Curriculum Overview - Morley Place Academy

Page created by Freddie Molina
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                    T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                …Changing Lives

Curriculum Overview
Our curriculum is carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression through exciting, broad
and balanced experiences from which children can learn, whilst developing their knowledge and
a range of transferrable skills. We have tailored our curriculum so that it strengthens students’
capacity to learn by developing positive attitudes towards challenges, allowing them to think
creatively, independently and rationally.

We believe it is vital to teach a range of subjects discretely, yet creatively form links between
subjects to consolidate and reinforce learning. Our planning builds upon prior learning to ensure
that every child achieves and makes progress. Pupils know the purpose for their learning, how to
refine their work and the relevance of these to their everyday lives. We aim to provide our children
with a secure learning environment that is stimulating, challenging and happy, enabling our
students to reach the highest possible levels of academic success and personal growth.

Subject by Subject

Our aim is to help children develop a love for the English language through the spoken and written
word, as well as drama and speaking and listening activities. English is one of the core subjects in
the National Curriculum and a prerequisite for educational and social progress. This subject
underpins the work undertaken in other areas of the curriculum and therefore the teaching of all
aspects of English is given a high priority. Confidence in basic language skills enables children to
communicate creatively and imaginatively with the world at large in a variety of situations. As such,
we believe that the acquisition of language skills is of the utmost importance.

Mathematics is taught through daily Numeracy lessons aimed at enabling children to understand
mathematical processes, concepts and skills. There is a strong emphasis on the development of
mental arithmetic and opportunities to use and apply mathematics in real life situations. Key
mathematical skills are further developed and applied in other subjects throughout the year. Staff
encourage a positive attitude by by presenting work in interesting and enjoyable ways to enable
all children to actively participate in the learning process to help build confidence and create a
sense of achievement.

Science stimulates and excites pupils’ curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around
them. Our pupils’ are given the opportunity to take part in a range of practical and interesting
experiments that stimulates their hunger for scientific enquiry. Scientific method is about developing
and evaluating explanations through experimental evidence and modelling. Children are helped
to understand how major scientific ideas contribute to technological change – impacting on
industry, business and medicine and improving our quality of life. They learn to question and discuss
science-based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the

At Morley Place we believe it is important for children to understand their place in the world and to
have an awareness of their past in order to shape their visions for the future. Through the study of
History, children make sense of their world and enrich their understanding of it. We believe that skills
developed through the study of History are applicable in everyday life and fire curiosity about the
past in Britain and the wider world. In turn this connects with the present and our future, giving a
deeper understanding of our own personal history and a sense of belonging.

Through the study of Geography children learn about places, the human and physical processes
which shape them (and the people who live in them), from the local to the global. Skills developed

 Registered Office / Head Office
 Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
 Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010   VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                    T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                …Changing Lives

through Geography help pupils make sense of their surroundings and the wider world. They learn
about the impact of human activity on the planet and understand the importance of developing
a future that is sustainable. It can inspire them to think about their own place in the world, their
values, their rights and responsibilities to other people and the environment. It enables them to
understand how today’s actions shape the future. We believe it is crucial that children complete
investigations in order to develop their geographical minds.

Our academy prides itself in providing rich, diverse and stimulating experiences in the teaching of
Art and promoting creativity across our academy. Art draws upon the use of knowledge, skills and
understanding from all of our other subjects, which often provide the context for projects. In this
way, Art experience supports and reinforces children’s development across the whole curriculum.

Design & Technology is an area of study both in its own right and as a tool for learning in other areas.
It gives the opportunity for forward thinking and the planning of practical tasks, creating objects,
systems and environments to solve problems. DT involves designing, communicating, making,
testing and evaluating, which encourages children to go beyond their first ideas and seek
alternatives, so they may begin to influence and control the environment in which they live.

Pupils have 2 hours of PE per week through which we develop the six areas of activity as set out in
the National Curriculum – Dance; Games; Gymnastics; Athletics; Outdoor and Adventurous
activities; Swimming. Children are given the opportunity to swim in our Upper Phase (Y5/6) and our
aim is for all pupils leaving the school to be able to swim a minimum 25m. Sports taught include
football; tag rugby; netball; basketball; kwik cricket and short tennis, as well as athletics. Pupils take
part in a range of tournaments and sports festivals both within the academy and against other

Computing prepares children to participate in a rapidly changing world of technology that
influences both work and leisure time. Pupils use ICT tools to find, explore, analyse, program,
exchange and present information responsibly and creatively. They learn how to employ ICT to
enable rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and
cultures. Increased capability in the use of ICT promotes initiative and independent learning, with
pupils being able to make informed judgements about when and where to use technology to best
effect. Our aim is to develop in each our pupils the skills necessary for them to be able to use all
aspects of Information and Communication Technology confidently, safely and effectively,
equipping them to succeed both now and in their future lives.

