A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City

Page created by Marjorie Rice
A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
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A G u i d e to Ocean City
 R e c r e ation & Parks
A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
2021 Youth
                                                    Summer Camps
Ocean City Recreation and Parks designs its summer camps to be, first and
                                                                                                     THE WEEK OF JULY 26
 foremost, FUN, offering a wide variety of camp experiences to meet the
                                                                                                   Art Adventure Camp * 406110D
diverse interests and needs of our residents and visitors. Our programs are
                                                                                                       Camp Horizon * 418110F
offered at varying date and time schedules to accommodate both working
                                                                                                  Estuary Explorers Camp * 417105B
    and vacationing families. Our camps have something for everyone!
                                                                                              Junior Beach Patrol * 400100D, 400300B

                                                                                                 Ocean City Fishing Camp * 458110B

                                                           THE WEEK OF JULY 12                 Ocean City Tennis Academy * 417102D
          THE WEEK OF JUNE 21                                                                     Pee Wee Tennis Camp * 443017D
                                                         Art Adventure Camp * 406110B
       Beach Volleyball Camp * 444111A                                                           Rising Stars Tennis Camp * 417106D
                                                        Boogie Board Camp * 464510A
           Camp Horizon * 418110A                                                                 Rockers Drama Camp * 400401A
                                                            Camp Horizon * 418110D
  Co-Rec All Star Basketball Camp * 412110A                                                           Scamper Camp * 419010F
                                                     Eagle’s Landing Golf Camp * 462110B
        Field Hockey Camp * 401314A                                                                   Soccer Camp * 437110C
                                                     For the Love of Soccer Camp * 437110A
        Jr. Firefighter Camp * 400600A                                                            Tots Drama Camp * 400400A, B
                                                         Junior Beach Patrol * 400100B
     Ocean Bowl Skate Camp * 453110A                                                             Volleyball Camp Indoor * 444110A
                                                        Jr. Firefighter Camp * 400600B
    Ocean City Tennis Academy * 417102A
                                                          OC Kayak Camp * 458113A
       Pee Wee Tennis Camp * 443017A
                                                      Ocean Bowl Skate Camp * 453110B
      Rising Stars Tennis Camp * 417106A
                                                     Ocean City Tennis Academy * 417102C
                                                                                                    THE WEEK OF AUGUST 2
          Scamper Camp * 419010A                                                                   Art Adventure Camp * 406110E
                                                       Pee Wee Tennis Camp * 443017C
                                                                                               Ballerina Beach Babies Camp *422110B
          THE WEEK OF JUNE 28                         Rising Stars Tennis Camp * 417106C
                                                                                                      Camp Horizon * 418110G
                                                           Scamper Camp * 419010D
            Camp Horizon * 418110B
                                                                                               Co-Rec Flag Football Camp * 455110A
  Co-Rec All Star Basketball Camp * 412110B
                                                          THE WEEK OF JULY 19                 Junior Beach Patrol * 400100E, 400300C
     Eagles Landing Golf Camp * 462110A
                                                                                                Ocean City Fishing Camp * 458110C
                                                        Art Adventure Camp * 406110C
      Estuary Explorers Camp * 417105A
                                                                                                     Scamper Camp * 419010G
                                                           Camp Horizon * 418110E
        Model Rocket Camp * 417104A
                                                                                                  Showtime Dance Camp *422110A
                                                     Endless Summer Surf Camp * 465110B
    Ocean City Tennis Academy * 417102B
                                                    For the Love of Soccer Camp * 437110B
          OC SUP Camp * 456116A, B
                                                        Girls Lacrosse Camp * 427101A               THE WEEK OF AUGUST 9
       Pee Wee Tennis Camp * 443017B
                                                    Junior Beach Patrol * 400100C, 400300A            Camp Horizon * 418110H
      Rising Stars Tennis Camp * 417106B
                                                         OC SUP Camp * 456116C, D             Girls All Star Basketball Camp * 446710A
            Robot Camp * 417103A
                                                          Scamper Camp * 419010E              Endless Summer Surfing Camp * 465110C
          Scamper Camp * 419010B
                                                                                                    Junior Beach Patrol *400100F

                                                                                                Ocean City Baseball Camp * 417101A
           THE WEEK OF JULY 5
                                                                                                Ocean City Fishing Camp * 458110D
        Art Adventure Camp * 406110E
                                                                                                     OC Kayak Camp * 458113B
       Boys Lacrosse Camp * 424242A
                                                                                               Ocean City Tennis Academy * 417102E
           Camp Horizon * 418110C
                                                                                                  Pee Wee Tennis Camp * 443017E
   Endless Summer Surfing Camp * 465110A
                                                                                                 Rising Stars Tennis Camp * 417106E
          Jr. Beach Patrol * 400100A

     Ocean City Fishing Camp * 458110A

          Scamper Camp * 419010C                                                                   THE WEEK OF AUGUST 16
                                                                                                 Ocean Bowl Skate Camp * 453110C

                                                                                                OC 5 Star Softball Camp * 400500A

                                                                                                     OC SUP Camp * 456116E, F
Ocean City Recreation and Parks will continue to

  follow guidelines from the Worcester County

  Health Department and State of Maryland. In
                                                                                                   THE WEEK OF AUGUST 23
   doing so, camp regulations are subject to                                                     Estuary Explorers Camp * 417105C

 change. Please visit   camps.oceancitymd.gov                                                        Pickleball Camp * 401316A

   for updates and follow us on social media!

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A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
Ocean City, MD                                          Our mission is to provide quality recreation,

Recreation & Parks                                      cultural and social opportunities, as well as
                                                         safe, clean, enjoyable parks, beaches, and
                                                         facilities to enhance the q
                                                                                         y of life for
                                                             Ocean City t residents and visitors.

           Recreation & Parks Office
                Located at Northside Park

    Ocean City                ocmd_recreationandparks
    Recreation & Parks

Register in-person, mail-in, fax or online!
  How To Register
How To Register Online:

                                                                Scan me to
                                                              register online!
A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
Ocean City, MD
                    Our Community Team

                                    Table of Contents

We are pleased to have Coca-Cola
 support Ocean City Recreation
 and Parks as the Town of Ocean
City's Official Beverage Sponsor.

   We are pleased to have the
  Clarion Resort Fontainebleau
     Hotel as our host hotel.
A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
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A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
Youth Programs

Spring * 367111 A & B
Archery Clinic sections are available for both beginners and

intermediate archers. Intermediate archers are those who
                                                                    BABYSITTING, SAFE SITTER 1–DAY CLASS
have already taken our beginner clinic. Children will learn
                                                                    Spring *361212 A                     Presch
                                                                                                         P      ool
safety on the range and how to properly hold and shoot a                                                             rogram
                                                                    A good babysitter successfully combines the knowledge and
Genesis bow for International Competition Style Archery.
                                                                    skills associated with leadership, safety, safe play, basic care,
Our archery programs are taught by Certified Archery
                                                                    first aid, and professionalism. This course has been designed
Instructors making them both safe and fun. Space is limited.
                                                                    around these six major themes. Participants will receive a
WHO: Kids, Ages 8 – 14
                                                                    certification card and reference textbook upon completion of
DATES: March 31 – May 5
                                                                    the course.
DAYS: Wednesdays
                                                                    WHO: Kids, Ages 11 and up
                                                                    DATE: March 20
   Section A (Beginner): 5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.
                                                                    DAY: Saturday
   Section B (Intermediate): 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
                                                                    TIME: 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
                                                                    LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $63.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $52.00
                                                                    PRICE: $50.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $40.00
                                                                    PROGRAM NOTES: Participants should bring a non-perishable
                                                                    lunch and a water bottle.

