COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN - To guide return from lockdown and actions to continue whilst Covid-19 remains a risk - Wirral ...

Page created by Louise Robinson
COVID-19 RISK ASSESSMENT STRATEGY AND ACTION PLAN - To guide return from lockdown and actions to continue whilst Covid-19 remains a risk - Wirral ...

                 RISK ASSESSMENT

   To guide return from lockdown and actions to continue
                        whilst Covid-19 remains a risk.

                                                          Sue Higginson.

                                                      1st September 2020

                                                                Issue 08

Author: Sue Higginson – 1st Sept 2020
1 Background: ............................................................ 1
2 Post Pandemic Strategy ......................................... 1
3 Risk Assessment …………………………………….. 1
4 College Covid 19 Risk Assessment....................... 4
5 List of Standards that Group Control Measures
Set Out in the Covid 19 Risk Assessment............... 15
6 Context of Method Statements: ... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Method Statement 1 – Gateway Standard................... 20
Method Statement 2 – Cleaning .................................. 21
Method Statement 3 – Staff Instructions for Hygiene
....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Method Statement 4 – Student Instructions for Hygiene
.................................................................................... 30
Method Statement 5 – Communications................ Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Method Statement 6 – Personal Protection Standard
....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Method Statement 7 – Social Distancing Standard Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Method Statement 8 – Infection Control Standard . Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Method Statement 9 – Meals and Refreshments
Standard ...................................................................... 40
1         Background:
Wirral Met College (WMC) has developed a strategy to support a return to operations after lockdown,
to facilitate a safe return to work and observe social distancing until a vaccine is available. This has
involved a complete review of how curriculum can be delivered with more focus on remote and online
learning, blended with face to face teaching and learning, when WMC reopens. It would not be
possible to continue with existing methodologies and allow for social distancing.

This document explains how a suite of key strategies respond to the hazards identified in WMC’s
additional Risk Assessment with respect to Covid-19, together with the controls put in place to
mitigate those risks and detailed instructions for each control. 11 specific ’Standards’ have been
created to group those controls, which are underpinned, as appropriate, by corresponding
instructions for safe working practices ‘Method Statements’. These, together with the other
documents defined in the diagram set out below, collectively comprise WMC’s Strategy and Risk
Assessment for managing during a Covid-19 Pandemic. In addition, WMC has received a template
from the DFE (Covid-19 Action Plan to Phase Release of Lockdown) which has also been completed
to act as a check of WMC’s Risk Assessment and Strategy (and is therefore effectively a duplicate
document covering some, but not all, of the controls put in place). Each action/risk within the DFE
template has been covered. The health and safety of staff and students is at the heart of business
operations and the clarity of Hazards, Controls, Standards and Method Statements, together with
the formal cross reference to government template documents, provides a strong foundation for
safety, communication and training.

2         Covid-19 Pandemic – Strategy to continue
WMC’s Vision, Mission and Strategic Objectives remain unchanged. However, the way in which the
core business of teaching and learning is designed and delivered must change significantly in order
to accommodate social distancing. All existing strategies that are part of the planning cycle, will
incorporate and implement the changes required for WMC to operate safely, during a pandemic and
until a vaccine is found. This document provides an overview of how the complex range of Risk
Assessment, Control Strategies, Standards and Method Statements will deliver this. WMC welcomes
input from its recognised Trades Unions in the development of this strategy and confirms that it is
underpinned by Government Guidance and local health oversight, which will inevitably change as
the science evolves through the life cycle of the Covid-19 pandemic.

3.         Risk Assessment
WMC has a College wide risk assessment and has therefore identified hazards (Hazards) specific
to Covid-19 in addition to its normal risk management system. Those Hazards have been described
and risk quantified given existing controls in place. Further controls (Controls) to be in place during
the pandemic have been created and the risk quantified following those controls.

