Cruelty-Free Made Simple - Cruelty-Free Kitty

Page created by Jacqueline Snyder
Cruelty-Free Made Simple - Cruelty-Free Kitty
Made Simple
How to shop ethically, find the best beauty brands,
and help end animal testing.                          2021

  © 2021                         1
Cruelty-Free Made Simple - Cruelty-Free Kitty

Introduction                         3

List of cruelty-free brands         4-7

Product guides                       8

Cruelty-free brands at Sephora       9

Cruelty-free brands at drugstores   10

Resources                            11

© 2021           2
Cruelty-Free Made Simple - Cruelty-Free Kitty
Why Cruelty-Free?
                         More than half of the brands you see in stores still test on animals. Animal testing
                         is less reliable than non-animal alternatives to determine product safety, yet
                         companies or governments rely on it because it’s cheap. By choosing cruelty-free
                         products, we can vote with our money and show brands that animal testing will no
                         longer be tolerated.

                         How does Cruelty-Free Kitty help?
                         We verify brands by contacting them directly, and each brand added to our
                         cruelty-free list has been carefully vetted and has answered all our questions.

                         One of the differences between Cruelty-Free Kitty and organizations such as PETA
                         or Leaping Bunny is that we’re the ones reaching out to companies, while PETA and
                         Leaping Bunny certification is done on a voluntary basis. By reaching out to brands,
                         we gather animal testing policies from companies that are otherwise overlooked.
                         This is why our database includes over 850 brands, including all the popular brands
                         found in stores.

                         Many big brands try to trick consumers with misleading claims and incomplete
                         policies. We publish their full animal testing policies and expose those that are not
                         truly cruelty-free. Examples of such brands include Wet n Wild, Physicians Formula,
                         L’Oreal, Origins, MAC, and many more.

                         More Information
                         Brand policies are subject to change. For more information and to find the
                         latest updates, please visit

© 2021                                                                                      3
Cruelty-Free Made Simple - Cruelty-Free Kitty
List of
Cruelty-Free Brands
NOTE: Brands marked with an asterisk (*) are cruelty-free,
but are owned by a company that isn’t.

#                                      Avalon Organics       Cailyn Cosmetics
100% Pure                              Aveda*                California Tan
3INA                                   Axiology              Captain Blankenship
A                                      B                     Carol’s Daughter*
A Perfume Organic                      Babo Botanicals       Caswell-Massey
Abba*                                  Badger                Cate McNabb
Acure                                  Baja Bae              Catrice
Adorn Cosmetics                        Balm Balm             Celeb Luxury
Adwoa Beauty                           Barefaced Beauty      Certain Dri
Aesop                                  BareMinerals*         Chantecaille
Aether Beauty                          Barry M               Chi Chi Cosmetics
Afterglow Cosmetics                    Beauty by Earth       China Glaze
AG Hair                                Beauty Bio            Christophe Robin
Aila Cosmetics                         Beautyblender         Ciaté
Alaffia                                Becca*                CleanWell
Alba Botanica                          Bellapierre           Clove + Hallow
Alima Pure                             Ben Nye               Cocofloss
Amika                                  Benecos               Coloured Raine
Anastasia Beverly Hills                Besame                Colourpop
Andalou Naturals                       BH Cosmetics          Conair
Annabelle                              Bite Beauty*          Concrete Minerals
Antipodes                              Black Radiance        COOLA
Antonym                                Blinc                 Copycat Beauty
Arctic Fox                             Blissoma              Cosmedix
Ardell                                 Booda Organics        Cover FX
Ardency Inn                            Boots*                Cover Girl*
Aromi                                  Boosy Cosmetics       Crazy Rumors
Arquiste                               Botanics*             Crystal
As I Am                                Briogeo               CYO Cosmetics*
Astonish                               Bulldog*
Athar´a Pure                           Bumble and Bumble*    D
Attitude                               Butter London         D.S. & Durga
Au Naturale                            Buxom*                Das Boom
Aubrey Organics                        By Rosie Jane         Davids
Auromère                               BYBI Beauty           De Mamiel
Australian Gold                                              Deborah Lippmann
Australis                              C                     Deck of Scarlet
Avalea                                 C.O. Bigelow          Deco Miami

