Page created by Nancy Cunningham


                             National Dealer
                             Convention &
                              Expo 2018
NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                                              Australian Automotive Dealer Association

      ADA would like to thank our                                  and much-appreciated backing for AADA                            happy to have these innovators involved with
      Convention Sponsors, without whom                            and Dealers over the years, not just in terms of                 this vital event.
      this important event would not be                            dollar sponsorships but also via their expertise,
possible.                                                          products and advice in their various fields.                     Our theme for the 2018 National Dealer
                                                                                                                                    Convention is ‘Disruption’, and our patrons
AADA is fortunate to have a host of loyal, long-                   The retail Automotive Industry is an evolving                    know all about that. They are platforms and
time sponsors who have supported Dealers and                       one, and AADA is thrilled to welcome a range                     companies that substantially add to a Dealer’s
their Association for decades, through thick and                   of new sponsors. As business people, we should                   business, and that is why they are Sponsors.
thin. These companies have provided crucial                        always be looking forward for new ways and                       We couldn’t do it without them, and we thank
                                                                   means of achieving our goals, so we are very                     them for their ongoing support.

                                                                           PRINCIPAL SPONSORS:

                                                                            PLATINUM SPONSORS:

                                                                                              Reviews • Social Media • Reputation
                                                                                                                                      Intelligent After Hours Engagement

                                                                                  GOLD SPONSORS:


                                     SUPPORTING ASSOCIATIONS                                                                                    INTERNATIONAL

             Motor Trades Association   Motor Trades Association   Motor Trades Association     Motor Trades Association
               New South Wales             Western Australia            Queensland                  South Australia                         National Automobile      China Automobile
                                                                                                                                            Dealers Association      Dealers Association

              Tasmanian Automobile       Victorian Automobile      Motor Trades Association      Federal Chamber of                         Brazil Automobile      Automotive Dealer Day
              Chamber of Commerce       Chamber of Commerce          Northern Territory          Automotive Industries                      Dealers Association   Conference, Verona, Italy
NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                                            Australian Automotive Dealer Association

  From The AADA Chairman........................3
  From The AADA CEO.................................3
  Advocacy at work:
  Get involved in AADA 2018.........................4
                                                                       GET ENGAGED AT AADA 2018
  Meet your AADA team................................5
  AADA’S new award-winning host:
  Anjali Rao.....................................................6
                                                                       FROM THE AADA CHAIRMAN
  Join Us On The Gold Coast
  For AADA 2018............................................7
  The AADA Expo and Meeting Rooms.......8                                                 Terry Keating                   and policy sessions, to comprehensively cover
  Convention Focus: Developing Prosperity                                                 AADA Chairman                   the myriad issues and challenges facing Dealers
  In The Age Of Automotive Disruption.......9                                                                             now and into the future.
  Convention Program................................10

                                                                                                                          Our pre-convention special presentation will
  AADA Pre-Convention Presentation:                                      n the Age of Disruption, automotive
  "A Global Perspective On The Future Of                                                                                  see representation from more than 50 per cent
                                                                         Dealers are not immune from the tactics of       of the world’s car market, with the heads of both
  The Franchised Auto Dealer"..................12
                                                                         new competitors attempting to take their         NADA (USA) and CADA (China Automobile
  The AADA Auto-IT Opening Breakfast:
  with Charles Mills.....................................14            business. The 2018 AADA National Dealer            Dealers Association) joining our panel.
                                                                       Convention program is designed to address
  The AADA Macquarie General Session:
  Glenn Mercer Presents "The Dealership                                these threats to our continued success.            This is a unique opportunity to hear from two
  Of Tomorrow"............................................15                                                              people who represent over 40,000 Dealers, more
  The AADA Macquarie General Session:                                  There is plenty of hype about Disruption, but      than half of the world's total, as well as over 50
  "Developing Prosperity"..........................16                  also a lot of misunderstanding about what          per cent of all new car sales. It will make for a
  Deep Sea Fishing Adventure...................18                      it actually is. As with any change, there are      forum discussion no one interested in the future
  AADA Cup Golf Championship................18                         opportunities for those who arm themselves         of our industry can afford to miss.
  The AADA Pentana Solutions
                                                                       with information and strategies, and that is
  Expo Luncheon.........................................19             what the Convention will provide.                  The 2018 Expo will continue to showcase the
  AADA Workshop Program -                                                                                                 latest and greatest products and services designed
  Track 1: Operational Disruption..............20                      As usual, we have put together an outstanding      to provide dealerships with a cutting edge.
  AADA Workshop Program -
                                                                       program of compelling and inspiring speakers,
  Track 2: Business Disruption..................21                     experts in all aspects of dealership operations,   Our social program is always a highlight, with
  The AADA Cox Automotive Keynote                                      marketing, new technology and media,               quality performers and guest speakers engaged
  Address Session: "Advocacy &                                         business, and the world at large.                  to entertain delegates at our breakfasts, lunches,
  Prosperity".................................................22                                                          and networking events.
  Tuesday Team Events:                                                 AADA has developed a four-track program of
  "Hacking Your Service Department".....24                             workshops, featured guests, keynote speakers       See you there!
  Tuesday Team Events:
  "7 Digital Tools That Sales People Must
  Use & How To Use Them".......................25
  The AADA FUCHS Lubricants Networking
  The AADA MotorOne Business Breakfast:
                                                                       FROM THE AADA CEO
  "Determination" With Anna Meares......27
  AADA Workshop Program -
  Track 3: Managing Prosperity.................28                                          David Blackhall                and plenary sessions will educate and engage
  AADA Workshop Program -                                                                  AADA CEO                       Dealer principals, management and staff.
  Track 4: Marketing Prosperity................29
  The AADA carsales Luncheon:                                                                                             Conducted over two days and one evening, the
                                                                                                                          2018 Agenda includes sessions for sales, service

