COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC

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COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC
AUGUST 2012                                                    BBC Media Action

              CASE STUDY:
              Support to media where
              media freedoms and rights
              are constrained

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COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC

Front cover

                                                                                                                                                     COLIN SPURWAY/BBC MEDIA ACTION
Girls talk on mobile
phones, Chittagong
education fair.

Mobile phones:
ubiquitous among the
younger generation and
increasingly important
across all sections of

                           Executive summary
                         The media market in Bangladesh has mushroomed over           to stimulate public debate and generate change. This is an
                         the past 10 years, with a large range of highly profitable   increasingly varied, dynamic and complex market, with
                         newspapers and satellite TV channels springing up. At        major implications for public dialogue on policy issues
                                                 the national level, the media        and for donor support.
      Some observers suggest                     has become dominated by a
                                                                                      The media in Bangladesh has a rich tradition of
                                                 few large corporations – often
that the media is, increasingly,                 with primary interests in other
                                                                                      independence. It can, in general, speak out on most issues,
                                                                                      and its right to do so is guaranteed under the Constitution.
filling the political vacuum left                commercial sectors. Brand new
                                                                                      But media outlets – particularly at local level – can still
                                                 web-based initiatives, which go
by the lack of any real policy                   right down to the village level,
                                                                                      face pressure and intimidation from national and local
                                                                                      administrative, commercial and even criminal bodies, and
                                                 are now being driven by a few
debate.                                          energetic individuals and by
                                                                                      self-censorship is common at every level.
                         donors. Bangladesh has one of the highest mobile phone       Legislative changes, such as the Right to Information Act
                         penetration rates in the world, and, as mobile services      (RTI) in 2009, seem to demonstrate the commitment of
                         improve (even in rural areas), they have massive potential   the current Awami League Government to media freedom.

2                                                                             BBC MEDIA ACTION • COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH
COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC
However, the Government has shut down some media
and online outlets, and ideas for a new media bill rang                                             Background and methodology
many alarm bells in 2011.
                                                                                                    This report is one of a series of case studies examining
Political discourse in Bangladesh has become increasingly                                           support to, and development of, the media in countries
divisive over the past 20 years, moving towards a rather                                            where media freedoms and rights to information and
sterile reflection of personal antagonism between political                                         communication are restricted – with a particular focus
leaders. Despite the size and complexity of the media, as                                           on people, politics and media. Five case studies focus on
a whole it tends to repeat and magnify a national political                                         Bangladesh, Cambodia, South Sudan, Syria and Uganda.
culture based around personalities. As a result, most public                                        They consider the impact of both policy and practice, and
dialogue in the media is Dhaka-centric, and neglects the                                            are intended to feed into decision-making at both levels to
public policy issues that matter to most people. Local                                              enable delivery of more focused and effective media support.
media stories that do highlight such issues are often
                                                                                                    Three central questions guided case study research:
ignored by national media and politicians alike.
                                                                                                    ·· What is the state of media freedom and public dialogue in
Some observers suggest that the media is, increasingly,                                                the country?
filling the political vacuum left by the lack of any real policy
debate.                                                                                             ·· Who is supporting the media (i.e. donors and international
                                                                                                       civil society organisations) and how?
Most large donors in Bangladesh see the media as one
way to address the nation’s governance issues, and they                                             ·· What has been the impact of this support?
give support to the sector in the belief that a strong                                              There were two phases of research: desk research and
and independent media will improve transparency and                                                 a series of in-depth interviews in Bangladesh and with
accountability. But there may be a disconnect between                                               international stakeholders. Desk research collated and
donor objectives in relation to freedom of the media as                                             synthesised existing literature to: outline the political and social
part of good governance, political leaders who may be                                               context; document key media support interventions; and
sensitive to any criticism of their policy decisions, and                                           review existing audience and media research in each country.
thriving commercial media outlets that already provide
                                                                                                    Studies draw on substantial desk research and in-depth
some political commentary – even if this focuses largely
                                                                                                    interviews conducted over a period of up to nine months.
on personalities, rather than policies.
                                                                                                    Semi-structured interviews with key media and development
The growing national media market in Bangladesh does not                                            stakeholders gathered information on a variety of approaches
necessarily need or want direct donor support. However,                                             to, and expectations of, media support. Interviews were
support at the local level – where media outlets lack both                                          conducted face-to-face and in-country where possible.
finance and influence – may be more necessary.
                                                                                                    The Bangladesh case study interviewed 28 representatives
The main donor-funded media initiatives that support                                                of 19 organisations, including donors, international civil             Below
public dialogue in Bangladesh are:                                                                  society organisations, local civil society organisations and           An audience
                                                                                                    media houses, as well as Government officials. The study               member has
••The training of journalists working in the national and                                           has also drawn on research from the UK Department for                  his say at
  local level media                                                                                                                                                        Bangladesh
                                                                                                    International Development (DFID), King’s College, USAID
••The creation of TV and/or radio programmes with                                                   and BBC Media Action.                                                  Sanglap
  specific public dialogue / good governance objectives                                                                                                                    (‘Dialogue’), a
                                                                                                    This study does not claim to be a comprehensive media                  TV question
••The establishment of on- and off-line fora to support                                             mapping, but is a snapshot focused on the main national                and answer
  public dialogue from the village to the capital                                                   media outlets in Bangladesh.                                           debate show.
••Support for associated human rights / anti-corruption
  organisations whose reports and statements are often
  picked up by the media
There are signs that the tradition of policy decisions being
made by the administration without reference to the
people, and then passed downwards for implementation, is
starting to change. But some interviewed for this study are
                                                                   COLIN SPURWAY/BBC Media Action

concerned that few decision-makers are really interested
in policy dialogue with the public.
Donor support for such public dialogue via the media
may have long-term goals but is hampered by short-
term projects lasting only a few years. Changing the
socio-political culture of a nation is difficult, and cannot
be achieved by donors with short time-frames and short
institutional memories.

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COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC


                                                                                                                                                                    COLiN SPURWAY/BBC MEDiA ACTiON
Bangladesh is one of the
most densely populated
countries in the world.

