Decision Making in Monopoly using a Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach - arXiv

Decision Making in Monopoly using a Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach - arXiv

                                                   Decision Making in Monopoly using a
                                               Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
                                                                Marina Haliem1∗ , Trevor Bonjour1∗ , Aala Alsalem1 , Shilpa Thomas2 , Hongyu Li2 ,
                                                                         Vaneet Aggarwal1 , Mayank Kejriwal2 , and Bharat Bhargava1

                                            Abstract—Learning to adapt and make real-time informed                                During the game, a player can take multiple actions even
                                         decisions in a dynamic and complex environment is a challenging                       when it is not their turn to roll the dice. Imagine you are in the
                                         problem. Monopoly is a popular strategic board game that                              middle of playing Monopoly with friends. It is not your turn to
arXiv:2103.00683v2 [cs.LG] 29 Jul 2021

                                         requires players to make multiple decisions during the game.
                                         Decision-making in Monopoly involves many real-world elements                         roll the dice, but one of your friends just acquired a property
                                         such as strategizing, luck, and modeling of opponent’s policies.                      that will give you a monopoly. You know you will need that
                                         In this paper, we present novel representations for the state                         property if you want to have a chance at winning the game.
                                         and action space for the full version of Monopoly and define                          You initiate a trade request, but you need to make an offer that
                                         an improved reward function. Using these, we show that our                            they will probably accept. You need to think about an amount
                                         deep reinforcement learning agent can learn winning strategies
                                         for Monopoly against different fixed-policy agents. In Monopoly,                      of money you could offer, or if you have a property that might
                                         players can take multiple actions even if it is not their turn                        be of interest to them to offer as an exchange for the property
                                         to roll the dice. Some of these actions occur more frequently                         of interest. Maybe you need to mortgage or sell a property to
                                         than others, resulting in a skewed distribution that adversely                        generate cash for the trade - would it even be worth it in the
                                         affects the performance of the learning agent. To tackle the non-                     long run. This scenario is a snapshot in time of how many
                                         uniform distribution of actions, we propose a hybrid approach
                                         that combines deep reinforcement learning (for frequent but                           different decisions one needs to make during Monopoly. This
                                         complex decisions) with a fixed policy approach (for infrequent                       complexity makes it a fascinating but challenging problem to
                                         but straightforward decisions). Experimental results show that                        tackle.
                                         our hybrid agent outperforms a standard deep reinforcement                               Previous attempts [9], [10] at Monopoly overlook these
                                         learning agent by 30% in the number of games won against                              complexities and consider a simplified version of the game.
                                         fixed-policy agents.
                                                                                                                               In both, the authors model Monopoly as a Markov Decision
                                            Index Terms—Monopoly, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Deci-                           Process (MDP).[9] gives a novel representation for the state
                                         sion Making, Double Deep Q-Learning.                                                  space. [10] find that a higher-dimensional representation of
                                                                                                                               the state improves the learning agent’s performance. However,
                                                                     I. I NTRODUCTION                                          both these attempts consider a very limited set of actions: buy,
                                                                                                                               sell, do nothing in case of [9] and only buy, do nothing in
                                         D     ESPITE numerous advances in deep reinforcement learn-
                                               ing (DRL), the majority of successes have been in two-
                                         player, zero-sum games, where it is guaranteed to converge
                                                                                                                               case of [10]. Unlike previous attempts, we do not simplify
                                                                                                                               the action space in Monopoly. Instead, we consider all pos-
                                                                                                                               sible actions (Table I), including trades, to make the game
                                         to an optimal policy [1], such as Chess and Go [2]. Rare
                                                                                                                               as realistic as possible. This consideration makes the task
                                         (and relatively recent) exceptions include Blade & Soul [3],
                                                                                                                               more challenging since we now need to deal with a high-
                                         no-press diplomacy [4], Poker1 [6], and StarCraft [7], [8]. In
                                                                                                                               dimensional action space.
                                         particular, there has been little work on agent development for
                                                                                                                                  We observe that neither of the earlier state representations
                                         the full 4-player game of Monopoly, despite it being one of
                                                                                                                               contains enough information for the agent to learn winning
                                         the most popular strategic board games in the last 85 years.
                                                                                                                               strategies for Monopoly when considering all the actions. To
                                            Monopoly is a turn-based real-estate game in which the
                                                                                                                               deal with the high-dimensional action space, we develop an
                                         goal is to remain financially solvent. The objective is to force
                                                                                                                               enhanced state space that provides a higher representation
                                         the opponents into bankruptcy by buying, selling, trading, and
                                                                                                                               power and helps the agent consistently get high win rates
                                         improving (building a house or a hotel) pieces of property.
                                                                                                                               against other fixed-policy baseline agents. [10] use a sparse
                                         A player is only allowed to improve property when they
                                                                                                                               reward function where the agent receives a reward at the end
                                         achieve a monopoly. A monopoly is when a player owns
                                                                                                                               of each game. Our experiments show that a sparse reward
                                         all the properties that are part of the same color group. The
                                                                                                                               function is not ideal and cannot handle the complexities
                                         game resembles the real-life business practice of cornering the
                                                                                                                               accompanying the full version of Monopoly. [9] use a dense
                                         market to achieve a real-estate monopoly.
                                                                                                                               reward function where the agent receives a reward within a
                                           An earlier version of of this work can be found at https : / / arxiv. org / abs /   game after taking any action. We formulate a dense reward
                                         2103.00683                                                                            function that performs better than one given by [9]. Our exper-
                                           1 Purdue University, 2 University of Southern California
                                           ∗ Equal contribution                                                                iments show that we get the best performance by combining
                                           1 We note that, even in this case, a two-player version of Texas Hold ’em           the dense and sparse reward functions. We develop a DRL
                                         was initially assumed [5] but later superseded by a multi-player system.              agent that consistently wins 25% more games than the best
Decision Making in Monopoly using a Hybrid Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach - arXiv