     Author: Sue Higginson. June 2020 Issue 05                                                     1
The overview of documents created are set out in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 Overview of Covid 19 Documents

                                               Person Specific
                                              Risk Assessment
                        documents arising   Return to Work Risk
                        from controls           Assessment
                        identifed in Risk
                                              Equality Impact

                                            Covid-19 Strategyand            11 Standards                Statements
                                             controls addressing              to group                  to provide
                                              Hazards identified
                                                                              controls                  detailed
          Risk Assessment to                                                                            instructions/
          identify Hazards of                                                                           Trainings
               Covid 19                               Latest August 2020

         Latest 1st Sep 2020
                                                                           15th May Issue 02 and periodic
                                              Curriculum Strategy               reviews after each update

                                               May 2020 Issue 01
                                                                           Check to DFE Covid19 Action
                                                                             Plan to Phase Release of

This strategy brings together the documents listed above which will be incorporated into WMC’s
existing systems and processes.

Eleven Standards and their relationship to other core strategies:

The additional Controls (and any relevant existing controls) responding to Hazards have been
grouped within standards to allow Controls to be more readily organised for monitoring and training.
These outline Standards, specified in the document Risk Assessment and Implementation Plan per
the diagram above, are underpinned, as appropriate, by detailed Method Statements that set out the
controls and safe working practices and instructions introduced to mitigate risk. This will ensure that
staff and, where appropriate, students and other stakeholders, remain aware of what is expected.

  Author: Sue Higginson. June 2020 Issue 05                                                                             2
Whilst the ‘Standards’ stand alone in relation to action required to mitigate the impact of Covid-19,
they will also form part of their related College Strategies – as shown in the table below.

     No      Standard Details                                                                     Links to
             (see Risk Assessment and Implementation plan for full detail)                        Strategies
     1       Gateway Standard 1 – The College will ensure that there is appropriate               Health and
             governance and specialist oversight of the risk assessment.                          Safety
     2       The College’s Cleaning Standards and operational procedures reflect the              Estates Strategy
             minimum standards required by Government guidance.                                   Facilities
     3       The College’s Health and Safety Policy and Operational Procedures include a          Health and
             communication briefing and training for 100% of staff to understand and observe      Safety
             minimum health and hygiene standards to observe infection control.                   Staff
     4       The College’s Health and Safety Policy and Operational Procedures include a          Health and
             communication briefing and training for students to understand and observe           Safety
             minimum health and hygiene standards to observe infection control.                   Student
     5       The College’s Communication Strategy will include the specific information.          Communications
             Guidance and set clear standards for staff, students and all visitors to college.    Strategy
                                                                                                  College Media

     6       The College will ensure that any personal protective clothing, relating to the       Health and
             requirements of managing infection control, are available to staff and students.     Safety
                                                                                                  People Strategy
     7       The College will ensure that the buildings are organised to ensure social            Health and
             distancing and reflect minimum standards of behaviours to observe health and         Safety
             safety regulations detailed in the specific information, guidance and training       People Strategy
             referred to in standards 3 and 4.                                                    Estates Strategy
     8       The College will maintain a specific infection control protocol to deal with any     Health and
             suspected or actual cases of Covid-19 linked to staff, students or visitors to the   Safety
             building.                                                                            People Strategy
     9       The College will implement a revised policy for onsite meals and refreshments        Estates Strategy
             throughout the period required for managing Covid-19 infection control.              Sub-Contractor
     10.     In line with the College’s People Strategy there will be a Covid-19 specific risk    People Strategy
             assessment required and necessary action to request staff to declare and             Enrolment
             evidence any specific personal risks they have in relation to the potential impact   Process
             of Covid-19 and this will be reviewed in accordance with Government guidance
             and College HR and Health and Safety Procedures.
     11      The College will keep all financial and business continuity risks, associated with   Strategic Plan
             Covid-19 under review as guidance and specific legislation determines.

1.         Frequency of Review This Strategy, Standards and Method Statements will be reviewed
           constantly to ensure that WMC is able to maintain safe, physical opening.

