Corporate Social Responsibility -

Page created by Stanley Rojas
Corporate Social Responsibility -

Corporate Social Responsibility -
Message       from      our    CEO      3
Intro to CSR                            4
                                                  At CCS our Corporate Social
Diversity                              5-6        Responsibility agenda is what we think of as
Advancement                              7   01   our ‘North Star’. All our key
                                                  decisions are guided by it; it keeps us on course
LGBT Support                            8
                                             03   and ensures that we arrive where we want to
Faces of CCS                            9         be.
Talent                                  10
                                             05   CCS believes that through our respect for the
Training                                11
                                                  people and environment around us, we can
Succession     Planning                 12        make our corner of the world a better place.
Values                               13-14        We demonstrate this through our
Health & Safety                      15-16        business practices from our people manage-
                                                  ment to our environmental
Modern Slavery                          17
Marketplace                             18   12
Environment                             19        This report outlines what we do and the impact
Frank      Cullen    Bursary           20    15   it has made so far.

Charitable      Donations               21
Positive      Ability     Program      22
COVID-19 Response                    23-24
2019 Statistics                        25
Corporate Social Responsibility -
are in and treating our environment and planet
  A Message from our CEO David                         with care and appreciation.
                                                       Having a CSR policy that we stand behind,
                                                       means that we can leave a legacy we are
                                                       proud of.”
“One of the great pleasures of running a business
is enacting a robust CSR policy that you believe in.
For us, CSR is an indispensable part of our business
strategy; all our decisions are influenced by it.

We see it as a way that we can improve our busi-
ness for everyone from the stakeholders, clients and
employees to the wider communities we are in.

The CCS CSR policy is divided into four key points;
workplace, marketplace, community and environ-
ment. Under each of these points, we implement
specific initiatives that uphold our values.

One common thread running through each of our
pillars is respect; this means creating a positive
company culture, being accountable for our busi-
ness decisions, giving back to the communities we

Corporate Social Responsibility -
Indroduction to CSR                                A Message from Ciaran Condren,
                                                   our Manager Responsible for CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has be-
come one of the standard business practices of     “At CCS we want to make a difference. We’re lucky to
our time. Committing to CSR is to be conscious     have a strong company culture of respect, inclusion and
of the social and environmental impact of busi-    a forward-looking approach to the environment and
ness operations on the world. It also means        workplace. We wholeheartedly believe in the people who
understanding the benefits businesses can bring    work with us and support them through our CSR policy
to their surrounding communities.                  to make their communities a better place.”

CSR is a thoughtful and pragmatic way for busi-
nesses to integrate social and
environmental goals into business

Working with CSR in mind is to recognise that
our actions have an
impact on society and that developments in soci-
ety, in turn, affect our ability to
pursue business sustainably.

Hence, CSR generates shared value for business-
es, employees, shareholders, clients,
communities and other stakeholders.
Corporate Social Responsibility -
Making Diversity a                                 Diversity Recruitment

Winning Ingredient                                 With over 88 different nationalities on our
                                                   teams, we can prove that we
                                                   recruit a diverse workforce.
                                                   We do this by ensuring that our
                                                   recruitment advertisements are always placed
CCS are an Irish company of over 2,500 peo-        on multiple mediums to
ple across nine European countries, with four      encourage a wide range of people to apply
main operating languages and no fewer than         for the jobs on offer.
88 different nationalities on our team! So, it’s
                                                   CCS believe that diversity in society should be
fair to say we’re quite a diverse
                                                   reflected in the workplace. When it comes to
                                                   our Management Team, of the 46 people who
                                                                                                       Diversity Training
                                                   work for us across Europe there are ten differ-     To further embed diversity and great
At CCS, diversity is our way of life and is        ent nationalities, not to mention a wide variety
something we take seriously. The reality is                                                            management practice in the busi-
                                                   of religious, demographic, gender, sexual           ness, we run a yearly leadership
that our teams are                                 orientation and language differences.
extremely diverse.                                                                                     event. During the summer of 2019 we
                                                                                                       brought over 40 Managers together
                                                   This allows us to make diversity very real in the
They speak different languages, practice var-                                                          are we had experts talk us through
                                                   way we do business, the
ious religions and represent a myriad of cul-      approach to our staff and how we deal with
                                                                                                       diversity training, cultural awareness
tural backgrounds. Their histories and social      our clients and suppliers.                          and bias training
norms are complex, yet we all get along and
work together.

