COVID-19 UPDATE Facts & Figures 28/07/2020 - Generali Investments

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COVID-19 UPDATE Facts & Figures 28/07/2020 - Generali Investments
Facts & Figures – 28/07/2020
Issued July 28, 2020

Last Contagion Figures
  July 27: 214,052 total new cases (+1.3%), vs 223,233 the previous day and 253,407 7-day average. Now confirmed
   16,492,889 cases worldwide (213 countries and territories) vs 14,719,038 cases last week.
  653,652 people have died (4.0% of confirmed cases) and 10,020,651 have recovered (60.8%).
  Europe: 2,342,867 cases; 7-day average growth of 13,549. USA: 4,290,259 cases; 7-day average growth of 65,083.
  Brazil: 2,443,480 cases, 7-day average growth of 45,976. India: 1,482,503 cases, 7-day average growth of 46,798.
  New cases reached a new record on July 24 with almost 285,000 infections. In the past week, the USA, India, Brazil,
   South Africa, Mexico and Peru registered new highs in daily cases.
  Australia, Japan and Hong Kong are experiencing a second wave of contagions after having initially contained the
   virus. The daily cases count already surpassed its previous peak in all three countries, and it is still increasing.

As of today, Australia, Japan and Hong Kong recorded a total of 600, 237 and 370 cases per million people,
versus an average of around 4,200 for the main European countries and 13,000 for the USA.

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                            TOP 10 most hit countries                                                                                    Most hit regions
                               Cases                             Deaths                                                                  Cases                                            Deaths
       Country                                                                                Country
                      Total     1-Day    7D avg       Total      1-Day     7D avg                                        Total           1-Day     7D avg                  Total          1-Day           7D avg
         USA         4,290,259   + 56,336   + 65,083   148,011   + 1,076   + 998          North America                5,052,765        + 67,116         + 77,489         206,855          + 1,505        + 1,774
         Brazil      2,443,480   + 23,579   + 45,976   87,679    + 627     + 1,061         Asia ex China               4,344,455        + 73,336         + 75,518          92,619          + 1,258        + 1,495
         India       1,482,503   + 46,484   + 46,798   33,448    + 636     + 764          South America                3,787,364        + 46,146         + 68,673         135,545          + 1,337        + 1,802
        Russia       818,120     + 5,635    + 5,805    13,354     + 85     + 132               Europe                  2,342,867        + 13,388         + 13,549         195,583           + 168         + 242
      South Africa   452,529     + 7,096    + 11,272    7,067    + 298     + 271                Africa                  864,094         + 13,466         + 17,724          18,218           + 410         + 393
        Mexico       390,516     + 5,480    + 6,613    43,680    + 306     + 642               Oceania                   16,664           + 532            + 416             183             +6            +5
         Peru        389,717     + 4,920    + 4,577    18,418    + 189     + 200                Others                     721               -                -              15                -             -
         Chile       347,923     + 2,133    + 2,128     9,187     + 75      + 79     * Regi ona l cl a s s i fi ca tion a ccordi ng to the Uni ted Na tions Geos cheme; Rus s i a i ncl uded i n As i a
         Spain       325,862     + 2,120    + 1,992    28,434     +2        +2
          UK         300,111      + 685      + 677     45,759     +7        + 64

More information about the short-term forecasting models for total cases and total deaths presented below
available on our Focal Point: Covid-19: proprietary models set to monitor pandemic evolution.

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Note: Data sources: WHO, CDC, ECDC, JHU,, state and national government health departments,
local media reports, Google Mobility Report, Bloomberg. The day is reset after midnight GMT+0. For additional infor-
mation regarding the data collected and presented in this document please contact mattia.mammarella@generali-in-

Main news
  Moderna said it has received an additional $472m for the development of its coronavirus’ vaccine, which just entered
   into a late-stage trial which will include about 30,000 adults.
  On Saturday, Brazil’s president Bolsonaro said he has tested negative for Covid, crediting hydroxychloroquine for his
   recovery despite a lack of scientific evidence about its effectiveness.
  US Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said they will present a new relief programme to address health, economic
   assistance and school. It will also include direct payments to individuals and over $100bn for schools.
  Following the increase in cases in Spain, the Madrid regional government tightened coronavirus restrictions making
   masks mandatory in public areas and limiting the number of people allowed at private gatherings.
  The IMF has approved a $4.3 billion emergency loan to South Africa.
  Hong Kong, which is one of the countries experiencing a second wave of infections, announced further restrictions to
   limit the outbreak, including a ban of gatherings of more than 2 people and mandatory facemasks in all public places.
  The UK reintroduced a two-week mandatory quarantine on all travellers returning from Spain.

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 Head of Research                                                      Vincent Chaigneau (

 Head of Macro & Market Research:                                      Dr. Thomas Hempell, CFA (

 Team:                                                                 Elisabeth Assmuth (
                                                                       Elisa Belgacem (
                                                                       Radomír Jáč (
                                                                       Jakub Krátký (
                                                                       Michele Morganti (
                                                                       Vladimir Oleinikov, CFA (
                                                                       Dr. Martin Pohl (
                                                                       Dr. Thorsten Runde (
                                                                       Dr. Christoph Siepmann (
                                                                       Dr. Florian Späte, CIIA (
                                                                       Dr. Martin Wolburg, CIIA (
                                                                       Paolo Zanghieri, PhD (

 Head of Insurance and AM Research: Michele Morganti (

 Team:                                                                 Raffaella Bagata (
                                                                       Alberto Cybo-Ottone, PhD (
                                                                       Mattia Mammarella (
                                                                       Roberto Menegato (
                                                                       Giovanni Millo, PhD (
                                                                       Antonio Salera, PhD (
                                                                       Cristiana Settimo (
                                                                       Federica Tartara, CFA (

 Issued by:                                                            Generali Insurance Asset Management S.p.A., Research Department

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  S.p.A Società di gestione del risparmio S.p.A Società di gestione del risparmio S.p.A. Società di gestione del risparmio
 Sources for charts and tables:          Thomson Reuters Datastream, Bloomberg, own calculations
  Piazza Tre Torri                         2, Rue Pillet-Will                     Tunisstraße 19-23
  20145 Milano MI, Italy                   75009 Paris Cedex 09, France           50667 Cologne, Germany

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  34132 Trieste TS, Italy
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