fixed-policy agent.
   In Monopoly, some actions occur more frequently than
others resulting in a skewed distribution. For instance, a player
is allowed to trade with other players at any point in the game,
but a player can only buy an unowned property when they land
on the property square. This rare occurrence of a particular
state-action pair increases the computational complexity for a
standard DRL agent. There is already some evidence emerging
that a pure DRL approach may not always be the only (or
even best) solution for solving a complex decision-making
task. Recently hybrid DRL approaches have surfaced that
result in faster convergence, sometimes to a better policy, in
other domains such as operations [11], robotics [12], [13], and
autonomous vehicles [14], [15], [16]. To deal with the non-
uniform distribution of actions, we propose a novel hybrid
DRL approach for Monopoly. Specifically, we use a fixed
policy approach for infrequent but straightforward decisions
and use DRL for frequent but complex decisions. We show that
our hybrid agent has a faster convergence rate and higher win
rates against baseline agents when compared to the standard         Fig. 1. Monopoly game board
DRL agent.
   We summarize the key contributions of the paper as follows:
                                                                    (22 real-estate properties), four railroads, and two utility, that
   • We consider all decisions that a player may need to make
                                                                    players can buy, sell, and trade. Additionally, there are two tax
      during Monopoly and develop a novel and comprehensive         locations that charge players a tax upon landing on them, six
      action space representation (Section IV-B).                   card locations that require players to pick a card from either
   • We design an enhanced state space representation (Sec-
                                                                    the community chest card deck or the chance card deck, the jail
      tion IV-A) and an improved reward function (Sec-              location, the go to jail location, the go location, and the free
      tion IV-C) for Monopoly, using which the learning agents      parking location. Our game schema also specifies all assets,
      converge sooner and to a better policy in contrast to         their corresponding purchase prices, rents, and color. Each
      previous attempts (Section III).                              square shows the purchase prices that correspond to an asset
   • We develop a standard DRL-based agent (Section V-A)
                                                                    in Figure 1. In Monopoly, players act as property owners who
      that learns winning strategies for Monopoly against dif-      seek to buy, sell, improve or trade these properties. The winner
      ferent fixed policy agents. The standard DRL agent wins       is the one who forces every other player into bankruptcy.
      25% more games than the best fixed-policy agent.
   • We devise a novel hybrid approach (Section V-B) to
      solve the complex decision-making task using DRL for          B. Markov Decision Process
      a subset of decisions in conjunction with fixed policy           An MDP is defined by the tuple hS, A, T , Ri where S is
      for infrequent actions. During training (Section VI-C),       the set of all possible states and A is the set of all possible
      we see that the hybrid agent converges sooner and to a        actions. The transition function T : S × A × S → [0, 1] is
      better policy as compared to the standard DRL agent. Our      the probability that an action a ∈ A in state s ∈ S will
      experiments (Section VI-D) show that the hybrid agent         lead to a transition to state s0 ∈ S. The reward function R :
      outperforms the standard learning agent by 30% in the         S × A × S → R defines the immediate reward that an agent
      number of games won against the fixed-policy agents.          would receive after executing action a resulting in a transition
   • We develop a complete four-player open-sourced simu-           from state s to s0 .
      lator for Monopoly (Section VI-A) together with three
      different fixed-policy baseline agents. The baseline agents
                                                                    C. Reinforcement Learning
      (Section VI-B) are implemented based on common win-
      ning strategies used by human players in Monopoly                Solving an MDP yields a policy π : S → A, which is a
      tournaments.                                                  mapping from states to actions. An optimal policy π ∗ maxi-
                                                                    mizes the expected sum of rewards. Reinforcement Learning
                      II. BACKGROUND                                (RL) is a popular approach to solve an MDP [17] without
                                                                    explicit specification of the transition probabilities. In RL, an
A. Monopoly                                                         agent interacts with the environment in discrete time steps in
   Monopoly is a board game where players take turns rolling        order to learn the optimal policy through trial and error.
a pair of unbiased dice and make decisions based on their posi-        Due to the complexity of the Monopoly environment and
tion on the board. Figure 1 shows the conventional Monopoly         the large state and action space it imposes, traditional RL
game board that consists of 40 square locations. These include      methods like Q-learning [18] or REINFORCE [19] cannot be
28 property locations, distributed among eight color groups         directly applied. DRL [20] makes use of deep neural networks

