Page created by Andrew Olson
                SOCIAL VALUE
Sasol is a global integrated chemicals and
energy company. Through our talented people,
we use selected technologies to safely and
sustainably source, produce and market
chemical and energy products competitively
to create superior value for our customers,
shareholders and other stakeholders.
We develop and commercialise technologies,
and build and operate world-scale facilities
to produce a range of high value product
streams, including liquid fuels, chemicals
and lower-carbon electricity.

                                                                                                             “Sasol is committed to using its unique
                                                                                                              strengths, talents and products to improve
                                                                                                              the quality of people’s lives. We are a global
           Our Vision                                                                                         firm with strong roots in South Africa,
         To be a leading                                                                                      committed to inclusive and sustainable
   integrated global chemical                                                                                 business practices and to enabling
      and energy company,                                                                                     development in the countries and
  proudly rooted in our South                                                                                 communities where we operate.”
  African heritage, delivering
      superior value to our

ABOUT ‘COMMITTED TO OUR COMMUNITIES’                                                       Charlotte Mokoena
                                                                                        Executive Vice President:
Sasol’s business reporting and stakeholder communication aims to provide a               Human Resources and
balanced, accurate and accessible account of our business.                                   Public Affairs
This booklet, a supplement to our Sustainability Report, provides a brief overview of
our good corporate citizenship approach and related social investment initiatives for
the financial year 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018.

Our approach                               groups and commissioned a stakeholder
                                               perception survey in South Africa
                                                                                           In addition to bringing the outside view
                                                                                           in, we also focussed on simplifying and

    to delivering
                                               conducted by an independent third party     streamlining our internal processes and
                                               global research firm, which focused on      systems. To this end, good progress
                                               government, NGOs and our fenceline          was made during FY18:

    social value                               communities in South Africa. Overall the
                                               feedback was constructive and reflective    „„commenced    with phase two of a baseline
                                                                                             analysis programme which will focus
                                               of the range and depth of relationships
    During financial year 2018                 Sasol has invested in over time. As           on measuring the social impact of our
    (FY18) we continued the                    expected there were many constructive         programmes over the past three years;
    work of delivering social value            suggestions, of where Sasol could           „„revised our social investment delegation
                                               improve. The results confirmed two            of authorities in order to enhance
    by prioritising delivery on                                                              compliance, simplify programme spend
                                               important things. Firstly, that our
    commitments made to our                    stakeholders are diverse, and localised       approvals and improve the effectiveness
    stakeholders. Our definition               solutions are important to remain             of our governance structures;
    of victory is to be experienced            relevant and have the required impact.      „„completed  a review of our social
                                               Secondly, and perhaps more importantly,       investment focus areas to ensure
    as a credible stakeholder                  there seems to be a common view               alignment with business objectives
    partner, making a meaningful               among our stakeholders, particularly          and streamline activities for higher
    social impact in the countries             communities that Sasol should contribute      social impact, keeping in mind
                                               towards improving the quality of people’s
    and communities in which we                                                              feedback from our stakeholders;
                                               lives, mainly through enabling meaningful
    operate, while at the same                 economic participation. This message
                                                                                           „„achieved  our objectives of refocusing
                                                                                             our spend on underserved sectors of
    time delivering on our                     was not one of more social investment,
                                                                                             fenceline communities, particularly
    strategy and business                      however, one of developing and utilising
                                                                                             in South Africa;
                                               local businesses and increasing
    objectives.                                opportunities for employment.               „„improved   our value proposition
    We recognise that in today’s world,                                                      through our reviewed Sasol for Good,
                                               There are two main ways in which we will      employee volunteering programme by
    being a credible stakeholder partner
                                               address this feedback. The first change       rolling out capacity building programmes
    is about working collaboratively with
                                               will support our commitment to having         for employee causes within their
    stakeholders to find solutions to enable
                                               more meaningful social impact through         communities; and
    economic growth. Throughout our
    68-year history, we have played            the development of a number of game         „„initiated the re-orientation of our local
    an important role in South Africa and      changing programmes in collaboration          government collaboration programme in
    the broader region’s industrialisation,    with key stakeholders. The second will        South Africa towards capacity building
    growth and socio-economic                  be a change in social impact reporting –      initiatives.
    development.                               shifting from outcomes-based reporting
                                               to impact reporting over the medium-to-     As in previous years, our social investment
    FY18 was focused on bringing the           long term. The baseline work necessary to   spend globally, exceeded South Africa’s
    views of stakeholders into Sasol and       achieve this is already underway. We have   best practice of 1% of net profit after tax.
    internalising these. We embarked on        used this feedback to map a journey         During the year we increased total Group
    an extensive listening exercise based on   to 2022 and beyond to redefine the          spend globally by 21% to a total spend of
    conversations with key stakeholder         foundations of our relationships.           R817,7 million.

2                                                                                                                                         3
Our approach to delivering social value continued

    We achieved an impressive return on our investment whilst making an impact in our   Recognising that we are not able to
    fenceline communities.                                                              solve all the challenges faced by fenceline
                                                                                        communities, we continue to collaborate
    Highlights include:                                                                 with civil society organisations, non-profit
                                                                                        organisations, communities and other
                                                                                        private and public sector partners
                                                                                        to jointly develop and implement
      Invested in science, technology,           Increased reach of our STEM
                                                                                        sustainable solutions. We continued
       engineering and mathematics                education support programmes
                                                                                        the direct engagement with our fenceline
       (STEM) education in fenceline              in South Africa and Mozambique        communities (listening to their concerns,
       communities.                               to over 6 million learners,           sharing information and obtaining
                                                  students and teachers.                feedback on the impact of our social
                                                                                        investment programmes). Over the next
                                                                                        period we intend to prioritise this direct
      Promoted skills development                                                       engagement with communities through
      amongst youth in fenceline                  Benefited 907 students through        proactive multi-stakeholder engagement
      communities.                                the Sasol bursary programme.          forums, planned and facilitated
                                                                                        in collaboration with our fenceline

      Supported fenceline community               Increased the Sasol Siyakha           Looking ahead, our focus will remain
      business start ups.                         Fund loan book from                   on ensuring our social investment
                                                                                        programmes are targeted to respond
                                                  R231,6 million in FY17 to
                                                                                        to the needs of our communities, are
                                                  R301,7 million.
                                                                                        sustainable and achieve the highest
      I ncreased access to healthcare            Granted loans                         impact. We will continue to implement
       facilities in Southern Africa to           to 91 SMMEs since 2008.               initiatives aimed at improving the
                                                                                        effectiveness of our social investment
       fenceline communities.
                                                                                        approach by incorporating feedback
                                                                                        received from the first phase of our
                                                  Increased contribution                baseline analysis and findings of the
                                                  of Sasol employees engaged            social impact study when concluded,
      Increased access to municipal
                                                  in Sasol for Good employee            as well as direct stakeholder feedback
      services (including electrical,                                                   to ensure we create value with
      water and sanitation                        volunteering activities.
                                                                                        our stakeholders.
      infrastructure) to community
      members.                                                                          Wrenelle Stander
                                                                                        Senior Vice President:
                                                                                        Corporate Affairs and Real Estate
       nabled a step change in our
      Early Childhood Development

4                                                                                                                                      5
We bring our good corporate citizenship to life through our multi-pronged,
                                                                     multi-year, integrated Social Investment (SI) approach in order to respond
                                                                     to the expectations of our fenceline communities.

