Page created by Yolanda Berry


Undergraduate and Postgraduate
courses at Curtin Singapore 2010



                                                                          HONG KONG
                                 INDIA               THAILAND


                                         SRI LANKA
                                                                               S A R AWA K
                                              CURTIN                           C AM P US
                                              S IN G AP OR E

                                                                                                       PAPUA NEW GUINEA


                                                                  BEN TL E Y
                                                                  CAM P US ,                                  CURTIN
                                                                  P ERTH
                                                                                                              S Y D NEY

      Welcome to
      curtin singapore
      Contents                                              Curtin University of Technology
                                                            Why study at Curtin Singapore?
                                                                                                               Entry requirements
                                                                                                               English language
                                                            Living in Singapore                          6     Study abroad                               26
                                                            A Curtin Singapore education                 8     Fees                                       27
                                                            Pathway programs                            10     Financial assistance                       29
                                                            Undergraduate programs                      12     Professional partnerships                  30
                                                            Postgraduate programs                       18     Applying to Curtin Singapore               32

                                                            Introduction from the Vice-Chancellor
                                                            of Curtin University of Technology
                                                            Curtin University of Technology is an              undergraduate, postgraduate and
                                                            Australian pioneer of tertiary education           doctoral levels. In 2008 more than 42,200
                                                            delivery in the international market. The          students were enrolled at the University,
                                                            University began delivering programs in            with 17,500 being international
                                                            Singapore in 1986, and now counts the              students. Curtin is committed to strong
                                                            Marketing Institute of Singapore, the              international engagement and strives
                                                            Singapore Institute of Materials Management        toward innovative, modern teaching
                                                            and the Singapore Human Resources                  methods and the highest academic
                                                            Institute as valued long-term partners.            standards. Curtin has extensive research
      Professor Jeanette Hacket                                                                                activities with the University ranked 11th
      Vice-Chancellor                                       Curtin’s Singapore Campus is an                    in a comparison of Australian universities
      Curtin University of Technology                       excellent opportunity to build upon these          total 2006 research income.
                                                            important relationships and take it a
                                                            step further. Curtin Singapore enables             We are widely recognised for the practical
                                                            current operations with our Singapore              and applied nature of our courses, and
                                                            partners to be consolidated in a single            successful partnerships with industry,
                                                            location close to the bustling heart of the        business and government that enable
                                                            city. We look forward to greater benefits          students to gain essential and relevant
                                                            for our current and future students.               skills. This, coupled with our research that
                                                                                                               is focused on solving real world problems,
                                                            Curtin is Western Australia’s largest              produces graduates poised to make a real
                                                            university offering courses at                     difference in the world.
Vision                                         Values                                       Service policy

 Curtin Singapore aspires to be the             Integrity                                    • We aim to provide timely and
 preferred provider of international            Being consistently honest and                  courteous service at all times
 education in the region by 2020.               trustworthy in all activities                • We provide educational courses that are
                                                Respect                                        registered with the Ministry of Education,
 Mission                                        Having regard for self and others              Singapore and the Immigration &
                                                Fairness                                       Checkpoints Authority of Singapore
 Curtin Singapore is committed to               Ensuring just decisions through open         • We welcome feedback, be it comments or
 the provision of high quality and              decision-making                                suggestions, via email or feedback form,
 diverse academic programs which                Care                                           to help us contiuously improve to serve
 meet the education needs of the wider          Acting to ensure the welfare of others         the public, visitors and students better

Academic Calendar 2010
 Year     Trimester               Start of classes           Last day of classes       Student review week       Exam

 2010     Trimester 1A            8 March                    4 June                    7 – 11 June               14 – 25 June

 2010     Trimester 2A            2 August                   5 November                8 – 12 November           15 – 26 November

 2010     Trimester 3A            29 November                TBA                       TBA                       TBA


                                             Introduction from the Pro Vice-Chancellor
                                             of Curtin Singapore

                                             It is with pleasure that I welcome your         Singapore student you will be provided
                                             interest in Curtin Singapore.                   with a quality education that prepares
                                                                                             you to live and work in the global
                                             At Curtin Singapore we offer a variety          environment
                                             of undergraduate and postgraduate
                                             courses. Curtin courses are widely              Curtin Singapore is the newest addition
                                             recognised for their practical and              to Curtin’s campuses around the world.
                                             applied nature, a combination which             When you choose Curtin Singapore you
                                             enables graduates to be effective in the        can be confident you are choosing a
Professor John Neilson                       workplace upon graduation.                      leading and internationally recognised
Pro Vice-Chancellor                                                                          education provider.
Curtin Singapore                             Curtin Singapore is strongly committed
                                             to innovative, modern teaching                  I look forward to welcoming you to
                                             methods and maintenance of the                  Curtin Singapore.
                                             highest academic standards. At Curtin
                                             Singapore you will find a caring
                                             community with staff dedicated to
                                             providing a stimulating and supportive
                                             learning environment. As a Curtin

Curtin University
of Technology
A degree from Curtin is globally recognised. Curtin graduates have the confidence and skills
they need for successful careers in the modern international market.

Why Curtin?                                   Curtin Bentley,                             is located in the heart of the Sydney
Curtin aims to produce career-ready           Western Australia                           central business district, allowing
graduates with a passion for life-long        Curtin’s main campus is in Bentley, a       students to have access to a variety of
learning and a commitment to serving          suburb of Perth, Western Australia’s        cultural experiences unique to Sydney.
the needs of the broader community.           capital city. It is the largest and         Curtin Sydney continues the dynamic
Courses have applied, practical subjects      most multi-cultural university in the       emphases on innovative teaching
with a strong emphasis on industry            state, with Australia’s third-largest       methods, strong industry links and
links, which means students are able          international student population.           highly employable graduates that are
to work closely with companies in their       The University offers undergraduate         synonymous with the Curtin name.
chosen field, often securing employment       and postgraduate courses across five
before graduation.                            faculties: The Centre for Aboriginal        Curtin Sarawak
Courses at Curtin are designed to             Studies, Curtin Business School, Science    Curtin’s Sarawak Campus is the
best meet student and industry                and Engineering, Health Sciences and        University’s first offshore campus,
needs. The University does this by            Humanities. Curtin’s key strengths lie in   established in 1999 in partnership with
ensuring industry links, intercultural        health, energy and resources, business,     the Sarawak Government. Located in
and indigenous awareness and                  technology and sustainability.              Miri, Sarawak, the campus is the first
interdisciplinary study are embedded                                                      foreign university campus in East
into each course.                             Curtin Sydney                               Malaysia. Curtin Sarawak provides an
Curtin is continuing to provide world-class   Curtin Sydney is a recent addition to       exciting opportunity for students in
teaching facilities in partnership with       Curtin’s campuses around the world and      the region as it establishes a direct
the biggest industry players to ensure        gives students access to a flexible and     link with the extensive resources in
that every graduate receives a diverse,       superb education in one of the world’s      the Curtin network. Curtin Sarawak is
challenging and rewarding education           most cosmopolitan cities. The campus        a state-of-the-art campus with fully
that is grounded in the real world.
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010        3


