilitate the effective development and implementation of strategies
and systems which build corporate capability, support the achievement of the City’s strategic goals and ensure
good governance.

Community Wellbeing Division                                Corporate Division
Mark Bishop – Executive Manager                              Kym Leahy - Executive Manager
The Community Wellbeing Division provides                    The Corporate Division works in partnership with our
vibrant services for people and places that promote          colleagues and maintain high corporate standards so that
inclusion, community growth, health and wellbeing.           our services fulfil community expectations. We focus on
These outcomes for the community are provided through        people and system capability, financial sustainability and
services delivered in libraries, aged care, community        brand reputation. This is all aimed towards ensuring the
safety, leisure centres, community development, youth        City is accountable, transparent and capable to service
services, community events, place activation, community      our community and meet future challenges.
engagement, a customer support centre and access to
a large range of community facilities and parks.             Financial Services and Rates
                                                             The role of Financial Services and Rates is to ensure long
Community and Place                                          term effective financial management and accountability
The Community and Place Business Unit aims to build          of the City and to continue to promote value for money
resilient and inclusive communities through community        for the protection of assets used for the delivery of
capacity building, youth leadership and participation,       sustainable services.
place activation, community engagement, stakeholder
management and delivery of community care services.          Human Resources
                                                             The role of Human Resources is to provide a full suite of
Community Safety                                             HR services, which contribute to the ability of the City to
The role of Community Safety is to partner with              achieve its vision through our employees.
the community and other organisations to provide
community awareness, education and enforcement               Information Services
in relation to crime prevention, state legislation,          The role of Information Services is to manage the access,
local laws and emergency management initiatives.             storage, processing, development, retrieval and disposal
                                                             of electronic and paper-based information for the City, as
Customer and Library Services                                well as enabling effective and efficient service delivery
The role of Customer and Library Services is to connect      through information technology.
the diverse communities of the City with a welcoming
experience through knowledge, learning and creativity,       Marketing and Public Relations
while providing the opportunity to access City services      The role of Marketing and Public Relations is to promote
by connecting people with accessible information,            and enhance the City of Swan as a great place to live,
innovative technology and excellent customer service.        work and visit using effective, open communication
                                                             and innovation to build opportunities for the future.
Leisure Services
The role of Leisure Services is to enhance the quality
of life of the community through a diverse and accessible
range of leisure and recreational services and facilities.

16                                                                                                         City of Swan
                                                                                         ART CENTRE, MIDLAND

 Operations Division                                        Planning and Development Division
Jim Coten - Executive Manager                              Leon Van der Linde - Executive Manager
The Operations Division manages the City’s                 The Planning and Development Division shapes the
infrastructure assets, including planning, design,         physical layout of the City and helps build both the
construction, maintenance and disposal and provides        Swan economy and community. It does this by
the City’s waste management service. These services        providing Strategic Planning services to guide
are provided effectively and efficiently to improve        development; Statutory Planning services to assess
the quality of life of our community.                      development; Building and Environmental Health
                                                           services to ensure that standards of safety and public
Asset Management                                           health are met; and Business and Tourism Services to
The role of Asset Management is to provide medium          identify and deliver projects that will contribute to the
to long-term planning and approvals for the creation,      growth and economy of the City.
modification or disposal of infrastructure, natural
environment and community facility assets.                 Business and Tourism Services
                                                           The role of Business and Tourism Services is to identify
Construction and Maintenance                               and deliver projects and services that will contribute to
The role of Construction and Maintenance is to provide     the growth and economy of the City of Swan.
the construction of Capital Works projects, security
services and the maintenance and servicing of buildings,   Health and Building Services
engineering, parks and natural environment assets to       The role of Health and Building Services is to oversee
improve the quality of life for the community.             building control issues and environmental health and
                                                           public health matters through the management of
Fleet and Waste Services                                   applications, approvals and compliance under relevant
The role of Fleet and Waste Services is to manage,         legislative controls that contribute to the health, safety
maintain and develop the City’s vehicle fleet, plant and   and amenity in the built environment.
equipment, as well as manage the delivery of efficient
and sustainable refuse and recycling services.             Statutory Planning
                                                           The role of Statutory Planning is to implement the
Project Management                                         City’s strategic planning goals into the Local Planning
The role of Project Management is to plan, design          Scheme, and administer that Scheme in interactions
and deliver the City’s Capital Works Program on time,      with all stakeholders.
to budget and to the required specification to make
certain that roads, buildings, parks, footpaths and        Strategic Planning
drainage infrastructure meets the City’s needs now         The role of Strategic Planning is to develop
and into the future.                                       implementable locally informed plans and strategies that
                                                           are supportive of liveable communities in economically
                                                           thriving and environmentally sustainable places.

  Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                                                            17
Our Corporate Values
We will work co-operatively with our City colleagues, community and
stakeholders. We will respect the individual, with an understanding of our
diverse roles, whilst working and living in One City.

We commit to providing excellent customer services with a ‘can do’ approach.
It is our ‘can do’ attitude that is built into our actions and behaviours, and
allows us to be responsive to our changing environment.

We will take responsibility for our actions and behaviour. We will be ethical
and act with integrity. Our professional behaviour will be reflected in our
open and transparent decision making. We will provide good governance
that addresses legislative and organisational compliance.

We will lead by example, with a professional pride in our City. We will set
direction, provide guidance and help people to be the best they can be.

Key Frameworks
and Approaches
The City uses a number of frameworks and approaches to help achieve its strategic
vision ensuring the delivery of services are effectively and efficiently planned for,
risks are adequately identified and managed and best practice organisational
improvement implemented.
The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework
Integrated planning and reporting provides local governments with a framework for translating community
priorities and aspirations into operational objectives, and tracking progress in delivering on these objectives.

Underlying principles of integrated
planning and reporting include:
•      understanding the external environment and what our community aspires to
•      setting direction within our resource capability
•      monitoring performance for accountability and adaptability
•      applying a holistic approach to improve outcomes
Recognising the importance of integrating community and organisational planning, the Local Government
(Administration) Regulations 1996 require local governments to at a minimum adopt a Strategic Community Plan
(SCP) and a Corporate Business Plan (CBP).
The diagram on page 19 shows how this is applied at the City of Swan and how these core plans both inform
and are informed by other aspects of our planning and reporting.

18                                                                                                         City of Swan
City of Swan’s Integrated
Planning and Reporting Framework

                                              STRATEGIC AND
                                              CORPORATE PLANS
                                                                       AND REPORTING
                                              COMMUNITY PLAN
                                              Community and council     SATISFACTION
   AND STRATEGIES                             vision, objectives and
                                              10 year plan
        PLANS AND                                                       ANNUAL REPORT
        LOCAL AREA                                                      PERFORMANCE
        PLANS                                                           MEASURES
                                              BUSINESS PLAN
   RESOURCING                                 Strategies and plans.
   PLANS                                      Four year priorities,
                                              services and projects
                                              4 year plan
        LONG TERM

        MANAGEMENT                            ANNUAL
                                              BUSINESS PLANS            QUARTERLY
        PLANS                                                           REPORTS
                                              Detailed operational
        WORKFORCE                             services, activities      SERVICE
        CAPABILITY                            and projects              AND PROJECT
        PLAN                                                            DELIVERY KPIS

                                              ANNUAL BUDGET

 Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                             19
The Australian Business
Excellence Framework (ABEF )                                                             5

The ABEF is one of the key tools that we use to inform our
continuous improvement. The ABEF assesses how we function
as a whole, including leadership and staff practices, customer
focus, strategies, processes and knowledge management.
The City is assessed against the framework every two to
three years to identify areas for improvement and to
challenge our thinking. This ensures the organisation is both
sustainable and adaptable to meet changing stakeholder
and community needs. The City continues to make progress
against the framework, implementing improvements
between assessments.
To ensure that the identified improvements are actioned,
they are included as inputs to the business planning cycle.
These inputs are reflected in the prioritisation of projects,
services and resourcing presented in our Corporate
Business Plan.
To further embed a culture of continuous improvement
throughout the City, all executives and managers, as well
as a significant number of other staff, are trained in the
principles of the ABEF.

The Australian Business Excellence
Framework Categories

5 Source: The Australian Business Excellence Framework Categories
  The Australian Business Excellence Framework is copyrighted and owned by SAI Global.