                                                                             1           Promoting early childhood development (ECD)
                                                                       EDUCATION         „„Learner  support
                                                                       AND SKILLS        „„Practitionerand management support
                                                                      DEVELOPMENT        „„Infrastructure and resources

                                                                                         Promoting STEM education at schools and boosting
    Our social                                                                           technical and vocational skills
                                                                                         „„STEM curriculum support

    investment                                                                           „„Learner support
                                                                                         „„Teacher support

    focus areas                                                                          „„Technical and vocational skills development

                                                                                         Enabling access to tertiary education and advancing
    We have integrated our understanding                                                 research in science, technology, engineering and
                                                                                         mathematics (STEM) education
    of stakeholders’ desired outcomes –
    with our own aspiration to be an                                                     „„Bursaries

    organisation that is seen by our                                                     „„Research     support
                                                                                         „„Institutional   capacity enhancement

                                            FOCUS AREAS AND THEMES
    stakeholders to be transparent and
    transformed, that delivers on its
    promises, and that co-develops
    sustainable solutions to challenges
                                                                             2           Investing in community infrastructure
                                                                       COMMUNITY         „„Water   and sanitation
    and issues of stakeholders. Following
                                                                      DEVELOPMENT        „„Electricalsubstations
    a process of understanding our
    stakeholders’ issues and desired                                                     Enabling access to healthcare
    outcomes we identified social                                                        „„HIV/Aids     support and mobile clinics
    investment focus areas and themes                                                    „„Healthcare     facilities
    under which programmes will be
    implemented within our fenceline                                                     Entrepreneurship training
    communities.                                                                         „„Start-up     support
                                                                                         „„Entrepreneurship       awareness

                                                                             3           Enabling growth and sustainability of small businesses
                                                                         SMALL           „„Business  incubation
                                                                        BUSINESS         „„Business  enablement
                                                                      DEVELOPMENT        „„Small, medium and micro-sized enterprise (SMME) funding
                                                                                           (Sasol Siyakha)

                                                                             4           Promoting environmental protection
                                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL       „„Environmental education
                                                                       PROTECTION        „„Community-based   environmental protection projects
                                                                                         „„Supporting environmental offsets

                                                                             5           Promoting the concept of ‘giving’
                                                                        EMPLOYEE         „„Sasol   for Good
6                                                                                                                                                    7
Operational structure
    Our                                        Sasol Global Foundation:
    governance                                 Board of Governors

                                               „„Defines    investment strategy
                                               „„Oversees    governance
                                               „„Allocates   resources
    The Sasol Global                           „„Decides    SI focus areas
    Foundation (SGF)
    The SGF, set up in 2013, provides          Sasol Global Foundation:
    strategic oversight for the integrated     Management
    delivery of our SI across the Group.
                                               „„Establishes  governance procedures,
    The SGF’s Board of Governors
    comprises Sasol’s senior leadership,          policies and systems
    including the Joint Presidents and Chief   „„Manages     portfolio of SI programmes
    Executive Officers (CEOs). The SGF's       „„Manages     SI funding
    Board of Governors meet three
                                               „„Evaluates and monitors impact
    times a year and report to the Joint
                                                  of programmes
    Presidents and CEOs. Dedicated
    teams in our regional operations
    are responsible for the execution
                                               Social investment delivery
    of SI programmes.
                                               „„Identify   local SI requirements
                                               „„Formulate    SI programmes
                                               „„Implement       SI programmes
                                               „„Report   progress on implementation

                                                     SASOL GLOBAL FOUNDATION

                                                                               Sasol Inzalo
                                                                             Foundation (SaIF)

                                                Model Entity                         Sasol
                                                   (OME)             Sasol         Social and
                                                  Delivery          Siyakha       Community
                                               vehicles across                       Trust
                                                 the Group

8                                                                                                9
Salient features
                                                                                                           1      EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT
                   Social investment spend increased by 21%
                   to a total spend of R817,7 million globally.                                                                                      Step change
                                                                                                                                                     in our Early
                   Social investment spend R817,7 million
                    SOCIAL INVESTMENT                                                                                                                Development
                    SOCIAL INVESTMENT
                                                                                                                                                     Over 25 000
                                                                    1%                                                                               children
                                                                                                                                                     benefited from
                                                              6% 1%                              
                                                               2%                                                                                    our ECD
                                                              6%                          (R8,9 
                                                                                                million)                                             programmes
                                                              By region                   (R8,9 million)
                       North America
                       (R13,6 
                       North America                          By region
                       (R13,6 million)                                   91%          South Africa
                                                                                    (R747,1million)
                                      Mozambique                         91%          South Africa
                                      (R48,1million)                                (R747,1 million)
                                      Mozambique                                                           Increased reach of our
                                      (R48,1 million)                                                      STEM education,
                                                                                                           support programmes in
                                                                                                           South Africa to over
                                                              2% 1%
                                                                                                
                                                                                                           6 million learners,
                       Environment                                                         Employee
                                                              2% 1%                       volunteerism     students and teachers:
                       (R17,8 
                              million)                                                          
                                                        24%                               (R7,5 million)
                       Environment                                                         Employee        „„60    new textbook titles
                       (R17,8 million)                                                    volunteerism         in FY18; taking these to
                                                        24%     By                        (R7,5 million)
                                                           focus area
                                                                               48%                             240 in total;
                         Small business                         By                                         „„2   new Mobile Science
                                                                               48%          
                                                           focus area                                         Labs; taking these to 9 in
                         Small business
                         (R195,5 million)                25%                       Education and
                                                                                 skills development
                                                                                                               total, reaching 27 000
                          development                                                                          rural students annually;
                                                                                   (R394,1 million)
                                                                                   Education   and
                         (R195,5 million)               25%
                                                                                 skills development        „„880    curriculum advisors
                                  development                                      (R394,1 million)            trained over ten years;
                                 (R202,8   million)
                                   Community                                                               „„upgraded     8 workshops.
                                                                                                               Total of 19 technical
                                 (R202,8 million)
                                                                                                               school workshops
                                                                                                               upgraded to date.

     10                                                                                                                                                               11
Salient features

                                                                                   2   COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT

                                                              39 grants to
                                                              13 universities                                  Increased access to
                                                                                                               municipal services by:
                                                              given for research
                                                              and development                                  „„Upgrading the water
                                                                                                                 and sanitation
                                                                                                               „„Upgrading of
                        Through the Sasol bursary                                                                electrical substations
                        programme 907 students
                        have benefited

                                                                                                               Increased access to
                                                                                                               healthcare facilities
                                                                                                               in Southern Africa to
                                                                                                               over 380 000 people

                                                        Increased vocational and
                                                        artisan training to over
                         Increase in matric pass rate   1 000 artisan learners
                         to 78% in Secunda and          globally of whom 283
                         92,5% in Sasolburg in 2017     qualified in Mozambique

     12                                                                                                                                   13
Salient features

                        3   SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT                                     5   EMPLOYEE VOLUNTEERISM

                        Increased the Sasol Siyakha Fund
                        loan book from R231,6 million in
                        FY17 to R301,7 million. 91 SMMEs
                        were granted loans since 2008

                                                                                           Over 2 800 Sasol employees are
                                                                                           registered in Sasol for Good
                                                                                           employee volunteering activities;
                                                                                           benefiting 220 000 people and
                                                                                           reaching to 497 causes

                                                           Supported fenceline community   Through Sasol Payroll Giving (South Africa) and SasolGIVES
                                                           business start-ups              (North America), over R1,1 million was donated

     14                                                                                                                                                 15
                                                                                           Toy library: over
                                                                                           15 900 learners               PROMOTING                                      60 new textbook titles in
                                        Contributing to                                    benefited                     EDUCATION (SaIF)                               FY18; taking it to 240 in total
                                                                                                                         SOUTH AFRICA
                                        sustainable socio-
                                        economic development                               Over 9 000 children                                                          Donated 2 mobile science
                                                                                           and teachers reached          PROMOTING                                      laboratories, total of 9 reaching
                                                                                           through ECD learner           STEM EDUCATION                                 about 27 000 learners in
                                                                                           interventions                 (FENCELINE COMMUNITIES)                        under-serviced schools
                                          Promoting early