                                                                    RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Denise Ortega
Spring * 307011
                                                        NEW! C.S.I. COASTAL BAYS SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATION
Start Smart Baseball is a developmentally
                                                        Spring * 308114
appropriate introductory baseball program
                                                        Join the Maryland Coastal Bays Program for an in-depth investigation of
that prepares children for organized t-ball,
                                                        Northside Park! Have you ever wondered what crawls, swims, flies, and creeps
baseball, and softball in a fun non-threatening
                                                        around Ocean City?! Using a combination of exploration an experimentation,
environment. The program focuses on skill
                                                        participants will get hands on and use investigation kits to discover the
development with a parent and child
                                                        amazing OC ecosystems and animals that inhabit them. Participants will get
participating in drills that focus on throwing,
                                                        up close and personal with the critters of the Coastal Bays while learning how
catching, batting, and running/agility.
                                                        to make observations, ask questions, and think like a scientist! This program
WHO: Children, 3 to 5 years        Pre
                                   P resscho
                                   Pro   choooll        will be outside, so come dressed for the weather and ready to investigate!
DATES: April 14 - May 19           P roggra
                                                        Lead: MD Coastal Bays Program, Liz Wist, Education Coordinator Chandler
DAYS: Wednesdays
                                                        Joiner, Environmental Educator
TIMES: 5:15 – 6:00 p.m.
                                                        WHO: Children, Grades 2nd – 4th
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex,
                                                        DATES: April 19- May 24
Softball Field #2
                                                        DAYS: Mondays
PRICE:   $43.00 *Ocean City resident discount
                                                        TIMES: 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
price: $32.00
                                                        LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex, Pavilion by playground
PROGRAM NOTES: Parent/Adult must
                                                        PRICE: $43.00 * Ocean City resident discount price: $32.00
participate with the child each session
                                                        PROGRAM NOTES: Participants need to wear closed toed shoes and bring a
RECREATION SUPERVISOR:         Denise Ortega
                                                        water bottle

                                                        RECREATION SUPERVISOR:        Denise Ortega

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A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
                     Youth Programs
Spring * 347624

                                FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE, YOUTH
                                Fall * 155111 A – C

Spring *346182

                                  GOLF CLINIC
                                  Spring * 356111 A
A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
Youth Programs
INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL ACTIVITIES                                                MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTIVITIES
Spring *321212 A – B                                                          Spring *321212 C – D
Join your friends for a night at Northside Park for fun and games.            Join your friends for a night at Northside Park for fun and

Some activities will include: dodgeball (all variations), kickball, relay     games. Some activities will include: dodgeball (all variations),

races, modified basketball and soccer activities, music, dancing,             kickball, relay races, modified basketball and soccer activities,

and snacks.                                                                   music, dancing, and snacks.

WHO: Kids, Grades 5 & 6                                                       WHO: Kids, Grades 7 & 8
DATES:                                                                        DATES:
   Section C: April 9                                                            Section C: April 23
   Section D: May 14                                                             Section D: May 21
DAYS: Fridays                                                                 DAYS: Fridays
TIMES: 6:45 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.                                                  TIMES: 6:45 p.m. – 8:45 p.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                                     LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $12.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $10.00                     PRICE: $12.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $10.00
PROGRAM NOTES: Parents are requested to be on site to pick up                 PROGRAM NOTES: Parents are requested to be on site to
their children at 8:30 p.m. Registration is mandatory and is limited          pick up their children at 8:30 p.m. Registration is mandatory

to 60 participants.                                                           and is limited to 60 participants.

RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Kim Allison                                            RECREATION COORDINATOR: TBD

                                                           MOTOR AND MOVE: PRESCHOOL MOTOR DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
                                                           Spring *301313 A
                                                           Bring your parent or guardian and get motoring! We will use colorful and diverse

                                                           equipment to practice different motor skills.

                                                           WHO: Kids Ages 2.5 – 4
                                                           DATES: April 8 – May 13                       P
                                                           DAYS: Thursdays                                    gra
                                                           TIMES: 5:00 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.
                                                           LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
                                                           PRICE: $43.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $32.00
                                                           PROGRAM NOTES: Parents should come prepared to participate with their
                                                           child. Participants should wear comfortable clothes to provide freedom of

                                                           movement and sneakers. Please bring a refillable water bottle.

                                                           RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson

                                                           NEW! RUN CLUB
                                                           Spring * 356124
                                                           This new program for kids will promote running and active play. Activities will

                                                           promote physical fitness and running fundamentals in a fun environment. Kids

                                                           will participate in races, games, hurdle jumping, long distance running, and

                                                           speed & agility drills all on the field and path at Northside Park.

                                                           WHO: Kids, Grades 1-6
                                                           DATES: April 15-May 20
                                                           DAY: Thursdays
                                                           TIMES: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
                                                           LOCALE: Northside Park
                                                           PRICE: $43.00 *Ocean City Resident discount Price $32.00
                                                           RECREATION COORDINATOR: TBD

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A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
Youth Programs
SKATEBOARD COMPETITIONS                                                                       Oc
Summer * 453522 A & B                                                                        Sk ea
WHO: Skaters, Ages 6 and up                                                                    at

                                                                                                 n Park

    Section A: July 15

    Section B: August 19

DAYS: Thursdays                                      SKATEBOARD LESSONS
TIMES: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.                         Spring *353111 A & B
LOCALE: Ocean Bowl Skate Park, 3rd Street & St.      Level 1- Section A: This section is for brand new skaters. Skaters will learn to
Louis Ave.                                           pump, ride, and transition, as well as care for their board.

PRICE: FREE! (must have a skate park pass)           Level 2- Section B:    Designed for skaters who already have a basic

PROGRAM NOTES: All participants must have a          knowledge of skating. Skaters will improve their pumping and transition skills.

current Ocean Bowl Skate Park waiver on file. A      They will also learn to drop-in and ride more advanced obstacles.

parent or legal guardian must sign a waiver for a    WHO: Skaters, 6 years and up
minor. Participation in the competitions is free;    DATES: April 13 - May 5
however all participants must have a skate park      DAYS: Tuesdays and Wednesdays
pass allowing entry into the park. Visit             TIMES:
oceanbowl.com for details.                              Section A: Level 1: 4:45 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
SKATE PARK SUPERVISOR: Garrett Delapp                   Section B: Level 2: 5:45 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
                                                     LOCALE: Ocean Bowl Skate Park, 3rd Street & St. Louis Avenue
SKATEBOARDING SPRING BREAK SPECIAL                   PRICE: $50.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $39.00
WHO: Skaters, 6 years and up                         PROGRAM NOTES: All participants must have a skateboard (no long boards
DATES: April 1 - April 5                             or penny boards) Safety equipment is required and is available for use at no

TIMES: 9:30 a.m. - Dark                              extra charge during lessons. All participants must have a current Ocean Bowl

LOCALE: Ocean Bowl Skate Park, 3rd street and        waiver on file. A parent or legal guardian must sign a waiver for a minor. Visit

St. Louis Ave.                                       oceanbowl.com for details. Class section sizes are limited to 10 participants
PRICE: Spring Break Pass: $42.00                     per class.

