DANA 2018 starts with us - Drug and Alcohol Nurses Australasia

Page created by Gloria Hubbard
DANA 2018 starts with us - Drug and Alcohol Nurses Australasia
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DANA 2018

              star ts
                with us

 26th and 27th July 2018
 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
DANA 2018 starts with us - Drug and Alcohol Nurses Australasia
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General information
COMPLIMENTARY WI-FI                                     NETWORKING DRINKS
Login details are:                                      You were encouraged to
Username: RMIT-Guest                                    register for networking
Event Code: 300981                                      drinks on -line, prior to the
                                                        conference. Networking
CONFERENCE HASHTAG                                      drinks are NOT included in the
#DANAconf2018                                           conference registrations.
INSTAGRAM:                                              Those of you who registered for this event
www.instagram.com/dana.nurses/                          will be provided with drink tickets and an
FACEBOOK:                                               entry ticket. These are required to gain
www.facebook.com/DANA.nurses/                           access to the venue.
DANA encourages delegates to tweet
and post to Instagram                                   REGISTRATION DESK/SPECIAL
MOBILE PHONES                                           The registration desk in Storey Hall will be
As a courtesy to others, please                         open at the following times:
ensure your mobile telephone is                         Thursday 26th July: 7:30am to 8:30am
switched off during sessions.                           Friday 27th July: 8:00am to 8:45am
                                                        To contact event staff please call
BE SURE TO SMILE!                                       0431 037 004
Delegates may be digitally recorded through
photographs and/or video recordings.                    TIMING
These images are likely to be used in DANA              As a courtesy to others,
publications. If you do not wish your image             please be seated at least five
to be published, please notify staff before             minutes before the scheduled
the event.                                              commencement time of each
                                                        session. Entry doors will be closed at the
NAME BADGES                                             listed commencement time.
Be sure to wear your name badge always.
It is your official pass to sessions, refreshment       TRADE EXHIBITION
breaks and networking drinks.                           The trade exhibition will be open for viewing
                                                        during morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

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DANA 2018 starts with us - Drug and Alcohol Nurses Australasia
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Welcome from the President of DANA

   ’d like to extend a personal welcome to
   each of you and I hope that throughout
   the course of the next two days there will
be an opportunity to say so in person.
Our Conference Committee has worked
hard to bring you an outstanding program
presented in a great and historic venue in the
heart of Melbourne.
Our profession is confronting a time of
change and a period of workforce transition.
The theme for this year’s event, It Starts with
Us, reminds us that we are each responsible
to shape its future. Consequently, we             sure to visit them during the morning and
anticipate that this conference will open a       afternoon tea and lunch breaks.
debate not only on critical issues associated
with problematic alcohol and other drug use,      Again, I’d like to thank each of your for
but also with issues that will influence the      attending DANA’s conference and bringing
delivery of services.                             your own expertise to our gathering.

This year we have delegates from all over         My personal respect and thanks goes out to
Australia and New Zealand as well as our          all of you.
keynote speakers from the USA and UK.
Please make the most of the opportunity to
network and discuss ideas with colleagues
                                                  Darren Smyth
from diverse backgrounds and with whom            Darren Smyth
you would not normally meet. There will           DANA President
also be time for networking so that you can
                                                  PO Box 8014
catch up with old friends and acquaintances,      Woolloongabba Qld 4102
as well as make some new ones.                    ABN 84 944 72 4112
This conference is only possible with the
support of our sponsors and exhibitors. Be

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DANA 2018 starts with us - Drug and Alcohol Nurses Australasia
DANA 2018 starts with us - Drug and Alcohol Nurses Australasia
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Storey Hall, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology                                             Green Brain Room, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

                                                              DAY 1 Thursday 26th July 2018
                                                                                           STOREY HALL

      0800                                                      Registration at entrance

      0900                                                      Presidential welcome: Mr Darren Smyth

      0910                                                      Acknowledgement of country

      0920                                                      Who is that Addiction Nurse? International keynote: Professor Carmel Clancy

      1015-1045                                                 Sponsor Address Morning Tea Break

      1100                                                      The Adams. de Crespigny. Harvey Oration: Professor Margaret Hamilton

      1130                                                      The Melbourne injecting drug user cohort study (SuperMIX): Professor Paul Dietze
                                                                Transcending burnout: Strategies for AOD nurses to avoid severe role stress:
                                                                Dr Alistair Ross
      1230 – 1315                                               Lunch and Nurse Practitioner meeting
                                                                Winners and losers in American drug policy. International keynote:
                                                                Professor Katherine Fornili
      1400                                                      Experiences of online counselling: Dr Michael Savic

      1430                                                      Lessons learned from sector reform: Mr Sam Biondo

      1500 – 1530                                               Sponsor Address Afternoon Tea Break

      1530                                                      Gambling in an AOD context: Dr Jane Oakes
                                                                This is where our peeps are at: hospital drug and alcohol consultation liaison
                                                                services: Dr Apo Demirkol
      1630                                                      Wrap up of day: Ms Jennifer Holmes

      1700                                                      Networking Drinks Storey Hall Foyer
     Program may be subject to change

