COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP

COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
         Data &
By Health Plan of Nevada’s Medicaid Plan
COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
HPN Vaccination Rates
Vaccine Rates for Medicaid                                                           From 12/20/21-4/4/21 the eligible
Population (ages 12+)                                                                population for the COVID-19 vaccines
• Current eligible Medicaid members
  (ages 12+) = 203,681                                                               • 16 and older with underlying
                                                                                       conditions and disabilities and those
• Vaccinated members currently                                                         experiencing homelessness.
  eligible = 45,083
                                                                                     • Ages 65 and older (not applicable to
• % vaccination on current members                                                     HPN’s Medicaid members).
  only = 22.13%
                                                                                     Effective 4/5/21, all Nevadans 16 and
                                                                                     older were eligible for COVID-19
                                                                                     vaccine *

                                                                                     * Vast majority of HPNs Medicaid

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COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
Fully Vaccinated vs. One Dose Medicaid Member
(December 2020-July 8, 2021)                                                                              Vaccination Status by LOB
                                    VACCINATION STATUS BY RACE                               70.00%
                                  1.13%                                                      50.00%
  Amer. Ind./Alaskan Nat.         1.17%
                                                  11.66%                                                                                               13.99%
     Asian/Pacific Islander                                                                  30.00%         16.46%
                                                                                             20.00%    8.17%                                   13.70%
                                                        16.06%                                                    1.57% 3.41%
Black/Black (Non-Hispanic)                          13.52%                                   10.00%
                                                                                34.58%                  CHAP       Check-Up       Expansion     TANF
                  Hispanic                                            26.85%
                                                                         29.83%                                Fully Vaccinated     One Dose
                    White                                                           37.44%
                                          6.73%                                                                Vaccination Status Rate
               Other Race                 6.63%
             Not Provided     0.01%

                          0.00%    5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00%

                                    One Dose       Fully-Vaccinated                                                                           80.42%

Vaccination Overall Total = 46,846 (includes current members and non-current members )
                                                                                                           Fully Vaccinated         One Dose                    3
COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
Member Focused Initiatives
              Member Incentive
                                                                                                                                               Member Reminders/Community
$15 Visa Gift card                                                                                                                             Education and Funding
• Effective 7/1/2021 all members eligible
    for COVID vaccination will receive a $15                                                                                      Mailed postcards
    gift card when they are fully vaccinated.                                                                                     • Vaccine initiation postcard encouraging members to
Transportation                                                                                                                         start vaccine series.
• MTM offers same-day transportation for                                                                                          • Reminder postcards to encourage/remind members to
   Medicaid members to vaccine locations                                                                                               complete 2nd dose.
   and any event that is including COVID                                                                                          Live Calls
   vaccinations.                                                                                                                  • Vaccine navigator to call members to remind them to
Grant Funding                                                                                                                          complete 2nd dose.
• Immunize Nevada - $175,000 grant to                                                                                             Member Publications
   increase childhood and COVID-19                                                                                                • Published COVID-19 vaccine article in Summer 2021
   immunization rate by hiring a vaccine                                                                                               member magazine expected to be in mailboxes this
   equity manager(identify gaps, provide                                                                                               week.
   education, and no-cost clinics based on                                                                                        • Posted COVID-19 vaccine page on the website to help
   identified gaps).                                                                                                                   members find vaccine locations.
• Puentes - $15,000 grant to support                                                                                              Funding
   COVID-19 vaccine clinics in partnership                                                                                        • Provided funding for marketing materials to promote
   with UNLVSOM to serve Latino                                                                                                       City of Las Vegas COVID-19 vaccine clinics at recreation
   communities.                                                                                                                       centers.
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COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
Member Mailers

Proprietary information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.
COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
Provider Focused Initiatives

• Provider Incentive Program                                                                                                       $25
     $25 Provider Incentive- Effective 9/1/2021, providers will receive incentive for                                               per
     members who are fully vaccinated.                                                                                            member

• First Med FQHC
       Provide incentive funding to First Med for patients who receive COVID-19 vaccines in their clinic.

• Partnerships with providers
       Back to School Events: Partner with CBOs to administer vaccines to eligible people during
       back to school events.
       Data Sharing: Include vaccination rates in existing performance summary reports
       to encourage providers to vaccinate.

• Health Equity Associate Director
       Hired employee for this new position that will focus on reducing health disparities, including
       COVID-19 vaccination rates in the Medicaid population. Employee start date is 8/01/2021.
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COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
Medical and Behavioral Health
COVID-19 Outreach/Education
COVID-19 Vaccination Data & Initiatives - By Health Plan of Nevada's Medicaid Plan - DHCFP
COVID Vaccination Hesitancy
Assessment Overview
    ENGAGE – Strongly recommend receiving
    the vaccine                                                                               COVID-19 Vaccine Assessment