                                       The country context
                                     Since Liberation from Pakistan in 1971, Bangladesh has         per year since 1996 despite political instability, poor
                                     been ruled by either the Awami League or the Bangladesh        infrastructure, corruption, insufficient power supplies,
                                     Nationalist Party (BNP), with interventions by the army        and slow implementation of economic reforms.2 And
                                     in 1975, 1982-1990 and 2007. The ideological differences       Bangladesh has made strides on poverty (down from 40
                                     between the two political parties are insignificant, but the   per cent of the population in 2005 to 31.5 per cent in 20103)
                                     animosity between their leaders is something of a tradition    and on illiteracy – particularly among girls and women.4
                                     that colours the media landscape.
                                                                                                    Bangladesh is ethnically and linguistically homogenous, with
                                     According to the CiA Factbook, the                                ethnic Bengalis making up 98 per cent of the population.5
                                     economy has grown by 5 to 6 per cent                                About 90 per cent of the population is Sunni Muslim,
                                                                                                           and there are small Shi’a, Hindu, Christian, Buddhist
     Bangladesh demographics                                                                                and Ahmadiya Muslim minorities. Until 1988,
                                                                                                            when islam became the state religion, the four
    Population                          161,083,804 (July 2012 est.)                                        pillars of the country’s (1972) Constitution were
                                                                                                            nationalism, democracy, secularism and socialism.
                                        Bengali 98%, other 2%                                              Traditionally most Bangladeshis have defined
    Ethnic groups
                                        (includes tribal groups, non-Bengali                              themselves as ‘Bengalis first and Muslims second’.
                                        Muslims) (1998)                                                This is still the case, but islamic fundamentalism has
                                                                                                    become a more significant force over the past 20 years.
    Religions                           Muslim 89.5%, Hindu 9.6%, other 0.9% (2004)
                                                                                                    The country is crowded, with a geography that has
                                                                                                    a massive impact on its population. With a total land
    Languages                           Bangla (official, also known as Bengali), English           area of only around 144,000 square kilometres6 and a
                                                                                                    population of more than 160 million, Bangladesh is one
                                        Total population: 47.9%                                     of the most densely populated countries in the world.7
    Literacy                            Male: 54%                                                   Three quarters of the country lies less than 10 metres
                                                                                                    above sea level, and 80 per cent lies within the flood
                                        Female: 41.4% (2001 census)                                 plains of the vast Jamuna-Brahmaputra and Padma-Ganges
    Urbanisation                                                                                    rivers, exposing the population – particularly the poorest
                                        Urban population: 28% of total population (2010)
                                                                                                    who live on marginal lands – to flood risk. Yet it is this
                                        Rate of urbanisation: 3.1% annual rate of change            very geography that also makes Bangladesh one of the
                                        (2010-15 est.)                                              most fertile countries in the world, and 45 per cent of
    Source: CiA World Factbook   1                                                                  Bangladeshis are employed in the agriculture sector, with
                                                                                                    rice as the single most important product.8

4                                                                                           BBC MEDiA ACTiON • COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH
COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC
The media context

The media in Bangladesh is diverse, competitive,                into shopping malls and media, publishes the vernacular
commercial and profitable. This is a boom time, with            dailies Kaler Kantho and Bangladesh Protidin, the English
most media outlets making money and wielding some               daily The Daily Sun, and the online (not
political influence in an expanding market. With the advent     to be confused with
of popular, independent, commercial satellite TV in the
past ten years, as well as better communication, higher
                                                                Shahidul Alam, founder of the                   Occasional daring,
                                                                internationally respected Drik social
literacy rates and mass audiences (the daily Prothom Alo
                                                                advocacy media group, argues that,          frequent self-censorship
had more than five million readers in March-April 20119),
the potential for the media to wield political influence over
                                                                “The mainstream media outlets won’t         and a reliance on safe,
                                                                cover Telecoms companies in negative
its audiences has grown.
                                                                ways as that is their main source of        mass appeal formats,
How does the media use this new-found commercial                revenue.”13
strength and political influence to engage with those                                                       rather than in-depth
                                                                Similarly diverging perspectives apply
audiences on key issues? How does it navigate continuing
                                                                to the broadcast sector. While there        coverage and debate.   
                                                                continues to be near universal access
The picture that emerges from this study is of a mixture        to radio across the country, listenership is declining as
of occasional risk-taking, frequent self-censorship and a       access to television increases. Indeed, TV has become
reliance on safe, mass appeal formats, rather than in-depth     the dominant form of mass communication over the past
coverage and debate.                                            decade. In 2011, according to the A.C. Nielsen National
                                                                Media and Demographic Survey, 74 per cent of the
Interviews and research for this paper also revealed
                                                                population had access to TV.14 The same survey suggests
disparities between media freedom at national and local
                                                                that radio listening had declined to only 16 per cent of the   Below
level, with most respondents seeing the national media as
                                                                population by 2011. While the state-owned broadcasters         A man reads a newspaper
powerful enough to be outspoken on some issues. At local
                                                                retain the largest audience share through their monopoly       in front of a mosque in
level, however, the media can face threats, intimidation
                                                                on terrestrial TV (BTV) and on national FM and AM radio        Chittagong.
and worse.

Who owns and runs the media?
Bangladesh has a tradition of diverse and independent
newspapers run by owner-editors who have influenced
politics since the country’s liberation from Pakistan in
1971. Over the past decade, however, large privately
owned Bangladeshi corporations have moved into the
media market, and most of the national media is now
owned by one of the seven biggest corporate groups in
the country.10 Several of these are large buyers of media
advertising, eager to reach an attractive advertising market:
the country’s burgeoning middle class.11
Some argue that stiff competition keeps their political
preferences in check, and that the need to build and maintain
market share provides a strong incentive to report events
honestly and professionally. Manzoor Hasan, Advisor to
the Institute of Governance Studies at BRAC University,
says: “The media in general plays a very important role
as a watchdog in Bangladesh, raising issues and protecting
individuals and causes. It’s prominent in promoting good
governance and, despite [political] partiality, there’s a
consensus among the media on key issues.”12
Critics argue that the media has become increasingly
corporatised, and owned by companies with roots in
more traditional businesses (real estate, pharmaceuticals,
shopping malls, garments, banking, and so on).The
Transcom group, for example, with interests in electronics,
                                                                                                                                                         Chris Stowers/Panos

mobile phones, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages,
publishes the highest circulated Bangla daily Prothom Alo
and the leading English daily The Daily Star, and owns
the FM radio channel ABC Radio. Leading real estate
company, the Bashundhara Group, which has diversified

