Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village

Page created by Ramon Buchanan
Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village
Program & Recreational Guide
       FALL + CAMPS 2021 |

                         Variety Member: Ken
                         See page 4 for full feature!
Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village
Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village
We’re officially open to all members!

Variety is ready to welcome you back. Following our
safe reopening plans, we ask that all participants
follow and respect important guidelines for the health
and safety of our community. The facility continues
to operate at 50% capacity in keeping with Provincial
                                                         BOOK ONLINE
Our staff is using the current information and
guidelines from Provincial agencies for program          Bookings are open in limited capacity. Book your time
activities. Programs may need to be changed,             slot/appointment through our online portal.
moved or cancelled as the pandemic and associated
measures evolve. We ask that you be patient and          For portal information contact:
understanding if changes need to be made through         Jamie Sherwin,,
the course of the upcoming season.                       (416) 699-7167 extension 235

As COVID-19 is unpredictable, we will continue           For more information on bookings, please visit our
to be adaptable We appreciate your patience and          website, contact us directly at 416-699-7167 or email
cooperation as we are all in this together.    

In order to ensure you have the most accurate
and up to date information on our programs and
services we encourage you to visit our website at
                                                         Follow us! to view details, as changes to           Facebook: @VarietyOntario
programs and times might take place.                           Instagram: @VarietyOntario
                                                               Twitter: @Variety_Ontario
For registration information contact:
                                                               Youtube: Variety Ontario
Alyssa Forrester, Program Coordinator
Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village
Ken loves to swim. But for him, swimming hasn’t just
been an activity. It’s helped shape his life.

Ken was adopted at 18 months of age through the
Children’s Aid Society, and experienced trauma in the
first grade due to a chaotic classroom experience.
Fortunately, Ken spent time with a psychotherapist and
naturopathic doctor, which helped him heal. The other
large part of his healing and growth was his passion to

Ken has been swimming at Variety Village since he
was just 18 months old, and in the fourth grade he
started homeschooling, which allowed more time for his
favourite passion. This is when the therapeutic benefit of
swimming began to shine. When Ken enters the water,
the impact is instant — becoming lighter, happier, and
more relaxed. More time in the pool has helped Ken
develop his self-esteem and a positive self-image even

Being a part of Variety Village’s Flames’ swim team
has helped Ken in feeling accepted and validated on
his journey with mental health. In the water he feels
comfortable no matter what, even if he is the only kid in
the pool.

The Flames Swim program is an integrated competitive
swim team that provides opportunities for training
and competition to swimmers at all levels, ages,
stages, and abilities. The team has a long history of
developing swimmers who reach provincial, national and
international levels. Our swimmers focus on developing
fundamental skills in preparation for competition.

The Flames Swim team offers various training and
program options. To learn more please contact
Anna Atell, Team Manager,
Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village
Variety - the Children’s Charity of Ontario
is a charitable organization, a unique community that
transforms lives through inclusive physical activity
and education for every phase of life.

A community-supported organization providing
access to all Ontarians. Along with donations raised
through various campaigns, fees for programs, services,
admissions and memberships are invested right back
into the organization to help maintain facilities, deliver
programs, and provide fee assistance to those in need.

A dedicated community delivering gym, swim,
leadership and needs-driven programming. Our Variety
Village facility offers need-driven programs that respond
to the social and emotional needs of the community.
Increasing our ability to provide accessible programming
to children with disabilities in communities across
Ontario is our goal.

Variety’s programming breaks down barriers for children
and their families and provides opportunities for all
children to play.

A place to connect, belong, grow and thrive. Families
joining Variety demonstrate their commitment to
activity and the importance of exercise on a daily basis.
Alongside programs available for parents, we offer
recreational and aquatics programs for children that
create new connections, foster fundamental movement
skills and teach basic sport skills. Our goal is to promote
physical activity in an environment that is inclusive and
Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village
Programming is back this Fall! While there will
be some modifications in order to comply with
public health protocols, we are excited to get our
members and kids back in the Fieldhouse, the pool
and, thanks to the Blue Jays Foundation, onto our
new baseball field ‘Field of Dreams’ in the quad -
coming soon.

Variety is a community space and we recognize
our obligation to keep everybody feeling safe. As
a result, we have implemented a vaccine policy
requiring employees who work directly with the
public to be fully vaccinated by September 30th.
In order to support this initiative we have run
vaccine clinics weekly for the month of August.
We encourage our community to join in the effort
to eliminate COVID.

Variety Village will host the Access Expo on
September 17th/18th, an in-person exhibitor
conference for the disability community. The
conference will host a career and education fair
and showcase parasports and adaptive sports.
Admission is free and proof of vaccination is
required. Family-friendly, there’s something for

Over the Halloween weekend, we are looking
forward to a Halloween Fun Day featuring a Food
Truck Festival. The two-day celebration will have
music and entertainment with a costume contest
and arts and crafts for the kids!

We are grateful for the strong support we have
received from the community over the past year
and half.

Karen Stintz, BA, MSC, MPA, President & CEO,
Variety - the Children’s Charity of Ontario
Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village

Contact & Hours of Operation		      08   LEGEND & FEE STRUCTURE
Memberships				09                        Please use this chart as a reference to
Registration Information			10            understanding the programs in this guide.

Program Sessions & Dates			         11
                                         For more information please contact:
Included Programs Schedule		        12
                                         Katie Watkins
Included Fitness Classes & Programs 13   Director, Programs
Included Fitness for Kids 			       14
Masters Programs Adult 			          15
Parent & Tot Programs 			           16
                                         M       MEMBER
Specialty Programs 				17
                                         NM      Non-Member
Individual Programs 			             18
After School Programs 			           19   PD      Person with a Disability
Learn to Play Programs 			          20   O       Open Class
Fundamental Programs 			            21
                                         B       Beginner
Red Cross Preschool 			             22
                                         N       Novice
Red Cross Kids, Teens & Adults		    24
Aquatics Individual Instruction 		  27   I       Intermediate
Aquatics Certifications 			         32   A       Advanced
Pre-Competitive Grassroots Programs 33
Variety Athletic Club 			           36
Camps 					41
Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village
FACILITY                                             LEADERSHIP TEAM Variety Village
Variety Village                                      Judy Black, Manager, Membership Services
A sports, fitness and life skills facility        
for people of all abilities.                         Katie Watkins, Director, Programs
Charitable #123625618RR0001                       
        3701 Danforth Avenue                         Steve Bialowas, Coach, Variety Athletic Club
        Scarborough, Ontario M1N 2G2              
        Phone (416) 699-7167                         Jamie Sherwin, Facility Coordinator
        Fax (416) 699-3926                                               Daina Pidwerbeski, Facility/Programs Coordinator                     
HOURS                                                Brian Hay, Program Coordinator
Monday to Friday 7:00am - 10:00pm                 
Saturday & Sunday 7:00am - 5:00pm                    Alyssa Forrester, Program Coordinator
        Please note all areas close 15 minutes    
        prior to the facility closing.
TTC BUS ACCESS                                       LEADERSHIP TEAM
• 12A Victoria Park Station stops at the facility    Karen Stintz, President & Chief Executive Officer
• 12A Kennedy Station stops at the facility        
• 20 from Main Street Station stops at               Susan Sanderson, Director, Human Resources
    Birchmount and Danforth Avenue or Highview     
    and Anneke road                                  Archie Allison, Director, Access & Awareness
• 69B Warden South from Warden Station stops       
    at Birchmount and Danforth Avenue                Erin Rivet, Manager, Brand & Communications
FOUNDATION Head Office                               Audrey Bouman, Sport Marketing & Development
Variety - the Children’s Charity of Ontario        
Bringing kids off the sidelines and into the game.   Chris Yaccato, Manager, Fundraising
Charitable #118955137RR0001                        
        3701 Danforth Avenue                         Nina Chamberlain, Special Events
        Scarborough, Ontario M1N 2G2                                       Alex Turnbull, Coordinator, Event Planning
                                                     Smeeta Sohanlal, Volunteer Coordinator

Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP                                      Financial Subsidies
Includes access to the facility, registered classes;   Financially subsidized memberships are available
included classes and drop-in fitness.                  through application to Variety - the Children’s Charity.
                                                       Financial assistance is based on total household
                     AGE              ANNUAL
                                                       income. To be considered, applicants are required
    Adult            21 - 64          $599             to complete a financial assistance application
    Infant/Toddler   0 - 23 months    $0               form and provide documentation to confirm total
                                                       household income. For additional information,
    Child            2 - 13           $350             please contact one of our Membership Services
    Youth            14 - 20          $360             representatives.

    Senior           65+              $360
                                                       Membership Terms/Eligibility
    Family                            $1198            As part of the application process, membership
                                                       applicants are required to complete an application
FOUR-MONTH MEMBERSHIP                                   and sign a waiver form. Applicants under the age
Fees for four-month memberships must be paid            of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign on
with one payment by membership start date.              their behalf. Annual memberships cancelled before
                                                        the end of the contracted period are subject to a
                     AGE              4-MONTH FEE
                                                        cancellation fees.
    Adult            21-64            $300

    Infant/Toddler   0 - 23 months    $0               Annual memberships are a 12-month commitment.
                                                       Memberships cancelled during the first 12 months
    Child            2-13             $175
                                                       will be converted to 4 month or a one month
    Youth            14-20            $180             memberships, fees and payment due will be
                                                       adjusted to the revised prices.
    Senior           65+              $180

    Family                            $599             Four month memberships can be rolled into an
                                                       annual membership prior to the expiration date of
•     Prices do not include HST                        the 4th month.
•     Prices are subject to change
•     Monthly payment option is available on annual
      memberships only
•     All annual memberships paid monthly include an
      administration fee
•     Payments must be scheduled to a credit card,
      post dated cheque or pre-authorized debit from
      a bank account

Program & Recreational Guide - FALL + CAMPS 2021 | - Variety Member: Ken See page 4 for full feature! - Variety Village

 Registration                                                  make-up classes for the time missed. Please check
 Registration is subject to availability on a first-come,      regularly on our website and social media accounts for
 first-served basis. Registration for programs will be         updates on facility restrictions and closures.
 done by phone and online on the first day of registration
 for persons with disabilities. General registration will be   Program Cancellation
 online through Variety’s registration portal. Please have     Variety Ontario reserves the right to cancel or alter any
 program code(s) and credit card information ready.            programs, times, costs, or locations outlined in this
 Registrants must reach the specified m    inimum age of      guide without notice, due to lack of registration, change
 the program within three weeks of program start.              of policy, availability of space, or instructors and special
                                                               events. Refunds are issued for course cancellations
 METHODS OF PAYMENT                                            only.
 Credit Card (VISA, Master Card or American Express)
 Visa Debit
                                                               Waiting Lists
                                                               In cases of full classes, we will be happy to add you to
 For Your Safety                                               the waiting list.
 To ensure your health and safety, please make program
 staff aware of any medical conditions, medication             Transfers
 requirements, behavioral issues, allergies or recent          There is no transfer fee to move from one program to
 surgeries. All information is treated confidentially.         another or one class to another. However, transfers are
                                                               not permitted for certification programs after the first
 Withdrawals and Refunds                                       two weeks/classes.
 All registration cancellations/withdrawals must be
 completed prior to the start of the program’s third           Non-Attendance Policy
 class/day only. No refunds or credits are considered          If you decide to no longer attend classes, or a medical
 after this date. W
                   ithdrawals are prorated based on           condition prevents you from attending, please call
 the date of withdrawal, not based on attendance in            416 699 7167 ext. 268 to withdraw from the program.
 the program. A $15 administration fee is d  educted
 per person, per program for all refunds, withdrawals          Make up classes
 and credits. Submit requests via email to Jamie at            Variety is unable to accommodate make-up classes                                   for any reason. Participants are not permitted to trade
                                                               spaces in another class to avoid missing a lesson.
 Pool Fouling
 Occasionally due to situations beyond our control we
 may need to cancel a class at short notice as a result of
 a pool fouling. We work hard to limit the amount of time
 the pool is closed, however we are not able to provide


 We are encouraging everyone to use the online
 portal to book their sessions at Variety. Our online
 registration portal allows members to book a one
 hour time slot for the Weight Room, Cardio Room,
 Aquatics area, Fieldhouse and Fitness Classes.

                                                           REGISTRATION DATES
 If you had an email on file, you would have received
 an email inviting you to the portal. If you have an                             PERSONS WITH A DISABILITY
 email address but didn’t receive the email invite or
 wish to add your email to your file and get the invite,    FALL                 September 8 - 8:00am
 please contact our membership office by calling
                                                            WINTER               December 8 - 8:00am
 416-699-7167 extension 0 or email us at

 You must add a valid credit card or debit card to your
                                                            FALL                 September 11 - 7:30am
 portal account (you will not be charged - areas are
 free to book). If you do not have a credit card, please    WINTER               December 11 - 7:30am
 call the Membership Office to book your time at 416-
 699-7167 ext 0. If you make a mistake while booking       Online Registration Portal link, click here
 online or need to cancel a booking, please call the       or visit:

 Community-Based Programs                                  Included Fitness & Wellness Classes

     SESSION       DURATION           DATES                  SESSION         DURATION              DATES

     FALL          11 weeks           Sept 27 - Dec 12      FALL             15 weeks              Sept 6 – Dec 19

     BREAK         3 weeks            Dec 13 - Jan 2        BREAK            2 weeks               Dec 20 – Jan 2

     WINTER        10 weeks           Jan 3 - Mar 13        WINTER           10 weeks              Jan 3 – Mar 13

     BREAK         2 weeks            Mar 14 - Mar 27       BREAK            1 week                Mar 14 – Mar 20

11      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
INCLUDED In your Membership

 DAY                       TIME                  CLASS

                           9:30 - 10:30am        Running Club

                           11:00am - 12:00noon   TIME Program
                           1:00 - 2:00pm         Aquafit

