COVID-19: A Year in Review Provincial and SHIP Perspective - Services and Housing In the Province

Page created by Shane Hampton
COVID-19: A Year in Review Provincial and SHIP Perspective - Services and Housing In the Province
COVID-19: A Year in Review
                            Provincial and SHIP Perspective

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives. While many were locked down through Provincial stay at
home emergency orders, SHIP staff led the charge to fight the spread of the virus and support our clients and
communities that have been most affected.

This is a year that put us to the test, but we have risen to the challenge with compassion, dedication, resilience
and innovation. SHIP has done so much to fight COVID-19 and we are amazed and proud when we look back
at our collective accomplishments.

In this “2020 year-in-review”, we look back, month by month, at the many initiatives, projects, and campaigns we
implemented. It is remarkable to look back and realize the many different ways SHIP staff have responded to
the pandemic. Staff worked to support all of our diverse communities as the crisis unfolded. As an organization,
we pushed for equity and continued to keep our doors as open and as safely possible to ensure services
continued in underserved communities. While the pandemic persisted, it shone a light on inequities faced by
marginalized populations. SHIP pivoted services to be able to continue to provide much-needed supports, while
also continuing to pursue our long-term strategic opportunities to emerge from this crisis as a stronger company.

                                              YEAR IN REVIEW
COVID-19: A Year in Review Provincial and SHIP Perspective - Services and Housing In the Province
Month          Case Count                         Provincial Info / Response                                           SHIP Response
             (1st day of the month)
JANUARY                                  First presumptive case is reported in Ontario (and          SHIP staff monitor the news from provincial and federal
                                          Canada). His wife becomes the second case                    government as well as international incidents
FEBRUARY                                 a fifth diagnosis in province: a woman in her 60s. Her      Increased fitting of N95 masks for SHIP nurses
                                          husband catches virus from her, becoming first              Sent out messaging to staff regarding proper hand
                                          human-to-human transmission in province.                     hygiene and tips for staying safe
                                                                                                      Increased cleaning protocols for high touch point areas
                                                                                                      Requested that staff update ERLs
 MARCH     Ontario also                  Province announced that publicly funded schools             March 11th All Staff communications begin with the first
           announces 17 new               across the province closed for two weeks following           providing staff with SHIPs action
           cases of COVID-19,             March break.                                                March 16th SHIP activated our Crisis Management Team
           bringing the total            Canadians out of the country are strongly urged by           (CMT) - meetings held 5 days per week
           number to 59.                  the federal government to return home                       SHIP pivots to Virtual work where possible, face to face
                                         The province recommends the closure of all                   for those clinically necessary
                                          recreation programs, libraries, private schools,            Programs modified, closed or open
                                          daycares, and churches and other faith settings, as         SHIP Dashboard created which monitors services, sites,
                                          well as bars and restaurants, except those that offer        supports and staffing levels
                                          takeout or delivery.                                        Created Clearing House designate and an internal
                                         March 17, Ford declares a state of emergency while           Situation & Response Guide which provides clarity on
                                          ordering some business to be closed, including               the response to various COVID related scenarios
                                          daycares, bars and restaurants, theatres and private        Each department developed their Business Continuity
                                          schools.                                                     Plans in response to COVID
                                         Ford orders the closure of all non-essential                SHIP developed and activated our COVID-19
                                          businesses across the province for 14 days.                  Pandemic Plan. The objective of this plan:
                                         The Ford government issues an emergency alert to              1. Provide direction to respond effectively
                                          people’s phones in an attempt to warn recent                  2. Create readiness and strengthen pandemic
                                          travellers to self-isolate for 14 days.                           preparedness
                                         The province announces that Ontario schools will              3. Minimize the risk of transmission in order to contain
                                          remain closed until at least May.                                 or reduce the spread of the virus; and
                                                                                                        4. Minimize the impact of the pandemic on the
                                                                                                            communities we support.
 APRIL     2392 in Ontario               Ontario extends the state of emergency for another          Held first Monthly Town hall
           307 in Peel                    four weeks and pledges further resources to long-           Redeployed staff to critical service areas through SHIPs
                                          term care homes, which have become the epicentre             Service Response Strategy developed
                                          of the crisis                                               SHIPs first Recovery Site opened for homeless
                                         Ford provides the framework in which he will reopen          individuals who are COVID+
                                          the province although he does not commit to a date          Pandemic Pay
                                          for when it will get underway.                              Enhanced PPE procurement, storage and tracking and
                                                                                                       developed COVID specific PPE training (Dos and Don’ts
                                                                                                       and PPE Matrix)
                                                                                                      Developed isolation process for staff or clients who need
                                                                                                       to isolate away from their current residence