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COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC

                broadcasting (Bangladesh Betar), audiences are dwindling
                as private commercial, terrestrial and satellite channels
                                                                               Guaranteed media freedom?
                spring up, satellite dishes (long available in the cities)     Yes and no
                become more available in rural areas, and as private FM
                radio stations set up linked networks, such as Radio Foorti    One way to interpret the apparently contradictory
                and Radio Today that have, since 2006, set up relay stations   nature of governmental approaches to media freedom
                                                                               in Bangladesh may be to say that politics often trumps
                and studios in the main provincial cities.15
                                                                               freedom of the press.
                As they manoeuvre to capture the lucrative advertising
                                                                               Freedom House, in its 2011 report on Bangladesh, ranks
                market, worth a reported Taka 1,000 crore ($122
                                                                               the country as, “partly free.”21 Reporters without Borders,
                million) represented by this level of access to TV,16 media
                                                                               meanwhile, ranks the country as 126th out of 178 countries
                corporations want to be seen as purveyors of reliable and
                                                                               in terms of media freedom (2010), stating that, “Although
                objective information by an increasingly media-savvy public.
                                                                               the Constitution guarantees media freedom, a series of
                Some of those interviewed for this study suggest that          draconian laws enable the government to control the
                objectivity sells better than bias – so news stories need      media”.22
                                  to be covered professionally regardless of
    Media corporations            their impact on the image of a particular
                                                                               While there has been a trend towards media freedom
                                                                               since Liberation in 1972, media restrictions have increased
want to be seen as                business interest or political party. In
                                  the words of Transparency International
                                                                               under military rule, with most independent newspaper
                                                                               editors spending time in jail under one government or
purveyors of reliable and         Bangladesh’s Director of Outreach and
                                                                               another between 1972 and 2008. The days of throwing
                                  Communications,        Rezwan-ul-Alam,
objective information by          “Even pro-Awami League journalists
                                                                               editors in jail may be over, but media outlets can still be
                                                                               shut down by incumbent governments that exploit a highly
                                  have to cater to what people want to
an increasingly media-            hear, most recently about an allegedly
                                                                               politicised judicial process.
savvy public.                     corrupt Minister taking a large bribe to     Despite constitutional guarantees of press freedom, media
                                  award a massive bridge-building contract     houses still face restrictions while individual journalists
                to a particular company”.17                                    can suffer personal and repeated harassment from the
                                                                               authorities, police, and the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB),
                Others, however, argue that television is subject to the
                                                                               the country’s secretive para-military police force.23
                same commercial and political pressures as print. In terms
                of international broadcasters, popular Indian TV channels      National media outlets are often targeted by incoming
                (mostly entertainment) have, some say, “established a          governments that perceive political bias in their reporting,
                cultural hegemony”.18 Broadcasters such as the BBC,            exploiting what many see as an increasingly politicised
                Al-Jazeera, and CNN have a following among an urban            judiciary to close down or restrict the power of media
                English-speaking middle class. The same goes for radio,        houses seen as pro-opposition.24 Journalists who make
                with the continuing popularity of the BBC World Service’s      themselves unpopular with the authorities can have their
                Bangla programmes. The BBC is, in general, a trusted           press accreditation withdrawn and, according to some of
                source for news on Bangladesh.                                 our interviewees, television and radio licences tend to be
                                                                               issued to those sympathetic to the government of the day.
                The programme Bangladesh Sanglap (‘Dialogue’) developed
                by the BBC World Service Trust (now BBC Media Action)          In June 2010 the pro-opposition newspaper Amar Desh was
                has had an impact: “people believe that they have been         closed by the current Awami League Government, and
                given a platform to challenge governments in ways              its Editor Mahmudur Rahman arrested. Rahman, a former
                never before experienced”19, and this has influenced the       Governmental energy adviser and majority owner of the
                Government to react to people’s wishes expressed on            paper, was released nine months later. Two TV stations,
                the programme. It has also created, as described by David      Channel 1 and Jamuna TV, have also been taken off air by
                Page in a 2007 report on talk shows and accountability         the Government – citing licencing issues – since it came
                in Bangladesh, an “emulation effect”: stimulating other        to power in 2008.
                Bangladeshi TV channels to copy the talk show format.20
                                                                               Despite the challenges, the national media reports
                There are, however, risks linked to the presence of            regularly on what Freedom House, in its 2011 report on
                foreign media (and media support) organisations: with          Bangladesh, calls, “Endemic corruption and criminality,
                their sometimes larger budgets and salaries, they may          weak rule of law, limited bureaucratic transparency,
                compete with indigenous media organisations for staff,         and political polarization [which] have long undermined
                market share and, in some cases, funding.                      government accountability.”25 Many editors, journalists and
                                                                               TV producers and presenters say things that may upset
                The author’s impression is that the recent exponential
                                                                               vested interests, even if it results in a jail term.
                growth of TV and radio broadcasting in Bangladesh has
                reduced the space available for, and indeed the desire         In general, national media backed by powerful, politically-
                for, foreign-based channels – with the exception of Indian     connected business conglomerates, and journalists based
                channels based on pure entertainment.                          in Dhaka are less at risk than local media and journalists

