DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BULLETIN - Date: 29.01.21 Issue No: 1078 - Clackmannanshire Council

Page created by William Walters

Development Services
Greenside Street
FK10 1EB
Tel: 01259 450000                        Date: 29.01.21
E-mail:          Issue No: 1078
The Development Services Bulletin is issued every week. It contains details and
information of issues relating to Development Quality (Control), Structure and
Local Planning, Building Standards (Control), Transportation Planning, Roads
Maintenance, Public Transport and Traffic Management

The Bulletin also contains information on a range of other matters and is divided
into sections as set out below. Please note that there may not be any information
to report under some sections in some weeks.

1.    Development Services :

(a)   Planning Applications Received
(b)   Delegated Planning Decisions
(c)   Committee Planning Decisions
(d)   Statutory Planning Advertisements
(e)   Planning Reviews & Appeals
(f)   Planning Enforcement
(g)   Building Warrant & Non Statutory Applications Received
(h)   Building Warrant & Non Statutory Decisions
(i)   Building Standards Enforcement
(j)   Other News

2.    Sustainability Services

(a)   Tree Preservation Orders/Forestry/Felling Proposals
(b)   Other News

3.    Roads & Transportation Services

(a)   Scheduled Roadworks
(b)   Road Traffic Orders
(c)   Adopted Roads

The Bulletin is sent electronically to all Elected Members of the Council,
Community Councils, local groups and organisations, newspapers, statutory
consultees etc. It is also available (in electronic format) for inspection at the
Council’s Speirs Centre, Alloa as well as in all local libraries and Community
Access Points.

Members of the public can request to be added to the electronic mailing list at any

We hope you find this Bulletin useful. We are always keen to improve the
information that we provide on all matters. Your comments on the Bulletin and
suggestions for how it might be improved are always welcome.

Please contact: Development Quality at Kilncraigs, Greenside Street, Alloa,
FK10 1EB or telephone on (01259) 452540 if you have any comments.

The lists of applications received and decisions issued below are offered as
an aide only. The public register on our website offers a full range of search
facilities, ie by date, weekly/monthly lists, address etc

(a)    Planning Applications Received

Please note that all applications are recorded on our Uniform software system.

This section only lists valid applications so you may find that some of the
reference numbers appear out of sequence. Any gaps will be as a result of
applications deemed invalid on receipt.

Within one working day of being registered, all valid applications can be viewed
on our website (simply click on the relevant reference number)

CASE NO.: 20/00261/FULL         DATE REGISTERED: 27.01.2021
                                WARD:            Clackmannanshire North

APPLICANT:                                   AGENT:
 Miss Katrina Cairns
 Cairns Family Partners
 Flats 50D & 50E Stirling Street
                   50 Stirling Street
LOCATION:          Alva

MAP CO-ORDS        288354, 697070
DESCRIPTION:       Alterations And Change Of Use Of Commercial Property To Form 2
                   No. Flatted Dwelling Houses

CASE OFFICER:      Grant Baxter Tel: 01259 45 2615

CASE NO.: 21/00017/FULL         DATE REGISTERED: 25.01.2021
                                WARD:            Clackmannanshire North

APPLICANT:                                   AGENT:
 Mrs Laura McAuley
 Alzheimer Scotland
 22 Viewfield Drive
                    22 Viewfield Drive
LOCATION:           Alva
                    FK12 5DT

MAP CO-ORDS        287836, 696886

DESCRIPTION:       Change of Use of Day Care to House

CASE OFFICER:      Grant Baxter Tel: 01259 45 2615

CASE NO.: 21/00018/FULL          DATE REGISTERED: 26.01.2021
                                 WARD:            Clackmannanshire South

APPLICANT:                                   AGENT:
 Mr A Pia                                    Albert Dunn
 16 Corstorphine Hill Crescent               Architectural Services And Design
 Edinburgh                                   40 Polmont Park
 EH12 6LL                                    Polmont
                                             FK2 0XT
LOCATION:          11 Coalgate
                   FK10 1EH

MAP CO-ORDS        288639, 692685
DESCRIPTION:       Single Storey Extension to Rear to Form a Takeaway Kitchen With
                   Collection Point and Storage - Amended Design