                                          childhood                       PROMOTING EARLY CHILDHOOD                                                                     More than 500 teachers
                                                                                                                            Increase in Matric pass rate to 78% in
                                          development (ECD)               DEVELOPMENT (ECD)                                 Secunda and 92,5% in Sasolburg in 2017
                                                                                                                                                                        and 880 curriculum advisors
                                                                                                                                                                        trained since 2014
                                                                          SOUTH AFRICA                                      SOUTH AFRICA
                                         „„Learner   support
                                         „„Practitioner and management                                                                                                  Upgraded 8 workshops.
                                                                                                                                               Reached over 26 000
                                           support                                                                          TechnoX                                     Total of 19 technical school
                                                                                                                                               participants; total of
                                                                                                                            SOUTH AFRICA                                workshops upgraded to date
                                         „„Infrastructure and learning                                                                         451 000 to date
                                                                                                                            1 891 new STEM textbooks distributed

                                          Promoting STEM
                                          education at schools
                                                                               R394,1m                                      60 students benefiting from pilot
                                                                                                                            STEM robotics programme
                                          and boosting                                                                      NORTH AMERICA
                                          technical and
                                          vocational skills                                                                 240 learners benefited from
                                                                                                                            'Vision 2020' STEM programme
                                         „„STEM   curriculum support
                                         „„Learner  and teacher support
                                         „„Technical and vocational
                                           skills development
                                         „„Infrastructure support         PROMOTING YOUTH SKILLS                         PROMOTING TERTIARY
                                                                          DEVELOPMENT                                    OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                          (FENCELINE COMMUNITIES)                        (FENCELINE COMMUNITIES)
                                                                          GLOBAL                                         GLOBAL

                                          Enabling access to
                                          tertiary education                 Global artisan development                          Developed Downstream
                                                                                                                                 Masters programme
                                          and advancing                                                                          curriculum with 24 students
                                          research in science,                                                                   currently enrolled
                                          technology,                            741 artisans enrolled. 104 placed for
                                                                                 employment in local municipalities
                                          engineering and                        SOUTH AFRICA
                                          mathematics (STEM)                                                                     907 bursaries granted
                                          education                              283 qualified artisans
                                         „„Bursaries                                                                             39 University grants
                                                                                                                                 to 13 universities for
                                         „„Research  support                     118 scholarships for                            research and development
                                         „„Equipment and                         vocational training                             SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                                 NORTH AMERICA
                                           Infrastructure support

16                                                                                                                                                                                                          17
1                                      The definition of
                                        victory is to contribute
                                        to improving the
                                        quality of STEM
                                        education and building
                                        the capacity of the
                                                                             EARLY CHILDHOOD
                                                                             DEVELOPMENT (ECD)

                                                                           Following the pilot programme
                                                                                                                    Our ECD support programme comprises
                                                                                                                    the following elements:

                                                                                                                      Training and on-site support for
                                                                                                                      practitioners and managers
                                                                                                                                                          Learning Resources
                                                                                                                                                          Toy libraries
                                                                                                                                                          SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                                                                                                          eMbalenhle, Secunda

                                                                           undertaken in FY17, we saw a step          Parent support                      The Osizweni Education and
                                        education sector in the            change in our Early Childhood                                                  Development Centre's (OEDC) Toy
                                                                           Development Programme.                     Learning resources                  Library building, based in eMbalenhle,
                                        countries and fenceline                                                                                           continues to equip practitioners with
                                        communities in which               We believe that investing in early
                                                                                                                      Nutrition schemes                   relevant ECD curriculum content and
                                                                           education is pivotal to establishing
                                        we operate.                        strong learning foundations.
                                                                                                                                                          stimulate learners’ numeracy and
                                                                                                                                                          literacy skills through a wide range
                                        In South Africa the Sasol Inzalo   Children’s early childhood                 Mobile classrooms and upgrade
                                                                                                                                                          of educational toys.
                                        Foundation (SaIF) was the          experiences form the basis of all          of existing facilities
                                        delivery vehicle to build strong   future learning and determine the
                                        foundations for learning from      socio-economic development of
                                        early childhood through to         countries. Research has shown
                                        employment. Over the past          that countries that invest in early
                                        ten years the SaIF increased       childhood education tend to produce
                                        the participation in STEM          skilled adults with better health, and
                                        subjects and related careers in    lower levels of welfare dependence
                                        collaboration with multiple        than those who do not have
                                        partners across all levels of      early-age development support.
                                        the education spectrum.
                                                                           Over the years we supported
                                        A new delivery vehicle –           different aspects of early childhood
                                        The Sasol Foundation Trust will    development programmes in an
                                        continue the work of the           uncoordinated way. Going forward
                                        Sasol Inzalo Foundation and will   Early Childhood Development will
                                        incorporate the successfully       become a focused programme as
                                        concluded pilot programme to       part of the Sasol Foundation Trust.
                                        promote early childhood
                                        development.                       During FY18 more ECD Centres
                                                                           have been enrolled taking the total
                                        Recently we rolled out some of     number of centres benefiting from
                                        the Sasol Inzalo learnings into    our ECD support programme to 121.
                                        the Mozambique environment.
                                                                           We currently do work in:
                                                                           Gauteng (10); KwaZulu-Natal (10);
                                                                           North West (30); Mpumalanga (37);
                                                                           and Free State (34).

18                                                                                                                                                                                                 19

                                                                                                Mobile science laboratories
                                                                                                The majority of schools in underserved communities and rural areas do not have
                                                                                                access to functional science laboratories. We expanded the network of our mobile
                                                                                                science laboratories in South Africa in order to ensure that more teachers are able
                                                                                                to conduct prescribed science experiments and learners are better prepared for
                                                                                                examinations through the hands-on practical exposure to these experiment.

                                                                                                                                                  To date, 9 mobile science
                                                                                                                                                  laboratories have been
                                                                                                                                                  donated reaching
                                                                                                                                                  27 000 learners in rural
                                                                                                                                                  South Africa annually.

                                                  Alleviating school bottlenecks
       PROMOTING STEM                             In order for the schooling system to work,
       EDUCATION IN SOUTH                         it needs to be enabled in two ways i.e.
       AFRICA                                     competent and effective teachers and
                                                  relevant good quality teaching and
                                                  learning material.
     Over the past ten years the Sasol Inzalo
     Foundation, in collaboration with the        Relevant, good quality, teaching
     Department of Basic Education, in            and learning material
     South Africa, has been the vehicle to
     drive Sasol’s contribution towards           Sasol continues to partner with the
     improving the quality of STEM education      Department of Basic Education in
     across all levels of the schooling system.   South Africa to produce and provide
                                                  schools with natural science, technology
     By FY18 the reach of the SaIF programme      and mathematics textbooks and related
     reached over 6 million learners,             teacher guides which are developed by
     students and teachers in South Africa.       the Sasol Inzalo Foundation (SaIF).
     The objectives of these programmes have
     been to:                                     These resources are freely available online
                                                  on and
     „„Alleviateschool bottlenecks       to ensure
     „„Boost vocational skills                    greater access and to support teaching
     „„Create access to tertiary opportunities    and learning of STEM subjects.