equipped laboratories and teaching           business, industry, government and           convenient, high-quality services to
facilities, which provide an ideal           the community reflect its applied            meet just about every student need,
educational environment for students         focus. These important links provide a       including learning strategies, practical
from Sarawak, other parts of Malaysia        valuable resource for the University as      study skills and advice. The University’s
and further afield.                          students are able to develop a real world    commitment to its diverse student
                                             approach to learning.                        population is reflected in the flexible
International emphasis                                                                    study options it offers across a wide
The University has a longstanding            Professional partnerships                    range of disciplines. It is all part of
reputation in the international market       Curtin has important links, developed        Curtin’s commitment to delivering an
and was a pioneer in the provision of        over many years, with professional           excellent education.
international education, particularly        partners in Singapore: Marketing
in South-East Asia. Curtin Singapore         Institute of Singapore, Singapore            Teaching excellence
continues this strong international focus.   Institute of Materials Management            Curtin’s growing reputation and success
                                             and the Singapore Human Resources            can be attributed to its high-quality
Industry links                               Institute. Each of these organisations       teaching and research staff. The
With 42,200 students from more than          provides high levels of professionalism      University is committed to the highest
105 countries, Curtin has established        for their members, particularly with         academic standards and cutting edge
a worldwide reputation as a dynamic          the benefit of their international           teaching methods. The confidence
and stimulating place of learning.           perspective.                                 that comes from a quality education
Committed to academic excellence,                                                         ensures Curtin graduates are in demand
innovation and modern teaching               Supportive                                   and well-placed to pursue career
methods, Curtin’s close links with           Curtin’s student-centred approach            opportunities around the world.
                                             ensures students will excel. Curtin offers

Why study at
Curtin Singapore?

            tudents at Curtin Singapore      Postgraduate courses                                   Chinatown
            enjoy first-rate facilities,     • Master of Accounting                                 Hit the chaos and clatter of Keong Siak
            high calibre staff, innovative   • Master of Human Resources                            Road and its surrounds in Chinatown.
            teaching methods and links       • Master of Logistics (Supply Chain                    Young Singaporeans are setting up
            with industry practitioners.       Management)                                          stylish bars, restaurants, and funky
            The state-of-the-art Curtin                                                             boutique hotels. In Chinatown you will
Singapore campus is located just             * F
                                                urther undergraduate and postgraduate              find some of Singapore’s best hawker
                                               courses in other discipline areas will be starting
outside the central business district, one     in the near future (please check for   food and most entertaining night
of the major economic hubs of Asia.            updates)                                             life. It’s a walk that will take you past
Curtin Singapore continues the dynamic                                                              colourful shop fronts filled with Chinese
emphasis on innovative teaching              The courses offered by Curtin Singapore                medicines, tailors, homewares and
methods, strong industry links and           utilise the exact same structure and                   charming souvenirs.
highly employable graduates that are         curriculum content as those offered
synonymous with the Curtin name.             at the Bentley Campus in Western                       Little India
When you choose Curtin Singapore             Australia.                                             Little India is the focal point of
you can be confident that you are            Pathway programs are also offered on                   Singapore’s Indian community. Its
choosing a leading educator that is          campus by Navitas Education Centre                     spice-scented streets beckon you to an
recognised globally. Students can take       to provide a route to a Curtin degree                  abundance of ethnic jewellery, jasmine
the opportunity to study a trimester         for students who might not necessarily                 garlands and silk saris. From the large
at other Curtin campuses in Sydney           meet the entry requirements to start a                 Tekka Centre and Little India Arcade
or Perth to gain further international       degree program directly.                               to the small provision shops, Little
exposure during their education.                                                                    India is packed with interesting things
Curtin Singapore offers a range of           Enrich your life: cultural                             to discover. During Deepavali (usually
undergraduate and postgraduate courses.      adventures in Singapore                                between October and November), the
                                             Curtin Singapore students not only have                Indian Festival of Lights, Little India is
Undergraduate courses                        access to a quality education but to a                 transformed into a fairyland of gaily
Bachelor of Commerce with single and         variety of cultural experiences unique to              decorated, brightly lit streets bustling
double majors in:                            the island city. Singapore is well known               with shoppers. Witness also the faith
• Accounting                                 as a safe and secure destination.                      of devotees during the colourful and
• Accounting and Finance (double major)      From its beginnings as a humble trading                ritualistic Thaipusam in January and
• Finance and Marketing (double major)       post to the bustling metropolis it is                  February each year.
• Management and Human Resource              today, Singapore is unique. A bridge                   Colourful temples co-exist side by side
  Management (double major)                  between the East and the West for                      with churches and mosques, parrot
• Marketing                                  centuries, Singapore is a vibrant melting              fortune tellers stationed by the five-foot
• Management and Marketing                   pot of ideas, cultures and people. Local               way and the tantalising scents of spices
  (double major)                             in its perspective but global in its                   drifting out from restaurants.
• Marketing and Advertising                  outlook, where age-old traditions and
  (double major)                             cutting edge innovations are celebrated,
• Marketing and Public Relations             Singapore is a place brimming with
  (double major)                             unbridled energy and bursting with
• Logistics and Supply Chain                 exciting events.
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010   5

Curtin Singapore gives students access to a globally recognised
Australian university education in one of the world’s safest, most
cosmopolitan business cities.


Geylang Serai
Geylang Serai is the cultural heart of
the Malay community in Singapore.
At the Malay village, go back in time
and discover the traditional kampung
lifestyle of Malays in the 1950s and
1960s. Or experience traditional Malay
arts and crafts like batik painting, kite-
making and kampung games such as
top spinning.

A slice of paradise right on Singapore’s
doorstep, Sentosa offers a kaleidoscope
of attractions and activities. Once
you step onto the island, you will
be mesmerised by the breathtaking
beauty of the lush greenery peppered
with exciting attractions. It’s a themed
attraction, tropical resort, nature park
and heritage centre all rolled into one.

    I chose Curtin Singapore because I prefer
    the vibrant city life in Singapore and
    I wanted to study at a well respected
    university, such as Curtin. Curtin
    Singapore’s small class sizes makes
    learning easier.

    Natasha, Australia

Living in
Live and study in one of the most cosmopolitan and picturesque cities in the world. Experience a
vibrant arts culture, stunning scenery, superb shopping and a pleasant climate while you gain
an internationally recognised Australian university education.