CASE OFFICER:      Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259 45 2614

CASE NO.: 21/00022/FULL          DATE REGISTERED: 29.01.2021
                                 WARD:            Clackmannanshire Central

APPLICANT:                                   AGENT:
 Mr Robert Marshall                          George Buchanan
 The Whins                                   Maryhill Burgh Halls
 Whins Road                                  10-24 Gairbraid Avenue
 Alloa                                       Glasgow
                                             G20 8YE

                   Land At Blackfaulds
LOCATION:          Fishcross

MAP CO-ORDS        290316, 695810
DESCRIPTION:       Application Under Section 42 For Non-Compliance With Conditions 9
                   (developer contributions) Of Planning Permission 15/00111/FULL -
                   Erection Of 19 No. Detached One and Two Storey Houses With
                   Integrated Garages, Double Driveways and Private Front And Rear
                   Gardens, With Associated Landscaping, Open Space And Visitor

CASE OFFICER:      Grant Baxter Tel: 01259 45 2615

(b)   Delegated Planning Decisions

CASE NO.: 20/00227/FULL           DATE REGISTERED: 28.10.2020
                                  WARD:            Clackmannanshire West

APPLICANT:                        AGENT:
 Mr Cameron Mcgowan
 84 St Serf's Road
                                  84 St Serf's Road
LOCATION:                         Tullibody
                                  FK10 2RA

MAP CO-ORDS                       285992, 695382

DESCRIPTION:                      Erection of Boundary Walling and Detached Double

DECISION                          APPROVED            DATED 25.01.2021
                                  Subject to the following conditions:

                                  1.       The garage shall only be used for domestic
                                  activities associated with the use of the house and for
                                  no commercial or business activities.

CASE OFFICER:                     Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

CASE NO.: 20/00273/FULL           DATE REGISTERED: 08.12.2020
                                  WARD:            Clackmannanshire South

APPLICANT:                        AGENT:
 Clackmannanshire Council         Oliver Goddard
 C/o Robertson Capital Projects   Austin-Smith Lord
 Clackmannanshire Council         25 Bothwell St
 Headquarters                     Glasgow
 Kilncraigs                       G2 6NL

                                  Public Convenience
LOCATION:                         Maple Court
                                  FK10 1JS
MAP CO-ORDS                       288822, 692964

DESCRIPTION:                      Change Of Use Of Former Public Convenience and
                                  Open Space To Use as Active Travel Hub (Including
                                  Public Toilet and Baby Changing Facilities, Cycle
                                  Workshop, Multi Purpose Space and External Cycle
                                  Parking), External Alterations Including Installation of
                                  Canopy, Door and Window Openings, Replacement
Roof and Roof Mounted pv Panels and Alterations to
                          Existing Walls and Railings

DECISION                  APPROVED            DATED 25.01.2021
                          Subject to the following conditions:

                          1.      Before any development commences on site, a
                          specification or sample of the following shall have
                          been submitted to and approved in writing by the
                          planning authority;

                          i)     The materials to be used on the external
                          elevations of the building and any areas of hard
                          ii)    The arrangements to provide secure cycle
                          iii)   Any street furniture,
                          iv)    Any means of boundary enclosure

                          Thereafter, the development shall be implemented in
                          accordance with the approved details, unless
                          otherwise agreed in writing by the planning authority.

CASE OFFICER:             Keith Johnstone Tel: 01259 45 2614

CASE NO.: 20/00275/FULL   DATE REGISTERED: 10.12.2020
                          WARD:            Clackmannanshire South

APPLICANT:                AGENT:
 Mr & Mrs A. Archibald    Neil MacFarlane
 10 Forrester Grove       Machin Dunn + MacFarlane
 Alloa                    11 Bank Street
 Clackmannanshire         Alloa

                          FK10 1HP

                          10 Forrester Grove
LOCATION:                 Alloa
                          FK10 2HT
MAP CO-ORDS               287835, 694151

DESCRIPTION:              Alterations, Single Storey Extension to Front, Side and
                          Rear of House, Installation Of Flue, Removal of
                          Existing Garage and Erection Of Replacement Double