  "Talking Prosperity With Kochie"...........30
  The AADA J.D. POWER                                                       he annual AADA Convention and Expo            and dealership staff, and a vibrant, working
  Feature Session: Automotive Disruption,                                   will soon be upon us – a special and          Expo hub. The expanded Tuesday Team Events
  Implications For Auto Dealers................31                           exciting time for franchised new car          evening program will focus on Sales and
  AADA Special Presentation: Real Life                                 Dealers.                                           Operations.
  Case Studies: "Take The Proven Path To
  Sales & Profit. A How To Workshop In                                 Looking through the stellar line up of headline    To deliver our best-ever AADA Convention &
  Digital:........................................................33   speakers, presenters and exhibitors one            Expo, we wanted the perfect venue–and The
  AADA Hotel Accommodation:.................34                         can only be impressed with the breadth of          Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre
  Conference Pricing...................................35              capabilities and expertise on offer.               will do that exceptionally well. One more
                                                                                                                          reason, among the many, that make it crucial
                                                                       The 2018 program addresses the challenges
  CONTACT AADA CONVENTION                                                                                                 for Dealers to attend the Convention and Expo.
  936B Glenhuntly Rd,
                                                                       of the modern retail automotive playing field,
  Caulfield South VIC 3162                                             with innovative tracks that will help Dealers      There is simply no better way for you to
  Phone (03) 9576 9944 | Fax (03) 9576 7277                            adapt and prosper in the age of disruption.        prepare for the ongoing battle our industry
                                                                       A superb suite of workshops, round tables          faces from the Disruptors at The Door.
NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                       Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       ince AADA reformed in 2013 we              AADA represents around 1500 new car                significant proportion of Australia’s economy.
       have come a long way in terms of           Dealers, covering about 3500 new vehicle
       how we represent Dealers. The past         outlets. Our membership base ranges                This transformation has not escaped the
five years have seen a massive increase in        from small, family-owned businesses                attention of our regulators and our legislators.
the advocacy work we do, and we have              (approximately 85 per cent of new car              Much of the ‘education’ of these groups has
formed relationships with governments, and        dealerships are small and family-run               come via our secretariat.
regulators such as the ACCC and ASIC, that        enterprises), to publicly-listed companies,
                                                                                                     Hence, the people who represent us every
we simply did not have before.                    operating in the capital cities and regional
                                                                                                     day on matters with these bodies have
                                                  areas of every state and territory in Australia.
Thanks to these relationships, AADA has                                                              become well-respected by these regulators
                                                  There are 72 vehicle marques operating in
had a real say in government and regulatory                                                          and legislators. In fact, we often are invited
                                                  Australia, which is among the most in any of
approaches to vital issues, such as used and                                                         to closed sessions to help them better
                                                  the world’s markets.
parallel imports, and finance and insurance,                                                         understand not only our industry but also the
resulting in better outcomes in these areas for                                                      role we play as businesses and sometimes the
Dealers.                                                                                             problems we face.

Other policy issues in which AADA is                                                                 We have invested heavily in our secretariat
extremely active include the need for an                                                             to make them as effective as they can be. The
Automotive Industry Code of Conduct,                                                                 dividends of these investments are flowing
the review of and changes to Australian                                                              and represent great protection for our
Consumer Law, Access to Service and Repair                                                           business model.
Information, the Takata Airbag Recall, Anti-
                                                                                                     The AADA has become a powerful voice in
Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism
                                                                                                     Australia, but an Association such as ours
measures, Motoring Taxes, Vehicle Emissions,      The new vehicle retailing sector makes             is only as strong as its membership. The
Skills & Training, and Autonomous Vehicles.       a massive contribution to the Australian           AADA secretariat does a power of work
                                                  economy. With total turnover/sales of more         on behalf of Dealers, but we need you to
AADA has made submissions to government
                                                  than $65 billion, the estimated total economic     support us like we support you. We need your
on crucial issues pertaining to new car
                                                  contribution is over $14 billion. The industry     voices, opinions and input. We need your
retailing, including the ACCC’s New Car
                                                  also generates over $6 billion in wages and        participation, both on the ground in your
Retailing Study, the Road Vehicles Standards
                                                  $2.4 billion in tax revenue; it is a source of     own areas to lobby and influence politicians
Bill, annual Federal Budgets, and the
                                                  significant taxation revenue for governments,      and decision-makers, and also through your
Consumer First Review Motor Vehicles.
                                                  incurring and collecting a number of taxes         attendance at our marquee event, the 2018
You only have to look at the roll-call of         including Stamp Duty, Tariff Duty, Fringe          AADA National Dealer Convention & Expo.
speakers at the AADA National Dealer              Benefits Tax, Luxury Car Tax and GST. The
Conventions to see how well-regarded your         industry employs about 70,000 Australians          Together we are stronger, and better able
Association is in the corridors of power: Paul    directly, and its indirect contribution to         to advance our shared interests. We are
Keating, Peter Costello, ACCC Chairman            employment and the wider economy is                becoming a major player on the Australian
Rod Sims, various Federal and State               massive.                                           political stage, as befits our size and impact
Government Ministers, and other respected                                                            as an industry. Now is the time to consolidate
                                                  Our investment in facilities and inventory,        our position and continue to grow our
leaders, have all thought highly enough
                                                  our employment and training of staff, our          influence. We need your commitment for that
of AADA to give us the benefits of their
                                                  economic impact on our local markets               to happen. See you at AADA 2018.
experience and expertise.
                                                  right across Australia mean we represent a

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NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                        Australian Automotive Dealer Association

                                                                          James Voortman                                     Brian Savage
                                                                                                                             Executive Director
                                                                          Director Policy &

                                                  James has extensive policy & automotive            Brian is a highly experienced automotive
                                                  advocacy experience and has worked in              executive with an extensive background in
                                                  several senior policy roles including advisor      advocacy operations. Brian is responsible for all
                                                  to a Federal Minister. James is responsible for    operational matters including finance, IT and
                                                  all political engagement and communication         member services and is playing a key role with
                                                  strategy.                                          the Australian Motor Dealer Council.
David Blackhall
Chief Executive Officer

David is a highly experienced automotive                                  Sharnee Pardy
executive with a strong background in finance,                                                                               Jenni McAulay
corporate strategy, automotive operations and                             Communications                                     Membership Officer
all aspects of marketing and advertising. David                           Manager
was appointed CEO of the AADA effective 1
June 2016.
                                                  Sharnee is a communications professional           Jenni has worked in the banking sector and
He was Managing Director of Jaguar Land                                                              Automotive Industry including experience
                                                  who has worked in a number of industry
Rover Australia/Pacific for more than ten years                                                      in dealership administration. Jenni’s main
                                                  associations. Sharnee is responsible for all
and Director of the FCAI for eight years. As                                                         responsibilities are for AADA members and
                                                  internal and external communications,
FCAI Director, David also held the roles of                                                          general office administrative duties.
                                                  branding and events.
Vice-President and Treasurer.

David began his automotive career in Ford’s
graduate trainee program, rising through
                                                                          Vinesh George                   CONTACT AADA:
the ranks and through most areas of the car
business in Australia and the United States, as                           AADA Company                    Level 4, Suite 13,
well as a stint as General Marketing Manager                              Secretary and Legal
for Ford's vehicle manufacturing joint venture
                                                                                                          Office 6, 150 Albert Road
in Taiwan.                                                                                                South Melbourne VIC 3205
David was made a life member of the Federal                                                               p: +61 (0) 3 9685 7517
                                                  Vinesh is an experienced commercial lawyer
Chamber of Automotive Industries in 2015, in
recognition of his lifelong contribution to the
                                                  who understands the unique issues in the      
                                                  Automotive Industry. Vinesh runs his own legal
                                                  practice, V.S. George Lawyers in Sydney.