     Author: Sue Higginson. June 2020 Issue 05                                                           3
4       College Covid-19 Risk Assessment
The Hazards, Controls and quantification of risk before and after existing and additional controls are as follows:

 RISK ASSESSMENT Covid-19 Pandemic - Return to Work

 Name of Assessor(s): Kenny Scott (Health and Safety Manager) Joseph Finneran (Director of              Date: 16 July 2020
 Estates)                                                                                               Last update 1st Sept 2020                   RA.Ref: C19 03/2020
 This risk assessment document sets out the control measures for a managed opening of Wirral Met College (the College) buildings and a return to work for staff and students.
 The College will implement social distancing and other controls to protect staff and students from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
 These controls are based on guidance received from Government, Local Authority, Educational Associations (AoC) and Public Health England.
 These controls will be under constant review and will be revised to meet safety requirements and comply with appropriate guidance.
 This Risk Assessment will also be regularly reviewed and amended in accordance with appropriate guidance.

 Purpose of Assessment
 To determine the controls appropriate;
 To discharge the College's duty to mitigate workplace risk to the lowest reasonably practicable level by taking preventative measures.
 To assess the risks and hazards associated with the College’s Staff and Students returning to work and learn within its buildings.
 To specify the control and additional control measures required to allow this to take place.
 To specify the range of physical and procedural measures in compliance with or exceeding UK Government guidance on minimising the spread of COVID-19 virus at work.

 Consultation - the College will;
 Continue to consult with key specialist organisations, including the Local Authority informed by Public Health Specialist and underpinned by Government guidance, who have agreed to advise the College that the local level of infection, including the ‘R’
 rate, is safe for the College to be open and this will be a key determinate of this Risk Assessment.
 Promulgate this Risk Assessment and other relevant documentation with its staff and students to ensure understanding and compliance.
 Consult with and share this quantitative risk assessment and other relevant documentation with recognised Representative Bodies.
 Work with other key stakeholders, employers, contractors and relevant bodies required to enter its premises to ensure compliance and protect its workforce and premises.

 Governance: This Strategy and Risk Assessment will be subject to the College’s governance arrangements including Senior Leadership review, Health and Safety Committee, Audit Committee (Board) and full Board of Governors, as well we being
 reviewed by independent auditors, engaged to keep risk and management under constant review.

                                                                                                    Risk level using existing Pre Covid 19                                                            Risk level following additional controls

                                                                                                                                                                                     Method Statement to
                                                         Person(s)    Existing Controls pre                                                       Additional controls to reduce      Communicate Detailed        Likelihood after        Risk level following
            Potential Hazard                             at Risk      Covid 19                  Likelihood   Impact       Risk                    risk                               Instructions                controls                controls
 1          That infection rates are too high in the     All          N/A                                3            5                      15   Monitoring reports and advice      Gateway Standard 1                              1                          5
            local area such that controls in place are                                                                                            provided by Local Public Health
            insufficient                                                                                                                          Officials

            College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                                                                                                                              4
2   That plans are put in place but are not      All      N/A                       3   5   15   Detailed instruction for safe         Method Statements 3, 4    1        5
    communicated effectively                                                                     operations (Method Statements)        and 5
                                                                                                 detail the approach taken by the
                                                                                                 College to mitigate Covid-19 risks.
                                                                                                 Training for staff members prior
                                                                                                 to operations.
                                                                                                 Students to be inducted and
                                                                                                 continuously updated, with
                                                                                                 respect to instructions
3   That staff or students who are at greater    Risk     Sickness and absence      3   4   12   Covid19 risk notification process     People Standard 10        1        4
    risk with respect to Covid-19 are on site.   groups   monitoring procedures                  and declaration requested from        Additional step in
    They may be clinically vulnerable                     and instructions.                      all staff members.                    enrolment process.
    individuals or individuals who present a              Welfare support                        Control measures in line with
    risk to others as a result of their                   Fitness to Study                       govt guidance in place, the risks
    behaviours                                                                                   to all staff returning to the
                                                                                                 workplace (from 01 Aug in
                                                                                                 England and the 16th Aug in
                                                                                                 Wales) will be mitigated
                                                                                                 Individual Risk assessments
                                                                                                 undertaken where necessary.
                                                                                                 Review of Student risk at
                                                                                                 enrolment and student ILP
                                                                                                 welfare review (including EHCP).
4   That staff, students or their families are   All      Sickness and absence      3   5   15   Instructions to be provided to        Method Statements 3, 4,   2       10
    aware of their symptoms but come into                 monitoring procedures                  staff and students regarding not      5 and 8
    College                                               and instructions.                      attending College if they or
                                                          Welfare support                        members of their household have