DECISION                  APPROVED            DATED 26.01.2021
                          Subject to the following conditions:

                          1.     No development shall take place until:

                          a) a desk study detailing the history of the site,
                          hazardous materials, substances used together with
details of a site investigation strategy based on the
information revealed in the desk study has been
submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority;

b) any intrusive site investigation approved as part of
the site investigation strategy in a) above, has been
carried out comprising: sampling of soil, soil vapour,
ground gas, surface water and groundwater to the
satisfaction of the local planning authority. Such work
to be carried out by suitably qualified and accredited
geoenvironmental consultants in accordance with the
current U.K. requirements for sampling and testing.

c)     Written reports of:

i)     the findings of the above site investigation and

ii) a risk assessment for sensitive receptors together
with a detailed remediation strategy designed to
mitigate the risk posed by the identified contamination
to sensitive receptors have been submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

2.    The development hereby permitted shall not
be occupied until:

a) any remediation works approved as part of the
remediation strategy have been carried out in full and
in compliance with the approved strategy. If during the
remediation or development work new areas of
contamination are encountered, which have not been
previously     identified,  then     the     additional
contamination should be fully assessed in accordance
with part 1 (b, c) above of this condition and an
adequate remediation scheme shall be submitted to
and approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority and fully implemented thereafter;

b) a verification report, produced on completion of the
remediation work, has been submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Such report shall include:

i) details of the remediation works carried out and
ii) results of verification sampling, testing and
monitoring and
iii) all waste management documentation showing the
classification of waste, its treatment, movement and
disposal in order to demonstrate compliance with the
approved remediation strategy.

3.    If during the development work, areas of
contamination are encountered, then the applicant
shall immediately notify the Local Planning Authority.
                          The nature and extent of any contamination found
                          shall be fully assessed by way of a site investigation
                          and an adequate site investigation report and
                          remediation strategy shall be submitted to and
                          approved by Local Planning Authority in writing. Any
                          remediation work agreed shall be fully implemented
                          and a remediation verification report submitted to and
                          approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority

CASE OFFICER:             Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

CASE NO.: 20/00276/FULL   DATE REGISTERED: 11.12.2020
                          WARD:            Clackmannanshire East

APPLICANT:                AGENT:
 Mr Adam Fitchet          Jamie Brown
 Rose Cottage             Moving Still Architecture
 Lower Mains              22 Tarmangie Drive
 Dollar                   Dollar
                          FK14 7BP

                          Rose Cottage
LOCATION:                 Lower Mains
                          FK14 7LN

MAP CO-ORDS               295784, 697495

DESCRIPTION:              Conversion Of Disused Stable Block To Form
                          Ancillary Accommodation

DECISION                  APPROVED            DATED 26.01.2021
                          Subject to the following conditions:

                          1.      The development hereby approved will be
                          used solely for purposes incidental to the enjoyment
                          of the house and for no other purpose.

CASE OFFICER:             Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

CASE NO.: 20/00281/FULL   DATE REGISTERED: 15.12.2020
                          WARD:            Clackmannanshire East

APPLICANT:                AGENT:
 Mr Stuart McGregor       Chris Kelly
 12 Gowan Lea             CRK Architecture
 Dollar                   Crossview Studios
 Clackmannanshire         3D Union Rd
                          United Kingdom
                          EH49 7DY
12 Gowan Lea
 LOCATION:                     Dollar
                               FK14 7FA

 MAP CO-ORDS                   296789, 697610

 DESCRIPTION:                  Alterations, Removal Of Existing Sunroom, Single
                               Storey Extension To Side And Rear Of House ,And
                               Dormer Extension, Installation of Rooflights And
                               Conversion Of Loft To Provide Second Floor

 DECISION                      APPROVED         DATED 27.01.2021
                               There are no conditions attached to this consent.

 CASE OFFICER:                 Mark Stoddart Tel: 01259 45 2626

(c)   Committee Planning Decisions
The date of the next Planning Committee has still to be confirmed.