Since 1966, CCS has been built on
foundations of respect, inclusion and positiv-
ity. Today we remain devoted to these values
and promote them across the business.

Corporate Social Responsibility -
Diversity in Actionm
As part of our Diversity Program, we          diversity. In 2019 we concentrated on
have introduced ‘Diversity in Action’. This   Germany and The Netherlands.
is an opportunity for us to advocate for      We delivered diversity packs to each
and celebrate diversity across CCS. It’s      site, held poster competitions,
important to us that we are a welcoming       presented diversity toolbox talks, host-
and supportive environment for all of our     ed team breakfasts and shared some
people.                                       stories from our teams.
Annually we focus on a different region       We received excellent feedback from
and plan several activities across the lo-    our people and were able to promote
cations to promote and rejoice in our         diversity strongly within the region and
                                              each of our sites.

Corporate Social Responsibility -
Advancement and Progression                         “Being able to work with Senior Management         learning; we learn something new all our life.
in CCS: Meet Brygida Szeliga                        helped me gain a lot of knowledge and to
                                                    learn from their experience. Soon we built
                                                                                                       I’m happy that I am an HR professional with
                                                                                                       inside knowledge of the business and under-
                                                    trust and the ability to rely on each other. I     standing of the job our Cleaning Operatives
 CCS promotes from within and nurture a cul-        think any development is down to teamwork          and Supervisors are doing every day.”
 ture of advancement and continuous learn-          and based on respect towards your col-             Brygida exemplifies the culture of continu-
 ing. This allows people to move up the ca-         leagues and Manager’s experience.”                 ous learning and advancement at CCS. We’re
 reer ladder if they want to.                                                                          proud to have her on our team and wish her
                                                    Stepping up to the Challenge                       every success in the future
 Brygida is one of the many team members
 who quickly progressed within CCS.                 While working with Operations, Brygida be-
 Brygida began working for CCS at the end of        gan attending an HR course. Through her
 2016 as a cleaning operative on one of the         hard work and dedication, she received all
 biggest retail stores in Ireland. From the out-    her qualifications. Shortly after she moved to
 set, it was clear that Brygida was diligent and    CCS Head Office and started working on the
 enthusiastic. Within a matter of weeks, Brygi-     HR Team as an Administrator.
 da was promoted to be a Site Supervisor. She       This was challenging at times, Brygida ex-
 stayed in this role for a year and a half during   plains;
 which time she managed a busy team of 20           “It wasn’t easy to manage a full-time job,
 people.                                            complete course and prepare to exams at
                                                    nights usually and still have some private life.
 Making a Good Impression                           In Head Office I got the opportunity to dis-
                                                    cover new skills and learn from the HR team.
 What made Brygida stand out was her will-          I’ve a lot of respect for their experience and
 ingness to help and to go the extra mile. She      knowledge. We complement each other
 was driven and was always trying to upskill.       very well, knowing I can rely on my team has
 Brygida really embraced the advancement            helped me build confidence.”’
 culture and demonstrated her eagerness to
 progress working alongside our Senior Man-         Brygida is now an HR Advisor and is thriving
 agement Team.                                      in her role. She also still helps on sites from
 Brygida sees this as being essential in her        time to time.
 career progression, saying:                        “I am now ready to complete another course
                                                    within the HR field. I suppose you never stop

Corporate Social Responsibility -
LGBT Support
In 2019 during June we
launched a Pride video to es-
pecially welcome all our LGBT
staff to CCS.
This video was made by mem-
bers of our
Management Team. It was
shown to all staff in the organi-
sation with subtitles available in
their selected language.
We are aware that across the
nine countries we work in and
within the wide range of cul-