to approximate the optimal policy or the value function to          Specifically, both consider a limited set of actions (buy, sell, do
deal with the limitations of traditional methods. The use           nothing) with neither work considering trades between players.
of deep neural networks as function approximators enables           In [9], an RL agent is trained and tested against a random and
powerful generalization but requires critical decisions about       a fixed policy agent. [9] employs a Q-learning strategy along
representations. Poor design choices can result in estimates        with a neural network. In recent work [10], authors apply a
that diverge from the optimal policy [21], [22], [23]. Existing     feed-forward neural network with the concept of experience
model-free DRL methods are broadly characterized into policy        replay to learn to play the game. Their approach supports the
gradient and value-based methods.                                   idea that no single strategy can maintain high win rates against
   Policy gradient methods use deep networks to optimize            all other strategies.
the policy directly. Such methods are useful for physical              Settlers of Catan is a similar board game that involves trades
control where the action space is continuous. Some popular          between players. In both, the action distribution is not uniform:
policy gradient methods are Deep deterministic policy gradient      certain action types (making trades) are more frequently valid
(DDPG) [24], asynchronous advantage actor-critic (A3C) [25],        than others. In Monopoly, a player is allowed to trade with
trust region policy optimization (TRPO) [26], proximal policy       other players at any point in the game. However, a player
optimization (PPO) [27].                                            can only buy an unowned property (currently owned by the
   Value based methods on the other hand, are based on              bank) when they land on the property square. [38] use a
estimating the value of being in a given state. The state-          model-based approach, Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), for
action-value function or Q-function, Qπ (s, a) is a measure of      Settlers of Catan. The authors in [38] address the skewed
the overall expected reward, assuming the agent performs an         action space by first sampling from a distribution over the
action a in current state s and follows policy π thereafter:        types of legal actions followed by sampling individual actions
                                                                    from the chosen action type.
                    Qπ (s) = E[R|s, a, π]                     (1)
                                                                       There is evidence emerging in other domains that hybrid
Deep Q-Network (DQN) [28] is a well-known value-based               DRL techniques reduce the computational complexity of the
DRL method. It makes use of an experience replay buffer             decision-making task and may provide a better alternative
[29] and a target network to address the instability problem        to a pure DRL approach. [12] presents a framework for
of using function approximation encountered in RL [30]. The         robots to pick up the objects in clutter by combining DRL
target used by DQN is                                               and rule-based methods. [15] combine DQN (for high-level
                                                                    lateral decision-making) with the rule-based constraints for
            zt = rt+1 + γ argmaxQ(st+1 , at ; θˆt )           (2)   autonomous driving to achieve a safe and efficient lane change
                                                                    behavior. [11] propose an algorithm for the power-increase
where γ is the discount factor and θ̂ denotes parameters for        operation that uses an A3C agent for the continuous control
the target network.                                                 module and a rule-based system for the discrete control
   A common issue with using vanilla DQN is that it tends           components.
to over-estimate the expected return. Double Q-learning [31]           In this work, we use DRL to solve decision-making in
overcomes this problem by making use of a double estimator.         Monopoly. Like [9], [10], we represent Monopoly using an
[32] proposed a double DQN (DDQN) which uses the target             MDP, but unlike previous attempts, we do not simplify the
network from the existing DQN algorithm as the second               game. To make the game as realistic as possible, we consider
estimator with only a small change in the update equation.          all possible actions (Table I), including trades. The inclusion of
The target used by DDQN is                                          all actions makes the decision-making task more challenging
                                                                    since we need to deal with a high-dimensional action space.
      zt = rt+1 + γQ(st+1 , argmaxQ(st+1 , at ; θt ); θˆt )   (3)
                                    a                               We also provide an improved state space representation and
                                                                    reward function when compared to the previous attempts. To
where γ is the discount factor, θ and θ̂ are parameters for the
                                                                    handle the non-uniform action space, we propose a hybrid
policy network and the target network respectively.
                                                                    agent that combines a fixed-policy (or rule-based) approach
   There have been many extensions of the DQN algorithm
                                                                    for decisions involving rare actions with DRL for decisions
over the past few years, including distributed DQN [33],
                                                                    involving remaining actions.
prioritised DQN [34], dueling DQN [35], asynchronous DQN
[25] and rainbow DQN [36]. In this paper, we implement the
                                                                                 IV. MDP M ODEL FOR M ONOPOLY
DDQN algorithm to train our standard DRL and hybrid agents
(Section V).                                                           We design novel state and action space representations and
                                                                    utilize a combination of dense and sparse reward functions to
                    III. R ELATED W ORK                             model the full 4-player game of Monopoly as an MDP.
   Despite the popularity of Monopoly, a learning-based
approach for decision-making for the full game has not              A. State Space
been studied previously. There are older attempts to model             We represent the state as a combination of player and
Monopoly as a Markov Process such as [37]. [9] and more             property representation. For the player representation, we
recently [10] propose modeling Monopoly as an MDP. How-             consider the current location, amount of cash with the player,
ever, both attempts consider a simplified version of the game.      a flag denoting if the player is currently in jail, and another