6                                                                     BBC MEDIA ACTION • COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH
COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC
Zed Nelson/Panos
who may receive threats (or worse) from local political,        inclinations in the opposite direction among some elements       Above
criminal and business enterprises and/or extremist              of the ruling party.                                             Daily newspaper posted
religious organisations.26                                                                                                       to a wall for members of
                                                                While the passage of the RTI Act is positive there is a          the public to read.
Bangladesh has plenty of lively media outlets in its smaller    strong counter-current of repressive behaviour, both within
towns and at district level but, as Robert Morini, Head of      and outside the law, by national and local administrative,
Press and Communications at the British High Commission         commercial and criminal bodies. In the words of Shahidul
explains “Regional media in general feel neglected … they       Alam, founder and Managing Director of Drik, the multimedia
are strongly controlled by local administrations, face          organisation, “The law provides for a lot of freedom, but
physical threats and closure, and although they run many        there has also been repeated and intense pressure to ensure
stories on corruption, for example, these are rarely picked     that some TV programmes or even channels don’t air.”29
up or given priority by the national media.”27
                                                                The Bangladesh Press Council, a statutory body fully
In the face of such challenges, as Syed Fahim Munaim,           controlled by the Government, issued a Code of Conduct
CEO of Maasranga TV explains: “Freedom of expression            in 1993 (amended in 2002) for newspapers, news agencies
exists, but self-censorship works, especially among those       and journalists but the Code has no authority over broadcast
who are pro-government.”                                        media. It highlights the basic responsibilities of the media
                                                                and journalists, but also states, that they must not, “publish
The media policy landscape                                      any news or publication detrimental to national integrity,
                                                                independence, sovereignty, the oneness of the State and
The Constitution of Bangladesh guarantees press freedom,        the Constitution of Bangladesh.”30
but these rights are subject to “reasonable restriction.”28
Libel, sedition and reporting on national security issues       According to a 2009 report by the International Press
are subject to criminal prosecution, and reporters – like       Institute, the effectiveness of the Bangladesh Press Council
other Bangladeshi citizens – can be held for up to 90 days      is limited by three main elements. First, that all its members
without trial under the 1974 Special Powers Act. In 2010        are elected directly by the Government; second that it
the Government took a step forward by scrapping the             covers only print media; and third that it lacks funds that
provision for courts to issue arrest warrants on journalists,   should be provided by the State.31
editors, writers and publishers in defamation cases.
                                                                The February 2010 report to the World Association of
Legislative changes, such as the Right to Information           Press Councils (WAPC) on the Bangladesh Press Council
Act (RTI) in 2009, seem to demonstrate Government               went further, stating that the “Bangladesh press Council
commitment to media freedom – as guaranteed by                  is not independent and not free from government
the Constitution – but ideas circulated in 2011 for a           interference,” and went on to say that, “editors, journalists
restrictive new National Broadcasting Policy suggest strong     and stakeholders are in process to constitute (an)

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COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC

                         independent press council in Bangladesh”.32
                                                                                           Right to information
                         Broadcast media fall under the Bangladesh
                         Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC),                  A longstanding demand for access to information
                         created by the Telecommunication Act of 2001. This                and recognition of the Right to Information
                         Government-appointed and funded body under the                    (RTI) was met in March 2009 with the passage
                         Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has no authority         of the RTI Act through Parliament.36 With a
                         to handle complaints or regulate broadcast content – which        few exemptions (state secrets for example) the
                                      is regulated on an ad-hoc basis in the absence       Act makes disclosure of information to citizens
     Freedom of                       of a National Broadcasting Commission. The
                                      BTRC receives support from the World Bank
                                                                                           mandatory for public and private offices.
expression exists, but                to strengthen its capacity “to effectively           A Constitutional Information Commission, headed
                                      regulate a multi-operator environment and            by a Chief Information Commissioner, plays a
self-censorship works,                ensure a level playing field for all operators”,33   quasi-judicial role in overseeing implementation
especially among                      as a follow-on from a UNDP-backed project
                                      for virtually the same purpose. In September
                                                                                           of the Act and resolving appeals related to
those who are pro-                    2011, a document of ideas on a new National
                                                                                           However, even though the RTI Act was passed
                                      Broadcasting Policy was submitted to the
government.                           Parliamentary Standing Committee on                  more than two years ago, it has had little impact to
                                      Information. The document suggested, among           date on government practices. As Manzoor Hasan,
                         other things: barring programmes that were derogatory             Advisor to the Institute of Governance Studies
                         about national figures, satirised national ideology or            at BRAC University explains: “There is huge
                         criticised friendly foreign countries; forbidding any             resistance to the RTI Act in the public sector, and
                         ’promotional‘ or ’advertising‘ content about non-Muslim           no demand has been created from the citizens’
                         festivals; and making it mandatory for broadcasters to air        side. In fact, Ministers wouldn’t be able to respond
                         government-approved programmes.                                   if there were many applications.”37
                         The reaction from the media, the urban middle-classes and         More surprisingly, journalists have been slow to
                         foreign diplomats, was so negative, according to Robert           pick up on the potential of the Act. According to
                         Morini, that the Government appears to have shelved               Matiur Rahman, Editor of Prothom Alo, journalists
                         this for now.34                                                   are unwilling to spend time trying to access
                                                                                           information through the Act because, as one
                         Hedayetullah Al Mamoon, Secretary at the Ministry
                                                                                           editor put it, “I know nothing will happen, so why
                         of Information, insisted that the whole furore was a
                         misunderstanding, and that the Government has no                  bother?”.38
                         intention to counter freedom of the press.35

    The media and corruption
    The JATRI website – the training initiative set up with a USAID grant – states, “Journalists and media owners remain vulnerable to
    corruption and intimidation. Media is a precarious business venture, leading to underfinanced newsrooms.”39
    According to the academic, Irum Shehreen Ali, however, the problem is not lack of finance for newsrooms, but lack of recognition
    that there are: “Four different kinds of media outlets: a) those created purely to promote and protect business interests; b) those
    created to advance political ideologies; c) those created as a means of currying political favour by means of financial gains and
    influence; and d) those created for journalistic purposes and to provide information. According to media observers, and even those
    within the media, those in the last category are very few.”40 There is also, “a huge ‘underground media’ that is questionably run
    and funded [ … ] These legally licensed but usually unavailable or un-circulated publications act as channels for corruption, money
    laundering and other illegal activities.”41
    The problem seems to lie with the media owners and politicians, rather than with journalists themselves. And the culture of ‘brown
    envelope’ journalism – cash payments for laudatory articles – stems from owners who don’t pay their journalists properly. Journalists
    who take money for such articles, usually about politicians or businesses (or both), are merely conforming to the expectations of their
    Journalists who refuse to play this game – and there are many – are at risk from political and business interests.
    When business obligations and financial gain conflict with the public interest, the latter will often lose out. This is said to be
    particularly true of the electronic media, driven strongly by profit. To quote Irum Shehreen Ali. “Observers claim that the
    electronic media is far too motivated by profit and willing to ignore its social responsibilities […]. As long as media owners are
    inextricably linked to the corporate and political worlds, we cannot expect media products that are independent and free from
    undue influence.”42