20                                                                                                                                                                                    21

     Training of curriculum advisors             as hubs from which education activities,       Technical Schools of Excellence Network        are accredited by the relevant SETAs.
                                                 skills programmes and youth programmes         (TechSENet) in South Africa                    Accreditation enables schools to serve
     880 curriculum advisors have been
                                                 are supported.                                                                                as skills centres for communities.
     trained over the past ten years to mentor                                                  Our aim is to work with government to
     and provide content-related support to      Boosting vocational skills                     develop a replicable model for technical       To improve the quality of learning
     STEM subject teachers.                                                                     schools which will offer excellent technical   outcomes in schools, we have
                                                 Relevant technical and vocational skills
                                                                                                skills that will be the bedrock of our         partnered with 5 technical high schools
     Teacher and learner support                 are the cornerstone of economic growth
                                                                                                economy.                                       (8 workshops). To date we have fully
                                                 and important for increasing
     Our teacher and learner support             employability and reducing poverty.                                                           equipped 19 technical workshops,
                                                                                                We train teachers and develop materials
     interventions are delivered through         Therefore, we partner with schools and                                                        of which two have been accredited
                                                                                                for technical subjects. We also ensure
     educational resource centres situated in    skills development institutions to build a                                                    to provide SETA training.
                                                                                                that for practical work, learners have
     communities or schools around our           pipeline of technical and vocational skills.   access to well-equipped workshops that
     communities. The resource centres serve

22                                                                                                                                                                                       23

     Creating access to tertiary
     opportunities                               PROMOTING STEM
     Our education and skills programmes         EDUCATION IN FENCELINE
     enable us to contribute to the              COMMUNITIES
     development of the skills required
     to meet the demands of the growing         SOUTH AFRICA
     economy and increase the economic          Secunda
     participation of people in our
     communities. Our programmes
     complement government’s efforts to           The Sasol Osizweni Education and
     make education accessible to students        Development Centre (OEDC)
     from low income families.                    reaches 40 513 learners and
                                                  230 teachers in 225 schools
     We offer bursaries to provide access to
     learning opportunities at Universities,      Through the OEDC Educator
     Universities of Technology and Technical     scholarship and bursary
     and Vocational Education and Training        programme, 11 teachers obtained
     Colleges in STEM, to primarily address       their Bachelor of Science
     business and country critical skills.        qualifications.                         SOUTH AFRICA
     We also offer STEM/non-STEM support          All of them were qualified              Sasolburg
     in accordance with the needs of our          as professional teachers.
     fence line communities.
                                                  Matric pass rate improved to 78%          Boitjorisong Resource Centre (BRC)
     Our bursaries offer holistic support         in 2017 in the Gert Sibande District,     reaches 32 929 learners and
     which includes funding for tuition,          Mpumalanga.                               916 teachers in 34 Schools.
     books, boarding and subsistence
     stipend, extra academic support, life                                                  In secondary schools, we
     skills and wellness support.                                                           contribute to overall
                                                  In South Africa, Sasol TechnoX has        improvement of Grade 12
                                                  attracted more than 451 000               results through teacher and
                                                  learners over the past                    learner interventions. In addition
                                                  17 years, with over 26 000                our school leadership programme
                                                  participants in 2017.                     had reached 457 school
                                                                                            management team members.
                                                                                            This has resulted in the Free State
                                                                                            Department of Education
                                                                                            acknowledging our efforts as a key
                                                                                            contributor to the improvement of
                                                                                            matric results of local schools in
                                                                                            the 2017 academic year. The schools
                                                                                            in the area achieved a pass rate
                                                                                            of 92,5%, well above national and
                                                                                            provincial results.

24                                                                                                                                25

                                                                                      NORTH AMERICA

                                                                                        In order to align with the   Supported 15 educators through the STEM
                                                                                        4th Industrial Revolution,   Partners In Education programme focusing
                                                                                        60 students are              on research-based strategies to build a
                                                                                        participating in our         successful and engaging classroom practice.
                                                                                        pilot STEM robotics

                                                                                        This increased their
                                                                                                                     An exhibition was built at the local children’s
                                                                                        grade point average
                                                                                                                     museum career hall to enable children to
                                                                                        across all curricula with
                                                                                                                     learn about careers within the chemicals
                                                                                        the highest average in       industry. The career centre reaches an average
                                                                                        science.                     of 9 000 children and adults monthly.


  A primary science          About, 4 000           We promoted careers as
  programme was              Grade 9 and Grade 11   artisans at local schools.
  initiated in 15 schools    learners were          Primary schools were
  in Ekandustria, to         profiled with each     targeted where artisan skills
  support 50 primary         learner receiving a    campaigns were conducted to
  school teachers and        report to help them    expose learners to different
  13 322 learners.           choose careers that    artisanal skills and give them
  Schools received 15        match their thinking   an opportunity to try some
  science kits reaching      style, personality     of the skills in their schools.
  6 986 Grade 4 – 6          and interest.          500 Grade 7 learners
  learners.                                         in 4 primary schools
                                                    were reached.

 26                                                                                                                                                                    27

                                                         PROMOTING TERTIARY OPPORTUNITIES IN SOUTH AFRICA
                                                         AND MOZAMBIQUE

                                                       Sasol research support                       Our focus has been on growing the
                                                       programme                                    pool of Masters, PhD and postdoctoral
                                                                                                    students conducting research, mainly in
                                                       Technology is core to our sustainability
     NIGERIA                                                                                        the fields of chemistry, environmental
                                                       and competitiveness, we rely on the skills
                                                                                                    chemistry and STEM education, including
                                                       and training of our research community
                                                                                                    providing grant funding for academics
         Supported the Vision 2020                     to develop new and innovative options
                                                                                                    to participate in international projects
         Youth Empowerment                             for our business.
                                                                                                    to grow their international research
         and Restoration Career                        Through our research support programme       experience and networks. Experienced
         Counselling and Industry                      we establish, support and develop            Sasol employees from our Research and
         Awareness workshop in                         research capacity of the universities that   Technology function are seconded to
         Abuja reaching 240                            we support in South Africa and               offer mentoring and support to students
         learners. The workshop                        Mozambique.                                  and academics in our partner universities.
         exposed learners to various
         job opportunities and career                  We work with a broad range of partners
         paths that require the                        in government, academia and business to
         application of skills                         enable and advance the development
         developed through Science,                    of innovative solutions to societal
         Technology, Engineering and                   challenges through academic research.
         Mathematics (STEM)                            By driving programmes that improve,
         education. Industry                           broaden curricula, boost the knowledge
         professionals presented                       and skills of students, academic staff and
         employment opportunities                      research supervisors, we make a
         within Nigeria’s technology                   contribution to the production of high
         industries.                                   impact research outputs.


         Distributed 1 891
         textbooks and upgraded
         science laboratories for
         Grade 8 – 12 mathematics,
         biology, chemistry and
         physics subjects, benefiting
         4 473 learners and
         50 teachers across four
         schools in the Inhambane

28                                                                                                                                               29

     Sasol bursary programmes
     Previously our bursary programmes                                                 PROMOTING YOUTH
     focused on youth who wished to pursue                                             SKILLS DEVELOPMENT IN
     degrees in STEM careers only. For the                                             FENCELINE COMMUNITIES
     past 30 years, we have been awarding
     bursaries to top performing
                                                                                     In order to contribute to reducing youth
     mathematics and science learners.
                                                                                     unemployment in our communities, we
     During FY18 we extended our portfolio                                           offer various skills which will assist in
     to be more inclusive adding careers in                                          increasing the chances of employability in
     Humanities and Health Sciences.                                                 partnership with government and other
     University bursaries are typically offered
     for Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of                                        SOUTH AFRICA
     Science and Bachelor of Commerce                                                In South Africa, 741 unemployed
     (with a Chartered Accountant focus)                                             youth were supported with various
     and University of Technology bursaries                                          work-readiness skills resulting in
     are offered for Electrical/Mechanical                                           104 employment opportunities
     Engineering, Process Instrumentation,                                           in local municipalities.
     Mine Surveying, Education, Social Work,
     Psychology and Legal Studies.
                                                                                        Through the Youth Employment
     During the 2018 academic year,                                                     Services (YES) programme,
     907 students were enrolled in                                                      we committed to support
     the bursary programme.                                                             youth with employment
     During the 2017 academic year:

          We granted funding support to 907         We donated research              Secunda
          students, while more than 1 600           equipment, which included a
          hours were invested by our mentors in     high-performance liquid
                                                                                       In South Africa, skills training for the
          supporting students and research          chromatography (HPLC), cyclic
                                                                                       youth is implemented through our
          supervisors.                              voltammetry and mass
                                                                                       partners LTA Grinaker and Kentz,
                                                    spectrometer to five
                                                                                       Gert Sibande TVET, Sedibeng Training
                                                    universities in South Africa,
                                                                                       Centre and Govan Mbeki Municipality
          Together with the Eduardo Mondlane        benefiting 2 000 students.
                                                                                       to build skills for employability and
          University and other partners in
                                                                                       economic participation.
          Mozambique, we completed the
          curriculum development and roll-out of
                                                    Students, academic staff and
          the Downstream Masters programme.
                                                    research supervisors from        Sasolburg
          24 students are currently enrolled in
                                                    over 13 institutions of higher
          the first-of-its-kind programme in
                                                    learning in South Africa and
          Mozambique which will support                                                 40 unemployed youth, have
                                                    Mozambique are currently being
          developing the skills necessary for the                                       been enrolled to complete their
                                                    supported through our research
          monetisation of the country’s                                                 Grade 12 while given employment
                                                    support programmes.
          hydrocarbon resources.                                                        on Sasol community projects.

30                                                                                                                                31


                                                        Partnered with the National
                                                        Institute for Employment and
                                                        Vocational Training since 2013.

                                                        Through the Inhassoro Training
                                                        Centre we supported a total of 283
                                                        students to qualify as artisans
                                                        from fenceline communities around
                                                        our operations in Inhassoro.

                                                        1 321 learnership positions
                                                        have been filled with unemployed
                                                        youth to do various disciplines
                                                        resulting in:

                                                        „„52 process learnerships,
                                                        „„38  mechanical learnerships and
                                                        „„42 electrical learnerships
                                                          who were placed for on-the-job
                                                          training to assist with
                                                          required skills.

                                                      UNITED STATES

                                                        118 scholarships were awarded
                                                        to date to unemployed and
                                                        under-educated individuals as part
                                                        of the Workforce Resource Guide
                                                        Scholarship Programme, which
                                                        assists in building vocational skills
                                                        for communities around our
                                                        operations in Mossvile and
                                                        Westlake. This has created
                                                        76 jobs.

32                                                                                              33
2                            Collaborating to improve
                             delivery of municipal
                             services, access to
                             healthcare facilities, as
                             well as promoting
                             entrepreneurship training

                                                                                                      INVESTING IN COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE
                             among the youth.

                                                                                                        Upgrade of electrical
                               INVESTING IN                                                             substations
                                                                                                        SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                 ENABLING ACCESS TO                     Upgraded the electrical infrastructure   Upgrade of water and
                              „„Water  and sanitation            HEALTHCARE                             network in Lekwa & Govan Mbeki           sanitation infrastructure
                              „„Electrical substations                                                                                           GLOBAL
                                                                                                        municipalities, Secunda, reaching
                                                                                                        over 550 000 community members

                                                                   Enabling people with disability                                                     2 new water systems built and
                                                                   SOUTH AFRICA & QATAR                                                                5 boreholes repaired and
                                                                                                        Other community
                               ENABLING ACCESS TO                                                       infrastructure                                 rehabilitated, serving 5 villages.
                               HEALTHCARE                                                               SOUTH AFRICA

                                                                      Over 300 people benefited
                              „„HIV/Aids support and                  from various programmes
                                                                                                                                                       1 Maintenance mobile unit for
                                mobile clinics                                                          Converted a local swimming pool into
                                                                                                        a multipurpose and recreational                unblocking water and sewage
                              „„Healthcare facilities                                                                                                  (total of 3) for over 149 000
                                                                                                        facility serving a local population of
                                                                                                        113 039 in Sasolburg                           community members in
                                                                   Upgrades to Fezi Ngubentombi                                                        Sasolburg.
                                                                   District hospital, Sasolburg
                                                                   SOUTH AFRICA                                                                        SOUTH AFRICA

                               TRAINING                               Upgraded the operating
                                                                                                                                                       Completed design phase of the
                                                                                                                                                       upgrade to the sewer network in
                                                                      theatres, pharmacy and
                                                                                                                                                       Leandra-Lebohang. This upgrade
                              „„Start-up   support                    casualty units. On completion
                                                                                                                                                       will service 75 000 community
                              „„Entrepreneurship     awareness        of upgrade in FY19, the
                                                                                                                                                       members. SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                      hospital will benefit 488 000
                                                                      community members

                                                                   HIV/Aids community support
                                                                   SOUTH AFRICA

                                                                      Over 380 000 community
                                                                      members reached through
                                                                      screening, testing,
                                                                      counselling and referral
34                                                                                                                                                                                          35
2                            Functional and accessible
                             infrastructure plays a
                             vital role in advancing
                             local economic
                             development. It is
                                                               asol always supports
                                                              community they
                                                              operate in. The good
                                                              thing that Sasol has
                                                              done for Sasolburg is
                                                              the introduction of
                                                                                                  Water and sanitation
                                                                                                  Water is one of the basic necessities for
                                                                                                  life. We partnered with government and
                                                                                                  other stakeholders to ensure that we
                                                                                                  enable communities to have this basic

                                                                                                  and necessary resource.
                             within this context that         mobile medical clinics
                             we partner with various          that have been given
                                                              to communities.                        SOUTH AFRICA
                             public entities, other
                                                              That’s really a                        Secunda
                             private corporations,            good initiative.                       In the Govan Mbeki Municipality we
                             non-profit organisations                                                completed the design phase of the upgrade
                                                                   Community representative
                             and civil society to                                                    to the sewer network in Leandra-Lebohang
                             collaborate with                                                        to service over 75 000 community members.
                             municipalities in finding     INVESTING IN                              The refurbishment of the wastewater
                             sustainable solutions for     COMMUNITY
                                                                                                     treatment plant in Greylingstad
                                                                                                     has commenced.
                             enhancing municipal           INFRASTRUCTURE
                             service delivery and
                             instilling an               Through our flagship community
                             entrepreneurial mind-set    development programme in
                                                         South Africa – Sasol Ikusasa, we
                             among the youth,            rolled out projects involving the
                             equipping them with         construction and upgrades of basic
                             sound practical business    health infrastructure such as clinics,
                                                         assessment and upgrades of water
                             skills and knowledge to     and sanitation infrastructure,
                             enable them to              electricity substations and mobile
                             participate meaningfully    maintenance units to repair
                                                         ailing infrastructure.
                             in the economy in the
                             areas where we operate.
                                                                                                        In order to maintain the water and sewer
                                                                                                        infrastructure in the Sasolburg regions,
                                                                                                        a total of 3 maintenance mobile units
                                                                                                        were procured and are currently used to assist
                                                                                                        with unblocking the water and sewer lines in
                                                                                                        the community where the municipality
                                                                                                        experienced challenges. These mobile units
                                                                                                        cover the Metsimaholo municipal area and
                                                                                                        reach over 149 000 community members.

36                                                                                                                                                       37

                                                             Sasolburg                                                                            upgrades
                                                             Community                                                                            Upgraded the electrical
                                                                                                                                                  infrastructure network
                                                             infrastructure                                                                       in Lekwa and Govan
                                                             upgrades                                                                             Mbeki municipalities,
                                                             We collaborated with the                                                             Secunda, reaching
                                                             Metsimaholo Local
                                                                                                                                                  over 550 000
                                                             Municipality to convert a    Two new water systems were built to give access         community members.
                                                             local swimming pool into     to communities of Funhalouro (Kupo) and Chigubo         The electricity network
                                                             a much needed multi-         (Ndindiza) while the existing five boreholes were       will assist in mitigating
                                                             purpose sports and           repaired and rehabilitated in these communities         the service protest
                                                             recreational facility.       serving 5 villages who will have uninterrupted access   risk as a result of
                                                             The facility now will be     to water supply.                                        power cuts.
                                                             able to serve a population
                                                                                          A water project is being implemented in the Inhassoro
                                                             of 113 039 community
                                                                                          District in partnership with the National Oil Company
                                                                                          (ENH) and the Provincial Directorate of Public Works
                                                                                          and Housing (DPOPH). The aim of the project is to
                                                                                          provide water to the area.
                                                                                          In 2017, cyclone Dineo damaged the Maxixe and
                                                                                          Inhambane piers in Mozambique. Sasol partnered with
                                                                                          the government to repair them. Work is underway and
                                                                                          on completion will benefit community members
                                                                                          in those areas.