5   That staff or students develop symptoms      All                                4   5   20   See detailed risks and controls                                 2       10
    whilst at College                                                                            below.
a   Relevant staff member identifies a person             Existing first aid and                 Constant awareness raising.
    with symptoms                                         incidence response                     Additional training for staff and     Method Statement 8
                                                          procedures including                   students to highlight College
                                                          and up to RIDDOR                       response and raise awareness
b   Infected (potential) person will require              First aid trained staff                First Aid Staff receive updated       Method Statements 3, 4
    first aid                                             members are sufficient                 training. Number of first aid         and 8.
                                                          and available at all                   trained staff to be monitored to
                                                          times                                  ensure sufficient number are
                                                                                                 always available. Part of the
                                                                                                 training provided for staff and in
                                                                                                 student induction on how to deal
                                                                                                 with infection presenting on site.
c   Student requires isolation or will spread             Designated first aid                   First aid room would require          Method Statement 2 and
    virus                                                 room on each site                      deep clean following use              8
d   First Aiders / those supporting the ill               Standard First Aid                     Additional personal protection to     Methods Statements 6
    person would require additional                       protocols in place.                    be procured and a sufficient          and 8
    protection from virus                                                                        supply to always be available.
                                                                                                 Personal protection to be used
                                                                                                 per guidance on Covid-19
e   Person with symptoms may have shed                    Current cleaning                       Enhanced cleaning required to         Method Statement 2
    virus throughout the College                          regime                                 disinfect College

    College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                                                 5
6   That there is a confirmed case of Covid 19   All   Current Health and                     Detailed training for staff on       Method Statement 2 and
    in the College (whether the staff                  Safety reporting                       reporting procedures and clear       8
    member/student is on site that day or not)         system up to and                       lines of reporting
    and this is not sufficiently reported and          including RIDDOR                       H&S Manager to notify PHE
    appropriate action taken                           reporting                              (Cheshire)
                                                                                              H&S Manager to notify PHE local
                                                                                              HPT (Cheshire & Merseyside) in
                                                                                              conjunction with
                                                                                              processes and actions required in
                                                                                              line with Wirral Council guidance
                                                                                              on managing a local outbreak

                                                                                              Closure of room, section, building
                                                                                              IF advised
                                                                                              Disinfection and cleaning by
                                                                                              specialist contractors

7   Non-compliance by staff or students with     All   Current staff and         3   5   15   Detailed instructions prepared for   Method Statements 3      1        5
    instructions to observe Covid19 controls           student grievance and                  safe operations in the College.      and 4
    and methods                                        disciplinary procedures                Manager Training with respect to
                                                       Current Health and                     College approach
                                                       Safety monitoring                      Training to all staff on those
                                                       system, reports and                    operating procedures (Method
                                                       spot checks                            Statements)
                                                                                              Induction for all students on
                                                                                              College approach to Covid-19
                                                                                              Student approach to/knowledge
                                                                                              of Covid-19 to form part of
                                                                                              learning walks and learning talks
                                                                                              Regular Training Updates to keep
                                                                                              staff and students up to date

8   That asymptomatic staff/students are on      All                             5   5   25   See detailed risks and controls in                            2       10
    site and shed Covid-19 virus leading to                                                   a to e below.