                                                                    A cosmopolitan lifestyle
                                                                    If there is one word that best captures
                                                                    Singapore, it is unique. Singapore is
                                                                    renowned for being safe, secure and
                                                                    clean. A dynamic city rich in contrast
                                                                    and colour, you’ll find a harmonious
                                                                    blend of culture, cuisine, arts and
                                                                    architecture. Brimming with unbridled
                                                                    energy, this little dynamo in South-East
                                                                    Asia embodies the finest of both East
                                                                    and West.
                                                                    The former British trading post and
                                                                    colony has carved a unique niche
                                                                    for itself in its two short centuries of
                                                                    existence, offering a vivid combination
                                                                    of ultra-modern skyscrapers, remnants
                                                                    of tropical rainforest and colourful
                                                                    ethnic urban areas.
                                                                    Singapore is well-known in the world
                                                                    as a melting pot of cultures, and for its
                                                                    religious tolerance.
                                                                    Singapore’s population of almost four
                                                                    million comprises 77 per cent Chinese,
                                                                    14 per cent Malays, eight per cent
                                                                    Indians and one per cent Eurasians and

                                                  I’m a student who needs a very relaxed,
                                                  fun environment to study in. I need
                                                  to be in a university where I know
                                                  I’m going to meet new people that
                                                  I’m going to be friends with. The rich
                                                  diversity of different nationalities
                                                  combined here in Singapore offers a
                                                  very interesting culture.

                                                  Lydia, Germany
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010                      7


people of other descent. The original      75 per cent. Singapore has two distinct         housing (Housing Development Board
inhabitants were Malay fishermen,          monsoon seasons, the North-Eastern              apartments), or private housing (landed
but after the arrival of Sir Stamford      season from December to March and               property or condominiums).
Raffles and it’s establishment as a        the South-Western season from June to           Curtin Singapore can assist students
British trading post, Singapore became     September.                                      with their accommodation search.
a magnet for migrants and merchants.                                                       After receiving an offer letter from
Seeking a better life for themselves       Cost of living                                  the university, students also receive
and their families, they came from the     Living costs vary according to taste,           an accommodation booking form
southern provinces of China, Indonesia,    interest and finances. Students and             explaining their options in advance.
India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and the         parents should set a budget based               Students can choose between student
Middle East. Each group has retained its   on individual needs with flexibility to         hostel accommodation or flats.
own cultural identity while becoming       allow for changes. Singapore is a large
an integral part of the Singapore          city with a range of options to suit the         Accommodation options

community.                                 lifestyle you may choose to lead. Budget
                                           a minimum of SG$9,000 - 18,000 per               Condominium room SG$800 to SG$1500 per month
                                                                                            - Generally higher end accommodation option and
Language                                   year to cover essential living expenses.         comes equipped with in-house facilities such as
                                                                                            gymnasiums, swimming pools and tennis courts.
There are four official languages in
                                                                        Cost per
Singapore: Malay, Mandarin, Tamil           Expense
                                                                        month SG$           HDB Flats SG$350 to SG$600 per month - Flats
                                                                                            located in self contained estates conveniently
and English. English is the language                                                        built around public amenities such as schools, bus
of business and administration, and is      Accommodation (rent
                                                                        $300 – $800         interchanges, supermarkets, clinics, food centres
                                            and utilities)                                  and recreational facilities.
widely spoken and understood. Most
Singaporeans are bilingual, and speak       Food                        $200 – $320         Off-campus private hostel SG$300 to
                                                                                            SG$800 per month - Off-campus hostels are not
their native tongue as well as English.     Travel (public transport)   $20 – $80           managed by Curtin Singapore. Students
Malay is the national language.                                                             may expect to share common facilities at
                                            Books and stationery        $30 – $60           the hostel with students from other schools.

Religion                                    Other                       $200 – $240
With its ethnic mix also comes a diverse                                                   The final rental amount depends on a
                                            Total per month             $750 – $1,500
set of religions. Singapore’s skyline                                                      variety of factors that include actual
boasts the distinctive minarets of          Total per year              $9,000 – $18,000   location of accommodation, type of
mosques, spires of gothic cathedrals,                                                      dwelling and facilities provided. All
intricate figurines of Hindu temple gods                                                   accommodation options come furnished
and the distinctive roof architecture of   Accommodation options                           with basic amenities. Students will be
Chinese temples. The main religions are    Singapore boasts a diverse range of             contacted as early as possible in order
Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity,     options to suit all requirements and            to confirm their accommodation before
Hinduism, Sikhism and Judaism.             budgets. Students may choose to stay            arrival in Singapore.
                                           in hostels with the option of single
Climate                                    or shared rooms. Renting a room or
Singapore experiences a tropical climate   sharing an apartment with friends is
with hot, humid weather all year round.    another popular alternative. Students
Daytime temperatures average 86°F          have the choice of renting government
(30°C) and humidity is usually above

A Curtin
Singapore education
Curtin Singapore courses use the same curriculum as those offered at the Bentley Campus with
the added attraction of offering a trimester academic calendar allowing students to complete
their degree in a shorter amount of time.

             urtin provides a superb        Flexible entry options                     Small class sizes
             international education and    Courses at Curtin Singapore are as         Lectures at Curtin Singapore have a
             is committed to producing      flexible and individual as the students    maximum of 100 students, Tutorial
             well taught, flexible,         who study them. Students who may           class sizes have a maximum of 25
             creative and entrepreneurial   not automatically qualify for university   students, in comparison to most
             graduates. Curtin courses      entry can enrol at Curtin Singapore in     Australian universities which average
are distinguished by their variety,         the foundation certificate and diploma     300 to 400 students in their first
applied approach and relevance to the       pathways that lead to the degree           year. Curtin Singapore’s smaller
corporate world.                            programs. The pathway programs             classes ensure a supportive learning
Curtin Singapore continues the Curtin       are offered on campus by Navitas           environment for all students. A better
philosophy of an innovative learning        Education Centre.                          learning environment is encouraged
environment that produces graduates                                                    by: increasing interaction between
who are prepared, confident and             Credit for prior study                     lecturer and students; maximising
globally valuable.                          Curtin Singapore also recognises           interaction between students; ensuring
                                            previous studies and work experience,      that personal attention is given to each
Managed by specialists                      enabling some students to take             student; allowing lecturers to identify
Navitas                                     advantage of the relevant prior learning   and assist students who require extra
Curtin Singapore is operated by Navitas.    they have acquired to gain credit          help and facilitating students’ highest
Navitas is a global educational group       exemptions. This may enable students       academic achievements and cross-
that enhances the Curtin Singapore          to complete their degrees in a shorter     cultural experiences.
educational experience with its             period of time.
extensive experience in providing                                                      Location
quality services to students. The           Trimester academic year                    Curtin Singapore is located 10 minutes
specialist management skills at Navitas     Curtin Singapore operates on a trimester   from the central business district with
complement Curtin’s longstanding            system with intakes in March, August,      direct bus routes from the campus
national and international reputation       November. Students can fast-track their    to three different Mass Rapid Transit
for the delivery of quality education.      studies with the flexibility to extend     (MRT) train stations. Singapore’s public
Students at Curtin Singapore will benefit   their studies over a longer time period.   transport system provides efficient,
from the commitment to excellence that      However, all international students must   affordable and reliable transport to all
is characteristic of Curtin University of   be enrolled in full-time studies.          parts of the island city.
Technology and Navitas.
                                            Part-time study                            CaseTrust for Education
Pro Vice-Chancellor                         All courses are available in part-time     Curtin Singapore has achieved CaseTrust
Curtin has appointed a Pro Vice-            (or full-time) study modes to suit local   for Education status and has adopted
Chancellor who lives in Singapore and       Singaporean students or workers with       the Fee Protection Scheme (FPS). The
oversees all academic aspects, quality      permanent residence or employment          FPS aims to protect students’ paid fees
and standards of Curtin Singapore,          pass status. (International students       in accordance with a Master Insurance
which includes Curtin’s approach to         must study full-time in Singapore).        Policy, CASE-recommended student
teaching and learning. In addition,         Part-time classes are scheduled in the     contract and the Curtin Singapore refund
the Pro Vice-Chancellor develops            evening and at weekends. Visit             policy. Achieving CaseTrust for Education
opportunities for strengthening industry for details.                 status certifies that Curtin Singapore
involvement with Curtin Singapore.                                                     puts into place good quality student
                                                                                       welfare practices and standards.
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010   9