                                                                   TABLE I
                                                             ACTIONS IN M ONOPOLY

Action Type                   Associated Properties   Game Phase                         Action Parameters                                  Dimensions
                                                                                         To player, property offered, property requested,
Make Trade Offer (Exchange)   All                     Pre-roll, out-of-turn                                                                      2268
                                                                                         cash offered, cash requested
Make Trade Offer (Sell)       All                     Pre-roll, out-of-turn              To player, property offered, cash requested              252
Make Trade Offer (Buy)        All                     Pre-roll, out-of-turn              To player, property requested, cash offered              252
Improve Property              Color-group             Pre-roll, out-of-turn              Property, flag for house/hotel                            44
Sell House or Hotel           Color-group             Pre-roll, post-roll, out-of-turn   Property, flag for house/hotel                            44
Sell Property                 All                     Pre-roll, post-roll, out-of-turn   Property                                                  28
Mortgage Property             All                     Pre-roll, post-roll, out-of-turn   Property                                                  28
Free Mortgage                 All                     Pre-roll, post-roll, out-of-turn   Property                                                  28
Skip Turn                     None                    Pre-roll, post-roll, out-of-turn   None                                                       1
Conclude Actions              None                    Pre-roll, post-roll, out-of-turn   None                                                       1
Use get out of jail card      None                    Pre-roll                           None                                                       1
Pay Jail Fine                 None                    Pre-roll                           None                                                       1
Accept Trade Offer            None                    Pre-roll, out-of-turn              None                                                       1
Buy Property                  All                     Post-roll                          Property                                                   1