                                                                                                             | 5
      ADA National Dealer Convention                Anjali has appeared as a panellist on Channel         The good news is that Anjali is renowned for
      delegates are in for a treat, with award-     Ten's The Project and Studio 10 and also as           her in-depth research and comprehensive
      winning international journalist Anjali       guest host on Sydney's 2UE radio station and          coverage of her subject matter. As with Ian and
Rao the new host of the 2018 AADA National          Triple M Melbourne.                                   Tracey, Anjali is the ultimate professional and
Dealer Convention & Expo.                                                                                 you can relax knowing that she knows her stuff.
                                                    With this vast range of experience, AADA
Anjali is a multi-award-winning television          believes Anjali will prove to be an excellent host.   On the Tuesday morning, she will host the
journalist and chat show host who has spent 17                                                            AADA General Session, which will feature The
years in the top tiers of broadcast news, current                                                         Hon. Anthony Albanese, Shadow Minister for
affairs and entertainment. Formerly an anchor                                                             Transport, Infrastructure, Cities & Tourism.
at Sky News in London, she spent six years                                                                Anjali’s extensive experience in interviewing
as anchor of CNN International's weekday                                                                  the world’s big names will stand her in good
breakfast show and host of the network's weekly                                                           stead when it comes to dealing with one of
chat show, Talk Asia; both of which air globally                                                          Canberra’s wiliest operators.
to 220 million households.
                                                                                                          Later that day, Anjali will host the AADA
Anjali is a unique talent who is able to connect                                                          Keynote Address, featuring The Deputy
with people across all walks of life - from                                                               Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon. Michael
international A-listers to everyday people with                                                           McCormack MP., 2018 NADA Chairman, Wes
a story to tell.                                                                                          Lutz, and Graeme Whickman, President of Ford
                                                                                                          Motor Company Australia and New Zealand.
Warm, engaging, and funny, Anjali’s honest
yet relaxed interview style has led to revealing                                                          On the Wednesday afternoon, Anjali will host
conversations with some of the world's highest                                                            the AADA Special Presentation: Managing
profile personalities including US President Bill                                                         Disruption, which will bring the expertise of
Clinton, the Dalai Lama, actors Kevin Spacey                                                              J.D. Power to the fore. Following that session,
and Gwyneth Paltrow, pop star Rihanna, armed                                                              she will introduce U.S. digital sales expert,
robber turned best-selling author of Shantaram,                                                           David Kain, who will be joined by Google’s
Gregory David Roberts, sporting legends Roger                                                             Head of Automotive, Caroline Laird, and
Federer and Kobe Bryant, and fashion icon Karl                                                            Facebook Client Partner for the Australian
                                                    She is a true professional who will continue
Lagerfeld among countless others.                                                                         Automotive Industry, Paul Balbo.
                                                    AADA’s fine tradition of top-quality hosts,
Born to an Indian father and Australian             following on from long-time host Ian Leslie,          And of course, Anjali will be there at all our
mother, Anjali was raised in Hong Kong,             and last year’s host, Tracey Spicer.                  breakfasts and luncheons to introduce our
educated in the United Kingdom, but is now                                                                special guests and extract as much insight from
                                                    The role of the AADA National Dealer
based in Melbourne.                                                                                       them as you would expect an award-winning
                                                    Convention Host is an important one. They are
                                                                                                          journalist to do.
Her journalistic career highlights include          the face of the Convention and are called on to
covering breaking events such as the 9/11           front many sessions and functions.                    We are confident Anjali will do a first-class
attacks, the 2004 Asian tsunami, the death                                                                job in hosting the AADA National Dealer
                                                    This being the case, it is crucial the host is
of Pope John Paul II, the 7/7 bombings in                                                                 Convention & Expo. We are privileged to have
                                                    well-informed and up to date on the issues
London, the 2008 siege of Mumbai, and the                                                                 her on board, excited as to what she can bring
                                                    and challenges facing the retail Automotive
2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan.                                                            to the Convention, and we can’t wait for you
                                                                                                          to meet her.

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NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                      Australian Automotive Dealer Association

  n 2018, the AADA National Dealer               products and services designed to make            rooms catering for as little as 10 and up to
  Convention & Expo returns to the Gold          your life easier.                                 6,000 people.
  Coast for a two-day program designed to
equip Dealers with the tools and knowledge       The AADA National Dealer Convention &             The Centre offers state-of-the-art equipment
they require to deal with the shifting           Expo is a big event, so it is only appropriate    and total wireless technology, allowing
ground they must operate on in the age of        that in 2018 we hold it in Australia’s largest    delegates and visitors to access the internet
disruption.                                                                                        from wherever they are in the venue.

Held at the Gold Coast Convention and                                                              Situated in the heart of Broadbeach, just 500
Exhibition Centre, the 2018 program will                                                           metres from pristine white sand beaches, the
address the changing nature of the modern                                                          GCCEC is perfectly situated for delegates
retail automotive playing field with a                                                             to balance a working Convention with the
series of innovative tracks designed to help                                                       opportunity to relax and unwind amid
Dealers adapt and prosper in the age of                                                            the natural beauty of one of Australia’s
automotive disruption. The program will                                                            premium destinations.
consist of a suite of workshops, round tables
                                                                                                   In a prime position on the corner of the
and plenary sessions aimed at educating and
                                                                                                   Gold Coast Highway and T E Peters
engaging Dealer Principals, management
                                                                                                   Drive, the Centre’s car park entrance at
and staff.
                                                                                                   the northern end of the building is easily
In 2018 the agenda will be addressed over                                                          accessible from traffic lights and the main
two days and one evening, with sessions                                                            driveway. The main entrance is accessible
for sales, service and dealership staff, and a                                                     from the roundabout off T E Peters Drive,
vibrant working Expo hub. The expanded                                                             and the Centre is just a short walk from the
Tuesday Team Events evening program will                                                           accommodation delegates will enjoy either
focus on Sales and Operations.                                                                     at The Star Gold Coast (formerly Jupiters)
                                                                                                   or the Sofitel Gold Coast Broadbeach.
The AADA National Dealer Convention
& Expo is the annual chance for Dealer                                                             The GCCEC is a world leading sustainable
Principals and key operational staff from                                                          meetings and events venue, committed to
all over the country to come together                                                              the continued cultivation of environmental
to network, learn and socialise. AADA                                                              and social stewardship. The Centre adheres
                                                 regional convention centre, the $167 million      to the highest environmental practices for
does a power of work behind the scenes
                                                 Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition              venues.
on behalf of Dealers, in conversation
                                                 Centre (GCCEC).
with governments and regulators. Your
                                                                                                   Since inception, the Centre has endeavoured
Association tries its best to keep Dealers       The GCCEC will provide a state-of-the-art         to support eco-friendly efforts both
informed of all its projects and priorities,     substantive space in which to conduct all         operationally and in design. Over the
but coming together at the Convention is         the activities required of a vibrant and active   past nine years, GCCEC has aligned its
the best way to engage in that all-important     AADA Convention & Expo.                           practices with EarthCheck, the world's
two-way dialogue – communicating our
                                                                                                   most recognised and largest environmental
message while listening to your needs.           Conveniently located right in the heart of
                                                                                                   management program, designed for the
                                                 the Gold Coast, the GCCEC features a main
As usual, we have put together an                                                                  travel and tourism industry.
                                                 arena, four exhibition halls and meeting
outstanding Expo, showcasing the latest

                                                                                                          | 7
NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                          Australian Automotive Dealer Association

      n integral component of any AADA               The Expo Village plays host to some of the        attendees, and any number in between.
      National Dealer Convention, the                Convention’s key events, including the AADA
      AADA Expo showcases new products               Pentana Solutions Expo Luncheon and the           The GCCEC has an experienced team who
and services designed to improve Dealers’            AADA FUCHS Lubricants Networking                  know it’s in the seamless delivery of each
bottom lines.                                        Events, this year on both Tuesday and             and every detail that leads to the ultimate
                                                     Wednesday nights.                                 event success. They pride themselves on
AADA prides itself on delivering an Expo                                                               orchestrating intimate functions of every size
every year that gives Dealers access to the latest   The AADA Expo will be open throughout the         and nature, all with a personal touch.
and greatest products and services designed to       duration of the Convention program. Make
provide them with a cutting edge.                    sure you set aside time to explore the vast       When you combine this with the state-of-the-
                                                     array of innovative products, services and new    art technology allowing wireless connection
It’s a one-stop-shop you can stroll through          technologies AADA has put together.               and fully integrated audio-visual capabilities, it
at your leisure, either for a short break                                                              is hard to see why you wouldn’t want to hold
between sessions, or for a few hours to fully                                                          your meeting there.
immerse yourself and upload a wealth of new
knowledge and ideas.