                           6:00 - 7:00pm         Cardio & Weights

                           9:30 - 10:30am        Body Burn

                           11:00am - 12:00pm     Aquafit
                           1:00 - 2:00pm         Chair Fitness

                           6:00 - 7:00pm         Cardio Interval

                           9:30 - 10:30am        Framework

                           1:00 - 2:00pm         Aquafit
                           2:30 - 3:30pm         SHAPE

                           6:00 - 7:00pm         Framework

                           9:30 - 10:30am        Circuit Fitness

                           11:00am - 12:00pm     Chair Fitness
                           1:00 - 2:00pm         Aquafit

                           6:00 -7 :00pm         Circuits & Kick-boxing

 Friday                    9:30 - 10:30am        Core-fit

INCLUDED Fitness Classes & Programs

 TIME Program
 TIME is a one hour group program. The workout is arranged in exercise stations for strengthening of everyday
 activities, such as sit-to-stand, stepping up onto curbs, and walking endurance. The program assists participants
 to improve balance and strengthen legs and core. Registration is required. Registration is mandatory before the
 second week of classes. Start date is September 27, 2021.
     Monday                      11:00am-12:00pm              Ages: 55+                      FREE

 Cardio & Weights
 A combination of body weight, cardio and weight baring exercises that will sculpt your body and have you burning
 calories during and long after class.
 Monday                          6:00-7:00pm                  Ages: 14+                      FREE

 An overall core conditioning class targeting your abdominal wall, glutes, hips and back to build a rock solid core,
 ease lower back pain and prevent injury.
 Friday                          9:30-10:30am                 Ages: 14+                      FREE

 Body Burn
 A full body workout designed to enhance your cardiovascular endurance, coordination and overall strength through
 a variation of dynamic movements.
 Tuesday                         9:30-10:30am                 Ages: 14+                      FREE

 Cardio Interval
 A cardio/power circuit class to mix up any workout routine. Cardio Interval is geared towards challenging
 the cardiovascular system and building muscle tone. Using a variety of equipment this program focuses on
 cardiovascular training, muscle strength/conditioning and abdominal work.
 Tuesday                         6:00-7:00pm                  Ages: 14+                      FREE

 Chair Fitness
 A full hour class that is designed for people in chairs or those who require a chair to help increase stability.
 Focusing on the upper body to increase strength and cardiovascular endurance.
 Tuesday                   PD                     1:00-2:00pm             Ages: 14+                 FREE
 Thursday                  PD                     11:00am-12:00pm         Ages: 14+                 FREE

13      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
 A combination of strength training and stretching. Re-balance your body, unlock tight joints and prevent injury using
 dynamic movements to improve your fitness level.
 Wednesday                     9:30-10:30am                  Ages: 14+                       FREE
 Wednesday                     6:00-7:00pm                   Ages: 14+                       FREE

 Circuit Fitness
 Take your workout intensity up a notch with a variety of stations, including strength, core and cardio. Get stronger,
 leaner, improve your endurance and all over fitness level.
 Thursday                      9:30-10:30am                  Ages: 14+                       FREE

 Circuits & Kick-boxing
 Challenge yourself to an empowering hour of fitness and fun with a mix of Kick-boxing, cardio and strength
 training. Punch and kick your way into a fit and toned body with this heart pumping total body workout! All fitness
 levels are welcome and will be accommodated.
 Thursday                      6:00-7:00pm                   Ages: 14+                       FREE

 Cardio & Weights - Low Impact
 This low impact fitness class will combine cardio and optional weight conditioning to increase strength and
 overall health.
 Monday                        6:00-7:00pm                   Ages: 14+                       FREE

INCLUDED Fitness for Kids
Let’s get active! Parents enjoy our cardio programs… now the kids can too! This active class consists of structured
play and interactive games promoting team building, self-confidence, fitness and fun. Registration is required.
 FALL                LEVEL
 29608                                   Monday              6:00-7:00pm         Ages: 4-8          FREE
 29609               PD                  Monday              6:00-7:00pm         Ages: 4-8          FREE

Masters Programs Adult

                                                    PROGRAM ALERT!
                  Currently hiring, please check back in with Membership for updates on programming.

 Masters Swimming: Flames
 Variety Village’s Flames Master Program is an integrated swim team that provides opportunities for training and
 competition to swimmers at all levels, stages, and abilities. The program includes training opportunities for those
 looking to developing fundamental from learn to train to being active for life. The program includes those wanting
 to improve general fitness, those looking to compete at various levels of competitions such as masters, triathlons
 and ironman’s and training programs will be provided to support the individuals training throughout the season.
 Head Coach: Anna Atell,

     TBD                   Tuesday, Thursday    6:00-7:00am             Ages:14+               $120

15      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Parent & Tot Programs

 Based on the Community-based program session dates.

 Parent & Tot Swim & Gym
 Try out this combination of our two most popular tot classes! Class will begin with parents and tots jumping in the
 water to work with our Red Cross instructors on skills specific to their development level. Then, in our kids gym,
 tots will be able to explore the fundamentals of movement through tummy time, discovery ball play, parachute
 games, dance, and obstacle courses. This class includes 70 min. of instruction – 30 min. in the pool, 20 min.
 break, 40 min. in the kids gym.

     29309                 Tuesday                9:00 – 10:30am          Ages: 4-24 months       $120
     29310                 Saturday               9:00 – 10:30am          Ages: 4-24 months       $120
     29311                 Saturday               9:35 – 11:10am          Ages: 4-24 months       $120

 Teeter Tots
 Have a tot that’s mastered the fundamentals offered in our regular tots’ programs? Join us in the fieldhouse where
 we will begin to introduce the next level of movement. Our focus will be on running, kicking, throwing, balance, and
 climbing. During the gym session parents will get to leave their tot, so we can also work on being independent in a
 program and focus on playing with peers. Afterwards, both parent and tot will jump into the water and work with
 our Red Cross instructors on skills specific to their development level. This class is a total of 1.5 hours – 40 min. in
 the Fieldhouse, 20 min. break, 30 min. in the pool.

     29312                 Saturday               9:00-10:30am            2-3 years with Parent $125

 Parent & Tot Learn to Swim
 Parents and tots will learn how to play safely together in the water. We will introduce swimming specific skills such
 as floating, glides, and blowing bubbles through play and songs. Parents will also learn how to help keep their tots
 safe in an emergency.
     29314                 Monday                 5:40 – 6:10pm           Ages: 4 – 36 months     $70
     29315                 Wednesday              6:15 – 6:45pm           Ages: 4 – 36 months     $70
     29316                 Thursday               10:00 – 10:30am         Ages: 4 – 36 months     $70
     29317                 Friday                 10:00 – 10:30am         Ages: 4 – 36 months     $70
     29318                 Saturday               10:45 – 11:15am         Ages: 4 – 36 months     $70

16      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Specialty Programs

 Building Blocks
 Participants learn effective means of communicating through play with peers and developing the skills to assist
 them with their interactions in the classroom and the playground. Each week we focus on the skills relating to
 certain themes (making friends, personal space, teamwork, sharing etc.) We involve interactive games, new
 activities and opportunities to interact with peers on various levels, depending on the participant’s ability.
 For more information please contact Alyssa Forrester at or 416 699 7167 ext. 268.
 Saturday                        9:00-10:30am               Ages: 4-12                   $275
 Saturday                        11:00am-12:30pm            Ages: 4-12                   $275

 Teen Weekend Club
 Teen Weekend Club is a program for young teens with disabilities. This successful program includes gym, crafts,
 cooking and group outings presented in a social atmosphere.
     29613                 Saturday             11:00am – 12:30pm        Ages: 11-14            $100

 Sport & Social
 Sport & Social is a program for adults with disabilities. This successful program includes gym, crafts, cooking and
 group outings presented in a social atmosphere.