                                     tures who work with us, that
                                     being LGBT can often be
                                     The video was our way of
                                     showing our
                                     support for the LGBT com-
                                     munity. We also wanted to
                                     let our LGBT members know
                                     that they are welcomed and
                                     valued members of the CCS
                                     team and that we do not
                                     tolerate discrimination of any

Corporate Social Responsibility -
Faces of CCS
                                 Sitting Down With Alexandra
The ‘Faces of CCS’ is a cam-     Alexandra is one of the many people we interviewed for the ‘Faces of CCS’,
                                 below she shares her story.
paign to showcase the amaz-
ing diverse people we have       “I’m from Romania and I love my country”, is how she starts
working for us. It’s an oppor-   off the conversation and her eyes light up. She’s been living in
tunity to learn more about       Germany for almost 7 years and has been working for CCS for
their rich histories and who     6 years. When asked what she loves most about her country,
                                 she tells us “everything”. She doesn’t like big cities and misses
they are. So far over 20 peo-
                                 living in the countryside and having her family around her.
ple have featured in the Fac-
es of CCS. Their stories were    Alexandra hasn’t been able to fully adapt to Germany and
then shared on our Facebook      thinks this is one of the reasons she misses home so much. The
page and in the staff newslet-   German language has proven difficult for her to learn, but, on
                                 the other hand, her Turkish is perfect. “How come?”, I’m cu-
ters. This                       rious to know. “I learned Turkish with my husband. If you are
initiative celebrates our        surrounded by Turkish speaking people all the time, you listen
differences and reminds peo-     to the language a lot and don’t realise that at one point you
ple that we are all unique and   start speaking it.” To my question whether they met in Ger-
have a story to tell.            many, she said: “No, we met in Romania.

                                 My husband had been dreaming about coming to Germany for
                                                           a long time. We came over only
                                                           to visit somebody we knew. On
                                                           the second day of our stay, my
                                                           husband found a job. And we
                                                           stayed. That was almost 7 years

Corporate Social Responsibility -
         Without a doubt, our                Health and Safety modules, in-
         people are the most                 formation about CCS, our com-
         important asset in our              pany policies, and gives them a
         business. CCS treat our people      feel for the culture at CCS.
         with respect and dignity and
         offer them a safe place to work     The training is
         and grow. When people feel          available with subtitles to en-
         like they belong somewhere,         sure the learning is
         they want to stay.                  accessible.

         Many of our people have             Generally, the new team mem-
         worked with us for several years    ber can complete the learning
         in various roles. Their diligence   using the on-site tablet, this
         and loyalty is the core of our      allows them to ask their Super-
         success. To nurture our people      visor any questions they may
         and facilitate their growth CCS     have.
         have several
         initiatives in action.              The modules are also
                                             available for use on any
                                             online device, meaning the new
         Online Learning                     team member can carry out
                                             the training in their own home
         Learning at CCS is straight for-    if they prefer. Their Supervisor
         ward and accessible to all of our   will also take the new colleague
         team members. When a new            through site-specific training.
         person joins us, they are sent a
         link to their online learning.
         This training encompasses

Supervisor Training and
Development                                        My Personal Best
                                                   My Personal Best is CCS’
Over 235 of our Supervisors have now attend-
                                                   performance management process. It is open
ed face to face Supervisor
                                                   to all Managers, Head Office Staff and Super-
training. We introduced this in 28
                                                   visors. It concentrates on continuous improve-
locations in Europe. It was an excellent oppor-
                                                   ment and goal setting.
tunity for our Supervisors to come together
and perfect their people management, health
                                                   Unlike other performance systems, there are
and safety and process
                                                   no rating scales, We focus on constant im-
                                                   provement and real conversations. CCS be-
The results of this have been fantastic and
                                                   lieves that focusing on the positives rather than
have allowed us to reduce absenteeism, in-
                                                   the negatives is a more productive approach.
crease retention rates and improve staff
                                                   My Personal Best is an ongoing process
                                                   throughout the year and consists of three for-
Online Supervisor Training: For                    malised meetings. At the beginning of the year
supervisors who have not been able to attend       employees and their Managers define their key
the face to face Supervisor Training, we also      goals. Next, there is an opportunity for them
have an online version of the training which       to catch up and see how they are getting on.
they can view in segments on their company
tablet                                             Finally, at the end of the year, there is an op-
                                                   portunity for them to discuss their end of year
Supervisor Development Program:
The Supervisor Development program was
launched in 2019 and rolled out to all of Eu-
rope in 2020. This is for all new supervisors      Personal Development: Coming out of the
whether they are new to the business or have       My Personal Best process, or at any time of the
been promoted from within. Each                    year, people my have personal development
supervisor has their competencies mapped           requirements. These are catered for on a per-
against a pre-set list of                          son by person basis and can range from IT
competencies. After this, a plan is put in place   skills courses to professional
to support them to reach                           qualifications and one to one
proficiency in each competency.                    coaching.