We believe that Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way our
pupils think, feel and act. It brings together intellect and feeling and enables personal expression,
reflection and emotional development. Music is an integral part of culture, past and present,
helping children to understand themselves, relate to others and forge important links between
home, school and the wider world. Along with regular singing sessions, we offer all children the
chance to learn how to play an instrument and provide a variety of performance based musical
opportunities throughout their academy careers.

We believe that the learning of a Modern Foreign Language provides a valuable educational,
social and cultural experience for our pupils. It helps them to develop communication skills and
extends their knowledge of how language works. Learning another language gives children a new
perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.
It prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are
often carried out in languages other than English. The choice of which language to teach is
secondary to the lifelong language learning skills that the pupils will be encouraged to develop.

 Registered Office / Head Office
 Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
 Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010   VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                    T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                …Changing Lives

Increased capability in the use of MFL promotes initiative, confidence and independent learning
and encourages diversity within society.

RE provokes challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about
God, the self and nature of reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. It
develops pupil’s knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other principal religions, religious
traditions and contrasting world view. It also offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual
development. It helps enhance children’s awareness and understanding of religions and beliefs,
teachings, practices and forms of expression, and also the influence of religion on individuals,
families, communities and cultures.

 Registered Office / Head Office
 Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
 Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010   VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                                        T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                                     …Changing Lives

Subject                   Year 3                                   Year 4                                 Year 5                                 Year 6

ENGLISH   Text Level = Entertain – narrative &      Text Level = Entertain – narrative &    Text Level = Entertain – narrative &   Text Level = Entertain – narrative &
          poetry, Inform – reports & Recount –      poetry, Persuade- formal letter,        poetry, Persuade- formal letter &      poetry, Persuade- formal letter &
          diaries                                   Inform – reports & Recount – diaries,   poster/leaflet, Inform – reports,      poster/leaflet, Inform – reports,
          Sentence level & word level see           Instruct & Recount - journalistic       Recount – diaries, Explanations,       Instruct, Recount – diaries,
          Planning Framework                        Sentence level & word level see         Discussion & Recount - journalistic    Explanations, Discussion & Recount -
          Spoken language- Opportunities for        Planning Framework                      Sentence level & word level see        journalistic
          a variety of audience and purposes,       Spoken language- Opportunities          Planning Framework                     Sentence level & word level see
          including drama, formal                   for a variety of audience and           Spoken language- Opportunities         Planning Framework
          presentations and debate?                 purposes, including drama, formal       for a variety of audience and          Spoken language- Opportunities for
                                                    presentations and debate?               purposes, including drama, formal      a variety of audience and purposes,
                                                                                            presentations and debate?              including drama, formal
                                                                                                                                   presentations and debate?

MATHS     NUMBER: Number & Place Value,             NUMBER: Number & Place Value,           NUMBER: Number & Place Value,          NUMBER: Number & Place Value,
          Addition & Subtraction, Multiplication    Addition & Subtraction,                 Addition & Subtraction,                Addition & Subtraction,
          & Division, Fractions, MEASUREMENT,       Multiplication & Division, Fractions    Multiplication & Division, Fractions   Multiplication & Division, Fractions
          GEOMETRY- Properties of shapes            (including decimals),                   (including decimals &                  (including decimals & percentages),
          STATISTICS                                MEASUREMENT, GEOMETRY-                  percentages), MEASUREMENT,             RATIO & PROPORTION, ALEGBRA,
                                                    Properties of shapes & position and     GEOMETRY- Properties of shapes &       MEASUREMENT, GEOMETRY-
                                                    direction & STATISTICS                  position and direction &               Properties of shapes & position and
                                                                                            STATISTICS                             direction & STATISTICS