     29614                 Saturday             1:30-4:00pm              Ages: 14+              $150

 Wicked Wednesday
 This respite program gives participants the opportunity to swim, play cooperative activities in the fieldhouse and
 participate in other activities in a social and welcoming atmosphere. Dinner is included.

     29615                 Wednesday            3:00-8:00pm              Ages: 16+              $450

 Participants of this program will take the fundamentals of drama that are taught throughout the year and use them
 to develop an end of the year performance. They will also learn behind the scenes techniques to prepare for the
 show. This is a full year course following all Community Based Programs start and end dates.

     29621                 Thursday             6:00-8:00pm              Ages: 13+              $550

17      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Individual Programs

 One on One Reading
 Participants’ reading abilities and comprehension skills are improved through reflection and themed activities.
 One on One reading classes provide a comfortable reading environment to develop strength in making inferences,
 predictions and comparisons.

     29590                  Monday                5:00 – 5:30pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29591                  Monday                5:30 – 6:00pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29592                  Monday                6:00 – 6:30pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29593                  Monday                6:30 – 7:00pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29594                  Monday                7:00 – 7:30pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29595                  Monday                7:30 – 8:00pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29596                  Wednesday             5:00 – 5:30pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29597                  Wednesday             5:30 – 6:00pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29598                  Wednesday             6:00 – 6:30pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29599                  Wednesday             6:30 – 7:00pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29600                  Wednesday             7:00 – 7:30pm           Ages: All Ages          $160
     29601                  Wednesday             7:30 – 8:00pm           Ages: All Ages          $160

 One on One Fitness Conditioning in the Fieldhouse/Multi-Sensory Room
 Individual instruction in the Fieldhouse to increase coordination, endurance, flexibility and fitness.

     FALL              LEVEL
     29578             PD                 Monday              4:30 – 5:00pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29579             PD                 Monday              5:00 – 5:30pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29580             PD                 Monday              5:30 – 6:00pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29581             PD                 Tuesday             4:30 – 5:00pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29582             PD                 Tuesday             5:00 – 5:30pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29583             PD                 Tuesday             5:30 – 6:00pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29584             PD                 Wednesday           4:30 – 5:00pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29585             PD                 Wednesday           5:00 – 5:30pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29586             PD                 Wednesday           5:30 – 6:00pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29587             PD                 Thursday            4:30 – 5:00pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29588             PD                 Thursday            5:00 – 5:30pm       Ages: 4+            $160
     29589             PD                 Thursday            5:30 – 6:00pm       Ages: 4+            $160

18      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
After School Programs

 After School Program
 Join us after school! This program gives grade school students opportunities to use after school time to be active
 and engaged. Participants will swim, use the diving boards, climb the rockwall, and play other games and sports.
 Our enthusiastic, qualified staff ensure a fun, safe, and inclusive environment. Staff will greet participants in the
 lobby (transportation to be arranged by parents). All participants must be able to engage with the group in a 1:5
 ratio. Participants can be dropped off to all community based programs such as Taekwondo, Multisport, Cardio
 Kids, and all Red Cross and One-on-One Conditioning programs. Please note that registration is for the whole
 session. Switching days can not be accommodated. For more information please contact Brian Hay at or call 416 699 7167 ext 254.

     FALL                                                                   M                     NM
     September 9, 2021 -                                                    $20/day               $25/day
                           Mon-Fri        3:00-6:00pm      Ages: 4-21
     December 17, 2021                                                      $95/week              $120/week

19      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Learn to Play Programs

 Children in Motion Level 1
 The Children in Motion program is designed to focus on the fundamentals of games and activities in a
 non-competitive environment. This program also works to prepare children to participate successfully and
 independently in programs.

     29602                 Saturday               10:00-10:45am           Ages: 3-12              $70

 Children in Motion Level 2
 Challenging skills and new concepts are introduced. The emphasis is on individual motor skill development and
 fitness. This class reinforces skills learned in Level 1 such as listening and following instructions. They will also
 focus on fine and gross motor skills. Advanced skills are developed through fun and interactive games.

     29603                 Saturday               10:00-10:45am           Ages: 3-12              $70

 Children in Motion Level 3
 Advanced skill development games are played. Emphasis is on teamwork and fitness.
     29604                 Saturday               10:00-10:45am           Ages: 3-12              $70

20      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Fundamental Programs

 Variety Multi-sport program is an introduction to a range of sports and social skills that foster confidence.
 Highlighting five fieldhouse sports teams; track & field, weightlifting, wheelchair basketball, Taekwondo and boccia,
 children are introduced to fundamentals of each sport, with focus on agility, balance and coordination.

 Multi-sport 1
 Multi-Sport Level 1 is designed to introduce children to simple skills development including running, jumping and
 throwing to build confidence in a non-competitive environment. Children have the opportunity to use pieces of
 equipment that support skills development.

     29605                 Tuesday                6:00-7:00pm             Ages: 3-7                $70

 Multi-sport 2
 Children in Multi-Sport Level 2 continue to build confidence while learning advanced skill sets in an environment
 that is encouraging and inclusive. By the end of this level children should be showing interest in specific sports.

     29606                 Tuesday                6:00-7:00pm             Ages: 4-7                $70

 Multi-sport 3
 Children in Multi-sport Level 3 three have attained an interest in sport and have skill sets that reflect that interest.
 Children in Level 3 are invited to join grassroots sports teams of their choice and given the extra coaching support
 to transition to their chosen sport.
     29607                 Tuesday                6:00-7:00pm             Ages: 6-9                $70

 Kid Fit
 Sometimes children seem ready to hit the gym but are considered too young. Not anymore! This fitness program
 will teach children how to work out properly and have FUN around the gym. This program builds a foundation for
 participants’ future
 in fitness.

     29610                 Wednesday              6:00-7:00pm             Ages: 8-13               $70

21      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Red Cross Preschool

 As the Red Cross Swim program is based on a foundation of continuous evaluation of the required skills in each
 level, Variety is not required to issue report cards for participants who are absent for four or more lessons.

