Page created by Joanne Willis


Section 1
About Corserv

                   Section 2
                   Corserv today

Section 3
Corserv tomorrow

                         Section 4
                         Making it



                Colin Dennis | Chair of Corserv
                We are a diverse group of businesses, owned by
                Cornwall Council (CC) and governed collectively
                with some shared central services and common
                policies and practices. Established to promote growth
                and opportunity for Cornwall, this Four Year Plan sets
                our vision and priorities to ensure we deliver for
                Cornwall, its communities and the ambitions of CC.
                We already generate Gross Value Add (GVA)
                of £81.6million to the economy of Cornwall and
                £91.7million to the South West economy and, by the
                end of this plan in 2022, this will have increased to a
                GVA of £122.0m in Cornwall, £136.0m in the South West
                and £30.0m in Nottinghamshire.

                                                                                                                   SECTION 1 | ABOUT CORSERV
We deliver a wide range of services to Cornwall and Nottinghamshire including
highways maintenance, civil engineering, environmental maintenance, social
housing, adult social care, building management services, economic development
and run the increasingly important Cornwall Airport. Despite being such a diverse
group, there are many interconnections that bring value and benefit to the whole of
Cornwall; for example, our building maintenance skills are used throughout the
group from social housing and hangars at the airport to council owned buildings
throughout the Duchy. Similarly, developing better transport links helps improve
access for residents, businesses and tourism.
Our work on environmental maintenance, adult social care, co-ordination and
support of volunteer groups, school crossing patrols and contracts with local
businesses for cleaning and maintenance create growth and opportunity and
contribute to supporting local communities and improving lives. Our impact is not
limited to Cornwall, we also deliver highway services in Nottinghamshire through
our successful joint venture with Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) through
Via East Midlands (ViaEM).
By operating and collaborating as a group rather than individual businesses, we are
increasingly able to share common services and expertise such as Human Resources,
IT, legal and financial management. Not only does this save money and improve
efficiency, it ensures we maintain consistent high standards in critical areas such as
health and safety, financial and risk management. As a group with over 3,200
employees, we are able to offer greater career development and opportunities
through apprenticeship schemes, training and graduate employment programmes.
We are well placed to support the delivery of the Government’s priorities announced
in the November 2017 budget. Of most relevance were the commitments to the
largest road building programme since the 1970s, an additional 300,000 homes,
flexibility around the apprenticeship levy and an additional £34.0 million to address
construction skills across the country.
In compiling this four year business plan we listened to residents, customers and
stakeholders to ensure the principle objectives and priorities for each of the
businesses within the Corserv Group work individually and collectively to deliver
services for the benefit of everyone who lives, works and visits Cornwall
and Nottinghamshire.
p6                                                                   SECTION 1 | ABOUT CORSERV

     Corserv background
     In common with many local authorities facing budgetary pressures, CC decided to
     establish alternative methods of delivering some services. One such method has
     been the establishment of commercial trading companies that are either wholly
     owned by the Council or are shared with another party. These new ventures position
     CC at the forefront of innovation and creativity within local government.
     In May 2015, CC established a wholly owned holding company, Corserv, which
     started trading in July 2016. Corserv Limited has five directly held subsidiaries:
     1.   Cormac Solutions Limited (CSL).
     2.   Cornwall Airport Limited (CAL).
     3.   Cornwall Housing Limited (CHL).
     4.   Cornwall Development Company (CDC).
     5.   51% holding in Via East Midlands (ViaEM), a joint venture with
          Nottinghamshire County Council.
     Additionally Cormac Contracting Limited (CCL), which belongs to CC but is currently
     outside of the Corserv Group, has the ability to tender for commercial work which
     further boosts the Corserv financial return to CC.
     When council budgets are under pressure, more cost effective and efficient ways of
     providing services, such as Local Authority Trading Companies (LATCs), are providing
     good solutions for many Local Authorities (LAs). The establishment and development
     of the commercial companies and opportunities for additional companies has the
     potential to deliver significant benefits to the Shareholders and to Cornwall
     and Nottinghamshire.

                                                                                                              SECTION 1 | ABOUT CORSERV
What we want to achieve
Our strategic framework is set out here:
• Our Vision provides the overall strategic goal for the Corserv Group
  of Companies (GoC).
• Our Mission explains how we will reach this goal.
• Our commitment to our customers and the communities we serve
  is set out within the Customer Promise.
• Our Values tell us how we should behave in carrying out our work.

Corserv Strategic Framework

                             To deliver quality services and become
                               the primary source of growth and
                               opportunity throughout Cornwall

                        Working together to deliver services and create
                         opportunity for the communities of Cornwall

                              CUSTOMER PROMISE
                          Better services, more efficiency, more value

                           Collaborative, Innovative, Trusted, Positive
p8                                                                                           SECTION 1 | ABOUT CORSERV

                       Core Purpose, Services and Value
                       Each of the five subsidiaries within the Corserv GoC deliver business specific services
                       in their own fields of expertise and these are described in more detail later. The
                       Group centre exists to perform a number of specific governance and oversight
                       functions necessary to ensure the continuing effectiveness of the GoC along with
                       regulatory compliance and effective management of risk.
                       First and foremost we provide the necessary governance, scrutiny and assurance
                       that the Group and the individual subsidiaries are being run correctly and that there
                       is consistency in reporting and oversight despite the significant differences across
                       the businesses. In order to provide strategic direction, save costs and ensure
                       compliance we also provide a range of back-office services for, and on behalf of, the
                       individual subsidiaries which includes functions such as HR, IT and Safety, Health,
                       Environment and Quality.