Whether it's after-market products and
services, insurance, finance, marketing,
software, fuel and energy, customer retention
or any other aspect of dealership operations,
                                                                                                            FOR EXPO BOOTH
our friendly exhibitors are ready, willing                                                                  PRICING, AVAILABILITY
and able to help you find solutions for every
department.                                                                                                 & BOOKINGS, CONTACT:
Other types of exhibits include digital
marketing, lubricants, and even an aviation
                                                                                                            Geoff Vine
manufacturer!                                                                                               p: +61 (0) 3 9576 9944
The Trade Expo Village is always a popular                                                                  e:
destination for delegates to gather and connect
                                                     Take advantage of our meeting rooms
with friends and colleagues between sessions,
while learning about new business tools.
                                                                                                            FOR MEETING ROOM
                                                     The AADA National Dealer Convention
The Expo is designed for ease of navigation,         provides the ideal environment for Dealer              PRICING, AVAILABILITY
with an open layout making it a breeze to walk       councils, OEMs and the like to hold their own
                                                     meetings, surrounded by the atmosphere
                                                                                                            & BOOKINGS, CONTACT:
amongst the various exhibitor stands and
check out the cornucopia of ground-breaking          and focus on the industry that only being
products and services on display.                    embedded in the Convention can bring.                  Shelly Scott
                                                     The Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition
                                                                                                            p: +61 (0) 3 9576 9944
There are always a few treats to eat, interesting
people to talk to and important innovations          Centre (GCCEC) has 22 meeting rooms of                 e:
to hear of!                                          various sizes, equipped to cater for meetings
                                                     consisting of as few as 10 and up to dozens of

8 |
NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                           Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       isruption is more than just a buzzword.        As always, adaptation is the key to survival.     The other side of disruption
       It’s a business model that has                 Our 4-track program of 13 total workshops,
       reaped billions of dollars for its best        2 Tuesday Team Events, 1 Feature Session, 1       Not all disruption is a threat. Sometimes it is
practitioners. Uber disrupted taxis, Airbnb           Special Presentation, featured guests, keynote    an opportunity. Disruption affects not just the
disrupted hotels, Bitcoin is attempting to            speakers and policy sessions will explore the     selling of cars, but how we get our message out
disrupt currency, and let’s not forget one of         new environment Dealers find themselves           there as well.
the trendsetters, disrupted the       in and help them draw a map of their new
                                                                                                        Gone are the days when all we needed to do was
newspaper classifieds.                                business terrain.
                                                                                                        buy space in a publication, or 30 seconds on the
If there’s a product or service for sale or hire      The AADA National Dealer Convention               radio. Now we buy cost-per-thousand viewable
that involves a middleman buying from                 & Expo prides itself on hosting leaders of        impressions. A study Google conducted with
a manufacturer and adding a margin and                the industry, which this year includes the        Mazda found that low-value buyers cost about
showroom on the way through, you can bet              Tuesday Team Events conducted by one of the       $8 per thousand to find. High-value buyers, who
there’s someone developing an app to disrupt          USA’s most successful Dealers, David Kain,        are ready to buy, cost around $25 per thousand.
that middleman.                                       and Scott Stein on the Service Department.
                                                                                                        There are 10.1 million people in the Australian
                                                      Corporate leaders Google, Facebook, carsales
The retail Automotive Industry is a middleman                                                           car market every day. They are not all looking to
                                                      and Gumtree will run workshops, and keynote
business. We shake hands with the makers and                                                            buy, of course, but that is our audience – those
                                                      speakers headline the Opening Breakfast, and
the users. They’re coming for us.                                                                       aged 18 to 54. Of these, 6.2 million, or 61 per
                                                      AADA General Session.
                                                                                                        cent, are ‘light or unreachable’ via free to air or
Alternative retail platforms such as Carvana                                                            commercial television. However, 5.3 million –
and Drivetime are challenging traditional                                                               or 86% of these – are regular users of YouTube.
automotive retailers, attempting to take                                                                So, that is a disruption to where we find – and
Dealers out of the picture completely. Giant                                                            need to target – our potential customers.
retailers like Walmart are dipping their toes
into our industry.                                                                                      Disruption comes in many forms. It’s not just
                                                                                                        about people trying to steal our business, it’s
The new and used car franchise dealership                                                               about how we conduct our business, how we
model is under attack, both direct and                                                                  reach our customers, how we remain relevant
                                                      The 2018 AADA Convention & Expo program
tangential, from many sides. Some will change                                                           in an ever-changing world.
                                                      will examine the ways in which disruption
the way Dealers do business, others will aim to
                                                      works at Operational, and Business levels, from
take that business.
                                                      Legal and Taxation to Supply and Profitability
                                                      and more.
We don’t know exactly how our industry will                                                                  FOR FURTHER
look in five years’ time, but what we do know
is that it will not look the same as it does today.
                                                      A unique series of plenary sessions and
                                                      dedicated workshops designed around a series
Electric vehicles might not disrupt the model         of content tracks aimed at giving dealership           & DELEGATE
                                                      personnel specific information and solutions
of how we sell cars, but they could upset our
profit mix. Once the internal combustion              in dealership categories. Titled Operational           REGISTRATION, VISIT:
engine is supplanted and there are fewer              Disruption, Business Disruption, Managing
moving parts, what will be the role and               Prosperity, and Marketing Prosperity,        
bottom-line contribution of the service               delegates will be able to choose a series of
department?                                           sessions that suit their specific needs.