          PLANTS- parts & life cycle of flowering   LIVING THINGS & HABITATS –              LIVING THINGS & HABITATS –life         LIVING THINGS & HABITATS – plants &
          plants                                    environments & effect of human          cycles of mammal, an                   animals including micro-organisms,
          WHY ANIMALS ARE HUMAN TOO                 impact (nature reserves, ponds,         amphibian, insect and bird &           vertebrates etc., classification
          ANIMALS & HUMANS – healthy living,        litter or deforestation)                reproduction in plants and             YOU CHOOSE
          skeletons and muscles                     WHERE DOES MY FOOD GO?                  animals (use of local environment      ANIMALS & HUMANS – circulatory
          SHAKE ROCK AND ROLL!                      ANIMALS & HUMANS – Main body            – to observe life cycle changes,       system, impact of diet, exercise,
          MATERIALS – Rocks                         parts & systems, teeth, food chains     hatching chicks?)                      drugs
          SHADOW DANCERS                            CHANGING STATES                         GROWING PAINS                          A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY

                Registered Office / Head Office
                Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
                Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010        VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                                          T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                                        …Changing Lives

          LIGHT- seeing things, sun, shadows           STATES OF MATTER – Solid, liquid &     ANIMALS & HUMANS – timeline of           EVOLUTION & INHERITANCE-change
          WHAT’S THE ATTRACTION                        gases, temperature effects             humans (puberty)                         over time, fossils, offspring,
          FORCES & MAGNETS                             GOOD VIBRATIONS                        NO WAY BACK                              adaptation, (Charles Darwin)
                                                       SOUND- musical instruments             PROPERIES OF MATERIALS &                 BE DAZZLED
                                                       BATTERIES INCLUDED                     CHANGES OF- link to chemists             LIGHT- built on from Y3 rainbows,
                                                       ELECTRICITY- circuits                  STAR GAZER                               colours on soap bubbles etc.)
                                                                                              EARTH & SPACE- shadow clocks &           WILL MACHINES EVER RULE THE
                                                                                              sundials                                 WORLD?
                                                                                              MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU!               ELECTRICITY – built on from Y4-
                                                                                              FORCES-gravity, air resistance,          voltage, components make a useful
                                                                                              mechanisms, levers and pulleys           circuit eg. a burglar alarm

          Changes in Britain from the Stone            Britain’s settlement by Anglo-         A non-European society – Mayan           A long term study beyond 1066-
HISTORY   Age to the Iron Age                          Saxons and Scots                       Rites and Rituals                        power struggle, change,
          Time traveller                               Were the Dark Ages dark?               The children will journey to             industrialisation?
          Children will journey through a million      Journey back to the 5th century as     Mesoamerica, the land of the             Bombs, Battles and Bravery- WW2
          years of prehistory looking at               the children discover the              ancient Mayans, and explore this         This topic will look at the 4 months in
          ‘Prehistoric Britain’. This topic explores   fascinating world of the Anglo-        fascinating civilisation. They will be   1940 when the Battle of Britain was
          the lives and legacy of early Britons        Saxons. Discover how and when          finding out where the Mayans             fought. Pupils will find out about the
          and settlers, including those who            the Anglo-Saxons invaded and           lived, what their lives were like,       roles of women in this battle, the
          lived during the Stone, Bronze and           settled in Britain, how they lived     and how their societies were             development and use of RADAR,
          Iron Ages. Children will discover how        when they got there, how they          organised, as well as investigating      and how London survived the Blitz.
          humans first came to Britain, how            converted to Christianity and much     the evidence they left behind            They will study the work of Clarice
          they lived and what developments             more! All this is explored in the      and uncovering some Mayan                Cliff and produce food dishes on a
          were made in each era. They will             context of the archaeological          mysteries. Pupils will also get the      ration. They will also produce their
          have the opportunity to consider             discovery of the burial ship           opportunity to create their own          own propaganda poster and
          how and why the ways of life                 discovered at Sutton Hoo and the       mask inspired by Mayan art!              create a large scale mural of
          adopted by prehistoric people slowly         Staffordshire hoard and will provide                                            London during the Blitz using
          changed over time. They will                 a mysterious clue hunting mission.                                              silhouettes.
          produce their own cave paintings to
          depict a story.
                                                       Viking & Anglo-Saxon struggle for      Ancient Greece
          Roman Empire and its impact om               the kingdom of England to the time     The Ancient Greeks                       Investigate & interpret the past, build
          Britain                                      of Edward the Confessor                The children will learn about one        an overview of world history,
          What did the Romans do for us?               Invaders or Traders?                   of the most fascinating civilisations    understand chronology,
          Sewage systems, the calendar,                This topic explores the Viking’s       in history as they discover who the      communicate historical information
          paved roads, turnips and carrots are         invasion and how this affected our     Greeks were. In this topic, children