For more information on CaseTrust and       Transfer options to
FPS please visit the CaseTrust website:     Australia                            Curtin Singapore students
Curtin Singapore will be applying to gain   are able to transfer to Australia
Edutrust status in early 2010.              to spend a trimester studying
                                            at Perth or Sydney campus.
Excellent facilities
An ideal learning environment would
not be complete without high-quality
facilities. Students at Curtin Singapore
have access to specially developed
facilities with the latest audiovisual
teaching equipment and first class
computer technology with electronic and
extended library services. A prayer room
will be available for use by students.

    Curtin was the right choice for me. I completed
    a one-year diploma at a Singapore Polytechnic
    and with Curtin’s global affiliations it was easy
    to transfer over. My lecturers and tutors do a
    very good job – they’re very helpful and always
    looking out for us.
    My brother studied at Curtin in Australia and felt
    it was a great business school, so when Curtin
    opened a Singapore campus it was an incentive
    to stay in Singapore.
    Chris, Singapore

Students who do not automatically receive entry into the degree program can begin
their university studies with the Foundation Certificate of Commerce and the Diploma of
Commerce, offered on campus at Curtin Singapore by Navitas Education Centre.

Successful completion of the foundation
                                                               Bachelor Degree        Master
certificate leads to entry into the diploma,                 Completed in two years
which is identical to the first year of the                      (Trimesters)
degree programs. The diploma course
provides guaranteed entry into the second
year of Curtin Singapore’s Bachelor of                            Year three
Commerce (all available majors) to students
who complete the course successfully.

The pathway entry structure is outlined:                           Year two

                                                 Diploma           Year one

                                A Levels
                              (or equivalent)

                                O Levels
level                         (or equivalent)
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010         11


                                                                                                Entry to second year
       Foundation Certificate                                                                   Bachelor of Commerce
                                                    Diploma of Commerce
       of Commerce                                  Two trimesters                              Four trimesters (after successful
       Two trimesters                                                                           completion of the Diploma of

Foundation Certificate of                     Diploma of Commerce
Commerce                                      CRICOS Code 055197E
CRICOS Code 055196F                           The Diploma of Commerce is equivalent to
The Foundation Certificate of Commerce        Year One of the Bachelor of Commerce. It
is a pre-university course. The Certificate   is designed to open articulation pathways,
requires two trimesters of full-time study    primarily for international students. This
and is designed to prepare students for       course places an emphasis on decision
university study. Students complete four      making processes, and other major aspects
units in each trimester. Completion of        of management in the highly competitive
the Certificate leads to the Diploma of       business arena.
Commerce program.                             Course structure
Course structure                              First trimester
First trimester                               • Accounting 100
• Communications                              • Economics 100
• Introduction to Computing                   • Business Law 100
• Mathematics or Statistics                   • Marketing 100
• Accounting                                  Second trimester
Second trimester                              • Business Information Systems 100
• Economics                                   • Management 100
• Management                                  • Communication in Business 201
• Marketing                                   • 1 Elective
• Legal Studies

  Pathway programs are delivered on
  campus at Curtin Singapore by
  Navitas Education Centre

The curtin Bachelor of Commerce is one of the most renowned business qualifications in the
Asia-pacific region.

      Being part of Curtin has expanded my global
      view of the business world and has given me an
      exciting university life. The faculty and students
      have made my university life more enjoyable. My
      Curtin experiences have prepared me to face the
      real business world. Thanks to Curtin, I now have a
      great university life and a bright future ahead.
      Leonardo, Indonesia
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010   13


Bachelor of Commerce 130099                      in their future career choices. Single major
                                                 students study 12 units that form their major,
The Curtin Singapore Bachelor of Commerce
                                                 and a further four elective units.
degree is an internationally accredited
business qualification with specialisations      Double major students gain a solid
that can open the door to a wide variety of      knowledge base in two separate but
careers. The program is designed to provide      complimentary areas of study. The double
professional business and management             majors consist of 16 units – eight units from
expertise, as well as a range of life and        each stream.
professional skills.                             Curtin Business School programs are highly
                                                 dynamic and interactive and use a wide range
Course description                               of teaching methods including case studies
Students must successfully complete              and group work. The Bachelor of Commerce
24 units for a total of 600 credits. As          degree takes two years if studied full-time.
an introduction to the fundamentals of           The same amount of time is required to
business, and to help students choose            complete a single or double major.
their major, all first year students study a
foundation of seven common core units. The       Professional recognition
common core units include Accounting 100,        Graduates with a Curtin commerce degree
Communication in Business 100, Economics         have a competitive advantage in finding
100, Information Systems 100, Business           employment. Many graduates are in senior
Law 100, Management 100 and Marketing            management positions in Australia and
100. Note: Some students with The Diploma        internationally. Curtin Business School
of Commerce from Curtin or other approved        programs are designed wherever possible
business qualifications from technical,          to conform to the entry requirements of the
polytechnic and other colleges may receive       relevant professional bodies students may
recognition of prior learning for the common     seek to join after graduation.
core units.
A single major gives students the knowledge in
their field to make an immediate contribution

undergraduate programs (continued)