Succession Planning and Career                                      A word from our Germany
                                                                    Country Manager:
Of our senior management team, 60% have been
promoted from within the business. This is achieved through
yearly succession planning and                                      “My name is Jonah and I have been working with CCS
supporting people through the My Personal Best Program.             for over 14 years. I think people are truly at the heart
Within this, people are encouraged to be their best and we          of CCS. The owners and the Management Team
support them to achieve it through training, coaching and pro-      believe that if you expect the best from people and en-
fessional qualifications.                                           courage them to be their very best, then you always get
                                                                    better outcomes with your teams.
Flexibility and career mobility:
                                                                    Treating people with respect and having belief in what
We all work best when we are doing a job we enjoy, and that         they can do makes people want to do their best for the
matches our skills. This sounds obvious; however, in many or-       company.
ganisations, people can feel confined to the role they began in.    I started with CCS as a cleaner                        in
                                                                    Dublin many years ago.
At CCS, we go to great lengths to be a flexible organisation and                               15
allow for movement between departments. We understand               From the start people believed in
that many skills are transferrable; we also think that movement     me and what I was able to do. I
between departments can be hugely beneficial. It can bring a        was supported to become a Su-
fresh outlook and allow individuals to thrive.                      pervisor, then Manager and now
                                                                    Country Manager.
CCS also believe that allowing our people flexibility in terms of
working around family and other work commitments is essen-          CCS have invested time in
tial.                                                               my personal development in
                                                                    terms of courses and coach-
Many of our people have moved from the front line to Head           ing to develop the skills I need
Office positions and vice versa. We have also supported peo-        to do my job. I have always
ple moving from functions such as Administration to Sales. Our      found that I can rely on them
flexibility has meant that we get the very best from our people,    as employers and they have never let
while also building real trust and bond between them and CCS.       me down!”

Leadership &                                         Values Awards
Each year we conduct a
Leadership and Development Program. Over 45
managers from across Europe come
together for two days to focus on
                                                          S            M                A            R             T
leadership development and strategy.
For 2019 we focused on Diversity within our teams,
                                                         Safety     Make it Simple   Advancement    Respect      Teamwork
how to be brilliant managers and also to be aware
of our biases to ensure we always get the best
outcome for our people and the business.             These five values underpin who CCS are and how we behave as an organisation.
                                                     To make them real we consistently promote them to our people. We print our
                                                     values on each person’s lanyard, they are on the walls of the rooms our teams
                                                     work in, and we introduce every single person to the values with a training vid-

                                                     We focus on values at each of our Management and Supervisory training days
                                                     which also allows us to encourage making them real in our workplaces. This en-
                                                     sures that they remain front of mind.
                                                     To further strengthen our values, we hold monthly Values Awards, which recog-
                                                     nise individuals or entire teams that embrace the CCS company values.