flag for whether the player has a get out of jail free card.                  a house with the other 22 indicating building a hotel on a given
Since all other cards force a player to take some action                      property. Actions that are associated with all properties, except
and are not part of the decision-making process, we do not                    for buy property and make trade offer, are represented using
consider them. For the property representation, we include                    a 28-dimensional one-hot-encoded vector with one index for
the 28 property locations. These constitute 22 real-estate                    each property. A player is only allowed to buy an unowned
properties, four railroad properties, and two utility properties.             property when they directly land on the property square.
The property representation consists of owner representation,                 Hence, though the action is associated with all properties,
a flag for a mortgaged property, a flag denoting whether the                  the decision to buy or not can be represented using a binary
property is part of a monopoly, and the fraction of the number                variable.
of houses and hotels built on the property to the total allowed                  Trades are possibly the most complex part of the game. A
number. We represent the owner as a 4-dimensional one-hot-                    player is allowed to trade with other players anytime during
encoded vector with one index for each player with all zeros                  the game. A trade offer has multiple parameters associated
indicating the bank. In Monopoly, one can only build a house                  with it: it needs to specify the player to whom the trade is
or a hotel on properties that belong to a color group. Thus for               being offered. It may further include an offered property, a
the non-real-estate properties, these values are always zero. We              requested property, the amount of cash offered, and the amount
do not include the other locations from the board (Figure 1)                  of cash requested. We divide the trade offers into three sub-
as they do not warrant a decision to be taken by the agent.                   actions: sell property trade offers, buy property trade offers and
Overall, the state space representation is a 240-dimensional                  exchange property trade offers. For the buy/sell trade offers,
vector: 16 dimensions for the player representation and 224                   we discretize the cash into three parts: below market price
dimensions for the property representation.                                   (0.75 x purchase price), at market price (1 x purchase price)
                                                                              and, above market price (1.25 x purchase price). Since we have
B. Action Space                                                               three other players, 28 properties, and three cash amounts, we
                                                                              represent these using a 252-dimensional (3x28x3) vector. To
   We consider all actions that require a decision to be made by
                                                                              keep the dimensions in check for exchange trade offers, we
the agent. We do not include compulsory actions, like paying
                                                                              use the market price for both assets. Thus, we only need to
tax, moving to a specific location because of a chance card,
                                                                              account for the properties and the player. We represent the
or paying rent when you land on a property owned by another
                                                                              exchange trade offers using a 2268-dimensional (3x28x27)
player. An exhaustive list of actions considered can be found
                                                                              vector. Altogether, the action space has 2922 dimensions.
in Table I.
   We broadly classify the actions in Monopoly into three                        One thing to note here is that not all actions are valid all
groups, those associated with all 28 properties, 22 color-group               the time. Depending on the phase (Section VI-A) of the game,
properties, or no properties. We represent all actions that are               only a subset of possible actions is allowed (Table I).
not associated with any properties as binary variables. Since
improvements (building a house or a hotel) in Monopoly are
                                                                              C. Reward Function
only allowed for properties belonging to a color group, we
represent both improve property and sell house or hotel as a                    We use a combination of a dense and a sparse reward
44-dimensional vector where 22 dimensions indicate building                   function (Eq. (4)). In order to reward or penalize a player for

the overall policy at the end of each game, we use a constant         Algorithm 1 Double Deep Q-learning with Experience Replay
value of ±10 for a win/loss respectively.                              1: Initialize replay buffer D, policy Q-network parameters
                                                                         θ and target Q-network parameters θ̂.
                +10 for a win
                                                                      2: for e = 1 : Episodes do
           r = −10 for a loss                             (4)          3:     Initialize the game board with arbitrary order for
                    rx if the game is not over                            player turns.
                                                                       4:     Get initial state s0
where rx is the in-game reward for player x. We experimented           5:     for t = 1 : T do
with a range of values for the sparse reward, but ±10 gave us          6:         With probability , select random action at from
the best performance.                                                     valid actions
   During a single game, we use a reward function (Eq. (6))            7:         Else at ← argmaxa Q(st , a; θ)
defined as the ratio of the current players’ net-worth (Eq. (5))       8:         Execute action based on at
to the sum of the net worth of other active players. We update         9:         Calculate reward rt and get new state st+1
the net worth of each active player after they take any action.       10:         Store transition (st , at , rt , st+1 ) in D
                                     X                                11:         Sample random batch from D.
                      nwx = cx +           pa                  (5)    12:         Set zi = ri + γ Q̂(st+1 , argmaxQ(si+1 , ai ; θ); θ̂)
                                    a∈Ax                                                                         a
                                                                      13:        Minimize (zi − Q(si , ai ; θ)) w.r.t. θ.
where nwx is the net worth of player x, cx is the current cash        14:        θ̂ ← θ every N steps.
with player x, pa is the price of asset a and Ax is the set of        15:    end for
assets owned by player x.                                             16: end for