© 2021                                                        4
Cruelty-Free Made Simple - Cruelty-Free Kitty
Deep Steep                    Face Atelier             House of Lashes
Derma E                       Faith in Nature          Hugo Naturals
Dermablend*                   Farmacy Beauty           Hurraw!
DERMAdoctor                   Farsali                  Hush & Dotti
Dermalogica*                  Fiona Stiles             Hynt Beauty
DermOrganic                   Fior Minerals
Desert Essence                Fitglow                  I
DevaCurl*                     Flora + Bast             I Am Selfcare
DeVita                        Flower                   IGK
Doll 10                       Forager Botanicals       Iles Formula
Dose Of Colors                Formula 10.0.6           ILIA
dpHUE                         Formulary 55             Illamasqua
Dr. Alkaitis                  Fortune Cookie Soap      Indie Lee
Dr. Barbara Sturm             Frank Body               Infuse by Casabella
Dr. Bronner’s                 French Girl              Inika
Dr. Dennis Gross              Function of beauty       InstaNatural
Dr. Hauschka                  Furless                  IT Cosmetics*
Drunk Elephant                                         It’s a 10
Drybar                        G
DuWop                         Gabriel Cosmetics        J
                              Gerard Cosmetics         J.R. Watkins
E                             Giovanni                 Jack Black*
Earth’s Beauty                Girlactik                Jacq´s
Earth Tu Face                 Gisou                    Jane
Ecco Bella                    Glo Skin Beauty          Jane Iredale
EcoColors                     Gloss Moderne            Japonesque
ECOS                          Glossier                 JASON
EcoTools                      Glow Recipe              Jeffree Star
Edible Beauty                 Good Dye Young           JINsoon
Edward Bess                   GOSH                     John Masters Organics
Elate                         Grande Cosmetics         John Russo
Elemis                        Graydon                  Jordana
Eleven Australia              Gressa                   Josh Rosebrook
Elf                                                    Josie Maran
Elizabeth Grant               H                        Jouer
Ella + Mila                   H20 Plus                 Juice Beauty
Ellis Faas                    Habit                    Julep
Ellovi                        HAN                      Juvia´s Place
Emani                         Hana Organic Skincare
Embryolisse                   Hard Candy*              K
EO Products                   Hard Botanicals          Kahina Giving Beauty
Epic Blend                    Harvey Prince Organics   Kaia Naturals
Ere Perez                     Hask                     Kaja
Essence                       Hello Products*          Kari Gran
Eva Nyc                       Hempme                   Kate Somerville*
Everyday Minerals             Hempz                    Kenra*
EVOLVh                        Herbatint                Kesha Rose Beauty
Eyeko                         Herbivore Botanicals     Kester Black
                              Horore Des Pres          Kevin Murphy
F                             Hourglass*               Kiko