      A multipurpose centre has been completed which will enable the community
      to access various services which will stimulate local economy.

38                                                                                                                                                                            39

                                                                                             Heath Infrastructure
                                                  ENABLING ACCESS TO                         In our ongoing efforts to improve
                                                  HEALTH CARE                                access and quality of healthcare
                                                                                             within our communities, we
                                                Our approach is to support and rollout       upgraded the Fezi Ngubentombi
                                                initiatives aimed at improving access and    Hospital in Sasolburg with a
                                                quality of healthcare within our fenceline   specific focus on the 4 operating
                                                communities through investments in           theatres, pharmacy and casualty
                                                preventative and corrective programmes.      units. The upgrades will have an
                                                                                             impact in the reduction of death
                                                HIV/Aids support                             rate due to inadequate facilities
                                                In partnership with the Department of        and poor access to emergency
                                                Health, communities and Provincial           services at the hospital. This will
                                                Health Departments in Mpumalanga and         benefit over 488 000
                                                Free State in particular, we continued       community members and
                                                with our Sasol HIV/aids Community            reduce the waiting time so
                                                Support Initiative which is in support of    that patients can have better
                                                the United Nations’ 90-90-90 target          access to health care.
                                                i.e. 90% of people tested for HIV, 90% of
                                                people living with HIV on treatment and
                                                90% of people on treatment to have a
                                                suppressed viral load by 2020.                                                     I can safely say that I
                                                                                                                                    know what Sasol is
                                                                                                                                    doing, they have been
      This year we reached over 380 000 community members in the areas                                                              able to come down to
      of Sasolburg and Secunda through screening, testing, counselling and referral
                                                                                                                                    our community and
      for treatment.
                                                                                                                                    engage with us.
                                                                                                                                                   Local Chief

40                                                                                                                                                               41

                                                                                   SOUTH AFRICA
     Disability                                                                    We partnered with United Nations Media and Albinism Society of South Africa
                                                                                   in order to educate communities about albinism. This programme was conducted
                                                                                   for 30 provincial trainers from the Albinism Society to carry out training
       QATAR                                                                       in their provinces to create awareness and deal with the stigma of albinism
       We partnered with the                                                       in society.
       Qatari National Committee
       for Education, Culture and
       Science. A two-day
       capacity building workshop
       was conducted with
       government stakeholders
       on accessibility awareness.
       The aim was to enable
       86 government
       representatives conduct
       accessibility audits on all
       education and health
       facilities in Qatar.

       Launched an event to develop Blind Football in the country in partnership
       with Save the Dream Foundation and the Qatar Financial Centre,
       we provided educational kits to 300 children and sporting
       personalities. This programme is aimed at encouraging inclusivity and
       integration within communities.

42                                                                                                                                                                43
3                                 Contributing to local
                                  economic development
                                  and job creation in our
                                                                                                                                                            Increased the Sasol
                                                                                                                                                            Siyakha Fund loan book
                                                                                                                                                            from R231,6 million to
                                                                                                                                                            R301,7 million

                                    Enabling growth and
                                    sustainability of                                                                                                       Granted loans to
                                                                                                                                                            91 SMMEs since 2008
                                    small businesses
                                                                                                              SMME FUNDING (B-BBEE)
                                                                                                              (SASOL SIYAKHA)
                                                                                                              SOUTH AFRICA
                                   Creating active and growing the                                                                                          Loans to the value of
                                   small, medium and micro-sized                                                                                            R195,5 million granted
                                   enterprises (SMMEs) sector to                                                                                            to 14 SMMEs
                                   help localise and diversify our
                                   supply chain.
                                                                                                                                                            473 SMMEs supported
                                   Dedicated Enterprise and                                                                                                 (ESD), created 284 jobs
                                   Supplier Development (ESD)                                                                                               and sustained 3 023
                                                                                                                                                            jobs since 2008
                                   activities focus on:
                                   „„Business incubation

                                   „„Business enablement

                                   „„SMME funding

                                                                                                              ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING
                                                                     PROMOTING SMME DEVELOPMENT               FENCELINE COMMUNITIES
                                                                     FENCELINE COMMUNITIES                    GLOBAL

                                                                           57 small scale farmers supported
                                                                                                                                      Over 15 000 youth
                                                                           SOUTH AFRICA AND
                                                                                                                                      benefiting from various
                                                                                                                                      intervening programmes in
                                                                                                                                      SOUTH AFRICA,
                                                                                                                                      MOZAMBIQUE and NIGERIA

                                                                           Partnership with 'Junior
                                                                           Achievement' has benefited
                                                                           318 youth and created 628 jobs

                                                                           483 business owners trained,
                                                                           29 new start-up businesses
                                                                           enabled, 91 jobs created
                                                                           UNITED STATES

44                                                                                                                                                                                    45
3                                   ENABLING
                                    GROWTH AND
                                    OF SMALL
                                                                     Enterprises currently being
                                                                     supported are mainly in the
                                                                     manufacturing of chemical
                                                                                                        As access to funding and cost of capital
                                                                                                        remain the main challenges facing
                                                                                                        SMMEs, through our Sasol Siyakha Trust
                                                                                                        in South Africa, we provide black-owned
                                                                                                        SMMEs with loan funding at competitive
                                                                                                        interest rates. Funding is provided to
                                                                                                        support these businesses with the

                                    (SASOL SIYAKHA)                  cleaning products, cosmetics,      acquisition of business assets, the
                                                                     plastic products, electrical       financing of working capital to improve
                                                                     cables and harnesses, flexible     productivity, as well as grow their
                                  A growing and active SMME
                                                                     pipes fittings, energy drinks,     customer portfolio and debt
                                  sector is vital in helping us
                                                                     bottled water, carpentry,          consolidation to improve cashflows.
                                  localise and diversify our
                                                                     clothing and service
                                  supply chain.
                                                                     commodities including air          A total of 35 start-up SMMEs enrolled
                                  To contribute to this objective,   conditioning, thermal              in our Business Incubation support
                                  Sasol has a dedicated team         insulation, electrical, waste      programme. Most of these manufacturing
                                  supporting Enterprise and          repurposing, general               SMMEs are already producing and
                                  Supplier Development (ESD)         engineering, mobile laboratory,    marketing their products from the facility.
                                  activities. Our support includes   accounting, SHEQ systems and
                                  small-business incubation          logistics. The incubation
                                  support, the implementation of     programme provides enrolled
                                  business enablement                SMMEs with up to 12 months of
                                  interventions and loan funding     physical support and an
                                  to black-owned SMMEs through       additional 24 months of virtual
                                  the Sasol Siyakha Enterprise       incubation support by our
                                  and Supplier Development Trust     business incubation specialists.
                                  (“Sasol Siyakha Trust”) in
                                                                     In addition to the incubation of
                                  South Africa.
                                                                     start-up SMMEs, we provide
                                  The Sasol Business Incubator       SMMEs with business
                                  facility located close to our      enablement interventions.
                                  Sasolburg Regional Hub,            These include the
                                  provides business development,     implementation of Safety,
                                  access to specialised              Health and Environment
                                  manufacturing equipment, and       standards, quality
                                  business infrastructure            management systems,
                                  together with product              fit-for-purpose financial
                                  commercialisation support to       management systems, human
                                  start-up SMMEs.                    resources management                  We enabled 10 of our SMMEs,
                                                                     systems, brand and marketing          predominantly those from the
                                                                     resources, legal compliance           business incubation programme to
                                                                     support and industry-specific         market their products at the
                                     473 SMMEs supported
                                                                     business systems.                     7th Proudly South African Buy
                                     through ESD, created
                                                                                                           Local Summit Expo held at the
                                     284 jobs, and sustained
                                     3 023.                                                                Sandton Convention Centre,
                                                                                                           South Africa.