 Sea Otter
 Preschoolers actively learn new swimming skills including assisted floats and glides through games and songs.
 The fun includes learning to jump into chest deep water.
     29319                 Monday              4:30 – 5:00pm          Ages: 3-5 years       $70
     29320                 Tuesday             6:15 – 6:45pm          Ages: 3-5 years       $70
     29321                 Wednesday           5:05 – 5:35pm          Ages: 3-5 years       $70
     29323                 Saturday            9:00 – 9:30am          Ages: 3-5 years       $70

 Swimmers work on front and back floats and glides, kicks on front with a buoyant object, and are able to swim one
 metre upon completion of this level.
     29326                 Monday              5:05 – 5:35pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years     $70
     29327                 Tuesday             5:40 – 6:10pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years     $70
     29328                 Wednesday           4:30 – 5:00pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years     $70
     29330                 Saturday            9:35 – 10:05am         Ages: 3 – 5 years     $70

 Preschoolers in Sunfish work on stroke and skills progressions. Learning focuses on good judgment in and around
 the water including entries and floats in deep water.
     29333                 Monday              5:40 – 6:10pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years     $70
     29334                 Tuesday             4:30 – 5:00pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years     $70
     29335                 Wednesday           5:40 – 6:10pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years     $70
     29336                 Thursday            6:15 – 6:45pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years     $70
     29338                 Saturday            10:10 – 10:40am        Ages: 3 – 5 years     $70

22      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
 Swimmers in Crocodile, begin independent glides and kicks in deep water. Endurance is built by increasing the
 distance for front and back swim to 10 metres.
     29341                 Monday              6:15 – 6:45pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years      $70
     29342                 Tuesday             6:50 – 7:20pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years      $70
     29343                 Wednesday           5:05 – 5:35pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years      $70
     29345                 Saturday            10:45 – 11:15am        Ages: 3 – 5 years      $70

 In Whale, children learn to swim independently and participate in team games. They also increase their distance
 swims and improve their technique for front and back swims to 15 metres.

     29348                 Monday              6:15 – 6:45pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years      $70
     29349                 Tuesday             5:05 – 5:35pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years      $70
     29869                 Wednesday           5:05 – 5:35pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years      $70
     29350                 Thursday            5:40 – 6:10pm          Ages: 3 – 5 years      $70
     29352                 Saturday            11:55am – 12:25pm      Ages: 3 – 5 years      $70

23      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Red Cross Kids, Teens & Adults

 As the Red Cross Swim program is based on a foundation of continuous evaluation of the required skills in each
 level, Variety Village is not required to issue report cards for participants who are absent for four or more lessons.

 Level 1
 This is an entry level for children who are ready to move in shallow water. This level provides an orientation to the
 water and the pool area, and introduces floats and glides with kicks. Children build their endurance by improving
     29354                 Monday                 4:30 – 5:00pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29355                 Tuesday                6:50 – 7:20pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29356                 Thursday               4:30 – 5:00pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29357                 Saturday               10:10 – 10:40am         Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     30118                 Sunday                 9:00 – 9:30am           Ages: 6-14 years        $70

 Level 2
 Level 2 helps children build foundational skills for front and back swims. Children are introduced to deep water
 activities and proper use of a Personal Flotation Device (PFD). Endurance is built through flutter kicks with assisted
     29360                 Monday                 5:05 – 5:35pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29361                 Tuesday                5:40 – 6:10pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29362                 Thursday               5:05 – 5:35pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29363                 Saturday               10:45 – 11:15am         Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29561                 Sunday                 9:35 – 10:05am          Ages: 6-14 years        $70

 Level 3
 In level 3, swimmers are introduced to the front crawl as well as the foundations for making wise choices about
 where and when to swim. Sitting dives are introduced and children work on floats and changing direction.
 Endurance is achieved by building strength in flutter kick and a 15-metre swim.
     29366                 Monday                 5:40 – 6:10pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29367                 Tuesday                5:05 – 5:35pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29368                 Wednesday              5:40 – 6:10pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29369                 Thursday               5:40 – 6:10pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29370                 Saturday               11:20 – 11:55am         Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29372                 Sunday                 10:10 – 10:40am         Ages: 6-14 years        $70

24      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Red Cross Kids, Teens & Adults

 Level 4
 In Level 4, the front crawl, back glide, and shoulder roll for the back crawl are further developed. Swimmers work
 on kneeling dives, surface support, and develop a greater sense of self safety by understanding their own limits.
 Endurance is built through a 25-metre swim.
     29373                 Monday                6:15 – 6:45pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29374                 Tuesday               5:40 – 6:10pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29375                 Thursday              6:15 – 6:45pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29376                 Saturday              11:20 – 11:55am         Ages: 6-14 years        $70

 Level 5
 Level 5 introduces swimmers to the back crawl along with sculling skills and the whip kick on the back swim.
 Children try striding dives and receive an introduction to safe boating skills. Endurance is developed through the
 dolphin kick and a 50-metre swim.
     29378                 Monday                6:50 – 7:20pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29379                 Tuesday               6:15 – 6:45pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29380                 Wednesday             5:05 – 5:35pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29381                 Saturday              11:55am – 12:25pm       Ages: 6-14 years        $70

 Level 5/6
 Swimmers in Levels 5 and 6 work on their level-specific skills. This class is great for those swimmers who are close
 to completing their Level 5 or need a bit of extra support working on their Level 6. Level 5 introduces the back crawl,
 sculling skills, and the whip kick on the back swim. Children learn stride dives and receive an introduction to safe
 boating skills. Endurance is developed through the dolphin kick and a 50 metre swim. Swimmers in level 6 continue
 to refine their front and back crawl. The elementary backstroke is also introduced. Children learn safety on ice,
 elementary rescues of others with throwing assists, treading water and front dives. Endurance is built through a
 75-metre swim.
     29383                 Thursday              5:40 – 6:10pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70

25      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Red Cross Kids, Teens & Adults

 Level 6
 Swimmers in Level 6 continue to refine their front and back crawl. The elementary backstroke is also introduced.
 Children learn safety on ice, elementary rescues of others with throwing assists, treading water and front dives.
 Endurance is built through a 75-metre swim.
     29384                 Monday                7:25 – 7:55pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29385                 Tuesday               6:50 – 7:20pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29386                 Wednesday             5:40 – 6:10pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $70
     29387                 Saturday              11:55am – 12:25pm       Ages: 6-14 years        $70

 Level 7/8
 Swimmers in Levels 7 and 8 work on their level specific skills. Swimmers in Level 7 continue to develop their skills
 and endurance for front crawl, back crawl, elementary back stroke, and are introduced to the whip kick on the front
 swim. Children learn about airway and breathing obstructions. Endurance is built through timed treading water and
 a 150 metre swim. Level 8 provides an introduction to the breaststroke, foot first surface dives and rescue entries.
 Children learn about the dangers of open water, hypothermia, and performance of rescue breathing on children and
 adults. Endurance is built through learning the dolphin kick and a 300-metre swim.
     29389                 Monday                5:05 – 5:50pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $95
     29390                 Wednesday             6:15 – 7:30pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $95
     29391                 Saturday              9:10 – 9:55am           Ages: 6-14 years        $95