Accounting major 312107                          Accounting and Finance double                  Finance and Marketing double
This major is designed to provide students       major 234906                                   major 235020
with a comprehensive understanding of, and       This double major is designed for              This double major is designed for students
competencies in, accounting and associated       students who wish to become professional       who are seeking careers in either the
fields of auditing, taxation, business law and   accountants, and specialise in corporate and   marketing or financial services sector, or
financial management. Accounting courses         institutional finance. Accounting courses      who wish to combine the two. Employment
at Curtin Singapore are accredited by            at Curtin Singapore are accredited by CPA      opportunities are available in government
CPA Australia.                                   Australia.                                     and non-government organisations,
Course structure                                 Course structure                               which include commercial and investment
                                                                                                banks, regulatory bodies, stock exchanges,
First trimester                                  First trimester                                insurance companies and large public
• 10987 Accounting 100                           • 10987 Accounting 100                         corporations.
• 11011 Business Law 100                         • 11011 Business Law 100
                                                                                                Course structure
• 1234      Economics 100                        • 1234      Economics 100
                                                                                                First trimester
• 311353 Communication in Business 100          • 311353 Communication in
                                                                                                • 10987 Accounting 100
Second trimester                                             Business 100
                                                                                                • 11011 Business Law 100
• 10830 Business Information Systems 100        Second trimester
                                                                                                • 1234      Economics 100
• 10848 Management 100                           • 10830 Business Information
                                                             Systems 100                        • 311353 Communication in Business 100
• 10850 Marketing 100
                                                 • 10848 Management 100                         Second trimester
• 10993 Business Statistics 201
                                                 • 10850 Marketing 100                          • 10830 Business Information
Third trimester
                                                                                                            Systems 100
• 305228 Accounting (Financial) 250              • 310606 Finance (Quantitative
                                                             Techniques) 203                    • 10848 Management 100
• 11013 Accounting (Managerial) 201
                                                 Third trimester                                • 10850 Marketing 100
• 12607 Finance (Principles) 215
                                                 • 305228 Accounting (Financial) 250            • 2806      Finance (Introductory) 201
• 10841 Law (Business Organisations) 222
                                                 • 11013 Accounting (Managerial) 201           Third trimester
Fourth trimester
                                                 • 12607 Finance (Principles) 215               • 11001 Macroeconomics 200
• 305229 Accounting (Financial) 260
                                                 • 10841 Law (Business Organisations) 222      • 2807      Finance (Managerial) 212
• 10804 Accounting (Systems) 204
                                                 Fourth trimester                               • 9764      Consumer Behaviour 201
• 11041 Taxation 331
                                                 • 305229 Accounting (Financial) 260            • 3822      Sales Management 230
• Elective
                                                 • 10804 Accounting (Systems) 204               Fourth trimester
Fifth trimester
                                                 • 11041 Taxation 331                           • 8931      Microeconomics 200
• 10989 Accounting (Auditing) 300
                                                 • 8931      Microeconomics 200                 • 11038 Finance (Corporate) 307
• 11014 Accounting (Managerial
                                                 Fifth trimester                                • 9807      Marketing Research 200
            Control) 301
                                                 • 10989 Accounting (Auditing) 300              • 12613 International Marketing 250
• Elective
                                                 • 11014 Accounting (Managerial                Fifth trimester
• Elective
                                                             Control) 301                       • 9753      Finance (Portfolio
Sixth trimester
                                                 • 9753      Finance (Portfolio                             Management) 301
• 309875 Accounting (Decision
                                                              Management) 301                   • 10820 Finance (Derivative
            Analysis) 308
                                                 • 11038 Finance (Corporate) 307                             Securities) 312
• 12034 Business Capstone 301
                                                 Sixth trimester                                • 1866       Retail Marketing and
• Elective                                                                                                    Distribution 311
• Elective                                       • 309875 Accounting (Decision
                                                              Analysis) 308                     • 3900        Strategic Marketing 310
                                                 • 9754       Finance (International) 302       Sixth trimester
                                                 • 10820 Finance (Derivative                   • 9754        Finance (International) 302
                                                              Securities) 312                   • 4375        Marketing of Services 311
                                                 • 12034 Business Capstone 301                  • 12593 Marketing - Professional
                                                                                                              Practice 300
                                                                                                • 12034 Business Capstone 301
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010            15

Management and Marketing                       Marketing major 312102                             Marketing and Advertising double
double major 235016                            Marketing anticipates demands for products,        major 234925
This double major is designed to develop       services and ideas by analysing behaviour of       This double major is designed to provide
strengths in two complimentary but distinct    competitors and customers and designing            students with an understanding of the
areas, enriching employment opportunities      products, promotion, pricing and distribution      principles and processes of advertising, and
and developing an understanding of a           strategies. This major prepares students to        other forms of communication. This sets the
variety of multi-cultural perspectives. The    organise and control marketing activities          pathway for students seeking careers in the
degree will provide students with an overall   efficiently in a highly competitive and volatile   advertising and media fields. The emphasis
understanding of managerial competencies       environment. A wide range of employment            in this major is on marketing planning and
and functional marketing.                      opportunities are available.                       strategy formulation, including strategies
Course structure                               Graduates may join the Australian                  for advertising and integrated marketing
                                               Marketing Institute and the Australian             communications.
First trimester
                                               Institute of Management.                           This program is accredited by the
• 10987 Accounting 100                                                                            International Advertising Association (IAA)
• 11011 Business Law 100                       Course structure
                                                                                                  – one of the leading global organisations in
• 1234      Economics 100                      First trimester
                                                                                                  the field with members in 93 countries and
• 311353 Communication in Business 100        • 10987 Accounting 100                             61 chapters worldwide.
Second trimester                               • 11011 Business Law 100
                                                                                                  Course structure
• 10830 Business Information                  • 1234      Economics 100
                                                                                                  First trimester
            Systems 100                        • 311353 Communication in Business 100
                                                                                                  • 10987 Accounting 100
• 10848 Management 100                         Second trimester
                                                                                                  • 11011 Business Law 100
• 10850 Marketing 100                          • 10830 Business Information
                                                           Systems 100                            • 1234        Economics 100
• 10852 Organisational Behaviour 200                                                             • 311353 Communication in Business 100
Third trimester                                • 10848 Management 100
                                               • 10850 Marketing 100                              Second trimester
• 9764      Consumer Behaviour 201                                                                • 10830 Business Information Systems 100
• 3822      Sales Management 230               • 9764      Consumer Behaviour 201
                                               Third trimester                                    • 10848 Management 100
• 304440 Environmental Issues in                                                                 • 10850 Marketing 100
            Business 201                       • 3822      Sales Management 230
                                               • 9807      Marketing Research 200                 • 11016 Integrated Marketing
• 9807      Marketing Research 200                                                                            Communications 202
Fourth trimester                               • Elective
                                                                                                  Third trimester
• 12613 International Marketing 250            • Elective
                                                                                                  • 9764      Consumer Behaviour 201
• 10835 International Management 375          Fourth trimester
                                                                                                  • 3822      Sales Management 230
• 4436      Human Resource Management         • 12613 International Marketing 250
                                                                                                  • 9807      Marketing Research 200
             (Introduction) 200                • 1866      Retail Marketing and
                                                            Distribution 311                      • 12632 Advertising (Principles) 211
• 3900      Strategic Marketing 310
                                               • Elective                                         Fourth trimester
Fifth trimester
                                               • Elective                                         • 12989 Advertising (Media Planning) 250
• 12953 Entrepreneurship 300
                                               Fifth trimester                                    • 12592 Brand Management 260
• 1866       Retail Marketing and
                                               • 3900       Strategic Marketing 310               • 3900      Strategic Marketing 310
              Distribution 311
                                               • 4375       Marketing of Services 311             • 12613 International Marketing 250
• 3522      Strategic Management 313
                                               • Elective                                         Fifth trimester
• 12593 Marketing - Professional
              Practice 300                     • Elective                                         • 1866      Retail Marketing and Distribution
Sixth trimester                                Sixth trimester
                                                                                                  • 12634 Advertising (Strategic) 310
• 11018 Managing Change 300                    • 12593 Marketing - Professional
                                                            Practice 300                          • 12990 Advertising (Cross Cultural) 300
• 303899 Business Ethics 300
                                               • 12034 Business Capstone 301                      • 4373       Advertising (Account Planning) 340
• 4375      Marketing of Services 311
                                               • Elective                                         Sixth trimester
• 12034 Business Capstone 301
                                               • Elective                                         • 12633 Advertising (Campaign
                                                                                                                Development) 391
                                                                                                  • 12593 Marketing - Professional
                                                                                                                Practice 300
                                                                                                  • 4375        Marketing of Services 311
                                                                                                  • 12034 Business Capstone 301