PROGRAM NOTES: All participants must have a          SKATE PARK SUPERVISOR: Garrett Delapp
current Ocean Bowl Skate Park waiver on file. A

parent or legal guardian must sign a waiver for a
                                                     SKATEBOARD PRIVATE LESSONS
         oceanbowl.com for details.
minor. Visit
                                                     Interested in honing your skating skills in a one-on-one- setting? Just call the
SKATE PARK SUPERVISOR: Garrett Delapp                Ocean Bowl Skate Park at 410-289-BOWL during regular hours to schedule a

                                                     private lesson by request. A minimum of 1-2 days notice is required. Skaters

                                                     must have their own skateboard and safety equipment. Limited equipment is

                                                     available to borrow.

                                                     WHO: Skaters of all ages and ability levels
                                                     DATES: By request
                                                     TIMES: During regular park hours
                                                     LOCALE: Ocean Bowl Skate Park, 3rd Street & St. Louis Avenue
                                                     PRICE: $25.00 per 30 minute session *Ocean City Residents $20.00 per 30
                                                     minute session

                                                     PROGRAM NOTES: All participants must have a current Ocean Bowl Skate
                                                     Park waiver on file. A parent or legal guardian must sign a waiver for a minor.

                                                     Visit oceanbowl.com for details.

                                                     SKATEPARK SUPERVISOR: Garrett Delapp

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A Guide to Ocean City Recreation & Parks - 2021 SPRING - SUMMER - Town of Ocean City
Youth Programs
Spring * 337118 A – C
WHO: Kids, Grades K – 8
(Must be 5 years old by September 1, 2021)

   Section A: Grades K – 2                            TENNIS, DELMARVA HIGH SCHOOL GRAND PRIX TOURNAMENTS
   Section B: Grades 3 – 5                            The Delmarva High School Grand Prix Series is set up to provide High School

   Section C: Grades 6 – 8                            players the opportunity to play good competition all summer. This is a non-

DATES: March 8 – May 10 (No league play April         sanctioned tournament circuit.

5th)                                                  WHO: High School students that played on their high school team in 2019 or
League Practices: March 8 & March 15                  2020.
Games: March 22 – May 10                              DATES: June 27, July 18, & August 8
DAYS: Mondays (Wednesdays may be used,                Entry Deadlines: June 25, July 16, & August 6
dependent on number of participants/teams)
                                                      DAYS: Sundays
TIMES: 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.                          TIMES: 12:00 p.m. start time
   Grades K – 2: 5:00 p.m.
                                                      LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street
   Grades 3 – 5: 6:00 p.m.
                                                      PRICE: $25 for one tournament, $40 for two, and $55 for three.
   Grades 6 – 8: 7:00 p.m.
                                                      PROGRAM NOTES: Your seeding, placement, and participation in the Finals
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $59.00 *Ocean City resident discount           (August 15) will be based on the points accrued from your individual match

                                                      results in the summer-long event. Contact the Ocean City Tennis Center at
price: $48.00

PROGRAM NOTES: Shin guards are required               410-524-8337 to register.

for participation.

Parents, please sign up to coach your child’s         TENNIS, JUNIOR CLINIC
team.                                                 Spring * 343111 A
RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Eddie Pinto                    Improve your stroke and game strategies through rallies and playing games.

                                                      WHO: Kids, Ages 7 – 15
                                                      DATES: May 18 - June 3
       VISIT   OCEANCITYMD.GOV/REC TO                 DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays
       SIGN UP FOR EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS!               TIMES: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
                                                      LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street
                                                      PRICE: $72.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $60.00
SPRING CRAFT WORKSHOP - CANCELLED                     PROGRAM NOTES: Participants should bring sunscreen and a refillable water
Spring 306221A                                        bottle.

Join us for a day of crafting. Let your creative

juices flow as we make spring crafts to kick off      TENNIS, PEE WEE CLINIC
the season.                                           Spring * 343111 B
WHO: Youth ages 9 and up                              Improve hand-eye coordination, agility, ground stroke fundamentals and

DATE: April 17, 2021                                  develop a love for tennis. This age appropriate program features modified
DAY: Saturday                                         equipment and rules designed especially for the little ones.
TIME: 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.                          WHO: Kids, Ages 4 - 7
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex             DATES: May 18 - June 3
PRICE: $24.00 *OC Resident Discount $20.00            DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays
PROGRAM NOTES: Participants should bring a
                                                      TIMES: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
non-perishable lunch and a water bottle. Pre-
                                                      LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street
registration is mandatory by Monday, April 12,
                                                      PRICE: $72.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $60.00

RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Denise Ortega                  PROGRAM NOTES: Participants should bring sunscreen and a refillable water

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Adult Programs
                                                                           BINGO, SAINT PATTY’S
                                                                           Spring * 313419
                                                                           This annual Bingo celebrates all things green. Come
                                                                           celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and enjoy coffee, donuts, and
Spring * 301312 A / Summer * 401312 A
                                                                           great prizes at no cost!
Join this group fitness class for physical and social enjoyment.
                                                                           WHO: Seniors, Ages 50 and up
Certified Instructor: Tammy Johnson
                                                                           DATE: March 17                       50P s
WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
                                                                           DAY: Wednesday
                                                                           TIME: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
   Spring: March 29 – June 18 (No class May 31)
                                                                           LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
   Summer: June 21 – September 3
                                                                           PRICE: FREE!
DAYS: Mon, Wed, Fri
                                                                           RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Denise Ortega
TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $82.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $68.00                  DANCE, ADVANCED LINE DANCING
Drop-in $5.00                                                              Spring * 324312 A / Summer * 424312 A
RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson                                       Volunteer instructors will show you how to strut your stuff to a

                                                                           wide range of music.
AEROBICS, STEP AND PUMP                                                    WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
Spring * 301312 B / Summer * 401312 B                                      DAYS: Mon, Tues, Wed
Designed for beginner and experienced steppers.
                                                                           DATES: Classes are ongoing (No classes the week of June 28,
Certified Instructor: Tammy Johnson
                                                                           July 26 & August 2)
WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up                                                TIMES: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
DATES:                                                                     LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
   Spring: March 29 – June 18 (No class May 31)                            PRICE: FREE!
   Summer: June 21 – September 3                                           PROGRAM NOTES: Classes are held in the East Gym on
DAYS: Mon, Wed, and Fri                                                    Mondays and Wednesdays and in the Community Room on
TIMES: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.                                               Tuesdays until June 16; classes from June 21 through August 25
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                                  are held in the Community Room each day.
PRICE: $82.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $68.00 Drop-            RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson
in $5.00

PROGRAM NOTES: A limited number of steps are provided.
RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson                                                             DANCE, BEGINNER BALLET
                                                                                                 Summer *415111 A
                                                                                                 Join us for this new dance class that will
Spring * 353600 A
                                                                                                 focus on the ballet basics.
Ageless Grace is a brain health exercise program that works the core and activates the

organs and systems of the body, all while seated in a chair. The 21 tools of the program
                                                                                                 INSTRUCTOR: Linda Natoli Gaither
are based on the cutting-edge science of neuroplasticity – the ability of the brain to
                                                                                                 WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
change structurally and functionally. All the tools stimulate and utilize the five functions
                                                                                                 DATES: June 4 - August 20
of the brain: analytic, strategic, kinesthetic learning, memory/recall, and                      DAYS: Fridays
creativity/imagination.                                                                          TIMES: 10:00 a.m. -10:50 a.m.
WHO: Seniors, Ages 50 and up                                                                     LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation
DATES: April 12 – May 24 (No class May 3)              50Plus                                    Complex

DAYS: Mondays                                                                                    PRICE: $45.00 *Ocean City resident
TIMES: 11:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.                                                                   discount price: $35.00 Drop-in $5.00
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                                                        RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna
PRICE: $24.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $13.00                                        Paterson
Drop-in price: $5.00


     oceancitymd.gov/rec                                                      11                  410-250-0125
Adult Programs
Participants will enjoy learning and practicing combinations of jazz and modern

dance routines.

WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $45.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $35.00 Drop-in $5.00
PROGRAM NOTES: We ask that students have jazz shoes.

Summer * 400413 B                                 Summer * 400413 A
Instructor: Renee Wight                           Instructor: Renee Wight

DAYS: Wednesdays                                  DAYS: Wednesdays
DATES: May 19 – July 21                           DATES: May 19 – July 21
TIMES: 5:40 p.m. – 6:25 p.m.                      TIMES: 4:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

SUMMER * 315312 A
This class emphasizes fun and there is no previous experience necessary.

Instructor: Fay Eberly

WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
DAYS: Tuesdays
DATES: May 11 – June 29
TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $33.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $23.00 Drop-in $5.00
RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson                                                GOLF, ST. PATRICK’S SCRAMBLE
                                                                                    Teams will play 6 holes from each Gold, White,

                                                                                    and Blue Tees. Teams choose the holes they
                                                                                    play from each of the tees and 30% of the
WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
                                                                                    team’s average handicap will be used. Players
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $45.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $35.00 Drop-in                   may find that their ball lands in a clover. If so,

                                                                                    this player’s team is truly lucky because their ball

PROGRAM NOTES: We ask that students have tap shoes                                  will be deemed holed!

RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson                                                WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
                                                                                    DATES: March 13, 2021
BEGINNER TAP                           INTERMEDIATE TAP
Summer * 415313 A                                                                   DAYS: Saturday
                                       Summer * 415313 D
Instructor: Linda Natoli Gaither
                                                                                    TIMES: 9:30 a.m. Shotgun Start
                                       Instructor: Linda Natoli Gaither

DAYS: Fridays                                                                       LOCALE: Eagle’s Landing Golf Course
                                       DAYS: Fridays
DATES: June 4 - August 20                                                           PRICE: $60 per player
                                       DATES: June 4 - August 20
TIMES: 11:00 a.m. – 11:50 a.m.                                                      PROGRAM NOTES: Lunch will be served
                                       TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 9:50 a.m.
                                                                                    immediately following play. The menu includes

EVENING BEGINNER TAP                   EVENING INTERMEDIATE TAP                     many Irish-American favorites. Both gross and

Summer *415313 B                       Summer 415313 C                              bet prizes available. Register at the Clubhouse

Instructor: Renee Wight                Instructor: Renee Wight                      or by contacting Bob Croll at 410-213-7277 or

DAYS: Wednesdays                       DAYS: Wednesdays                             rcroll@oceancitymd.gov.
DATES: May 19 – July 21                DATES: May 19 – July 21                      RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Bob Croll, PGA
TIMES: 4:50 p.m. – 5:35 p.m.           TIMES: 6:30 p.m. – 7:15 p.m.                 Head Professional/Manager

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Adult Programs
Summer *457333 A
Relive your youth with some good old fashioned kickball. Each team will have 5 men and 5

women playing. This will be a recreational league where friendly competition will jumpstart

your morning.

WHO: Adults, 18 years and older
DATES: May 26 - July 7
DAYS: Wednesdays
TIMES: 10:30 a.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: League fees are anticipated to be approximately $250.00 per team.                         PICKLEBALL, SPRING
PROGRAM NOTES: There will be a league organizational meeting on Monday, May 3,                   TOURNAMENT
2021 at the Northside Park Recreational Complex. A team representative should attend             If you enjoy the fast-paced,

the meeting. A $100.00 deposit must be submitted at or before the meeting. Individuals           growing game of Pickleball,

interested in joining a team also are encouraged to attend all meetings.                         then sign up for our May

RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Kim Allison                                                               tournament! This tournament is

                                                                                                 a great opportunity to meet

LINE DANCE GALORE                                                                                new people, show off your

Spring * 300422 A                                                                                pickleball skills, and most

This annual event encompasses a full evening of great food and fun, including pizza, soda,       importantly… have fun!
bottled water and ice cream. All levels of dancers are welcome.                                  Participants should have
                                                                                                 experience in playing pickleball
WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up                                                                      prior to entering the tournament
DAY: Tuesday                                                                                     as this is not a learn-to-play
DATE: June 8
                                                                                                 atmosphere. Pool play format
TIME: 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
                                                                                                 with elimination bracket.
LOCALE: Northside Park Complex
                                                                                                 Registration form from the team
PRICE: $9.00 * Ocean City resident discount $7.00
RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson                                                             and payment are required at

                                                                                                 time of registration.

PICKLEBALL, ADULT CLINICS 1 & 3                                                                  WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
Spring * 343600                                                                                  DATES: May 1 - May 2
Come and learn to play one of the hottest new games in the recreation field – Pickleball!        Registration Deadline: April
You will be taught the rules, fundamentals, and strategies needed to make you a                  20, 2021

competitive pickleballer! Pickleball is an addictive game enjoyed by players of all ages.        DAYS: Saturday – Sunday
Space is limited.                                                                                TIMES: TBD
WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up                                                                      LOCALE: Northside Park
DATES: April 9 – April 30                                                                        Recreation Complex

DAYS: Fridays                                                                                    PRICE: $60 per team
TIMES:                                                                                           PROGRAM NOTES: Tournament
   Pickleball Clinic 1: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. (Beginners)                                       is broken down into age groups:

   Pickleball Clinic 3: 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Intermediate)                                   18 – 50 years, 51 – 59 years, and

LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                                                        60+. Age determined as of May

PRICE: $40.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $32.00                                        1, 2021.

PROGRAM NOTES: Weather permitting the class may meet at Gorman Park or the Tennis                RECREATION SUPERVISOR:
Center during one session to introduce you to outdoor play. We have all the equipment            Kim Allison

needed, but feel free to bring your own paddle.


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Adult Programs
Spring * 300318
This NEW league is sure to be a hit. Play Pickleball and           SOFTBALL, MEN’S FALL WOODEN BAT LEAGUE
accumulate points individually while playing within a team         Summer – Fall * 138818
concept. Make new friends while getting great exercise             This is a recreational league offering competitive play for various

playing the hottest new game in the recreation field.              levels of ability. League play will consist of a double-header

WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up                                        format. Team representatives are asked to attend the pre-season

DATES: April 9 - May 14                                            meeting(s) and agree to act as liaison between the Recreation

DAYS: Fridays                                                      Department and team players. All teams will play two games per

TIMES:                                                             night. Bats, balls, scorekeepers, and umpires are provided.