 Level 9/10
 Swimmers in Levels 9/10 work on their level specific skills. In Level 9, swimmers continue to refine the front
 crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke and breaststroke. In this level, swimmers are encouraged to combine
 different strokes and kicks for fitness. They also work on head-first shallow dives, standing dives, and learn about
 wise choices, peer influences, and self rescue from ice. Endurance is built through a 400-metre swim. In Level
 10, swimmers have a final assessment of their strokes for technique and distance (front crawl 100m, back crawl
 100m, elementary backstroke 50m, breaststroke 50m, and sidestroke 25m). Swimmers learn about sun safety,
 rescue of others from ice and head first and feet first surface dives. Endurance is built using vertical dolphin kick
 and a 500-metre swim.
     29393                 Monday                5:55 – 6:40pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $95
     29394                 Wednesday             7:40 – 8:25pm           Ages: 6-14 years        $95
     29395                 Saturday              11:05 – 11:50am         Ages: 6-14 years        $95

26      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Aquatics Individual Instruction

 One-on-One Conditioning Aquatics: Persons with a Disability (Shallow End)
 One-on-One Conditioning classes are a great way to learn and improve your swimming, fitness, flexibility and
 mobility skills. The lessons are 30 minutes long and held at the appropriate depth and are tailored to the swimmer’s
 individual needs.

     FALL                  LEVEL
     29458                 PD                   Monday                 6:15 – 6:45pm          $160
     29404                 PD                   Monday                 6:50 – 7:20pm          $160
     29405                 PD                   Monday                 7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29406                 PD                   Tuesday                4:30 – 5:00pm          $160
     29407                 PD                   Tuesday                7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29410                 PD                   Wednesday              6:15 – 6:45pm          $160
     29863                 PD                   Wednesday              6:50 – 7:20pm          $160
     29564                 PD                   Wednesday              7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29412                 PD                   Thursday               4:30 – 5:00pm          $160
     29413                 PD                   Thursday               4:30 – 5:00pm          $160
     29414                 PD                   Thursday               5:05 – 5:35pm          $160
     29415                 PD                   Thursday               5:05 – 5:35pm          $160
     29416                 PD                   Thursday               5:40 – 6:10pm          $160
     29417                 PD                   Thursday               6:15 – 6:45pm          $160
     29418                 PD                   Thursday               6:50 – 7:20pm          $160
     29419                 PD                   Thursday               6:50 – 7:20pm          $160
     29420                 PD                   Saturday               9:00 – 9:30am          $160
     29555                 PD                   Saturday               9:35 – 10:05am         $160
     29426                 PD                   Saturday               12:30 – 1:00pm         $160

 One-on-One Conditioning Aquatics: Persons with a Disability (Deep End)
 One-on-One Conditioning classes are a great way to learn and improve your swimming, fitness, flexibility and
 mobility skills. The lessons are 30 minutes long and held at the appropriate depth and are tailored to the swimmer’s
 individual needs.
     FALL                  LEVEL
     29511                 PD                   Monday                 7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29563                 PD                   Monday                 8:00 – 8:30pm          $160
     29436                 PD                   Tuesday                7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29437                 PD                   Wednesday              4:30 – 5:00pm          $160

27      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Aquatics Individual Instruction

 One-on-One Conditioning Aquatics: Persons with a Disability (Deep End) Continued

     FALL                  LEVEL
     29441                 PD                   Thursday               4:30 – 5:00pm          $160
     29442                 PD                   Saturday               9:00 – 9:30am          $160
     29443                 PD                   Saturday               9:35 – 10:05am         $160
     29446                 PD                   Saturday               12:30 – 1:00pm         $160

 One-on-One Conditioning Aquatics: Persons with a Disability (Deep End or Shallow End)
 One-on-One Conditioning classes are a great way to learn and improve your swimming, fitness, flexibility and
 mobility skills. The lessons are 30 minutes long and held at the appropriate depth and are tailored to the swimmer’s
 individual needs.
     FALL                  LEVEL
     29457                 PD                   Monday                 4:30 – 5:00pm          $160
     29401                 PD                   Monday                 5:05 – 5:35pm          $160
     29432                 PD                   Monday                 8:00 – 8:30pm          $160
     29459                 PD                   Tuesday                4:30 – 5:00pm          $160
     29575                 PD                   Tuesday                5:05 - 5:35pm          $160
     29462                 PD                   Tuesday                8:00 – 8:30pm          $160
     29536                 PD                   Tuesday                8:00 – 8:30pm          $160
     29468                 PD                   Wednesday              4:30 – 5:00pm          $160
     29470                 PD                   Wednesday              6:50 – 7:20pm          $160
     29565                 PD                   Wednesday              7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29471                 PD                   Wednesday              8:00 – 8:30pm          $160
     29478                 PD                   Thursday               7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29479                 PD                   Thursday               7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29480                 PD                   Thursday               7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29481                 PD                   Thursday               7:25 – 7:55pm          $160
     29482                 PD                   Thursday               8:00 – 8:30pm          $160
     29483                 PD                   Thursday               8:00 – 8:30pm          $160
     29484                 PD                   Thursday               8:00 – 8:30pm          $160
     29485                 PD                   Thursday               8:00 – 8:30pm          $160
     29486                 PD                   Thursday               4:30 – 5:00pm          $160
     29547                 PD                   Saturday               12:30 – 1:00pm         $160
     29493                 PD                   Saturday               12:30 – 1:00pm         $160
     29502                 PD                   Sunday                 9:00 – 9:30am          $160

28      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Aquatics Individual Instruction

 One-on-One Conditioning Aquatics: Persons with a Disability (Deep End or Shallow End) Continued

     FALL                  LEVEL
     29503                 PD            Sunday              9:35 – 10:05am      $160
     29504                 PD            Sunday              10:45 – 11:15am     $160
     29505                 PD            Sunday              10:45 – 11:15am     $160
     29506                 PD            Sunday              11:20 – 11:55am     $160
     29507                 PD            Sunday              11:20 – 11:55am     $160
     29572                 PD            Sunday              11:55am – 12:25pm   $160
     30121                               Sunday              12:30 – 1:00pm      $160

29      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Aquatics Individual Instruction

 Private Swim Lessons - Shallow End
 Private swim lessons are a great way to learn and improve your swimming, fitness, flexibility and mobility. Lessons
 are held for 30 minutes at the appropriate depth and are tailored to the swimmer’s individual needs.