undergraduate programs (continued)

Marketing and Public Relations                  Fifth trimester                                   Course structure
double major 235023                             • 12593 Marketing - Professional                 Fifth trimester
                                                           Practice 300                           • 311353 Communications in Business 100
This double major is designed to give
graduates the ability to define a career in     • 3900     Strategic Marketing 310                • 11954 Materials Management 201
front of emerging market trends. Students       • 3992     Public Relations                      • 10856 Quantitative Modeling 201
study the principles and processes of                       (Consultancy) 300                     • 10806 Analytical Marketing 201
both marketing and public relations to          • 12596 Public Relations                         Sixth trimester
meet increasing workplace demand for an                     (International) 340
understanding of both disciplines.                                                                • 310739 Purchasing and Procurement 311
                                                Sixth trimester
This program is accredited by the Public                                                          • 310741 Strategic Procurement 302
                                                • 4375      Marketing of Services 311
Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA). PRIA                                                     • 10847 Strategic Logistics
                                                • 12597 Public Relations (Corporate) 360                    Management 302
is the sole body dedicated to enhancing the
                                                • 3993      Public Relations (Professional       • 12034 Business Capstone 301.
stature of public relations professionals
                                                             Practice) 393
throughout Australia.
                                                • 12034 Business Capstone 301
Course structure                                                                                  Management and Human
First trimester                                                                                   Resource Management double
• 10987 Accounting 100                          Logistics and Supply Chain                        major 300966
• 11011 Business Law 100                        Management major 312100
                                                                                                  This course is taught in association with our
• 1234      Economics 100                       This course is taught in association with our     partner SHRI.
• 311353 Communication in Business 100         partner SIMM.
                                                                                                  This double major provides students with
Second trimester                                This major has been designed for students         the skills and qualifications needed to
                                                who are interested in pursuing careers in         enter a career in management and human
• 10830 Business Information
                                                international supply chain management or          resource management. The nature of
            Systems 100
                                                in logistics related areas like transportation,   supervisory positions continue to expand
• 10848 Management 100                          physical distribution, warehousing, material
• 10850 Marketing 100                                                                             with an emphasis on human resource
                                                and inventory management, purchasing,             issues. It provides an overall understanding
• 10855 Public Relations                       manufacturing, customer services, retailing       of management principles together with the
            (Principles) 201                    and information linkages for industries.          specialised human resource skills needed by
Third trimester                                 Prerequisites                                     today’s managers.
• 9764      Consumer Behaviour 201              Students wishing to complete this degree          Prerequisites: Students wishing to complete
• 3822      Sales Management 230                are required to complete the Singapore            this double major are required to complete
• 9807      Marketing Research 200              Institute of Materials Management (SIMM)          the Singapore Human Resources Institute
• 10854 Public Relations (Techniques) 220      Diploma in Supply Chain Management                (SHRI) Diploma in Business and Human
Fourth trimester                                and Advanced Diploma in International             Resource Management. Please visit SHRI’s
                                                Supply Chain Management. Please visit             website: for further information.
• 12613 International Marketing 250
                                                SIMM’s website: for further           Upon completion of the diploma and
• 10845 Law (Public Relations) 211              information.                                      meeting required English proficiency,
• 10851 Public Relations (Media) 250            Upon completion of the advanced diploma           students will be given direct entry into the
• 1866      Retail Marketing and               and meeting required English proficiency,         second year of the Bachelor of Commerce
             Distribution 311                   students will be given direct entry into the      (Management and Human Resource
                                                third year of the Bachelor of Commerce            Management).
                                                (Logistics and Supply Chain Management).
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010   17

Course structure
Third trimester
• 11011 Business Law 100
• 311353 Communication in Business 100
• 13590 Industrial Relations
           (Singapore) 201
• 4436     Human Resource Management
            (Introduction) 200
Fourth trimester
• 4437      Human Resource Management
             (Selecting and Promoting
             Staff) 311
• 4438       Human Resource Management
              (Learning and Development) 212
• 10835 International Management 375
• 9797        Industrial Relations (Asia-Pacific
               Perspectives) 302
Fifth trimester
• 307183 Human Resource Management
               (Performance and Conflict
               Management) 302
• 4434         Human Resource Management
                (International) 303
• 12953 Entrepreneurship 300
• 3522     Strategic Management 313
Sixth trimester
• 4439          Human Resource Management
                 (Remuneration and Rewards) 301
• 11018 Managing Change 300
• 303899 Business Ethics 300
• 12034 Business Capstone 301

   When I was at a polytechnic I studied
   science but at Curtin I’m studying
   business. Curtin still accepted me
   even though I didn’t have a business
   background. My friends who studied
   at Curtin before told me that the
   degrees they studied were very
   hands-on and I like that.
   Bridget, Singapore

Curtin Singapore offers innovative postgraduate business courses with an applied professional
emphasis, flexible structure and relevance for today’s global business arena.