46                                                                                                                                                    47

      PROMOTING                                    MOZAMBIQUE                            SOUTH AFRICA
      FENCELINE COMMUNITIES                        SMMEs including existing and          Secunda
                                                   potential suppliers benefited from    Over the past two
     In addition to growing an SMME sector         the various business support          years we partnered
     that can contribute to the national supply    interventions provided through our    with African Farmer’s
     chain, efforts are underway to broaden        ESD programmes. In Inhassoro and      Association of
     local economic participation, local content   Govuro provinces, Mozambique, we      South Africa (AFASA)
     development and delivering on socio-          established an income generation      with the aim of
     economic development priorities in the        programme – Asset Based               empowering small
     fenceline communities where we operate.       Community Development (ABCD),         scale farmers to
                                                   to assist local businesses grow       develop their skills
                                                   and gain access to market             and knowledge of the
                                                   opportunities through training and    farming sector.
                                                   development. The egg production,
                                                   chicken production and
                                                   horticulture businesses from the
                                                   ABCD programme grew its local
                                                   market share with revenues of
                                                   about MT 10 000* per quarter–
                                                   creating and maintaining
                                                   jobs and benefiting
                                                   community members.
                                                   *Mozambican currency: Metical

                                                                                                          e are a rural farming community.
                                                                                                         Sasol made a commitment to assist with
                                                                                                         farming programmes and provide fertiliser.
                                                                                                                                              Local Chief, Ekandustria

                                                                                        We also rolled out knowledge sharing workshops benefiting SMMEs located
                                                                                        around our Sasolburg and Secunda regional hubs. The workshops covered marketing;
                                                                                        operations management, information management systems and accessing Sasol
                                                                                        Siyakha funding.

48                                                                                                                                                                         49

                                                                                 FENCELINE COMMUNITIES

                                                                               Through our entrepreneurship training
                                                                               programmes we aim to inspire a culture
                                                                               and mind-set of entrepreneurship
                                                                               among the youth. In addition we
                                                                               support start-ups to transition into
                                                                               active participants within the economy.
                                                                               Our entrepreneurship training portfolio
                                                                               of programmes in South Africa comprises
                                                                               the following:

                                                                               SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                               Sasol Siyazenzela Youth in Business
                                                                               Entrepreneurship Programme

      NORTH AMERICA                                                            Established in 2014 in partnership with
                                                                               the Govan Mbeki municipality to support
      Through our Small Business Resource                                      people living with disabilities-owned and
      Guide and Workshop Series in North                                       youth-owned start-up Small, Medium
      America, a total of                                                      and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs).
      483 entrepreneurs received
                                              In Louisiana we continued with
      training, 38 percent were from                                           South Africa
                                              our partnership with local
      minority groups and 6 percent were                                       Step Up 2 a Start Up programme
                                              business development
      veterans. 74 received certificates.
                                              organisations to roll-out the    Implemented in partnership with other
      Entrepreneurs received counselling      Small Business Resource Guide    corporates and Department of Small
      and have reported more than             and Workshop Series. We          Business Development. A National
      US$8 million in capitalisation to       provided funding for monthly     programme targeted at Grade 9 – 12
      date, 29 new start-up                   certification workshops and      learners, mainly from public schools
      businesses and created 91 new           other small business             benefited 660 schools and 60 000
      jobs in the Southwest Louisiana area.   development training through     learners to date with 108 schools
                                              McNeese State University for     and over 15 000 youth in FY18 creating
                                              area businesses and              9 small businesses.
                                              entrepreneurs, including
                                              workshops that qualify local
                                              businesses as minority, woman-
                                              owned, small disadvantaged or
                                              HUB Zone certified.

50                                                                                                                         51

                                               Youth entrepreneurship
                                               Focuses on developing
     SOUTH AFRICA                              successful community-based
     Sasol I-AM-PRENEUR programme              businesses while creating
                                               employment opportunities
     Started in 2015, specifically designed    and growing the local economy.
     and targeted at out-of-school and
     unemployed youth has benefited            The entrepreneurship
     250 youth creating 51 small               programme has benefited
     businesses from our fenceline             41 participants with 11
     communities. 3 SMME’s                     from Govuro and 16 from
     graduated to our Enterprise               Inhassoro, who started
     and Supplier Development (ESD)            their own businesses.
     Programme at the Sasol Business
     Incubation in Sasolburg.

     Sasol – Vaal University of
     Technology (VUT) youth
     entrepreneurship training
     Established in partnership with the
     VUT in 2014 this programme has
     benefited 438 youth graduates
     to date with 58 in FY18 creating
     62 SMMEs creating 58 jobs.

     Sasol Northwest University Women
     Entrepreneurship programme
     Established in 2016 year has with a
     specific focus on developing young
     women has benefited 30 women
     who created 8 businesses to date.
                                                 Partnership with 'Junior Achievement' Nigeria
                                                 Run entrepreneurship courses for youth in order to assist them to develop
                                                 appropriate skills to manage and start their small businesses.

                                                 This programme has benefited 318 youth and created 628 jobs.

52                                                                                                                           53
4                               Advancing environmental
                                protection through social
                                investment programmes.


                                                                                                  COMMUNITY-BASED ENVIRONMENTAL
                                 Implementing environmental                                       PROTECTION PROJECTS
                                 education and other                                              GLOBAL
                                 programmes related to the
                                 protection of the environment
                                 in partnership with our                R17,8m                         1 000 trees in 1 000 days
                                                                                                       UNITED STATES
                                                                                                                                                625 trees planted
                                 communities and other parties.

                                 „„Environmental   education
                                 „„Community-based                                                     E-Nature smart app                       66 000 people
                                   environmental                                                       and website
                                                                                                                                                reached to date
                                   protection projects

                                                                                                       Grass cutting                            2,8 million m²
                                                                                                       SOUTH AFRICA                             area covered

                                                                  ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION
                                                                  SOUTH AFRICA

                                                                          Over 200 community      SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENTAL OFFSETS
                                                                          engagement sessions,    SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                          reaching learners and
                                                                          community members

                                                                                                                             Rapid intervention vehicle donated to
                                                                                                                             municipality to assist in fighting veld fires,

                                                                                                                             100 illegal dumping sites cleaned and
                                                                                                                             grass cut to prevent illegal fires, Sasolburg

                                                                                                                             Insulation, installation of LPG stoves
                                                                                                                             and heaters as well as electrical wiring
                                                                                                                             of 500 houses in eMbalenhle, Secunda

54                                                                                                                                                                            55
4                               We have a number of
                                initiatives targeted at
                                minimising the impact
                                of our operations on
                                the environment and
                                ensuring sustainable
                                                            PROTECTION PROJECTS

                                                                                                  NORTH AMERICA
                                                                                                  We collaborate with the McNeese State
                                                                                                  University’s Harold and Pearl Drips
                                                                                                  Department of Agricultural Sciences
                                                                                                  through the Community Foundation
                                                                                                  of Southwest Louisiana as well as a
                                                                                                  committee of more than 15 community
                                                                                                                                           In addition, we partner with the
                                                                                                                                           Department of Culture, Recreation and
                                                                                                                                           Tourism, Coastal Plain Conservancy and
                                                                                                                                           Patagonia to restore the longleaf pine
                                                                                                                                           habitat in Sam Houston Jones State Park,
                                                                                                                                           Louisiana. This three year initiative aims