     Corserv Board

                      2                                                                       8

                          3                                                             7

                                       4                                 6


     1 Colin Dennis | Non-Executive Chairman
     2 Cath Robinson | Group Managing Director
     3 Joe Keohane | Executive Director
     4 Richard Zmuda | Group Company Secretary
     5 Elaine Holt | Independent Non-Executive Director
     6 Tim Jeans | Independent Non-Executive Director                        Articles of Association require:
                                                                             • Minimum of 5 Directors
     7 Richard Pears | Non-Executive Director*                               • 2x Non-Executive Directors and
     8 Julian Rand | Non-Executive Director*                                   2x Executive Directors to quorate.

                                                                             *Note: Council nominated Non-Executive Directors.

                                                                                                                       SECTION 1 | ABOUT CORSERV
It is our role to be a centre of excellence to provide the strategic capability to support
future opportunities from joint venture Teckal development, joint venture activity
with the private sector, acquisitions and disposals.

                                      To provide consistent and high quality
                                      governance and the process of scrutiny
                                      and assurance through the company
                                      boards and Group governance committees

                                      To provide consistent reporting
                                      and oversight of quality, finance,
                                      and general performance measures

                                      To deliver uniform, cost-effective
                                      and compliant HR, SHEQ and IT services

                                      Successfully deliver strategic support

                                      To provide a centre of excellence
                                      for the creation of new entities and services

      Adding value

                 The value we provide to Cornwall
                 Return to CC and the HRA
                 Our direct financial returns to CC through transformation, modernisation,
                 business growth, investment and operational efficiencies exceed the
                 expectation of the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2018 to 2022.
                 The value over the four years is £35.0m.

                 Investing in Cornwall from new systems, new facilities and improved
                 infrastructure and managing some of CC’s investment in Cornwall. Over
                 the four year period there will be £9.2m of capital expenditure (CapEx)
                 including £1.3m of CC CapEx and £5.2m of ViaEM CapEx.

                 Productivity and efficiency
                 Through modernising the businesses, shared services, more efficient
                 processes and agile working, we can improve productivity and save costs.
                 The value of this over four years is £19.7m.

                                                                                                                    SECTION 2 | CORSERV TODAY
Corserv currently supports 4,815 jobs in the UK, of which 3,501 are in the South West
region, 3,266 in Cornwall and 778 in Nottinghamshire as:
• 3,227 people are directly employed (2,603 in Cornwall and 618
  in Nottinghamshire).
• The supply chain expenditure supports an additional 345 jobs in Cornwall
  and a further 481 jobs in the South West as a whole.
• We estimate that staff spending their wages locally supports a further 317 jobs
  in Cornwall (417 in the South West as a whole).
By 2022, we expect the group will support 5,807 jobs in the UK, 4,441 in the South
West region, 3,823 in Cornwall and 908 in Nottinghamshire.

The business generates Gross Value Add (GVA) of £81.6m in Cornwall and £91.7m in
the South West region. This will grow to £122.0m in Cornwall by 2022. Corserv also
generates GVA of £9.2m in Nottinghamshire which we anticipate will grow to £30.0m
by 2022.
Corserv pays £2.5m per annum in service level agreement costs to Cornwall Council
for IT, payroll, legal, internal audit, occupational health and transactional services.

         CASE STUDY:     Optimising Assets
         The Central Services Team identified that the seven tipper lorries at the quarry were
         under-utilised, only being used for short periods and not being double shifted at
         night due to the shortage of drivers.
         By collaborating with the quarry team in Cormac, the management of the fleet was
         transferred to the haulage team in Corserv in order to improve utilisation. As the
         haulage team manage all requests for haulage, not just the quarry, they have access
         to more work to allocate to the vehicles. They also have relationships with driver
         agencies who can provide drivers to maximise utilisation and allow double shifting
         when Cormac has night works.
         In the first week of the transfer, Corserv Haulage generated and additional £1,500
         revenue for the tippers. Over the course of this business plan this will generate an
         additional £250,000 revenue for our internal fleet which would otherwise have been
         spent on external hauliers.
p12                                                                                      SECTION 2 | CORSERV TODAY

                          Corserv supports the continuing professional development of its staff by delivering
                          internal induction and refresher training sessions throughout the year.
                          Corserv has supported around 140 staff members of staff to achieve professional
                          accreditations and over the four year period we will create over 59 Cornwall-
                          based apprentices.

                          We operate a comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS), which
                          aims to minimise the adverse impact on the environment by adopting greener
                          processes. This is supported by Corserv’s Environmental Policy Statement which
                          helps to ensure that the environmental aspects, impacts and opportunities of our
                          operations are effectively managed.