8                                                                                 BBC MEDIA ACTION • COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH
COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC
  The media and public dialogue
Despite the restrictions on media and a concentrated              and such, which will help the people, without opening the       Above
media ownership that tends to favour the voices of the            issues up to discussion.”44                                     A mobile phone is so
powerful, the urban and the elite, Bangladesh does have a                                                                         much more than a
                                                                  This point is taken up by Alexious Butler, Director of          phone for many.
tradition of mass political involvement and debate. This was
                                                                  the Office of Democracy and Governance at USAID in
stimulated by the 1971 language movement to put Bengali
                                                                  Bangladesh: “The challenge with public dialogue is that
on an equal footing with Urdu as a national language and by
                                                                  there’s no tradition of it here, even in Parliament.”45
the subsequent War of Liberation that created Bangladesh.
                                                                  Drik’s Shahidul Alam, however, says “There is a healthy
However, some commentators argue that political debate
                                                                  public dialogue, but everything is divided along partisan,
in the country has moved away from this tradition to
                                                                  political lines, which means that national decisions are
become increasingly divisive and polarised over the past
                                                                  difficult to make and the interests of the ordinary people
20 years, reflecting the personal antagonism of the leaders
                                                                  are not taken into account.”46
of the two main parties (Sheikh Hasina and Khaleda Zia),
rather than any real ideological differences.                     Either way, it’s true that discussion is very polarised. With
                                                                  a few exceptions, politicians, business people and other
“The ideology has gone,” says the academic Dr. G.M.
                                                                  decision-makers (including media owners, senior editors
Shahidul Alam, Head of the Department of Media and
                                                                  and TV producers), decide what the issues and answers
Communications at the Independent University of
                                                                  are. They set these before the public rather than allowing
Bangladesh, “so no healthy political culture of dialogue and
                                                                  or encouraging real, free-ranging discussion on issues such
debate is possible, especially as the parties don’t practice
                                                                  as endemic corruption, or the culture of impunity, let
democracy within the parties themselves.”43
                                                                  alone important policy issues such as the environment,
Others, such as media lawyer Fayaz Ahmed, see it                  education and health. Newspapers, often controlled by
differently; “BTV [the state channel] shows what Ministers        owner-editors, have tended to represent a privileged social
are doing and saying, but it doesn’t share the Government         elite and have rarely sought or responded to the views of
agenda clearly. It just says that there is a new policy on such   the general public.

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COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH - Support to media where media freedoms and rights are constrained - BBC

                                                                                                                       majority of them rural farmers – to set their concerns,
G. M. B. Akash/Panos

                                                                                                                       thoughts and ideas before those in power, or to react to
                                                                                                                       policy statements and decisions before, during or after
                                                                                                                       their implementation.
                                                                                                                       There are fears that the corporatisation of the media makes
                                                                                                                       it, increasingly, a business or PR tool. The sheer number of
                                                                                                                       satellite stations means that TV competition is cut-throat,
                                                                                                                       leaving less room for real programming and encouraging
                                                                                                                       an emphasis on simple PR and entertainment.
                                                                                                                       At the same time, a range of restrictive tools in the hands
                                                                                                                       of powerful vested interests, from the Government
                                                                                                                       to criminal enterprises, means – according to some
                                                                                                                       commentators – an increasingly ‘managed’ public dialogue.
                                                                                                                       A recent UNESCO report stated, “The media scene in
                                                                                                                       Bangladesh, particularly the broadcast one, is characterized
                                                                                                                       more by the number of channels than by the diversity
                                                                                                                       of content. Cross media conglomeration has created an
                                                                                                                       environment where creativity and diversity give way to
                                                                                                                       standardization and a homogenised cultural environment.
                                                                                                                       No matter which Bangladeshi TV channel one watches,
                                                                                                                       it is invariably the same programming format made of a
                                                                                                                       mix of low-quality drama serials, inane talk shows, and
                                                                                                                       partisan, inaccurate news presentations”.49
                                                                                                                       Despite a number of problems, such as the quality,
                                                                                                                       transparency and balance of different media initiatives,
                                                                                                                       there are examples of the media trying to enhance public
                                                                                                                       dialogue and to deliver a different point of view. Even some
                                                                                                                       of the national corporate media giants try to engage with the
                                                                                                                       rural majority in a two-way communication process, with
                                                                                                                       Transcom’s Prothom Alo and ABC Radio being two examples.
                                                                                                                       All TV channels have introduced talk shows since the BBC
                                                                                                                       World Service Trust Sanglap talk show started in 2005,
                                                                                                                       some of which have played an important role on issues
                                                                                                                       such as corruption, and there are examples of them having
                       Above                         There is an avid desire for news and information among
                                                                                                                       a positive impact on policy.
                       A journalist shows film       Bangladesh’s rural population. Yet the media, with few
                       footage to the villagers of   exceptions, fails to connect this majority to political issues.   That said, today’s talk shows face much criticism. Sanglap
                       Dinajpur.                     There is a tendency to cover politics as personal conflict        was popular according to Robert Morini, “Because it
                                                     between individuals rather than as the management of              covered and included the whole country, whereas all
                                                     policies and issues that actually have an impact on the           the new talk shows are very Dhaka-centric, with the
                                                     lives of their audiences.                                         programmes often lacking both the resources and the
                                                                                                                       will to find regional or rural voices.”50
                                                     “The common people,” says Fayaz Ahmed, “who don’t
                                                     have electricity or the means to communicate with people          “Talk shows are so ill-informed, with little research and
                                                     outside their village, are never involved in these discussions.   no real moderation, that guests can say anything,” says
                                                     So there’s never a real consultation in the drafting of a         Asif Saleh, Director of Communications at BRAC, “The
                                                     policy or a law, or in the development process. Which             public isn’t well-served by them.”51
                                                     means that no one feels like following the laws, or paying
                                                                                                                       TV talk shows are also criticised for playing at dialogue by
                                                     their taxes, because they are not involved or included.”47
                                                                                                                       inviting only pro- or anti-government guests, or for a supine
                                                     Officially, Government policy is shared and discussed with        hosting style that allows particular guests to dominate.
                                                     the general population through the media and through              Despite these criticisms, the Executive Editor of the Daily
                                                     public meetings and workshops at the District level. Others       Star, Syed Badrul Ahsan, believes: “TV is doing a fine job;
                                                     argue that this is not a dialogue but a formality; bureaucrats    even if sometimes the same people are on all channels,
                                                     and MPs believe that they know what the people need               at least we are discussing.”52
                                                     and want better than the people themselves.48
                                                                                                                       One example of a programme that goes against the
                                                     In other words, this study suggests that little is done by        overwhelmingly Dhaka-centric approach is a long-running
                                                     the media to help or allow ordinary people – the vast             TV show hosted by Shykh Seraj that claims to take the