   Beg/Int: 5:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m.                                  WHO: Men, Ages 18 and up
   Int/Adv: 7:15 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.                                  DATES: August 10 – October 19
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                          DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays
PRICE: $36.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $30.00          TIMES: 6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., and 8:30 p.m.
PROGRAM NOTES: Last week of the program will serve as an           LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
awards ceremony and free drop-in play outdoors at the Tennis       PRICE: League fees are anticipated to be approximately $750.00
Center on 61st Street, weather permitting. You are welcome to      to $800.00 per team.

bring a friend.                                                    PROGRAM NOTES: There will be a league organizational meeting
                                                                   on Tuesday, July 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Northside Park Recreational

                                                                   Complex. A team representative should attend the meeting. A

                                                                   $100.00 deposit must be submitted at or before the meeting.

                                                                   Individuals interested in joining a team also are encouraged to

                                                                   attend all meetings.
Spring – Summer * 338818
This is a recreational wooden bat league offering                  SOFTBALL, CO-REC
competitive play for various levels of ability. League play will   Spring – Summer * 438318
consist of a double-header format. Team representatives are        This recreational softball league plays Monday mornings. A great

asked to attend the pre-season meeting(s) and agree to act         way to start your week! Form a team with co-workers, friends or

as liaison between the Recreation Department and team              families. Five men and five women make up each team. Minor

players. All teams will play two games per night. Bats, balls,     modifications and men batting with the weakest hand make this a

scorekeepers, and umpires are provided.                            fun league for all. Competition still runs high, so get that team

WHO: Men, Ages 18 and up                                           together NOW!

DATES: April 27 – July 8                                           WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays                                         DATES: June 7 – June 28
TIMES: 6:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m., and 8:30 p.m.                         DAYS: Mondays
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                          TIMES: 10:30 A.M.
PRICE: League fees are anticipated to be $750.00 to                LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
$800.00 per team.                                                  PRICE: League fees are anticipated to be approximately $400.00
PROGRAM NOTES: There will be a league organizational               per team.

meeting on Tuesday, April 6 at 6:30 p.m. Northside Park. A         PROGRAM NOTES: There will be a league organizational meeting
team representative should attend the meeting. A $100.00           on Monday, May 3, 2021 at the Northside Park Recreational

deposit must be submitted at or before the meeting.                Complex. A team representative should attend the meeting. A

Individuals interested in joining a team also are encouraged       $100.00 deposit must be submitted at or before the meeting.

to attend all meetings.                                            Individuals interested in joining a team also are encouraged to

RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Eddie Pinto                                 attend all meetings.

                                                                   RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Kim Allison

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Adult Programs
SOCCER, ADULT OUTDOOR LEAGUE                                                 TENNIS, ADULT HOLIDAY MIXERS
Summer * 437818                                                              Start the holiday off right with friends and a true tennis

The Outdoor summer soccer league plays an 8 v 8 game on a modified           mixer! Play a men’s, women’s, or mixed doubles match

field. Play is recreational but competitive, with highly skilled players.    each round. Maximum 36 players. Registration required.

WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up                                                  WHO: Adults, 18 years and older
DATES: June 7 - August 4                                                     DATES: May 30, July 4, & September 5
DAYS: Mondays & Wednesdays                                                   Entry Deadlines: May 28, July 3 & September 3
TIMES: 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., and 9:00 p.m.                        DAYS: Sundays
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Soccer Field                               TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
PRICE: League fees are estimated at $600.00 per team                         LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street
PROGRAM NOTES: There will be a league organizational meeting on              PRICE: $20 per person
Wednesday, May 19 at 6:00 p.m. at Northside Park. A team                     PROGRAM NOTES: Register in person at the Ocean City
representative MUST attend the meeting. A $100 deposit must be               Tennis Center.

submitted at or before the meeting.

RECREATION COORDINATOR:            TBD                                       TENNIS, CENTURY TOURNAMENT
                                                                             Teams with the combined age of 100+ years compete in

NEW! SUMMER FITNESS CHALLENGE                                                Women’s Doubles, Men’s Doubles, or Mixed Doubles. Must

Summer * 302320 A                                                            sign up as a team.

Join this class to kickstart your day with interval training. This format    WHO: Adults, Ages 21 and older
includes switching between cardio exercises and strength training.           DATES: July 31
This program is more strenuous than other aerobics classes we offer          DAYS: Saturday
so come prepared.
                                                                             TIMES: 9:00 a.m. Start Time
Certified Instructor: Tammy Johnson
                                                                             LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street
WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up                                                  PRICE: $40.00 per team
DATES: July 6 – September 9
                                                                             PROGRAM NOTES: Contact the Ocean City Tennis
DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays
                                                                             Center at 410-524-8337 to register.
TIMES: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                                    TENNIS, MEN’S EARLY BIRD
PRICE: $84.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $70.00          Drop-in
                                                                             OC’s Dawn Patrol starts each morning of your vacation
                                                                             with an exhilarating set of tennis. We will have you serving
RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson                                         aces before you’re awake.

                                                                             WHO: Men, Ages 18 and up
TAI CHI                                                                      DATES: May 15 - September 26
Spring * 353613 A / Summer * 453613 A                                        DAYS: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat, Sun
This class will help you reduce stress, lower high blood pressure,
                                                                             TIMES: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
improve stability and protect against falls.
                                                                             LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center - Meet on Court #6
Certified Instructor: Kim Reed
                                                                             PRICE: $138.00 *Ocean City resident discount price:
WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up                                                  $115.00 Drop-in $11.00 (per session)
   Spring Section: March 17 – May 5
   Summer Section: May 12 - June 30
DAYS: Wednesdays
   Spring Section: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
   Summer Section: 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex (Classes will take place
outside when the weather permits)

PRICE: $51.00 *Ocean City resident discount: $40.00
Drop-in $8.00


      oceancitymd.gov/rec                                                    15                   410-250-0125
Adult Programs
                                                               TENNIS, STROKE OF THE DAY
                                                               These weekly day clinics are designed for players of all levels.

                                                               Groups will work on strokes and use drills to learn how to utilize

                                                               them in game situations. Mondays will focus on forehands,

                                                               Tuesdays will focus on backhands, Wednesdays will focus on

                                                               serves and returns, Thursdays will focus on volleys and

                                                               overheads, Fridays will focus on footwork and court positioning,

                                                               and Saturdays will put it all together with doubles strategy.

                                                               WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
                                                               DATES: May 31 - August 28
                                                               DAYS: Mondays - Saturdays
                                                               TIMES: 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
                                                               LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street
                                                               PRICE: $20 per person per day $60 per person per week
                                                               PROGRAM NOTES: Maximum of 6 players per session

                                                               TENNIS, WOMEN’S DOUBLE FLIGHTS
                                                               Enjoy playing women’s doubles with your own flight, or join a
TENNIS, MEN’S EVENING OPEN LEAGUE                              flight and schedule your court time at the beginning of the
Each week, singles or doubles will be played, no partner
                                                               season. Must be at least an intermediate player to register.
necessary. Must be a 3.0 or above. Let the Tennis Shop
                                                               Played on clay and Premier Courts. Limited space available.
know if you want to be a regular player or would like to
                                                               Need help being placed in a flight? Ask staff at the Ocean City
substitute. Matches will be played on Premier Courts.
                                                               Tennis Center for assistance.
Must sign up ahead of time.
                                                               WHO: Women, Ages 18 and up
WHO: Men, Ages 18 and up
                                                               DATES: May 15 - August 31
DATES: June 8 - August 10
DAYS: Tuesdays                                                 DAYS/TIMES: To be determined by each flight
TIMES: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.                                   LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street
LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street                  PRICE: Applicable Court Fees
PRICE: $90.00 *Ocean City resident discount price:             PROGRAM NOTES: Register at the Ocean City Tennis Center
$75.00 Drop-in $15.00 (per session)

PROGRAM NOTES: Register at the Ocean City Tennis

Accelerate your tennis skills and have fun! Practice and

improve your groundstrokes, volleys, overheads, and serves.