                          Local communities
                          Corserv has made a number of contributions to the local economy as part of our
                          Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities:
                          • We organised various events throughout 2017/18 to support our chosen charities,
                            raising over £3,000 for Children’s Hospice South West and Cornwall
                            Air Ambulance.
                          • Over 120,000 volunteer hours have been devoted to supporting individuals and
                            recognised voluntary/charitable groups in local areas of operation.
                          • In 2016/17, Corserv sponsored the Cornwall Apprenticeship Awards and the
                            Devon & Somerset Fire and Rescue Awards.

      CASE STUDY:     Hucknall
      The Hucknall Town Centre Improvement Scheme’s
      primary objectives were to promote the regeneration
      of the town centre, improve public transport, reduce
      congestion and reduce flood risk within the town.
      Via worked in partnership with Nottinghamshire
      County Council and Carillion-Tarmac to deliver the
      £13.5 million Hucknall Town Centre Improvement
      Scheme including construction of a new 450 metre
      long single carriageway road through the heart of a
      busy town centre; two signalised junctions;
      construction of a new purpose-built, bus only link
      road between the new road and the High Street;
      installation of a flood relief culvert and other flood
      alleviation measures; and pedestrianisation of the
      High Street, providing a new market place.
      The scheme has received exceptional feedback in the
      town with a positive impact, including the expansion
      of the town’s market to an additional day each week.

                                                                                                                     SECTION 2 | CORSERV TODAY
                                                  CASE STUDY:     Coverack
                                                  Residents in Coverack on the Lizard Peninsula were
                                                  badly hit in July 2017 by a storm, which left a trail
                                                  of devastation across the village.
                                                  Cormac pulled together a team to quickly remove
                                                  almost 1,000 tonnes of debris and old road material
                                                  before repairing the roads and restoring access for
                                                  the community.
                                                  The teams worked tirelessly with the emergency
                                                  services and the utilities and within four days they
                                                  had surveyed and repaired drainage systems,
                                                  rebuilt the road foundations and laid 800 tonnes
                                                  of fresh tarmac. All of this was achieved with zero
                                                  waste to landfill helping the environment.
                                                  The Cormac team were widely praised for the
                                                  outstanding response and received 250 letters
                                                  or messages of praise with 55,000 interactions
                                                  on social media.

Our successes so far
Although many of our businesses are well established, collectively the Corserv Group
has only been in existence for a year. As such we are at the start of our journey to
become the primary source of growth and opportunity for Cornwall.
With this in mind, our primary aim for our first year of operation was to start to create
a solid foundation on which we can grow. Such a foundation not only provides higher
quality services for Cornwall and Nottinghamshire, and cross Group efficiencies and
savings, it also provides a platform to generate revenue further afield and increase
our financial contribution. We have made a good start at building the foundation on
which we can grow but we have also achieved a number of significant milestones and
successes throughout the year.

Greater direct financial returns and value creation
Through targeted profit improvement initiatives across the Group.


                                                                             Increase GVA from
                                                                             £81.6m to £122.0m
                                                                                in Cornwall
                                                                                  by 2022
p14                                                                      SECTION 2 | CORSERV TODAY

                  Group company highlights
                  In 2017/18, Cormac repaired over 50,000 potholes and maintained 90,000
                  gullies. We carried out safety inspections on 1,324,063 km of strategic and
                  main roads, managed 4,388 km of Public Rights of Way, 7,180 km of
                  highways and 1,872 km of footways.
                  In the last year, ViaEM has repaired over 35,000 square meters of
                  carriageways and footways and cleaned 66,000 drain gullies. We have
                  saved 11,000,000kwh of electricity through efficient street lighting as a
                  result of the ongoing LED replacement programme and our school crossing
                  patrols have helped 2.2m people cross the road
                  In the last six months, CHL has:
                  • Rehoused 351 families.
                  • Helped prevent 72 cases of rough sleeping.
                  • Welcomed 143 new customers to their Lifeline service providing
                    personal alarms and installed 24 fall detectors.
                  • Completed 20,000 maintenance jobs and replaced 144 kitchens and
                    102 bathrooms in Council properties.
                  And over the same period, Cormac’s Community Care’s ongoing
                  domiciliary care service provided 17,000 hours of care to 139 people in our
                  communities. Our Short Term Enablement and Planning Service (STEPS)
                  provided over 31,000 hours of direct care, supported 1162 people, enabling
                  88% of these to return to full independence. 98% of these customers
                  reported feeling a positive impact on their overall wellbeing and 89%
                  reported feeling able to do more for themselves.
                  At Cornwall Airport Newquay, passenger numbers in the current year grew
                  by nearly 30% against 2016 and it is now the fastest growing airport in the
                  UK. New routes commenced to Cork (Aer Lingus) and Faro (Ryanair) and
                  additional frequencies were added on services to Manchester and
                  Birmingham. Just as important, all routes operated in 2016 including
                  those to Germany, were retained in 2017 and this will also be the case
                  in 2018.
                  Its association with both the Spaceport and the Bloodhound land speed
                  record project raised the profile of both the Airport and Cornwall itself.