20                                                                                      City of Swan
The Risk
Management Framework
Risk is managed in accordance with the City’s risk acceptance
level, as endorsed by Council.
To ensure robust risk management at all levels of planning and
decision-making, risks are assessed at the strategic, operational
and project levels.
These are regularly reviewed, monitored and where appropriate,
reported to the Audit Committee and Executive Management
Team in-line with the Risk Management Framework. This ensures
that adequate progress is made to address the prioritised risks,
and that the management systems and controls in place for risk
management are effective.
How we plan
Understanding the
Corporate Business Plan
The Corporate Business Plan:
•      outlines the City’s strategic direction;
•      our Council of elected officials;
•      provides an overview of our community profiles;
•      provides an overview of our organisational structure;
•      describes the operational frameworks and approaches undertaken to deliver
       on our objectives;
•      describes how the City plans at a local level through Local Area Plans to ensure
       the diversity of each area is adequately serviced;
•      forecasts the City’s operational and capital works budgets for the 2021/22 financial
       year with a four year outlook;
•      sets out how the City is resourced (assets, financial and workforce)
       to meet its objectives with a four-year outlook;
•      describes our approach to local recovery;
•      sets out our key priorities and major project milestones for the 12-month period
       being planned for;
•      demonstrates how the City is operationally delivering on its SCP objectives; and
•      describes how we measure and monitor our performance.
Throughout the CBP, reference to how operational activities are aligned to our strategic
objectives is provided. This is illustrated by colour or notation of the SCP objective(s) that
is addressed (displayed below). The SCP objectives are spread across five key result areas:6

    Natural Environment
                                                      Sustainable, Green and Peaceful                PG 58
    N1.1, N1.2, N1.3, N2.1, N2.2
                                                      Thriving and Vibrant                           PG 60
    E1.1, E2.1, E3.1
                                                      Diverse, Engaged and Safe                      PG 64
    S1.1, S1.2,S2.1
    Built Environment
                                                      Modern and Connected                           PG 68
    B1.1, B2.1, B3.1
                                                      Progressive and Responsible                    PG 75
    G1.1, G1.2, G1.3, G2.1,

6 The SCP objectives can be found in the Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031 via the City’s website

22                                                                                                          City of Swan

The City ’s Corporate
Business Planning Process
Each year, the City progresses through a business planning process. This process
is intended to provide enough time for business units and Executive to plan for
the delivery of services, activities and key projects with full knowledge of the
external and internal environmental conditions in which the City operates.
The process includes four main phases – inputs, annual business unit planning,
analysis and budgeting. This process is used to build the City’s Corporate
Business Plan. In order to monitor its progress and remain adaptive to its
operating environment, the City routinely reports on the Corporate Business Plan
(CBP) throughout the year.

                                                            The inputs phase of planning is used to set priorities,
                      INPUTS                                review external and internal impacts and provide direction
                                                            for business unit planning.

                                                            Annual business unit planning focuses on reviewing business
                                                            unit service and project delivery incorporating the priorities
                                                            set in the inputs phase and includes requests for new funding,
                    BUSINESS                                if required. Business units consider the potential risks that may
                    PLANNING                                impact delivery of the business unit objectives. These risks may
                                                            be within the business unit or cross functional.

                                                            The analysis phase of business planning pulls together the
                                                            information from the annual business plans and uses this
                                                            information to build a cohesive picture of where we are
                     ANALYSIS                               headed over the next four years (medium-term direction)
                                                            and any adjustments we may need to consider.

                                                            The decisions from the above inform the development of
                                                            the annual budget and the resourcing (financial and workforce)
                                                            of the CBP.

  Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                                                               23
Local Area Planning
At the City of Swan, Local Area Plans (LAPs) help us to plan for future growth
and the provision of community services and infrastructure across a variety
of geographically distinct areas.
Through extensive research and community consultation, each LAP identifies a broad range
of key activities and concerns for each local area. These are then consolidated to form
priorities for the local area and integrated with the City’s Strategic Community Plan and
Local Planning Strategy. The vision and priorities established through LAPs inform the City’s
operational business planning for the delivery of services and infrastructure to the community.
There are a total of 13 local areas recognised across the City, for which 11 LAPs have been
developed. The Swan Valley LAP will be developed after the Swan Valley Planning Scheme is
gazetted. The City will not undertake the Gnangara LAP unless development occurs in the area.
Local area planning involves local community members working together with the City to
identify the specific issues affecting their community, to produce a plan that captures the
specific needs and unique character of their local area.