Understand the basics of court positioning and doubles

strategy, and meet players you can play with at other times!

WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
DATES: May 17, 19, 24, 26, 31 & June 2
DAYS: Mondays & Wednesdays
TIMES: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street
PRICE: $20 per day

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                                  Adult Programs
                                                                      TENNIS, WOMEN’S WEEKEND WARRIORS
                                                                      Women’s doubles round robin for intermediate to advanced

                                                                      players. Organized weekly. Space is limited.

                                                                      WHO: Women, Ages 18 and up
                                                                      DATES: May 15 - September 18 (No play August 14)
                                                                      DAYS: Saturdays
                                                                      TIMES: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
                                                                      LOCALE: Ocean City Tennis Center, 61st Street
                                                                      PRICE: $11 per session
                                                                      PROGRAM NOTES: Register at the Ocean City Tennis Center

Spring * 303412 A – C
This professionally executed aquatic exercise program is designed to improve strength, flexibility, and

cardiovascular fitness. The Carousel Resort Hotel offers their pool with heated water that is waist to chest

high. An experienced instructor will take you through this wonderful program. Participants with diabetes

should wear water shoes. Pool noodles and weights are used on occasion but are not provided. Participants

can bring their own if desired.

WHO: Seniors, Ages 50 and older
   Section A: March 2 – 25                      50
                                                5 0P
   Section B: March 30 – April 22
   Section C: April 27 – May 20
DAYS: Tuesdays & Thursdays
TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
LOCALE: Carousel Resort Hotel, 11700 Coastal Highway
PRICE: $40.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $29.00

Spring * 353611 A / Summer * 453611 A
Please bring your own mat. Participants should wear comfortable

clothes for freedom of movement.

Certified Instructor: Tammy Johnson

WHO: Adults, Ages 18 and up
DAYS: Thursdays
   Spring: May 13 – July 8 (No class July 1)
   Summer: July 15 – September 16 (No class July 29 and August 5)
   Spring Session: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
   Summer Session: 9:45 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $51.00 *Ocean City resident discount $40.00 Drop-in $8.00

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All Age
                        All Age
     Classes, Sports & Events
                                   FREE MOVIES ON THE BEACH

Spring * 330521 A

                                   FAMILY BEACH GAMES

Spring * 330522A
All Age Programs
                         Classes, Sports & Events
OPEN PLAY PICKLEBALL                                                            SOCCER, DROP-IN
Pickleball is a blend of tennis, badminton, and ping pong and is a great        This program is operated on a first come, first served basis.
way to meet new people and play a game that suits a variety of skill            Soccer balls are available for loan with a current driver’s
levels. Equipment is available for use. Players should already know how to
                                                                                license. Participation limits may be set at the discretion of
                                                                                the program supervisor.
WHO: All ages                                                                   WHO: Adults, 18 & over
                                                                                DATES: April 6 – June 15
   Spring: April 5 – June 17
                                                                                DAYS: Tuesdays
   Summer: June 22 – August 26
DAYS:                                                                           TIMES: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
   Spring: Mondays – Thursdays                                                  LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
   Summer: Tuesdays & Thursdays                                                 PRICE: $4.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $3.00
TIMES:                                                                          PROGRAM SUPERVISOR: Craig Southard
                                                                                SPRING FAMILY MOVIE NIGHTS IN THE PARK
          Mondays and Wednesdays: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                Movies will be played at Northside Park, right off the bay,
          Tuesdays and Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

    Summer: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.                                               on our giant projection movie screen. The movie will

          (Contact the Ocean City Tennis Center for additional Open Play        begin after the sun sets and there will be concessions for

          Pickleball Opportunities at 410-524-8337.)                            sale. Don’t forget to bring your chairs or blanket.

LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                                       WHO: All ages
PRICE: $5.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $3.00                         DATES: May 14 & 28
PROGRAM NOTES: No Drop-In Pickleball July 12 – July 29. Pickleball              DAYS: Fridays
Courts are available for rent Tuesdays & Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00
                                                                                TIMES: Movies will begin after sunset
p.m. until June 17. Cost is $25 per hour, Ocean City resident discount price

               yourcourts.com to check for availability.
$20 per hour. Go to
                                                                                PRICE: FREE! (concessions will be on sale)
PROGRAM SUPERVISOR: Eddie Pinto (Spring) Craig Southard (Summer)                RECREATION COORDINATOR: TBD
                                                                                WALKING, DROP-IN
                                                                                Keep up your healthy walking exercise during the cooler
                                                                                months at Northside Park. Get your heart rate going while
                                                                                enjoying our 1/10th of a mile gymnasium.
SPRING * 326509 C (PUPPY)
                                                                                WHO: All ages
This class helps you establish a positive relationship with your dog. The
                                                                                DATES: Summer 2021
Puppy Class is for pups 8 weeks to 6 months and focuses on socialization
                                                                                DAYS: Monday – Friday
as well as house breaking procedures and training methods. The Beginner
                                                                                TIMES: 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
Class is for the inexperienced dog, while the Advanced Class is for the
                                                                                LOCALE: Northside Park Gymnasium
more experienced dog that has already graduated from prior classes.
                                                                                PRICE: FREE!
WHO: Dogs, 8 weeks and older (and their owners)
                                                                                PROGRAM NOTES: Please be considerate of dance and
DATES: March 16 – April 27
                                                                                aerobics class participants.
DAYS: Tuesdays
                                                                                PROGRAM SUPERVISOR: Craig Southard
   Beginner: 7:00 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
   Puppy: 7:45 p.m. – 8: 15 p.m.
   Advanced: 8: 15 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
   Puppy: $72.00 *Ocean City resident discount price (Puppy): $60.00
   Beginner/Advanced: $84.00 *Ocean City resident discount price
    (Beginner/Advanced): $70.00

   Drop-in price: $12.00
PROGRAM NOTES: Inoculation records are required.

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All Age Programs
                       Classes, Sports & Events

                                                 Scan m
                                             visit Oc e to
                                             event ca an City's

  Ocean City Life-Saving Station Museum
           Summer Programs

Atl 13 S
     ou Ave
Summer * 406110 A – E
Kids can immerse themselves in creativity at Art Adventure Camp.
                                                                                      Our variety of camps
Sponsored by the Art League of Ocean City, this camp is held at The                   offer something
                                                                                      fun for everyone!
Ocean City Center for the Arts on 94th Street. Art Adventure Camp

will offer a daily variety of art activities including drawing, painting,

pottery, sculpting, jewelry making, mixed media and more. Lots of fun

activities are planned as well as time for individual artistic expression.               While we are excited for
Led by experienced art teachers and professional artists, your child                   camps this summer, we will
will have fun, while building artistic skill. Participants will receive a
                                                                                      continue to follow guidelines
                                                                                       from the Worcester County
complimentary camp t-shirt.