                       10                                                                                     BBC MEDIA ACTION • COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH
debate to the farmers, report their concerns, bring them       implementation, may be changing. This change seems to
news and information, and campaign on issues in their          be initiated by a few individuals with a strong desire to
favour. The original programme, Mathi O Manush (Soil and       help the country develop a real dialogue between people
Men), was first aired in 1980, and was hosted by Shykh         and government.
Seraj for 14 years at BTV, the state broadcaster. He is now
                                                               Two of the most recent, innovative and interesting ideas are
the Director and Head of News at Channel i, where he
                                                               online initiatives, such as the Nagorik Kontho portal, where
hosts a similar programme under a different name; Hridoye
                                                               citizens and members of the administration can interact,
Mathi O Manush (The Heart of Soil and Men).
                                                               and Amader Sthaniyo Sarkar (Our Local Government), a
“At budget time,” says Shykh Seraj, “we arrange a dialogue     new TV/radio programme and a linked website where
between thousands of farmers and the Minister, in the open     people can discuss the issues raised in the programmes.58
air in a number of different, remote villages. Before the
                                                               Online campaigns may have some
budget we produce a document about what the farmers
have said they want and give it to the Minister. Sometimes
                                                               impact as Internet users tend to be            Change seems to be
                                                               the better-off, urban middle-class
the Government picks up these points in the budget.
                                                               who may have a more direct line          initiated by a few individuals
“We have also raised the issue of agricultural credit, and
crop insurance for farmers. The Government has taken up
                                                               to political parties and individual
                                                                                                        with a strong desire to help
the latter with BRAC, and the organisation is developing
                                                               Facebook claims just under one           the country develop a real
a plan. We try to bring farmers into the mainstream view,
and the programme does empower farmers.”53
                                                               million Bangladeshi users, although      dialogue between people
                                                               how many of those users are
The popularity of talk shows suggests that many viewers        actually in Bangladesh is unclear. It    and government.   
are hungry for even such limited debate, regardless of its     was, however, the main source of
quality (and despite the Prime Minister’s complaint that       information for many people during the 2009 Bangladesh
they have become ‘tok’ – sour).54 Asif Saleh suggests that     Rifles Mutiny. According to Rezwan-ul-Alam, this was
Parliament doesn’t really function, so media is the only       because the Government “failed to come out with any
space where the Government and the opposition interact,        kind of official statement because it had no spokesperson
and where the Government has to react to criticism.55          to talk about such an issue.”59
One example concerns recent allegations of corruption          According to USAID’s Alexious Butler, “There’s a small
in the appointment of consultants to construct the World       but growing online blogging presence, but there are real
Bank (WB) funded road/rail Padma bridge – which will           risks for them. The Government’s reaction to bloggers
cost some $2.9 billion. The reports, about a Canadian          is pretty knee-jerk, and media freedom on the Internet
consulting company, surfaced in the media in October           is at risk.”60
2011, leading the WB to suspend funding until the outcome      Some individual bloggers – such as Unheardvoice are
of its own investigation and that of the Canadian police.                                                                     Below
                                                               concerned specifically with governance issues, but write       The Unheard Voice
The Government stalled before initiating an investigation      in English and are not well-known outside a small circle.61
and announcing that it could find alternative funding. What                                                                   website is one of only a
                                                               Otherwise, very little information that is specific to         few blogs concerned
is striking is that every newspaper and TV channel – even      governance issues is carried by any of the blogs grouped       with governance issues
those that are pro-Government – has carried and pursued        on the main blog aggregator sites.62                           in Bangladesh.
the story.
Transparency’s Rezwan-ul-Alam believes that talk shows
or newspapers that take up an issue have an impact;
“Transparency International’s bi-annual National Household
Survey found that corruption among the judiciary was
citizens’ number one complaint, and the media picked
up on this when our report was published.”56
While there is no solid evidence that the media has had
a direct impact on corruption issues in Bangladesh, the
issue does receive widespread coverage. It is also true
that the country has improved its score in Transparency
International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) from
2.0 in 2006 to 2.4 in 2010.57

Public dialogue goes online
There are signs that the traditional political culture, with
policy decisions made by the administration without
reference to the people and then passed down for

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                                                                                                                                                          COLIN SPURWAY/BBC Media Action
Support for the media in
Bangladesh includes
boosting journalism and
production skills.

                             Donor responses and media support
                           Many donors have invested heavily in media development        The key foreign donors involved in substantial, direct
                           in Bangladesh over the past decade. Accurate figures are      media support to Bangladesh are the British Council,
                           almost impossible to obtain as funding is often spread        the UK Department for International Development
                           across multiple budget lines and a number of years, but a     (DFID), the European Commission, the Goethe Institute,
                           rough guesstimate obtained through this research suggests     Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), UNESCO,
                           a total media spend of just under $20 million between         UNICEF and USAID. The United Nations Development
                           2006 and 2011.                                                Programme (UNDP) has also been active in promoting
                           There has been coordination of policies and practices         pilot schemes via the Internet that have gone national
                           between some donors in the past, when Danida hosted a         under the Government’s ‘Digital Bangladesh by 2021’
                                          quarterly Media Coordination Committee,        commitment.64
                                          but this Committee has not met since
    Today’s bilateral                     about 2005. The Committee, according
                                                                                         Other significant donors, such as Danida, have supported
                                                                                         media development in the past but now focus on the
funding arrangements                      to Danida’s Senior Programme Officer,
                                          Mahal Aminuzzaman, acted as a think-tank
                                                                                         work of human rights and other organisations that play an
                                                                                         important advocacy role. Mahal Aminuzzaman says, “The
focus on media                            for media interventions and provided a         promotion of press freedom and media is an essential
                                          forum to exchange ideas and experience,
programmes that further                   information on policies, strategies
                                                                                         part to the advancement of democracy and human rights.
                                                                                         Thus the role of mass media and journalists in improving
donor objectives around                   and programmes. The Committee
                                          also coordinated support through the
                                                                                         the governance, human rights situation and the overall
                                                                                         democratisation process is evident.”65
good governance.                          establishment of donor consortia, such
                                          as the News Network, the Bangladesh            And the media does depend on donors for support in
                           Centre for Development, Journalism and Communication          difficult times (arrest for instance), as well as for research
                           (BCDJC) and the Mass-line Media Centre.63                     and expertise on particular human rights, corruption and
                                                                                         other governance-related stories.
                           Today’s bilateral funding arrangements focus on media
                           programmes that further donor objectives around good          The table starting on page 13 outlines the key donor
                           governance – identified as one of the key challenges facing   policy responses to governance-related media support,
                           the country. There is, however, little or no research         as identified by the author. It is not clear to what extent,
                           and monitoring and evaluation on the impact of these          if at all, these policies have been based on research or
                           programmes.                                                   assessments of what works in Bangladesh.