                                                          Together with the Friends of the        members to plant 1 000 Trees in 1 000    to eliminate encroaching and invasive
                                environmental             Environment Centre in Qatar we
                                                                                                  Days, we launched a three-year tree      underbrush and to fertilise and restore
                                                          continued to provide citizens with up
                                protection. We            to date environmental information
                                                                                                  planting programme in Southwest          71,5 acres of the state park. Interactive
                                partner with                                                      Louisiana in 2016. In two planting day   environment education to students
                                                          through our e-Nature smartphone
                                                                                                  events, more than 400 Sasol employees    and civic clubs to reach local students
                                relevant government,      app and website. Through this
                                                                                                  and community members planted            and community members has also
                                                          initiative we create awareness of
                                communities and           the rich diversity of Qatar’s natural   625 trees of 22 indigenous species at    been carried out.
                                civil society groups      environment including flora, birds,     18 sites across Calcasieu Parish.
                                to implement              insects, mammals, reptiles and
                                                          marine life. 66 000 people have
                                environmental             been reached through the e-Nature
                                education and other       smartphone app and website.
                                programmes related        In partnership with the Ministry of
                                to the protection of      Education and Higher Education
                                the environment.          we hosted the 5th Annual Qatar
                                                          e-Nature schools’ competition with
                                                          the aim of increasing environmental
                                                          awareness among students. This
                                                          year 321 students, representing
                                                          63 independent schools and
                                                          44 private schools from across
                                                          Qatar participated in the contest.

56                                                                                                                                                                                      57
4 Environmental protection continued

     In support of clean rivers and preserving   In Secunda, we partnered with the Govan        ENVIRONMENTAL
     the water species, we partnered with        Mbeki municipality to restore the town’s       EDUCATION
     Plastics South Africa, Department of        biodiversity and keep the town clean
     Water and Sanitation, Ezemvelo KwaZulu      by cutting 2,8 million m² grass and          Our environment education programmes
     Natal Wildlife and Umngeni Water on         pruning trees in identified strategic        focus on water, waste and air quality,
     various interventions including the         areas. The project not only serves to        including supporting the business with
     National Clean Rivers Project, Project      maintain the environmental health of the     environmental offset programme in
     Aqua Amazing and Clean-Up and Recycle       area but also contributes to the reduction   particular; community environment
     SA Campaign all aimed at reducing           of veld fires in the area.                   education programmes in our Sasolburg
     pollution in the rivers, removing waste                                                  and Secunda operations.
     and educating communities on how to
     keep rivers clean. These projects were                                                   SOUTH AFRICA
     done in schools and communities                                                          Secunda
     reaching over 6 640 learners in
     20 primary schools in KwaZulu-Natal                                                      Conducted 21 community engagement
     and waste was removed by 10 000                                                          sessions on environmental, education,
     volunteers from the beach.                                                               reaching 25 277 learners and members
                                                                                              of the community.

                                                                                              Partnered with Plastics South Africa
                                                                                              in programmes which mitigate
                                                                                              the impact of converted polymers
                                                                                              to the environment, including
                                                                                              the impact of polymer waste
                                                                                              on communities.

                                                                                              Piloted the Sasol Envirobox toolkit
                                                                                              in Secunda, reaching 21 700 learners
                                                                                              and 37 educators.

                                                                                              The Sasol Envirobox is a comprehensive
                                                                                              environmental education toolkit focusing
                                                                                              on water, waste, sustainable agriculture
                                                                                              and food security, air quality and
                                                                                              renewable energy for both learner
                                                                                              and teacher development was endorsed
                                                                                              by the National Department of Basic
                                                                                              Education and certified by Radchem
                                                                                              Laboratories (certification agency of
                                                                                              National Government) in 2017 as a
                                                                                              comprehensive practical tool of
                                                                                              environmental learning in schools.

                                                                                              The programme was approved for
                                                                                              implementation in Free State,
                                                                                              Mpumalanga, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal
                                                                                              and Limpopo.

58                                                                                                                                       59
4 Environmental protection continued

                                                                                              SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENTAL OFFSETS
                                                                                            Sasol is implementing environmental offsets as part of our Atmospheric Environmental
     „„Conducted  180 community engagement sessions on environmental education and          Licences, (AELs). Among others, good progress was made in the following areas.
       reached 22 865 learners and members of the community.
     „„Partnered  with the Provincial government to rollout Enviro Quiz Project, designed
                                                                                            SOUTH AFRICA
       to teach Grade 6 learners more about their environment and to get them               Sasolburg
       to participate in environmental problem solving activities.                          „„Vehicle  emissions testing kit was commissioned and is used by the Municipal Traffic
     „„Reached   4 974 learners and 829 educators.                                            Officials in order to monitor the vehicles in the community for emissions.
     „„Promoted water saving behaviours among schools and communities by engaging           „„Cut   440m² of grass in support of waste removal programme,
       communities to be water wise and environmentally aware in partnership with Rand      „„Cleaned   100 illegal dump sites.
       Water and Department of Water and Sanitation.
                                                                                            „„Took  delivery of and handed over the Rapid Intervention Vehicle (RIV) to the
     To date we have visited Zamdela households and primary schools to promote water          Municipality during November 2017. The RIV will assist with veld fire-fighting
     saving tips and fixing of leaks.                                                         in region to cover about 100m² area which is prone to veld fires in the area.

                                                                                            Rolled out the programme to
                                                                                            insulate the roofs, install ceiling,
                                                                                            electrical wiring, replace coal stoves
                                                                                            with LPG 4 plate stoves and heaters
                                                                                            to improve the thermal conditions
                                                                                            of households, reduce sulphur
                                                                                            dioxide and other noxious gases
                                                                                            as well as particulate matter in
                                                                                            the households and in the nearby
                                                                                            vicinity. Phase I of the programme
                                                                                            benefited 500 households
                                                                                            in eMbalenhle.

60                                                                                                                                                                                   61
5                            Leveraging the
                             considerable and diverse
                             abilities of our employees
                             to contribute to
                             development in our
                                                                                                SOUTH AFRICA
                                                                                                                 Mandela Day
                                                                                                                 5 184

                                                                                                AND                     +
                             communities.                                                       MOZAMBIQUE
                                                                                                11 784           Books
                                                                                                                                   10 000 books
                                                                                                beneficiaries                      donated to
                                                                                                                 6 600             over 25 schools
                               Promoting The Concept                                                             beneficiaries
                               Of ‘Giving’ – Sasol For
                              Our Sasol for Good employee          R7,5m        BENEFICIARIES
                              volunteering programme                                                             Sasolburg
                                                                                                MODEL (OME)
                              encourages employees to get                                       GLOBAL
                              involved in their communities                      220 000                                +
                              by volunteering their time, skills                                18 031
                                                                                                beneficiaries    "At Risk Youth"
                              and resources through company-
                                                                                                                 United States
                              and employee-initiated social
                              development causes.

                                                                     GLOBAL                                      Sasol For Good
                                                                                                                 Payroll Giving
                                                                                                                 SOUTH AFRICA

                                                                    2 835                                        227
                                                                                                                                      Through Sasol
                                                                                                                                      Payroll Giving,
                                                                                                SELF-INITIATED                        (South Africa)
                                                                                                GLOBAL                                and SasolGIVES
                                                                                                190 185                               (North America),
                                                                                                                                      employees gave
                                                                                                beneficiaries    SasolGIVES           R638 490,00
                                                                                                                 NORTH                and the company
                                                                                                                                      this amount with
                                                                                                                                      R495 765,00


62                                                                                                                                                   63
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