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                                                            Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne

              DAY 2 Friday 27th July 2018
                                          STOREY HALL

0700 – 0800    AGM

0800           Registration at entrance

               Discovery and development of new therapeutics for addictions derived from
               cannabis and oxytocin: Professor Iain McGregor

0950           Buprenorphine Panel Supported by Indivior

1045 – 1115    Sponsor Address Morning Tea

1115           Failure to decline: older Australians and alcohol: Dr Sara Callinan

               Integrating HCV treatment into a regional setting: Ms Morag Goodinson
               Supported by Gilead
               The role of art therapy in a drug and alcohol treatment setting: Ms Ann Maree See
               (& activity into lunch break)
1300 – 1330    Lunch

1330           The Healing Ways Program: Mr Keith Randall

1400           AOD in mother and child health: Ms Sally Garson

               The impact of performance and image enhancing drugs and the implications for
               alcohol and other drug nurses: Dr Scott Griffiths
1500-1530      Sponsor Address Afternoon Tea

1530           The US Opioid crisis. International keynote: Professor Dana Murphy-Parker

1615           Presidential close
                                                                    Program may be subject to change

                                            DANA 2018 Australasian Conference ‘It Starts with Us’ | 7

                                       THE NEED        TREATING DEPENDENCE    SUBOXONE ® FILM              THE LONG TERM               ADDITIONAL RESOURCES


Opioid dependence is a chronic condition that has historically been linked to illicit heroin use, but over the last 15 years in
Australia there has been a considerable increase in the abuse of pharmaceutical opioids, usually prescribed or dispensed
for chronic pain.1 It has been estimated that up to 10% of Australian patients with chronic non-malignant pain treated with
opioids meet the criteria for dependence.2

Turn To Help is a site dedicated to the treatment of opioid dependence. In this website, you will find information that will
help you identify opioid-dependent patients in your practice, as well as guidance on how to manage their condition in the
long term.

         How to treat codeine dependency with Suboxone
         LEARN MORE

                                                  The need
                                                  Help determine whether your patients are at risk of opioid painkiller dependence.

                                                  LEARN MORE

                                                  Treating dependence
                                                  Find the right treatment option for your patients with opioid dependence.

                                                  LEARN MORE

                                                  Suboxone® Film*3             (buprenorphine hydrochloride/naloxone hydrochloride dihydrate)

                                                  Learn about treating patients with Suboxone® Sublingual Film, a treatment
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                                                        Program: Green Brain Room
                                                               Friday 27th July 2018
1330-1530: Papers from selected abstract submissions

  Steph Kershaw                                               Stephen Ling               Amy Faden                 Anne Carroll
   Cracks in the ice:                                         It’s not just about     That’s not important          The ‘Rainbow
     disseminating                                              mental health:         right now’: can we            Connection’:
    evidence-based                                            co-morbidities in a    change the attitudes of      meeting the needs
      information                                             cohort of patients     clinicians in addressing     of rainbow people
     about crystal                                             prescribed opioid      and treating smoking        and why it matters.
   methamphetamine                                           agonist treatment by        behaviours? The
      in Australia.                                          a nurse practitioner.      development of a
                                                                                        smoking cessation
                                                                                          network at The
                                                                                        Canberra Hospital.

   David Dwyer                                              Marguerite White           Wendy Forder                  Ali Loom
         You should write                                    Medicinal Cannabis        HCV treatment in          Finding the diamond
           that down!                                        as harm reduction          the NSP setting         in the rough: nurse led
                                                                                                                  outreach at an NSP.

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                  Symposia: Green Brain Room
                                       Friday 27th July 2018
0830- 1030: Cracking the Code Symposium
Supported by the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Branch with
Population Health at NSW Health

A forum to explore why people, with AOD related
problems often fail to experience the person-
centred, safe, high quality interventions and care
that we all expect from our health systems.
Attend and be part of a truly interactive session
led by two of the most senior and distinguished
AOD nurses from NSW Health, each known for
their individual dynamism, unique style and depth               Jennifer Holmes               Tonina Harvey
of experience.
Workshop components
• Cracking the code of silence and stigma which surrounds people with AOD issues.
• Expectations of care in a generalist nursing or midwifery setting.
• Key principles when working with people who use AODs.
• Challenges and barriers.
• Facilitating sustainable change.

1115- 1245: North Richmond Medically Supervised Injecting Centre
What’s the backstory to the Medically Supervised
Injecting Centre opening in North Richmond this
Attend the MSIC Symposium to find out from:
• Judy Ryan: The Residents of Victoria Street
• Representatives of the North Richmond
   Community Health
• Julie Latimer: NUM at the Sydney MSIC
• Melanie Walker:CEO of the Australian Injecting
                                                                   Julie Latimer              Melanie Walker
   and Illicit Drug Users League

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        Our keynote speakers supported by a
        grant from the Ian Potter Foundation