The Local Area Planning Process

          Background                    The City undertakes a thorough review of the current practices in
            Report                      the local area and discusses the known issues in the community.

                                        The City conducts community consultation to confirm the
         Community                      known issues discussed in the Background Report and further
         Consultation                   investigates how the community wants to develop over the
                                        next 5 years.

                                        The information from the community consultation is collated and
                                        discussed with the relevant internal and external stakeholders.
        Local Area Plan                 Community comments received determine the priorities for the
                                        local area. Responses are formulated to respond to the community
                                        comments and create a vision for the local area.

                                        The City reviews the local area plan annually and publishes
        Annual Review                   project updates on the City’s website to illustrate how the City is
                                        meeting the priorities of the local area.

24                                                                                                           City of Swan


                                             UPPER SWAN   GIDGEGANNUP

                                 SWAN VALLEY

                ALTONE                       SWAN VIEW
                                                                        Local area planning
                                                                        involves local community
                                                                        members working together
                                                                        with the City to identify the
                                                                        specific issues affecting
                                                                        their community.

Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                                         25
E T H E L WA R R E N B U I L D I N G ,

Community Hubs
and Offices
Community hubs and City offices are conveniently located across the City to ensure convenient
access is provided to a wide range of services and information for the community. The teams at
these locations act as the operational interface with the wider community, and work across
business units within the City of Swan.

Altone City Office                                  Ellenbrook City Office
Beechboro Community Hub                             90 Main Street, Ellenbrook WA 6069
332 Benara Road, Beechboro WA 6063                  Tel: 9267 9267
Tel: 9267 9267                                      Email:
                                                    Gidgegannup City Office
Ballajura City Office                               Unit 4, 2125 Toodyay Road,
Ballajura Community Hub                             Gidgegannup WA 6083
Corner Kingfisher Avenue and                        Tel: 9267 9267
llawarra Crescent, Ballajura WA 6066                Email:
Tel: 9267 9267
Email:                          Midland City Office
                                                    2 Midland Square, Midland WA 6056
Bullsbrook City Office                              Tel: 9267 9267
3 Maroubra Ave, Bullsbrook WA 6084                  Email:
Tel: 9267 9267
Email:                          Swan Valley City Office
                                                    Unit 10, 660 Great Northern Highway,
                                                    Herne Hill WA 6056
                                                    Tel: 9267 9267

26                                                                                              City of Swan
                                                                                     BROCKMAN COMMUNITY CENTRE

The Altone local area is located in the south west area of the City of Swan and includes the suburbs of
Bennett Springs (part), Beechboro, Kiara, Lockridge and parts of Caversham and Whiteman. It is predominantly
a residential area with a population of 22,905 people.
Prior to 1829, the area was home to the Nyoongar people. Historically, the suburb of Lockridge was known as
“Mooro” and part of the territory belonging to Yellagonga. From 1829, land was allocated to European settlers
along the Swan River.
Altone Local Area Priorities
These priorities show what is most important to the community based on the feedback received during the Altone
Local Area Plan’s community consultation.

  Priorities                                   Explanation
Facilitating social cohesion               The City facilitates a number of events and programs which promote social
through community programs                 cohesion among Altone’s multicultural community.
and activities
Provision of social                        The City facilitates a range of programs, activities and events for young people.
opportunities for young people
Provision of service delivery              The City offers digital programs and training through its libraries.
for the community
                                           Swan Community Care Services offers a variety of support services for frail
                                           aged or people living with dementia or disabilities.
                                           The City has commenced construction on the new Brockman Community
                                           Centre; a modern, functional home for a not-for-profit neighbourhood centre
                                           that has provided valuable services to our local community for over 30 years.

  Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                                                               27
The Ballajura local area is made up entirely of the suburb of Ballajura. It is predominately a residential suburb with
established schools, commercial centres and open spaces.
The Ballajura area, particularly Emu Swamp and its wetlands, were used by the Aboriginal people for thousands of
years as a source of fresh water and a hunting ground for the long necked tortoise before European settlement in 1829.