    LISTEN – Hear member concerns and seek                                                    Please Answer Questions Below:
    to understand contributing factors
                                                                                              •   Have you received the COVID vaccine?
    EDUCATE – Respond with known facts
                                                                                              •   Are you interested in receiving the COVID
    EMPOWER – Ask the member to state their
    next action step. Assist when appropriate                                                 •   What makes you hesitant about receiving the
                                                                                                  COVID vaccine?
    COVID-19 Resources
                                                                                              •   Are you interested in receiving additional
                                                                                                  information about the COVID vaccine?
 Helpful Links:
 • Making a Strong Recommendation for COVID-19 Vaccination (Click Here for CDC Guidance)
 • Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy:                                                              •   Do you have plans to get the COVID vaccine?                               Do you need any assistance?
 • COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions (Click Here for FAQ's)
 • COVID-19 Employee Resources (including where to find a vaccine, travel guidelines, etc.)
 • (Click Here for COVID-19 Employee Resources Page on the Hub)
 • Fact Sheet about how to get the vaccine                                                          10
COVID Vaccination Hesitancy Medicaid Outreach/Education
 (April 1, 2021- July 8, 2021)
                                                                                               When asked if the Member wants the COVID Vaccine
COVID-19 Hesitancy Outreach By Department
                                                                                                             9%               13%
  900                                                        826
  850    789
  800                                                                                                             21%                                   57%
  650                                       618
  550                          507
  500                                                                        427
  400                                                                                                 YES           NO        DECLINE TO ANSWER                 NA*
  250                                                                                         *NA= members currently have COVID or other medical condition or altered mental status
  200                                             126
  100                                                   52                                                   What Makes you hesitant of the vaccine?                          %
   50             1      2             17                           11   3          5     2
    0                                                                                         Lack of Knowledge                                                          25%

        AC/SCD               BHO SCA         Care Advocacy   CHW             CMS OB-CAC       Other (medical condition; behavioral needs; allergies; does not            18%
                                                                                              travel; doctor advised against)
        COC ICM              DM/HEW          OPCM            CFMP            WPCM
                                                                                              Safety Concerns                                                            18%
        OOA/Transplant       Reno            WH/PT           SCP-SMA
                                                                                              Side Effects                                                               16%
                                                                                              Pediatric member                                                           5%
 Medicaid Members Outreached = 3,386
                                                                                              Pregnant Member                                                            3%
                                                                                              Religious/Cultural Views                                                   3%
COVID Vaccination Initiatives

 Church Outreach: On 6/27/21           Detention Center Outreach:              Advice Nurse Team: initiating
  CHW reached out to African-            Community Health Workers (CHWs)          vaccine hesitancy assessment/
  American Church (Greater Carver        attended the City of Las Vegas           discussions with inbound callers
  MB Church) and gave an                 Detention Center Inmate Resource
  overview on the CHW program,           Seminar on 7/1/21. CHWs will            Advice Nurse Team/Sickle Cell
  benefits offered through               provide community resources, COVID       Disease Program: Provided
  Medicaid, and COVID vaccination        vaccination outreach and education       outreach/education and
  hesitancy and resources                to released homeless inmates             vaccination resources to
    • This is a first in a series of       • During COVID, jail visits were       Medicaid members enrolled in
       reaching out to churches               suspended, although, CHWs           the program
       within the Medicaid                    have assisted recently released
       community                              inmates with community
                                              resources, COVID vaccination
                                              resources, and bus passes
                                           • Jail visits will resume soon

COVID Vaccination Outreach Story

  AC/TAN RN spoke with a woman
  in her forties with chronic pain
                                                                 RN explained to this patient the MRNA is
  and some other issues. She told
                                     RN asked her if she         not really a new technology that
  the RN she was interested but
                                     noticed that LV and most    scientists and doctors have been using
  wanted to wait and watch how
                                                                 the MRNA to treat cancer in some
  those currently vaccinated         of the country is opening
                                                                 patients. The nurse also told the member
  fared. She also expressed some     up to a new normal, more    that the scientists in the US and around
  concern at what many have the      business opening and        the world shared information and break-
  mindset that the vaccine was       talked with member          through findings which assisted in
  created very quickly.
                                     about those vaccinated      developing such effective vaccines at a
                                     will be able, in some       faster rate. After the discussion the
                                     situations, not be          patient was open to getting the vaccine
                                     required to wear a mask.    and the nurse provided her two avenues
                                                                 on how to schedule an appointment. She
                                                                 expressed gratitude and kindness at the
                                                                 end of the call.

Community Organizations
SMA COVID-19 Vaccination
   Data and Outreach
2021 Covid-19 Vaccine Event Timeline-SMA

 Proprietary information of UnitedHealth Group. Do not distribute or reproduce without express permission of UnitedHealth Group.
SMA COVID-19 Efforts
•   SMA has worked with Nevada state officials to bring
    COVID-19 vaccines to the southern Nevada
    community while following the guidelines outlined by
    the Southern Nevada Health District. SMA is offering
    a drive-thru vaccination clinic at the Tenaya location
    offering patients who are eligible to receive their first
    vaccine dose.

Medicine on the Move COVID-19 vaccine clinics
• 6/2/21 COVID-19 clinic at Community Health Alliance, Wells Clinic
• 7/23/21 COVID-19 clinic to be held at CARES Campus (homeless shelter)

SMA COVID-19 Efforts
Email Blast to         Social Media
100,000+ patients      Promotion from
in 3 months.           February - May
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