                                                     We publicise the winners of Values Awards on our Facebook page and hold a
                                                     celebratory Values event each year to show our appreciation to these people.
                                                     Since we established the Values Program, over 100 people have received a Val-
                                                     ues Award. Every staff member knows the company values and is enthusiastic
                                                     about them. It’s wonderful to hear our Managers and Supervisors talk about the
                                                     company values and send us photos of people who have received the awards.
                                                     Our values help us to create and maintain a positive company culture. CCS
                                                     teams believe in and embrace our values and that’s what makes them such a

Throughout the year we acknowl-
edge the superb work that some
of our Values winners have carried
out by hosting value celebrations
across Europe.
One particular ceremony was
held in Dublin where we invited
six people who had won values
awards during the year. They came
together to celebrate in a Dublin
hotel, along with their Area Man-
agers. It was wonderful to get to-
gether. Our people all have busy
lives, but still make time to carry
out amazing work for us while at
work. These people care about
what they do and make CCS a
better place!

Health and Safety Culture                                           supplemented by online training programs.

                                                                    Along with training, it’s also essential to engage with our cli-
Compliance to the highest standards of Health and Safe-             ents about potential slip, trip, falls risks. Delivering a quality
ty is essential to the way CCS work. All our people receive         clean for a customer should encompass a sparkling site as
full Health and Safety Training within one week of starting.        well as a safe environment for clients and visitors.
Training is primarily delivered via online training videos. Our

                                                                    EHS and ISO
Supervisors and Area Managers are responsible for any addi-
tional training.
After every shift, our Supervisors complete an end of shift
audit. Here, they can detail any accidents or incidents that        CCS provide our customers with a quality cleaning service and
have occurred. This is then automatically sent to our Health        a safe working environment across the nine countries we work
and Safety Team, who will investigate what went wrong and           in. Each of these jurisdictions has local regulations which we
how we can improve.                                                 must adhere to, this can be a challenge, so having robust En-
Safety is a key part of our Values. Periodically we run a cam-      vironmental Health and Safety practices is essential.
paign to nominate staff for a Values Award under the Value
of Safety.                                                          A complete understanding of local regulations is paramount
                                                                    for delivering a high standard product to customers.
                                                                    What might be the best practice or legislation in one country

Workplace Health and Safety
                                                                    might be different in another country.

                                                                    Having certified ISO Management Systems that scope covers
A big challenge in the cleaning industry is mitigating the haz-     all countries can be very beneficial; as the local auditors not
ards that arise on-site each day. These hazards fall under four     only audit you to the specific ISO standard but also the local
main categories: chemical, biological, physical and occupa-         regulatory requirements. This highlights how important having
tional. Physical hazards, in particular, the dreaded slips, trips   these standards in place is for CCS. Having ISO Management
and falls accidents are a persistent issue in the industry.         Systems means that we always remain compliant with the spe-
                                                                    cific laws of each jurisdiction.
Every working day in Ireland six people are hurt in work-re-
lated Slips, Trips and Falls (STF). STF are the second greatest
single cause of workplace injuries. (source HSA 2017)
CCS have addressed this issue through hands-on training

Safe Environments

CCS are pleased that last year saw
many improvements in terms of
Health and Safety across the busi-
ness. Below are some examples.

• 20% reduction in reportable acci-
  dents over last 12 months.           “At CCS, our staff on the ground are our most important asset. As a
• 50% increase in near-miss report-    result, we endeavour to provide a healthy, safe and happy working
  ing.                                 environment for all staff that goes beyond all statutory health and
• 21% reduction in 3/7 days of oc-     safety regulations.
                                       CCS is an equal opportunity employer and promotes and supports
  currences over the last 12 months.   diversity in all areas of our business. Our company culture ensures a
• 25% reduction in major injuries      positive working environment for our people and this is why we have
  over the last 12 months.             such a reliable team..

                                       We train our people in the area of corporate social responsibility to
                                       ensure they carry out their day to day activities to the highest ethical
                                       standards and minimise the impact they have on the environment.”