Ballajura Local Area Priorities
These priorities show what is most important to the community based on the feedback received during the
Ballajura Local Area Plan’s community consultation.

 Priorities                            Explanation
Ensuring adequate amenities            The City undertakes reviews of its amenities and infrastructure and is
and infrastructure for public          currently working on:
open space                             • an expansion to Swan Active Ballajura featuring a new gym and family
                                           changing room;
                                       • development of a Play Space Strategy to guide the efficient use of
                                           resources and ensure quality play environments for the community; and
                                       • the construction of an all-abilities playground in Ballajura is on the City’s
                                           Advocacy Priority list.
Improving movement and                 The City adopted a Cycle Network Plan in November 2020 and Council has
access networks                        resolved to request that the Department of Transport review the priority of
                                       cycle paths along the Morley-Ellenbrook train line.
Streetscape maintenance                The City has a tree planting program, where every resident in the City of Swan
and improvements                       can request a free street tree for their verge.

The Bullsbrook local area encompasses the entire locality of Bullsbrook. Bullsbrook is mainly a rural and rural-
residential area with rural land used mainly for grazing, orchards and market gardening. The Bullsbrook townsite
developed organically to serve the rural hinterland but has experienced rapid population increases since the 1990s
and is projected to grow substantially for the next 20 years.
Bullsbrook Local Area Priorities
These priorities show what is most important to the community based on the feedback received during the
Bullsbrook Local Area Plan’s community consultation.

 Priorities                            Explanation
Mitigate the impacts of                Northlink WA was completed in 2020, reducing travel times, congestion and
extractive industries                  minimising impacts on local roads.
Improve the visual aesthetics          The Kingsford Estate in the Bullsbrook townsite includes local parks, a
of the Bullsbrook townsite             destination park and pedestrian connectivity through the Ki-It Monger Brook.
                                       The development caters for a wide range of ages and abilities.
Support the strong social              The City has supported Bullsbrook residents in the creation of a community
capital within Bullsbrook              garden at the Bullsbrook Waste Transfer Station.
                                       The Bullsbrook Public Library delivers a wide range of programs and activities
                                       that support knowledge and learning.
                                       The City facilitates regular meetings between City staff and the local WA
                                       Police Officer in Charge, where local community concerns are discussed,
                                       responded to and actioned.

28                                                                                                         City of Swan
                                                                                         ELLENBROOK LEISURE CENTRE

Ellenbrook is a master planned town, made up of several viable communities. The Ellenbrook local area includes
the localities of Ellenbrook, The Vines, Aveley and part of Henley Brook and Upper Swan. Development of Ellenbrook
commenced in 1992 and since then has been one of the fastest growing residential developments in Western
Australia, with a current population of 48,283 people.
Ellen Brook is known as the Aboriginal place name of “Gyunning”, a significant site as it’s also an indigenous camping
ground. The abundance of water in the area would have meant that before Europeans, the precinct was
an important location for food resources and the river bank was evidentially a digging ground for yams.

Ellenbrook Local Area Priorities
These priorities show what is most important to the community based on the feedback received during the
Ellenbrook Local Area Plan’s community consultation.

 Priorities                                    Explanation
Access to local services                       The City’s adopted Advocacy Priorities include:
                                               • lobbying for government funded social services located in Ellenbrook;
                                               • the need for ongoing funding for social and family services;
                                               • increased employment vulnerability and multicultural integration; and
                                               • increased State Government and agency interventions.
Employment opportunities                       The construction of Metronet’s Ellenbrook Line will support the connection to
                                               employment nodes and employment opportunities for Ellenbrook residents.
Delivery of activities and                     The construction of the City’s Ellenbrook Youth Centre will see the provision
facilities for youth                           of counselling services, financial advice and employment training focusing on
                                               the health, wellbeing and development of young people.
                                               The Ellenbrook Leisure Centre will integrate aquatic, sport, health and
                                               wellbeing and community elements within one facility.

  Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                                                                   29
P E R C Y C U L L E N O VA L ,

The Gidgegannup local area is located in the eastern part of the City of Swan and includes the Gidgegannup town
site, Tilden Park, Brigadoon and Herne Hill. The Gidgegannup Local Area is comprised of mainly ‘general rural’ and
‘landscape’ zoned land with a population of 2,962.
Gidgegannup’s name originates from an Aboriginal word that means “place where spears are made”. Gidgegannup
is home to many significant Aboriginal sites including the Walyunga National Park and the Swan River site along the
Avon River through the National Park.

Gidgegannup Local Area Priorities
These priorities show what is most important to the community based on the feedback received during the
Gidgegannup Local Area Plan’s community consultation.

 Priorities                           Explanation
Ensure provision of                   The Local Rural Planning Strategy (2016) provides strategic guidance for
appropriate land uses                 land use and development in the City’s rural areas.
Conserve open space,                  The City has developed a draft Sustainable Environment Strategy to enhance
natural vegetation and                environmental performance and sustainability, with biodiversity retention
bushland                              being a key focus area.
                                      The City supports the formation of “Friends of” groups which consist of
                                      community members working together informally to conserve and protect
                                      local reserves under the management of City of Swan.
Support major                         The Perth-Adelaide National Highway’s ‘Orange Route’ is a City of Swan
infrastructure projects               Advocacy Priority for 2020. The $1.6 billion highway will create a safer
                                      route for all vehicles and integrate the network by linking the metropolitan
                                      distributors of Northlink, Reid Highway and Roe Highway with the
                                      Eastern States.

30                                                                                                      City of Swan

Guildford Hazelmere
The Guildford Hazelmere local area is located in the southern part of the City of Swan and includes the suburbs of
Guildford, South Guildford, Hazelmere, Perth Airport North, Rosehill Waters and Bushmead. It is predominantly a
residential area with some commercial land. The population of this local area is 6,907 people.
The Guildford townsite was first surveyed in 1829 and was chosen for its ideal location on the peninsula between
the Swan and Helena Rivers. Historically, the suburb of Guildford was known as “Mandoon” and part of the territory
belonging to the Whadjuk tribe of the Nyungar people of the Swan Coastal Plain. From 1829, land was allocated to
European settlers along the Swan River.

Guildford Hazelmere Local Area Priorities
These priorities show what is most important to the community based on the feedback received during the
Guildford Hazelmere Local Area Plan’s community consultation.

 Priorities                                    Explanation
Promote Guildford’s heritage                   The State Heritage listing of Guildford in 2019 recognises and promotes
and tourism sector                             Guildford’s sense of place.
                                               The City is currently developing a new Guildford Heritage Area Local
                                               Planning Policy to reflect the addition of the town to the State Register
                                               of Heritage Places.
                                               The City’s Tourism Development Strategy supports promotional
                                               opportunities and capacity building within the local area.
Strengthen relationships with                  The City supports the Guildford Association’s Dual Naming project for Guildford
our diverse cultural community                 to recognise the wider Indigenous significance and heritage of Guildford.
                                               The City’s draft Reconciliation Action Plan aims to foster a culture of respect,
                                               empowerment and inclusion.
Provision of adequate bicycle                  The City’s Cycle Network Plan supports the construction and use of bicycle and
and pedestrian infrastructure                  pedestrian pathways and amenities. A priority in the Cycle Network Plan is
                                               the Guildford and South Guildford Link.

  Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                                                                      31
W E E I P PA R K ,

Malaga is the powerhouse of the City of Swan economy and is strategically located to continue to grow as a major
industrial centre in Perth’s north east corridor. As an established industrial node, Malaga is one of the City’s major
employment centres. Over the past 30 years, this important industrial area has grown rapidly and now has more
than 3,000 businesses with a workforce in excess of 15,500 people.
Business types are diverse, with manufacturing, construction, wholesale trade and retail trade industries strongly
represented by local and national brands. The area is expected to expand with new Highway Service Zones, allowing
for diversification of key areas, adapting to the changing needs of an industrial area while maintaining Malaga’s
core functionality.

Malaga Local Area Priorities
These priorities show what is most important to the community based on the feedback received during the Malaga
Local Area Plan’s community consultation.