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NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                                Australian Automotive Dealer Association

       MONDAY 3RD SEPTEMBER:                                   TUESDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER:                               TUESDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER:
        PRE-CONVENTION DAY                                        CONVENTION DAY 1                                     CONVENTION DAY 1
6.00AM TO 11.00AM The AADA SpinCar Deep Sea               7.00AM TO 8.30AM The AADA Auto-IT Opening             2.30PM TO 3.30PM AADA Workshop Program -
                   Fishing Adventure                                      Breakfast: "Mobility Is & Always                    Track 2: "Business Disruption"
                   Mariners Cove Marina,                                  Will Be the Dealer's Business"                      "Turning Disruption into
                   Gold Coast, QLD                                        Charles Mills, Director, ROAR                       Opportunity" Craig Rowney &
                                                                          AADA Central                                        Kevin Whelan, Performance
                                                                                                                              Consulting Manager, Op2ma Pty. Ltd.
                                                         9.00AM TO 12.00PM The AADA Macquarie                                 "Transforming Automotive
                                                                          General Session: "Developing                        Retail - The Future is Now"
                                                                          Prosperity", "The Dealership                        Karen Spear, Director, Deloitte
                                                                          of Tomorrow" & AGM                                  Motor Industry Services
7.00AM TO 1.00PM The AADA SpinCar Golf Day                                Anjali Rao, AADA Convention                         "Navigating Traps & Tricks of
                                                                          Host                                                Warranty Reimbursement"
                   The Glades, Gold Coast QLD
                                                                          The Hon. Anthony Albanese                           Alan Bergman, CEO, Star
                                                                          MP,                                                 Automotive
                                                                          Shadow Minister for Transport,                      Level 1 Meeting Rooms
                                                                          Infrastructure, Cities and Tourism
                                                                          Evan Tsirogiannis, Vice               4.00PM TO 5.30PM The AADA Cox Automotive
                                                                          President, Franchise Development                    Keynote Address: "Advocacy &
                                                                          & Regional Operations TMCA                          Prosperity"
   PM TO   5.00
              PM   The AADA Pre-Convention
                   Presentation:                                          Terry Keating, Chairman,                            "Franchise Advocacy"
                   "A Global Perspective on                               AADA                                                Wes Lutz, 2018 Chairman, NADA
                   the Future of the Franchised                           David Blackhall, CEO, AADA                          "Franchise Prosperity"
                   Auto Dealer"                                                                                               Graeme Whickman, President &
                                                                          Glenn Mercer, Automotive                            CEO, Ford Australia and NZ
                   Charlie Vogelheim, The Car                             Advisory, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
                   Guy, San Francisco, USA                                                                                    "Developing Prosperity"
                                                         12.00 TO 12.30 Annual General Meeting
                                                              PM       PM
                                                                                                                              The Hon. Michael McCormack
                   Wes Lutz, 2018 Chairman,                               Vinesh George, Secretary,
                   NADA                                                                                                       MP, Deputy Prime Minister of
                                                                          AADA                                                Australia
                   Shen Jinjun, Executive                                 AADA Central
                   Chairman, CADA                                                                                             AADA Central
                   Dale McCauley, Partner,               12.30PM TO 1.30PM The AADA Pentana Solutions
                   Deliotte Motor Industry Services                       Expo Luncheon
                   James Goodwin, CEO, ANCAP                              AADA Expo Lounge
                   David Blackhall, CEO, AADA
                   Glenn Mercer, Automotive               1.30PM TO 2.30PM AADA Workshop Program -
                   Advisory, Cleveland, Ohio, USA                         Track 1: "Operational
                                                                          Disruption"                           5.30PM TO 6.30PM The AADA FUCHS Lubricants
                   Charles Mills, Director,                                                                                   Networking Event
                   ROAR                                                   "Drive Sustainable F&I Growth                       AADA Expo Lounge
                   AADA Central                                           in a Regulated Market" Russell
                                                                          Bryant, National Manager
                                                                          Strategy and Transformation,          7.00PM TO 8.30PM Tuesday Team Events: "7
                                                                                                                              Digital Tools That Sales People
                                                                          Macquarie Leasing
                                                                                                                              Must Use & How to Use Them"
                                                                          "Your People, Your Profit"
                                                                                                                              David Kain, Director, Kain
                                                                          Randall Bryson & Matthew
                                                                          Cutt, Partners, BDO
                                                                                                                              Level 1 Meeting Rooms
                                                                          "Fraud In and Outside Your
                                                                          Dealership" Grant Cameron,                          Tuesday Team Events: "Hacking
                                                                          Director, Deloitte Motor Industry                   Your Service Department"
                                                                          Services                                            Scott Stein, CEO, The Learning
                                                                          Level 1 Meeting Rooms                               Difference
                                                                                                                              Level 1 Meeting Rooms

                                                      Program Subject to change. Updates at
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  WEDNESDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER:                              WEDNESDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER:                                 EXPO HOURS:
      CONVENTION DAY 2                                      CONVENTION DAY 2
7.00AM TO 8.30AM The AADA MotorOne                    12.00PM TO 1.30PM The AADA carsales Luncheon:              TUESDAY 4TH
               Business Breakfast:                                    "Talking Prosperity with
               "Determination"                                        Kochie"
               Anna Meares,                                           David Koch, Host, Sunrise                  8.30AM TO 6:30PM
               Australian Olympic Champion                            AADA Central
               AADA Central                                                                                      WEDNESDAY 5TH
                                                      2.00PM TO 3.00PM The AADA J.D. Power                       SEPTEMBER:
                                                                      Feature Session: "Automotive
                                                                      Disruption, Implications for               8.30AM TO 6:00PM
                                                                      Auto Dealers"
                                                                      Darren Slind, Vice President
                                                                      South East Asia, ASEAN &
                                                                      Oceania, J.D. Power                        DRESS CODE:
                                                                      Loi Truong, Senior Country
                                                                      Manager, J.D. Power
9.00AM TO 10.00AM AADA Workshop Program -
                                                                                                                 BUSINESS CASUAL
                                                                      Level 1 Meeting Rooms
               Track 3: "Managing Prosperity"
               "Listening is the Key to True
               Lisa Fogarty, Founder & Director,
               Performance Circle
               "How Your Dealership CFO
               Can Reduce Your HR Costs"
               Sharon Pask, Director, RemiPeople
               "How Do I Make My Used
               Car Department My Most                 3.30PM TO 4.50PM AADA Special Presentation -
               Profitable"                                            Real Life Case Studies: "Take the
               Ian Parker, CEO, IPMG                                  Proven Path to Sales & Profit.
               Level 1 Meeting Rooms                                  A How to Workshop in Digital"
                                                                      David Kain, Director, Kain
10.30AM TO 11.30AM AADA Workshop Program -                            Automotive
               Track 4: "Marketing Prosperity"
                                                                      Caroline Laird, Industry Head
               "The Autonomous Customer"
               Alex Heat, Industry Manager
                                                                      Global Business, Google                    CONVENTION
                                                                      Paul Balbo, Client Partner,
               Automotive, Google
                                                                      Facebook                                   MANAGER:
               "The Modern Consumer:
                                                                      AADA Central
               Informed and Impatient"
               Kane Hocking, General Manager                                                                     Shelly Scott
               Commercial, carsales                                                                              p: +61 (0) 3 9576 9944
               "Winning Your PMA on
               Mobile. Learn How to Drive                                                                        e:
               Dealership Success Using
               Facebook, Instagram &
               Messenger"                                                                                        EXPO ENQUIRIES:
               Joe Perkins & Gemma Faye-
               Hernandez, Facebook
               "Thinking Globally, Acting             5.00PM TO 6.00PM The AADA FUCHS Lubricants                 Geoff Vine
               Locally"                                               Networking Event                           p: +61 (0) 3 9576 9944
               Luke Miller, CFO, Gumtree                              AADA Expo Lounge                           e:
               Level 1 Meeting Rooms

                                                   Program Subject to change. Updates at
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NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                          Australian Automotive Dealer Association

           Proudly brought to you by:                • The influence of safety in vehicle choice.
                                                     • Government and regulatory issues and the
                                                       importance of strong advocacy.

  n this special pre-convention session, we
  bring together some of the world’s automotive
  leaders for a conversation about the future of
the franchised auto Dealer.