12                                                                              BBC MEDIA ACTION • COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH
Organisation          Background                                                                                   Support

  British Council       In 1998 the British Council gave initial funding to Pathshala – now the Pathshala            Management training
                        South Asian Media Academy – created by the Bangladeshi photo agency Drik. The                skills
                        Academy is now supported by Drik and The Goethe-Institut. The Council contributed
                        management training skills and helped explore the role of the media in good governance.
                        The Academy now identifies and trains promising media professionals on production
                        and ethical standards, building on Drik’s experience of training photographers to
                        engage, inform and empower the public. Fundamentally, says the website, “Ours is a
                        civic mission: laying the groundwork for a more just and equitable society”.

  Danish                Convened the quarterly Media Coordination Committee until 2005. Today, Danish                No direct media
  International         support strengthens the ability of the Government and civil society to target and            assistance, but support
  Development           deliver advocacy on human rights and good governance. While it no longer provides            for government and
  Agency                direct media assistance, Danida does support media via its backing of linked civil society   civil society organisations
  (Danida)              organisations.                                                                               on advocacy

  UK Department         In 2009-10, DFID’s contribution of almost £7.5 million ($12 million) included support        Support for
  for International     to the Bangladesh branch of Transparency International, which works with civil               Transparency
  Development           society groups to increase the demand for political change, and to the BBC discussion        International (and
  (DFID)                programme, Sanglap.66                                                                        formerly for the
                                                                                                                     programme Sanglap)
                        Dr Hossain, from the Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, is
                                                                                                                     to raise the profile of
                        reported by the 2009 International Development Committee as saying: “DFID
                                                                                                                     governance issues
                        support to civil society has, with considerable success, supported raising the profile
                        of governance issues within the public debate in Bangladesh. Issues of corruption and
                        public accountability across the public sectors are now widely and routinely scrutinised
                        in the media and public discourse.”67

  European              The Commission’s second priority in Bangladesh for 2007-13 is good governance and            Training on economic,
  Commission            human rights, with a budget of Euro 130 million. In 2007, the EC funded the Economic         trade and business
                        Journalists Network through the Centre for Communication and Development to pay              reporting to forge
                        the Thomson Foundation to bring journalists to the UK for training to:                       good relations
                        ••enhance skills and quality of specialised economic, trade and business reporting           between the
                                                                                                                     business and media
                        ••establish good relations between business institutions and individuals, and local media    communities
                          owners and journalists.68

  Goethe Institut       The cultural institute of the Federal Republic of Germany promotes knowledge of the          Funding for the
                        German language and fosters international cultural cooperation, but has also given           Pathshala South Asian
                        support to the Pathshala South Asian Media Academy.                                          Media Academy

  Swiss                 SDC budgeted CHF 24.1 million ($25.3 million) for 2011 in Bangladesh, and focuses on         Funding for a range
  Development           the two thematic areas: employment and income generation, and local governance.              of media projects
  Cooperation                                                                                                        related to governance,
                        SDC supports the following media projects related to governance:
  (SDC)                                                                                                              including networks for
                        ••The Citizens Voice for Improved Local Public Services project which, with                  media professionals,
                          CHF1.52 million ($1.6 million) engages local/national newspapers, TV and radio             partnerships with
                          stations and, importantly, national press institutes, journalist bodies and press clubs    Transparency
                          to establish an overarching media network. It links to the Government’s new                International and
                          Information Commission                                                                     the World Bank, and
                        ••Transparency International (Bangladesh), to improve awareness of corruption,               support for Amader
                          contributing CHF5 million ($5.25 million) as part of a consortium of donors                Sthaniyo Sarkar
                        ••The Policy Reform on Local Governance (PROLOG) project, jointly with the World
                          Bank, contributing CHF4.05 million ($4.25 million) to expand the scope of the national
                          dialogue on local governance, inform citizens and improve local governance capacities
                        ••The new Amader Sthaniyo Sarkar project, which showcases local government best
                          practices in Bangladesh on radio, TV and through an interactive website.

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 Organisation      Background                                                                                      Support

 United Nations    UNDP has been instrumental in setting up an online, interactive access to information           Online interactive
 Development       project.                                                                                        access to information
                   With a grant of $416,000, its Access to Information project at the Prime Minister’s
                   Office spearheaded the introduction of e-enabled services and the creation of
                   decentralised service delivery points across the country. This contributes to stronger
                   local governance through greater participatory planning and implementation, and the
                   improvement of the management and accountability of services.

 United Nations    UNESCO has focused on three broad areas: media capacity building, aiding the                    Media capacity
 Educational,      establishment of media-friendly laws, and facilitating equitable access to information          building, establishment
 Scientific        and knowledge.69 The agency has organised seminars and meetings to discuss                      of media-friendly laws,
 and Cultural      broadcasting policy and, in July 2009, worked with the Centre for Development                   facilitating equitable
 Organization      Communication (CDC) to establish the Media Nagorik Forum (MNF). The forum holds                 access to information
 (UNESCO)          meetings where media consumers voice their feelings about media-related topics. It              and knowledge
                   has produced books in Bangla and in English to improve journalists’ knowledge and
                   professional standards.
                   UNESCO has also supported the establishment of the first community radios in
                   Bangladesh, as well as training for their staff. It created a journalism award programme,
                   in partnership with the Bangladesh Centre for Development Journalism and
                   Communication (BCDJC), which recognises professional, high quality investigative

 United Nations    UNICEF focuses on the ethical reporting on children, the training of journalists and the        Reporting children’s
 Children’s Fund   creation of links with media establishments to improve the way in which children and            issues ethically
 (UNICEF)          children’s issues are reported.