WHO: Kids, Ages, 6 – 14 (must be entering 1st grade)
DATES:                                                                                Health Department and State
   Section A: July 5 – 8                                                                of Maryland. In doing so,
   Section B: July 12 – 15                                                            camp regulations are subject
   Section C: July 19 – 22                                                                to change. Please visit
   Section D: July 26 – 29
                                                                                       camps.oceancitymd.gov for
   Section E: August 2 – 5
DAYS: Monday – Thursday
                                                                                        updates and follow us on
TIMES: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.                                                                  social media!
LOCALE: Ocean City Center for the Arts, 94th Street & the Bay
DEPOSIT: Resident Deposit $30.00, Non-Resident Deposit $40.00. The
appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the balance due before

the first day of camp.

PRICE: $192.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $160.00
CAMP NOTES: Campers should report to the Ocean City Center for
Arts at 502 94th Street (next to the tennis courts.) Campers should

bring a non-perishable lunch and water bottle. Camp will end on

Thursdays with a reception and show for parents at 2:30 p.m.


                                                                                     Scan me to visit the camps
                                                                                      webpage and to register!

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Summer * 417101 A
The University of Maryland Baseball Team will be here to direct this summer’s Baseball Camp. The camp will focus on improving

baseball skills through fun and innovative drills for players of all ability levels. Participants will receive a complimentary camp t-shirt.

WHO: Kids, Ages 7 – 14
DATES: August 9 – 11
DAYS: Monday – Wednesday
TIMES: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $159.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $132.00
DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the balance due before the first day of camp. Resident Deposit $30.00,
Non-Resident Deposit $40.00.

CAMP NOTES: Campers should bring their own protective equipment (batting helmet and cup), glove, bat, and a non-perishable
lunch each day of camp. Indoor shoes are needed in case of inclement weather.


Summer *412110 A & B
Learn drills and exciting skills from Salisbury University

Head Coach Mo Williams and his staff. Have fun

                                                                                              rthside Park
meeting new friends from around the state, play

games each day and compete in individual contests.

This camp helps players of all abilities develop or

refine fundamental basketball skills. Fine-tune your

game to become a more confident, efficient, and

versatile player. Participants will receive a
                                                                  GIRLS ALL STAR BASKETBALL CAMP
complimentary camp t-shirt and basketball.
                                                                  Summer *446710 A
                                                                  This camp will be directed by Kelly Baskow, the Head Women’s
WHO: Kids, Ages 7 – 17
                                                                  Basketball Coach at Salisbury University. The camp will concentrate
                                                                  on skill development and teaching the fundamentals of the game
   Section A: June 21 – 24
                                                                  through fun drills and competitive games. Participants will receive a
   Section B: June 28 – July 1
                                                                  complimentary camp t-shirt and basketball.
DAYS: Monday – Thursday
TIMES: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.                                     WHO: Girls, Ages 7 – 17
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                         DATES: August 9 – 12
PRICE: $161.00 *Ocean City resident discount price:               DAYS: Monday – Thursday
                                                                  TIMES: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls                          LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
participant(s) with the balance due before the first day
                                                                  PRICE: $161.00 *Ocean City residents discounted price: $134.00
of camp. Resident Deposit $30.00, Non-Resident
                                                                  DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the
                                                                  balance due before the first day of camp. Resident Deposit $30.00,
Deposit $40.00.
                                                                  Non-Resident Deposit $40.00.
CAMP NOTES: Campers should bring a nonperishable
lunch and a water bottle to camp each day.
                                                                  CAMP NOTES: Campers should bring a nonperishable lunch and a
                                                                  water bottle to camp each day.
                                                                  RECREATION COORDINATOR: TBD

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Boogie Board
Summer * 464510 A
Kids LOVE this camp. Professional board riders join us to teach all of the

fundamentals needed to “boogie“ through the waves! The Ocean City

Beach Patrol is also on hand to keep a watchful eye. Campers MUST be

proficient ocean swimmers! Campers receive a complimentary Endless

Summer Rash Guard shirt.

WHO: Kids, Ages 8 and up
DATES: July 12 – 13
DAYS: Monday – Tuesday (Wednesday – Thursday make up if needed)
TIMES: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
LOCALE: Endless Summer Surf Shop (38th Street)
PRICE: $96.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $80.00
DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the balance
due before the first day of camp. Resident Deposit $30.00, Non-Resident

Deposit $40.00.

CAMP NOTES:       Boogie Boards are provided for each camper. Parking is

available in the Municipal lot adjacent to the Ocean City Convention



Summer * 422110 B                                                 SHOWTIME DANCE CAMP
Children will get active and have fun by learning musical         Summer * 422110 A
theater songs and dance routines. They will learn and             This camp will instruct the participants in the art of jazz, hip hop and

participate in ballet, follow the leader, hops, skips and         lyrical dance. Campers will make crafts, play games and have the

jumps. Participants will receive a complimentary camp t-          opportunity to wear makeup (must bring your own) for the final

shirt.                                                            performance. See how much they can learn about dance in just four

WHO: Kids, Ages 3 - 5                                             days! Participants will receive a complimentary camp t-shirt.

DATES: August 2 – 5                                               WHO: Kids, Ages 6 --12
DAYS: Monday – Thursday                                           DATES: August 2 – 5
TIMES: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.                                    DAYS: Monday – Thursday
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex                         TIMES: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
PRICE: $79.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $62.00         LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s)           PRICE: $161.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $134.00
with the balance due before the first day of camp. Resident       DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the
Deposit $30.00, Non-Resident Deposit $40.00.                      balance due before the first day of camp. Resident Deposit $30.00,

CAMP NOTES: Participants can dress up in dance attire             Non-Resident Deposit $40.00.

(bring your own). The children will do a little craft, and will   CAMP NOTES: Dance shoes are not required. Campers should bring
perform for their family on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. Campers        a non-perishable lunch each day. Camp concludes with a

must be fully potty-trained.                                      performance for their family on Thursday at 2:30 p.m.

RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson                              RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson

cc aa m
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Summer * 400400 A & B
Learn to sing, act, and dance. Schoolhouse Theater Arts, Inc. offers children the opportunity to perform a short, original musical

production on the last day of camp, complete with songs, lines, and choreography. Campers will also learn drama skills such as

pantomime, stage movement, and voice projection. All directors are Maryland State Certified Educators, and boast over 60 years

combined theatrical experience. Campers who would like to attend both sessions, 2 different plays will be offered. Participants will

receive a complimentary camp t-shirt.

WHO: Kids, Ages 4 - 7
DATES: July 26 – 29
DAYS: Monday – Thursday
   Session A: 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
   Session B: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $79.00 per session *Ocean City resident discount price: $62.00 per session. $161.00 for both sessions * Ocean City resident
discount price: $134.00 for both sessions.

DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the balance due before the first day of camp. Resident Deposit $30,
Non-Resident Deposit $40.

CAMP NOTES: Participants must be fully potty-trained. Sneakers are recommended. Campers who are attending both sessions need
to bring a nonperishable lunch each day. Parents are invited to a performance on the last day. Online registration is not available for

this camp. Please call 410-250-0125 for registration information.


Summer * 400401 A
Schoolhouse Theater Arts, Inc. offers a fantastic and fun summer camp

experience where students can put on a rocking Broadway review. Campers

will perform a theatrical review with upbeat hits from a selected musical on

the last day of camp, in addition to learning lines, choreography, and music.