                                                                    YEAR IN REVIEW
COVID-19: A Year in Review Provincial and SHIP Perspective - Services and Housing In the Province
Month          Case Count                         Provincial Info / Response                                           SHIP Response
         (1st day of the month)
 MAY     16,187 in Ontario           Emergency orders are extended for the third time.           #weareinthistogether
         2456 in Peel                Ford provides details on the province’s first stage of      Introduced SHIP cares, that looks at and addresses the
                                      its “Phase 2: Restart.” Some businesses are allowed          whole needs of staff
                                      to open on May 16 including campgrounds, marinas            Launched the Teams group Coping with COVID
                                      and golf courses. A lengthy list of other businesses        SHIP Developed a Recovery Committee, which meets
                                      will be allowed to get underway.                             two times per week. The purpose of the Recovery
                                     The Ontario government says an in-class school               Committee is to move from a Pandemic response to
                                      year will not be able to recommence during the               strategic planning in order to return to normal service
                                      pandemic, however, online learning will continue.            levels and operations
                                     Canadian Armed Forces teams deployed to five of the         Ramped down on CMT meetings to three times per week
                                      province’s worst-hit long-term care homes                   Reconfigured RMST space to staff Hoteling desks
                                     Ontario government says it is extending all current
                                      emergency orders until June 9.
                                      Province announces that chiropractors, dentists,
                                      massage therapists, optometrists, homeopaths and
                                      psychologists can see patients.
 JUNE    27,859 in Ontario           Ontario’s state of emergency extended by 28 days            CMT Meetings changed from three times per week to
         4,749 in Peel               Ontario announces that some regions of the province          two times per week
                                      will enter Stage 2 of its COVID-19 recovery plan.           Developed SHIPs Commitment to Safety which
                                      Toronto, Mississauga and Hamilton are among the              outlines staffs individual responsibility for health and
                                      areas which are excluded.                                    safety expectations
                                     Province announces “cautious” restart plan to allow         Developed Virtual Programming Committee
                                      visitors back into long-term care homes.                    30% of clients seen Face to Face, 70% virtually
                                     Toronto and Peel Region permitted to enter Stage 2
                                      of the province’s recovery plan. Windsor-Essex
                                      remains alone in Stage 1.

 JULY    35,370 in Ontario           Ontario extends emergency orders until July 22.             Staff Survey regarding SHIPs response to COVID
         6,250 in Peel               Some of the province will enter Stage 3 of the second        distributed
                                      phase of its recovery plan on July 17. The Greater           COVID-19 Web-Based Risk Screener
                                      Toronto Area, Hamilton, Niagara, Haldimand-Norfolk,
                                      Lambton and Windsor-Essex are left in Stage 2.
                                     By the end of July, Toronto and Peel Region can
                                      move into Stage 3

AUGUST   39,075 in Ontario           Ford government announces it is extending                   Received first round of LHIN Emergency COVID
         7028 in Peel                 the emergency pandemic orders until Sept. 22.                Funding: 160 cell phones; 30 tablets to support 160
                                                                                                  Signage through out office (max occupancy per office)
                                                                                                  Planning School reopening
                                                                                                  Work to Zero Safety Program Launched

                                                                YEAR IN REVIEW
COVID-19: A Year in Review Provincial and SHIP Perspective - Services and Housing In the Province
Month           Case Count                         Provincial Info / Response                                        SHIP Response
            (1st day of the month)
SEPTEMBER   42,309 in Ontario           The Province announces a pause in loosening any           SHIP developed a recovery framework to address Post
            7,641 in Peel                more restrictions for Re-opening our Province.             COVID-19 Recovery. This framework provided
                                        Ontario reports 700 new cases of COVID, marking a          measures in three tiers as it relates to support, staff,
                                         new record for the most daily infections ever              services and sites and was informed by Ontario’s
                                         recorded in the province.                                  Framework
                                        Ford declares that the province is officially in the      60% of clients seen Face to Face, 40% virtually
                                         second wave of the pandemic (Sept 28)