With Wes Lutz, 2018 Chairman of NADA, and
Shen Jinjun, Executive Chairman of the China                                                           Shen Jinjun
Automobile Dealers Association (CADA) on                                                               Executive Chairman, CADA
the panel, we have more than 50 per cent of the                                                        Shen has been the Chairman of CADA and
world’s car market covered.                                                                            an Independent Director of China Grand
                                                                                                       Automotive Services since 2014, Independent
Also featuring respected U.S. industry
                                                                                                       Non-Executive Director of Zhongsheng Group
analyst Glenn Mercer and moderated by San
                                                                                                       Holdings since 2009, and Independent Director
Francisco’s "The Car Guy", Charlie Vogelheim,
                                                                                                       of Zhejiang Material Industrial Zhongda
our expert panel is rounded out by AADA CEO
                                                                                                       Yuantong Group since 2011.
David Blackhall, Deloitte’s Dale McCauley,
ANCAP CEO, James Goodwin, and Charles
Mills, ROAR Director.

Issues on the agenda include:
• The challenges Dealers will face in a
  competitive market altered by disruptive
  technologies.                                      Moderator & Host
• The substantial investment by Dealers in the       Charlie Vogelheim
  franchise distribution system and the threat       "The Car Guy", San Francisco, USA
  posed to this by new technologies.

• The changes to fixed operation areas in                  harlie brings keen insight and
  the offing as a result of the rise of electric           humorous observations from nearly           Dale McCauley
  vehicles.                                                30 years of automotive experience,
                                                                                                       Partner, Deloitte Motor Industry Services
• The new income model likely to develop             including roles as the host of Motor Trend
  as the dealership revenue mix of sales, F&I,       Audio, Executive Editor at Kelly Blue             With nearly 20 years’ experience in the
  aftermarket and fixed operations shifts.           Book, and VP at J.D. Power and Associates.        Automotive Industry, Dale specialises in privately
                                                     Charlie was a pioneer in the development          owned and operated motor Dealers and related
• “Overdealerisation” – do we have too many
                                                     of automotive sites at Microsoft, Google          family investments. He is a data fiend, fascinated
  Dealers in Australian and world markets? This is
                                                     and e-Bay, and was Chairman of the                by the complex, multi-faceted businesses and
  an overlooked question that needs addressing.
                                                     Automotive Internet Standards Committee.          entrepreneurial, innovative people that make up
                                                                                                       the retail Automotive Industry.

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NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                         Australian Automotive Dealer Association


Wes Lutz                                            Charles Mills                                       David Blackhall
2018 Chairman, NADA                                 Director, ROAR                                      Chief Executive Officer,
                                                                                                        Australian Automotive Dealer Association
Wes is 2018 Chairman of the National                Charles has nearly 30 years experience helping
Automobile Dealers Association and represents       dealers maximise their customer relationships.      David has had a profound impact on increasing
Michigan's franchised new-car Dealers on its        He and his team at ROAR, a SaaS-based               advocacy outcomes for Australian Dealers.
board of directors. He previously served on the     experience intelligence company, use their          A long-time leader of our industry, including
NADA board from 2001 to 2004. President of          deep customer, data, and tech experience            as former Managing Director of Jaguar Land
Extreme Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep, RAM Inc., he           to help dealers estimate and then maximise          Rover Australia, few are as passionate or
has been a Chrysler Dealer since 1976.              return on a relationship with a customer.           informed about the issues facing Dealers.

                                                                                                        Many of the issues facing Australian Dealers
                                                                                                        are the same as those confronting Dealers
                                                                                                        around the world. This vital session is sure
                                                                                                        to stimulate debate and throw up a host of
                                                                                                        potential solutions for Dealers determined
                                                                                                        to meet the future head-on.

James Goodwin                                       Glenn Mercer                                            SESSION DETAILS:
CEO, ANCAP                                          Automotive Advisory, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
Three years into his role at the Australasian New   Glenn has three decades of experience,                  Monday 3rd September
Car Assessment Program, James has a wealth          including over 20 years at McKinsey & Co.,              3.30pm - 5.00pm
of consumer, motoring, communications and           where, as a leader of the automotive practice, he
advocacy skills developed over a career in          participated in hundreds of client studies. He          AADA Central
journalism, with the FCAI, and as Director –        has been an advisor to various industry entities,
Government Relations & Communications at            a board member for several automotive firms,
the Australian Automobile Association.              and a lecturer on automotive economics.

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          Proudly brought to you by:                 deep customer, data, and tech experience           strong recommendation and repurchase levels
                                                     to help dealers estimate and then maximise         delivering above average RoaR.”
                                                     return on a relationship with a customer.
                                                                                                        Auto-IT has been helping Dealers for more
                                                     Charles believes dealers’ relationship strength    than 35 years, driving developments in
                                                     with their customers in this era of disruption     technology and software that make running
                                                     can give them advantage against new entrants       dealerships so much easier.

                                                     and, if dealers have earned customer trust,
  t would seem a self-explanatory notion:                                                               Every year, more and more Dealers switch
                                                     the authority to provide their own new
  Dealers sell cars; they are literally merchants                                                       to Auto-IT for better service, smarter
                                                     mobility formats.
  of mobility. Yet this is often overlooked. In                                                         technology and a much brighter future.
this opening breakfast keynote, Charles Mills
will explain why you should focus on this key                                                           Mobile technology is one area that has
fact.                                                                                                   experienced significant growth and today,
                                                                                                        many routine functions within dealerships
In today's market, where consumers can                                                                  can be performed on mobile devices. Auto-
easily obtain more price and product                                                                    IT leads the way in new generation Dealer
information, Charles believes that rather                                                               systems delivered across desktops, tablet
than focus on the product, sales people need                                                            devices and smartphones.
to concentrate on the customer’s buying and
after-sales experiences.                                                                                Delivered with their world-class support
                                                                                                        and technical know-how, Auto-IT’s Dealer
Today's consumers have access to more                                                                   management systems are redefining the
information about cars than any previous                                                                standard for car dealers in every market they
generation of consumers. For example, what                                                              serve.
is the brand of car, after-sales service, quality,
and consumer experience? After consumers                                                                AADA thanks them for their continued
have enough information, they only want a                                                               support for our industry, and we look
suitable price, which is a big challenge for                                                            forward to seeing you at what is sure to be an
Dealers.                                                                                                enlightening opening breakfast.