                                           2.15m SAFE CROSSINGS

      50,000                           2.15m                                17,000
      POTHOLES REPAIRED                 SAFE CROSSINGS                           HOURS OF CARE

                                                                                                                         SECTION 2 | CORSERV TODAY
      Jobs and skills
      In 2016/17 we trained 4,154 people across 580 training programmes and our
      apprenticeship scheme has 59 participants across a range of disciplines such as
      highways and engineering. In the first half of this year, CHL recruited 45 out of work
      residents onto our Smart Tenants EU funded training programme to develop
      budgeting knowledge and skills. Many who have joined this scheme in the last ten
      months have now gone into work, education or volunteering.
      In Nottinghamshire, last year ViaEM created a number of new apprenticeships,
      trained 13,500 young people on road safety and another 8,600 young people
      received cycle training.

      Organisational improvement and efficiencies
      We have created a combined, single IT, Fleet Management and Business Systems
      team to concentrate on the roll out and development of key changes across the GoC.
      Furthermore the appointment of a Group HR Director has allowed us to create a
      cross-group HR function and structure fit for purpose with flexibility for growth
      allowing us to focus on the development of a new, modern pay and benefits package
      and a standardised set of HR processes and procedures for a more transparent
      approach across the Group.

      Improved Governance
      In reflection of our size and importance we have also introduced more rigorous
      governance to support the Group’s operations and increase visibility to our
      many Stakeholders.



   351                               4,154                               UK’s FASTEST
FAMILIES REHOUSED                     PEOPLE TRAINED                        GROWING AIRPORT

      Looking ahead

                Looking to the future
                Whilst progress has been significant, there is still much more
                to achieve. Corserv is now a functioning holding company that
                is structured, skilled and resourced to deliver a wider range of
                services and contribute to the economy of Cornwall in these
                four different ways.


                 Developing new     Contribution       Collaboration
                  opportunities      to Cornwall        to improve

                                    for a positive

                                                                                                                   SECTION 3 | CORSERV TOMORROW
We will grow the Group to optimise and focus on local market needs and
opportunities through :
• Investing in Cornwall, improving infrastructure and delivering community
  benefits through our own finances with income generated through efficiencies
  and behavioural change.
• Leveraging the benefits of new technology to deliver cost and
  service improvements.
• Providing employment and learning opportunities and apprenticeships
  for young people and marginalised communities.
• Seeking revenue growth opportunities that take full advantage of our
  partnerships with CC and NCC.
  • Carefully managing resources, improving productivity and efficiencies.
  • Delivering ambitious revenue growth and a wide-ranging set of initiatives
    to manage cost.
  • Transforming our approach to customer service through innovation,
    new technology and supporting our staff to ensure the customer is at
    the heart of our delivery.
We will also be taking a different approach to innovation, by establishing the Corserv
Innovation Fund. We want to become more agile, more dynamic and broaden our
horizons in respect of new ideas so we need to take a fresh, more open approach. We
want to attract and develop a network of innovators to help us solve our business
challenges, help improve efficiencies, deliver change and transform the business. This
may be about new road surfacing techniques, materials innovation or new scheduling
software to improve our facilities management proposition. Each year we will allocate
up to £100k of capital expenditure to attract innovators to understand our challenges
and come up with ideas and proposals, with a supporting business case, for review by
our Innovation Panel, established and governed by the Corserv Board.
We believe that Corserv is well positioned, being a Group that is separate from the
Council but owned by it, to bring so much more to the County and create a
compelling story that demonstrates that by doing things differently, and by being
more effective and efficient, we can invest in communities, providing resources and
delivering things that matter to them. We can create employment and learning
opportunities that in turn will contribute to Cornwall.
p18                                                                 SECTION 3 | CORSERV TOMORROW

      Methodology used
      This strategic Business Plan details the further development of the Corserv Group
      over the coming four years from April 2018 to March 2022. We have worked
      collaboratively with CC to develop a detailed, bottom-up business plan that provides
      a roadmap for the Corserv GoC.
      This Plan has been approved by the Corserv Board and each of the individual
      Company Boards to ensure full commitment to its delivery across the GoC. This plan
      is one in a suite of CC Family of Companies Four Year Plans that together will deliver
      CC Cabinet’s Priorities and meet the requirements of their MTFS 2018-22. This suite
      of plans should be read in conjunction with each other so that the alignment and
      interdependency between them is clear.
      The Group is also in the process of developing a separate detailed-in-year plan that
      sets out the operational detail of our 2018/2019 initiatives. In addition, and in
      recognition of the importance of the environmental, health and safety aspects, we
      are in the process of finalising separate Safety and Environment Plans, which will be
      published early next year.
      The Cormac Review, currently underway, will not only provide opportunities to
      validate our plans for Cormac (CSL, CCL, CCCS and CFM) but may identify further
      opportunities. By the end of Quarter One 2018/19, we will have reviewed the outcome
      of the exercise and agreed required actions with CC.
      Over the course of the coming four years, we know that there will be emerging
      opportunities and changes that we currently cannot foresee. Each year, we will
      revisit this Four Year Plan as we develop our annual detailed-in-year plan. We will
      validate the initiatives proposed for each coming year, consider whether we need or
      wish to bring any future years’ initiatives forward and make additions to the plan
      where we see greater opportunities or emerging risks. As a combined effort with CC,
      we will agree and manage changes to our strategic and operational plans through a
      combination of our ongoing collaboration with CC, our governance processes and
      our annual planning cycle.