OCTOBER     52,248 in Ontario           Ontario announces province-wide mask policy as well       SHIP develops our COVID-19 Fall (Second Wave)
            9707 in Peel                 as restrictions on number of patrons in social             Preparedness Plan. The purpose of the plan was to
                                         facilities.                                                identify, prevent and respond to scenarios in order to
                                        New restrictions are put in place for Toronto, Peel        protect clients, staff and our larger communities. The
                                         Region and Ottawa amid rising coronavirus cases            plan will also:
                                        Ontario reports over 1,000 new cases of COVID-19             o contain COVID-19, with a goal of Working to Zero
                                         for the first time.                                          o maintain continued timely access to support
                                                                                                      o deliver service to clients in IPAC-appropriate
                                                                                                   Staff Survey regarding SHIPs response to COVID
                                                                                                   Each department refreshed their Business Continuity
                                                                                                    Plans in response to COVID
                                                                                                   Received second round of LHIN Emergency COVID
                                                                                                    Funding: funding for upgraded laptops for staff to
                                                                                                    enhance Virtual care
                                                                                                   Developed Virtual Programming Framework
                                                                                                   Working Remotely program deployed
                                                                                                   75% of clients seen Face to Face, 25% virtually
NOVEMBER    76,707 in Ontario           The province introduces a new five-tiered, colour-        SHIP refined and updated our Recovery Plan to align
            14,827 in Peel               coded system for determining how it will regulate          our three tiered approach to the governments five tiered
                                         areas during the pandemic.                                 colour coded system
                                        The province releases an updated list of which areas      Lockdown Measures shared with staff
                                         are placed in which zones in its new system. Peel is      Procured the services of an IPAC Specialist to do an
                                         alone in the red zone.                                     audit of our head office and a congregate site. They also
                                        The government announces it will extend current            reviewed SHIP IPAC policies
                                         orders under the Reopening Ontario Act until Dec.         Developed SHIPs Congregate Setting Committee which
                                         21 due to the coronavirus pandemic.                        meets weekly during Lockdown
                                                                                                   Created Congregate Living Checklist
                                                                                                   Held Flu Clinics
                                                                                                   Introduced support around client adherence to masking
                                                                                                   Recognize Burnout Awareness week
                                                                                                   Staff provided with Wellness Kits

                                                                  YEAR IN REVIEW
COVID-19: A Year in Review Provincial and SHIP Perspective - Services and Housing In the Province
Month           Case Count                         Provincial Info / Response                                        SHIP Response
           (1st day of the month)
DECEMBER   116,492 in Ontario          Ford shares three-part vaccination rollout plan.             Communication re provincial Lockdown
           26,452 in Peel              Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine is officially approved for      258 days COVID free
                                        use in Canada, with limited rollout                          Main office sectioned into quadrants
                                       A personal support worker, is first to receive Pfizer’s
                                        vaccine in Toronto
                                       Ontario reported 2,275 new cases of coronavirus,
                                        marking a new single-day record.
                                       Ford announces a “province wide shutdown” to
                                        begin Boxing Day and last for four weeks in southern
                                        areas of province and two weeks in northern areas.
                                       Ontario confirms Canada’s first known cases of
                                        the U.K. coronavirus variant

JANUARY    190,962 in Ontario          Province declares second State of Emergency and              Communication re Stay at Home Measures – Essential
           52,153 in Peel               issues stay-at-home orders.                                   staff in office only
                                       The province issues an emergency alert reminding             SHIP opened the Brampton Voluntary Isolation and
                                        Ontarians that stay-at-home order is in effect.               Recovery Site and Central Intake for all Isolation and
                                                                                                      Recovery in Peel
                                                                                                     Staff appreciation
                                                                                                     58% of clients seen Face to Face, 42% virtually

                             Impact since January 2020
                                                                                                     217 daily briefings
                                                                                                     116 all staff communications
                                                                                                     11 town halls
                                                                                                     40 weekly board status reports
                                                                                                     2% staff tested COVID+ since March (contact source not
                                                                                                      work related) all of whom have recovered
                                                                                                     0.5% clients tested COVID+ all of whom have recovered
                                                                                                     10420 Food security, wellness kits, pet kits, masks and
                                                                                                      clothing provided to 4219 clients

                                                                   YEAR IN REVIEW
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