However, that does not mean the role of
sales people is redundant, but it will have to
evolve. Consumers come armed with product
information, so Charles says sales staff must
help them understand their needs.
                                                                                                            SESSION DETAILS:
Charles has nearly 30 years experience across
5 continents helping car companies, dealers,
                                                                                                            Tuesday 4th September
banks and hotels maximise their customer             “Trust is the foundation of a relationship.            7.00am - 8.30am
relationships.                                       Dealers who earn an individual customer’s              AADA Central
                                                     trust by knowing and consistently delivering
He and his team at ROAR, a SaaS-based                beyond expectations on the dimensions of time,
experience intelligence company, use their           value and quality, can thrive in disruption from

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         Proudly brought to you by:           The overall finding was that over the       replaces car-own, Dealers could see a
                                              next decade, the average USA franchised     massive shock to the system.
                                              new-car Dealer will see many changes,
                                              but no significant disruption to the        Glenn will show that more than two
                                              underlying business model: evolution,       years after his report was released, its
                                              not revolution.                             predictions are mainly on track.

                                                                                          There are some adjustments to be made:
         ith three decades of Automotive                                                  EVs are gaining ground perhaps more
         Industry experience,                                                             rapidly than expected, to name one. But
         independent analyst Glenn                                                        generally the theme of "evolution rather
Mercer was commissioned by NADA                                                           than revolution" is intact.
in 2015 to undertake the Dealership of
Tomorrow (DOT) project.                                                                   Whether the business is as interesting
                                                                                          and entrepreneurial in 2025 as in 2015 or
The purpose of the project was to                                                         1995 is doubtful: in some ways NADA's
stimulate long-term planning among US                                                     members are becoming retailers rather
Dealers. In late 2015, when the project                                                   than Dealers, with less control over their
was commissioned, the USA had just                                                        destiny than in the past – a situation
completed half a dozen years of steady                                                    Australian Dealers are familiar with. Yet
sales growth, which the industry could                                                    the outlook remains generally upbeat, as
not have hoped for back in the depths of                                                  long as Dealers keep a sharp eye out for
the global financial crisis that caused a                                                 the some of the threats that may develop.
recession in the USA.
                                                                                          Many of the issues confronting U.S.
Glenn’s report was intended as a tool for                                                 Dealers are the same or similar to those
Dealers to use in planning for the future,                                                faced by Australian Dealers. Glenn will
by providing a series of ten-year forecasts                                               use his expertise to translate the findings
of trends important to Dealers. Whether       That being said, the changes will be        of his U.S. study to the Australian market.
the forecasts come true or not is an          significant: for example, a consolidation
important, but secondary consideration;       of ownership, an increasing shift of
the main point was to stimulate active        the centre of gravity of profitability
discussion about the future, among            to fixed operations, a probably lower
Dealers.                                      level of overall profitability, and an

The scope of the report includes both
                                              increasingly dominant role being played
                                              by Information Technology. And in
                                                                                              SESSION DETAILS:
"inside the industry", such as the rate       terms of the "outside" trends, we see
of consolidation of store ownership and       an accelerating penetration of EVs              Tuesday 4th September
the direction of overall profitability, and   (probably quite manageable by Dealers),
"outside the industry" developments such      and of AVs (which will probably benefit
                                                                                              9.00am - 12.30pm
as the future growth of EVs (electric         Dealers), and CC (which definitely will,        AADA Central
vehicles), AVs (autonomous vehicles),         if only on a modest scale). But MS poses
MS (mobility services such as Lyft), and      a significant risk, in that if car-share
CC (connected cars).

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NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                         Australian Automotive Dealer Association

          Proudly brought to you by:                and the need for Government investment in         future of the US whole-car auction industry.
                                                    local communities.                                He is a previous President of the Society of
                                                                                                      Automotive Analysts, and a former Director
                                                    Following the election of the Federal Labor       of the International Motor Vehicle Program.
                                                    Government in November 2007, Anthony
                                                    became the Minister for Infrastructure,           AADA Company Secretary and Legal

                                                    Transport, Regional Development and Local         Counsel, Vinesh George, will then host the
     ollowing the Auto-IT Opening                   Government, and Leader of the House of            AADA AGM.
     Breakfast, the AADA General Session            Representatives.
     brings you a variety of speakers covering                                                        This session is the “Report Card” that tells
a range of issues pertinent to all aspects of the   In 2010 Anthony was named Aviation                you how your Association and our industry
modern dealership. The General Session also         Minister of the Year for producing Australia’s    are tracking. It will reveal a wealth of
features the Annual General Meeting of the          first ever Aviation White Paper. In 2012          information, so don't miss it!
AADA, so it is important you attend to have         he was named Infrastructure Minister of
your say in the running of your Association.        the Year by London-based publication              Macquarie Leasing Pty Ltd is a part of
                                                    Infrastructure Investor.                          the Macquarie Group Limited, a global
AADA CEO, David Blackhall and Chairman                                                                investment banking and diversified
Terry Keating will be joined by TMCA Vice           In June 2013, Anthony became Deputy               financial services group. Headquartered in
President of Franchise Development and              Prime Minister, and also took on additional       Sydney, Macquarie is the largest Australian
Regional Operations, Evan Tsirogiannis,             responsibility as Minister for Broadband,         investment bank in Australia and a long time
distinguished speakers from federal politics,       Communications and the Digital Economy.           supporter of the AADA Convention.
and a special guest from the USA.
                                                    In July 2016 Anthony was re-elected as the
Former Deputy Prime Minister and                    Member for Grayndler and is currently
current Shadow Minister for Transport,              the Shadow Minister for Infrastructure,
Infrastructure, Cities and Tourism, The Hon         Transport, Cities and Tourism.
Anthony Albanese, MP, will address the
session, as will American industry analyst,         Following the addresses by David, Terry
Glenn Mercer.                                       and Anthony, delegates will be treated to a
                                                    special presentation entitled 'The Dealership
Anthony Albanese joined the Australian              of Tomorrow', by visiting industry veteran,
Labor Party at the age of fifteen, and in 1996      Glenn Mercer.
he was elected as the Member for Grayndler
in Sydney’s Inner West, where he has lived his      Glenn is an American Automotive Industry
entire life.                                        analyst with three decades of experience,         Moderator & Host
                                                    including over 20 years at McKinsey &             Anjali Rao
Anthony is a passionate advocate for the            Company, where he was a Partner and
environment, workers’ rights, refugees and          the leader of the Automotive Practice,            AADA Convention Host.
equality for all members of the community,          participating in hundreds of client studies.
regardless of gender, race, age, sexuality or                                                         The award-winning journalist will bring her
religion.                                           Glenn is the author of an extensive project       vast experience in hosting television news
                                                    on the Dealership of Tomorrow for NADA            programs and interviewing big names, to
He believes in opportunities for all through        (the National Auto Dealers Association) in        ensure a lively and informative discussion.
education and training, universal healthcare        the USA, and recently a similar report on the

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                                                                                                             2018 AADA AGM

Evan Tsirogiannis                                    Terry Keating
Vice President, Franchise Development                Chairman, AADA
and Regional Operations, Toyota Motor
                                                     Terry Keating is a legend of our industry,      Vinesh George
Corporation Australia                                                                                Company Secretary and Legal Counsel
                                                     having served as a President of MTA-NSW
Evan has been in his current role at Toyota Motor    and Director of the MTAA. Terry was a
                                                                                                     The Annual General Meeting of the
Corporation Australia since the beginning of the     Dealer in Tamworth for 40 years, Chair of the
                                                                                                     AADA will be held at the conclusion of
year. He will share insights into the state of the   Ford National Dealer Council 2000 to 2007
                                                                                                     the General Session and is your chance
industry, gained from his many years in upper        and Chairman of the BMW National Dealer
                                                                                                     to have your say in the running of your
management at TMCA.                                  Council in 1998 and 1999.
                                                                                                     Association and the priorities you want
                                                                                                     addressed going forward.