    College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                                            6
a   That staff and students do not observe      N/A                         The College to be planned and         Method Statement 7
    social distancing, increasing the risk of                               monitored with respect to Social
    transmission of infection                                               Distancing.
                                                                            One way system in place for stairs
                                                                            and directions for corridors
                                                                            Classroom/office layout
                                                                            Timetabling system and cleaning
                                                                            Staff room rota
                                                                            Toilet layout adjusted closing
                                                                            certain urinals for social
                                                                            Barriers in place for example at
                                                                            office desks
                                                                            Working from home is to take
                                                                            place where possible
                                                                            Meetings to be held via online
                                                                            meetings where possible

b   That asymptomatic staff/students do not     Existing hand washing       Hand sanitiser and handwashing        Method Statements 2, 3
    observe hygiene regulations and controls    facilities including hand   to be frequent and available          and 4
    sufficiently to reduce the risk of the      dryers                      throughout the College.
    transfer of the virus to contact surfaces                               Hand dryers to be temporarily
                                                                            suspended and replaced with
    Getting or spreading coronavirus by not                                 paper towels that are put in the
    washing hands or not washing them                                       bin and emptied frequently
    adequately                                                              Handwashing posters to be
                                                                            displayed across the College
                                                                            Respiratory hygiene posters to be
                                                                            displayed throughout the College
                                                                            Restrict use of frequent contact
                                                                            areas through magnetic door
                                                                            opening for fire doors and non-
                                                                            fire doors to remain open for
                                                                            communal areas
                                                                            Prioritisation of contact surfaces
                                                                            for cleaning such as handrails,
                                                                            door handles, light switches,
                                                                            window openers, reception area
                                                                            Personnel lifts are to be for
                                                                            people with disability. Goods lifts
                                                                            are to be used by technicians only
                                                                            Handwashing time to be built
                                                                            into the start / end of lessons
                                                                            (students who have a lunch break
                                                                            in the day are to leave staggered
                                                                            from no earlier than 10 minutes
                                                                            from the end of the lesson to 5
                                                                            minutes from the end of the
                                                                            lesson in order to wash their
                                                                            hands for before their 30 minute
                                                                            lunch break)

    College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                       7
c   That virus is shed and remains active on    Current cleaning   Enhanced cleaning required to          Method Statement 2
    surfaces and in place for a significant     regime             disinfect College
    length of time                                                 Detailed safe operating
                                                                   procedures have been developed
                                                                   and reviewed by local public
                                                                   health expert. This to include
                                                                   materials, items/areas to be
                                                                   cleaned and their prioritisation,
                                                                   rotas and reporting mechanisms
                                                                   for cleaning failure
                                                                   Period of training and trial run for
                                                                   cleaning staff and any technicians
                                                                   involved in the cleaning regime
                                                                   Rigorous monitoring of cleaning
                                                                   standards and rota by cleaning
                                                                   supervisor, Facilities Manager
                                                                   and Health and Safety Manager
                                                                   Cleaning rota built into College
                                                                   timetabling system to ensure
                                                                   timetabling plans are realistic
                                                                   Increased resource to extend
                                                                   capacity of cleaners.
d   That virus is brought into the College or   N/a                Clean desk policy to be in             Method Statements 3
    stays active in the College for a longer                       operation in the College.              and 4
    period of time or on items more likely to                      Non-essential items are to be
    transmit virus                                                 removed from site.
                                                                   No provision of food for
                                                                   communal sharing to be provided

    College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                            8
e   That virus contaminates a wide area/                  Current cleaning                    Controls to limit the sharing of     Method Statements 2, 3
    areas where there would be high footfall.             regime                              materials, work areas and work       and 4.
     Getting or spreading coronavirus in                                                      Departments to review processes
     common use high traffic areas such as                                                    and paperwork during training
     canteens, corridors, rest rooms, toilet                                                  period to replace paper with
     facilities, entry/exit points to facilities,                                             electronic means where possible
     lifts, changing rooms and other                                                          and reduce transfer of paper
     communal areas                                                                           Prioritise cleaning of high use
                                                                                              contact surfaces
                                                                                              Lids to be removed on all bins
                                                                                              and additional bins to be placed
                                                                                              in each classroom
                                                                                              Training to highlight potential
                                                                                              impact of sharing of materials
                                                                                              No 'hot' desking
                                                                                              Review and change bins more
                                                                                              regularly to reduce touching of
                                                                                              bin surfaces
                                                                                              Workshop/kitchen/ tools to be
                                                                                              designated at the start of any
                                                                                              teaching. Technicians to design
                                                                                              any additional cleaning
                                                                                              procedures with line managers
                                                                                              which are recorded in Method
                                                                                              Statement 2 – which relates to
                                                                                              cleaning standards and are
                                                                                              approved by the Health and
                                                                                              Safety manager as part of
                                                                                              updating risk assessments