                                                           WISE USE OF
                 HOMES                                     RESOURCES


               DEMOCRATIC                                    GREEN &


                                                                                                                             SECTION 3 | CORSERV TOMORROW
What we will deliver
To achieve our goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) the Group will deliver a
total of 61 significant projects, called initiatives throughout the plan, over the next
four years. The costs and benefit of the initiatives have been included in the financial
assumptions detailed in this plan.
Our ambitions are strong and we have identified a further 25 opportunities, called
business cases, which we will review within stated timescales to better understand
if we can deliver an even greater return. Each of our initiatives has been developed
in partnership with CC Commissioners and are fully aligned to their priorities and
budgets. Our business case proposals will be worked through with Commissioners
as they are developed.
Every one of these activities aligns to the Council’s Cabinet Priorities, contributes to
the delivery of the agreed financial return and supports our own strategic focus and
ambitions and although these initiatives are covered in the detailed functional and
company plans, the key themes are summarised here.

                   Number of Strategic Initiatives
                                             8           8
   4                               5                                          5     5
   2                3                                            3

       Central   Strategic   HR   SHEQ   Procurement   Cormac   ViaEM   CHL   CAL   CDC
p20                                                                SECTION 3 | CORSERV TOMORROW

      Initiatives to change the way we manage our people
      The delivery of the plan will take energy, determination and commitment from
      Corserv’s teams so there are a number of people related initiatives to help us
      modernise and enhance the workforce’s skills, benefits and effectiveness, amongst
      which are:
      • A flexible pay and benefits package.
      • An improved performance management approach with career pathways and
        improved succession planning.
      • A modern business culture where we work collaboratively, focusing on delivering
        what we promise and holding people accountable, but all with a sense of service
        and community.
      • The Corserv Group Trainee Management Development Scheme and
        Highways Apprenticeship Programme to attract and retain the best.
      • The opportunity to undertake relevant business qualifications
        (via the Apprenticeship Levy).
      • New approaches to recruitment such as partnerships with Job Centres, the
        Prison Service and collaborating with CC and NCC, local schools and colleges.
      • More opportunities for the socially excluded, under-represented and young
        people who may otherwise leave the county to further their careers.
      • Insourcing where it is more efficient delivering savings of £1.2m
        e.g. Traffic management at ViaEM and Cormac.
      • Embedding the principles of Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) into all areas
        the GoC to ensure fair treatment of every employee.

                                                                                                                   SECTION 3 | CORSERV TOMORROW
Initiatives to transform our business
In conjunction with our people based initiatives, we will also undertake a range of
projects to transform the business, including:
• The creation of a small Business Change and Relationship function whose role it
  is to work with the GoC’s to implement the Four Year Plan and ensure the Group
  has sufficient capacity, capability and tools to deliver its objectives, financial
  goals and social benefits.
• Enhancing procurement frameworks and improving Group rebates and
  generating income from ‘selling’ Group procurement expertise to other
  local authorities.
• Implementing a number of system enhancements to support business change,
  such as common and modern IT platforms across the GoC.
• Bringing CCL into the Group to fully exploit the opportunities for additional
  commercial income for both ViaEM and Cormac.
• Deliver a range of efficiency projects achieving £19.7m in savings including:
  • Central management of the fleet saving of £1.3m.
  • Cormac efficiency programme saving £6.5m.
  • Customer Services Centre saving £210k.
  • Strategic Property review saving £1.3m.
  • Fleet engineering modernisation saving £825k.
• Adopting a more commercial and efficient approach at CHL underpinned
  by “profit with purpose”.
• Fully support EDI by considering the different needs of customers and
  communities in delivering services.
• Implementing a more effective way of collecting and analysing data to improve
  performance monitoring and improve the presentation of information.

Initiatives to transform the way we work
Transforming our business will make a significant contribution to our growth but we
will also need to transform the way we work by building more constructive working
relationships and being more collaborative. To support this examples include:
• Implement a collaborative approach across the GoC for both relationships with
  our CC, NCC and external clients and achieve ISO44001 (BSI Collaboration
  standard) in 2019/20.
• Working with CC IT to implement a number of system enhancements to support
  business change.
• Transforming the way we manage our supply chain by adopting a partnering
  approach and building a supplier community, delivering savings of £7.9m.
• Using partnerships to help deliver new opportunities at CHL.
• Working in partnership with CC to deliver the Growth and
  Development Programme.
• Seeking new opportunities to deliver services to CC such as
  the Waste Contract and bringing Cornish Contemporary
  Living into the Group.
p22                                                                 SECTION 3 | CORSERV TOMORROW

      Initiatives to improve customer service
      Although many of the initiatives are internally focused, we must improve the way
      we deliver our services and support the end client and customer. This includes:
      • More helpful, flexible and visible staff, dedicated to continuous improvement
        in customer service.
      • Improved performance and management of our work and its impact on local
        communities (e.g. road works).
      • Investment in new technology and IT systems such as an innovative
        multi‑channel, data driven Customer Service Centre.
      • Enhancements to technology to support improved service delivery as part of
        the CHL Transformation Programme.