     29508                 Monday               4:30 – 5:00pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29509                 Monday               6:50 – 7:20pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29510                 Monday               6:50 – 7:20pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29513                 Monday               8:00 – 8:30pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29514                 Tuesday              6:15 – 6:45pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29515                 Tuesday              7:25 – 7:55pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29517                 Wednesday            6:15 – 6:45pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29518                 Wednesday            6:50 – 7:20pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29519                 Wednesday            6:50 – 7:20pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29531                 Thursday             6:15 – 6:45pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29532                 Thursday             6:50 – 7:20pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29533                 Thursday             6:50 – 7:20pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     30119                 Saturday             11:20 – 11:55am        Ages: 18mths+          $275

 Private Swim Lessons - Deep End
 Private swim lessons are a great way to learn and improve your swimming, fitness, flexibility and mobility. Lessons
 are held for 30 minutes at the appropriate depth and are tailored to the swimmer’s individual needs.
     29529                 Tuesday              5:40 – 6:10pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29516                 Wednesday            4:30 – 5:00pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29522                 Thursday             5:05 – 5:35pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29524                 Saturday             11:55am – 12:25pm      Ages: 18mths+          $275

30      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Private Swim Lessons (Deep or Shallow)
 Private swim lessons are a great way to learn and improve your swimming, fitness, flexibility and mobility. Lessons
 are held for 30 minutes at the appropriate depth and are tailored to the swimmer’s individual needs.
     29562                 Monday               7:25 – 7:55pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29512                 Monday               8:00 – 8:30pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29537                 Tuesday              8:00 – 8:30pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29530                 Wednesday            8:00 – 8:30pm          Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29340                 Sunday               10:10 – 10:40am        Ages: 18mths+          $275
     29892                 Sunday               11:55am – 12:25pm      Ages: 18mths+          $275
     31020                 Sunday               12:30 – 1:00pm         Ages: 18mths+          $275

31      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Intro to Aquatics Certifications

 Junior Lifeguard Club
 This class is for children and youth who can swim at least 25 metres and tread water for two minutes. The Junior
 Lifeguard Club is for those who are quick learners, between levels or programs and thrive in energetic learning
     29397                 Wednesday           8:00– 8:30pm           Ages: 10-16           $115
     29398                 Wednesday           7:25 – 7:55pm          Ages: 10-16           $115

32      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Pre-Competitive Grassroots Programs


 G - General         PD - Person with Disability   B - Beginner    N - Novice      I - Intermediate A - Advanced

 Taekwondo Grassroots - Kids
 With emphasis on introducing routines and structures in an environment that is fun and positive. This program is
 for white and yellow belts.

 BEGINNERS (B) Recommended for White Belts
 NOVICE (N) Yellow, Orange Belts
 INTERMEDIATE (I) Recommended for Green & Blue
 ADVANCED (A) Recommended for Red & Black Belts

     FALL           LEVEL
     29279          B                Monday              5:00-5:45pm        Ages: 4-10           $75
     29280          N, I             Wednesday           5:00-5:45pm        Ages: 4-10           $75
     29281          B                Saturday            11:00am-11:40am Ages: NEW! 4-7          $75
     30130          B, N, I          Saturday            12:00pm-12:45pm Ages: 4-10              $75

 Taekwondo - 1st year
 With emphasis on introducing routines and structures in an environment that is fun and positive. This program is
 for white and yellow belts. Please note a parent/guardian must be present and may assist participant in class.
 BEGINNERS (B) *recommended for White & Yellow Stripe

     FALL               LEVEL
     29282              PD, B             Monday              6:00-6:45pm       Ages: 6+          $75

 Taekwondo - 2nd year
 This intermediate program continues to develop acquired martial art skills. Emphasis is on following directions
 and good etiquette in an environment that is safe and inclusive. This program is for orange belts and higher. Please
 note a parent/guardian must be present and may assist participant in class.
 NOVICE (N) *Yellow, Orange Belts
 INTERMEDIATE (I) *Green & Blue Belts

     FALL               LEVEL
     29283              PD, N, I          Wednesday           6:00-6:45pm       Ages: 9+          $75

33      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Taekwondo - 3rd year - Advanced Only
 This advanced program encourages greater involvement through Taekwondo. Emphasis is on personal bests,
 leadership and integration.
 ADVANCED (A) *recommended for Red & Black Belts

     FALL              LEVEL
     29285             PD, I, A         Wednesday          7:00-8:00pm        Ages: 9+           $75

 Taekwondo - Recreational Youth/Teen/Adult
 This integrated recreational program provides environment for all stages of development. Emphasis on Taekwondo
 curriculum, fundamentals, and long term participation.
 BEGINNERS (B) *recommended for White Belts
 NOVICE (N) *Yellow, Orange Belts
 INTERMEDIATE (I) *recommended for Green & Blue
 ADVANCED (A) *recommended for Red & Black Belts

     FALL              LEVEL
     29286             B, N             Monday             7:00-7:45pm        Ages: 11+          $75
     29287             N, I, A          Wednesday          7:00-8:00pm        Ages: 11+          $75
     29288             B, N, I, A       Saturday           1:00-2:00pm        Ages: 11+          $75

 Volt Hockey
 At beginner level, this new sport introduces youngsters with varied mobility to the game of electric hockey!
 Played by more than 50 teams internationally; Denmark, Norway, Sweden and now here at Variety! The one-hour
 class teaches players the fundamentals of sport, the skills of the game and how to play using the motorized Volt
 Hockey chair. Intermediate and Advanced levels will continue to focus on the rules of the game and train towards
 competitions. You must be have a membership with Variety to enroll in the program. For more information about
 registration please contact Steve Bialowas at

     FALL              LEVEL                                                                     M
     29291             B                Saturday           2:00-4:00pm        Ages: 7+           $120

 Flames Pre-Competitive
 PROGRAM ALERT! Currently hiring for a Team Coach, please check back in with Membership for updates on

 Wheelchair Basketball
 This program provides beginners and experienced players the opportunity to compete in organized, timed and
 officiated games. Games take place in a recreational setting. Wheelchairs are provided.

     FALL              LEVEL
     29292             G                Saturday           11:00am-1:00pm Ages: 12+              $120

34      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
 An introduction the game soccer. The participants will learn the fundamentals of the game. They will also learn new
 soccer skills and improve their techniques. They will get to apply the strategies they learn into game play at the end
 of each class.

     FALL              LEVEL
     30133             B                 Saturday            10:00-11:00am       Ages: 10-12         $75

 This is the ideal program for youth looking for strength training and an introduction to Olympic Weightlifting. It’s
 also an excellent program for young athletes already training in a specific sport who are looking to increase overall
 athletic performance and self-confidence.

     FALL              LEVEL
     29293             G                 Tuesday             5:00-6:00pm         Ages: under 15      $75
     29294             G                 Saturday            9:00-10:00am        Ages: under 15      $75

 Track - Level 1
 This program aligns itself with Athletics Canada’s Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model stage 2 –
 Fundamentals. The session provides children an introduction to the fundamental skills of running, jumping and
 throwing using modified track and field equipment and Athletics Canada’s Run Jump Throw Wheel (RJTW)
 program. The focus of this program is development of speed and agility in a safe environment (speed in a variety of
 directions). There are limited and optional opportunities to compete with other children of similar age and skill level.