                                 Master of Accounting 196304                              Master of Human Resources
                                 The Master of Accounting aims to meet                    146504
                                 the ever-increasing market demand for                    Designed for managers, human resource
                                 professionally qualified accountants globally.           and industrial relations professionals,
                                 This program is a specialised advanced                   and consultants wanting to develop and
                                 professional accounting course which aims to             expand their knowledge, personal and
                                 provide graduates from disciplines other than            professional skills in complex and changing
                                 accounting with knowledge and analytical                 organisational climates. The course features
                                 skills in accounting and related financial               guided independent study, team projects
                                 management and legal aspects of business.                and maximum use of information and
                                 The course equips graduates for professional             communication technology.
                                 accounting practice.
                                                                                          Course description
                                 Students must successfully complete 12
                                                                                          Students must successfully complete 12
                                 units over three trimesters.
                                                                                          units over three trimesters.
                                 Entry requirements
                                                                                          Entry requirements
                                 A bachelor degree, excluding accounting
                                                                                          1. A bachelor degree in business, economics
                                 majors, from a recognised tertiary
                                                                                              or commerce, or an equivalent
                                                                                              qualification from a recognised tertiary
                                 Professional recognition                                     institution provided the specific discipline
                                 This course is designed to meet the admission                in the bachelor degree is different to that
                                 requirements of a number of professional                     of the proposed professional master, or
                                 accounting bodies including Certified                    2. A bachelor degree in a field other than
                                 Practising Accountants Australia (CPAA),                     business, economics or commerce, or an
                                 the Institute of Chartered Accountants in                    equivalent qualification from a recognised
                                 Australia and the ACCA. To advance to the                    institution, or honours degree, or
                                 appropriate status within the professional                   graduate diploma (in business, economics
                                 accounting bodies, graduates must complete                   or commerce), or significant professional
                                 the required modules of the professional                     experience.
                                 bodies and fulfil the experience requirements.
                                                                                          Course structure
                                 Course structure                                         First trimester
                                 First trimester                                          • 5754      Facilitation and Group Process
                                 • 312348 Accounting (Financial) 520                                   Skills 565
                                 • 11941 Accounting (Managerial) 530                      • 5745       Industrial Relations
                                 • 306362 Accounting (Quantitative                                     (Comparative) 562
                                             Methods) 516                                 • 5770        Knowledge Worker Retention 600
                                 • 312349 Fundamentals of Business and                   • 5470         Law (Industrial) 572
                                             Corporations Law 565                         Second trimester
                                 Second trimester                                         • 5771         Human Resource Management
                                 • 11945 Taxation 531                                                     (International) 650
                                 • 305813 Finance (Principles) 515                        • 5768          Human Resource Management
                                 • 312350 Accounting (Corporate Issues) 521                               (Remuneration Management) 561
                                 • 11942 Accounting (Information                         • 5769           Human Resource Management
                                             Systems) 531                                                   (Strategy) 562
                                 Third trimester                                          • 5275            Management Overview 560
                                 • 11947 Auditing 551                                     Third trimester
                                 • 5707      Accounting (International) 514              • 11347 Human Resource Management
                                 • 12466 Accounting (Statement Analysis)                                   (Learning and Development) 574
                                              525                                         • 10481 Business Ethics 567
                                 • 5697       Economic Analysis and Asian                • 5472            Cross-Cultural Communication
                                               Economies 550                                                 and Negotiation 580
                                                                                          • 5248             Managerial Leadership 561
                                 * S
                                    tudents who have a diploma from a recognised
                                   degree awarding tertiart institution may be eligible
                                   to join the Master of Professional Accounting
                                   (MPA) and must complete additional 4 subjects.
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010   19


Master of Logistics (Supply Chain
Management) 310964
This course is taught in association with our
partner SIMM.
Designed for professional logistics
specialists who are interested in
significantly advancing their career in
the area of logistics and supply chain
management. Areas of study include:
operations management, transportation
and physical distribution, procurement,
manufacturing, warehousing, inventory,
retailing, global business and logistics,
and the role of information technology in
facilitating supply chain management.
Entry requirements
Students are required to complete
the Singapore Institute of Materials
Management Graduate Diploma in Logistics
and Materials Management.
Before starting this degree please visit
SIMM’s website: for further
Upon completion of the graduate diploma,
and meeting required English proficiency,
students will be given direct entry into
the second year of the Master of Business
(Logistics Management).
Course structure
Third trimester
• 11756 Operations Management 502
• 12280 Strategic Supply Chain
  Management 502
• 12217 Global Distribution and
	Transportation 501
• 310742 Strategic Procurement 502
Fourth trimester
• 12282 Supply Chain Information
           Systems 502
• 12284 Regional Study Tour 670
• 11660 Business Dissertation
           (Information Systems) 695
• 11661 Business Dissertation
           (Information Systems) 696


Entry into Curtin Singapore is based on academic performance in combination with English
proficiency. Forecast or preliminary results are accepted where appropriate. Students from
countries not listed should contact the admissions office at Curtin Singapore for further
details. These entry requirements are a guide only.

Recognition of prior                                    Postgraduate entry                            English entry requirements
learning                                                requirements                                  Students can obtain a comprehensive
If you have previously worked or                        All applicants must meet specific             list of English language requirements
studied in a relevant field you are                     course entry requirements and provide         from the Curtin Singapore admissions
encouraged to contact Curtin Singapore                  evidence of English language proficiency      office.
to discuss eligibility for recognition                  as all courses are taught in English          Students who do not satisfy the
of prior learning. Your application for                 (refer to page 18 for course entry            English language requirements need to
admission should include details of the                 requirements).                                undertake an intensive English language
course syllabus and certified copies                                                                  course or alternatively may be offered
of academic transcripts. Polytechnic                                                                  the mixed English* program.
diploma holders could get up to 50 per
                                                                                                      * The mixed English program is available at
cent credit exemptions depending on                                                                     certificate level only.
the course units covered from their
previous studies.