      Initiatives to protect our employees and the environment
      Our operations are significant and touch many people across Cornwall and beyond.
      It is therefore imperative we do all we can to keep our employees safe and protect
      the environment and our surroundings. Examples of how we will achieve this include:
      • Increasing the safety maturity of all our businesses through a range of activities
        such as investing in training and behavioural safety and management to reduce
        reported injuries by 20% and removing the ‘blame culture’.
      • Further improving our effective waste management strategies, maximising
        the re‑use and recycling of construction waste and minimising amounts sent
        to landfill.
      • Reducing damaging vehicle emissions by increasing the number of low emission
        vehicles in our fleet.
      • Maximising the availability of products from sustainable sources.
      • Designing projects to improve land drainage and minimise flood risks.
      • Reducing the spread of invasive species, such as Japanese Knotweed,
        that damage Cornwall’s and Nottinghamshire’s native habitat.
      • Work with our partners to increase the number of open public spaces that
        enhance both biodiversity and the wellbeing of the people visiting them.

                                                                                                                     SECTION 3 | CORSERV TOMORROW
Initiatives to improve individual businesses in the Group
Finally we are planning a number of company related initiatives to solve specific
issues and challenges within those businesses to improve productivity, reduce costs
and support growth, such as:
• A transformation and change programme at Cormac for both CSL and CFM, the
  largest and most diverse company in the Group enabling it to become the place
  making delivery partner.
• A new, more transparent business model for CDC that focuses on delivering
  development opportunities, jobs and new business for Cornwall leading up to
  and after Brexit.
• An extensive agenda of improvements at the ViaEM joint venture with
  Nottinghamshire Council to win more business from local framework contracts
  with the introduction of target costing and a focus on cost reduction and
  innovative new ways of working.
• Continuing successful delivery of Short Term Enablement and Planning (STEPs)
  and our Corcare domiciliary care service at Corserv Community Care Services
  through better use of technology.
• Improving connectivity to the region through Cornwall Airport Newquay by
  expanding passenger throughput beyond 500,000 passengers a year through
  route expansion.
• Transforming the CHL business to improve customer service, quality and guided
  by the ethos of social purpose to provide a safety net for the most vulnerable.
• Adapting service delivery at CHL to respond to a changing customer profile and
  tailoring services to reflect life stages and need.
We will of course ensure that we effectively deliver our core ‘business as usual’
functions for the vital public services that we provide, within the agreed cost and to
a high level of reliability and quality. We will also remain clearly focused on pursuing
our vision and strategic objectives over the longer term.

                                                 Making it

                   How will we deliver the plan
                   Our plans are ambitious; they enable change, create
                   new opportunities, promote growth, attract investment
                   and bring value to the whole County. We have
                   considered carefully the best approach to the Group
                   and have decided that we need to have a careful
                   balance between company and centralised functions.
                   As Corserv develops centres of excellence and shared
                   services, the individual companies can focus on
                   improving the quality, value and scope of their
                   particular businesses, all being focused on delivering
                   improved services to Cornwall and Nottinghamshire.

                                                                                                                     SECTION 4 | MAKING IT HAPPEN
Our approach also provides the opportunity in the future for adding a varied range
of additional subsidiaries into the group of companies, if and when that is required.
The Governance structure through subsidiary business Boards and the Corserv
Board provides the appropriate level of strategy, scrutiny and assurance at both the
subsidiary and Group level. The skill set of subsidiary Boards, for example the
airport and CHL, are aligned to the specific skills required for that business activity.
At the Corserv Group level the skills mix is more aligned to the overall strategy and
oversight of the group as a whole and to the wider strategic opportunities both
within Cornwall and beyond.

Key Performance Indicators
Each company will track its progress and measure its success with a complete set of
key performance indicators. Below is a summary of the top KPIs for each across the
period of the plan:

Company & KPI                                                Metric
Safety: RIDDOR                                               Accident Frequency Rates

Delivery: Revenue Growth by CCL v planned revenue budget     £

Customer Focus: Cormac client satisfaction index across      % stating Good/V Good
major contract groups

Deliver savings                                              £

Generate external income                                     £

Total external income to be generated from repeat business   % of income
from priority clients

External income to be generated outside NCC boundary         % of income

Cormac Community Care Services
Increase direct contact hours: Corcare and STEPS             % of hours

STEPS clients reporting an improvement in their wellbeing    % of clients
(with the additional of assistive technology usage)

Cornwall Housing
Reactive repairs completed on time                           %

Average Re-let times GN standard voids                       Days

Bi-annual STAR survey –                                      % stating Good/V Good
Overall satisfaction with Cornwall Housing

Cornwall Airport Newquay
Safe & secure airport - CAA CAT1 audit findings,             Number
deficiency notices, RIDDOR incidents