                   Carmel Clancy                          Dana Murphy-Parker                    Katherine Fornili
       (PhD, RGN, RMN, BSc (Hons),                            (MS, CRNP, PMHNP-BC,            (DNP, MPH, RN, CARN, FIAAN)
         PG Cert HE, FPH, ICAPIII)                               CARN-AP, FIAAN)
                                                                                           Katherine is a public health
Carmel has dedicated a great                            Dana has developed her             nurse and a certified addiction
deal of her career to facilitating                      expertise as a Mental Health/      registered nurse. She has worked
a competent workforce that                              Addiction nurse over the last      in city and state government as
supports those most impacted                            twenty years. Right now she        a behavioural health program
by addiction and mental health                          is an Assistant Professor in the   planner and program consultant
issues.                                                 Widener University School of       before joining the faculty of the
She is currently a Professor of                         Nursing and the immediate Past     University of Maryland School of
Addiction and Mental Health and                         President of the International     Nursing in 2005.
Head of Department at Middlesex                         Nurses Society on Addictions
                                                                                           She is President-Elect of the
University, London.                                     (IntNSA).
                                                                                           International Nurses Society on
Carmel established the first                                                               Addictions (IntNSA) for 2016-
masters’ programme in ‘dual                                                                2018, and an Associate Editor
diagnosis’ in Europe. For her                                                              for the Journal of Addictions
doctorial work Carmel explored                                                             Nursing.
workforce development and
career stages of specialist
addiction nurses.

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Our sponsors
DANA would like to acknowledge the support of conference sponsors and exhibitors.

              GOLD SPONSOR                                                    SILVER SPONSOR     BRONZE SPONSOR

     BRONZE SPONSOR                                                           VENUE SPONSOR      KEYNOTE SPONSOR


Our exhibitors
DANA                                                    RMIT
Indivior                                                Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association
Gilead                                                  Biomed
Abbvie                                                  Nursing and Midwifery Health Program

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          P E C I A
         S NFERENCE L

         O F F E R
   • Join DANA for $100
                                                                                         DANA fo
                                                                                        only $10 r

   • Re-new or extend your DANA membership for $100
   • Hurry! This offer ends at midnight on 27.7.2018
   • Click here then scroll down to ‘Conference Special Offer $100’


          Sir Edmu
                  nd Hilla
                          ry - Fir
                                  st perso
                                          n to cl
                                                   b Mount
                                                       unt Eve

   *Versus other sofosbuvir-containing regimens.2,3 EPCLUSA is the only pangenotypic single-tablet regimen
    with one recommended treatment duration for all indicated patients in chronic hepatitis C.1,4 Recommended
    treatment regimen for patients with decompensated cirrhosis is EPCLUSA + RBV for 12 weeks.1

            GT       ALL HCV GENOTYPES1                                  ONE PILL, ONCE A DAY FOR 12 WEEKS†1

          †Recommended treatment regimen for patients with decompensated cirrhosis is EPCLUSA + RBV for 12 weeks.1

          EPCLUSA® PBS Information: EPCLUSA is PBS listed for the treatment of chronic
          genotype 1–6 hepatitis C infection in adults. Dual General Schedule and S100 [HSD] listing.
                 Authority required. Refer to PBS Schedule for full authority information.

                    Please review the Approved Product Information before prescribing.
           Full Product Information is available from Gilead Medical Information: 1800 806 112.
Minimum Product Information – EPCLUSA® (sofosbuvir/velpatasvir) 400/100 mg tablets. INDICATIONS: Chronic Hepatitis C
(CHC) infection in adults. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: One tablet daily, orally for 12 weeks. Coadministration with ribavirin
for patients with decompensated cirrhosis. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity, concurrent use with other medicinal products
containing any of the same active components. PRECAUTIONS: Symptomatic Bradycardia when coadministered with amiodarone,
(coadministration is not recommended). Hepatitis B virus Reactivation. Use with Potent P-gp Inducers and/or Moderate to
Potent CYP inducers. Pregnancy (Category B1 – EPCLUSA, Category X – Use with Ribavirin). If ribavirin is coadministered
with EPCLUSA, the contraindications regarding use of ribavirin apply (refer to ribavirin PI). DRUG INTERACTIONS: Acid Reducing
Agents, antiarrhythmics (amiodarone), vitamin K antagonist anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, antimycobacterials, antiretrovirals, St
John’s wort, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Headache, fatigue, nausea, and nasopharyngitis. This is not
a full list – for more details/complete list of adverse events refer to full Product Information.Full Product Information is available
from Gilead Sciences Pty Ltd and should be reviewed before prescribing EPCLUSA. Date of preparation 16 February 2018.
ABBREVIATIONS: GT: genotype. HCV: hepatitis C virus. RBV: ribavirin. REFERENCES: 1. EPCLUSA Approved Product Information.
2. HARVONI Approved Product Information. 3. SOVALDI Approved Product Information. 4. MAVIRET Approved Product Information.
Gilead Medical Information: 1800 806 112. EPCLUSA® is a trademark of Gilead Sciences, Inc.
©2018 Gilead Sciences Pty Ltd. Level 6, 417 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC 3004.
EPC/AU/18-03/MI/1106. Ward6. GIEP13300WE. Date of preparation: March 2018.
16 | DANA 2018 Australasian Conference ‘It Starts with Us’
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