                Registered Office / Head Office
                Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
                Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010           VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                                  T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                               …Changing Lives

all things that were introduced to        land. The children will consider why        will explore Ancient Greece
Britain by the Romans. But where did      Vikings were on the move from               through theatre, myths and logic.
they come from and why were they          Scandinavia and how their navy              They will look at the gods they
here? The children will travel back to    technology was top notch, as well           worshipped on Mount Olympia
Roman Britain to explore why Britain      as where and when the invasions of          and ask if their pioneering nature
was invaded and settled by the            Britain took place and how Anglo            really did make them the first
Romans and what effect this had on        Saxons felt about them. Not                 geeks. They will also make 3D
the future of Britain. They will learn    forgetting of course the Viking way         Grecian pots and decorate them.
about the rise of the Roman Empire        of life and how and when the
in Britain, opposition from the Celts     Vikings left Britain. They will also look   A long term study beyond 1066-
and the legacy that was left behind       at and prepare Scandinavian                 power struggle, change,
when they went home. They will also       dishes.                                     industrialisation?
produce their own pieces of art work                                                  The good, the bad and the ugly
using mosaic tiles.                       Local History – Our Great Britain           The children will take a journey
                                          This topic will include British history     through British history and discover
The achievements of the earliest          elements, focusing on the history of        how crime and punishment has
civilisations – Ancient Egypt             cultural and social change.                 changed throughout the ages.
The Land of the Pharaohs!                                                             Beginning with the Romans and
The children will journey back to the     Investigate & interpret the past,           travelling right through to the
land of the Pharaohs and discover         build an overview of world history,         present day, they will discover
the fascinating world of Ancient          understand chronology,                      how changes in society create
Egyptian history. The will learn about:   communicate historical information          changes in the kind of crimes that
the River Nile and its role in ancient                                                are committed, as well in which
life; Tutankhamen and the story of his                                                the ways they are punished. They
tomb discovery’ the grisly process of                                                 will find out about Britain’s most
mummification, the pyramids, daily                                                    notorious criminals and how the
life in Ancient Egypt and the                                                         police force was set up to catch
importance of remaining artefacts.                                                    them and even become crime
                                                                                      investigators. They will produce art
Investigate & interpret the past, build                                               inspired by Banky’s work related
an overview of world history,                                                         to crime and punishment.
understand chronology,
communicate historical information                                                    Investigate & interpret the past,
                                                                                      build an overview of world history,
                                                                                      understand chronology,
                                                                                      communicate historical

      Registered Office / Head Office
      Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
      Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010            VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                                                    T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                                                  …Changing Lives