 US Agency for     Through its four year, $18.2 million Promoting Governance, Accountability,                      Strengthening
 International     Transparency and Integrity (PROGATI) Programme (2007-11) USAID (Bangladesh)                     institutions to address
 Development       aimed to address the root causes of corruption and improve the lives of Bangladeshis            corruption and
 (USAID)           by strengthening selected democratic institutions – including the media – to make them          increase accountability
                   more responsive to citizens’ needs.
                   One component of PROGATI aimed to promote the principles of accountability,
                   transparency, and responsiveness by strengthening the media to serve as an effective
                   public watchdog.
                   The programme established a media centre for investigative reporting to increase the
                   media’s capacity to report on transparency and corruption issues and advocate for legal
                   reform and freedom of information laws.

                   Reliance on donor support                                      While commercial radio seems, in general, to be financially
                                                                                  successful, the new community radio stations are likely
                   The mainstream media outlets in Bangladesh are profitable      to need donor or other support for some time to come.
                   businesses. National newspapers and TV channels receive        There are few, if any, models of sustainable, independent
                   (and need) little or no support from foreign donors, apart     community radio stations in Bangladesh.
                   from occasional training for a few individual journalists.
                                                                                  While some of those interviewed said that training,
                   Online newspapers are a different matter, as the business      particularly for younger journalists, was essential,
                   model is less secure. Touffique Khalidi, Editor in Chief       several other media leaders saw no need for donor
                   of, the most successful and widely read           intervention in this area. They argued that the
                   online newspaper and, he claims, the number one website        mainstream TV and press are profitable enough to pay
                   in Bangladesh, says that he is “struggling” to keep the site   for such training themselves. Regional and local media,
                   alive. He is seeking support only for technical web-design     however, face more financial constraints, and some
                   and management skills, but has received no donor support       donors have directed their training support efforts to
                   of any kind.70                                                 this level.

14                                                                       BBC MEDIA ACTION • COUNTRY CASE STUDY: BANGLADESH
Others, such as Drik’s Shahidul Alam, argued that donors
could speak out much more strongly in favour of media             Management and Resources Development Initiative (MRDI)
freedom when individual journalists or media outlets are
attacked, or under threat.71                                      MRDI develops a media training programme only after having undertaken
                                                                  a content analysis of a media organisation’s output on a specific issue.
                                                                  After the training, MRDI repeats the content analysis to establish
Types of donor support                                            whether or not the training has had the desired impact. One example of
The broad range of donor support to media in terms of             this is their UNICEF-backed, three-month study on the ethical reporting
public dialogue is focused mostly on journalists and media        of children’s issues in the Bangladeshi media. The study used a five-step
productions, on giving the public a bigger voice to engage        methodology:
government, and – more indirectly – on organisations that         1. Literature survey: Surveyed literature on journalism ethics and its
support the media in one way or another.                             concerns for children/child-rights.
On the other hand, there is little evidence from this case        2. Content analysis: Monitored and analysed the contents of selected
study of research that addresses directly the horizontal             newspapers and television channels over the three months prior to the
links and communication processes between government,                commencement of the study.
media, [and] civil society and the public or attempts to
improve them. Nor are there any apparent initiatives that         3. Questionnaire survey: Conducted questionnaire surveys among
attempt to reach media owners or senior managers or to               reporters and gatekeepers of selected news media.
work with them on, for example, issues of responsibility          4. Focus group discussions (FGDs): Conducted three FGDs with news
and media ethics.                                                    media gatekeepers and with representative groups of children.
The main donors provide, in general, four types of support:       5. The draft report was shared with 40 stakeholders representing
••Training schemes for different types of journalists and            leading newspapers and TV channels, NGOs and UN bodies working
  media managers in Dhaka and the regions, from news                 with children, and relevant Government ministries/departments. The
  reporters to diplomatic, business and investigative                report was only finalised after incorporating their suggestions and
  journalists                                                        advice.
••The development of innovative online and offline
  approaches to getting the general public involved in          deterred other donors now that the initial building phase
  policy dialogues, encouraging the Government to               is complete.
  establish a broadcasting policy, and giving citizens
  the tools to speak directly to the administration at          Drik, which is a company rather than an NGO, on the other
  all levels                                                    hand, has set up its own journalism training programme
                                                                specifically for rural journalists using iPod touch and other
••Specific broadcast media products, such as Sanglap            new media tools. Working in partnership with other
  and Amader Sthaniyo Sarkar; programmes that are               organisations, Drik’s Managing Director, Shahidul Alam,
  designed to widen the public’s ability to debate              says that they want to avoid expensive corporate solutions
  and involve itself in policy and decision-making,             to journalism training.74
  and guidebooks and studies such as UNESCO’s
  translation of an election reporting handbook                 Others, such as Hasibur Rahman Mukur, Executive Director
                                                                of the Management and Resources Development Initiative
••Parallel support for the work of human rights and             (MRDI), argue that much of the media in Bangladesh is
  anti-corruption organisations that are at the forefront       rich and successful enough to pay for its own training.75
  of establishing legal mechanisms, such as the RTI Act,        But the PROGATI programme has supported the training
  and that represent a last line of defence against both        of producers, technicians and managers from poorly-
  politically motivated assaults, arrests, imprisonment         resourced community radios prior to the opening of 14
  and disappearance of individual journalists, and/or the       community radio stations – the first in Bangladesh – in
  arbitrary closure of media outlets.                           2011-12. Two are broadcasting already: Radio Lokobetar
                                                                in Barisal division and Radio Padma in Rajshahi, with the
Training                                                        others expected shortly.
One of the interventions made by USAID’s PROGATI
programme was the establishment of the Journalism               In 2010 Transparency International (Bangladesh) (TIB)
                                                                and the University of Dhaka’s Department of Mass
Training and Research Initiative (JATRI).72 Designed to focus
                                                                Communication and Journalism, jointly organised a five
on the training of investigative and other journalists, the
                                                                year anti-corruption training programme at the Bangladesh
initiative has now been taken over by BRAC University’s
                                                                Academy for Rural Development (BARD) in Comilla for
Institute of Governance Studies (IGS). This was, reportedly,
                                                                journalists working outside Dhaka, with $20 million
always the long-term plan and, according to USAID’s
                                                                provided by DFID, Sida, Danida and SDC.
Alexious Butler, the IGS has applied for a grant from
USAID to work on RTI issues.73 However, difficulties in         So far, according to Rezwan-ul-Alam of TIB, 120 journalists
the early management (pre-IGS) of the initiative may have       working in both print and electronic media have participated

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