They will also design and create small props as well as take part in craft

activities. All directors are Maryland State Certified Educators and have

been involved in theatrics in both professional and teaching capacities.

Participants will receive

a complimentary camp t-shirt.

WHO: Kids, Ages 8 -14
DATES: July 26 – 29
DAYS: Monday – Thursday
TIMES: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
PRICE: $161.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $134.00
DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the balance
due before the first day of camp. Resident Deposit $30.00, Non-Resident

Deposit $40.00.

CAMP NOTES: Campers should bring a nonperishable lunch each day.
Sneakers are recommended. Parents are invited to a performance on the

last day (time TBA).


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Nature                                                                                     Kayak
ESTUARY EXPLORERS CAMP                                                                     KAYAK CAMP
Summer * 417105 A – C                                                                      Summer * 458113 A & B
Are you ready for an exciting exploration of our local watershed? This summer, the         Learn the fundamentals of paddling kayaks on

energetic staff of the Maryland Coastal Bays Program will be leading hands-on,             open water, in the Assawoman Bay, with an

                                                                                           American Canoe Association (ACA) certified
educational activities in and around our coastal bays. “Explorers” will participate
                                                                                           instructor from Best Aquatics. Enjoy a leisurely
in engaging, outdoor investigations that include critter sampling, TREM projects,
                                                                                           paddle on flat water while experiencing the
watershed studies, kayaking, forestry, team building exercises and more. This camp
                                                                                           beauty of the Bay’s aquatic life and wildfowl.
offers at least one unique field trip to Ayers Creek where participants will kayak.
                                                                                           Participants will receive a complimentary camp
Participants will receive a complimentary camp t-shirt.
WHO: Kids, entering Grades 5 & 6
                                                                                           WHO: Kids, Ages 8 years and up
DATES:                                                                                     DATES:
   Section A: June 29 – July 2                                                                Section A: July 12 – 14
   Section B: July 27 – 30                                                                    Section B: August 9 – 11
   Section C: August 24 – 27                                                               DAYS: Monday – Wednesday
DAYS: Tuesday – Friday                                                                     TIMES: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
TIMES: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.                                                                    LOCALE: Northside Park Pier
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex.                                                 PRICE: $132.00 *Ocean City resident discount
PRICE: $142.00 *Ocean City resident discount price: $118.00                                price: $110.00

DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the balance due               DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls
before the first day of camp. Resident Deposit $30.00, Non-Resident Deposit                participant(s) with the balance due before the

                                                                                           first day of camp. Resident Deposit $30.00,

CAMP NOTES: Explorers should bring water shoes, towel, sunglasses, refillable              Non-Resident Deposit $40.00.

water bottle and sunscreen. A nonperishable lunch should be packed each day.
                                                                                           CAMP NOTES: All campers are required to
                                                                                           wear water shoes during camp. Campers
The maximum number of participants is 12.
                                                                                           under 60 pounds, or with limited experience
                                                                                           and skills should be accompanied by an adult.

                                                                                           RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson
Field Hockey
FIELD HOCKEY CAMP                 WHO: Kids, 8 to 16 years
Summer * 401314 A                 DATES: June 21 – 24
This camp is great for new
                                  DAYS: Monday – Thursday
players who want to learn the
                                  TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
game and experienced
                                  LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex
players who want to build
                                  PRICE: $161.00 *Ocean City resident discount
                                  price: $134.00
their skills. Learn the game of

field hockey from a great
                                  DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls
                                  participant(s) with the balance due before the
staff with years of experience
                                  first day of camp. Resident Deposit $30.00,
playing and coaching.
                                  Non-Resident Deposit $40.00.
Participants will learn through

drills and games, and will gain
                                  CAMP NOTES: Campers should bring a non-
                                  perishable lunch each day. Equipment needed:
experience through
                                  stick, goggles, shin guards and mouth guard.
scrimmages. Participants will
                                  There will be equipment available to borrow
receive a complimentary
                                  for the week if needed.
camp t-shirt.
                                  RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Anna Paterson

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Football                    Firefighter/EMT
Summer * 455110 A           Summer * 400600 A & B

Summer * 462110 A & B
                                          Junior Beach Patrol
                                       OC JUNIOR BEACH PATROL CAMP
                               Summer * 400100 A – F * 400200 S – X *400300 A & B
Summer * 458110 A – D

                        400100 – 4 DAY ACADEMY        400300 – 4 DAY AFTERNOON ACADEMY

                        400200 – 1 DAY SEMINAR
Lacrosse                                 Paddleboard
Summer * 427101A                         Summer * 456116 A – F

Summer * 424242 A
Pickleball                                         Science Camps
Summer * 401316 A                                  Summer *417103A
Come learn the hottest game in the                 This camp is ideal for learning about gear structure, motor principles, and electronic

recreation field - Pickleball! Participants will   circuits. Building robots challenges cognitive skills, helps develop fine motor skills,

be taught the rules, fundamentals, and             and improves hand-eye coordination. A model rocket camp will follow the robot

strategies needed to make you a competitive        building camp. Participants will receive a complimentary camp t-shirt.

pickleballer. Participants will also receive a     WHO: Kids, Ages 8 – 13
complimentary camp t-shirt.                        DATES: June 28 – July 1
WHO: Kids, Ages 8 – 16                             DAYS: Monday – Thursday
DATES: August 23 – 26                              TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
DAYS: Monday – Thursday                            LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex, North Community Room
TIMES: 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.                      PRICE: $171.00 *Ocean City residents discount price: $142.00
LOCALE: Northside Park Recreation Complex          DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the balance due before
PRICE: $132.00 *Ocean City resident                the first day of camp. Resident Deposit $55.00, Non-Resident Deposit $65.00.

discount price: $110.00                            CAMP NOTES: We will have a supervised lunch for children wanting to attend both
DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls           camps.

participant(s) with the balance due before         RECREATION COORDINATOR: TBD
the first day of camp. Resident Deposit

$30.00, Non-Resident Deposit $40.00.
                                                   MODEL ROCKET CAMP
CAMP NOTES: Campers should wear tennis
                                                   Summer * 417104 A
shoes and athletic attire. We will supply all
                                                   In this camp, participants construct, design, paint, and launch their model rockets
equipment needed, but if you have your own
                                                   under the watchful eye of our outstanding staff of certified educators. Campers will
pickleball paddle, you are encouraged to
                                                   learn and develop an understanding of the physics involved with rocketry. The
bring it.
                                                   rockets come equipped with everything a child needs to launch them from a
RECREATION SUPERVISOR: Eddie Pinto                 distance, using an electrical igniter, parachutes, small solid fuel engines, and a

                                                   launch pad. Participants will receive a complimentary camp t-shirt.

                                                   WHO: Kids, Ages 8 - 13
                                                   DATES: June 28 – July 1
                                                   DAYS: Monday – Thursday
                                                   TIMES: 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
                                                   LOCALE: Northside Park Community Room
                                                   PRICE: $171.00 *Ocean City residents price: $142.00
                                                   DEPOSIT: The appropriate deposit enrolls participant(s) with the balance due before
                                                   the first day of camp. Resident Deposit $55.00, Non-Resident Deposit $65.00.

                                                   CAMP NOTES: We will have a supervised lunch for children wanting to attend both

                                                   RECREATION COORDINATOR: TBD

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