                                       Agnieszka Jakubczak, Group & EHS Compliance Manager

Modern Slavery

Modern-day slavery is more ubiqui-          Verified Bank Accounts
tous than we may think. It can ex-
ercise different forms and may not          CCS only make payments into bank accounts that are in the name of the individ-
always be that obvious. Therefore, it’s     ual working with us. This safeguards our employees and ensures that they have
so important to be aware of the sub-        access to the money they have earned.
tle signs of modern-day slavery.
CCS are acutely aware of our respon-        Open Door Communication Policy
sibility to ensure our people are not       Respect and open communication are fundamental at CCS. We train our Super-
subject to any form of abuse and take       visors and Managers on how to respectfully deal with our people. Part of this is
this responsibility very seriously. Tack-   establishing an open-door communication policy across the business. This allows
ling modern slavery is inbuilt to our       our employees to discreetly highlight any risks they may be facing.
hiring processes, and we have en-
sured safeguards are in place to pro-
tect our new employees.
Key to this protection are the follow-
ing points:

Visa and identification
Each new staff member must pres-
ent a valid working visa and a form of
approved identification to their Hir-
ing Manager. These documents are
studied and verified on-site. After this,
a copy is sent to HR who conduct a
second verification. This ensures that
the person has all the required docu-
ments and that they are who they are
purporting to be.

Marketplace                                           companies. ISO offers assurance that manage-
How we interact with our clients, suppliers and       ment systems are continually assessed and ap-
competitors is a measure of the kind of people        proved; meaning customers know they are get-
we are.                                               ting exceptional service
CCS have strong values, and we want these to
be evident in every interaction we have.              Audits
We believe in fair pricing that adds values, eth-
ical competition based on quality and delivera-       CCS regularly review and audit our procedures
bles and transparent interactions with our clients    to ensure full compliance. CCS is proud of the
that adds value at every stage of the process.        quality of service we deliver to all our custom-
                                                      ers. Our bespoke IT systems help us to achieve
Legislative Review and Conformity                     service we can stand behind. AMIE is one of our
                                                      IT systems that we developed to catalogue site
CCS works closely with authorities, legal advisors,   data and to offer full transparency to our clients.
Health and Safety consultants and employers’          AMIE allows us to monitor audits, site issues,
bodies of all nine jurisdictions we operate in.       safety data sheets, training records, machine
We remain transparent and fully adhere to the         data, machines services. Our customers also
unique regulations of each market.                    have access to their unique site data. CCS use
                                                      both internal and external auditing structures to
ISO Certification                                     guarantee the service we provide customers is
                                                      of the best standard.
As a company working across various regions in
Europe, we must have a consistent process for
maintaining Quality Environmental and Health
standards. CCS are certified to the internation-
al standard organisations (ISO) for Quality (ISO
9001), Health and Safety (OHSAS 18001) and En-
vironmental (ISO 14001) in eight countries. These
ISO standards are globally recognised, and cus-
tomers understand the benefits of working with
a company with an ISO certified company. These
standards are so well regarded that some organ-
isations will only do business with ISO certified
CCS see our commitment to sustainability and greener
cleaning as not only the responsible way to clean but the
right thing to do. Sustainable cleaning is part of our
company ethos, and we always look for the safest solutions
for our people and our environment. Many of our sites are
now chemical-free and cleaned using effective, sustainable

Green Office

At CCS sustainability is deeply ingrained in our company cul-
ture. This of course extends to our offices, where
operating sustainably and caring for the environment is our

All of the work with our clients is focused on reducing and
eliminating the environmental impact. The same goes for our
Head Office building. There are a number of simple changes
we have made to ensure every part of our business is reducing
its carbon footprint.

Going Paperless

With over 2,500 staff there is risk of generating large amounts
of wasteful paper. From a HR point of view we currently do
not receive or store any hard copy documents for our people.
All employees’ documents are received in soft copy and stored
on our HR system hence greatly reducing the need for paper.
Our AIME system allows all store compliance and health & safety
documents to be electronic removing the necessity of any hard
copy transfer of forms

Frank Cullen Bursary                                                    Teenage Cancer Trust

                                                                        The Teenage Cancer Trust is a charity that provides life-changing
Frank Cullen was one of the founders of our business and someone
                                                                        care and support so that young people don’t have to face cancer
who lives in the hearts of many of our people. Frank instilled in CCS   alone. One of our wonderful Supervisors in the UK decided to a
the value of teamwork, the benefits of                                  skydive in aid of The Teenage Cancer Trust. CCS was delighted to
working hard and the importance of giving back to our                   be able to contribute towards her sponsorship for this through the
communities and looking out for each other.                             Frank Cullen Bursary Fund.