GEOGRAPHY       ‘Placing Places’                            ‘Placing Places’                            ‘Placing Places’                         ‘Placing Places’
                It’s a Small World                          The Amazing Amazon                          Poles Apart!                             Extreme Earth- What’s happening
SPACE, PLACE,   They will investigate historical            As well as studying the river, the          In this topic, the children will         now?
   SCALE        influences locally, looking at              land around it and the people who           explore their world through their        This topic is built around current
                monuments, buildings, local                 populate it, children will also study       understanding of the world poles         affairs and focuses on a recent
                businesses and road names. They will        the more unusual aspects of this            and regions. They will explore Artic     natural disaster either in the UK or
                also have the opportunity to partner        amazing river. They will look at the        myths and find out about the lives       abroad. Children will become
                with another school and find out            rainforest and produce their own            of famous polar explorers such as        reporters investigating all about the
                about their area and whether there          artwork and music inspired by this          Robert Scott and Ernest                  Earth’s extremes, from raging
                are any similarities or differences!        country.                                    Shackelton. They will look at the        tropical storms to terrifying towering
                                                                                                        book ‘Shackelton’s Journey’ by           tsunamis. They will create their own
                Passports please!                           Angry Earth                                 William Grill and in art will look at    news show and record it for whole
                This topic involves planning a travel       In this topic, children will find out all   sketches by William Grill to inspire     school viewing. They will look at the
                challenge collecting information and        about volcanoes and what causes             their own art work.                      geographical causes of the disaster
                artefacts and presenting it as a            them. They will try to find out why                                                  and the impact on the landscape
                holiday package. They will use ICT to       people still live by something so           Around the world in 20 days!             and people.
                produce an advert for their chosen          dangerous. Children will make a             In this Unit, pupils will be taken on
                European country (Italy, Spain,             model of a volcano and stimulate            a journey that begins in their own
                France, Germany or Greece). The             an eruption. They will also find out        country, moves to France and
                children will explore areas of human        about Pompeii and will plan and             ends in the USA. Pupils will be
                and physical geography, from                write a play about the last day of          introduced to three children and
                population and culture to mountains         Pompeii. Pupils will study volcano          they will find out about the             India
                and rivers. They will look at traditional   images and learn the Sgraffito              countries that they live in and          This topic looks at life in India. The
                food dishes from around Europe and          technique using oil pastels and             how they differ from their own.          children will look at the countries
                produce some of their own.                  acrylic paints.                             They will explore geographical           geography, history and culture. They
                                                                                                        and cultural differences by              will look at the resource distribution
                From Source to sea                          Our Great Britain                           creating a Holiday Fair which will       and fair trade. The children will
                This topic will follow the course of a      The children will have their eyes           help people to decide which              create pieces of artwork inspired by
                river from its source to its destination.   opened to the country they live in.         country they would like to visit.        the country’s textiles using batik and
                They will look at the land alongside        They will learn all about how the UK        Pupils will create leaflets from their   embellishment. They will create
                the river and what might be found           is organised into its countries,            research which will be displayed         pieces of music in order to perform
                there. They will look at the water          counties and cities, as well as             at the Holiday Fair. In music, they      a dance.
                cycle, find out how rivers are formed,      learning about the human and                will study traditional and modern
                investigate why rivers are important        physical features of Great Britain,         music from each country and in           I’m a year 6, can you get me out of
                and what they are used for, river           through a study of one of its cities-       art they will learn about 3 current      here!
                pollution and its effects. The children     Liverpool. They will produce art            collage artists from UK, France          The children will use the eight points
                will produce art work based on              work inspired by the Lowry and find         and USA.                                 of a compass, four figure grid
                water, distortion and seascapes.            out about the history of British pop                                                 references, symbols and a key
                      Registered Office / Head Office
                      Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
                      Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010               VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                                        T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                                    …Changing Lives

                                                    music and how it has influenced         Locational knowledge                (including use of Ordinance survey
             Locational knowledge                   music across the globe. Students        Human & Physical Geography          maps) to build their knowledge of
             Human & Physical Geography             will take part in a ‘British’ day,      Place knowledge                     the United Kingdom and the wider
             Place knowledge                        inviting parents along for afternoon    Geographical skills & fieldwork     world. They will look at a bird’s eye
             Geographical skills & fieldwork        tea and to view their art work!                                             view of their school and maps of the
                                                                                                                                immediate area considering why
                                                    Locational knowledge                                                        Conisbrough exists and what would
                                                    Human & Physical Geography                                                  have brought people to live here.
                                                    Place knowledge                                                             They will look at OS maps to plan a
                                                    Geographical skills & fieldwork                                             route between two local points and
                                                                                                                                produce paintings of a bird’s eye
                                                                                                                                Locational knowledge
                                                                                                                                Human & Physical Geography
                                                                                                                                Place knowledge
                                                                                                                                Geographical skills & fieldwork

             Materials – Structures                 Electrical                              Materials – Textiles                Mechanisms
   DESIGN    Using strong shell structures:         Using simple switches and circuits to   Use a 2D fabric shape to make a     Use cams to change rotary
TECHNOLOGY   Packaging, Disposable lunchboxes,      make a functional product:              3D product; accuracy in pattern     movement into linear or
             Party boxes                            Torch,                                  making:                             reciprocating movement:
             Cool boxes, Gift boxes or bags, Desk   Table light, Night light,               Sports bag, Peg bag, Sun visor,     Moving toys, Vehicles that bob up
             tidy                                   Puppet theatre lighting,                Sun hat, Mobile phone case, Wall    and down, Toys that illustrate a story
                                                    Circus entrance, Fairground stall,      hanging with storage pockets, T     or nursery rhyme
             OR - strengthening framework           Greetings card, Board game              Shirt
             structures:                                                                                                        Design & make
             Photograph frames, Toy furniture,      Design and make a torch linked to       Design and make a T-Shirt linked    Evaluate & improve
             Stick puppet, Bird feeder, Indoor      Science                                 to Star Gazer Science Topic         Take Inspiration from design
             mobiles, Garden mobiles, Kites                                                 (fringing, pockets, tie dye,        throughout history
                                                    Design & make                           stencilling, batik)
             Design & make                          Evaluate & improve                                                          HIRED OR FIRED!
             Evaluate & improve                     Take Inspiration from design            Design & make                       This is an Inspire Enterprise topic,
             Take Inspiration from design           throughout history                      Evaluate & improve                  which will give the children an
             throughout history                                                             Take Inspiration from design        opportunity to create and market
                                                                                            throughout history                  their own products using skills they
                                                                                                                                have learnt in design and