                                                                                               Put in place monitoring and
                                                                                               supervision to make sure
                                                                                               people are following controls
                                                                                               put in place, e.g. following
                                                                                               hygiene procedures, washing
                                                                                               hands, following one-way
                                                                                               - Near-miss reporting may also
                                                                                               help identify where controls
                                                                                               cannot be followed or people
                                                                                               are not doing what they should
9   That staff or students' mental health is        All   Current HR and         3   4   12   Extensive training/induction to be   Method Statement 3 and   2       8
    impacted by either not being able to enter            student wellbeing                   provided prior to reopening of       10
    the College, or entering the College but              policies and support                full operations to engage staff in
    feeling unsafe. That staff member’s                   including access to                 consultation and build
    mental health may be impacted by Covid-               counselling helpline                confidence in measures
    19 affecting a close family member.                                                       Staff provided opportunities to
                                                           Keep staff members                 engage with Managers/Facilities
     Mental health and wellbeing affected                  updated on what is                 to adjust physical environment to
     through isolation or anxiety about                    happening so they                  improve safety and their
     coronavirus                                           feel involved and                  wellbeing
                                                           reassured                          Additional consideration of
                                                                                              People Strategy

    College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                                            9
10   That Social Distancing controls are not      All   Timetabling system       4   5   20   Curriculum Strategy and              Method Statements 3, 4       1        5
     observed due to too many staff/students            Staff area rota                       timetables to reduce on site         and 7 and 9.
     being in the same place at the same time                                                 learning.
                                                                                              Working from home where
                                                                                              Staff room rota
                                                                                              Staggered arrival and departure
                                                                                              No breaks within lessons for
                                                                                              whole class
                                                                                              Comfort breaks to be throughout
                                                                                              lesson for individual students
                                                                                              Lunch times to be controlled and
                                                                                              kept to 30 minutes
                                                                                              No smoking on site
                                                                                              One way system to be in place in
                                                                                              College with signage
                                                                                              Classes to start and end on time
                                                                                              with ending to build in
                                                                                              handwashing by staggering
                                                                                              departure from 10 minutes from
                                                                                              the end of the lesson
                                                                                              Monitoring by managers
11   That Social Distancing controls are not      All   N/A                      5   5   25   Room layouts can only be             Method Statement 3 and       1        5
     observed due to room layouts being                                                       changed following agreement          7
     changed without permission.                                                              with line manager AND facilities
12   That ventilation system is inappropriately   All   Existing standards and   2   5   10   College's air handling,              Facilities Maintenance       1        5
     maintained that could risk transmission of         controls to maintain                  conditioning and air movement        Programme.
     the virus in College                               safe air and water                    systems will be maintained and       Method Statement 3
                                                        systems are part of                   activated in accordance with
                                                        routine maintenance.                  Government guidance linked to
                                                                                              infection [HSE guidance Q&A
                                                                                              Covid-19 number 6]

13    Poor workplace ventilation leading to       All                            2   5   10    Follow HSE guidance on              - maintain air circulation   1        5
      risks of coronavirus spreading                                                           heating ventilation and air         systems in line with
                                                                                               conditioning (HVAC)                 manufacturers’
                                                                                               - Identify area s in all or parts   recommendations
                                                                                               of your workplace where             Method Statement 3
                                                                                               additional ventilation may be
                                                                                               required to increase air flow
                                                                                               - Fresh air is the preferred way
                                                                                               of ventilating the workplace so
                                                                                               opening windows and doors
                                                                                               (that are not fire doors) can
                                                                                               New windows installed in
                                                                                               Conway Park windows