     FALL              LEVEL
     29295             B                 Tuesday             5:00-6:00pm         Ages: 7-9           $75

 Track - Level 2
 This program aligns itself with Athletics Canada’s LTAD model stage 3: Learning to Train. Athletes interested in this
 program are registering for two classes / week. Athletes train across all disciplines (sprints/hurdles; vertical (long
 jump only); horizontal (high jump only); throws) and have the option of competing. At this stage greater emphasis is
 placed on technique, postural balance; all of which contribute to better biomechanics and improved performance.
 The sessions are structured, with an outlined practice schedule. The trainable skills of the ABC’s continue to be
 developed while “general” talent identification begins through monitoring trials dispersed throughout each session.

     FALL      LEVEL
     29296     B           Thursday & Sunday     5:00-6:00pm & 9:30-10:30am                Ages: 9-12      $130

35      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Variety Athletic Club
The Variety Athletic Club gives children and youth of all abilities the chance to be active, competitive and discover
their potential. Since 1982, the teams have provided the perfect training ground for athletes who go on to compete
at Paralympic, Special Olympic and Olympic games. Variety athletes attend regular competitions at home and
across Ontario, Canada and North America.Currently there are 224 athletes participating on seven VVAC teams
training an average of 10 hours per week.

It is recommended that young athletes interested in         •   Introduce and teach the etiquette of sport
registering for the Introduction to Sport programs have      •   Introduce and teach proper form, technique and
participated in our Multi-sport and/or the Grassroots            movement of sport
programs. Athletes considering the VVAC teams                •   Build confidence and skill set
without having enrolled in the above programs, will
require a recommendation from the team head coach.           For more information please contact:
                                                             Katie Watkins
The programs follow a training model focusing on age
and stage development under the Canadian Sport for
Life Long Term Athlete Development model (LTAD).

Wheelchair Basketball

 For the past 30 years, Variety has run an integrated wheelchair basketball team. With the focus on teaching
 athletes the skills necessary to play wheelchair basketball, the club also provides competition opportunities by
 attending local and regional games. Over the years, team members and coaches have attained great milestones -
 the latest being the Men’s and Women’s Canadian Wheelchair Basketball Teams representing Canada at the 2012
                                             and 2016 Paralympic Games and the 2015 Parapan Am Games
                                             in Toronto.

                                          Head Coach: Stephen Bialowas,
                                          Head Coach of the Rolling Rebels
                                          NCCP Level 4 Coach
                                          Diploma in High Performance Coaching

                                           MONDAY                             7:00-9:00pm

                                           WEDNESDAY                          7:00-9:00pm

                                           SATURDAY                           9:00-11:00am

               Track & Athletics

 Aligned with Athletic Canada’s LTAD stages, VVAC Athletics offers training that supports the athlete’s event
 specialty. Depending on the stage of development, athletes begin to be streamed into the event group area
 (throws, jumps, sprints, endurance or wheelchair events) where they can experience success. Speed, strength,
 aerobic capacity and power are optimized based on the event requirement. The annual training plans are built
                                           around the indoor and outdoor athletic season. Club athletes are
                                           committed to regular training and competition at the provincial,
                                           national and international levels.

                                          Head Coach: Jamal Miller,
                                          Certified Club Coach - Sprints and Hurdles
                                          Specialty in Biomechanics

                                           TUESDAY                              6:00-8:00pm

                                           THURSDAY                             6:00-8:00pm

                                           SUNDAY                               10:30am-1:00pm

Taekwondo Academy

 Since 1992, Variety Ontario has provided martial arts classes
 for students of all ages and abilities. Under the curriculum
 and guidelines of the Young Choung Taekwondo™ Academy,
 this specialized program is ideal for recreational and
 competitive streams, with the main focus on Taekwondo’s
 sport principles. With its own separate entrance located at the
 south end of the building, the space is equipped with Olympic
 Taekwondo approved floor mats, and training equipmment.
 Our qualified coaching staff develop under the National
 Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) Our program focuses
 on competition introduction and long term development. The
 advanced program offers pathways for taekwondo players,
 coaches, instructors and officials from developmental to
 High Performance.

 Head Coach: Master Rommel Cabanatan, ChPC,
 Chartered Professional CoachNCCP
 Diploma in High Performance Coaching
 Provincial & National Team Coach
 International Referee
 Master Coach Developer & Coach MentorFormer Member of
 the (ON) Provincial, (CAF/CISMM) Military and (CAN) Canadian
 National Teams

 Tuesday                   I, A                 5:30-6:45pm        Ages: 4-11       Standard Curriculum
 Thursday                  I, A                 5:30-6:45pm        Ages: 4-11       Technical Training
 Saturday                  I, A                 9:00-10:45am       Ages: All Ages   Integrated

 Tuesday                   I, A                 7:00-8:30pm        Ages: 12+        Standard Curriculum
 Thursday                  I, A                 7:00-8:30pm        Ages: 12+        Technical Training
 Saturday                  I, A                 9:30-10:45am       Ages: All Ages   Integrated

38      FALL PROGRAMS + CAMPS 2021
Flames Swim Team

                                                PROGRAM ALERT!
      Currently hiring for a Team Coach, please check back in with Memebership for updates on progamming.

 The Flames Swim Team is an integrated competitive speed swim team that provides training and competition
 opportunities for swimmers at all levels, ages, stages and abilities. The team has a long history of developing
 swimmers who reach provincial, national and international levels. The program focuses on developing the
 necessary fundamental skills which are required to be a competitive athlete. Dryland training for the 7 and 5 day
 programs with the Strength and Conditioning coach is to be scheduled individually.

                                          Team Manager: Anna Atell,

Sunshine Swim Team

 The Sunshine Swim Team is the only team at Variety Ontario dedicated exclusively to individuals with intellectual
 disabilities. Our coaches work to ensure that athletes train toward c ompetitive swimming in an environment that
 is supportive and inclusive. The 10-month training season is full of opportunities, including training camps and
  competitions. Part of Special Olympics Ontario, the team has well-developed relationships with other competitive
                                      teams across the province. New athletes interested in joining the team are
                                      asked to meet with the coach. Athletes must be able to complete 25 meter
                                      swim free and back stroke, vertical kick for 30 seconds and demonstrate

                                    Contact: Archie Allison,

                                     MONDAY                                  6:30-8:00pm

                                     WEDNESDAY                               6:30-8:00pm

                                     THURSDAY                                6:30-8:00pm

 Olympic Weightlifting trains the athlete for functional strength and utilizing the body’s major muscle groups.
 Athletes are introduced and train toward two Olympic lifting techniques - the snatch and the clean and jerk.
 Training involves quality repetitions and building body strength. The training season runs 12 months of the year
 with the competition season starting in the summer months.

                                          Head Coach: Abdallah Alsebaai,
                                          Level 3 Certified Coach
                                          International Ranked Weightlifter Competition Director of the
                                          2011 Canadian Senior Weightlifting Championships, 2012 Canadian
                                          Junior Weightlifting Championships and the 2014 Pan American Masters
                                          Weightlifting Championships

                                           MONDAY                               6:00-8:00pm
                                           TUESDAY                              6:30-8:30pm
                                           WEDNESDAY                            6:00-8:00pm
                                           FRIDAY                               6:00-8:00pm
                                           SATURDAY                             12:00-2:00pm

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