To honour his memory, we have established the Frank Cullen Bur-
sary. If a member of our team has a cause they wish to raise mon-       “We want every
ey for, they can apply for the bursary. As part of the bursary, CCS
will match any money that is raised and offer practical support and
                                                                        community we
encouragement! Below are just a couple of the causes that we sup-       operate in to be
ported through the Bursary in 2019.                                     better by us being
The Irish Heart Foundation                                              there. We want to
                                                                        give positive
The Irish Heart Foundation is a charity that raises awareness and of-
fers support to people fighting heart disease and stroke. Our head      flexible
office staff wore red for the Irish Heart Foundation and raised some    employment
much-needed funds in the process. CCS was pleased to match this sum
through the Frank Cullen Bursary Fund.                                  opportunities and
                                                                        also support
                                                                        endeavours within the

Each year CCS donates a percentage of profit to char-
ities that mean something to us. One of the bene-
ficiary’s during 2019 was the Hope foundation that
supports children living on the streets and in slums in
India. CCS took part in a charity auction and bought


                                                          Barnhall Rugby club is a long-time friend of the Cul-
                                                          len business. We have been a sponsor of the club
                                                          for several years, and many of our people are directly
several pieces in aid of the charity.                     involved in the club. Barnhall brings so much to the
                                                          community and is an amazing asset for both adults
In addition to The Hope Foundation, CCS has also          and children. Sport is a great way to get involved with
supported charities we admire such as As I Am, CMRF       your local community and can enhance people’s lives.
Crumlin, Make a Wish and Ronald McDonald House.

                                                   shelter. During the workshop, we talked about a typical cleaning shift, had some
                                                   demonstrations of cleaning equipment and offered some tips on succeeding in an


                                                   It’s superb to be able to say that so far three people have begun working with us
                                                   as part of the Positive Ability Program. We hope that this is just the beginning of
The Positive Ability Program allows CCS to
                                                   something special and that we can help many people return to the workforce. In
support people from
                                                   2020 we are focusing on Germany and Netherlands and linking with charities to
marginalised communities or
                                                   support marginalised people returning to the workforce.
people with additional needs to
re-join or enter the workforce. We concen-
trate on what people can do rather than
what they can’t, and work with them to
overcome barriers to entering work. CCS
also link with specific charities such as ‘Busi-
ness in the Community’ to support people
with additional needs to enter the work-

We offer coaching, mentoring and work ex-
perience, helping them to take the first steps
employment. Each person has a
specific buddy to work with, who supports
and guides them through the process.

This program began in 2019 across Europe.
In Ireland we organised a day-long work-
shop for people who were living in a long-
term homeless

COVID-19 Response                                                                  Our People

                                                                                   Covid-19 was a worrying time for everyone; there was no work for
Covid-19 has been an undeniably strange, worrying, and unprece-                    most of our people. We needed to ensure our teams were safe, had
dented time for us all. It’s an experience that will be forever imprint-           jobs to come back to and had an income while there was no work.
ed in our memories.                                                                We worked diligently with the government departments of each of our
Business owners in all walks of life have been trying to look after                nine countries to understand the funding and welfare options in each
their staff and customers, while also trying to keep their business                jurisdiction.
afloat. For CCS, we had to act quickly, as the pandemic began to
spread across the nine countries we operate in. We focused our mo-
bilisation efforts on three key priorities: our clients, our people and
our communities.

Our Clients

Many of our clients had to close their doors for a prolonged period
during the pandemic. Our challenge was to navigate the intricacies
of each country to allow us to demobilise the sites effectively, leaving
the premises safe and ready to reopen when the situation permitted.
We successfully did within a week-long period and worked flexibly
with our clients to match their closure dates.