Achieve passenger growth target                              Number of passengers

Customer Satisfaction                                        % stating Good/V Good

Engaged Employees survey – satisfaction                      Score out of 5
p26                                                                  SECTION 4 | MAKING IT HAPPEN

      Company & KPI                                              Metric
      Cornwall Development Company
      Business & Communities supported                           Number

      Jobs created                                               Number of jobs

      GVA Created                                                £

      Corserv Central services
      Premises Statutory Compliance                              % of statutory
                                                                 compliance checks

      Operator Compliance                                        Roadside Score (DVSA)
                                                                 measure over 3 year
                                                                 rolling period

      Customer satisfaction score for Customer Services Centre   % stating Good/V Good

      Corserv HR
      Group Staff Turnover & Group Staff Sickness                % of workforce

      Recruitment – average time from advert to offer            Weeks

      Employee engagement index                                  Average score

      Retention – Successor Identified                           % of roles

      Increase revenue from rebates                              £

      Improved Supply Chain Satisfaction                         % stating Good/V Good

      Generate Income from Sales of Procurement Frameworks       £

      Business Change
      Delivered on-time                                          % of strategic projects

      On budget (or less)                                        % of strategic projects

      Benefits realised v forecast                               % of strategic projects

      Client satisfaction with delivery of projects              % stating Good/V Good

      Safety – reportable Injury reduction                       AFR % reduction

      Quality – demonstrating excellence                         Non Conformity Impact

      Environment                                                TBC

                                                                                                                     SECTION 4 | MAKING IT HAPPEN
How the Shareholder can help success
CC, our stakeholders and client are at the centre of everything Corserv sets out to
achieve. We have common goals in all areas in which we are engaged and success
will be measured by our effectiveness in building a partnership based on trust,
confidence and collaboration and a shared agenda that meets CC’s financial and
service delivery requirements.
This document sets out Corserv’s commitments to its Shareholder but there are
some areas where CC can assist the company, particularly in respect of
commissioning to enable a more effective use of resources, lower costs and improve
service delivery.
For example, longer term financial planning, greater work pipeline certainty, small
changes to the pattern of commissioning civil engineering and road projects to
smooth the flow of passported work to Cormac would enable more effective
workforce planning, reduce the amount of subcontracted work which results from
spikes in workflow, and in consequence, increase Shareholder returns.
The completion of strategy documents and policy covering CC’s Growth and
Development Agenda and Property would have a similar effect, as being able to
plan the acquisition of capital equipment, workforce resources and associated
training and planning will assist the company in improving the level of service we
can offer to clients, and at reduced cost. Likewise, clarity on the strategy for Digital
Cornwall and agreement on the technology roadmap will facilitate Corserv in the
recruitment, training and deployment of the resources necessary to deliver this vital
part of Cornwall’s modernised infrastructure. Similarly understanding more about
CC’s emerging plans for the future of Adult Social Care will also inform and direct
our future plans. Much of what is described above can be achieved by agreeing
workable timescales with our CC partners, and Corserv can assist in this regard by
giving better visibility of current and planned workflows.
We will do our part in building a spirit of partnership with all our stakeholders and
commit to working collaboratively to deliver the initiatives and associated financial
returns that are contained in this document.

This plan presents an opportunity to deliver a step change in the scale of Corserv’s
operations, and of the GoC itself. A total of 61 initiatives across the Group will help
transform Corserv to achieve its aim of being the primary source of growth and
opportunity for Cornwall and deliver to the benefit of employees, partners,
communities and the counties of Cornwall and Nottinghamshire. Successful delivery
of this plan will require close collaboration with CC and take a great deal of patience,
energy, determination and commitment from everyone. We are confident in not
only our ability to deliver but to continue to deliver services as normal as we embark
on this ambitious journey.
At the end of this four year journey the Corserv Group will have evolved into a new
organisation quite different from the one that exists today but one that will be better
structured, more agile and delivering even greater value and benefit to Cornwall
and Nottinghamshire.


                    Corserv Board of Directors
                    Colin Dennis | Chair of Corserv
                    Colin is currently Chair of a large social housing association and a local
                    authority adult social care provider. He has had a successful career for
                    over 25 years at executive and board level in aviation and financial services.
                    He brings with him his strong entrepreneurial background and strategic
                    focus and a thorough understanding of the role of the non‑executive in
                    strategy, assurance, governance and scrutiny.

                    Cath Robinson | Group Managing Director
                    Cath has over 30 years’ experience in Local Government in Cornwall.
                    Starting with Cornwall County Council as an apprentice she quickly
                    progressed through the ranks after qualifying as a CIPFA Accountant to
                    become the Chief Finance Officer for the Council. Following an MBA at
                    Warwick Business School, Cath diversified her career to include key
                    business functions such as HR, organisational development, commercial
                    and legal services. She has also led operational services such as the Fire
                    Service, Public Protection, Libraries, Customer Services and Property.
                    More recently she was the Chief Operating Officer for Cornwall Council and
                    was instrumental in the setting up of CORSERV and the new group
                    company structure.