© 2021                                                    5
Cruelty-Free Made Simple - Cruelty-Free Kitty
Kiss My Face                  Marc Jacobs Beauty*      Odacite
Kjaer Weis                    Marcelle                 Odylique
KKW Beauty                    Maria Nila               OFRA Cosmetics
Koh Gen Do                    Marie Hunter Beauty      Olaplex
Kopari Beauty                 Mario Badescu            Ole Henriksen
Kora Organics                 Marks & Spencer          Olivella
Kosas                         Marula                   Omorovicza
Kreyol Essence                May Lindstrom            One Love Organics
Kryolan                       Mehron                   OOO Polish
KVD Vegan Beauty*             Melt Cosmetics           Organic Bath Co
Kylie Cosmetics*              Mented Cosmetics         Oribe*
KYPRIS                        Meow Meow Tweet          Orly
                              Merle Norman             Osea Malibu
L                             Method                   Oshun Organics
L.A. Girl                     Milani                   Ouai
Lancer                        Milk Makeup              Oui the People
Lano                          Mineral Fusion           Ouidad
Lather                        Molly’s Suds             Out of Africa
Laura Geller                  Molton Brown*            Overtone
Lauren B. Beauty              Moroccanoil              Oz Naturals
Lavanila                      Mrs. Meyer´s*
Le Couvent Des Minimes        Mukti                    P
Le Labo*                      MUN                      Pacifica
Le Petit Olivier              Murad*                   Pai
Level Naturals                MV Organic Skincare      Painted Earth
Lilah B.                      My Daughter Fragrances   Palladio
Lily Lolo                     MyChelle                 Pangea Organics
Lina Hanson                                            Patchology
Lit Cosmetics                 N                        Paul Mitchell
Linda Halberg                 Nabla Cosmetics          Paula’s Choice
Lit Cosmetics                 Nad’s                    Peace Out
Live Clean                    Natasha Denona           Penhaligon’s*
Living Proof*                 Natio                    People Of Color Beauty
Liz Earle*                    Natura                   Perfekt
Lotis Wei                     Nature Clean             Perricone MD
Lulu Organics                 Nature’s Gate            Personna*
Lunar Beauty                  NCLA                     Phlur
Lurk                          Nellie’s                 Pinrose
LUSH                          NEST Fragrances          PiperWei
LVX                           Nip+Fab                  Pixi
                              No B.S.                  Plant Apothecary
M                             No7*                     Pour Le Monde
Mad Hippie                    Nourish Organic          Pravana*
Madara Cosmetics              Nubian Heritage*         Preserve
Madison Reed                  Nude By Nature           Prettu Frank
Maëlys Cosmetics              Nude Skincare            Primark
MAHALO                        nyl                      Priti NYC
Maison Louis MArie            NYX*                     Province Apothecary
Makeup Geek                                            Pupa Milano
Manic Panic                   O                        PUR Cosmetics

© 2021                                                     6
Cruelty-Free Made Simple - Cruelty-Free Kitty
Puracy                        SpaRitual                  Uoma Beauty
Pure Anada                    St. Ives*                  Urban Decay*
                              Stargazer                  Ursa Major
Q                             Stellar Beauty
Queen Helene                  Stila                      V
                              Strange Invisible          Vapour Organic Beauty
R                             Studio Makeup              Velvet Report
R+Co                          Sugarpill                  Verb
Radical Skincare              Suki                       Vered Organic Botanicals
Rahua                         Sukin                      Vernon Francois
Range Beauty                  Summer Fridays             Versed
Rare Elements                 Sunday Riley               Vintner’s Daughter
Raw Sugar                     Suntegrity                 Vitruvi
RCMA                          Superdrug                  Volition Beauty
Real Simple Clean             Supergoop!
Real Techniques               Suva Beauty                W
Red Apple Lipstick            Sweet Chef                 W3LL People
REN*                                                     Wander Beauty
Renee Rouleau                 T                          Weleda
Resonance 396                 Tarte*                     WEN by Chaz Dean
Reverie                       Tata Harper                Whish
Rita Hazan                    TATCHA                     Whole Foods (365)
Rituel de Fille               The 7 Virtues              Wunderbrow
RMS Beauty                    The Beauty Chef
Rodial                        The Body Shop              Y
Root Science                  The Green Beaver Company   Yarok
Rouge Bunny Rouge             The Honey Pot Co           Yes To
                              The Ordinary               Youngblood
S                             The Seaweed Bath Co.       Youth To The People
S.W. Basics                   TheBalm                    YUNI Beauty
Sachajuan                     Thesis
Sand & Sky                    This is L.*
Sappho                        TO112                      Z
Saranghae                     Tom’s of Maine*            Zoeva
Schmidt’s Naturals*           Too Faced*                 Zoya
Scotch Naturals               Trader Joe’s               Zuii Organic
Seche                         Tree Hut                   ZuZu Luxe
Seventh Generation*           TrèStiQue
Shea Moisture*                Trilogy
Sibu                          Trish McEvoy
Silk Naturals                 True McEvoy
Skin Laundry                  True Moringa
Skinny & Co                   Trufora
Skyn ICELAND                  Trust Fund Beauty
Sleek*                        Tsi-La
Smashbox*                     Tula
Smith & Cult
Soapwalla                     U                          *Brands with an asterisk are cruelty-free,
Sol de Janeiro                Umberto Giannini           but thet´re owned by a parent company
Sonia Kashuk                  UnSun                      that tests on animals.