While our clients’ sites were closed, we worked with our group com-
pany Clenli Direct to secure stock which would be required to re-
open. This included all the necessary personal protective equipment           Secure                 Very Skilled                    Deep Clean             Cleaning is the
for our people and sanitisation solutions to be used onsite.               Supply Chain            & Trained Teams                 Response Team         First Line of Defence

Our strong supply chain meant that we were able to fulfil custom-
er requirements as well as having PPE ready and available for our
cleaning teams. This reassured our customers that we would be
ready as soon as they could safely reopen. While areas in Europe
continued to open and close, CCS remained reactive throug adapt-
                                                                                          Proven                     PPE Readily             Understanding of
ing in-line with changing government protocols and legislation

                                                                                      People, Products                Available              Local Legislation
                                                                                        & Processes

This was a complex task, as all countries were having to devel-        Our Communites
op new approaches to deal with the situation. Over one week, we
communicated with all our 2,500 people, ensuring they were safe.       Protection of our communities during Covid 19 has been key
We also set up the relevant payments for them to ensure they had       for us in CCS. Working with our group company Clenli Direct
a level of income during the pandemic.                                 we have been able to supply our clients with state-of-the-art
                                                                       sanitising solutions such as Tersano that are good for the en-
While our people were not working, we kept in touch with them in       vironment and ensure the most effective protection for our
the form of updates and newsletters so as they could feel connect-     communities. CCS have a secure supply chain and self-suf-
ed to the company. It was imperative for us that they knew we were     ficient for all supplies and equipment, meaning none of our
thinking about them. Many of our people took part in regular vir-      clients experienced supply chain issues.
tual coffee mornings, meaning we had to chance to see each other
and learn how things were in their respective countries.               “Since the outbreak of COVID-19, CCS has respond-
                                                                       ed by ensuring we safeguard both our clients and our
Finally, we had the opportunity to remobilise all our staff. We were   people. The pandemic highlighted the irreplaceable
delighted that over 95% of them were ready and wanted to return        role that cleaners play in our lives, and CCS are so
to work. We assembled an extensive training program to ensure          proud of our teams who are doing their part to main-
our people knew what to do when they were back on site, and how        tain cleanliness and stop the spread of the virus during
to keep themselves and our clients safe. We delivered this through     the crisis.
a set of online training, virtual workshops, and documentation.
                                                                       Our priority has remained focused on looking after our
                                                                       teams and clients. From ensuring our people receive
                                                                       the correct information and benefits to enabling our
                                                                       frontline teams to safely deliver clean and sanitised
                                                                       buildings. CCS have acted conscientiously and dili-
                                                                       gently throughout.

                                                                       We’re proud of our response to the pandemic and will
                                                                       continue to look after our teams, clients, and environ-
                                                                       ment during this challenging time.”

                                                                       Louise Cullen, Chief Operating Officer
2019 Statistics

Category                                                   Target                                         Actual 2019
• Diversity
• Number of Countries                                                                                     9
• Nationalities                                                                                           94
• Diversity Charters signed up to around Europe            8                                              8
Social Impact
• Frank Cullen Bursary established
• Positive Ability Program established                     5 people employed                              3 people employed during 2019
• Charitable donations as % of turnover
• Use of Tersano leading to the reduction of plastic       1 tonne of plastic to be removed               1.3 tonnes plastic removed
  across the business
• Transportation costs saved due to the use of PVA and     15,000km                                       20,186km of travel saved by reducing the
  Tersano                                                                                                 deliveries to sites
• Water saved through the use of i-mops                    12,000,000 litres                              14,454,000 litres saved since the introduction
                                                                                                          of the I-Mop to our fleet
• Using AMIE we have been able to reduce paper usage       70% reduction                                  85% reduction in paper usage
  across all markets
Modern Slavery
• Number of Managers trained                               100%                                           100%
• Number of files new starters audited to ensure details   100%                                           100%
  are correct
• Managers trained on Diversity                            100%                                           100%
• Succession planning from within the business             5 people
• Staff Training available on line                         90% of training available on line by the end   90% of training now available online
                                                           of 2019
• Supervisor Training                                      100% of Supervisors trained in people man-     235 supervisors trained
• Leadership team                                          50% female by 2025                             40% female

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