Joe Keohane | Group Finance Director
Joe is ACMA qualified and brings with him substantial experience in a
variety of business roles including finance, sales, marketing, HR and
operations. He has most recently been directly involved in the development
of the joint venture Teckal business model for Corserv and the
establishment of Via East Midlands Ltd. Joe has previously worked in the
FMCG industry and has experience as a Non-Executive Board Director of
the Cornwall LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership).

Elaine Holt | Non-Executive Director
Elaine has extensive board level experience in both executive and
non‑executive roles, plus a track record of business turnaround and
sustained commercial success in a range of private and public sector
organisations. She has extensive knowledge of the transport and travel
sectors, with added expertise in stakeholder management, infrastructure,
sales and customer relationship management. Elaine is also a
Non‑Executive for Highways England, Cormac and an Independent
Shareholder Advisor to the Mayor of Bristol.

Tim Jeans | Non-Executive Director
A long term aviation professional, Tim has served in many senior positions
during his nearly two decades in the industry. As commercial director of
Ryanair, Tim played a key role in its European expansion, most notably
into Brussels and Frankfurt. He has also served as Chairman of Stobart Air
Ltd, Monarch Electric Service Company, and he is currently Board
Chairman at Cornwall Airport Newquay.

Richard Pears | C
                 ornwall Council Appointee –
                Non-Executive Director
With a background in both business and government, Richard is a serving
member of Cornwall Council as well as a St Austell Town Councillor with
5 years’ experience as an elected member. He is currently a Director of
iDocpro a software company, as well as GloCrete a smart materials
start‑up. He also serves on the boards of two not-for-profit companies.

Julian Rand MBE | C
                   ornwall Council Appointee –
                  Non-Executive Director
Julian’s professional background is in Finance and Company Management
but in the last ten years he’s worked to support economic development
across Cornwall. From 2006 to 2013 he successfully chaired a Community
Interest Company and is currently the Chair of the West Cornwall Local
Action Group delivering leader funding to local communities. Julian was
Vice Chair through the previous round of Local Action European Funding,
successfully investing over £2m in the local economy.
p30                                                                             APPENDICES

      Glossary of Terms
      ADF       Airport Development Fee

      ALMO      Arm’s Length Management Organisation

      CAFM      Computer Aided Facilities Management’ (System) which provides FM
                organisations with administrative tools and the ability to track, manage,
                report and plan facilities operations.

      CAL       Cornwall Airport Limited

      CC        Cornwall Council

      CCCS      Cormac Community Care Services, a business function within Cormac
                Solutions Limited

      CCL       Cormac Contracting Limited, a trading company established under
                Section 95.

      CDC       Cornwall Development Company

      CFM       Cormac Facilities Management, a business function within Cormac
                Solutions Limited

      CHL       Cornwall Housing Limited

      CORCARE   Cormac Community Care Services’ ongoing domiciliary care service

      CSL       Cormac Solutions Limited, a Teckal company

      DLO       Direct Labour Organisation

      DTOC      Delayed transfers of care (bed blocking)

      EBITDA    Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation

      EDI       Equality Diversity and Inclusion

      EGS       Environmental Growth Strategy

      EU        European Union

      FLW       Foundation Living Wage

      FM        Facilities Management

      GVA       Gross Value Add

      HRA       Housing Revenue Account

      IDA       Internal Direct Award procurement process (without a competition)

      IFS       Integrated Facilities Services

LAs       Local Authorities

LATCs     Local Authority Trading Companies

LEP       Local Enterprise Partnerships

MTFS      Medium Term Financial Strategy (2018-2022)

NCC       Nottinghamshire County Council

PSO       Public Service Obligation

REP       Rural Economic Partnership

ROI       Return on Investment

RTB       Right to Buy

S95       Section 95 of the Local Government Act 2003 provides a general power
          (subject to a Secretary of State enabling order) for Local Authorities to
          trade in their function related activities through a company.

S151      Section 151 Officer. An officer appointed under section 151 of the Local
          Government Act 1972, which requires every Local Authority to appoint
          a suitably qualified officer responsible for the proper financial
          administration of its affairs.

SEP       Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership’s (LEP)
          Strategic Economic Plan (SEP).

SHEQ      Safety, Health, Environment and Quality

STEPS     Short Term Enablement and Planning Service

Surplus   Company limited by guarantee. Cornwall Housing Limited is a company
          limited by guarantee; as such it does not have share capital or
          shareholders but has a member who act as a guarantor. Surplus (or
          profit) generated by a company limited by guarantee is usually applied
          for the purpose of the company rather than distributed to members.

Teckal    The “Teckal exemption” (based on a European Court of Justice
          judgement 1999 – Teckal (C-107/198); allows Local Authorities to run
          services through standalone companies (provided the company meets
          certain requirements of control and at least 80% of the activities carried
          out by the company must be for the local authority) without having to
          go through a public procurement process.

ViaEM     Via East Midlands, Corserv’s joint venture with Nottinghamshire
          County Council
Corserv Head Office
                  Higher Trenant
                       PL27 6TW
                Tel: 01872 323313
               © Corserv Limited
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