     College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                                               10
14   That social distancing is not observed in    All   n/a                    5   5   25   Barriers and social distancing        Method Statement 7       1        5
     common areas such as reception, food                                                   marking in place.
     service areas                                                                          Staggered timetables, rotas and
                                                                                            removal of general breaks within
                                                                                            sessions. In reception
                                                                                            staff to redesign processes to
                                                                                            limit sharing of materials, queues
                                                                                            and face-to-face interaction
                                                                                            Mail to be collected in a safe
15   That class-group ‘bubbles’ designed to       All   Existing timetabling   5   5   25   Revised curriculum strategy to        Curriculum Strategy      1        5
     work with social distancing breakdown              system                              blend learning; Enhanced              Timetabling system and
     because students or staff are timetabled                                               timetabling planning system to        Manager timetabling
     across multiple bubbles in a manner that                                               consider rooms, cleaning              training
     does not observe social distancing or                                                  schedules,
     reduce / lose the risk of restricting the                                              Maths and English to be primarily
     need for self- isolation over time.                                                    delivered through online sessions
                                                                                            and/or strict socially distanced

16   That certain roles present a greater level   All   Current risk           3   4   12   Staff will generally not require      Method Statement 8.      2        8
     or risk of infection and controls are not          assessments for PPE                 specific PPE but some roles and
     increased for those staff members                                                      circumstances will require it They
                                                                                            will be issued with the
                                                                                            appropriate PPE and training in
                                                                                            its safe use and disposal. If staff
                                                                                            don’t require but would like to
                                                                                            use additional protective
                                                                                            equipment, this will be
                                                                                            considered on a case by case

     College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                                          11
17   That staff and students do not observe        All   Water is currently          4   5   20   Food available on-site to be           Method Statements 3, 4   1        5
     social distancing during lunch break or             dispensed in corridors                   limited by timetabling                 and 9
     extend their presence to other parts of the         from drinking towers                     Lunch times to be restricted to 30
     College they are not scheduled to be in,                                                     minutes
     compromising their class-group ‘bubble’                                                      Prepacked lunches to be served
     therefore increasing the risk of infection.                                                  at designated spaces
     That Social Distancing is maintained but                                                     Staggered lunch breaks
     that meals are eaten in an unsafe manner                                                     Strict social distancing queuing
     without due regard to hand hygiene                                                           Disposable cutlery to be used but
                                                                                                  not provided in a communal
                                                                                                  selection area.
                                                                                                  Access to kitchens and fridges to
                                                                                                  be limited with additional fridges
                                                                                                  provided if necessary. Hygiene of
                                                                                                  fridges to be maintained with
                                                                                                  disinfectant spray and hand
                                                                                                  washing before eating meals.
                                                                                                  Water dispensers will be
                                                                                                  unavailable, bottled water will be
                                                                                                  provided on request provided it
                                                                                                  can be distributed in a safe
                                                                                                  Vending machines to be switched
                                                                                                  off and made unavailable

18   That the College is unable to perform an      All   Full return of facilities   3   4   12   Facility Officer numbers               Built into Fire          1        4
     emergency evacuation, because it has too            officers prior to on-site                monitored daily and access for all     Evacuations Standards.
     few Facility Officers.                              operations.                              staff to tests
     The fire evacuation compromises social              Existing sickness                        Social Distancing is expected to
     distancing                                          monitoring for                           increase awareness of alternative
                                                         Facilities Officers                      staircases used for one-way
                                                         Existing fire regulation                 system. Muster Stations to allow
                                                         procedures                               for social distancing. Social
                                                                                                  Distancing whilst exiting College
                                                                                                  to be suspended. Social
                                                                                                  Distancing at Fire evacuation
                                                                                                  areas to be monitored by Fire
19   That the use of College vehicles increases    All   N/Aa                        4   4   16   College vehicles to be driver only     Method Statement 6       2        8
     risk of transmission                                                                         where possible.
                                                                                                  Face coverings to be used if this is
                                                                                                  not possible and the driver is
                                                                                                  Vehicle to be kept ventilated
                                                                                                  when accompanied
                                                                                                  Spray sanitiser to be used on all
                                                                                                  contact surfaces and hand
                                                                                                  washing after leaving the vehicle