(d)   Statutory Planning Advertisements
The following statutory advertisements were placed in the local press (publication
date 3rd February 2021. The advertisements are repeated here for your

Development                                       Reason for Advertising
Change of Use of Day Care to House at             Neighbour Notification
22 Viewfield Drive, Alva, Clackmannanshire,
FK12 5DT
Ref: 21/00017/FULL

Single Storey Extension to Rear to Form a         Development in a Conservation
Takeaway Kitchen With Collection Point and        Area
Storage - Amended Design at Aldo's, 11
Coalgate, Alloa,                                  And
FK10 1EH                                          Class Of Development Which
Ref: 21/00018/FULL                                Requires to be Advertised

Alterations And Change Of Use Of Commercial Neighbour Notification
Property To Form 2 No. Flatted Dwelling
Houses at 50 Stirling Street, Alva,
Ref: 20/00261/FULL

(e)    Planning Reviews & Appeals

Planning appeals can be viewed at or by clicking

There are no Planning Appeals for this period.

(f)    Planning Enforcement
Details of all current notices can be found on our Planning Enforcement register

(g)    Building Warrant & Non Statutory Applications Received

CASE NO: 21/00017/BW                           DATE REGISTERED: 25th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                     AGENT:
Mr John Will                                   Craig Dunn
The Walled Garden                              11 Bank Street
Dollarbeg                                      Alloa
Dollar                                         Clackmannanshire
Clackmannanshire                               FK10 1HP
FK14 7LZ
                    The Walled Garden Dollarbeg Dollar Clackmannanshire FK14 7LZ
DESCRIPTION:        Internal Alterations & Extensions to Dwellinghouse

CASE OFFICER:       Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00019/BW                           DATE REGISTERED: 26th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                     AGENT:
Mr & Mrs D. Symon                              Neil MacFarlane
1 Colsnaur                                     11 Bank Street
Menstrie                                       Alloa
Clackmannanshire                               Clackmannanshire
FK11 7HG                                       FK10 1HP

                    1 Colsnaur Menstrie Clackmannanshire FK11 7HG
DESCRIPTION:        Extension to Dwellinghouse to Enlarge Lounge & Form Entrance Porch

CASE OFFICER:       Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00021/BW                           DATE REGISTERED: 25th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                      AGENT:
Mr Neil Atkinson                                Sandy Nicol
87-89 High Street                               5 St Leonards
Tillicoultry                                    Tillicoultry
Clackmannanshire                                Clackmannanshire
FK13 6AA                                        FK13 6QU

                     87-89 High Street Tillicoultry Clackmannanshire FK13 6AA
DESCRIPTION:         Conversion of Office to Create Dwellingflat

CASE OFFICER:        Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00020/BW                            DATE REGISTERED: 27th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                      AGENT:
Mr Andrew Philip                                Jonathan Bacon
Millbeck Cottage                                Devon Cottage
Muckhart Mill                                   Yetts O Muckhart
Dollar                                          Clackmannanshire
Clackmannanshire                                FK14 7JU
FK14 7PH

                     Millbeck Cottage Muckhart Mill Dollar Clackmannanshire FK14 7PH
DESCRIPTION:         Alterations to Dwellinghouse to Remove Loadbearing Wall between Kitchen &
                     Dining & Installation of Stove

CASE OFFICER:        Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

(h)    Building Warrant & Non Statutory Decisions

CASE NO: 18/00064/BW                                DATE APPROVED: 29th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                          AGENT:
Mr And Mrs H McGougan                               Alan Stables
5 Inch View                                         35A Ludgate
Alloa                                               Alloa
FK10 2FF                                            FK10 1DS

                    5 Inch View Alloa Clackmannanshire FK10 2FF
DESCRIPTION:        Alterations to Dwellinghouse to Convert Garage to Create Cinema Room

CASE OFFICER:       Mr Richard Clark, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 20/00068/BW                                DATE APPROVED: 26th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                        AGENT:
Mr Gareth Thom
40 Ramsey Tullis Drive
FK10 2UD

                   40 Ramsey Tullis Drive Tullibody Clackmannanshire FK10 2UD
DESCRIPTION:       Erection of Summerhouse

CASE OFFICER:      Mr Richard Clark, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 20/00129/BWA                             DATE APPROVED: 27th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                        AGENT:
Kingdom Housing Association                       Smith Scott Mullan & Associates
Saltire centre                                    378 Leith Walk
Head Office                                       Edinburgh
Pentland Court                                    EH7 4PF