Minimum English language entry requirements
 English Language Test                                     Diploma                   Undergraduate degree               Postgraduate degree

 Writing and speaking                                                                6.0                                6.0
 Reading listening                                                                   6.0                                6.0
 Overall band score                                        5.5                       6.0                                6.5

 GCE O Level/SPM 1119                                      Grade C6                  Grade C6

 TOEFL*                                                    525/197                   550/213                            570/230

 SPM English                                               Grade C6

 HKCEE English                                             4

 HKALE use of English                                      Grade D                   Grade C

 Australian year 12 English or English Literature          50 per cent               Normally 60 per cent

 CUTE (Curtin University test of English)*                 Grade C                   Grade C                            Grade A

* Results for IELTS, TOEFL and CUTE are valid for two years.
Curtin Singapore Prospectus 2010                       21

Undergraduate academic entry requirements
Academic entry requirements for the acceptance levels are outlined below:

Country                Foundation Certificate                               Diploma                                              Undergraduate Degree

                                                                            TER/UAI 60 or acceptable
Australia              Year 11 with good grades                                                                                  TER/UAI 70
                                                                            Foundation Year grades

                                                                                                                                 Successful completion of a two-year degree
                                                                                                                                 at a recognised institution; Completion of
                                                                                                                                 the Bangladesh Higher Secondary Certificate
                                                                                                                                 (HSC) with a minimum grade point average
                                                                                                                                 of 4.0 (70-79 per cent); Completion of a
 Bangladesh, Nepal,
                       Higher Secondary Certificate (10+2)                  HSC 50 per cent average                              degree or bachelor level diploma at Tribhuvan
                                                                                                                                 University; Completion of the Higher
                                                                                                                                 Secondary School Certifcate of Intermediate
                                                                                                                                 (Division one) from Pakistan with an average
                                                                                                                                 of 65 per cent in four academic subjects, and
                                                                                                                                 at least 60 per cent in English.

                                                                            Year 12 or Ontario Secondary School Diploma
 Canada                Year 12 or year 11 with good grades
                                                                            with an average of 55 per cent

                                                                                                                                 One year of a bachelor degree at a recognised
                                                                                                                                 university, or completion of the National
                                                                                                                                 University Entrance Examination (necessary
 China, Taiwan,                                                             Senior Middle 3 (Gao San) with 70 per cent or
                       Senior Middle 2 (Gao Er)                                                                                  minimum score is 436) or Universities and
 Macau                                                                      better from four key academic subjects
                                                                                                                                 Colleges Joint Entrance Examination, at a
                                                                                                                                 specifed level for entry to a key university for a
                                                                                                                                 four-year degree program.

                       General Certificate of English (GCE) O-level,                                                             Three ‘Ordinary’ level passes (minimun grade C)
 Brunei, Mauritius,
                       Hong Kong Certifcate of Education Examination        Minimum three points from two A-level or one         and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (minimum six
 Hong Kong,
                       (HKCEE) or Secondary four Express with               A-level and two AS-level subjects                    points) in the General Certificate of Education
                       minimum five passes                                                                                       (GCE).

                       The Central Board of Secondary Education             The Central Board of Secondary Education             All India Senior School Certifcate with an
                       (CBSE), Indian School Certificate (ISC) or Higher    (CBSE), Indian School Certificate (ISC) or Higher    average of 65 per cent in four subjects or Higher
                       School Certificate (HSC) (10+2) or Year 11           School Certificate (HSC) (10+2)                      Secondary Certifcate or Indian School Certifcate
                       equivalent with good grades                          50 per cent average                                  with an average of 65 per cent in five subjects.

                                                                                                                                 Successful completion of one or two years of a
                       Sekolah Menengah Umum II (SMUII) with 7.0                                                                 Bachelor degree at a recognised institution or
                                                                            Sekolah Menengah Umum III (SMUIII) with 7.0
 Indonesia             average or completion of Sekolah Menengah                                                                 SMU III with an average of 8.0 in four academic
                       Umum III (SMUIII)                                                                                         subjects from selected
                                                                                                                                 high schools.

                                                                                                                                 Completion of the full International
                                                                                                                                 Baccalaureate Diploma with a minimum of 24
 International                                                              Minimum of 21 over six IB subjects (average 3.5
                       Year one of International Baccalaureate                                                                   points from six subjects at one sitting. Three of
 Baccalaureate (IB)                                                         on 1-7 scale)
                                                                                                                                 the subjects must be at the higher level and one
                                                                                                                                 of the six subjects should be English.

                       Kotogakko year 3 or Kotogakko year 2 with            Kotogakko Certificate with                           Successful completion of one year of a
                       good results                                         B grade average (GPA>3.0)                            bachelor’s degreeat recognised institution.

                                                                                                                                 Successful completion of the Kenya Certificate
                       Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)      Kenya Certifcate of Secondary Education              of Secondary Education (KCSE) with an average
 Kenya                 with D grade average or General Certificate of       (KCSE) with C plain average or two A-level           grade of B or better obtained in seven subjects
                       English (GCE) O-level                                passes (three points)                                (including a B or better in English, Kiswahili and

                                                                                                                                 Completion of Academic Secondary School
                                                                                                                                 Certifcate with a score of 300 (75 per cent) in
                                                                            Senior High School Diploma with an overall
 Korea                 Completion of year 11                                                                                     National University Entrance Examination or
                                                                            grade average of 2.8
                                                                                                                                 successful completion of one or two years of a
                                                                                                                                 bachelor’s degree at a recognised institution.

                                                                                                                                 Three credit passes at SPM level and two passes
                                                                                                                                 in STPM (minimum five points) and English
                                                                            Minimum three points from Sijil Tinggi
                       Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM),                                                                           competence or completion of the General
                                                                            Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) or A-levels, Unified
 Malaysia              Form five or Unified Examination Certificate                                                              Certificate of Education (GCE) with three
                                                                            Examination Certificate (UEC)
                       (UEC)                                                                                                     ‘Ordinary’ level passes (minimum grade C)
                                                                            (two B, two C)
                                                                                                                                 and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (minimum six

                       Matriculation Examination Pass Certificate
 Myanmar                                                                    Assessed individually                                Assessed individually

                                                                                                                                 Completion of the National Certifcate of
                       Sixth Form Certificate with score of 20 or less in   At least 42 credits in NCEA level three university
 New Zealand                                                                                                                     Educational Achievement (NCEA) with a
                       four subjects                                        approved subjects
                                                                                                                                 minimum of 42 credits at level three or above.

                                                                            Matayom six (or Certificate of Secondary             Successful completion of one year of a bachelor
 Thailand              Matayom six or Matayom five with good grades
                                                                            Education (GPA of 2.0 or better)                     degree at a recognised institution.

                                                                                                                                 Completion of the Bang Tu tai or Bang Tot
                                                                                                                                 Nghiep Pho Thong Trung hoc with an average
                                                                            Year 12 (Tot Nghiep Pho Thong) with grade 6.0        of at least 80per cent in four core academic
 Vietnam               Completion of year 11
                                                                            average                                              subjects OR successful completion of one
                                                                                                                                 year of a bachelor’s degree at a recognised

                                                                                                                                 Three GCE ‘Ordinary’ level passes (minimum
 Zimbabwe,                                                                  Minimum three points from A-level or one
                       Year 11 or O-level                                                                                        grade C) and two ‘Advanced’ level passes
 Zambia, Tanzania                                                           A-level and two AS-level passes
                                                                                                                                 (minimum of six points).

 All other countries   Contact Curtin Singapore                             Contact Curtin Singapore                             Contact Curtin Singapore.
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