     College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                                                 12
20   That virus contaminates College deliveries     All   n/a                       4   5   20   There should be no physical          Method Statement 7          2        10
     or the driver is infected                                                                   handover of deliveries.
                                                                                                 Deliveries are to be provided in a
                                                                                                 manner that does not require
                                                                                                 reception or facilities staff to
                                                                                                 breach social distancing.
                                                                                                 Where possible deliveries should
                                                                                                 be stored in an area for 72 hours
                                                                                                 before touching
                                                                                                 Where this is not possible hands
                                                                                                 are to be washed after handling

21   That certain people with particular            All   n/a                       4   5   20   An Equality Impact Assessment        Equality Impact             2        10
     characteristics may be more at risk of virus                                                will remain under constant           Assessment
                                                                                                 review with our EDI Committee.
22    Musculoskeletal disorders as a result of      All   Provision of reasonable   3   4   12   There is no increased risk for                                   2         8
      using DSE at home for a long period of              adjustments                            people working at home
      time                                                                                       temporarily but if this
                                                                                                 arrangement becomes long term
                                                                                                 the risks should be assessed
                                                                                                 College Homeworking Policy

                                                                                                  - For all people working at home
                                                                                                 using display screen equipment
                                                                                                 (DSE) put in place information
                                                                                                 and training on how to protect
                                                                                                 themselves, e.g. take regular
                                                                                                 breaks, stretching exercises, set
                                                                                                 the equipment up properly

23   That Government issued information and         All   Routine compliance        4   5   20   Completion of DFE Covid-19           Routine updating of         2        10
     guidance changes that no longer reflects             against all regulatory                 Action Plan to Phase Release of      strategic and operational
     College's plans and strategy                         bodies, audited                        Lockdown template                    controls.
                                                          independently and                      Use of Government guidance in        Gateway Standard 1
                                                          monitored through                      preparing documents
                                                          Audit Committee to                     Review by local public health of
                                                          the Board                              strategy, risk assessment and
                                                                                                 implementation plans
                                                                                                 Scrutiny and authorisation by the
24   Following cleaning regimes or any              All   Existing bin cleaning     3   4   12   More bins on site and bins to be     Method Statement 2          1         4
     operations that waste is not disposed of in          and refuse collections                 emptied more frequently to
     a safe manner                                                                               ensure that they are not
                                                                                                 Where materials have greater
                                                                                                 potential to be hazardous they
                                                                                                 are to be double bagged and left
                                                                                                 for 72 hours before being added
                                                                                                 to normal refuse

     College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                                                 13
25   That lockdown has compromised site             All        Standard procedures                  1           4           4   Not required, existing operations    Existing operations       1        4
     safety with respect to normal                             to maintain essential                                            were maintained during               policies and procedures
     maintenance operations (legionella etc.)                  systems have been                                                lockdown
                                                               managed throughout

26   That contractors on-site do not follow         All        Existing instructions to             3           4          12   College closed to general public     Method Statement 5        1        4
     College infection controls and increase risk              contractors system                                               and visitors by approval and
                                                                                                                                appointment only.
                                                                                                                                Update existing instructions to
                                                                                                                                contractors for Covid-19
                                                                                                                                Contractors to be excluded from
                                                                                                                                refectories and are not to take
                                                                                                                                breaks inside the buildings except
                                                                                                                                where they are directly working.
                                                                                                                                Contractor areas to be included
                                                                                                                                in any cleaning rota for the
                                                                                                                                evening/morning when they are
                                                                                                                                not present.
27   That visitors to College site(s) are not       All        Visitor guidance and                 3           4          12   Visitors will be curtailed to        Method Statement 5        0        0
     aware/do not follow the College's rules to                monitor to manage                                                essential only, approved by a
     reduce infection and increase the level of                visitor attendance and                                           Manager and will be escorted
     virus risk                                                safeguarding.                                                    from and to reception

     Types of person(s) at risk

              Within the above, "All" refers to any person whether staff, student or visitor who attends a College site.

     College Covid-19 Risk Assessment                                                                                                                                                              14
Social Distancing Standard
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