                   Registered Office / Head Office
                   Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
                   Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010    VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                                      T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                                  …Changing Lives

      Painting, sculpture, textiles, collage,   Painting, sculpture, textiles, collage,   Painting, sculpture, textiles,      Painting, sculpture, textiles, collage,
ART   drawing, printing & digital media         drawing, printing & digital media         collage, drawing, printing &        drawing, printing & digital media
      It’s a small world:                       Amazing Amazon:                           digital media
      Wow day – sketches of                     Watercolour image of rainforest           The Good, Bad and the Ugly:         Extreme Earth – what’s happening
      Coinsborough                              Collage of leaves and rainforest          ARTIST = BANKSY                     now?
      Digital photography                       layers                                    Study Banksy and create sketches    Charcoal/chalk drawings of diasters
      Sketching of maps                         Images of Amazonian                       and paintings inspired by him       Natural distaster art that shows
      Shading – hatching                        Drawings of rainforest animals using      Study bank notes from different     movement (lava, water, smoke)
                                                shading techniques                        countries                           Rubbish art (using recycled
      Passports Please:                                                                   Create their own bank note          materials)
      Advert for a country                                                                Street photocopy and art            Refugee art (torn materials to draw
      Art from a different country                                                                                            themselves)
      Weaving to make a flag                    Angry Earth                               Ancient Greece:
                                                Sgraffito technique (oil pastel &         Grecian pots and ceramics           India:
      From Source to Sea:                       acrylic) – volcano                        Painting of Grecian pots            Clay elephants with material saddle
      ARTIST = MONET                            Large class collage of volcanos           Water colour background and         / sketches
      Colour washes – mixing and blending       (different materials)                     acropolis collage                   Batik and embellishment
      colours used for water                    Chalk volcano (straws to create           Greek inspired mosaic – ceramic     Henna patterns
      Paint images of rivers                    lava)                                                                         Diwali art
      Colour wheel                                                                        Around the world in 20 days:
      Research Monet                            Were the dark ages dark?                  Sculpture of Tower Bridge , CN
      Collages of rivers – tissue               Study Bayeux tapestry                     Tower (Canada), Eiffel Tower        Bombs, Battles and Bravery:
                                                Create a tapestry of modern life          (Paris)
      Time Traveller:                           Clay tools                                                                    ARTIST = Wilhelm Gross
      Cave paintings                            Sketches of artefacts                     Poles Apart:                        Designs and slogans of propaganda
      Frieze – group work large scale                                                     Northern lights pastels and         In WW2 (design their own)
      Stone age jewellery                       Invaders or traders?                      marbling                            Large scale mural of London during
      Shelter                                   Weaving                                   Wax resist iceberg pictures         the blitz
                                                Rotational symmetry                                                           Observational drawings of WW2
      Land of Pharaohs:                         Viking boat collages (using paint,        The Mayans:                         artefacts
      Canopic jars                              paper, sponges, brushes, lolly pop        Mayan masks – clay/paper            Watercolour poppies
      Death masks/Face and headdress            sticks)                                   mache                               (Remembrance)
      chalk pictures                                                                      Mayan numbers to write DOB          Learn about German paper cutting
      Watercolour background/black              Our Great Britain                                                             (schernschitle)
      paper pyramids                            ARTIST = LOWRY
      Hieroglyphics                             Cross hatching images of Lowry                                                Hired or Fired:

            Registered Office / Head Office
            Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
            Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010         VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                                       T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                                   …Changing Lives