                      rx = P                                   (6)
                               y∈Xi \x nwy
                                                                      training process. The action masking ensures that the learning
where rx is the in-game reward for player x and X is the set of       agent selects a valid action at any given time.
all active players. This reward value is bounded between [0,1]           After an action is executed, the agent receives a reward,
and helps distinguish the relative value of each state-action         rt ∈ R, and state of the environment is updated to st+1 . The
pair within a game.                                                   transitions of the form (st , at , rt , st+1 ) are stored in a cyclic
                                                                      buffer, known as the replay buffer. This buffer enables the
                         V. A PPROACH                                 agent to train on prior observations by randomly sampling
                                                                      from them. We make use of a target network to calculate the
   We approach Monopoly from a single agent perspective               temporal difference error. The target network parameters θ̂ are
and treat the other players as part of the environment. We            set to the policy network parameters θ every fixed number
adopt a DRL approach to tackle the decision-making task.              of steps. Algorithm 1 gives the procedure. Each episode
As we saw in the previous section (Section IV-B), there are           represents a complete game. Each time-step denotes every
multiple actions an agent can take at any given stage of the          instance that the agent needs to take any action within the
game resulting in a complex learning problem. We propose              game.
two learning-based agents: a standard agent that uses a model-
free DRL paradigm for all decisions and a hybrid agent that
uses DRL for a subset of actions in conjunction with fixed            B. Hybrid Agent
policies for remaining actions.
                                                                         Standard DRL techniques have a high sample complexity.
                                                                      DRL requires each state-action pair to be visited infinitely
A. Standard DRL Agent                                                 often, the main reason we use -greedy. If some states are
   To avoid over-estimation of the q-values, we implement             rare, we do not want to force the agent to explore them -
the DDQN [32] algorithm to train our DRL agent. Similar               especially if the related decisions are straightforward and we
to the standard DQN approach, DDQN makes use of an                    have an idea of what actions might be good in the given state.
experience replay [29] and a target network. Figure 2 shows           When playing Monopoly, a player can only buy an unowned
the overall flow of our approach. At each time-step t, the            property (property still owned by the bank) when they exactly
DRL agent selects an action at ∈ A(st ) based on the current          land on the property square. During our simulations, we
state of the environment st ∈ S, where S is the set of                observed that the buy property action is seldom allowed.
possible states and A(st ) is the finite set of possible actions      Similarly, accept trade offer is only valid when there is an
in state st . Similar to [28], we make use of the -greedy            outstanding trade offer from another player. The resulting rare-
exploration policy to select actions. Initially, the agent explores   occurring action-state pairs further increase the sample and
the environment by randomly sampling from allowed actions.            computational complexity of the learning task. We hypothesize
As the learning proceeds and the agent learns which actions           that by using a rule-based approach for the rare occurring but
are more successful, its exploration rate decreases in favor of       simple decisions and a learning-based approach for the more
more exploitation of what it has learned. We mask the output          frequent but complex decisions, we can improve the overall
of the network to only the allowed actions to speed up the            performance.

Fig. 2. Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Monopoly

   We design a hybrid agent that integrates the DRL approach        to the US version of the game3 , barring some modifications.
presented earlier (Section V-A) with a fixed policy approach.       We do not consider the game rules associated with rolling
We use a fixed-policy to make buy property and accept trade         doubles (for example, a double can get a player out of jail).
offer decisions. For all other decisions, we use DRL. During        We treat them as any other dice roll. Trading is an integral part
training, if there is an outstanding trade offer, the execution     of Monopoly. Players can use trades to exchange properties
flow shifts from the learning-based agent to a fixed policy         with or without cash with one or more players. We enforce
agent to decide whether to accept the trade offer or not. The       the following rules for trading:
agent accepts an offer if the trade increases the number of           •   Players can trade only unimproved (no houses or hotels)
monopolies. If the number of monopolies remains unchanged,                and unmortgaged properties.
the agent only accepts if the net worth of the offer is positive.     •   Players can make trade offers simultaneously to multiple
The net worth of an offer is calculated using:                            players. The player who receives a trade offer is free
                  nwo = (po + co ) − (pr + cr )              (7)          to either accept or reject it. The trade transaction gets
                                                                          processed only when a player accepts an offer. Once
where nwo denotes the net worth of the trade offer, po is the             a trade transaction is processed, we terminate all other
price of the property offered, co is the amount of cash offered,          simultaneous trade offers for the same property.
pr is the price of the property requested, and cr is the amount       •   A player can have only one outstanding trade offer at a
of cash requested.                                                        time. A player needs to accept or reject a pending offer
   Similarly, whenever the agent lands on a property owned                before another player can make a different trade offer.
by the bank, the fixed-policy agent decides whether or not to          In the conventional setting, players can take certain actions
buy the property. The agent buys the property if it results in a    like mortgaging or improving their property even when it is
monopoly as long as it can afford it. For all other properties,     not their turn to roll dice. If multiple players take simultaneous
if the agent has $200 more than the property price, it decides      actions, the game could become unstable. To avoid this and
to buy. Our experiments show that the hybrid agent converges        to be able to keep track of all the dynamic changes involved
faster and significantly outperforms the standard DRL agent         in the game, we divide the gameplay into three phases:
when playing against other fixed-policy agents.
                                                                      •   Pre-roll: The player whose turn it is to roll the dice is
                                                                          allowed to take certain actions before the dice roll in this
              VI. E XPERIMENTS AND R ESULTS                               phase. To end the phase, the player needs to conclude
A. Monopoly Simulator                                                     actions.
   We develop an open-sourced, complete simulator for a four-         •   Out-of-turn: Once the pre-roll phase ends for a player, the
player game of Monopoly using Python, available on GitHub2 .              other players can make some decisions before this player
The simulator implements the conventional Monopoly board                  rolls the dice. Every player is allowed to take actions in a
with 40 locations shown in Figure 1 and enforces rules similar            round-robin manner in this phase until all players decide