© 2021                                                                   7
Switching to
Cruelty-Free Products?
Find the best cruelty-free products
by visiting our guides below.

                         Face + Body              Makeup
                         Deodorant                Ultimate Guide
                         Soap                     Mascara
                         Dental Care              Foundation
                         Facial Moisturizer       Concealer
                         Shaving & Hair Removal
                         Nail Polish Remover

                         Household                Hair
                         Cleaning Products        Shampoo & Conditioner
                         Laundr y Detergent       Hair Dye
                                                  Dr y Shampoo
                                                  Hair Spray

© 2021                                               8
Brands at Sephora
Below are the cruelty-free brands carried by Sephora. Your local Sephora
might not carry them all, but they’re all available online. Full guide.

                         Makeup                                            Skincare
                         Anastasia Beverly Hills                           BeautyBio
                         BareMinerals*                                     DERMADoctor
                         Beautyblender                                     Dr. Dennis Gross
                         BECCA*                                            Drunk Elephant*
                         Bite Beauty                                       Farmacy
                         Blinc                                             Farsali
                         Buxom*                                            Herbivore Botanicals
                         Ciate                                             Indie Lee
                         Cover FX                                          Jack Black
                         Grande Cosmetics                                  Kora Organics
                         Hourglass*                                        Murad*
                         Josie Maran                                       Ole Henriksen*
                         Jouer                                             REN*
                         ILIA                                              Summer Fridays
                         IT Cosmetics                                      Sunday Riley
                         KVD Vegan Beauty*                                 TATCHA*
                         Lilah B.                                          Youth To The People
                         Marc Jacobs Beauty*
                         Milk Makeup
                         Natasha Denona
                         Perricone MD
                         RMS Beauty
                         Tar te*
                         Too Faced*

© 2021                                                                       9
Brands at Drugstores
Many drugstore beauty brands test on animals. I’ve gathered the cruelty-free options
below, and you should find them at Target, Walmart, CVS, and more. Full guide.

                         Makeup                                                  Skincare
                         Ardell                                                  Acure
                         Annabelle                                               Alba Botanica
                         B. (Superdrug)                                          Andalou Naturals
                         Bonne Bell                                              Aubrey Organics
                         e.l.f.                                                  Avalon Organics
                         EcoTools                                                Babo Botanicals
                         Flower                                                  Derma E
                         GOSH                                                    Desert Essence
                         Hard Candy                                              JASON
                         Jane                                                    Kiss My Face
                         Jordana                                                 Mineral Fusion
                         Makeup Academy                                          Nip + Fab
                         Marcelle                                                Nourish Organic
                         Milani                                                  Pacifica
                         Mineral Fusion                                          The Ordinar y
                         NYX*                                                    Tom’s Of Maine*
                         Pacifica                                                Queen Helene
                         Pixi                                                    Yes To
                         Sonia Kashuk

© 2021                                                                         10
Please visit the links below for more of my cruelty-free resources. It would be greatly
appreciated if you shared these articles on Facebook with friends and family.

                         Learn More

                         List Of Companies That Test On Animals
                         Ever y thing You Need To Know About Animal Testing
                         China & Animal Testing: What You Need To Know
                         How To Determine If a Company Is Cruelty-Free

                         More Retailers

                         At Ulta
                         On Amazon

                         Our Ultimate Guides

                         Cruelty-Free Makeup
                         Cruelty-Free Skincare
                         Cruelty-Free Fragrances

© 2021                                                               11
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