             Cartouche                               Photographs from locality and                                               Create logo
                                                     sketch                                                                      Adverts
             Romans:                                 3D model of London                                                          Design a package
             Mosaics                                 Powerpoint of British Leisure                                               Art in adverts
             Create a roman shield                   throughout the ages
             Roman Villa (group work)                                                                                            I’m a Y6 pupil get me out of here!
                                                                                                                                 Sketching maps
                                                                                                                                 Build a 3D Conisbrough

             Play and perform in solo and            Play and perform in solo and          Play and perform in solo and          Play and perform in solo and
  MUSIC      ensemble contexts, using their voices   ensemble contexts, using their        ensemble contexts, using their        ensemble contexts, using their
             and playing musical instruments with    voices and playing musical            voices and playing musical            voices and playing musical
             increasing accuracy, fluency, control   instruments with increasing           instruments with increasing           instruments with increasing
             and expression  improvise and          accuracy, fluency, control and        accuracy, fluency, control and        accuracy, fluency, control and
             compose music for a range of            expression  improvise and            expression  improvise and            expression  improvise and
             purposes using the inter-related        compose music for a range of          compose music for a range of          compose music for a range of
             dimensions of music  listen with       purposes using the inter-related      purposes using the inter-related      purposes using the inter-related
             attention to detail and recall sounds   dimensions of music  listen with     dimensions of music  listen with     dimensions of music  listen with
             with increasing aural memory  use      attention to detail and recall        attention to detail and recall        attention to detail and recall sounds
             and understand staff and other          sounds with increasing aural          sounds with increasing aural          with increasing aural memory  use
             musical notations  appreciate and      memory  use and understand staff     memory  use and understand           and understand staff and other
             understand a wide range of high-        and other musical notations          staff and other musical notations     musical notations  appreciate and
             quality live and recorded music         appreciate and understand a wide       appreciate and understand a         understand a wide range of high-
             drawn from different traditions and     range of high-quality live and        wide range of high-quality live       quality live and recorded music
             from great composers and musicians      recorded music drawn from             and recorded music drawn from         drawn from different traditions and
              develop an understanding of the       different traditions and from great   different traditions and from great   from great composers and
             history of music.                       composers and musicians              composers and musicians              musicians  develop an
                                                     develop an understanding of the       develop an understanding of the       understanding of the history of
                                                     history of music.                     history of music.                     music.

             Cooking & Nutrition:                    Cooking & Nutrition:                  Cooking & Nutrition:                  Cooking & Nutrition:
   FOOD      Prepare and cook a variety of           Prepare and cook a variety of         Prepare and cook a variety of         Prepare and cook a variety of
TECHNOLOGY   predominantly savoury dishes using a    predominantly savoury dishes using    predominantly savoury dishes          predominantly savoury dishes using
             range of cooking techniques             a range of cooking techniques         using a range of cooking              a range of cooking techniques

                  Registered Office / Head Office
                  Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
                  Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010     VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                                             T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                                          …Changing Lives

                  Understand seasonality, and know        Understand seasonality, and know       Understand seasonality, and know     Understand seasonality, and know
                  where and how a variety of              where and how a variety of             where and how a variety of           where and how a variety of
                  ingredient s are grown, reared,         ingredient s are grown, reared,        ingredient s are grown, reared,      ingredient s are grown, reared,
                  caught and processed.                   caught and processed.                  caught and processed.                caught and processed.

                  Games, Dance, Gymnastics,               Games, Dance, Gymnastics,              Games, Dance, Gymnastics,            Games, Dance, Gymnastics,
      PE          Athletics, Outdoor & adventurous        Athletics, Outdoor & adventurous       Swimming, Athletics, Outdoor &       Athletics, Outdoor & adventurous
                  activities & Evaluating and improving   activities & Evaluating and            adventurous activities &             activities & Evaluating and
                  performance                             improving performance                  Evaluating and improving             improving performance