  2                        3

     to skip turn or a predefined number of out of turn rounds                                      Standard DRL Agent
                                                                                                    Hybrid Agent
     are complete.                                                                     80
   • Post-roll: Once the player rolls dice, their position is
     updated based on the sum of the number on the dice.                               60

                                                                            Win Rate
     This player then enters the post-roll phase. If the player
     lands on a property that is owned by the bank, they need
     to decide whether or not to buy during this phase.
Table I shows the game phases associated with each action. If
a player has a negative cash balance at the end of their post-roll                      0
phase, they get a chance to amend it. If they are unsuccessful                              0                 2000       4000             6000
                                                                                                                            Number of Games
                                                                                                                                                 8000   10000

in restoring the cash balance, bankruptcy procedure begins
following which the player loses the game.                                  Fig. 3. Comparison of win rate (number of wins every 100 games) for
                                                                            standard DRL and hybrid agent during training. The hybrid agent converges
                                                                            sooner and to a better policy as compared to the standard DRL agent.
B. Baseline Agents
   We develop baseline agents that, in addition to buying or                                        Standard DRL Agent
selling properties, can make trades. We base the policies of                                        Hybrid Agent

these agents on successful tournament-level strategies adopted                          15

by human players. Several informal sources on the Web have                              10
documented these strategies though they do not always agree4 .

A complete academic study on which strategies yield the
highest probabilities of winning has been lacking. Perhaps the
complex rules of the game have made it difficult to formalize                               5

analytically.                                                                           10
   We develop three fixed-policy agents: FP-A, FP-B, and FP-                                    0              2000      4000             6000   8000   10000
                                                                                                                            Number of Games
C. All three agents can make one-way (buy/sell) or two-way
(exchange) trades with or without cash involvement. They                    Fig. 4. Comparison of the reward received by standard DRL and hybrid agent
are also capable of rolling out trade offers simultaneously                 during training.
to multiple players. By doing so, the agent increases the
probability of a successful trade, so it can acquire properties
that lead to monopolies of a specific color group more easily.              parameters for both agents in order to draw a fair comparison.
The fixed-policy agents try to offer properties that hold a low             In the case of the hybrid agent, however, we permanently mask
value (for example, a solitary property) to the agent itself but            the actions that use a fixed policy. During training, the agents
may be of value (gives the other player a monopoly) to the                  play against the three fixed-policy agents. We train the learning
other player and vice versa when making trade requests. To                  agents for 10000 games each and use an exponential decay
yield a higher cash balance, the agents seek to improve their               function for the exploration rate. We randomize the turn order
monopolized properties by building houses and hotels.                       during training (and testing) to remove any advantage one may
   All three agents place the highest priority in acquiring a               get due to the player’s position. The win rate (wins per 100
monopoly but differ on the priority they base on each property.             games) and reward for each agent during training is shown in
FP-A gives equal priority to all the properties, FP-B and                   Figure 3 and Figure 4 respectively.
FP-C give a high priority to the four railroad properties.                     Network Architecture and Parameters: We use a fully con-
Additionally, FP-B places a high priority on the high rent                  nected feed-forward network to approximate Q(st , at ) for the
locations: Park Place and Boardwalk and assigns a low priority              policy network. The input to the network is the current state of
to utility locations. On the other hand, FP-C places high                   the environment, st , represented as a 240-dimensional vector
priority on properties in the orange color group (St. James                 (Section IV-A). We make use of 2 hidden layers, that consist
Place, Tennessee Avenue, New York Avenue) or in the sky-blue                1024 and 512 neurons respectively, each with a rectified linear
color group (Oriental Avenue, Vermont Avenue, Connecticut                   unit (ReLU) as the activation function:
Avenue). An agent tries to buy or trade properties of interest                                         (
more aggressively, sometimes at the risk of having a low cash                                            x for x ≥ 0
                                                                                               f (x) =                                    (8)
balance. It may also end up selling a lower priority property                                            0 otherwise
to generate cash for a property of interest.
                                                                               The output layer has a dimension of 2922, where each
                                                                            element represents the Q-value for each of the actions the
C. Training of Learning Agents                                              agent can take. As discussed earlier, not all actions are valid
  We train both the standard agent and the hybrid agent                     at all times. We mask the output of the final layer to only
using the DDQN algorithm. We use the same architecture and                  the allowed actions. For training the network, we employ
   4 Two resources include http : / / www . amnesta . net / monopoly/ and
                                                                            the Adam optimizer [39] and use mean-square error as the   loss function. We initialize the target network with the same
world-champion.                                                             architecture and parameters as the policy network. We update