                   Land Between Leven Court And Achray Court Alloa Clackmannanshire
DESCRIPTION:       Amendment to 19/00149/BW - All Other Works (Stage 2)

CASE OFFICER:      Mr Richard Clark, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 20/00254/BW                              DATE APPROVED: 27th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                        AGENT:
Mr Stewart Robertson                              Stewart David Robertson
60 South Pilmuir Road                             Lyall Cottage
Clackmannan                                       Golf Course Rd,
Clackmannanshire                                  Rosemount
FK10 4JR                                          Blairgowrie
                                                  PH10 6LJ

                   60 South Pilmuir Road Clackmannan Clackmannanshire FK10 4JR
DESCRIPTION:       Alterations to Dwellinghouse to Convert Coal Cellar to Wet Room

CASE OFFICER:      Mr Richard Clark, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 20/00283/BW                              DATE APPROVED: 27th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                         AGENT:
Mr Linda Stark
12 Marshall Way
FK10 2GA

                   12 Marshall Way Tullibody Clackmannanshire FK10 2GA
DESCRIPTION:       Extension to Dwellinghouse to Create Family Room

CASE OFFICER:      Mr Richard Clark, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 20/00311/BW                               DATE APPROVED: 27th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                         AGENT:
Ms Clair Ramsay                                    Ross McIlvean
94 Jamieson Gardens                                62 Bennachie Way
Tillicoultry                                       Dunfermline
Clackmannanshire                                   Fife
FK13 6EP                                           KY11 8JA

                   94 Jamieson Gardens Tillicoultry Clackmannanshire FK13 6EP
DESCRIPTION:       Alterations to Dwellinghouse to Relocate External Door & Removal of Partition

CASE OFFICER:      Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00003/BW                               DATE APPROVED: 25th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                         AGENT:
Miss Sharon McGrouther                             Barry Sturrock
56 Elmbank                                         Aretlea
Menstrie                                           233 Grahamsdyke Street
Clackmannanshire                                   Laurieston
FK11 7AR                                           FK2 9NA

                   56 Elmbank Menstrie Clackmannanshire FK11 7AR
DESCRIPTION:       Internal and External Structural Alterations And Dormer Extensions To Front
                   And Rear Of House To Provide First Floor Accommodation

CASE OFFICER:      Stephen Beveridge, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00009/BWA                              DATE APPROVED: 29th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                        AGENT:
Mr Andrew Gibb                                    Gary Black
Ochil House                                       27 Evan Street
Marshall                                          Stonehaven
Alloa                                             AB39 2EQ
FK10 1AB

                   40 Stirling Road Tullibody Clackmannanshire FK10 2QF
DESCRIPTION:       Amendment to 20/00121/BW - Change of Insulated Render System

CASE OFFICER:      Brian McPeake, Tel: 01259 450000

CASE NO: 21/00018/BW                              DATE APPROVED: 25th January 2021

APPLICANT:                                        AGENT:
Mr Paul Davidson                                  Greig Strang
33 Myretoungate                                   1 Coats Crescent
Alva                                              Alloa
Clackmannanshire                                  Clackmannanshire
FK12 5NH                                          FK10 2AQ

                   31 Myretoungate Alva Clackmannanshire FK12 5NH
DESCRIPTION:       Extension to Dwellinghouse to Form Family/Dining Room, Study & Balcony

CASE OFFICER:      , Tel: 01259 450000

(i)    Building Standards Enforcement
All new Enforcement Notices issued are listed on our website and can be found
by clicking here

(j)    Other News
There is no other news for this period.


(a)    Tree Preservation Orders/Forestry/Felling Proposals
The Forestry Commission have changed their notification procedures. Please
use this link to view any felling applications.

(b)   Other News
There is no other news for this period.


(a)   Scheduled Roadworks
The Roadworks Report is held on Clacksweb and is updated daily. It can be
found by clicking here

(b)   Road Traffic Orders
All Traffic Regulation Orders are held on Clacksweb and can be found by clicking

(c)   Adopted Roads
Details of public roads within Clackmannanshire can be found on our adopted
roads database

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