ICT & COMPUTING   Programming:                            Programming:                           Programming:
                                                                                                                                      We are App developers
                  We are animators (Scratch)              We are maths artists (Hopscotch)       Inputs / outputs (Junior Control
                                                                                                                                      X 2 units (Inventor; Touch Develop)
                  We are Game Creators (Hopscotch)        We are software developers             insight; Lego ‘We Do’)
                                                                                                                                      We are Game developers
                                                          (Scratch)                              We are traders
                  Digital Literacy:                                                                                                   (Kodu)
                                                                                                 Scratch (Including debugging)
                  Jack and the Beans Talk (PowerPoint)    Digital Literacy:
                                                                                                                                       Digital Literacy:
                                                          We are researchers                      Digital Literacy:
                  Data Handling:                                                                                                       We are Explorers
                                                          (Wiki / blog using Word / Publisher)    We are co-authors (Wki tools /
                  We are opinion pollsters (Google                                                                                     (Google Earth Live)
                                                          Data Handling:                          media wiki)
                                                          We are Meteorologists                   Data Handling:                       Data Handling / Video & camera
                  Art / Design:                           (Excel, Google Sheets, PowerPoint)      We are Historians/ statisticians     work:
                  We are Photographers (Phoxo)            Art / Design:                           (Databases)
                                                                                                                                       We are Environmentalists
                                                          We are artists                          Art / Design:
                  Video & camera work:                                                                                                 (Simulation software, Windows
                                                          (Inkscape, Terragen Logo)               We are Architects (Google
                  We are Sports presenters (iMovie)                                                                                    Movie Maker)
                                                          Video & camera work:                    Sketch up)
                                                          We are Travel Presenters (iMovie)       Video & camera work:                 Art / Design:
                                                                                                  We are Advertisers (Windows          We are Publishers (Year book)
                                                                                                  Movie Maker)                         (Choice of media)

                        Registered Office / Head Office
                        Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
                        Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010     VAT Number 115 811 243
Old Road, Conisbrough, Doncaster, DN12 3LZ
                                                                                                                                 T: 01709 863 400
                                                                                                                              …Changing Lives

                     Theme = Divali ( Hinduism)               Theme = beliefs and practises          Theme = belief into action           Theme = beliefs and practises
       RE            Would celebrating Divali at home,        (Judaism)                              (Sikhism)                            (Islam)
                     and in the community, bring a feeling    How special is the relationship Jews   How far would a Sikh go for          What is the best way for a Muslim to
  Enquiry based      of belonging to a Hindu child?           have with God?                         his/her religion?                    show commitment to God?
learning – a theme
  every half term    Theme = Christmas (Christianity)         Theme = Christmas (Christianity)       Theme = Christmas (Christianity)     Theme = Christmas (Christianity)
                     Has Christmas lost its true meaning?     What is the most significant part of   Is the Christmas story true?         How significant is it that Mary was
                                                              the nativity story for Christians                                           Jesus’ mother?
                     Theme = Jesus’ miracles (Christianity)   today?                                 Theme = beliefs and moral values
                     Could Jesus really heal people?                                                 (Sikhism)                            Theme = Beliefs & Meaning
                     Were these miracles or is there some     Theme = Passover (Judaism)             Are Sikh stories important today?    (Christianity)
                     other explanation?                       How important is it for Jewish                                              Is anything ever eternal?
                                                              people to do what God asks them?       Theme = Easter (Christianity)
                     Theme = Easter- forgiveness                                                     Did God intend Jesus to be
                     (Christianity)                           Theme = Easter (Christianity)          crucified?                           Theme = Easter (Christianity)
                     What is ‘good’ about Good Friday?        Is forgiveness always possible?                                             Is Christianity still a strong religion
                                                                                                     Theme = Prayer & Worship             2000 years after Jesus was on Earth?
                     Theme = Hindu beliefs ( Hinduism)        Theme = Rites of Passage and           (Sikhism)
                     How can Brahman be everywhere            good works (Judaism)                   What is the best way for a Sikh to
                     and in everything?                       What is the best way for a Jew to      show commitment to God?              Theme = beliefs and moral values
                                                              show commitment to God?                                                     (Islam) – over a term
                     Theme = Pilgrimage to the River                                                 Theme = Beliefs and Practices
                     Ganges (Hinduism)                        Theme = prayer and worship             (Christianity)                       Does belief in Akhirah (life after
                     Would visiting the river Ganges feel     (Christianity)                         What is the best way for a           death) help Muslims lead good
                     special to a non-Hindu?                  Do people need to go to show to        Christian to show commitment to      lives?
                                                              show they are Christians?              God?

                           Registered Office / Head Office
                           Education House, Spawd Bone Lane, Knottingley, WF11 0EP
                           Company Number: 07386086 (England and Wales) Charity Exempt under the Academies Act 2010      VAT Number 115 811 243
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