                    Hybrid State                                                                            TABLE II
                    Bailis et al.                                                T EST RESULTS FOR S TANDARD DRL AGENT OVER FIVE RUNS OF 2000
           80       Arun et al.
                                                                                                             GAMES EACH

                                                                                        Run        FP-A       FP-B     FP-C     Standard Agent
Win Rate

                                                                                         1          307       307       424          962
                                                                                         2          307       298       455          940
                                                                                         3          286       332       430          952
                                                                                         4          267       333       451          949
                                                                                         5          329       331       402          938
                0               2000   4000             6000   8000    10000          Win Rate     14.96%    16.01%    21.62%       47.41%
                                          Number of Games

Fig. 5. Comparison of win rates of the hybrid agent during training using our                               TABLE III
proposed state space representation (Section IV-A) to that previously given      T EST RESULTS FOR H YBRID AGENT OVER FIVE RUNS OF 2000 GAMES
by Bailis et al. [9] and Arun et al. [10].                                                                      EACH

                    Hybrid Reward
                                                                                             Run     FP-A     FP-B     FP-C     Hybrid Agent
                    Bailis et al.
           80       Arun et al.                                                               1       148      169      147        1536
                                                                                              2       143      172      142        1543
                                                                                              3       147      168      134        1551
                                                                                              4       161      176      124        1539
Win Rate

                                                                                              5       147      186      145        1522
                                                                                        Win Rate     7.46%    8.71%    6.92%      76.91%

            0                                                                   E. Discussion
                0               2000   4000             6000   8000    10000
                                          Number of Games                          From the results, we see that both learning-based agents
                                                                                outperform the fixed policy agents by some margin. Although
Fig. 6. Comparison of win rates of the hybrid agent during training using our
proposed reward function (Section IV-C) to that previously given by Bailis et   only two action choices separate the two learning agents, we
al. [9] and Arun et al. [10].                                                   observe that the hybrid agent significantly outperforms the
                                                                                standard agent. Evidently, instead of letting the agent explore
                                                                                the rare state-action pair it may be better suited if these are
the parameter values of the target network to that of the policy
                                                                                replaced by rule-based logic, especially if we know what
network every 500 episodes and keep them constant otherwise.
                                                                                actions might be good in the given state. Thus, for a complex
After tuning our network, we achieved the best results using
                                                                                decision-making task like Monopoly, it may be best to use
the following parameters: γ = 0.9999 , learning rate α = 10−5
                                                                                a hybrid approach if certain decisions occur less frequently
, batch size = 128, and a memory size = 104 .
                                                                                than others: DRL for more frequent but complex decisions and
   To compare our implementation with previous attempts at
                                                                                a fixed policy for the less frequent but straightforward ones.
Monopoly, we train the hybrid agent with the state repre-
                                                                                Additionally, we see from Figure 3 and Figure 4, the hybrid
sentations and reward functions proposed by Bailis et al.
                                                                                agent converges sooner (3500 games) and to a better policy
[9] and Arun et al. [10]. Figure 5 shows a comparison of
                                                                                than the standard DRL agent (5500 games). From Figure 5
win rates of the hybrid agent during training using the three
                                                                                we see that our state representation considerably increases the
different state representations. Please note, we use our action
                                                                                performance of the learning agent when compared to previous
space representation and reward function for all three training
                                                                                attempts. As can be seen from Figure 6, a sparse reward is
runs. Figure 6 shows a comparison of the win rates of the
                                                                                not ideal when we consider all possible actions in Monopoly.
hybrid agent during training using the three different reward
                                                                                We show that our combination of dense and sparse rewards
functions. For these training runs, we use our state and action
                                                                                performs better than previous implementations.
space representations.

D. Testing Results                                                                                        VII. C ONCLUSION
   For testing, we use the pre-trained policy network to take                      We present the first attempt at modeling the full version
all the decisions in the case of the standard DRL agent and a                   of Monopoly as an MDP. Using novel state and action space
subset of decisions in the case of the hybrid agent. We set the                 representations and an improved reward function, we show
exploration rate to zero in both cases. To test the performance                 that our DRL agent learns to win against different fixed-policy
of the learning agents, we run five iterations of 2000 games                    agents. The non-uniform action distribution in Monopoly
each against the three fixed policy agents. The order of play is                makes the decision-making task more complex. To deal with
randomized for each game. The standard DRL agent achieves                       the skewed action distribution we propose a hybrid DRL
a win rate of 47.41% as shown in Table II. The hybrid agent                     approach. The hybrid agent uses DRL for the more frequent
significantly outperforms the standard agent and achieves a                     but complex decisions combined with a fixed policy for the
win rate of 76.91% as shown in Table III.                                       infrequent but simple decisions. Experimental results show

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