 Priorities                             Explanation
Reduce illegal dumping and             The City’s Reducing Illegal Dumping (RID) program allows anyone to report
minimise its impacts                   spots of illegally dumped waste through an online reporting system or over
                                       the phone.
                                       Bin tagging and auditing programs in the Malaga area will continue to
                                       monitor and record illegal dumping.
                                       The City is nearing the completion of a Waste Transfer Station in Malaga.
Improving parking                      The City will continue to prioritise parking compliance activity such as parking
compliance and its impacts             and safety patrols to address parking behaviours across the Malaga local area.
Pedestrian and cycle                   The City’s Cycle Network Plan supports the need for improved and additional
connectivity                           footpaths and cycleways, particularly support for new path and cycle links to
                                       connect Malaga to Tonkin Highway.

32                                                                                                         City of Swan

The Midland local area is the gateway to regional Western Australia. The local area includes the suburbs Midland,
Viveash, Woodbridge, Bellevue, Koongamia, and parts of both Midvale and Middle Swan. In 2020, the Midland
population is 13,573.
The Midland local area is made up of a mix of uses including commercial and business, residential, health care,
industrial, community, open space and recreation. The Midland central business district (CBD) is recognised as a
Strategic Metropolitan Centre servicing the eastern metropolitan area of Perth.

Midland Local Area Plan Priorities
These priorities show what is most important to the community based on the feedback received during the Midland
Local Area Plan’s community consultation.

 Priorities                                    Explanation
Promote and protect                            The City has a local heritage survey and heritage list which categorises
Midland’s heritage                             properties with heritage value. A full review is scheduled to be undertaken
                                               in 2021/22.
                                               Midland is undergoing a process of change through the Midland Activity
                                               Centre Structure Plan, draft Midland Design Guidelines, and Development
                                               WA area.
                                               The City’s draft Reconciliation Action Plan aims to foster a culture of respect,
                                               empowerment and inclusion.
Ensure Midland has public                      The City is investing in the public open space and recreational facilities in
open space that caters for                     the Midland local area.
the community
                                               The City has completed stage one of Weeip Park. Stage two is under way
                                               and will complete the play area with cubby houses, a slide tower, wetland
                                               play area, climbing equipment and toddler’s corral.
                                               A new Skate Park in Midvale has recently been completed on Gray Drive.Swan
                                               Active Midland is undergoing an extensive $22 million refurbishment.
Facilitate streetscape                         The City has a tree planting program for verge trees at the request
improvements                                   of residents.
                                               A tree planting program in Bellevue in 2020/21 resulted in 133 new street
                                               trees being planted.
                                               The City has prepared the draft Urban Forest Strategy in response to a loss
                                               of trees across the City.

  Corporate Business Plan 2021/22 - 2024/25                                                                                      33

Swan Valley
The Swan Valley is situated centrally within the City of Swan’s boundaries. A significant proportion of the land area is
used for viticulture and agricultural purposes and is therefore unique within a metropolitan area.
The Swan Valley is regarded as one of Western Australia’s premier tourism regions. Only 25 minutes from the Perth
CBD and 10-15 minutes from Perth’s international and domestic airports, it is a renowned grape growing region
containing world-class wineries, restaurants, cafes, galleries, fresh food produce, breweries, distilleries, recreational
activities, antiques, nature based attractions, arts, crafts trails and accommodation.

Swan Valley Local Area Priorities
A Swan Valley Local Area Plan has not yet been developed due to changes underway at a State level, however,
the following priorities for the area have been made evident through engagement with the local community as
part of the Swan Valley Action Plan and the Kobelke Report.

 Priorities                             Explanation
Protect the Swan Valley’s unique The Swan Valley Planning Bill 2020 is built off the recommendations of
character and heritage           the Swan Valley Action Plan and the Kobelke Report - with feedback from
                                 more than 700 local residents and businesses on preferred land uses,
                                 future tourism and development opportunities and the right to farm.
                                 Replacing the Swan Valley Planning Act 1995, the Bill proposes a new
                                 Swan Valley Planning Committee as a statutory body to provide oversight
                                 for all planning and development.
Continue to support and                The Swan Valley City Office is now open and functioning. The office can help
promote the Swan Valley as a           with general City services and enquirers,
key tourism region
                                       A Swan Valley Strategic Coordination Group will be created to provide an
                                       advisory role to the Government across a broad range of matters including
                                       tourism, environment and planning.

34                                                                                                           City of Swan
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