                                                                                                     AADA Company Secretary, Vinesh
                                                                                                     George, is a specialist in automotive law,
                                                                                                     franchise law and provides AADA with his
                                                                                                     expertise on governance and legal matters
                                                                                                     facing franchised Dealers in Australia.

The Hon. Anthony Albanese MP                         David Blackhall                                   SESSION DETAILS:
Shadow Minister for Transport &                      Chief Executive Officer, AADA
Infrastructure, Cities and Tourism.                  Dealers will be more than familiar with David     Tuesday 4th September
Anthony is one of Australia’s most experienced
                                                     Blackhall’s passion as an outspoken advocate      9.00am - 12.30pm
                                                     for Dealers' interests. A life member of the
and respected politicians. Over more than            FCAI, he's held senior management positions       AADA Central
a decade in Federal Parliament, he has held          for Ford Motor Company in Australia, the UK,
a number of important portfolios both in             Taiwan and the US, before turning around
government and in opposition.                        Jaguar Land Rover's fortunes in Australia.

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      JOIN US ON A DEEP SEA                                                     COULD YOU BE THE FIRST
       FISHING ADVENTURE!                                                        AADA CUP CHAMPION?
T                                                                         T
     here is nothing more thrilling than pitting your skill against             he Glades Golf Club will be the venue for the first AADA
     Mother Nature by dropping a line in the beautiful waters off               Cup, with bragging rights up for grabs as to just who is the
     the coast of Queensland.                                                   best golfer amongst Australia’s retail Automotive Industry.

Spend a glorious morning deep sea reef and game fishing in the            This is the title everyone wants to win!
pristine waters off the Gold Coast. We head out from the Spit, through
the Gold Coast Seaway to the offshore fishing grounds for an awesome      The Glades Golf Club boasts the reputation as one of Australia’s most
day of deep sea reef and game fishing. This 5-hour morning fishing trip   prestigious resort golf courses and is conveniently located on the Gold
is perfect for both beginners and expert fisherman alike.                 Coast.

The friendly, experienced professional Skipper and deckhand will show     Designed by champion Australian golfing icon, Greg Norman, the
you the best techniques for catching a wide variety of bottom dwelling    course is typical of his trademark aggressive layouts, offering golfers a
and pelagic fish species. Target species include Cobia, Mackerel,         challenging round of golf within visually stunning surrounds.
Marlin, Teraglin, Tuskfish, Snapper, Jewfish, Tuna, Wahoo, Tailor,
                                                                          The unique greens ensure a superior putting surface, consisting of
Trevally and many more.
                                                                          "Creeping bent grass", which is the preference of professionals and
This is a great fun day, enjoying the company of friends and colleagues   amateurs alike.
on the beautiful waters off the Gold Coast, with the chance to catch
                                                                          We know that many among you are keen golfers. How good would it
some awesome aquatic creatures – or at least come home with a story
                                                                          be to walk into the 2018 AADA National Dealer Convention & Expo
about The One That Got Away!
                                                                          as the first-ever AADA Cup champion?
Transfers depart from the hotel lobbies at approximately 5:20am
                                                                          The day includes:
and the day includes:
                                                                            • Coach Transfers from AADA Convention Hotels
  • Coach Transfers from AADA Convention Hotels
                                                                            • Food & Beverage • Competition & Prizes
  • Food & Beverage • Competition & Prizes

$       199                                    PER
                                                                          $      149                                      PER

18 |
NATIONAL DEALER CONVENTION & EXPO 2018                          Australian Automotive Dealer Association

          Proudly brought to you by:                has to offer, explore profitable and sale-         Pentana Solutions
                                                    generating new products and services,
                                                    network with colleagues and re-engage with         Pentana Solutions has been associated with the
                                                    counterparts from all over Australia and the       AADA for longer than the three decades the
                                                    world.                                             National Dealer Convention has been running.

                                                    It is a relaxing, informal setting that allows     For over 40 years, Pentana Solutions has pushed
                                                    delegates to settle into the Convention, and       the automotive envelope through innovation,

     highlight of the AADA National                 is a welcome break in the middle of a busy         cutting edge technology and industry changing
     Dealer Convention & Expo every                 opening day.                                       invention. Their passion for the industry and
     year is the Pentana Solutions Expo                                                                expertise in the field drives them to always look
Luncheon, which follows the AADA                                                                       for the next opportunity.
General Session on the Tuesday.
                                                                                                       Through customer collaboration and years of
As usual, the AADA has gone to great lengths                                                           industry knowledge, they work around the
to ensure the Expo is the ultimate networking                                                          clock to ensure their customers’ businesses
destination. A long-time favourite, the ‘Village’                                                      operate more profitably. With a global footprint
atmosphere features a central meeting hub                                                              spanning more than 100 countries and 60,000
where you can engage in conversation with                                                              users – Pentana Solutions is driven to deliver
delegates from all over Australia, and around                                                          innovative solutions that transform the way
the world.                                                                                             you’ll work tomorrow.

It is the ideal opportunity to pick the brains of                                                      Pentana Solutions has been a wonderful friend
some of the industry’s best minds, or simply                                                           to the AADA throughout the years and we are
catch up with old friends and reconnect with                                                           thrilled they have once again chosen to sponsor
contemporaries from other dealerships and                                                              our welcome luncheon.
                                                                                                       Three decades of association with the AADA
The Expo will feature a raft of tools and                                                              shows a genuine commitment to our industry.
solutions for dealership operations, including                                                         We are grateful for their ongoing support.
a whole range of new exhibitors with exciting
                                                    The food is always delicious, with a quality
new products and services designed to give
                                                    selection of healthy and tasty options designed
your dealership the competitive edge. The
                                                    to fill your belly and please your taste buds.
Pentana Solutions Expo Luncheon is the
perfect time to explore the Expo and arm            The casual atmosphere puts everyone at                  EVENT DETAILS:
yourself with new ideas and innovative              ease. The company is stimulating and the
products to take home and improve your              conversations lively, as delegates digest the
business.                                           wealth of information they will have ingested
                                                                                                            Tuesday 4th September
The Luncheon
                                                    during the morning program.                             12.30pm - 1.30pm
                                                    It is also the perfect way to re-charge for the         AADA Expo Lounge
Delegates enjoy a sumptuous lunch, discover
                                                    afternoon sessions. Finish off with a coffee to
the latest and greatest products the industry
                                                    ensure you are primed for the rest of the day.

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